Clarksons Corner 2015 04 02

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CORNERS Vol u m e 0 7 • I s s u e 0 1 • Sp ring E d ition

I N THI S I S S UE Earth Day 2015


Rattray Marsh


Camp Enterprise


Real Estate Trends


Clarkson BIA


Community Corner


Community Corner


Journey to Sicily


Ward 2 update


Shopping Trend


Tax Issues


30 Years Young


The Craftsman


Shop local this Spring!


As the weather starts to warm up, take the time this spring to stroll the Village of Clarkson and shop local. Support your local merchants and take the time to interact with business owners.

The Most Succesful Sign in Mississauga!

Why Shopping Local Matters Shopping local contributes to the prosperity of your neighbourhood, keeping dollars close to home. When you shop local you leave with the personal satisfaction of knowing your money is going back into the community. Whenever you make local purchases, more wealth is generated within the local economy. These funds are used to help maintain a clean, vibrant area, as well as put on events for your enjoyment.


CLP Sports has been a Clarkson landmark since 1972. Owners Nick Conforti and Gary Hill take pride in providing excellent customer service. “We provide professional fitting and recommend equipment that suits individual needs” says Nick. It is perceived that shopping local is more expensive, but many times larger store are only clearing out old inventory at discounted pricing. Local businesses play a vital role in the community. Your local merchants are deeply invested in their businesses and are committed to the long-term health of the community. The merchants are members of the BIA (Business Improvement Area) and are dedicated to promoting the village and its initiatives. Merchants in the village are also known for their many charitable efforts and support numerous causes.

continued on page 7

1697 Lakeshore Road West CLARKSON 905-855-2200


125 Lakeshore Road East PORT CREDIT 905-278-3500










Earth Day 2015: Working Together Towards Affecting Change Earth Day will take place on Wednesday, April 22nd this year. People all over the world will take part to show their appreciation for the planet and work together towards enacting change. Earth day is an opportunity to show how important the environment is to you. Making small changes to our everyday routines can make an enormous positive difference to our environment. Here are some basic, yet essential ways you help improve the planet: • Taking shorter showers and refraining from taking baths • Stop buying bottled water and use a reusable container instead • Replacing regular light bulbs with fluorescent ones • Turning off computers at night • Using rechargeable batteries • Hanging up clothes to dry • Using reusable bags instead of plastic bags • Recycling newspapers • Paying bills online (canceling paper statements) • Buying local foods • Walking / cycling or carpooling to work

Clarkson’s Corners

Clarkson’s Community Newspaper Volume 07 | Issue 01 For advertising information, please contact Toby Gardiner at 416-875-1409 or by e-mail at

Editorial Contributors: Lindsay Howe

It is time for us to be responsible individuals and stop misusing and overusing our natural resources. Let’s do our part to ensure our children grow up in an environment that is cleaner and safer than the one we live in.

Toby Gardiner | Publisher

Graphic Design

Follow us on Twitter @RJentpub and like us on Facebook @RJEntertainmentPublishing. Read all our publications on-line @ Clarkson’s Corners is printed on 100% recycled fibre. Please recycle.


Rattray Marsh Rattray Marsh Conservation Area is home to one of the last remaining wetlands along Lake Ontario’s shoreline. It is owned and managed by Credit Valley Conservation (CVC), and is designated as a Provincially Significant Wetland. Rattray Marsh is a sensitive area, visited by thousands of people each year. While managed by CVC, this public area would not be the same without the dedication and generous support of local residents and volunteers, making it a place for all to enjoy. Visitors who are interested in contributing to protection and management of Rattray Marsh Conservation Area can: Volunteer… Workdays are a safe, fun and rewarding way to become involved with the conservation area. CVC staff will be on site to provide safety instructions and supply appropriate equipment. Stay on the trails…Rattray Marsh is a unique and fragile environment. Plants and wildlife can be damaged by visitors leaving the marked trails. Poison ivy and cow parsnip grow in Rattray Marsh. These native species are only removed from trail edges. Staying on the marked trails reduces risk of humans and pets contacting these species and stops damage from off trail traffic. Stoop & scoop...Dogs are allowed in the conservation area if leashed, kept on trail and under control at all times. Please clean up after your pets. Help keep the area safe and healthy for others to enjoy. Stop encroachments…Unfortunately, some neighbours of the conservation area encroach on the property by dumping yard waste or pool water, extending their fence lines or cutting trails into the natural environment. Encroachments damage plants, harm wildlife, introduce non-native species (plants) and can create hazards. Please do not encroach onto conservation area property. If you witness encroachments, please contact CVC. For more information contact Adam Wilford (905) 670-1615 ext. 441 or Upcoming events What to bring: Wear work gloves and sturdy boots. Dress for the weather and task. Long-sleeved shirts and pants are recommended. Sunscreen and insect repellent are recommended. Drinking water and snacks will be provided. Annual Spring Clean-up Saturday, April 11th, 9 A.M. - 12 P.M. Join us in our annual marsh clean-up. Meet us at any entrance to Rattray Marsh Conservation Area. Earth Day Tree Planting Saturday, April 25th, 9 A.M. - 12 P.M. This community tree planting will help the forest recover from invasive emerald ash borer. Meet us at the bottom of the Bexhill Road entrance. Uproot Uprise Saturday, May 9th and Saturday, June 13th, 9 A.M. - 12 P.M. Help control the spread of invasive species. Meet us at the bottom of the Bexhill Road entrance. 2015 Rattray Marsh Public Info Session Credit Valley Conservation (CVC), Credit Valley Conservation Foundation and the Rattray Marsh Protection Association invite you to a public information session that will cover restoration work and emerald ash borer management underway at Rattray Marsh. Tues, May 5, 7-9 p.m. at Green Glade Sr. Public School, 1550 Green Glade. Volunteer Stewards Program Training Day: Sunday, May 10th, 10 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. Help combat invasive species by working on a designated area of Rattray Marsh. Please contact us to apply for this program. Native Wildflower Propagation Program First Plant Back Day: Monday, June 15, 4:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M. Volunteers are needed to plant and grow wildflowers native to Rattray Marsh for future restoration projects. Please contact us to register for this program.



Camp Enterprise May 6 – 9, 2015

Shop Local continued from front cover

By Pieter Kool

The Experience of Shopping Local Independent retailers carry locally made goods from smaller manufacturers. These handpicked items are unique, one of a kind gems you can’t find at the mall or big box retailers. Merchants at your local boutiques offer competing goods and services to best suit your needs. When merchants know their customers the way they do in the village, they are able to match customer needs with the products they carry. If you are looking for high quality merchandise that is not mass-produced, you don’t need to look any further than your neighbourhood shops!

Before college, business school, or their first jobs, 85 Mississauga high school students are learning what it takes to become tomorrow’s business leaders. Each year, the nine Rotary clubs in Mississauga conduct three-day educational retreats in a program known as Camp Enterprise at the University of Toronto - Mississauga Campus. At each retreat, seasoned business professionals and entrepreneurs teach the students how to develop, launch, and operate a successful business in a free Entreprise economic system. The intensive camps, funded entirely by the Rotary Clubs and offered at no cost to participants, teach students team-building, leadership, and motivational skills. For 21 years, members of the Rotary Clubs of Mississauga have facilitated a Camp Enterprise as part of their vocational service. Streetsville Club member Doug Gerrard, the chair, says he hopes the camp leads students to want to create jobs after college, rather than just look for them. “I’d say most if not all of the students really don’t understand what business and entrepreneurship is all about,” says Doug. “This camp is an awakening for them. Around day two, you can see the lights go on in their heads, “this is what I want to do.” At the beginning of the retreat, participants are divided into teams of 6 to 8 students and asked to create their own business plans from scratch. Then they take part in teambuilding exercises to get to know each other so they can determine their roles within the business, including CEO, chief financial officer, marketing director, and human resources manager. Finally, they present their business plans to a panel of prominent entrepreneurs and venture capitalists from area firms. Camp counselors, mostly club members who are successful business owners themselves, mentor the teams. Students also meet one-on-one with mentors specific to their roles.

Monique Flowers has been in Clarkson for five years, and owner Diin Wang feels a strong sense of community. The local flower shop provides real hands on service not available on-line. Diin explains “when you buy flowers on-line, you are only able to see a photo of the product you are purchasing. Many times the buyer is disappointed. Also many on-line retailers do not actually sell flowers, but send the order to other retailers and take a commission.” Local merchants and staff are very knowledgeable about their products which helps ease the decision making process when shopping. The value of quality customer service and expert advice goes a long way to achieve customer satisfaction. Shop local and experience the difference quality customer service and expert advice make. Shopping doesn’t have to be stressful or time consuming. Avoid the hassle of battling traffic, finding parking, pushing your way through overly crowded stores, endless aisles and lineups. Instead, take a stroll through Clarkson village, do some window-shopping and stop in at your neighbourhood boutiques.


Some of the comments from past students “…one of the most valuable elements of the camp was when my team was asked to assign their own roles. Quickly evaluating teammates and assessing their strengths and weaknesses let him practice a skill I now uses at my own company.” “When we do our hiring, we make sure we really understand the core of who somebody is, instead of looking at just their résumé,” Being among likeminded students who had the same passion and interest in entrepreneurship added to the experience.


“The environment was so invigorating. It only amplified throughout the event. We had incredible guest speakers, who I still stay in contact with. The experience of talking with them and bouncing ideas back and forth really gave me the confidence that I could do something big, too.” “Rotary is filled with great business leaders. Our members, who spend the weekend as counselors and give the students access to their knowledge, is where the magic really happens,” Shang says. He admits to spending years on the losing side of business, being a part of failed startups. He co-founded a successful company that buys and refurbishes shipping containers for office space, temporary housing, and storage. “My biggest message to the students is that it’s OK to fail. In all likelihood you will fail at some point,” says Shang. “As long as when you do, you learn from it, get back up, and keep trying.” One of the keys to the company’s success was setting core values. “Understanding and being committed to integrity with how we hire employees and interact with each other, our suppliers, and the community were important. We do all of this by strictly following The Four-Way Test,” he says.

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Why Settle for Anything Less


Camp Enterprise also presents business concepts according to Rotary’s Four-Way Test, which stimulates the learning of entrepreneurship as well as personal values, says Doug Gerrard. “Being successful in business doesn’t just mean making money,” he says. “We emphasize the development of skills necessary to not only succeed in business but also in functioning as contributing members of our society.”


This article was edited from website, originally written by Ryan Hyland, December 1, 2014

Why Settle for Anything Less

For more information about the Nine Rotary Clubs in Mississauga, when and where they meet

Your Clarkson and Lorne Park Expert

Other events by Rotary: April18 - 2015 Spring Celebration and Gala May 22 - Mississauga Lobster Fest July 16, 17, 18 & 19 - Mississauga Rib-Fest


The history of diamonds Diamonds have been a source of fascination for centuries. They are the hardest, the most imperishable, and the brilliant of all precious stones. The word “diamond” comes from the Greek word adamas, meaning “unconquerable”. A diamond is a transparent gem made of carbon, one of the earth’s most common and hardest elements. The formation of diamonds began very early in the earth’s history, when the condensation of solid matter into a sphere caused the centre of the planet to become subjected to incredible extremes of temperatures and pressure. The 1867 discovery of diamonds in the Cape Colony, South Africa, radically modified not only the world’s supply of diamonds but also the conception of them. As annual world diamond production increased more than tenfold in the following 10 years, a once extremely rare material became accessible to Western society with its growing wealth. For years the white diamond was considered the world’s most beautiful diamond, until the discovery of the Argyle mine heralded the arrival of the Argyle pink diamond. The quality and value of diamonds are measured by four characteristics known as the 4C’s. The 4C’s relate to a diamond’s cut, colour, clarity and carat weigh. A diamond’s colour is one of the most important factors in determining its value. The nearer a white diamond is to being absolutely colourless, the more rare and valuable it is. The graduations in colour are so subtle that intricate international grading scales have been devised. Diamonds are graded into categories defined by letters. The colour range from exceptional whites (categories D, E and F) to tinted colours (categories M to Z). The best way to pinpoint a diamond’s true colour is to place it next to another diamond that has previously been graded. Today, Canada is the third largest diamond producing country in the world. Diamond mining first began in Canada in 1990. What we Canadians are happy to say is that Canadian diamonds are well known for their guaranteed “conflict-free” origins. How do you tell if your diamonds are Canadian diamonds? The authenticity number on your Diamond Certificate is engraved on the girdle of the diamond. Diamonds bearing Canadian Diamond certificate adhere to a strict code. Go online to “The Canadian Diamond”; enter your certificate or stone number to see if it in fact is registered. To check the authenticity of your certificate go to April - Diamond As the April birthstone, diamonds are the ideal gift for a loved one. And now you have more choices than ever. Get creative and give the ultimate gift of beauty, a diamond. May - Emerald As the birthstone for May, the emerald, a symbol of rebirth, is believed to grant the owner foresight, good fortune, and youth. Today, most of the world’s emeralds are mined in Colombia, Brazil, Afghanistan, and Zambia. The availability of high-quality emerald is limited; consequently, treatments to improve clarity are performed regularly. For more information on diamonds and emeralds contact Lorne Park Jewellers (905) 891 0001


Business Improvement Areas: What they are and how they benefit the community

The Clarkson Business Improvement Area is committed to supporting the economic, cultural and social well-being of the community. The BIA is made up of businesses and property owners. Their mission is dedicated to working together to create a vibrant, commercially successful and physically improved neighbourhood.

effort to meet their goal of preserving the close-knit community and maintaining the natural ambiance of the village. A BIA’s involvement and implementation of initiatives helps to increase pride and interest within the community. Their involvement ranges from participating in seasonal and historical events, to heading engaging activities and friendly competitions.

Notwithstanding their substantial involvement, many are unaware of what a BIA is, what it does, and the significant contributions they have made within your community.

A Business Improvement Area is also responsible for beautifying the streets, by planting shrubs and flowers, and hosting community cleanups.

What is a BIA? BIA stands for a Business Improvement Area. A BIA is a formal association of business owners within a region, managed by a board operating in accordance with the city’s Municipal Acts and Codes.

Who Benefits from Having a BIA? A BIA benefits all businesses in the area: from retail, professional, dining, entertainment or finance. The BIA works to expand the business operator’s customer base. The consumer is also benefited, ensuring they receive the best value, and quality customer care.

In the village of Clarkson for example, there are 150 individual businesses. The BIA functions as a voice for local businesses, offering discussions to address issues and share mutual concerns. Together these issues are met with specific resolutions and carried out. BIA’s provide businesses with secure funding, and access to city programs.

BIA’s benefit property owners, as the initiatives and activities carried out create and maintain a vibrant and successful environment. These and other factors relating to the BIAs contributions help to increase property values.

The BIA provides marketing and promotions for both the businesses and village events. The Clarkson BIA has made extensive contributions to the village’s well-received local events. Without the BIA’s function of planning, marketing, and promoting for these events, not to mention their financial contributions, these community events would not be as successful, or cease to be carried out all-together.

The Clarkson BIA Board of Directors includes: Daniel McCartney Chair, Paula Solomon-Lavigne – Secretary, Devin Walsh – Treasurer, Lynne Still – Director of Promotions, Rose Monk – Director of Membership, Lina Lomangino – Director of Communications, Jim Guest – Director of Beautification. A special thanks to our Clarkson Village BIA for the vital difference they make within our community!

The BIA’s lead community building and promotional initiatives in an


“the place to be”


COMMUNITY CORNER Mississauga Marathon Scotiabank Charity Challenge The Clarkson BIA has entered a TEAM in the Mississauga Marathon Scotiabank Charity Challenge (10k Walk) which is on Saturday May 2nd starting at 6:30pm. The Charity they are supporting is Interim Place.

The Artists Friend, Gallery & Custom Framing relocating After 30 plus years at Centennial Plaza, 1150 Lorne Park Road, The Artists Friend, Gallery & Custom Framing is relocating to 1720 Lakeshore Road West in Clarkson Village (former location of Chadwick Travel). The last day of business at our current location will be Saturday April 25, 2015 and we will be reopening at our new location on Saturday May 2, 2015. We look forward to hearing from you and welcome any comments/suggestions.

Clarkson Village BIA is looking for Team Members. If you are interested you can join The Clarkson BIA Team in support of Interim Place, after registering with the Mississauga Marathon at www. and click on “charity partners”.

For more information call 905-274-7011, email or visit Networking Edge Breakfast Meeting Keynote Speakers include Sheldon Leiba, President & CEO, Mississauga Board of Trade and Dan McCartney, Chair Clarkson BIA. At Walden Circle 1907 Lakeshore Road West in Clarkson from 8am to 10am. Sponsored by Nurse Next Door, Walden Circle, MBOT and Clarkson BIA.

If you are unable to walk with us please consider making a donation online. Contact Lynn Still at for the link to make your pledge. Clarkson History Feature The next edition of Clarkson Corners will have a feature on the history of Clarkson. Residents and businesses can submit an article on historical aspect of the Clarkson community. If you have had a local business for a long time, feel free to provide info on how things have changed over the years. Contact toby@rjentertainmentpublishing. com .

RSVP Lucie Shaw, Fraud Prevention Workshop May 21, 2015 2 p.m. Workshop presented by Peel Police. Learn how to safeguard your privacy and resist scams. All welcome, no registration required.

Attention Community volunteers! Community Festivals are looking for volunteers for the 2015 Season. You can have fun, meet new and interesting people, and give back to your community at the same time! For more information send an email to Brenda Armstrong at or call 905.271.4247.

Lorne Park Library is located at 1474 Truscott Dr. in Mississauga.

Hazel McCallion Book Signing

On Monday May 4th, 2015 7pm – 9pm former Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion will be signing copies of her memoir Hurricane Hazel – A Life with Purpose. The event is hosted by Ten Restaurant 139 Lakeshore Road East in Port Credit. Autographed books will cost $25.

Bubbles & Beauty – Celebrating Generations of Smiles Walden Circle Retirement Community, Nurse Next Door Home Care, Michael’s Hair Body Mind, and Private Moments are co-hosting a fashion show to raise funds for “Operation Smile” on Wednesday, April 8th from 7 – 9 pm. The evening will feature champagne, hors d’oeuvres, fashion, entertainment, giveaways, and will be hosted by Brynne Blackwood; Mississauga’s own Miss Universe Canada Candidate! There will be 2 multigenerational fashion shows. Fashion show times are 7:30 pm and 8:15 pm. Tickets are $25 each with proceeds going to Project Smile. Walden Circle Retirement Community is located at 1907 Lakeshore Road West in Mississauga. R.S.V.P by calling (905) 403-8660 and ask for Sara, Lana, or Kerri. Canadian Cancer Society 10th Annual Spring Garden Tour Homeowners in the Mineola West Area have graciously agreed to open their beautiful spring gardens to the public for viewing on Sunday, May 31 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in support of the fight against cancer. New this year, a plant sale, to help you get ready for your summer gardens. The tour will surely serve as inspiration. Volunteers will also be selling “Mystery Bags”, filled with garden related items. In addition, to further enhance visitors’ experience, local musicians will perform instrumental music in selected gardens throughout the day. Advanced tickets are $15 and are available in April at the following locations: Battaglia’s Lorne Park Marketplace, 1150 Lorne Park Rd., Cousin’s Market, 1211 Hurontario St., Crafted Decor, 232 Queen St. S., Herridge’s Fruit Market, 780 Southdown Rd., Impressionable Gifts, 74 Lakeshore E., and the Canadian Cancer Society, 2227 South Millway. Tickets available on the day of tour are $20. Save the date Friends of the Museums of Mississauga Gala will be held on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at the Holcim Waterfront Estate. For more information call 905615-4860.


COMMUNITY CORNER Lorne Park Library upcoming events

Museums of Mississauga upcoming events

Author visit On April 9, 2015 at 7 pm, Lorne Park Library presents Tanis Rideout, local author, who will discuss her novel, “Above All Things”. Her novel has been described as follows: “The Paris Wife meets Into Thin Air in this breathtaking debut novel of obsession and divided loyalties, which brilliantly weaves together the harrowing story of George Mallory’s ill-fated 1924 attempt to be the first man to conquer Mount Everest, with that of a single day in the life of his wife as she waits at home in England for news of his return.” All are welcome.

Bradley Museum • 1620 Orr Road Benares Historic House • 1507 Clarkson Road North Traditional afternoon tea at Bradley Museum March 29th, April 26th, June 21st from 2:30pm to 4:30pm Enjoy the honoured tradition of “Afternoon Tea” combined with a tour of the Bradley Museum. Explore the original farmhouse built in 1830 by Lewis and Elizabeth Bradley, the Anchorage, a regency style cottage built in 1837 and the award winning Log Cabin where you will indulge in your Traditional Afternoon Cream Tea! $15 pp + tax.

Elder Technology Assistance Group Workshop April 17, 2015 1 - 4 pm The topic of this workshop is Safety and Privacy Online. New computer applications and computer information of interest to seniors will also be discussed. Space is limited. Please phone 905 615-4845 to register.

“DOWNTON ABBEY” tea at Benares Historic House April 12th and June 7th from 2:30pm to 4:30pm Join us and discover the “upstairs and downstairs” stories of the Harris and Sayers families and their domestic staff. Tour the house with guides who will highlight the lives of the family during the war years. Enjoy a traditional cream tea while discussing the love interests of the Crawley women and the goings on below stairs. Don’t forget to wear your best hat and gloves, historic or contemporary! $15 pp + tax.

Mother’s Day tea at Benares Historic House May 10th and May 11th from 12pm to 2pm and 3pm to 5pm. Celebrate Mother’s Day with an elegant afternoon at Benares Historic House. Feast your eyes on “A Legacy of Lace” fashion show presented by The Mobile Millinery Museum & Costume Archive. Indulge in a luscious High Tea served in the elegant dining and sitting rooms of Benares Historic House. Explore the rest of the rooms of Benares and receive a special token of remembrance before saying good bye! $40 pp + tax.

Clarkson Business Directory 2015

Reservation for 2015 can be made by calling the Museums of Mississauga Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm at 905-6154860, ext. 2110 or by email at Payments is required at the time of booking.

For advertising information, please contact Toby Gardiner at 416-875-1409 or by e-mail at Advertising Deadline May 4th, Published mid-May 2015

225SHERWAY.TBAIRD.COM This One Sherway 1 bedroom plus den condo is the perfect starter condo with all the conveniences of an established building. Freshly painted in neutral colours with updated lighting, wood floors and a nice view. The building offers phenomenal amenities including virtual golf, theatre room, billiards, swimming and hot tubs, exercise rooms, an amazing bar and lounge. Call to view it today !





If it isn't the view that entices you to want to own this beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bath Penthouse condo at One Sherway then it surely would be the amenities that this building offers. Billiards, swimming pool, a sun deck, fully equipped exercise room, a yoga room, theatre, large lounge and a party room. Easy access to downtown Toronto or to Pearson airport, QEW, Gardiner and 427 highways.







Located in the perfect position on this child friendly cul-de-sac, this home on Dolson Court has both schools and a park across the street. This gorgeous 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom home has been meticulously maintaind and is move in ready. Numerous upgrades include hardwood floors, granite counters, a large kitchen island, Jenn-Air appliances, doors and windows.





4 bedroom, 4 bathroom home located within walking distance to both Lorne Park schools. Traditional layout offers the privacy needed for a big family. 2 fireplaces, wood flooring, master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in closet,a finished basement with a second kitchen, extra bedroom and a separate entrance. Large yard and a great deck makes it perfect for you to watch the kids play.


If you are looking to build your own dream cottage or 4 season home on Georgian Bay, then this deep harbour water front lot could be the perfect place for you. The lot is 100' x 179' & is located in a great location within Skyline master-planned waterfront community in Port McNicol. Build from 2500 to 7500 sq ft, you can achieve the home of your dreams. Your 75' water rights allows for the dock of your choice.




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What’s in Store in the Housing Market this year? By Theresa Baird, Keller Williams Realty Solutions Young adults are becoming discouraged over their ability to afford and purchase their first home. The elderly are the very people they are likely to be purchasing from and that group are trying to cash out their money likely fund their retirement. While it doesn’t seem like our area will be effective as much as other major cities in the country, some markets are showing signs of a price correction. First time home buyers are finding out that the corrections in some areas are not nearly as large as they were either hoping for or were counting on. The Canadian Real Estate Association reported that house prices on average went up 17 % on a cumulative after-inflation basis from 2006 to 2012. The only reason homes remained affordable was largely due to low interest rates. Declining house prices in some cities recently suggests that low mortgage rates have done all they can to prop up home prices. It may be time to start to strategize or think about Smartsizing if you are a long term homeowner who has a substantial amount of equity in their home. If you absolutely love your home and plan to live in it indefinitely then stay put. If you plan to stay in your home another 10 plus years then you will most likely bridge any market corrections that occur. If your time horizon is shorter then that then it is time to talk to some professionals and get some advice. If your home equity is a big part of your retirement, then it’s time to start thinking about how potential price declines of 5, 10 or even 20 % could affect your financial plan. The Globe and Mail and Rob Carrick in particular have shared numerous articles as they report on the Real Estate industry as a whole across Canada. They provide a great online calculator to help you discover the impact this can have on you. ( ) As more and more baby boomer considers when the right time would be to cash out, be careful you are not caught in a market downturn where you live. If you are a boomer and are interested in “smartsizing” then consider getting more information at our April Seminar. (go to

Charles Sousa, MPP

If you’re a first time home buyer finding the market going through that downturn phase could become a great opportunity and investment for you.

Mississauga South

First time home buyers don’t dis-pair, keep saving for that down payment, if interest rates increase or lending rules get tougher you will be well on your way to make it work when you are ready to buy. For information and seminar dates for first time home buyers go to The next session is May 6th from 7:00 to 8:30.

Our office is here for you.

For more information visit or call 647-298-0997.

We’re open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552 12

Let’s journey to Sicily this spring By Lina Lomangino

From Lina’s kitchen to yours: Lina’s Tiramisu III 4 egg yolks 1 ½ cup heavy cream 2 cups strong brewed room temp coffee 3 tbsp. sugar 2 tbsp. white sugar 2 tbsp. white sugar ½ cup Marsala wine 1 LB mascarpone cheese ½ cup Marsala wine ¼ cup brand 1 tbsp. vanilla extract 48 ladyfinger cookies 3 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder

Whether you indulge your sense of adventure with a trip to this romantic region of Italy or you take a sensorial trip with your senses think wine. Marsala is a rich, robust, full bodied, elegant wine, it seems fitting that this beautiful red brown tone aptly named for its characteristics is the most dominant color trend for spring of 2015. This fabulous wine is typically not a main course so this spring on the catwalk it is being featured as an accent and can be paired with many colors. It can be combined with neutrals, warm taupe’s, turquoise, greens, blues or “shades of grey”. This universal color appeals to our sense of adventure, it captures the mind, it captivates the eyes and it warms our soul just like your favorite marsala wine. This impactful color dominated the runways with fashion designers this past fall where it was unveiled.

Zabaglione: In top of double boiler, beat yolks and ¼ c sugar until smooth and pale. Place over simmering water and gradually beat in Marsala. Continue to beat over simmering water until soft mounds form, 5-10 min. Transfer to a cool bowl, cover and refrigerate for 30 -45 min. Whip heavy cream with 2 tbsp. sugar until soft peaks form. Fold in mascarpone and zabaglione from fridge. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour

Christian Dior featured marsala throughout his collection with bold geometric splashes used as a graphic contrast against blacks, whites and hues of yellows and blues. Alternatively this same aesthetic was featured in toned down feminine floral prints. Stripes are a constant and should be a staple of your spring wardrobe. Chanel took full advantage of this inspirational hue and featured it as the must have shade for luscious lips. This statement look dominated the neutral pallet creating a perfectly balanced look for a flawless finish to an under made up face. If you want to look classy, and chic or bold and daring, this look will appeal to mature women as well as the mini -fashionistas.

In a small bowl combine coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar, brandy and vanilla. Arrange 16 ladyfingers in the bottom of a 9 X 13 dish. Spoon 1 tbsp. coffee mixture over each cookie. Ladyfingers should be soaked but not crumbling. Spoon 1/3 of the cheese mixture over the ladyfingers, and spread evenly. Sprinkle with 1 tbsp. cocoa. Repeat layering twice. Cover and refrigerate 5 hours before serving.

Being a versatile color it will compliment almost all skin tones to create a subtle or a sultry look depending on its application. Perhaps, if you are not a glammanista it could be the choice for your manicure or pedicure. Let the world know you are just as adventurous and on trend with your fashion choices as they are. A simple update to your hair or make-up is good for your inner diva. Now you’re ready for your sensorial trip to Sicily.

Now close your eyes, taste and savor the beauty of Marsala.


APRIL 25 - 8PM MEDITERRANEO Soloist: Daniel Bolshoy




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What do the 2015 City and Regional Budgets mean for you? Ward 2 update By Karen Ras

As the new City Councillor for Ward 2, one of the first orders of business was to deal with both the City and Regional Budgets.

• $5.5 million in Bridge and Structure Rehabilitation • $36 million in Transportation and Works for the Bus Rapid Transitway • $4.2 million in Parks and Forestry to mitigate the impacts of the Emerald Ash Borer • $15 million for renovation of Meadowvale Community Centre In 2015, the City of Mississauga will spend $694.8 million on the delivery of services to citizens and the repair and maintenance required for the upkeep of City facilities and infrastructure.

I heard from residents during the election campaign that Council should keep property taxes as low as possible while delivering good value for money. In 2015, the overall tax increase will be 2.2 per cent on the residential property tax bill. The increase includes 1.3 per cent for the City’s services and 0.9 per cent for Region of Peel services. Did you know that less than one third of your property tax bill is affected by the City tax rate?

What do your City taxes pay for?

Both the City and Regional Councils wanted to minimize the burden of tax, so that any potential increases remain affordable while continuing to be citizen-focused, fiscally responsible and financially stable.

Region of Peel: • 19,500 more trips for accessible transportation services • 2,555 additional paramedic service hours to address an increase in 911 calls • Extended operation hours at some Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) • 300 additional child care subsidies • 100 additional housing rent subsidies

Citizen engagement on budget matters shouldn’t just occur once a year at budget time. I want to hear from you what your priorities are throughout the year. Starting this spring, I will be hosting monthly community hours. They are scheduled for April 17th, May 6th & June 19th from 9am – noon in the Clarkson Community Centre Multi-purpose Room. Appointments can be booked in advance.

City of Mississauga: • $24.1 million in Storm Drainage and Erosion Control Projects • $11 million in Road Rehabilitation Projects

If you’re interested to meet to discuss the budget or any other municipal matter, please email me at Want to stay connected? Follow me on Facebook – Karen Ras or on Twitter @RasWard2.

What does this mean for you? Both the City and the Region have planned service-level increases and are making capital investments such as:

In support of Sponsor A Child

2015 Sponsor A Child • Aces Are Wild

Join us for a Vegas Style Extravaganza Thursday, April 9, 2015 @ 5:30pm

Location - Le Treport Banquet & Convention Hall 1075 The Queensway East, Mississauga Tickets - $125.00 per person (includes HST) $115.00 per person with the purchase of 10 tickets (includes HST) Tickets Include: Casino Fun Play Gourmet Food Stations Exciting Vegas Style Entertainment Door Prizes 2 Complimentary Drinks For tickets call the P R E S E NTE D BY



New shopping trend in Clarkson saves money and helps the environment

Three Different Days of Fun and Entertainment - Something for All This year’s Mississauga Waterfront Festival has different daily themes to capture the varying flavours of summer in the City.

Buying furniture and home decor items at a consignment store is a great way to save money and to help protect the environment. Consignment shops carry gently used items at significantly reduced prices allowing savvy shoppers to decorate their home with fabulous pieces on a budget.

The Mississauga Waterfront Festival is only eleven weeks away and for the first time, the Festival features daily themes. Each of the daily themes caters to families and adults alike.

Karma Fine Furniture Consignment at 1708 Lakeshore Road West in Clarkson offers upscale items that range from antique and vintage to traditional and modern. Owner and Operator Kathy Kenzora says items stay in the store for only 90 days and prices are reduced regularly.

To kick it off on Friday, the Credit goes Country complete with country music stars, line dancing and cowboy boots. Saturday night is a Rockin’ River Revue with tribute to Classic Rock, while Sunday celebrates sports, staying active and welcomes the Pan Am Torch Relay. With so much to see and do visitors will enjoy something new each day.

“You will always find great bargains at Karma on furniture and home decor items,” said Ms. Kenzora. “You don’t have to spend a fortune to decorate when you can get nearly new pieces at a third of the price you would pay retail.” Consignment shops sell gently used items on behalf of a consigner. The shop and the consigner split the sale 50-50. It’s an easier option than Kijiji or Craig’s list and a lot less work than a garage sale.

What: When:


Buying recycled furniture also has a huge impact on the environment by reusing existing products, which ultimately saves money and natural resources. Buying recycled furniture also reduces pollution associated with making new products.

The Mississauga Waterfront Festival Friday June 12, 2015 from 6:00pm to 11:30pm Saturday, June 13, 2015 from 11:00am to 11:30pm Sunday, June 14, 2015 from 10:00am to 6:00pm Port Credit Memorial Park 32 Stavebank Road, Mississauga

“If you are looking for an easy way to reduce your environmental footprint - this is definitely it,” said Ms. Kenzora.

As always, admission is free! For more information call the Festival Office at 905-891-0002,

Karma Fine Furniture also sells two lines of eco-friendly furniture paint if you want to give your furniture a makeover. Fusion Mineral Paint and van Gogh Fossil paint are both easy to use and require very little prep work. Usually no stripping or sanding is required.

About the Mississauga Waterfront Festival Ranked as a top 100 Ontario Festival for 10 years, the Mississauga Waterfront Festival is a premiere weekend event. Now celebrating its 19th year, the festival annually attracts close to 65,000 visitors from across the GTA, as well as visitors from Quebec and New York State. Since 1997, the Mississauga Waterfront Festival’s Sponsor a Child program has enabled over 60,000 children and their families to attend the festival free of charge.

Checks the Karma website for details about learn to paint workshops.

Speaker series being presented by the Ratepayers Associations of South West Mississauga All of these speaker series will take place at the Lorne Park Library, 1474 Truscott Drive, Mississauga from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Seating is limited. Donations of food or money for THE COMPASS would be appreciated April 16 - Pan Am/Parapan Am Games The summer of 2015, the Golden Horseshoe area will host largest international sporting event ever held in Canada – the Pan Am/Parapan Am Games. Guest speaker is Betty Jo Parent, Manager, Logistic Support for TORONTO 2015. May 14 - Estate Planning Richard Barrett, BA, LLB, the “friendly lawyer” practices in “nice” law: real estate law (buying, selling, refinancing properties), corporate/commercial law for businesses, asset-protection strategies, and estate planning (Powers of Attorney, Trusts and Wills). He counsels his clients how to properly and legally protect the people and things that matter to them. Downsizing - Julie Morris is a Real Estate Broker who specialises in “Right-Sizing” Boomers and Seniors. A Clarkson resident since 1986, she is Cofounder of the Alzheimer Society of Peel, involved with the Legion Poppy Campaign, and is current President of the Hillcrest Ratepayers Association. May 28 - Shaping Mississauga Mathew Wilkinson, Historian, Heritage Mississauga will give us a glimpse into our great city’s history with a lively talk “Shaping Mississauga: A Look at the Significant Moments and Times that have helped to shape our city” Speaker series brought to you by the South West Mississauga Residence Associations • Birch Glen Resident’s Association • Clarkson Fairfields South Ratepayers Association • Hillcrest Ratepayers Association • Lorne Park Estates Association • Lorne Park Watercolours Residents’ Association • Meadow Wood Rattray Ratepayers Association • Owenwood Resident’s Association • Park Royal Community Association • Sheridan Homelands Ratepayers Association • Whiteoaks Lorne Park Community Association



Taxing Issues Sharing Tax Information Around the Globe.

It is important to ensure that this form is filed as required, as the penalties are very onerous! If you are using an accountant to do your taxes, make sure that this form is filed - you the taxpayer are ultimately responsible to ensure that your taxes are filed correctly, even when you are paying someone else to do them for you!

There was a time, that when the only taxman you worried about was Canada Revenue Agency(CRA). Last year that changed. The United States taxes its citizens, residents and green-card holders (collectively, US persons) on their worldwide income, regardless of whether they live in the United States or not. It is the only country in the world to do so. The CRA, in contrast, only taxes persons resident in Canada.

Sharp Accounting Services Inc. is a subsidiary of Efficient Wealth Management Inc. It was formed to assist small corporations and investors in maximizing their tax planning, while controlling the cost of their bookkeeping and accounting.

In search of that worldwide income, the US passed a very onerous law last year. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a United States federal law that requires United States persons, including individuals who live outside the United States, to report their financial accounts held outside of the United States, and requires foreign financial institutions to report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) about their U.S. clients. FATCA is an attempt to make it more difficult for U.S. taxpayers to conceal assets held in offshore accounts and shell corporations, and thus to recoup federal tax revenues.

Gordon is a Chartered Accountant (CA), a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and a Chartered Investment Manager (CIM). Gordon is Vice President – Financial Planning at Efficient Wealth Management Inc. and he has close to 20 years of experience in Financial Planning and Portfolio Management and over 35 years in Tax Planning. Gordon is a frequent guest on television and has written numerous articles on investing and financial planning. He has also taught Financial Services and Accounting courses at local colleges.

US Persons Living In Canada If you’re a US person living in Canada, you’re generally required to file both a Canadian and a US income tax return. In the past, the IRS may have no idea where to even find you. Many US Persons living in Canada have little or no connection to the US. Their whereabouts, let alone their assets were not determinable, until now. The government of Canada has agreed to cooperate with this US law by promise of reciprocity. That is the US government will share with CRA knowledge about Canadians and their assets.

Gordon is the Vice President – Financial Planning at Efficient Wealth Management Inc., a leader in cost efficient financial planning. He has taught at local colleges in both Financial Services and Accounting areas. He is also a frequent guest on television and has written numerous articles on investing and financial planning. See our ad “the Harvest is under way!” in this issue.

US Persons can no longer ignore their requirements to file information with the US IRS and/or the US Treasury Department. Although there are several mechanisms in place to prevent double taxation, the many differences between the two tax systems can still lead to unexpected tax liabilities— for example, tax on capital gains or losses on the sale of capital property, exempt municipal bonds, income earned in a TFSA and RESP, and many others. In 2013, the US introduced a new Net Investment Income Tax which can create a US tax liability which cannot be offset with a foreign tax credit for Canadian taxes paid. Seniors drawing Social Security may now have taxes payable in the US, where before, when working they did not. Even if you are sure you have no income due, if you have a RRSP or a RRIF and most US Persons living here would, the only way to file the proper election in the US each year is to file a form that is part of the US tax return. In addition, financial assets in Canada above a small threshold require a reporting to the US Treasury Department.

We are money coaches. We created a new coaching program called The Gratifying Harvest. The program helps you enjoy your future by carefully harvesting cash flow from your lifetime of savings or preparing you to do so. The Gratifying Harvest is an advanced program that takes everything to a much higher level and is only available from Efficient Wealth Management.

Located in


T1135 Foreign Income Verification Statement Canada Revenue, in its wisdom, has decided that these US Persons’ financial assets reports to the US Treasury is are such a good idea that, they have increased the collection of data from Canadians about their assets outside of Canada. Since the mid 1990s, Canadians have had to file a declaration of their foreign property. On your personal tax return (corporate returns as well) you must answer the question “Did you own or hold foreign property at any time in the year with a total cost of more than CAN$100,000?” If the answer to this question is Yes, then form T1135 must be completed. Starting in 2013, the amount of information required on the form increased. In fact, we find the information even more detailed and harder to assemble than the US Persons report to the US Treasury. Canada has taken a good idea and turned it into a nightmare for compliance. There were some transitional rules in 2013, but some have been removed for 2014 and onward.

Professional Accounting and Tax Preparation at Bookkeeping Rates

Our Tax Specialties: • Investors and Small Corporations • NEW Canadian T1135 Foreign Income Verification Rules • US-Canada Cross Border Tax Filings* • IRS e-Filer

Considerable detailed information is now required. In the past, Taxpayers taxpayers and/or their tax return preparers never needed this information – it’s not in their files. Investment advisors never needed this information for their clients so the investment industry was only helpful on a spot basis in 2013 and the jury is still out that if all clients will receive the necessary help with the information in 2014. It will come as a surprise to most, the many of the assets that require reporting and the few that do not. Considerable work is needed to prepare this form and if you are using a tax preparer get ready for a larger fee. We are hopeful in 2014 that with the help of the investment community there will only be a slight increase in preparation work and thus small increases in the fees charged. In 2013, we surprised numerous clients with hundreds of dollars of unexpected fees trying to comply. We did so, knowing that, even after hours of additional work, we still only came up with good estimates.

*US Tax Filing Obligations include Report on Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Report (FBAR) And New Streamlined Filing Compliance Program for US Persons to catch up on their filing requirements.



30 years young

Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

By Marion Klinnert, Private Moments Lingerie and Ladies Wear

By Coach Crystal Mallari, Owner, R3 Evolution Fitness Studio

The ONLY Three Tips You’ll Ever Need to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

In 1985 I opened the doors of what people now call a “passion”.

“So what should I do to lose 15 pounds?” I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that question from people anxiously waiting to hear the “magic” answer…

I agree but also challenge that expression. Yes, owning your own business is fuelled by passion in the beginning but to sustain a business through good and bad times is a feat.

…I guess that’s my curse, and probably the curse of all top personal trainers. How do I answer such a loaded question, especially when the person across from me is waiting for me to tell them to take the magic pill that will burn fat while they sleep.

Tenacity, encouragement from friends and family, a good bank manager, good health, lots of seminars, conferences and support from the community; well you get the picture. I have always said that if you open a business and treat it like a hobby it will reward you like a hobby. Please don’t get me wrong, hobbies are great; I too have a few. But owning and running a successful business is tough.

That magic pill doesn’t exist, and if it did I have no doubt that it would cause so many undesired side-effects that it would be quickly pulled off the shelves – but not before doing significant damage.

It takes time away from family and friends, weddings and funerals. Many have thought that being self-employed is great but no crazier oxymoron was ever stated. Hydro, the landlord, the staff, the suppliers, the government just to name a few are our employers. Our customers are our employers. We eat, sleep and live our businesses. Why? Good question! We are a different breed. I used to call it the “sickness”. You’re crazy to work long hours for little pay; constantly fretting about something business related. Juggling a family and career. On edge about the bank balance, worrying/hoping that that snow storm won’t hit till next month. That the air conditioner will hold out another year. And why do we do it?

So what I did is I created the Get Crystallized 6 Week Slim down Program. THE FIRST STEP Learning to make the right choices in your diet and workouts will become a lifestyle that never ends. This choice will pay off every day for the rest of your life. As you enjoy a lowered body fat, high energy levels and your ideal body weight you will feel your confidence and health greatly increase. Start to build the habits that will increase your enjoyment and quality of life today!

I know for me it was and still is a passion and a wonderful career choice. My family for generations carried the “self-employed” gene. I come by mine honestly.

Get Crystallized 6 Week Slim down Program Includes: • 18 Fat-Blasting Training Sessions & Boot Camp Classes at R3 Evolution Fitness Studio • 9-Fat Blasting At-Home Workouts • Unlimited E-mail and FB Coaching & Support Group • Fitness Assessment & Measurements • Done-For-You Meal Plan

When I talk to friends in the same field I get all fired up. Excited. Sometimes too excited. The economy is in a slump…what to sell? The weather is changing and so are Port Credit’s demographics. What to buy? The dollar has dropped so do we accept US$’s (of course we do) … always something to think about! And that gets me excited and looking forward to the next day, season, and year.

This special program is valued at $489 and is only available for $147 if you register before April 18, 2015, and ONLY to the FIRST 21 APPLICANTS!

And so 30 years have passed. (Sigh) People have come and gone, buildings have come and gone but my memories and passion will last forever! I am still fired up about what I do and thankful that I can do it.

Call 416-877-0361 for more information or to enroll or visit R3 Evolution is located at 3065 Ridgeway Dr. #50, Mississauga.

Private Moments Lingerie and Ladies Wear are located at 259 Lakeshore Rd. East. Call 905-278-8055 or visit


The Craftsman Condominium Residences’ Model Suite The perfect example of how to feather the nest Those who find themselves wanting a sophisticated and maintenancefree condominium lifestyle without giving up style or space should visit the stunning Model Suite in The Craftsman Condominium Residences’ new Sales Centre.

Located on lively Lakeshore Rd. W. in the forested setting of Birchwood Park, The Craftsman is just steps from the Lake Ontario waterfront, with yacht clubs, boardwalks and biking trails. Being situated in Clarkson Village also gives residents quick and convenient access to galleries, bistros and restaurants, and excellent shopping. With easy access to the QEW and Clarkson GO Station, a trip to downtown Toronto is also just minutes away.

The Craftsman, developed by VANDYK group of companies in Clarkson Village, Mississauga, is an artisan-inspired four storey boutique condominium residence with timeless design and impeccable amenities. “The Clarkson” Model Suite is a great demonstration of how style and space are possible in condominium living. As soon as you enter the two bedroom 1,097 sq. ft. suite, you are welcomed by a beautiful entrance with wide hallways. The master bedroom features a large walk-in closet while the second bedroom shows various possibilities for extra living space by functioning as a bedroom, office, or den. Along with stainless steel appliances, the kitchen showcases a large island with quartz countertops.

Whether you’re a mature buyer looking to downsize or a first-time home buyer looking for maintenance-free condominium living, The Craftsman Condominium Residences offers something for every type of lifestyle. Prices at The Craftsman start in the low $300’s. The Model Suite is located at the brand new Sales Centre at 1601 Lakeshore Rd. W. in Mississauga, open Monday-Thursday from 12-6pm, and Friday-Sunday from 12-5pm. For more information, visit or call 905-8234044 to speak to a Sales Representative.

“The designer finishes seen in the Model Suite are all standard, so purchasers can feel at ease knowing that they don’t have to upgrade to get the level of quality finishes they want,” says Linda Mitchell Young, VP of Sales & Marketing at VANDYK group of companies. “To help with the selection process, all purchasers are given a private appointment with one of our Décor Studio Consultants to ensure that their suite reflects their own individual style and taste.”


In addition to stunning standard features, “The Clarkson” Model Suite is an example of how the placement of furniture within the open concept layout maximizes the use of space. Beautifully decorated and furnished by the interior design team at UNION31, the Model Suite showcases cleaner, more streamlined living that doesn’t sacrifice space for style.


“Many purchasers will be coming from homes that are 2,000 sq. ft. and above,” said Kelly Cray, Principal-Creative at UNION31. “The suite layout maximizes efficiency in everyday living, with zero wasted space, maximum storage, both in closets and cupboards, and excellent flow overall.” The Craftsman’s exterior design pays tribute to the masterful work of legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright, whose influence is also translated within the interior design of the Model Suite. “We have brought in the warm woods from the mature environment surrounding the project,” said Cray. “We have created a very sophisticated and natural feel by bringing in some metal and steel to add sparkle to the space and we’ve included natural tones in the wall colour, which Wright was famous for, that gives the suite a contemporary flair and offers soft elegance.”


Lingerie & Ladies Wear • Est. 1985 We Specialize in Bra-Fitting & Post-Mastectomy Products

259 Lakeshore Road East, Port Credit 905.278.8055 •

Mon. Tues. Wed. & Sat: 10 - 6 • Thurs. & Fri. 10 - 8 • Sunday Closed 19

The Village of Clarkson Business owners invite you to shop local. Over 150 businesses to serve you. Health & Beauty • Dining • Shopping • Services

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