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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Volume 102 No. 49 Rhonda Newton’s Grace Notes choir from Stettler sang a selection of songs during the Old Fashioned Christmas Fundraiser in the 1911 hospital in Castor hosted by Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital Foundation. The ‘splendour of Christmas’ was on display in sixteen theme rooms from nativity scenes, The Nutcracker, a room of old toys, another room of Christmas celebrated around the world, country Christmas to the train and music rooms provided lots to look at. Draws were plentiful, cookies and refreshments were served. (More photos on Page 2.) ECA Review/K. Davis

westerN BrowN peArL

Old hospital sees new life with Christmas fundraiser Katie Davis News Reporter

Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital Foundation hosted an Old Fashioned Christmas Fundraiser within the rooms of the old 1911 Hospital beginning on Thursday, November 28. The one-time event spanned four days and included a wealth of acts, activities and Christmas fare. Choirs from Castor to Stettler treated ears with joyful music; tea and Christmas baking was presented to onlookers each morning and students from local schools were treated with guided tours of the sights. In an interview on Friday, November 29, Karen O’Hara, co-ordinator of the event noted that the fundraiser was for a noble cause.

“It was planned by Our Lady of the Rosary Foundation, which is a group that raises money for things in our hospital,” she says. “This is for the palliative care project. We need to upgrade our palliative care room so that families have more room, and hopefully if we get enough [funds raised] we’ll put an outside area for patients.” She said the intent of this upgrade would be to provide more privacy and mobility to patients and families navigating this sensitive medical care situation. The Fundraiser was carried out by at least 60 volunteers who spent two weeks decorating 16 rooms of the historical hospital. Each room contained a unique theme, ranging from rooms full of elaborate dolls to nativity scenes. “All the stuff was brought in by people

that [donated them],” says O’Hara. “Everybody brought stuff from home, or people would say ‘I have some things if you’d like to come and get them.’ It was a real community effort.” Beyond hosting daily entertainment for the public, the hospital also invited local schools in to enjoy the sights. “All the school kids from Theresetta Catholic School came yesterday and today Gus Wetter School is here,” she says. “We’re basically giving them a scavenger hunt so they can’t just glance in at the rooms. They have to look around for stuff.” Though O’Hara notes that the event will not become an annual affair due to the sheer amount of work required, she notes the experience was immensely positive for all involved.


Clearview School Board ������������ 3 Forestburg council ������������������� 3 Sports ��������������������������������������� 4 Coronation council ������������������� 5 Prairie Land Board �������������������� 5 Letters �����������������������������������6, 7 Nana’s Blog ������������������������������ 6 School news ����������������������������� 8 Oilfield Services ����������������������� 9 Feature ����������������������������������� 14 Agriculture ���������������������� 15 - 17 Classifieds/Careers ��������� 18 - 20


OPINION: Lust for stuff! Page 6

If you drink & drive . . .

Pages 10 - 11 Pages 22 - 24

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Season’s Photo Greetings

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“We thought it would be a fun thing for the community,” says O’Hara. “And it has been.” Over 860 people signed the guestbook at the event, attending from Edmonton to Pincher Creek and everyone in between. A prize box was located in each room for visitors to enter into a draw. Winners of the prizes were Paula Doolaege, Donna Howe, Stacey Helland, Linda Revelle, Arlene Charette, Paige Renschler, Bev Blume, Sandi Shipton, Lola Addie, Gloria Harding, Lauren Slemp, Joyce Wester, Irma Marquart, Melanie Robertson, Kathy Griebel, Karen O’Hara, Gordon Smith, Castor Mayor Gary DeVloo and Jacob ‘from Edmonton’. (See Page 2 for more photos.)

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2013-10-30 4:54 PM

2 December


ECA r e v i e w

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Wendy Bain showed off the smallest nativity scene to Bunny Williams (left) of Coronation and Leon Newton and Sawyer Sylvester of Stettler in the Nativity Room.

‘Four For Him’ Men’s Quartet entertained Saturday afternoon. (L-R) Elmer Huber, Jim Culham, Lavern Wideman and Steve Penner.

The “music room” was full of new and old instruments from the various bands that played in Castor over its 100 year history.

Bob Frank handled the elevator duties at the old hospital taking visitors to the second floor when the staircase was busy with entertainers.

The ‘Snowmen’ room


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The ‘Doll’ room

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

Clearview School Board approves deficit budget Brenda Schimke

News Journalist

A deficit budget of $975,166 received approval at the November 28 Clearview School Board Meeting without unanimous support (6 - 1). Trustee Yvette Cassidy voted against the motion. Much of the budget discussion was incamera (without the public present) as the decisions being made related to staffing. Effective January 1 full-time custodial staff will be reduced to a 35-hour week and part-time custodial to 0.5 per day at sites across the Division. One staff position will also be reduced. The Operating and Maintenance (O&M) budget makes up 39 per cent of the total projected deficit. In a subsequent telephone interview, Checkel said the cuts were directed at the O&M department because Reserve funds had been drawn down for many years to keep the District buildings in good shape. “That money has been well spent”, said Checkel, “but we’ve got to the point where we can’t spend more than we’re getting from the province.” When asked why she voted against the budget, Cassidy said “I thought more cuts should have been done, we’re still running a $1M deficit.” She also questioned why all the staff cuts were being made in the Maintenance department. “Going forward all budget areas will have to be worked on,” said Checkel. “We (Clearview) have to start adjusting our thinking and pay more attention this year and going forward to live within our means.” The remainder of the 2013-14 deficit is from the following departments: Nondepartmental instruction (eg. licenses, etc.) at 28 per cent; School and instructional budgets at 18.5 per cent and Transportation at 14.5 per cent. After preparing the Transportation submission, Associate Superintendent Neale said it appears Clearview may be getting an additional $60,000 for transportation which would bring this year’s deficit down to $81,244. The transportation budget deficit would have been $300,000 greater if not for applying the entire Equity of Opportunity Grant. This ‘new’ grant was effectively funded by the Province taking away two transportation grants. Although revenue numbers were not adjusted, Neale advised that the Stettler Outreach School received more revenue than anticipated so its deficit is now projected at $53,000 for 2013-14 rather than the original projection of $137,169.

Year-end financial statements

Audited financial statements for the school year ending August 31, 2013 were presented and approved. The operating year end deficit was $742,638 which was under budget by $700. The auditor, Peggy Weinzierl, of Gitzel

Krejci Dand Peterson, said that the District had only used 69 per cent of the allowable spending cap for Administration. That meant an additional $607,000 was channeled into classrooms instead. Reserves continued to be a big topic of discussion. At the end of August 31, 2013 the unrestricted reserves were $2.76M which is 8.19 per cent of expenditures. The province has never set guidelines as to what an acceptable amount is, but in 2009 when they clawed back reserves - all boards with a Reserve greater than 3.5 per cent of expenditures were affected. The Auditor felt reserves were still a little high and reminded Trustees that even schoolgenerated funds are part of what the government considers District surplus. Checkel said previous and current operating deficit budgets had been intentional to reduce Reserves to a more acceptable level. In 2009, the District’s reserve was approximately 15 per cent of expenditures. “If the 2013-14 deficit Budget comes in as planned, the District’s unrestricted reserves should be down closer to five per cent of expenditures,” said Checkel. “I feel this is a very comfortable level to handle those unexpected costs such as boilers blowing up or students moving into the district who require additional support.”

Student trips

Preliminary approval was given for 14 students from William E. Hay High School to start plans for a three-week trip to Germany in March 2015. It has been an ongoing program since 2004 between William E. Hay and Gymnasium Sanitz, a high school in northeastern Germany. Every year, there is an alternate exchange of students. In mid-September 2014, 14 German students and a supervising teacher will visit William E. Hay for three weeks. Preliminary approval was given to the Gus Wetter and Coronation Travel Club for a student trip to Ireland, North Wales and London, England during Spring

Paintearth Feeder’s Association

Breeders Financing Program introducing the

for Breeding & Bred Livestock

Break 2014. The proposed travel group is comprised of one student from Gus Wetter and four from Coronation, two teachers and three parents.

Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

A spirited discussion took place over the possibility of Central Office funds being used to purchase AED’s for schools. Each unit costs about $2,500. William E. Hay High School has a portable and a fixed unit. Many board members felt at a minimum the two Paintearth High Schools should have a portable unit, whereas Trustee John Schofer felt it was “just taking away more money from the front lines.” Others thought it was a school decision. Administration will have a discussion with the respective principals and the item will be brought back to the December 12 meeting.

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3

Food bank

The Clearview School Board passed a motion to donate $1,000 to local food banks in Stettler, Castor and Coronation in lieu of sending out Christmas cards and purchasing staff gifts. Corey van Zandbergen, Alberta Teachers’ Association representative, was in attendance and said they would again be pleased to partner with the Board and match the $1,000.

Future meetings

The Board would like an opportunity to meet with school council representatives and principals in February. An evening event will be planned at the Clearview Division office in Stettler. The Board will also set aside five days in the spring of 2014 to visit all the schools in the Division.

Forestburg council makes progress with Water Treatment Plant

Forestburg Town Council made headway at their meeting on November 27 with a few long running issues they had been discussing for months or even years in the case of the water treatment plant. The engineer did appear before council with the plans he had withheld from them for so long. The plans were satisfactory and council hopes to tender in April and be started digging by March.

This comes as a relief to many of the councillors who have been asking for these plans for a couple years. Council also signed a new energy contract with 8760 Energy for two years. Councillors were impressed by the company and are glad to have a new provider, due to communication issues with the previous company.

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4 December


Coronation/Stettler, Ab.


ECA r e v i e w

SPORT Shorts

• Blogger Torben Rolfsen, on an iceberg twice the size of Atlanta breaking off from Antarctica and drifting north: “Word is Gary Bettman’s thinking of holding an outdoor NHL game on it.”

Stettler’s Redcore Enterprises Storm after winning the tier 3 championship at Wickfest 2013. Back row (L-R): Ashley Keith, Jessie Anderson, Tyra Ganser, Makayla Peters, Sarah Mrazek, Morgan Van Dusen, Jennifer Hallett, Geri Slemp, Jayden Hogg, Kelsie Litke, Harlee Avramenko. Middle Row: Miranda Storch, Kendra Rusaw, Grace Chapman, Kierra Scollo, Kennidy Fisher. Front row: Lindsey McKinnon ECA Review/ B. Avramenko

• Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “There are indications Michael Phelps might come out of retirement to swim in the Rio Olympics. ‘We haven’t made up our mind,’ said advisor Brett Favre.” • Comedy writer Torben Rolfsen, after Mike Tyson said that during some of his big fights he was high on drugs: “Also, apparently, for visits to tattoo parlors.” • Cote again: “The Tigers traded slugger Prince Fielder to the Rangers for Ian Kinsler. I think the Rangers got more in the deal. About 85 pounds more.” • Another one from Cote: “A line of Dennis Rodman signature vodka is to be introduced this week. One shot and you want a nose ring. Two shots and you’re flying to North Korea.” • Torben Rolfsen again, on a Texasbased theme park company building the world’s tallest waterslide: “The terrifying drop ride is named 2013 Houston Texans.”

Stettler Girls Hockey Team go for gold Ken Rawluck demonstrates intense focus in watching his curling rock fly as behind him Dane Miller looks on during Sedgewick’s Curling Bonspiel on November 29. Sweepers Byron Martin and Ian MacEadhern made a gallant effort for Rawluck’s camp but ultimately Miller’s team won the Bonspiel with a final score of 9-5. ECA Review/L. Taylor

The jersey of Coronation Royal player Brady Smith was retired to honour his memory at the Coronation Royals Senior Men’s game on Friday, November 29. Smith’s family and closest friends were in attendance to take part in the ceremony. Back Row (L-R): Justin Schedlosky, Cory Tellier, Dylan Usselman and Koby Sieger. Front Row: Blair and Tairsa Glasier, Emily Breum, Haley Smith and Beryl and Jim Smith. ECA Review/Submitted

• RJ Currie of “The main reason Saskatchewan made it to the Grey Cup and not Calgary? Stamps tailback Jon Cornish couldn’t run as well as his mouth did.”

Coronation Royal forward Ally Shaw (#27) heads to the boards for the puck as Castor Cyclone player Sage Gonda (#6) looks on during the final match of the Coronation Royals Novice Tournament on Saturday, November 20 at the Coronation Arena. The Royals ended up winning both games they played. ECA Review/K. Davis

Yellowknife Bruins. Once again the girls outplayed their opposition winning by a score of 3 - 0, Stettler’s scorers were Jayden Hogg, Ashley Keith and Kennidy Fisher scored a short handed goal. Lindsey McKinnon got her second shut out of the tournament. Game three of round robin play was also against the Bruins on Saturday evening. Stettler swept the series with a 2 - 1 victory. Scoring for the Storm were Jayden Hogg and Kennidy Fisher. The last game of round robin play featured undefeated Stettler against the undefeated Whitehorse Mustangs in a preview of the Tier 3 final. The Storm handed the Mustangs their first loss of the tournament winning by a score of 5 - 2.

Stettler scorers were Grace Chapman with two goals, Kennidy Fisher with two and Kierra Scollo with one. The Tier 3 final Stettler jumped out to an early lead when Kennidy Fisher scored while being hauled down in front of the net. In the second period Kelsie Litke tipped a point shot taken by Kendra Rusaw for the eventual game winner. Whitehorse came out hard in the third getting an early goal. Then Stettler added to the lead less than a minute later when Tyra Ganser scored on the power play. Kelsie Litke got her second of the game and rounding out the scoring Kierra Scollo scored making the final 5 - 1. Lindsey McKinnon stopped 17 shots in the victory.

Theresetta Knights Volleyball team completes successful year

• T.C. Chong from B.C., on Arizona Cardinals running back Andre Ellington having some of his dreadlocks pulled out during a game: “Defender Jason Babin returned the hair to Andre after Troy Polamalu shampooed it.”

• RJ Currie again: “A new study says depression speeds up the aging process. In related news, the Toronto Maple Leafs are trying to attract younger fans.”

by BJ Avramenko The Stettler Redcore Enterprises Storm took a time off from league play the weekend of November 22 to travel to Calgary and attend Wickfest 2013. The girls got to watch and compete against hockey teams from Finland, Mexico and United States, as well other provinces and territories. Stettler faced off against the Airdrie Lightning on Friday night defeating them in an 8 - 0 rout. Scoring for the Storm were Captain Jessie Anderson with four goals, Kennidy Fisher, Jayden Hogg, Kierra Scollo and Grace Chapman each with one goal. Lindsey McKinnon got the shut out. The next game of round robin play was Saturday afternoon against the

by Brian Peterson, Theresetta School Principal The Theresetta Knights completed another successful season by competing at the highest level possible for Junior High Athletics at the Central Western Alberta Junior High Athletic Association (CWAJHAA) tournament. The tournament only takes the top eight teams from Central Alberta spanning from Rocky Mountain House to Coronation. The Theresetta boys started their tournament by defeating Clive. They went on to play the eventual champs Spruce View and lost to them. The boys completed the round robin by defeating Rocky Christian in a third game. The boys continued to play well but found themselves in the bronze medal match. After two close games in the finals, the boys placed a hard earned fourth place. The Theresetta girls travelled to Caroline for their tournament. The girls started the day by

defeating Bluffton in two games. The girls continued to play well and beat Koinonia Christian School from Red Deer. They played host school Caroline in the semi-finals and defeated the Cougars in two games. The Knights

ended the tournament by playing Bluffton in the finals. The defending champion Theresetta Knights won both games and captured their fourth CWAJHAA championship in five years.

Paige Renschler and Madison Nichols stand proud with their plaque after the Theresetta Knights girls won the Central Western Alberta Junior High Athletic Association tournament. ECA Review/Submitted

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3

Coronation Town Council discussed problems with curling rink Katie Davis

News Reporter Recreation Director Barry Brigley noted some issues with the Coronation Curling Rink to begin the Town Council meeting on Monday, December 2. Brigley began by noting that a problem with the lights in the arena would be looked with the assistance of scaffolds on Tuesday, December 3, after noticing that some weren’t working correctly. Also noted was the exterior south door to the Curling Rink needs replacing, after numerous attempts to fix it were unsuccessful. Pricing for a frame and double door came in at an estimated cost of $2000 and would be much more secure. Brigley mentioned Dafoe’s was interested in renting the

arena kitchen year round, ‘more or less’ to store their equipment. “The arena board was okay with it, they just want me to pass it by you guys,” he said, adding that other groups who traditionally use the kitchen such as 4H and the Fair - would be able to use it in the summertime without issue. Council generally agreed that there was no issue with this. Brigley noted that discussions were held surrounding the adoption of a cleaning deposit for the curling rink in the summertime. “Most of the time it’s clubs that aren’t paying for [it’s use in summer],” said Brigley. “I’m thinking of having just a checklist and a walk-through with some of them, before and after… and have them put down a $500 cleaning deposit.”

News Reporter Council discussed the amendment of Policy 1 Division vision, mission, primary goal and beliefs at the Prairie Land Regional Division #25 meeting on November 27, 2013. After some deliberation it was determined that the vision statement be changed to “the development of engaged ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit.” Some discourse ensued as to whether or not ‘entrepreneurial’ might be interpreted as a purely corporate or financial outlook. Superintendent of Schools Wes Neumeier clarified that the interpretation PLRD was evoking with the word was the notion of risk taking and learning in an environment of mistake making. Vice-Chairperson Marsha Tkach spoke to clarify the statement further, adding that the aforementioned statement should conclude with “who have mastered the general learner outcomes in the guide to education.” The consensus was this was a good addition to the overall clarity of the statement. Henceforth the group decided upon the vision statement of “the development of engaged ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit who have mastered the general learner outcomes addressed in the guide to education.” Results report and plan Deputy Superintendent Cam McKeage took to the podium to discuss the 2013 - 2016 PLRD Combined Three-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report (AERR). McKeage spoke to the challenges being faced by PLRD, such as declining enrollment, but augmented this discourse with commendable services schools were providing, such as state of the art teleconferencing platforms. McKeage also noted common mandates throughout the division moving forward, such as inclusive education, strengthening community engagement and constructing

flags, she came across policies in other municipalities that dealt with aesthetics more broadly. Kulyk thus provided the Town of Coronation Aesthetics Policy for approval. The policy made comment on repainting, fixing and minor beautification needs as well as flag replacement, change and halfmasting procedure. It was generally agreed that having a policy that spoke to a broad range of aesthetic principals was agreeable and a motion to accept policy was approved.

effectively maximum a four per cent increase in salary this year. It was agreed upon that this grid chart would be accepted.

Family Care Clinic update

The Family Care Clinic (FCC) group was discussed, as Council was tasked with appointing a representing member to the board. It was noted that Dawna Elliott had stepped down as chairperson and nobody had offered to replace her, therefore a draft of a letter of commitment had not been established. The letter was not drafted largely due to concerns of a lack of Salary and wage grid knowledge, expertise or time to A grid was presented to council create a viable business plan. that outlined wages for full time Council acknowledged that FCC staff for the Town of Coronation, meetings take place during the along with a summary of cost of day, which would impede many Public Works report living. The grid, working in 10 members of Council from Allan Smith, Public Works increments, was intended as a attending regularly. Also disForeman discussed the new subdi- guideline for raises across a 10 cussed was the idea that if a vision construction south of the year period, save for circumFamily Care Clinic were to arrive Petro Canada station off Railway stances such as individuals being in Coronation, the FCC group Avenue, noting that things were hired with heightened experience. would see it’s responsibilities going well and efforts were looking “A few years ago we went $1500 cashincrease. added In the event that the positive to be on time. through the grid and evaluated it Clinic were to be situated in the Also noted by Smith was that use position by position to compare to Town, it was mentioned that topics of recycled sand for streets was other municipalities of the same of discussion would include going well. He noted that the price size and type,” she said. “basically retaining Physicians willing to teacher efficacy. was cheap for use, and that there we set the grid so that we were on work a demanding schedule and The plan outlined a focused was a remaining reserve of around par.” outlining community needs that directive on student achieveDue to the cost of living in weren’t previously met by the ment, classroom practices and three months still in storage. Alberta being raised by one per hospital. parental involvement. Draft Aesthetics Policy cent, the grid was matched to this Ultimately Shelley Cook agreed Improved results on provinCAO Sandra Kulyk mentioned percentage to ensure living costs to be the Council representative on cial achievement tests toward a that, in drafting policy concerning were met. Each grid step would be the FCC, with Liz Adams as standard of excellence and state of repair and replacement of a three per cent increase, so alternate. high school diploma examinations in various disciplines were identified for growth. Also noted was a desire to foster safe and caring schools, with wraparound services assisting with high risk youth. “Truancy, disrespect, bullying and harassment can all be found within the culture of a school,” noted McKeage. “It is the responsibility of the leaders of the school to understand their culture and turn that culture around.” In all, the directives outlined by the plan were accepted with optimism by the board.

Prairie Land Schools vision statement changed Katie Davis

Brigley noted that the Coronation Arena has this procedure in place at present. The BMX track was discussed, as Brigley and council alike felt it to be an eyesore and hazard. It was discussed that it was rarely used and that aspects of the park, such as dirt and cement pad underneath, could be put to better use with different intentions. Some ideas for the pad were as an area to park trailers during fairs or put a basketball hoop on it to act as a court. Barry also noted that Coronation had applied to host the Midget Provincials in March, and would find out on December 15 whether or not they would be successful in their bid.


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Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede

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Budget update An update to the 2013-2014 budget was outlined by secretary-treasurer Sharon Orum. Board highlights indicated that an operating deficit of $81,261 is projected, compared to the spring budgeted deficit of $37,065. Changes in accounting practices as per adjustments made to provincial regulations resulted in the increased projected deficit. Board highlights indicated that the division’s total revenue stream for the 2013 - 2014 school year, including capital and operations and maintenance is $24,716,340.00. Projected expenses total $24,973,310.00. Website development Prairie Land Regional Division will be contracting services with Dreamstalk Studios to craft a new website design. The new site will enable an improved ease of use and more transparency and a common interactive platform for schools across the division. Intents for the new site will allow schools and parents to post and review homework assignments, news, calendars and presentations, enabling reciprocal communications between parents, students and schools.

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Married in 2013 ?

If you were married in 2013, take part in our 2013 Wedding Album Published in the December 19, 2013 ECA Review. Deadline, Friday, December 13. No Charge. Makes a great keepsake of your special day!

Newly Weds Names:

(Please include maiden name)

Date of Wedding: Location of Wedding: Currently Residing:


Please email, mail or drop off your photo: East Central Alberta Review, Box 70, Coronation, AB, T0C 1C0 4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation, AB To ensure good reproduction, good quality colour or black & white photos only. • Close-ups will work the best. • Be sure to write your name on the back of your photo. • Photo will be returned if you include a self-addressed envelope OR indicate that you will pick up photo after December 30

6 December


Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA r e v i e w


Lust for stuff!

Go Ahead Drink and Drive

Brenda Schimke

ECA Review Journalist

Pushing, kicking, hitting! Spitting, shoving, shooting! Welcome to Thanksgiving and Black Friday in the great U.S. of A. From the news reports, you would have thought that these scenes were of thirsty, starving people fighting for a drop of water or a few morsels of food. You would have thought it was a pack of wolves in the high Arctic fighting over a single caribou carcass. But, alas, it was just first-world Americans, with already too much stuff, fighting and grabbing for even more stuff! Canadians can be thankful that our Thanksgiving is in October and Canadians can be hasn’t been totally co-opted by retailers. But the attempt to make thankful that our Black Friday a staple in Canada is concerning. Unlike the United Thanksgiving is in October States, Black Friday is not a Canadian holiday. To take advanand hasn’t been totally tage, Canadian workers have to skip work, college students need to cut co-opted by retailers. classes and some parents even pull grade school children out to go shopping!! In the United States ‘Black Friday’ should probably more appropriately be called Red Friday. That’s when people pull out their credit cards and go deeper in debt for more stuff. It’s when blood flows red as people punch and scratch fellow shoppers. It’s when too many shoppers see “red”! It could also be labelled a Black day, not because retailers move into the black side of the ledger. It’s black and disturbing to see what happens to society when materialism becomes the new god. The lust for stuff has outweighed civility and common decency in the United States. Canadians like deals, too, but to date are adverse to boorish behavior. Let’s hope it stays that way. Thanksgiving is about being grateful for what we have. Christmas is about giving and being grateful for what we receive. As we move away from the craziness of American Thanksgiving and into the Christmas season, let’s remind ourselves of the wisdom found in the words of Fred De Witt Van Amburgh, American author and publisher. “None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy.”

Police Hospital



Say no to internet censorship Dear Editor, Canadian government officials are working with those from 11 other nations to finalize the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). I am very concerned about the TPP, which is currently being negotiated without public input. We know from documents revealed by Wikileaks that the TPP includes an Internet Censorship plan that would make the Internet more policed, expensive and censored. Experts have pointed out that under the TPP, “kids could be sent to jail for downloading” and whole families could be kicked off the Internet. It would force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to become Internet police and monitor my Internet use, censor website content, and remove entire websites from my view. It would also hinder our ability to access information and criminalize our everyday use of the Internet. As a concerned citizen I am speaking out for a free and open Internet.

The TPP would also limit accessibility for disabled people. Visually impaired or deaf people would be criminalized for circumventing digital locks on any digital materials they have purchased. This means they would be unable to convert them to braille, audio or other accessible formats. I believe that the Internet should be open and accessible to everyone. In addition, the TPP’s proposal to force ISPs to install costly and invasive surveillance equipment into their networks gravely worries me. These added costs would drive up everyone’s Internet bills and could force smaller independent Internet providers out of business. I believe that Internet access is a right and should be kept open and affordable for everyone. Already over 120,000 people have signed the Say No to Internet Censorship petition. I encourage everyone to learn more about TPP Internet Censorship before it’s too late. Jay Gramlich Consort, AB


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Don’t be stupid

By Lois Perepelitz They must be stupid to think that they somehow have a super brain that can I can’t decide if people who drink and resist the effects of alcohol. Stupid enough drive are selfish, cold, uncaring people or to believe that alcohol will never blur their just plain stupid. vision or slow their reflex reactions down They don’t seem to care if they are the - there is no way it could do that to them, reason a young boy doesn’t have a given they have this super father to teach him to fish or play brain. They can drive just fine; hockey. They don’t care about the that yellow line never blurs and young bride walking down the they just know that they will aisle without her father. stay on their side of it and never They don’t bother to even think cross it. of the young wife who will have to I wonder if they know what struggle to support her family they are teaching their children without a husband. when they come home drunk Then there are the babies who and bragging how the police can’t understand why strangers didn’t catch them. Perepelitz are holding them now or the todHow to be stupid is what they dler who cries for his Mommy to are teaching them. Maybe they come home. are stupid enough to think that is a good The thought of sisters losing sisters and thing to be teaching them. brothers losing brothers never crosses There is one other thing that is just as their mind. stupid as drinking and driving and that is What about the parents who lose their getting into a vehicle with a drunk driver. children? It doesn’t matter if your child is If you are smart enough to realize that you 50 or 15 the pain of losing them never goes have been drinking too much to drive why away. are you stupid enough to think that your The people who drink and drive don’t drinking buddy can drive? think of any of these people when they get My beautiful niece went for a ride with behind that wheel. Selfish might be the her drinking buddy eight years ago and wrong word here since they don’t seem to never came home. Her family and friends think of their own safety, or of the pain still put flowers on her cross at the side of they would be causing their own family the road. and friends either. Don’t be stupid. I hate to think we have that many cold, heartless people in this world, so I guess that leaves us with just plain stupid.

48 pt

LETTERS POLICY • Letters to the Editor are welcomed • Must be signed and a phone number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. • ECA Review reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. Member of:

Joyce Webster Publisher/Editor

Brenda Schimke Journalist

Julie Schroeder LisaMyers-sortland Reception/Acctg Graphic Artist

Katie Davis Reporter

36 pt

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72 pt

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Published by Coronation Review Limited

18 pt

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ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3



Partisan political activities facilitated from within the county office Dear Editor: In a letter to the editor entitled “Drive-by smear campaign,” printed in the ECA Review on November 21, former MLA Jack Hayden suggests taxpayers in the province should wink - or perhaps benignly smile - when we learn about county or municipal employees who, while at work, use their taxpayer-funded time and the resources of local government to engage in activities on behalf of a political party. Mr. Hayden further suggests that to inquire about such behavior is a ‘witch

hunt’ and that bad judgment by local officials in this regard should be overlooked because who “hasn’t taken a personal call or sent a personal email or text during working hours?” Mr. Hayden fails to mention that it was not a single phone call or text message that was talked about in the article about which he is now critical (“Corruption in Stettler County,” Derek Fildebrandt, Canadian Taxpayers Federation, ECA Review, November 14). Nor is it a single email or text message being discussed when it is suggested that

A cheque for $18,593 was presented to Reeve George Glazier and Tarolyn Peach, Chief Administrative Officer for the County of Paintearth by MLA Everett McDonald, representing the government, during the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties Convention in Edmonton on November 14, 2013.

Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd. receives funding Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd. is the recipient of an $18,593 grant from Alberta’s Tire Recycling Program for their efforts to redevelop the tire recycling area at the Coronation Transfer Station. The cheque was presented to Reeve George Glazier, Chair of Paintearth Regional Waste by government representative MLA Everett McDonald, at the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties Convention in Edmonton. “We are very appreciative of this grant,” said Reeve Glazier. “This funding assists Paintearth in accomplishing its goal of reducing waste going to the landfill by providing Coronation residents and

businesses with an environmentally safe, organized, well-defined area to recycle their scrap tires.” “It is a credit to the hard work of Albertans that 80 million tires have been recycled through the province’s tire recycling program since 1992,” noted McDonald, “and Paintearth Regional is doing their part to support this program.” Since 2002, 95 Alberta communities have received over $2.2 million to establish drop-off areas for scrap tires. The two other members of Paintearth Regional Waste, Halkirk and Castor, were also recipients of grants in 2008 and 2012 for a combined total of just over $49,000.

the serious nature of the situation merits an inquiry. There are more than 100 pages of emails in question and Mr. Hayden himself was cc’d on them repeatedly, indicating that he knew partisan political activities were being coordinated and/or facilitated from within the county office. Surely Mr. Hayden doesn’t object to the rights of taxpayers to know what’s been going on. And surely he recognizes that if county officials won’t be forthcoming a formal Freedom of Information request is appropriate. Mr. Hayden also overlooks mentioning the many tens of thousands of taxpayer’s dollars that, over time, were transferred from local governments and provincial government agencies to the Alberta PC Party. This is third world politics at its finest. Yet Mr. Hayden’s solution is to sweep the whole thing under the nearest carpet. In effect, he then tries to draw a kind of parallel between this sort of political gutterball “fundraising” and the virtue of raising money for Special Olympics. The two are clearly unalike and

unrelated. The point is the way public officials do things does matter. And whether Mr. Hayden likes it or not, municipal or county employees using taxpayer-funded resources and their time at taxpayerfunded jobs to pursue the interests of their favorite political party is unethical. Period. It’s also illegal. Period. Similarly, locally elected government officials using taxpayer funds to attend fundraising events held by a political party is unethical. Period. And illegal. Period Mr. Hayden’s argument that everyone was doing it, that it’s in the past or that the individuals responsible were wellintended is fine and good, but good intentions never justify turning your back on the Law. It is never the right time to do the wrong thing and every elected official (and ex-elected official) ought to know that and say that. Rick Strankman, MLA, Drumheller Stettler Wildrose Official Opposition

Notice to Creditors and Claimants

Notice to Creditors and Claimants



If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by January 13, 2013, with MESSRS. ROSS, TODD & COMPANY, Barristers & Solicitors, P. O. Box 1330, 124 - 2 Avenue West, Hanna, Alberta, TOJ 1PO. If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by January 13, 2014, with MESSRS. ROSS, TODD & COMPANY, Barristers & Solicitors, P. O. Box 1330, 124 - 2 Avenue West, Hanna, Alberta, T0J 1PO. If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

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Well-known ‘petunia’ tree in Coronation takes on it’s new look for the Christmas season as members of the Communities in Bloom committee L-R) Shelley Cook, Chris and Toni Selzler, Eunice Campion and Janet Zimmer (not pictured) donned the tree with poinsettias and ribbons on Tuesday, November 26.




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8 December


ECA r e v i e w

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Students leave painted mark on Coronation School Katie Davis

News Reporter

Grade 12 student Brittany Fulgham works on her vibrant tile painting in the lobby of the Coronation School on November 21. ECA Review/K. Davis

Walking into the Coronation School, one’s eyes are immediately drawn up to uncharacteristic splashes of colour and unique shapes speckled to and fro on the ceiling - recreations of popular-culture characters, abstract expressions and scenes of emotional states of mind occupy ceiling tiles throughout the halls of the building. These tiles are painted by students in various grades as a way for visual artists to make an impression on the halls of their youthful academic institution. Coronation School Principal Cameron Brown says the idea to paint ceiling tiles took shape while he was travelling as coach of the Senior Women’s Volleyball team. “Travelling with volleyball you see so many different schools, and I saw a few that had these painted ceiling tiles,” says Brown. “So I took pictures of it with the phone and brought it back to the staff and said ‘I’d really like to do this’.” An enthusiastic response from Coronation School staff led to a snowball effect in the amount of interest shown by students. “All of a sudden it started really catching on and we thought holy smokes we’re running out of space,” Brown notes. “So we had an art teacher designate [the front lobby tiles] to just the 10, 20 and 30 art classes.” Grad pictures were also

that the brightness and colour of the work stand out first and foremost. “I like to look at things you don’t see everyday,” she says. “[Painting ceiling tiles] gives kids a chance to show what they like and make it their own.” Her interest in painting a tile was piqued when she saw the practice taking form elsewhere. “I’d seen it once before at a school and I was really curious how they did it,” she says. “When I came here I noticed them all over the place and I wanted to paint one so bad.” She began working on a tile immediately beginning her 2013 fall semester, after transferring to Coronation School for her Grade 12 year. Fulgham says this artistic inclination began from a young age with random drawings of found objects. “When I was little I liked to doodle a lot,” says Fulgham. “I’d draw a layout of the living room, or cats, whatever I could think of. Everybody started complimenting A student’s perspective on [my art] so I kept doing it.” Brittany Fulgham, a grade 12 stuFulgham says she hopes to condent at Coronation School, was in tinue working with her artistic the process of working on her talents after school is over, citing expressive, abstract ceiling tile that she’s actively working on painting when interviewed on painting furniture as a hobby at November 21. Her design was compresent. piled solely from her mind to the “I have a closet door that I’ve been canvas - working with a design that [painting], a sink that I’ve done,” she seemed to spontaneously take shape says. “I like to design anything I as the painting progressed. When can. It’s what I really like to do.” asked what comes to mind when she thinks of her tile art, Fulgham notes

incorporated into the tiles in this section, whereas art classes for younger students were partitioned to other sections of the school, creating a lively and unexpected flow to the displayed pieces. When it comes to content, Brown says that the sky is the limit for imaginative ideas - generally speaking. “I try not to stop too much from being painted,” says Brown. “Although I try to tell them, don’t pick a rock band or a celebrity because sometimes those guys make really poor choices and then your ceiling tile is going to be up there.” Brown notes that the benefits of ceiling tile painting extend well after students have left the school. “It’s nice for them to leave their mark,” he says. “They obviously leave their mark on the people they encounter here, but it’s really great for them to say ‘that’s my ceiling tile, I did that’ when they come back with their kids.”

Hughenden students say “Thanks for getting our buns to school on time!” by Susan Campbell Hughenden Public School library held a Book Fair from November 11 - 15 in conjunction with Parent Teacher Interviews. Due to the support from students, staff and community we were able to receive $900 in merchandise to support our library and accelerated reading program. The Goodwin and Mitchell families were the recipients of the family event door prizes, valued at $25 each. In the ‘Guess How Many Pages’ contest, Ryatt Large’s guess of 2325 was the closest, with the actual amount coming in at 2312 pages. He won $25 in merchandise. Lucy Lee’s guess of 2330 was the second closest allowing her to win $15 in merchandise. The Hughenden Senior High leadership class wanted to show their bus drivers how much they are appreciated, so they came in to school at 8 am on November 19 and made fresh cinnamon buns under the guidance of Charlotte Roworth.

They presented the buns along with hot coffee to the bus drivers along with a card that read “Thanks for getting our buns to school on time!” On Tuesday, November 26 several elementary students were presented with their achievement ‘leaves’ to put up on the Achievement Tree of recognition. The following students were recognized at the assembly: Anneka Van Hoek, Sayge Lunde, Maja Congdon, Carter Grabler, Ethan Dambrowsky, Matthew Swanson, Karlie Pelletier, Carter Oxamitny and Mackenzie Ford. Sayge, Matthew and Karlie were the lucky recipients of $10 gift certificate; Karlie won a gift bag of learning essentials and Carter won the Hughenden Library membership for a year. In conjunction with Achievement Tree, 30 Accelerated Reader prizes were awarded. Each time students achieve their monthly reading goals, their name goes into the draw for the large prizes that will be drawn for in June.

The magazine sale fundraiser was successful with proceeds going to support the AR Program. Ty Hope was the winner of the magazine sales draw for the iPod Nano. Layne Motley won $50 for top sales. Seventy-two Operation Christmas Child boxes were dropped off and collected at Amisk and Hughenden Schools. On Wednesday, November 27 the Home Economics Grade 9 class and the Food Studies 10 class served up a delicious homemade soup, buns and dessert lunch for those students who preordered. Kathy Gramlich and Dianne Southoff joined the Grade 9 class to share their expertise in yeast dough and the formation of buns. Amber Cuthbert has been coming to the school for sing club, which is a small group of students who occasionally meet at noon hour to sing while Amber accompanies on piano. On November 27

Grade 1 student Jillian Heidecker cuts out a poster for the Theresetta Catholic School’s Social Justice Club’s fundraiser, hot lunch and Powerpoint presentation on Filipino culture on Friday, November 29. Over $600 was raised for charity assisting with typhoon relief in the Philipenes. Organized by kindergarten teacher Glenda Ries, the children made posters and cooked traditional Filipino food - under adult supervision - for their peers to share. ECA Review/Submitted

elementary classes joined with junior high classes to work together to decorate bags that will be distributed to local liquor stores this holiday season.

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Students enjoyed the opportunity of collaboration to help get out the message to not “Drink and Drive” during the holiday season. 2005 DODGE DAKOTA EX/CAB 2WD, 3.7L, V6, PWR/HTD SEAT, 108K .........$ 8,999 2004 FREIGHTLINER FL80, 3126 CAT, 10SPEED EATON, 208K....................$23,999 2005 FREIGHTLINER M2 LOW-PRO, 6 SP, NEW STEEL DECK, 185K .............$32,900 2002 FREIGHTLINER FL80, GARBAGE HAULER, 5SP, AUTO, 180K. .............$13,999 2003 GMC TOPKICK C6500, 8.1L GAS, ALLISON AUTO, 209K ................... .$18,900 2007 F550XLT, CAB & CHASSIS, DIESEL, AUTO, 4X4, DUALLY, 149K............$20,900 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING, A/T/C, ALLOY WHEELS, 109K ............$ 6,500 2004 CHEV BLAZER, 4.3L, 5 PASS, REMOTE ENTRY, 148K ........................$ 7,999 2001 DODGE RAM 1500 REG CAB, L BOX, CHROME WHEELS, 228K ............$ 5,400 2000 INTERNATIONAL 4700, AUTO, 7.3L, 24’5”BOX, 282 MILES..............$15,900 1999 CHEV SUBURBAN 2500 LT, FULL LOAD LEATHER, 205K .................... .$ 8,999 1999 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED, LEATHER, SUNROOF, 234K..................$ 4,400 1997 INTERNATIONAL 4700 DIESEL, GARBAGE COMPACTOR, 140K ..........$ 7,900 1976 DODGE 200 ADVENTURER CC, NEW DISC BRAKES, 119 MILES ......... $ 3,900


ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

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ELL SERVICING LTD. • Oil & Gas Well Completions • Abandonments Servicing Alberta

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10 D e c e m b e r


Services Ltd.

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• Floater Unit

ECA r e v i e w

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Rick: (403) 575-5043 • HERMAN NELSON Dry Heat

Rick: (403) 575-5043

Coronation Seed Cleaning Co-op Ltd.

Box 178, Coronation (403) 578-3810

L & C Bookkeeping 403-578-3838 Coronation

4702 Victoria Avenue, Coronation, AB

If you drink & drive...

Eastland Transport Ltd. Tim Omilusik Coronation, AB.


OILFIELD CONSTRUCTION Coronation, AB • 403-578-2097


Waste Services Inc. 403-578-3299

This man will gladly be your designated driver…

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Gus Wetter School

Big View Stock Farms 403-578-4230 Please, Arrive Alive!

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Coronation SCHOOL

Specializing in positive displacement fluid pumps


Serving the oil industry in Western Canada

Consort, AB 403-577-3825

R.M.D. Petroleum Ltd. Castor Consort Coronation 403-882-3282 403-577-3866 403-578-3868

Our hostess will gladly assign you a place…

Box 35, Coronation, Alberta T0C 1C0 Ph. 403-578-2928 Toll Free 1-888-578-2928 “Knowledge, Experience and Professionalism With a Personal Touch”

Town of Castor

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Please fax back to The Region



Customize Cuts, Bulk & Wholesale Consort AB • 403 577 2260

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Coronation, AB

PO Box 128, T0C 1C0


Ph: (403) 578-2016 Fax: (403) 578-2076

Coronation 285-75-24.5 285-75-24.5

We’ll give you free bracelets…

You’ll get enough time to think…

Grips (4 Avail.) 00

403-578-2584 Smooth

(6 Avail.) 00 Box 578

AB ea. 279 ea. 279 Coronation, T0C 1C0



ELL SERVICING LTD. cell (403) 575-0004 12-22.5 315-80-22.5 ph (403) 578-3999


(2 Avail.) 00

fax (403) 578-3999 A/S

(2 Avail.) 00

329 ea. Motors 329 ea. McKenzie 403-578-3866 P235-75-15 XLCoronation $

Castor OK Tire 5501 - 50 Ave., Castor, AB



Grips (100 Avail.) $ 9900 ea.

Coronation Tire & Rubber Ltd. 403-882-2490 Castor, AB Henry & Debbie Michielsen


you are responsible and notify us immedi COUNTY tions. If OF we do not he it is correct. PAINTEARTH Changes required A.S. NO. 18 Print with corrections a Castor 403-882-3211

You’ll be able to make new friends…

Coronation, AB


❑ ❑

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

The choice you make will determine which room you end up in tonight.


Halkirk Direct Calgary Direct 403-884.2011 403.288.2001

Rollies Backhoe

Coronation, AB

(403) 578-3266

Coronation 403-578-3588 Coronation, AB

Coronation, AB

(403) 578-4075

Minimize Price to Maximize Production Phone for your feed requirements (403) 578-COWS (2697)




Commercial & Residential Plumbing • Heating • Gas Fitting

Consort, AB 403-577-2386


Veteran, AB 1-866-575-2262

Kelts Transport Wayne & Sharon Kelts • Ph (403) 577-2189

Signs & Decals

Toni & Chris Selzler Coronation, AB 403-578-4123

Larson’s Auto Electric 2010

Driving under the influence will cost you — so think about it before you do it!

Doug Larson, Prop. Ph. 403-742-5360 • Fax 403-742-5365 Toll Free 1-877-942-5360 5001 - 47 St. Stettler, AB

• Harvest • Go

Dennis and Sheila Bossert

Castor Food Fair Market Square 403-882-3031

The Paintearth Lodge

4501-55 Ave. Castor, AB 403-882-3244

• Stettler • Utmost

Malt Barley

• Metcalfe • Copeland • Newdale • Meredith

o Flowers l& atiGifts Congratu 011 on your 2 n tio AB 5008 - r ucStettler, dPeas P50oAve.,

Canadian Prairie Feed Barley 403-742-4499 • Austenson • Cowboy Spring Wheat Toll Free 1-855-742-4499 • Chigwell • Trochu • Foremost


• AC Mustang • CDC Baler

If you take drugs,

don’t drive

Over the years many awareness campaigns have taken centre stage during the holidays to remind revelers about the dangers of drunk driving. But the risks of drug-impaired driving are less known to the general public, even though a lot of damage has been wrought by these illegal substances. New campaigns are now aiming to raise public awareness about the risks involved with all kinds of impaired driving and highlight the potential harms to driver, passengers, other cars, and pedestrians when someone is operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs. Effects of drugs All drugs are a potential danger where driving is concerned. For example, cannabis, or pot, has numerous effects on

Debbeez ns

Hard Red Spring Wheat

the driver: difficulty concentrating; poor perception of surroundings; loss of coordination; difficulty in maintaining a straight line, driving at a constant speed, and estimating distances; slowed reaction time; hesitant driving; and lack of ability to handle the unexpected. In addition, stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamines produce high risk behaviour, a false feeling of confidence, inattention, and loss of coordination. Drug detection Law enforcement authorities are presently informing the public that they are now trained to detect drug-impaired drivers. The police can ask a driver to take a coordination test, the results of which can be confirmed later by an expert in drug recognition at the police station.

• Sundre

• Garde (Green) • Meadows (Yellow)

& Florist Home 4801-50 Hardware Ave. Castor, AB • 403-882-3144 Florists

Brian, Joan & Staff Castor, AB • 403-882-3144


Castor • 403-882-4271 –4–

Coro View Farms Ltd. Coronation, AB. • (403) 578-2788

Battle River Lodge • CONVENTION CENTRE •

NE 31-36-9W4

Pat, Nick & Dan Frederick 403-578-2910

Coronation Motel 5505 Hwy 12 • 403-578-3700 Hanna Chrysler Ltd. & R.V.

D & M Trucking 403-578-3425


Livestock Equipment Ltd.

Brownfield Community School 403-578-2247

403-578-4663 Coronation

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3

There are two types of designated drivers: this one, or this one. The choice is yours. Don’t drive under the influence, period!

PARTS, SALES & SERVICE Toll Free 1-888-854-3141 Ph (403) 854-3141

Cell: (403) 578-8431 Fax: (403)578-3674 Res: (403) 578-4196 Brownfield, AB

Jerry Wipf 403-575-1378

Consort, AB

Luke Janz 403-575-1273

12 D e c e m b e r


ECA r e v i e w

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.



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ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

r o f e m i t n i t Ju s

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3


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14 D e c e m b e r


Coronation/Stettler, Ab.


ECA r e v i e w

Wood carving a matter of skill, technique and patience Katie Davis

News Reporter The art of woodcarving is a time-honoured and admirable artistic skill, requiring much technical practice for one to become proficient at creating life-like structures made of delicate timber. Every Tuesday evening at the Golden Circle Club in Castor, a small but passionate group of artists meet to spend a few hours crafting animals, people and objects out of wood. The core members of the current group consist of Brian Bunbury, Randy Kary and Connie Gibson; all of whom have been participating in the craft for over 15 years. They revel in speaking about the craft of woodcarving, demonstrating the tools and various techniques employed to create a life-like wooden model. “It’s measure, measure, measure,” says Bunbury, describing the precision of cutting out a well-scaled model. Each figure begins as a blueprint on paper that shows the final product, which is then translated onto a block of wood. “The hardest thing is to set the patterns on your block,” notes Bunbury, “they’re all on a flat sheet of paper, and the figures are all cut at an angle. You’ve really got to proportion them in.” Curvature, angles and perspectives have to be considered in drafting the final model; and natural tendencies to mould the object have to be reconsidered. “A first time carver, when they decide they’re going to narrow [their block] because it’s too wide they get the idea that they want to round it down [gradually],” says Kary. “You just have to figure out how much wood to cut off, and cut the sides straight down.” This process of cutting down the block at harsh angles eliminates unnecessary portions of wood from the frame, which can then be more easily carved from a smaller, more proportioned block. From here, a multitude of tools can be used to carve depending on what is required.

Pet Food Sale Dec 2 to 21

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“Chisels can be used to do stuff on really soft wood,” says Gibson, noting that one always goes with the natural grain of the wood when carving with this tool, and always pushes it away from the body. Another unique tool, the woodburner, is used for the esthetic final touch of a sculpture to create fine, delicate detail such as bird feathers or fur. Describing this process, Kary displays a complex and realistic bird he carved and notes the detail in the wings. “The top of the wing took me three hours,” he says. “Three hours for the bottom and the same for the other wing. Then you have the back and tail-feathers, and a couple of hours for the underside.” He added that when painting such a finely-carved piece, one has to ensure the paint is thin enough not to fill in the tiny crevices. The carvers credit the likes of locals Albert Brown, Glen Miller and Bette Hronek as being instrumental in creating and maintaining a strong and educated foundation within the group. Bunbury notes that he has taken courses all over the prairies and BC to bring back new techniques to teach his peers, and adds the group will be hosting introduction sessions on Tuesdays in January for

The evolution of a carving foregrounds carvers Randy Kary, Connie Gibson and Brian Bunbury during their weekly Woodcarving meeting on Tuesday, November 19. ECA Review/K. Davis interested parties. The group also adds that the inspiration for their continued presence in the carving community is not only the works of art they produce, but also the mental effects of the act of carving.

“When you’re carving, you’re just lost. Nothing else matters,” says Kary. “You don’t have to worry about anything. It’s the same reason people read, do puzzles, paint or draw. It takes the mind off everything else.”

Ag r i c u lt u r e

Don’t Miss Out!

It’s Time To Insulate Your Buildings With Spray Foam Commercial or Residential

Coil Bound

Phone Book

to be published soon!


Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3




off Fence Posts

Flight Sergeant Jordan Stonehouse was presented with her four-year Medal of Service to the Castor Air Cadets #572 by Commanding Officer Cpt. Phil Ricard and Director of Finance Carol Cox on Monday, November 25 in Castor. Also honoured for the same award, as well as a Longstanding Achievement Award, was Flight Sergeant Mallory Schafer. ECA Review/Submitted

Cell phone users, home based businesses, advertisers....

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

December Specials

ECA review

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500 Head including:

- 100- Complete dispersal of 100 tan, white, rbF young cows bred Charolais & Simmental (exposed may 31) includes: 40-50 2nd & 3rd calvers & 30+ 4th & 5th calvers for Charlie & Jean Schilling , Halkirk - 40 - Dispersal of young maine x Simmental x Charolais cows bred black Angus (exposed July 2 - Sept 3). D. bleakley - 25 - top red Angus x Simmental heifers bred red Angus march Calvers - w. Davidson - 70 - Dispersal of Angus x Simmental cows & Heifers bred black Angus - Calving march 20 on - includes 15 bred heifers, 25 2nd & 3rd calvers - 30 mature cows - S. Eichhorn - 15 - tan red Angus x Charolais heifers bred red Angus - r. thompson HONEST, local ranch cattle Buy with confidence

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Stettler Auction Mart (1990) Ltd.

16 D e c e m b e r


AG r i c u Lt u r e

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Kevin Sorenson, MP, Minister of State (Finance) meets with John Masswohl from the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and Greg Bowie and John Buckley representing the Alberta Beef Producers in the Lobby of the House of Commons in Ottawa on November 19, 2013. ECA Review/Submitted

Free trade with Europe

by Kevin Sorenson, M.P., Crowfoot Many constituents are talking about the Canada-European Union trade agreement. Given the fact that our riding is strongly based in agriculture, we will be one of the chief benefactors of a free trade agreement with Europe. Over my tenure as your Member of Parliament, a major concern in our region of Alberta has always been the cultivating of the next generation of farmers. I am glad to hear that many of us already recognize that free trade with Europe is the biggest incentive for future farmers and ranchers in our region since the years of the wheat boom. It is already estimated that the trade agreement will boost Canada’s economy by $12 billion annually – the equivalent of creating 80,000 new jobs or increasing the average Canadian household’s annual income by $1,000. It will give Canadian businesses in every sector and region of our country access to more than 500 million new customers in Europe, creating thousands of new jobs for Canadians. It is without a doubt that the CanadaEuropean Union trade agreement will be the biggest deal Canada has ever made. Canada has always been an ‘exporting nation’ and our exports are currently responsible for one out of every five jobs in Canada. Trade offers Canadian consumers a greater choice of lower-priced goods and services. Historically, trade has always increased Canadian


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prosperity and boosted our standard of living. When Canada trades, our whole country becomes more competitive, as: prices for goods and services fall; wages, salaries and our standard of living rise; businesses can hire more workers; and Canadian families benefit from greater choice and selection in goods and services. The elimination of European Union tariffs in the agricultural sector will present great opportunities for beef and grain producers who export to the EU. I recently met with the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Alberta Beef Producers and the National Cattle Feeders Association. They have been working diligently on this file and closely with Alberta Conservative Caucus. I am pleased that they are already preparing for Europe’s specific protocols and working to ensure Canada’s ranchers satisfy other technical conditions. I was impressed with the Cattlemen’s knowledge, progress and foresight regarding the Canada-European Union trade agreement. The trade agreement will make Canada one of the only developed countries to have preferential access to the world’s two largest markets – the European Union and the United States. It will make Canada even more attractive for investors and manufacturers, which will create jobs and opportunities for Albertans and all Canadians. We can all be proud of this momentous achievement.

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Halkirk, AB

ECA r e v i e w

Bigbrother. Introducing the newest member of our family – the GrainCart 1322XR by Brandt.

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AG r i c u Lt u r e

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3

BeefTalk: Fall pregnancy exams tell the story By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, North Dakota State University Extension Service Last week, one set of 72 beef cows came off the pasture and was brought home to the Dickinson Research Extension Center ranch headquarters. The cows’ trip through the chute was fast. Their average weight was 1,482 pounds, with a condition score of 5.3. Of those that were pregnant, 55 are projected to calve in the first 21 days of the calving season, starting on May 10, 2014. The remaining 10 pregnant cows are projected to calve in the second 21-day calving period. Of those cows that are pregnant, 85 percent are projected to calve in the first 21 days of the calving season. Is that a good number? Well, the CHAPS benchmark average is a little more than 63 percent for those herds that are enrolled in the North Dakota Beef Cattle Improvement Association. There always are good and not so good breeding seasons. However, since the center has been breeding in August for May calving, the breeding seasons have been good. Some would say, “Knock on wood,” while others would say, “I told you so.” However, the fact is that the cows are breeding well in late summer. Not all is perfect because seven of the cows were open. If the cows are going to breed, it seems like they breed quickly and those that don’t breed quickly simply don’t breed. In reality, the number of opens is greater than one would want, but it is

indicative of a major problem. The cows were exposed to the bulls for approximately 45 days (Aug. 1 to mid-September). The open rate was 9.7 percent, while the CHAPS benchmark would suggest a 6.5 percent rate is more typical. Given the disappointment that the open rate was a little high, one cannot help but be extremely pleased with the first-cycle conception rates. As was experienced last year, those 72 cows that the center is breeding in August have good first-cycle conception rates. Cattle reproduction is not simple, but there are several ways to measure or identify a positive or negative influence on herd production. Keep in mind that the number of cows calving in the first 21 days of the calving season only evaluates those cows that calved or are pregnancy checked in the fall as pregnant. The CHAPS benchmarks have been presented yearly as composite five-year rolling values and provide the industry with some typical values to evaluate individual producer operations. The CHAPS benchmarks for the number of calves born within the first 21 days of the calving season is 63.4 percent. In looking back to last year, 89.2 percent of the cows at the center calved within the first 21 days of the May through June calving season. The bulls were turned out on Aug. 1, 2012, and the start of the calving season was set at May 10, which was 283 days following bull turnout. May 31 was

considered the end of the first 21 days of the calving season. The center certainly was anxious to see if the excellent early conception rate would repeat. Now that the cows are home and pregnancy checked, once again the cows have bred in a very timely fashion. The conversion of the center’s cows to the May calving program was accomplished by maintaining the current cows while culling open or late cows. Maybe there are some cows that do not breed well in August, which may account for the increase in the number of open cows this year. However, that probably will remain an unanswered question until the center has more data. In reality, those cows that do not breed well are self-eliminated in any beef cattle system, and the same would be true for those breeding in August. Even though the numbers are limited to the center’s data, it still is remarkable that breeding cows in August and early September, followed by calving in May and early June, is doable. The fact that the cows bred quickly is the point. That is a plus and certainly worth discussing. Again, for those cows having conceived within 21 days of bull turnout, there is at least a 22 percent advantage for the cows that will calve or are projected to calve based on this fall’s ultrasound pregnancy exam, compared with the long-term CHAPS benchmarks. If this trend continues, it would be a

Agri-News From November 13 to November 24, 2013, at least three major snowstorms swept across the province. The hardest hit agricultural areas were found in a large band extending from Grande Prairie to Red Deer, with many areas experiencing up to a foot or more of new snow. High mountain areas saw even greater accumulations with some stations recording upwards of 75 mm of precipitation, or nearly three feet of new snow. “The 11 days leading up to November 24, 2013, saw appreciable amounts of precipitation in most areas south of Peace River and north of the TransCanada Highway,” says Ralph Wright, manager of Agrometeorological Applications and Modelling Section, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. “A large area west of Edmonton, lying between Whitecourt and Lacombe, received upwards of 50 mm, bringing total snow pack accumulations in these areas to well above normal for this time of year.”

Winter is here in full force with snow packs in many areas north of the TransCanada Highway near normal to well above normal. The areas with low soil moisture reserves are already getting a good start for the spring melt. “While the full force of winter is upon most of us, take heart in the fact that the days will be getting longer in four weeks,” comments Wright. Interesting facts: On November 19th, 2013 high in the mountains, the Lost Creek South station located near the continental divide, west of Stavely, recorded more than 45 mm of precipitation over a three-hour period, which is nearly two feet of snow. On that same day, the total precipitation measured was 73 mm or about three feet of snow. Out on the plains between November 15 and November 17, the Battle River Headwaters station, located just southwest of Pigeon Lake, recorded 33.7 mm of precipitation. That’s over one foot of new snow. Since November 14, this station has

recorded 54.7 mm of precipitation which is equivalent to about two feet of new snow. In comparison, the normal precipitation accumulations for the entire month of November is just over 20 mm or about eight inches of snow. Maps corresponding to this moisture update can be found on the Moisture Situation Update webpage. Additional maps can be found on the ACIS website. Near-real-time hourly station data can also be viewed or downloaded. Note: Data has about a two hour lag and is displayed in MST (add one hour for daylight savings time) Did you know that you can now track local storms on a site that is updated every 10 minutes? The Google map interface that can be found on Alberta Agriculture’s website allows you to zoom right to your area with storm track accuracy, generally within about 1000 meters. To view this feature go to : http://www.agriculture.

Alberta moisture situation as of November 24

AFSC Client Appreciation Day

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very positive effect of later calving. That trait alone should keep beef producers pondering if later calving would fit into their operation. Good reproduction does not offset the weight gain of a calf born 60 days earlier. Mid-March and April-born calves are heavier because of their age. More pounds means more dollars. There also are other questions such as bull fertility during latesummer high temperatures. However, at least for a couple of years, the cows are coming home pregnant and then calving well. However, the challenge remains, which is managing lighter-weight, weaned calves with enough gain through backgrounding to achieve sufficient operational dollars. May you find all your ear tags.


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• • • •

Wednesday, December 18 @ 12:00 PM Bred Heifer & Stock Cow Sale Featuring: X Anchor Bar Ranch with 60 Red and RBF Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls on June 20th. 5H Ranching with 14 Black & BBF Second Calvers, 10 Black & BBF Heifers Bred to Black Angus Bulls on July 10th for 60 days. Ian McNinch with 60 Black & BBF Simmental Angus Cross Heifers Bred to Red & Black Angus Bulls on June 25th for 60 days. Mike Legace with 50 Black one iron Heifers Bred to Black Angus bulls. Start calving on April 1st. Ed Flahr with a complete dispersal of 320 head. 40 Tan, Red & RBF Heifers bred to Red Angus Bulls on June 10th. 40 Tan, Red & RBF second calvers. 60 Tan, Red & RBF third & fourth calvers. 180 Tan, Red & RBF mature Cows. All cows are Bred Charolais & Red Simmental. Bulls were in on May 15th. Anchor P Ranch with 35 Black Heifers Bred to Black Angus on July 5th. 80 Black cows Bred Black Simmental on July 5th. Helgason Farms with a dispersal of 50 Black Cows Bred to Black Angus Bulls from June 18th to August 20th. Doug Henderson with 35 Tan & Red Cows Bred to Red Factor Charolais from June 15th to September 15th. Walter Chapman with 20 Simmental Charolais Cross Cows and 20 Simmental Red Angus Cross Cows Bred to Red Angus Bulls on June 25th. Friday, December 20 @ 9:00 AM Last Regular Sale of 2013 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE SALES AND OUR UPCOMING SALES CONTACT PROVOST LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE @ 780-753-2369 OR CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE @ WWW.PLECATTLE.COM

18 D e c e m b e r


ECA r e v i e w

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Ph. 403-578-4111 • Fax. 403-578-2088 Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). Reach 24,700 homes with your classified. This includes For Sale, For Rent, Card of Thanks, Coming Events, etc. Payment Necessary All Classified Ads are on a Cash Only basis and must be prepaid before running. There will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. We accept cash, cheque, VISA or MC. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. The Review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads All classified ads must be received by 5 pm on Mondays preceding publication. For Too Late To Classifieds ad must be received by 10 am Tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to Box 70, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0.

Real Estate

QUARTER Section for Sale. SE 2-38-11-W4. This quarter has 1800 sq. ft. house, 1500 sq. ft. heated metal shop, barn with steel corrals, shelter belt, pasture, hay and oil revenue. Phone 1-888-881-1188 AMISK Hotel for sale by owner, minutes from busy Hardisty on Hwy. 13. VLT’s, ATM on location. Priced to sell. 403-323-9989 or 403-882-2202.

Mobile Homes

SHOWHOME Spectacular! We want you to own a wonderful former showhome at a fantastic price. 1672 sq. ft., too many features to list! $169,000. Ready for immediate delivery; 148 Eastlake Blvd., Airdrie. 1-800-4617632.

For Rent

HOUSE for rent in Coronation, 5016 Norfolk Ave. 5 bdrm, 3 bathrooms. $1200, utilities included. $1000 damage deposit. Available immediately, Barb Weiss 780-7819955, call anytime.


COIL-BOUND Phone Book coming out in early January. Have you only a cell phone no land line? This handy little phone book covers the communities of Altario, Consort, Veteran, Coronation, Castor and Halkirk. Call today 403-5784111 for your listing.

Canadian Firearms Safety Course Instructor available at your convenience. For more information contact 403742-4405/403-740-6370

C l a s s i f i e d s email:

2013 BABY Register to be published in the January 16 issue. Email or send info along with baby’s photo. Please write your baby’s name on the back of the photo if mailing or dropping off. Parents’ names; city/ town; postal code; ph #; baby’s name; date of birth. Include $26 plus GST, cheques, visa, or MC accepted. Make cheques to ECA Review. Email office@, or bring to the Coronation ECA Review office at 4923-Victoria Ave., or mail to Box 70, Coronation, Ab., T0C 1C0. Call 403-5784111 for more info. Photo & Ad deadline: Mon., Jan 13, 2014

METAL ROOFING & Siding. Very competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888263-8254. STEEL BUILDINGS/ metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206; www.


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activities Convenor

Plan and implement a variety of recreational activities for adult residents Competition Number: CF-13023-CS Position Type: Permanent Part-Time Date Closed: December 16, 2013 Salary Range: Min: $21.10/Hr Max: $25.54/Hr

Compassionate care with Catholic values. We are Canada’s largest Catholic provider of healthcare, operating 18 facilities in 12 communities across Alberta.

View this job opportunity @ Human Resources Toll Free: 1.877.450.7555

Provide companion duties to individual(s) residing in long term care facility that are between the ages of 18-65. Planning and coordination of activities such as shopping, going on recreational outings or community events (depends on the individual clients needs). The aim of your activities will be to promote and maintain suitable community access and involvement.

Companion / Therapy Assistant

Posted Date: November 26, 2013 • Close Date: December 11, 2013 • Job Type: Temporary, Part Time • Salary: 20/hr • Who Can Apply: Open to the public. Contract Position • Hours of Work: 10 hrs/week • End of Temporary: Scheduled to end approx. March 30 • Date Position is Available: Immediately This position may be combined with the Casual Companion Position posted by Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital. Responsibilities: The Therapy Assistant will be required to provide personalized care for a specific individual, within a hospital environment. Care duties will include, but not be limited to massage, range of motion exercises, active movement and recreational activity. Activities will be conducted under the direct supervision of a Care team, including Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Recreation Therapist Qualifications: • High School Diploma required • A current Criminal Record Check, including a Vulnerable Sector Search • Experience or training working with disabled clients preferred • PCA / HCA or Therapy Aide training desired. Please apply directly to Brenda Brigley, Clinical Manager, Covenant Health Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital • Box 329 Castor AB T0C 0X0

check us out online

Town of Stettler - Job Opportunity PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CLERK (Full Time, Maternity Leave, 15 Month Term)

• Clerical support for the Planning & Development department. • Clerical Support for the Operational Services department as required. • Respond to inquiries for information from developers, contractors and general public on Land Use Bylaw regulations, applications for development and building permits. Assist Development Officer in the review of development applications and ensures that the notice of decisions are placed in the local newspaper. Assist the Development Officer in processing of subdivision applications. • Assist with Development Agreements and tracking of the same. • On a monthly basis prepare information reports on inspections, orders and permits, record keeping, and monthly reporting to other agencies. • In coordination with the Development Officer administer the terms and settlement of Town land sales. • Secretary to the Municipal Planning Commission and Subdivision Development Appeal Board: prepare agendas, attend meetings and record minutes. • Maintains Business Licensing System. • Assists with front counter and telephone reception duties. • This job description is not a definitive enumeration of its scope, but represents a general overview of what can be expected in this type of work. The incumbent may be required to perform duties that, although not directly related, are recognized by the Town of Stettler as a component of the position. The ideal candidate will have the following:

Like helping people?

Your Calling is at... Our Lady Of The Rosary Hospital, Castor is looking for:

Recreation Therapist

WHEN APPLYING: Please submit your résumé by 2400 hours on the closing date, quoting the Competition Number

Compassionate care with Catholic values. We are Canada’s largest Catholic provider of healthcare, operating 18 facilities in 12 communities across Alberta.

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Feed and Seed

WANTED. Hannas Seeds seeking distributors for forage, turf, native and reclamation seed. Good commissions. Contact Dave at 1-800-6611529 or HEATED Canola buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252.

Casual Companion - Castor, Alberta Private Contract Position For CAPCC - Community Access for People in Continuing Care Position Summary: Approx 15 Hrs/Month - could potentially increase or decrease depending on client needs and activities

Reporting to the Planning & Development Officer essential duties and responsibilities will include:

Our Lady Of The Rosary Hospital, Castor is looking for:

Salary Range: Min: $34.33/Hr Max: $45.70/Hr

FOR SALE: 30’ gooseneck flat deck with beaver tails; 20’ bumper pole with 5’ beaver tails, aluminum ramps; 16’ car hauler; 12’ aluminum tilt deck; 14’ cargo hauler. Hoff’s Trailer Sales, Three Hills. Contact 403-4431544 or 403-852-8856.

Covenant Health Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital 2 JOB POSTINGS

The Town of Stettler is seeking an individual who is interested in filling a full time, maternity leave 15 month term position as a Planning and Development Clerk.

Your Calling is at...

Competition Number: CF-13022-CS Position Type: Permanent Part-Time Date Closed: December 16, 2013


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Human Resources Toll Free: 1.877.450.7555

• • • • • • •

Minimum grade 12 with post-secondary education Effective communication and organizational skills The ability to work with the public in an effective and pleasant manner Be self motivated Familiarity with Land Titles procedures Competent in MS Office AutoCAD experience an asset

Interested applicants should forward a resume in confidence and three references by 1:00 p.m., Monday December 16, 2013 to: Leann Graham Planning and Development Services 5031-50 Street, Box 280 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 P: 403-742-8305 F: 403-742-1404 Thank you to those persons in advance who submit applications, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

c l a s s i f i e d s/Ca r e e r s

ECA review

Business Oppt

RANCH HAND worker HOME BUILDING needed in a large cow/ Center, Red Deer. calf family operation Building supplies HOME BASED north of Consort. Some Estimator/Salesperson Embroidery Business experience with cow/ for mostly residential for less than $10,000. construction. Building Get started in the pro- calf management. Driver’s license and supplies experience motional products references required. essential. Familyindustry. Work from House with utilities pro- owned business for 40 home on your schedvided. Call Tyson @ years. Call Rob 403ule. Call Nicolle at 780-385-4060 or Barry 343-6422. Email: 1-866-890-9488. 780-385-1880 rob@executivehbc. 4940 SQUARE foot com. IRON WING Holdings industrial shop for sale Ltd. now accepting TJ LOGGING of or lease. 5140 Dixon resumes for Whitecourt, Alberta is Ave., Swan Hills, Journeyman Mechanic now taking resumes for Alberta. Located on 2013 - 2014 logging and Class 1 Tank 1.95 acres. $849,900. Truck Drivers. Send season. Experienced MLS#32267. Phone resume: Attention: buncher/skidder/limber/ Brenda McLeod 780Laurier Laprise. Email: process operators 268-7653. or required. Please fax fax 780-396-0078. resume to 780-778GET FREE vending 2428. machines. Can earn ROCKY MOUNTAIN $100,000. + per year. Dodge and RV is now All cash-retire in just 3 accepting resumes for years. Protected territo- the following positions: TRUE Psychics! For ries. Full details call Product Advisors, Answers call now 24/7 now 1-866-668-6629. Inventory Control Toll Free 1-877-342Website: www.tcvend. Manager, Service 3036; Mobile: # 4486; Advisor. Please send com. http://www.truepsyresume to: salesmanTURNKEY Business and building for sale. DATING Service. LongBOOKKEEPER 4600 sq. ft. Mostly required for Whitecourt, term/short-term relaantiques, used papertionships. Free to try! back books, new digital Alberta company. Fullphoto lab and specialty time, competitive sala- 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, ry, benefits. Complete coffee shop. Main knowledge of accounts Call #7878 or 1-888Street Barrhead. 780534-6984. Live adult receivable, invoicing, 674-5508. 1on1 Call 1-866-311accounts payable, entering & paying bills, 9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. payroll & benefits. Fax resume 780-778-2444. 1-877-804-5381. (18+). THE LEAF @ 4746-49 EXPERIENCED St. in Hardisty Ab. is hiring full and part time Equipment Operators required for oilfield servers for work in the MEIER GUN Auction. construction company. restaurant/pub setting. Saturday, December Knowledge of oilfield Duties include taking 21, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A lease, road building. orders, serving drinks, Ave., Edmonton. Over Competitive salary food and clean up. 150 guns - Handguns, benefits. Safety tickWages $10-12/hr rifles, shotguns, wildlife ets, drivers abstract based on experience mounts, hunting and required. Fax resume plus tips. No experifishing equipment. To 780-778-2444. ence necessary. consign 780-440-1860. JOURNEYMAN Please email resume Automotive Service to admin@theleafcorp. Technician(s) in Hanna com or call 780-385Alberta. 5555 12345Hanna THE ROSENHEIM Chrysler Ltd. offers Historical Society presTHE LEAF at 4746-49 Call or email to book an appointment competitive wages St. in Hardisty Ab. is from $32/hour, negotia- ents Karen Fawcett, The Darling Diva - An hiring full and part-time ble depending on old-fashioned cooks for Western experience. Bright, Cuisine and related 780.490.6262 modern shop. Full-time Christmas Concert with traditional carols Thurs. kitchen duties. Wages permanent with beneDec. 12, 7 pm @ St. $13-15/hr on fits. Friendly town just Norberts Church experience plus tips. 2 hours from major Rosenheim. Tickets No experience necesurban centres. More $15. For more info. sary. Please email info at: hannachrylser. resume to admin@the- ca. Fax 403-854-2845; contact Adah Fawcett, 403-577-3818 or Lois or call Email: chrysler@telus780-385-5555 Specht, 780-753-6697


Help Wanted


3” wide version

Online Tutoring Coming Events All Ages. All Subjects.

3.75” wide version

Online Tutoring All Ages. All Subjects. 12345

Call or email to book an appointment 780.490.6262

URGENT Valley Ski Hill needs to fill the following positions:


to start ASAP@$14-18/hr (8hr shifts to cover 24hour snow making)

Lift Attendants:

Contact: • Loren @ 780-583-2154 start date TBA@ $14/hr snow makers and lifties) Rental shop staff: (for •Velma @ 780-385-4126 start date TBA@$ TBA (for office staff / rental shop) Office staff: • or email Start date- mid-December @$14/hr

MARRIED IN 2013? If so, take part in our 2013 Wedding Album published in the Dec., 19, 2013 ECA Review. Deadline, Fri. Dec 13. No charge. Makes a great keepsake! Include Newly Weds’ Names; Date of wedding; location of wedding and where you currently reside. Please email, mail or drop off your photo to:; or Box 70, Coronation, Ab., T0C 1C0, 4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation, Ab. To ensure good reproduction, good quality colour or black & white photos only. Close-ups work best. Write your name on the back of your photo. Photo will be returned if you include a self-addressed envelope or indicate that you will pick up photo after Dec. 30.

MIDWEST PROPANE is currently seeking

Truck Driver to operate in central Alberta.

Class 3 Drivers license and all relevant oilfield Safety Certificates required.

Please apply with resume to:

Midwest Propane rimbey, Ab. Call: 403 843-8430, Fax: 403 843-8460 or by email to:

MIDWEST PROPANE is currently seeking

Gasfitter to operate in central Alberta.

D ece m b e r 3.75” wide version

Coronation/Stettler, Ab



a div. of Kokotilo Holdings Inc. Funded in part by the Government of Canada.



Prism Integrated Solutions Inc.

is currently hiring for the following positions:

• Journeyman or Apprentice Welders • Assembly Staff • Sandblaster - experienced preferred, but will train • Experienced QC Manager for welding and assembly inspections and data collection Email resumes to or fax to 780-582-3922

Class 3 Drivers license and all relevant oilfield Safety Certificates required.

Please apply with resume to:

Midwest Propane rimbey, Ab. Call: 403 843-8430, Fax: 403 843-8460 or by email to:

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Gendarmerie royale du Canada

Detachment Services Assistant 3 & Traffic Services Assistant Royal Canadian Mounted Police Detachments in Athabasca, Killam, Redwater, Smoky Lake, Tofield, Two Hills, and Westlock, Alberta And possible future vacancies for Eastern Alberta District Open to persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is currently recruiting for permanent CR-05 positions for Detachment Services Assistant and Traffic Services Assistant. The starting salary will be $49,387 per annum (pro-rated). The closing date for applications is December 8th, 2013 at 23:59 (PST). Please quote reference number RCM13J-011758-000003. A pool of qualified candidates will be established and may be used to staff future vacancies for various locations within Eastern Alberta District (North East Alberta). For more information about these opportunities, a list of Eastern Alberta District detachments and how to apply, visit or call Infotel at 1-800-645-5605. For more information about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police see We are committed to Employment Equity. The Public Service of Canada is committed to developing inclusive, barrier free selection processes and work environment. Vous pouvez obtenir ces renseignements en français.


2014 Programs: Programs: 2014

Nursing, Corrections, Massage Nursing, corrections, Therapy, and more!

Massage Therapy and more!

Enter online for a chance to win an iPad yourfor college needs! Enter for online a chance to WIN Likeyour us on college !!! an iPad for needs! like us on !!!

Employment Opportunity at

Tri-Ag Implements, Consort Tri-Ag Implements in Consort is looking for a Journeyman or Apprentice Agriculture or Heavy Duty Technician. Qualifications include computer and diagnosing skills, be able to work as part of a team and as an individual. Must have a valid driver’s licence and experience is an asset. Must be comfortable being on call and with long hours in the busy season. Benefits include Company Health Plan, RRSP Contribution Plan, Tool Allowance, Apprentice training benefits. Tri-Ag Implements has 25 years experience in the Ag Industry. As a company, we are constantly sending our technicians to training across North America, as well as years of experience among one another.

Please contact: Lucas Latimer Service Manager Bus:(403) 577-3899 • email:

20 D e c e m b e r


Coming events

c l a s s i f i e d s/Ca r e e r s

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.



FAST AND easy loans! Bad credit accepted! Get up to $25,000 on HOME-BASED DO YOU need to boryour vehicle, mobileBusineses. Want to be row money - Now? If listed in our very own you own a home or real home, land or equipment. 1st and 2nd small coil-bound phone estate, Alpine Credits mortgages. www.bhmbook so your clients will lend you money 403-879can find your phone It’s that simple. 1-8779929. number? You can have 486-2161. your listing under your BANK SAID no? Bank CRIMINAL Record? product name for $15; on us! Equity Think: Canadian paror bold it for $20. Mortgages for purchasdon. U.S. travel waiver. es, debt consolidation, Display ads also available. Call now for more (24 hour record foreclosures, renovacheck). Divorce? info. 403-578-4111. tions. Bruised credit, Simple. Fast. self-employed, unemNEED TO advertise? Inexpensive. Debt ployed ok. Dave Province wide classiFitzpatrick: www.alberfieds. Reach over 1 mil- recovery? Alberta 587-437lection to $25,000. lion readers weekly. 8437, Belmor Calgary 403-228Only $269. + GST Mortgage. 1300/1-800-347-2540; (based on 25 words or www.accesslegalreless). Call 4111 NOW for details.

TALBOT Christmas Party Sat., Dec 7, 2013. Potluck supper 6 pm, Santa @ 7pm ALZHEIMER Support Group session for family members, friends and caregivers (past and present) of someone with the Alzheimer/ Dementia disease looking for answers and support. Come for coffee and fellowship Monday, Dec. 9, 10:30 a.m. Golden Age CropIn Centre. For more info call Val Cornell 403-578-2013. Sponsored by the Silver Club and CDSS.

Clearview Public Schools (Clearview School Division No. 71)

requires a

ACCOUNTANT (Accounting Technician) Competition No. 5566

Clearview Public Schools is accepting applications for the position of Accountant at the Central Office in Stettler. This is a full time CUPE (7 hours/day, Monday - Friday) position. This is a temporary position for one year with the possibility of permanency. The anticipated start date is February 2014, or as negotiated. Full details regarding this position and how to apply can be found on the Apply to Education website at Deadline for all submissions is noon on December 20, 2013. We appreciate all applications but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

“Join our Team”

Tankstore Ltd. Located at Halkirk, AB

Would like to peruse your resume. If you are an experienced Structural Welder who would like a new experience to broaden your skills you are just what we are looking for, we are looking for people with a: • Strong work ethic • Pride in the finished product TANKSTORE has been in business since 2001 and takes great pride in being a tank supplier for the Alberta Oil and Gas Industry. • Competitive wages • Benefits package • Great group of employees PLEASE EMAIL YOUR RESUME:

BAIRD DENTURE CLINIC LTD. 5021-50 St. Stettler

(403) 742-2351 by appointment only

Dennis Baird, D.D.

DROWNING in debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation; www. or toll free 1-877-5563500. BBB rated A+. GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www.

Check us out for all your Real Estate needs!! Commercial, Residential, and Farm & Ranch

ss a l G

iding rs • S o o D ows • Wind

Based in Hanna for 33 years PLATINUM

Local Toll Free 403-854-4414 1-800-463-3148 Locally Owned & Operating since 1980

Sat.: 9 am - 5 pm Sun.: Noon - 4 pm

WEEKEND SPECIAL 12 Pk Pop $4.99 (8 am thurs. - 4 pm Sun.)

Little Gap Septic Service

Little Gap Septic Service

4901-50 St. Castor, AB 403-882-3388

Roger E. Johnson Enterprises Inc. - Appliances - Electronics - Insurance - Telus Mobility -

Serving East Central Alberta Brett & Lana Twa

4809-50th St., Consort, AB

Cell. 403-578-8451

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

Ph. 403-578-3157


Tell them Danny Hooper sent you

Red Deer, Calgary (New Government water well grant starts April 1/13) Time Payment Plan O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment

1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at

check us out online


Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors JEFF M.FAUPEL, B. Mgmt., C.A. MONICA N. FAUPEL, B. Mgmt., C.A.

Chapman and Co. Professional Accountants LLP

Guy Chapman CA* Chris Annand, CA* Kendra Walgenbach, CA* Naomi Roth, CGA* 4702 51st Ave, Stettler, AB

Phone 403-742-3438 Email: Fax 403-742-0560

Western Canada’s Largest Insurance Broker



Dr. Huang Dr. Sribney 8am to 5pm Fri.

403-742–6741! 4906-51 St.!

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Walk-ins welcome Accepting New Patients

Coronation, AB

5016 victoria avenue



Dr.McIver In Coronation

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Coronation, AB

Call Anytime for Appointments

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Serving the Big Country

Main Street Hanna, AB

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Big Country Construction & Building Supplies Ltd.


Bay 5/6 - 7667-50th Ave., (1/2 block N. of the old location)

Service Wise We Specialize

403-742-5237 Stettler, AB

Coronation Mall Wed. - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.


1-800-267-5601 for appointment

9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Located in Coronation Mall

“Honesty, Dignity and Respect when it matters most.” Sylvie Tremblay, Funeral Director



Everything for the Hunter, Fisherman or Camper

Professional Directory

Jeff M. Faupel, B. Mgmt., C.A.* Monica N. Faupel, B. Mgmt, C.A.*

Safety Program Development audits for cor & Secor

RED DEER 34-sport (347-7678)

Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis System

12345 - Within 150 miles of Edmonton, Water Well Drilling

Visit our website at: for more details. Our Company has an enthusiastic fast paced working environment, with advancement possibilities for the motivated person, and offers an excellent benefit package. fax: 403-742-5544 e-mail:

Guardian Drugs - Killam 403-854-4456

ECA r e v i e w


Petrof ield Industries, t he Leader in manufacturing Hydrovac trucks, is accepting resumes for the following positions: * General Labourers * Industrial Painters * Sandblasters * Material Handler * Automotive Electrical Technician * Journeyman Welder / Apprentice * 2nd Yr Welder with Aluminum experience * Production Manager

Business Directory Castor Sheet Metal Rexall Plumbing Mon.-Thurs.: 8 am - 6 pm & Heating Fri.: 8 am - 8 pm

3.75” wide version

• Custom New Homes •All Farm Buildings • Renovations • Windows and Doors • Overhead Doors & Service • Retail Sales Quality Customer Care


5117 Victoria Ave. • Ph. (403) 578-2928 • Toll Free 1-888-578-2928



403-742-4431 Toll Free 1-877-742-4431

E.Roger Spady BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Coronation Mall Coronation, AB

578-3131 Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

PARKVIEW FUNERAL CHAPELS & CREMATORIUM Your Funeral and Cremation Professionals Fully Licensed Associates Verna Rock/Corinne Nattestad

403-578-3777 Dean Ross 5018 Royal St. Owner, Director, Embalmer Coronation, AB.

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3


Magically, the lost city of Machu Picchu appeared Hello all. True to the opening message in our last update, it has taken us quite some time to write this next update.


The India highlight for the past few months has been the monsoons. They start in early May and finish in September, with June and July being the wettest months. It surprises us how a place can have rains almost daily for three to four months and then basically no rain at all for the rest of the year - and this keeps happening year after year. We had heard a lot of horror stories as to how bad the rains are, but other than a few very wet days, they were quite refreshing. One day we decided to take a walk and while walking up Mount Mary hill, the skies did open up and the volume of rain was phenomenal. The runoff down the steep hill was about four inches deep and in one place water went rushing into an open manhole and then a hundred feet down the hill the water comes gushing out of another open manhole. The lesson learned is to stay clear of manholes when it rains. The one part that does take some getting used to is the humidity. Some of the house hold services available are daily delivery of fruits and vegetables, fish, bread and milk, eggs, groceries and Gordon’s all time favourite - beer delivery. We have quite limited English

television and the only sport (if you can call it that) on the television is cricket (lots of reruns).

Spain and France

decided to take a six day trip to Phuket Thailand. The flight time is not much longer than going from Edmonton to Phoenix and at this time of the year there are unbelievable bargains. We were pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness and quietness of this island off the coast of the mainland. We

went back there until mid September to continue meeting with friends and family. Gordon was only in Alberta for five days and while travelling there he contracted a viral infection which caused fainting, extreme tiredness and a bronchial infection. Perhaps the most disturbing side effect was the loss of taste buds for red wine.

In May we met up with our sons in Madrid. This is a great tourist city and easy to feel comfortable in. The subway system makes it very easy to get around. Gordon, Darren and Kyle went to a bull fight. One of our Peru sons said they no In August we went longer hurt the bulls to Peru with eight - wrong. It was a bit friends. The first disturbing so that few days were in one is ticked off on Lima. We then flew the list and will not into a mountain city, be revisited in the Cuzco - about 10,000 future. feet altitude - where We then went to we spent a few days Valencia for one getting conditioned week, saw a soccer for a four day 45 game (or is it footkilometre hike on an ball?), cycled a lot, ancient Inca trail to etc. Gordon and Kyle then headed Deb and Gordon at the iconic peaks of Machu Picchu in Peru, after the lost city of home whilst Darren their four day trek on the Inca trail. ECA Review/Submitted Machu Picchu. The trail is and Deb went to mainly stone steps, Barcelona. Darren there is no such thing as flat land then went to Portugal for surfing spent our time bargaining for clothes in markets, riding elethere - you are either climbing up and Deb rented a car and toured phants, touring scenic islands by or climbing down. The summit is the Pyrenees mountains in boat, canoeing through sea caves at about 14,000 feet so the climb France and made her way up to into secluded ponds, etc. This is a up is quite demanding, but most Paris where she met up with place we expect to return to of us thought that the climb down Darren again and our Canadian before the secondment is over. the following day was more diffiresident friend who operates a cult - it takes about four to five barge in France during the Alberta hours of climbing down steep summer months. In early August we returned to steps to get to the next camp site. Thailand Canada for a “stopover” on our Overall our group did very well On a whim, in early July we way to South America. Deb then on the hike.

Season’s Greetings From Your Neighbourhood Businesses

During the Christmas Season more than ever our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. And, in this spirit we say, simply but sincerely, Thank you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

The Staff of Bashaw Sports would like to send thanks to all our customers who have supported us this year. We hope all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Bashaw Sports

Main St., Bashaw


Our guide later confided in us that when he first saw our ages (50 to 67) he was quite worried as the average age of the hikers is about 30 years old. The real incentive to do well is that is you give up, you have to ride a donkey back to the start point where you go past all of the other hikers! On the fourth day we woke up at 3:30 a.m. and then started the hike to a mountain top where we sat and waited for the sun to come up and the fog to lift. Then magically the lost city appeared before us - one of the most spectacular sights we’ve experienced in all of our travels. We then flew, bussed and boated into the Amazon where we stayed in a hotel room that has three walls. The back “wall” was open to the jungle where we could watch monkeys and other wild life move about. At night the bed had a mosquito screen to protect us from the elements (Gordon made sure he put on shoes when getting up at night time as there are spiders, snakes and other crawlies in the jungle). Over this four day period we saw alligators, parrots, macaws, tarantula spiders, possums, big rat like - pig like things, bats, sloths, etc. The trip home then began. From start to end it took Gordon 40 hours of travel to get to Mumbai (no more complaining about those seven or eight hours trips). The others returned to North America. Take care, Namaste Deb and Gordon

With the true meaning of Christmas in our hearts, we would like to offer our best wishes for peace, happiness and prosperity to you and your family. - Gloria & Staff




Innovation And Excellence In Manufacturing (403) 884-2001 • Halkirk, Alberta

A Note of thanks at the Holiday Season. We are especially grateful for the loyalty and support of people like you, and would like to express our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Stettler, AB (403) 742-8822

May you be filled with the true spirit of Christmas - its peace, its joy, its love - and may the significance of that first holy Christmas be ever present in your heart.

We're Sincerely grateful for your loyal patronage

C&D Oilfield Construction Ltd. and staff Chris 403-854-6344 Quinn 403-854-6324

22 D e c e m b e r

Season’s Greetings 5'13

ECA r e v i e w

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

From Your Neighbourhood Businesses

Each Christmas, it’s our tradition to thank those who have supported us throughout the year. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Merry Christfrmomas

Stettler, AB 403-742-4399 866-742-8558 Toll Free

4411-59 St. on Hwy 56 South Stettler • 403-742-4540 Open: Mon.-Thurs. & Sun. 10-10; Fri. & Sat. 10-11

Season’s Greetings

All Gotta Go!

Peter, Merlin & Vicki wish you a very Merry Christmas followed by an incredible New Year.

May you enjoy all the best of the Christmas Season with family, friends and neighbours - Brenda, Kamile & Conrad Vegter.

Boys Financial Services

(403) 742-6450 Stettler, AB

403-742-1037 Stettler, AB

Brenda’s Cozy Cafe

Thanks to all of our customers from the sales team at Stettler, AB (403) 742-4477

Wishing Everyone a w Year! Merry Christmas & Happy Ne 4913 - 50th St. Stettler, AB

find us on


May your holidays be filled with joy and may you all find peace and serenity TMthis Christmas.

I want Money for Life.

Merry Christmas! Murray, Christy and the staff of

Baird Do you want to learn Denture how to run a multi-million 403-742-2351 Clinic • 403-742-3555 • Stettler, AB Mortgage protection • Critical illness insurance • RRSPs • Mutual funds 5021-50 St., Stettler, AB

dollar business and have fun doing it?


our goals. Let’s talk about Money for Life.TM


ervices Inc. ell: 403-741-4440 the sun

ancial Investment Services (Canada) Inc anada, 2013.

Brennan Autobody Repair Ltd. send our sincerest Thanks and Warmest Wishes for the Holiday Season and throughout the New Year.

Kayla Yaschuk*

The holiday season is a time of celebration, relaxation and being with the ones you love. We wish you all that and much more this Christmas.

We hope that you and your family can be together this holiday, Merry Christmas!

- The Staff at Stettler Boston Pizza


Baltimore Financial Services Inc. Bus: 403-742-1199 Cell: 403-741-4440



Community Relations Coordinators

Stettler Boston Pizza 6711 - 50 Ave., Stettler, AB 403-742-3300

*Registered trademarks of Boston Pizza Royalties Limited Partnership, used under license. †Registered trademark of Boston Pizza International Inc. ©Boston Pizza International Inc.

Delivery Drivers




Season’s Greetings ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

D ece m b e r 5 ' 1 3


From Your Neighbourhood Businesses

From our family to yours - wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas holiday. - from Randy & Cindy Long and family


CR Glass Ltd.

From our Family to yours - Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas Holiday and a Happy New year.

4607 - 59 St.,

Stettler, AB 403-742-2520

Dojangs in Red Deer, Stettler, Alix, Veteran, Bashaw • Training Heartlands Warriors since 1989 Ages from 4 years UP, Family Discounts • 403-588-6478 •

May you be filled with peace and happiness during this special time of year.

Coronation Seed Cleaning Co-op Ltd. BOARD & STAFF Phone 403-578-3810 Fax 403-578-3041

May the peaceful beauty of this holiday season bring great happiness to all.

4608 - 44 Ave.,

Stettler, AB

Glen Hartel

Merry Christmas & All the Best in 2014.

Stettler 403-742-4284 • Hanna 403-854-4333 • Drumheller 403-436-0312

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

GT Hydraulic & Bearing Inc.

Seasons Greetings!


PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS LLP 4702 - 51 Ave., Stettler, AB • 403-742-3438 •

Merry Christmas & All the Very Best to You in 2014


302 - 1St Ave East, Hanna, AB • 403-854-2955

Serving you for

3806 - 46 Ave Stettler, AB

403-742-1707 B E A R I N G 21 years

MERRY CHRISTMAS May your holiday season be filled with peace and serenity, and may the New Year hold wonderful surprises.



Rick Strankman, Critic Tourism, Parks & Recreation MLA Drumheller-Stettler

At Christmas it’s customary to thank those who have helped us throughout the year. In this spirit, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to our clients and friends.


All the best to you and yours wherever you go this holiday season. Thank you kindly for your loyal support.


All the members of our team would like to offer their Warmest Wishes for this holiday season.




Hanna Chrysler Ltd. & R.V.




Ph (403) 854-3141 • Fax (403) 854-2845

Management and staff would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


An Approved GM Dealer

HANNA MOTOR PRODUCTS Ph. (403) 854-4427 Toll Free 1-888-426-6246 Hanna, AB

Hwy #9 & Palliser Trail

24 D e c e m b e r

Season’s Greetings 5'13

ECA r e v i e w

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

MERRY CHRISTMAS from our entire team

On behalf of our entire team, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We would like to wish Season’s Greetings to one and all. May the New Year be filled with happy surprises for you and your family - the Management & Staff

OK Tire & Auto - Castor 403-882-4040 To all our loyal customers, we wish a very merry season and a prosperous New Year.


From Your Neighbourhood Businesses


403-577-3599 • Consort

EVE HALF RI Tri-Ag Implements PRICE C ALE Marilynn





Box 115 Consort, AB T0C 1B0 Tel: 403-577-3899 Fax: 403-577-243

On behalf of all our staff, we wish you a very happy and safe holiday season, and look forward to serving you in 2014.








Wainwright Liquor & Cold BeerBeautiful Store Ltd. Exquisite

1206 Main Street, Wainwright, AB (780) 842-5752 Ladies Diamond 14 kt Earrings Gold EXTRA Bulova .75 ct tw

Season’s Greetings!DAYS3

We would like to wish our friends, family & customers a very Merry Christmas. We thank you for your support and look forward to serving you in the new Year.

SPECIAL Watch SPECIALS Was $1,620 We hope that each moment of this Now $750 INCLUDE ONLY holiday season will bring happiness SAVE to you and your families. $ Season’s Greetings!


Derek & Marie Wade

4304-44 Ave.



Now $1,100



Jewelery with a personal touch

Main Street, Stettler

Sun., Dec. 15


MainMa 403-742-2635



entire Store* * See in store for details

Seasons Greetings from calvin & Sherry warnock & Staff

no minimum purchase necessary X-mas hours: Dec. 24 (8-6), Dec. 25 (CLOSED), Dec. 26 (10-6), Dec. 31 (8-6), Jan. 1 (CLOSED)

Pharmasave bee well bee & Store manager rhonda

HUSKY Open 24 Hours

All of us would like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

- From the Staff at Hanna Husky

107 Palliser Trail, Hanna • 403-854-3360

Woody’s Automotive 403-742-NAPA (6272)

Stettler, AB

On behalf of our entire team, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Timeless Elegance Salon & Spa

Hair by Marie • LoriLee’s Hairstyling • Esthetics by Stephanie • Angel’s Massage Therapy and Healing Centre

4709 - 58 St., Stettler, AB • 403-742-5512



May the New Year begin with a sense of renewal and may all your dreams come true.

Hanna, ab 403-854-3711


Was $2,600

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