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See FLORIDA, page 29 Volume XLI,

See SIGNATURES, page 8

Issue 13

February 18, 2014

Student Association elections in March Giorgio Berbatiotis The Chronicle


tarting several weeks later than they have historically, Student Association elections will be held in March, from the 10th when nominations open, to the 27th when the last polls close. But little has been done to give notice to unfamiliar students who may be interested in one of the $33,000-ayear executive positions. Students can run for an executive position or a position on the board of directors. The executive positions are full-time salaried positions with many perks and responsibilities. The various responsibilities of the executives and board can be seen in the general bylaws of the SA, and have been altered by recent bylaw changes. The rules of the election are to be approved by the mostly unelected board on the recommendation of the election committee. Multiple members of the election committee have resigned since it was struck by the board on Oct. 8. This means elections this year are being run largely by appointees of a mostly unelected board. In addition, among the controversial bylaw changes that were passed at the Nov. 5 AGM, was a change making the new executive director, Dina Skvirsky, the chair of the election committee. This bylaw change is unprecedented, and has been criticized as it guarantees the executive director a constant and influential position on the important committee. Decisions the committee makes can

have a huge impact on the election that determines who the executive director’s boss will be. But Skvirsky says there is nothing out of place about the change. “My job is to chair the meetings, not actually vote, so I just make sure the meeting is carried out in an orderly manner. I don’t actually make any decisions.” The details of the chair’s authority have yet to be confirmed for this year. In the last election, the chair had the authority to vote in tie-breaking situations, however the chair was a student representative chosen by committee vote last year, not the executive director, a position which didn’t even exist then. At the time, the role of executive director was filled by general manager David Cook. Governance structures were later changed after Cook resigned, at the time he called the SA “a broken organization from so many different perspectives”. To run a campaign students must first get, fill out and return nomination forms within the nomination period of March 10-14. The nomination forms for the various positions usually require a number of signatures from students who wish to nominate a candidate for a position. Candidates will then attend an “all candidates” meeting on the 17th, where traditionally they are given more information and consult with the chief returning officer, who has yet to be announced. March 18 will mark the beginning of campaigning on campus, which will continue through until the end of voting, which starts March 25 and ends March 27.

Buy a pint, win a jersey

Shane MacDonald

GO FOR GOLD: Rachal Cobierski, lead security, and Kristin Mitchell, beverage manager at E.P. Taylor’s, pose with an authentic Steve Stamkos Team Canada jersey to be raffled off in an Olympic promotion.

Learn how you can win, page 9

Tax increase on smokes Students weigh in on cigarette price hike Joe LeBouthillier The Chronicle


Christopher Burrows

COSTLY SMOKE BREAK: Paul Mayhew stands outside enjoying a smoke. Mayhew says the increase in cigarette prices is not a motivating factor for him to quit smoking.

he federal government has increased taxes on all that is tobacco, which includes cigarettes, chewing tobacco and, yes, even cigars. Between now and their 2018-19 fiscal year, the government expects $3.3 billion in revenue from the new tax hike. “It’s going to drive more

people to quit,” said Kristina Wright, a first-year Nursing student. Shermaine Ellis, also a firstyear Nursing student, said she is against it because she’s a smoker and that it’s taking money out of her pocket. However, she was planning on quitting smoking anyway. With cartons of cigarettes increasing by $4 each, Project Management student Katie Brouwer is perfectly fine with it. “I lived in Nova Scotia for three years,” said Brouwer. “It’s $5 extra per pack there, so I’m fine with the prices here.” One student in the Law Clerk program at Durham College is neutral on the increase. “It’s a taxable commodity,” said Jochen Bobris. “It’s a purchase tax. It’s one of the rules we subscribe to, being a Canadian citizen. If you don’t

like it you can quit smoking or you can purchase import cigarettes. Too much is a subjective answer. It’s how much is the consumer willing to pay for the product.” Students on campus do want to quit, although for some price is not a factor. “Yes, I want to quit,” said Paul Mayhew, a Project Management student. “Will the price make that much of a difference? No. Price is not a motivating factor for me. What would be a motivating factor would be a bad report from my doctor.” For students who want to take the initiative upon themselves to quit smoking, Leave the Pack Behind is available to all students and faculty. LTPB can, and will, provide smokers with the necessary amount of nicotine needed to help them quit smoking.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


DC gets perfect score in audit Panel impressed with criteria, gives two commendations Christopher Burrows The Chronicle

The results are in, and Durham College came out on top. During the board of governors meeting on Feb. 12, 2014, Durham College president Don Lovisa officially presented the board with the results from the college’s Program Quality and Assurance Audit (PQAPA), which gave the college a perfect score. The audit took place from April 2 to April 4, 2013 and was administered by the Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS).

According to the Durham College website, the auditors spoke with select students and faculty from the Journalism - Print and Biomedical Engineering Technology programs. They also toured the campus and met with members of the college community, including the DC leadership team, board of governors and staff and administrators from the student services departments. “We just completed it (the PQAPA) and we got the highest rating you can get in it,” Lovisa said in a previous interview with the Chronicle. “We’re absolutely thrilled with that.” Lovisa also said the PQAPA is a five-year process in which OCQAS evaluates the quality process, policies, what they (the college) does to support professional development for faculty and how to ensure programs stay current and are meeting the standards set by the industry.” According to Lovisa, when the audit was done 5 1/2 years ago, the college wasn’t as successful at that time in achieving the highest standards. However, he adds that they have done a lot of work

ensuring the quality and relevance of programs has improved. There are six criteria the audit focuses on: program learning outcomes, academic policies, compliance with government policies, program delivery and student evaluations, resource distribution and program quality review. According to the report presented to the board of governors last Tuesday, the PQAPA final audit report states “the audit panel was impressed with the college’s quality assurance process and policies, and, as a result, Durham College successfully met all six criteria and received two formal commendations.” The first commendation acknowledged the opportunities for faculty development offered by the Centre of Academic and Faculty Enrichment (C.A.F.E.). The second recognized the implementation of the Integrated Student Services Model and the support services offered at the Student Services Building. “The commendations will be listed as best practices on the OCQAS website, and used as reference for other colleges in the system,” the report added.

Being a mentor for black youth Sinead Fegan The Chronicle

For the fifth year in a row the diversity office at Durham College has raised awareness of the black community by hosting a day-long Black History Month event. On Feb. 6, guest speakers from the black community and student’s from local high schools such as Maxwell Heights and Henry street, came to the campus for the event. The guest speakers, black professionals, spoke about their career decisions, the struggles they went through and their educational journeys. Allison Hector-Alexander, diversity officer at the college, partnered with The Congress of Black Women, Oshawa and Whitby chapter, after they approached her explaining that they’ve been hearing black students in the community don’t always see professionals who look like them, or the professionals that do aren’t always accessible. Together they came up with the idea to provide this opportunity for the students. “As a group, many times you forget the contribution that black people have made in the communities,” said Hector-Alexander. “It’s not necessarily something we talk about. We celebrate a lot of other things, so why not create a medium for younger people, so that they can recognize there have been contributions? It’s really an education piece as well as a contribution piece.” With about 12 speakers, the day offered a lot of experience from different viewpoints in the working world. The students seemed very engaged as they heard how these important people got to where they are today and the struggles they had to face. Jason Vassell, professor in the School of Justice and Emergency Services, spoke about how he grew up calling himself a “joker” in high school, which caused him not to graduate. When he realized he wanted to become a police officer he knew he’d have to smarten up and be dedicated to achieving this goal. “Don’t look at everyone as a threat. Work twice as hard as the next person and be willing to become a mentor,” he said. “If you’re not putting effort into

Sinead Fegan

LEADING BY EXAMPLE: Clive Deonarine, a firefighter for the past 10 years, was speaking to students at the black history month event about how he got to where he is today. the small things you won’t be successful and get the big things.” After Vassell went back to school and got his diploma he was hired by the RCMP in Saskatchewan. This experience made him realize teaching is what he wanted to do with his life and is what brought him to Durham College. He wanted the students to see they have to set themselves apart from people with “poisonous views” and “destructive paths” to achieve the things they want in life. Ingrid Miller, another speaker, explained how throughout her time in the paramedic program in Sarnia, she worked very hard to achieve her goal of working for Toronto E.M.S. However, once you graduate from this program students face a long hiring process. Miller applied last year and made it to the last step of the hiring process, but didn’t receive the position. She explained to the students that no matter

what gets thrown at you, don’t give up trying to get to where you want to be. “Even though you get disappointed you have to put that aside,” she said. “If you know this is what you want to do, keep trying.” One of the last speakers was Melodie Molton, the only black female police officer on the road in the Durham Region. She spoke to the students about her struggles in finding a job. Molton originally went to school to become a sound engineer. She knew she wanted to be in this area of work since she was 10 years old because of her love of hip-hop. After coming out of high school she only applied to one program and was rejected the first year. Applying again the next year Molton got into Fanshawe College and graduated successfully. However, since there weren’t any jobs, Molton didn’t pursue her dream and was heading into her 30’s without a steady job. So she end-

ed up going back to school to become a court officer. Just when she thought her luck was failing she received a call and an offer to become a police officer in Durham Region. “My failures really led to my success. I really thought I wasn’t going to get a real job,” she said. “When I finally received that call on my birthday, with the offer, I couldn’t be happier. I knew this was where I needed to be.” Throughout the event students got to hear how these black people in the community got to where they are today. They learned the different scenarios that will help their decision throughout their life, and the paths they should take, as opposed to the ones they should avoid. “We learned that no matter what, you have to be ambitious and set goals for yourself,” said Kenya Gayle, a student from Maxwell Heights. “Stand out for the right reasons.”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Feds offer funding for schools Brad Andrews The Chronicle

The new federal budget will apply to the whole country but some parts touch closer to home for UOIT and Durham College. On Feb. 11 the Conservative government presented its budget for the coming year which included several incentives for post-secondary institutions and their students. Increases to funding for research, post-secondary placements and changes to financial aid requirements are some benefits this campus may see in the future. UOIT officials were most enthusiastic about the possibility of the university getting access to some of the new funding for research programs. The budget, through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, proposes to offer $1.5 billion over for the next decade for research projects at post-secondary institutions. With $50 million already earmarked for the 20152016 year, Michael Owen, vicepresident for research, innovation, international, praised the government’s actions. “I would congratulate the government for continuing to invest in post-secondary education, particularly in the research and innovation agendas,” said Owen. Besides the research fund, Owen pointed out a $46-million commitment to federal research granting agencies, such as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), which could also benefit research here at the

university. While Owen said it was too early to say whether UOIT could see any additional funding he thought “top notch” programs like UOIT’s Clean Energy Research Lab would make excellent candidates. “We anticipate we’ll be able to get some of that money and most of the money that we get, through faculty research grants, will go to support our students,” said Owen. The budget’s benefits don’t just target universities. $10-million was also committed towards colleges for applied research. Durham College President Don Lovisa is hopeful the college could see some of that money. He attended a meeting in Ottawa outlining the new federal investments and reiterated that it’s too early to say whether the college will benefit from it, adding “the devil is in the details.” Still, considering post-secondary education is in the realm of provincial authority, Lovisa praised the federal government for its actions “Any time the federal government can give the colleges some good fiscal resources for research it’s very welcome, especially at Durham,” said Lovisa, who pointed out the college does close to $2-million a year in research and any investment helps students. Also included in the budget are changes to the Canada Student Loan Program, which means students who own their own car applying for financial aid no longer have to claim the value of their vehicle in their applications. The government website claims this will affect

Brad Andrews

RESEARCHING REHAB: Kinesiology masters students Julianne Baarbe and Danielle Andrew demonstrate the equipment in the Human Physiology and Rehabilitation Lab on undergraduate Harrison Kloke. Kinesiology is one of the programs that could benefit from more research funding. upwards of 19,000 students and was welcomed by Chris Rocha, the director of financial and student awards for Durham College. “Basically it will probably be providing more funding to students,” said Rocha, who noted previously the amount of mon-

ey students could be awarded would be affected by the value of their vehicle. “With us situated in a semirural area we have some students where the only way they can get to school is, perhaps, by vehicle so this is obviously a good thing.”

Besides investments to research the government also set aside over $100 million in the budget to support apprenticeships and internships for postsecondary students. How and if this funding will reach UOIT and Durham College students will be clear over time.

SA president censured for conduct Shane MacDonald The Chronicle

The Student Association held an emergency meeting Feb. 13 to address concerns about president Peter Chinweuba’s conduct on his personal Facebook page and his violations of SA policy. The president was formally censured for sharing a post filled with what some SA members are calling hate speech against the LGBTQ community, which was brought to attention on his official SA President page and sparked outrage. “I sincerely apologize for any hurt caused by my sharing of a status that was obviously offensive to people in the LGBTQ community,” said Chinweuba in response to the outrage. Mikki Decker, the newly appointed DC director of the SA, who chairs the pride committee at DC and UOIT, recalled when Chinweuba attended one of her meetings and pledged his support and how happy she was to have the president on her side.

Shane MacDonald

MAKES HIS CASE: President Peter Chinweuba made an apology to the LGBTQ community for comments made on his personal Facebook page. “Here I am today, and I am absolutely disgusted,” said Decker. She added, “When you are part of the SA you are representing everything it stands for, so all the policies, all the procedures. I would never post something like that or even like

it or share it in regards to anyone, any culture, any issue.” Other concerns raised in the motion included the president’s frequent absenteeism, his excessive vacation time, failure to call executive meetings and excessive use of SA resources permitted to SA executives.

Jeremy Baarbé, VP of university affairs, distributed binders as thick as books to each of the SA board members giving examples of these concerns. “These irregularities come together to paint a very concerning picture,” said Baarbé. The motion passed resolved

that the president must check in with executive directors at the beginning and end of each work day, as well as limiting his access to SA resources beyond what is outlined in the bylaws and SA employee handbooks. The board of directors also removed the president’s ability to negotiate or enter any contracts on the SA’s behalf. The president voiced his belief that he would be fired from his position following the meeting but Baarbé said that in order to impeach a president the SA requires 10 per cent of the student population’s support and would have to hold an election, which makes no sense financially as the 2014 elections are fast approaching. The board of directors willl make the executive committee, excluding the president, available to the LGBTQ centre to discuss an appropriate course of action. As a parting message to the students Chinweuba said, “I had no intent of hurting people and I admit that I am wrong.”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

Publisher: Greg Murphy Editor-in-Chief: Gerald Rose Ad Manager: Dawn Salter


Editorial Page

Newsroom: Room L-223; Ext. 3068 E-mail: Chronicle.News@dc-uoit.ca Advertising: Room L-223; Ext. 3069 E-mail: dawn.salter@durhamcollege.ca

Richard East

Minimum wage, maximum benefit Increase will attract work ethic aswell as experience Last month the Ontario Government decided to raise the minimum wage by 75 cents effective July 1, 2014. This raises the floor for wages in Ontario and is a delicate topic. Many groups have said that $11 per hour, which is 16 per cent below the poverty line, is not enough and have been advocating for an increase to $14. But businesses argue that raising the minimum wage will force them to cut jobs or increase prices in order to compensate for this increase in wages. Dave Bryans, chief executive of the Ontario Convenience Stores Association said in a Toronto Star article that the increase to $11 per hour should

not lead to higher prices for consumers. But he also said if the wage had increased to $14, stores would have closed. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives also released a report in 2013 showing youth unemployment in Ontario was among the highest in Canada. For those aged 15-24 the unemployment rate is between 16 and 17 per cent. Any drastic actions with regard to the minimum wage could drive these rates even higher and as students are struggling with record-high tuition fees already, any income is a better than no income. There is no immediate answer to the minimum wage question, but this raise is a solid starting point to working out

a solution that is good for both sides. According to a report by the Wellesley Institute, the number of Ontario adults working for minimum wage more than doubled between 2003 and 2011. For a position that has traditionally been dominated by students and young workers, this does not bode well. As more people start to depend on the minimum wage, it changes from a starting wage to something that people need to live on. This means there needs to be a change in the attitude toward minimum wage. In an article in The Globe and Mail, Mauro Mila, vicepresident of Bruno’s Fine Food in Toronto, said they have

trouble getting part-timers at minimum wage with the proper skills and work ethic. There is a very simple solution to this problem, up the pay to attract people with the talent and skills that you require. Minimum wage jobs should be those that require little to no training or experience. If there are skills that are required of a job, then those skills should translate into a better wage. A gradual increase in the minimum wage that brings workers up to the poverty line will also give businesses the chance to adjust to increased wages. Further increases should also be tied to inflation, as was recommended by the Mini-




Christopher Burrows, Samantha Daniels, Ryan Verrydt, Matthew Jordan, Kelsey Braithwaite, Andrew Fliegel, Brad Andrews, Sarah Pugsley, Shane MacDonald, Sam Baker, Sean O’Leary, Luke Callebert, Catherine Legault, Rebecca Watson, Kate Hussey, Reshanthy Vijayarajah, Richard East, Kathryn Boyle, Aleksandra Sharova, Jesmarnin Lafuente, Giorgio Berbatiotis, Amy Lai, Matt Mazer, Riyad Alli, Luke Callebert, Dan Cearns, Francis Viloria, Colin Lack, Tim Morrell, Sinead Fegan, Katrina Owens, Courtney Williams, Teanna Dorsey, Keshyla Reddick, Joey LeBouthillier, Will McGuirk, Sadia Badhon.

Ryan Verrydt

dvertising design:

Chelsea Bastien, Alexandra Beaubien, Chantelle Hitchings, Mark Bugay, Shannon Castel, Gavin Clark, Taylor Craik, Chris Dupuis, Sadie Harper, Andrew Kritotis, Olivia Kulbaka, Kurtis McAleer, Carley Mclaughlin, Brianne Mitchell, Raechel Mohns, Alisha Nurse, Alyssa O’hara, Tai Soo Chan, Richard Topfer, Lenay Van Boxtel, Tori Vieira.


he Chronicle is published by the Durham College School of Me-

dia, Art and Design, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7, 721-2000 Ext. 3068, as a training vehicle for students enrolled in Journalism and Advertising courses and as a campus news medium. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college administration or the board of governors. The Chronicle is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association.

Publisher: Greg Murphy

mum Wage Advisory Panel and has been promised by Premier Kathleen Wynne. Raising the minimum wage alone does not do enough to help people with low income. As Andrew Coyne suggests in the National Post, expanding on existing tax and income benefits is another avenue to consider and helps people in all low-income situations, not just those making minimum wage. This has to be the first step in a series that helps to lift people from poverty and adjust to the changing demographic that earns the minimum wage.

Editor-In-Chief: Gerald Rose

Advertising Production Manager: Kevan F. Drinkwalter

Feature Editor: Ginny Colling

Photography Editor: Al Fournier


dvertising sales:

Jenna Abraham, Sandi Bates, Kathryn Bean, Robert Biggar, Meghan Bullock, Mike Burton, Meggan Camacho, Michelle Cameron, Ed Castiblanco, Jillian Clarke, Sarah Cochrane, Kayla Crawford, Catherine Demmer, Samantha Forster, Courtney Holmes, Jason Ly, Kirstyn Matika, Lauren Mizgala, Michelle Philpott, Vinh Phoxay, Hayley Reynolds, Shawnie Schroetter, Sharon Tan, Madison Verscheun.

Ad Manager: Dawn Salter

Technical Production: Darren Fisher

The Chronicle

February 18, 2014



Winter’s here, spread the salt Oshawa needs to make sure the walkways are safe bylaws. In the case of Oshawa, the by-law clearly states it’s the responsibility of Catherine “the owner” of the property. That could be a business, such as the Legault college, or a house owner. The bylaw further states that clearing and salting of the sidewalks should be I have lived in Oshawa for two years done as often as possible. Failure to do so can result in the city and the weather has always been laughremoving the snow and ice at the resiably mild to me. dent’s expense. However, this winter Oshawa looks Fines for not obeying the by-law rage frighteningly similar to that in the town from $300 to $25, 000. where I was born and In neighbouring comraised: Sudbury. munities the bylaw is simiThe temperatures and After the ice storm, lar, and clearing sidewalks conditions during the ice most people probably is generally the responsistorm were typical of the bility of citizens. winters I experienced liv- accumulated a lifetime In Clarington owners ing in that north Eastern of experience slipping have as little as 16 hours to community for 20 years. on ice and landing on clean up the snow and ice One glaring difference after it stops falling. between Oshawa post- their backs... Oshawa gives until the ice storm and Sudbury is midnight of the first day of how people deal with all snowfall. that snow and ice. However, the fact After the ice storm, remains residential most people probably accumulated a lifetime of experience slip- sidewalks are almost never cleared and ping on ice and landing on their backs. salted, meaning anyone who has to walk The thing is, that’s not supposed to ever has two options. You can walk on the sidewalk propbe an issue. Sidewalks should always be salted or erly, trudging through snow and ice, cleared as dictated by the municipality’s risking injury.

Alternatively, you can walk on the services offered by the city that will help. Clarington has such services for seniors road and risk getting hit by a car. The danger of not salting sidewalks and the physically disabled. Landlords may take care of snow recan be serious. Common injuries are as moval for student rentals. minor as bruises. Usually this will be specified in the However, common causes of concussions are falls and people can break lease. It was in the case of both of my their wrists, fingers or arms by landing previous landlords. If not, ask them to help you or pick up on them. Last year I slipped walking along the the shovel yourself. It’s unreasonable to ask someone to sidewalks in my neighbourhood and used my dominant hand to break my salt and clear the sidewalks of the entire neighbourhood, but if people just fall. cleared the areas they While I did not break are supposed to, pedesit, I was unable to use it trians would have a far properly for several hours For the safety of easier time. afterwards. Shovelling a small Clarington and Oshawa yourselves and your section of the sidewalk both have road salt avail- neighbour, we should able for free to residents. all be salting our side- and salting it would add maybe 10 minutes to the Other municipalities in walks and helping snow clearing routine. the area likely have simiPersonally, I think lar plans in place, so the with the snow clearthat’s a small sacriidea of wasting road salt is ing... fice to make to ensure not a valid reason. you, your neighbours Besides, according to and anyone else passthe Canadian Tire webing through don’t hurt site, a 10 kg bag of road themselves. salt costs $3.49. The typical Canadian winter is not For the safety of yourselves and your neighbour, we should all be salting our going anywhere. sidewalks and helping with the snow Might as well try and make it less clearing if physically able to. dangerous for everyone and thus a little For those who are not, there may be more enjoyable.

Be careful what you put online Sharing every moment on Facebook is dangerous

You’ve read all about uncle Billy’s ice fishing trip, you’ve seen the photo of the traffic jam your friend Mickey’s facing on the 401, and that plate of fruit Carmen posted of her breakfast sure looks nice. It’s too bad your breakfast consisted of dry cereal since you forgot to buy milk. We forget each little thing we post online is fair game for everyone to see. The average person has more Facebook friends than they speak to in real life. In a society that likes to share everything we do through social media, many don’t see anything wrong with having hundreds of people know what they ate for dinner last night, or how they made out at the dentist. It’s a wonder why we even ask people what’s new or how they’re doing when we probably already know.

There was a time when friends would get together to hear how things were going in

Kate Hussey each other’s lives, to share big news, personally announcing the expecting of a child, what new job they started, or how their vacation went. Now friends can find out the details of your life in the posts they scroll past. Doesn’t that completely destroy the joy of sharing news? Half the fun of hearing a friend’s good news is seeing their reaction, and a smiling emoticon isn’t quite sincere enough. We open the door to miscommunication each time we make a spontaneous post.

A fast-typed response can be read as angry or rude and can even offend some people. Friends aren’t the only people with the option to read about your week from the comfort of their living room. Distant acquaintances, and even strangers can see exactly what’s going on while you might forget they are even on your Facebook friend list. We tag ourselves in the exact locations we’re at, announce to everyone when we will be out of the house. That’s just asking for trouble if the wrong person gets their hands on that information. Safety is important, especially in this day and age. Keeping a hint of mystery about what we’re doing in our lives can be a positive thing. Posting online without careful thinking could affect a student’s reputation and possibly

ruin their future employment opportunities. Labour laws in Canada offer strong protection from employers who demand your personal information and social media passwords, according to the CBC, but that doesn’t stop employers from searching through the posts that you have not hidden with Facebook security features.

We are so set on showing the world what we are doing, we sometimes forget to stop.

Friends may also have compromising photos of you on their account, and if their ac-

count is not set to private, a future employer could easily find those photographs while scrolling through your friend list. We are so set on showing the world what we are doing, we sometimes forget to stop and enjoy it. When we see something intriguing, instead of experiencing it we find it more important to snap a picture. Finally, when we’ve sent the picture off, tucked our phone back into our pocket or purse, the moment is gone. We’re being social in the social media world, but being anti-social in the real world. It’s great to keep in touch with our long distance friends and relatives, but sometimes we could benefit by pausing before we post and ask, “Do I really need to share this information?” and “Will I someday regret sharing it?”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Campus effort seeks donors Richard East The Chronicle

Male students from Durham College and UOIT lined up to volunteer to swab their mouths on Thursday for One Match stem cell and marrow network to help find more suitable donors. Young males only make up 12 per cent of the donor base for stem cell transplants, creating a great need for volunteers specifically between the ages of 17 and 35 and different ethnicities. The ethnicity of the volunteer is important because there are racial markers in stem cells, which means a donor and a patient must share the same ethnicity for the procedure to work. Unfortunately for some international students you require your provincial health care to be able to donate. “I’ve been doing this stuff in my country as well. I was donating my blood but here I cannot because it states that as an international student you have to have spent three in years in Canada in order to donate your blood,“ said Mayur Singh, an international student volunteer. According to volunteers, you could have 50 donors and

Richard East

DOING THEIR PART: Aisha Rana, right, a volunteer for One Match collects four swab samples from Jordon Hall outside the computer commons. only find one match. It takes a month to place donors in the database and it can take up to 15 years to match up a donor and a patient. With a thousand patients in need in Canada, the process can seem difficult but luckily it’s simple to donate. Candidates need only to fill out a quick questionnaire, be in

good health and use four swabs in four different places in their mouth. Within the first 40 minutes they had already received 15 candidates for donations. “I saw on the Durham College website that they were going to be doing this, and that they were specifically looking for men,” said Jordon Hall, a

third-year student in sports management. “Though it’s more catered to those with ethnicity, I still thought that I could come and do something to help out. It doesn’t take that much time at all. You just come by, get swabbed, they send it off and if they need it they’ll contact you.

It’s 10 seconds of your day for something like this.” One Match hopes to have collected swabs from a hundred candidates today and is confident it will reach its goal. “It gives me a great sense of joy. It may be a small thing to you but it might be a life to someone else,“ said Singh.

New hotel offers opportunities Will McGuirk The Chronicle

Across the street in 1944 author Roald Dahl stayed at the now empty Genosha Hotel, while he worked on the historical records of Camp X, the Second World War spy centre. The Queen Mother was also a guest at the Genosha in 1939. It’s been some time since downtown Oshawa had a hotel worthy of notable visitors but La Quinta has rolled out the welcome mat. The boutique style hotel quietly opened in Nov. 2013 on King Street right opposite the defunct Genosha and has been operating at almost full occupancy since, says director of sales, Francesca Vazzaro. With three suites among the 59 rooms available, guests have included modern celebrities but their privacy is respected she says. Suffice to say the hotel’s proximity to the General Motors Centre and the Regent Theatre makes it a convenient choice for touring acts. Vazzaro says she has been surprised at the range of visitors and the variety of reasons given for checking in. Guests have included UOIT/ Durham College faculty, students staying over while they search for more permanent housing, bands performing in

Will McGuirk

STUDENT CO-OP: Durham College Hospitality Management student Alyssa Satar doing her co-op at La Quinta, a boutique hotel opened in downtown Oshawa. town at clubs and the aforementioned General Motors Centre, family and friends of sports teams playing in the area including tournaments at the Oshawa Curling rink and a recent cheerleaders convention, people undergoing treatment at Lakeridge Health, plus contractual workers at the many new projects underway in Durham Region such as expansion at the Darlington nuclear plant and the construction of Hwy 407.

The Oshawa location is only one of two in Canada although La Quinta is the fastest growing hotel chain in the United States. Richmond B.C is home to the other Canadian operation.There are 59 rooms in the three-storey building; thirty doubles, twenty singles, plus the three suites. Six of the rooms are for people with disabilities says Vazzaro. “Everything is low. We have washrooms for people in wheelchairs. We are new and people

will tell us more and more things that need to be done to the rooms. We are probably the most advanced of hotels because they have to redo their rooms but we have built from scratch. We have fire alarms for people who visually or hearing impaired.” All suites have queen size feather top beds and standard TV and coffee but kitchenettes will be added soon she says. There is a small gym and meeting rooms also available. There

is also a breakfast area. Room rates are variable but there is special pricing for students. Currently the hotel employs 12 plus a co-op student from Durham College’s Hospitality Management program. Vazzaro’s background in hospitality and event management landed her the position at La Quinta Oshawa she says. “I had a sporting event management company. We arranged executive corporate events to all the major sporting events like Formula 1, the Masters, and the Superbowl. We were buying hotel rooms for clients. Eight years ago I moved to Brooklin, Ont. (north of Whitby). I was looking for something and wondering if I should move into the city or try and find something local. I saw a little ad and met the Viranis and we hit it off,” she says. Alyssa Satar is spending her placement at La Quinta. She is in her last year of the hospitality program based in the Whitby Campus. “It’s an very interesting environment,” says Satar. “Its not the greatest view in the world,” she says as she stands at the front desk looking across at the darkened Genosha Hotel, “but where we are located is nice and the inside, its a lot nicer. The building itself . . . and everyone too that I have met.”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Take your education abroad Aleksandra Sharova The Chronicle

Emerald-green colours, the shamrock, traditional Irish tunes and dance – no, it wasn’t the annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration. It was the Study in Ireland event. Durham College welcomed representatives from Irish colleges and universities, who answered questions and provided information about academic opportunities in Ireland Monday, Feb. 10. Students could choose from a wide range of programs and courses of different Irish postsecondary institutions, located in Dublin or other parts of the country. Mairead Murphy, marketing and development manager at Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, said, “We want to talk about high quality of education. Our degrees are internationally recognized. “We provide really good service for international students when they come or visit us in Dublin or in other parts of the country. So, there are good elements of support from the international office.” Students, who have completed either a two- or threeyear diploma in Ontario, have opportunities to continue their education in Ireland. “What we are trying to do,” said Murphy, “is to make your step [to progress in] Ireland as assured and compact as possible.” During information sessions representatives from six institutes of technology gave detailed information about visa application process, student accommodation, fees and the education system in Ireland. “Tuition fees have been agreed and are the same across all institutes – €7,500 (roughly $11,000). “All institutes of technology filled out the OSAP paperwork, so if you are eligible for OSAP funding, you can use that to pay your fees in Ireland,” said Murphy. Companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Pfizer, Apple, Microsoft, Intel and many more have chosen Ireland as their European base, and they are looking for skilled, educated and highly capable employees. Part-time positions of 20 hours a week are available for those who wish to work during their stay in the country. According to Peter Robertson, representative from Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology, students can apply for a one-year poststudy work visa in Ireland. Ciara Halliday, marketing executive at Enterprise Ireland, said to those who are still contemplating about continuing

Aleksandra Sharova

CONTINUING EDUCATION IN IRELAND: Mairead Murphy, marketing and development manager at Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, doing a presentation during the Study in Ireland event Monday, Feb. 10. their education abroad: “It’s totally worth getting an international experience. “It could be any country. But Ireland firstly is very friendly and hospitable. You are never going to have problems making friends. “All of the colleges have very strong clubs and societies… And then we are recognized for education.” For programs starting this September the closing date for receipt of application is May 31. To get more information about studying in Ireland, academic programs and practical details about visa and costs, log on for the webinar that will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 26, and register for a chance to win return flights for two to the Emerald Isle.

Irish Institutes of Technology

Thinking of continuing your education abroad? The following Irish universities might be what you have been looking for: • Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) – situated in Limerick, Ireland’s third-largest city, LIT provides industry-focused programs, as well as affordable accommodation (rents 42 per cent lower than Dublin).

• Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB) – located in Dublin City, ITB offers a broad spectrum of programs, from business, digital media and engineering to social studies, early childhood care and sports management. • Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) – located in the southwestern part of Ireland, CIT courses cover business, engineering science, computing humanities, art and music. • Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design

and Technology (IADT) – Dublin-based IADT provides different programs in business, creative technology and art. The National Film School at IADT offers courses in film, animation, broadcasting and digital media.

• Institute of Technology Sligo – located in the north west of Ireland, IT Sligo has three schools – business and social sciences, engineering and design, and science. • Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) – situated in the southeastern region of the Irish Republic and funded directly by the Irish government, WIT offers a wide range of industry-focused programs. For more information about Irish universities and their academic programs visit the official Enterprise Ireland website at www.educationinireland.com or the Institutes of Technology Ireland website at www.ioti.ie.


The Chronicle

Authors holding classes for student writers

Joe LeBouthillier The Chronicle

Well-known Canadian authors, as well as up-andcoming authors, will be attending the sixth annual Ontario Writers’ Conference in Ajax this May. The conference will feature writers such as Terry Fallis (The Best Laid Plans), the highly decorated Wayson Choy (The Jade Peony), Andrew Borkowski (Making the Scene: Settings for Stories, Big or Small) and many more. For writers who have a strong foundation and want to take their writing to the next level, there will be master classes held on May 2. Master classes will play host to Choy, Nicholas Boothman and Sherry Coman. Other authors that will be there are Gwynn Scheltema (On the Couch: Character Personality Assessment), and Annette McLeod (Plot is a Verb). Choy will also host his own master class for the more experienced writers, and will give a lecture on Living Dangerously: Write What Matters. There will also be a Story Starters Writing Contest. The website for the conference (www.thewritersconference.com) will feature three Ontario artists’ images. Contestants are asked to write a piece based on the images. Each image is separate, so there are three competitions. The top five entries from each one will be displayed at the conference and will be selected by a guest judge on May 3. Those in attendance will read each one and will then vote for their favourite piece. All three winning entries will see their author awarded a prize. Authors of all genres will attend to enjoy challenging, as well as interactive, workshops that cover a wide and impressive range of speakers on the skill and art of writing. The conference will be held on May 2 and 3, 2014 at Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility in Ajax.

February 18, 2014


Signatures saving libraries Dan Cearns The Chronicle

Library issues were the main focus in vendor’s alley on Feb. 10, as students of the Library and Information Technician program held a petition fair. “It’s a class project in the Library and Information technician program for first-year students,” said program coordinator Sue Pratt. “They are running an advocacy initiative in an issue that they are passionate about to get people to take action to make a change.” There were five displays set up, with each group of students tackling an issue on literacy or libraries. Despite it being a diverse field, two of the groups focused on the issue of libricide. In a story on Jan. 3, the Huffington Post found that the Harper government had closed seven out of 11 Department of Fisheries and Oceans librar-

Dan Cearns

STOP THE LIBRICIDE: Library and Information Technician first-year student Alana Small tries to get students to sign her petition against libricide during the program’s advocacy initiative on Feb. 10 in vendor’s alley. ies and that they planned to digitize the materials that were found inside. “It affects everyone’s right to information, because half of the information that he is trying to digitize is too old to be recorded

onto an electronic format anyway,” said Samantha Askew. “What they have been doing is trashing a lot of valuable information. Corporations are now able to do what they wish because there is no information to

back why they shouldn’t do it.“ Askew and Katherine Butler’s petition was one of the more successful of the day, garnering 35 signatures. Their overall goal is 100 signatures, and they plan to send the petition to the local MP when it is done. The other petitions were on restrictions on libraries purchasing E-books, as well as saving Library and Archives Canada. There was also an interesting idea about getting more of everyone’s favourite books in local libraries. “It’s not really a petition as more of a message to local libraries that we want them to be better. We want to show them that we support them, that we want to put books on their shelves that people want to read,” said Ben Sedlak. “This is to give press to authors that need it. We are advocating for better libraries and to make those libraries our own.”

Having sex and being safe

Tim Morrell The Chronicle

Outreach Services had a booth set up all last week on both north and downtown campuses to entice students to engage in an informative discussion on safe sex. Manager of Outreach services, Marisa Mei, addresses their intentions with the booth. “Our goal is about raising awareness about sexual health and sex positivity,” said Mei. “So basically talking about sex in a open and positive way.” Located just above the Wellness Centre, the Sexual

Health Resource Centre is available to students for peer support and ongoing counselling on all areas of sexual health. They also provide safe sex options such as sex toys for those keen to that sort of thing. “The biggest thing about this event is letting people know we’re here,” said Mark Bond, volunteer for Outreach Services. At the booth, they had pamphlets presenting helpful tips for every type of preference or unique situation. “In the pamphlets we have some health tips on everything sexual for transgenders, gays, lesbians and more,” said

Bond. “We also touch on alcohol abuse, smoking, and cancer. So these give you quite a bit of information that you may have misconceptions about until you read up on it.” Bond found the material presented might have had a few students shy about opening up on the subject. “I find people are a bit nervous at the start, but they warm up eventually,” said Bond. Mei found students were certainly interested in the products at the booth but noticed a fair number of students wanted to purchase the items in a more private location instead of Vendors Alley.

“Students are engaged and interested in the products,” she said. “Certainly there’s students who are hesitant to approach us and engage in conversation because of the material we are presenting . . . but if we get a response, we take it as educational opportunity.” Intending to increase visibility for the Sexual Resource Centre, Mei plans for more events on the subject throughout the year. “We collaborate a lot of our ideas. We have our sexual health day coming up in March but I’d say we’ll be doing 15 to 20 events this year on safe sex.”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

Protecting your personal info Sarah Pugsley The Chronicle

Take a moment and look around campus as you walk to class. Everywhere there are smart phones, laptops, iPods and tablets as far as the eye can see. The use of these devices has become routine for a majority of post-secondary students. Not only are they a platform to connect socially, but they also work as tools for research and education. But are students using the Internet and these devices safely? A study done by Princeton University and the Pew Research Centre’s Internet Project in 2013 examined how individuals choose to remain anonymous online and what steps they take to ensure their personal security. The survey involved over 1,000 people aged 18 and over. Among them, the vast majority was aware that their personal information: phone numbers, address, pictures and messages were visible online for anyone to see. Of those studied, 50 per cent were worried about their presence online – a number that has jumped from 17 per cent since 2009. And with the rise of new surveillance legislation in both Canada and the United States, information shared online has become increasingly sensitive.


THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK: Users of social media networks should always check how their information is being used and who has access to it. Allison Rosnak, manager of Communications for Durham College, stresses the importance of being aware of your online presence. “From a social media perspective, students should ensure their accounts have the appropriate privacy settings

Getting into the spirit at E.P.’s Shane MacDonald The Chronicle

Go for gold at E.P. Taylor’s during the Sochi Winter Olympics and win Team Canada gear by buying a pint of Sleeman during any Olympic hockey game. The Olympic promotion features a grand prize of an authentic Steven Stamkos Team Canada jersey and a Bauer Supreme hockey stick to be won in a raffle Feb. 24. “If you buy a pint of Sleeman you get a ballot and the ballot goes into the draw for the hockey stick and the Stamkos jersey,” said Kristin Mitchell, beverage manager at E.P. Taylor’s. “If you buy a pint of Sleeman during either men’s or women’s Olympic hockey there is a secondary draw for the other prizes we have here. The draw is done at the end of the game and that person gets to pick what they want, anybody who doesn’t get picked from

that draw goes into the grand prize.” The draw applies to every game played on the big screen in the pub, not only team Canada games. If games are played outside of the pub’s serving hours, they are replayed later, and drinks bought during the games are still eligible in the draw. Among the secondary prizes to be won are Team Canada T-shirts, toques, jerseys and sweaters donated by Sleeman. E.P Taylor’s is no exception to the Olympic spirit that can already be seen on display any place the games have been playing the past week. “It’s been very busy the last couple of days. We’ve had large groups of students watching all the sports,” said Mitchell She said students can still get in on the draw if they order a big mug of Sleeman on the pub’s Big Mugs Monday promotion.

applied,” said Rosnak. “If their settings are not secure, everyone on the Internet has access to their information and content.” Students should also remember that there is no ‘permanent delete’ button on the Internet. Once something is posted it

could be shared through social media, and although it may not be a big deal at the time of posting, it could come back to affect them in the future. Companies and advertisers who work through social media and websites have access to large masses of personal in-


formation. Whenever you sign up for anything online, you’re prompted to agree to the terms of service which the website operates by. By clicking that little box without actually reading the terms of service, you may be putting your personal information in the hands of someone else. Rosnak says individuals should research any company that requests personal data, including its intent for collecting data, its terms and conditions for using the data and its track record in working with personal data. “There is also an ongoing trend occurring where companies offer online users free services and apps in exchange for personal information,” said Rosnak. “However, somewhere along the line these companies may be looking at collecting revenue from advertisements and analyzing users’ behaviour, references and personal data to target the ads.” Durham College takes steps to ensure the safety of your personal information. One of these steps includes conducting vulnerability tests for the computer systems by outside companies. This way, IT services and communications can assess growing security needs and ensure adequate information security for all data hosted on the college’s digital environment.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Parkwood estate set for renovations Katrina Owens The Chronicle

Right here in Oshawa, at the corner of Simcoe Street and Adelaide Street there are a handful of greenhouses that would give the royal gardens a run for their money. Parkwood Estate, also known as the Robert McLaughlin House, has original greenhouses that are still producing some of Durham’s most beautiful specimens. Parkwood is currently going through a restoration project for the greenhouses. The vinery is being restored and afterwards the other greenhouses on the property will go through the same process. With three growing greenhouses and three display greenhouses, the task is a hefty one. Nancy Lawrence, lead grower and Durham College professor, says these greenhouses have come to the end of their shelf life. Built in 1917 the greenhouses are approaching their 100th birthday. “I’m challenged in a sense in having to grow things,” she said. “The upkeep of the greenhouses is sometimes challenging. Some plants freeze in the winter.” In the late 1970s some of the greenhouses’ original glass was replaced with plastic. Back then it seemed like it would be able to sustain harsh weather conditions. Unfortunately it hasn’t. A hailstorm four years ago was so intense it pierced tiny holes in

Katrina Owens

ONE OF PARKWOOD’S GREENHOUSES SET FOR RENOS: The Japanese garden is the biggest garden of the three display greenhouses. In it are bamboo, coy fish, an array of cacti and a 100-year-old rubber tree. the plastic. UV rays have also tarnished the plastic and discoloured it. The restoration program will be fixing these issues. Contractors will be taking apart the greenhouses, keeping whatever original material they can

Health Centre expansion includes mental health Jesmarnin Lafuente The Chronicle

To help students with mental health issues, the Health Centre at Durham has expanded its services to include psychiatric nursing care along with its counselling services. In a press release distributed by the college, Lindsey Thomas, the Health Centre’s new psychiatric nurse, said college marks the start of many new transitions in peoples’ lives, including moving away from home for the first time, finding independence, new friendships and experiences, as well as a challenging new class schedule, “We want to make sure that we are providing early detection and prompt care to

decrease the amount of disruption that this may cause to someone’s personal life,” says Thomas. “The team will help support students in whatever way they need.” Thomas says the Health Centre staff members are knowledgeable leaders in their fields. “It is a friendly, confidential space where students’ health care needs can be assessed, treated and maintained to ensure optimal and holistic functioning.” Along with these services, the Health Centre additionally provides chiropractic and massage therapy, acupuncture, and a nutritionist. The Health Centre is open on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is located in the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre.

and reusing it in the rebuild. Lawrence says the contractors are literally working from the ground up. “Right now they’re working on the footings,” she said. Although the greenhouses

do need to be restored, the ironwork is still in pretty good condition. Samantha George, curator at Parkwood, thinks the era the greenhouses were built in plays a role in their fairly good condition. “They built things to

last back then,” she said. George, who has been curator for 14 years, has been on the front lines for this project, starting in 2000 when the outside grounds were the main focus. The focus then shifted to the greenhouses. The current focus is on Parkwood’s vinery, the ugly stepsister of the bunch. According to George, the restoration of the vinery has been quite the hassle. “We’ve taken it apart like a puzzle,” she said. “With the original glass and bricks.” Due to being neglected when Parkwood was a home for the McLaughlins, the original glass was still intact. George thinks that the neglect played a huge role in why the original bricks and glass were in good condition. “Things that are ignored are often in the best condition,” she said. “Everything else was tampered with.” As one could guess, this restoration program comes at a high cost. “Millions of dollars on the price tag,” said George. Through government funding and fundraising events Parkwood has been able to make it this far. Besides funding and fundraising, rent fees paid by television programs such as Hemlock Grove and Bomb Girls pay the steep bill. The restoration of the vinery is on schedule and if all goes well, is supposed to be unveiled in early May.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


A successful night for The Settlers Members of the campus club created original tabletop games for their annual event Sinead Fegan The Chronicle

The Settlers of Catan’s first day-long event of the 2014 year, Table-Top Game Challenge, had a great turnout with five home-made games. The on-campus club was formed so that students with similar interests could come together and play games. It started off with just the Settlers of Catan board game but then members incorporated other games such as Boggle, Fluxx and Tickets to Ride. Each club at Durham College and UOIT has to hold at least one event per semester. Austin Gottlieb, president of the club, came up with the idea of a Table-Top Game Challenge after a friend mentioned there’s a website that creates custom board games. A lot of the members from the club are in the game development program offered at UOIT and used to have to make non-digital games all the time for classes. “A lot of people have great ideas but never act upon them,” he said. “This is their chance to make their mark.”

The challenge was to create a team (up to four members) and design a tabletop game, including card games, board games and dice games. Participants were required to bring a prototype and rule book to the event, explaining how to play the game. They then had the opportunity to try each game throughout the day,

I really loved the fact that random people approached us and tried out some of the games.

Austin Gottlieb

and rate which game was their favourite. The winning team’s game will be professionally created via TheGameCrafters.com. One will be made for the winning team, as well as one to be available so that members of the club can play it during club meetings. The event was held on Feb. 7, in the UB Atrium at UOIT.

Refugees walk for a cause

Andrew Fliegel The Chronicle

The annual Coldest Night of the Year walk will take place once again in Oshawa on Feb. 22. The walk is a non-competitive fundraiser that supports Canadian charities that serve the hungry, homeless and hurting in cities across Canada. The fundraiser gives people the opportunity to experience what it is like to be in the rough conditions that homeless people often face. Participants can choose between the five-kilometre walk and the 10- kilometre walk. The walk starts at 5 p.m. on Simcoe street and ends at the same location at 8 p.m. There is a fundraising minimum of $75 for people under the age of 18 and $150 for those over the age of 18. Blue Sea Philanthropy is operating the walk. The Refuge Youth Outreach Centre in Oshawa is one of the many non-

profit organizations that will be taking part in the walk. “This is now our third year participating in this amazing event,” said Carly Veitch, a worker with the outreach centre. “Last year alone, we raised about $50,000.” Veitch said that this year’s numbers already look promising. “Our goal is set at $60,000 and we are already at third of our goal with a couple of weeks left until the walk,” she said She said that anybody who is willing could register and participate in the fundraiser. “There isn’t even a limit on age. Last year one of our youngest group leaders was six years old,” Veitch explained. “We even saw a couple of strollers in the last couple of years.” Veitch is hopeful and said that as of now there are just over 500 people participating. “We always appreciate more participants, the more the better,” she said.Registration is online at refugeoutreach.com.

With about 15 people attending and five games made, the day was a great success in raising awareness of the club. “I really loved the fact that random people approached us and tried out some of the games,” said Gottlieb. Hellementals was the winning game with an average rating of 6 out of 7. A board game where you work together to defeat bosses while defending enemies from reaching the centre using elements such as fire, earth, lightning and cold. The team of four, Trevor Hayhoe, Emily Swift, Stephen McIntyre and Sacsha Maurer, used hexagons for their layout because it is easy to judge the distance you have to travel. Gottlieb explained that one of the main problems throughout the day-long event was the date. Because of midterms some people couldn’t make it. He said he’d know for next year to plan it a bit better in terms of a time that works for everyone. Anyone is welcome to join the club from both the college and university. They meet four days a week, Monday through Thursday from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. in the SA club space.

Sinead Fegan

THE SETTLERS OF CATAN: The team of four (top two from left) Emily Swift and Stephen McIntyre (bottom two from left) Sacsha Maurer and Trevor Hayhoe, winning team of the day challenge, standing in front of their game, Hellementals.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Travel to China and get credit Learn Mandarin, and study culture, art, and sports

Samuel Baker The Chronicle

A young person who wishes to travel at length cannot realistically go to school at the same time, however, there are opportunities at Durham College to do just that. Students will be able to travel to a school in Zibo, the Zibo Vocational Institute (ZBVI), to attain a general education credit. The main points of study will be learning Mandarin and cultural things such as arts, sports and tai chi. “I think it’s a great opportunity for students who maybe are a little nervous about trav-

Samuel Baker

STUDY IN CHINA: Robert Boardman, a Business, IT and Management professor at UOIT, tells students about the opportunity to study at a school in Zibo, China. Boardman has travelled to China multiple times, ands says it is a truly unforgettable experience. elling and who haven’t travelled much on their own before. This is a great way to kind of

New program to focus on elderly

Sinead Fegan The Chronicle

Community members from Durham Region saw a problem. Because of the increasing age of the population, chronic illness, and increasing average life spans, they asked what programs Durham College has to support seniors in the community. The answer: none. Starting this fall that gap will be filled with the launch of the graduate certificate program, Activation Co-ordination in Gerontology. The primary goal for the program is to deliver meaningful therapeutic activities that enhance the quality of life of elderly people. Graduates will gain training, skills and specialized knowledge in the field of aging and long-term care. They will work in retirement care facilities in both private and government agencies. “We identified that activation was an area of high demand for the specific role, working with the elderly. These individuals really needed some type of background information to help them be successful,” said Susan Sproul, Dean, School of Health and Community Services. “We see this certificate as being a really good pathway for students who graduate from

other related programs.” The graduate certificate requires students to have a recognized college diploma in a recreation or human services specialty area, or a university degree in a recreation, human health or social service program. However, if students don’t have this previous education they can enroll with a minimum of three to five years, of related experience. Sproul explained how their target for September is an intake of 30 students. The college has been promoting the program in a number of ways, including at the open house in the fall semester and also the upcoming one in March. With help from Jennifer Powell in the admissions office, Sproul will be going to speak with the appropriate “feeder” programs at the college to make them aware of what this certificate is and what it can offer students. “ We want the program to be successful, in hope that we graduate students who are very knowledgeable in their ability to work with the aging population,” said Sproul. “We want their employers to feel that they make an impact and difference on the well-being of others and those they tend to support and care for.”

get your toes wet,” said Larissa Strong, manager at the international students office. “It’s an organized trip, you’re going to be going with a Durham College professor who’s been to china many times. So it’s a great way to start to love travel.” The attending professor will be Robert Boardman, who

teaches in the school of Business, IT and Management. He has travelled to China many times, and says this trip will change the way students look at themselves and the world around them. “You’re not going to forget this trip, good or bad,” Boardman jokes. “You’re not going to

forget it.” Students will be paired with students at ZBVI who are majoring in English, and they will show DC students around and make sure they’re comfortable. The accommodations for the trip, as well as insurance, activities and the program itself will cost students $3,400. The flight to Zibo is expected to cost close to $1,500. Luckily, DC International is offering all students who attend a $1,000 scholarship to assist with the costs of the journey. Computer Technology Systems student Tyler Andrew was quite pleased with this. “I like subsidized travel,” said Andrew. “I like it when the government pays for things.” Strong said this is great way for students to travel. Not only does the scholarship cut down on costs, but the fact that it will be a guided experience with a group of like-minded people makes it all the better. Strong said the cost was “the cheapest I’ve ever seen”. Those interested are asked to apply no later than March 3. Students can register at the registrar’s office and are asked to put down a $500 deposit. For more information on the trip, contact either Boardman or Strong at robert.boardman@durhamcollege.ca and larissa.strong@durhamcollege. ca.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Oshawa MS walk on May 4 Samuel Baker The Chronicle

Samuel Baker

MAKING A DIFFERENCE, ONE STEP AT A TIME: Jessica Oppenlaender (right), and Subrena Jagdat are members of a new sorority to UOIT called Delta Psi. The two were in vendors alley for their first of many fundraisers, raising money for MS.

New sorority sells for MS Samuel Baker The Chronicle

A new sorority at UOIT this year, Delta Psi Delta, had their first fundraiser Feb. 12, raising money and awareness for multiple sclerosis. Jessica Oppenlaender, a biological science student, and Subrina Jagdat, a nursing student, set up a table with baked goods and prizes for their first fundraiser as members of Delta Psi Delta. The sorority is na-

tional across Canada, and MS is their main philanthropy. “A lot of people have come out, supporting us, especially since it’s for MS,” said Oppenlaender. She and Jagdat had already raised $100 for the cause by noon that day. This being their first fundraising effort, Oppenlaender said the sorority is looking forward to doing more on campus, and making their presence known. “We’re going to be here

more often so we just want a lot of people to know that it’s something that we’re doing,” said Oppenlaender. “We’re also doing the MS walk in May, so that’s a big thing for us.” For anyone who might have missed the bake sale, there are still ways students can help out.

“We have it on our Facebook page. You can donate online, so we’re hoping to get people to notice that too and get more donations,” said Oppenlaender. According to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, an estimated 100,000 Canadians have MS.

Oshawa and Whitby will be lacing up on May 4 to take part in a huge fundraising effort for people living with MS. Every year, over 40,000 Canadians across more than 160 communities take part in the walk. Those walking in support of MS have the option of a 5 kilometre or 10 kilometre route. The MS walk, sponsored by Mandarin, is over 70 days away and already has 281 walkers registered among 56 teams. It will be taking place at the Abilities Centre on 55 Gordon St. Check-in time is 8:30 a.m. and the start time is 10 a.m. It is a family-oriented, community-supported event, featuring speeches form those living with MS, entertainment, prizes for teams and more.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


New purple cure for cancer? Might purple GM tomatoes reduce risk of cancer?

Reshanthy Vijayarajah The Chronicle

Genetically modified tomatoes may cure cancer? This new invention, right from a greenhouse of a Canadian company in Leamington, Ont., has tomatoes believed capable of curing cancer, and they’re purple. The tomato capital of Canada is in full gear with the juicing of 2,000 of purple tomatoes to be sent to the UK, to be tested on patients suffering from cancer, and other major chronic diseases. But not everyone believes these purple inventions can cure anything. According to Dr. Amuthini Thanendran from Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto these purple tomatoes cannot cure can-

cer. “If anything, they can help in preventing cancer or reducing the risk, but even that is questionable,” Thanendran explained. “Although experimental studies have showed beneficial effect, epidemiologically there hasn’t been much effect.” According to a recent article from The National Post, the purple tomatoes, also known as “Indigo Rose”, were tested on mice with cancer. The mice on a diet of the genetically modified purple tomatoes lived 30 per cent longer than mice on a diet of red tomatoes. Studies also showed the purple tomatoes contain antiinflammatory properties, similar to other purple and blue vegetable and fruits. “I also believe a lot of these experiments are done on animals so we don’t fully know how beneficial they are in humans,” explained Dr. Thanendran. “You don’t need genetically modified food for that...just having a healthy lifestyle alone decreases your risk, but does not guarantee you won’t get cancer.” The reason why this new study was done in Canada was because Canada has attractive regulations for genetically modified produce.

If anything, they can help in preventing cancer or reducing the risk, but even that is questionable. Although experimental studies have showed beneficial effect, epidemiologically there hasn’t been much effect.

Dr. Amuthini Thanendran Not everyone supports genetically modified produce, though the tomatoes were grown in a highly monitored greenhouse. “Genetically modified foods are controversial, and I am a holistic nutritionist, meaning it’s all about “natural”, which these foods are not. “I also do not believe in messing with Mother Nature,” Sylvia Emmorey, nutritionist at Durham College, said in an email interview. “There are some studies linking genetically modified foods to various health conditions and diseases – cancer being one of them. “A lot of the studies showing the safety of GM foods are short in length. It’s my understanding that the ones showing health risks are much longer, i.e. four to six months, as opposed to 90 days.

“It is also said that the GM industry will eliminate heirloom fruits and vegetables, which would not be good.” Since 2008, Members of Parliament from the Bloc Québécois have shown concern about genetically modified food. Bloc Québécois MP GillesA. Perronfort introduced bill

C-517, an act to amend the Food and Drugs Act. The bill suggested merchandisers inform consumers about what they are eating, and to let them choose whether to eat genetically modified foods or food products by clearly labeling genetically modified foods. The bill has not been passed. The MP strongly believes that genetically modified organisms could impact Canadians’ health and is also aware that scientists say biotechnologically derived foods create or spread diseases such as malaria. In Canada, there are already about 50 genetically modified products on the market. These have been approved by the government and can be consumed on their own or used to produce other food.


The Chronicle


February 18, 2014

Students celebrate Kothi Roti night

Food and games focal point of event Dan Cearns The Chronicle

It was a celebration of culture and food at the Student Centre lounge on Feb. 13, as the Tamil Student Association held their Kothi Roti night. Kothi Roti is a dish made from a type of bread called roti, and usually features different types of meat or vegetables mixed in. It is mainly served for special occasions and festivals. The club served vegetarian, chicken and mutton versions of their signature dish at the event. The food was free for everyone, but the club had a donation jar for anyone who wanted to help them fund future events. There was also a challenge fo the students to complete. Attendees were put into groups and had to create the tallest spaghetti tower that could support a single marshmallow. According to club president Pamela Ketheeswaran, the event was a great way to raise awareness of the Tamil community. “We want to show the Oshawa student community that we are here and that we do want to share our culture and our traditions with everyone here,” she said. This event was not new to Durham College or UOIT, as the club previously held it a couple of years ago.

Dan Cearns

TOWER CHALLENGE: Trishna Swaminathan tries her hand at creating a tower out of spaghetti noodles at the Tamil Student Association’s Kothi Roti night on Feb. 13 at the Student Centre lounge. “This club was here even before we were here at this school. This was something that they had done before,” said vice-president of the club Prashanth Sukumar. “It was quite popular when they did it a couple of years ago, so we thought to bring it back because it is a popular event.” The event was slated to run

from 6 to 9 p.m., but by 8 p.m. the food had all been claimed and they were beginning to pack up. “It was good, all the food was

cleaned out and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves,” said Sukumar. “It was a good turnout.” According to Statistics Can-

ada, Tamil Canadians represent the 16th-largest language group in Canada, with a population of about 143,000.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Irish dancer spreads his wings Canadian-born dancer Kieran DeVoy hasn’t lost touch with his family’s Irish traditions

Aleksandra Sharova

er people, and they don’t know when to hang up their dance shoes. I wanted to be the one to say that’s enough,” he said. However, DeVoy still does small perA Brampton-based Irish dancer, Kieran DeVoy, charmed the crowd with formances, like the one on Monday. “It’s a weird gig, but I like it. traditional reels and jigs Everybody is really appreduring the Study in Ireciative,” he said. land event Monday, Feb. Because of my Irish The organizers of the 10. DeVoy’s parents moved dance I’ve been able to event needed authenticity from Ireland to Canada travel, go to competi- and “a little bit of buzz.” DeVoy’s performance in 1960s, because “streets tions in Ireland. did the trick – students were paved with gold, stopped to take pictures of [and] there were jobs him, as well as check the here.” information stand about For seven years he Kieran DeVoy the education in Ireland. toured with Riverdance Dancing in a new pair and Magic of the Dance. of shoes wasn’t as much “I’ve been lucky,” Defun to perform as it was to Voy said. “Because of my Irish dance I’ve been watch. The traditional shoes are made of soft able to travel, go to competitions in Ireland. And we would visit our family durable leather, while the soles – of fi[there]. Irish dance opened up a lot of berglass, so the shoes make this strong percussive sound. doors for us.” “They aren’t comfortable. Once you In 2009 DeVoy decided to open his own school – the DeVoy Academy of break them, and they mould to the contours of your feet – it gets better. These Irish dance. “I figured it was time… I’ve seen oth- are new. They are horrible,” said DeVoy. The Chronicle

Students get a hand with public speaking Sarah Samuel The Chronicle

Studies show that public speaking is our number one. For students it is a crucial to gain confidence and be able to talk to people.To help the students attain that level of confidence, UOIT’s Faculty Of Graduate Studies held a public speaking workshop on Feb. 3, which was open to all UOIT students. The workshop was geared towards students who have difficulty public speaking, because English isn’t their first language.Tessa Troughton, graduate studies officer, arranged the threehour seminar, which underlined the significance of public speaking in the Canadian workforce. Among many things that were discussed, the students learned the importance of right annunciation, eye contact, correct body language and engaging the audience in the topic of discussion. “Practise, practise, practise! It’s the key to effective communication. Practise in front of a mirror, practise in front of people,” said Troughton. Most of the students who attended the workshop were recent immigrants. Students were given three minutes to talk on a topic and graded on comprehension, engagement and communication. “I have been here in Canada since October and I just started UOIT in

January. I am not a people’s person, I like computers. Given enough time on the computer, it starts talking to you and you understand it, but I realize how important it is to talk to people. That is why I am attending this workshop,” said Zaid Khan, first-year Masters in Computer Science. While some students came prepared with a topic to talk on, others didn’t, but once told to present they found themselves warming up to the seminar. “I didn’t attend the presentation with a mind to present initially. I didn’t know if I had to present at all. But I guess there is always some room for improvement and I learned the importance of preparation,” said James Oduntan, a second-year Health Science student. Troughton encouraged the students to watch English programs to enhance their English speaking ability. “I am fluent in three languages, English, Spanish and French. I remember, when I first started learning Spanish, my teacher told me to pick one TV program in Spanish and watch it and it did help me,” says Troughton Throughout the seminar Troughton kept giving constructive feedback on their individual progress and gave important tips to the students about public speaking. “If we could all sell confidence in a bottle, we would all be millionaires,” she said.

Aleksandra Sharova

STUDY IN IRELAND: A Brampton-based Irish dancer, Kieran DeVoy, performing during the Study in Ireland event Monday, Feb. 10.


The Chronicle

Dental hygiene affects your over-all health Kate Hussey The Chronicle

When a student looks back on the choices they made in college or university, they may remember pulling all-nighters, having one too many drinks, and crashing at a friend’s place. Nobody thinks about the times they neglected to care for their teeth. Student dental coverage makes oral hygiene affordable and easy, and it’s worth using. Desjardi Financial Security covers 80 per cent of preventative services such as cleanings, X-rays, scaling, and fluoride if a student has opted into the health care plan. Dental hygienists can help to ensure optimal overall health, particularly when considering that periodontal disease is a risk factor for more serious illnesses, such as diabetes, heart and lung diseases, and stroke, according to the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA.) Dental hygienists also have the skills, knowledge and judgment to facilitate early detection of oral cancer, according to the CDHA. “I think most people don’t really realize that poor oral health has profound effects on the rest of the body,” said Bethany Foster, first-year student in the Dental Hygiene program at Durham College. “If you think about it, any oral infection (like gingivitis, or periodontal disease, even bacteria that cause cavities) should be treated the same way you would treat an infection anywhere else, since it can so easily spread to the rest of the body,” she said. Certain foods are harder on your teeth than others, according to Cierra MacDonald who has worked as a dental assistant for four years and is now in her first year of the Dental Hygiene program at Durham College. Any foods that are acidic and retentive are hard on your teeth, she said. “So things like lemons, pop, candy, any food with a high acidity. Foods that are retentive, for example, would be crackers,” she said. In between dentist visits there are practices students can do to maintain their gum health. “If flossing makes your gums bleed, you should be flossing more often,” said Foster. “Ideally students should be flossing every day. It may be annoying, but it is important. When you don’t floss, food, plaque, and bacteria build up in between your teeth, where your toothbrush can’t reach,” she said.

When food doesn’t get removed, bacteria feed on it and it decomposes, causing cavities, infection, inflammation of the gums, and bad breath, said Foster. The uneven surface of the tongue can also trap bacteria that produce odours, said Pina Milito, executive assistant at Consumer Health Products Canada, on their website. She advises replacing your toothbrush every few months, because a number of microorganisms can live in your toothbrush and infect your mouth. Health benefits are made available to students to help take care of their well-being. “I

definitely think it’s beneficial to take advantage of the health coverage offered at school. There’s never a good enough excuse not to go to the dentist,” said MacDonald. “It’s always a good idea to invest in your oral health, just as you would invest in your general health (and since they are so connected, they pretty much go hand in hand). There’s no making up for lack of it later,” said Foster. The Canadian Dental Association recommends a checkup every six months, but your dentist may suggest that you visit more or less often depending on your personal oral health.

February 18, 2014



The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

The Chronicle

February 18, 2014



The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

The Chronicle

February 18, 2014



The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

The Chronicle

February 18, 2014



The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


The Chronicle

Student taxes due by April


Stop the spread of germs Katrina Owens

Forms help students get money back

The Chronicle

Ryan Verrydt The Chronicle

It’s February and while many people are thinking about Valentine’s Day and the winter semester break, there is something else students should be thinking about. Taxes are due by the end of April but there are a number of resources in the community and on campus that are available to help students. Students are able to claim a variety of school-related expenses towards their income tax, including tuition, educational amounts, books and even the U-Pass. The T2202A form will show the total amount of tuition that is deductible and the number of months enrolled in part-time and full-time studies. This form can be found on MyCampus under the Administrative Services, Canadian Tax Forms tab. Full-time students can claim an additional $400 for every month they are enrolled while part-time students can claim $120 per month. Using these numbers means that a student who was enrolled in full-time studies for the full eight months of a school year could claim an additional $3,200 on top of their tuition. Students who are eligible to claim the educational amount can also claim money for textbooks.

February 18, 2014

Ryan Verrydt

HELPING STUDENTS: Richard Germain is an employee at H&R Block and an accounting student at Durham College. H&R Block is one of many resources available to help students with their taxes. Full-time students can claim $65 per month while part-time students can claim $20. According to the Durham College website, students are also eligible to claim their U-Pass under the federal tax credit, but must keep the expired pass as proof of purchase. The form for this can also be found in MyCampus under the Canadian Tax Forms tab. If all of this sounds confusing, there is help available. The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) has a number of forms and resources available specifically for students at www.cra.gc.ca/students. If trudging through forms doesn’t sound appealing there are is in-person help available on campus. The UOIT Accounting Association is partnering with the Canadian Revenue Agency

to help community members and students with their taxes as part of the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. “We just do it to help out really, give back to the students,” said Justin Linton, a former vice-president of events with the Accounting Association. This opportunity also helps give the accounting students hands-on experience Third-and fourth-year accounting students at UOIT will sit down with students and help them fill out and file their taxes, but there are some stipulations. According to Linton, things like investments shouldn’t be brought in. Even though the deadline for filing with the CRA is April 30, the program is run in March as a way to keep ahead. “It’s convenient to get it out of the way,” said Linton. It’s free of charge and

will run every Monday and Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m., starting March 3 and ending March 19. They will be held in ERC1058 at the North Oshawa campus. The CRA provides the Ufile system for the programs. By filing electronically, any returns are available in a shorter amount of time. According to the CRA, the average time for an electronic return is two weeks compared to four to six weeks for a paper filing. H&R Block also offers a $30 tax preparation for students. With offices all across the GTA, including booths set up in the Oshawa Centre there are many places for students to get help. Go to www.hrblock.ca to find a checklist of items to bring and find a location.

Washing your hands properly and more frequently is becoming extremely important in today’s society. Effectively washing your hands reduces your chance of spreading and contracting germs. According to Health Canada, you can pick up germs even if your hands appear to be clean. Hands and fingertips can pick up micro-organisms, also known as “germs”, in various ways. A simple sneeze can send tiny droplets up to six feet away from the person. These droplets can land on your hand. If you touch your mouth, or rub your eyes or nose, these droplets get released into your system. You can also become sick if improper hand washing occurs after using the restroom or after handling raw meats. Often-used objects such as keyboards, door handles, hand rails and light switches are all examples of where infections can easily be picked up. You can lessen the chance of getting sick and spreading sickness by making sure your hands are thoroughly washed. There are certain ways to decrease the likelihood of contracting an infection. Wash your hands often, before and after using the restroom, after sneezing, coughing or using a tissue, and by making sure your hands are sanitary before and after preparing food. Germs grow best on moist surfaces. Using sponges, bars of soap, and cloths that aren’t drained properly are easy ways to get sick. Parents should also stay away from washing multiple children’s hands with the same wet cloth; germs are easily spread this way as well. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is a good alternative to use when you are unable to wash your hands with soap and warm water.


The Chronicle

Cupid’s arrow misses target at E.P. Taylor’s Sarah Pugsley The Chronicle

For students who were searching for a Valentine’s Day date this year, E.P. Taylor’s hosted a very untraditional yet practical auction night on Feb. 11. Run by UOIT’s Science Council, both girl and boy volunteers were auctioned off to the highest bidder in the crowd. When students bid and successfully won the auction for the participant of their choice, they also got a date with their prize at E.P. Taylor’s. All funds raised by the auction were also donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and one of the highest bids placed was over $80. Unfortunately, what should have been a huge hit among

Quit smoking programs Colin Lack The Chronicle

Smokers across Ontario are invited to enrol in Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP), a program that gives smokers nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). For most smokers the cost of NRTs is prohibitive to quitting. NRTs help reduce withdrawal symptoms and have been shown to be effective in helping people quit smoking. Those wishing to participate in the STOP program may do so by attending a workshop February 27 in Bowmanville. Those interested can find out if they are eligible to participate in the workshop by calling Durham Health Connection line at 905666-6241 or 1-800-841-2729.

February 18, 2014

It sounds like a really fun idea and I could have actually scored myself a date for this year.

Allisa Taylor

students at Durham College and UOIT attracted a much smaller crowd. Without any amount of promotion and advertising, in part both by E.P. Taylor’s and the Science Council, the creative event for a good cause fell short of its potential. Only 60 people came through the doors that evening,

including organizers and Science Council members. Allisa Taylor, a secondyear graphic design student at Durham College, was surprised to hear that such an event was even going on. “If I had known more about it then I definitely would have gone,” said Taylor. “It sounds like a really fun idea and I could have actually scored myself a date for this year.” Another issue with the event was the amount of time it took to set up. Organizers were still decorating when the doors opened, and the auction itself did not start until 11 p.m. For students who take transit or other means of transportation, the event would have been impossible to enjoy.


Durham College international office lets students study abroad Samuel Baker The Chronicle

The international office at Durham College is planning a number of programs for students to study abroad. Larissa Strong, manager at the international students office, is already in the midst of planning a trip to Zibo, China. However, she said, “It’s the first of many to come.” Strong and the international office are planning for next year, hoping to have a robust roster of opportuni-

ties for students. “We’re looking at things like turtle tagging in Costa Rica, language and culture in Mexico, culinary adventures in Vietnam. We’re looking at Indonesia and something in Europe,” said Strong. For those interested in travelling while continuing their education, these programs offer just that, and the experience, as Strong emphasized, will be unforgettable. “It’s just going to open up somebody’s mind to how the world works differently.”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Student takes yoga lead

Making the best of a bad situation Rebecca Watson The Chronicle

Breathe in, and hold it. Breathe out slowly. Breathe in and hold it. Breathe out slowly. OK, now what? Taryn Luu, a UOIT criminology student, knows what. The storm that left all of Oshawa covered in a thick blanket of snow earlier this month had caused cancellations all over campus. Although the school was not closed, many people were unable to get to the school, leaving no exceptions for yoga instructors. However, Luu was not ready to accept that. Deciding to take the lead on what would have been an instructed Pride Yoga class on Feb.5, Luu is an example of how to make the best out of a bad situation. Directing the other students

Rebecca Watson

YOGA FUN: Taryn Luu, a criminology student, takes the lead with a tricky pose. Ruma Amar (commerce), Sierra Sullivan (criminology), and AJ Jones (criminology) have fun, despite the real instructor’s cancellation. into different core and balance yoga stretches, Luu is not an official instructor, but was able to fill the entire hour with memorized poses learned from taking classes. “I enjoyed teaching the makeshift class,” said Luu with a humbling smile. Downward dog, tree pose, soldier, and corpse, were a few poses that Luu confident-

ly walked through. She even counted out loud for the rest of the class to follow. Aj Jones, a UOIT criminology student, was impressed with the amount of fun the class turned out to be. “I was made to come but this is still fun,” said Jones. Although the Pride committee had sent out notices over FaceBook explaining the last-

Photo contest gives students chance to win SA gift cards Sinead Fegan

win. The first-place photo will receive a The Chronicle $200 gift card of their choice. Second place will receive $100 and The SA is connecting with students third $50. throughout their reading week by giving The only restriction is that the card them the opportunity to participate can’t go towards the purin a photo contest, chase of alcohol. encouraging fun and “It’s SA policy,” excreative activities that The SA is looking plained Tamour Zubair, showcase student talents. for new and fun ways International Student They created a representative. challenge for Durham to engage students, “We don’t want College and UOIT and to enhance and to promote excessive students, by giving them or alcohol the opportunity to use the participate in the stu- drinking consumption, as it isn’t SA Frisbee, or anything dents’ experience. safe or healthy and we with the SA logo in it care for students. ” (preferably the Frisbee) Durham and UOIT and take a picture of Tamour Zubair students can submit their something you do over photos to the contest the break. from Feb. 17 until March 3. Once students have their photo they “The SA is looking for new and can submit it to sainternational@dc-uoit. fun ways to engage students, and to ca. enhance and participate in the students’ The photo will then be uploaded to experience, ” said Zubair. the SA Facebook page, where students “This is just another opportunity for can vote for their favourite one. us to connect with the students.” The photo that gets the most likes will

minute cancellation, Luu and three others still showed up. As a requirement to attend the class, each student that showed up sent out an email, reserving a spot for them in the class. Sierra Sullivan, a UOIT criminology student, encouraged Luu to still run the class, having full faith in her friend, she said.

“But it would have been nice to have someone teach us or at least get an email notifying us it wasn’t happening,” said Sullivan. Regardless of the weatherbased cancelation, those who came still had a good time, and a re-scheduled Pride Yoga class on Feb. 12 had a certified instructor that proved to be a calming.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

The Chronicle

Walls have been breached! see page 31


February 18, 2014


See authentic art at the downtown Oshawa exhibit see page 30

Elton John feels the love in Oshawa Will McGuirk The Chronicle

Elton John is not so glam rock anymore but he is still glamorous. Sir EJ played the General Motors Centre Feb. 12 to an intimate all-ages preValentine’s Day gathering of 6,000, who danced, waved, blew kisses and clapped at every possible interval for Captain Fantastic, who now spends much of his time in Canada, where he lives with his son and husband. Mid-set at an intermission (“I had to go pee” said the British Knight), the audience surged towards the stage, Iphones bobbing on the sea, capturing every moment. Elton took time to sign albums held aloft. He thanked everyone “for the many years of love and loyalty, so many years of happiness.” The Rocket Man has been performing for almost 50 years and the audience reflected his popularity through those decades; the 60s child of the revolution, the boa and big glasses of the ‘70s, the pop chart domination of the ‘80s, the Broadway success of the 90s to the established married man of the Naughties. All of these changes were tracked in an animated montage video played during

Matt Anness

GLAMOROUS: Elton John sang and played piano for 6,000 people at the GM Centre, Feb. 12 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. It was one of the many hits played out over the 2½-hour show on a stage that reflected

the shiny, sparkly showman Elton has remained. He reeled, rolled and rumbled over the keys, spinning arpeggios, and

swooping thumping bass lines. Much of it projected in closeup on two big screens suspended either side. His five-piece

band were sharply dressed Mad Men style and the entire stage was set beneath an enormous chandelier which acted as a disco ball refracting the spotlights into stars. At times it looked as if Sir and Co. were performing inside a bubbly bottle of pink champagne. He introduced most of the songs, mentioning the album and a story around the origin. Oceans Away, a new track, was written to honour the centenary of the start of the First World War. He wrote Holiday Inn on his trip through America in 1970, where all the hotels looked the same to him. He noted the 40-year-old Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was being re-released in March. It would also, as a bonus, include his favourite acts covering songs from the album. He also brought along Davey Johnstone, who played on the album. Johnstone was front and centre on many songs and easily traded between mandolin and twinnecked electric and acoustic throughout the night. Elton played several hits from that 1973 record, Grey Seal, Bennie & The Jets, Candle in the Wind and the raucous Saturday Night Alright. For Oshawa it was Wednesday but it was still alright, alright, alright!

Florida Georgia Line steals the show Fans were on their feet from start to finish Luke Callebert The Chronicle

Jason Aldean’s night train made a stop at the GM Centre on Feb. 6, but it was the upstart Florida Georgia Line who stole the show. The second opening act, Florida Georgia Line had the capacity crowd going wild from start to finish. Playing almost every song from their debut album, they had the crowd singing along to Round Here, throwing phone lights or lighters into the air for Get Your Shine On and playing a powerful version of their first hit, Cruise. Fans were on their feet from start to finish for the hour-long show. It was a display from a band that resembled a headlining act more than an opening one.

Luke Callebert

SECOND OPENING ACT: Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard, from Florida Georgia Line played many of their songs from their debut album, at the Jason Aldean concert. The headliner, Aldean, did not benefit from a 15-minute break in between the end of

Florida Georgia Line and himself. Aldean incorporated most

of his hits into the show, opening with Crazy Town and moving into songs like Night Train

and 1994. He also had a moment that faked out most of the audience. The song Don’t You Wanna Stay, that is a duet with Kelly Clarkson, began. A very clear projection of Clarkson was shown at the left of the stage while Aldean was at the right, with Clarkson singing her parts. The audience seemed to think Clarkson was there, as the noise level rose significantly. Aldean’s set was not without its problems, though, as fans complained some hit songs were missing, such as My Kinda Party. Aldean also did not play an encore. Fans also saw Tyler Farr, who was the first opener. Farr played four songs and incorporated his hit, Redneck Crazy, and his newest single, Whiskey in My Water. Overall, country fans definitely got what they paid for with the show. Aldean’s performance was a solid showing despite minor fan complaints and in reality, fans got to see two headlining acts. Florida Georgia Line’s performance was extremely impressive and will likely soon be headlining their own tour, rather than relegated to opening act.


The Chronicle


February 18, 2014

Canadian walls breached by Titans

Manga grows rapidly among Canadian audience Andrew Fliegel

sparked a 25-episode anime and a live-action movie debuting in 2015. “This manga is extremely Attack on Titan has become the fastest selling manga in breathtaking and unpredictable,” said Cameron Josef, a Canada and worldwide. The publisher, Kodansha, third-year graphic design stuannounced they sold approxi- dent. “One of my friends in the mately 660,000 copies in Canada and 30 million cop- film program here recommendies worldwide since its 2010 ed it to me and I was hesitant at release. The Japanese manga first, but when I started reading has surpassed the previous best it, I was hooked.” Attack on Titan is very big seller One Piece. Attack on Titan is an ongo- among college students. About ing 11-volume manga written 30 students were surveyed, and over half of by Hajime Isayathem have heard ma, that takes place in a world I think the series of Attack on Titan or are fans. where humanwill continue to thrive, It is evident that ity is trapped in a 50-foot wall that especially with its the manga has more separates them massive amount of reached from the vicious support from its teen than the avid manga reader. human-devouraudience. “The majority ing giants, called of the people who Titans. come in and purNearly a hunPaul Pasgas chase this manga dred years prior are college or to the story, humanity fell victim to the Titans. university students,” said Paul The story begins when the Pasgas at the Chapters in the walls are breached and a young Oshawa Centre. “I’m a fan myself and I defiboy thirsts for vengeance after his mother’s death. He success- nitely recommend it to students fully joins a Titan killing team, who are looking for an enthrallthe Survey Corps, and hopes ing story to read.” Attack on Titan deals with to save humanity from the themes involving hope, death, Titan threat. The manga’s success has desperation and friendship. The Chronicle

Andrew Fliegel

A COLOSSAL READ: UOIT Nuclear Engineering graduate Bradley Morrison catches up on the latest issue of Attack on Titan. He looks forward to the next volume, coming out on April 29. “The art style is also really different,” said design student Josef. “In the first volume it starts off with roughly sketched characters, but as its success goes on, the art style get’s a lot better.” The 12th volume will be released in North America on April 29.

“The art style and timing of the dialogue is probably what makes will make this surpass 12 volumes,” said Pasgas.

“I think the series will continue to thrive, especially with its massive amount of support from its teen audience.”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


Exhibit showcases authentic art Exceptional talent displayed at the Vault in Oshawa Will McGuirk The Chronicle

Francine Fortier, the featured artist at The Vault Gallery for the month of February, describes Durham College as being just “portables in the mud”, when she graduated from the very first applied/ communication arts program in 1968. “It was great fun,” she says. “There was a lot of stuff going around. I liked the music, the scene. I liked the artsy quality of the time. I had always wanted to be an artist. Everyone was into getting into something new. We did everything. We had unlimited supplies. I was always in the darkroom producing prints. It was great.” Fortier has gone on to fulfill her childhood dream and now has work in the permanent collection of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery and the Royal Bank Collection. The exhibition of mixed media at the gallery in downtown Oshawa is titled ‘Snips & Snails, Teeth &

Will McGuirk

SNIPS,SNAILS,TEETH & TALES: Durham College alumna Francine Fortier is the featured artist for February at the Vault in downtown Oshawa. Tales’ and opened Feb. 2. The show combines soft pastel drawings of amphibious forms with heavier constructions utilising wire, wood, etched Plexiglas, nuts and bolts. There are glimpse of fins, wings, eyes, and mouths but nothing

discernable. Fortier says the exhibit is about human consciousness and transcendence and she is exploring physical and spiritual dualities by using unconventional media and giving it new meaning.

“It represents how nothing is what it seems,” she says. “While there is this fresh new thing happening there is something else going on too.” She has been giving her life new meanings since she graduated and has con-

tinued to push against the borders of her own creativity. She has worked as a journalist for Metroland and she has also worked as a photographer for a variety of publications. She has had her own graphic design business and counted the City of Oshawa and Parkwood Estates among her clients. Fortier has won prizes not just for her visual artwork but for poetry as well. In 1986 she garnered first place in Durham Region’s Multicultural Council’s Hang on in Harmony contest. Her poem was subsequently published in the Council’s 1987 anthology. She has also received an Alumna of Distinction from DurhamCollege. When Fortier stepped away from work to be at home with her children she found herself with more time for her own fine art and she started to explore the fluid nature of things. Fortier describes her artworks as “always evolving, changing from one state to another, emerging from the primeval soup, rising, falling, transforming.”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

The Chronicle

UOIT women’s hockey takes on the Golden Hawks. See page 36



February 18, 2014

Women’s volleyball player, Alysha Johnson profile See page 36

Lords men finish season 16-2

Volleyball finishes impressive season with win at Trent Luke Callebert The Chronicle

The Lords men’s volleyball team finished their spectacular regular season off with a win against the Trent Excalibur on Feb. 12. The Lords finish the regular season with a 16-2 record, which is good for second overall in the east division. The Lords cruised in the first set, 25-12, looking extremely sharp, but with the game not affecting where Durham would finish in the standings, head coach George Matsusaki rested most of his starters. “The second group hadn’t had a chance to play a lot this year,” said Matsusaki. “They deserved it, because they’ve worked hard to really prepare us all for our games. We put them out there to see what they could do.” Taking the starters out wasn’t lost on the second team. “It was definitely cool,” said second team setter Ben Gledhill. “It was a playoff atmosphere, it was really cool to get to play in a game like that.” Matsusaki was impressed with how his substitutes attacked the game after coming in. “Coming in, Trent was one of the hottest teams in the league,” said Matsusaki. “It was a good battle and sets the tone for the playoffs. Our first string sees that, sees how hard the second string plays just to get playing time.” The Lords would lose the second and third sets by the score of 25-22, but the substitutes found another gear in the fourth set, winning 25-21. The game came down a deciding fifth set.

Luke Callebert

SUPER SUBSTITUTES: Nick Coleman (left) puts down one of his 10 kills and Ben Gledhill (right) dives to save a point for the Lords against a streaking Trent Excalibur team on Feb. 12. What a fifth set it was. Going back and forth trying to be the first to 15, Durham and Trent alternated serving for game point. Due to the rule of having to win by two points,

the final score ended up being 22-20 in Durham’s favour. Paul Rapos, who had a massive game, with 20 kills and two blocks, led the Lords to the victory. Nick Coleman added 10

kills and five blocks while Jeremy Hoekstra, in limited playing time, had five kills and four blocks. The Lords, due to the streakending loss against Algonquin,

now have to play a qualifying game against St. Clair at home. St. Clair finished the season with a 10-8 record in the west division. The OCAAs are hosted in Barrie on Feb. 20-22.

OCAAs ahead for lady Lords volleyball Luke Callebert The Chronicle

The Durham women’s volleyball team finished the regular season by playing three games in six nights. The lady Lords won two of three and finished the regular season with a 9-9 record, good for 18 points and fifth overall in the east division. The Lords are now locked into a first round matchup with the six-time defending champion Humber Hawks at the OCAA women’s volleyball championship.

The Lords started the long stretch of games in Ottawa against Algonquin on Feb. 7. Despite playing the make up game against Georgian at home just the night before, the women looked strong sweeping the Thunder 25-23, 25-20 and 28-26. Emily Gilbert ended the night with three kills, three aces and one block. Durham then played again on Feb. 8 in the afternoon against La Cite. After dropping the first set 21-25 the Lords would recover and take the next three 25-16, 28-26 and 25-19.

Gilbert continued her strong road trip, adding four kills and four digs against the Coyotes, while Jessica Broad had a monster game with 22 kills and two aces. It was the defence that spurred the performance, with Natalie Manicotto adding 12 digs to the stats sheet. After the strong showing on the road trip, Durham then travelled to Trent on Feb. 12 to take on the Excalibur. In the midst of one of their strongest seasons at 16-2, Trent laid waste to Durham, sweeping the sets, 25-22, 25-16 and 25-23. It

was not a strong final showing from the Lords who were using the game as a buildup for the OCAA championships. The team will now focus on provincials and finding a way to knock off undefeated Humber College. Humber finished the season with an 18-0 record, only losing an amazing total of six sets along the way. The OCAA championships begin Feb. 20 at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre. Durham’s first game will be at 8p.m. and is a must-win in order to advance further.

OCAA East Division: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Seneca Trent Georgian Canadore Durham Algonquin

16-2 16-2 14-4 13-5 9-9 9-9

OCAA West Division: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Humber Fanshawe Redeemer Conestoga St. Clair Niagara

18-0 16-2 13-5 10-8 9-9 8-10


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


‘Setting’ up a comeback with the Lords Luke Callebert The Chronicle

The best-laid plans can - - and usually do - - go awry. As was the case for Durham Lords’ women’s volleyball player, Alysha Johnson. See, Johnson wasn’t always supposed to attend Durham College; in fact, Durham wasn’t even on the radar for her. After five years of playing volleyball for her Durham Attack club team, which did not lose a game over that span, scouts began to take notice. A full scholarship to Temple University in the U.S. was waiting for her. The star setter was seemingly on a path to volleyball glory. Everything seemed to be in order for Johnson, school was paid for and she’d get to play the sport she loved at one of the highest levels. Smash. A car accident near the end of grade 12 derailed all of her plans. Johnson suffered a major concussion. For three weeks she struggled to remember anything. For six months she had a constant ringing in her ears. The injury made basic living a struggle and made volleyball impossible. No more scholarships, no more scouts and no more American universities. The biggest thing to her, though: no more volleyball. She ended up attending Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo. She could not play volleyball due to her injuries. Johnson did not play volleyball for five years after the accident. It was a friend on the team, Allison Doris, who brought her back to the sport. Doris told head coach Shane Christopher about Johnson and what level she had achieved in the sport. Christopher went to work trying to recruit her to attend Durham and get back into the sport of volleyball. “I was in the gym hallway and [Shane] said ‘Ms. Johnson,’” said Johnson, smiling. “I didn’t know who he was.”

Luke Callebert

ROAD TO RECOVERY: Alysha Johnson’s volleyball career was derailed by a concussion. Johnson said Christopher introduced himself as the coach and asked her if she was going to play next season. He also offered help with any questions or problems she might have if she decided to attend Durham. “Of course, that night I looked up courses of interest,” said Johnson. “I think I emailed him that first night saying I was going to play.” There’s been an instant connection between Johnson and coach Christopher. During time outs, when Johnson might be getting a little “frazzled” mid-game as she describes it, the coach and Johnson can be seen going in a separate direction from the team.

“He knows what my setting capabilities are,” said Johnson. “It’s a strategy, technique really. He’s asking me why I just made that, going over what I can do better, where my blockers are.” Johnson is still finding her feet after almost five years away from the game she loves. “The game is 100 per cent mental,” said Johnson. “It’s taken some time to come together, and for the team to come together.” Now Johnson is finding chemistry with fellow Durham rookie sensation, Jessica Broad. “She’s a trustworthy player,” said Johnson. “Our sets and hits just click, there’s an instant connection on the court. It’s a good feeling for a setter when you watch the ball get smashed into the court.” Johnson is also getting her timing back, realizing where her blockers are. If they’re not near her, she enjoys using a tuck-style shot she developed back with the Durham Attack. Instead of setting the ball for a teammate, Johnson pushes it, one-handed, over the net herself to a spot where no one is on the other team, usually for a point. “It’s a shot I love to use,” said Johnson, smiling with pride. “I started learning it years ago when I started setting.” Johnson’s game is coming along just in time for the OCAA playoffs, which Durham College hosts. “The playoffs are huge for us, because we’re hosting them,” said Johnson. ”Coach says they weren’t prepared enough last year for the playoffs. This year the goal is provincials.” Off the court, Johnson describes herself as “a goofball and probably the weirdest girl you’ll ever meet.” She’s a Big Bang Theory and Bradley Cooper fan and loves to knit. Especially after games. The one thing, though, to never doubt about Alysha Johnson: “My passion for volleyball is unlimited.”


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014


IOC says athletes can’t V-ball aces dig remember the deceased a killer week for Durham Joe LeBouthillier The Chronicle

The International Olympic Committee scolded some athletes, and their country’s Olympic Committee, for wearing anything that commemorates deceased athletes. If I were a part of the IOC, I’d have something to say about it. IOC spokesman, Mark Adams, said athletes should find a better place to express their grief. I guarantee that isn’t what he’d be saying if he were in some athletes’ positions. Athletes train for years just to get to the Olympics where, it seems, they can’t do anything they want to do without consulting the boss (IOC) first. What is wrong with a sticker? Seriously, is it hurting anyone? “We would say the competitions themselves, which are a place of celebration, are probably not the right place to really do that,” Adams said. But you know, something good did come out of this. Canadian Roz Groenewoud is try-

ing to find a way around the IOC’s incompetency. Initially, she had a sticker on her helmet that simply said “Sarah”, with a snowflake, the same snowflake Canadian freestyle skier Sarah Burke had tattooed on her ankle. Burke, who passed away on Jan. 19, 2012, nine days after a training accident in Utah, will always be remembered by her teammates. However, the IOC is clearly doing everything they can to prevent such a thing from happening. All athletes should be able to express whatever they want on their helmets. They do own the helmets after all. I only have one full suit that I wear to occasions such as weddings, funerals, professional meetings, etc., and I have two gold pins with a small black lace in the same form the Breast Cancer Society uses for awareness. The one on my right collar is to commemorate my great-grandmother. The one on the left commemorates my uncle Marvin. Soon I will have another one, as my grandfather on my mom’s side has Alzheimer’s and it’s spreading

fast. Soon he won’t remember us, so if I put on another pin to remember him, will I get in trouble? Only Adams and the IOC would say yes. It seems the IOC cannot comprehend the simplicity of commemorating someone who you have respect and love for. However, we can all be somewhat put at ease as Inge Andersen, the secretary general of the Norwegian Olympic Committee, is taking this issue to the IOC’s highest levels. He has someone in particular that he is fighting for. Sten Anders Jacobsen, the younger brother of one of Norway’s cross-country skiers, Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen, passed away “suddenly and unexpectedly” on Feb. 7. Andersen said he wants to discuss why the IOC will not allow [Norway] to go through their grieving process as anyone normally would. He said something I’ll never forget, “We are all human beings. We have to take care of each other.” It’s a lesson the IOC really needs to learn.

Luke Callebert The Chronicle

Brad VanHartingsveldt of the men’s volleyball team has been named the Durham College male student athlete of the week for the period ending Feb. 9. VanHartingsveldt, a third-year business administration student, had an amazing week, playing three times. Against the Georgian Grizzlies, on seniors night at the school, VanHartingsveldt led the Lords with 10 kills, adding six digs and playing in all five sets of the hard-fought game. The win extended the Lords win streak to 13. Unfortunately the streak would fall against Algonquin, in another hard-fought five-set match. VanHartingsveldt, though, combined for 18 kills, two digs and two blocks in two games against the Algonquin Thunder and the La Cite Coyotes. VanHartingsveldt’s play was instrumental in helping the team win two of three games and finish the season with an amazing 16-2 record. Emily Gilbert of the women’s volleyball team has been named the Durham College female student athlete of the week for the period ending Feb. 9. Gilbert, a second-year early childhood education student, had a standout week for the Lords, playing three games in three days. Against the Georgian Grizzlies she had three kills, eight aces and 11 digs. The strong play by Gilbert continued on the team’s two-game road trip. Against Algonquin and La Cite, Gilbert combined to have seven kills, five digs and three aces while adding a block for good measure.


The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

Golden Hawks fly high over Ridgebacks


UOIT could tie the series up with win next game Matthew Jordan The Chronicle

The Ridgebacks women’s hockey team lost its opening game of the OUA playoffs 3-1 on the road to the Laurier Golden Hawks. The team entered the playoffs coming off a pair of hardfought losses on home ice against the top-seeded Guelph Gryphons and the Brock Badgers. The team gave up a pair of bad turnovers throughout the first and second period against Laurier, and fell to a 2-0 deficit. Ridgebacks captain Jill Morillo got the run stopped late in the second, as she took a pass from Sarah Worthington and sent the puck top shelf from the slot. It was Morillo’s first career playoff goal. Laurier increased the lead late in the third period off a deflection. Ridgebacks’ goaltender Tori Campbell made her playoff debut with 26 saves in the game. The Ridgebacks will need to respond quickly as the series is a quick best of three. The Ridgebacks made the top-seeded Guelph Gryphons sweat in the final regular season game, but lost 4-2 on three third-period goals scored within five minutes. The Ridgebacks put on pressure throughout the first period, and were bailed out by some big saves from Cassie Charette, who was square to the shooter and maintained good positioning in the game. The Ridgebacks had one powerplay in the first period, but were unable to set up a cycle. Midway through the second, defenceman Annie Moynes was sprung on a breakaway, but her quick snap shot careened wide of the net. Just under two minutes later, veteran defenceman Melissa Berney hammered a point shot from the top of the right circle that beat Gryphons goalie Stephanie Nehring high blocker side. The Ridgebacks carried the 1-0 lead into the third period, thanks to a great save from Charette on a 2-on-1 break. The Gryphons came out firing, scoring two identical goals, one-timers from the slot, a minute and a half apart. They further increased the lead with a shot that beat Charette low to the blocker side.

The Ridgebacks responded at the halfway point, when a scrum formed in front of the Gryphons net. Ridgebacks forward Katie Dillon jammed in the loose puck. The Ridgebacks pulled the goalie with two minutes remaining in an attempt to equalize, but were unable to set anything up in the offensive zone. The Gryphons added a late empty-net goal.

Matthew Jordan

PLAYOFF BOUND: Ridgebacks forward Gillian Morgan battles Gryphons defenceman Leigh Shilton during the team’s final regular season game. The Ridgebacks lost 4-2, but held on to seventh place in the standings to secure a playoff berth.

The Chronicle

February 18, 2014



The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

The Chronicle

February 18, 2014



The Chronicle

February 18, 2014

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