February 8, 2013

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Shellbrook Chronicle Th The voice i off th the P Parkland kl d ffor over 100 years Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, February 8, 2013

VOL. 102 NO. 6| PMR #40007604

Learning for Life in Leask Students are learning skills, earning money and planning for the future. This year, high school students at Leask Community School are learning how to open a bank account, repair computers and plan for their future careers, all while attending high school. This innovative opportunity–called the Leask Employment and Financial Management Skills program–has been designed by Prairie Spirit School Division, Affinity Credit Union and Leask Community School to help students develop practical skills and abilities and foster student engagement. There are currently six students in Grades 10 and 11 enrolled in this new program. Teacher Lisa Kuchler is happy with the results of the course so far. “I believe that my students enjoy coming to class because they are experiencing education in a different way than they have before,” she said. “They are beginning to see and understand how to use the skills and abilities they have and are learning about real life situations.” Kuchler reports that student attendance has improved 21% from last September and is continuing to improve. Along with classroom instruction, students have the opportunity to participate in work experience through a computer tech shop that is run out of Kuchler’s classroom. With the support of Kim Beaulieu, Prairie Spirit Learning Superintendent and Kevin Westlund, Prairie Spirit Computer Technician, students are learning about the computer and all of its parts by taking the computers apart and putting them back together. They are also learning about program installation and troubleshooting. As a result of the workplace experience, students will eventually be able to take service calls from the community and troubleshoot computer issues. Students will also have the opportunity to refurbish older school division computers, sell them to the community and save the money for the future. Continued on Page 6


Sledding to fight Cancer

The Prairie Women on Snowmobiles arrived at the Senior Centre in Shellbrook at 4:00 February 1st, while waving to passers by. Photo: Tom Pierson Story on page 6

Going penniless: how does this impact your business? Effective February 4th, 2013, the Royal Canadian Mint will no longer supply pennies to financial institutions. On this page we’ve provided you with tools and tips to help your business make the transition to penniless cash transactions. What does this mean for your business? Pennies are still legal tender, so if a customer has pennies on hand, they can still pay as usual. If a customer pays with cash and doesn’t have exact change, round their purchase up or down to the nearest fivecents. For example, if the total costs $1.01 or $1.02, it will be rounded down to $1. If it costs $1.03 or $1.04, it will be rounded up to $1.05. Going penniless Rounding is done only on totals - that is, after the calculation of all applicable sales taxes. As such, don’t round prices on individual items. You also don’t need to update your cash register. There are no changes to cashless transactions using cheques, credit or debit cards.

Border Kings no match for Elks By Tom Pierson The Lloydminster Border Kings hosted the Shellbrook Elks February 3rd in the first game of Senior AAA Provincials. The Elks now lead the best of three series one game to nothing as the Border Kings were no match for the Elks, who won by a score of 10-2. It did not look that way 41 seconds into the game when the Border Kings struck first. Brody Foster scored from Kyle Cummings. A good pass across Kelly Guard’s crease and a quick shot found the twine. Asked about it after the game if it was ‘bus legs,’ Elks Captain Hugh Hamilton laughed and said, “Maybe.” Seriously, he said, “It was through nerves and not knowing what to expect never having played these guys before.” Two shifts later, it was all Elks for awhile, as that goal seemed to wake them up. Shots were even half way through the period and the Border Kings were skating well. Continued on 8

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Shellbrook Chronicle




Shellbrook Chronicle Website www.shellbrookchronicle.com

February 8, 2013

February 8, 2013


Report from the Legislature Saskatchewan’s economic and population growth have provided us with the resources to improve services, invest in our communities and provide sound fiscal management. This growth however does come with challenges. If you own property, chances are the value of that property has increased greatly over the past few years. The flip side of this is good news is that it may translate into higher property taxes. Over the past four years the value of property in Saskatchewan has increased 67 per cent, moving from $58 billion in 2009 to $97 billion in the 2013 revaluation year. Since the education property tax is levied on the assessment of property, our government will need to take a close look at the potential impact of the increase in property assessments on taxpayers. In 2009, the provincial government delivered the largest education property tax cut in Saskatchewan history, reducing education property taxes by more than 80 per cent on farmland and nearly 30 per cent on residential

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properties. Our government is taking a thoughtful approach during our budgeting process to mitigate increased property taxes. One part of ensuring everyone benefits from growth is providing recreational spaces for families. It was with that in mind that our government recently announced the keeping of a campaign promise to support community rinks. Through the Community Rink Affordability Grant,our government has invested more than $1.6 million in 554 facilities in

387 communities to maintain indoor ice surfaces. This grant was open until December 21st which allowed communities, nonprofits, schools, rink boards and First Nations to register their indoor rink for the $2,500 grant. This is another way your Saskatchewan Party government is making Saskatchewan the best place in Canada to raise a family. As mentioned, one of the benefits of growth is the ability to provide improved services and programs that produce real changes in our communities. One such program is the Targeted Police Initiative, which supports effective and relevant enforcement services. Every community has specific issues around crime; this funding allows municipal police services to focus on these issues. This approach has led to reduced crime, resulting in safer communities. In 2011, Saskatchewan crime rate dropped three per cent and our youth crime-rate was four per cent lower than ten years ago. The Targeted Police Initiative is already at work in Es-

Arrests made following extensive chase Charges are pending after RCMP from Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Blaine Lake and Prince Albert Traffic Services were able to safely bring two youth’s dangerous driving behavior to an end. The vehicle involved was reported stolen from Regina, by the mother of the young female driver. After evading RCMP in Saskatoon and Blaine Lake, suspects were found traveling on a grid road in the Shellbrook De-

tachment area. Upon being located, police again signaled the driver to stop. The young driver continued to ignore police direction, and a spike belt was then authorized and deployed. The vehicle suffered tire damage and was unable to continue driving. The 16 year old female driver and her 17 year old male passenger were arrested, however under the Youth Criminal Justice Act neither can be named. No one was injured.

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tevan, Moose Jaw and North Battleford for an investment of $1,300,000 and more will be announced in the near future. In 2007, we promised to provide 120 additional police offers throughout the province. We kept that promise in our four years in government and continue to move forward this program as the next step in our commitment to make Saskatchewan a safe place to live.

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Friday Evening, March 1 Enjoy a fun, delicious, medieval couple’s night out

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Shellbrook Chronicle

OPINION www.shellbrookchronicle.com

February 8, 2013

Singles Verses Couples There is an age old, I wouldn’t quite call it a fight, fact of life that rears its tentacles every February 14th. It is called Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate love, your sweetheart and love of your life. What about single people? What do we have? What we have is Singles Awareness Day that is celebrated every year on February 15th. I bet most of you did not know that SAD existed. It is kind of appropriate the acronym is SAD because that is how most coupled people feel about being single. In fact for many decades, there was a stigma attached to being single or divorced and even widowed. There was the thought they were somehow less than normal, not quite equal to those with partners, if you know what I mean. At singlesawareness.com they tell you, “In response to the huge push by retailers for us to buy all of their candy, flowers and greeting cards February 15 has been TOM declared Singles Awareness Day! PIERSON This is the day that all of the single people can proudly stand up and ~ show that it is OKAY to be single!” News For weeks in advance of Valentine’s Day, everywhere you look there are reminders and advertisements for everything related to couples and that special Day. There are bake sales, come and go teas, community sweetheart dinners and more. The last time I checked, I have never seen any advertising or events planned for those of us who are single. Many years ago, Singles dances or mixers were a popular event. What ever happened to them? The Singles Awareness website promotes a healthy and enlightened attitude towards singles. “The goal of Singles Awareness Day is to let singles have celebrations, get-togethers, etc. and to exchange gifts with their single friends. The awareness day was established by single people who were just sick of feeling left out on Valentine’s Day, and support of the day is growing every year.” When Noah was building his Ark and preparing for the great flood, his instructions were to fill it with pairs of everything... dogs, giraffes, elephants and the entire animal kingdom. Well people, Noah is not here and the earth is not an Ark. It takes all kinds to make the world what it is. Can you imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same? There are many good reasons to have a life partner. There are many more good reasons out of our control why some of us are single. Some people do not like to be tied down. Some people have not yet found the right mate. Some people have found and joined with the wrong mate ending in divorce. The SAD website proclaims, “Originally, most singles referred to February 14 as Single’s Awareness Day (acronym: SAD) until it just became too depressing! Choosing the next day allowed single people a chance to turn this into a celebration rather than a festival of self-pity or whatever they were doing before. Anyone want to celebrate SAD? Send me an email at tom@sbchron.com


It is okay to be single

Paul Martin Commentary Saskatchewan consumers seem to be settling in = more equality in incomes and so on but one thing they spending in the neighborhood of a billion and a half will overlook is the disparity in the amount of income dollars a month. tax these two groups pay. What the study showed is that The latest figures on consumer spending which is the top one per cent of income earners paid 21 per cent measured by retail sales are from November. The total of the income tax in 2010. Without this group, public was just under $1.5 billion. That is the fourth programs would be in trouble as the remainmonth in a row that the total volume was in der saw their share of income taxes fall from this range. 86 per cent to 79 per cent since 1982. November’s number was up marginally In other words, not only do high income from October on a seasonally adjusted basis, earners pay a disproportionately large share an important factor because November is one of income taxes, lower income people have day shorter so it suggests momentum was seen their share decline over the last 40 years. picking up, heading into the all-important *** Christmas shopping season. The idea of sitting on a beach in retireThat increase was also one of the strongest ment, whiling away the hours with a fruity PAUL in the nation. It was running in to the top drink and a book appear to be a figment of two or three on both the monthly and annual the imagination of a former generation. That MARTIN growth charts, underscoring the strength of from a study released by BMO Bank of Mon~ the provincial economy as a whole but, more treal which points to a completely different importantly, how the economic activity is imview of retirement. pacting average consumers. It is one of being active and, in all likelihood, being a In broad terms wages are rising and so is purchasing new business owner. power while the population is increasing…all factors That surprising finding surfaced when Canadians that are contributing to increased consumer spending were asked what they planned to do in retirement and a which is the primary indicator of consumer confidence remarkably large number – 40 per cent – said they were as a whole. contemplating starting a business after age 65. Shades *** of Colonel Sanders. The occupy movement – where protesters tried to And fully 80 per cent said they planned to do some stop the wheels of commerce in places like Wall Street form of work after they retire from their ‘career.’ – had little impact in bringing about change with one The biggest reason for this view was financial. Longer exception…it made one per cent a household term. life expectancy and the decline of defined benefit penStatsCanada has picked up on that one-percent man- sion plans have people worried about having enough tra with the release of new tax filing data on how many retirement savings to see them through their Golden Canadians fall into the top one per cent in terms of in- Years. But the second most cited reason was to stay come. sharp. Starting a business or holding down some sort No doubt many will use this data to renew the call for of employment would help maintain their mental focus.


February 8, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Rising property taxes a bad omen Perhaps it’s only appropriate that hints of rising property taxes are the first hint that Saskatchewan Party government may be sailing towards troubled waters. The lowering of property taxes was really the first sign of good fortune for both Premier Brad Wall’s government. Of course, we should emphasize that Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter was only speculating that the education proportion of property taxes is going up. That said, it would sure seem to be pretty solid speculation. “There may be an increase and I don’t know to what level yet, but we’re going to mitigate it as much as we possibly can,” Reiter told reporters at the legislature. To listen to Reiter talk, one might think that any such tax increase is simply a consequence of Saskatchewan’s prosperity. Well, the kindest thing one can say is that it’s a little more complicated then that. If property taxes go up, it will really be because of the choices the Sask. Party government has made. You see, 2013 is a property reassessment year in Saskatchewan _ really, the first since the government eliminated the taxation authority local school boards in 2009. It was a move that was heralded as a good thing by most everyone for a couple obvious reasons: First, nobody particularly liked paying taxes and having one less local government with the authority to impose taxation was a rather pleasing notion.

Conservatives ignore housing need Dear Editor, While cities and provinces are working hard on the pressing lack of affordable housing for Canadians, MP Randy Hoback and the Conservatives are quietly getting the federal government out of it. An estimated 150,000 to 300,000 Canadians are homeless and thirteen percent don’t have access to affordable housing with enough bedrooms for their family. Some families of nine live in apartments for two because that’s all they can afford. Our housing needs are not being met and the instability this causes in people’s lives has a tremendous economic cost—you can’t prepare your resume on a street corner. Nor is it cheap for taxpayers: the costs of medical care, shelters and day programs for the homeless are more expensive than providing them a place to live. Yet instead of putting resources in to fix the problem, the federal government is actually pulling back support. Over the next ten years, federally-funded mortgages are coming due for housing co-operatives that provide affordable housing. Tied to those mortgages are operating agreements

Shellbrook Chronicle Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: chnews@sbchron.com Advertising chads@sbchron.com

Second, it was accompanied by fulfillment of the Sask. Party government’s 2007 policy to reduce education property taxes by more than 80 per cent on farmland and nearly 30 per cent on residential properties. Many of you in rural Saskatchewan in particularly will recall former premier Lorne Calvert repeatedly telling the Saskatchewan Association of RuMURRAY ral Municipalities that the status quo MANDRYK was not on. Then, NDP governments would ignore tax relief come budget ~ time. Well, Wall’s government not only came through on the Sask. Party promise, but also ensured that local school boards would simply not negate tax relief by applying their own local taxes. But then along comes Reiter’s news that assessed home property value in Saskatchewan has increased 67 per cent in the past four years and the new mill rate may _ at least when it comes to the education portion of property tax bills _ may need somewhat of an adjustment. “The province is going to do what we can to get as close to revenue neutral as we can,” Reiter said. “I can’t tell you that we’re going to eliminate that increase.”

YOUR TWO C ENTS ~ that provide vital funding for the co-ops and there are no plans to renew these subsidies. Without them, over 200,000 of the most vulnerable Canadians could lose their homes. The Conservatives are quietly booking $1.6 billion in annual “savings” from this cut to affordable housing and have no plans to reinvest the money. And that’s not the end of it: the federal Investment in Affordable Housing Program expires in 2014, but the Conservatives have still not begun negotiation for its renewal. It could get rolled into a general infrastructure fund, moving this money out of housing. Why is this happening? Because Mr. Hoback and the Conservatives believe housing is a provincial responsibility and want to get out of it—they even said so in the 2006 Budget. That’s just wrong. The Liberal Party believes that the opportunity to succeed begins with a roof over your head. By investing in affordable housing, the federal government could help put some of the most at-risk Canadians back on their feet, living healthy lives and contributing to the economy. It’s time the federal government to do more for affordable housing, not less. Yours sincerely, John McCallum, MP Liberal Party Housing Critic

C. J. Pepper, Publisher Tom Pierson, Editor tom@sbchron.com Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales chroniclesales@sasktel.net Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination chnews@sbchron.com Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination chads@sbchron.com Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m. website:www.shellrookchronicle.com

The thing is, though, property tax reassessments in the past were revenue neutral. Sure, some people’s taxes would go up, but others would go down, reflecting a saw off for local governments that are legally required to balanced their budgets. Now, Reiter is offering no such assurances that this year’s reassessment will be revenue-neutral. In fact, he’s pretty much saying it won’t be. The problem with what the minister had to say is blaming the need for tax increases on increased property value. That is a bit of a red herring. Whether your house or your farmland is of more or less valuable has nothing to do with the services you require. Both the costs of schools and municipalities may be rising during this time of economic growth, but that has nothing to do with the value of your property. What does seem obvious, however, is that the Sask. Party is seizing on this assessment opportunity to make up for lost tax revenue. Perhaps more revenue is necessary to deal with the province’s growth. But the government should at least say that. Economic prosperity for both you and the province? Perhaps, but that’s not really what this reassessment tax hike is about. This very much looks like a Sask. Party government scrambling to balance its next budget.

SHNB to celebrate 100 years Dear Editor The Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford [SHNB] Centennial Celebration Committee has plans to celebrate the first 100 years of serving the mentally ill in our province. Hundreds of former and present employees of the Saskatchewan Hospital will be in the Battlefords July 12, 13 and 14, 2013 to share this special event! The committee comprised of retired former employees of the Saskatchewan Hospital, North Battleford, plan to publish a book honouring the memories of these first 100 years. If you worked at this hospital and have a story to share, please contact me. Please forward your contact information as well. We will add you to our mailing list. Also, if you know of other former employees, please forward their contact information. Thank you. Jane Shury SHNB 2013 Centennial Celebrations Committee Box 1388, Battleford, SK. S0M 0E0 306-446-1983 janeshury@sasktel.net The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright. Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed. and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of


Shellbrook Chronicle


PSSD Computer Technician, Kevin Westlund, instructs students on installing computer software

February 8, 2013

Student Daniel Arcand works on a computer

Learning for Life in Leask Continued front page As an added incentive, Affinity Credit Union is matching each student’s savings to a maximum of $800. In order to receive this matching amount, students must successfully complete the program in June. Through their class work, students are learning how to write resumes and cover letters, prepare for an interview and manage workplace relationships. In addition, they have the chance to earn certifications like Workplace Hazardous

Materials Information System (WHMIS) and safety training. The class is taught in a three-hour block and is designed to integrate with provincial curricula. The class will run throughout the school year, with three credits earned per semester. In addition to the support from Affinity Credit Union, the program has received $59,000 in funding through the provincial government’s First Nations and Métis Education and Employment strategy. The grant was used to cover instruc-

tional, transportation and equipment requirements to get the program started. Jon Yellowlees, Coordinator of Schools and Learning with the school division, has been working with this program since its inception. “This program has had a strong start with eager students and committed staff,” he said. “We are excited to see what the future will hold for this program in this school and perhaps in others.”

Sledding to fight Cancer By Tom Pierson Travelling for eight days and about 1800 kilometres, Prairie Women on Snowmobiles are raising

awareness and funds to fight Breast Cancer. The core group of ten sledders stopped for coffee in Shellbrook on Friday, February

1st. “This is our thirteenth mission and to date we have raised 1.8 million dollars for research, and all of

that money stays right here in Saskatchewan,” said Carol McKnight, President of Prairie Women on Snowmobiles. “We will be visit-

Prairie Women on Snowmobiles paid a visit to the Shellbrook Seniors Centre October 1st. The core group of riders posed for the Chronicle’s news camera. Pictured are: Diana Desjarlais (Buffalo Narrows); Connie Kitson (North Battleford); Jeanette Ens (Warman); Candace Blair (Star City); Diana Darbyshire (Big River); Shari Kidney (Tisdale); Jamie Sumlic (Tisdale); Amber Edmunds (Tisdale); Holly Brotzel (Prince Photo: Tom Pierson Albert); and Liz Paradzik (Buffalo Narrows).

ing 40 communities during our 13th mission.” Travelling with a pit crew and a support crew, they were welcomed at the Shellbrook Seniors Centre by President Adeline Fossey. Everyone enjoyed a snack and coffee before heading back out on the trail to Prince Albert. This was the first of eight days of hard sledding. “We started at Big River this morning at about 10 to 8. We were on our sleds heading to Leoville,” said McKnight. “And then we went to Spiritwood for lunch and here for afternoon coffee. A little late but at least we made it safe.” They were an hour behind schedule. Asked about if they had any trouble on the trail, McKnight said, “No breakdowns, but we were definitely getting stuck in all the snow that we have out in Northern Saskatchewan here. So it’s a little tough riding, but the trip is going good so far.” The missions are usually all the same, but McKnight acknowledged this year they are hitting southern areas such as Rosetown and Moose Jaw. “We’re trying to bring the awareness to other parts of Saskatchewan instead of just the northern part.” In talking about the

group’s purpose, she said, “We are here to raise awareness for Breast Cancer research and raise as much funds as possible. And we couldn’t really be the success we are without our corporate sponsors behind us, and the supporters that come to see us in the communities and the surrounding communities that we go to.” In many cases, Prairie Women on Snowmobiles gather some emotional and moral support on the trail, as sledders join them for part of the trip, and McKnight says, “We welcome that.” One rider was with them from Big River in the morning and only turned around at Shell Lake. McKnight commented, “Thanks to the supporters in this area. Every time we phone and come through Shellbrook it is very, very good support and we appreciate all of that.” In the end, she said, “Snow conditions are good so Mission 2013 should be a success.” They left Town the way they arrived, waving to everyone they passed. To find out more about the group, go on the internet and type in Prairie Women on Snowmobiles and you will see several links to follow.


February 8, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Farmers still hurting, government doing little The Saskatchewan New Democrats held a leadership forum in Yorkton last week. Now in and of itself their forum wasn't exactly enlightening in terms of agriculture policy for the NDP moving forward regardless of which of the four candidates emerge victorious. That should not be seen as particularly surprising, considering the provincial government regardless of its political stripe having limited impact of how farms manage to attain profitability. The three main factors in determining farm returns are weather conditions, supply/demand pressures, and government policy, primarily those established at the federal level in an international context. The details of the American Farm Bill has greater impact on farmers here than anything decided in the Regina Legislature. When looking at the Saskatchewan budget agriculture spending is a sliver thin wedge of the spending pie, far behind the big three expenses of health, education and debt payment. When you factor in the money the province must put into cost-shared farm support programs, there simply is not a lot

of wiggle room in terms of farm program spending in Regina. That did not stop questions on agriculture being asked of the NDP leadership hopefuls. One question asked was what the NDP would do to help farmers against the squeeze on the bottom line being caused by higher inputs? Considering grain and oilseed prices CALVIN have been higher in recent years than ever, that a question of price squeeze DANIELS even came up speaks to how difficult ~ farming can be. The simple answer the candidates should have used was 'very little'. Saskatchewan government policy is not going to boost prices higher, and affecting inputs from oil prices to fourwheel drive tractor prices is unlikely to work either. The more important question is how is it that in a time of high prices some farmers still struggle. We should be in a time where the poor operators have been weeded out of the sector.

The farm economy has been through a roller coaster of high and low prices in my 25 years of writing this column, and through the lows many farmers cashed in and moved away from the farm. So with high prices farmers should be better off now than in most any time the last quarter-of-a-century. But there is obviously still hurt out there. So another discussion point of the forum seemed at odds with concerns over thin farm margins. There was discussion about the impact of farmland being purchased by those living outside the province, and in some instances outside of Canada. There was concern Saskatchewan producers could become little more than tenant producers for out-of-province owners. That said with margins on annual production slim for some producers, the end pay-out for retirement comes from sale of the production unit. When the decision to divest of a farm operation, limiting potential buyers by prohibiting out-of-province' buyers would seem to hurt the returns a producer might realize. One might expect farmers to welcome offers from any buyer to realize better returns, something they have struggled for each year producing a crop.

½ million dollars going back to urban municipalities SUMAssure, Saskatchewan’s first homegrown insurance reciprocal, will

issue $500,000 to more than 150 urban municipalities across the province on

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 - 9:00 a.m., Cosmo Civic Centre - Saskatoon, SK WILD ROSE ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 9 - 9:00 a.m., Woodbend Community Hall 26002 Twp Rd 514 - Spruce Grove, AB COINS & PAPER CURRENCY AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 23 - 1:00 p.m., 901 1st Ave. N, Saskatoon, SK LEASK SPRING ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 30 - 9:00 a.m., Leask Lion’s Hall - Leask, SK DELISLE SPRING ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, APRIL 7 - 10:00 a.m., Delisle Town Hall - Delisle, SK Contact



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Sunday, February 3 – the first day of the annual convention for the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA). The money is a return of contributed surplus, a sign of great success in just a few years. The seeds for SUMAssure were planted more than a decade ago, with a resolution at the 1997 SUMA convention asking the Association to establish a municipal insurance program for members. SUMAssure officially began operations on October 2009 as the first-ever Saskatchewan-based insurance reciprocal. Similar operations had been serving organizations in Saskatchewan, but all were based outside the province. “Being a SUMAssure member has been a real benefit to the Town of Eston,� said Mayor Al Heron. “As wise stewards of our citizens’ tax dollars, my council is happy not only to have low premiums, but also education on prevention and risk management. Now we can really put the success of SUMAssure in the bank. And as Chair of the SUMAssure Board of Directors, I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished in such a short time; we are years ahead of where we thought we’d be by now.� The insurance reciprocal is managed by Aon, and Account Executive Jason Minvielle is pleased to see urban governments reaping

the benefits of membership. “The money belongs to the subscribers, not Aon, not

SUMA, and certainly not the traditional insurance companies. We continue to


grow on all fronts; more municipalities are embracing the reciprocal concept.�


Shellbrook Chronicle


February 8, 2013

Border Kings no match for Elks Continued from page 1 The Elks continued to pour on the offense, and drew a 5-on-3 power play for 58 seconds. The were many well executed plays during that minute, but they could not beat the Cat (Cat Schneider) in net for Lloydminster. Time was winding down at 2:55 when Josh Peterson flew down the left wing and let loose his patented wrist shot. The puck found the top corner on the far side to tie the game. Leigh Spencer and Aki Seitsonen assisted. Shellbrook was issued a hooking penalty at 1:49 which resulted in a Border Kings power play goal to retake the lead. A point shot was tipped through a screen. Nothing much Guard could do about it. Jeremy Reich answered for the Elks with only 8.9 seconds on the clock when he shot through a screen. Chris Thompson and Lyndon Leard were the helpers. The first period did not solve anything, but the shots on goal told a story. The Elks out-shot the Border Kings 15-8. The Elks won most of the battles along the boards and in the corners in the offensive zone. That led to a great many quality scoring chances. Hamilton said the key to coming back from the Border Kings quick goal to start the game was, “I think we just settled in and we have enough veteran guys on our team and we have been in that spot before. We had the confidence. We knew our game would work out. We had to relax and get our game going.” In the Elks zone, the Border Kings plan was to stay close and forecheck hard. But Shellbrook’s defense was strong, as was getting the puck to the neutral zone with control. The second period threatened to start out much like the first, when the Border Kings received a power play 51 seconds in. This time around the penalty killing unit did its job well. A blast from the point on the power play by Thompson turned into the winning goal for the Elks at 16:09. The puck hit nothing but net. Dave McDougall earned the only assist. At 3-2 for Shellbrook, the game became rougher. A scrum at the Lloydminster net resulted after some collisions. The Border Kings came away from that with a power play. Guard had to make a very good pad save to keep the Border Kings from tying the game. That was one of only two shots he faced in the second period. The second shot came from centre ice and easily turned aside. Shellbrook scored another power play goal at the exact mid point of the middle frame. A nice pass out to the slot was finished off by a nice shot. Reich had scored his second with Thompson and Craig Hayden assisting. Peterson scored his second of the game to chase the Cat at 5:25, in favour of Jesse Ehnisz. Seitsonen and Spencer assisted. Shots on goal favoured the Elks 28-10 at that

AAA Provincial Game 2

Sunday, Feb. 10 4:30 p.m.

Jeremy Reich (15) of the Elks gets set for a shot on Cat Schneider February 3rd in Lloydminster, while Chris Thompson (18) keeps a close eye on the play. Both Reich and Thompson scored two goals in the game. The Elks went on to win 10-2 in the first game of a best of three series in Senior Provincial AAA acPhoto: Tom Pierson tion. Game two is set for Shellbrook February 10th at 4:30. point. A nice three-way passing play gave the Elks a 6-2 lead, again on the power play. Drew McDermott scored with assists going to McDougall and Leard. Shellbrook continued to out-muscle the Border Kings off the puck, allowing them to spend more time on the offensive. Brett Pepplar was parked in front of the Border Kings netminder when a rebound from a point shot off Hamilton’s stick landed at Ehnisz’s feet. Pepplar took a slap at it and in it went. Tory Stott received the other assist. Thompson scored his second at 16:29 at even strength, with Curtis Olsen assisting. The Border Kings had trouble getting started in the third period. It took them six minutes and two power plays be-

fore registering their first shot on goal. A nice bank shot from behind the Lloydminster net netted Stott a nice goal at 10:17. Pepplar assisted. Olsen scored the Elks tenth goal with 3:34 remaining in the game on a rebound. Floyd Cook was in alone and Ehnisz shut the door, which opened the window for Olsen. Ryan Gareau earned the other assist. The Elks finished the game with a 47-16 advantage in the shots on goal department. The winner of this series goes on to play the winner of the Rosetown-Balgonie series. Rosetown is leading that series with a 7-1 win over Balgonie in Game one. Game two of this series is set for Shellbrook February 10th at 4:30. See Ya There!

Competing at Special Olympics

Shellbrook Elks vs

Lloydminster Border Kings The Shellbrook Elks thanks Paul Bourgeault & Investors Group and Helm Farm for their help with bus expenses to Lloydminster and a special thanks to all our fans who made the trip.

Kyle Couture, student of Debden School is in Korea competing in the 2013 Pyeongchang Special Olympics in the floor hockey division. All students and staff gathered together on January 23, 2013 to show Kyle our support even though we cannot be there to cheer him on. We are so extremely proud of him!

February 8, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

Heart Warming February at the Library

The Shellbrook Public Library will be marking Heart and Stroke Month in February with a presentation by Laura Lepard titled “Foods for the Heart.” February is Heart and Stroke Month and the Library invites you to come join us on Tuesday, February 12th at 7:00 pm for “Foods for the Heart”. Laura Lepard will present material from Dr. John McDougall, a physician whose philosophy is that de-

generative disease can be prevented and treated with a plantbased diet of whole, unprocessed, low-fat foods. Heart safe refreshments will be served. Children’s Story Time resumed on February 1st and will continue until May 31st excluding holidays. This week’s letter sound is “oh” and it will join a wonderful collection of other vowels and consonants. If you are interested in volunteering


your time to read or do crafts, please contact Alanna at 7473419. The Library continues to offers free computer and Internet access to the public even with the cancellation of the Community Access Program (CAP) in March 2012. Would you like to bring back funding and keep public computer access for everyone? Drop on by the Library to sign a postcard to the Prime Minister.

The Shellbrook Kinsmen report Kinsmen Meeting Jan. 23, 2013. Present - Beaulieu, Bourgeault, Chuback, Cyr, Dupuis, Fellner, Kulrich. Sergeant - Motion to dispense - Chuback, 2nd - Dupuis, carried. Minutes From Previous- Kulrich presents: 2 notices of motion, not enough members present to vote. - After Tax Party: May 3rd. Kinsmen responsible for 5 prizes worth a total of $100, plus one guy to set up and one guy to clean up. -R U Tuff Enuff- Jan. 26- need buyers for the table. - Motion to accept minutes as presented-Cyr, 2nd-Fellner, carried. Business Arising From Minutes- M-Cyr to donate $1,000 to Happy Hearts Day Care, 2nd-Bourgeault, carried.

- M-Chuback to move $6,300 project account money to Investor’s Group, 2nd-Dupuis, carried. - Cyr in charge of After Tax Party prizes. Treasurer’s Report- Presented by Chuback. Motion to acceptChuback, 2nd-Dupuis, carried. - Note: Motion to donate $1,565.33 bar profit back to Minor Sports-Dupuis, 2nd- Chuback, carried. Bar Report- Good standing, as the Club received heels from Pukin Funny. Ring of Adam’s Friendship- Kulrich expecting a crash Feb. 3rd. Bottle Business- Looking for ideas for next season as to who can benefit from helping out . - Feb.2nd possible day for loading a trailer, as we are out of space. Cyr’s truck.

Prince Albert Raider Hockey Schedule

The R.M. of Leask No 464

Fri., February 8 ~ 7 p.m

P.A. VS Lethbridge WE


Wed., February 13 ~ 7 p.m WE


P.A. VS Swift Current

is accepting sealed tenders on Lots 10-19 Block 2 at Kilwinning.

- Bins require plywood floors in the spring. Rink Nazi- M-Chuback to give $30 to Rich Hildebrand for cleaning the rink with his snowblower, 2nd - Bourgeault, carried. - Ideas thrown around for possible rink shack/shelter next season. Bingos-Apr.1st&29th, need 8 guys per date. Cyr & Dupuis in so far. Telemiracle- Crush It! Is on, tending bins required. - Looking at donated Scrimshaw print to raffle. New Business- I.G. is matching $500 to a fundraiser within the community; we need ideas. - Kinsmen/Kinettes joint meeting is in the works. Registrar’s Report- 8/10 for 69%

Big River Constituency Office will be open Fridays in February from 9 - 5. Location: Earl Beebe Trucking

Tenders accepted until March 8, 2013.

Constituency Assistant: Jason Beebe

For more information please call 466-2000.

Drop in and share your concerns!

Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Debden Credit Union Limited CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The Nominating Committee of the Debden Credit Union will receive written nominations for the Office of Director of the Credit Union to fill one (1) vacancy. • Nomination forms are available at the Credit Union offices in Debden and Big River • Eligibility qualifications are included on the nomination form • The Nominating Committee must receive nominations no later than February 21, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. • Elections will be held March 12 through March 14, 2013 • Elections will take place at the offices of the Credit Union By Participating in Your Credit Union’s Democratically Controlled Member Financial Institution, you will be able to help guide our progress and ensure that the Credit Union is the member’s financial partner thru all the stages of their life



Shellbrook Chronicle

Nick Skrupski




Nick (Nikola) Thomas Skrupski April 4, 1929 – January 9, 2013 Dad was born to Walter and Nellie Skrupski on April 4, 1929. He grew up on the farm near Krydor, SK, the oldest of five children. After graduating from Hafford High School he attended what was then called Normal School to become a teacher. He accepted his first teaching position at a one room schoolhouse called Beausite School in the D’Amour area west of Leask, SK in February, 1947, shortly before his eighteenth birthday. In 1949 he took a position at Evergreen School, near Kilwinning, SK. It was here that he met his future wife, Jean Dobson. Dad and Mom were married on December 23, 1953. In 1958, he accepted a position at Leask High School and they moved to Leask. Other than a brief stint teaching in Calgary, AB he spent the rest of his 35 year career teaching various grades at Leask High School, retiring in 1982. In addition to his teaching, Dad always worked at least one other job to provide for his family. He spent summers working for Patrick Pipeline and then later, as a farmhand for fellow teacher John Kalmakoff. He also drove a school bus and was active as a referee at the hockey arena. Dad was always proud when a former student would take the time to stop by to say hello, or greet him on the street. Dad was predeceased by both of his parents, as well as his sister Maria (Roy) Shannon, and his brothers Zygmund (Jackie), and Bernard. In 2009, just short of 56 years of marriage, he lost the love of his life when Mom passed away; there was a void in his life that could never be filled after her passing. He is survived by his sons Courtney (Janet) and Greg (Leola); his grandchildren Brett (Crystal), Blair, Thomas, and Breanna; and his sister Cecile (Mike Heath) Coupland. Dad’s wishes were to have a private memorial, which was held at Beau Lac Funeral Home, Shellbrook, SK; and to be laid to rest next to Mom at the Leask Cemetery in the spring, according to his wishes. Memorial donations in memory of Nick may be directed to the Shellbrook and Districts Health Services Project. Emailed condolences sent to www.beaulacfuneralhome. com will be forwarded to the family. Beau”Lac” Funeral Home was entrusted with the arrangements.


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Harold Molzan

Harold Ernest Molzan was born on Dec. 27, 1942 on the homestead in Stump Lake, SK. to Karl and Augusta Molzan. He attended Rabbit Bluff School finishing grade eight. Harold helped with all the chores on the farm as well as looking after his pet moose. He started milking cows when he was five years old, and he drove a team of horses hauling bundles to the threshing machine when he was only 13 years old. He worked away from home for a few years and then moved back home and took over the family farm. He met Marjory and they were married on August 30th, 1969. In Oct. 1975 they adopted their first child, Jeffrey; and in December of 1978 they adopted their second child, Connie. Harold and his kids made several trips to the Stump Lake Store usually to bring cream to be shipped once a week or just to spoil his kids. He loved the challenge of a card game, crib, canasta, whist, it didn’t really make much difference, if it involved cards he was ready to play. Harold was an avid hunter and fisherman. He was a member of the Parkview Wildlife Federation for many years. Harold loved to visit with people. His children and grandchildren were very special to him and he would spend as much time as possible with all of them. Harold loved the wildlife and he stocked many lakes with fish and he fed the deer every winter down the hill from where they lived. Harold fought a gallant fight and never complained, first against MS for 13 years and then Cancer! Harold passed away on Jan. 24, 2013 in Prince Albert, SK. at the age of 70 years leaving his pain and suffering behind. Harold leaves to cherish his memory, his loving wife, Marjory Molzan, his children; Jeff (Tammy) Molzan of Stump Lake, SK. and their children, Karlee, Emmie and Rylee; Connie (Les) Bailey of Debden, SK. and their children, Kody, Salina, Konner, Kade and Allie; his brothers; Ted Molzan of Canwood, SK., Oscar (Liz) Molzan of Wataskwin, AB. , Alfred (Marian) Molzan of Stump Lake, SK.; his sisters; Esther Massey of Rosthern and Ruth Altstadt of Shellbrook, SK.; his sisters-in-law; Doreen (Peder) Sorensen of Edmonton, AB., Tina Schaaf of Park Valley, SK., Jenny (Ken) Daniels of Prince Albert, SK., Sharon (Allan) Massey of Shellbrook, SK. and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives as well as all his friends and neighbors. Harold was predeceased by; his parents, Karl and Augusta Molzan, brothers-in-law, George Massey, Martin Altstadt, Bill Schaaf and two infant nephews, Kevin Molzan and Paul Altstadt. The Funeral service was held on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 in the Canwood Elk’s Community Center at 1:00 pm. with Pastor Chris Dean as Officiant. Tina Schaaf Shared the Memories. Cyndi Aarrestad was the soloist. The Honorary Pallbearers were “All of Harold’s family and friends who knew and loved him.” The Pallbearers were Lyle Molzan, David Altstadt, Everette Altstadt, Mitchell Altstadt, William Schaaf, Howard Fonos. Interment was in Stump Lake Cemetery. Memorial Donations in memory of Harold may be made to: the M.S. Society. Beau “Lac” Funeral Home was entrusted with the funeral arrangements.

February 8, 2013

PRAISE & WORSHIP ~ Regular services, Sunday school and

special events will be listed at no charge. LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. - Worship Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Time of prayer 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Pastor David Baldock Shellbrook Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sun., 11 a.m. - Worship Wed., Mid Week Study 7 p.m. Pastor David Bodvarson 747-7235 Canwood 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun., 9:30 a.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Whitefish Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis

Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Sunday, 11 a.m. St. Henry’s - Leask Mass Sunday 7 p.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Saturday, 9 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am -Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Stanislav Kondrat 306-764-6853 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morning. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 747-2309, Leask 466-4498 Marcelin 226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays - 10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley

In Memoriams In memoriams may be put in the Chronicle for $19.50 (30 words) plus 20¢ per additional word

Shellbrook Chronicle

Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000


Shellbrook Chronicle


February 8, 2013

Midget Elks lose provincials to the Maidstone/Turtleford Jets By Tom Pierson The Midget Elks had high hopes when they hosted the Maidstone/Turtleford Jets for game two of their provincial series February 4th. They were up by a goal in the two game total point series after winning 4-3 in Maidstone January 31st. There was some back and forth to start the game, but the Elks hunger for victory soon showed itself. When the Jets took their turn, a slap shot from the point found the net five minutes into the first period. That tied the series. There were plenty of open ice hits in the opening twenty minutes, which grew into big hits everywhere by the end of the game. As strong as the Elks offense was, that goal spurred them on even more. Shellbrook tied the game at 11:01 when Austen Kalyn scored on a goal mouth scramble. The Jets goalie made an exceptional stop to start the process which led to the goal. Dorin Canaday and Kirkland Lande assisted. The period ended that way, with a good quick pace and lots of end-to-end action.

The Jets scored just 26 seconds into the second on a shot Elks goalie Eion Sette wishes he had back. The power play goal was scored on a rush down the left wing. A minute later the Jets scored a short-handed goal. Then a few minutes later the Jets scored another power play goal to go up 4-1 in the game. There was plenty of eagerness on the part of the Elks which led to plenty of hits, ending in a 4-on-3 situation in favour of the Jets. Instead of slowing down, the Elks picked up the pace and re-doubled their attack. Unfortunately, they ran into a very hot goaltender, Amdrew Boyacheck, between the pipes for the Jets. The Elks earned all kinds of good scoring chances, only to be denied by Boyacheck, who was the difference in this game. The Jets went up 5-1 on a give-away and then 6-1 on another frustration caused power play, shortly before the period ended. Kyler Strube started the third period in goal for the Elks and fared pretty well. With the change and time running out, the Elks picked themselves up and scored at

Despite good stops like this by Elks Midget goalie Eion Sotte, the Jets cruised to an 8-2 victory in their second game of Provincials. Ryan Porter (4) looks to clear any rebound. Photo: Tom Pierson 17:06. Jayden Parent’s slap shot eluded the Jets goalie to bring the score to 6-2 for the Jets. Ryan Porter and Skylar Gratias earned the assists. The Jets went up 7-2 on a scramble at even strength 13022AA00

before firing home their final goal on the power play. In the end, Shellbrook out shot their opponents 35-31, but the Jets out-scored them 8-2. Now the Maidstone/ Turtleford team will move on to face Porcupine Plain.

Debden Royalty

Visitor restrictions at Parkland Terrace Visitor restrictions are in place at the Parkland Terrace in Shellbrook after residents became ill with gastrointestinal symptoms. The outbreak was declared by Dr. Khami Chokani, Medical Health Officer, on Tuesday, February 5, 2013. Eight resident of the facility have been experiencing symptoms of a gastrointestinal illness suggestive of norovirus. Samples are currently being collected and sent for testing. The Region’s Medical Health Officer and infection control practitioner, along with the manager and staff members, are following precautions and protocols to reduce the risk of illness spreading to more residents and staff members. Visitor restrictions help reduce the risk of illness spreading both within the facility, and to other members of the community. Visitors and family members going to the facility are discouraged. In extenuating circumstances (e.g., compassionate care), patient cases will be reviewed by nursing staff with Medical Health Officer prior to visiting the unit.

The King, Mitchell Diesen, and Queen, Jamie Fiddler, of the 48th Annual Winter Carnival in Debden were out and about February 2nd. They are shown here at the skating rink where it was madhouse of fun and games. Photo: Tom Pierson

Canwood Cafe February 2013

February 10 - Chinese Smorgasbord 4 - 7 p.m. February 14 - Steak & Shrimp 5 - 7 p.m. February 21 - Cabbage Rolls, Perogies, Smoked Sausage 5 - 7 p.m. February 28 - Ham & Scallop Potatoes 4 - 7 p.m.

Regular Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. 306-468-2535

February 8, 2013

Make early retirement a reality



etirement is a goal for nearly every working adult. Long considered a time to enjoy the fruits of a life’s worth of labors, retirement has become something else entirely over the last several years, when the struggling economy has convinced many aging workers that their opportunity to safely retire may never present itself. But retirement does not have to feel like a wild goose chase with the end goal nowhere in sight. In fact, many men and women who develop a plan early on can retire early, reaping the rewards of their success at an age when many people are still wondering if they can retire at all, much less retire early. • Conduct an immediate audit of your finances. The road to early retirement begins, quite frankly, very early. If your retirement goal is to retire early, conduct an audit of your financial situation as soon as possible, even if you are a relative newcomer to the professional sector. Examine all of your debts and other liabilities, as well as your income and your potential earnings. It may be difficult to forecast potential earnings, but paint a realistic forecast with regard to your earning potential, and then use that to determine your standard of living and how much money you will need to maintain that standard upon retirement. This should give you an idea of how close or how far you are from early retirement and what you

Shellbrook Chronicle

need to start doing now so early retirement can be a reality later on. • Don’t sell savings short. Men and women who retire at the traditional retirement age can count on certain benefits that early retirees aren’t eligible for. Senior discounts can decrease the cost of living for typical retirees, who can also access retirement accounts like a 401(k) or an IRA without paying a penalty. Younger retirees are not eligible for senior discounts, and accessing a retirement account before a certain age can result in a substantial penalty. So men and women whose goal is to retire early should not underestimate the value of a healthy savings account. Retiring early will require a more robust savings account than if you were to retire at a more typical age, so calculate how much more you will need to save in order to retire early. Once you have calculated that figure, ask yourself if it’s realistic that you can save that money and what effect this increased emphasis on savings may have on your quality of life between now and the day you’ve targeted for early retirement? If you cannot realistically save enough money or if you have to sacrifice too much to make early retirement happen, then you might want to reconsider this goal. • Accept sacrifices. Making sacrifices with an end goal of early retirement may be easier for younger men and women who have yet to grow


accustomed to a certain standard of living. Regardless of their age, however, those who hope to retire early will need to accept that they will have to make certain sacrifices to achieve their goals. These sacrifices can be considerable, such as downgrading to a smaller home, or relatively minor, such as cancelling a cable television subscription, but for the average worker they will be necessary to make early retirement happen. The earlier you can make these sacrifices the easier they will be, as it won’t be as hard to sacrifice something you’re not used to having. In addition, the earlier you make these sacrifices the quicker you will be on the road to early retirement. • Periodically reassess how it’s going. The road to early retirement will have its peaks and valleys, so periodically reassess how your plan is going and if you need to alter the plan in any way to make early retirement a reality. This reassessment should be conducted annually, and you must be completely honest with yourself. If the plan is going off course, determine the cause and if there’s anything you can do to catch up or if you need to change your targeted retirement date. Early retirement is a goal for many people. And despite the uneasiness many people feel with regard to retirement, early retirement can become a reality for diligent men and women who develop a plan and stick to that plan in the years to come.


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Shellbrook Chronicle


February 8, 2013

Rules of thumb for first-time home buyers


home purchase is the biggest investment many people will ever make. Though the housing market can fluctuate, prospective homeowners still look at home ownership as a way to secure their financial futures while also putting a roof over their heads. Because it is such a significant investment, the home buying process can be intimidating, especially for first-time home buyers. But even though the housing market can be unpredictable, there are some things that prospective buyers should know regardless of whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market when they begin their search. • Be ready to commit to a location. Buying a home is not like renting an apartment. If renters need to break a lease, they might be able to do so at little or no cost to them. In addition, many renters sign a 12-month lease, which gives them some flexibility with regard to moving should they need to relocate for a new job or simply decide they need a more accommodating living arrangement. That flexibility is far more costly to home buyers, who must pay transaction costs when buying or selling a home. Those fees can be considerable, so prospective home buyers should be ready to

make a long-term commitment to living in the area where they’re searching for a home. Buyers may end up losing money if they’re forced to sell shortly after buying a home. But even those who eak even will be stuck with costly transaction fees at least twice in a short period of time. • Address bad credit. Unless a buyer can afford to buy a home with cash, the buyer will need a mortgage to purchase a home. Mortgages come with an interest rate, which will be higher for those with poor credit scores and histories than those with solid ones. Buying a home is not an overnight process, but one that should begin long before buyers look at any properties. The best way to begin the home-buying process is for a buyer to obtain a copy of his or her credit report, examine it to make sure it is accurate and then work to raise that credit score to a level that makes one attractive to prospective lenders. A low interest rate can save you thousands of dollars over the course of a typical 30-year mortgage, and a credit score and history goes a long way toward determining what that interest rate will ultimately be. • Be ready to put down 20 percent. When buying a home, first-time buyers might be sur-

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prised to learn the down payment is typically 20 percent of the cost of the home. That down payment does not include transaction fees, closing costs or the often considerable cost of moving into the home. So buyers hoping to purchase a $400,000 home should be ready to pay an $80,000 down payment. While it’s possible to qualify for a low-interest mortgage that allows buyers to make a smaller down payment, a smaller down payment will also result in a higher monthly mortgage payment. For those who aren’t prepared to put down 20 percent, it might be in their best interests to put off the home-buying process until they can comfortably afford to do so. • Don’t underestimate the value of a real estate agent. Veteran home buyers might be confident that they can navigate the home-buying process on their own. However, first-time buyers should enlist the help of a professional real estate agent, ideally one who specializes in buying homes. A real estate agent can help make the process less stressful and provide valuable advice as to where to look for a home, how to make an offer and a host of other suggestions first-time buyers may not be knowledgeable about.

• Buy a home in a good school district. A good school district isn’t just beneficial for home buyers with children. Buyers who don’t have children and don’t plan to have children should still look for a home in a good school district, as numerous studies have shown buyers will pay more for a home that’s in a good school district. Good schools help maintain demand for property, and consistent demand should ensure a property appreciates in value over time, making a home in a good school district a better investment than a home in a bad school district. • Get pre-approved. Many first-time buyers fail to get pre-approved before beginning their search for a home. Failing to get pre-approved means buyers won’t know how much lenders feel they can afford, and buyers may spend lots of time looking at homes they like but will never be able to buy. Pre-approval also enables buyers to more easily make an offer when they find a home they like. Buying a home can be both frustrating and fun. First-time buyers should employ a few time-tested tricks of the trade to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

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February 8, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Kindersley woman gives gift of Saskatchewan Pension plan KINDERSLEY, February 5, 2013 — Family therapistCarol Mitchell believes so strongly in the Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP) thatshe signed up six of her family members and deposited money into their accounts. “I decided to invest in their futures,” she says. “Someday I’m going to die and they are not going to remember they spent the $100 I gave them on a sweater or a dinner out. But when it comes time for their retirements, they’ll remember I believed in them and put money aside in their names.” SPP is a retirement savings option offering professional management and low annual fees. The plan is open to all Canadians between the ages of 18 and 71, and members can invest up to $2500 per year (subject to RRSP limits). Over the last 26 years, average returns in the balanced fund have been nearly 8 per cent with annual expenses averaging about1 per cent. Mitchell joined SPP in 2000, two years after her husband. “My husband joined in 1998 because it was one of the perks offered by his employer,” she says. “I looked at his statements, and the earnings were better than I was getting at the bank so I decided to take out my own plan.”

She makes maximum contributions to her own account every year and takes full advantage of the opportunity to move money from her personal RRSP into SPP. She enrolled her two grandsons in SPP when they turned 18, and subsequently made similar arrangements for her two daughters and two goddaughters. Mitchell hopes her family memberswill continue to contribute to SPP above and beyond any further gifts she gives them;however, she recognizes that some years theymayhave other, more pressing financial priorities. “The flexibility to contribute whatever they can afford to SPP each year is one reason I really like the program,” she says. Mitchell turned 65 this year, but plans to keep on working and contributing to her own SPP account until age 71.Then she can opt for a lifetime pension, transfer the funds to a prescribed registered retirement income fund with a financial institution, or select a combination of both the annuity and transfer options. SPP is the 28th largest defined contribution plan in Canada and has grown to over 32,000 members and more than300 million dollars in assets. The RRSP contribution deadline for 2012 is March 1,

2013. For more information, visit sppwork.ca or call 1-8007 7 53 667-7153.

No need to fret RRSP season, says Saskatchewan Pension Plan Manager KINDERSLEY, January 29, 2013 — Amajority of Canadians feel anxious about RRSP deadlines, but Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP) General Manager Katherine Strutt says there’s no need to stress. “People often put off saving because they think they need a lot of money to do so. Even putting a little away each month will help your retirement savings grow over time.At SPP, our 26-year return rate has averaged nearly 8 per cent.” A recent BMO Financial Group study found that60 per cent of Canadians feel anxious about trying to find money to save for retirement and that nearlyy half of Canadians who make annual RRSP contributions do so in one lump sum. “Lump sum contributions are definitely popular,” says Strutt. “People have busy lives complicated by many expenses, and it can bechallenging to contribute the same amount to a retirement plan every month. SPP is designed to accommodate that. We understand that real life happens, and it’s important to us that we continue to be a flexible retirement savings option.” SPP is a leader in its field and is open to all Canadians aged 18 to 71.Investors can put in up to $2500 per year. Established in 1986, the plan is professionally managed and offers low annual feesof about 1 per cent. “Policy makers have spent a lot of time looking for ways to encourage Canadians to save more for retirement. But our ‘one of a kind’ program has been here all along,” says Strutt.


T t i ld B d Hood H d is i a big bi Twenty-six-year-old Brady fan of SPP. Not only is he a plan member, but since last year his Saskatoon-based family business, Olympian Sports, has offered SPP as part of its employee benefit p g package. “Even though I’m young, I see that SPP is a good place to start investing, and it will open doors for our staff to do their own investing too.” SPP is the 28th largest defined contribution plan in Canada, and has grown to over 32,000 members and more than 300 million dollars in assets. The RRSP contribution deadline for 2012 is March 1, 2013.For more information, visit sppworks.ca.


Sign up at sppworks.ca

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Shellbrook Chronicle


February 8, 2013

What to do with your retirement account before the next economic downturn


struggling economy can have both instant and longterm consequences. When the economy is suffering, consumers tend to spend less in the short term while making financial decisions that affect them over the long haul. One of the biggest quandaries men and women face during a recession or economic downturn is how to approach their retirement accounts, most notably a 401(k). When the economy begins to struggle, men and women may notice their 401(k) plans are struggling right along

with it, losing money that most were counting for their retirements. This can induce a certain degree of panic, as account holders worry about their financial futures and how they are going to get by should the recession last and their retirement accounts continue to shrink. But such panic might be unwarranted. According to the investment management firm Vanguard, participant saving and investing behavior had returned to prerecession levels by 2010, and participant account balances actually rose 13 percent between

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2005-2010, despite the considerable market shock that occurred during the recession of 2008-2009. Those figures illustrate that even during a particularly bad economic swoon investors will return to their typical behavior sooner rather than later. Therefore it pays to avoid overreacting at the onset of a downturn and maintain your peace of mind. While some people manage to maintain a cool head during times of economic struggles, others may lose sleep when the next recession or downturn rears its ugly head. To avoid succumbing to

such stress, consider the following tips to protect your retirement accounts should the economy once again take a turn for the worse. • Pay attention to your portfolio. Young people just beginning their professional careers are often told to enroll in a 401(k) program as soon as possible, but to avoid making any changes in the near future once the account has been set up. While no investors, young or old, should allow a knee-jerk reaction after a bad financial quarter to dictate how they manage their retirement accounts, that doesn’t mean you should ignore an account entirely. Pay attention to your portfolio, examining it at least once per year so you can make adjustments to your investments if need be. Just don’t allow a sudden reaction to a bad quarter dictate these adjustments, which should only be made after a careful examination of your retirement account’s portfolio and its performance. If you’re happy with the performance, don’t change a thing. • Reduce your risk as you age. Financial experts can often predict when the economy will thrive and when it will struggle. But unless you are such an expert, avoid playing with fire. As you age, reduce your risk with regard to your investments. Young people can afford to take on more risk because they have more time to make up for a risk that doesn’t work out. Men and women age 50 and older have no such luxury and should reconfigure their retirement accounts as they age so their investments are less risky and more conservative. This strategy should be put to use even if you lost a substantial amount of money during a previous recession or downturn. It might be tempting to try to make up for lost money, but that strategy carries considerable risk, and you might end up depleting your retirement savings a second time. • Spread the money around. When contributing to a retirement account such

as a 401(k), the standard is to deposit 6 percent of each paycheck into that account. If you’re depositing more than 6 percent into your retirement account, consider decreasing your retirement contribution to the standard amount and depositing the extra money into a high-interest savings account. The savings account won’t put your deposits at risk, and if the economy is faring well, you will still be doing well with your 401(k) while ensuring some of your money won’t suffer should the economy suddenly take a turn for the worse. • Don’t cash out too

early. When the economy struggles, many investors have discovered they simply don’t have the stomach for investing. That’s perfectly understandable with certain investments, but a retirement account should not be one of them. Cashing out a retirement account too early could incur substantial penalties that, if your retirement account was affected poorly by a bad year, may only further deplete an account you likely spent years building. Avoid the temptation to cash out early if your retirement account is struggling. It’s often not worth the steep price.

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February 8, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Things to consider before investing in a rental property

Real estate has long been considered one of the best investments a person can make. Even though buyer confidence might have waned somewhat in light of the recent economic swoon and its impact on the housing market, many investors still view real estate as a solid investment. Among the ways people invest in real estate is to purchase a rental property. Rental properties can provide income for landlords long after the mortgage has been paid off, and the potential for such

income into retirement is a motivating factor for men and women who want to invest in real estate. But investing in a rental property is not for everyone, and there are a host of factors potential investors should consider before deciding to become a landlord. • Approval: Getting approved for a home loan for a home you plan to live in is different than getting approved for one when you don’t intend to live on the property. Lenders don’t necessarily frown on non-owner occupied homes, but they do make it

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harder to secure loans for investment properties. Interest rates tend to be higher, and many lenders ask for higher down payments than the standard 20 percent for more typical home loans. However, buyers who want multi-family units and intend on living in one of the units should be able to qualify for a more traditional owner-occupied loan, which will likely mean a lower interest rate and a more typical down payment. • Taxes: Homeowners gain certain tax exemptions, but those exemptions do not always apply to investment properties, which could make the cost of an investment property even more than investors anticipate. The tax burden of an investment property may prove considerable, and some investors might not be able to manage such a heavy burden. In addition, mortgage relief programs, such as those that arose during the recent recession, typically exclude non-owner occupied properties, so investors might find themselves in financial hot water should another recession occur in the future and

the investment property lose value as a result. • Tenants: Though some real estate rental markets, such as those in densely populated cities, are extremely competitive and advantageous to landlords, the rental market in general can be hard to predict. A significant number of renters are college students and young professionals, and one byproduct of the ongoing economic woes has been the decision by many young people to save money by living at home while in college or returning home once they have earned their degree and entered the job market. Another byproduct is a poor job market that has little to offer to young and inexperienced professionals, who can’t find work and subsequently cannot rent their own apartments. When considering investing in a rental property, think about your prospective tenants. Are there enough of them to allow you to create a competitive market wherein you can charge a rent that will put a significant dent in the mortgage? Are there

enough potential tenants to allow you to be choosy and establish minimum income requirements, or will you likely be forced to accept any and all comers just to pay your mortgage? If the potential tenant market does not inspire much confidence, then that should be a red flag to prospective real estate investors. • Help: Few people who invest in a rental property can handle the job on their own. Making repairs or finding tenants often requires the help of a professional, and those people are likely to cost money. Men and women who aren’t especially handy won’t want to pay a plumber to fix a tenant’s sink or a repairman to replace a cracked floor tile when such issues inevitably arise, so you may have to offer a discounted rent to tenants who can pull double duty as a superintendent to all of the units within the investment property. Especially large units, such as apartment complexes, may require a full-time superintendent, whose salary must be paid by the owner of the building.

Another helper a prospective landlord may need is a property management agency that helps landlords find tenants when there are vacancies. Vacant rental properties can negatively affect a landlord’s finances, as landlords rely on rental income to pay their mortgages. As a result, many landlords enlist the services of a property management agency to ensure their properties are well marketed when there is a vacancy. These agencies typically list and show the property, and some will even oversee repairs. But like a live-in manager or a full-time superintendent, property management agencies are an expense and one that prospective investors must learn about and calculate into their budgets before buying an investment property. Investing in a rental property can be a sound business venture that pays substantial dividends down the road. But such an investment isn’t for everyone, and prospective investors should make their decision as informed as possible before buying a rental property.

McAuley Law Firm Did you know? A credit score is a number generated by a mathematical formula, or algorithm, based on information in each individual’s credit report. Lenders use different scoring models to determine if an applicant is worthy of credit, and these different models are why men and women have three different credit scores. But each of these models relies heavily on an individual’s credit report. Two of the most inf luential factors in determining an individual’s credit score are payment history and the amount of money owed. Payment history includes history of payment on credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans, and

mortgages, among other things. Adverse public records, including bankruptcies, liens and wage attachments also factor in. A credit score also takes into consideration the amount owed, including amount owed on certain types of accounts and the number of accounts with balances. In addition to payment history and amounts owed, the algorithm used to determine a credit score also considers an individual’s length of credit history, any new credit accounts they have opened and the types of credit they have used. The higher a person’s credit score, the better interest rate that person is likely to receive from a lender.

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Shellbrook Chronicle


February 8, 2013

Dos and don’ts of improving credit scores


The credit score that is carefully scrutinized is a person’s FICO score. FICO is an acronym for Fair, Isaac and Company, the organization that historically assigned credit ratings. This score is the rating used by creditors and others to determine a person’s financial risk level, therefore identifying if an individual is worth the risk of a line of credit. FICO also influences interest rates, as a weaker score usually earns borrowers a higher interest rate. Lenders will study an applicant’s FICO score when individuals apply for a credit card, apply for a mortgage loan or want to finance a car or another large purchase.

ew things have a larger impact on borrowing and purchasing power than a positive credit score. A person who wants to make a purchase that involves a line of credit, such as buying furniture or financing a new car, must be aware of how his or her credit rating can affect the proceedings. And the significance of a personal credit store goes beyond purchasing power. Many employers now perform credit checks on job applicants to determine if the potential hires will be trustworthy, while renters often find that landlords run a credit check to determine the probability that a tenant will default on a rent payment. Much importance is put on a high credit score, so much so that people go to great lengths to improve their score. When individuals try to improve the health of their credit scores, they may engage in behavior that seems on the surface to be beneficial but actually may be compromising the score even further. Understanding credit scores is one way to avoid such mistakes.

According to the FICO score scale, the highest credit score issued is 850, which is excellent. Few people actually achieve this score. More fall into the range of “good,” which is between 660 and 749. Individuals who fall into the good or excellent range will have little trouble borrowing money and getting loans. These people also will receive the lowest interest rates possible, which could make a significant difference in the overall cost of a loan.

What is a credit score?

Who determines credit scores?

In the United States, credit scores are typically calculated by the three main credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Different creditors report to different bureaus, so the scores between the three may vary. An average of the three bureaus is used to determine an overall credit score.

Things that lower credit scores Paying bills on time and being aware of any breaches of identity theft are positive steps that can raise a person’s credit score. However, there are other myths that prevail that could cause a person to actually harm his or her score rather than improve it. • Failure to check credit scores: Many people shy away from regularly requesting their own credit reports because they’ve learned that too many credit inquiries can reflect badly on a credit score. However, requesting your own report has no negative effect. In fact, doing so regularly could help you discover any irregularities or mistakes that could be negatively affecting your score.

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February 8, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Golf's spotlight on No. 1 McIlroy For the first time since the late 1990s, the early-season focus on the PGA Tour is on somebody other than Tiger Woods. For the past 15 years, it was either Tiger coming off a dominant season; or coming back from an injury; or trying a new swing change; or hitting the headlines because of a lurid scandal and divorce from his Swedish model wife. No matter what was happening in his life or his career, it was Tiger this and Tiger that. Almost as if nobody else existed. Was he bigger than the game itself? Absolutely. But this is 2013 and the professional golf spotlight this year is on Rory McIlroy, the 23-year-old Northern Irishman who already owns two major titles, one more than Woods had at the same age. With a famous girlfriend (top 10 tennis star Caroline Wozniacki) and a brand new 10-year $200 million contract with Nike in his hip pocket, McIlroy is the new Mr. Golf, as well as owner of the No. 1 world ranking. Can Rory get comfortable enough with his new Nike sticks to hold on to his No. 1 position? As the season plays out, the McIlroyWoods rivalry is bound to dominate the headlines, but there are other interesting storylines, too. The shaky economic situation in Europe has resulted in a number of big-name European Tour players joining the PGA Tour this year, so watch for Martin Kaymer,

Nicolas Colsaerts, Peter Hanson and Ryu Ishikawa, among others, to have a significant impact on the money list. As for rookies this year, who knows? Last year’s rookie of the year, John Huh, was a ‘huh?’ to most golf fans before he parlayed one victory and four top 10s into $2.6 million and a top-30 finish for the season. Rookie Russell Henley won the first fullfield event of the season, the Sony Open, and other freshmen such as Luke Guthrie and Scott Langley bear close scrutiny. And oh yes, Phil Mickelson, always trying to stay headline-relevant in the world of golf, said he was considering making “drastic changes” to his lifestyle because of high taxes, in the 50 per cent range. With income last year of a reported $60.8 million, he was faced with having to get by on only $30 million or so. Out of touch? Out of bounds, Phil! • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Phil Mickelson — who makes about $30 million a year in endorsements alone — told reporters he will make ‘drastic changes’ because tax increases will eat more of his income. ‘Now, if you'll excuse me," he continued, "I just need to finish this 'Will Putt For Food' sign I'm working on.’ • Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “Geneva College in Pennsylvania has a freshman basketball player who is 43 years old. He’s at that awkward age for a basketball player —

BRUCE PENTON ~ too old to play college ball, too young for the Knicks.” • Janice Hough of leftcoastsportsbabe.com: “This just in: As a way to cut down on illegitimate children and embarrassment to the league, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is recommending all players start having fantasy girlfriends.” • Tweet of the week from comedian Chris Rock, mined from Peter King’s Monday Morning Quarterback at si.com: “Andy Reid wins four games and everybody wants him. Lovie Smith wins 10 games and can't get a job.” • Steve Simmons of Sunmedia.com: “Best part about the NHL lockout being over: Watching five hours of hockey just about every night on television. Worst part about the lockout being over: Watching five hours of hockey just about every night on television.” • Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle, linking a couple of big-time stories: ”Lance Armstrong, in a televised interview with Oprah Winfrey, confessed that he

Shellbrook Town Council news By Tom Pierson At this time of year, there is not much happening with Council, as they are busy with end of year housekeeping chores and getting ready for the year to come. The big story around the big table is Bylaw Enforcement. Council have found time to look after the Animal Control Bylaw. For the rest, Council is looking to hire someone for the parttime position. The last pennies in Canada were produced in May, 2012 as Canada is doing away with the one cent coin. As a result of this move by the government, Council needs to upgrade some of its Bylaws. One such Bylaw covers water and sewer rates, which Council will revise for a three year term. The Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti

Library will have its hours cut by Wapiti in 2013. Town Council in the past has funded the Library for seven hours. Council has approved in principle at this time to pick up the slack so the local library’s hours remain stable. Council had received a request via e-mail requesting a change to the Golf Cart Bylaw. Council was asked to allow golf carts to be driven on Main Street. Council has decided not to change the Bylaw, so golf carts are still forbidden on Main Street. Northern Lakes Economic Corp. sent a delegation to Council to discuss the 2013 tourism trade show. The Town of Shellbrook has participated in the past and will do so again this year. The Town gets a good bang for its advertising dollar at this trade show.

resorted to performanceenhancing drugs because of a long-running Internet ‘bromance’ with a person who never existed.” • Ostler again: “On the liar scale, Armstrong makes Barry Bonds look like a guy who answers ‘Heck, no!’ when his wife asks, ‘Does this dress make me look fat?’ “ • R.J. Currie of sportsdeke.com: “A motto for any San Antonio Spur contemplating divorce: Remember

the alimony.” • Janice Hough again: “Sacramento basketball fans are hoping against hope that a deal will be struck to keep Seattle from taking their Kings. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, fans are close to begging anyone to take the Lakers.” • Another one from Hough: “Andrew Luck will play in the Pro Bowl after Tom Brady pulled out due to an ‘undisclosed injury.’ Translation – Brady is sick

of settling for the Pro Bowl.” • Comedy writer Gary Bachman: “It’s so cold Lance Armstrong injected himself with soup.” • Steve Schrader of the Detroit Free Press, after the NHL ran full-page ads in 40 newspapers to apologize for the lockout: "A nice gesture, sure, but if Gary Bettman really meant it, he would have done it on Oprah." Care to comment? Email brucepenton2003@yahoo. ca


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, Internet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 5-8, Friday 1-5. Contact us for more info 497-3130 www.wapitilibrary.ca. CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Thurs. - 12 :00 noon - 5: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). Ph. 747-3419. SHELLBROOK: Kinette Club of Shellbrook Sweethearts Night Out Dine & Dance, Friday, February 8th, Shellbrook Community Hall, Cocktails: 6:30, Supper: 7:00, Dance: 9:30. Enter our Sweetheart Photo Contest by submitting a photo of you and your sweetheart to: shellbrook_kinettes@hotmail.com for a chance to win a free couple ticket. Tickets available at Woodland Pharmacy or Kim (306)747-8270. Proceeds to Kinsmen park Revamp Project SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Theatre Movie Nights. Next Movie Nights in Shellbrook, FRIDAY, February 15, The movie showing will be: ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ ~ 7:30 p.m., FRIDAY, March 15 Movie “LINCOLN” - 7:30 p.m., Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Cost is $5 for movie. SHELLBROOK: Famous Medieval Feast in Shellbrook on evening of March 1. Enjoy a fun, delicious, medieval couple’s night out with entertainer Sir Randall of Albert. Sales are by advance tickets while they last. Poster and tickets at the Shellbrook Flowers or phone Shellbrook Wildlife Fed. Barbie Clark 747-3781 or 922-1767. SHELLBROOK: Shrove Tuesday Supper, Pancake, Ham & Ice cream, February 12 - 5 to 7 p.m. at the Shellbrook United Church. $8.00. Kaiser Tournament to follow. BIG RIVER: Fish Derby on Saturday, March 13 at Cowan Lake, Big River. $10,000 for biggest fish, total prize pkg. Over $20,000 value. Registration fee: $50/fisherman (2nd hole $20). Registration & Pancake breakfast 8 a.m. Fishing Noon to 3 p.m. To register phone: 306.469.2354. For more info visit www.bigriver.ca or email: krienkemaisie@ sasktel.net. SHELLBROOK: Cameo Community Snowmobile Rally on Saturday, February 16 Register at 12 noon to 2 p.m., Cameo Hall. 6 miles west of Shellbrook, & 2 miles north on Cameo-Buckingham Rd. Tickets $10.00 each or 3/$20.00 . Call Keith at 747-3765 or Ralph at 747-3611. 1st Prize - 30% of Ticket Sales • 2nd Prize - 20% of Ticket Sales, 3rd Prize - 10% of Ticket Sales • Rider - Only Door Prizes • Many Prizes/Draws. Kaiser Tournament on Sun., February 17, Cameo Hall ~ Register 12 noon. $5.00/person

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Shellbrook Chronicle Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Ph: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000 • email: chads@shellbrookchronicle. com


Shellbrook Chronicle

By Tom Pierson When there is snow in Canada, people find a way to make a sport of it. In Canwood February 2nd, the Sno-Blazers Club held a ‘Rally in the Pines’ to honour and enjoy winter and the sport of snowmobiling. The Sno-Blazers President Glen Andrusyk said, “The length this year that we’ve groomed trail is just over 95 kilometres.” That equates to, “lots of volunteer hours, lots of work and lots of dedication.” About the Sno-Blazers, “The Club has been running since the 70s. It has a long history in the area. We have about a dozen, 12 to 14 members that are active,” says Andrusyk. “It takes almost a year of planning to get volunteers lined up, grooming lined up, the trail and door prizes.” The trails are marked, signed, staked and groomed. It’s a nice family event. About 50 riders participated in the day’s events. “We have three stops today, one is in Debden, one will be at Sturgeon Lake, with a warm-up shack there, and there will be one by Fishing Lake,” reported Andrusyk. “This is a great way to bring people from out of town,” commented Andrusyk. “We’ve got response today for this rally from Saskatoon, Regina, Manitoba, Prince Albert, of course, and Big River. So it’s going to be a nice amalgamation we have here today.” That led to an amusing anecdote on how well, or not, the trail is marked. Andrusyk said, “We can have a person come here from Regina and he won’t get lost. “That is how we test our trail. We have a new member come in and see if he can follow our trail. If he doesn’t get lost, then we’ll know if we are doing a good job.” He said the process is fun.


A beautiful day in the pines Pointing to their website, www.canwoodsnoblazers. com, he indicated it is very good and active right now. Put it together with the rally and they have a nice recipe to promote local tourism. The Club is also trying to promote attracting all age groups. As Andrusyk commented, “It’s a nice, safe family sport where you can get out in northern Saskatchewan and enjoy the winter.” In talking about the goal of the Club, Andrusyk says, “Our club works very hard to promote safe sledding in the area. Our club donates to local charities when we can. Our club is always looking for new members.” The Club is currently promoting safety and getting all the snowmobiles in the area registered. Registering and insuring a sled provides bonuses for both sledders and the Club. Because everyone knows the groomer is expensive, fuel is expensive, along with the stakes, everything is expensive. Right now SGI has incorporated a policy providing funds to local clubs within your sled registration. Andrusyk says, “With your basic registration you buy a trail pass that entitles you to liability insurance and it helps us. There is a kickback to the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association (SSA).” The Sno-Blazers club is a member of SSA, so when you put plates on your sleds it helps the clubs pay for their cost to make trails safe. And, Helmets are Mandatory! “We look down on drinking and driving,” states Andrusyk, which brings up another important point. Drinking and driving a snowmobile carries the same penalties as in a car. “A lot of people don’t realize that.”

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He cited statistics he has seen where the number of accidents go up the more drinking there is on the trail. “We want this to be a great winter sport for northern Saskatchewan. “If you are not on private land, by law you have to have the machine registered.” Being a member of SSA means, “Our trail has to be of a certain standard and they enforce that,” says Andrusyk. “So that’s one thing that’s nice, safety for the whole province.” The Club would like to thank the generosity of land owners on their trail. “We couldn’t do this without them.”

February 8, 2013

The Registration and Prize Table at the Canwood Sno-Blazers “Rally in the Pines” was manned by volunteers and club members, from left to right: Colleen Andrusyk, John Andrusyk, Celine Sipes and Jordan Sipes. Photo: Tom Pierson

Sledders arrive to participate in the Canwood Sno-Blazers “Rally in the Pines” February 2nd. There were three checkpoints with a game of poker involved to get prizes as well as food and drink and warmth. Photo: Tom Pierson

February 8, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle 21



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FOR SALE BY INFORMAL TENDER - Land and Farm Yard in Shellbrook Area. 360 farmable acres,140 fenced, 70 in grass. Property is located approximately 15 miles SW of Shellbrook. LLD - SE 1-48-5 W3, NW 1-48- 5 W3, NE 1-48-5 W3. Approx. 1500 sq ft bungalow with finished basement built in 1982, newer well and water system. 25 X 40 garage. 29 X 19 tractor bay. 24 X 40 barn. 50 X 60 Quonset. Informal tenders must be received by February 15th, 2013. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit tenders by mail to: Rick Muller, 692 Branion Drive, Prince Albert, Sk. S6V 2S2. For further details, contact Rick Muller at 306-922-3519 or 306961-3383. 5-6C

FOR SALE - Great Valentine gift. Tickets for famous Medieval Feast in Shellbrook on March 1. Enjoy a fun, delicious, medieval couple’s night out with entertainer ‘Sir Randall of Albert’. Sales are by advance tickets while they last. Poster and tickets at the Shellbrook Flowers or phone Shellbrook Wildlife Fed. Barbie Clark 747-3781 or 922-1767 2-6CH

FOR SALE - Quality Red and Black Salers bulls for calving ease. Elderberry Farm Salers, Parkside 7473302 11-13CH

LAND FOR SALE R.M. 464 LEASK INFORMAL TENDER NW 6-47-5 W3, 145 acres, Assessment $72,900; SW 6-47-5 W3, 149 acres, Assessment $79,900; SE 7-47-5 W3, 158 acres, Assessment $31,600; SW 7-47-5 W3, 73 acres, Assessment $17,300 No buildings, by Town of Leask. NW 17-46-5 W3, 160 acres, Assessment $89,900; SW 20-46-5 W3, 160 acres, Assessment $87,900 No buildings. SE 1-46-6 W3, 160 acres, Assessment $93,600; SW 1-46-6 W3, 160 acres, Assessment $89,000 Some buildings and power to yard, by Marcelin. Tender your choice - One or All. Must be received by March 1, 2013. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Land owned by GRSJ Hubbard Holdings Ltd., Box 471, Leask, SK S0J 1M0. Contact Gordon Hubbard, Box 471, Leask, SK S0J 1M0; Phone 1-306-466-2232; Cell 1-306-466-7733; Fax 1-306-466-2133

AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2008 Buick Enclave SUV, 128,000 kms, $22,000, Ph: Wes 306-747-3782 NE

WANTED WANTED TO BUY - Looking to buy gently used alto saxaphone. Call 306747-7151 TFCH WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH WANTED - Straw bales, even good old straw bales and good old hay bales. Ph: 306-724-4468 4-6CH WANTED: Seasoned firewood, three half-ton truck loads. Call 8832980 1-6CH

until May 1. Tours welcome. For more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries. 306-469-4970 or 306-469-7902 25-30CH


JOHNER STOCK FARM BULLS, Polled Hereford/ Speckle Park yearling and two year olds. Guaranteed, delivered. 306-893-2714 or 893-2667 25-28CH

Mid Winter Classic Antique & Collectible Auction Sale Sunday, February 10th 10:00AM Delisle Town Hall, Delisle SK www.bodnarusauctioneering. com 1-877-494-2437 PL#312800SK

FOR SALE - Black and Red Angus bulls on moderate growing ration. Performance info available. Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards. Valleyhills Angus. Glaslyn, SK Ph: 306-342-4407 17-22CH


FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus heifers. Yearlings ready for breeding in the spring. Leading bloodlines from very dependable, no nonsense cows. Approx. 30 available. For more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries. 306-4694970 or 306-4697902 8-13CH FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus bulls. Yearling and 2 year olds. Reasonably priced, well developed bulls. Not force fed, but carry enough condition to go out and work your pastures. Transformers, Raven, Master and Diversity bloodlines. $100.00 deposit will hold

COMING EVENTS - Shellbrook Royal Purple Soup and Sandwich Friday, February 15, 11 am to 1:30 p.m., Shellbrook Community Hall. COMING EVENTS - Medieval Feast in Shellbrook on March 1. Enjoy a fun, delicious, medieval couple’s night out with entertainer ‘Sir

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Randall of Albert’. Sales are by advance tickets while they last. Poster and tickets at the Shellbrook Flowers or phone Shellbrook Wildlife Fed. Barbie Clark 747-3781 or 9221767. 3-7CH

CARD OF THANKS We express our thanks to all those who participated in the celebration of life of our mother Eva Boutin. Thanks to the staff of Victoria hospital for taking good care of her in the last days of her life; to Beau “Lac” Funeral Home for their professional services, to Laurna Parent for taking care of the lunch and to all those that brought food and condolences. A special thank you to those who donated to the Debden Heritage Manor in memory of Eva. - The Boutin family

WORK FOR YOUR COMMUNITY THIS SUMMER! The Town of Shellbrook is now accepting resumes for the following summer positions: • Head Lifeguard (Full Time) • Lifeguards and Instructors (Full & Part Time) • Head Playground Coordinator (Full Time) • Assistant Playground Coordinator (Full Time) • Parks and Tourism Attendant (Full Time) • Public Works Summer Student (Full Time)

Send your resumes by Feb. 22 to: shellbrookrecdirector@sasktel.net or drop off at the Town Office. For more information please call Jenny Hosie at the Town office


CARD OF THANKS The family of Olive Potts would like to thank all the people who called, sent cards, flowers and food. Thank you to Beau “Lac” Funeral Home for their care and consideration with the arrangements. Thank you to Pastor Dave for his service. A special thank you to the staff at Whispering Pine Place who for the past 15 years gave Mother/Grandma loving care and attention, meeting daily challenges with patience and creativity. - Clara, Donald and Linda, Barry and Kathryn, Greg and Sandra & our families.


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EVANS - In loving memory of my dear husband, father and grandfather, Garnet Evans. October 3, 1921 February 12, 2008 at 86 years. Your presence is ever near us Your love remains with us yet You were the kind of father and grandfather Your loved ones will never forget. - Lovingly remembered by your wife, Pearl, family and grandchildren.


SCHMALZ – Arthur, (June 4, 1913 - February 6, 2006) Our thoughts are ever with you Though you have passed away And those who have loved you dearly Are thinking of you today. - Sadly missed by children: Rita and Edwin Kneller, Les and Anne Schmalz, Al Schmalz, Arlene Schmalz and families.

In Memory Blair Berting and her parents, Sarah and Justin welcomed Brett Jacob on September 27, 2012. Proud grandparents are Ross and Dolores Poppel of Shellbrook & Gordon and Erika Berting of St. Gregor. Great grandmas are Clara Lukan, Canwood, Liz Berting and Muriel Von Dollen of Humboldt.

may be put in the Chronicle for $ 19.50* (30 words) 20¢ per additional word Photo - $10.00 * 1 week includes website

Shellbrook Chronicle Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000

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February 8, 2013

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY P Y R A M I D CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: hr@pyramidcorp oration.com or fax 780-955-HIRE. Speedway Moving Systems requires O/O for our 1 ton and 3 ton fleets to transport RVs throughout N. America. We offer competitive rates and Co. Fuel cards. Paid by direct deposit. Must have clean criminal record and passport to cross border.1-866-736-6483; www.speedwaymoving systems.com


QUILL PLAINS CHEV BUICK GMC LTD. Wadena, SK is looking for careerminded individuals to fill the following positions: 1. Apprentice Automotive Technician, 2. Journeyman Technician, 3. Service Writer. On-the-job training Competitive salaries Compensation/School/ Relocation compensation Benefits plan call NORM at 306-338-2577 (w) or 306-338-2569 (h) or email resumé to nfehr@quillplains.ca


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AUCTIONS 1 HOME QTR & 18 Parcels of Farmland D a v i d s o n , Saskatchewan. Sorgaard Ranches Ltd - 2290+/title acres. 3 bedroom bungalow, 30 X 50 ft. garage, selling at the Saskatoon Auction March 19/13. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers: 1-800-491-4494; rbauction.com.

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COMING EVENTS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SHOW & SALE. February 18 to 24 (inclusive) at Market Mall, Preston & Louise, Saskatoon, during mall hours.


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Shellbrook Chronicle


February 8, 2013


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