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East Central Alberta R 72 pt

60 pt


Volume 104 No. 9

48 pt


36 pt

YourR favourite source 30 pt for news and entertainment in East Central Alberta, reaching 83 communities weekly 24 pt R

Peace Officer rate increase Beth Causley

ECA Review

A celebration of words Beth Causley

ECA Review


Forestburg council ................... 1 Castor Little Theatre.................. 2 RCMP ....................................2, 7 Stettler Town council ................ 3 Alix council............................... 3 Dining & Entertainment ........... 4 Prairie View .............................. 6 Classifieds/Careers ............10-11 Puzzle .................................... 11 Money Matters ..................12-13 Sports..................................... 32

Breeders’ OPINION: special Neo-Liberals section alive and flourishing Pages 14 - 31 Page 6

FLYERS Lowes Sobeys Food Town IGA NAPA Rona The Brick, Stettler



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Librarian Manager Lauren Anne Reid said in an email. She went on to say that there are a lot of amazing things happening for preschoolers in our community, including our Winter Reading Program every Thursday morning. This is a great example of the kinds of things the Coronation Library is looking at doing more of in the future, things that are fun, friendly and full of learning possibilities!


see dealer for details.

A special day for kids up to 6 years of age was held at the Golden Age Drop in Centre in Coronation on Feb. 19 and all you needed to do to find it was follow the screams of delight. It was a busy place with nearly 60 people at the event that had a bouncy house, face-painting and crafts for the children. A free lunch was provided for

everyone in attendance and children under six went home with a goodie bag. A puppet show put on by Ken Bishop was met by screams of delight by the children. The event was hosted by the Coronation Memorial Library, ParentLink, Silver Community Club and Paintearth Adult Learning. “ This event was meant to bring parents, kids and organizations together to celebrate literacy,”

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Children up to 6 years of age gathered at the Coronation Golden Age Drop-In Center on Feb. 19 for the Celebration of Words literacy festival. The squeals of joy were deafening and the smiles blinding, evident in the faces of Sinead Bargholz, Bella Bowen and Bentley Williamson, when entertainer Ken Bishop and his puppets started their show. ECA Review/B. Causley

A letter received by Flagstaff County’s Regional Emergency Services Coordinator Kim Cannady was reviewed at the village of Forestburg’s regular meeting on Feb.18. A motion was made to send a letter to the County expressing their concerns regarding the agreement and request they send a representative to council to discuss the issues and that at this time they aren’t intending on renewing the agreement. Council agreed that the letter should highlight that they want to see an engaged officer in the community. Visibility in the town and engagement with the residents and students at the school are a priority. The Community Peace Officer agreement between Flagstaff County and the Village of Forestburg expires on March 1 and included a new two year agreement between the county and the village, council heard at their regular meeting on Feb.18. The letter also stated that to realize a cost recovery for the increasing operational expenses of the Peace Officer services the hourly rate has increased from $67.00 to $71.50. If signed by the village the new rate would become effective on March 1, 2015. The current yearly costs for the program are $7,236 for 108 hours of service ($603 per month for nine hours or $67 per hour) and with the new rate the agreement will result in a 6.7 per cent increase over the last agreement making the cost approximately $7,722 per year. If the village did not sign the contract for the Community Peace Officer Services they would see a reduction in the tax rate for 2015 of 1.5 percent, reducing the anticipated increase for 2015 to 1.7 percent. Turn to Concern, Pg 8



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2 February


eCa review

Coronation/Stettler, ab.

Shockingly hilarious, was the 33rd annual production by the Castor little theatre as ‘barracuda’ shows off her finer assets to, from the left, Major Ponseby, Sam lewis, potential buyer of the hotel, the Priest (aka Hopkins, the maintenance man), and owner of the turtle beach Hotel, brian Cody. the seven performances wrap up Sat. Feb. 28 in Castor, ab.

Another ‘comedy gold’ production for Castor Little Theatre J. Webster

ECA Review

directed the play, at the last minute had to take over the role of hotel owner, Brian Cody. Last minute is an under statement, as Nichol stepped into the role three days before the first showing. With the experience of directing the play throughout the practices, and the use of an inconspicuous ‘novel in hand’ to assist in remembering his part, Nichol was able to carry off his lines with seldom a pause so did not affect the flow of the play. In fact, kudos to Nichol, as you seldom noticed his need to check his lines. And even better yet, with his experience on stage he delivered his lines with all the facial, body and voice inflections needed for the part. Nichol has lost count of the number of years he’s been involved in the Castor Little Theatre but it’s been at least six or seven years since he has taken an acting role. First time with Castor Little Theatre, Teresa Baldin who played the ‘somewhat vacant’ maid had to masquerade as reception and room service, as well as maid. She was superb in her performance of being ‘somewhat vacant’. Walter Weber, as Hopkins, the maintenance man, with a fondness for alcohol beverages, has a

familiar presence on the Castor Little Theatre stage, taking on the role of a priest for the Cody’s. He also helps the mysterious Sheik in his confusion with the aid of Hopkin’s ‘Polish Mineral Water’. Hopkins (aka the Priest) and the Major (played by Eugene Gustafson), both hoping to get lucky with Barracuda; the Sheik who unwillingly gets lucky; and the wife who unexpectantly arrives creates chaos for this must see production. Andrea Griebel’s third year with Castor Little Theatre took her from behind the scenes to the stage again this year while regulars Johann Freerksen who has lost count on the number of productions he’s been involved in and Eugene Gustafson, in his seventh time in an acting role. Gustafson writes and records his own music and last summer spent a great deal of time entertaining, including the Fringe Festival in Edmonton. Sara Loonen in her first of three stage appearance doesn’t have to wear clothes and Catherine Zimmerman, who has performed many times, this year gets to show off her ‘finer assets’ as Barracuda. The playwright, Michael Parker wrote a superbly funny comedy

I can’t say enough about the 33rd annual production put on by Castor Little Theatre, Hotbed Hotel, an American farce in two acts co-directed by Rob Nichols and Erika Grice. There is no doubt the description about the play, “a laugh a minute merry go round” says it all and Castor Little Theatre actors turned out a ‘gold’ performance on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 22. Terri Cody played by Andrea Griebel and husband Brian Cody played by director, Rob Nichols, are trying to sell their “one star” and often ‘one guest’ Turtle Beach Hotel to a prospective buyer from New York, Sam Lewis (played by Johann Freerksen), who is accompanied by his girlfriend, Ashley (Sara Loonen). The Cody’s have the staff masquerade as paying guests to convince the potential buyers from New York that the hotel is busy and prosperous. Unfortunately, the staff consists of a bibulous maintenance man, Hopkins and a somewhat ‘vacant’ maid, Maureen and an eccentric retired British Army Major Ponseby who resides at the hotel. Then throw in two guests, the nymphomaniac dubbed the Barracuda, Haley Harrington (Catherine Zimmerman) and a wealthy Arab Sheik, who adds a touch of mystery to the play by looking suspiciously like the Major. Finally the addition of the prospective buyer’s wife, Dorothy Members must have a valid membership 15 days in advance of this meeting to (Susan Landry) and you have a participate in the nomination of new Directors to the Board of Directors. hilarious merry go round. Contact: Gina Bossert, Nomination Committee Chair (403) 742-5130 After a couple of Ken Perreault, Board Chairman (403) 882-2250 hiccups, Rob Nichol, who

Notice of Annual General Meeting

that managed to entwine some mystery, a whole lot of laughter and a stage setting that included the lobby of the hotel


Suspects turn themselves in Following a public plea to locate Vincent Heck and Philip Scheck in relation to warrants for arrest issued on February 17 for robbery, theft and mischief, both individuals turned themselves in to Consort and

Provost Detachments on the morning of Feb. 18. Philip Scheck was released to attend court in Coronation Provincial Court on April 10. Matters for Heck are pending at this time.

Coronation Music Festival March 10 - 19

School Garage Bands & Pop Solos Tuesday, March 10 Coronation School

Dance Classes Friday to Sunday, March 13-15 Coronation Community Centre

School Classes Wednesday, March 11 Coronation School

Piano Classes Monday to Thursday, March 16- 19 Trinity United Church

String & Guitar Classes Wednesday, March 11 Trinity United Church

of Drumheller-Stettler Wildrose Constituency Association

Speech & Vocal Classes

commencing at 1:30PM Hanna Legion Hall (224 –2nd Avenue West)

Musical Theatre Wednesday, March 11 Trinity United Church

Saturday, March 14

and one of the bedrooms which was expertly coordinated. The seven performances wrap up on Saturday, Feb. 28.

Tuesday to Thursday March 10 - 12 Trinity United Church

Seniors’ Class 2:00 p.m. Thursday, March 12 Coronation Assisted Living

Final Grand Concert & Award Announcements

Tuesday, March 24 7:30 p.m. Coronation Community Centre 2015 Festival Highlights & Presentation of Outstanding Awards

Program available on website: www.coronationmusicfestival.com Printed programs available at Golby Hardware, Coronation

ECA rEviEw

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

FEbruAry 26'15


Town of Stettler successful in recruiting doctors D. Johnston

Review Reporter

If he is unable to join the program this year, Sernecky says he will fill in temporarily in Stettler until there is an opening in the program. Sargent then plans to return to Stettler. Sernecky stated there is still a need for two or three more physicians for Stettler but clinic space is limited. Although there has been limited discussion about clinic space, no decisions have been made.

Physician recruitment efforts of Stettler Town council are paying off reported Coun. Karen Sernecky at the Feb. 17 council meeting. Dr. Marvin Bailey and wife Leanne are awaiting a work permit for Canada. Bailey will be joining the Stettler Medical Clinic, according to Sernecky. Bailey has a two or three year contract to practice in Reuse it! Stettler. The Kinette Club of Stettler has Dr. Derek Sargent will also be joining the Stettler Medical Clinic. obtained a $30,000 grant for the Sargent is currently in residency new West Stettler Park playground. until June and is hoping to begin CAO Greg Switenky informed an anesthesiology program in July.


council that the club received notice Alberta Recycling Management Authority approved a 2015 Municipal Demonstration Grant. The grant will pay for Pour in Place rubber safety surfacing for the new playground. Shredded recycled rubber tires make up the surfacing. According to Alberta Recycling, a record 7 million tires were recycled in Alberta in 2014, nearly half of which was recycled into surfacing, mats, bricks and roofing tiles. Last year Alberta Recycling explored using tire crumble in place of gravel for road construction. According to Alberta

Recycling, the County of Stettler used the crumble in

Contract awarded for Lake Street waterline Chief Administrative Officer (CA0) Bonnie Cretzman informed Alix council at their regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18, that the contract for the Lake Street construction of new water lines, was issued noting that it came in under budget. However, in a phone interview with the ECA Review, Cretzman said the details are not available as to how many and the dollar amount of each tender received. The name of the successful company has not yet been released. The tenders were opened at MPE Engineering Ltd. offices in Red Deer in early February. Cretzman noted that Can Pak has ordered new garbage totes for residents. They are expected to arrive in six weeks at which time garbage pickup will move from the back alleys to the streets in front of the houses. This will make garbage collection a one-man operation. “It will make a huge difference in back alley maintenance,” said Cretzman. “It’s going to be a savings for us.” Cretzman also reported on a subdivision application, No. ALI 15101 . Details of the subdivision location, amount of land, etc. was not made available to the ECA Review prior to going to press. Following an in-camera session, council passed a motion to allow the subdivision subject to four conditions. Some of the conditions: satisfactory payment of outstanding taxes; consolidation of Lot 26, 27, Block 6, 9 & 10; and 4, and conditions regarding the entrance encroachment on Lot 9, Block 6 to the adjoining lane to the subdivision. In a phone request for verification, Cretzman refused to provide any more information stating her position was to answer to council and “I’m not going to dig it up for you,” indicating she did not have time and instructed the Review reporter to make a FOIP (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy) application. Cretzman stated the information was at the office for anyone wanting to see the particulars. In other news, Cretzman raised the issue of responding to inaccurate information published on Facebook and letters to the editor. She noted that she and Tanya Meston, assistant CAO, had participated in a webinar that addressed this topic. An example given at the session was the City of Kelowna who post a “For The Record”, re-posting the inaccurate information and then providing the facts below it. “People are entitled to their opinion,” said Coun. Rob Fehr, “whether it’s accidental errors in facts or not, in any event, it should be corrected.” Council passed a motion unanimously to direct the CAO to prepare draft responses for publication on the village website, or to publish in the local newspaper if it’s in response to a letter to the editor or any other printed mediums for council’s approval. Lacombe County Peace Officer, Julian Veuger gave Alix village council a report on last year’s statistics noting that 119 tickets were handed out in 2014 within

Alix limits, which is 20 less than last year, with most being speeding tickets on the Highway 12 that goes through

the village. They had also responded to 12 written complaints from villagers whereby they provided a service. Turn to Spring, Pg 8

the construction of a 1.6 km stretch of road last year.

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you get. Last year we paid $50 million to our members.

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4 February

Dining & Entertainment Guide 26'15

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Community Events Listing

Mar. 19 - Stettler Old Tyme Dance, “Badlanders 11”, starts @ 5 pm, hot supper @ 6. Tickets@door. 403-742-5640 Mar. 19 - Abandoned Water Wells workshop. Tees Hall @1 pm. Contact 1 wk in advance. Larry @403-784-3437. Mar. 20 - 21 - Forestburg Curtain Call Community Theatre presents “Sex Please We’re Sixty” dinner theatre. Tickets $40 @ Village office, 780-582-3668. Mar. 20 - The Vat, 53 St. Red Deer, Tattered CD Release/These Raven Skies/Altera, 403-346-5636. Mar. 21 - The Vat, Red Deer, Levi Cuss, 403-346-5636. Mar. 22 - Forestburg Curtain Call Community Theatre presents “Sex Please We’re Sixty”. Matinee. Tickets $40 @ Village office, 780-582-3668. Mar. 27 - The Vat, 53 St. Red Deer, Philip Sayce, 403-346-5636. Mar. 28 - The Vat, 53 St. Red Deer, Mortillery, 403-346-5636. Mar. 29 - Tomas Kubinek, Certified Lunatic & Master of the Impossible, comedy perfomance @Hanna Community Centre. 7:30 pm. $35.00, Fran@403-854-2019 Apr. 11 - Singer/Songwriter Paul Sapergia in concert, Stettler Performing Arts Centre, 7:30 pm. $15 @ the door. Apr. 12 - Singer/Songwriter Paul Sapergia in concert, Fleet Community Hall, 2:30 pm. $15 @ the door. Apr. 17 - 18 - Nana’s Naughty Knickers, Hanna Community Centre, doors open @ 6. Tickets $40, available after Mar. 11, 403-854-3019 Apr. 25 - Shalom Counselling Centre’s Spring Dessert Gala featuring Randi Boulton. Tickets $20 ea or $150/table of 8. Doors open @ 6 pm. 403-342-0339.

Feb. 26 - CARA Annual Project Review, 10:30-3:30, Cereal Community Hall. 403-644-3777 Feb. 27 - Visions County Gospel presents An Evening of Old Fashioned Gospel Music, 7 pm. Stettler Anglican Church, $15, under 16 free, 403-742-2149. Feb. 27 - 28 - Castor Little Theatre, Hotbed Hotel, info contact Don @ 403-323-0359 Feb. 27 - 28 - The Vat, Red Deer, Ferny Turnbull, 403-346-5636. Feb. 27 - Mar. 1 - Consort Oilmen’s Curling Bonspiel. Consort Curling Club. Bryan@ 403-575-8188. Mar. 1 - Consort 4-H Beef Club Ham & Turkey Bingo, Monitor Community Hall. Doors open @ 1pm. Tickets from members or at the door. Mar. 2 - CARA, This Business of Farming, 10-4:30pm, Oyen Senior’s Centre. 403-664-3777. Mar. 2-8 - Ice To Dice Mixed Bonspiel, Acadia Valley Rec Club, Jarrod 403-972-2277. Mar. 3 - BRRG Crop Production Workshop 9:30 - 3pm, Castor Community Hall, 1-800-828-6774. Mar. 3 - Coronation Community Silver Club AGM, 10:30 am, Golden Age Drop-In Centre. Val @403-578-2013. Mar. 5 - The Vat, 53 St. Red Deer, Cobra Ramone/Jesse Roads/Clash at the Carnival, 403-346-5636. Mar. 6 - Alberta Surface Rights AGM, 9am-4pm. Speakers, lunch. Norseman Inn, Camrose. 780-753-6860 Mar. 6. - Movie night @ Veteran Hall. Doors open @ 7 pm. Admission: donation. Mar. 6 - The Vat, 53 St. Red Deer, Sharkpuncher, 403-346-5636. Mar. 6 - “Truly Tina” award winning tribute to Tina Turner. $39 plus GST. Camrose Resort Casino, for info, tickets or reservations 780-679-2376 Mar. 7 - The Vat, 53 St. Red Deer, RDC Music Society Pub Show, 403-346-5636. Mar. 10-19 - Coronation Music Festival. Various MAY 23, 2015 – 2 PM times and locations. ENMAX CENTRIUM www.coronationmuRED DEER sicfestival.com MAY 25, 2015 – 7 PM Mar. 12 - Abandoned Water JUBILEE AUDITORIUM Wells workshop. EDMONTON Schultz Hall on Hwy. 53 Tickets at Ticketmaster outlets, @1 pm. Contact 1 wk Call 1-855-985-5000, www.ticketmaster.ca in advance. Larry @403-784-3437. Mar. 13-14 - Forestburg Presents: Curtain Call Community Theatre presents “Sex Please We’re Sixty” dinner theatre. Tickets $40 @ Presents: Village office, 780-582-3668. Mar. 13-14 - The Vat, 53 St. Red Deer, The Boy’s of St. James Gate, 403-346-5636. Mar. 14 - Homestead Coulee $1000 Draw & Family Dance. Homestead Coulee Comm. Hall. Cody @ 403-321-0887 Hanna Mar. 14 - Family Dance & Community Silent Auction. Fundraiser for Cardiac Centre Kids. Lucienne Henry Doors open 6:00 pm; for Miss Teenager Dinner 6:30 pm; Canada, Tees Hall, 8-12 Show to follow am. 403-350-1073. April TICKETS: $40 17, 18, 24 & 25, 2015 Mar. 14 - DrumhellerHANNA COMMUNITY CENTRE Stettler Wildrose Doors open 6:30 pm; Show to follow Produced6:00 thoughpm; specialDinner arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH INC. Constituency Assoc. Image provided courtesyTICKETS: of Rainbow Dinner Theatre, Paradise, Pennsylvania $40 AGM, 1:30 pm. Hanna Nan’as Naughty Knickers was originally produced at the24 Rainbow in Pennsylvania in the Spring of 2010 April 17, &Theatre 25, 2015 Produced though special18, arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH INC. Legion Hall. Gina Tickets available at Chinook Credit Union AFTER March 11 Image provided courtesy of Rainbow Dinner Theatre, Paradise, Pennsylvania HANNA COMMUNITY CENTRE @403-742-5130. or call 403-854-3019 Tickets at Chinook Credit Union or Show call 403-854-3019 Doors available open 6:00 pm; Dinner 6:30 pm; to follow Mar. 17 - The Vat, 53 St. Red MAJOR SPONSORS: TICKETS: $40 Deer, Dusty Tucker, HANNA CHRYSLER LTD. & RV 403-346-5636. Produced though special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH INC.

Apr. 24 - 25 - Nana’s Naughty Knickers, Hanna Community Centre, doors open @ 6. Tickets $40, available after Mar. 11, 403-854-3019 May 23 - Charley Pride & The Pridesmen, 2 pm @ Enmax Centrium, Red Deer. Tickets 1-855-985-5000 May 25 - Charley Pride & The Pridesmen, 7 pm @ Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton. Tickets 1-855-985-5000.

Brenda’s Cozy Cafe

New Hours


Please send Community Events by fax to 403-5782088 or by email to publisher@ecareview.com for FREE LISTING (dependent upon space availability). The Review cannot guarantee events as listed, please check with the venue prior to attending.



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Image provided courtesy of Rainbow Dinner Theatre, Paradise, Pennsylvania

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ECA rEviEw

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab




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willowtree Daycare reading buddies showing off their craft creations in the Grade 5 class at the Hughenden School.

Holte in United Nations speaking competition

Reading buddies

Grade 5 students were excited to work with children from WillowTree Daycare recently. Students were reading buddies for the younger visitors and also shared a Valentine theme craft activity that they worked on together. Maralyn Ryan, of KayBridge Puppetry, delivered a very talented performance to the entire school. She alone filled the character of seven different puppets at varying times throughout the performance. All grades in the school were scheduled for a puppetry workshop through the Artist in Residency Program to make it affordable for small schools. Each student was mentored as they created a puppet which then was to be used in a short performance at the end of the half day workshop.

Grade 6 student Jamie Van Hoek was chosen elementary student of the week. The February staff meeting involved staff being taught some phrases of ‘Tagalog’ which is the most commonly used language in the Philippines. It was interesting to put ourselves in the shoes of an English as a Second Language (ESL) student. Staff also participated in reflective professional conversations as they talked about student engagement within lessons and authentic learning. For the first time in six years Hughenden Public School has a junior girls and junior boys’ basketball team. Ryan Duffett is the head coach of the Jr. Girls, while Kevin Elliott will be the head coach for the Jr. Boys. Carmen Lumayko is helping both of the junior teams as an assistant coach during practices. To add to the exciting junior program, we are putting a senior boys’ team on the court for the second consecutive year with Vincent Artymko as head coach. The school intramural program has been a great success. Physical Education teacher Ryan Duffett organizes and runs the events. Currently, after three events (indoor soccer, volleyball and dodgeball), the standings are: first place Grey Griffins, then the Black Badgers, Blue Bulldogs and the White Wolverines. The grade 8 girls attended Wainwright On Wellness (WOW) to attend a grade 8 “Girls’ Day” at the Communiplex on Jan. 28 and 29. The 63 girls in attendance were divided into groups and took part in large and small group activities. Large group sessions included dance, self defense and seated yoga, while small group sessions asked the girls to learn and ask questions about cyber safety, self-image, healthy relationships, and much more.

Weeks just ‘going casual’

Fall in love with Xtreme high-speed Internet this February

Beth Causley

helping the elderly remain as independent ECA Review as possible. “I never really liked She’s not retiring, she’s nights,” she said. She just going casual. always felt like working After 40 years of nights was a waste working at the assisted because everyone was living facility in asleep so she wasn’t Coronation, Gloria around the people who Weeks is moving into a live there. casual/on-call shift at “I like being around the same centre. the people, they’re like a “I’m staying casual,” second family to me. she laughs, “I couldn’t do Same with the staff, this a full break.” is an excellent place to She took the position work,” she said smiling. because she liked Today the assisted working with elderly living is home to 19 people and she continued people and roles and in her role for 40 years rules have changed. because of her compas“I can’t just take sionate nature. someone [who lives here] When she first started After 40 years Gloria weeks is starting downtown if I wanted to. at the facility it was a 33 the road to retirement by going I want to do more but I’m bed nursing home with not allowed to.” casual. Pictured here with Coronation three people on shift. When asked what she assisted living resident Dorothy will do with her free With eight hour shifts Jorgenson, weeks says that the time she said she would involving days, nights people she works with are like family. spend more time with and weekends she has walked the floors a lot ECA review/b.Causley family.

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by Susan Campbell Two students participated in the IOOF Speaking Competition which was held in Sedgewick on Feb. 16. Bailey Van Koughnett earned an honourable mention with her speech on ‘child labour’. Luke Holte spoke on “ISIS”, winning the competition and will travel to New York this summer to participate at the United Nations speaking competition. Luke was so involved in clapping for the other speakers that he stated “I found myself clapping for myself,” as the winners were being announced. Once the realization of winning sank in, Luke became quite excited Holte with the rewards for his efforts. Appreciation is extended to Richard Charlton, an IOOF member from the community of Czar, who annually reminds our students to participate in this prestigious speaking competition.

6 February


Coronation/Stettler, ab.

eCa review


Neo-Liberals, alive and flourishing

rational and a strong government is needed to bail out ECA Review corporations when they implode from their own greed. There is a lot of bantering This fact was so clearly demongoing on today about who is the strated when the worldwide true conservative. I would sug- banking system crashed in gest true conservative 2008. Instead of being allowed governments are as extinct as to fail, banks were given masdinosaurs and haven’t been sive bailouts funded by seen in Canada since Joe Clark taxpayers. The only reason was Prime Minister or Peter Canadian banks were okay is Lougheed was premier in former Prime Minister Alberta. Now before you go all Chretien refused the banks red on me, hear me out. repeated requests for reduced The Conservative party regulations. Their argument under Stephen Harper, the had been ‘we can’t possibly be Progressive Conservative party competitive in the internaunder Jim Prentice, the liberal tional market place with so party when Paul Martin was many regulations.’ finance minister or the The Canadian government’s Wildrose party under Danielle bailout of the auto industry in Smith all share one common 2008 is another classic neo-libideology and it’s not conservaeral move. A true market tive. They are all disciples of economy would have let GM American economist, Milton fail and new and upcoming Friedman, the father of entrepreneurs would have neo-liberalism. picked up the pieces and likely Of course, conservative govbuilt a much more robust and ernments who practice efficient company. neo-liberalism can’t for obvious reasons call themselves neoliberals so they hide behind insurance doesn’t labels such as libertarians or common-sense conservatives. save lives, it’s just blood Pre-1980, conservative and money used after a for that matter liberal values were based on Judeo-Christian needless accident kills traditions which included a just the next 47 people society, individual responsibility, work ethics, a market economy balanced with regulaBut instead under neo-libertions and enforcement, alism, tax dollars were used to progressive tax, public educabuy shares in GM. The busition and public health care. ness pages are now anticipating Conservatives had a strong that Harper will sell off the social conscience as exhibited remaining GM shares for $3.4 both by Ernst Manning and billion to help with the illusion Peter Lougheed. Many of their of a balanced budget for the policies and programs gave a upcoming election. In the prohand-up to the less fortunate as cess we’ll unnecessarily lose they held strong to the over $.6 billion and forgo any Christian commitment to “tend chance of actually benefiting to the homeless, protect the from having taken all the risk orphan and plead for the of bailing GM out. To rub salt widows.” in the womb, our taxpayer Neo-liberalism is just the bailout allowed GM executives opposite. It focuses on individu- to continue to receive their alism and corporate huge salaries and bonuses as supremacy. It’s entire premise our federal government went is based on the belief that corinto debt and justified slashing porations need economic many programs aimed at vetfreedom to operate and it will erans, immigrants and seniors. be the corporation, not the govThe way Harper has handled ernment, that will cause railways is another classic neoindividuals to prosper. liberal approach. Even with 47 Neo-liberalism evolved from people killed and a town blown the libertarian movement up, Harper would never conwhich believed in little govern- sider taking away the ment interference in the corporation’s right to self-regumarketplace. However, it late safety, maintenance and became quickly apparent that the environment. Instead the free markets aren’t self-corgovernment goes about using recting, corporations are not techniques to pretend they are Brenda Schimke

doing something. The big announcement this week, ‘Harper government gets tough on railways; demands they carry a much higher minimum insurance coverage.’ But insurance doesn’t save lives, it’s just blood money used after a needless accident kills the next 47 people. A conservative government would put in regulations and strong enforcement so that no other town would ever go through what Lac Megantic, Quebec did. Or then there’s the example of the northern food subsidy program. Canadians in the north pay exorbitant prices for fresh fruit because of the huge cost of transportation. Since the 1960s the Canadian government has provided a northern food subsidy program. Designated transporters and often Canada Post were mandated to provide timely transportation for food and in turn they were given subsidies to offset their cost of transportation. They were audited and regulated. The Harper neo-liberals replaced the program in 2011 with a $60 million dollar per year subsidy program to retailers who were required to pass the full subsidies to the consumers. But with a flawed reporting system and no way to gauge its effectiveness other than consumers paying much higher prices for food over the last three years, the auditor general said there is no way to gauge its effectiveness or hold it to account. These are just three small examples of how neo-liberal governments have a bias towards corporations. In a neoliberal state the wages between workers and executives widen greatly, pensions are systematically eliminated, the use of food banks increase significantly, the richer get very rich and the middle class shrinks. Most of us who consider ourselves middle class are wallowing in debt to sustain our middle class lifestyle and many are quite pessimistic about living a comfortable life in retirement. We have been lulled into believing neo-liberal policies are conservative policies and then at very opportune times a few bones (income splitting, child tax credits) are tossed our way to throw us off the scent of what we’re really supporting-corporate greed.


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High River whitewash by Herman Schwenk Here we go again. Another government report on a serious issue that doesn’t really address the real issue. We have been waiting for months for a report on who gave the order for the RCMP to raid houses in flood ravaged High River to seize guns. The report of the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission (CRCC) was finally released on February 12, 2015. I was told that this report would not be a whitewash. They reported that hundreds of legally owned guns were taken from private Schwenk homes without “legal authority.” Well whoopee ! There is nothing new here. The Edmonton Sun stated “that that report was a polite way of saying Mounties illegally grabbed guns from law abiding citizens without warrants and without crucial judicial oversight.” No where in that report is anyone held accountable for the decision to order the police to smash into those homes and seize those guns. In my mind there are three pertinent questions that were not answered or even acknowledged in the report. Who gave the order to seize those guns? Why was this considered a concern of public safety? Why were the local RCMP told to leave town after they and the army had declared that everyone was safe and accounted for? It was after that declaration, that a whole platoon of outside RCMP were brought in to raid

LETTERS POLICY • letters to the editor are welcomed • Must be signed and a phone number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. • eCa review reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. letters and columns submitted are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper.

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houses and search for guns. Here is where the real whitewash in this report by the CRCC occurs. The report would have you believe that these RCMP were first responders. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Everyone was accounted for before the outside police arrived in town. What the first responders who were looking for people needing rescue found was that people who had to leave their homes quickly, had to move their guns, that were stored in basements where flooding would occur, to an upper level in the house like a bed, otherwise they would be destroyed by the water. In most cases these guns were covered so they would not be in plain sight. No one could get into the town as it was sealed and closed off. In this situation where was there an issue of public safety? This illegal seizure was a blatant invasion of private property that by any common sense standard was not justified. These Mounties never were looking for people or pets as the report would have you believe. They were looking for guns period! It appears that they were looking and looking and looking. This went on for more than two weeks after the crisis was over. Some houses were searched several times. Why? In hundreds of cases they smashed expensive doors when they could have gained entry by breaking a window. Turn to ??, Pg 7

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ECA rEviEw

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

FEbruAry 26'15

RCMP completes investigation The RCMP announced on Feb. 20 that they have concluded their investigation into the 2014 Alberta Auditor General’s Report and that there will be no charges laid in relation to that investigation. On August 7, 2014 the Government of Alberta asked the RCMP to review the report and conduct any investigations police deemed appropriate. Investigators reviewed the report and conducted follow-up interviews as per standard police practice. The RCMP has


advised the Government of Alberta of the findings. Ms. Redford has also been informed. The file is now concluded. “In the interest of thoroughness, the RCMP interviewed a wide range of individuals who provided us with information related to the Auditor General’s Report,” said RCMP Assistant Commissioner Marlin Degrand, Criminal Operations Officer for the RCMP in Alberta. “We thank them for their cooperation, and the file is now concluded.”


Old schools and new powers Our last poll asked: Many of our small towns and villages have old schools in their areas that are no longer being used. What do you think should be done with these pieces of history? 0 votes - They should be left as is. 5 votes - They should be demolished. 11 votes - They should be preserved. 11 votes - They should be refurbished

and used to house new businesses. This weeks online poll Does the Anti-Terrorism Act (Bill C51) give extra ordinary new powers to already unaccountable security agencies, (ie. the High River raid of homes by non-local RCMP in the aftermath of the floods), cause you concern? Make sure to go to our web page to cast your vote! www.ECAreview.com

Cont’d from Pg 6 They left all of these homes unsecured, whereas they had been locked. If they were concerned about unauthorized people gaining entry into these homes how was leaving a house with a smashed door an improvement? If the police were looking for anything other than guns, even drugs, they would not have dared entered those homes without a warrant. Ever since previous governments passed those stupid gun laws police seem to think raiding a home to check if guns are legally stored is fair game. It seems the police regard the legal

ownership of firearms different than they would other property. They tend to treat the ownership of guns by law abiding citizens the same as they would criminals who are illegally possessing guns. While the report does admit that the police action was illegal it does not make any attempt to hold anyone accountable or even suggest that some should be held accountable. In my opinion, that is why I consider this report to be a whitewash. We did not need a report to tell us what we already knew. We want and need to know WHY and WHO!

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8 February


Coronation/Stettler, ab.

R e a l e stat e/ Hom e s

Spring focus on speeding

Full of life, wit Submitted Family, friends, and neighbours of Bill Wagstaff gathered at Michener Extendicare in Red Deer to honor him on the occasion of his 101st birthday on Feb 15. Everyone who attended celebrated his powerfully active life, reminiscing with a collection of pictures assembled into three decks of playing cards which represent one of his favorite pastimes. His many accomplishments, triumphs, and achievements

came to light as everyone shared stories, remembering the adventures of this remarkable gentleman of extraordinary integrity and diligence. Wagstaff is full of life, wit, imagination, well being, health, good will and love. He enjoys improved health once again, welcoming visitors and new endeavours with enthusiasm and looking forward to the future with hope and optimism.

eCa review

long time resident of elnora, bill wagstaff celebrated his 101 birthday with family and friends in red Deer on Feb. 15.

Cont’d from Pg 3 Veuger noted that Alix had the lowest number of complaints including unsightly property and snow removal. The Village of Alix pays an annual fee for the service of a peace officer but a request for what that annual fee is by the ECA Review was denied. Council asked Veuger to focus on speeding on Lake Street when spring comes. “I still believe there’s compassion in the job,” said Veuger. “I’m not a believer of straight to ticket so 119 tickets does not indicate the number of stops we have made,” concluded Veuger. Coralee Brookes, Alix

recreation director presented her written report noting that through the government ChooseWell program, Alix was now registered as a ‘uwalk community’. Activities included 11 youth taking part in the Cooking classes; 40 kids participating in the Valentines Day dance; and over 60 people came out for the Family Day activities. Brookes will be attending the Growing Rural Tourism Symposium in Camrose Feb. 23-25 and the village will have a booth in the Red Deer Home Show March 6-8. She also noted that the Alix Drop-In is hosting a weekly bingo.

Concern whether the village is receiving value dollars

Cont’d from Pg 1 In the past Council has expressed some concern as to whether the village is receiving value for the dollars this program costs saying that they are paying for traffic control only, which they feel should be dealt with by the RCMP. Although the contract says that they will enforce bylaws, it also states that they have the right to refuse to enforce bylaws. The administrative report given at the meeting says that Community Peace Officers have never enforced a bylaw for the village in the past and goes on to say that they seldom come into the village office and when they do it’s only been when administration has complained about it. The report also said that the Peace Officers have never formally replied to a

request for enhanced patrols or specific patrols. Coun. Dayna Oberg said that in the past it was suggested that the officers get a coffee in town, giving them the opportunity to talk with residents. “Maybe they don’t see it as part of their job,” said Miller. He explained that in the past when there was a detachment in the town the officers were seen all the time, walking down the street and in the coffee shop. “Basically what we are getting from them is seat belts and stop signs. They do park at the school sometimes but I’ve not seen them there in a long time,” said Deputy Mayor Bob Coutts. “All that’s going to happen [if we don’t sign] is that we won’t have any service which we haven’t had in quite some time.”


Zeimer had strong work ethic Bernice Zeimer of Drumheller, AB and numerous nieces 1927-2015 and nephews. Bernice Zeimer passed away in the Bernice was predeceased by her parHanna Long Term Care facility in Hanna, ents; her husband Albert; brothers Bill Alberta on February 14, 2015 at the age of and Cliff Paxman; sisters Mary Smith, 88 years. Irene Sarabin and Verna Engelman; and Bernice was born on February 6, 1927 at grandson Dale Burns. Hanna, Alberta; the third of eight chilHer family will remember her as a very dren and the eldest daughter of loving mother, grandmother Dr. John Paxman and Edith (nee and great-grandmother. Her Gamey) Paxman. She was raised great-grandchildren were truly on the family’s farm northeast of the light of her life. She will also Hanna and received her educabe remembered by everyone tion at the Meadowlands School. who knew her for her kindness, Upon the passing of her mother generosity and her great sense when she was only 12 years old, humour. 3” wide ofversion Bernice took up the household At her request, there was no duties and cared for her siblings. formal funeral service. In a priPerhaps that is why she always vate family interment on Feb. Zeimer had such a strong work ethic and 23, 2015, Bernice was laid to rest (Province Wide) cema life-long interest in gardening at the St. Peter’s Lutheran Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis and baking and sharing it with others. etery near Scapa, AB beside her husband Tell them Danny “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator In 1946 she married AlbertHooper Zeimer. AlbertWhole – to House rest together forever. sent you Patented Reverse Osmosis System 12345 They spent most of their yearsWater together on Drilling The family to thank everyone for Well - Withinwishes 150 miles of Edmonton, the farm in the Endiang district Red where their prayers and support at this time. Deer, Calgary (New Government water well grant starts April 1/13) they were blessed with two daughters, If friends so desire, donations may be Time Payment Plan O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment Linda and Brenda. made in her memory to the Alzheimer’s 1-800-BIG IRON Bernice leaves to mourn her loss two Society Of Red (244-4766) Deer, Unit 1, 5550-45 Street 29 patented and patent loving daughters Linda (Bill) Smith of Red Deer, AB View T4Nour1L1 or charity of their pending inventions online at Endiang, AB and Brenda Zeimer of choice. www.1800bigiron.com Vancouver, B.C.; grandchildren Kristy Heartland Funeral Services Ltd., Smith (Claire Hamilton), Tammy Burns, Hanna entrusted with arrangements. Karla (Scott) Holman and Clint (Michelle) 403-854-2758, www.heartlandfunerNorlie; great-grandchildren Denton and alservices.com Macey Burns, Kailey, Garrett, Logan, 3.75” wide version Mia and Rachel Norlie. She is also survived by her (Province Wide) sisters Carol Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis Stulberg of Tell them Danny “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator Hooper sent you Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis System Endiang, AB and 12345 - Within 150 miles of Edmonton, Eva Ergang of Water Well Drilling Fort St. John, Red Deer, Calgary (New Government water well grant starts April 1/13) B.C.; brother-inTime Payment Plan O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment law Joe 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) Engelman of View our 29 patented and patent Edmonton, AB; pending inventions online at sister-in-law www.1800bigiron.com Pauline Paxman



RCMP moves out

The RCMP who have moved their office out of Forestburg left the furniture in the building, expecting the village to move it out Hagel told council. “I don’t think it should be our responsibility to remove the furniture that’s in there,” she said. The mayor said that a telephone call needed to be made to them because the place they occupied was in need of a “really good cleaning.” Coun. Dayna Oberg said that it should be turned back to look like it did the day the RCMP got it. A letter will be sent to the RCMP asking them when they will be moving out the furniture and stating that if they need names of movers and cleaners Council will provide them with that.

RCMP update

The expected sergeant still has not arrived but a new corporal is coming to the area. The RCMP told the Mayor that all the extra people who have been

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ECA rEviEw


CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

FEbruAry 26'15


Tender accepted for bridge repairs only if it’s under budget Beth Causley

obtain a cell phone on their account. The RFD presented to council requested to have Bryce Cooke Director of the expenses split between the Public Works presented Town of Castor, the County council with a tender for and the Castor Hospital stating bridge repairs and since that the estimate for the cell council won’t meet again until phone would be $6000 per year. March 10 and because council Reeve George Glazier clarified wants to have the bridge comthat they were “aiming high” pleted by April 1, he asked and that their share of last council to accept the tender year’s bill was between $1200 before the closing date. and $2000. Cooke originally budgeted A motion was made to pay a $260,000 but is hoping that it third of the cell phone costs. will come in under $230,000. During the conversation Coun. Robert Dahmer asked about the cell phone use what would happen if the council spoke of the locum’s tender didn’t come in under accommodation. budget. Cooke responded that Sometimes the doctor from if that was the case then they Consort or Coronation will would have to wait and recome to fill in but it is mainly tender it in the fall and locums that are filling the gap estimated it would take a while Dr. Murphy is away on month to complete the work. maternity leave and it’s not Council made a motion to always the same locum, as accept the tender as long as it they change every few days. comes in under budget at “I think they should investi$260,000. gate,” said Glazier, “because in Coronation and Consort the Keeping it local locum’s accommodation is paid During the financial report by the locum board through council discussed payments to Alberta Health for the Stettler Dodge totalling weekend coverage.” $4809.16. Coun. Dahmer wondered if Coun. Doreen Blumhagen the cost could also be covered asked if the work could be done in Castor adding that accomlocally. There was no payment modation was $120 per night. listed for labour so CAO Upon phoning the Bed and Tarolyn Peach said that the Breakfasts in Castor the cost costs listed would have been was quoted at $100 per night, just to buy the parts. still a hefty bill. With Dr. Peach will be speaking to the Murphy being away on materPublic Works Shop Foreman nity leave the cost of locums for clarification. accommodation will be quite In a telephone interview high. after the meeting Peach In Castor one house is held refused to give the foreman’s for the doctor which is owned name for clarification. by the Doctor Retention Committee. At present Dr. Not getting what’s owed Murphy resides there. A letter was received from Dahmer told council that an Barrier Reef explaining that undeveloped lot in Castor has the company would be going been found as a possible site for into receivership. A letter was a house. written back to the company During the break he went asking if there would be any onto say that in Coronation payment for the taxes that the three to four years ago they county was owed. built a new house for Dr. A response from Barrier Thompson where the doctor Reef said that they had no lived “for free for the first six assets and there will be no pos- months and then had to buy sibility of payment for the them out.” outstanding taxes. In an interview while on The taxes are $1462.84 and break Dahmer said “It’s up to the associated penalties are the doctor to decide what they $226.74 for a total of $1689.58 want [for accommodation]” Coun. Tyrill Hewitt sugand that they were just trying gested that a list should be to “speed the process up” by made of names of people who having property to build on to apply for permits or anything offer potential doctors. They to do with business and who are hoping that Dr. Murphy have not paid taxes or gone will buy her own house if she into receivership. decides to stay. A motion was made to write Council is unsure when off the taxes owed. Murphy is coming back from maternity leave but gave a tenDoctor perks tative date of April 1. As there is no available resiDuring her report of the dence for the locums Paintearth-Neutral Hills Early (temporary or substitute docChildhood Coalition meeting tors) to stay in they have been from Deputy Reeve Diane staying at a bed and breakfast Elliott, it was highlighted all with the hospital paying the the positive things that the expenses. group is doing for children and A Request for Decision families in the area. (RFD) was presented to council “You would be shocked to asking that the expenses be know how many families there split between the members of are in the area that do not the Doctor Retention speak English,” said Reeve Recruitment committee which Glazier. includes the Town of Castor, Emergencies and transfers the County of Paintearth and Coun. Blumhagen said that the Castor Hospital. there was concern from resiA new cell phone is needed as the one that was being used dents over ambulance coverage in the area. by the locums was lost when “The community is conthe locum who had possession cerned,” she said. of it was involved in a vehicle Reeve Glazier said that roll over last month. Alberta Health can not take all The Town of Castor will

ECA Review

three ambulances from the area, that when a local ambulance is taken away on a transportation call out of the area another ambulance is brought in to cover. “But it did happen last week (where there was no ambulance coverage for the area)” he said. “As long as one thing happens at a time we are okay. If three people have a [need for transportation to a hospital out of region] then we’re in trouble.” The consensus was that most of rural Alberta is the same and it was noted that if an ambulance brings people in to a hospital out of the area then they have to wait for the patient’s appointment to be finished and bring them back. Coun. Dahmer said that most

of the transfers are to Stettler. “We are living on the edge… we’ve just been lucky,” he said. “There is some talk right now about people being able to apply for transfer buses for people who are not an emergency,” said Reeve Glazier but he warned that it didn’t mean that there would be a bus in their area. The buses would have to be booked by the doctor ahead of time. He had just received information on this service and will be discussing it with the board. Coun. Dahmer said that in the past when they haven’t had ambulance coverage the Castor hospital has closed the emergency department so anything that happened in the area was


covered by ambulances in Coronation or Youngstown and emphasized that it takes a lot longer for the ambulances to get back to a hospital as it is a huge area that they have to cover.

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Ph. 403-578-4111 • Fax. 403-578-2088 5.50 ACRE lot w/32,440+/- sq. ft. Commercial Industrial Buildings & 3842+/sq. ft. Bungalow on 33.98 title acres. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, May 7, Getkate Property near Lethbridge, Alberta. Jerry Hodge: 780-7066652; rbauction.com/ realestate.

Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). reach 24,700 homes with your classified. this includes For Sale, For rent, Card of thanks, Coming events, etc. Payment Necessary all Classified ads are on a Cash only basis and must be prepaid before running. there will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. we accept cash, cheque, viSa or MC. it is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. the review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads all classified ads must be received by 5 pm on Mondays preceding publication. For too late to Classifieds ad must be received by 10 am tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to box 70, Coronation, ab t0C 1C0.

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Special family events receive a special keepsake gift compliments of McKenzie Motors BFI Canada Inc. Coronation Home Hardware East Central Alberta Review Coronation Industrial Sales & Rentals M&N Construction More info: Donna at 403-578-2690

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Employment Opportunities at

Tri-Ag Implements, Consort Tri-Ag Implements in Consort is looking for • Journeyman or Apprentice Agriculture or Heavy Duty Mechanic Qualifications include computer and diagnosing skills, be able to work as part of a team and as an individual. Must have a valid driver’s licence and experience is an asset. Must be comfortable being on call and with long hours in the busy season. Benefits include Company Health Plan, RRSP Contribution Plan, Tool Allowance, Apprentice training benefits. Tri-Ag Implements has 25 years experience in the Ag Industry. As a company, we are constantly sending our technicians to training across North America, as well as years of experience among one another.

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TOWN OF HARDISTY - Municipal Office Position Open Competition #2015-001 (Closing Date: March 5th, 2015) CAREER OPPORTUNITY Job Description: Development & Finance Assistant CHIEF ADMINISTRATION OFFICER

SUMMARY: The Development & Finance Assistant under the direction of the FOR THE SHARED ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Chief Administrative Officer, will develop, implement and co-ordinate effective FOR THE TOWN OF HARDISTY & THE VILLAGE OF LOUGHEED secretarial, clerical, and administrative procedures in the area of development permit follow-up, bylaw and policy and perform a variety of secretarial, clerical, and The Town of Hardisty is currently a dynamic, collaborative, energetic requirement. individual who administrative tasks with aseeking financial background andand reporting is looking for a great career opportunity in providing a leading role in administration services for EDUCATION: Completion of 12, post secondary schooling or work experience twograde progressive municipalities. equivalency in: Administration Business Administration, Accounting or Act, Local Government Duties of the Chief Officer are outlinedFinancial in the Municipal Government Revised Statues of Alberta 2000 Chapter M-26 Sections 207-208. Studies. Preference will be considered individuals have a minimum 5 years of local EXPERIENCE: 3 years relatedin those experience inwho local government or development. government experience in a chief administrative role. However, alternative years of service in a Financial background either government or private sector. management role or other local local government administrative role may also be considered. PREFERRED SKILLS: Strong analysis skills, accuracy, understanding of policy and Application Deadline is: November 3, 2012. This deadline may be extended at the option of the CAO Recruitment Committee. applicantsoffice who are considered candidates willaccounting be procedure, computer skills inOnly boththose microsoft and local government contacted by the CAO Recruitment Committee. Interested applicants are encouraged to submit software or private sector accounting software, project management skills and their resume either by fax, e-mail, mail to: effective communication in a team related environment. Town of Hardisty If you see yourself in thisAttn: roleCAO the Town of Hardisty would welcome your application Recruitment Committee for the hiring of this job competition. The Town of Hardisty is growing and PO Box 10, Hardisty, AB T0B 1V0 developing. We are looking for individuals who can deal with change and embrace Fax (780)888-2200 / e-mail: caorecruit@hardisty.ca diversity in their job. A complete job description can be found on our website Discover Hardisty & the Friendly Village of Lougheed through a great career opportunity! (Policy #1922 – Addendum #3) at: http://www.hardisty.ca/document/library/493/ category/1200 Please send your resume/application to: Town of Hardisty PO Box 10, Hardisty, AB T0B 1V0 e-mail: sandy@hardisty.ca Attn: Sandy Otto – CAO / Job Competition #2015-001

COOKS REQUIRED FULL TIME PERMANENT HEAD COOK POSITION WILLOW CREEK LODGE • 5+years experience managing a team in a food services environment including a commercial kitchen • Preference for Journeyman Red Seal Chef qualifications • Demonstrated knowledge of quantity cooking and purchasing • Development of nutritious menu planning coordinated with eye appeal in the presentation of meals • We are looking for someone with analytic, organization, and communication skills and with experience in managing a team of workers. • We require the ability to produce a Criminal Record Check. • Wages and benefits according to our Collective Agreement with CUPE. • This is a rewarding position with the opportunity to help the seniors in our communities and is available at short notice.

CASUAL COOKS NEEDED AT ALL LODGES HEART HAVEN, PARAGON PLACE AND WILLOW CREEK LODGE We are seeking Cooks to provide support when our full time staff are away or in need of extra assistance in our seniors’ lodges. The ideal candidate has at least two year’s experience in cooking for large groups. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT Human Resources at 403.742.9220 or fax in a resume to 403.742.9221 or email to hhaven1@telus.net

Please submit your resume by 4:00 P.M. March 6, 2015.

Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Grade 1/2 Teacher Delia School Temporary Full Time Competition #PLRD-379 Applications are invited for a temporary replacement teacher for Grades 1/2 in Delia School to commence March 16th, 2015. The duration of this contract will be approximately 6 weeks with the possibility of an extension. The successful candidate will possess a sound knowledge of effective teaching strategies and excellent communication skills with training and experience in Elementary Education. Send cover letter, resume, University Transcripts and letters of reference, by e-mail to lenore.etherington@plrd.ab.ca. Applications will also be accepted through www.applytoeducation.com or by mail or fax to: Lenore Etherington, H.R. Administrator Prairie Land Regional Division # 25 P.O. Box 670 Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0 Fax: (403)854-2803 Competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Thank you to all applicants, but only those who will be interviewed will be contacted. The successful candidate will be required to provide proof of a valid Alberta Teaching Certificate, a current Criminal Record Check and Child Intervention Check satisfactory to PLRD prior to commencement.

c l a s s i f i e d s/ca r e e r s

ECA rEviEw

Coming EvEnts

ANNUAL Meeting of the Coronation Community Silver Club will be held on March 3, 2015 at 10 am. in the Golden Age Drop-In Centre. Everyone welcome. For info: Val Cornell 403-578-2013. COLLECTOR Car Auction. 9th Annual Red Deer Speed Show & Collector Car Auction. March 13 - 15, Westerner Park. Special Guests Rick & Kelly Dale American Restoration. Dan & Laura Dotson - Storage Wars. Consign today. 1-888-296-0528 ext. 103; egauctions. com.

check us out online www.ECAreview.com

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

Cards of thanks

FEbruAry 26'15

THANK YOU to everyone for their sympathy, kindness and the extra special things that were done to make this a little easier. We’d like to thank those that sent flowers, food baskets, food trays, brought meals and those that just came and visited with us. Thank you to those that sent donations to the Neonatal Centre at the Royal Alex and the U of A hospitals. Thank you to those that donated to the Kinsella Cemetery. It is of great comfort to know that you are thinking of us, as we grieve Cody’s passing. Your kind words and deeds will help us in the difficult time ahead. Knowing that Cody touched so many lives will help us to accept his untimely death. Thank you once again for your thoughtfulness. Warm regards, The McKie Families



CRIMINAL record? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2281300/1-800-347-2540. GET back on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420; www.pioneerwest.com. DO you need to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money It’s that simple. 1-877486-2161.

County of Paintearth No. 18 Seasonal Employment Opportunities The County of Paintearth No.18 is accepting applications for the following positions: Agricultural Service Board Operators – Competition Number ASB01 (4 positions available) Responsibilities will be mainly for roadside spraying or mowing; other jobs include, reclamation, parks and other duties as they arise. Four month positions starting May 4 that may be negotiable. A valid pesticide applicator’s certificate, formal agricultural training and/or agricultural background, and experience in the operation and maintenance of agricultural implements will be an asset. Possess a valid Class 5 driver’s license.

how to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. you already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box. answer on page 10

Public Works Labourers – Competition Number PW03 (2 positions available) - Possess a valid class 5 driver’s license. Two month employment positions starting July 6, 2015.

has openings for a

We are looking for a caring individual who has an understanding of child development and loves working with children.

All caregivers are required to have level one training, training can be obtained while you work at the center. Preference will be given to candidates who hold a level one, level two or level three in Early Childhood Development. Please forward resumes to: Busy Beaver Daycare Box 952 Castor, Alberta T0C 0X0 or fax to 403-882-4143

resumes will be accepted until Friday March 6, 2015

Competition closing date for all positions is March 12, 2015. Are you interested in pursuing an exciting career with Petrofield Industries at our Tornado Hydrovac Trucks’ manufacturing production facility? We are centrally located in the familyfriendly community of Stettler, Alberta. We currently have an openings for:

• Service and Parts Manager Our Company has an enthusiastic, fast-paced working environment, with advancement opportunities. Wage would be commensurate with experience/skills. For more information about this position and our company, check out our website www.tornadotrucks.com. Resumes can be emailed to hr@petrofield.com or faxed to 403-742-1905



Castor and District Housing Manages a 55 Unit Lodge along with 28 Self Contained Manor Tenants and 4 Low Income Housing Units. Directly reporting to the Board of Directors the CAO is accountable for: Legislative Compliance, Board Administration, Human Resources Management, Organizational Development, and Public Relations. This position oversees the daily operations and requires a high level of interaction with Residents, Board, 30 Employees, contracted service providers, government officials and the public. To see a complete job description or for more information email us at paintearthlodge@wildroseinternet.ca or call 403-882-3244.

Please submit qualifications complete with references and wage expectations by Feb. 20th, 2015 to the email address above or fax @ 403-882-2714. The Office is located at 4501-55th Ave Box 209 Castor, AB T0C – 0X0 to drop resumes off at. Only those shortlisted will be contacted.

Public Works Class 1 Truck Driver/Variable Equipment Operator – Competition Number PW01 - This position will be mainly spreading gravel with summer gravel crew and stock piling. Ability to operate loader and dozer is an asset. Six month employment position starting May 4. Public Works Variable Equipment Operator – Competition Number PW02 - This position will be operating equipment at various gravel pits piling raw gravel. Experience operating loaders, dozer, rock truck and scrapper will be an asset. Four month employment position starting May 4.

Busy Beaver Daycare

Full Time & a Part Time Childcare Provider

Agricultural Service Board Labourers – Competition Number ASB02 (2 positions available) Main responsibility will be for weed inspections. Two month employment positions starting July 6. Possess a valid Class 5 driver’s license, knowledge of invasive plants, computers and mobile devices.

For more information relating to ASB Positions contact Jeff Cosens at (403) 740-9183 and for Public Works Positions contact Bryce Cooke at (403) 740-6311. Interested candidates are invited to forward their application/resume, quoting the Competition Number, to: County of Paintearth No.18 Box 509, Castor, AB T0C 0X0 Phone: (403) 882-3211 Fax: (403) 882-3560 Email: jobs@countypaintearth.ca

12 F E B R U A R Y





Rebounding from a late start to retirement savings Some people do not have the ability to begin saving for retirement early on. Others may have brushed retirement savings aside for so long that they are now worried that it’s too late to begin socking away money for retirement. While it’s best to start saving for retirement as early as possible, the good news is that it’s never too late to start planning for retirement. If your 40th birthday has long passed and you’re finally thinking ahead to retirement, consider these catch-up strategies. · Research tax-advantageous retirement savings plans. A financial planner can point you in the right direction, or consult with your employer about employee programs. Deposit money into a 401(k) or 403(b) plan or another retirement vehicle.

Jump on any opportunities when your employer matches invested funds. Investigate an IRA and find out if there are any government incentives. Depending on your age, you may be able to deposit more money into such accounts than other investors. · Cut back on expenses. Cutting back on unnecessary expenses is a great way to save more money for retirement. Figure out where you can save some money you can then allocate to retirement savings. Maybe you can reduce insurance coverage on an older car or raise your deductible?

Downsize cable packages or skip that costly cup of coffee on the way to work. Perhaps it’s time to look for a smaller, less expensive home or a compact car instead of an SUV. Any money saved now will benefit you when the time comes time to bid farewell to the workforce. · Delay your retirement. Many people who retire find themselves bored and looking for ways to fill their time, and as a result more and more people are delaying their retirement, which also gives them more time to save for that day when they do call it quits.

Mistakes to avoid when faced with debt

Many men and women working to reduce their debt feel like they are fighting an uphill battle. Until debt is eliminated, interest will continue to accrue, so even those consumers who make their monthly payments on time may feel as though they’re getting nowhere with regard to restoring their financial standing. But making monthly payments on time and paying more than the minimum is the best way to eliminate debt, even if this approach forces consumers to make certain sacrifices along the way. Men and women may be tempted to take certain shortcuts on the road to eliminating their debts, but such shortcuts are not always what they seem. The following are a handful of mistakes that men and women faced with significant consumer debt should avoid as they work to improve their financial situations. · Use credit to pay off debt. Many credit card companies offer cash advances to their cardholders, who can easily be tempted to accept such offers as they look to pay down balances on other cards. But using one credit line to pay off another can land you even deeper in debt, as cash

advances and balance transfers also are subject to interest charges, meaning you won’t really be eliminating debt but simply shifting it from one card to another, all the while being charged to make that switch.

· Pay only the minimum. Credit card statements include both a minimum payment as well as how long it will take to pay off existing debts if you only make the minimum payment. Turn to Pay, Pg 13

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aggressive investments. Just know that aggressive funds may also leave you susceptible to substantial losses. · Don’t amass debt. If you’re saving for retirement but only paying minimum balances on your credit cards, then you’re not really saving. Pay down credit card debt before you begin to set aside money for retirement. Delaying retirement planning may mean you have to work a little harder to build up a solid reserve. But by following some financial tips and persevering, you can still enjoy retirement with security.

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If you want to work less, discuss and negotiate a phased retirement with your bosses that allows you to stick with your employer but gradually work fewer hours until you retire completely. You may be able to work part-time for several years and retire when you’re most comfortable. · Consider more aggressive funds. Even if you are 50 you still have a few decades before retirement, which leaves lots of time to grow your retirement savings. But you may want to consider more aggressive funds that can help you catch up more quickly than less

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Successful ways to stretch retirement savings Many budding retirees plan to travel, relax and enjoy the company of their spouses when they officially stop working. But such plans only are possible if men and women take steps to secure their financial futures in retirement. According to a recent survey by the personal finance education site MoneyTips. com, roughly one-third of Baby Boomers have no retirement plan. The reason some may have no plan is they have misconceptions about how much money they will need in retirement. Successful retirees understand the steps to take and how to live on a budget. · Have a plan. Many people simply fail to plan for retirement. Even men and women who invest in an employer-sponsored retirement program, such as a 401(k), should not make that the only retirement

planning they do. Speak with a financial advisor who can help you develop a plan that ensures you don’t outlive your assets. · Set reasonable goals. Retirement nest eggs do not need to be enormous. Many retirees have a net worth of less than $1 million, and many people live comfortably on less than $100,000 annually. When planning for retirement, don’t be dissuaded because you won’t be buying a vineyard or villa in Europe. Set reasonable goals for your retirement and make sure you meet those goals. · Recognize there is no magic wealthbuilding plan. Saving comes down to formulating a plan specific to your goals, resources, abilities, and skills. Make saving a priority and take advantage of employer-sponsored retirement programs if they are offered.

· Don’t underestimate spending. You will need money in retirement, and it’s best that you don’t underestimate just how much you’re going to need. No one wants to be stuck at home during retirement, when people typically want to enjoy themselves and the freedom that comes with retirement. Speak to a financial planner to develop a reasonable estimate of your living expenses when you plan to retire. · Pay down or avoid debt while you can. Retiring with debt is a big risk. Try to eliminate all of your debts before you retire and, once you have, focus your energy on growing your investments and/ or saving money for retirement. · Start early on retirement saving. It’s never too early to begin saving for retirement. Although few twenty-somethings are thinking about retirement, the earlier

Cont’d from Pg 12 When balances are considerable, it can take years to eliminate debt if you are only paying the minimum. Even if money is tight, find a way to pay more than the minimum each month. If you don’t, your total balance likely won’t decrease by much and your credit rating, which takes your debt to credit ratio into account when calculating your credit score, will not benefit greatly even though you are making your monthly payments on time. · Continue using credit. If you are currently mired in considerable debt, resist the temptation to use your credit cards. That will only compound the current problem. Use only debit cards or cash when making purchases so you know you are not spending money you don’t have. In addition, every time you use a credit card and don’t pay the balance in full when the bill is due, you will be forced to pay interest charges, which makes the items you buy more expensive than if you were to simply pay with cash or a debit card. · Pay down the wrong debts first. When faced with substantial debt, many people take a methodical approach to eliminating their debts, paying down one card and then moving on to another and so on. Though it can be motivating to methodically eliminate debt obligations, it’s best to pay down those debts with the highest interest rate before paying off smaller debts. The more interest that accrues, the deeper your debt hole becomes. So make a list of your debts and their corresponding interest charges, and work to pay down the high-interest debts first, even if that means you won’t be eliminating balances as quickly as you might if you paid down smaller debts first. Debt can feel like an

albatross over consumers’ heads. But avoiding certain mistakes when

eliminating debt can help the process go more quickly and smoothly.

Pay down debts with the highest interest rate

you begin to invest the more time you have to grow your money. Enroll in a retirement plan now so you have a larger nest egg when you reach retirement age.

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14 F E B R U A R Y




Breeders’ Section

Got the calving book handy? by Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, North Dakota State University Extension Service Data needs to start somewhere. In the cattle business, it starts with the calving book. The calendar probably will have some notes on it for those once-yearly events. For instance, bull turnout, weaning, cattle sales, branding and calf workings are all examples of annual events. These dates are critical, so they need to be noted and recorded. The dates are transferred into a permanent record so if a producer ever needs to look back, the actual dates are available. Actual written information is key to keeping track of the processes that are involved in managing a cattle operation.

Through the years, the mind tends to selectively remember various activities and fold them into one, so what the mind recalls may not be the same as what is written on a sheet of paper and tucked away in a record book. Speaking of a record book, the other book that needs to be kept is the calving book. That is a book that is field-ready and simple to use to record the events of the day as the cows are calving. Many producers already do keep a calving book, but the statement is not a simple one. Through the many years of interacting with cow-calf producers, one very difficult topic is the keeping of individual records of calves. Turn to Individual, Pg 15

Foat Valley Stock Farm

Selling 26 Two Year Old Charolais Bulls at the Transcon’s Mountainview Bull Sale• March 28, 2015 • Innisfail Auction Market

Powerful, smooth shouldered, sound bulls


Foat Valley Stock Farm

Gene & Mike Foat RR2, Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Mike 403-337-2784 C 403-874-7698 mikefoat@live.ca



Breeders’ Section



Join us in our NEW SALE BARN for Lunch at 11:30 and Refreshments Sale Day

Individual identification desired

Cont’d from Pg 14 tractor, pickup or utility vehicle, until one Even just noting the dates that calves experiences the presence of an upset were born or died on a daily bases would mother cow sitting next to you in the be an excellent place to start. pickup. The day generally goes downhill The individual identification of calves is after that. desired. However, tagging, recording and Most producers consider themselves transferring the data is not simple. The fairly agile and reasonably fast, but when process implies that there are people paired with an agitated mother cow, one available and a working office is ready to may need to ratchet it up a notch to receive the calving records. extremely fast. With age, producers natuThe concept of a complete calving book rally slow done, so the ability to get out of is simple. A calving book is a book that the way diminishes. allows proOne would ducers to think I was write down trying to talk the tag myself out of number they keeping a put in the calf calving book, to record the but seasoned 1. Calf identification date of birth wisdom and as close as an invest2. Identifying the mother possible. Most ment in good 3. Date of birth calves are equipment fairly acceswill make the 4. Sex of calf KEY POINTS feat possible. sible for 5. Weight of calf tagging Once the tagwithin 24 ging process hours of birth is figured out, if the new the actual mother is in agreement. record keeping involves entering the birth Cows that recently have calved have ini- date and individual tag number in the tiated a hyped-up defensive mechanism calving book, plus other notes about the and certainly will take on any possible calf and cow. danger to the newborn calf, including the The other point is cow disposition: producer, so care is required. Those cows that have no intention of Actually, most producers could write maintaining your well-being should be several good book chapters about their sold. Excuses don’t mean much when one experiences with working and tagging is laid up or, worse yet, disabled. newborn calves. There often is a feeling of This would be a good time to make a security with what may appear to be a note to cull those cows with disposition Turn to Simple, Pg 17 stable piece of equipment, such as a problems.


At The Ranch Hand Hills Lake, Alberta

Starting a Herd Performance Program

(between Hanna and Drumheller)

Some of the Sires Represented in the Sale

Red Lazy MC Honky Tonk 11x


Sale Day at 10:00 AM Video Auction - 12:30 PM On offer 40 Red Angus & Angus/Simmental Cross Bulls & Replacement Heifer Packages



Red Ter-Ron Hurricane 88z

Red Vikse Fully Loaded 29y

For More Information or to Request a Catalogue shilohcattle@netago.ca • www.shilohcattle.com

Blake Morton & Darcy Olesky R.R. 3 Craigmyle , Alberta, Canada T0J 0T0

Darcy - 403-820-1830 Blake - 403-820-4162 Ranch - 403-665-2023 Auctioneer Dan Skeels - 403-783-1217

Sale Day Phone Number:



Graham 403-575-4001 • Kirk 403-575-5654 Ian 780-753-1515 • Kurt 403-575-5388 Curtis 403-578-8062

CATTLE TRADING CORP. Veteran, Alberta Sat., March 7

Thurs., March 12

Sat., March 14

Mappin Simmentals Bull Sale 1:00 pm

Charolais Power Bull Sale 1:00 pm

Place Your Bet Simmental & Angus Bull Sale 1:00 pm

Wed., March 18

Fri., March 20

Sat., March 28

Thurs., April 2

Pugh Farms Bull Sale 300 - 400 Open Breeding Heifers 1:00 pm

East central Hereford Show & Sale 11:00 am

Maine Difference Bull Sale 1:00 pm

Grass Roots Simmental & Charolais Bull Sale

Please check the website for all pictures & up to-date info:

2:00 pm


16 F e b r u a r y



Coronation/Stettler, Ab.




29th AnnuAl Bull & FEMAlE SAlE at the Farm MARCH 14, 2015

Offering 600 head of Quality Angus Cattle

ECA review

Saturday, April 25 - 1 pm

At Bow Slope Shipping Assoc. Brooks, AB Featuring: 100 Yearling & 2 Year Old Black Angus Bulls

Low Maintenance * Performance Genetics Maternal * Longevity * Calving Ease

Commercial Heifers

lot 102

150 yearling bulls • 100 purebred heifers • 100 two year old bulls • 200 commercial heifers • 50 commercial bred heifers •

Semen Tested, Guaranteed & Built to Last

LLB Contact us for catalogue requests

Lee, Laura & Jackie Brown Trish & Tim henderson

Box 217, erskine, alberta T0c 1G0 Phone: 403-742-4226 Fax: 403-742-2962

email: llbangus@xplornet.com

WO TIME CHAMPION catalogue available atSIMMENTAL www.llbangus.com BULL

Bruce & Dulcie Beasley (403) 501-4416 Bruce Beasley (403) 501 4416 | John Beasley (403) 779 2662 bruce@deerriverranching.com Jean Lucas (403) 566 2010 Jean Lucas (403) 566-2010 beasley@eidnet.org www.bowslope.com ( click on sale day April 30th)on sale day) www.bowslope.com (click


McKeary Charolais and Ashbacher Angus


McKeary Charolais

RF Flirtin For Certain 37U x 3D Full Throttle

to everyone involved and who helped out this fall with the success of Throttled. Also thanks for all the interest and purchases of semen.

Ray & MaryAnn McKeary 306 834- 2938 Chad & Karen Bouchard 403-501-9760 Lynn & Dallas Cairns Compeer, AB

& Guests

RF Flirtin For Certain 37U x 3D Full Throttle

nsigning to Transon’s Mountainview Bull Sale Thanks to everyone involved and who helped out this fall with the success of Throttled. Also thanks for all the interest and purchases of semen. March 28, 2015 Innisfail Auction Mart Consigning11to Transon’s Mountainview Bull Sale Red & Black Yearling Bulls March 28, 2015 Innisfail Auction Mart All bulls11will be carcass evaluated Red & Black Yearling Bulls

lled Homo Blk

Homo Homo Polled AllPolled bullsHetro willBlk be carcass evaluated

Homo Polled Homo Blk

Homo Polled Hetro Blk

Homo Polled

Prairie Cove Charolais Tim & Wanda Bullick 403-224-3341 Bowden, AB Tyler Bullick 403-501-0660 Duchess, AB

Outlaw Poker Star 14B

Outlaw Poker Night 51B

law Poker Star Outlaw Poker 51BSoda Drake Poker Face14B x HPF Cream Soda Drake Poker FaceNight x HPF Cream

Owned with: Czech-Mate & Poker Owned Poker Face x HPF Cream SodaLivestock Drake Face xwith: HPFCzech-Mate Cream Soda Barlee Simmentals Livestock Barlee Simmentals with: Czech-Mate Livestock & Owned with:&Czech-Mate Shown this Fall! Barlee Simmentals Livestock & Barlee Simmentals Shown this Fall!

Outlaw GaGa Gangster 9B

Outlaw GaGa Gangster 9B Virginia Red Texas x CMS GaGa FullVirginia Sibling to CMS/BMD Red TexasPapparazzi x CMS GaGa $43,000.00 Bullto to Crossroad Farms Full Sibling CMS/BMD Papparazzi $43,000.00 Bull to Crossroad Farms

Thanks to all buyers this fall! Your support is Thanks to all buyers greatly appreciated!

this fall! Your support is greatly appreciated!

n o i t i d Tra e l a S l l u B

5th Annual


Ashbacher Angus Darrel & Wendy Ashbacher 403-884-2181 or 1-888-931-9550 Halkirk, AB

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:00 p.m. at Bow Slope Shipping Association Brooks, AB.

OFFERING ... • Red & White Charolais Yearlings • Red & White Charolais Two Year Olds • Black Angus Two Year Olds • Red Angus Two Year Olds


ECA rEviEw

Simple basic records Cont’d from Pg 15 Although some ranchers will make a pretty good argument for maintaining those cows that are overprotective of their calves because these cows also will ward off predators. However, risking one’s health dealing with those cows is something one should think twice about before accepting aggressive behavior. It is not just the producer; it also involves the producer’s family, friends and co-workers who could become an unknowing victim of an aggressive cow. Back to the calving book. Depending on what the producer wants to remember

about the calf but doesn’t want to convert to memory, the rest of the calving book is filled out. The more typical data recorded is the mother’s tag number, sex of the calf and perhaps a notation on birth weight, calving ease and miscellaneous comments. The most important item is the calf tag number and date of birth. Obviously, without the mother’s tag number, no performance data can be gathered. Each individual producer ultimately has to make those decisions. Start simple, keep the basic records and learn to use them. May you find all your ear tags.

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

FEbruAry 26'15


20th AnnuAl


Bull SAlE

3R limousin

March 19, 2015 • 1:00 pm (mST) Crossroads Centre - Oyen, AB

The rea Family - Marengo, SK

SelliNG – 40 red Black Polled yearlings & 2 year Olds


YOUNG GUN Catalogue on-line in color at www.bohrson.com Free Delivery! Talk to us about our Sight Unseen Purchase & Boarding Program



Kevin – 306-463-7950 Ken – 306-463-7454 or 306-968-2923 • r3bar@hotmail.com


with Rib, Hair and Hip Consigning 2-year old Limousin Bulls to the

deJager Bull Sale

Top Quality HAY, OATS & BARLEY also available

March 19, 2015

Celebrating 20 Years

We are giving away a One year lease on a Featherlite Trailer Supplied by Bert Duncan Trailer Sales

Jim 403-779-2263 Greg 377-2572 Tim 779-2273

at Bow Slope Shipping Assoc. in Brooks, AB

check us out online www.ECAreview.com

Jim 403-779-2263 Greg 403-377-2572 Tim 403-779-2273


glenrose@syban.net Camrose, AB

Ken Prichard & Family (780) 608-6080 Jonathan Prichard (780) 781-5137 Steven Prichard (780) 678-4770

East of Camrose to Highway #56, 1.5 miles south and .5 miles west

5 Polled Hereford 2 Yr Olds East Central Bull Sale, Veteran AB March 20 Polled Hereford 2 Yr Olds, Black Angus 2 Yr Olds, Red & Black Angus yearlings Lacombe Bull Sale April 17

All Available by Private Treaty Plus Polled Hereford Yearlings Lindon Widespread 4W

Yearling Black Angus Bulls at Lacombe Bull Sale

April 14, 2015 & For Sale at the Farm

Bulls Sired by: FV Final Answer 189X, HF Industrial 38Z & Bar E-L Decided 205Y Also Selling Yearling Heifers at the farm


Spring 2014 EPD’s will be available on Bulls and Heifers.


For more info. and selecting the bull of your choice Contact:

BW +2.2

WW +42.0

YW +72.7

MILK +12.7

TM +33.7

Lindsay & Donna Penosky Box 37, Botha, AB • (403) 742- 4337

Fax (403) 742-4341 e-mail: lindona@xplornet.ca

! w e N

Inline valve and bracket to replace existing system on rope oilers.


Simple change up with more efficiency, cows get more satisfaction and relief!

BW +6.0

WW +54.7

YW +89.7

MILK +14.2

TM +41.6

8 Sons Available Including:


BW +2.4

WW +36.6

YW +63.0

MILK +16.4

TM +34.7

New Lewis oiler including attached automatic drape and attached weather vane feeder

start at $ 159500

delivered & set up

Lewis Cattle Oiler


For more info call Clint or Dianne Hutton today at 1 800 361 9722 or 403 854 4190 414 Railway Ave Hanna, AB


BW +5.8

WW +48.0

YW +81.9

MILK +15.9

TM +39.9


BW +4.5

WW +49.7

Thanks To The Following Bull Buyers East Central Goodbrand Ranch (3) Southridge Farms

YW +77.5

MILK +15.7

Lacombe Dale and Kathy Duncan Malcolm Murray Wildfred Knight Mark Williams Dave and Lin Nacuk

TM +40.6


BW +5.0

WW +52.3

YW +84.3

MILK +17.3

TM +43.5

Private Treaty Stacy Dick Lee Penman Elwyn Thomas George Nielsen (2)


18 F e b r u a r y


Coronation/Stettler, ab.


eCa review














ECA rEviEw

Tax break on check-offs Agri-News Wheat producers paying the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) provincial check-off are eligible for a tax credit through the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program for their investment in AWC funded research and development (R&D) projects. As well, the Alberta Barley Commission, Alberta Pulse Growers Commission and Alberta Canola Producers Commission have also confirmed that growers who paid them service fees (check-offs) are also eligible for the tax credit. The federal SR&ED program encourages R&D investment through tax-based incentives, giving claimants tax credits for their expenditures on eligible R&D work.


AWC research investments focus on genetic and agronomic improvements aimed at improving the long-term profitability of Alberta’s wheat producers. Of AWC’s check-off, nine per cent of producers’ investments are eligible for a tax credit for the 2014 tax year. The tax credit percentage is based on the amount invested in R&D that meets the criteria laid out by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Farm individuals should use form T2038 (IND) to claim this credit when filing their taxes while farm corporations must use form T2SCH31. For more information, contact the Canada Revenue Agency directly, or visit the CRA website: http://www.cra-arc. gc.ca/txcrdt/sred-rsde/clmng/clmngsrdeng.html



Friday February 27th at 6:00pm PBAM Sales Ring


Tuesday March 3rd at 1:00pm PBAM Sales Ring


Friday March 6th at 6:00pm PBAM Sales Ring


Monday March 9th at 1:00 pm PBAM Sales Ring



Saturday March 14th AT 1:00 pm at the Taber Ranch

4040th 40thth 40


Friday March 27th at 1:00pm at the TABER AGRIPLEX


FEbruAry 26'15



41st Annual

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab


Wednesday April 1st at 1:00pm PBAM Sales Ring

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


1:00 pm at Bow Slope Shipping - Brooks, Ab. 403-362-5521


GUARANTEED DO THE JOB & DO IT WELL GUARANTEED TOTO DO ! ! countridgeredangus.blogspot.com rtnuoc GUARANTEED countridgeredangus.blogspot.com TO DO THE THEJOB JOB&&DO DOITITWELL WELL! FNI EROMFOR ROFMORE INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST A CATALOGUE: FOR INFORMATION OR OR TO TO REQUEST REQUEST A FOR MORE MORE INFORMATION A CATALOGUE: CATALOGUE: GEORGE & LAURA BAXTER GEORGE & LAURA BAXTER 04 GEORGE & LAURA BAXTER OR TO REQUEST ASEMEN TESTED & GUARANTEED 403-641-2205 CELL 403-934-7483 FOR MORE INFORMATION CATALOGUE: 403-641-2205 CELL 403-934-7483 Contact: Cam Clark cell @ 403-633-0726 Or Home @ 403-641-3294 nuoc Contact: Clark cell @ 403-633-0726 Or 403-641-3294 countridgeredangus.blogspot.com Contact: CamCam Clark cell @crowfootland@bassano.ca 403-633-0726 OrHome Home@ @ 403-641-3294 403-641-2205 CELL 403-934-7483 countridgeredangus.blogspot.com crowfootland@bassano.ca GEORGE & LAURA BAXTER

GUARANTEED TO DO THE JOB & DO IT WELL ! countridgeredangus.blogspot.com

403-641-2205 CELL 403-934-7483 countridgeredangus.blogspot.com




Visit www.perlich.com

For more information on these sales 403-329-3101

Contact: Cam Clark cell @ 403-633-0726 Or Home @ 403-641-3294 crowfootland@bassano.ca

RickMarilynn and Marilynn Deagle Rick and Deagle

Rick: 403 575 575 55215521 Rick: 403

Trevor and Danica Deagle

Home: 403 577 3078

Box 535 Consort, AB T0C 1B0

Trevor: 403 575 5237

Trevor and Danica Deagle

Home: 403 577 3078

Trevor: 403 575 5237 Box 535 Consort, AB T0C 1B0 rmdeagle@live.ca Grand Champion Purebred Maine Anjou Female

These Bulls Are a Product of Our Extensive AI Program Grand Champion Purebred Maine Anjou Female rmdeagle@live.ca tdeagle@live.ca Utilizing Top Performance Sires tdeagle@live.ca 1/2 Brothers to the Champion 1/2 Brothers Heifer on

to the

offer at the



Heifer on

RDRL Daisy Duke 45A Farmfair 2014

offer at the The 3rd Annual 'Maine Difference Bull Sale! Sale' March 28th, 2015. 1pm at Dryland RDRL Daisy Duke 45A Farmfair 2014 Cattle Trading Corp, Veteran Alberta.

The Visit 3rd our Annual 'Maine Difference Bull website for a catalogue in March Sale' March 28th, 2015. 1pm at Dryland Cattle Trading Corp, Veteran Alberta.



Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

“R A

Stewart Limousin



ECA review



20 F e b r u a r y





!” SE U E

42nd Annual Performance Test Bull Sale 50+ Yearling Bulls

April 14th, 2015 | 1pm

Perlich Bros. Auction Market Lethbridge, Alberta

For More Information Contact Shawn: 403.642.2041 (bandkr@live.ca) Mike: 1.877.888.BULL (www.rodgersredangus.com) Perlich Brothers: 403.329.3101 Featuring: Open heifers from Matt Slingerland ENTER OUR DRAW FOR A $250 BULL CREDIT Join us for complimentary lunch prior the sale Charolais, Hereford & toBlack Angus

411Y (sons sell)

From the Bull Pen to the Pasture

High Selling Bull from the Prime Limousin Club Bull Sale

We expect our bulls to continue growing and looking good. Our Bulls are fed a light ration so they can last.

Satisfaction is Very Important to us - If you are not happy, then we will make it right, no matter what - All Bulls are Individually Priced for Sale at the farm - 45 Years Selling Limousin Bulls

Two Year Old & Yearling Bulls For More Information:

Murray & Bev Stewart

(403) 742-5226

Box 1326, STETTLER, AB T0C 2L0 cell 403-742-9813


Charolais, Hereford & Black Angus

Charolais, Hereford & Black Angus

Yearling and Two-Year-Old Bulls

sired by excellent performance and carcass data sires easy calving - moderate birth weights - quiet disposition

Bulls sired by: Red Lazy MC Redman 35X Red Lazy MC Stalker 32Z



Lunch @ Noon Sale at 1:30 pm At the Ranch Near Elk Point AB.


To request a catalogue, call Kevin: 780-614-5995 or John: 780-806-3395 Or Email: kcow@telus.net


- RED ANGUS Box 1167 Drumheller Ab T0J 0Y0 Aaron Stanger 403-820-4855 - fourwestcattle@gmail.com www.fourwestcattle.com



by Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, North Dakota State University Extension The world would be a mess if everything were free, so everything has a cost. As the beef industry interacts with the market, individual producers must decide their approach to survival and meeting the family and operational goals. Dollars are the common denominator. Why be in the beef business without a return to labor and management? With current demand for replacement cattle indicative of a positive industry stance to maintaining and expanding the beef business, now is a good time to ponder some fundamental costs of the business. My favorite databases and search tools for some answers are the North Dakota Farm and Ranch Business Management Education Program (http://www.ndfarmmanagement.com), along with FINBIN (http://www.finbin.umn.edu/) from the Center for Farm Financial Management at the University of Minnesota. Lynsey Frey, Farm Business Management instructor at the Dickinson Research Extension Center, and other North Dakota instructors contribute to the databases. North Dakota numbers for the last 10 years from FINBIN certainly show a lot has changed. In 2003, the available gross margin for North Dakota cow-calf producers was $467 per cow. In 2013, the available gross margin was $830, which is an increase of 178 percent. There are a lot of enterprises that wish they could make that statement. Gross margin accounts for the purchase and sale of all calves, cull cows and bulls, animals transferred in, plus any overall changes in cattle inventory. At the end of the day, this is the number that direct and overhead expenses are subtracted from


Install Fee Starting from $

99 Bringing the

future to you!

to calculate net return per cow, but without labor and management charges deducted. The revenue stream for the beef industry has changed dramatically for the positive. This is evident as cow-calf producers look to spend or invest the increased dollars the beef operation is generating. Given that, what is the first cost that deducts dollars from available gross margin? Although many producers would say feed, generally that is not true. The first and greatest cost is maintaining the cow inventory. Looking back at 2003, the cow-calf producer cost for purchasing or keeping replacement heifers was $121 per cow. In 2013, producer cost for purchasing or keeping replacement heifers was $268 per cow, an increase of 221 percent per cow. Turn to Pg 22

1-800-542-7028 Toll Free www.netago.ca JoNomn Hereford Ranch & Just-EZ Charolais Bull Sale March 14, 2015 1:00 pm North Central Livestock Exchange, Clyde AB

s l l u B f e e B for e l P o e P d o Go

k T u r u c k i ng r K t t o c S


RURAL High Speed Internet

Monthly Fee Starting $ 95 from

Breeders’ Section Buy wisely and spend thriftily


pancake Breakfast

23 - 2 year old unique polled Hereford Bulls 10 - 2 year old Horned Hereford Bulls 15 - 2 year old Charolais Bulls 15 - 1 yearling Charolais Bulls

North Centra l Livestock Ex change Pen of 10 Heifer Show 10:00 am Heifer Sale 12:00 Noon Bull Sale 1:00 pm

Erskine, AB

For all your Grain and Fertilizer Needs Cell: 403-740-5094 Res: 403-742-0001

• Bulls for sale by private treaty Offering red & black yearlings for sale • Functional breeding bulls • Quality sound, structurally correct bulls • Bred from good quality based females with great milking • Semen tested • Bulls fit for commercial programs

Watch or Phone for Catalogues Norm 780-348-5835 or Garth 780-349-1491


Hereford Ranch

Norm & Joanne Parrent 780-348-5835 • 780-307-6586 jonomnherefordranch@gmail.com

Michael Parrent 780-307-1773 Mike Grimmeyer 780-307-3385 grimm1@mcsnet.ca

Gelbvieh Add Pounds Add Profit.

Just-EZ Charolais

Garth Rogers 780-349-1491 Everett Laboucan 780-536-4954 Travis Rogers 780-307-3144 auctioneers13@gmail.com

22 F E B R U A R Y




Breeders’ Section

Look at direct and overhead expenses Cont’d from Pg 21 Is that manageable? To start, let’s look at direct and overhead expenses. In 2003, on average, producers spent $361 per cow for total direct and overhead expenses. That increased to $583 per cow by 2013, an increase of 161 percent. That is good because direct and overhead expenses went up less than the available gross margin per cow, which leaves dollars in the producer’s pocket. However increases in replacement costs are greater than the increase in gross margins, so that takes some money back out of the producer’s pocket. Comfortable would be a good word for the state of the beef business. Income is going up, but costs are still manageable. However, caution must be taken when replacing cheaper, old cows with more expensive, young cows. Putting up a caution flag would be in order when paying for replacements. So what is likely to go up and what is likely to go down? That is the painful question. Historically, costs tend to remain or increase through time. Occasionally, costs will go down, particularly feed costs as prices fluctuate in the grain and hay market. Supply and demand drive the market. So direct costs often are called variable costs because they vary and respond to the current market. Overhead costs certainly are more long term. A conservative approach to accruing long-term debt always is advisable. Debt payments, locked in for a fixed

number of years, can become problematic if beef values drop. The 178 percent increase in gross margin per cow will be the most difficult

Crop Production WORKSHOP CROP PRODUCTION WORKSHOP Tuesday, March 3, 2015

9:30 am to 3:00 pm at Castor Community Hall COST:


SPEAKERS: Mark Cutts: Crop Specialist, ARD “Topic: Soil Fertility/Fertilizer Recommendations” Trevor Blois: Pathologist/Brady Chase: Molecular Team Supervisor, 20/20 Seed Labs “The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same – A Clubroot Update” Manjit Deol: Crop Agronomist, BRRG/Eric Neilson: Extension, BRRG “On Farm Trials: A Scientific Approach to Evaluation of New Technologies” Harry Brook: Crop Specialist, ARD “Rise of the Super-weed? Herbicide action and resistance issues ” Steve Myshak: Ventus Geospatial “Topic: Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV’s) and Agriculture”

component of a vigorous beef system to maintain. The direct costs currently are manageable, but remember that the replacement of breeding stock is leading

the pack on negative impact on gross margin per cow. Buy wisely and spend thriftily. May you find all your ear tags.


Saturday, March 28, 2015





Breeders’ Section

When to intervene in delivery of the calf by Dr. Michelle Arnold, University of Kentucky Perinatal Mortality (PM) generally refers to death of full-term calves shortly before, during, or within 24-48 hours after parturition (calving). This includes “stillbirth”, a term commonly used when calves never take the first breath. Many genetic and non-genetic factors have been identified but dystocia (a difficult or abnormal calving) is consistently identified as the primary cause of perinatal mortality. In addition, dystocia may contribute to death of a calf up to 4 months of age due to internal injuries sustained at birth, lack of oxygen to the brain during delivery, or failure of passive transfer. Dystocia rates vary among cattle populations; considerable differences exist among the cattle breeds as well as among individual herds. Maternal, fetal, environmental, and management factors influence PM. Many of these factors are beyond the control of a producer such as parity (number of calves the cow has already had), presence of twins, and abnormal fetal presentation such as a backwards or breech calf. However, many risk factors can be controlled by the farm manager to decrease the incidence of weak or stillborn calves. Newborn vitality is essential to the health, survival and welfare of the calf. If the calf is not strong at birth, it may be unable or unwilling to get up and suckle colostrum in a timely manner. Early colostrum intake is essential for efficient transfer of immunoglobulins, energy, and regulation of body temperature. Not receiving enough colostrum shortly after birth may affect its long term health status (greater risk of disease and death) and lifetime productivity (decreased overall average daily gain). Calving management, including supervision and intervention, is critical to minimize or prevent calf losses. Perhaps the most critical factor is the timing of intervention during Stage 2 (active labor) of calving. It has generally been recommended to intervene in the birth process when the feet of the fetus have been visible for two hours (“two feet-two hours rule”) but some have challenged this rule because of the uncertainty or confusion of when to start the clock ticking. The onset of Stage 2 labor has multiple definitions including: 1) appearance of the amniotic sac (“water bag”) at the vulva, 2) rupture of the allantoic/amniotic sac (the

Alberta Surface Rights Federation


Friday, March 6 Norsemen Inn

6505 - 48 Ave. Camrose All acreage and landowners and interested persons welcome $30 Includes dinner & coffee

9 a.m. Registration • 9:30 a.m. Open Meeting 10:45 a.m. - Carol Goodfellow, Farmer’s Advocate 11 a.m. - Jim Ness, farmer and land agent ‘Making Change’ 12 noon Dinner • 1:15 p.m. Meeting continues 1:30 p.m. - Andrew Nikiforuk, ‘Politics of Fracking and Reality of Leaking Wells’ 3 p.m. - bring forward interest & concerns 3:30 - Resolutions For more info: Pres. Perry Nelson 780-753-6860

water bag breaks), or 3) appearance of feet at the vulva. Numerous studies have proven that the total time allowed for Stage 2 should be 2 hours or less provided the fetus is in a normal position. A recent (2011) study demonstrated that assisting cows at 80 minutes after the appearance of the water bag clearly decreased the risk of stillbirth. The recommendation to intervene in calf delivery from the specialists at the University of Kentucky is: 1. In the case of mature cows, intervene if either the water bag or feet have been evident for 2 hours with little or no progress. Or, if the cow has pushed hard for 30 minutes but the calf has not moved, assistance is needed. 2. In the case of heifers, intervene one hour after appearance of the water bag. 3. If a cow or heifer has been in Stage 1 (restless, kicking at belly, wringing tail,

seeking isolation) for 2-6 hours but does not progress to active straining, intervention is indicated. Cows should progress to Stage 2 more quickly than heifers. After the cow or heifer is checked vaginally, then a decision for further action such as forced extraction or caesarean section can be made with a reasonable chance of delivering a live calf. See: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ animal_health/nahms/beefcowcalf/ downloads/beef0708/Beef0708_is_ CalvingMgmt.pdf (accessed 13 January 2015) According to the NAHMS 2007-2008 beef study, nearly 50 percent of operations allowed cows to labor 3 or more hours before assistance was given, and almost 40 percent of operations allowed heifers to

labor an average of 3 or more hours. Interestingly, the same study reported calves born dead accounted for 44% of all calf death loss during the first 6 months of 2008. An additional 13% died in the first 24 hours after birth. This information highlights how critical the birthing process and early post-partum period is for calf survival. Frequent monitoring of the calving process is important in order to identify calving problems early. Since the time from appearance/rupture of the sac to appearance of the feet is variable and sometimes may not even occur, it is essential to check cows frequently to identify those experiencing extended or difficult labor. Turn to checking, Pg 25

Ben Van Haga Trailer Parts & Repairs Get Revved up for Spring Trucking CARS TRUCKS

2011 Ford Escape FWD 107,000km

$11,900 2011 Buick Enclave EXL

2009 GMC SLT Crew-cab


4X4, 1/2 Ton, Loaded 171,000km

2008 Montana Minivan

2009 GMC Ex Cab 4X4



$28,500 93,000km

2008 Buick Lucerne CXL 205,000km


2005 Pontiac G-5

2 door, A/T 117,000km


Specializing in Hauling • Grains • Fertilizer • Hay


1/2 Ton, 65,000km

2008 Chev Trailblazer LT Loaded, 52,000km


Cell: (403) 323-0060

Fax: (403) 742-8215 Box 1899 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0

New Dealer in

2008 GMC 1/2 Ton 2WD Ex Cab, 171,000km 2008 GMC Acadia 220,000km

520-3rd Ave. Elnora, AB

Provost Livestock Exchange The Livestock Market Serving

OLS Livestock Tubs Large Inventory • Volume Discounts

Endiang AB

Call Jim 403 579 2440 or 403 740 2440

Presort Feeder & Regular Sale of Butcher Cows & Bulls Every Friday @ 9 AM Upcoming Specialty Sales

For more information and pictures please view our website @ www.plecattle.com

Provost Livestock Exchange 780-753-2369

BAR-DALE Limousin Erskine, AB

Carole Barclay

(403) 742-4825 (H)

Ricky Barclay

(403) 742-3882 (H) (403) 740-5711 (C)

Terry Barclay

(403) 742-5916 (H)/(403) 740-5037 (C) bardale@xplornet.com

Limousin Bulls

Eastern Alberta and Western Saskatchewan

Saturday, March 7 @ Noon - Annual Pen of 5 & 10 Yearling Replacement Heifer Show & Sale. Judging From 11 AM til Noon. Tuesday, March 10 @ 1PM - Built Right Bull Sale. Featuring 69 Yearling Bulls. 30 Simmental Bulls from WJ Simmental. 30 Black Angus from Pederson Livestock & 9 Charolais Bulls from Big Johnson Charolais. Wednesday, March 18 @ 1 PM - 22nd Annual Adair Ranch Bull Sale. Featuring 40 Red & Black 2 Year Old Simmental Bulls, 7 Yearling Simmental Bull, 8 yearling Red Angus Bulls from ERL Cattle Co. 20 Red & Black Replacement Heifers Bred to Vee Tee Black Angus Bull from July 16 to August 29, & 10 young Simmental Cows Bred Simmental from July 16 to August 29. Also selling 50 -60 palpated open Black & Red Yearling Simmental Heifers

403-884-2173 Halkirk 403-430-0504

Priced to sell by private treaty. Fully guaranteed.



Horseshoe Trailer Mfg.

40 - 2 year Old Virgin Limousin Bulls



Horse, Stock, Cargo, Flatdeck Quality Parts In Stock Visa/Mastercard Accepted

Great Selection of Yearlings & 2 Year Olds

Red Black Polled Semen Tested

Combest Limousin Farm

Box 127, Erskine, Alberta T0C 1G0

Ph. 403-742-5211 Cell. 403-740-7621

Yearling Red Angus Bulls For Sale Make Your Selections Early as a Deposit

Will Hold Until Spring

Bulls For Sale By Private Treaty

24 F E B R U A R Y




Charolais Bulls For Sale

Breeders’ Section

By Private Treaty at the Ranch

Several new research papers collected on Foragebeef.ca Agri-News Foragebeef.ca has added several new research papers to its collection. “If you’ve find these research papers interesting, feel free to pass them on to your friends,” says Ken Ziegler, beef/ forage specialist, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Rocky Mountain House. “If you would like enhanced exposure to the papers that you’ve published, feel free to pass them on to Foragebeef.ca and we’ll post them.” The new additions and locations are • “Energy to Protein Ratio of Several Legume-grasscomplex Mixtures” has been placed into the pasture management and sward management folders. • “Ascophyllum Nodosum Extract and its Organic Fractions Stimulate Rhizobium Root Nodulation and Growth of Medicago Sativa (Alfalfa)” has been placed into the forage establishment and alfalfa establishment folders. • “Energy to Protein Ratio of Grass– Legume Binary Mixtures under Frequent Clipping” has been placed into the pasture management and sward management folders. • “Complexity and Composition of Pasture Swards affect Plant productivity and Soil Organisms” has been placed into the Pasture Management and Sward Management folders. • “Sward Complexity and Grass Species Composition Affect the Performance of

Go with the brand you know

Grass-White Clover Pasture Mixtures” has been placed in to the pasture management and sward management folders. • “Characterizing Nitrogen

Transfer from Red Clover Populations to Companion Bluegrass under Field Conditions” has been placed into the fertility for perennial stands folder.

Little Valley View Ranch

Warren, Tip, Betty, Debbie HENDERSON • Forestburg, AB 780-582-2254

Black & Red Angus Yearling Bulls ✯ Free wintering 2Free wintering till May till May1st 1st • Free wintering till May 1st ✯Free Free Delivery 2 Delivery • Free Delivery within 100 miles within 100 miles within 100 miles • NoCreep Creep ✯ No No 2 Creep

Black & Red Angus Purebred Texas Longhorns We breed for EAsy Calving and BEEf


Stock for Sale at all Times Stop for Coffee and have a look

All Bulls ArE dEhornEd



Bon’s Texas Longhorns

Since 1965

Stringer Ranches Ltd. Sunnynook, Alberta, T0J 3J0

ContactRussell Russell Lohr Contact Lohr Contact Russell Lohr 403-741-9916 • 403-742-3846 403-741-9916 403-741-9916 403-742-3846 403-742-3846

Paintearth Shorthorns YEARLING BULLS FOR SALE

Bill Smith Sibbald, AB (403) 676-3970

Red and Roans • Halter Broke Polled • Semen Tested

Don Vincent Hanna, AB (403) 854-2489

ALBERT & SUSAN ORAM Ph 403 882 2253 • email: a_soram@telus.net We also are running the calf help line again




P erformance bull Sale Mon., March 16/15 @ 1 p.m.

Bow Slope Auction - Brooks, AB Sale Day Phone 403-362-5521

Yearling 1 & 2 Year Black & Red Limousin EAST CENTRAL Bulls For Sale Join us in celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the

BULL SALE Friday, March 20

at the Dryland Cattle Trading Corp, Veteran Approximately 40 Two Year Old Horned & Polled Bulls from reputation herds on offer. Parade of Bulls 11:00 am • Sale at 1:30 pm

Judge: Glenn Brost, Brost Land & Cattle Co., Irvine

Sponsored by the East Central Hereford Club Call 403-676-2086 or email diamondt@netago.ca

Catalogue also available on line at www.drylandcattle.com View on-line and bid by phone.

Semen tested Ready to Sell

Call Bill 403 884 2378 or 403 740 6695

Selling: 19 - Two year old Horned Hereford Bulls 25 - Black Angus Yearling Bulls 60 - Black Angus Two year old Bulls • Complete Performance Data Including Birth Weights, Weaning & Yearling Indexes, EPD’s and Ultrasound Carcass Data • Your visit or inquiries are welcome anytime. • Call for a catalogue • Again This Year! Online viewing and bidding available. Please visit LiveAuctions.tv Contact: Shari Leachman at 306-903-7289 F-R Ranch Murray & Gloria 403-787-2341 fax 403-787-2579

Cam & Kim 403-787-2165

DW Herefords Don & Kay Geoff & Jackie Tom & Stacey 403-787-2261 403-787-2469 403-787-3716 fax 403-787-2574 View our bulls at www.hussar4u.com and click on the DW Hereford link


ECA rEviEw

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

FEbruAry 26'15


Recommended checking calving cows every three hours Cont’d from Pg 23 Checking cows every 3 hours is recommended to help early identification of dystocia. Realistically, checking cows twice daily and three times per day for heifers may be a more workable schedule. One simple way to make this task easier is to feed cows daily at dusk. A study in Iowa found that 85% of the calves were born during daylight hours when cows were fed in the evening rather than morning. In addition to length of time in labor, the quality of contractions should also be monitored as it may indicate malposition of the fetus, a twin birth, or a metabolic problem. Poor contractions are due to primary or secondary uterine inertia. Primary causes include conditions such as low blood concentrations of calcium and magnesium, old age, or preterm delivery. Secondary uterine inertia is seen with fatigue of the uterine muscles such as in a prolonged attempt to deliver a malpositioned calf or twins. When a calf is presenting correctly, you should observe two hooves facing down and a nose on top of the legs. If the nose is not visible (head turned back) or a nose with one or no hooves (leg or legs back), immediate intervention is necessary. If the calf is presenting backwards (two hooves with the pads up), pulling the calf will increase its chances of survival as these calves take a longer time to be delivered naturally. A breech birth (tail first) or uterine torsion is difficult to visually diagnose; if there are no active contractions or no visualization of the feet, she should be checked for a problem. Many calf losses are attributed to a delay in receiving assistance or the amount of difficulty and time required to remove the calf.


BULLS Heifer Bulls Cow Bulls

Performance & EPD data available A.I. Sires

PIRO RED ANGUS P & R Zoller (403) 742-0336

Knowing when intervention is required and when to call for professional veterinary assistance can greatly increase the calf’s chance of survival. If you don’t know what the problem is call a veterinarian. If you know the problem but you have been unsuccessful correcting it after 30 minutes of trying, call a veterinarian.

Losses can be prevented by good supervision and quick intervention when needed. Signs of reduced vitality in the neonate include peripheral edema (swelling of the head and tongue), scleral hemorrhages (bloodshot eyes), yellow staining of the hair coat, cyanosis of the mucous membranes (blue color to gums), or reduced

Request for Tender

auctions PattoofnMajor, SK

Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC. Sheerness Mine Site, Hanna AB Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC. request submission of quotation for the following farming service for the 2015 crop year. 575+/- Acres. Calculated by Sheerness Engineering Department. 1. Disking- Pass # 1 2. Disking- Pass # 2 3. Heavy Harrow 4. Seeding, oats @ 2 Bu./acre & native grass @ TBA 5. Rolling 6. Rock picking Request price/acre for each service. Contractor to provide oats and quote price/bushel, Grass seed provided by Sheerness Mine. Contractor to provide fuel.

2015 UPCoMInG SALES SATURDAY, APRIL 25 – Farm Auction for Estate of Gordon Gramlich of Major, SK MonDAY, JUnE 8 – Farm Auction for Dale and Donna Meier of Luseland, SK THURSDAY, JUnE 11 – Farm Auction for Wawedash Farms Ltd. (Wayne and Wendy Hislop) of Alsask, SK

Conditions: 1. Contractor must have W.C.B coverage & $5.0 million liability insurance coverage. 2. Contractor must have certified roll over protection on all equipment operator cabs and fire extinguishers on equipment. 3. Contractor must follow Sheerness Mine safety rules while on site. 4. Work to be completed by July 15, 2015 5. Sealed Bids will be accepted until 12 noon on March 14, 2015

Watch for upcoming issues of The West Central Crossroads for listings on these Farm Auctions TO BOOk yOur 2015 SPrING AND SuMMEr AuCTION TODAy!! Call Delmer 306-838-4356 • Jason 306-838-2051

Please submit bids to: Sheerness Mine Box 2020 Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0 Ph: 403-854-5200 Fx: 403-854-5204 Contact: Tanner Kautz @ 403-854-5202

NOw ON lINE AT: www.Auctionsales.ca • www.pattonauctions.ca


For bookings or freezer orders to Coronation & please call, Consort areas 780-753-2415


CUSTOM Butchering Thursdays

PROVOST PACKERS LTD. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm Saturday 8am - 12pm

check us out online


• POST FRAME • STICK FRAME • STEEL BUILDINGS Barns. Shops. Garages. Skid Shacks

Metal Roofing & Siding Sales & Delivery Contact Jake: 780-918-9873 email: jake.sandstormalberta@hotmail.com 2012 DODGE 2500, 4 x 4 HD 5.7 HEMI CREW ALI ARC BUMPER 193K $14,900

Abandoned Water Wells Landowners An Invitation To Become Informed

Presenters: Brandon Leask, Ab Ag Water Engineer, Red Deer; Local Water Well Driller(s)

Two Locations, Two Dates To Choose From

Thursday, March 12 OR

responsiveness to stimulation. When observed, these are strong indicators that intervention is required. Early intervention is the key; not only does it increase the chance of survival for the calf, but it also greatly increases the pregnancy rate of the cow in the following breeding season.

Schultz Hall On Hwy 53 (Approx. 32 Km East of Ponoka OR 10 Km West of Hwy 21 Junction)

Thursday, March 19 Tees Hall

Please Contact One Week Prior To The Preferred Date: Larry or Leanne @ 403-784-3437 Or l.walton@cciwireless.ca Complimentary Lunch at 11:30 AM (Must Pre-register)• Water Well Workshop Begins at 1:00 PM Sponsored & Hosted By: Calumet Synergy Association, Ponoka County, Lacombe County

Come One, Come All • No Charge To Attend

2012 FORD F350 XLT, SD, 4X4, CC, 6.7L DIESEL, LOCK/TAILGATE, 44K .....$42,900 2012 DODGE 2500 4X4 HD, 5.7L HEMI, CREW, ALI ARC BUMPER, 193K ...$14,900 2011 GMC SAVANA, 6L GAS, AUTO, 16’ VAN BODY, GVW 12,273#,107K..$25,900 2011 FORD F350 XLT SD CREW 4X4, 6.7L, TRAILER BRAKE, 120K............$36,900 2011 DODGE 2500 SLT 4X4 CREW CAB, LB, 6.7L CUMMINS, AUTO, 87K .. $37,900 2011 DODGE 3500 CREW, 6.7L DIESEL, 6SP STND, DUALLY, 4X4, 50K ......$45,900 2010 FORD E350, 16X8’ BOX, SLIDE-IN ALUM LOADING RAMP, 100K ...... $27,900 2010 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 LS 4X4 EX/CAB, SB, 5.3L VORTEC, 196K .....$14,900 2009 IHC PROSTAR, 500HP, 18SP, GVW 80,000 LBS, 4:3 RATIO 372K .....$49,900 2009 F550 SD 4X4, 6.4L DIESEL, AUTO, POS AIR SHUT OFF, 58K ..............$34,900 2008 FREIGHTLINER M2, 300HPCUMMINS, 10SP,GVW35,000#,158K......$34,900 2008 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, T/A, 515HP, 18SP, LOCKERS, 502K........ $57,900 2008 IHC 4400 DURASTAR, DT570, 310HP, 10SP EATON, HI IDLE, 97K ....$34,900 2008 INTERNATIONAL 4300, AUTO, 210HP, 5SP, 14’ DECK, 125K .............$35,900


www.valleycitysales.com 2008 INTERNATIONAL CF500 AUTO, DIESEL, 16’ VAN BODY, 153K .............$20,900 2007 CHEV 3500 CUT-AWAY, 6.6L DURAMAX, 16’ BOX, ONLY 33K ............$24,900 2007 NEW HOLLAND C185 SKID STEER, 78HP, DIESEL, 7’ BUCKET.............$28,900 2007 CHEV AVALANCHE, FULL LOAD LEATHER, 5.3L VOREC, 216K............ $13,999 2005 FORD F450 CREW 4X4, 9’5” STEEL DECK, GVWR 16,000#, 205K ....... $13,999 2005 FREIGHTLINER M2, C7 CAT, DETROIT AUTO LOCKER DIF, 245K .........$25,900 2004 FLEETWOOD PIONEER HOLIDAY TRAILER, ½ TON TOWABLE .............$ 8,500 2003 STERLING ACTERRA, 300HP MERCEDES, 6SP, SLEEPER, 423K ........... $31,000 2002 HONDA ODYSSEY, FULL LOAD LEATHER, 7 PASS, HTD SEATS, 244K....$ 3,999 2001 FORD F650, 6SP STANDARD, PTO ADAPTABLE, 210HP, 212K ............ $18,900 2001 CHRYSLER INTREPID SE, 2.7L V6, 1YR WARRANTY INC., 216K...........$ 3,599 2000 FORD F750, CREW, DIESEL GENERATOR ELEC START, 255K ..............$20,900 1999 FORD F250 SD, 2WD, V10 AUTO, 9’ BIGFOOT CAMPER ......................$ 9,900 1993 FLEETWOOD TERRY RESORT 5TH WHEEL, SLEEPS 6, 34”X88”SLIDE...$ 7,400





On-farm grain storage options

Agri-News 70,000 bushels of grain per year to make Recent record yields and transportation the bagger economical competitive to backlogs have increased interest in onbins,” says Bergen-Henengouwen. farm storage options. Baggers have their disadvantages as “There are many different storage storage is temporary and damage can options available, either temporary or per- occur to the plastic either through wildmanent,” says Todd life, trees or human damage Bergen-Henengouwen, project assistant, (snowmobiles). Once the bag is exposed to Alberta Agriculture and Rural the elements, grain spoilage and pest and Development (ARD), Edmonton. “The two wildlife damage and losses can occur. As most popular options are steel grain bins well, the plastic is difficult to roll after the (either corrugated or smooth walled with grain has been emptied and recycling is or without hoppers) and grain bags. Other limited. options are sheds, producer owned grain “Choosing the right grain storage elevators, grain rings, piles and bunkers.” system can be difficult decision for an The last 10 years have seen bin prices operation but by looking at total costs, the climbing, says Bergen-Henengouwen. “In farm future plans, existing systems and 2004, the average corrugated hopper labour availability producers can narrow bottom was priced at $2.50/bushel while in down the best option for them,” adds 2014 it is close to $4.00/bushel. With the Bergen-Henengouwen. price increase and the need for unexFor more information on grain storage pected grain storage producers have been cost comparisons and storage considerlooking at grain baggers as a viable ations go to ARD’s Farm Manager website option.” (http://www1.agric.gov. Grain baggers are useful in situations ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/ when: bus14419). There is also a YouTube video • the land is either rented or leased and available: Grain Storage Considerations investment in permanent storage is not (https://www.youtube.com/ desired watch?v=aA4Ra5UQx8k). • the operator only needs to store grain for a short period of time, or has plans to exit the business in a few years Red & Black yearlings and 2 year old bulls • there is limited labour and and (Poundmaker) Angus/SouthDevon Bulls. trucking availExcellent converters of grass and grain to beef. able during British Breed, Quiet, High Butterfat 4.5 harvest • land is located dmrranching@gmail.com long distances Bulls sold by Private Treaty • Heifers Available apart • storing low quality crops such as feed wheat, barley B.C. • Alberta • Saskatchewan and sample canola Farmers Helping Farmers • 18 Years Old and Still Going Strong!! • grain is dry and Breeders - 15% Down - Finance 100% of Animals has no need to be Feeders - 10% Down - Finance 100 % of Animals dried or aerated • there is plastic recycling in the area • there is a need to store large volumes of grain Bred Cow Program! Feeder Program! “Having develToll Free 1-866-848-6669 oped a partial No Restrictions • Purchase & Marketing • Your Choice budget to compare bins from baggers www.foothillslivestock.ca it was found that Fieldman - Robert Kunnick 780-336-6301 operations need to Rocky Mountain House, Alberta store more than



One Stop Cattle Financing

FOOTHILLS Livestock Co-op


Pedigree Seed

HRSW - AC Stettler - AC Carberry AAC Brandon - 2016 CPSR - Ryley MALT - CDC Copeland - AC Metcalfe CDC Meredith FEED BARLEY - CDC Austenson FLAX - AC Prairie Grande - CDC Glas PEAS - CDC Saffron - Yellow CDC Limerick - Green - 2016 FABA BEANS - CDC Snowdrop - 2016

nd Ranc a l t a

PHONE 403-368-2409 OR 403-321-0237 (c) FAX 403-368-2410


Breeders’ Section



26 F E B R U A R Y

Gelbvieh Bulls Yearling and Two Year Olds Selling Top End Bulls for 16 years

Chuck & Jennifer Williams 403-854-6270 or 403-854-0190 Hanna, AB

M.J. Veterinary Services

Dr. Megan J. Wakefield Castor, AB

Office 403-882-4560 Fax 403-882-4580


Full Ambulatory Veterinary Services • Ultrasound for for both small and large animals • Digital Radiography for both small & large animals • Small animal medical appointments • Full range of vaccine and antimicrobials for large and small animals Call For Early Bookings for Semen Testing

106th Annual

Lacombe Bull Show & Sale!! Tuesday, April 14

Clews Palliser Show 10 am - Sale 1 pm Herd Master Cattle Oiler Co. Central Alberta Agriculture Society Sales Pavilion Bull Sale 1-877-308-3374 20th Annual

Wed., March 4

1 p.m. Camrose Regional Exhibition

• Selling 130 quality Traditional Fullbloods Red & Black Purebreds

Spring Lake Simmentals Maxwell Simmentals Rancier Farms (Glen 780-385-5552; Doug 780-374-2138 Garth 780-385-5313) catalogue at www.cattlepics.com

Rope Oilers & Conversion Kits

Simple Rugged Low Maintenance

Shorthorn • Polled Hereford Horned Hereford • Red Angus • Black Angus Heifer pen lots of 3 or 5 head

For a catalogue go to www.centralabag.com More Info Call Leanne Zukowski 403-352-2409


ECA rEviEw

Lentil production encouraged

Agri-News High market price and varietal improvements are two good reasons to grow lentils this coming year. “There has been remarkable improvement in lentil genetics in recent years, contributing to an increase in grower satisfaction,” says Neil Whatley, crop specialist, Alberta Ag-Info Centre, Stettler. “Newer red lentil varieties like CDC Maxim CL and CDC Dazil CL possess several improved characteristics compared with the older green varieties that producers historically grew or experimented with in Alberta. Given lentil’s current high price and its continually positive rotational effects as a grain legume, it appears to be another good crop option in 2015.” Lentil varietal research on the Canadian Prairies has developed red lentil varieties with improved resistance to selected herbicides (Group 2), disease resistance, lodging prevention, earlier maturity, a more determinant growth habit and improved seed yield. “CDC Maxim CL and CDC Dazil CL, for example, are CLEARFIELD varieties, so are tolerant to IMI herbicides (Group 2)

such as Odyssey,” says Whatley. “These varieties have ‘good’ resistant to the once devastating ascochyta blight disease, and Maxim, for example, has ‘good’ resistance to both ascochyta and anthracnose, the most common foliar lentil diseases. Dazil has ‘fair’ resistance to anthracnose. Plant breeding has created a thicker, stronger stem base, minimizing lodging issues. Along with earlier maturity, a more determinant growth habit has also been bred into these varieties. So, varieties like Maxim and Dazil are more likely to set seed instead of growing into lentil hay if precipitation is present during the latter part of the growing season. As a result, they do better in the Thin Black soil zone where extra soil moisture historically limited successful lentil production. The new red lentil varieties are also higher yielding than traditional varieties.” Red lentils are highly adapted to Alberta growing conditions, especially the Brown, Dark Brown and Thin Black soil zones. Current research is assessing the viability of red lentil production in the Thick Black and Gray soil zones. Turn to Positive, Pg 29

North Slope Farms Private Treaty Sales

Yearling & 2 yr old Red & Black Limousin Bulls Mostly Polled Genetics From Proven Trait Leading Al Sires Semen Tested Guaranteed QUIET & RANCH RAISED




“The brand of quality and customer satisfaction”

Eugene & Sylvia Axley Czar, AB Phone 780-857-2094 or cell 780-842-9640

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

FEbruAry 26'15


13th Annual

Red & Black

Simmental Bull Sale

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 1:00 Camrose, Ab To receive a catalog or for more information contact SKOR Simmentals or Transcon Livestock or download the catalog at www.transconlivestock.com

RR 1, Sedgewick AB T0B 4C0

Terry & Debbie Skoretz Ph: 780/384-2189 Fax: 780/384-2139 Cell: 780/385-2027

Dale & Nanette Jones 780/384-2235

email:transcon@transconlivestock.com www.transconlivestock.com


Livestock Corp.

403/638-9377 Fax: 403/206-7786 Box 300, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Jay Good: 403/556-5563 Darren Paget: 403/323-3985

We Have Everything You Need For

CALVING SEASON Competitive Pricing On bs, Salt Blocks, Mineral Tu Loose Mineral, Panels, Gates, Tags, Calf Shelters , Hi-Hog Products, Rite-Now Mineral, RFID Tags

Proud to be working with


1 block E. of museum on East access road to Hwy 36 (N of bottle depot)

(403) 854-2802


408 - 5th St. E

Hanna, AB

HEARTLAND marine&motorsports

Range Road 21 - 2 off of Hiway 12 (West of Erskine)


28 F e b r u a r y



Coronation/Stettler, Ab.



Bull & Elite Female Sale

Thursday, March 12 at the Ranch - Stettler, AB

106B - February 21/14 4ACES son BW 82 lbs. Adj.205D 729 lbs. Adj. 365D 1392 lbs.

170B - March 4/14 MAGIC MIKE son BW 94 lbs. Adj.205D 691 lbs. Adj. 365D 1405 lbs.

198B - March 13/14 ALLIANCE son BW 88 lbs. Adj.205D 715 lbs. Adj. 365D 1306 lbs.

34B - February 8/13 ROCK SOLID son BW 86 lbs. Adj.205D 771 lbs. Adj. 365D 1362 lbs.

71B - February 16/14 SMOKIN’ ACES son BW 84 lbs. Adj.205D 734 lbs. Adj. 365D 1354 lbs.

109B - February 22/14 HARVESTOR son BW 88 lbs. Adj.205D 762 lbs. Adj. 365D 1396 lbs.

115B - February 22/14 MAGIC MIKE daughter BW 92 lbs. Adj.205D 613 lbs. Adj. 365D 824 lbs. 134B - February 25/14 FRONTIER daughter BW 80 lbs. Adj.205D 601 lbs. Adj. 365D 833 lbs.

Offering 75

Free Board

Head Bulls - Yearlings & 2 Year Old

Free Delivery in Western Canada or Nearest Port of Entry

Open Heifers

Complete semen evaluation

For complete sale information and videos Check Website: www.bar-e-l.com and BAR-E-L Facebook page

The Longshore Family

Live Internet Bidding

Dave & Lynne Longshore

Stettler, Alberta T: 403-579-2394 C: 403-740-6788

Email: barelangus@gmail.com

2015 Feb ECA Review.indd 1

15-02-23 8:12 AM

ECA review

ECA review


Coronation/Stettler, Ab

February 26'15

Positive rotational effects cited Cont’d from Pg 27 “The 10-year average red lentil yield in Western Canada is 1,400 lbs./acre,” says Whatley. “Experienced growers harvest 1700 to 2000 lbs./ac on a good year. With current red lentil prices at 35 cents/lb., this is a very good economic return on investment. “Lentil prices may or may not soften a bit in the spring and early summer, depending on the yield and quality of India’s and Turkey’s winter crop. Keep an eye on red lentil prices over the next few weeks.” Excess precipitation during the month of June in the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons has contributed to increased root rot susceptibility in lentil and field pea. “Although several root rot cases have occurred in soil that has had either lentil or pea grown in it every two years, it has

also occurred in wider rotations, so use caution. Even though a return to normal weather patterns would lessen this problem, it’s advised to leave at least four years between field pea or lentil crops in a crop rotation to prevent issues like root rot.” Experienced pulse growers readily admit that market opportunity isn’t the only reason to include a grain legume in their crop rotation, says Whatley. “Positive rotational effects from growing pulses also include disease and insect breaks for other crop types, soil water use efficiency in rotation with cereals and oilseeds, lower overall nitrogen fertilization cost, improved soil tilth and promotion of beneficial soil biological activity.” For more information, contact the Alberta Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276).



March 21, 2015

1:00 pm at Innisfail Auction Mart • Innisfail, AB

We have red and black purebred and percentage bulls in the sale. CK Bullseye 31B CDGV153031 will be at the sale. For more information call Kelly Brittain 780-387-6446

CDGV 153734. JM Billy 10B will be at the sale. Guest Consignor Jace Cattle Company Jason & Tamarra Muhlbach



For info. please contact Jason Muhlbach 403-740-2526

Brittain Farms

Kelly and Colleen Brittain • Falun, AB T: 780. 352. 0676 • C:780. 387. 6446 • britt4@xplornet.com • www.brittainfarms.com

30 F e b r u a r y


Coronation/Stettler, Ab.


ECA review

Ter-Ron and Redrich Get-A-Grip Angus/Simmental Bull and Select Female Sale

Thursday, March 19, 2015

1 pm at the Farm, Forestburg, AB On Offer: Selling 60 Red and Black Angus bulls, 8 Red & Black Simmental bulls, and 19 open purebred heifers.

TYD 336B

For more info or videos check our websites for updates! • Semen Tested and Guaranteed • Sight Unseen Buyers Program • Sire Groups – ½ and ¾ brothers • Delivery



HFX 126B


Your Herd Bull Source Terry: 780 582 2109 Rob: 780 582 3720 www.ter-ronfarms.com

Check our websites for updates on the sale cattle.

Bill and Tracy Dietrich 780 889 2259 www.redrichfarms.com

Spady Bull Sale Rivercrest Wednesday, April 15 , 2015 Valleymere Selling: 120 Black Angus Bulls Selling: 12 th Annual


1:30 pm at the Ranch, Alliance, AB

Progeny sells sells:

Lead Off Bull & 2nd High Selling Bull at LLB 2012 Spring Sale

LLB Darkhorse 328y

Sire: Limestone Darkhorse U322 MGS: SAV Net Worth 4200

Peak Dot eLiminator 780z

2nd High Selling Yearling Bull at Peak Dot 2013 Spring Sale Sire: SAV Eliminator 9105 MGS: SAV 004 Predominant 4438

soo Line koDiak 9169 Sire: HF Kodiak 5R MGS: Bon View New Design 878

Pioneers in the Angus Business spanning 4 generations Since 1937

Bar e-L executor 23x

High Selling Yearling Bull at Bar E-L 2011 Spring Sale Sire: HF Tiger 5T MGS: Rainbow Hills Prime Cut 114P

FV manDate man 146y

High Selling Yearling Bull at Fertile Valley 2012 Spring Sale Sire: Sydgen Mandate 6079

MGS: FV 20K King 308M

Visit our websites for more details www.rivercrestangus. www.rivercrestangus.com com, www.valleymereangus.com or give us a call.

* Volume Buyer Incentive * Sight Unseen Guarantee * Free Delivery or $50 Credit if you take your bulls home Sale Day

Craig Spady 403-740-4978 Travis Spady 780-879-2298 Tom Spady 780-879-2180 Brian Spady 780-879-2110


ECA review

Dealing with prolapses by Monica Jarboe, University of Illinois Extension Around calving time, prolapses in cows and heifers can be major health issues. Some cases may even be life threatening. There are two different kinds of prolapses commonly associated with calving in beef cattle: vaginal and uterine. Once a prolapse has been repaired, producers may be unsure whether or not to cull that cow. Vaginal prolapses are more common, usually occur prior to calving, and are considered less severe. A pink mass of tissue can be seen protruding below the tail, and it may only be visible while she is lying down. The mass is typically somewhere between the size of a grapefruit and a volleyball. It is due to excess pressure in the abdominal cavity as the cow nears calving. Because the tissue can be damaged due to exposure to the elements, or swell and interfere with urination, it is a good idea to consult a veterinarian and have it repaired. This usually involves cleaning the tissue, replacing it, and stitching across the vulva. These stitches should be removed prior to calving, to avoid ripping the vulva. There is a genetic predisposition to vaginal prolapses, so it tends to be a recurring problem. If a heifer or cow has a vaginal prolapse this year, it will probably happen again, and her offspring will likely also carry that tendency. Therefore, it is usually recommended that producers do not rebreed cows that experience a vaginal prolapse, and avoid using any of her offspring (male or female) for breeding, as they may carry traits for the same structural weakness of the reproductive tract. A few other factors can increase the likelihood of vaginal prolapses, as well.

Cows that are older, are excessively fat in the last trimester, have twins, or have Brahman genetics are more prone to this condition. In addition, pastures with plants high in phytoestrogens, like clover, can increase the likelihood of vaginal prolapses. Uterine prolapses are considered much more severe, as the blood loss and high risk of infection makes this a life-threatening situation. This problem usually occurs within a few hours of calving. It will be much larger than the vaginal prolapse, and is usually dark red. The “buttons” where the placenta was attached may be visible. Contact a veterinarian immediately. As with the vaginal prolapse, treatment involves cleaning and lubricating the tissue before replacing it. If not done properly, the cow may experience internal bleeding or prolapse again. Unlike the vaginal prolapse, uterine prolapses do not have a genetic component. In fact, the cow may even continue to reproduce normally if the condition is detected and treated early, and the uterus is not badly damaged. However, if the uterus does suffer damage, the cow may have impaired fertility. In addition, although it is not genetic, a cow is more

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

prone to a uterine prolapse if she has experienced one in the past. Therefore, the producer should carefully consider whether or not to cull that cow, based on how long the uterus was prolapsed, and the extent of tissue damage sustained. Long, difficult births, and thin cows can increase the risk of this condition. Because there is no genetic predisposition, the offspring of a cow who experienced a uterine prolapse can safely

Godfrey Ranch Irish Black Cattle Canada's New Breed

February 26'15


be used for breeding, whether or not the cow is culled. The most important thing to remember with prolapses is to consult your veterinarian quickly to get prompt treatment. Producers may want to cull a cow with a vaginal prolapse, and avoid using her offspring for breeding. A cow with a uterine prolapse may still be able to reproduce normally if treated quickly, and her offspring can still be used for breeding.

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www.pughfarms.ca 14-01-26 1:16 AM

32 F e b r u a r y



Coronation/Stettler, ab.

eCa review

Farmers Bonspiel results

SPORT Shorts

The event winners of the annual Coronation Farmers Bonspiel that took place on Feb.9-14 is as follows:

• Comedy writer Alan Ray, on Packers defensive tackle Letroy Guion getting arrested on pot and gun charges: “The NFL will follow its routine judicial protocol — innocent until proven a liability.”

First Event

Skip - Andrew Rodvang

3rd- Eric Richardson 2nd- Johnny Forrest Lead- Logan Richardson

Second Event

Skip - Archie Merchant 3rd- Jay Merchant 2nd- Mike Copan

Lead - Kevin Ulseth

Third Event

Skip – Ed Plehnert 3rd – Jordan Barnes 2nd – Blair Barnes Lead- Raymond Cook

• Brad Dickson of the Omaha WorldHerald: “The NFL is considering Los Angeles for a possible team. I had to check to see that this wasn’t a story from 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 or 2013. Nope, it’s fresh.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “The Chicago Cubs’ renovation of Wrigley Field has caused a huge neighbourhood rat infestation. The good news? They’re Cubs rats, so they’ll be gone by October.” • Kaseberg again: “The woman on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit issue, Hannah Davis, is Derek Jeter’s girlfriend. ‘We want your retirement gifts back,’ said all of baseball.” • Headline at SportsPickle.com: “New father Richard Sherman picks fight with guy in ‘World’s #1 Dad’ T-shirt.” • Wayne Gretzky, quoted by the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, after flying into the frozen Canadian heartland for a tribute to fellow hockey icon Gordie Howe: “Why couldn’t Mr. Hockey have been born in Mexico?” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Diana Taurasi’s Russian basketball team is paying the Phoenix Mercury star to sit out the 2015 WNBA season. Seahawk fans, not to be upstaged, are already passing the hat for Tom Brady.” • Headline at Sportspickle.com: “God apologizes to Russell Wilson. ‘I didn’t think I had to tell you to run Marshawn Lynch from the one.’”

lane Swenson (#61) of the oyen eagles celebrates his goal against Coronation goalie levi Schwenk. the eagles won the grueling game 4-2 that involved a referee getting a puck in the chin. ECA Review/B.Causley


Nash a scoring machine on Broadway by Bruce Penton Rick Nash is impressing his New York Rangers’ teammates with his best NHL season ever and it’s likely his performance will have a similar effect on voters for the league’s Most Valuable Player award. Nash, a twotime 40-goal scorer who was the No. 1 draft choice of Columbus Blue Jackets in 2002, is Penton finally showing his super-duper-star skills that scouts had seen when he was Canada’s top junior. Through 54 games this season, the 30-year-old Nash was virtually carrying the Rangers on his back, with a league-leading 35 goals and on pace to score a career-best 53. Only five other Rangers had more than 10 goals, and No. 2 on the team behind Nash was Martin St. Louis, with 14. “He’s a star player,” linemate Mats Zuccarello told the New York Times. “That’s what you expect. I don’t know how long he’s been in the league, but you’ve seen that every year. It’s not like it’s a surprise.” Some hockey fans felt sorry for Nash when he was stuck in Columbus for the first nine years of his career. The Jackets

were perennial doormats in the NHL and the words ‘playoffs’ and ‘Nash’ were seldom combined, unless the word ‘missed’ was also in the mix. Suddenly, however, he was thrust into the playoff spotlight when he was traded to the Rangers during the summer of 2012, just before the NHL lockout. Unfortunately, he has been a playoff bust since then, with only four goals in 37 games over two playoff seasons. Nash had a mere three goals in 25 post-season games last year as the Rangers went all the way to the Stanley Cup final, losing in six games to the Los Angeles Kings. Rangers fans are hoping for a different result this year. If Nash is able to carry his regular-season scoring exploits into the post-season, it could be another long run for the Rangers, who are in the upper ranks of the Eastern Conference standings and a solid bet to make the playoffs. “He’s a pretty quiet guy, but he leads the way he plays,” Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist told the Times. “He plays hard, but the work ethic is so impressive to see.” If his post-season play rivals his regular-season performance, the Rangers could be in for another long playoff run. Perhaps even a New York-New York (Islanders) Eastern final?

Grade three students from Coronation School teegan Selzler, Hailey neal, Dharma Cook and Kylie Hewitt enjoyed a ski trip to alliance Ski hill on Feb. 12. ECA Review/Submitted

Solar-Wind Workshop

Wednesday, March 11 Battle River Research Group is hosting a one-day workshop on grid-tie renewable energy generation options for farmers. • It is becoming increasingly profitable for Alberta farmers to generate their own electricity and sell it to the grid, utilizing the renewable energy sources that are available right on their property. • This one-day workshop will cover solar and wind system siting, installation, permitting process and economics. • The solar portion will address smaller micro-generation options, whereas the wind section of the workshop will cover agricultural opportunities for large wind projects. Speakers: • Rob Harlan, Executive Director of the Solar Energy Society of Alberta • Dr. Tim We is, Alberta Regional Director at the Canadian Wind Energy Association

Forestburg Arena March 11, 2015 9:00 - 4:30 (Registration @ 8:30) Cost: $15, lunch included To register contact Battle River Research Group @780-582-7308 Email: ag_env@battleriverresearch.com Please Register by March 9th

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