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Thursday, July 24, 2014 Volume 103 No. 30 www.ECAreview.com

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Delburne alters plans after facial murals fade R

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Workers place photo murals on the side of the Delburne school in June, but the images of local residents faded much sooner than Belonging Delburne organizers had anticipated. ECA Review/J. MacNeil

John MacNeil

Review Reporter Photo murals of local residents faded from building exteriors much sooner than expected, but organizers of the Belonging Delburne project hope to continue to chronicle area history in other forms. The large murals, capturing images of Delburne-area residents from all walks of life, were erected on the sides of buildings throughout the village this spring. But they began to deteriorate within a few weeks. “Right after they went up, there was about two inches of rain — we had that huge storm,” said project co-ordinator Nora Smith, a community worker with Family and Community Support Services (FCSS).


“So that didn’t really help the installation. They basically all are down. Interestingly enough, there’s one little building (where the murals are) still up — the little AGT building that has four photos on it is still good.” Although disappointed that 300-plus portraits disappeared much sooner than the projected six months to two years, the information gathered in the early stages of the Belonging project is still of use, Smith said. “We’re looking for a more permanent way to put them up. Right now, we’re engaging the public, because quite often, you have the skill-set within the community. It’s there — you’ve just got to find it, or ask for it. “We’ll just move forward and make some choices on how we want to put them back up. Because the way people

reacted to (the murals), it was amazing. In that glimmer of time, it was phenomenal.” The unique project featured Delburne-and-area residents in everyday photos, from farmyard and school settings to sports and workplace environments. The participants ranged in age from five months to 94 years. “We had over 300 people come in for photos,” Smith said. “The number was quite outstanding, but the diversity was probably even more exceptional. The whole point of the project was to get people at the (community dialogue) table who weren’t at the table yet — who we just haven’t asked to the table yet.” Audio recordings were also part of the photo project, so that information is expected to be of longer-term benefit to the community, Smith said. Turn to Installation, Pg 2

Summer OPINION: Games ‘Wild Rose Dining & field of Country’ Entertainment dreams appears to Guide for Consort be kaput Page 16 athlete Page 6 Page 3

Coronation news ............ 2, 7 & 9 RCMP ....................................... 3 Sports...............................3 - 5, 8 Nana’s Blog .............................. 6 Letter........................................ 6 Hanna news ............................. 7 Obituary ................................... 7 Agriculture ........................ 9 - 10 The original Axial-Flow Hardisty news ........................ 10 combines made the first big step in the rotary combine revolution. But leaders don’t stand still. Today, Case IH is setting the standard Real Estate/Homes ................. for Efficient Power11 through our proven SCR technology that gives you increased productivity on less fuel. All while meeting your capacity and adaptability needs. Classifieds/Career................... 12 more grain at a higher quality. To learn more about how Not to mention delivering you can be ready with the proven leader, visit caseih.com/efficientpower. Sudoku .................................. 12 ®

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2 July


RCMP head preaches police presence 24'14

Coronation/Stettler, ab.

John MacNeil

He agreed with multiple councillors who suggested that police and community relations in small towns seem to be better If the new commanding officer has his when the turnover rate of officers coming way, Coronation RCMP officers will and going isn’t as great as it has been in become household names in Coronation, Coronation in recent years. Castor and the County of Paintearth. Mayor Mark Stannard said a four-year That was part of the message Sgt. Darcy term isn’t necessarily long enough for offiMcGunigal gave Coronation town council- cers to gain the confidence of the lors in an introductory presentation to community, and he wondered whether council July 21, six weeks into his new two-term assignments might make a posting. comeback. Increased police visibility in the comSgt. McGunigal said the RCMP reality munity is one of three initial priorities he is that officers who arrive as recruits has set for the detachment this year. become knowledgeable and skilled in their “That’s real key for us,” said Sgt. field and often in demand elsewhere. McGunigal, who believes that police can’t In fighting crime, the 35-year-old comeffectively do their job if they don’t estabmanding officer said he’s a firm believer lish public in statistics. confidence and “The stats don’t trust. lie.” He said it’s RCMP data important for shows the hotofficers to not spots and most only show up common times for emergency for crimes, “so calls, but also we’re going to to be recogpolice nized as part of accordingly.” everyday comThe police munity life. strategy is “The visigoing to be bility thing is “more intelligoing to be a gence-driven” big bonus,” and reliant on agreed Coun. Sgt. Darcy McGunigal, the new commanding officer public knowlLiz Adams as with Coronation rCMP, outlined his police priorities in a edge, Sgt. Sgt. McGunigal McGunigal July 21 presentation to Coronation town council. gave a report ECA Review/J. MacNeil said. “We’re that was welllooking for help. received by We need to council. know if people know something. The other two planks on his priority list “We have to find new ways of bringing are enhanced traffic safety in the area and in information.” crime reduction, even the seemingly He mentioned social media as a vehicle minor acts of vandalism. to enhance communication between He considers 13 injury-causing collipolice and the public, and he’s exploring sions in the past year too many for a the possibility of creating a local tip line region the size of the Coronation RCMP through which people could offer informajurisdiction. His efforts to reduce that tion on an anonymous basis. number are focused on more checkstops, Sgt. McGunigal also vowed that police more public interaction through newspawould try to monitor offenders who pers and social media, and a crackdown commit curfew and alcohol violations or on seatbelt, distracted driving and intersteal vehicles. section violations. “I like to hear that,” Mayor Stannard “If we get in the habit (of driving safely) said. in the town of Coronation, I think that’ll “I’m not always a big softie,” Sgt. translate onto the highway,” Sgt. McGunigal added. McGunigal said. Chief administrative officer Sandra He suggested greater RCMP presence in Kulyk advised that the town’s curfew school zones before and after school. bylaw is valid. The curfew is 11 p.m. for Coun. Shelley Cook welcomed that ages 15 and under. news, because “we haven’t seen a lot of “It’s a great idea, by the way,” Sgt. presence” in the past, she said. McGunigal said. “If you’re a 14-year-old, Sgt. McGunigal believes that policing what are you doing out at 2 o’clock in the not only makes the school grounds safer morning. for everyone, but that police involvement “Liz (Coun. Adams) brought up a good in schools would complement the detachpoint. Parents need to be responsible for ment’s efforts to build trust with youth where their kids are.” and partner in the DARE (Drug Abuse New detachment sought Resistance Education) program. Sgt. McGunigal said that while renova“If you can get that respect from the tions are planned for the current RCMP teenagers, and they respect you back …,” offices in Coronation, a new detachment is Coun. Adams said. “We used to have that needed. (in Coronation).” “Let’s face it, the big prize is the Sgt. McGunigal advised council that detachment.” three youths have been charged with a He said he’s “confident and optimistic” break-in at the Coronation Golf Club and about the long-term prospects of a new that police “might be able to put a lid on Coronation detachment and that he would this (vandalism) thing for the summer.”

Review Reporter

Installation cost about $6,000 Cont’d from Pg 1 The installation cost about $6,000, which came from Red Deer and District FCSS grant funding, she said. “There was no insurance on that. It was only supposed to be a temporary installation, lasting six months to two years. But we didn’t even get the six months. Maybe two (weeks), if that.” Smith, however, believes that Toronto photographer John Beebe’s portraits are still useful as part of Delburne’s greater community history project. “It’s part of a much bigger initiative,” she said. “We were basically just getting

the community’s voice on what are their hopes and dreams for the future. “They could come and have their photo taken, and fill out the information, but then we also had about 20 community conversations.” Among the initiatives that community residents voted to proceed with were health and wellness, main street revitalization, the Belonging Delburne project and the development of a communications strategy within the village. Public meetings are planned for this fall to chart the community’s next course of action.

recommend it to his RCMP superiors and the province. “It’s gotta happen.”

Personnel changes

Sgt. McGunigal reported that Const. Carl Almusa is transferring to the Turner Valley RCMP detachment “probably within a month” and that his replacement would likely be “a newly minted police officer.”

Monthly meetings

Sgt. McGunigal offered to meet with council on a monthly basis, and the councillors accepted his offer. “I hope we meet on good terms next time,” joked Coun. Keith Griffiths. Council seemed impressed with Sgt. McGunigal’s proactive presentation. “He’s definitely very energetic,” said Deputy Mayor Jackie Brigley.

eCa review

town’s new bylaw officer, Sheri Wuzinski, who has been on the job for a couple of months. “I don’t think we could have made a better choice,” said town administrator Sandra Kulyk. “Very proactive enforcement.” Wuzinski has been a problem-solver in her educational approach to enforcement, Kulyk said. “No stone is going unturned and nobody is immune.” Wuzinski’s report for June was presented at the July 21 council meeting. “She’s done a really good job,” said Coun. Liz Adams. Coun. Keith Griffiths said that when Wuzinski’s enforcement style becomes known in the community, the number of bylaw offences “will slow right down.” “And that’s what we want — compliance,” agreed Coun. Shelley Cook.

Top marks for new bylaw officer

Council was effusive in its praise of the

The family of Catherine (Cathy) Mass would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone for the love and support shown to us during the loss of our loved one. Our family appreciates the flowers, food, donations and condolences that were given. A special thank you to Wombold Family Funeral Homes for all that they did for our family and to the family that stayed with Cathy when we couldn’t be there. Your many acts of kindness and sympathy continue to be a great comfort to us in our time of sorrow. - Jim Mass and family

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ECA rEviEw

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

July 24'14



Coronation RCMP charge three youths in golf club break-in John MacNeil

Review Reporter Police have arrested three youths as RCMP continue to investigate a string of summer vandalism in Coronation and Castor. Coronation RCMP announced July 21 that the detachment has charged the trio with break-in and theft after an incident at the Coronation Golf Club on the July 5-6 weekend. The youths are charged with breaking into the clubhouse after hours and stealing a variety of items from inside,

said Sgt. Darcy McGunigal. They’re scheduled to appear in Coronation Provincial Court on Sept. 12. The suspects can’t be named because of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. The arrests come as police probe multiple cases of break-ins and vandalism in the County of Paintearth. “We’re dealing with the vandalism,” Sgt. McGunigal said. “(We have plans) for some proactive stuff that we’re going to do to try to curb the vandalism. “I don’t know if the theft of trailer is related to that. It may have been something that was a little more targeted.”


In the early morning hours of Saturday, July 12, a 16-foot flatbed trailer and slip tank were stolen from the Castor OK Tire parking lot, RCMP reported. “The trailer was recovered the next day at a rural location near Castor, with the slip tank still missing,” Const. Brian Marinelli said in a news release. “The suspect vehicle is believed to be a late-model Ford 350 Super Crew, dark in colour, possibly green with a silver stripe on the bottom. The truck has a fifthwheel trailer hitch in the back.” On the same weekend, police were notified of damage to the Coronation

Summer Games field of dreams for Consort athlete John MacNeil

athlete going into Grade 11, has a shoebox full of ribbons from his years of elementary and junior high track and field. In his first foray into high school track, Anderson was a standout at the area meet in Stettler, the quali-

requisite top-two finish for a provincial berth, placing third in shot put, fourth in discus and sixth in When he stepped up to the start the 100 metres. He surprised some line for the junior boys’ 100-metre heavier competitors in the field final, James Anderson looked events. down and saw that all of his oppo“There were two or three guys nents were sporting there that were sleek track shoes. really big,” he Anderson, then a recalled. “I beat two Grade 10 student of them out and I from Consort was actually kind of School, wore surprised about everyday running that. Everyone kind shoes in his first of looked at them appearance at the thinking that they Central Alberta were just going to zone high school take home all the track and field ribbons, but they championships on a didn’t.” rainy May day in Part of the comRed Deer. petition came from “We just have a the weather — cement track in rainy and cold. town, so I’ve never “You’d be taking had to actually use your coat and cleats, but when I sweater off in got up there (to the between throws, zones in Red Deer), I and then you’d also didn’t even realize have to dry your until I looked shot put and discus around and before you threw it, everyone at the race just to keep it under was wearing cleats, control,” he said. and I didn’t have After a solid high school track and field season, James Anderson of Consort “But it didn’t affect any,” he said. too much. It would is bound for the Alberta Summer Games, set for July 24-27 in Airdrie. “I was talking to ECA Review/J. MacNeil have been nice if them and apparthe day was a bit ently they make better, but we were quite the difference all under the same when racing, so I conditions.” might have to look For training purinto getting those.” poses, rural Anderson, 16, athletes like didn’t earn a medal Anderson aren’t in that race, but his necessarily exposed breakthrough to the modern facilseason in his first ities or equipment year of high school commonly availtrack earned him a able to people in berth on the Zone 4 urban centres. But team for the Alberta he makes the most Summer Games, of his tranquil farm which run July setting for not only 24-27 at Airdrie. track and field And he just workouts, but also bought a pair of volleyball and actual track shoes hockey training. A country boy at heart, James Anderson , 16, of Consort juggles sports and to complement his He’s a member of farm duties. ECA Review/J. MacNeil the Consort School performance in the under-17 male senior boys’ volleyoctathlon. ball team. And the “I will be going in the 100, 400, fier for the Red Deer zones. He former bantam and peewee cap1,000, long jump, high jump, shot earned gold in the discus and tain plays defence with the Consort put, discus and the hurdles,” silver in the shot put and 100 Comets, who competed in the Anderson said of his eight-pronged metres. midget D hockey provincials last events. “The guy who got first in the 100, March in Coronation. “Our gym teacher (at Consort he actually moved on to provin“It takes time, but it’s worth it, School) asked me if I’d be intercials, and I wasn’t too far behind,” too, when you enjoy it,” he said of ested in it, and it sounded pretty said Anderson, about five-foot-11 sports involvement. “It’s fun.” fun, so I thought I’d try it.” and 165 pounds. Anderson is also a minor hockey Anderson borrowed track equip“I’d probably say the throwing referee, a member of the Veteran ment from the school and used it in events (are my favourites), like Full Gospel Church youth group recent weeks to practise on his shot put and discus and javelin. I and a budding photographer who family farm property outside still like the running, too. Those has captured scenic shots of life on Consort. (events) are kind of harder to train the Prairies. “I’ve been trying to train, at for, but I still find those pretty And he’s a busy boy on his famileast, when I’m not haying,” he good.” ly’s grain and cattle farm, where said. At the rain-soaked zone meet, he believes he would be happy to Anderson, a well-rounded Anderson narrowly missed the settle as an adult.

Review Reporter

“Yeah, I would like to stay here and live on the farm,” he said of the Anderson farm, which turned 100 in 2008. “It’s enjoyable and peaceful. At the same time, I would rather see myself (operating the farm) than selling it to someone else and watching them doing it.”

swimming pool building early on Sunday, July 13. “A front-door window … had been smashed,” said Const. Carl Almusa. Also on the morning of July 13, a riding lawn mower, “several” cans of fuel and a weed trimmer were stolen from the Coronation cemetery and the items weren’t immediately recovered. “The lawn mower is described as a Kubota Model 2380 garden tractor with a 48-inch mower, Serial No. 12197, and is orange in colour,” Const. Almusa said. “The Makita electric weed trimmer ... is blue in colour.” Anyone with information on the recent crimes is asked to contact Coronation RCMP at 403-578-3666 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477).

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Sports sponge soaks up life in the fast Lane John MacNeil

Review Reporter

the fans were, like, ‘Yeah, all right, now I understand.’ They appreciated that.” Lane is a student of the game. He’s a big fan of the NCAA’s Oregon Ducks and he follows football closely at the college and pro levels. “If I could, I would really like to go to Oregon and play for the Ducks,” he said of his post-high school plans. “That’s my main goal.



At the best of times, Jordan Lane can HOSTED BY ZONE 1 picture himself on the football field or even in the broadcast booth. Seven Persons Hall Supper Meeting He likes sports so much that if the 15-year-old Stettler resident doesn’t play Tuesday, July 29 at 6 p.m. football in the university or pro ranks, he believes that he’d be at home behind the microphone as a HOSTED BY ZONE 1 & 4 broadcaster. 14073AA2 “For a couple of Duchess Hall Supper Meeting years, I’ve been thinking that might Thursday, July 31 at 6 p.m. be a good career,” Lane said of sports Producers are welcome to attend any meeting location. broadcasting. “Me and my dad talked Our objective in this process is to encourage as many about it. producers as possible to participate in the Plan Review. “Kind of like a ABP is your organization and we want you to help us Ron MacLean. He’s from around here.” be better. This is a chance for us to hear your voice and The Red Deermake ABP a stronger, more effective voice for all the raised MacLean is cattle and beef producers in Alberta. the face of Hockey Night in Canada, ABP wants your opinion on our: along with sidekick Mandate, Structure, Operations, Don Cherry. and Funding. Lane is a member of the Zone 4 football team for the Alberta Summer Games, which run July 24-27 at Airdrie. The sixfoot-two, 165-pound quarterback is going into Grade 10 718 page at William E. Hay Stettler quarterback Composite High Jordan Lane, 15, is part of School and his the Zone 4 football team rookie season with in the Alberta Summer the Stettler Wildcats. Games, which run He’s five years July 24-27 at Airdrie. on east central AB into his football parECA Review/J. MacNeil Now ONLY ticipation, but his first season of bantam was derailed when he suffered a torn meniscus “If I were to stay in Alberta, I would + tax in his right knee from a scooter fall at the want to go to the University of Calgary call 403-578-4111 skatepark. That’s when the personable and be a Dino, play there. Maybe play for Lane climbed into the broadcast booth the (junior Edmonton) Huskies before I go and discovered his fondness for manning there. the microphone. “Just watching the CFL, I’m a fan of the “The announcer, John Thorne, was get- (Calgary) Stampeders. And I was ting a little tired of announcing, so I took watching their game against the over for him,” Lane said. “I announced a (Montreal) Alouettes and there were eight couple of bantam games, a couple of players from the U of C playing in that peewee games. If (bantam coach) Ernie game, so they have a really successful Shirreff needed anything on the sidelines, program.” like writing down plays and stuff, I would Scouts from junior and college football help out there, just to try to keep myself in teams will get an early line on 15-andthe game.” under prospects at the Alberta Summer Turn to Opponents, Pg 5 For the athletic Lane, announcing the Games. game seemed to come as naturally CROP WALKS as playing it. Join a discussion on crop issues with “You’re supposed Join a discussion on crop issues with Crop Specialists: to call what hapCrop Specialists: pens, but Scouting for pests & diseases, planning Scouting for pests & diseases, planning sometimes the fans, Join a discussion on crop issues with Crop Specialists: for harvest the parents, if they Scouting for pests & diseases, planning for harvest for harvest HOSTED BY ZONE 5 don’t know what 1. July 31: 10 am—12:30 pm 14073AA1 unchhappened, provided)they like July 31: 10(Luncham-12:30 Call CARA for more information provided) pm (Lunch provided) it when you Redel Crop Trial site, highway 12, west of Consort Trial site, highway 12, west ofCrop Consort 31: 10 am—12:30 pm Redel site, hiway 12, 1. W ofJuly Consort 403-664-3777 2. July 31:Trial 2—4 pm describe what hap(Lunch provided) Robinson Crop Trial site, highway 9, west of Hanna July 31: 2-4 pm pened,” he said. “So Redel Crop Trial site, highway 12, west of Consort 3. Aug 7: 12:30—3:30 pm since I’ve been Robinson site, StarlandCrop CountyTrial Crop Tour 2. July 31: 2—4 pm Location to be determined (403-772-3793) football 9, Wof of Hanna Robinson Crop Trial site, highway 9, west of Hanna Cropwatching Trial site, highway 9,hiway west Hanna 4. Aug 12: 10 am—12:30 pm ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————for so long, I knew (Lunch Provided) Aug 7: 12:30-3:30 pm 3. Aug 7: 12:30—3:30 pm what most of the Crop Tour meet at McNeill’s Yard, highway 41 east Tour, of Empress Starland Countysouth Crop LocationStarland to be County Crop Tour calls were. Location to be determined (403-772-3793) 5. Aug 12: 1:30—3:30 pm determined (403-772-3793) Call CARA for more Grudecki Crop Trial site, highway 41, “One time there south of Acadia Valley ounty Crop Tour Auginformation: 12: 10403-664-3777 am—12:30 pm was a kickoff and it Aug 12: 10 am-12:30 pm (Lunch4.Provided) Sponsored(Lunch in part byProvided) local n to didn’t be determined go 10 yards,(403-772-3793) Crop Tour meet at McNeill’s Yard, Crop Tour Ag Societies meet(Big at Country, McNeill’s Yard, highway 41 and I looked over at ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————Empress, Hanna & Neutral Hills) south east of Empress hiway 41 SE of Empress the fans, and most 5. Aug 12: 1:30—3:30 pm Aug 12: 1:30-3:30 pm of them didn’t know Call CARA for more Grudecki Crop Trial site, highway 41, what was hapGrudecki Crop Trial site, south of Acadia Valley information: 403-664-3777 (Lunch Provided) pening, so I said, hiway 41, S of Acadia Valley meet‘The at McNeill’s kickoff didYard, not highway 41 Sponsored in part by local Sponsored in part by local Ag Societies (Big Ag Societies (Big Country, travel 10 yards; south east of Empress Empress, Hanna & Neutral Hills) Country, Empress, Hanna & Neutral Hills) therefore, it is a penalty.’ And then


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ECA rEviEw

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

Coyotes off to Fort Saskatchewan The Clive Coyotes, a regional team made up of east-central Albertans, learned last week that their midget AA Tier 1 championship tournament is set for Fort Saskatchewan on the Aug. 1-3 weekend. The front-running Coyotes won both July 20 games at Clive — 8-6 over Sherwood Park and 16-4 over Okotoks Outlaws Blue. Clive is 5-0 in the latest round of provincial play and 16-2 overall in Baseball Alberta action. The Coyotes were scheduled to wrap up their regular season with

two games this week — July 23 at home to St. Albert and July 24 at South Jasper Place. On the July 11-13 weekend, the Coyotes played six games in the Kelowna, B.C., tournament, losing to Prince George 8-2 in the A final. “They had a tough, fast pitcher,” said Coyotes coach Stacey Bell, who added with a chuckle: “We’ll beat ’em next time.” If they meet again, it would be in the Western Canadian championship at Swift Current, Sask.

Stettler-area athletes participating in the Alberta Summer Games this week at Airdrie include (back row, from left) Dacia Gramlick (athletics) and tiana Gamroth (softball) and (front row, from left) Daran tulan (lacrosse) and Daniel Moon (soccer). Among other Stettler participants are Paul Georget in baseball, Sydney Poapst in basketball and Derek and noah Smyth in lacrosse, along with six football players listed in the Jordan lane feature story in this edition of the review. ECA Review/J. MacNeil

The head coach of Zone 4 is Stettler’s Brian Matchett, whose son Tyler is on the Summer Games roster, along with fellow Stettler minor football products Will McDonald of Bashaw, Edward Kim of Stettler, Ty McCann of Gadsby and Keegan St. Denis of Red Willow. For most of the past two weeks, Zone 4 has been practising in Red Deer. “I’m trying to make sure that I can press hard to play starting quarterback, and I’ll do whatever the coaches tell me to do,” said Lane, whose fellow quarterbacks are Devin Desormeau of Red Deer and David Mueller of Lacombe. “If they tell me to play reps or receiver, because I’m taller and faster than most kids, then I’ll do that. If they tell me to go play DB, because they think I’d be better there, I’ll do whatever they want, as long as I can get on the field.” That’s the love of the game that permeates Lane, who also plays high school basketball. “I don’t really like to sit at home and not do much,” he said while participating in Camp Teckla basketball camp at Stettler this month. “I like to get outside and play sports and stuff with my friends.” Most of his like-minded friends also play sports, where they learn about discipline at an early age. “It’s easy to make the wrong choices and just live by them,” Lane said. “It’s harder to make the right choices. Like, not going to parties and stuff. If you have homework, doing your homework. Studying for tests if you have to.”

the Stettler SwAtt posted a 6-0 record to win the provincial under-14 C girls’ softball championship in Calahoo, northwest of Edmonton. From left are Ally walker, Emily brown, rebecca bridge, Gracie Morbeck, tamara ball, Mikayla torgerson, rachel Morbeck, Jenny Munholland, raina thomson, Jaiden Stotz and brooke Mulgrove. Missing from the photo are coaches Sheri Morbeck and rick Stotz. ECA Review/Submitted

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Stettler contingent



Opponents now teammates Cont’d from Pg 4 The Zone 4 team is made up of 35 players from central Alberta, including some of Lane’s teammates from the bantam Stettler Cougars and the springtime midget Battle River Shock.

July 24'14

This week, former opponents have come together as zone teammates with a common cause at the Summer Games. “Even me, I’ve had to put aside my USED 9R (minor football) differences with a couple 4WD TRACTORS of people,” Lane said. “Now they’re WWW.BRILTD.COM my teammates and I can’t be mad at my team0% Financing until mates. We let bygones be bygones.” February 2016, or 2.9%



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Can Count On!

USED COMPETITIVE USED COMPETITIVE WINDROWERS COMBINES 0% Financing until 0% Financing until August 2016, or 3.25% February 2017, or for 60 Months, or 2.25% for 60 Months, 4.25% Lease for or 3.25% Lease for 60 Months 60 Months




0% Financing until February 2017, or February 2016, or 2.9% 2.25% for 60 Months, for 60 Months, or 3.9% or 3.25% Lease for Lease for 60 Months 60 Months

0% Financing until August 2016, or 3.25% February 2017, February 2016, or or 2.9% for 60 Months, or 2.25% for 60 Months, for 60 Months, or 3.9% 4.25% Lease for or 3.25% Lease for Lease for 60 Months 60 Months 60 Months

0% Financing until February 2017, or 2.25% for 60 Months, or 3.25% Lease for 60 Months



You Can Count On! Leadership You Can Count On! Leadership 0% Financing until 0% Financing until



Leadership You Can Count On! Leadership You Can Count On! 0% Financing until February 2016, or 2.9% for 60 Months, booth, or 3.9% From the football field to the announcer’s Lease for 60 Months Jordan lane of Stettler is a student of the game.

ECA Review/J. MacNeil

Leadership You Can Count On!

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Leadership you can trust USED 9R 4WD TRACTORS

6 July


Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review


‘Wild Rose Country’ appears to be kaput

competitor, and likely successor, it should not be surprising that the ECA Review Journalist PCs don’t want to advertise their competition on millions of licence The three new licence-plate design proposals are actually quite plates. The Wildrose Party shares the appealing. The old plate has been blame. When choosing its label, boring and much in need of update. they intentionally chose an identifiSince it’s impossible to ever get conable slogan synonymous with sensus on something like this, the Alberta that just happened to be on current choices are reasonable in millions of licence plates. that they reflect prairies, grain These political shenanigans fields, mountains, skies and are relalways cost taxpayers a lot of atively close to our provincial unnecessary money. emblem. And it matters not which governBut the whole licence-plate conment is in power. There are more troversy is little about the images examples than licence plates to portrayed and all about the make ones blood boil. removal of the province’s slogan, Take, for example, Alberta’s offi“Wild Rose Country.” cial colours —blue to represent the The wild rose was designated the sky and Alberta gold to represent floral emblem of Alberta in 1930. the prairies. Over time, the hues It’s an ideal emblem because the have shifted from the official wild rose grows virtually everycolours toward Tory blue and where in the province —north and orange. The Harper government boldly changed the federal government’s traditional colours of red and A website address white, excluding the flag, to a shade of blue and green ironically as the licence-plate identical to the Conservative party colours. slogan speaks loudly to All of that nonsense costs big bucks and its taxpayers who foot a tired government. the bill. When the Wildrose Party wins in Alberta, the same will likely happen. No doubt, our government colours will become a shade south, prairies and foothills, river of blue and green. banks, mountains, wetlands and And who knows, “Wild Rose valleys. It matters not whether one Country” may reappear on our is driving, boating, golfing, kayaking a river, walking an urban park licence plates, especially if the current government doesn’t become or horseback riding in the back more imaginative. A website country, the flashes of pink from address as the licence-plate slogan the distinctive wild rose can be speaks loudly to a tired glimpsed. But alas, our wild rose is doomed government. Between bulging propaganda for no other reason than crass polidepartments (aka, public affairs tics. You can blame the Progressive bureaus) and expensive branding Conservative government for being programs that unnecessarily petty, but the reality is those thouchange historic emblems and sands of immigrants that move into colours when a different party Alberta each year have no identifitakes office, hard-working cation with the actual plant, yet readily identify wild rose as a polit- Canadians continue to fund far too much political party expense under ical party. Because the Wildrose Party is the the guise of doing the work of government. current government’s No. 1 Brenda Schimke

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East Central Alberta R R R

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Simply put, seatbelts ‘can save lives’ by Lois Perepelitz I really do not understand why there are still so many people who do not wear their seatbelt. Don’t they have bells that ding or lights that flash in their car until they do the belt up? What do they think they are proving by not wearing them? Are they just being stubborn, not wanting anyone to “tell them what to do” in their own vehicle? Do they really think they’re such perfect drivers that they will never get into an accident? One thing they do prove by not wearing the seatbelt is how Perepelitz easily the human body gets thrown around in an accident. There are so many times the news anchor person will be reporting on a fatal accident where someone has been thrown out of the vehicle or through the windshield, and they end the report with “the deceased was not wearing a seatbelt.” Doesn’t that give you a hint, a small idea of what the seatbelt does? Last spring, my granddaughter was driving a small tin can of a car on a very windy day, when she got to the top of a hill a gust of wind picked that car up and flipped it into the ditch. Her Facebook status that night was “I love my seatbelt.” She will be the first to admit that the only reason she buckled up that day was because she could not afford the fine if she was stopped by the police. Now she happily buckles up because she has learned from experience just what a seatbelt can do. It can save lives! Maybe these people are waiting to learn from their own experience. The only problem with that is, if they’re not wearing the seatbelt, they probably won’t be around to learn from their experience. I suppose

48 pt

LETTERS POLICY • Letters to the Editor are welcomed • Must be signed and a phone number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. • ECA Review reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. Member of:

their family and friends could study on that lesson on the way to the funeral. I can’t even point to any specific age group about this problem. It seems to spread right across the generations, from young to old. Maybe the younger generation is just following the example of the older generation, and before you know it, they’re the older generation setting the example for the younger one. That is a circle that needs to be broken. Another thing that really puzzles me is the people who strap their kids in as tight as possible, then leave their seatbelt undone. Kudos for keeping your children safe, but what will they do when you don’t make it through the accident? I guess what I really don’t understand is why someone would care so little about themselves that they wouldn’t do something as simple and easy as putting their seatbelt on.

Ad draws crowd

Hi, I just wanted to pass on to you the result of your ad for the RH [Hanna Roundhouse] you were able to place for us. There were some retired CN employees who came to our function because they saw the ad in your paper. They really enjoyed themselves and were able to share some of their invaluable information with us! The two older railroaders were like “coming home”! We really enjoyed visiting with them! Thank you! Sincerely, Sandra Beaudoin

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Brenda Schimke Journalist

John MacNeil Reporter

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Shannon Noble Marketing

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ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

July 24'14

Hanna readies for Communities in Bloom judges Submitted Hanna in Bloom and the Town of Hanna ask residents and businesses alike to put their “best foot forward” in preparation for the July 29 visit from the Communities in Bloom judges. Paint a fence, mow lawns and pull weeds — take time to ensure that properties are tidy and clean. We want a positive image to be the first impression for newcomers or visitors to our community. This year, the Hanna in Bloom committee continues to promote “people, plants and pride” in our community through the program. The group works

on several projects started in previous seasons, including expansion of the heritage floral beds at the museum. The committee has also implemented a “Blooms To You” weekly award for deserving businesses and individual residents. Hanna reached the five-bloom status in 2013, breaking its status of four blooms, which the town held since its initial threebloom rating in 2005. The committee is working to retain the five-bloom rating this season and perhaps add the provincial title to its list of accomplishments.

Coronation-area residents gathered at the Coronation dam campground on the evening of July 15 to release balloons in support of the Liknes and O’Brien families impacted by the disappearance of five-year-old Calgarian Nathan O’Brien and his grandparents, Kathryn and Alvin Liknes, whose family is from the Monitor and Veteran communities. The trio has been missing since June 30. Police have charged Douglas Garland, 54, of Airdrie with three counts of murder, though bodies haven’t been found. ECA Review/J. MacNeil


Judges attending this year are master gardener Rose Carmichael and workshop planner Sherry Cote. While in Hanna to provide an assessment of the community, they also follow the tradition of sharing “best practices” and suggestions for better success with trees, flowers and shrubs. Each year, the Communities in Bloom final evaluation is posted on the Town of

before himself, looked at life with a positive attitude and made the best of every situation. Harold was a good neighbour, community member and friend. He enjoyed the Garden Plain picnic and the many dances, card parties and fun times held at the Garden Plain Hall. He also loved to come to the trade show in Castor and visit with people there. At the age of 7, Harold found his first arrow and eventually he established an extensive collection of arrowheads that were found within the Prairies of the Garden Plain area. In 2010, Harold received the 100-year provincial plaque for family members being on the homestead for 100 years. There was a celebration at the Garden Plain Hall with many family, neighbours and friends. In 2013, Harold donated his 100-year plaque and Model T Ford to the Hanna Pioneer Museum. Harold moved from the farm to the Hanna Lodge on March 1, 2013. In June 2013, he required further care and was transferred to the Hanna Nursing Home. He lived a long and happy life that was shared among family and friends. He will be greatly missed and will be forever kept in our hearts. A service of remembrance was held Saturday, July 19, 2014, at the First United Church in Hanna, with Rev. Leila Currie officiating. Interment followed in the Netherby Cemetery. If friends so desire, donations may be made in Harold’s memory to charity of donor’s choice. Cathy Watts of Heartland Funeral Services Ltd. was entrusted with arrangements (403-854-2758) www.heartlandfuneralservices.com.

Hanna website in an effort to share the knowledge and suggestions with the entire community. Visit hanna.ca to view the 2013 evaluation or drop in at the town office to pick up a copy. Anyone wishing to be a part of the Hanna In Bloom committee is encouraged to contact Lou Lallier or Gwen Snell.

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Strandberg ‘always thought of others before himself’

STRANDBERG, Harold Ingvald 1918 — 2014 Harold Ingvald Strandberg passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early morning on July 15, 2014, at the Hanna Nursing Home. He was 96. He was predeceased by his father Charles and mother Anna Strandberg; brothers Stanley and Eric Strandberg; nephew Kenneth Strandberg; and great-great-nephew Ryan Ayoungman. Harold is survived by his nephew and niece: Lloyd (Sharon) Strandberg, Muriel (Butch) Beach; great nephews and nieces: Shawna (Jamie) Major, Valerie Beach, Rusty (Twyla), Athena, Juliette and Jody (Krystal) Ayoungman; plus great-great-nephew and nieces: Corbin and Tatum Major, Corey Lepage, Elizabeth, Gabrielle, Mackenzie and Darian Ayoungman, Devan Leeks, Roma and Riley Ayoungman, Teylan McMartin and Blake Ayoungman. Both of his parents had emigrated from Sweden. In 1908, Charles Strandberg had taken up a homstead in the Garden Plain district. Harold was born on March 7, 1918, to Charles and Anna Strandberg. The homestead became his permanent home and residence up to March 1, 2013. From 1941 to 1946, Harold had volunteered his services to the Royal Canadian Air Force. After his services with the Royal Canadian Air Force, Harold provided home care for both of his parents while operating the family homestead with his brother Eric up to 1967. During the year of 1989, Harold cared for Kenneth’s children and later adopted his nephew’s children as his own. He always thought of others



8 July



Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

3” wide version

ECA review

Heisler unbeaten en route to provincial baseball title John MacNeil

Review Reporter


The Heisler Junior Cardinals are the provincial bantam AA Tier 5 baseball champions. In the back row (from left) are coach Cam Dewald, Dylan Bendfeld, Brian Roth, Ben Roth, coach Mark Skaar, Spencer Woody, Trent Stenlund and Carson Hilburn. In the middle row (from left) are head coach Randy Roth, Aidan Fenton, Marshall Kasa, Ty Dewald, Ethan Reay and Camron Bendfeld. In front are Braden Bendfeld (left) and Tristan Skaar. Missing from the photo are assistant coach Paula Stenlund and manager Cathy Skaar. ECA Review/Submitted 3.75” wide version


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The Heisler Junior Cardinals are provincial champions. The Cards went 4-0 and outscored their opponents 53-10 to win the Baseball Alberta bantam AA Tier 5 championship on the July 18-20 weekend at Elk Point. “They chose the right weekend to be dominant on,” said Heisler manager Cathy Skaar. In the final, Heisler defeated Lacombe Blue 11-3 on Sunday, July 20. The Cards blanked Lacombe 21-0 on opening night July 18 and added two more wins on July 19 — 11-1 over Stony Plain

3” wide version and 10-6 over host Elk Point.

The Cards’ 13-man roster included players from Bashaw, Camrose, Czar, Daysland, Edberg, Forestburg, Galahad, Heisler and Killam. The lone Heisler boys on the team are brothers Braden and Camron Bendfeld. 12345 Their cousin, Dylan Bendfeld, also plays with the Cards. The team’s family connections include twins Brian and Ben Roth, whose greatuncle Randy Roth is the team’s head coach. Heisler’s roster was made up of six firstyear bantams and seven second-year players.

3.75” wide version


AG r i c u Lt u r e

ECA rEviEw

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

Cow herd struggles to expand, given the numbers By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist North Dakota State University Extension Service Numbers always are floating by, but, if one stops to read them, they mean something. For example, I picked up a pamphlet that had the 2013 net returns per acre for several crops in western North Dakota. Based on cash-rented land, there was a spring wheat net return of $55.65 per acre, $77.32 for winter wheat, $28.35 for corn as grain, $93.73 for soybeans, $71.04 for oil sunflowers and $36.73 per acre for alfalfa/ grass hay. The numbers were provided by the North Dakota Farm Management Program (http://www.ndfarmmanagement.com/) in “Highlights from the 2013 North Dakota Averages” pamphlet. The program provides enterprise analysis for many agricultural operations, including beef cows, and is well worth reviewing. Also listed was the western North

Dakota net return for beef cows at $244 per cow. All the numbers indicated some positive outcomes for production agriculture in western North Dakota; thus, the question or quick thought of attempting to compare the use of land for crops with cow production. Was it fair to actually compare using the land for crop production versus beef cow production? I dropped the question. Later, as I was driving by a quarter, of 160 acres, of grass the Dickinson Research Extension Center owns, the question resurfaced. Why do we have cows on this quarter of land when the center could focus on crop production? I dropped the question. Then, as I was writing this week’s BeefTalk, the question came to mind again. Why does the center run cows on a piece of land that could support crop production? This time, the question could not be dropped for a third time. After all, across the road was a crop field.

Glen Hartel, the manager of the Coronation seedcleaning plant, chats with his predecessor, Gordon Mclarty, during the plant’s 50th-anniversary celebrations on July 18. Mclarty was the manager from 1982 to 1997. An estimated 100 people attended the noontime gathering at the seed plant. ECA Review/ J. MacNeil


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July 24'14


I was nervous to actually face up to the reality of crop versus cattle production, so let’s return to the opening. Based on cashrented land, spring wheat net return was $55.65 per acre, winter wheat $77.32, corn for grain $28.35, soybeans $93.73 and oil sunflowers $71.04. The average net profit for these five crops was $65.22 per acre. Compared with leaving the land in hay production, the net return per acre for alfalfa/grass hay was $36.73, so crop production was better than hay production. However, what about letting the cows graze the quarter section? As noted earlier, the net return per cow was $244, which is a good number. However, if one needs nine acres per cow for the grazing season, the net return per acre is $27.11. If one needs 12 acres per cow for the grazing season, the net return per acre is $20.33. If one needs 15 acres per cow for the grazing season, the net return per acre is $16.27. Now I know why I did not want to ask the question.

I like beef because I like raising beef cows and I enjoy the beef industry. However, now someone else is asking me why the center does not break up the 160 acres and switch to crop production. I stutter a little bit and tell the person that I like beef because I like raising beef cows and enjoy the beef industry. The reality of today’s agriculture is heavily slanted toward crop production if land has the potential to be converted to crop production. Like it or not, for beef production to expand, the economics of the beef cow needs to have a threefold increase in net returns to compete with crop production. To leave land in hay production, the net return for hay needs to double. These are very unlikable thoughts, but certainly thoughts that will drive the next wave of young agriculturists. Those involved in crop production certainly can bid away land that is in beef production. Turn to What is the future, Pg 10


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CASH DONATIONS: Central Alta. Co-op ConocoPhillips Elnora Brahma Rama Elnora Motors Wetaskiwin Co-op Assoc. BANNER SPONSORS: Dennis & Ruth Cheek Bruce & Jayne Harrison Army’s Light Oilfield Services Dr. Ralph Thompson LouAlta Contracting Ltd. Wood Alternator & Starter Rebuilders SPECIAL MENTION: Elnora Ag Society Anderson Family Kent Schmidt Family Prospero Family Rosehill Auction Services Heather Hansen

10 J u l y


Ag r i c u lt u r e

Coronation/Stettler, ab.

eCa review


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Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis chariot and chuckwagon racing in the evening. “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis System ECA Review/J. MacNeil

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Cont’d from Pg 9 Thus, the cow herd struggles to expand. This reality places the discussion of the future of beef in a dilemma. Is that future constrained by the current anticipation or expectations of crops or is that future independent of the status of crops? Can the beef business exist by improving a strong business sense, doing managerial fine-tuning and finding expanded markets? Can the beef business exist as a lowmargin business by excelling in working with tight margins and having stringent operating procedures guiding daily production? Can the beef industry exist as a residual, low-margin side business of crop agriculture or is the future of beef a residual, low-input side business of grassland agriculture? Does the beef business measure inputs and outputs while producing a food product recognized for its nutritional value and eating pleasure? What is the future of the beef business?

Low margins and inputs? Excess overhead will not work. Excess employees will not work. So what will work? I keep pondering and peering

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12345 - Within 150 miles of Edmonton, Ed Rye was sold on Camrose Chrysler Water Well Drilling long before he began working as a sales Red Deer, Calgary (New Government water well grantrepresentative starts April 1/13) for the company.

In 2003 he bought a car from Mike Time Payment Plan O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment Rodin, who is now the dealer principal.

5-7 pm • Please bring lawn chairs

It was a 300M and the best car he’s ever 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) owned. “Never missed a beat,” says Ed.

“and still going View our 29 patented andstrong.” patent After a life of working in the oil pending inventions online at Ed decided to patch and driving trucks, take it a little easier. All those jangled miles on the road were taking a toll on his lower back. However, life in his recliner was tougher on him than bouncing around on a long haul, so he picked up the phone and called Mike, wondering if they had any opportunities. A new door opened. “Here I am,” says Ed with a big friendly smile. “It’s a blessing.” He absolutely enjoys the work, meeting people and staying vital. If you’re looking for a new vehicle, give Ed a call. You’ll be impressed by how hard he’ll work for you.


RSVP BY MON., JULY 21 AT 403-882-4271

Also in attendance: The Prostate Cancer Centre Man Van (4-7) Come for a FREE PSA Blood Test

Business Directory BILL’S BUILDING

Bulk Fuel Sales Fuel Products


3.75” wide version

Quality Fuel Delivered Direct from major refineries for farm & commercial. All products metered - Super B Loads share load with a neighbour if needed


Right Now® Mineral and salt now available at:

1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766)

Hearing Testing Sales & Service 5124 50th St. (Main St.)

Daysland, AB


Jim Renschler Construction Ltd. 40 Years of Experience For All Your Building Needs! Box 22 Botha, AB Ph. 403-742-5034 Fax. 403-742-5311

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ph (780) 672-2476 cel (780) 878-4421 fax (780) 679-2622 Toll Free 1-800-563-4202 3511-48 Avenue Camrose, AB T4V 0K9 Email: erye@camrosechrysler.com

Guardian Castor Drugs - Sheet Metal Killam Plumbing Mon.-Fri.: 8 am - 6 pm & Heating Sat.: 9 am - 5 pm Sun.: Noon - 4 pm WEEKEND SPECIAL 12 Pk Pop $4.99

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Serving East Central Alberta Brett & Lana Twa

4809-50th St., Consort, AB

Cell. 403-578-8451

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

Ph. 403-578-3157

Ed Rye

Big Country Construction & Building Supplies Ltd.


Stettler Telephone Answering Service (2014)

Operates 24 hours 7 days per week Providing answering service, alarm call-outs as well as work alone services. We work with commercial businesses as well as the oil & gas industries. We offer professional service with the most affordable rates in the industry.

1-866-439-7827 FAX (403)742-1149 PH. (403)740-8000

VS Truck

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Stettler, AB

Give us a Call!

Fax: 403-972-2001 Email: vstwi2@hotmail.com

R e a l e stat e/ Hom e s

ECA rEviEw


Bulls to host provincials in Stettler John MacNeil

Review Reporter After not playing a home game all season, the East Central Bulls are going to finish the summer in style. The Bulls learned

Tuesday, July 22, that they will host the provincial bantam AA Tier 1 baseball championship on the Aug. 1-3 weekend in Stettler. East Central continued its solid season by winning the Strathmore bantam tourna-

Kyle Elhard of Castor is part of the Coronation royals team bound for the midget AA tier 3 baseball provincials July 25-27 in barrhead. ECA Review/J. MacNeil

Midget Royals go to bat in Barrhead for provincials John MacNeil

Review Reporter The Coronation Royals are bound for Barrhead for the provincial midget AA Tier 3 baseball championship, which runs July 25-27. Coronation had considered hosting the tournament, and Baseball Alberta even listed the Royal Town as the host on its website last Friday morning, July 18, but later changed the championship site as Barrhead. “There was kind of a mixup there,” said Royals manager Tracy Ramsay. “We tossed the idea (of hosting) around, but for several reasons, we thought we’ll go to Barrhead. They wanted to host.” Ramsay said all 14 players — from Coronation, Castor, Brownfield and Czar — are expected to be available to the Royals for the provincials. Coronation opens Friday night against South Jasper Place No. 2, after the opening ceremonies. On Saturday evening, the Royals face a familiar opponent in Bawlf, which was promoted to Tier 3 for

Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111

the final berth in those provincials. “Over the years, we’ve played them lots, for fun,”

Ramsay said of Bawlf. “We’re actually looking forward to playing them. Good guys.”

ment on the July 18-20 weekend. The Bulls, who feature players from all parts of east-central Alberta, cruised past the Edmonton Angels and Strathmore Reds and edged the Camrose Cougars 11-10 in dramatic fashion, scoring five runs in the bottom of the seventh inning. Four members of the Bulls are with their respective zone teams in the Alberta Summer Games this weekend at Airdrie. The East Central reps are Stettler’s Paul Georget (Zone 4), Amisk’s Brandon Buxton (Zone 7), and Oyen’s Brendan and Gavin Logan (Zone 2). The Zone 2 lineup includes Garett Hagel of Three Hills.

Super Summer Sale




You Need It - We’ve Got It! BORROW PAYMENT ASK US $ 10,000 $49.93 ABOUT OUR $ 20,000 $99.85 $ 50,000 $249.64 BETTER THAN $100,000 $499.25 $200,000 $998.54 BANK RATES $300,000 $1,497.81

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Never re-roof again. NEVER.

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SHELLY CREASY Hm/Off. (403) 578-2255 Cell. (403) 578-7000

9.04 acres North of Hanna Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home sit on 9.04 acres, 18 miles north of Hanna. Currently being used as a goat farm, newer paddock fencing and barn. Listed @$224,900


5120-48 St Consort - 2069 sqft 3-level split. 2 1/2 bathrooms, 3 beds. Sold As Is. REDUCED $57,900 $44,900

480 acres - 1260 sq ft home, quonset, barn, corrals, Approx. 80 acres cropland, 120 hay land and balance pasture and yard. $12,925 per year lease revenue. Located off 899 south of Provost north of #6 Nelson Street ,Fleet 2.4 acres located in Fleet, AB Old Altario. Call for pricing details school converted into home, double detached garage, Tax recovery sale. Sold As is Where is.



308 Delhi St. Veteran 6 bedrooms! 1300 sqft, renovated home. 6 Beds, 3 baths, eat in kitchen, walk in pantry, main floor laundry, basement rec room, close to school, beside empty lot. Includes all appliances, centra vac, shed and fenced backyard! REDUCED $110,000 $75,000

SAVE 2,000 $

If your house is chosen for this advertising campaign.

The Purchaser agrees to: notify Interlock Roofing Ltd. immediately of any Nonconforming Product; provide to inspect the Product and provide all reasonable ac service and cure any Nonconforming Product. If the Product during the Purchaser’s warranty term, the Ma its material and labor costs to repair, refinish or rep discretion, subject to the exclusions, conditions and in this warranty. Repaired, refinished or replaced Pro the remainder of the Purchaser’s original warranty te may at its sole discretion refund the Purchaser’s or Any other extraordinary costs and expenses beyond th ligation set forth in this warranty shall be the Purcha

www.roofingalberta.com or Call Terry at 780-446-9650



Interlock®Roofing, one of North America’s largest manufacturers of metal roofing is looking for a limited number of homes in your area to participate in our 2014 advertising campaign. If your home is ready for a new roof and you are looking to invest in a high quality new roofing system that will last the life of your home, NEVER ROOF YOUR HOME AGAIN, ADD VALUE, SAVE ENERGY, RESISTANT TO GUARDIAN L MOSS, FIRE, HAIL, HURRICANE FORCE WINDS, FADING, has a THE PURCHASER’S LIMITED PRODUCT W LIFETIME LIMITED NON PRORATED 50-YEAR LIFETIME TRANSFERABLE chaser is defined as that person whose name and sign contract. Purchaser’s warranty remain WARRANTY and is installed by theinstallation factory (no subThe trades participate of the Purchaser provided that he/she is on title to an in this advertising special). erty, subject to the exclusions and limitations set for


4439 Park Crescent, Coronation

4914 Norfolk Ave. Coronation 1440 sqft double wide on 4 lots, close to all amenities. 3 beds, large walk in closet in master bedroom, 2 baths: one 4 piece one 3 piece, separate laundry area, front and back covered decks, fenced yard, 2 sheds, fruit trees, 6 appliances, window coverings. REDUCED TO $66,500


Dynamic Modular Homes


4626 and 4630 Windsor Ave. , Coronation 1200 sqft bungalow 3 beds 1 bath large corner lot of 125’x115 and a large 36’ x26.5’ insulated/heated and cement floor garage with a 8’ and 10’ doors. Listed for $119,900


3 & 4 Bedrooms – 2 Baths Compare & Save! Ready to Deliver!

A.L.L. STARS Realty Ltd. Ph. (780) 434-4700

22’x76’ mobile, owned lot, end of a cul-de-sac and seller owns the adjoining lot. 3 beds, 2 baths, living room, open kitchen dining and family! Beautiful layout beautiful property! Listed for $175,000

July 24'14

Unbeatable Prices on all 2013/2014 Stock

Rural Coronation

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

Sandy Walters

IS THE PURCHASER AN ORGANIZATION? If the Prop Email: s_walters@hotmail.com Organization (including but not limited to, a corpo Office: 403-652-2121 rated association, a condominium, a cooperative ho religious organization, aOffi governmental or public entit ce Fax: 403-601-6096 the time the Purchase contract signed or the Pro Cell:is403-866-6696 Product is warranted for fifty (50) years from date of tion, excluding the coating which is warranted for thir date of Substantial Completion. A warranty extende can not be transferred or assigned.

Realtor - Century21 Foothills Real Estate

On Main Street, Kirriemuir

Very nice home with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1340 sq ft, and double car garage, all WARRANTY This is a mate on 5 lots (125’x120’). Located in Kirriemuir,WHAT AB, aDOES veryMY family orientedCOVER? and friendly products manufactured by Interlock Roofing Ltd. Th small community. Excellent price, check it out. fridge, stove, washer, rantsInclusions: the Interlock® shingle, tile, shake, slate, diam panels and trims (“Product”) free from manufact dryer, to bemicrowave, sult in rusting, rotting, splitting, cracking (including s dishwasher, window perforation from hail stones measuring 1 1/2 inches curling, losing impact resistance with shed. age, burning coverings, garden bustion and which manufacturing defects materially performance (“Nonconforming Product”), subject to MLS®#: MH0028553


limitations set forth in this certificate. Other product the installation may have their own manufacturer’s lation contractor will provide you with a separate wo

The Manufacturer further warrants that for a perio from the Substantial Completion Date, the Product’s not, under normal atmospheric conditions (this exclu sive or industrial atmospheres such as those contam chemical fumes): chalk in excess of a numerical rati Be your own Boss! A very busy licenced measured in accordance with the standard proced D659-80 or fade in or change in color restaurant Consort, AB.in excess Seats of five culated in accordance with ASTM D2244-85, paragra 55. Small banquet space at front. shall be measured on an exposed painted surface th of surface soils included and chalk, to andturn the corresponding val Everything key and original or unexposed painted surface. Fading or colo start earning. Many recent updates uniform if the surfaces are not equally exposed to th

4924 50 Street, Consort

Coronation Home Decorating Owner retiring after 35 years, 25 years in current location. Includes building in entirety or part, all equipment, inventory of paint, fabric and supplies, Sears and Purolator. A solid and successful business Contact Shelly for further info!

for additional photos: screasy.ca or mls.ca

include a new roof, new exterior finish, new walk in freezer and much more. Consort is a very active oilfield and farming community. Must see. Inclusions: All equipment required to operate a licenced restaurant. MLS®#: MH0027754


12 J u l y


eCa review

Coronation/Stettler, ab.

Ph. 403-578-4111 • Fax. 403-578-2088 Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). reach 24,700 homes with your classified. this includes For Sale, For rent, Card of thanks, Coming events, etc. Payment Necessary all Classified ads are on a Cash only basis and must be prepaid before running. there will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. we accept cash, cheque, viSa or MC. it is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. the review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads all classified ads must be received by 5 pm on Mondays preceding publication. For too late to Classifieds ad must be received by 10 am tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to box 70, Coronation, ab t0C 1C0.

Real estate

FOUR Bedroom house for sale. 4801 Windsor Ave. Single car garage, 5 appliances. 4 lots, on corner. Close to school and downtown. $79,000. 403-578-3956. AT SEDALIA, 33’ x 36’ house for sale. Kitchen, livingroom, 3+2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, double garage, on 4 lots. Buy as is. Fixer upper for basement. $32,000.00. Plus 7 other lots for sale at $500/lot. Effie Thornton. 403-8543656.

DO YOU own real estate? I offer 1st & 2nd mortgages with no credit check. Get approved today. Call 1-866-405-1228 or email: info@firstandsecondmortgages.ca.

Mobile HoMes

SHOWHOME Sale. Substantial savings to be had! Need room for whole new display! Visit Grandview Modular Red Deer to see the quality and craftsmanship that set us apart. 1-855-3470417; www.grandviewmodular.com; terry@ grandviewmodular. com.

FoR Rent

ACREAGE for rent. 10 minutes from Coronation on pavement. 1520 sq ft manufactured home, 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, 5 appliances, laminate flooring, covered deck, wood burning stove. 20 acres fenced and crossed fenced, steel corrals, automatic waterer, 2 horse shelters, small barn with tack room, small heated workshop, storage shed. $1400/mo, $1000 D.D. Utilities extra. References required. Call 403-575-0095. HOUSE FOR rent in Castor. Immediate possession. One bedroom, one bathroom. Recently renovated. Partial basement. Large single car garage. $800/mo (includes all utilities) $800 security deposit required. Phone 780922-6567 anytime.


ACREAGE for rent. 2 bedroom bungalow, 4 mi North, 8 mi East of Coronation. Available August 14. For inquiries call 403-575-1264 FOR RENT: 3 bedroom mobile home on acreage with detached garage. South of Castor. Furnished or unfurnished. Available immediately, monthly lease, damage deposit required. Rent $800/ mo, plus utilities. Call 403-882-2490 for details


LOOKING for a nice place to camp without travelling too far? Rosebush Campground is now open. Call 780-8773793 for reservations and additional information.

METAL roofing & sidingVery competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888-263-8254. EVERY water well on earth should have the patented “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator from Big Iron Drilling! Why? Save thousands of lives every year. www.1-800bigiron.com. Phone 1-800-BIGIRON. FOR SALE - Brand new, never used.10 roof trusses, 25 ft wide, 4/12 slope. Good for shed or garage roof. Asking $1000. Call 403-578-2560.

DISCONNECTED phone? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca. RODENT and weather proof sea containers 20 and 40 ft. Great for storage. Calgary, Alberta. 403-540-4164; 1-866-517-8335; www. magnatesteel.com.

caRs & tRucks

1991 CHEV 350, 4X4, 3/4 ton, auto with suburban bale handler. Good condition. Phone Ken at 403-578-2446

FaRM equipMent

Trailer Repair

STEEL buildings/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206; www. crownsteelbuildings.ca.

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Feed & seed

Classifieds work!

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Call 403-578-4111

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email: admin@eCareview.com

Please Apply Within

County of Paintearth No. 18 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION APPROVED Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Application has been approved: DP1414 Coroview Farms SE31-36-11-W4 Relocation of Mobile home Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving Notice in writing to the Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, County of Paintearth No. 18, Box 509 Castor, AB TOC OXO not later than 4:30 p.m., August 1, 2014. The Notice must contain the reason for the appeal and pursuant to Bylaw No. 580-09 Include the $200.00 fee. Dated: July 24, 2014

Todd Pawsey, Development Officer

Professional Directory DENTIST

Chapman and Co.


Professional Accountants LLP


is seeking

Position Overview:

Parts Coordinator - Stettler, AB

Position Title: Artificial Lift Parts Coordinator Date Posted: June 30, 2014 Closing Date: July 15, 2014 Department: Artificial Lift Job Type: Full Time Zedi is recruiting an Artificial Lift Parts Coordinator, for its operations in Alberta. Location(s): Stettler This role will be responsibleExperience: for: 2+ Years parts desk experience Salary Range: Commensurate with experience

Job Description/Duties:

Guy Chapman CA* Chris Annand, CA* Kendra Walgenbach, CA* Naomi Roth, CGA*

In Coronation

MONDAYS 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

4702 51 Ave, Stettler, AB st

Call Anytime for Appointments

Phone 403-742-3438


Email: gchap@gchap.ca www.gchap.ca Fax 403-742-0560

Located in Coronation Mall • Managing the inventory of spare parts for the Artificial Lift department. • Ordering spare parts based on inventory requirements, purchase orders, forecasts, “Honesty, Dignity Company Overview: and Respect when it and customer orders. • Maintaining the relationship with current, and new vendors Zedi provides integrated services, applications, and technology to oil and gas producers tomost.” to ensure Zedi is purchasing based on cost, technology , and speedoperations. of delivery. Having established a leadershipmatters help efficiently manage their production position Heatheraround Caseley,theSylvie Tremblay, • Handling RMA inventory and base initiating the warranty/ procedure as globally required.by operating in 25 countries in our market, we continue to grow Funeral Director world. Our expertise helps producers increase revenue while reducing operating costs andFuneral Director • Coordinating between the Artificial Lift Field Service Team and Operations for ensuring regulatory compliance. parts related issues.


Job Description/Duties:

recruiting Artificial Partsgas Coordinator, • 2+ years of experienceZedi in aisparts desk oranrelated role •Lift Oil and production for its operations in Alberta. 5117 Victoria Ave. • Ph. (403) 578-2928 • Toll Free 1-888-578-2928 background is preferred • Mechanical knowledge is an asset • Strong client This role will be responsible for: relationship skills • Strong decision making and problem solving skills • Strong team DENTISTS  Managing the inventory of spare parts for the Artificial Lift department. player, capable of performing a fast-paced, deadline driven on environment Able  inOrdering spare parts based inventory• requirements, purchase orders, forecasts, to deal with confidential information with a high degree of diplomacy and good and customer orders. Dr. Huang  Stettler Maintaining judgment • Must reside in the area. the relationship with current, and new vendors to ensure Zedi is BARRISTER

E.Roger Spady

Dr. Sribney

purchasing based on cost, technology , and speed of delivery.  Handling RMA inventory and initiating the warranty/ procedure required. 8amas to 5pm  Coordinating between the Artificial Field Service Team and Operations Send resume to careers@zedi.ca. We thank all applicants for their interestLift in Zedi; Mon.to Fri. for parts related issues.

To Apply:

however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.


how to play:

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box. answer on page 15.

NOW HIRING Night Staff Want to make a difference in the lives of seniors? We are looking for a dependable and caring person to do janitorial and kitchen duties 11pm – 7am.

Hanna Lodge zedi.ca

603 Palliser Trail


      

403-742–6741! 4906-51 St.!

& SOLICITOR Coronation Mall Coronation, AB


2+ years of experience in a parts desk or related role Downtown Stettler! Office Hours: Oil and gas production background is preferred Walk-ins welcome Tuesday - Friday Mechanical knowledge is an asset 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Accepting New Patients Strong client relationship skills Strong decision making and problem solving skills Strong team player, capable of performing in a fast-paced, deadline driven environment Able to deal with confidential information with a high FUNERAL degree of diplomacy and& CREMATORIUM CHAPELS good judgment

To Apply:

PARKVIEW Your Funeral and Cremation Professionals

Forward your PDF or Microsoft Word formatted resume in confidence to careers@zedi.ca. Fullycandidates Licensed Associates - for We thank all applicants for their interest in Zedi; however, only those selected Verna Rock/Corinne Nattestad an interview will be contacted.

Drop off your resume at the Hanna Lodge. Application Forms available.

FM-HR-9 Job Posting Template 2012Nov22

Only those applicants receiving an interview will be contacted.

403-578-3777 Dean Ross 5018 Royal St. Owner, Director, Embalmer Coronation, AB. www.parkviewfuneralchapels.com

c l a s s i f i e d s/ca r e e r s

ECA rEviEw

FEED barley. Paskal Cattle Company in Picture Butte area is looking for Feed Barley. Put more $$$ in your pocket. Sell direct to us. Please call Main Office for details. 403-732-5641. HEATED canola buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252.

Business OppOrtunities

THE Disability Tax Credit. $1,500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on average). Covers: hip/ knee replacements, arthritic joints, COPD. Apply today! 1-844453-5372. GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000. + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website: www.tcvend. com.


FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed dealer. 1-866-9600045; www.dollars4guns.com.

Help Wanted

FULL TIME position available on a cow/calf and feedlot operation north of Consort. Looking for a self motivated individual to do general ranch work. Valid drivers licence required. Housing available. Wages negotiable with experience. Please contact Justin at 403-9631334. RioView Industries Inc is accepting resumes for: labourers and drivers - looking for motivated individuals as our company has an enthusiastic, fast paced working environment. Oilfield tickets and a drivers abstract required and we are willing to train the right individual. Email resume and references to dawn@okseptic.com TITAN Transport Ltd. We are a flat bed company based out of Saskatoon, SK with an office in Calgary. We are currently looking for company drivers as well as owner operators. You must have a min. of 2 yrs experience with flat beds. Canada/US. 1-800667-7080 or 1-306374-1739. Ask for Robert AN ALBERTA oilfield company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 780-7235051.

WINCH Tractor Operators. Must have experience operating a winch. To apply fax, email or drop off resume at the office. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: rigmove@telus. net. Mail: H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. For more employment information see our webpage: www.heoil.com. KPA Pressure Services Ltd. requires licensed heavy duty/automotive mechanic. Excellent remuneration and benefits package. Fax resume to 780-6211818. Email kpapress@telusplanet.net or mail to Box 6357, Drayton Valley, AB, T7A 1R8. No phone calls please.

PUT YOUR Experienceto work The job service for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Free for candidates. Register now at: www. thirdquarter.ca or call toll free 1-855-2860306. INTERIOR Heavy Equipment Operator School. No Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! iheschool.com. 1-866-399-3853. ALL ROUND employee required for cooking, cleaning and serving customers in small town friendly hotel. Includes room and meals. Phone Marg 403-857-9134, Youngstown.

Fax Resumes to 403 854 3507

Stettler Motors may be the place for you. We’re looking for high energy go getters who want more out of life and their career. Our New and Used Sales Team is top notch and we’re looking for a dynamic individual to add to the Team. A successful candidate should have some sales experience, be computer literate, organized, attentive to detail and above all, must have the determination to build your own income based on your abilities. If you’ve said yes to the above give Kelly Cheater, Sales Manager, a call at 403-742-3407 or email him at kellycheater@stettlergm.com


___ OK as is FIND THE MOST SIGNIFICANT WORK OF YOUR CAREER AT TRANSCANADA ___ OK with corrections At TransCanada we dream big, think big and do big things. For more than 60 Approved years, by: we’ve been supplying reliable and efficient energy to millions of North

Americans with our pipelines, gas storage and power generation facilities. Working independently or under the direction of the leader or a senior team member, these positions will be based out of the Hardisty Oil Terminal and will be responsible for a variety of operations and maintenance activities at PDF’d By Composed ByTranscanada facilities such as oil booster stations, oil measurement facilities SW and/or pipeline sites etc.

Consort, AB Now Hiring All Positions,

Front Desk, Housekeeping Fulltime & Parttime

The operations run 24/7 hence this position requires 12 hour day/night shift work. Power Engineer Class 4 or equivalent experience/background in the oil industry will be considered. TransCanada is an equal opportunity employer. For more information and to apply to this position, please visit our website at TransCanadaCareers.ca. Everything you do at TransCanada contributes to everything we do across North America. Make more of your career. Help us build long-lasting energy solutions that matter.

Fax Resumes to 403-577-0305 or e-mail to consort@prairiemooninn.com

Full Time Bus Driver

Full Time Bus Driver

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Competition #PLRD-337

Morrin Area

Petrof ield Industries, t he Leader in manufacturing Hydrovac trucks, is accepting resumes for the following positions: * General Labourers * Industrial Painters * Sandblasters * Material Handler * Automotive Electrical Technician * Journeyman Welder / Apprentice * 2nd Yr Welder with Aluminum experience Visit our website at: www.tornadotrucks.com for more details. Our Company has an enthusiastic fast paced working environment, with advancement possibilities for the motivated person, and offers an excellent benefit package. fax: 403-742-5544 e-mail: hr@petrofield.com

Chevrolet BuiCk GMC

Willing to apprentice the right individual.

SI32624KLASSENG9 AD CODE: ___________________________________

• Must have minimum Class 3 with Air • Drivers Abstract along with Car & Safety Tickets

Are you highly motivated, but looking for a career change? Are you outgoing and conduct yourself with professional integrity? Do you have a positive attitude and believe in quality customer service?

Carpenter’s Helper

2X28 CLASS AD SIZE: ____________________________________

Vac Truck & Steamer Operators


Is seeking a

JULY 9 INSERT DATE: _______________________________

of Hanna, AB is hiring for the positions of

July 24'14

Klassen Construction

Stettler Independent

C&D Oilfield Construction Ltd.

CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

Applications are invited for a full time school bus operator in the Morrin area to commence September 2nd, 2014. This position will support the Division in providing safe and efficient transportation of students to the Morrin School. This route is south of Morrin between Drumheller and Morrin. Training to obtain Class 2 driver’s license, first aid certification and “S” Endorsement will be provided if required. Preference will be given to a candidate who holds these designations. Previous experience would be an asset. Please submit cover letter, resume and contact information for three references by e-mail to lenore.etherington@plrd.ab.ca. Applications will also be accepted by mail or fax to: Lenore Etherington, H.R. Administrator Prairie Land Regional Division # 25 P.O. Box 670 Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0 Fax: (403) 854-2803 Competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Thank you to all applicants, but only those who will be interviewed will be contacted. The successful candidate will be required to provide a Criminal Record Check, Child Intervention Check and Driver’s Abstract satisfactory to PLRD, prior to commencement. Please quote competition number on application.


Applications are invited for a full time school bus operator in the Consort/Altario area to commence September 2nd, 2014. This position will support the Division in providing safe and efficient transportation of students to Consort or Altario School. The available route will be determined based on current student needs in relation to the location of the successful candidate. Although training is provided, it is preferred the successful candidate holds a valid Class 2 drivers license, first aid certification and “S” Endorsement training. Previous experience would be an asset. Please submit cover letter, resume and contact information for three references by e-mail to lenore.etherington@plrd.ab.ca. Applications will also be accepted by mail or fax to: Lenore Etherington, H.R. Administrator Prairie Land Regional Division # 25 P.O. Box 670 Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0 Fax: (403) 854-2803 Competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Thank you to all applicants, but only those who will be interviewed will be contacted. The successful candidate will be required to provide a Criminal Record Check, Child Intervention Check and Driver’s Abstract satisfactory to PLRD, prior to commencement. Please quote competition number on application.

14 J u l y


Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Help Wanted

BADGER Daylighting Calgary Inc. is hiring Drivers (C3+Q) and Swampers in Calgary, Alberta. Full-time, year-round work with OT & benefits. Must be willing to work weekends. Email: resumes@badgercalgary.com to apply. FULL-TIME meat cutter required at Sobeys in Olds, Alberta. 40 hours per week. Benefits. Fax resume to 1-403-556-8652 or email: sbyc125olds@ sobeys.com. MEDICAL transcription is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/ MT or 1-888-528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Career Training

MEDICAL billing trainees needed! Learn to process & submit billing claims for hospitals and doctors! No experience needed! Local training gets you ready to work! 1-888627-0297.


SNOWBIRDS! Parksville/Qualicum, Vancouver Island, 600 sq. ft., 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom fully furnished cottage in treed forest setting. $975/ month, utilities included. Available October 1/14 - Spring 2015. 250-248-9899 or andreamichaelwilson@ shaw.ca.


TOP Real Psychics Live. Accurate readings 24/7. Call now 1-877-342-3036; Mobile dial: # 4486; http://www.truepsychics.ca.

DATING Service. Long-term/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-8045381. (18+).


AUTO/TOOL Auction. Saturday, July 26, 11 a.m. Auto’s, RV’s, SeaDoo, tools, parts, surplus, storage buildings, benches, tents, pressure washers. Scribner Auction, Wainwright, Alberta. 780-842-5666; www. scribnernet.com.

WARD’S Auctions Antique/Estate Auction. Monday & Tuesday, July 28th & 29th, 6 p.m. 11802-145 Street, Edmonton. 780-4514549. Preview Friday, July 25th 4-8. Online bidding and pictures at www.wardsauctions. com

Short Notice


SALE for Ben Schreiner

on location East of Wainwright, AB on Hwy 14 & South 2 Miles on RR6-0 Sat., Aug. 2 @1pm Selling Vehicles; Tools; Tractors; 2 Long Guns; Snowmobile; Household; and much more.

780-842-5666 Pics & Listing at


Coming Events

MIXED Wedding shower for Gustav Johnson and Amber Jorgensen on July 27 at 2 p.m. at Battle Bend School. Everyone welcome.

c l a s s i f i e d s/Ca r e e r s

ECA review

Big Country Waste Management Commission Employment Opportunity Hanna, Alberta Case IH Equipment Dealer in Coronation is now accepting applications for a

Parts Manager or Lead Counter Parts Person as well as Apprentices and Journeyman Heavy Duty mechanics with AG experience. Live the life style of Central Alberta and be home at night. Work for one of the few family owned dealerships where we care about our employees and customers. Successful candidate will be a team player with strong social skills. Counter and Management experience an asset. Computer literacy and knowledge of DIS Parts program a definite asset but not mandatory. We offer: • Competitive Wages • Annual Work boot reimbursement • RRSP Plan • Benefits Package • Sick Days • Monthly Bonus If you are looking for a rewarding career with a successful and growing organization, then forward your resume to: Future Ag Inc. Attn: Human Resources Box 489 Red Deer, AB T4N 5G1 Fax 403-342-0396 or email to hr@futureag.ca

Position: Waste Transfer Station/Recycling Assistant Location: Hanna, Alberta Salary: $18 - $20 per hour plus benefits based on qualifications Hours of Work: 8 hour days, Mon. - Fri. Reporting to the Transfer Station Supervisor, this position will be responsible for assisting with recycling operations for the Big Country Waste Management Commission as well waste related aspects of the Hanna Waste Transfer Station operation. Responsibilities may include, but will not be limited to: • Assisting in directing users in the placement of waste and recycle materials and ensuring compliance with regulations; • Collecting, unloading, baling and handling recycle materials; • Some equipment operation as required; • Assisting at other sites as required; • Site maintenance generally including litter picking as necessary. The Successful Candidate will: • Be self-motivated and relate well with the public; • Be in good physical condition; • Possess good communication skills including email; • Be capable of performing routine maintenance of equipment; • Be in possession of a valid Alberta driver’s license and able to provide a driver’s abstract. Some equipment operating experience will be an asset. A First Aid certificate and other safety related training will also be an asset. Please provide a resume/application prior to August 8, 2014 to: (Application forms are available at the Special Areas office in Hanna or at the Youngstown Landfill) Sean Olmstead (sean.olmstead@bcwmc.ca) Landfill Manager Big Country Waste Management Commission Box 1906 Hanna, Alberta TOJ 1PO

Cards of Thanks

THANK YOU to all the Hardisty Rodeo Days parade entrants. THANK YOU to our surrounding communities for all your prayers, cards, kind words, and the very special gestures of green ribbons and balloons. A special thanks to Caroline for the beautiful green bouquet left in my front yard. We appreciate so much all the support and want to continue to keep the O’Brien family and Alvin and Kathy’s other children close in our thoughts and prayers. Elaine Ellerby and family WE WOULD like to extend a huge Thank You for all the prayers, cards, food and help our family has received over the last 6 months. We live in such a wonderful community, your caring and generosity is greatly appreciated. We are so grateful to all the doctors and nurses for the excellent care. A special Thank You to our families and closest friends for all your love and support. Darlene, Winston, Logan and Mason Webb


WILL clean up scrap steel and buy batteries. 780-679-7837

Help Wanted

General Farm Labour and Processing Crew

Large 24,000 head feedlot southeast of Strathmore, is looking for individuals who are willing to learn, have a self-starter attitude and enjoy the outdoors. Job duties include: processing cattle, cattle health, feeding, fencing and more. Wage is dependent on exp. (OT and benefits), Class 1 an asset. Please send resume to: Strangmuir Farms Ltd.

Box 2325 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 Fax: 403-934-6668 or Call: 403-934-4331 or email employment@strangmuir.com

CIBC is a leading Canadian-based global financial institution and was recently recognized as Strongest Bank in Canada, Strongest Bank in North America, and third Strongest in the world. As one of Canada’s largest employers, CIBC offers a variety of career opportunities. Our people are the key to achieving our vision of being the leader in client relationships, which is why we work hard to create an environment where all employees can excel.

Branch Manager and other opportunities Full-Time Positions Now Available 5102 50th St, Provost

CIBC offers you an exciting opportunity for a sales and service career that is both personally and professionally rewarding. Every day, you’ll have the chance to make a difference in your clients’ lives and to feel good about what you do. We offer you: • Lead your team to foster a client- centric focus, enhance the client experience and accelerate profitable revenue growth • Achieve branch business goals, mitigate risk and ensure the consistent delivery of high quality service • Create a positive employee experience where employees are recognized, capability is developed and career planning is a key to success • Canadian Investment Funds Course (IFIC) or Canadian Securities Course (CSC) and Branch Manager Examination (BME) certification is required • Please apply online at: www.cibc.com/careers job posting #14011047

Realize your full potential at CIBC. To apply for this position or to discover other exciting CIBC career opportunities that are waiting for you, visit: www.cibc.com/careers

c l a s s i f i e d s/ca r e e r s

ECA rEviEw

GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www. pioneerwest.com.

CRIMINAL Record? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2281300/1-800-347-2540.

DROWNING in debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation; www.mydebtsolution.com or toll free 1-877-556-3500. BBB rated A+.

Let us3.75” amplify message! wideyour version CoronAtion/StEttlEr, Ab

July 24'14


Health Director/Manager

12345 reporting and budget of the Duncan’s First Nation Responsible for the operation, administration, Health Programs. Qualifications: Completed post-secondary education in either a health or management related field, drivers abstract with less than 5 demerits, clear Criminal Records and Child Welfare Checks. 12345 Add this feature to your Health next career booking Preferred Skills: Degree in Health Sciences or substantive relatedad experience. All Applicants must submit a complete package with covering letter and supporting documents upon applying.

answer to puzzle on page 12


Full Time Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic

The MD of Provost No. 52 a rural municipality located in East Central Alberta along Highway 13 is currently seeking applicants for Full Time Heavy Duty Mechanic. The successful candidate will be required to do the following: • Establishing the service and maintenance requirements for all public works equipment • Supervising the service and maintenance of all equipment including service by operators • Maintaining machine repair and maintenance cost records. Also, approve the accounts for other services and costs incurred in the equipment repair and maintenance operation • Welding experience is an asset The position falls within the scope of the Municipality’s unionized setting and a competitive benefit package is available. Applications will be accepted until suitable candidates are found. Please forward a detailed resume including references to: Wayne MacLean @ wmaclean@mdprovost.ca Any questions please contact Wayne MacLean @ 780-753-0726

Fax, email or drop off your OPINIONS,


Call for more details 1-800-282-6903 ext 235 E-mail: admin.cea@duncansfirstnation.ca

Fax:(780) 597-3920 Mail: ATTN.: Steve Kulmatycki, Duncan’s First Nation, PO Box 148, Brownvale, AB T0H 0L0

to ECA Review fax: 403-578-2088 email: office@ECAreview.com drop off: 4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation

Let us amplify your message!

Remember to identify all people in your photos.

12345 Add this feature to your next career ad booking

Call for more details 1-800-282-6903 ext 235

Like helping people?

Your Calling is at... Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital, Castor is looking for:

Registered Nurse

WHEN APPLYING: Please submit your résumé by 2400 hours on the closing date, quoting the Competition Number Competition Number: CF-40511-CS Position Type: Permanent Part-Time Date Closed: July 31, 2014 Salary Range: Min: $34.31/Hr Max: $45.93/Hr

We proudly serve a 150-year legacy of quality care.

View this job opportunity @ CovenantHealth.ca/careers



Apply at careers@CovenantHealth.ca

Human Resources Toll Free: 1.877.450.7555

Like helping people?

Your Calling is at... Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital, Castor is looking for:

OFFICE ASSISTANT POSITION The Village of Consort is currently seeking a qualified individual to fill the position of Office Assistant to complete a maternity leave starting as soon as possible and completing March 31st, 2015. This position reports directly to the CAO. This position involves receptionist duties, general accounting duties, banking and mailroom duties; and any other duties as may be required. In addition to a strong work ethic and positive attitude, the ideal candidate will possess a strong background in financial administration and a proven ability to work closely as part of a team and the ability to respond to front office queries. Successful applicant will be required to sign the Oath of Confidentiality and Criminal Record Check required. Municipal experience, while not necessary, is considered a definite asset. Starting wage for this position is $18.00 per hour, working a 40 hour work week. A comprehensive benefits package is provided. Interested persons should submit an application, including a resume listing experience and three references. We thank all who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Applications should be addressed to: Village of Consort Box 490 Consort, AB T0c 1B0 Attn: Monique Jeffrey, CAO Position will remain open until a successful candidate is found.

Health Care Aide

WHEN APPLYING: Please submit your résumé by 2400 hours on the closing date, quoting the Competition Number Competition Number: CF-40513-CS Position Type: Casual Date Closed: July 29, 2014 Salary Range: Min: $19.53/Hr Max: $24.46/Hr

We proudly serve a 150-year legacy of quality care.

View this job opportunity @ CovenantHealth.ca/careers Apply at careers@CovenantHealth.ca

Human Resources Toll Free: 1.877.450.7555

Like helping people?

Your Calling is at... Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital - Castor, Alberta is looking for:

Licensed Practical Nurse

WHEN APPLYING: Please submit your résumé by 2400 hours on the closing date, quoting the Competition Number Competition Number: CF-40496-CS Position Type: Casual (0.00 FTE) Date Closed: August 5, 2014 Salary Range: Min: $25.93/Hr Max: $33.95/Hr

We proudly serve a 150-year legacy of quality care.

View this job opportunity @ CovenantHealth.ca/careers Apply at careers@CovenantHealth.ca

Human Resources Toll Free: 1.877.450.7555

16 J u l y


ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Dining and Entertainment Guide July 25 - 27 - Old Time Music Jamboree @ 10:30 at the Golden Age Drop-In Hanna Community Centre. Centre. Val 403-578-2013 Concession, some meals, limited RV Aug 12 - Crop Walks, 10 - 12:30 p.m. (lunch no hook-ups. $25 weekend pass, $10 provided) Crop tour meet at McNeill’s Fri/Sat, $5 Sun, 403-854-4737 Yard, hiway 41 SE of Empress. CARA July 25 - 27 - Cereal Centennial. Come 403-664-3777 Celebrate 100 yrs. Parade, fireworks, Aug 12 - Crop Walks, 1:30-3:30 p.m. 2 great bands: Cold Shot, Mule Shoe. Grudecki Crop Trial site, hiway 41 S Come One, Come All. of Acadia Valley, CARA 403-664-3777 July 25 - The Vat, Red Deer, AB, Push, Aug 15 - The Vat, Red Deer, AB, Pride, 403-346-5636 403-346-5636 July 26 - The Vat, Red Deer, Ab., Bend Aug 16 - Skills from the Past - Alix Wagon Sinister/Open Air/Coordinates, Wheel Museum - after the parade. 403-346-5636 Free admission July 27 - 28 - Castor Rodeo. Aug 16 - The Vat, Red Deer, AB, Magik www.castorrodeo.com Spells, 403-346-5636 July 28 - Alberta Beef Producers 2014 Plan Aug 16 - Central Alberta Singles Dance. Review Town Hall Meeting, Lacombe Royal Canadian Legion Innisfail Memorial Centre Supper Meeting at 6 Hall. 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. Everyone welp.m. come. 403-638-6563 July 28 - Aug 1 - Vacation Bible Camp. Aug. 16-17 - Theresetta Catholic School 100 Knox United Church, Consort. Stacy Year Anniversary. 403-575-5177 Aug 19 - The Vat, Red Deer, AB, Indian July 29 - Alberta Beef Producers 2014 Plan Handcrafts, 403-346-5636 Review Town Hall Meeting, Seven Aug 19 - 20 - Coronation 54th Annual Fair Persons Hall Supper Meeting @ 6 Aug 22 - The Vat, Red Deer, AB, Origin/ p.m. King Parrot/Beyond Creation/ July 30 - Alberta Beef Producers 2014 Plan Abolishment of Flesh/Divinity/Leave Review Town Hall Meeting, Veteran the Living/Demise Without Reason/ Auction Mart Supper Meeting at 5:30 Earth’s Ashes, 403-346-5636 p.m. August 22 - 24 - Hanna Summer Slo-Pitch July 31 - The Vat, Red Deer, AB, Showdown @ Hanna Triplex. Mike Windborn, 403-346-5636 403-854-0897. July 31 - Alberta Beef Producers 2014 Plan Review Town Hall Meeting, Duchess Hall Supper Meeting at 6 p.m. July 31 - Crop Walks, 10 - 12:30 p.m. (lunch provided) Redel Crop Trial Site, Hiway 12 west of Consort. CARA The Vat is Red Deer’s premiere, 403-3777 awesome-ist, coolest, radical, all July 31 - Crop Walks, 2-4 p.m. Robinson right live entertainment bar and Crop Trial Site, Hiway 9 west of night club where something is usually Hanna, CARA 403-664-3777 going on 7 days a week. From bigger name acts Aug 1 - The Vat, Red Deer, AB, Bill Durst, to local and Canadian entertainment, the Vat 403-346-5636 has something for everyone. August Longweekend - Oyen Centennial July Sat, 16 Magik Spells Fri, 25 Push Tue, 19 Celebration, parade, baseball, visSat, 26 Bend Sinister Indian Handcrafts iting, etc. Pre-register & info Town / Open Air / Fri, 22 Office, 403-664-3511 Coordinates Origin /King Parrot / Aug 2 - 3 - Tees Rodeo, see ad page.. Thu, 31 Windborn Beyond Creation / Aug 1 - 3 - Big Valley Centennial & August Abolishment of Flesh / Homecoming Celebration. see ad Fri, 1 Bill Durst Divinity / Leave the Sat, 2 Living / Demise Marj 403-876-2444 Doucheknuckle / Without Reason / Aug 1 - 3 - Slo-Pitch Tournament @ Kroovy Rookers / Earth’s Ashes Burma Park. Kevin 403-575-5254 Vigilant Decision Sat, 23 TBA Aug 2 - The Vat, Red Deer, Fri, Sat, 8, 9 TBA Fri, Sat 29, 30 TBA Doucheknuckle/Kroovy Rookers/ Fri, 15 Pride Vigilant Decision, 403-346-5636 Find Our Event Postings on Facebook @ “We Love The Vat” Aug 2 - 3 - Village of Delia’s Centennial Celebration. All activities free. see ad Aug 6 - Ladies of Sunnybrook Farm 101 5301 43 St., Red Deer Museum present Lunch at the Farm. 12 - 3 p.m. $10 for lunch. Drop-ins welcome but larger groups encouraged to reserve a seat. 403-340-3511 Aug 7 - Crop Walks, from 2pm to 7pm Starland County Crop 59th STREET LIQUOR STORE Tour, Location 4411 - 59 Street, Stettler 403-742-4540 to be deter~ Don’t forget to enter our monthly draw~ mined (403-772-3793) CARA 403-664-3777 Aug 8 & 9 - The Vat, Red Deer, AB TBA, 403-346-5636 Aug 10 - Rumsey Ride for Stars (Rain or Shine) Book Early & Save on 2015 cruises with American Queen Steamboat Company 10 - 12 p.m. from TL Bar Ranch - 16 km Some conditions apply. Contact us for more details. east of Trochu BOOK TODAY! on Hwy. 585 (follow the signs) Ernie 2010 Ltd. Goddard 403-368-2132 Aug 11 www.stettlertravel.com Alzheimer’s Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm Support Group.




Join us on Fridays for

Sail the Mighty Mississippi! Stettler Travel




August 27 - Ladies of Sunnybrook Farm Museum present Lunch at the Farm. 12 - 3 p.m. $10 for lunch. Drop-ins welcome but larger groups encouraged to reserve a seat. 403-340-3511 Sept 6 - Clive Village Wide Garage Sale. Contact Wanda at 403-782-2550

Fri - Mon, August 1- 3

at Burma Park Entry $25000 Dance $10 Entry Fee DJ Chris Cole

Contact: Kevin 403-575-5254 Kelsey 403-575-5246

Please send Community Events by fax to 403-578-2088 or by email to publisher@ ecareview.com for FREE LISTING (dependent upon space availability). The Review cannot guarantee events as listed, please check with the venue prior to attending.

Congratulations Cereal

Happy Centennial!

I look forward to serving you for many years to come! Bobby Miller Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager 403.358.1393 | bmiller@rbauction.com

Come join us for the

Village of Delia’s CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION August 2 & 3, 2014 So many things planned and so much to celebrate, Past & Present

ALL activities, displays, presentations are FREE: • Parade • Dances • Tours • Train Rides • Discovery Walks • Musicians & Buskers • Kids Games • Fireworks

Go to www.delia.ca/events/index or our facebook page (Village of Delia 2014 Centennial)

Breakfasts and suppers are available for purchase.

Don’t miss out on all the fun. See you there.

for more information or to pre-register.

Centennial & Homecoming Celebration August 1st registration, beer gardens, dance and BBQ August 2nd registration , parade, breakfast, lunch, BBQ supper, dance, beer gardens, fireworks and many other activities.

Join us In celebrating 100 Years

Home of the: • Railcar Museum • Train station museum • St. Edmunds Blue Church • McAlister Museum • Roundhouse & Elevator Interpretive Centers • Creation Science Museum Amenities include: • Full service campground For more information please contact Marj at 403-876-2444 or • Unique shopping and dining experiences Village Office at 403-876-2269 For more info/schedule of events visit www.villageofbigvalley.ca August 3rd church service, lunch, “The Party of the Century” supper and show featuring Lisa Hewitt and Last Resort (Eagles Tribute Band)

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