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REVIEW East Central Alberta

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Targeting East Central Alberta

Volume 102 No. 30

Your favourite source for news and entertainment in East Central Alberta, reaching 83 communities weekly


No Reasonable Offer Refused On ALL Precamped and Past Year Models

On July 17, 2013 (L - R) Faith Johnston, Jorja Johnston, Lucia Lindmark and Anna Lindmark learned how to make greeting cards at the ‘Summer Reading Program’ held at Coronation Memorial Library Wednesday afternoons.



Alliance News ...................................2 Coronation Council .........................3 Stettler Council................................3 Letters ................................................4 County of Paintearth .....................5 Parliament ........................................5 Hanna Council ..................................5 Real Estate/Homes .................... 8, 9 Agriculture ...................................... 10 Classifieds ................................... 11-14 Sports ..........................................15, 16

Youngstown Centennial Page 2

Exclusive Power Plus CVT. More Power, Less Downtime.

OPINION: Breath of fresh air

Dining & Entertainment Guide

Lowes Battle River Implements The Bargain Shop Food Town Stettler Sobeys

Page 4

Page 7

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2 J U LY



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

Youngstown’s oldest resident Laura Helsby Adams sat with her great grandchildren in the Powell Pumpkin float at the Village of Youngstown’s centennial celebration July 19 - 21. Seven hundred people registered for the weekend’s festivities but organizers estimate close to 1000 people showed up.

Village of Youngstown vibrant history In the winter of 1912 - 13, construction had begun on many business establishments and homes in Youngstown. By the 1920s the population had grown to over 700. Exceptionally dry years from 1929 to 1937 resulted in the closure of most businesses in town, as farmers moved to ‘greener pastures’. The population shrank to 100, and the town became a village. The Provincial Government, seeing the dire straits of the east

central portion of the prairies, amalgamated all the municipalities in a 50 mile radius of Youngstown under the Special Areas Act. The maintenance shops for the huge new jurisdiction were established just northeast of the village. The P.F.R.A. made its headquarters in Youngstown from 1946 - 1954 as it worked on the Red Deer River Diversion Program. The Pleasant View Home in Youngstown employed many workers and the community enjoyed population resurgence as

people moved to Youngstown for employment. The population remained at over 300 until recent years. Various factors have caused the village population to decline once more and the 2011 census showed an official population of 178. Yet, Youngstown has a lot to offer with its freedom, clean air, good water, reliable roads, school and churches, recreation facilities and friendly citizens. Youngstown remains a place of opportunity and hope.


R. and D. Laughlin family walkers took part in the parade July 20 at the Village of Youngstown’s centennial celebration.

Mobile Bone Densitometry Insight Medical Imaging will be offering Mobile Bone Densitometry services to:

Killam: July 23 - August 1 Wainwright: August 7 - 9 Provost: August 13 - 22 Stettler: August 27 - September 13 (approximate dates - subject to change) If you require testing for Osteoporosis Please contact your Physician’s office to obtain a referral

Picnic held indoors due to questionable weather Diane Dammann On Sunday, July 21 the United Church congregation held its annual picnic indoors because of the questionable weather. The Vacation Bible School started on Monday, July 22 and goes all week. All children are welcome. Denny and Laura Towers

celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary. There was a ‘Bullee Round Up’ reunion at Mike Bullee’s on July 13. A bus load of the family went to the concert at Castor. Among those attending were: Jim and Delores Bullee from Red Deer and Carol and Larry Jackson


from Blackfalds. George and Emma Bullee celebrated their wedding anniversary on July 19.

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Weekendphysician physician on-call schedule Weekend on-call schedule forfor thethe month of month of [insert month] 2009

August 2013

[INSERT DATE] [insert community] August 03, DATE] 04, & 05........................[insert Coronation On Call [INSERT community] [INSERT DATE] [insert community] August 10 & 11.......................................Castor On Call [INSERT DATE] [insert community]

August 17 & 18................................Coronation on Call Emergent Problems - can be assessed at Call August 24 &Medical 25....................................... Castor on the nearest hospital at any time. August 31, September 01 & 02 ...... Coronation On Call Emergent Medical Problems - can assessed at Urgent Medical Problems - can be be assessed at each the nearest hospital any or time. hospital at the timesatlisted at the on-call hospital. Urgent Medical Problems - can -be assessed at each Non Urgent Medical Problems patients should hospital at the times listed or at the on-call hospital. make an appointment during regular physician clinic hours. Non Urgent Medical Problems - patients should make an appointment during regular physician clinic Consort: 9:30 a.m. hours. Coronation: 11 a.m. Castor: 1 p.m.

Coronation: 11 a.m. Castor: 1 p.m. Important: Outpatients are advised to telephone the

hospital on-call prior to going there. to telephone the Important: Outpatients are advised hospital on-call prior to going there. ( (403)) 577-3555 Consort Coronation 578-3803 Coronation (403) (403) 578-3803 Castor (403) 882-3434 Castor (403) 882-3434





C O R O N AT I O N , A B . J U LY 2 5 ' 1 3



Town governed ‘improperly and irregularly’ Thirty-seven recommendations need attention Bethany Zacharias

ECA Review Reporter A ‘Municipal Inspections Report’ was presented to Coronation Town Council, administration, staff and the public on July 16, 2013 at the Lions Rec Center, which revealed the town had been governed in an improper and irregular manner. Improper because of councillor conduct and irregular because of contraventions to the Municipal Governance Act. On April 11, 2012 council made a motion, at the request of Mayor Elliott, to request the Minister of Alberta Municipal Affairs, Doug Griffiths, to review how council was doing its job. At the time this report was requested working relationships between councillors and administration had become strained. “Inappropriate behaviour, requesting recorded votes, taking sides on decisions and personal vendettas” were just some of the reasons why this review was conducted. The Alberta Government put out a tender for the work and Harold Johnsrude of Harold Johnsrude Consulting Inc. received the tender to conduct the municipal inspection report. Johnsrude extensively interviewed council members, the mayor, staff and the CAO to complete his report. He also had

complete access to the town’s records. In Johnsrude’s report he made 37 recommendations. Minister Griffiths reviewed Johnsrude’s recommendations and wrote several directives, which were presented to council and all those in attendance at the Lions Rec Centre on July 16. The Minister’s first immediate directive was for council to direct administration to publish the Town of Coronation’s inspection report on the town website and to provide printed copies of the report on request. Griffiths’s second directive was to have council and administration review section 203 of the Municipal Governance Act (MGA), which delegates council powers and the duties and functions of the CAO. In Johnsrude’s report, he said the council meeting minutes he reviewed provided strong evidence that council does not know its role. Johnsrude went on to say the lines between council and administration had been blurred and that council had “continually crossed the line into administration”. Johnsrude goes on to say that this created inefficiencies during council meetings and at the office of the CAO. In his third directive, Griffiths told council and administration to review section 180 of the MGA, which outlines the process used to assign councillor responsibility. Griffiths made this directive to ensure all actions made by council


ECA Reporter Employees and visitors to the Stettler Health Care Complex will likely find an unpleasant surprise under their windshield wiper if people continue to ignore parking restrictions. In a three to one decision, Stettler town councillors at their regular meeting on July 16, 2013 approved a motion to appoint Alberta Health Services Community Peace Officers to enforce parking on AHS properties by way of issuing warnings and tickets under the Town’s Traffic bylaw 1941-06. Councillor Al Campbell voted against the motion because he was concerned about passing by-law enforcement to a third party. Rob Stoutenberg, CAO told council the agreement includes a 90-day opt-out clause if the town is not comfortable with how AHS Peace Officers are administrating the by-law. The parking situation has become quite serious. Staff and visitors have been consistently parking in areas that are clearly marked handicap, dialysis only, fire lanes or no parking zones. Some areas which appear to be wide open spaces perfect for parking are actually required to ensure fire trucks have access to every phase of the building at all times. Revenue collected by the Town will be retained by the Town to offset the administrative costs of the program.

Tax collection The Town of Stettler said there is only $1.4 million in outstanding tax revenue or 5.5 per cent of the total. Of that amount, $1 million relates to

those who have chosen the tax payment plan.

Land trade

and the ‘Master Servicing’ study.

In response to internal disputes within council, Coronation Mayor Dawna Elliott requested on July 22 at the town’s council meeting that council consider and discuss enrolling in a Municipal Affairs dispute resolution program. “It’s a good beginning at resolving any differences,” said Elliott. An unanimous vote was needed for council to participate in a dispute resolution program. All councillors agreed to participate except Councillor Brigley. “Why do we need to enroll in a program when we can just sit down and talk about it?” asked Brigley of council. Council authorized the Communities in Bloom committee’s request to extend their walking path from the east side of Royal Street at the intersection with Imperial Avenue to the point where the sidewalk starts on the north side of the condos. Signage would be posted near or on the

In conjunction with a proposed new subdivision which received third reading on June 4, 2013, a motion was passed by council approving the closure of portions of Niblock Street, Prairie Avenue and Lakeview Avenue. These closures will provide access and vehicle parking areas to Alberta Prairie Steam Tours and the Stettler Regional Fire Department. An agreement on cost sharing and land swapping will be entered into between the Town of Stettler and Alberta Prairie Steam Tours before any work commences.

Public hearing Council has completed the subdivision and survey of a parcel of land located immediately south of the Coronation Community Hall. As part of the approval for the subdivision, it is required the Pearl Bell Memorial Garden in the south east corner of the new parcel be rezoned from ‘highway commercial’ district to ‘community service’ district. A public hearing is scheduled for August 12, 2013.

Albertans recycled over 1.8 billion beverage containers last year – more than ever before. Let’s continue to do something good for the environment, and make 2013 another record-breaking year.

13065DA0 13073DA0

Appointment Vicki Leuck was appointed for a one-year term as a member of the Stettler Public Library.

Joint Meeting A joint meeting of the County of Stettler and the Town of Stettler will be held on July 29, 2013 to discuss a number of areas that overlap their respective jurisdictions. These items include: recreation funding and challenges, airport operations, regional collaboration grant, physician/ physiotherapist recruitment

fence at Thornton Park to advise pedestrians of the start of the walking path. Council also approved the Communities in Bloom committee’s request to install “pedestrian crossing” signage at the point where the walking path would cross Royal Street north of the condos. It would cost the town approximately $250 to install pedestrian signage on either side of Royal Street.

Protect our environment.

Communities in Bloom The Communities in Bloom judges will visit Stettler on July 25 and 26. This year’s judges include Evelyn Alemanni, writer, web site designer, award winning gardener and artist from Escondido, California and Steve Preston whose career spans 30 years with the city of Brampton’s Parks and Recreation Department.

criteria to be discussed in private. In his fifth directive, Griffiths told council to develop and approve terms of reference for each council committee. In his sixth directive, Griffiths told the CAO, Sandra Kulyk to complete the update of the Health and Safety Policy and to make sure all managers and staff are familiar with contents of the updated policy. Finally, Griffiths directed council to provide to him a monthly report by the tenth day of each month until January 10, 2014 regarding the progress the town has made with respect to completing the directives. Directives 2 - 6 need to be completed by December 31, 2013.

Dispute resolution program defeated

Pedestrian signage

Health Centre parking violators beware Brenda Schimke

are appropriately authorized by resolution to ensure councillors are not acting on matters that are the responsibility of administration. In Griffiths’ fourth directive he told council to review section 197 of the MGA, which requires council and committee meetings to be conducted in public, subject to specific exemptions. Griffiths’ directed council to review their practices for in-camera meetings and to ensure that any matters discussed in future in-camera meetings meet the legislated conditions. In Johnsrude’s report he found 43 items in 2011 and 2012 that were discussed incamera did not meet the MGA eligibility

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4 J U LY



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

OPINION Breath of fresh air Brenda Schimke

ECA Review Editorialist The report is 80 pages long and the recommendations number 37. It’s a stinging rebuke of how the town of Coronation’s council has been performing their duties. The report authored by Harold Johnsrude Consulting Ltd., under the direction of Municipal Affairs, concluded that the Town had been “governed in an improper and irregular manner”. ‘Improper’ because of councillor conduct. ‘Irregular’ because there are numerous contraventions of the Municipal Government Act (MGA). The reviewer said there was strong evidence that council did not know their role and have spent too much time micro-managing-- consumed with ‘administrivia’ with emphasis on ‘trivia’—rather than strategic planning and building of cooperative relationships with other municipal partners and volunteers. But Coronation town councillors were also commended for requesting this review and for fully cooperating in all aspects of the inspection. The list of ‘thou shalt not do’ was lengthy. No more abuse of ‘in-camera’ privileges. Numerous examples of items discussed behind closed doors were highlighted, including budgets, which clearly contravened the MGA. The reviewer commented that it appeared conducting private conversations became habitual, which this newspaper can certainly attest to. As elected officials, they are responsible not for themselves but for the “whole”. Hiding away from the public and press coverage is for the private sector — not the taxpayer-funded public sector. Municipal elections are this October. For anyone seeking to run for elected office, and this applies to all elected boards, it is critical to start attending council/board meetings now. Potential candidates need to read, study and understand the legislative act that governs the body for which you intend to run. They need to know the difference between governance and administration. The learning curve is steep, start now. These jobs are not easy, they are not free-for-alls, or buddy parties. Strict rules of responsibility and conduct apply and transparency is absolutely critical. The Municipal Inspection Report on the town of Coronation is a great case study on everything that should not be done as an elected official. It must be mandatory reading for anyone seeking a Coronation council position this fall. In fact, it should be mandatory reading for all town residents as well. Indirectly they bear some of the responsibility for Coronation’s dismal report card. They are the ones who voted for the councillors in the first place, and they are the ones that should have attended enough council meetings over the past three years to know what was happening. It doesn’t take too many meetings to identify the group dynamics, the cliques, the bullies, the micro-managers, the team-players, the self-serving ones or those working for the public good. Knowing these things makes a citizen an informed voter. Much work needs to be done to improve the Coronation situation, but this report card is a great start. Now it will be encumbent upon the newly elected council to ensure that these 37 recommendations never collect dust, but become action items and a roadmap for proper procedures and behaviours in the future. As for the press, this report is a breath of fresh air. The enactment of these recommendations is being met with great anticipation that we will once again be better able to do our job of keeping the public well informed.


Canadian Taxpayers Federation calls for national referendum on abolishing the senate The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) called on Prime Minister Stephen Harper and all Parliamentarians to let Canadian voters decide the fate of the Senate in a national referendum during the next election. At a press conference in Ottawa, the CTF also unveiled its referendum mascot, a giant inflatable balloon resembling former Conservative Senator Mike Duffy clutching an enormous briefcase of money, while holding his hand out to Canadians and asking for more. “You’ve currently got senators under investigation by the RCMP for allegedly filling their pockets with taxpayer cash. You’ve got unelected Senators gutting legislation passed by the democratically elected House. And until Harper finally appointed enough Conservatives to form a majority, you had unelected opposition senators blocking the elected government’s legislation,” said CTF Federal Director Gregory Thomas. “It’s outrageous, in the 21st century, that unelected senators are able to get away with these things.”

Taxation destroys jobs Dear Editor, In a recent letter to the editor, Leon Benoit, MP Vegreville-Wainwright, was disputing comments about the job situation. Mr. Benoit used the phrase “job creation” several times as in “We’re proud to announce the creation of 36,000 jobs for Canadian youth through the program”. I would like to invite Mr. Benoit to return to his Reform Party principles of small government. The truth and reality regarding jobs and government is that governments destroy jobs. Any money that a government puts into jobs came from the private sector along with more money to run through a wasteful, inefficient bureaucracy. Taxation destroys more jobs than governments can try to replace. Governments cannot compete with the private sector in job creation. Robert McFadzean Vermilion, AB.

REVIEW East Central Alberta

Published by Coronation Review Limited

Subscriptions: $42.00 in Canada; $74.20 in US; $135.15 Overseas. (All prices include GST)

Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 4923 - Victoria Avenue Tel. (403) 578-4111 Fax (403) 578-2088 Mail: Box 70, Coronation, AB Canada, T0C 1C0

“Senate reform has largely been a failure,” said Thomas. “It’s time to let Canadians decide whether they even think the senate is worth keeping anymore.” “With two years until the next election, we’ve got the perfect opportunity to have a national debate followed by a national referendum on abolishing the senate,” continued Thomas. “If a majority of Canadians vote to get rid of the senate, then federal and provincial politicians will need to get with the program.” In the past, the CTF has taken the position of ‘elect or abolish’ the Canadian Senate, however CTF supporters have recently changed their tune. In a survey conducted in June, 65 per cent of CTF supporters favoured getting rid of the senate altogether, while 82 per cent approved of holding a national referendum and letting Canadian voters decide. Gregory Thomas, Federal Director Canadian Taxpayers Federation

LETTERS POLICY • Letters to the Editor are welcomed • Must be signed and a phone number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. • ECA Review reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. MEMBER OF:

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It’s a boy!

The much anticipated birth of the royal baby has finally arrived. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s son, whose name is still unknown to the public, is now third in line to the British Throne. The baby boy was born July 22 at 4:24 p.m. weighing eight pounds and six ounces.

JOYCE WEBSTER BRENDA SCHIMKE JULIE SCHROEDER PAMELA JOHNSON BETHANY ZACHARIAS Reception/Acctg Office/Web Mgr. Reporter/Photographer Publisher/Editor Journalist


Graphic Artist






C O R O N AT I O N , A B . J U LY 2 5 ' 1 3


Colour copies

New ‘Fire Permit by-law’ Bethany Zacharias

ECA Review Reporter The County of Paintearth passed a new ‘fire permit’ by-law Tuesday July 16, 2013, which includes definitions of what fires are permissible and what is exempted, who will enforce the rules of the by-law and what the repercussions are if not followed. “All of these rules were in practice before, but just not in by-law form” said county CAO Tarolyn Peach. “Basically, all this by-law does is reinforce the Forest and Prairie Protection Act,” said Peach. The new by-law allows a “fire guardian”, who has been appointed by the town and approved by the county and who will work under the supervision of a fire chief, the right to issue a fire permit unconditionally or conditionally and the right to suspend or

cancel a fire permit at any time. A fire permit is not required under this by-law for an incinerator fire--a fire confined within a noncombustible container or barrel with an opening, having a heavy gauge metal screen-- a barbecue or a camp fire. This by-law also does not apply to any industrial or commercial type incinerator that is required to be licensed under the Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. Anyone who does not hold a proper fire permit is liable to a fine of $200 for the first offence; a fine of $400 for the second offence; a fine of $1000 for the third offence and so on.

High River volunteer The County will send one of its municipal employees, along with a county truck, to High River to help with flood relief if this employee is called upon to volunteer.


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REVIEW East Central Alberta

Burma Park water well Organic material was found in the Burma Park water well. Council said this could be an indicator the well is drying up. On Thursday, July 18 the County sent water samples to a laboratory for testing to determine the longevity of the well.

4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation, AB • 403-578-4111

Taxes The County of Paintearth has collected 95 per cent of its tax levies to date. $646,000 in tax revenue still needs to be collected by the end of 2013.

By-law amendment The County is considering amending its Land Use by-law. They have decided to research ‘wind tower setbacks’ in other municipalities and plan to bring the findings forward to council before a public hearing is held in regards to amending the by-law.

Professional Directory Chapman and Co.

Hanna awards tender for paving program Bethany Zacharias

ECA Review Reporter

Sorenson gets cabinet seat As your Member of Parliament for Crowfoot, I have accepted the appointment by The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada to our Conservative Government’s Cabinet. I want everyone to know that I accepted this appointment on behalf of all of us in our Crowfoot Riding. We have worked hard for many years and we speak with a strong political voice. I renew my pledge to continue to work diligently on behalf of all my constituents and I now pledge to do the best I can in service to our nation as a Cabinet Minister. Our Conservative Government will continue to focus on creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity in all regions of the country. We have provided strong, stable government in a time of continuing economic uncertainty, kept taxes low, cut government spending and put our finances on a sustainable path. We are committed to balancing the federal budget by 2015. I am humbled by the great amount of trust and confidence that our Prime Minister has expressed for my work with this appointment. I am looking forward to fulfilling my new duties and working in my new leadership role with my colleagues in our Conservative National Caucus. As the Minister of State for Finance, I will be working closely with the Minister of Finance, The Honourable Jim Flaherty. Since the ceremony at Rideau Hall on July 15, I have been working in my new office at the Department of Finance about four blocks south of Parliament Hill. I am being briefed by many departmental officials on many files. In fact, I ‘hit the ground running’ by meeting the Finance

Ministers from all provinces and territories in a teleconference on my first day on the job. I will be the Minister of Finance’s voice in the House of Commons whenever the Minister of Finance himself is not in the House. I will be responding to the Opposition Parties during Question Period to finance-related questions. There are government bills to be ‘steered’ through the hearing process in the Chamber. Occasionally, I will be dispatched to appear in place of Canada’s Minister of Finance. My House of Commons office and my Crowfoot Constituency office will operate as usual. I will continue to work from these offices as my ‘base’. Many constituents will remember that in my earlier years as our elected federal representative, I was in the opposition ‘front benches’ as Critic for portfolios including: Solicitor General; Justice; Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. I am looking forward to this ‘higher profile’ position where I will be ‘stating our case’ and ‘setting the record straight’ when it comes to our Conservative Government’s actions to create jobs, grow our economy and prepare for Canada’s long term prosperity. Over 250 units Kevin Sorenson available for MP, Crowfoot ediate delivery!


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The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada and His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada with the new Minister of State (Finance) Kevin Sorenson, MP (Crowfoot) at the Swearing-in Ceremony, July 15, 2013.

Metro Paving and Road Building Ltd. was awarded the tender for the 2013 paving program in Hanna. The tender is for $600,069 plus $152,000 to cover contingency and engineering. Council had to amend its budget for the tender to include costs for contingency and engineering. The cost for the amendment will come out of operating reserves. Council also approved the Youth Club to install a small scale incline bouldering wall at Centennial Place in Hanna, Ab.

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6 J U LY



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

Air Canada to launch service in Red Deer Bethany Zacharias

ECA Review Reporter

These two creatures will soon find a new home at the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors Association in Calgary, AB. Taxidermy of the Timber Wolf and Dall Sheep were done by the late Steve Bagshaw, who owned Beaver Creek Taxidermy from 1983 - 2007. Rosh Bagshaw is donating her late husband’s work to the association for educational purposes and because she wanted her grandchildren to have a place to go and see their grandfather’s life’s work for years to come.

On July 10, 2013 Air Canada announced it would begin scheduled service to Red Deer, AB on September 3, 2013 with three daily flights from Red Deer Airport to Calgary. Flights will be operated by Air Georgian under the Air Canada Express brand, using 18-seat Beechcraft 1900D aircraft. This development means people in Central Alberta will be directly linked to Air Canada’s Calgary hub and, more broadly, the rest of the world. “Flights have been scheduled to enable easy connections to Air Canada’s

extensive domestic, U.S. and international network via Calgary,” said Marcel Forget, Air Canada’s Vice President of Network Planning. “This new step is a tremendous step in our continuing push to enhance business and leisure air travel opportunities for the residents of Central Alberta,” said Forget. Air Canada predicts this new service will be of great benefit to business and commerce in the area. Sample introductory one-way fares including all taxes from Red Deer are as follows: Vancouver- $188; Toronto- $227; Halifax- $334, Newark- $299; Los Angeles- $231.

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NEWS & PHOTOS to ECA Review fax: 403-578-2088 • email: office@ECAreview.com drop off: 4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation

Remember to identify all people in your photos.

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t n e m n i a t r e Guide t n E & g Dinin

C O R O N AT I O N , A B . J U LY 2 5 ' 1 3

Sept 4 - Provost Farmer’s Market, Wednesday evening market, 3 pm - 7 pm. Sept 4 - Sports, Recreation & Arts Expo, Drumheller, Ab. Sept 6 - Tour of Alberta Pro Cycling Festival, Start-Strathmore, Ab. Sept 6-8 - “Country Gospel in the Park” Blackfalds All Star Park, John 885-4867 Sept 8 - Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon, 10K & 5 K Family Fun Run, Drumheller, Ab. Please send Community Events by fax to 403-578-2088 or by email to publisher@ecareview.com for FREE LISTING (dependent upon space availability). The Review cannot guarantee events as listed, please check with the venue prior to attending.



The Vat is Red Deer’s premiere, awesome-ist, coolest, radical, all right live entertainment bar and night club where something is usually going on 7 days a week. From bigger name acts to local and Canadian entertainment, the Vat has something for everyone. JULY Tue, 13 - Northcote Thu, 25 - Weber Brothers Thu, 15 - West of Hell / Fri, 26 - Uncle Sid The Order of Chaos / Sat, 27 - TBA Leave the Living AUGUST Fri, 16 & Sat, 17 - TBA Fri, 23 - 3” of Blood / Thu, 1 - Wild T and the Spirit Stiker / Dissimilis Fri, 2 - Into Eternity / Sat, 24 - The Balconies / Untimely Demise / Path to Dusty Tucker / St Groove Extinction Fri, 30 - TBA Sat, 3 & Fri, 9 - TBA Sat, 31 - Brendon Kelly Sat, 10 - The Dirrty Show

Find Our Event Postings on Facebook @ “We Love The Vat”

403-346-5636 101 5301 43 St., Red Deer


Music M sic

Place of Blessing

c usi

July 24 - 27 - Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede, Grandstand Night Shows July 25 - The Vat, Red Deer, Ab., Weber Brothers, 403-3465636 July 26 - Provost Farmer’s Market, Regular Market, 10 am - 2 pm July 26 The Vat, Red Deer, Uncle Sid, 403-346-5636 July 26-28 - Yesterday’s Old Time Music Jamboree, Hanna Comm. Centre, call 403-854-4737 or 403-854-2433. July 26 - 27 - Castor & District Ag Society Family Rodeo, call Heidi 403-882-2353 July 27 - Busy Beaver Daycare Rodeo Bar-B-Q, 11 am - 3 pm, Castor Home Hardware July 27 - The Vat, Red Deer, Ab., Soul Jah Fyah, 403-346-5636 July 27 - Charity Auction & Garage Sale, Killam Memorial Arena July 28 - “Place of Blessing” Zinger Outdoor Stage, 1 pm, Call Allan 403-578-2189 July 28 - IMAC Modified, IMAC Stock Car & Hobby Show, Track Racing, Drumheller, Ab. July 29 - Blood Donor Clinic, Stettler, Ab. July 30 - Crop Production Services Castor & Czar Appreciation Day, 5-8 pm, Huber Dam July 31 - Entertainment in the Park, Jimmy Whiffin, Stettler, Ab. Aug 1 - Castor Farmers Market, 10 am - 2 pm, Community Hall, lunch, prize draw. Aug 1 - The Vat, Red Deer, Wild T and the Spirit, 403-346-5636 Aug 2 - Provost Farmer’s Market, Regular Market, 10am - 2pm Aug 2- 4 - Motor-Cross Bike Races, Drumheller, Ab. 1013 AMSA Race Aug 2 - The Vat, Red Deer, Into Eternity/Untimely Demise/ Path to Extinction. Aug 2 - Oyen 100th Anniversary Celebration Aug 2 - Dinosaur Downs Chuckwagon Races, three day event, Drumheller, Ab. August 2 - 4 - Oyen Centennial Celebration, parade, baseball, visiting, etc. Pre-register & info Town Office, 403-6643511.

Aug 3 - 4 - Tees 38th Annual Rodeo, 12 noon, slack 5 pm. Call 403-747-2928 Aug 6 - Dupont Pioneer Summer Field Tour, 2 pm, call 403578-8185, Maureen Aug 7 - Provost Farmer’s Market, evening market 3 pm - 7 pm. Aug 7 - Entertainment in the Park-Erin Ross, Stettler Ab. Aug 7 - Eckankar Canada in Alberta Community HU Song, Red Deer Public Library, 7-7:30 pm, first Wed. of each month. Aug 9 - 10 - 15th Annual Elnora Brahma Rama, Bulls & Bikes, family dance, supper. Aug 9 - 11 - Stettler Barrel Series, Stettler, Ab. Aug 10 - The Vat, Red Deer, The Dirrty Show, 403-346-5636. Aug 10 - “Celebrate Your Rural Roots” Tradeshow, 9 am - 5 pm, Lougheed Arena, Call 780-384-4129. Aug 11 - Stettler’s Annual Triathlon, Stettler, Ab. Aug 13 - Heart & Stroke Big Bike Ride, Drumheller, Ab. Aug 14 - Entertainment in the Park-Mary Lambert, Stettler, Ab. Aug 13 - The Vat, Red Deer, Northcote, 403-346-5636 Aug 15 - The Vat, Red Deer, West of Hell/The Order of Chaos/ Leave the Living, 403-346-5636 Aug. 16-17 - Theresetta Catholic School 100 Year Anniversary. Aug 16 - Provost Farmer’s Market, Regular Market, 10 am - 2 pm Aug 18 - 24 - Black Elk Hockey Camp, Killam Day Camp, Charlene 780-385-3977 Aug 21 - Movie in the Park, Sedgewick Public School Grounds. Aug 21 - Entertainment in the Park-Genuine Cowgirls, Stettler, Ab. Aug 23 - Provost Farmer’s Market 10 am - 2 pm Aug 23 - The Vat, Red Deer, 3”of Blood/Stiker/Dissimillis, 403-346-5636 Aug 23 - 25 - High School Rodeo, Stettler, Ab. Aug 23 - 25 - Hanna Summer Slow-Pitch Showdown, Hanna Triplex, Call Sam 403-857-9942, Janice 403-854-1430 Aug 26 - Blood Donor Clinic, Stettler, Ab. Aug 28 - Entertainment in the Park-Steve Arsenault, Stettler, Ab. Aug 29 - A & W Cruisin for the Cure, $1 from every teen burger benefit MS Society, Drumheller, Ab. Aug 30 - Provost Farmer’s Market, 10 am - 2 pm.



Highway #872

Sunday, July 28 - 1 pm Coronation - Zinger Outdoor Stage (Bring Lawn Chairs) (Inclement weather - in the Music Barn)

Would you like to participate? Call Allan Zinger 403-578-2189 Claud Zinger 403-578-3956 • Everyone Welcome •

• Barbeque to Follow •


Cooler Sale Just in time for the August Long Weekend

Wainwright Liquor & Cold Beer Store Ltd. 1206 Main Street, Wainwright, AB

(780) 842-5752

Stettler Hotel revamped under new management Bethany Zacharias

ECA Review At one point in time the Stettler Hotel was the place to be . . . but over the past decades its popularity has dwindled out with people in the community. That’s until Kimberly Ko purchased the hotel in early June of 2013 in hopes of building it back up to what it once was. Aesthetics wise, Ko won’t stray far from the old make and design of the building. “It has been around since the 1930’s,” said Ko. “It’s important to me to keep the feel of the hotel authentic.” Ko, who is a classical trained pianist, says she is going to merge the worlds of

new and old when it comes to entertainment. For those with a more classical taste, Ko plans to host an event in the hotel’s ‘Piano Bar’ Saturday afternoons where guests are invited to share their talents on the piano or to sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds around them. In the beginning of August Ko will host ‘Karaoke’ nights for people wanting to belt out their favorite tune and ‘Open Mic’ nights for young musicians wanting to jam and perform. “I think our vision is perfect for the hotel,” said Ko. “We are excited to get it back to the happening place it once was.” Advertorial

August 3 & 4 at 12 Noon Slack Aug. 2 at 5 pm (Free Admission) Sanctioned by Central Alberta Rodeo Association • Sponsored by The Tess Ag. Society

Rodeo Admission Entries August 2 - No Charge

Wed., July 24: 4-10 pm phone 403-747-2928 Money added in Saddle Bronc & Bareback with a Two Head Average

August 3 & 4 Adults $10 Ages 7-12 $5 6 & under Free

38th Anniversary Wild Ride Beer Gardens Live Bands all Weekend! Friday - DJ - No Charge Saturday - Jordan Doell - $10 Cover Sunday - Coal Creek Boys - $5 Cover

Sat. & Sun. Evening Quarter Mile Stock Horse Race - Pony Express Races We Pay You to Race!! To enter 403-747-2928

Concessions On Site - Lots of Free Camping For Info. 403-747-2928

8 J U LY



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


The latest trends in paint colours Are you wondering what the latest color trends are in interior decorating? If so, here’s what’s new: mixing warm and cold tones will be all the rage in 2013-2014,

a combination that will bring newfound freedom to how we harmonize colors. Here is a brief update for those who like to keep their home décor in synch with the top trends. The dramatic trend for the coming months will see yellow and blue adorning our walls. These two dynamic colours are often used in interior decorating; in fact yellow, which made an initial comeback in 2012, will continue to lend radiance to our homes in 2014. If you want to create a designer look, choose a lemon yellow combined with dark grey and black. Alternatively, mustard or honey yellow will be popular as well; blended with the reddish tones of walnut or mahogany furniture or with winecoloured accessories, these tones are sure to please. After the joyful tones of yellow come the blues to warm our hearts. Often considered a cold colour, shades like lavender blue, duck egg blue, royal blue, and periwinkle will blend perfectly with strong, saturated colours such as red, pink, or yellow. The spearhead of this latest trend is navy blue, which blends perfectly with off-whites and luminous greys to transform architectural features such as chimneypieces, staircases, or headboards.

Beautiful 2 Bedroom 1406 sq. ft. Condo in the Coronation Condo Complex, Coronation, AB Built in 2008 this home is on the 2nd floor and is a corner unit overlooking the 9th hole of the Coronation Golf course. Some of the features are Custom cabinets, Jacuzzi tub in the main bath, Large walk in closet and ensuite in the master bedroom. Large laundry room, Murphy bed in 2nd bedroom. The complex itself offers an elevator, under building heated parking, exercise and games room with kitchenette for those family get togethers. If your looking for the quiet life here it is. Give Dallas a call today and come have a look at this beautifully kept home you will be glad you did.

Price $259,900.00

Colour copies Now Available

REVIEW East Central Alberta

4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation, AB • 403-578-4111

The top two “in” colours of the season: curry yellow and duck egg blue.

Walls that dare Boring, flat walls, be gone! Wallpaper, ceramic, decorative stone, and wood are the textures are in the spotlight these days.

transforms the room into a perfect setting for all your treasures.

CERAMIC To create intrigue and dimension, the very latest ceramic wall tiles are three-dimensional; their sculpted surfaces and whimsical shapes, such as weaves, knots, and seashells, interact with the light in the room. Attractive and affordable, they will truly change the way you see your walls. Ceramic tiles imitating stainless steel mosaics are also available.

WALLPAPER Today’s wallpapers imitate an infinite number of textures, ranging from carbon fibre with a padded look to natural materials such as brick, leather, wood, and even wool. Trompe l’oeil wallpaper can imitate bookshelves or paintings, creating an optical illusion of depth, or they can display a nature theme, with enormous colourful patterns that instantly brighten a room. For a flawless classical look, wallpaper made of fibres



• 10 Park Lane Cres., Coronation, AB - 3 bedroom, 2 ful bath, 1997 Triple E single wide in quiet crescent. $79,900 MLS#CA0019018

DECORATIVE STONE Decorative stone adds texture to interior walls, is not as costly as brickwork, and is easier to lay. It is also surprisingly realistic; when laid vertically, it creates a dynamic look.


• 4509 54 Ave, Castor, AB - Property zoned modular home residential, but the house is still standing, could be refurbished. $35,000 MLS#CA0018345


A textured wall creates a spectacular effect.

Wood comes in many different forms. Consumers can choose vertical, horizontal, or diagonal wall-to-wall panelling for classic elegance or daring, undulating panels for a fresh new look. It’s even possible to lay a floating floor on a wall! So, who said staring at the wall was boring?

• 5105 52 Ave, Castor, AB - 4 bedroom, 2 full bath, 1250 sq. ft. house backing up to the peacefull Castor ‘donut’ area. $130,000 MLS#CA0018268

• 5102 52 ST, Castor 1997, Triple E 16x76 mobile. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. $115,000 MLS#CA0017942 Gwen Lee gsells4u@telus.net

landmark realty An Independent member broker

Vacant Lot, Red Willow, Main Street ..................................................... $8,000 1.5 Story, Stettler, Many Upgrades .........................................$340,000 Lakefront, Pelican Point, Yr. Rnd Bungalow ..................................... $585,000 Hillside Bungalow, Pelican Point, Yr. Rnd .........................................................$500,000 Bungalow, Big Valley, Two lots........................................................ $165,000 Heritage Home, Big Valley, Many Upgrades .......................................... $169,000

Lynn Engel lynneng@telus.net

Bungalow, Castor, Close to Hosp ...............................................$89,000 2 Story, Stettler, 5.12 Acre Hobby Farm.............................. $309,000 2 Story, Stettler, Investment Opportunity ........................ $225,000 2 Story, Red Willow, Heritage Home.......................................... $225,000 2 Story, Castor, Unique Barn Style .................................... $260,000 Bi-Level, Halkirk, High-end Finishes, Furnished ................$275,000

Helping you make informed decisions 5010-50 St, Stettler, AB • 403-742-4080 www.suttonlandmarkrealty.com


• 5109 50 St. Castor - 4 bedroom,2 bathroom beautiful heritage home, perfect for a family. $99,000 MLS#CA0017033

• 4614 45 St., Castor 1970 sq ft of finished living space with 1640 on main level. 3 beds, 2 baths. 22x24 garage. $150,000 MLS#CA0012403


• 38317 RNG RD 160, Paintearth County - 11 ac., just off pavement, east of Halkirk. 1200 sq.ft, 2+2 bungalow with 2 bath-

Gordon “Hoss” Nichols 882-HOSS (4677) MLS Realtor

Basil Nichols 403-323-0365 MLS Realtor

rooms, 2-2x4 offset exterior walls, styrofoam insulated concrete basement walls, newer furnace & triple glazed windows. $315,000 MLS#CA0016250

• 2.81 ac south of Castor 1424 sq.ft bungalow, 3 beds up 1 bed downstairs, 2 bathrooms. $159,000 MLS#CA327375 • 5009 49 AVE., Castor Looking For A Turn Key Paint And Body Shop?? This 2005 40’ x 60’ metal clad shop & office with parts • 4306 49 Ave. Castor - loft is located on the truck route only 733 sq ft, 1 bed, 1 bath, spacious one block off Castor main street. kitchen with lots of cupboards, $260,000 MLS#CA327448 master bedroom with a large stor- • 5031 48 St., Consort - 2 bedage room. $89,900 REDUCED room, 1 bath, older home on corner lot, heated garage/shop. $55,000 to $69,900 MLS#CA308138

• 5130 52 St., Castor - 769 sq. ft., 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom bungalow. $59,000 REDUCED to $54,000 MLS#CA318629

• 5021 50 Ave, Castor 5000 sq. ft. brick and wood building on main street $85,000 MLS#CA320287

• 5126 52 St., Castor 1990 Triple E 16’ X 80’, 3 bed, 2 bath trailer on 5 lots. REDUCED TO $110,000 MLS#CA324045

• 5218 49 St. Castor - 2 bedrooms up & 1 down with a 4 piece bath up and a 3 piece bathroom downstairs. The basement is completely finished. $129,000 MLS# CA0017236

• Near Castor - 16.75 acres, overlooks Castor Creek, near the K to 12 School. Potential to subdivide. $400,000 MLS#286941 • 108 Lucknow St., Veteran - CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home. REDUCED TO $69,900 MLS#CA324846 • 5509 51 St., Castor 1730 sq.ft. 3 bedroom, 3 bath, storey & half on 71’ x 250’ lot. $169,900 MLS#CA326132

MLS#CA0002636 • 5201 50 St, Castor - 1972 house, 3 bed, 2 and half bath, 1464 sq ft., corner lot, single attached garage, work shop REDUCED $149,000 $139,900 MLS# CA0003164 • 41011 RANGE ROAD 130 3 bed, 4 bath, bungalow on 12 acres in County of Flagstaff. Quonset, barn & shop. REDUCED $589,000 $499,900 MLS#CA0003175 • 159 acres on Hwy 599, 11 m. from Coronation - 5 bedroom bungalow, single detached garage, 32’x48’ heated shop. includes a quarter section with SLR revenue of $3500. Corrals, stock waterers, several barns and sheds. $350,000 MLS#CA0005274 • 4802 50 Ave., Castor - 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with open kitchen and dining design and sunken living room. $69,000 MLS#CA0005436 • 5002 54A St., Castor - 3 bed, 2- 3 piece baths, 4 appliances. Lots of changes in the last two years. *ONLY THE TRAILER IS FOR SALE* Lot rent is 250/month, expenses approx 100 mo. $21,500 MLS#CA0008080 • 5105 51 St., Castor, - 1953 storey and a half 966 sq ft home, loads of upgrades. 8x17 addition is entrance and storage. $75,000 MLS#CA0008300

• 5112 52 Ave., Consort - 4 bed, 3 bath, 1997 sq.ft bungalow. REDUCED TO $385,000 MLS#CA0009859 • 5317 Norfolk Ave, Coronation, AB - Spacious 4 bed (2 up, 2 down) with 2 baths and main floor laundry room. $210,000 MLS#CA0011015 • 5102 46 St., Castor - two bed, one bath 852 sq ft home $59,900 MLS#CA0011022

• 5106 52 St., Castor - Looking for revenue property? Cozy two bedroom, full bath bungalow close to schools, shopping. $69,500 MLS#CA0011839 • 4625 Westminster Ave, Coronation - 1260 sq ft five bedroom, three bathroom home has a lot of potential. $109,000 MLS#CA0012203

• 4529 44 St., Castor - 3 bed-

room, 1 bath storey and half on corner lot. Single attached garage. $79,000 MLS#CA0014179 • 4502 45 St, Castor - 1340 sq. ft. stucco home built in 1974. Located across from the 9th tee off box of the Castor Golf Club. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. $299,900 MLS#CA0014243 • 5117 Norfolk Ave., Coronation - LOOKING FOR A PROJECT HOUSE??? 3 bed, 1 bath 1352 sq.ft bungalow on 75’ x 115’ lot. Needs extensive work. REDUCED $24,900 $22,000 MLS#CA0015272 • 5202 48 St., Castor - 1183 sq.ft. bungalow, 2 bedrooms & 1 4piece bath upstairs & 1 bedroom with a 3- piece bath in the basement. $144,900 MLS#CA0015501 • 112 Sir Galahad St, Galahad - currently under extensive renovations. In the past, it was a large grocery store in Galahad, but the seller started to design & construct his home with the large 4140 sq.ft of space.$95,000 MLS#CA0015517 • 22 ac parcel on Hwy #12 in County of Paintearth - Bare piece of land is located along highway #12 between Castor and Halkirk, Great potential for someone to build a yard site, have a nice sized acreage or a place to put the horse with Highway access. $44,900 MLS#CA0015766 • 201 2 AVE. E, Hanna 1914, three bedroom, one bath, gorgeous wood doors, trim and hardwood, all original, 1252 sq ft on one floor. $74,900 MLS#CA0016034 • 16452 TWP RD 390, Stettler County - 2 storey stone home is rich is character, 16’ thick walls and older hardwood floors thoughout, 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms. 48’ x 48’ butler building included on 6.67 ac. $299,000 MLS#0016408 • 107 Balaclava St., Veteran - 1629 sq.ft 3 level split, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, on a 50’ x 115’ lot. $160,00 MLS#CA0016418 • 5001 54 St., Castor - 1944 church with extreme facelift, 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. $224,900 MLS#CA0016779

Thinking of Selling Land via Auction? Give us a Call to Get Started see all our listings at




Falling in love with white White is making a huge comeback in interior decorating. This trend is not entirely sur prising, considering the wide range of different tones which blend perfectly with any type of dĂŠcor. Surprisingly enough, white is never really white; it comes tinted lightly, or not so lightly, to produce various effects. Emerging trends are dominated by its subtle nuances and, when it includes more colour, it provides a light and pleasing complementary touch. Warm whites tinted with ochre or brown are perfect for creating a friendly, cozy atmosphere. This year, whites also come in shades of yellow, red, and orange for creating warm dĂŠcors. Whites tinted with


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blue or gray are particularly popular for blending with today’s fashionable colour schemes in which blue is a predominant colour. When choosing white paint, compare the paint chip with a sheet of pure white paper in order to determine the exact shade. To select the shade of white which will harmonize best with your dÊcor, professionals recommend testing paint samples in the natural light of the room. Test the colour close to furniture, objects, and other important elements. When associated with neutral tones, such as taupe or beige, white creates a gentle, peaceful atmosphere. On the other hand, it becomes fresh and dynamic when combined with bright colours. Synonymous with purity, cleanliness, and softness, white enhances furniture, accessories, and paintings. It also improves by being combined with quality materials such as metal and lacquered wood for a mo dern style or wicker and natural wood for a more rustic look.

Warm whites tinted with ochre or brown are perfect for creating a friendly, cozy atmosphere.

C O R O N AT I O N , A B . J U LY 2 5 ' 1 3

* Some conditions, admin, other fees and taxes beyond the electricity rate also apply. †You can switch between fixed and floating rates once per month either online or by contacting ENMAX Energy at 310-2010. If you change plans, your new rate will become effective immediately. You can only change to a rate which is available at the time you elect to switch. ‥ Some conditions apply. No cash value. Subject to EasyMaxŽ Terms and Conditions. When you purchase gas and electricity together from ENMAX Energy, you will earn EasyMax RewardsŽ Dollars accruing at the rate posted on enmax.com from time to time, which amount will be applied to your bill from ENMAX Energy at the frequency you request or toward other option(s) that will be available from time to time. If or when the EasyMax RewardsŽ program is cancelled, you may receive less than 100 EasyMax RewardsŽ Dollars that year. Full details are available at www.enmax.com/easymaxtandc or by calling 310-2010 (toll free in Alberta). Ž and ™ ENMAX Corporation

10 J U L Y



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


Disability and liability insurance for farmers Agri-News It only takes a second – a slip on ice, a moment of distraction around moving machinery or unpredictable livestock, and suddenly you or one of your valued employees is injured and unable to work. It might be weeks or months before you or your employee is mobile again. Do you have a plan? “For self-employed farm owners, it is important to give careful thought to insurance options for disability and liability,” says Laurel Aitken, farm safety coordinator with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. “Those who don’t are taking a huge financial risk.” Aitken suggests farmers consider the following questions: • Do I have an emergency fund? • Can I continue to pay the wages of the employee who’s injured and to hire a replacement? • Can I afford to hire a lawyer if I am sued by a third party for injuries sustained? A good business risk management plan considers the costs associated with incidents involving disability and liability. Fortunately, insurance is available to help farmers mitigate these risks. There are several options for farmers looking to protect their business and provide income in the unfortunate case of illness or injury. The Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is a provincially-managed system with

to ECA Review fax: 403-578-2088 email: office@ECAreview.com drop off: 4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation Remember to identify all people in your photos.

Good Fences Make Good Neighbours! • Oilfield • Commercial • Residential • Farm Fencing • Barbed wire • Wood • Vinyl • Chain Link

for employees. Employer’s liability insurance provides coverage for an employee injured on the job. In order for coverage to respond, the injured employee must sue the employer for their injuries. The coverage is usually quite limited so an employer could end up responsible for any court ordered payment in excess of the insured coverage. Aitken advises farm owners to check with both their life insurance and farm property insurance providers to ensure that they have the appropriate coverage. She adds, “Particularly those who hire seasonal or full time workers should ensure coverage is in place for these valued employees.” Risk management is an important part of any business plan. Having the right insurance in place could save your business and the livelihood of valued employees who could otherwise be without a source of income due to injuries sustained on the farm. For further information on workers’ compensation coverage for Alberta farms go to wcb.ab.ca or call WCB’s Employer Account Services toll free at 1-866-922-9221. For more information on farm safety, visit www1.agric.gov. ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/ all/aet623

Summer Field Tour

• Page Wire • Rail Fence • Corrals • Fence Installation • Removal • Rentals

check us out online www.ECAreview.com

Verle Klassen Ph 403-741-4483 • Fax 403-742-4560


Castor & Czar

APPRECIATION DAY Thurs., July 30 at Huber Dam 5-8 pm Supper & Door Prizes Company reps in attendance Bring a lawn chair and your appetite

RSVP BY MON., JULY 24 AT 403-882-4271



Fax, email or drop off your


three basic objectives: • To provide income to the injured worker and access to medical and rehabilitation services as necessary. • To protect the employer and employees from liability claims in civil court by an injured worker. • To provide collective liability. This means all employers within an industry classification collectively assume the liability for the injury claims in their sector. Workers’ compensation is available on a voluntary basis for farm owners and their workers on Alberta farms. It is available as year-round or temporary coverage, depending on the need, and provides no-fault protection from the expense of a court case for both parties. Commercial Insurance from private insurance companies offer various types of protection based on a variety of factors specific to each farm operator: Disability insurance provides benefits to the injured individual upon satisfactory acceptance of the nature and circumstances of the claim. This insurance is often purchased as part of an employee benefits package. Liability insurance provides the farm owner with protection from claims of liability for the occurrence of bodily injury or property damage to a third party. This does not include coverage




Tuesday, August 6, 2013

of Camrose, Alberta

2 pm starting at Derold & Maureen Black Farm

Saturday, August 10, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.

Agenda: Corn Silage Trial Weed management Systems in Canola Pioneer Protector Traits Supper - Beef on a Bun - at 5 pm at Burma Park

Please RSVP by July 30, 2013 For more info., Maureen Black at: 403.578.8185

Since 1981

We buy all types of feed grain: • Barley • Wheat • Oats •Rye • Triticale • Peas • Canola • Heated Canola or Other Damaged Grains

Toll Free 1.888.882.7803 Lacombe, AB

Bruce’s Bale Hauling Self loading/ unloading, 17 or 34 bale loads Alix, AB ph. 403-747-2223 cell. 403-391-8252

Located: From Camrose, go 1 km east on Hwy 26, then 3.5 km north on Range Road 200. Gate address is 47216 Range Road 200. After 57 years of masonry contracting, Finley Masonry is downsizing to do residential work. Wayne has looked after his equipment and tools very well. Previewing of sale starts Wednesday, August 7 up until sale time.

SKIDSTEER and ATTACHMENTS • 2007 Gehl 4840 Series E skidsteer c/w 70” bucket, 350 hr. at booking, 60 hp, heated cab, hand and foot controls, aux. hyd., one owner (The skidsteer was only used for personal use around the acreage), vg cond. • 6’ Conterra hyd. angle snow blade • Hyd. posthole auger, 8”, bucket mt TELEHANDLER and FORKLIFT • Gehl 553 Rough Terrain telehandler, 1905 hr. at booking, diesel, 6000 lb, 36’ lift, 4x4, 60” forks, 4-way steer, new tires, heated cab, vg cond. • Massey Ferguson 2500 forklift, 21’ lift, sideshift, gas, owned by Co. since new • 10’ man basket, OSHA approved TRAILERS • 2006 14’ Travalong hyd. dump trailer, 15,556 lb GVW, ramps • 2011 18’ Double A Trailers TA car hauler, 7000 lb axles, flip down ramps, exc. cond. • 6’ SA utility trailer with ramp tailgate, newer QUAD and ACCESSORIES • 2007 Suzuki 400 Eiger, 4x4, only 60 km, winch, one owner, exc. cond. • Quadivator cultivator • 5’ Agri-Fab tilt dump trailer • Quad ramps, like new • Quad gun scabbard SCAFFOLDING • 48 - 5’ scaffold, newer • 100 - 7’ scaffold braces, six 2’ anti-sway braces, all newer

• 40 - 2’ scaffold walking hangers, newer • 22 - 6-1/2’ walk through scaffold with steel rack, older • 24 - 6-1/2’ walk through scaffold with steel rack, newer • 40 steel screw jacks • 100 - 2”x10”x16’ rough planks • 50 - 2”x10”x9’ rough planks MASONRY EQUIPMENT • Two Monarch 1/3 cu. yd. elec. concrete mixers • Monarch 1/2 cu. yd. gas concrete mixer • Monarch elec. mud mixer • Four 14” masonry table saws, 3/4 hp elec. motors, c/w water pumps (two Clipper and two Target) • 5-Ton hyd. stone splitter • Seven new Hoyme power dampers for masonry chimneys • Three molded mud tubs • 12 brick tongs • Seven 100 lb propane bottles, all newer valves • Two 24’x24’ insulated tarps, 18 - 12’x20’ insulated tarps, quantity of regular tarps • Concrete bull float, quantity concrete trowels TOOLS • Hilti TE 60 demolition hammer drill • Hilti TE 25 hammer drill • Hilti DX 350 gun • Hilti TE 14 and TE 15 hammer drills • Skil demolition hammer drill • Partner K700 14” gas cut off saw • Shindaiwa EC 7600 14” gas cut off saw • Bostitch and Prime soffit staplers

• • • • •

Dewalt air compressor, Bosch mitre saw Kodiak 5500W generator ShurLift 5 spd drill press 4’ Renegade job box, like new Hilti drills, skill saws, saws-all, quickie saws • Bolt bin c/w contents • Four 4’x6’ HD shop shelving units • Oxy/Acetylene outfit c/w tanks, quantity of oxy/acetylene gauges, torches, etc. • Three 100’ heavy gauge ext. cords, quantity of ext. cords • Westward 3/4” socket set, air tank, air nailer hose, 14’x20’ rubber tarp, chains and boomers • 4 hp Honda motor BRICK and ROCK PRODUCTS • 800 red Flashed Titan brick • 250 Kitsalano Heritage Titan brick • 200 Queenston Titan brick • 255 black Valour brick • 480 Rose brick • 400 Cinnamon brick • 1600 Kitsalano Heritage Kingsize brick • 250 Kootenay brown Cant starter brick • Twelve 30”x30” patio blocks • Quantity of boxes Eldorado and Harris stone, 170 sq ft Utah Kodiak stone, 100 sq ft Tindle stone • 120 pieces of 8” and 10” 4 rib block • Fourteen 8”x8” and six 8”x12” chimney flues • 64 Weck 8”x4” glass block PLUS a large quantity of brick, stone and blocks from 40+ years of masonry work. See a full list and pictures on our website.

MISCELLANEOUS 10’x16’ horse shelter Toro 5hp snow blower Two Craftsman rototillers 24’ fibreglass ext. ladder, 14’/12’/8’ fibreglass step ladders • Two stackable concrete barricades, 2’x2’x4’ • 150 gal and 55 gal poly water tanks • Jiffy 8” ice auger • Slip tank c/w pump, 300 gal fuel tank • Quantity of wheelbarrows • Calf sled, saw horses, 6 steel barrels, microwave, 16-1/2” 8 bolt tire and rim AUCTIONEER’S NOTE NOTE: The previewing of sale starts Wed., August 7 up until sale time. • • • •

The above listing is a guide only. All goods are sold on an “as is”, “where is” basis and any description, verbal or in advertising, of goods is set out or offered as a guide only. Doug Johnson Auction Service Ltd. accepts no responsibility for errors in description, it being the responsibility of prospective buyers to inspect the goods before the sale and satisfy themselves as to condition, age, authenticity, make or model. This list is subject to additions and deletions. Doug Johnson Auction Service Ltd. will not be responsible for accidents, damage or loss. All sales are final. GST will apply on some items. Payment in full on sale day. Arrangements must be made 48 hours prior to the sale for cell phone and absentee bidding.

For more information, contact Wayne Finley at 780-281-0906.

View full listing and pictures at www.dougjohnsonauctionservice.com

Sale Conducted By

DOUG JOHNSON AUCTION SERVICE LTD. Camrose, AB • License #334038 • Phone 780-672-1105

ECA review

Ph. 403-578-4111 • Fax. 403-578-2088 Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). Reach 24,700 homes with your classified. This includes For Sale, For Rent, Card of Thanks, Coming Events, etc. Payment Necessary All Classified Ads are on a Cash Only basis and must be prepaid before running. There will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. We accept cash, cheque, VISA or MC. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. The Review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads All classified ads must be received by 5 p.m. on Mondays preceding publication. For Too Late To Classifieds ad must be received by 10 a.m. Tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to Box 70, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0.

Real Estate

MOTEL for sale in Youngstown, $249,000. 12 Rms, 5 acres of land, lots of potential. 2 bdrm manager’s suite, All rooms air condition, t.v’s, fridge & microwave. Great location. Only motel in area. Call Dave 403-472-1000 or email davelombsar@ hotmail.com ELINOR Lake Resort. 2.5 hours NE of Edmonton. All fully serviced lake lots reduced by 25% until July 31, 2013. Suitable for RV/ cabin/house or investment. Unserviced lots available for lease. Call 1-877-623-3990; www.elinorlakeresort. com.

Mobile Homes

TWO only, immediate delivery. 20 X 76, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, four appliances, hardwood cabinets. Delivered for $109,900.; www. sshomes.ca. 1-877887-2254. HOMES, cottages & more. RTMI - Ready to Move in. Call 1-888733-1411; rtmihomes. com. Red Tag Sale on now! OUR best selling Anchorage plan is only $129,900! 20’x76’ with arctic insulation package, oval soaker tub and stainless steel appliances. August delivery still available. www.jandelhomes. com. DARE to compare! Dynamic Homes absolutely guarantees the lowest price/best service on SRI Homes in 3 provinces. 30 years experience. Why pay more? 20’ X 76’ from $99,800 delivered (100 miles). 1-877341-4422. Visit us: www.dynamicmodular. ca. GRANDVIEW Modular Homes now open in Red Deer & Airdrie! Showcasing high-end homes from Grandeur Housing and Palm Harbor Homes. Inquire about opening specials; www.grandviewmodular.com; 1-855347-0417; 7925B - 50 Ave., Red Deer.


ATTENTION Collectors. I have for sale many plates from Bradford Exchange and Franklin Mint, mostly horses, also collection of many thimbles and horse ornaments. Phone 780-753-2843 day or evening.

Ribstone Creek Accounting Solutions

Lois Rodvang 403-578-3295

Certified QuickBooks Specialist



FORD Raptor 2012. Fully loaded, leather interior, light bar & fog light package, Magnaflow Cold air intake/performance exhaust, spray in boxliner, trifold cover. 55,786 km. Excellent condition. $46,900. o.b.o. Call 780-4367730.


NEVER been used. 2009 Pioneer 230 FQ Travel Trailer, 23 ft. fully loaded, no slide. Bedroom with queen in front, full bath in back, hitch included. 403664-1738

Specializing in monthly accounting for farms and small business

Trailer Repair

I WILL be @ Oyen Farmer’s Market Thurs., Aug 2 with the book, “Corridor #9 & The Goose”, a centennial keepsake. Greta Hogg 2006 Honda CR 85 dirt bike. New back sprocket, bearings and chain last year. Runs well. Good condition, $1800. Call Gene 403664-2792. SASKATOON U-PICK - mid July - mid Aug.. Phone for pick times or to order. 780-8562121, 780-888-1204 ANYONE wishing to have a table at the Lougheed Fair/ Tradeshow, Sat., Aug. 10, please call Susan @ 780-386-2450. METAL roofing & siding. Very competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888-263-8254.

Service to all light trailers

Decorative landscape cover • Decorative and tree mulch,landscape variety of cover tree colours mulch, earthtone variety of colours www.mulchpeople.ca

• Blower available 403-742-4815 to apply • We can now apply mulch up to 150 feet in hard to reach areas www.mulchpeople.ca

403-742-4815 DISCONNECTED phone? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features & unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877336-2274; www. phonefactory.ca STEEL buildings/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206; www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. EVERY water well on earth should have the patented “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator from Big Iron Drilling! Why? Save thousands of lives every year. www.1-800bigiron. com. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.

Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111

C o r o n at i o n , A b . J u ly 2 5 ' 1 3

• Brakes • Wiring • • Wheel Bearing Repacks •

• Stock trailers • • Flat decks • RVs •

G.P.L. Tractor Service Gordon Long 403-575-3863

Farm Machinery

CASE IH 21’ pull-type swather, model #75 with U2 pickup reel & batt reel, $2000; 30’ Case IH 1010 Header, Batt Reel, very good conditin, $8000. 30’ Header Trailer, $2000; 25’ IH Cultivator #55 with Prasco Bandit big tank, $3500. Phone 403-823-9974 or 403823-1928. FOR SALE John Deere 750 No-till Drill, 15’ wide, Field ready. Phone 780-858-2482 or 780-522-9029. RUBBER Tracks mini excavators, tracked loaders, dumpers, trenchers, horizontal drills. Let’s see what we can do! Trackmasters Canada Ltd. 1-866553-0090. Calgary 403-771-6008. Vancouver 604-2182825.

Feed and Seed

HEATED Canola buying green, heated or springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252.


GROW your own beef! All purpose cattle. Dexter/Dexter-Lowline, amazing breeds. Steers, cow calves. Easy to handle, natural, organic, grass-fed, raised on spring water. Cochrane. 403-2628808.

Help Wanted

PART-TIME help wanted for yard & garden. Must be able to run small equipment. Phone 403-578-2053. GRAIN farm positions: FT permanent &/or seasonal , available for immediate start or closer to harvest. Applicants must have previous Ag experience, familiarity with large modern equipment, mechanical aptitude and valid driver’s license. Quality production and detail oriented work environment with a good variety of duties. Resumes and references required: masonfarms@netago.ca, fax 403-364-2004, ph 403364-2129 Delia, AB. LIBRARY manager required for the Coronation Memorial Library, 3 days/week. Apply at Library. AN ALBERTA oilfield construction company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call 780-7235051, Edson, Alberta. T.O.S. in Whitecort, is looking for Class 3 Vac Haulers. Top wages paid. Experience would be an asset. To apply, please call 780268-4444 or email: t.o.s@hotmail.ca.

WELDERS, Qualilty Control, Painters, Production Manager Petrofield Industries Manufacturing facility for Tornado Hydrovac Trucks. Check out www.tornadotrucks. com. Call 1-403-7426121 or email: hr@ petrofield.com. NEED to advertise? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details 403-578-4111. OIL Boss Rentals Inc. is currently seeking a Professional Salesperson for our Alberta-based oil and gas rental business. We currently have two offices, one in Rocky Mountain House and the other in Lac La Biche. This individual has to be ambitious, driven, able to work independently and as a team. This position will involve some time away from home, approximately 10 nights a month spent in different areas of the province. This individual should be mechanically inclined, personable and with some problem-solving skills. The ideal candidate would have previous oilfield drilling or wellservicing experience. This position will be a salary-based opportunity with a commission on top of the base of gross sales. We do offer benefits and a company truck. Please apply to: gerry@oilbossrentals.com or fax to 1-866-914-7507. Position available immediately to right individual. Please provide a cover letter with your experiences and what your bring to our dynamic fast-paced team atmosphere. MINCO Gas Co-op Ltd. Looking for: Gas Utility Operator, Serviceman/ woman. Permanent, full-time. Benefits/pension after probation. Gas distribution systems experience an asset. Apply to: minco@rjvnet.ca.


Email: admin@ECAreview.com

IMMEDIATE Opening for a Shop Forman to oversee daily maintenance shop (Heavy Equipment) operations in a new state-of-theart facility in Edmonton. Apply with resume by fax; 780-434-5373, or email; employment@ parkpaving.com. CASH daily for outdoor work! Guys ‘n Gals 16 years and up! No experience necessary; www. PropertyStarsJobs. com. WINCH Tractor Operators. Must have experience operating a winch. To apply fax, email or drop off resume at the office. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: rigmove@telus. net. Mail: H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. For more employment information see our webpage: www.heoil.com. JOURNALISTS, Graphic Artists, Marketing and more. Alberta’s weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. Free. Visit: www.awna. com/resumes_add.php.

INTERIOR Heavy Equipment Operator School. No Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! iheschool.com. 1-866-3993853. TRUCKING/Mixed Farm Operation requires full-time Class 1 Driver. Cattle hauling, water hauling, and logging. Includes some shop duties. Competitive wages, year round full-time employment. 780-6560053, Michael. FULL-TIME Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic required, CVIP licence. Home every night. $38/hour with benefits; debbie. lefeuvre@bg-rd.com or fax 403-342-7488. NOW located in Drayton 12345 12 23445Valley. BREKKAAS Vacuum & Tank Ltd. Wanted Class 1 & 3 Drivers, Super Heater Operators with all valid tickets. Top wages, excellent benefits. Please forward resume to: Email: dv@brekkaas.com. Phone 780621-3953. Fax 780621-3959.

3” wide version

3” wide version

ALL ROUND employee required for cooking, cleaning and serving customers in small town friendly hotel. Includes small suite and meals. Phone Marg 403-857-9134, Youngstown, Alberta. THE FAIRMONT Palliser in Calgary, Alberta is searching for a Painter and Bellperson. Competitive wages and benefits. Visit: www.fairmontcareers.com to apply and to view all vacancies. BUILDING Sales Representative wanted. Estimating, sales, turnkey farm, commercial buildings. Contact Barry for more information. Pinnacle Building Materials, Red Deer, Alberta; bwunsch@pinnaclebuildingmaterials. com. OPENINGS in Alberta areas for Highway Maintenance Class 1 or 3 Operators. Fulltime and part-time positions available. Fax resume to Carillion Canada at 780-4490574 or email: mcroft@ carillionalberta.ca. Positions to start Oct. 15, 2013. Please state what position you are interested in.

3.75” wide version



12345 123345

3.75” wide version



check us out online www.ECAreview.com

Business Directory Golby

HARDWARE 403-578-3699 Coronation



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Guardian Drugs - Killam

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Big Country Construction & Building Supplies Ltd.


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12 J U L Y


C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

CLASSIFIEDS/CAREERS NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT HEARINGS TUESDAY AUGUST 13, 2013 COUNCIL CHAMBERS #1 Crowfoot Crossing Industrial Park County of Paintearth, AB Bylaw 623-13 to amend the Land Use Bylaw 593-09 has been given first reading by Council, and in accordance with the Municipal Government Act Section 606, shall cause to be held a PUBLIC HEARING at the noted time below for the purpose of general updates and amendments to the LUB: 1:15 PM Schedule A general updates and amendments The proposed bylaw amendments are available for viewing on the County website at www.countypaintearth.ca or at the County Office, #1 Crowfoot Crossing Industrial Park at Hwy #12 and Twp Rd 374 during office hours of 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

Quality Color Printing • Business Cards • Brochures • Letterhead • Posters • Flyers • Calendars • Greeting Cards • Announcements • Invitations

Communicate in color with our highquality and highly affordable, four-color printing services. Whether it’s a business presentation or a personal project, our friendly, helpful staff gets your job done quickly and easily.

REVIEW East Central Alberta

403-578-4111• Coronation, AB office@ECAreview.com

Town of Coronation Development Office Notice of Decision

Notice is hereby given of the following decision in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-26, and Bylaw No. 2009-559 and amendments thereto, of the Town of Coronation: Lot 22 921918 Alberta Ltd. Approved Block 24 4813 Railway Avenue Plan 8149AH Permit #2013-007 Proposed Development: Construction of 17’ by 48’ Storage Shed Addition The above noted application will be held fourteen (14) days after publication of this notice at which time this decision is deemed to be final unless otherwise appealed. Any person wishing to appeal a decision may file an appeal at the Town Office, 5015 Victoria Ave., Coronation, AB or by mail to Box 219, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0. Date of Publication: Thursday, July 25, 2013 Town of Coronation Development Officer Sandra Kulyk

Anyone who may be affected or claim to be affected by the above proposed amendments may make an oral or written presentation at the above noted hearing, or submit a written presentation to the County of Paintearth, Box 509, Castor, AB TOC OXO or by fax 403-8823560 no later than 4:30 pm on Monday August 12, 2013. Dated: July 22, 2013 Todd Pawsey, Development Officer





A PERSON preferably semi-retired for a managerial position for a 120 site/lot mobile home park in Alberta. Contact: terry55@ shaw.ca. PARADISE Day Spa, Rocky Mountain House, requires immediately full-time Massage Therapist. Busy salon and spa; full clientele available. Hourly wage. Fax resume 403-845-5561. Email: paradisedayspa@live.ca.

HEALTH Care Aide Certification in 22 weeks. Visit www. healthcareaideacademy.com. Enroll early to reserve your seat 403347-4233. Classes start Sept. 02, 2013 @ The Health Care Aide Academy downtown Red Deer.

Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111


TRUE Psychics! For Answers call now 24/7 Toll Free 1-877-3423036; Mobile: # 4486; http://www.truepsychics.ca.

COMING EVENTS OPEN HOUSE for 50th Anniversary for Doug & Virginia Duke on Sat. July 27 @ Halkirk Community Hall, 2 - 4 pm.

DATING service. Longterm/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-3119640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+).


for the Castor/Halkirk Community

Handivan Must have: Criminal Record Check Drivers Abstract Class 4 Drivers License Wage: $14.00/hr. Please contact Mandy Fuller @ FCSS 403 882-2115

check us out online www.ECAreview.com

Petrofield Industries is accepting resumes for:

Labourers, Industrial Painters, Sandblasters, and Welders. at our Manufacturing Facility located at 4102 44th ave, Stettler, AB. Willing to train if candidate has related basic skills or experience. Our Company has an enthusiastic, fast paced working environment with advancement for motivated individuals, and an excellent benefit package. Please forward resume to hr@petrofield.com or Fax 403-742-5544

Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications have been approved: DP1324 Colleen Younger SW18-36-12-W4 Additional farm residence DP1327 Dura Bull projects NE23-38-16-W4 Manufacturing facilities and office DP1328 Rod Wadstein SW18-35-11-W4 Small firearms shooting range Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving Notice in writing to the Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, County of Paintearth No. 18, Box 509 Castor, AB TOC OXO not later than 4:30 p.m., August 9, 2103. The Notice must contain the reason for the appeal and pursuant to Bylaw No. 580-09 Include the $200.00 fee. Dated: July 22, 2013 Todd Pawsey, Development Officer 13073TT4

Fax, email or drop off your

OPINIONS, LETTERS, NEWS, SPORTS & PHOTOS to ECA Review fax: 403-578-2088 email: office@ECAreview.com drop off: 4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation Remember to identify all people in your photos.

Prism Integrated Solutions Inc. is currently hiring for the following positions: • Journeyman & Apprentice Welders • Purchaser for Oilfield Manufacturing Company Email resumes to n_thorsteinson@prismcorp.net or fax to 780-582-3922

ROSEBUSH Tea & Craft House will be open for desserts and beverages and a Garage Sale Thurs. Sat. July 25 - 27; 1 - 5 p.m. with ours of the Bed & Breakfat. See our website bbcanada. com/rosebushalberta. Ph. 780-877-3793. Rosebush Tea & Craft House is under new ownership.



C O R O N AT I O N , A B . J U LY 2 5 ' 1 3


Our Crystal Ball has failed to let us in on your news. Call or email us with your

News & Photos

office@ ECAreview.com 403-578-4111

Help Wanted

Now Accepting Applications For

Looking for

CLASS 1 or 3 DRIVERS to work in Provost and surrounding area. • • • •

BFI Canada Inc. Is looking for a

Scale Operators Please send resume to wtorney@wsii.ca

MIDWEST PROPANE Is currently seeking

Gasfitter Midwest Propane Rimbey, AB. Call: 403 843-8430, Fax: 403 843-8460 or by email to: ken@midwestpropane.ca

Contact Darryl at darryl@stettlerrentals.com or fax resume to 403-742-8777

Employment Opportunity JWR Transport Ltd. has a position available for a

Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic Apply in person, fax 403-575-3731, phone 403-575-3971 or email jwrtransport@gmail.com

Benedict Pipeline Inc. 6111 – 45 Street Leduc, Alberta T9E 7C4 Phone 780-980-0156 Fax 780-980-0189 or e-mail to: office@benedictpipeline.com

All resumes will be treated with confidentiality.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Battle River Credit Union Ltd. Castor Branch


This position will work closely with other project personnel to perform monitoring and control of cost developments on civil, earthworks construction projects.

Please apply with resume to:

Full Time Permanent Mechanic

If you are interested in joining our group, please forward your resume with references to:


Class 3 Drivers license and all relevant Oilfield Safety Certificates required.

Looking for a

Successful applicant must have experience with all types of pipeline equipment, trucks and trailers. We offer a comprehensive benefit package, competitive wages and an excellent working environment.

Career Opportunity in Hardisty

to operate in central Alberta.

Stettler Sales & Rentals

Benedict Pipeline Inc., is a pipeline construction company located in Leduc, AB.

Must be on 24 hr. call Scheduled days off Monthly wage plus bonuses Company benefits Send resume to:

Box 868, Provost, Alberta TOB 3S0 OR FAX TO: 780·753·2598

This is a full time position This job has shift hours and some weekends.

POSITION: - MSR/Teller REQUIREMENTS: Candidates for this position should possess: - Strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills - Willingness to learn quickly - Working knowledge of computer applications - An aptitude to train and work in a fast paced, changing environment - Must be bondable Please submit resume to: Kevin Johnson, Branch Manager Battle River Credit Union Ltd. Box 60, 5002-50 Avenue Castor, AB T0C 0X0 Phone 403-882-3950 Fax 403-882-3555 PLEASE NOTE: Only those individuals invited for an interview will be contacted. Deadline for applications: August 2, 2013.

More details at www.GCSenergy.ca Email or fax resume to: resumes@GCSenergy.ca or 780-888-2100

I love joking around at work. In a safety conscious way, of course.

13073TW0 13072TW1

Boston Pizza is looking for motivated and energetic people to work in a fast-paced and fun environment. So whether you’re looking to build a career in the restaurant business or in search of a flexible schedule, we’ve got the right opportunity for you.

• •

Cooks Dishwashers Servers Bartenders Host/Hostesses Community Relations Coordinators Delivery Drivers Managers

Contact Brian at kelmb@bostonpizza.ca Stettler Boston Pizza

6711 - 50 Ave., Stettler, AB

Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic or 4th Year Apprentice


14 J U L Y


CARD OF THANKS THANK you to my family & friends for my surprise birthday party on July 13. Thanks for all the gifts, the good wishes, and for being there. Faye Sieger


C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

SERVICES MONEYPROVIDER. COM. $500 loan and +. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-7761660.

Dietary Aide Required at Lander Treatment Centre (AADAC) Shift work, must be available weekdays and weekends, if needed.

CRIMINAL Record? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2281300/1-800-347-2540; www.accesslegalresearch.com. DO YOU need to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money It’s that simple. 1-877486-2161.

DROWNING in debt? Cut debts more than 50% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation; www. mydebtsolution.com or toll free 1-877-5563500. BBB rated A+. FAST and easy loans! Bad credit accepted! Get up to $25,000 on your vehicle, mobile home, land or equipment. 1st and 2nd mortgages; www.bhmcash.com. 1-877787-1682.


BANK said no? Bank on us! Equity Mortgages for purchases, debt consolidation, foreclosures, renovations. Bruised credit, self-employed, unemployed ok. Dave Fitzpatrick: www. albertalending.ca. 587-437-8437, Belmor Mortgage.

Need Help? Put your ad in the classifieds! Call 403-578-4111

KINSELLA Transit Mix


HELP WANTED Full time seasonal class 1 & 3 drivers with air. Abstract required. Call 780-336-2608

Job duties include: CLEANING & FOOD PREPARATION WORKING IN A CAFETERIA STYLE SETTING. Must be energetic, self-motivated team player. Will train right candidate.

Call 403.625.5619 or drop off resume: ATTENTION: Kathy McKain, Kitchen Manager

Canada Grey Motor Inn - Hanna Now Hiring

• Front Desk Staff • Servers • Kitchen Help apply within or email resume to info@canadagrey.com Phone 403-854-4471

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B . J U LY 2 5 ' 1 3


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KID’S PAGE © 2013 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 29, No. 34

The Coronation Steelers went to Sundre July 12 - 14 for Provincial Ball where they came in fourth place in Pool B. (L - R) Back row: Troy Slemp (assistant coach), Nicola Bossert, Christine Roland (Castor), Teira Hewitt, Shekaya Blades (Hanna) Ashley Golby, Leanne Blades (assistant coach) and Mark Zimmer (coach). Front row: Jenna Wuzinski, Erin Brown, Nicole Roland (Castor), Sarah Zimmer, Ally Brigley, Jacey Gamroth (Halkirk), and Geri Slemp (Castor).

Coronation Steelers finish fourth at provincial ball The Coronation Steelers, ages 15 and under, went to Sundre July 12 - 14 for provincial ball where they came in fourth in Pool B. Eleven teams competed in the provincial ball tournament. Pool A consisted of: Airdrie, South Bow River, Medicine Hat, Delburne, Sherwood Park and St. Paul. Delburne went undefeated to win first place in Pool A, while St. Paul came in second. Pool B consisted of: Sundre, Innisfail,

In many legends, gnomes guard veins of gold, copper, coal and even diamonds. In general, gnomes are considered helpful to people and some say the gnomes have led them to underground treasures.

A gnome, (pronounced nome), is a being that appears in legends around the world. Nearly every legend describes a gnome as a tiny, human-like creature that lives inside the earth.

Which treasure belongs to which gnome? Add up the numbers along each path. The number on each gnome’s hat matches the sum of the numbers along the trail to each one’s treasure.

Gnomes are said to look like small versions of the people in the countries where they live.

Standards Link: Math; compute sums and differences to 22.

In the box at right, draw what you think a gnome could look like.

Coronation, Lethbridge and MCHA (Czar). Coronation came in first place with three wins and one loss, while MCHA (Czar) came in second place. In the semi-rounds St. Paul defeated Coronation and MCHA (Czar) defeated Delburne. The final provincial results for Pool B ended with MCHA (Czar) taking first and St. Paul, second, third place went to the Coronation Steelers and Delburne finished fourth.

A World of Gnomes

Balancing Act

Many of the early gnome legends come from Europe. When Europeans came to the Americas, they brought their stories about gnomes.

Standards Link: Social Science; students understand the importance of traditions, beliefs and customs in cultures.

Standards Link: Math; students compute sums to 30; problem solving. ANSWER: Move the stone with the number 18 from cart ʻCʼ to cart ʻA.ʼ All the carts should add up to 30.

In Wales, gnomes are also called “knockers.” It is said that they are skillful miners and can be heard hammering and knocking in deep, abandoned mine tunnels. This endless knocking and hammering led to the name “knockers.”

Can you even up the weight in these three carts? Just move one stone to another cart so that the sums in all of the carts are the same.

Look through the newspaper for words that have a silent “g” or a silent “k” at the beginning. Cut out each word. Draw a picture that shows what each word means. Standards Link: Decoding; recognize and decode consonant digraphs.

Coronation Men’s Ball wrapped up for the season. This year the team included (L-R) Back Row: Cole Elliott, Koby Sieger, Justin Schedlosky, Brandon Brown, Ryan Schedlosky, Jordan Barnes, Doug Tkach, Brad Schroeder and Anthony Glasier. Front row: Darcy Meyer, Blair Barnes, Daniel Brown, Kyle Hawthorne, Dylan Usselman and Ryan Taylor. Missing: Cam Brown, Randy Johnstone and J.J. Thacker. Find the words in the puzzle. Then look for each word in this week’s Kid Scoop stories and activities.

Nobody has actually seen a gnome. They are most likely only characters in folktales. However, little gnomes made of clay can be seen in many gardens. Can you find which garden gnome in each row is different? Standards Link: Recognizing similarities and differences in common objects.

Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

More at www.facebook.com/RiddleRhymes

Find three pictures in the newspaper, one to represent BIG, another for BIGGER, and a third to represent BIGGEST. Label each picture. Repeat this activity with other words such as FUNNY, SAD and SMALL.

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HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box. (answer top right of page)

P roud Sponsor Of The Kid’s Page

REVIEW East Central Alberta

16 J U L Y


SPORT Shorts • Steve Rushin in Sports Illustrated: “In New York, John Tortorella was relieved of his coaching duties for being too much like his own playoff beard (prickly, coarse and abrasive).” • R.J. Currie of sportsdeke. com: “Andy Murray won Wimbledon, ending Britain’s 77-year championship drought. ‘Is that all?’ say Chicago Cubs fans.” • Dom Cosentino of Deadspin.com, after Thomas Bjorn’s errant shot out of the rough shattered the $80,000 lens of an ESPN camera: “Best of luck to the three or four production assistants who will now be sacrificed to cover the cost.” • Matt Snyder of CBSsports.com, on the Miami Marlins hosting ‘Legends of Wrestling Night’ on Aug. 24: “The Marlins will do just about anything to get fans to the ballpark — that is, other than putting a winning team on the field.” • Headline at Fark.com: “Yankees hope A-Rod rejoins team next week. So do the other teams in the AL East.” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Dylan McCue-Masone, who said on Twitter he’d run onto the field during Tuesday’s All-Star Game if he got 1,000 retweets, made good on his promise and got taken down – hard – by stadium security. So what’s his new nickname, Tweeter Dee or Tweeter Dumb?” • Golfer Sergio Garcia, to AP, recalling his first British Open as a 16-year-old amateur in 1996: “The grass was taller than I was.” • Headline at SportsPickle. com: “Astros’ All-Star representative amazed by everyone making contact in batting practice.” • Comedian Argus Hamilton, on the NFL’s run of player arrests: “It’s gotten so bad that the New England Patriots just hired Robert Shapiro to be the team’s defensive coordinator.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “Sort of a slow time in sports, baseball has the All Star break, basketball and hockey just ended and football is a couple months away. It’s the one time of year all the steroid makers go on vacation.” • This has nothing to do with sports, but it’s one of the funniest lines of the week, offered by Kaseberg: ”It is hot. I am sweating like George Zimmerman at a 50 Cent concert.”


C O R O N AT I O N , A B .



James Hinchcliffe racing to stardom Bruce Penton

ECA Review Columnist Hockey great Sidney Crosby, Olympic soccer star Christine Sinclair and PGA Tour player Graham DeLaet will garner their share of votes this December as Canada’s athlete of the year, but a relatively new name — James Hinchcliffe — will be part of the mix, too. In fact, the Indy Car driver, already the winner of three races in 2013, could run — sorry, drive — away with the award. It’s been years since Canada has had a strong presence in Indy Car racing. Paul Tracy was one of the world’s best at one time and Greg Moore had great potential but he died too soon. Before that, the Villeneuves, Jacques and Gilles, were among the world’s best. Now, it’s Hinchcliffe. The Oakville, Ont., native was the Indy

Car Series’ rookie of the year in 2011 and was signed by Andretti Autosports to replace Danica Patrick in the Go Daddy.com car on the circuit. “I hope I can fill her heels,” cracked Hinchcliffe. He has, and more. Driving the No. 27 car for Andretti (the same car number driven by the two Villeneuves), Hinchcliffe won two of the first four races in 2013 — the Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg, Fla., in March and the Itaipava Sao Paulo Indy in Penton Brazil in May. Just to prove those two wins weren’t flukes, he captured his third checkered flag June 23 at the Iowa Corn Indy 250. He’s tied for the lead in wins this season with Scott Dixon, who won three races in a row in July. Hinchcliffe would have loved to thrill his hometown fans with a win at one of the

two races in Toronto in mid-July, but he came up short, finishing seventh in the first race and 21st the next day when a stuck accelerator got the team off to a bad start. Still, mark down 2013 as the year Hinchcliffe became a household name in the world of autosports. “It’s so cool to see how far we’ve progressed and more and more fans are taking notice and they’ve got a Canadian to cheer for and that’s what it’s all about,” Hinchcliffe told Jonathan Brazeau of Sportsnet. The next time Hinchcliffe presses down hard on the accelerator will be Aug. 4 at the Honda Indy at Lexington, Ohio, going for victory No. 4. Canadian driver of the year? For sure. Athlete of the year? Three wins in one year should probably be enough. Four would lock it up.

SPORT Shorts • Janice Hough of leftcoastsportsbabe.com: “Matt Garza apparently has been told he’ll be traded, though he doesn’t want to leave the Cubs, as he believes the team is headed in the right direction. ‘I don’t think we are far away from winning.’ Sounds like Garza is getting out of Wrigley just in time, he’s becoming delusional.” • NBC’s Jay Leno, on the dying Cleveland fan who requested six Browns players serve as his pallbearers: “The bad news? They fumbled the coffin five yards from the grave.”

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