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Volume 105 No. 27 www.ECAreview.com

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Saturday urday July 9, 2016 Edmonton, Alberta Satu Saturday urday daayy Ju July Jul J y 23,3,, 2016 0 Calgary, Calgary algary, algary g Albe Alberta Albert b ta

Toll Free: 1-800-665-5888 Hwy 16A W Rge Rd 262

Residents of Coronation celebrated Canada Day with various activities, free ice cream, music and hot dogs at the Heritage Park and Museum. Tossing coins in hopes of winning a prize are, from the left, Breanne Summers, Ryley Steele, Jordan Woods and Alias Waldner. ECA Review/ D.Clark

06-23-2016Mich1.125x10.75.indd 1


Thursday, July 7, 2016


Seventeen empty serviced lots in Clive may get developed into a proposed affordable housing initiative. Jonathon Jacobson of Broder Developments presented Clive council with an affordable housing program where down

payments for home buyers would be provided by the developer in the form of a forgivable loan and qualify for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) approval. Council, at its June 27 meeting, authorized Broder Development’s request that the Village of Clive send a letter of support of the program to CMHC.

Council also directed administration to research and prepare a report at the next council meeting regarding Broder Development’s second request that the Village of Clive consider contributing $2,000 per affordable housing unit in the program. “It’s exciting to allow people to own homes,” said Chief Administrative Officer Carla

17th Ann ual


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Prairieview: Page 6

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For everyday life . . .


Oilfield services directory Page 5

Lowes IGA Sobeys Food Town The Source The Brick, Stettler Rona Peavey Mart Home Hardware, Clive

6/17/16 10:54:57 AM

Alix council ������������������������ 2 Coronation council ������������ 3 Kneehill council ���������������� 3 Brownfield 4-H ������������������ 5 Nana’s blog ����������������������� 6 Letters ������������������������������� 6 Hanna 4-H ������������������������� 7 Sports ����������������������������� 8-9 Real Estate/Homes ������������ 9 Sudoku ���������������������������� 10 Classifieds/Careers ������10-11

Stiff penalties

Clive residents who violate the village’s proposed cat control bylaw could be fined $500 to $10,000, and if in default, could face up to one year in prison. Turn to Cat, Pg 2



Kenney. “We have vacant lots that are fully serviced. Attracting young families is our target.”


Lisa Joy

ECA Review reporter

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Clive in line for affordable housing project

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2 July

7'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review

Village of Alix hires new CAO Lisa Joy

to provide what is legally within his power to provide. Any information he isn’t able to provide, Jenkins says he Alix’s new chief Administrative informs residents why. Officer (CAO) Troy Jenkins brings There will always be differences of vast knowledge, from 15 years as CAO opinion but it’s important to keep the and former political experience to prilines of communication open, he said. vate sector managerial experience, to “If I can provide information that is his new role. within my power to do so I will. But I He worked as CAO in the North will not allow for individuals to abuse West Territories and Nunavut, as well my staff. That is the only line I draw in as Vulcan, Ab. He also understands the sand and that’s very clear. what it’s like to be sitting at the other Otherwise, I’m very willing to speak end of the table as a politician, being to anyone. the youngest councillor ever “I have a personality elected to a municipality in where I tend to get along Cape Breton, Nova Scotia in with everyone that comes in 1997 at the age of 24. my office. I treat people with “I see things from two difrespect and empathy and I ferent perspectives as a former take their concerns serimunicipal councillor and now ously and try do everything being a CAO for 15 years,” said possible to (resolve issues.) Jenkins. “You certainly see “Sometimes people don’t things from both perspectives. like the answer but I proI think that’s important.” vide them with the reason Jenkins He also served as president behind it and that’s the way of an FM radio station and was I operated during my career elected to a school board in the North and the way I will operate while I’m West Territories and served as here in Alix.” chairperson. So far Jenkins says he likes what he Jenkins has been a volunteer firehas seen of Alix. fighter for 15 years and served in other “It’s a very nice community. We volunteer community groups. have a very closeknit group of people “That’s a very important part of the that really want to see their commuCAO job, to give back to the community do well, they want to do whatever nity where they serve. That’s not only they can to help. There are some wonan obligation for the administrator but derful volunteers here that give a lot of something I really enjoy doing and I’m their time.” looking forward to that in Alix.” When not working Jenkins enjoys When arriving in a new community, photography. In the arctic he Jenkins likes to get to know the municipal staff. “The staff certainly is the most important part of the municipal unit. We are staffed to do the work on a daily basis that provide the services to the people of our community.” During the first few weeks Jenkins met individually with each staff member. Cont’d from Pg 1 “We have a very talented and dediThe village gave the bylaw first cated group of professionals here. I’m reading at its June 27 regular council extremely proud to serve with them. I meeting and wants to get more public have worked with a lot of people over input before giving it second and third the years and the staff at Alix are reading. second to none. That is certainly one Details of the bylaw will be availthing that has impressed me since I able on the village’s website. have arrived here.” “Council would like to get some The next thing Jenkins would like to public response and input,” said Chief do is get to know the community and Administrative Officer Carla Kenney. the people. “I like to meet as many people in the “Based on the feedback [council] will make any amendments and consider community as possible. Everyone has second and possibly third reading at been extremely friendly.” He welthe July 18 council meeting.” comes input from residents and has Cats seized by a bylaw officer will already met with dozens of residents be impounded for three days and if it’s and community groups. not picked up by its owner after “I think those meetings have been paying a fine, the cat will be destroyed very positive and I’m looking forward or sold. to working together and bringing Residents are allowed only three some positive change to the community. I have an open door policy here at cats over six weeks of age. All cats will have to be licensed. the office and run a very transparent A clause was added to the bylaw, administration.” which allows Clive residents to trap He said any information that the cats. public requests he’s more than happy

ECA Review reporter

Cat bylaw talks continue

Plover Lake Located 15min SW Youngstown AB

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photographed wildlife, scenery and the northern lights. Moving forward in Alix, one of the biggest challenges is infrastructure. “That is certainly common among small communities.” Jenkins said the village has a longterm capital plan in place, which he will watch very closely and ensure that it meets the needs of the people.

Currently, administration is reviewing the village’s operations and plans to make recommendations to council in the coming months. He encourages residents to talk to him. “I’m certainly willing to listen to them. That’s a big part of the CAO’s job, come to the community to learn about it.”







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th th


Oilmens Breakfast Friday 7: 0 0 A M - 10 : 3 0 A M

Oilmens Breakfast Friday Street Fair

7: 10 0 0:A0M - 10 : 3 0 A M 0AM - 4::00PM



Parade 10 : 3 0 A M

Parade Saturday Rodeo 110 : 0 :03P0MA M


Breakfast 8 : 0 0 a m 4H Booth

Breakfast Sunday Slack

8 : 0 0 a m 4H Booth

9 : 0 0 A M (if required)

Mutton Bustin’ Parade Breakfast Rodeo Rodeo - 12 and under 10 : 3Wild 0 APony M1 : 0Race 8 1: 0Slack Booth 0 P M- Adult only : 000aP9m M: 04H Race Wild Horse 10 : 0 0 A M 4 : : 0 0 P M 0 A M (if required) Much More!!! Mutton Bustin’ Calf Scramble 8 & Under Rodeo Street Vendors Rodeo Street Fair Wild Pony Race 12 and under Pony Race - 12 and under Slack BeerWild Gardens Races 1 : 0 0 P M 0 Prequired) Monly Horse Wild 9 1 : 0 0 PRace M - 8- :Adult 3 0 P Monly 10 : 0 0Activities AChariot M - :40for : : Chuckwagon 0the 0 Pkids M : 0 0Race A1M: 0Adult (if Wild Horse 0PM Mutton Bustin’ Much 6More!!! Calf Scramble 8 & Under Street Vendors Rodeo Shot Gun Wheelbarrow Race WildChariot Chuckwagon Races Pony Race - 12 and under Chuckwagon Races Chariot Wild Pony Race 12 and under Beer Gardens Activities for the kids Chuckwagon Races Chariot 1Wild : 0 0Horse P M Race Adult only WildOpen Horse Air RaceDance 1-:Adult 0 0 P Monly - 8 : 3 0 P M Combine Open Crunch Much More!!! 6 : 0 0 Air P M Dance Calf Scramble 8 & Under 9:00PM - 1:00AM 9:00PM - 1:00AM Beer Gardens Shot Gun Wheelbarrow RaceBeer Gardens Pony Race 12 and under Races Chariot Chuckwagon Chariot Chuckwagon RacesWild Chariot Chuckwagon Races 1 : 0 0 PRace M — 9Adult : 0 0 Ponly M Wild Horse 1 : 0 0Air P M Dance - 8:30PM Open 6 : 0 0 POpen M Air Dance Combine Crunch 9:00PM - 1:00AM 9 : 0 0 P M 1 : 0 0 A M Shot Gun Wheelbarrow Race T h r e e Chariot D a y P aBeer s s $Gardens 3 5 . 0 0 Races Chuckwagon Chariot Chuckwagon Races Call: 1F :R0 0I PDMA—Y9 : 0 0 P M Open Air Dance Open Air Dance Combine Crunch For Rodeo Info & Wild Horse 9 : 0entries: 0PM - 1:00AM Adults $10.00 9 : 0 0 P M - 1 : 0 0 A M Marge 780-888-1424 e2 D C h i l d rTehn r e1 Beer & aUyGardens n dP ea rs sF r$e3e5 . 0 0 Call: 1:00PM—9:00PM For Street Fair:

Oilmens Street Breakfast Vendors Street 7: 0 0 A M - 10 : 3Fair 0 AtheMkids for Activities

Sherry 403-559-7569 For Rodeo InfoLynn & Wild Horse entries:


Marge 780-888-1424 Rain Out Number

For Street Fair:

For Rodeo Info &780-888-1441 Wild Horse entries:

Sherry Lynn 403-559-7569

Marge 780-888-1424

For Street Fair:

Rain Out Number

Sherry Lynn 403-559-7569 780-888-1441

Rain Out Number



A d u lAt sd u$l 1 t s5 .$0100 . 0 0

T h r e e n D1a2y &P aU sn ds e $ 35.00 C h iCl dh ri el d r e n 1 2 & Ur nFd reer eF r e e F NRDI A D YA Y SU


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Adults $15.00 Children 12 & Under Free

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

July 7'16



Letter of concern to water commission Dena Clark

ECA Review reporter Council agreed at their last council meeting on Mon., June 27, to send a letter to the Shirley McClellan Regional Water Services Commission (SMRWSC) voicing their concern for the increase in costs being charged to the communities still a part of the SMRWSC as a result of the withdrawal of

Lacombe County and Camrose County from the water commission. The Town of Coronation’s phase one debenture payment will increase from $16,440 to $19,162 annually. In addition, the town’s share of the total debenture debt for phase two and three will increase by $17,906 for a total debt share of $125,154. With the recent decision for

Lacombe County and Camrose County leaving the Water Commission, Kulyk stated in her report to council, the commission will be reallocating the debentures. When the commission was first formed it was determined that calculations would be based off the volumes that each municipality listed in Bylaw 6-11. Now with the two

Kneehill defines recreational property Debra Johnston

Review reporter

designated recreational should actually be taxed at a lower rate either as residential or farm buildings. Council passed Bylaw 1719 with an amendment to remove Bylaw 1618 until after the Municipal Government Act review is complete, as subclasses of properties are being reviewed.

What qualifies as recreational property and what doesn’t took on a lengthy discussion for Kneehill Council at the June 28 regular meeting. As part of Bylaw 1719 – Repealing Bylaw, Bylaw 1618, which established subclasses for residential assessments, was to be repealed along with Bylaw 1326 and Bylaw 1328, both to do with property taxation and assessment. Bylaw 1618 was added in 2010 as a recreational subclass for residential assessments of properties, like a cottage on a pond on private property. Since 2014, assessors have determined that those properties

The public hearing for Kneehill’s Landuse Bylaw will remain set for midAugust after council debated a request from a ratepayer to move it into the fall. Council agreed it could be more difficult for ratepayers to get to the meeting during the fall harvest season.

Paintearth county council announced last month that $37,500 has been granted in the Paintearth Region as part of the Community Enhancement Fund. The following amounts have been allotted: 1) Coronation Community Centre $2,000; 2) Castor Child Care $3,000; 3) Burma

Park Playground $7,000; 4) Castor Curling Club $2,000; 5) Coronation Rec Park Pond $4,000; 6) Coronation Ag. Society $10, 000; 7) Coronation Memorial Arena $5,000; 8) Town of Coronation Pool $1,500; 9) Coronation Chamber of Commerce $3,000.

Public hearing date unchanged

Community Enhancement Fund

Reeve Bob Long suggested that anyone unable to get to the hearing but wanting to provide input can submit written submissions to be read out at the meeting, or they can relay the information via their councillor.

Council recognition

Coun. Carol Calhoun wants to make sure that future visitors to the new Kneehill County/Medical Clinic Building know who is responsible for the project. Calhoun requested that a plaque depicting current council plus the opening date and other pertinent information be commissioned for the building for historical purposes. Council directed administration to investigate costs and bring back suggestions to council.

In Celebration of Our Marriage

Brad Plehnert & Jessica Buxton

municipalities pulling out, those volumes have been removed from the total. This in turn increased the other municipality’s portions in the commission. According to a commission letter sent to council, due to the fact that Camrose and Lacombe were part of the debenture, the commission feels that the municipalities that prepaid will now be required to make additional payments as the commission is still responsible for the interest portion of the debenture. It was decided that these debentures would go A Special Thank You

The family of Richard F. Bell would like to extend their heartfelt thank you to all of the wonderful and caring family and friends who visited, sent flowers, food and well wishes. To all those who donated to different charities in Richard’s name and sent cards, Thank you. Special thanks to those who attended and participated in the service. Words cannot express our appreciation and gratitude. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Betty, Lynn, Jason, Valerie, Clayton, Becky and their families.

together under one debenture. The total borrowing is $1,614,851.63. The Camrose and Lacombe County remaining debenture debt of $231,041.94 will then be allocated amongst the other members.

Golf course water issues

Council has been working with the Coronation Golf Club to fix the water infiltration issues in the club house. According to the CAO report, a contractor has been brought in to assess the situation and to make recommendations for repairs.

Canadian FIREARM SAFETY course This is the course you need to get your firearms license.

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Saturday, July 16

8:00 pm at the Coronation Community Centre Coronation AB

*Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Hanna Rod & Gun Club 35th Annual

Guns & Collectibles Show & Sale Sat., July 16 & Sun., July 17 9-5


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Coronation Pro Rodeo Association & Coronation Ag. Society presents

CORONATION PRO RODEO Friday, July 8  Noon - Rodeo Slack  6 pm - 1st RODEO PERFORMANCE

w/MUTTON BUSTIN’ (Age 6 & under) & WILD PONY RACE (Age 7-14, 1st 6 teams entered to Jody at 578-3625 ) ADMISSION: 5 & under FREE; 6-12 $5; 13 & up $15 (admission includes FRIDAY NIGHT RODEO DANCE)

Saturday, July 9  7 am - 10 am Free Pancake Breakfast (sponsored by ATB) at the Curling Rink Rodeo Clown: Jayson Charters  10:30 am - Downtown Parade (theme Horses to Horsepower) Announcer:  1 pm - 2nd RODEO PERFORMANCE w/MUTTON BUSTIN’ (Age 6 & under) & WILD PONY RACE (Age 7-14, 1st 6 teams entered to Jody at 578-3625 ) ADMISSION: 5 & under FREE; 6-12 $5; 13 & up $15 (admission includes SATURDAY NIGHT RODEO DANCE)

Dustin Edwards Stock Contractor: Outlaw Buckers Rodeo Corp.

Check us out on Twitter or Facebook or call Curtis Perry @ 403 578 8062 For more Information

Rodeo Dances

Friday & Saturday Nights under the Big Top at the Rodeo Grounds. Everyone welcome, minors must be accompanied by an adult. FREE Admission with Rodeo ticket or $10 @ door

4 July

7'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review

8th Annual

White Lightning Dodge Professional 2016

Cowboy Crunch presented by Girletz Rodeo Stock and Big Country Agricultural Society

MAJOR SPONSORS Hanna Chrysler TD Canada Trust Rocky Mountain Equipment Doug’s/K.D.’s Fine Wine & Spirits

Betty Jo Bradley of Claresholm runs the course during the Mounted Shooters Competition held at the Stettler Ag Society’s outdoor arena July 3. Using .45 calibre single action revolvers loaded with special blank ammunition, each competitor must shoot at a series of balloons in a specified pattern. Missing a balloon can cost a competitor five penalty points which goes against their total time. Bradley completed the course in 24.894 seconds. The event was part of the Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association summer series of shoots. ECA Review/ D.Johnston

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with the purchase of two or more implements

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

July 7'16


The Brownfield 4-H Club is out and about in the community, helping to make it a better place. From the left, back row: Krystalee Huber, Yvonne Black, Meadow Cole, Deanna Omilusik, Keirsen Kobi, Mya Cole, Wade Black, Michael Black, Kylan Huber and Jeremy Burkinshaw. Middle Row: Kurt Heidecker, Jayden Kroeker and Dylan Heidecker. Front Row: Kayla MacGougan, Haley Neal, Hannah Kroeker, Sydney Creasy, Nate Creasy, Caleb Kobi and Layton Huber. Missing: Aiden Kobi and William Ross-Torres. ECA Review/Submitted


Brownfield 4-H Club update by Kurt Heidecker The Brownfield CRR Multi Club has been quite busy since my last report in February. On March 19 Kurt Heidecker, Keirsen Kobi and Sydney Creasy spoke at the regional level of public speaking. On May 13 the club went to visit the seniors at the Assisted Living in Coronation. We played card games, showed them our record books and told them what we have done so far this year.

Later that day we had a pizza party and the Foods Group made and served the pizza. The next day, May 14, the club did a highway clean up. We cleaned from north of Coronation down 872 to Fairfield Road. June 14 was our Achievement Day and potluck supper. The Cow/Calf, Foods, Horse and Leatherwork Projects shared what they learned and accomplished in the year.

1991 Ford 36 passenger Diesel Bus in Castor, AB 278370kms (“as is, where is”)

Sealed tenders must be received by July 25, 2016 @ 2:00 pm to: Shirley Johnston-Transportation East Central Alberta Catholic Schools # 16 1018 – 1st Ave, Wainwright, Alberta T9W 1G9 Phone (780) 842-3992 Tenders will be opened July 25, 2016 @ 2:00 pm. For viewing please contact Roger Fetaz (403-882 3309) or (780 583 2135)

Call/email today to place your ad 403-578-4111 office@ECAreview.com

Our Oilfield . . . Our Future SPORT Shorts

• Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “Indianapolis Colts QB, Andrew Luck, has signed a $140 million, six-year contract, the biggest ever. In a related story, Johnny Manziel’s credit card was declined at a bar in Mexico.”

• Brad Dickson of the Omaha WorldHerald: “Last week, Johnny Manziel attended a Justin Bieber concert. In a crowd full of 16,000 11-yearolds, Manziel was still the least mature person in the room.” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Dateline Cleveland, Oct. 1: Indians vow to finally end the city’s four-month championship drought.”

• TC in BC: “Congrats to Las Vegas on getting an NHL franchise. Single game tickets start at $75 each and a two-drink minimum.”

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6 July

7'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review



PC desperation

by Herman Schwenk Well, here we go again! The PC’s are trying to talk Jason Kenny into running for the leadership of the PC Party. That is based on the pretext of uniting the right. The problem I have with this process is that the powers that be don’t seem to understand that the Progressive Conservative party of Alberta is NOT a right wing party. The words progressive conservative is an oxymoron. Progressive is a liberal or a socialist term. It refers to parties that believe government should provide and be involved in the basic needs of it’s citizens rather than allowing people the freedom and intuition to provide for their own needs. The PC government that was in power never was a real conservative government. They always believed in big government. Their progressive philosophy really got them into trouble when Stelmach and Redford became premiers. Progressive governments tend to let the bureaucracy call the shots and that encourages empire building within the bureaucracy. In my opinion that was at the root cause of Alberta producing deficit budgets ever since Ed Stelmach became the premier. I just don’t see I think they can’t stand a fit with Jason Kenny as the the idea of a grassroots party leader of the PC Party because being in power. It would not he definitely is not a progresonly decimate the NDP, it sive. He was first elected as a would get rid of numerous Reform MP over PC sacred cows like changing 20 years ago. This initiative is about trying the top down centralized to resurrect the health care system. old tired PC Party. They are desperate to destroy the Wildrose party. I think they can’t stand the idea of a grassroots party being in power. It would not only decimate the NDP, it would get rid of numerous PC sacred cows like changing the top down centralized health care system. In the June 23 issue of the ECA Review there was a letter to the editor from former MLA and cabinet minister, Marv Moore. He is suggesting that the 22 Wildrose MLAs and the nine PC MLAs should get together in the same room and decide to form a new right wing party. Well, that definitely would not work. That was the process that took place in the fall of 2014 between Danielle Smith and Jim Prentice. It would be making the same mistake all over again. The Wildrose Party is a grassroots party, and it soon became apparent that the members of the party were not in agreement with that arrangement. In fact that effort at uniting the right is the reason that the NDP are in power in Alberta today. It is the members who should decide the future of the party. The responsibility of the MLAs, executive and staff of the party to implement the policies of the party as directed by the members, not the other way around. All that needs to happen for uniting the right in Alberta is for the conservatives in the PC Party to support the Wildrose Party. The PC Party is in a panic because they can see that that is what is happening now! I think the PC Party should unite with another party but that party is the Liberal Party. Whether they know it or not, their philosophy’s are very similar. The reason that the PCs don’t like that idea is because the word liberal does not sell very well in Alberta. There is an old saying that “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”. That is what marrying the Wildrose and PC parties together would be trying to accomplish. The process to get rid of the NDP is happening now, so just let it happen without trying to reorganize parties and confuse everyone.


Published by Coronation Review Limited


Hot car deaths double Dear Editor; This week I found out that there have already been twice as many child fatalities in the US, due to being trapped in a hot car, then there were at this time last year. Currently there have been 13 hot car child deaths; this doesn’t count the number of pets that have died. Imagine for a second what these children went through. They are locked in a car, strapped in their car seat, unable to move. At first it is just a little boring, then the heat starts to climb. They start to sweat and their seat belt starts to chaff. Their heart beats faster, circulating blood to cool them down. Their tiny bodies struggle to keep up, but the car gets too hot and their bodies can’t cope. Their body temperature starts to rise. Their body, vainly trying to cool itself, keeps sweating, transferring liquids to the sweat glands, drying out their eyes and throat.

72 pt


Subscriptions: $42.00 in Canada; $74.20 in US; $135.15 Overseas. (All prices include GST)

48 pt

36 pt

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18 pt

of not having such a system in place. Not having it is an infringement of personal freedoms and rights for those who want to prevent their children from suffering. I hope you are still outraged at my suggestion. However this thinking is already present and legal. Doctor assisted suicide makes it legal to kill people to alleviate their suffering, much in the same way that a gas-equipped car system would. What if, instead of circulating gasses, the cars were programed to open the windows or turned on the AC after sensing movement? This would cool the vehicle, let air circulate and ease the child’s suffering. And, what if, instead of killing people, and spending money debating how to make killing people legal, we spent money researching how to make their lives more bearable? Duncan Poulsen Three Hills, Ab.


by Lois Perepelitz For most of my life whenever someone would ask me what nationality I was I would list the countries that my grandparents had come from. A lot of people do this. A few years ago I realized that was wrong. I had never even seen these countries that my grandparents had been born in. My parents, my sisters and I were born in Canada; therefore we

60 pt


After sweating so much they are thirsty, but they can’t move, even if there was a bottle left in the car. But the heat in the car keeps climbing and so does their body temperature. Imagine their torment as they are baked to death. The media has made heroes of the people who have saved children like these from their torment. Yet, 13 children, in the US alone, have still suffered this horrible death. What if cars were equipped to sense movement and after 20 minutes they were programmed to circulate a gas that would painlessly kill the child? This would save their torment. Perhaps you were outraged at my suggestion. “Gassing an innocent child?” Would you rather they suffer an unimaginably horrible death? At least having it as an option would give parents the freedom to choose to safe-guard their children from the possibility of a horrible death or take the risk

Always been very proud of Canada

East Central Alberta R R


are Canadian, and nothing else. I don’t know why it took me so long to figure that out. I guess in my generation it was just the thing to do if you were asked what nationality you were you just said English or Irish or German or whatever your grandparents were. It was never because I was ashamed of my country because I have always been very proud of Canada; after all there is a lot

LETTERS POLICY • Letters to the Editor are welcomed • Must be signed and a phone number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. • ECA Review reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. Letters and columns submitted are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper.

Joyce Webster Publisher/Editor publisher@ECAreview.com

to be proud of. Canada is a very large country and there is beauty in each part of it. We have the majestic beauty of the mountains in the west, the gentle beauty of the valleys and golden fields of grain in the prairies, the east has the rugged beauty of their coastline, and even our north has its own dramatic beauty that is not found anywhere else. Turn to I am, Pg 7

Yvonne Thulien Manager admin@ECAreview.com

Dena Clark Reporter/Photographer news1@ecareview.com

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Gayle Jaraway MARKETING 403-578-4111 advertise@ECAreview.com

Elaine Nielsen MARKETING 403-854-4560 contact@ECAreview.com

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AG r i c u Lt u r e

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

July 7'16


The 56th annual Hanna District 4-H Show and Sale The 56th annual Hanna District 4-H Show and Sale rolled into the Town of Hanna on June 11 for members of the host club Hanna Rangeland as well as Dryland and East Sounding Creek. This year the district had 26 Cleaver Kids (ages 6 to 8), who spent their 4-H year developing their communication skills, making friends, having fun and learning to listen. The first class of the day was the yearling heifers. Hanna Rangeland had nine members complete the project. Abbegayle Brady’s heifer was chosen for first place with Taylor Mashon placing second. The first place yearling for

Dryland was shown by Jace Burgemeister. Powell with second going to District Champion Herd went Megan Conners. to Hannah Wagstaff and First for East Sounding Creek Reserve Champion, Kagen was Tanner Madge and second Rude. went to Hannah Wagstaff. The District Champion Cow/ Judging conformation for the Calf was Hannah Wagstaff’s 3 show was Rod McLeod from year-old. Wagstaff’s 2 year-old Balzac. was also the Reserve Champion. Honours for of the Grand The final class, District Champion Yearling went to Grand Champion Female went Abbegayle Brady and Reserve to to Hannah Wagstaff’s 3-year-old Taylor Mashon. and Reserve Champion was The District 2 year-old Grand Abbegayle Brady’s yearling Champion was Hannah heifer. Wagstaff and Reserve The afternoon started with Champion, Kagen Rude. the club steer show. The district 3-year-old Hanna Rangeland Seniors: Champion was shown by Class Winner: 1st Ryan Hannah Wagstaff and Reserve Francis, 2nd Walker Hutton. Champion, Morgan 1st Ryan 3” wide Showmanship: version

‘I am Canadian’

NEVER SHOCK CHLORINATE AGAIN Big Iron Drilling’s patented

Francis, 2nd Morgan Burgemeister. Grooming: 1st Morgan Burgemeister, 2nd Ryan Francis. Intermediates: Class Winner: Tayslin

Bossert, 2nd Erin Francis. Showmanship: Erin Francis, 2nd Sydney McMillan. Grooming: Erin Francis, 2nd Abbegayle Brady. Turn to Hanna, Pg 11

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Cont’d from Pg 6 Tell them I think the most beautiful thing SALE $499 Danny Hooper about our country is the freedom we sent you For all your have here. We are free to speak our Pet & Farm Supplies Also: Rural Water Treatment (Province Wide) mind without fear of punishment, even to criticize the government. Main St., 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) We are encouraged to work hard Veteran 403 View our 29 patented and patent and become successful, no matter 403 575 2872 pending inventions online at what our start in life has been. www.1800bigiron.com SUMMER HOURS Monday to Thursday 9 am to 5pm We have an excellent educational system that UNRESERVED FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2016 – 10:00 AM is available for everyone, male, 3.75” wide version female or anything in-between. LOCATED: From Daysland, go 1.7 km east on Hwy 13, then 11 km south on Hwy 855, then 1 km east on Twp Rd Yes, our med440 or from Heisler, go 9 km north on Hwy 855, then 1 km east on Twp Rd 440. Gate sign – 16132 Twp Rd 440. Big IronFOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Allen Zimmer at 587-377-2972. ical system is Drilling’s flawed but it is 410 2nd Avenue West, patented still the envy of Tell them Hanna, AB many countries. Danny Hooper JEFF M.FAUPEL, Best of all we sent you B. Mgmt., C.A. are free to worAlso: Rural Water Treatment (Province Wide) MONICA N. FAUPEL, ship, or not B. Mgmt., C.A. worship, to be a Three Hills - Tues. 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) Christian, or not, Coronation Coronation - Wed. View our 29 patented and patent it is completely pending inventions online at Oyen -Thurs. (by Vision Clinic our choice. We Appointment) www.1800bigiron.com Dr. Marc Kallal will never be perTRACTORS & DOZER 11R22.5 tires (vg rubber), roll tarp, • Westfield dual hopper tote tank, 2 lick tank; misc. cattle supplies 800-267-5601 Dr. Ward ZoBell • Versatile 875 4WD, 20.8x38 duals, air brakes, spring susp, rear hitch, hyd augers secuted for going MISC / SHOP / TOOLS showing 7887 hrs, standard trans, showing 150,004 km at booking • Blanchard air tank, 3rd tank, PTO • 7’ Woods R107 HD rotary mower Tues & Thurs 10 - 4 to church, or pun4 hyd, S/N 052694 • 1978 Chev C60 SA grain truck w/ drive • 26’ TA 5th wheel trailer, 8 bolt rims • AC 7580 4WD, 18.4x38 duals, 15’ wood box & hoist, V8 gas, 5&2 • 60’ Harmon PT sprayer, auto fold, • 18’ steel grain box, roll tarp 403-578-3221 ished for not 1000 PTO, 3 hyd, showing 5125 trans, roll tarp hyd pump, 650 gal • Allis 3-pt 4 bottom plow; Allis 10’ Professional Accountants LLP going. hrs, S/N 7580-2646-81 • 1974+/– Chev C50 SA grain truck • 40’ Brandt TA sprayer, hyd pump, 3-pt cult / mole hill leveller; 5’ Allis Hanna • AC 7045 2WD, 18.4x38 w/ clamp w/ 14’ wood box & hoist, 8 cyl 600 gal We can walk bucket on duals, showing 6201 hrs, gas, 4 spd • 36’ Morris L-320 field cult, Beline • Five riding lawn tractors (not Guy Chapman, CPA, CA the streets of our Vision Centre Chris Annand, CPA, CA 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd, S/N 2724 • 1987+/- Kenworth T600A TA applicator, 3-bar harrows running - pts – Honda, Roper, AC • AC 7040 2WD, 18.4x38 w/ clamp highway truck, Cat 3406, Webasto, • Alco 4-batt rock picker, PTO drive cities without the 314, Husqvarna LTH 125, etc.) Eye Health on duals, 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd, 11R24.5 tires, 13 spd, (bent frame) • 16 sec diamond harrows & Kendra Walgenbach, CPA, CA • 800 gal poly water tank; 500 gal fear of bombs S/N 635577 • 1991 Chev 2500 Silverado, 4x4, drawbar • Glasses poly tank on trailer Naomi Roth, CPA, CGA • AC 190 2WD c/w AC loader & reg cab, long box, 5.7 L, auto, • 30’ Morris M10 DD drills, factory • Qty drill stem exploding. • Contacts bucket, open station, 18.4x34 showing 321,627 km transport • Power hacksaw (still in crate); I can’t list all 4702 51 Ave, Stettler, AB singles, 540 PTO, 1 hyd, S/N BINS & FANS Dr. Dennis A. Heimdahl AUGERS 5500W diesel genset; Lincoln 225 24253X1D • Westeel 14’x6 ring hopper bin, • Brandt 10”x60’ hyd swing AC/DC welder; 1” drive socket the things about Phone Dr. Ward ZoBell • John Deere AR, 16.9x26 rears, 1 2150 bu +/–, dbl skid, ladder • Brandt 7”x45’ w/ Kelsey SP mover, set; ROK hyd press; Hm built Canada that we hyd, PTO, runs, S/N 283832 • Four Westeel 14’x5 ring hopper 16 hp shop press; shop hoist; Honda Tuesdays, Wednesdays 9-5 403-742-3438 • IH 706 2WD, open station, S/N bins, 1800 bu +/–, all have aeration • Sakundiak 7”x41’ w/ 16 hp, elec banjo pump; Oxy / Acetylene can be proud of, Thursdays, Fridays 9-4 Email: gchap@gchap.ca 4879 (not running) • Two Westeel 14’x5 ring w/ in start set w/ tanks; 8” bench grinder; the list is just too • 9’ Degelman 9 STD underslung ground hoppers, 1800 bu +/– • Sakundiak 6”x33’ w/ eng Dewalt chop saw; drill press; new Fax 403-742-0560 dozer, S/N 4038 403-854-3003 • Wheatland 1212 EAW hopper bin, • Westfield 6”x15’, unused roller chain; mid size anvil; Qty long. We each HARVEST EQUIPMENT 1479 bu +/–, aeration hand and elec tools HAYING & CATTLE EQUIP have our own spe• Gleaner N5 SP combine, 13’ AC • Chief Westland 5 ring hopper bin, • JD 680 TA manure spreader, S/N • Mastercraft 8 hp rear tine rototiller; header w/ Victory PU, 24.5x32 2000 bu +/– estate sprayer cial reasons why 004341W fronts, showing 3367 hrs, • Two Westeel 2-ring feed / seed • NH 357 mixermill, Forster auger, • Fill-Rite FR 700 120V fuel pump; we love our shedded, S/N N5G06107H84 hopper bins Fill-Rite 12V fuel pump shedded • Gleaner L2 SP combine, 13’ AC • Poly feed hopper bin, 40 bu +/– • Ten Echberg Maximat poly country so maybe • 14’ NH 116 hydraswing haybine header w/ Victory PU, chopper, • Four Flaman inline aeration fans hoppered hog feeders w/ nipple • 24’ Tri Haul self-unloading bale we should all A. Div. of Central Alberta Family Funeral Services Ltd. 23.1x34 fronts, showing 1838 hrs, waterers FIELD EQUIPMENT rack shedded, S/N W24411V82 make our own • 36’ Harmon Triple-Flex seeding • New Idea 486 rd baler AUCTIONEER’S NOTES • 24’ AC straight cut header, S/N • All goods are sold on an “as-is”, “where tool, 1” spacing, knock-on sweeps, • Case 8480 rd baler (Pts missing) “Knowledge, Experience lists. is” basis and any description, verbal or in N2419791G8585 3-bar harrows, air package • Cockshutt 311 rake; Case 4-bar advertising, of goods is set out or offered • 22’ AC straight cut header, S/N • Morris 6180 air cart w/ 3rd tank, and Professionalism We are all rake on steel as a guide only. The Auctioneer accepts 22LM23021 Kohler 20 hp fan drive, rear hyd • Morris 36’ rod weeder / pasture no responsibility for errors in description, proud to be • 24.5’ IH 4000 SP swather, UII PU With a Personal Touch” it being the responsibility of prospective plumbing float buyers to inspect the goods before the sale reel, cab, gas, Roto Shear & Keer • Harmon 2410 full hyd crowfoot • Linden post pounder, trailer type Canadian, we and satisfy themselves as to condition, age Shear, S/N 1310083C008155 packer bar, 40’ +/– • IH 47 sq baler; stooker; 15-bale authenticity, make or model. 5117 Victoria Avenue, simply are not in • 22’ CCIL 622 PT swather, batt reel • 14’ JD offset disc auto stooker; NH 275 sq baler; • All hours and kilometres are unverified. Coronation, Alberta T0C 1C0 • If paying by cheque and unknown to TRUCKS • 13’ TA disc, notched fronts Hesston stackhand; Deutz GP 2.8 the habit of Auction Company, we require a letter of • 1984 GMC 7000 TopKick SA • 35’ Morris CP531 DT cultivator, rd baler (parts) 403.578.2928 reference from your bank. showing our Heather Caseley, grain truck w/ 18’ steel box & 3-bar harrows • Two 29’ HD silage bunk feeders; • See complete terms and conditions on our www.coronationfuneralhome.ca Funeral Director hoist, 3208 Cat diesel, 5&2 trans, • 55’ Summers harrows & drawbar website. HD Pipe Rd bale feeder; 230 gal pride. I think we DENTIST should develop that habit and not Professional only show our Corporation pride amongst In Coronation ourselves, but to Barrister & Solicitor the rest of the Coronation Mall world too. When 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Coronation, AB someone asks Call Anytime what nationality, for Appointments we are let’s be Phone 780-672-1105 • Fax 780-672-3955 Office Hours: ready to stand tall Email djas@xplornet.com Tuesday to Friday and proudly say www.dougjohnsonauctionservice.com 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Located in Coronation Mall “I am Canadian.” AB License 334038



Professional Directory

Estate of Joe Zimmer – Daysland, AB


Chapman and Co.

E.Roger Spady





8 July

7'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Ag r i c u lt u r e

ECA review

Tru-Fence Good Fences Make Good Neighbours! • Oilfield • Page Wire • Commercial • Rail Fence • Residential • Corrals • Farm Fencing • Fence • Barbed wire Installation • Wood • Removal • Vinyl • GPS for • Chain Link Fence Lines

Verle Klassen

Ph 403-741-4483 Fax 403-742-4560 • trufence@live.ca Drew Zimmer of Daysland pitches to an unknown player from Sedgewick during the championship game on June 14 in Daysland. Catcher Colt Robbins is also from Daysland. ECA Review/Submitted

Rookie baseball champions ​Submitted The ​Battle River Minor Ball Rookie league started their season at the beginning of May with nine teams in the rookie catagory. The teams were from Killam, Czar, Daysland, Forestburg, Viking, two teams from Provost and two teams

SPORT Shorts

• @Randy Turner15 of the Winnipeg Free Press, on Twitter: “Sure, the Sabres selected Cliff Pu. But had they taken Victoria goaltender Griffen Outhouse they would have won the draft.” • Former NHL goalie Corey Hirsch, on Twitter and found in Gregg Drinnan’s ‘Taking Note’: “July 1 free agency is like buying a ham sandwich at the airport. U pay 3x the price and it’s still a ham sandwich.”

from Sedgewick. The Daysland rookie team was unstoppable this season with seven wins and zero loses in regular season and playoff games. Daysland captured the rookie championship over Sedgewick Two on June 14 in Daysland and won 8 - 2. ​

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The Coronation 4H District would like to THANK the following for donating time, materials or funds towards our show & sale Coronation Fire Department Don Mclean D & M Trucking Coronation Ag Society Bill’s Farm Suppy Cervus Equiptment Future Ag Rindal Oilfield Construction League Pipeline Nifty Livestock Bill & Shorty Schmidt County Of Paintearth #18 Coronation Arena Board ECA Review AFSC Nickels & Dimes Insurance SK Welding M & N Construction

Coronation 4H Beef Club would like to send out a

HUGE Thank You to our buyers:

Endeavor Oilfield Coronation Seed Cleaning Plant Progressive Waste Solutions Stan Barnes Trucking M & N Construction Little Gap Septic Cliff’s Stock Transport Doug & Sherry Tkach Power of One Distributors Tuff Steam & Vac Service Smokin Hoe Excavating Ramsay Stockman Centre Twin Anchor Charolais Sinclair Plumbing

Ken Crookes League Pipeline Stettler Dodge Neville Hughes Hanna Motors Rangeland Auto SK Welding Coronation Tire Battle River Lodge LCL Angus Special Thanks to: Dryland Cattle Trading Corp Lorne & Jackie Rodvang

R e a l E stat e/ Hom e s

ECA review

• RJ Currie of sportsdeke.com, after the Broncos waived punter William Johnson just months after signing him: “I’m guessing there wasn’t enough good Will punting.”

• Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “Dear pitchers who want in on the Home Run Derby: the Derby is bad enough with real hitters in it. Stay in your lane.”

• Perry again: “Alabama’s president makes $535,000 a year — or just $10,000 more than the strength coach for the Tide football team. ‘It’s an outrage,’ said one local resident. ‘He had a way better year than the president did.’”

July 7'16


Renewing your living space?

SPORT Shorts

• Norman Chad of the Washington Post, on the NHL’s arrival in Las Vegas: “In 10 years, every league will be in Sin City, with keno concessionaires working the stands.”

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

Check out our


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Debt Stressing You Out?


Might be time to refinance...

Current 5 Year Fixed Pay 3.09* off Your Bills Rate $10,000 Lower Your $47.79 Payments Cadogan Silver Bullets defeated the Hardisty Lakettes to win the Flagstaff League on June 27. $20,000 $95.58 From the left, back row: Debbie Prediger, Becky Fox, Nikki Scammell, Val Fossen, Lisa Majeski, or $ 50,000 $238.94 Current 5 Year Fixed Refinance Karlin Stickel, Jackie Scammell and Coach Lyle Scammell. Front row: Kenzie Rate Scherger Gina $100,000 Buy a Home! $477.88 3.09* Vetter, Stacey Lindsay and Brenda Stickel. Missing from the photo were Aylene Jago,$200,000 Audra$47.79 $10,000 $955.75 • No Application Fee $20,000 $95.58 Walz and Deb Harrison. ECA Review/Submitted $300,000 $1,433.63 • Inquiries & Applications $ 50,000 $238.94 $400,000 $1,911.50 $100,000 $477.88by Phone $500,000 $2,389.38 • Credit Good - Fair - Poor

League champions

BORROW PAYMENT $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 50,000 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000

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$200,000 $955.75 Call Dale Field $300,000 $1,433.63 • Money for Almost Any Purpose $400,000 $1,911.50 1-866-880-8829 Submitted the World Masters, which is 30,000 athCall Dale Field 1-866-880-8829 $2,389.38 Email: dalefield@mcsnet.ca Cadogan Silver Bullets played off on letes in numerous$500,000 categories Email: dalefield@mcsnet.ca www.northernalbertamortgages.ca June 27 in Cadogan against the competing for 10 days. Hardisty Lakettes to win the Flagstaff The Cadogan Silver Bullets are www.norther nalbertamortgages.ca Call Dale Field 1-866-880-8829 Members of Alberta Mortgage Brokers Association, league. actively searching for team sponsors to Better Business Bureau, Canadian Institute of Email: dalefield@mcsnet.ca The Cadogan Silver Bullets are a help with uniforms and other costs of Mortgage Borkers & Lenders and group of ladies that grew up playing travelling towww.norther the World Masters. nalbertamortgages.ca Licensed by Real Estate Council of Alberta with or against one another in regular The Bullets will be hosting a tournaor tournament play. ment this With less and less softball in the summer, as well area, we joined together as one team as a social and The and have been in this league for three silent auction in years. Other teams in the league the fall. The included Castor, Coronation, Sedgewick and Lougheed. We also travel to Regina and other places for Box 158 Clive, AB T0C 0Y0 tournaments Mon. 11 am throughout the For All Your Paving Requirements summer. • Driveways • Quonsets • Streets In April of 2017 • Farmyards • Subdivisions • Patching the +45 age of our ‘For Big & Small, We’ll do ‘em all!’ team will be travelling to New Zealand to play in We serve the East Country

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10 J u l y

7'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review

Classifieds Email: admin@ECAreview.com

Ph. 403-578-4111•Fax. 403-578-2088 Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). Reach 81,500 readers with your classified. This includes For Sale, For Rent, Card of Thanks, Coming Events, etc. Payment Necessary All Classified Ads are on a Cash Only basis and must be prepaid before running. There will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. We accept cash, cheque, VISA or MC. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. The Review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads All classified ads must be received by 5 pm on Mondays preceding publication. For Too Late To Classifieds ad must be received by 10 am Tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to Box 70, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0.

Real Estate

FARMLAND W/ Gravel reserves Cardston, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, July 21 in Lethbridge. 130.65+/- title acres, gravel reserves in excess of 2.4 million m3. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; rbauction.com/realestate. PASTURE & hay land. 400 - 8000 acres year round water. Management available. Central Sask. Natural springs excellent water. Grazing available. Other small & large grain & pasture quarters. $150k $2.6m. Doug Rue 306-716-2671; saskfarms@shaw.ca. PRAIRIE SKY Royalty Ltd. is a publicly-traded company in Calgary that acquires oil & gas fee title and royalty interests at fair market value. To receive a cash offer, call 587-293-4055 or visit www.prairiesky. com/Selling-YourRoyalties

Misc Decorative landscape cover • Decorative landscape and tree mulch, variety of cover tree mulch, earthtone colours variety of colours www.mulchpeople.ca

403-742-4815 *New* We now have Western Red Cedar Chips


403 740 3610 403 742 7619 STEEL Building Sale. “Madness Sale - Crazy Prices On Now!” 20x19 $5,645. 25x27 $6,424. 28x29 $7,558. 32x33 $10,297. 42x47 $15,590. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422; www.pioneersteel.ca.

Ribstone Creek Accounting Solutions Lois Rodvang


Monthly accounting for farms and small businesses QuickBooks, Sage 50 (Simply), AgExpert SAWMILLS from only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & dvd: www. NorwoodSawmills. com/400OT. 1-800566-6899 ext. 400OT.

Canadian Firearms Safety Course Instructor available at your convenience.

For more info. contact 403-742-4405/ 403-740-6370

For Rent

FOR RENT in Hanna, 3 BR, 1 1/2 bath up, 1 BR 1 bath down, fully renovated, fenced yard. $1200/mo. 403-8544744.

Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111


MAC JAMES MOTORS The Car Credit Cure

0 Cash Down 0 Stress 0 Surprises 0 Pressure

FOR SALE - John Deere tractor with 158 loader, 3100 hrs on rebuilt motor, good tires. Make a good haying tractor, $18,000. Hesston baler, 956 auto cycle, fair shape, done approx. 7900 bales, $6,300. 403-5750921, Coronation.

Feed and Seed

HEATED Canola buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877250-5252.


CHAROLAIS BULLS. Quiet. Easy calving (all herd sires proven on heifers). Excellent growth. Semen tested and ready to go. Silver Shadow Charolais. 780-8532587 or 780-8533408.

Call Mac Today WEST GASOLINE ALLEY HIGHWAY 2 SOUTH RED DEER Call Mac Today toll free Neil @ 1-877-232-2886 403-309-3233 www.macjames.ca

Business Opportunities


A-STEEL shipping containers. 20’, 40’ & 53’. 40’ insulated reefers/freezers. Modifications possible windows, doors, walls, as office, living work-shop, etc., 40’ flatrack/bridge. 1-866528-7108; www.rtccontainer.com.

HIP OR Knee Replacement? Restrictions in walking/dressing? $2,500 yearly tax credit. $20,000 lump sum cheque. Disability Tax Credit. Expert Help. Lowest service fee nationwide. 1-844453-5372.

3” wide version


FREE SCRAP and truck removal including farm machinery. We pay cash at our yard. 1-780-9147560; www.sturgeonbusparts.ca.

Help Wanted

THE LEAF Sports Pub and Grill at 4746 49th St. Hardisty, AB. T0B 1V0 is currently filling 2 full time cook positions. Job duties include: Prepare and cook individual dishes and foods, ensuring quality of food preparation and presentation, cleaning kitchen equipment and the work area as required. Proper food preparation and cleaning both equipment /work areas in a sanitary environment is also required. Flexible schedules and shifts are available for various shifts between the hours of 5 am-11pm daily. Wages are between $14-17 per hour based on experience, plus vacation pay. At least 1 yr experience is preferred but training can be provided if required. Blue Cross benefits are available as well as free meals during shifts. Food Safe Certificate is also an asset. Please email your resume to admin@theleafcorp. com or deliver in person to the address above.

RUPERTSLAND INSTITUTE MÉTIS JOB FINDERS CLUB Finding employment is in itself a full-time job, which may be easier if done with a group of people. This three-week program is designed to teach you the most effective means of finding work in this tough economy. Learn how to tap into the “hidden job market”! Call Métis Training to Employment for details:


Funded in part by the Government of Canada.

(1-888-486-3847) online at: www.metisemployment.ca

how to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box.

RECEPTIONIST/ DISPATCHER Vital Networks Inc. is currently seeking a qualified individual to fill the role of Receptionist/Dispatcher. Working in the office in Coronation, the successful applicant will be energetic, self-motivated, and able to multitask, work with minimal supervision, and enjoy working with people. Key responsibilities: -Answering phones and dealing with the public -Processing sales of on-hand inventory, etc. -Process sales opportunities and schedule onsite appointments/installs/ service calls. The successful candidate should possess the following qualities: -able to work in a fast paced environment -have a strong attention to detail -be a team player -be outgoing with strong social skills -strong computer literacy, fluent with MS Office applications & QuickBooks This position is full time Monday to Friday, 9-5. Remuneration based on experience. Please send resume and cover letter to edward@vitalnetworks.ca or fax to 403-578-4215. Applications accepted until a suitable candidate is found. Only successful applicants will be contacted. No phone calls or drop in’s please.

Business Directory 3.75” wide version

Big Country Bill’s Waterwell S. Barnes Stettler RUPERTSLAND INSTITUTE Construction Services Trucking & Building Well Drilling Mini Storage MÉTIS JOB FINDERS CLUB Ltd.& Repairs For Livestock Pumps Supplies Ltd.

Mobile Homes

FOR SALE: 2008 Mobile Home - 16’ x 76’ (1216 sq.ft.) 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. (To be moved off property) Open concept kitchen / living. $115,000. Call 403740-3231.

Farm Machinery

METAL Roofing & Siding. 32+ colours available at over 55 Distributors. 40 year warranty. 48 hour Express Service available at select supporting Distributors. Call 1-888-263-8254.

Finding employment is in itself a full-time job, which may


Quality Collision Repair and Professional Service… Guaranteed! Find out more about us at: www.brennanautobody.com Phone: 403-742-3555 4109 - 48 Avenue, Stettler

Guardian Drugs Killam Mon.-Fri.: 9 am - 6 pm Sat.: 9 am - 5 pm Sun.: Noon - 4 pm East Central Alberta’s

Largest Drugstore

Household, furniture, business records, etc. program is designed•All to Farm teachBuildings you the most effective means Various sizes. Protected by drillerbill@xplornet.com Pumps & Repairs of finding work in this tough economy. • Renovations security alarm and fenced and“hidden Doors job market”! and lighted perimeter. tap into the Res 403 578Learn 3265how to••Windows Overhead Doors & OWNERS: Cell 403 575 Call5264 Métis Training Service to Employment for details: Reg & Darlene Hunter • Retail Sales

be easier a group people. This three-week 403-747-2120 Well Drilling Hauling Callif done with • Custom Newof Homes

Stan Barnes

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Kikel Meat Packers

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Funded in part by the Government of Canada.

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403-740-9283 or 403-742-3153

Wecker R & L Transport


• Cattle, Grain, Equipment Hauling • Custom 4 x 4 Square Baling

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Serving the Big Country

(403) 854-4774

Centre Street Hanna, AB

Bale Hauling David Unruh

403-323-6787(c) 403-742-4673(h)

Trailer Parts & Repairs

Horse, Stock, Cargo, Flatdeck Quality Parts In Stock Visa/Mastercard Accepted

Horseshoe Trailer Mfg. 403-884-2173 Halkirk 403-430-0504

GREG’S AUTOMOTIVE Air Conditioning

REPAIR No Tractors

Call Greg @ 403 882 3541

Service Wise We Specialize

403-742-5237 Stettler, AB

c l a s s i f i e d s/Ca r e e r s

ECA review

Help Wanted

WANTED: PARENT Educator. Golden Prairie Parent Link Centre (www.goldenprairieplc.ca) requires a 15 hr/wk Parent Educator to cover Drumheller, Starland, Hanna & Kneehill area. Responsibilities: Plans, coordinates & facilitates programs that address the intellectual, emotional, cultural, social & physical needs of parents & their children ages 0-6 largely utilizing the Triple P program (training provided). Connects & coordinates with other community supports for families. Collects & reports program data. Education/ Experience: Preference will be given to those with a degree/diploma in human services with strong verbal & interpersonal skills, knowledgeable of child development, parenting tetchniques, community resources, cultural competence & confidentiality. Must have valid driver’s license & own vehicle. Some weekend & evening work required. Please forward your resume, cover letter & references to: Golden Prairie Parent Link, Box 400, Three Hills, AB, T0M 2A0. Email: supervisor@ goldenprairieplc.ca. Closing date: July 18, 2016. We thank all applicants for their interest, only those invited for an interview will be contacted. AGRONOMY Sales Manager career opportunity in Wynyard, Saskatchewan. Agricultural degree or diploma required and/or equivalent sales experience combined with good knowledge of crop inputs. Email resume to: gm@wynyardcoop.com. Phone 306-554-3443. Fax 306-554-4127.

MEDICAL Transcription! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/ MT?uid=prt_blanketclassifiedacn or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Career Training

MEDICAL Trainees needed now! Hospitals & doctor’s offices need certified medical office & administrative staff! No experience needed! We can get you trained! Local job placement assistance available when training is completed. Call for program details! 1-888-627-0297.


CANADIAN Public Auction. We now do Farm Sales. Complete dispersals, appraisals & net minimum guarantees! For a free, no obligation quote call today! 403-852-8721 or www.canadianpublicauction.com.


AUCTION Sat., Jul. 16 @ 10am

Auto’s, Tools, Classics, Generators, Benches, Tents, Skidsteer Attachments and much more!

On Location: 121–15 Ave. (Hwy 14) Wainwright, Alberta


780-842-5666 UNRESERVED Farm Auction. Saturday, July 9, 10 a.m. Tractors, tools, autos, trailer, granaries, antiques. North of Irma, Alberta. Scribner Auction, 780-842-5666. Pictures & listing: www.scribnernet. com.

Hanna 4-H

Cont’d from Pg 7 Juniors: Class Winner: Taylor Mashon, 2nd Spencer McMillan. Showmanship: Taylor Mashon, 2nd Spencer McMillan. Grooming: Gavin Brady, 2nd Spencer McMillan. Hanna Rangeland Grand Champion: Tayslin Bossert. Reserve Champion: Ryan Francis. Dryland Seniors: Class Winner: Kate Nelson. Showmanship: Sage Nelson, 2nd Kate Nelson. Grooming: Sage Nelson, 2nd Kate Nelson. Intermediates: Class Winner: Jace Powell, 2nd Sarah MacPherson. Showmanship: Blake Laughlin, 2nd Jace Powell Grooming: Ainsley Nelson, 2nd Jace Powell. Juniors: Class Winner: Keldon Powell, 2nd Keegan Conners. Showmanship: Keldon Powell, 2nd Rorrick MacPherson. Turn to More, Pg 12

Coming Events

Jace and Denim are gettin’ hitched! To share in their excitement, the Spondin Community will be hosting a bridal shower in honour of Denim Brown, bride elect of Jace Link, on Fri. July 15 at 7 pm at the Spondin Community Centre. Everyone welcome.


CANADA Benefit Group - Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll free 1-888-511-2250 or www.canadabenefit.ca/ free-assessment.

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

July 7'16



GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www.pioneerwest. com. CRIMINAL Record? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2281300/1-800-3472540. CUSTOM FENCING. For good pricing call Isaac. 403-363-9435.

Answer to the puzzle on page 10


3” wide version

• Counselling for Individuals, couples and families • Capacity Assessments • In-home and immediate telephone consultations available • Services are covered by most insurance providers • Direct billing available

Sentinel Self Storage is looking for a couple to live & operate our storage facilities in the following cities: Calgary – Both resumes emailed to Lmcnamara@sentinel.ca Red Deer, Edmonton & Fort McMurray - Both resumes emailed to 12345 sregnier@sentinel.ca (note which city you are interested in the subject line)


(403) 348-5160 Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111

Prairie Land Regional Division No. 25 requires professional, competent employees. Employment opportunities become available on an ongoing basis. Please visit our website at www.plrd.ab.ca for all available positions including teachers, administrative assistants, educational assistants, librarians, maintenance workers, mechanics, finance and technology specialists. Schools are located in Hanna, Youngstown, Cessford, Delia, Morrin, Veteran, Consort and Altario as well as 9 colony schools throughout the division. If you are interested in enhancing student learning experiences and promoting cooperation and commitment within a team environment, PLRD #25 is the workplace for you. Application procedures are outlined on our website. Successful candidates will be required to provide proof of credentials, a current Criminal Record Check and Child Intervention Check satisfactory to3” PLRD prior version to commencement. wide

Chartered Professional Accountant Drew Lee-Hai, Chartered Professional Accountants/Business Advisors of Salmon Arm, BC, is seeking a Chartered Professional Accountant with 3-5 years of post-education experience in public practice. The candidate must have a strong background in preparation of yearend financial statements and related working papers and preparation of corporate and personal income tax returns. Knowledge of accounting principles and their application and experience with Caseware and Taxprep applications would be a definite asset. Opportunity exists for growth into senior management and possible partnership. Please forward your resume to: dave@drewleehai.ca

Fixed Operations Manager – Hanna Motor 3.75” wideProducts versionLtd.

This management position reports to the General Manager. The Chartered position requiresProfessional the management of the Parts and SerAccountant viceLee-Hai, Departments an efficient and profitable Advisors manner.of Salmon Drew CharteredinProfessional Accountants/Business Arm, BC, isobjectives seeking a Chartered Professional and Accountant 3-5staff yearsto of post• Plans of departments workswith with education experience in public practice. obtain The candidate must have a strong background in preparation of year-end financial • Maintains top quality service reduces statements and related working papers andand preparation of returns corporate and personal income tax returns.safety Knowledge of accounting principles and their application and • Workplace experience Caseware and Taxprep applications wouldand be a handles definite asset. • Buildswith and maintains customer relations all Opportunity exists for growth into senior management and possible partnership. concerns in a professional manner Please forward your resume to: dave@drewleehai.ca • Achieve sales, profits and efficiency by maximizing production, controlling costs, marketing and building clientele and establishing employee relationships Qualifications: • High School Diploma or college degree • 5 years combined experience in an automotive service environment • General understanding of vehicle mechanics • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills • Strong decision and multi-tasking abilities Compensation: • Salary plus commission • Employee benefit package

Send cover letter, resume and three work related references to: Donna Hodgkinson, Controller Fax: 403-854-2952 Email: donna@hannagm.com

Job Expectations Include: Outstanding Salesmanship • Candidates must consent to a Excellent Communication Skills, Credit & Criminal Record Check both verbal and written • Janitorial & maintenance – keep• Knowledgeable in Microsoft Ofing the physical site clean – inside fice Programs; adept office admin and out experience Base and Commissions -80k (Edm/Calg)-120k (Fort Mc) per year, benefits, free storage, corporate apparel, contests and prizes. No single applicants will be considered • •

3” wide version



Busy automotive dealer seeks a enthusiastic individual for an immediate opening:

SentinelTRAINED Self Storage isTECHNICIAN looking for a couple to live CHRYSLER

We offer: Great work Environment, Air conditioned shop, & operate our storage facilities in the following cities: Brand new facility, Competitive salaries and benefits, Calgary – Both resumes emailed Lmcnamara@sentinel.ca Locally owned Familytorun business. Red Deer, Edmonton & Fort McMurray - Both resumes emailed to Please forward resume to dlaporte@ramtrucks.ca sregnier@sentinel.ca (note which city are interested ininterview. the subject line) Only qualifi ed candidates willyou be contacted for an


Job Expectations Include: • Outstanding Salesmanship • Knowledgeable in Microsoft Office • Excellent Communication Skills, both Programs; adept office admin experience verbal and written • Janitorial & maintenance – keeping the • Candidates must consent to a Credit & physical site clean – inside and out Criminal Record Check

torversion Products Mowide a n n a 3.75” H

Base and Commissions -80k (Edm/Calg)-120k (Fort Mc) per year, benefits, free storage, corporate apparel, contests and prizes. No single applicants will be considered



Busy automotive dealer seeks a enthusiastic for an immediate opening: www.hannagm.com Fax:individual (403) 854-2952

Toll Free: 1-888-426-6246 Ph:TECHNICIAN (403) 854-4427 CHRYSLER TRAINED We offer: Great work Environment, Air conditioned shop, Brand new facility, Competitive salaries and benefits, Journeyman Technician or 4th year Apprentice Technician Locally owned Family run business. – apprentice must have GM experience Please forward resume to dlaporte@ramtrucks.ca Only qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Qualifications for this position include: • Mechanical aptitude & knowledge of automotive systems • Willingness and ability to maintain current product & technical knowledge • Ability to diagnose vehicle problems & interpret work orders • Out of province, commercial, AMVIC inspections HMP offers a competitive compensation package including benefits. Send cover letter, resume and three work related references to: Donna Hodgkinson, Controller Fax: 403-854-2952 Email: donna@hannagm.com


Come and join our team! A General Insurance Brokerage firm, F.C. Hunt Agencies has provided exceptional service in personal and commercial insurance, along with financial investments for the past 32 years. We have an immediate opening for a permanent, full-time Customer Service Representative (CSR). Key responsibilities include: • Client service for general insurance • Managing a full range of investment products Requirements/Qualifications: • Minimum education level: high school diploma • Ability to provide excellent customer service • Good communication skills • Attention to detail • Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs • Insurance experience an asset • Level 1 or 2 provincial license or C.A.I.B. designation preferred (but will train the right applicant) This is a fantastic opportunity for a career-oriented person based in the town of Castor. We offer a competitive salary and a positive work environment in a modern office. Please email your résumé to Stephanie Kuxdorf: stephanie@fchuntagencies.com or fax it to 403-882-3201 by July 15, 2016.

12 J u l y

7'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review

Although Corinne Hewitt of Delia, Ab., has only recently published her first book, “Jacob of Abbington Pickets”, she began writing at the age of 12. Hewitt’s historical novel is a story of loss, perseverance and faith amidst the background of 19th20th century rural Canada and was inspired by Hewitt’s own grandmother and her hometown of Carlyle, Sk. ECA Review/D.Clark

Let the good times roll

WILLERTON SKI-DOO & E-Z-GO GOLF CARTS LTD. Highway 14 Wainwright, 842-4775

#1 Mule Dealer in Canada

More 4-H winners

2016 Teryx EPS LE

Cont’d from Pg 11 and the Reserve Champion to Tanner Grooming: Keldon Powell, 2nd Madge. Megan Conners. Dryland Grand Champion: Keldon Powell. Reserve Champion: Jace Powell. East Sounding Creek: Seniors: Class Winner: Tanner Madge, 2nd Kory Mundt. Showmanship: Kory Mundt, 2nd Kurtis Mundt. 00 at Burma Park Entry $250 UNRESERVED AUCTION TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016 – 4:00 PM Grooming: Kory Mundt, 2nd Tanner Madge. Dance $10 Entry Fee Intermediates: River Jack Class Winner: Carson Madge, 2nd Kagen Rude. Contact: Showmanship: Carson Madge, 2nd Kevin Abgail Mundt.Grooming: Kagen UNRESERVED TUESDAY, JULY 26,west 2016 – 4:00 LOCATED: From Camrose,AUCTION go 4.5 km east on Hwy 13, then 0.5 km on Twp Rd 464.PM Rude, 2nd Abgail Mundt. 403-575-5254 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Rob Pearson at 780-608-6542. Juniors: Tyson Class Winner: Hannah Wagstaff, PREVIEWING STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 23 UNTIL SALE DAY. 403-575-5241 2nd Olivia Mundt. PREVIEWING TIME: 9:00 AM TO 6:00 PM. Showmanship: A very good selection of shop equipment and tools plus vehicles and acreage equipment. Hannah Wagstaff, UNRESERVED AUCTION TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016 – 4:00 PM 2nd Olivia Mundt. LOCATED: From Camrose, go 4.5 km east on Hwy 13, then 0.5 km west on Twp Rd 464. Grooming: FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Rob Pearson at 780-608-6542. Hannah Wagstaff, PREVIEWING STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 23 UNTIL SALE DAY. 2nd Olivia Mundt. PREVIEWING TIME: 9:00 AM TO 6:00 PM. East Sounding Antiques, Collectibles, Crafts & Jewellery A very good selection of shop equipment and tools plus vehicles and acreage equipment. Creek Grand PICKUP & TRAILER • Qty of western theme yard & • Air Liquide M200 mig welder cabinet Champion: • 2010 Ford F150 XTR Supercrew, • Lincoln AC 225 welder garden decorations (gnomes, • Qty HD chain pliers & bolt cutters LOCATED: From Camrose, go 4.5 km east on Hwy 13, then 0.5 km west on Twp Rd 464. 4x4, 6-1/2’ box, 5.4 L, auto, trailer • 2013 Can Industrial 20 drawer HD fountains, flower pots, etc); cream • Lg bolt bin w/ contents, 4 & 6 Tanner Madge. package, power drivers seat, sync, work station, 9-1/2’ cans drawer steel parts cabinets FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Rob Pearson at 780-608-6542. Reserve blue ext, showing 169,995 km, one • 8’ steel work bench w/ drawers & • Three motocross chest protectors • Pipe wrenches, pry bars, hyd cupboards owner welding clamps, gear PREVIEWING STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 23 UNTILjacks, SALE DAY. SELLING FOR THE ESTATE OF Champion: Carson • Carolina 55T HD hyd press; 12T • 1998 16’ Dyson TA deck over pullers, tap & die sets, filter JACK ARMSTRONG PREVIEWING TIME: AM TO 6:00 PM. press trailer, bumper pull, 6000 lb axles9:00hyd wrenches, qty auto electrical parts, Madge. For more info, contact • Carolina 5000 hyd shop hand pipe cutters, jack alls, hammers, YARD TRACTORS & Terry Armstrong 780-679-4034 District A very good selection of shop and tools plus vehicles • Two Oxy equipment / Acetylene cutting outfits screw drivers, air hose, and greaseacreage equipment. ATTACHMENTS or 780-608-8205 • Strongarm transmission jack; guns, air paint sprayers, tarps, grooming: • Kubota B1700 MFWD tractor, 1999 PICKUP & TRAILER • Qty of western yardtractor & • Air Liquide M200 mig welder cabinet • Kubota L2600 theme DT MFWD Hours up until Sale: Westward jack; Three Homelite chainsaw, O-ring / spring +/–, 17 hpF150 3 cylXTR diesel, hydro, Hi • 2010 Ford Supercrew, • Lincoln AC 5T 225floor welder garden decorations • Qty HD chain pliers & bolt cutters c/w Leon 50 loader(gnomes, & 5’ bucket, Junior Grand wheel dollies; ATV jack pin / riveting kits Low,6-1/2’ turf tires, pt L, hitch, rear & 4x4, box, 35.4 auto, trailer • 2013 Can Industrial 20 drawer HD fountains, • Lg bolt bin w/ contents, 4 & 6 2001 +/-, flower diesel, pots, 27 hp,etc); 3 ptcream hitch, Monday & Tuesday 11 am - 2 pm press, floor type mid PTO,power showing 268 hrs, package, drivers seat,good sync, • 17” workdrill station, 9-1/2’ cans drawer MISCELLANEOUS steel parts cabinets joystick, open station, PTO, power Gavin Brady, • Berkley air compressor; Two & cond, S/N 74852 169,995 km, one • 8’ steel work bench w/ drawers blue ext, showing • Three motocross • Pipe wrenches, hyd • Honda EM 5000pry W bars, generator steering, showingchest 1567protectors hrs, good pressure washers; 4’ steel (4-tier) Reserve - Spencer Saturday 10 am - 4 pm • 5’ Buhler 3-pt hitch finishing cupboards owner jacks,Honda welding clamps, gear pumps; SELLING • Two 5-1/2 hp banjo rubber, good 52469OF FORcond, THE S/N ESTATE rolling cabinet; HD welding • Carolina 55T HD4’x6’ hyd press; 12T mower • 1998 16’ Dyson TA deck over pullers, tap diedischarge sets, filterhose; 3” • 64” Kubota Qty 2” & 3”&flat BL2664 3 pt hitch McMillan. JACK ARMSTRONG table; 12’ steel pipe rack; Qty of or by appointment hyd press • John LTpull, 180 6000 Automatic trailer, Deere bumper lb axles wrenches, qty auto GR water pump w/ electrical gas motorparts, snow blower, ltd use, vg cond For more info, contact misc steel Intermediate ridingYARD lawn mower w/ 48”&deck, 17 • Carolina 5000 hyd shop hand pipe gal cutters, jackslip alls,tank hammers, • 135 Westeel w/ 12V • 5’ King Kutter II 3 780-679-4034 pt hitch rototiller, TRACTORS Terry Armstrong • FreeOxy standing overhead crane w/ • Two / Acetylene cutting outfits hp, showing 363 hrs Call Dan @ 403-854-0521 screw drivers, air hose, grease pump (newer) ltd use, vg cond ATTACHMENTS Grand - Jace or 780-608-8205 3T chain hoist jack; • John PICKUP Deere 44” blade &front TRAILER • Qty western theme yard & • Air Liquide transmission M200 mig welder cabinet guns, air 3000 paint sprayers, tarps,some • Kubota • Hamms gal truck tank, • KingofKutter 500 3MFWD pt hitch bale • Kubota B1700 MFWD tractor,(fits 1999 • Strongarm L2600 DT tractor SHED Westward floor jack; Three above unit) Powell, Reserve • 2010 XTR Supercrew, • Lincoln AC5T 225 welder garden decorations • Qty HD chain pliers O-ring & bolt cutters Homelite chainsaw, / spring damage spear +/–, 17Ford hp 3F150 cyl diesel, hydro, Hi c/w Leon 50 loader &(gnomes, 5’ bucket, • 12’ x Can 16’ wood storage shed, tin wheel dollies; ATV jack 4x4, 6-1/2’ box, 5.4 L, auto, trailer • 2013 Industrial 20 drawer HD fountains, flower pots, etc); cream • Lg bolt bin w/ contents, 4 & 6 pin / riveting kits • Lg qty of unused hyd hose (all • Massey Ferguson 184-4 MFWD COLLECTOR Low, turf tires, 3 ptMOTORBIKE hitch, rear & 2001 +/-, diesel, 27 hp, 3 pt hitch, Erin Francis. roofdrill press,9-1/2’ floor type package, power drivers seat, sync, • 17” work station, cans drawer steel1/4” parts cabinets have ends, - 1”) tractor c/w MFstation, 236 loader, & showing ACCESSORIES mid PTO, 268 hrs, good MISCELLANEOUS joystick, open PTO, bucket power compressor; Two • 8’ steel air work bench w/ drawers & • Honda blue ext, 169,995 km, one • Three motocross chest protectors • Pipe wrenches, pry bars,(20 hydlbs • Qty of fire 5000 extinguishers & grapple, showing 5293 hrs, 3 pt Senior Grand TOOLS • 1981 Honda GL 1100 Goldwing w/ • Berkley cond, S/Nshowing 74852 EM W generator steering, showing 1567 hrs, good pressure 4’ steel (4-tier) cupboards owner jacks, welding clamps, gearpumps; 2-1/2 lbs) hitch, open station, newer tires,OF 3/4”washers; torque wrenches (PTA & • Two Velorex locking hard bags, • Two • 5’ Buhlersidecar, 3-pt hitch finishing SELLING FOR THES/N ESTATE Honda 5-1/2 hp banjo rubber, good cond, 52469 Morgan rolling cabinet; 4’x6’ HD welding • Carolina 55T HD hyd press; 12T • 1998 16’ Dyson TA deck over pullers, tap & die sets, filter • New M8000 Warn winch 16.9x30 rears, 2 hyd, PTO, one Toolex) stored inside, showing 86,237 km, mower JACKBL2664 ARMSTRONG Qty 2” & 3” flat discharge hose; 3” • 64” Kubota 3 pt hitch table; 12’ steel hydbreaker press trailer, bumper pull, 6000 wrenches, auto electrical • 28 cases ofqty antifreeze owner, purchased new 1978, • 1” bar pipe (40” rack; long) Qty of Burgemeister, runs Deere good, nice clean bikelb axles • John LT 180 Automatic For more contact GR water pump w/ gas motor parts, snow blower, ltdinfo, use, vgincond misc steel hydTwo shop hand pipegal cutters, jack alls, hammers, • Four checker plated truck S/N 2202222 • 1” CP air5000 impact; 3/4” air • Ultralite motorcycle riding YARD lawn mower w/cargo 48” deck, TRACTORS &trailer17 • Carolina Terry Armstrong 780-679-4034 • 135 Westeel slip tank w/ 12V • 5’ King Kutter II 3 pt hitch rototiller, • Free standing overhead crane w/ Reserve - Sage • Two Oxy / Acetylene cutting outfits screw drivers, air hose, grease toolboxes; 2 side mt; four alum impacts (Blue Point, Ultra Pro); • Qty motorcycle leather saddle hp, showing 363 hrs ATTACHMENTS pump (newer) or cond 780-608-8205 ltd use, vg AUCTIONEER’S NOTES 3T chain hoist transmission guns, air3000 paint sprayers, tarps, truck fuel tanks; 05 Dodge 1T 3/4” Makita elec impact jack; • All goods are500 sold an “as-is”, bagsDeere • John 44”MFWD front blade (fits1999 • Strongarm • Kubota B1700 tractor, • Hamms gal truck tank, some • King • Kubota L2600 DT MFWD tractor Kutter 3on pt hitch bale“where Nelson. Westward floor Homelite chainsaw, / spring running boards; 15”O-ring low profile • Qty 3/8” &5T 1/2” air jack; toolsThree (Impacts, is” basis and description, verbal or in SHED above +/–, 17unit) hp 3 cyl diesel, hydro, Hi damage c/w Leon 50any loader & 5’ bucket, spear QUAD wheel dollies; ATV jack advertising, of goods is set out or offered pin / riveting kits poly water tank, 185 gal Showmanship diexgrinders, chisels) • 12’ 16’ wooddrills, storage shed, tin Low, turf tires, 3 pt hitch, rear & • Lg qty of unused hyd hose (all 2001 +/-, diesel, 27 hp, 3MFWD pt hitch, • Massey Ferguson 184-4 • 2005 Polaris 800MOTORBIKE quad, 4x4, all COLLECTOR as a guide only. The Auctioneer accepts • 17” drill elec press, • Two new folding step ladders • Makita tinfloor snip,type Makita drills, roof mid PTO, showing 268 hrs, good MISCELLANEOUS have ends, 1/4” 1”) joystick, open station, PTO, power tractor c/w MF 236 loader, bucket Junior Grand no responsibility for errors in description, new tires, passenger seat, 2500 & ACCESSORIES • Berkley air compressor; Two • Qtyof offire chains & boomers; Dewalt grinders, router, 8” bench • Qty cond, S/Nshowing 74852 • Honda EMextinguishers 5000 W generator (20qty lbsofshowing 1567 hrs, good &steering, showing 5293of hrs, 3 pt it grapple, being the responsibility prospective TOOLS lb winch, 1946 miles (302 • 1981 Honda GL 1100 Goldwing w/ pressure washers; 4’ steel (4-tier) tow straps & tow ropes, Qty turn grinder Keldon Powell, • 5’ Buhler 3-pt hitch finishing buyers to inspect the goods before the sale • Two 2-1/2Honda lbs) 5-1/2 hp banjo pumps; rubber, good cond, newer S/N 52469 hitch, open station, tires, 3/4” torque4’x6’ wrenches (PTA & hrs) Velorex sidecar, locking hard bags, • Two rolling HDto welding buckles • Qty of cabinet; wrench sets (up 2”), and satisfy themselves as to condition, age mower Qty 2” & 3” flat discharge hose; 3” • New M8000 Warn winch • 64” Kubota BL2664 3 pt hitch 16.9x30 rears, 2 hyd, PTO, one Toolex) • Warn blade, 54” 86,237 km, stored quad inside, showing Reserve - Taylor table; 12’socket steel pipe rack;impact Qty of authenticity, make or model. • Welding HD 4-wire cable 1”breaker drive set,long) 3/4” • John Deere LT 180 Automatic GRcases watercable; pump w/ gas motor • 28 of antifreeze snow blower, ltd use, owner, purchased newvgincond 1978, • 1” bar (40” • Two sets ofnice quad tires runs good, clean bike • All hours and kilometres are unverified. misc steelQty • Two outdoor screened gazebos sockets; of sockets riding lawn mower w/ 48” deck, 17 • 135 gal Westeel slip truck tank w/ 12V Mashon. • Four checker plated • 5’ Kutter II 3 pt hitch rototiller,to 2202222 • 1” CPstanding air impact; Two 3/4” air • S/N If King paying by cheque and unknown • Ultralite motorcycle cargo trailer • Free overhead crane (10’x20’; 12’x12’); 3 RV mats; WELDING &363 SHOP • Chuan Brand Point, Micrometer set, w/ hp, showing hrs EQUIPMENT pump (newer) toolboxes; 2 side mt; four alum ltd use, vg cond we require Auction Company, a letter of impacts Ultra Pro); • Qty motorcycle leather saddle AUCTIONEER’S NOTES 3T chain(Blue hoist Intermediate Weber NG barbecue; Maytag • Miller XMT 350 arc & Miller calipers • John Deere 44” CC/CV front blade (fits reference from500 your3 bank. • Hamms 3000 gal05truck tank, truck fuel tanks; Dodge 1Tsome • • King Kutter ptanhitch bale 3/4” Makita elec impact All goods are sold on “as-is”, “where bags washer / dryer (2-4 yrs old); 2 22A wire feed welding combo w/ • Three chop saws (Makita, etc) • See complete terms and conditions SHED above unit) damageboards; 15” low profile running spear • Qty 3/8” & 1/2” air tools (Impacts, is” basis and any description, verbalon or our in Grand - Erin website. of goods is set out or offered stock tanks access QUAD • Mastercraft upper & lower tool • 12’ x 16’ wood storage shed, tin advertising, • Lg qty of unused hyd hose (all poly water tank, 185 gal • Massey Ferguson 184-4 MFWD die grinders, drills, chisels) COLLECTOR • 2005 Polaris 800 MOTORBIKE quad, 4x4, all Francis, Reserve as a guide only. The Auctioneer accepts roof havenew ends, 1/4” -step 1”) ladders • Two folding tractor c/w MF 236 loader, bucket • Makita elec tin snip, Makita drills, & ACCESSORIES no responsibility for errors in description, new tires, passenger seat, 2500 • Qty of of chains fire extinguishers • Qty & boomers;(20 qtylbs of & grapple, showing 5293 hrs, 3 pt Dewalt grinders, router, 8” bench TOOLS • 1981 Honda GL 1100 Goldwing w/ Abgail Mundt. it being the responsibility of prospective lb winch, showing 1946 miles (302 2-1/2 lbs) & tow ropes, Qty turn tow straps hitch, to open station, newer tires, grinder 3/4” torque wrenches (PTA & Velorex sidecar, locking hard bags, • Two buyers inspect the goods before the sale hrs) Senior Grand • New M8000 Warn winch buckles 16.9x30 2 hyd, PTO, one age • Qty of wrench sets (up to 2”), and satisfyrears, themselves as to condition, Toolex) stored inside, showing 86,237 km, • Warn quad blade, 54” authenticity, make or model. • 28 cases of antifreeze • Welding cable; HD 4-wire cable owner, purchased new in 1978, 1” drive socket set, 3/4” • 1” breaker bar (40” long)impact runs good, nice clean bike Ryan Francis, • Two sets of quad tires • All hours and kilometres are unverified. • Fouroutdoor checkerscreened plated truck • Two gazebos sockets; of sockets S/N 2202222 • 1” CP airQty impact; Two 3/4” air • Ultralite motorcycle cargo trailer • If paying by cheque and unknown to toolboxes; 2 side 3 mt; alum (10’x20’; 12’x12’); RVfour mats; WELDING & SHOP EQUIPMENT • Chuan Brand Reserve - Sage impacts (BlueMicrometer Point, Ultra set, Pro); • Qty motorcycle leather saddle AUCTIONEER’S NOTES Auction Company, we require a letter of truck fuel tanks; 05 Dodge 1T Weber NG barbecue; Maytag • Miller XMT 350 CC/CV arc & Miller calipers 3/4” Makita elec impact • reference All goodsfrom are your sold bank. on an “as-is”, “where bags Nelson. running/boards; 15”yrs lowold); profile washer dryer (2-4 2 22A wire feed welding combo w/ • Three chop sawsair(Makita, etc) • Qty 3/8” & 1/2” tools (Impacts, is” basis and terms any description, verbal in • See complete and conditions onor our QUAD advertising, of goods is set out or offered poly water website. stock tankstank, 185 gal access • Mastercraft lower tool die grinders,upper drills,&chisels) The final deci• 2005 Polaris 800 quad, 4x4, all as a guide only. The Auctioneer accepts • Two new folding step ladders • Makita elec tin snip, Makita drills, no responsibility for errors in description, new tires, passenger seat, 2500 Look for Us sion for Rod • Qty of chains & boomers; qty of Dewalt grinders, router, 8” bench it being the responsibility of prospective lb winch, showing 1946 miles (302 tow straps & tow ropes, Qty turn grinder buyers to inspect the goods before the sale Macleod was to hrs) • Tuesdays - Oyen, Consort & Forestburg buckles • Qty of wrench sets (up to 2”), and satisfy themselves as to condition, age • Warn quad blade, 54” authenticity, make or model. • Welding cable; HD 4-wire cable declare the 2016 1” drive socket set, 3/4” impact • Wednesdays - Hanna, Killam & Daysland • Two sets of quad tires • All hours and kilometres are unverified. • Two outdoor screened gazebos sockets; Qty of sockets Phone 780-672-1105 • Fax 780-672-3955 Hanna District • If paying by cheque and unknown to (10’x20’; 12’x12’); 3 RV mats; WELDING & SHOP EQUIPMENT • Chuan Brand Micrometer set, • Thursdays - Coronation, Viking, Hardisty Auction Company, we require a letter of Email Weber NG barbecue; Maytagdjas@xplornet.com • Miller XMT 350 CC/CV arc & Miller calipers Grand Champion reference from your bank. washer / dryer (2-4 yrs old); 2 22A wire feed welding combo w/ • Three chop saws (Makita, etc) • See complete terms and conditions on our • Fridays - Castor & Drumheller, www.dougjohnsonauctionservice.com Steer, which went website. stock tanks access • Mastercraft upper & lower tool AB License 334038 • Saturdays & Sundays -Drumheller to Tayslin Bossert


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