Shellbrook Chronicle June 29th

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1912 ~ 2012 VOLUME 101

The Voice Of The Parkland Since 1912 SHELLBROOK, SASKATCHEWAN

FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012

PMR #40007604 No. 26

Summer storm leaves region blacked out A vicious summer storm knocked out power for most of the region Monday night leaving residents and businesses scrambling. Weather events causing damage to power infrastructure in the Meadow Lake, Prince Albert and North Battleford areas left those areas and points in between without power through for varied periods of time. Despite early estimates of power outages of up to 48 hours, the lights came back on in Prince Albert Tuesday night around 10 p.m. while power was restored in Shellbrook sometime after 11 p.m, roughly 24 hours after they went off. However, some areas in the region were still without power at press time. SaskPower issued warnings for rotating power outages around the region through Wednesday afternoon but by press time in Shellbrook, that had yet to take place. The outages, according to SaskPower corporate communications officer Leanne Jarocki, were taking place for line testing. “They are doing some rotating outages because they are trying to stabilize the system and doing some testing of the temporary line. As they switch power over, they are going to need to de-energize some of the lines while they energize others,” said Jarocki. She reported that upwards of 30 power structures had been damaged including major damage to 3 major power lines. Reports of heavy rains in the Prince Albert area are making the repair efforts difficult but the crews continue to make headway in their efforts. Through Tuesday, the hum of generators could be heard from residences and businesses around the community. Businesses like Shellbrook Bigway and Parkland Meats employed large generators to avoid losing their cold and frozen goods while residents plugged their fridges and freezers into smaller portable units. The power outage combined with nearly two and a half inches of rain Monday night caused serious problems for the Town of Shellbrook public works department as lift stations were unable to move water without electricity leading to some sewer backups. Crews had their hands full Tuesday as sewer trucks were

Throughout the day Tuesday, local youth beat the heat with a dip in what is locally called Elliot Lake, off the corner of 7th Avenue East and Main Street in Shellbrook. The water catch basin was basically dry before Monday night’s downpour. Pictured here are James Reddekopp, Dawson Matchee, Madison Bourgeault, Taylor Hladun, Kobe Whitecap, Tyler Potts, Shayden Smith and August Ermine-Bates.

used to pump out storm sewers to take some pressure off of the system. The heavy rain also caused or uncovered damage in the sewerline at the east end of Second Avenue East as the Town had to excavate the street in search of the damaged or blocked pipe. Further details were not available at press time. During this time, SaskPower recommends the following to help customers stay safe If you see a downed power line, always assume it’s energized and stay well back. Call SaskPower immediately. If someone is injured, call 911. Phone SaskPower’s 24-hour tollfree outage number: 310-2220. This number is dedicated to power emergencies. Turn off or unplug appliances, computers or electronics. Leave one light switch turned on so you’ll know when power has been restored.

Fatal rollover on Ahtahkakoop A 20 year old female has died following an early morning roll over on the Ahtahkakoop First Nation June 23. At 8:00 am, that morning, Ahtahkakoop RCMP and Spiritwood EMS responded to a single vehicle rollover on Ahtahkakoop just off of grid 790. The female and a male were reported as being injured in the collision. The female driver was ejected from the vehicle and was transported to Shellbrook Hospital to be transferred to Saskatoon. She died of her injures enroute. The 20 year old male passenger was treated at Shellbrook Hospital and is expected to recover. Neither occupant was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the rollover. The in-



vestigation is ongoing. No further details were available at press time.

Chronicle Grad edition delayed The Shellbrook Chronicle special graduation supplement, which was due to be on the street July 6 will be delayed a week until July 13. The delay is the result of production slowdowns caused by this week’s power outage. The Chronicle regrets any confusion this may have caused.

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Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

Town unveils state of the art sewage lagoon

The Town of Shellbrook got the opportunity to show off the fruits of the greatest infrastructure investment in its history Monday afternoon. Federal, provincial and municipal representatives gathered at the Hidden Hills of Shellbrook golf club to celebrate the completion of the Town’s waste water lagoon and treatment system. Improvements to the wastewater treatment system included the replacement of the existing mechanical sewer treatment plant with an aerated lagoon -- featuring the first Submerged Attached Growth Reactor in Saskatchewan-- and new treatment facility. Upgrades will increase the plant’s overall capacity, efficiency and reliability. The new facility will better protect the environment and ensure the health and safety of local residents. Mayor George Tomporowski said that with a growth rate in last year’s census of around 16 per cent, the construc-

Project engineer J.P. Mills, of Stantec Engineering, explains the process of Shellbrook’s new sewage lagoon.

tion of the lagoon couldn’t have come at a better time. “This lagoon certainly gives us the capacity to handle the waste water component and to continue to grow,” said Tomporowski. Infrastructure replacement and finding ways to fund those projects have been a huge concern for Town Council for years. Much of the sewer pipe


under the Town’s streets date back to the 1950’s and 60’s and is made of concrete which will eventually fail. The governments of Canada and Saskatchewan each invested $2.57 million to the project that reduced environmental impacts of water treatment services. The Town of Shellbrook contributed the balance for a total esti-

mated project cost of over $7.7 million. The Town also obtained a $3.0 million low-cost loan for the capital project from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Municipal Infrastructure Lending Program (MILP). Having each of the levels of government invest $2.57 million into the lagoon project made

the project attainable for the town and he hopes that similar arrangements can be made in the future. “As a small community, even the one third share for us is a tremendous investment but its something we had to do,” said Tomporowski.” With the project completed, the Mayor expects that the plant will far exceed environmental regulations far into the future, which will allow the community to focus on other infrastructure like sewer line replacements, road paving and recreational facility upgrades. Project engineer, JP Mills, of Stantec Engineering said that what makes this particular facility so state of the art is that it is designed specifically for the environment it is being used in. “This system is actually designed around the current waste water coming in and the discharge regulations we have now,” said Mills. The former system which employed rotating biological contactors, was

likely state of the art when the original plant was constructed according to Mills but simply couldn’t keep up with the contaminant load that was coming through which ultimately resulted in discharge that was below current environmental standards. Also in attendance were Desnethe-Missinipp-Churchill MLA Rob Clarke, bringing greetings on behalf of Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification, Lynne Yelich, Kyle Toffan, Director of Grants Administration and Financial Management and Martin Hildebrand, of Nelson Environmental, the company that designed much of the equipment used in the plant. The project itself was completed just under the wire to qualify for the entire funding amount. The project needs had barely been defined when Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a deadline extension on stimulus funding from March 31, to October 2011.

Shellbrook RCMP investigate thefts Friday June 22, Shellbrook RCMP responded to several thefts on the north/east side of the town. RCMP believe these incidents are related. It is believed that the theft occurred between the hours of 10:45 pm last night to 3:30 am in this area. A Break and Enter with theft occurred at Tire store on the East Service Rd. in Shellbrook, SK. Stolen from this location was a cash box and a mini red/white 2009 Panterra TR70 dirt bike. Stolen from 100 block 4 Ave East was a white with black trim ‘97 Dodge Ram 4X4 extended cab which has since been recovered in a northern community far out of the Shellbrook detachment area. Also stolen from 100 block 6 Ave East was a primary black and beige ‘07 Princecraft, 164s, outboard, 16 1/2 ft, pleasure boat with beige cover, on a trailer with a new white plastic Bow Guard M360 Rock Shield. The licence plate is Ontario 653 420. Shellbrook RCMP believes these three incidents are related and all vehicles could be together. No arrests have been made in regards to any of these thefts and the matter is being investigated in congunction with the

Prince Albert General Investigative Services unit. Police are requesting the public assistance in locating these vehicles and items. If you have information about this or any other crime, please contact your nearest police service or RCMP, or you may call Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at

1-800-222-TIPS (8477), through SaskTel Mobility at *8477, text TIP206 plus your message to CRIMES (274637) or submit a tip online at www.saskcrimestoppers. com If your information leads to an arrest or a case being cleared, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.00.


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June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

The renovations continue in Riderville

Rider Insider With the Voice of The Riders, Rod Pedersen katchewan announced its final roster cuts Sunday morning and there were some familiar names on the list. They include defensive back Lance Frazier and offensive tackle Dan


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Goodspeed, both in their 30s. Chamblin said those players’ best days are behind them and they’ll both likely get into coaching or personnel. That means the 2012 Saskatchewan Roughriders - with the youngest coach in the league at age 35 - will go into the season with likely the youngest team in the CFL. Yikes! It appears the oldest player on the squad is 32-year old third-string quarterback J.T. O’Sullivan, a CFL rookie but also a veteran of 11 NFL teams. Double yikes! Why do I have the image of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo in my mind? Possibly because there is so much uncertainty surrounding this club as it gets set to open the regular season Friday in Hamilton.

Of course, as a society and certainly as a province, we’re all resistant to change. However it was apparent through last year’s 5-13 season that this team was allowed to get old without anyone really noticing. Old and dated. The results showed for themselves. Many people have asked me the past few weeks what’s the feeling around the team as we get set to embark on a new season and my response is always “newness”. With the youngest coaching staff in the league which includes CFL greats Khari Jones, Jason Tucker and Barron Miles, there’s been a massive infusion of enthusiasm at the aging Mosaic Stadium. Add to that a host of fresh faces like former NFL running back Kory Sheets and receiver Justin Harper plus up-and-coming Canadians like defensive tackle Zack Evans and offensive lineman Ben Heenan and you’ve got a whole host of 20-somethings who are eager to prove they can play and also to start a new chapter of Rider legends.


Yes, yes everyone is optimistic this time of year because every team is 0-0 but you can’t help but bask in the confident aura of Corey Chamblin.


This winter we asked first-year Roughrider head coach Corey Chamblin if his football team - if compared to a recently-purchased house - was simply a fixer-upper or if it needed massive renovations. As it turns out, they tore this thing down right to the studs and are starting from scratch. Coming on the heels of an 0-2 preseason which concluded with a 33-31 last-second loss to the Calgary Stampeders Friday night in Regina, Sas-


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Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

Opinions Moping around in the dark You really don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone. That adage rang true with people across the region as they endured an 18 - 24 hour stretch without electricity Tuesday. Stores with cold and frozen goods had to employ generators to avoid losing their perishable merchandise. At the news that service may not be restored for 48 hours or more residents also fired up generators if they had them to keep the contents of the fridges and freezers from spoiling. For us at the newspaper, it was an absolute mess. In order to accomplish anything at all, we had to find a generator big enough to operate our newsroom. The boss pulled the last generator off of the shelf at Princess Auto and a few more from Costco, just to be safe. Our day that usually begins at 8 a.m. just started at 3 p.m. There was some work that could be done in the dark but very little that was relevant to the current edition. I was able to hammer out a few stories on a laptop, but with no connectivity to the network it didn’t get us any further ahead. With the roar of an engine, a faint smell of spent fuel and a mass of extension chords stretched out like a mangled octopus, power was restored to our server and computers and we were able get down to work. Only, we still couldn’t connect to the internet so anything sent in from contributors or columnists had to be retyped from the screen of a tablet computer or smartphone using my wireless account. Our streamlined process of getting the paper to the press was also in jeopardy as without that internet connection someone was likely going to have to save the papers (Chronicle and Herald) to disk and drive them to press in Melfort. It sort of reminded me of the old days working in Houston, B.C., when our paper was compiled by cutting and pasting the printed stories onto a newspaper sized sheet to eventually be photographed by an imager for reproduction. We’d have to finish the paper before the last bus to Williams Lake or one of us was going to make the trek ourselves. We have become so accustomed to lights working when we flip the switch or begin able to google something if we don’t know the answer that when those things are take away from us we get a little lost. We were only without power for 23 hours here and that was enough but it could have been a lot worse. One source said that if a storm hit Tuesday night, as predicted, the time line of 48 hours could be expanded. The reality is, we have it pretty darn good in the western world. People in countries far less fortunate than this one learn to expect that their power is going to be disrupted for days on end, that is if they have electricity at all. Our biggest worry is that we might not have entertainment or the food we purchased may go bad in our fridge or freezer -- they worry about where their next meal is coming from. Even in the dark we are pretty fortunate but it is still pretty easy to complain. At times like these we ought to count our blessings rather than moan about what it is we don’t have.

The Paul Martin Commentary Perhaps I missed it but count me among those who were waiting for NDP leader Thomas Mulcair to indignantly complain about the federal government’s moves last week to restrict mortgage availability. After all, by the finance minister’s own admission the reason for the tighter rules on mortgages was the hot Toronto condo market. Is this Ontario disease? where the economic success of one region of the country is casting a shadow over other parts of the nation. Mulcair complained not so long ago that the West’s economic success was putting upward pressure on the Canadian dollar and hurting the Ontario and Quebec manufacturing sector. Well, now Toronto’s housing market is resulting in tighter rules being imposed on other parts of the nation. Mulcair, if regional division is not his real motive, had best be berating the Toronto home builder and buyer. If he doesn’t we can draw only one conclusion – that his nattering about being interested in sustainable development, not regionalism is just that …the nattering of a partisan more interested in political points than nation building. *** There are signs that the provincial economy is picking up momentum. We know the Saskatchewan marketplace has been doing well lately but a set of data released Thursday by StatsCan suggest we might actually be gaining further velocity. First is retail sales. That was up for the third month in a row. Second was employment insurance claims – they were down. And the final one is population. The quarterly estimate of the province’s overall population on April 1 put

Paul Martin

us at 1,072,000. That is up about 4,500 from the previous quarter and just under 20,000 more than the same time a year ago. The 20,000 figure is important because it points to a momentum gain. A couple years back, the annual growth rate had fallen from 19,000 to 14,000. But then it began to climb again, hitting 17,000 last year and now just a smidge under 20,000. Not only does this put us in record territory in head count, it underscores how more and more people are finding this place an appealing destination. *** Saskatchewan`s wholesale sector had a bang up month in April, largely the result of a resurgence in fertilizer sales. The monthly tabulation of wholesale volumes usually is a solid indicator of where the retail community is going to be in a month or two. This month`s wholesale activity generally translates into next month`s retail traffic. But there are a couple things that can distort that a little. One of them is fertilizer. Potash sales get lumped into the wholesale category and StatsCan`s figures for April suggest the standoff between fertilizer producers and buyers is over. Farmers stepped up to the plate so they could have inputs for this year`s growing season. According to the federal agency, fertilizer sales rose by more than 50 per cent in the month. That resulted in Saskatchewan`s year-over-year wholesale dollar volume rising by nearly 20 per cent, one of the highest in the nation. And the month-over-month activity increased by nearly seven points, tops in the country as total sales exceeded $1.8 billion.

June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle


Viewpoint CWB appeal reveals value of courts Partisans who believe the law always supports their views inevitably wind up disappointed. If there’s one thing you discover following politics, it is that no political party always has the rule of law always on its side. It might be partisan politicians who make the laws, but it is unbiased judges who eventually determine how a law should be implemented fairly. A fine example of this has been our Essential Services Act that’s been a big source of controversy over the past few years. Initially, it was union leaders and NDP politicians who insisted such a law was unlawful, even though eight of the other nine provinces had similar legislation governing the need to have some public services remain on the job during strikes. While the Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Dennis Ball last February ruled that such a law was valid, he also ruled that the Saskatchewan Party government’s implementation of the law that sometimes dictated the majority of health workers remain on the job during strikes had unlawful gone too far in infringing on

people’s rights. Of course, this ruling has produced sour grapes from some Sask. Party supporters, now grumbling that the courts always favour of the left, anyway. This is blatantly ridiculous _ particularly when you consider that Justice Ball was once head of the Labour Relations Board for the Grant Devine government and no stranger to controversial labour policy. But what makes such grousing from the losing side even more ridiculous is that they miss the big picture that invariably sees the court sometimes ruling against their wishes and sometimes ruling in favour of them. Another good reminder of this is the recent federal Court of Appeal ruling that Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz did not break the law with its legislation last year to end the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly on the sales of wheat and barley.

A three-member panel of the appeal court overturned the ruling of Federal Court Justice Douglas Campbell, whose ruling last December suggesting that Ritz had broken the CWB Act by failing to hold a vote among Prairie farmers before he introduced Bill C-18. Justice Robert M. Mainville _ one of the judges involved in the ruling _ explained the panel had “serious reservations” about the enforceability of section 47.1 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act because such a provision would “relinquish Parliament’s powers” to “the hands of a small group not forming part of Parliament.” Admittedly, there may be those who will choose to argue that Ritz’s decision is unwise _ even if it’s not illegal. They will point to things like the decision by Alliance Grain Traders to not proceed with a $50-million pasta plant in

Regina as evidence of the consequences of ending the Wheat Board’s monopoly. (It should be noted that this is not exactly the first pasta plant proposed in the west that didn’t come to fruition. Moreover, that AGT’s shares fell to less than half their $23-a-share value of last October _ a direct result of the European financial crisis _ had much to do with the company’s decision.) Critics of the federal government’s handling of the CWB will also point to the looming takeover of Viterra Inc. by Glencore International as another result of the end of the monopoly. In fact, Glencore has even admitted that this was a huge motivation for its $6.1-billion bid for Viterra. But this is an economic debate _ not a legal one. The very same people were arguing that Ritz had acted illegally and was exposing the taxpayers to $15. 4 billions of dollars in damages as a result of the class-action lawsuit filed by Regina lawyer Tony Merchant now don’t have a legal case to stand on. It serves as a valuable argument that the courts favour no particular political viewpoint.

Letters to the Editor

Volunteer in your community today Editor: Volunteers are the backbone of the clubs, organizations and societies that provide much of what we take for granted today. Community volunteers look after us from the time we are very young until we are very old. Teaching us, feeding us, entertaining us, and caring for us …. What would we do without them? Without the Minor Sports Associations we would no longer learn how to play hockey or baseball and enjoy the food that is always a part of the game. Who would teach our children to be good sports and to dream of a future with their favourite team?? Dance associations look after the details of funding and operating a dance studio as well as organizing recitals that show off just how poised and charming our girls and boys have become. Church groups and societies put on our favourite soup and sandwich lunchtime menu time and again because they are dedicated to supporting their group and its survival. Drama groups and community clubs provide us with

all sorts of entertainment in order to raise money for a variety of causes that would suffer with out their aide. And of course a very valuable endeavor is the care of the sick and elderly. Volunteers play a very important role in making sure seniors can stay in their homes. As well as offering their time and energy to entertain and care for those in nursing homes and hospitals. Honeywood (Dr. A. J. Porter) Heritage Nursery Inc is a Horticultural oasis located in the middle of farmland in the R.M. of Leask just off highway 40. It is a Provincial Heritage Site operated as a non profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. The Honeywood volunteers help in many ways. They provide food, refreshments and entertainment during fundraising activities. Throughout the summer months, on Sunday afternoons, the Friends of Honeywood and local seniors provide refreshments & sweets, much to the delight of visitors. The many jobs involved in maintaining the nursery is an opportunity for those volunteers who enjoy gardening and the outdoors. Marketing and fundraising are vital to the future of Honeywood and is just one more opening for just the right person.

Without the support of community volunteers Honeywood would not be what it is today… one of the most significant Tourism/Heritage sites in this region! Many of our clubs and societies are having to terminate programs or disband completely because the members are getting too old or ‘stretched too thin’ to continue as they would like. The need for volunteers to commit to just 1 hour or 1 day a week or month to help in whatever capacity they can is essential to maintain the programs and services we all enjoy.

C. J. Pepper, Publisher,

The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher.

Brad Dupuis, Editor, Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales, “Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview” A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning, P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: Advertising

Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination, Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination, Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception, Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m.

Continued on page 6

Shellbrook Chronicle Polling Question Results Are the Saskatchewan Roughriders heading in the right direction?

Vote on line at

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed. and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of


Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012


June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle


Agriculture And the CWB saga drags on... As spring officially passes into summer, the saga of the Canadian Wheat Board drags on becoming the Prairie version of ‘The Never Ending Story’. Actually this has become a story which more and more seems to be something concocted by Hollywood and not something you’d expect perpetrated by a government. Certainly there are enough villains to go around in this one, although a bit like the fabled Hatfields and McCoys feud, who exactly the bad guys depend a lot on the side of the feud you are viewing it from. And certainly there are enough plot turns to make Robert Ludlum proud. And like a lot of the fare coming out of Hollywood these days, the ending of this story is clear too. There remains an effort by some farmers to stall the ending, and force a sequel to be written, but ultimately the single desk sales agency for Prairie wheat, durum and

designated barley is dead. The premise held by many that the Stephen Harper government was heavyOn Agriculture handed and best and at worst were illegal in how they changed the system, will matter not in the long run in terms of the Canadian Wheat Board. Should the court challenge, currently being appealed by a farm group, overturn the federal government process it will only mean Harper and company have to go through the process in a way which meets legislation, and then make the change since a farm vote will not be binding regardless of the results. And with the majority we gave the Conservatives in the last election they can

Calvin Daniels

eventually make their change. As it now stands the Federal Court of Appeal’s struck down Justice Campbell’s December 7, 2011 ruling where he found that Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz had acted outside of the rule of law by bringing forward legislation that destroyed the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk without first conducting a farmer vote. The Court of Appeal ruling now faces a further appeal that if successful will put the matter before the Supreme Court for a final decision. It would speak volumes on the character of our federal government if the highest court in the land ruled against them,

Blackfly control program By Jessica Podhordeski, PAg. Regional Livestock Specialist, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Black flies occur in varying abundance throughout Canada, but in the Prince Albert area they have an ideal environment for breeding and development in the North Saskatchewan River systems. Black flies have four stages of development; egg, larva, pupa and adult. The eggs are laid in rivers and flowing water systems. Once the egg has hatched, the larvae attach themselves to vegetation or rocks in swift flowing water. Larvae filter nutrients from the water and develop into pupae in about two to three weeks, depending on temperature and other environmental factors. Black flies are a nuisance for humans and livestock alike. For livestock producers these pests can

result in economic losses. Female black flies have a painful bite as they search for a blood meal needed for egg production. The bites are followed by bleeding from the punctures and later itching, swelling and irritation that can last for several days. Attacks by swarms of black flies harass cattle and cause them to become frightened, and bunch up. They may go off feed, reducing milk production and growth rates as well as conception rates of heifers and cows. Cattle not previously exposed to black flies may die within 24 hours during an outbreak. Controlling black flies is often the responsibility of the livestock producer, providing either cattle oilers, sprays or three sided shelters offering a cool shady place for cattle to find refuge from these biting pests. In the Prince Albert area, the District 32 ADD Board has estab-

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lished a Black Fly Control Program with funding from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture. This program focuses on control at the larval stage to reduce the number of adult flies harassing cattle and other livestock in the area. Monitoring stations are set up in various places along the North Saskatchewan and South Saskatchewan Rivers, the Main Saskatchewan River, Garden and Torch Rivers and Bedard Creek to determine the severity each year. The Shell River is also monitored, however is not treated as part of the program. Monitoring begins in early May as this is typically the time when eggs begin hatching. When monitors show that larvae numbers are getting too high a specific volume of pesticide, Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis (BTi), is calculated to be applied for treatment. There is typically an 80% success rate in reducing larvae numbers, significantly reducing the adult population of black flies in the area. The Black Fly Control Program runs from May until mid-August each year. For more information on this, or other livestock related topics, contact Jessica Podhordeski at (306) 953-2772 or the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377.


but would do little to preserve single desk selling. Whether a proponent of the Canadian Wheat Board, or not, it has become time farmers recognize the change is inevitable. Sadly in a democracy we often live with changes that are are not immediately popular, and many which are proven to be just bad moves. Does anyone remember the Gross Revenue Insurance Program (GRIP)? Never widely desired and ultimately proven a terrible program, it is an example of what can transpire when government knows best above all. Time will tell whether the CWB decision was a wise one, or one done simply for the sake of Conservative government arrogance. But either way it is a change that is going to happen, whether on Aug. 1, or a year down the road because of a court decision. That is the ultimate end to this story.


Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

Access Childrens Fund gives $10,563

Children in Shellbrook will have plenty of opportunities to stay active and have fun, and busy parents will not have to look as far for child care thanks in part to a $10,563 donation from the Access Communication’s Children’s Fund. “At Access, we believe that it’s not enough to be in a community – we want to be part of it,” Children’s Fund Chair Doug Alexander said. “A healthy, active and safe environment is essential to the well-being of the children. The Town of Shellbrook’s Before & After School Program will do so much for these kids and their families, and

we are delighted to lend a hand.” The Before & After School Program, being offered at the Shellbrook Elementary School, will focus on improving the well-being of children in and around the community. The program, which is still accepting registrations for the 2012-13 school year, is open to students of Shellbrook Elementary School and W.P. Sandin Public School aged 5-12 and comes at a cost of $150 per student per month plus a one time $25 registration fee. Planned physical and creative activities, tutoring, and childcare are at

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the heart of a program designed to nurture and encourage Shellbrook’s youth . “ A c c e s s Communications is a Saskatchewan-owned cooperative, and our employees live in the communities we serve. For us, this isn’t about helping customers, it’s about helping our neighbours,” Access Communications Regional Manager (North West District) Martin Smith added. Revenue from the Access Children’s Fund TV Bingo program is the major fundraiser for the Fund. The program airs weekly at 5:00 pm on the community channel Access7, and bingo cards can be purchased at Shellbrook Bigway Foods. “Players in Shellbrook can not only win big jackpots,” said Smith,” they can also see the direct benefit of supporting the Children’s Fund through this donation to the Before & After School Program.” The Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc. is a registered charity that contributes funds and support to youth-based, not-

Continued from page 5 If you would like to help a favourite group, soci-

ShellTown Plumbing & Heating is now under the ownership of

Mitch Pastuik Saalmic Mechanical Services Ltd. thanks all its past customers and wishes Mitch success in his new venture. Saalmic Mechanical Services will continue to service the Leask, Marcelin and Blaine Lake areas. Call 747-3312 or Cell 747-5881 We encourage our past and new customers to give Mitch a call for all your plumbing and heating needs.

Co-operative. More information about the fund can be found at under “In The

Community – Children’s Fund”, or by emailing coop.

Pictured here are new before and after school program coordinator Jason Clark, holding Embree Schmitz, parent board member Karisa Klaassen, holding daughter Kayla, Access Communications Northwest District Manager Martin Smith presenting a cheque for $10,563 to Shellbrook Recreation Director Cassie Bendig, holding daughter Peyton Anderson. In front are Davin Schmitz and Brooklyn Klaassen.

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for-profit organizations and charities in the many communities served by Access Communications

ety, organization or cause, please do not hesitate. Offer your hour or day or whatever time you can spare and see how good it will make you feel. ‘Volunteers are the backbone of the clubs, organizations and societies that provide much of what we take for granted today’. They are vital to us, our children and our grandparents. To volunteer your time to help sustain Honeywood Heritage Nursery Inc as the important Heritage/ Tourism site it has become, please call: 306-747-3307 or email Judy Harley Manager, Honeywood (Dr. A. J. Porter) Heritage Nursery

Sell It Fast! In The Classifieds




Highway 55 Waste Management Corporation invites applications for a full-time position. The successful applicant must have a valid Class 3A driver’s license, be mechanically inclined and be able to carry out assigned duties without supervision and shall answer to the Landfill Operations Manager. Submit your resume, including past experience, wages, and at least two references to: Highway 55 Waste Management Corporation Box 10, Canwood, Sask., S0J 0K0 Wage rate will be commensurate to qualifications and experience of successful applicant. All resumes are to be in the hands of the Secretary Treasurer on or before 4:00 p.m., Thursday, July 5, 2012. Only those contacted will be granted an interview. Thank you to all applicants for their interest in this position.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Village of Canwood is now taking applicants for a

Casual Office Worker The successful applicant will be responsible for the day to day operation of the Village Office as needed. Duties may include: Issuing receipts for payment, filing, dealing with customers, payment processing and other duties as assigned. The applicant must also be bondable. Preference will be given to those with an office background. As this is a casual position, there are no guaranteed or minimum hours, it will be on an as needed basis. For more information, please contact Lisa Quessy, Administrator at (306) 468-2016. Applications may be sent to: Village of Canwood Box 172, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0 Fax: (306)468-2805 • Email: The position will remain open until a successful candidate is chosen. The Village of Canwood wishes to thank all applicants for their interest and advises that only those to be interviewed will be contacted.

June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle


Doukhobor Dugout House hosting murder mystery Volunteers at the Doukhobor Dugout House, south of Blaine Lake, are hoping for a little help in a n 88 year old murder mystery as the site opens for the summer July 7. Doukhobor leader, Peter Veregin died in a train explosion on the Kettle Valley Line, near Farron, in 1924. Some have said that the explosion was an accident while other still call it a calculated scheme. Through the years, investigators have yet to

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Shellbrook Chronicle

come up with any conclusive evidence proving either theory. On July 7, visitors to the Doukhobor Dugout House will have a chance to help solve the mystery using clues and evidence from the actual case. At the gate, guests will be given an actual archive train boarding pass that Peter Verigin purchased to ride the train he died on in 1924. The form will have room for visitors to leave write down their theories and their analysis of clues. “What we are going to do is give you all the clues and theories and get your brain working so you may have some fresh idea of who may have done this,” said site owner Brenda Cheveldayoff. After visitors who choose to partake visit each of the six stops they will end up in the Quonset shed where Peter Veregin’s great-great children will be in attendance for a discussion forum. After the event, all of the information gathered from the visitors will be passed on in hopes of solving the crime.

Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill MP Rob Clarke La Ronge 711 La Ronge Ave Box 612 S0J 1L0 Phone: 306-425-2643 Fax: 306-425-2677

Meadow Lake 114 Centre St. Suite C Box 1260 S9X 1Y9 Phone: 306-234-2334 Fax: 306-234-2339

Please contact my office if you are having problems with EI, CPP, Passports, CEP, Status cards, CRA, Agriculture Canada or any other Federal Government programs or departments.


Ottawa House of Commons 502 Justice Bldg. K1A 0A6 Phone: 613-995-8321 Fax: 613-995-7697

“Check out my website at for important information.” - MP Rob Clarke


Old School Restaurant Ltd. Opening Soon!

in Shell Lake Old School Restaurant is accepting applications for all positions Apply to: CANWOOD COMMUNITY SCHOOL SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM

LOOKING FOR A FUNTASTIC WAY TO SPEND THE SUMMER!! Come to the FREE Summer Youth Program at the school. Youth ages 5 to 13 are invited to attend. The program will begin on Monday, July 9 and continue through the summer until August 24th, 2012. The program will run Monday to Thursday each week beginning at 10:00 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m., and on Fridays 10:00 am – Noon. The children will enjoy a morning snack, make a craft and have fun playing outdoor games. Children must bring a lunch or make arrangements to leave at noon. Come for half days, whole days, some days or every day! Have fun playing with friends, dressing up, going on nature walks, trips to the swimming pool and much more! Watch for posters advertising each week’s theme and events. A special thank you to Student Summer Works Funding Community Initiative Funding and SIGA -Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority for providing funding for this program. For more information please call the Summer Youth Program Coordinator: Kendall Gunderson at 747- 5983 or at the school at 468-2150.

Members of the Doukhobor Community pose for pictures at the Western Development Museum in preparation for the Who killed Peter Veregin event at the Doukhobor Dugout House July 7.

NSERC funds new program A new University of Saskatchewan training program that will produce future leaders in food safety, infectious disease control and public policy has been awarded $1.65 million over six years through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council’s Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program. “This unique, forwardthinking program is the ideal fit for the U of S. We can link our infrastructure with our intellectual resources in one of our signature areas and put them to work directly for the benefit of people and animals around the world,” ” said U of S Vice-President of Research Karen Chad. The signature research area of “One Health” targets health solutions at the

human-animal-environment interface. The U of S will top up the NSERC contribution with $2.76 million in matching funds to create the integrated training program in infectious disease, food safety and public policy. Over the next six years, it will prepare more than 55 graduates for diverse careers in government, industry and academia. The initiative specifically targets the private and public sectors’ urgent need for highly qualified professionals to manage complex public health threats such as emerging zoonotic diseases (transmissible between animals and humans) and foodborne illnesses. “When we consulted members of industry and government, they identi-

Shell Lake Lions donate to Foundation Shell Lake and District Lions Club was pleased to learn that their $10,000 donation to Lions Foundation of Canada (LFC) Dog Guide Program has been matched by an anonymous private donor! The Club’s donation was made possible from fundraisers including Spring Fling 2012, HeyDays 2011/Gary Fjellgaard Show, and last fall’s “Getzlaf” Roughrider Jersey raffle. The total $20,000 donation will sponsor an Autism Assistance Dog Guide and two Hearing Dog Guides;these two programs were identified as being in desperate need of sponsors. The Shell Lake Lions Club appreciates the support they receive with their fundraising activities. This continued support makes possible this donation to LFC as well as to many other worthwhile projects.

fied the need for people who are trained in infectious disease, microbiology or immunology but also have a clear understanding of food safety and public policy,” said Baljit Singh, project leader and associate dean of research at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) at the U of S. The program will be aimed at undergraduate

and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad. The program’s development team includes experts in epidemiology, infectious disease, vaccine development, immunology, microbiology, public health and public policy. Many will also serve as mentors for the program’s students.

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Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

Leask Community School track and field This spring a Track and Field team was started at Leask Community School for the first time in what former students stated must be at least 20-25 years! The original plan of simply starting a team turned into some much greater and exciting for our school and community. A home meet was organized by Phys. Ed teacher Lindsey Burym and Principal Garry Smith, along with the help of many staff, for grade 6-12 students. From here any students who placed in the top 4 in their event were given the opportunity to join the team and go on to districts at Griffiths Stadium in Saskatoon. LCS took 26 athletes to this event with 13 moving on to Regionals the fol-

Buy! Buy! Sell! Sell! Classifieds Work!


lowing week. After the Regional event came provincials and for the first time in many years Leask would have two students representing our school and community; Lloyd Ledoux grade 10 and Deena Watson grade 9. Lloyd participated in Jr. Men’s Shot Put and placed 2nd in the province receiving a silver medal. Deena participated in Midget Girls High Jump and placed 7th in the province receiving a ribbon. A special assembly was held at LCS to recognize all the athletes and in particular the accomplishments of these two students. They were both presented with a certificate and a gift of a provincial track and field t-shirt from the school.The excitement and buzz that in the halls and in the gymnasium brought smiles and pride to both staff and students!! The drive, ambition and sportsmanship that these two students displayed to get to the provincial championship are an inspiration to all of the students at LCS. It is the hope that the Leask Community School High School track and field meet become an annual event with the possibility of guest schools joining us in the future.

For Tender - 1981 2290 Case Tractor & 2003 Allied 795 Front End Loader with 6’ Bucket 9296 hours on tractor, $11,000 of recent work orders plus a new starter and battery Please deposit sealed tenders before 4:00 p.m. Friday July 6th, 2012, C.S.T. to: RM of Big River, No. 555 606 First Street North Box 219, Big River, SK S0J 0E0 Full payment by cash or certified cheque will be required upon pickup. Inquiries can be made by calling (306)469-2323 **The lowest or any tenders may not necessarily be accepted**

Deena Watson

Lloyd Ledoux

Report from the Saskatchewan Legislature Graduation season is upon us. This used to be a bitter-sweet time of the year in Saskatchewan. While we were excited for our kids and grandkids, we also knew that many of them would SCOTT MOE leave our province to Rosthern - Shellbrook continue their education Toll Free: 1-855-793-3422 or find work. Not any- more. For the first time in decades, our young people are choosing to stay – and it’s important as a government we take action to support that decision. The new Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship is one way we are doing that. First announced as a campaign promise in the 2011 election, this new program will provide Saskatchewan grade 12 graduates who have enrolled in a post-secondary institution at home with up to $500 a year to a lifetime maximum of $2,000 over 10 years. This will provide roughly 8,450 high school and GED graduates with scholarships each year. That Saskatchewan Advantage scholarship is not


the only way we’re supporting post-secondary students. There’s also the Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education – under this new program, we will provide a contribution to a Registered Education Savings Plan at a rate of 10 per cent of annual contributions to NADINE WILSON maximum of $250 per child per Saskatchewan Rivers Toll Free: 1-888-763-0615 year. The Saskatchewan Student Loan Forgiveness Program specifically targets doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners, by forgiving part of their Saskatchewan Student Loan if they choose to practice in rural and remote Saskatchewan - $120,000 over five years for doctors and $20,000 over five years for nurses and nurse practitioners. We anticipate these two new programs will be implemented in the coming months. You can find out more about all three of these new programs by going to To the Class of 2012: congratulations. You live in a province where your future is indeed bright. Our economy is strong, employment is at a record high and our population is growing faster than it has in more than 50 years. While other provinces and countries struggle under the crushing weight of debt and deficits, the 2012-13 Saskatchewan budget is balanced – as a matter of fact, we are the only province with balanced budget. At the same time, our government is making sustainable spending investments in programs and services important to you and your family such as the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative, to reduce wait times and more funding the SAID program, which will people with disabilities to live with independence and dignity. The important question now is: how do we maintain that growth? Over the course of the summer, MLAs will fan out across the province to ask you: What should the government’s long-term goals be? What strategies or policies should the government pursue to achieve those goals? What short-term measures can the government take to address some of the more immediate challenges of growth? If you need information on how to participate in this process, please contact my office or the Government Caucus Office in Regina. Together, we will maintain the Saskatchewan Advantage.

June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle


Prairie Spirit Board approves 2012/13 school division budget

The Prairie Spirit Board of Education approved the 2012/13 school division budget at its meeting on Monday, June 18. The budget will now be submitted to the provincial Ministry of Education for its review and approval. The balanced budget represents an increase of 4.31% in operating costs to $106.6 million, to cover the increased costs for collective bargaining agreements and other programming. John Kuzbik, Director of Education, said the budget reflects the Board’s commitment to supporting high levels of learning for all students throughout the Division. He said the budget process has been comprehensive. “The budget is a major undertaking. We reviewed every program and determined our commitments. We had thorough and open discussion to come to our decisions,” he said. Board’s budget priorities In designing this year’s budget, the Board restated its commitment to programming equity for all students. In addition, the Board directed that the budget reflect its support for innovative ways of incorporating real-life learning with academics, with a goal of providing apprenticeship opportunities to senior high school students.

As part of the budget plan, surplus school division funds designated for programming equity will be used to expand band/ music programming to the entire Division. The Board approved the use of $445,000 for the initial costs of expanding the band program, including the purchase of band equipment, a study of the current band program in the Division and an examination of other innovations in music instruction for twenty-first century learners. A Division-wide band/ music program is expected to be ready for fall, 2013. Currently, band programming is offered to students in the east and west parts of the Division, but is not available for students in the northern part of the Division. “I believe this takes us one step closer to full amalgamation and will ensure equity of programming,” said Trustee Sam Dyck. “I believe this plan will be well received.” The Division’s plan for supporting an apprenticeship program envisions combining core academic learning at school with learning experiences in the workplace. For example, students might have the opportunity to begin an apprenticeship program while still in high school. “We believe that learners who have exposure to relevant and authentic learn-

Parkside Pentecostal Church

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ing will be more engaged learners. As a result, they will achieve better results overall,” Kuzbik said. Kuzbik reported that preliminary work on this project has begun, with the goal of having a pilot program prepared by November, 2012. This work will also involve and rely on partnerships with local businesses. Prairie Spirit continues to grow The 2012/13 school year will mark the seventh consecutive year of enrolment growth in Prairie Spirit School Division, with a projected enrolment of approximately 9,838, an increase of over 260 students from 2011/12. Student enrolment in the Division has grown by 10.6% since the school division was formed by the amalgamation of three school divisions in 2006. As of September 30, 2011, Prairie Spirit had the third highest enrolment growth in the province, after Saskatoon Public and Greater Saskatoon Catholic school divisions. “We are a growing school division and we continue to add staff,” Jim Shields, Superintendent of Finance and Administration, reported to the Board. In total, 23.76 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions will be created in the Division, for total of 1,353 FTE positions throughout the Division. The Division will have an additional 12.47 FTE teaching positions this fall, which includes 7.36 FTE positions in schools and 5.11 FTE centralized positions to support English as Additional Language (EAL) programming throughout the Division and the expanded band/ music program. English as an Additional Language (EAL) student enrolment continues to be an area of growth within the school division. In the 2008/09 school year, there were 266 EAL students enrolled in Prairie Spirit. This year, there are over 560 EAL students in the Division. In the past, German, Ukrainian and/or French were the most common additional languages in Prairie Spirit communities. Today, Prairie Spirit has a student population which speaks over 24 languages and originates from approximately 30 countries. Shields pointed out that approximately 75% of the Division’s expenditures are for instructional costs. “Teaching students is our primary business,” he said.

“Therefore, we naturally direct the majority of our funds to our principal priority area.” The other new positions will be within the Division’s Facilities, Maintenance and Transportation departments. New provincial education funding distribution model This is the first year of the provincial government’s new education funding distribution model, which determines each school division’s funding. The funding model is based on five main expenditure areas, namely: governance, administration, instruction, transportation and maintenance. With the new funding distribution model, funding is based on the school division’s enrolment as of September 30 of the previous school year. Therefore, for the 2012/13 school year, funding for Prairie Spirit is based on the Division’s enrolment as of September 30, 2011. Prairie Spirit is working with the Ministry of Education to find a longterm solution to effectively fund growing school divisions. The Ministry of Education anticipated a natural shift in funding recognition with the new funding model. For the 2012/13 school division fiscal year, the Ministry provided an additional $10 million in transition funding for those school divisions negatively affected by the funding change. Prairie Spirit School Division was allocated an additional $3.2 million in transition funding that will allow the Division to realign its spending to the new funding levels and strategically plan for changes to the delivery of educational services. In total, the province allocated $1.74 billion for Pre-K to Grade 12 education in the province for the 2012/13 year. C o n t i n u o u s I m p r o v e m e n t Framework Report The Board approved the Division’s 2012 Continuous Improvement Framework (CIF) report. The report, which details academic achievement and other Ministry indicators, will now be submitted to the Ministry of Education. This reporting process is an annual requirement of the Ministry of Education. The Continuous Improvement Framework was first introduced by the Ministry in 2006, with the goal of improving the

achievement of all students. The CIF is designed to align school, school division and Ministry priorities. The report will be available for the public to review at Relocatable tenders approved The Board approved tenders for relocatable classrooms for Warman Elementary School (one classroom), Warman High School (two classrooms) and Venture Heights Elementary School in Martensville (one classroom). These relocatables are scheduled to be completed by December, 2012. Board Chair Larry Pavloff said the Board appreciates the Ministry’s provision of additional classroom spaces for students in these rapidly growing communities. Pavloff noted that the Prairie Spirit Board of Education has encouraged the Ministry

of Education to allocate these classrooms in a more responsive way, so that the space would be ready for the start of the new school year instead of in the middle of the year. Provincial Students’ Day The Board discussed Provincial Students’ Day, which is held the first day after Labour Day each year. This special day was proclaimed by the Minister of Education to recognize the importance of students and to highlight safety considerations with students back in school. The suggestion to institute a province-wide day to recognize students was made by the Prairie Spirit Board of Education, supported by the Saskatchewan School Boards Association and first proclaimed by the Minister of Education in 2009.

TENDER OPPORTUNITY Project - CDTF No. 0015 The Town of Big River invites tenders for: The repair of holes on sanctioned trails in the Big River area, consisting of approximately 18km. Tender packages with complete details are available for pickup at the Town Office, Box 220, Big River, Sask. S0J 0E0. Phone # 306-469-2112. Sealed tenders to be received by the Town of Big River no later than Thursday, July 5, 2012 @ 4:00 p.m. Only the successful bidder will be contacted. TENDER OPPORTUNITY Project - CDTF No. 0016 The Town of Big River invites tenders for: Widening and clearing of sanctioned trails in the Big River area consisting of approximately 18 km. Tender packages with complete details are available for pickup at the Town Office, Box 220, Big River, Sask. S0J 0E0. Phone 306-469-2112. Sealed tenders to be received by the Town of Big River on or before Thursday, July 5th, 2012 @ 4:00 p.m. Only the successful bidder will be contacted.

DEPOT SUPERVISOR The Blaine Lake SARCAN is currently accepting applications for the position of Depot Supervisor. This position involves working with and supervising persons with disabilities in a retail setting. The successful candidate will demonstrate the following capabilities: • Possess strong supervisory and organizational skills • Willingness to do physical work • Possess good communication and customer service skills • Possess some bookkeeping experience SARCAN offers a competitive wage package with excellent group pension and benefits. Applications must be received by Friday, July 6, 2012. Attn: Chantelle Diakuw 111 Cardinal Cresc Saskatoon, SK S&L 6H5 Fax: 306-653-3932 • NOTE: Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.


Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

Se Se Wa Hum Class of 2012

Top Left: Neil McAdam, Calvin Lachance, Dustin Dreaver, Nathan Mountain, Lanny Joseph, Dallas Joseph, Brandon Turner. Mid Row from left: Trae Whitefish, John Keenatch, Cody Rabbitskin, Breana Daniels, Michala Derocher, Darcy Dreaver, Jesse Daniels, Ian Abbott. Front Row from left: Kyla Whitefish, Lindsay Jack, Dakota Netmaker, Michelle Mcadam, Charly Bear, Lily Turner, Cora LaChance

Heritage Sunday celebrated at Knox United Knox United Church celebrated their Third Annual Heritage Sunday service on June 24th. The theme this year was; “From Diversity we can become Inclusive”. Flags from 14 different countries were piped into the sanctuary at the beginning of the service by Kim Bradley and Dave Hjertaas. The opening hymn was “O Canada” sung in Cree by students from Muskeg Lake Reserve School. After the worship service, everyone went to the park for an old fashioned picnic. There were hamburgers, hot dogs, and pot luck salad or dessert followed by games, fun, and fellowship for everyone. The Muskeg Lake School students performed a hoop dance for those in attendance, which really completed the Heritage Day Celebrations. Rev. Dave Whalley said, “The two previous years we have celebrated the gifts that people have brought from different countries. This year we

celebrated the gifts that we have here in our own province, which includes those of our Aboriginal brothers and sisters and those brought from other cultures.” Rev. Whalley went on to say that, “The Right Rev. Stan MacKay was the first Aboriginal leader of a major church denomination in Canada and he still provides leadership to our church.” In the reflection during the worship service, Rev. Whalley said that, “We are all treaty people in Saskatchewan and we have the opportunity to show the rest of the world that we live as diverse people and that we can work to become inclusive people, who love, honour, respect, and support each other as we get closer to “the New Jerusalem.” Rev. Whalley continued, “The Knox church family prays that we all live in God’s world, showing love and caring for each other as Jesus taught us to do. We are all children of the Great Spirit. We must not let issues di-

Hoop dancers from the Muskeg Lake First Nation perform for the crowd at a barbecue at the Shellbrook Kinsmen Park following the Heritage Sunday Service at the Knox United Church.

vide us as a people or let opinions alienate us from one another.” Everyone was left to

ponder and pray for the answer to the question; “How can we establish a church community which

holds us together in love, gentleness, acceptance, humility, understanding, and kindness when we are

faced with such diversity of cultures in our community?

June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle


Designer’s Edge becomes full service salon Shellbrook’s Designer’s Edge Salon officially welcomed existing and new clients to check out its expansion and renovation at a grand re-opening event Friday June 22. More than 150 people came through the salon Friday afternoon to wish the girls well and to check out the expansion. “I was quite humbled by it. I know this is a big deal to me but I didn’t expect so many to come through,” said stylist and salon owner Becky Fisher. The available space doubled and now what was once a cramped two chair hair salon to a four chair, full service salon including tanning, esthetics and massage. With space in short supply, Fisher said she contemplated moving to a larger building but felt it was important to maintain the heritage of her current space as it has been the place to get a haircut for nearly a century. “I felt loyal to the building because of the history. It had been a barbershop forever,” said Fisher. She bought the busi-

Carmela Ahenakew, shop owner Becky Fisher, Tiffany Aiken (Dumais) and Cherish Schutte in the newly expanded Designers Edge Salon on Main Street Shellbrook. Missing is Randi Horricks.

ness from Vicki MacPherson three years ago who had purchased the space from Claude Leblanc in

2004. Leblanc acquired the property in 1971 from the widow of the late John Bibby who had been in

Shellbrook hosts doctor site visit

Shellbrook Mayor George Tomporowski, Dr. Rizwan Muhammed, holding son Ayan Muhammed, and Shellbrook and Districts Doctor Recruitment Chair Amund Otterson at a community supper during the most recent doctor site visit to the community.

The Shellbrook and Districts Doctor Recruitment Committee hosted the third of a series of doctor site visits last week. Dr. Rizwan Muhammed, his wife Asfiya Ali and son Ayan Muhammed made the trip from the United Kingdom last week to tour the community and health care

facilities to determine if it would make a good fit for their relocation. Through the four day tour, the physican and his family were shown recreational and medical facilities that Shellbrook, Big River and Prince Albert have to offer.

the barbershop for upwards of 50 years. With the Shellbrook

Laundromat closing, she saw an opportunity to fill a vacancy on Main

Street while also allowing her to grow her business. After talking to her future co-workers about possibly getting involved in the venture, she took the plunge and bought the building. With the expansion, the salon was able to add to its list of services. Tiffany Aiken was brought on as the salon’s second stylist, Cherish Schutte has been providing esthetics services, like waxing and pedicures, in the space over the past few months while Carmella Ahenakew and Randy Horricks specialize in different types of massage. Ahenakew is a remedial/massage therapist who specializes in hot stone massage while Horricks is a massage therapist who also offers laser therapy. “That’s the best part, really, because we are the only salon in town that offers massage therapy,” said Fisher. The salon’s hairdressing capacity will grow even further once Schutte completes her hairdressing program.


Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

OBITUARIES ~ Pauline (Leblanc) Hayward

Cecile Angeline Louise Lucier

LUCIER- Cecile Angeline Louise 1930-2012 It is with sadness the family of Cecile Lucier ann nounce her passing on Tuesd June 19th, 2012 in Calday, g gary, Alberta at the age of 8 years. Cecile is survived 82 b her two daughters and 5 by s sons; John Lucier of Calg gary, Shirley Christoffel of N Nanton, Adele (Gary) Hend derson of Okotoks, Gary L Lucier of Edmonton, Dale L Lucier, Darryl (Tammy) L Lucier of Lamont, and Carl L Lucier of Edmonton. 3 Sist ters; Margaret Laqoutte of R Deer, Stella (Roland) Red L Laqoutte of Sylvan Lake, L Lydia Kelston of Red Deer, 2 Brothers; Maurice (Donn Lucier of Shell Lake na) a and Ray Lucier. 8 Grandc children; Corey (Mei Ling) R Renaud, Sherri Renaud, Chad (Cyntia) Christoffel, Scott (Angela) Renaud, James Christoffel, Meghan Lucier, Jessi Lucier, Breanna Lucier. 8 Great Grand Children; Jessie Byron, Nicole Byron, Traey Renaud, Dakota Renaud, Angus Renaud, Aurora Renaud, Ethan Renaud and Arriana Christoffel. 1 Great Great Grand Child; Jonathan Bartram, as well as numerous Nieces and Nephews. Cecile was predeceased by her parents; Alphonse and Adeline Lucier, her husband; George Lucier, her brothers and sister; Paul Lucier, Lloyd Lucier and Sylvia Lang. A memorial service will be held at Snodgrass Funeral Chapel Okotoks on Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 27, Fort Saskatchewan, 9964-93 Ave., Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, T8L 1N4. To email condolences please visit Arrangements in care of Snodgrass Funeral Home Okotoks

Pauline passed away peacefully on Saturday, June 16th at the Moose Jaw Union Hospital at age 79. Pauline, beloved wife of Geoffrey for over 61 years was predeceased by her son Roy (1988), her parents and twin brothers, Lee and Andrew. Loving mother of Paula LaFontaine of Regina, SK., Doug (Dee LeCerf) of Salmon Arm, BC; Ron (Denise VanAmerongen) of Cranbrook, BC; Norman (Janice) of Elkford, BC; her memory will be cherished by her 14 grandchildren and many great grandchildren. She will be fondly remembered by her sister Terry Nagy and brothers Paul Leblanc and Claude Leblanc. Pauline was born on a farm new Domremy, SK., to Emil and Lillian Leblanc on August 26th, 1932. She was the second of 5 children. She grew up working in her mother’s general store in Kilwinning, SK., and captivated the heart of her soul mate Geoffrey Hayward at a Saturday night dance. The couple were married in Prince Albert, SK., on October 25th, 1950, and after a month honeymoon in Victoria, B.C., began their family on Geoffrey’s father’s farm. They farmed together for a few years before moving to Moose Jaw in 1956 where Geoffrey worked for the CPR and Pauline began a rich and rewarding career working as a nurse’s aid at St. Anthony’s Home, where her skills as a seamstress and dietary-aid were also utilized. After 38 years of diligent service, she retired in 1995. She enjoyed photography, travelling to be with family and spending many evenings playing card games with friends, but she will be remembered by most as the family hostess, as she so loved to accommodate friends and family members when they were travelling to or through Moose Jaw. Friends and family were invited to a Service of Remembrance at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 at Parkview Funeral Chapel with the Re., John Carly officiating.

In Memoriams

In memoriams may be put in the Chronicle for $19.00 (30 words) plus 20¢ per additional word

Shellbrook Chronicle

Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000

Government provides financial assistance for seniors with low incomes The Government of Saskatchewan has unveiled the new Personal Care Home Benefit (PCHB), and announced increases to the Seniors Income Plan (SIP). The moves are part of the government’s Seniors Affordability Plan and come into effect July 1, 2012. “These programs will help seniors with low income with their costs of living,” Social Services Minister June Draude said. “We know some seniors are having difficulty making ends meet, and that’s

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Shellbrook Chronicle Spiritwood Herald


why we made the Seniors Affordability Plan an important part of our election platform last November. I am very pleased to be able to follow through on that commitment.” The PCHB will provide seniors with monthly financial assistance to help them with the cost of living in a licensed personal care home. Those eligible for the program will receive a monthly supplement, amounting to the difference between their monthly income and the threshold of $1,800. To be eligible for the PCHB, an applicant must be 65 years of age or older; have a monthly income below $1,800; live in a licensed personal care home in Saskatchewan and be receiving the Old Age Security pension. The government has committed $3.5 million this year to the PCHB, which will benefit about 1,500 seniors. In addition, seniors receiving benefits under SIP will receive up to $50 more each month, which will automatically be added to their payment in July, 2012. SIP benefits were last increased in 2009, when the maximum rates rose to $190 per

month and new eligibility criteria expanded the program to approximately 8,000 additional low-income seniors. The new monthly maximum will be $240, and further increases of $10 per year are planned for the next three years. As of a result of these enhancements, by 2015, SIP benefits will have tripled since 2009. “Our government is committed to making life better for Saskatchewan seniors,” Draude said. “These enhancements will make a definite difference in the quality of life for seniors with low income in our province.” Applications and further information about the Personal Care Home Benefit are available on the Ministry of Social Services website at pchb. An inquiry line has been set up at 306-798-7242 (PCHB) in Regina, or toll-free at 1-855-544-7242 (PCHB). The inquiry line for the Seniors Income Plan is 306-787-2681 in Regina, or toll-free at 1-800-667-7161. Information is also available online at

Regular Church Services, Sunday School and Special Church Events will be listed with the Directory FREE OF CHARGE

LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. - Worship & Sunday School Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Time of prayer 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Pastor David Baldock Shellbrook Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor David Bodvarson 747-7235 Canwood 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun., 9:30 a.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Whitefish Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Saturday, 7 p.m.. St. Henry’s - Leask

Mass Sunday 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Sunday, 11 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. - Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Stanislav Kondrat 306-764-6853 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morn. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 747-2309, Leask 466-4498 Marcelin 226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays -10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley


June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle


Burris and Ticats ready for Grey Cup run It’s been quite a drought for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, but with a couple of former all-stars from the west suiting up in the black and yellow uniforms of Steeltown, the Grey Cup could make a return to Hamilton in 2012. The 100th Canadian Football League season is just nicely under way and trying to see through the cloudy crystal ball to see which teams will meet in Toronto in November is difficult. But the Ticats, whose last two Cup triumphs were in 1999 and 1986 — that’s two Grey Cups in the past 26 years — have a good and interesting mix of talent. Considering six of the eight CFL teams in 2011 won between eight and 11 games (now that’s parity!), it’s a fine line between success and failure. A key injury here or there and a team could go from a potential 12-4 to 4-12. New Hamilton coach George Cortez is hoping the pair of ex-westerners — quarterback Henry Burris, formerly of Calgary Stampeders; and receiver Andy Fantuz, the former Saskatchewan Roughrider great — will play key roles in the Ticats’ resurgence. Toronto Argonauts have similar hopes; since their home field is the site of the 100th Grey Cup Game, they would love nothing more than to be the host team in the Sunday, Nov. 25, Canadian classic. After a 2-0 pre-season record, and new quarterback Ricky Ray (another former Western Conference standout) in the Argos’ double blue uniforms, there are high

hopes in the Centre of the Universe, too. Most CFL observers, however, feel the league’s power resides in the West, with defending Grey Cup champion B.C. Lions showing no signs of letting up as they go for two in a row. B.C., Edmonton and Calgary all finished with 11-7 records last year, and the Lions romped to an easy win over Winnipeg in the Grey Cup. The Bombers seem to have taken a few steps back, likely leaving Hamilton, Toronto and Montreal to battle for top spot in the East. Getting to the Grey Cup game out of the East may come down to a Henry Burris-Ricky Ray battle and it says here that Burris will relive his heroics of 2008 when he piloted the Stampeders to the Grey Cup. • R.J. Currie of “ gives the Montreal Canadiens 60-1 odds of winning the 2013 Stanley Cup. At 55-1 are pigs flying.” • Greg Cote, Miami Herald: “The perfect game by the Giants’ Matt Cain was the fifth no-hitter already this season in a pitching-dominated year. Bumper sticker: ‘Steroids — Miss Me Yet?’” • Currie again: “Not to knock Matt Cain’s perfect game, but baseball historians will be tempted to note it came against

the Houston Asterisks.” • Late-night TV funnyman Conan O’Brien, after a recent broadcasting stint in Chicago: “It is my last night in Chicago. In four days, I did everything you can do here. I ate well, drank a lot, and earlier this afternoon I beat the Cubs 11-2.” • Headline at “Foreign substance on CC Sabathia’s glove determined to be chocolate syrup.” • Some of those NBA games take a wicked long time to finish. Tweeted Bengals cornerback Terence Newman: “If I had 10 minutes to live, I’d want them to be in NBA minutes.” • Len Berman of, mulling the possible penalties for NBA floppers: “Who’s in favour of power plays in basketball?” • CBS/Golf Channel analyst David Feherty, describing an errant tee shot: “That ball is so far left, Lassie couldn’t find it if it was wrapped in bacon.” • Brad Dickson of the Omaha (Neb.) World-Herald, after Cowboys running back Lawrence Vickers was forced to leave practice when fire ants crawled inside his pants: “But first he demonstrated the best open-field moves since Gale Sayers.” • E-mailer H.K., to,

on the 16th hole at The Olympic Club, the longest in U.S. Open history: “670 yards? It takes the Browns’ offence half a season to go that far.” • Mike Bianchi of the Orlando Sentinel: “First, Barry Bonds essentially gets off, then Lance Armstrong has charges against him dropped and now Roger Clemens gets a full acquittal after the government spent millions trying to nail him for performance-enhancing drugs. I’m starting to think government attorneys who prosecute athletes are the legal equivalent of the Cubs.” • Another one from Cote: “Despite a broad public perception of guilt, Roger Clemens was acquitted on all six counts of perjury over steroids accusations. Leaving the courtroom, federal prosecutors tripped over their gigantic floppy shoes and fell flat on their big red clown noses.” • Cote again: “A jury found Jerry Sandusky guilty of 45 of 48 counts in his child-sex-abuse trial. Testimony against the former Penn State football assistant coach was overwhelming, but his fate was sealed when the judge denied an emergency defense motion to fly in the Clemens jury.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg said this year’s NBA final between the Heat and the Thunder sounded like the finalists in a meteorologist softball tournament. Care to comment? Email

From the desk of the Recreation Director By: Cassie Bendig The summer playground program is up and running this coming week. Kids between the ages of 5 and 12 years come on out to the Scout Hall starting July 3! Make sure your parents come and sign you up first – there are no fees involved with this program. The program runs Mondays through Fridays from 8:30AM to 3:30PM except for Canada Day and Civic Holiday. The last day will be August 31. Make sure to pack a lunch and bring some snacks. Every Friday a schedule will be handed out to the kids so they know what is going on when. The program was started to keep kids busy during the summer. The summer months can be

difficult to find sitters and keep your kids out of trouble. With the summer playground program, kids can have fun, learn and stay out of trouble all summer long! The program has help in funding by; Prince Albert and Area Community Foundation, SK Lotteries Community Grant, Summer Student Works, Community Initiatives Fund Community Summer Grant and the Town of Shellbrook. Summer sport camps are returning to Shellbrook! July 17-19 there are a few different activities youth and participate in for free. July 17 is Water Polo for ages 8-18 years running from 6-7pm at the Shellbrook Swimming Pool – regular pool fees will apply.

Ultimate Frisbee will be at the High School Football Field on July 18 for youth 12 years and up running from 1-3PM. Last, but not least we will be having a soccer clinic on July 19 for 5 years and up from 1-4PM at the High School Football Field. That same week we will be introducing Kids in the Kitchen. Rhonda Miller, Jill Booth and Tracy Dupuis are running a program from July 1719 from 10AM to 1PM to teach children aged 7-12 years about the kitchen for free. Main items children will learn are; the skills they need to cook healthy, low cost snacks and meals, that cooking and trying new foods is fun and how to make healthy food choices. Kids in the

Kitchen will be held at the Community Hall. To register please see our playground coordinators at the Scout Hall during the Playground Program. I found out after my article went out last week that there was no vandalism in the Kinsmen Park. I guess someone had parked their vehicle on the grass near the camp kitchen for a children’s birthday party and the vehicle stuck into the soft ground. Please keep your vehicles on the roads for any of the parks or grounds as it helps us to make it easier to maintain the beauty of our parks. But still please keep in mind if you see vandalism of any property to contact the RCMP.

Weekly Health Tip: Trying to get your tan on? Well do so… but do not forget your sunscreen! I have heard many of my friends tell me that they do not want to put it on because they will not tan. Actually it will help you tan better. When your skin

burns, creates risks that are not worthwhile. Grab some yummy smelling sun screen and get your tan on! Have a great week! Cassie Bendig Shellbrook Recreation Director office – 747-4949 cell – 747-9098

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Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

The Ghosts that live in things finally express to someone, outside family, what was happening. Eventually, I mentioned how my “stuff” remained in the UK, and how upset I was that my husband was talking about selling it. “It’s just stuff,” my friend said. “Split the proceeds. Let it go.” How could I? I’d acquired that stuff over seven years with

“The whole meaning of life is trying to find a place to put your stuff.” - George Carlin. When my marriage was vectoring downward a few years ago, I called an old friend. He was on the road at the time, on his way to represent a client in a divorce trial, of all things. It was a significant, even cathartic, step to


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Bronwyn Eyre blood, sweat and tears well, at least sweat. Take the three-tier bedside wicker table which I absolutely had to have and which I hauled through the London tube, left behind the front desk at the Dorchester Hotel while I had tea with a friend, then struggled home with, in a cab. Or the Umbrian vase, which my husband carried up a steep hill to our car; the stained glass lamp I pulled home, tissue paperwrapped in a grocery wheely bag; all the favorite


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library: Books, DVDs, Internet, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service. *New Hours*: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday & Friday 1-5, Thursday 5-8. Weekly Programming: After School Club (Crafts, Stories, Homework Help) Thursday 2:15-5:15, Craft n’ Chat for Adults Thursday 6-8, Drop In Computer Help Friday 2-4. 306-497-3130. CANWOOD: Branch of Wapiti Regional Library Hours: Tues. and Fri., 1 - 5 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 - 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). Ph. 747-3419. CANWOOD: Canwood Community School Summer Youth Program. Looking for a funtastic way to spend the summer!! Come to the FREE Summer Youth Program at the school. Youth ages 5 to 13 are invited to attend. The program will begin on Monday, July 9 and continue through the summer until August 24th, 2012. The program will run Monday to Thursday each week beginning at 10:00 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m., and on Fridays 10:00 am – Noon. The children will enjoy a morning snack, make a craft and have fun playing outdoor games. Children must bring a lunch or make arrangements to leave at noon. Come for half days, whole days, some days or every day! Have fun playing with friends, dressing up, going on nature walks, trips to the swimming pool and much more! Watch for posters advertising each week’s theme and events. A special thank you to Student Summer Works Funding Community Initiative Funding and SIGA -Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority for providing funding for this program. For more information please call the Summer Youth Program Coordinator: Kendall Gunderson at 747- 5983 or at the school at 468-2150. SHELLBROOK: Knox United Church, Saturday, June 30 5:30 pm, Roast Beef and Ham supper, followed by local entertainment ~ $13.00, Sunday, July 1 8:00 am; Pancake Breakfast ~ ($6.00). Worship service of praise 10:00 am; Cold plate lunch following service ~ ($6.00)

h di ll took prints I methodically to have framed; and the Norwegian silver spoons and other heirlooms that family members brought over in their carry-on bags. Of course, I though I was acquiring all this stuff for life. But some times despite the best of intentions, things unravel. It’s this tenuousness - and the emotional significance we invest in objects - that Carol Shields describes in her short story, “Fragility”, about a couple looking for a house. One particular place initially appeals to them, but “It’s a divorce house”, the wife tells her husband. “You must have noticed ... Her clothes were there, but his weren’t. Half the pictures had been taken off the wall. Did you notice the broken light in the bathroom? I’ll bet someone threw something at it. In a rage.” Put off, they respond to an ad in the paper for a “well loved family home.” The house is a “disaster.

The stairs are uneven. The bedroom floors slope.” But the sellers are sad to leave. “We’ll never find a place like this,” they said. “Everything we have just fits here.” The house-buying couple finally decides to risk the bad vibrations of the “divorce house”, after all. “That’s where the Christmas tree will go,” the wife says sealing the deal. I can relate. As desirable as a new furnace or an air conditioner might be, no home could be complete, now, without the quilt my granny made me or the postcard Italian art series I looked at so often while I cooked. And I’ll always know where the Christmas tree - complete with all the decorations I took such pleasure in buying - will go. Canadian Leanne Shapton, New York Times art director, published a book last year with the formidable title: Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, including books, street fashion and jewelry. The book, in a planned movie starring Brad Pitt and Natalie Portman, is a”fictional love story disguised as an auction cata-

logue” about the ‘Ghosts that live in things” - particularly from past relationships - and how hard it is to let them go. I finally had my own “important artifacts’ and personal property shopped over. They arrived last week, after a month in transit, in exactly 100 boxes. After they were cleared through Customs, the officer said: “Welcome to Canada. Officially”. I almost started to cry. No surprisingly, perhaps, my son regards these new, usurpatory objects somewhat warily. He’s prone to pick something up, then put it down, or ask if something is ours or whether we’re just “borrowing it”. Little does he know he was once held in the orange chair still under wraps in the corner or that little bibs and a first birthday candle have popped up in some of the boxes. All the new objects all this stuff - will someday be emblazoned in his memory. And who knows? Maybe will even make the cut. Yes, there are ghosts in everything. But they are my ghosts. And I just couldn’t let them go. browyn.eyre@sasktel. net

Shellbrook Silverfins attend meet The Shellbrook Silverfins Swim Club (this is our first year as a speed swimming team) attended our first swim meet in Humboldt, SK last weekend. We had six kids attend: Aimee Grenier, Kelsey Toth,

Piper Woytiuk, Caleb Smart, Cole Tanchuk and Lynden Kerber. We had some awesome races and came back with four ribbons. By Regan Hamel


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Back: Assistant Coaches Emma Kress and Janaya Fuller, Teegan Fuller, Petra Borix, Jessie Boon, Kelsey Toth, Piper Woytiuk, Sam Miller, Amy Larsen, Coach Regan Hamel. Front: Caleb Smart, Lynden Kerber, Cole Tanchuk, Carnell Olsen, Ben Lafond, and Aimee Grenier. Taken at the Shellbrook Swimming Pool.

June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan Tour hosted at Chico Hills By Irene Nowosad Native Prairie Appreciation Week was first declared in 1999 as the third week of June, each year, initiated by the Sask. Prairie Conservation Action Plan. This chosen week provides an opportunity to raise and increase awareness and appreciation of native prairie and its conservation. To recognize the value of native prairie ecosystems and their importance to Saskatchewan’s environmental and agricultural sectors plays an integral part in preserving our remaining native


prairie landscape which is quickly diminishing. Loss of native prairie continues. In Saskatchewan it is estimated that between 17% and 21% of the original native prairie currently remains intact. June 17, Sunday, at 12:30 on Chico Hills a Bush Walk where over 60 species of native prairie plants were identified and compiled. Being father’s Day, we later lit candles in the chapel, on the hillside, paid tribute and reflected on our dads, followed by fellowship and food in the warmth of the log cabin.

Bachelor of Education Candace Pepper convocated from the University of Regina with a Bachelor of Education - Elementary on June 8, 2012. Candace is the daughter of Clark and Lenore Pepper of Shellbrook. Congratulations.

Exploring this precious natural environment on Chico Hills Trails included Chet Neufeld (plant specialist from the Native Plant Society) and tour guide, Arnold Mainland, Don Dobrowolski, Maxine Morrisson, Irene Nowosad. Missing: Lacey, Laurie Johnson (Nature Sask.), Sarah Vinge-Maxer (Rare Plant Rescue), Michelle Clark (SK. PCAP), seven registered walkers cancelled due to weather conditions. Photo by Dawn Mezzo.

Number of people waiting for surgery down 66% Saskatchewan health regions continue to make progress toward this year’s target that by March 31, 2013 all Saskatchewan patients will have the choice of undergoing surgery within six months. The most current wait time information shows that as of April 30, 2012, the number of patients waiting more than six months for surgery was 4,663, down 56 per cent since November 2007, and 53 per cent since the start of the Surgical Initiative in April 2010. The number

Candace Pepper

of Saskatchewan patients waiting more than a year for surgery has dropped 82 per cent since November 2007. For the six-month period from November 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012, provincial statistics show that 89 per cent of all patients who had surgery received it within six months and 97 per cent received their procedure within one year. The percentages include emergency cases, which typically are performed far sooner than elective surgeries. The overall goal of

Jobs, Growth & Long-term Prosperity Act has passed Our government’s Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act has passed the House of Commons, having been the subject of the longest House debate and Committee consideration of any budget bill in more than twenty years. The bill will now be reviewed and debated by the Senate. Our Economic Action Plan for 2012 focuses on what matters most to Canadians – creating employment and economic growth, stimulating business and making sure families reap the economic benefits of sound governmental fiscal management. Our economic policies have made Canada an oasis of economic calm during a

Rob Clark

Desnethé-MissinippiChurchill River

time of global financial storms. Through prudent economic management we have made Canada the world’s most attractive prospect for investment, which in turn has created economic growth in every phase of our economy. Our new budget will insulate our economy from potentially devastating financial circumstances emanating from Europe. The

Jobs, Growth and Longterm Prosperity Act will continue to eliminate red tape for businesses, while maintaining our low-tax policy for Canadian families. Economic stimulation has taken place through strategic investment and support for small business. Though our economy has thrived during this time of worldwide economic

distress, we must remain vigilant and focused on maintaining our position of strength.Our Economic Action Plan for 2012 will allow Canada’s economy to continue to grow and thrive, even in a challenging world economy. As always, I look forward to your letters, emails and calls. Write me at: Rob Clarke MP, House of Commons, 502 Justice Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6. I hope you will find time to visit my website To contact me via e-mail use clarkr@ or call my constituency office toll-free at 1-866-400-2334.

the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative is to improve surgical patients’ experiences and to provide all patients with the option of having surgery within

three months by March 31, 2014. More information about the Surgical Initiative can be found at www.


Quality Machine Shop Equipment, Tools and Various Household Goods. 40 years of GOODIES to buy. Yard Sale: July 5, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Continues July 6, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Mini-Auction Sale: Saturday, July 7 @ 11:00 am. Registration will be open at 10:00 am. Auction will continue until all items have been sold. Refreshments will be made available through the Holbein Community League. The following items will be in the Yard Sale: Couch & Chairs, Living Room Furniture, Dining Table & Chairs, Microwave Oven, Misc. Household Furniture, Stereos, TV’s, Treadmill, Elliptical, Glass Gallon Wine Jugs, Desks, Beauty Salon Furniture, Cabinets, etc. Auction Sale – Machine Shop Items: RolloSupreme (Scotland) Metal Lathe, 16/24” swing with 8 ft. bed complete with all chucks (3&4 jaw), Cutters, Tailstock and manual (Single Phase 220 Vac). 16” Auto-feed Multi-speed – Denbigh (Tipton, England) Industrial Drill Press; Grinder; Welder & Welding table with accessories; power hack-saw; Radial Arm Saws and Circular Saws; Table Saw; Jig saws & planes; shop tools; 10 Ton Hydraulic Jack; Hydraulic motor hoist; Chains; Various Pullers; Various Implement Belts; Yamaha 100 Dirt Bike; 1989 Ford Taurus wagon; Hydraulic press and frames; Round Metal water tank for live-stock; Hydraulic hose crimper with adapters; Various tools and parts; wood benches; new mahogany & fir wood trim/ base-board material ;axes & shovels; hydraulic jacks; wood working items; drills and drill bits; Valve grinding Kit; Many Boxes of various size Bolts, Washers, Nuts, etc; Multiple cases of Oil; Acetylene torches/ hoses; Wrenches; Belting and Lacing for round baler belts; Parts for McKee round Balers; Chop-saw Grinder; Hand Grinders; Hydraulic Cylinders & Hoses for Implements; New Honda water pump; water pumps; electric motors; gas engines; Polaris 340 S/S Snowmobile; airless paint sprayer; electrical & automotive items; all kinds of water pipe fittings; Antique Electrohome B/W Console TV; Swather canvas’s; Springs & Chains; Joint Hoists; Slip-Gas Tank & Pump; Chevy 327 complete motor with transmission; Blacksmith Tools; Air Compressor & Accessories; Metal Work Benches and Vices; Small & Large Anvils; Meat-cutting equipment(Band-saw & Meat Grinder, Splitter & Knives).

For further information contact either Arnold @ 306-764-2120 or Gil @ 780-293-2986.

Terms of the Sale will be Cash. Cheques will only be accepted based on registration with matching credit card and picture ID.

Sale being held at the home of Louis & Rose Jouan just off of Highway #3;1 mile east of Holbein on the North-side of Highway 3, on service road; or 8.5 miles east of Shellbrook, or 19 miles west of Prince Albert. Watch for Yard-Sale Signs! There are two entrances off of Highway #3.


Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

WP Sandin recognizes top achievers

Achievements in academics, apprenticeship, athletics and drama were all rewarded June 19 as W.P. Sandin Public High School hosted its annual Awards Day. Grade 12 student Sarah Bilyk was awarded top honours as she received a total of eight awards, including four scholarships and the coveted Clarence Martin Memorial Trophy for Student of the Year. Bilyk received Division IV subject awards in Science and Social Science, an MVP Drama Award and the Shellbrook Royal Purple, Investors Group, PAATA and the Vance Tait Memorial Scholarship. At the Junior level, Evan Beaulieu was the winner of the Kinette Marie Nesdoly Memorial Trophy as Junior Student of the year, along with a Drama Performance Award and Division III subject awards in Science and Home Economics. Last year’s top student, Emily Willoughby, returned to W.P. Sandin to receive the 2011 Governor General Award. In all 51 awards were bestowed upon students from grades 6 to 12. The following are the award recipients: Division III subject award winners: English (P.A. Coop) Shaylynn Kress; Mathematics (Y. Groenen Professional Corp) Shaylynn Kress;

Science (Woodland Pharmacy) Evan Beaulieu; Social Science (Goller’s Tire) Todd Pilling; Art (Shellbrook Sales and Service) Micayla Jim; Industrial Arts (Wayne Nikolaisen) Tyler Wendel; Home Economics (Shellbrook Bigway) Evan Beaulieu; Physical Education (Carbin Contracting Ltd.) Austen Kalyn; Most Improved Student (Triple S Transport) Sarah Budan. Division IV award winners: English (Shellbrook Sales and Service) Bailey Doucette; Mathematics (Shellbrook Agencies) Bailey Doucette; Science (Parkland Meats Ltd.) Sarah Bilyk; Social Science (Wilcox-Zuk-Chovin Law Office) Sarah Bilyk; Home Economics (R&B Foods) Niomi Klassen; Practical and Applied Arts (E&B Lumber) Derek Willoughby; Computer Education (Lorne Mustard) Kelli Stene; Physical Education (Naber Ford) Carson Kalyn; Most Improved Student (Scotiabank) James McKay. Victor Yee received a Heritage Language Certificate. SLC Certificates were issued to: Proficiency Awards: Grade 6 Janaya Fuller; Grade 7; Hayden Gratias; Grade 8 Hailey Harms; Grade 9 Shaylynn Kress; Grade 10 Dylan SaamDerr; Grade 11 Victor Yee;

Grade 12 (Marie Nesdoly Memorial Trophy) Sarah Bilyk. MVP Drama Awards: (Mrs. Pat Grayston) Sarah Bilyk and Zach Person. Drama Performance Awards: Evan Beaulieu and Hayley Galbraith. Athletics: Junior Male Athlete (Shellbrook Chevrolet) Tavis Wason; Junior Female Athlete (Shellbrook Chronicle) Hillary Archer and Sarah Moore; Senior Male Athlete Carson Kalyn; Senior Female Athlete Shaunee Kobialko. Scholarships: Sask Youth Apprenticeship Industry Scholarship -- Brayden Hart; Pulse Growers Scholarship -Jensen Wendel; Access Communications Scholarship -- Zach Person; Grant Sommerfeld Memorial Award for Sportsmanship -- Shaunee Kobialko; Governor General Award 2010 -- Emily Willoughby; Prince Albert Cooperative Scholarship -- Jensen Wendel; Shellbrook #102 Royal Purple Scholarship -- Sarah Bilyk; Affinity Credit Union Scholarship -Bailey Doucette; Investor’s Group Scholarship 1 -- Bailey Doucette: Investor’s Group Scholarship 2 Sarah Bilyk; PAATA Scholarship -- Sarah Bilyk; Parkland Superannuated Teachers of Sask -- Bailey Doucette; Billy Simington Memorial Scholarship --

Division III award winners Tyler Wendel, Austen Kalyn, Todd Pilling, front, Shaylynn Kress, Evan Beaulieu and Sarah Budan.

Shaunee Kobialko; Vance Tait Memorial Scholarship -- Sarah Bilyk. Saskatchewan Apprenticeship Certificates were issued to: Taylor Androsoff, Micheal Batten, Zach Beeds, Kendal Bergen, Josh Boettcher, Katie

Brown, Aaron Closs, Drew Crawford, Luke Diehl, Rachel Diehl, Brody Fellner-Wiebe, Kelsey Galloway, Tyson Gaudry, Skylar Gratias, Kyle Jebson, Adam Jones, Chelise Martell, Jake McLean, Tyrel Porter, Dylan Saam-Derr,

Kyler Strube, Evan Wall, Isaiah Waterhouse, Derek Willoughby and Brayden Hart. SLC Certificates were issued to: Hayley Galbraith, Sarah Bilyk, Kelli Stene, Jensen Wendel, Janaya Fuller and Evan Beaulieu.

Senior Male Athlete of the Year Carson Kalyn, Junior Male Athlete of the year Tavis Wason, Junior Female Athletes of the year Hillary Archer and Sarah Moore and Senior Female Athlete of the Year Shaunee Kobialko.

Division IV award winners James McKay, Kelli Stene, Carson Kalyn, front, Sarah Bilyk, Bailey Doucette and Derek Willoughby.

June 29, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

WP Sandin recognizes top achievers

Proficiency award winners Shaylynn Kress, Dylan Samm-Derr, Bailey Doucette, Victor Yee, Janaya Fuller, Hailey Harms and Hayden Gratias. Yee was also the recipient of the Heritage Language Certificate.


Scholarship recipients Jensen Wendel, Brayden Hart, Shaunee Kobialko, front, Bailey Doucette, Zach Person and Sarah Bilyk.

2011 Governors General Award Winner Emily Willoughby, Clarence Martin Memorial Trophy Winner Sarah Bilyk and Kinette Marie Nesdoly Memorial Trophy winner Evan Beaulieu.

Drama award winners Bailey Doucette, Hayley Galbraith, Zach Person, Sarah Bilyk and Evan Beaulieu.

Big River RCMP made pot bust On June 23, 2012 members of the Big River RCMP along with the a member from the Battleford Police Dog Services executed a search warrant under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act at a residence on the Big River First Nation. Two people were taken into custody without incident. Over 1 pound of marihuana, drug paraphernalia, firearms, and cash was seized during the search. The search warrant was a result of an ongoing investigation resulting in charges being laid against a resident of the Big River First Nation. Gerald Melanson age 54 has been

charged with possession of cannabis marihuana for the purpose of trafficking, possession of proceeds of crime, and various firearms related offences. He has been released for court on the Big River First Nation, Tuesday August 14, 2012. If anyone has information on Drug Trafficking please contact the Big River RCMP detachment at (306) 469-2590 or if you wish to remain anonymous, contact Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1800-222-8477, or online at


Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012





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The Classifi fieds June 29, 2012

Place Your Ad Ph: 306.747.2442 Fax: 306.747.3000

Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + 20¢ additional words for the 1st week. Additional weeks: $7.75/week + GST. Classified Display: $17.50/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.00 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: advertising: P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Advertising Deadline - Monday: 5:00 p.m.

Subscriptions $57.00 + $2.85 (GST) = $59.85/year

SWNA Blanket Classifieds Reaching over 6 million people weekly. Cost for 25 words: Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French) Career Ads “Reaching Over 600,000 People Weekly” Rates: $7.79 per agate line Size: 2 col. x 2” ............... .....$424.00 Deadline for Booking/Material Tuesdays @ 12 Noon Contact the Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442 or Email: All prices plus applicable taxes. NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or services offered.

FOR SALE - Venmar Constructo 1.5 Air Exchanger Heat Recovery unit like new, was $1500 will sell for $750. RV camping supplies, new gazebo $75, mesh carpet to put under awning $100, 30A electrical ext. cord $30, sewer hoses with ramp and water hoses $25.00, propane lantern $10, dual packet storage box for your truck box $75.00. Ph 306764-1363. TFCH


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Shellbrook Chronicle


Shellbrook Chronicle

FOR SALE Rough lumber and timber in all dimensions and lengths, up to 20’ long. Log siding, tongue and grove; panelling and Birch fire wood. Check out our website at Call 469-2490, Big River TFCH FOR SALE - Rosemary Greenhouse, on 792 off Hwy 12. Open. Special Geraniums, Tomatoes, Petunias. 466-4428 3-27CH FOR SALE - Yamaha Golf Cart, not used for four

years. Won’t start. $500. Greg 7472236 1-26CH

AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1997 Ford ½ ton pickup, body in good shape, needs engine work, will run. Ph: 4664428 3-27CH REC. VEHICLES FOR SALE

FOR SALE - 1993 Dutchman 26 ft. cabin trailer, large fridge, AC, awning, large propane tank, hitch included, used very little. Price $5,000. Ph: 468-2871 2-36CH

MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE - 3 - 4 ring Goebel bins on low profile hoppers. Approx 4,500 bu. Ph: Gord 2264608, leave message. 4-26CH FOR SALE - 60’ Versatile sprayer, (poly tank); TR70 combine, 18’ Versatile swather, 18’ IH swather, 3 NH square balers. Ph: 466-4948, Leask 3-27CH FOR SALE - 48’ hay trailer and dolley, good for farm tractor. Hauls 26 bales. $2,500. Ph: 922-8380, 9605059 3-27CH FOR SALE Massey Harris tractor, receiver hitch, chrome grill guard, 3 bottom plow, 8’ discer, 633 grain auger. 446-4674 2-26CH FOR SALE - New Holland 116 - 14’ haybine; New Holland 664 baler, Ph: 306-466-4566 2-26CH

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus bulls. Yearling and 2 year olds. Reasonably priced, well developed bulls. Not force fed, but carry enough condition to go out and work

your pastures. Transformer, Kodai, Raven, Master and Diversity bloodlines. $100 deposit will hold until May 1. Tours welcome, for more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries 469-4970 or 469-7902 23-30CH FOR SALE Johner Stock Farm bulls. Polled Herefords/Black Angus yearling and 2 year olds. Guaranteed, Delivered. David 306-893-2714, Justin 306-2481305 20-26CH FOR SALE - Registered Red Angus yearling bull, quiet nature, excellent pedigree, contact Jeff Harty 4694590 4-26CH POPLAR RIDGE ANGUS offering: Registered Purebred Black Angus yearling bulls. Quiet disposition - Easy calving – Semen tested & pasture ready. SHELLBROOK SK 306-747-3038 TFCH

WANTED WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH WANTED - Good used Iron Removal and Water Softener system. Ph: 780645-1212 2-26CH

HOMES FOR SALE HOME FOR SALE - 2011 Quailridge Park Model home, fully furnished, with full size stainless steel appliances, air conditioning, electric fire place, entertainment centre with stereo surround sound, skirting, garden doors, etc., Delivered to your

lot for $49,900 + tax. 306-468-2224, Cell 425-348-8948 4-28CH

HELP WANTED - Casual farm help Apply 466-4428 3-27CH

FOR SALE - Older 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home to be moved in Spiritwood area. Ph: 780-645-1212 2-26CH


LAND FOR SALE FOR SALE - 160 acres, 57 tame grass, rest native grass. Some bush, Good building sites. Large dugout and electric fence. RM of Canwood #494. Ph: 7244903 8-32CH


BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WORK FROM YOUR CASTLE! Do you have 10 hrs a week? Teach over the internet. Free online training. Flexible hours. Great retirement income.

SERVICES CUSTOM FENCING - Call Darcy for pricing. 306883-2662 or 306619-9000 4-27CH

FOR SALE - 128’ x 98’ lot on Centennial Park. Lot #510. Ph: 7472839 4-28CH

MOVING SALE - 106 4 Ave. West, Shellbrook. Thur., Fri., Sat., June 28,29, 30 10 - 4. Rain or shine! 2-26CH



FOR RENT Room 208 Main Street, Spiritwood. Perfect for massage therapist, nail technician or business office. $300/ month, utilities included. Ph: 8833436 or 883-9313 3-28CH FOR RENT - Parkland Housing Authority is accepting applications for a 2 bedroom Seniors unit. Please contact Colleen at 7472369 evenings for more info. 2-27CH

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Looking for Class 1 Driver to haul water and oil in the Lloydminster, Sask. area. Full benefits and bonus, competitive wages. Call 780-205-4042 4-26CH HELP WANTED - House cleaning on a weekly basis. Apply 466-4428 3-27CH

Classifieds Work!


AUCTIONS - Saskatoon Horse & Tack Sale July 10. OK Corral, 4 Miles North of Martensville Hwy 12, 1 Mile East. Tack 1:00PM horses to Follow. For info call 1-877-4942437 PL# 318200

Buying? Selling? Try the Classifieds!


PERSONALS PERSONALS Male 50 y/o nonsmoker/drinker seeks intelligent, compassionate woman who enjoys attention and affection and appreciates the simple pleasures in life for companionship/marriage. Box 761 Hudson Bay, S0E0Y0

YARD SALE YARD SALE June 30 & July 1, 9 am - 4 pm ¼ mile south of Victoire Lucky Dollar Store. 1-26CH


Maverick Pfeil would like to announce the forthcoming marriage of his parents, Sheila Shantz and Trevor Pfeil. Wedding to take place on August 18, 2012 in Shellbrook.

Classified Ads List your For Sales, Wanted, For Rent, etc. 20 words for only $13.25 plus GST (One week)

Shellbrook Chronicle Phone 306-747-2442 or email:

Great Family Home For Sale

3+1 bedroom 1,175 sq. ft. bungalow in Shellbrook. Open concept with vaulted ceiling in kitchen and living room. Close to schools in a great neighbourhood. Quick possession available. $239,000

Call 747-7545 for viewing

In Memoriams In memoriams may be put in the Chronicle for $ 19.00 (30 words) plus 20¢ per additional word Photo - $10.00

Shellbrook Chronicle Phone 306-747-2442

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Shellbrook Chronicle

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June 29, 2012


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June 29, 2012

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY E M P L O Y M E N T ALBERTA: Journeyman Sheet Metal Mechanic Field and Shop Fabrication/Refrigeration Mechanic/Plumbers/Pi pefitters. Overtime and Benefit Package. Email resumes to: toddw Fax: 780-624-2190. Contact Todd at 780624-4140


403-264-0708 EMAIL RESUME TO: saskjobs@ J O U R N E Y M A N PLUMBER Required qualifications include: Journeyman Plumbing Certificate with a General Gas License, Grade 12 and a Valid Driver’ s License. For a complete job posting visit City of Prince Albert, 1084 Central Avenue, Prince Albert, SK S6V 7P3

Leased Operators Livestock: Explore this top opportunity and move to Greener Pastures. Western Canada and USA Lanes. Scheduled Time off. Call Ian for Information 1.877. 533.2835 MANAGER OF TRACK POSITION. Kelowna Pacific Railway Ltd (KPR) has an immediate opening for our Manager of Track position. The successful candidate will become part of an experienced management team and will oversee track maintenance and track capital work while insuring regulatory compliance and safe work practices and must have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a track supervisor. KPR operates on 120 miles of Class 1 and Class 2 track in British Columbia’ s Okanagan Valley, between Kelowna and Kamloops. This position works out of our Vernon, BC offices. Please submit resumes and any questions you may have regarding this position to: MATCO. Class 1 Household Goods Drivers 2 years experience required. $5000 sign-on bonus. *Terms and conditions apply*. Competitive Wages Contact: Dana Watson dana.watson@matco.c a, Fax 780-484-8800 OIL BURNER TECHNICIAN Plumber /Gasfitter, 4th Class Power Engineer required in Yellowknife, NT. Journeyperson, bondable and own hand tools. Resume to: k.leonardis@

TECHS LIVE LARGE in Alberta! Moving/training /tool allowances. Great wages. Full benefits. Investment program. Go Auto has 30 dealerships/18 brands. Apply now!

HELP WANTED DRIVERS WANTED: Terrific career opportunity outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Experience Needed!! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 wks. vacation & benefits pkg. Skills Needed Ability to travel 3 months at a time Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. High School Diploma or GED. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect


Collector Car Auction July 20 & 21, 2012 ALL INDOORS Credit Union Event Plex Evraz Place. Regina, SK. Don't Delay Consign Today! David (306) 631-7207 Steven (306) 570-7253 Bob (306) 690-6263 www.thecollector Country Boy Ent. Inc. PL # 318206



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Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @

& provide us with your e-mail address to receive our weekly e-mail, with pricing indications and market trends.

FOR SALE Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at

RURAL WATER TREATMENT Tell them Danny Hooper sent you.




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Shellbrook Chronicle

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PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 350,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1405 for details. SEE UFC-149 LIVE. Saturday, July 21st in Calgary. Hotel & Dinner packages or. Just Tickets are on sale now. For complete details go on line to or call Dash Tours and Tickets at 1-800-265-0000. One Call and You’re There.

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Modular, Manufactured or RTM homes. A variety of homes in production or ready to ship Regina,SK 1-866-838-7744 Estevan, SK 1-877-378-7744

SOLD EXAMPLES Aberdeen - 1 1/4’s Bengough - 22 1/4’s Bedson 2 1/4’s Bethune - 2 1/4’s Blaine Lake - 245 acres Bruno 14 1/4’s Cupar - 5 1/4s Davidson - 6 1/4’s Eastend - 2 1/4’s Elfros – 26 1/4’s Emerald – 22 1/4’s Eastend - 2 1/4’s Foam Lake - 7 1/4’s Grenfell - 3 1/4’s Kelliher - 10 1/4’s Harwarden - 1 1/4’s Lestock - 21 1/4’s Lake Alma – 14 1/4’s Marcelin - 7 1/4’s Moose Jaw - 8 1/4’s Nokomis - 8 1/4’s Ogema - 56 1/4’s Prince Albert - 1 1/4’s Punnichy - 5 1/4’s Saskatoon - 2 1/4's Semans - 12 1/4’s Simpson - 10 acres Viscount - 5 1/2 Wadena - 4 1/4’s Wakaw - 5 1/4’s Watrous/Young 31 1/2 Mobile Home Park Weyburn - 21 1/4’s Call DOUG 306-955-2266 EMAIL: Letter of appreciation: I have sold some land to Doug Rue in 2011. I am looking forward to selling more with him in 2012. I have made a new trusted friend. Ed P.


CANADIAN MANUFACTURED backed by 10 year warranty -multi family, singe section, motel style homes -Qualify for C.M.H.C.Financing -starting at $69,000 FOR MORE INFO CALL 1.800.249.3969 Hwy 2 South Prince Albert

High Quality Canadian Built Modular Homes & Cottages Over 175 Plans to Choose from. 60-90 Day Turnkey 10 Year Warranty Regina, SK Toll Free: 1-(855)-494-4743 Visit us online:

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Ph (306) 584-3640 Fax (306)-584-3643



Shellbrook Chronicle

June 29, 2012

Information Bulletin about Shellbrook Hospital Due to the difficulty in recruiting doctors, there will be a temporary reduction in services at the Shellbrook Hospital. The next closest hospital with 24-hour Emergency Care is the Victoria Hospital in Prince Albert. Emergency services at the out-patient department are only available in Shellbrook on weekends [Friday from 6 p.m. until the following Monday morning at 8 a.m.] Health concerns needing care or that might be “an emergency” are noted below. Ambulance services are available 24 hours a day. The ambulance will stop in Shellbrook on the weekends after 6 p.m. on Friday. On weekdays, the ambulance will go to the Victoria Hospital in Prince Albert from Sunday at midnight to Friday at 6 p.m. The Ambulance will not stop in Shellbrook at these times. Care for new patients who need to be admitted to the hospital for acute illnesses are not available The facility continues to provide care to patients who are assessed and awaiting placement for long term care.


The Emergency Centre at Victoria Hospital in Prince Albert is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide care and treatment for EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITIONS. If you are experiencing any of the following EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITIONS you should call 9-1-1 or go the Emergency Center closest to you.

Difficulty Breathing or Shortness of Breath Large Cuts or Wounds Chest or Upper Abdominal Pain or Pressure Broken Limbs Sudden and Severe Headache Bleeding that doesn’t stop Coughing up or Vomiting Blood Vomiting that doesn’t stop Severe Abdominal Pain Frequent Diarrhea Suicidal or Homicidal Feelings Childbirth Sudden dizziness, weakness or change in vision Sudden, severe pain anywhere in the body Change in Mental Status (i.e., unusual behavior, confusion, difficulty in waking up) NON-EMERGENCY SERVICES Two medical clinics in Shellbrook, across the street from the Shellbrook Hospital, provide primary health care for NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITIONS including, but not limited to the following examples: Cold & Flu Symptoms Fevers Rashes Minor Cuts Earaches Possible Sprains Suture Removal Uncomplicated Dressings You can call one of the medical clinics at 306-747-2171 or 306-747-2552 for an appointment. Hours of operation for the clinic and the hospital laboratory are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays excluding statutory holidays.

Walk-in clinics are also available in Prince Albert, with no appointment necessary: Prince Albert Walk-In Medical Clinic, 800 15th Street East, Prince Albert Hours: Monday to Saturday. 9 a.m.- 9 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.- 9 p.m. South Hill Minor Emergency Clinic, 2685 2nd Ave. West, Prince Albert Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.- 10 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Super Med Walk-In Clinic, 591 15th Street East, Prince Albert Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday & Statutory Holiday Stats 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Victoria Square Medical Centre, 2345 10th Ave. West Prince Albert Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. West Hill Medical Clinic , South Hill Mall, 2nd Avenue West, Prince Albert Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. WHEN YOU ARE UNCERTAIN

You may call Saskatchewan HealthLine for medical advice 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. The HealthLine number is 1-877-800-0002. The HealthLine is a toll-free health advice line that is staffed by Registered Nurses. They can provide you with immediate, professional health advice or information, and direct you to the most appropriate source of care. HealthLine will help you decide whether you should treat your own symptoms, go to a clinic, wait to see your doctor, or go to a hospital emergency room. HealthLine is also available online at

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