June 7

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Shellbrook Chronicle Th The voice i off th the P Parkland kl d ffor over 100 years Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, June 7, 2013

VOL. 102 NO. 23| PMR #40007604


Flooding around RM of Blaine Lake It seems that flooding season isn’t over yet. In the RM of Blaine Lake, a significant amount of water is still flowing through the area and causing damage to roads and fields. According to Tony Obrigewitch, Administrator of the RM of Blaine Lake, the damage is fairly widespread. “Every division has roads that have had problems and fields that are flooded,” he said. On the west side of the RM, the water made its way to the area through a channel of waterways before ending up on their doorsteps. “The water comes out of Lac La Peche, Martin’s Lake into Paddling Lake, and then out of Paddling Lake into the Raduga system that comes into the RM of Blaine Lake,” Obrigewitch said. “We were told in spring that Martin’s and La Peche had two feet of excess water that had to come off, which it did, plus all the extra water that we had on our own with the snow.” Eventually the water began backing up into some farm yards, and concerns arose when the water began coming into storage yards and chemical storage buildings. At that point the RM felt they needed to step in and take action. “We made the decision with water security that we should start cutting roads,” Obrigewitch said. “To protect the farm yards and protect the businesses . . . A lot of our east-west roads on the west side through Division 5 and Division 4 and some of Division 3 are gone. “They were overflowing already so we just opened them up to let it go through quicker just to save those yard sites . . . it was that or we probably would have flooded Highway 12 also.” Meanwhile, on the other side of the RM, the water damage continued. “On the east side of the RM we had no option there,” Obrigewitch said. “We had no place to drain the water. It just started coming down from the north and into natural basins along in there, and it’s ending up basically straight east of town here about four or five miles. It has pretty well totally destroyed two farm yards.” According to Obrigewitch, the water damage in that area of the RM is unprecedented. “The one farm yard, she’s been there for 60 plus years and she’s never had water in her yard. Right now the water is running into her basement windows.” The RM of Blaine Lake declared the situation a disaster about a month ago. Representatives from the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) have plans to visit the RM and assess the extent of the damage. Engineers from PDAP will evaluate what needs to be done and how much the repairs will cost. Also, a community meeting is planned for Thursday, June 6, and PDAP will also be available in the area on the Friday in order to assist residents who need to fill out application forms for relief. It’s important to remember that these flooding issues are not contained within each individual RM. When flooding waters are released from one area they need to flow somewhere else, and adjacent communities are often affected.

Aerial photos taken on May 16 capture some of the flooding on the east side of the RM of Blaine Lake.

In Leask, for example, there are areas that are in danger of flooding where waters are being held back, but it is important for the bordering RMs to be on the same page in regards to what they can handle. Culverts must be built to be the same size, or else damage can be done when the water flows from one RM to the next. At least one culvert in Leask is being held back until the RM of Shellbrook’s system is ready for it. “They want to let it go,” said Earl Stewart, Councillor of Division 2 of the RM of Shellbrook. “But we want to make sure our system is going to be able to handle their extra water.” Stewart says that they have been working hard to clear the channels in Shellbrook’s system, and that they should be ready to take on some of the extra water very soon. “It did overflow on its own,” Karen Beauchesne, Administrator of the RM of Shellbrook said regarding the gated culvert. “I know they did speak to us and they said if we thought that it was doing too much damage they would try . . . and

slow it down. But so far it’s good. We were able to handle that.” The RM of Leask gives way to the RM of Shellbrook about eight miles south of town. When the water is let through it will travel up those eight miles and head right through the Hidden Hills of Shellbrook golf course before it continues heading north. It is important that everyone on that chain is on the same page regarding how much water can be handled in each area. Stewart says that, at this point, things are looking pretty good in the RM of Shellbrook, and that it’s in better shape than some of the surrounding areas. “We have some bad soft spots in our roads, but that’s just a matter of time to get them fi xed up, and they’re starting to dry out. Things are 50% better than they were a month ago.” As far as the RM of Blaine Lake goes, a lot of recovery work still lies ahead. “The map that we’ve got showing the roads that are going to need repair and/or culverts . . . it looks like you’re in a bingo hall,” Obrigewitch said. That may be so, but it has been anything but fun and games for those who have been affected by the floods.

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Shellbrook Chronicle


June 7, 2013

Hive monitoring project put into use

Peter Gillespie (left) and Murray Hannigan work to install the monitoring system at the site of the hives. A group of electrical engineering students from the University of Saskatchewan had a sweet idea this semester when asked to come up with their final design project. Their product is geared towards honey farmers, and it is meant to make their lives easier by sensing various types of data at

the hives and transmitting the information back to the farmer’s home. The group includes Nicole Adams, who hails from Shellbrook, as well as Matthew and Peter Gillespie and Jarad Hermanson. All four students will be graduating from their programs this spring.

Parkside Centennial Celebration (1913 - 2013)

June 28th, 29th, & 30th Friday, June 28th

• 7pm - Registration and Social at Parkside Heritage Center grounds (old school house) weather permitting (if necessary, inside the school)

The system involves various sensors being installed at the actual site of the hives, as well as hardware and software being set up at the farmer’s home. It is necessary for the product to be very durable, as the sensors will stay outside with the hives year-round. Eventually, the group says that any type of sensor could be used, and farmers would be able to keep track of anything from temperature to wind conditions at their hives. For now, the group will focus on weight, as that seems to be the most practical application of the product. The equipment at the site will use solar power in order to function. One of the most interesting aspects of the student’s project is the way that the information travels from the hive to the house. An independent wireless transmission is set up that sends the information directly to the beekeeper’s computer. Peter Gillespie says that this is the best option for making their system work. “Cell phones and the internet jump out immediately, but there are a lot of solutions out there,” he said. “If you know a little bit about it, they’ll work really well and save money. (There is) no internet jack available in the field.” The signal should be able to travel up to about 10 kilometres, and can be relayed from one hive site to the next until it reaches the farmer’s home. Murray Hannigan of Hannigan’s Honey is putting the prototype to the test. He is having the system installed at two of his hive sites in order to find out how efficient and practical the product really is. The first sensors will be installed on pallets of four hives, and will transmit the weight of the pallet to Hannigan’s home computer on a daily basis. Hannigan says that keeping track of a hive’s weight can be extremely valuable in the beekeeping business. “Hives . . . can start starving on us, or we can have hives that are actually getting too full and

Saturday, June 29th:

• 8 - 10 am Pancake Breakfast, Parkside Sports Grounds • 11 am Parade throughout Village of Parkside • Beef on a Bun for lunch, Parkside Sports Grounds • Hamburgers, fries & concession available throughout the day, Sports Grounds • 2 – 4 pm High Tea served by Parkside Seniors at Parkside Heritage Center • Saturday Afternoon, Parkside Heritage Center & Grounds - Various historical demonstrations & displays - Artisan displays, local area artists - Old western stagecoach for pictures - Bouncy Castle toys for the kids • Parkside Sports Grounds • 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. - Spit Barbeque Whole Pork • 7 pm - Re-enactment of the ACT Amateur hour featuring local talent • After dark - Fireworks

Sunday, June 30th

• Parkside Sports Grounds: - 9 – 10:30 am - Continental Breakfast - 11 am - Inter-denominational church service - Followed by old fashioned picnic/chicken dinner • All afternoon – Hamburgers, fries & concession • Pick up ball games, old fashioned children’s games & visiting • 5 pm - closing Everyone Welcome – Please bring your lawn chairs

Events held outdoors weather permitting, otherwise under the Big tent at sports grounds & Parkside Heritage Center (school) • Please Note: Parkside does not have a Debit/Credit card machine Sponsored by



need attention. A hive that is too full will swarm,” Hannigan says. “Knowing weights on a daily basis, then we can use solutions to deal with that. Either feed colonies if they need it or to give more boxes to colonies if they need it.” Hannigan’s hives are currently housed at 130 different sites that span a vast geographical area. The territory ranges from 60 km to the north, 60 km to the south, 30 km to the west and 10 km to the east. To drive to each of these locations daily would be a herculean task, and even when sites are visited in person, the measurements are done by lifting and feeling the hives, which gives a less accurate reading than the sensors can provide. When asked how far the group thinks they can take this idea, the consensus is that they won’t be going into mass production anytime soon. One reason for this is that the group has not really invented anything new that they can patent. Instead, they have come up with a unique integration of concepts that are already out there. Also, the group feels that they have actually made the product too cost efficient for the customer, which would make it tough for them to make a profit. Once the initial set up is complete, they say, there would be no steady income for them to reap. Finally, they need to make sure that the product actually works on a larger, more practical scale. They have done all the tests and have achieved great results, but to put the product into actual use with a real-life beekeeper is something different entirely. Also, from the beekeeping side of it, they still need to see if there is value in the product and if it is able to give true readings as to what is going on at the hives. All in all, the project was a success. The student’s achieved their academic goals, and now the product is being put into use in a real-world setting. Taking the product any further at this point would simply sweeten the pot.

June 7, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


W.P. Sandin celebrates 50 years

A barn stands at the Riverview Arts site. Pat Grayston has converted the space into her art studio, and will use this location to host a part of the Parkland Artisan tour. The event kicks off on Friday, June 7 with the Hootenanny on the Hill.

Parkland Artisan Tour to take place this weekend The area is gearing up for another installment of the Parkland Artisan Tour. The event kicks off with the Hootenanny on the Hill event on Friday, June 7 at Riverview Arts, and continues on Saturday and Sunday at various locations. The event began back in 2005, coinciding with Saskatchewan’s centennial celebrations. A group of local artists who had seen the various art tours that were going on at the time decided that it was time for Shellbrook to have its own tour. The group met in order to pool together ideas, and the spark for the tour was lit. The founders of the event wanted to make sure that they learned from other tours. They discussed what they liked and disliked about what they had seen in the past, and used that information in order to come up with a few guiding principles. They wanted the artists that were showcased to provide people with art that was different, interesting, and that was of good quality. To help make this happen, they decided that before allowing a new artist to join the tour, their art must first be seen and approved by at least three members of the committee. This has helped to keep the standard of art high throughout the years. Another aspect of the tour that the committee addressed involved the amount of driving that was needed in order to see the various artists. The committee wanted travel to be limited for those taking in the tour, so they decided to have the artists gather at a few designated sites. This way, a trip to one spot allows for the viewing of a number of different presentations, and a group of carpooling patrons has the ability to spread out and each spend time with a different artists. The tour often includes a number of demonstrations that allow the patrons to see how the art is made. Pat Grayston, one of the founders of the tour, says that this stems from her years as an educator. The artists are encouraged to share what they know, and to educate the people who come to see the art. They want them to see that they too can do this, and at certain times throughout the event people are invited to actually get their hands dirty and help make some art themselves. One of the goals of the tour is to keep things fresh from year to year. Some people attend the tour on a yearly basis, and Grayston says that it is important that the tour gives them something new each time they visit. In some cases this means new artists getting

involved, and in other cases this means that repeat artists will have to bring something new to the table. “Each year I progress and I try to push myself further, so even if they come to see my work (again) they’re going to see something that’s just a bit edgier or just a bit more creative or just a bit more realistic,” Grayston said. The event this year will span four different locations. The first site is the Honeywood Heritage Nursery, where Ruby Hannigan and Barb Grimm will be bringing their honeycomb and molded beeswax candles to be displayed. Doug Peake, the wood turner, will also be on site, as well as quilters Henriette Schultz and Shirley Cromarty. Carol Hofferd, who specializes in stained glass mirrors, ornaments, mosaics and kiln work, will round out the group that is presenting at Honeywood. The second site is located 9.5 kilometres south of town on the Wingard Ferry Road. Those who travel to this location will be treated to a presentation involving hand blown glass and design. Ron Anderson will be giving demonstrations of glass fusing clocks and making glass beads with a bench torch. Riverview Arts will also host a number of artists for the tour, and this is the location where Pat Grayston’s art will be available for viewing. Alongside her will be Anna Wallbillig, who uses a number of different techniques in order to create unique articles of clothing. Madelaine Walker of Saskatoon, an experienced weaver, spinner, dyer and knitter, will also be at the site. Earrings, necklaces, pendants, buttons and other one of a kind items will be on display at Riverview Arts. These unique items have been carved by Richard Stieb out of shed horns and antlers. Dolores Miller’s jewelry and stained glass will be on display, as well as Donna McKeand Smith’s charcoal, pencil and ink drawings. Rosella Carney will also be present at the site. Rosella is a Cree cultural arts and crafts teacher who grew up learning the values and skills of a traditional life style and now teaches these traits to others. The final site is located right in the town of Shellbrook and will feature Sylvia Jones, who has been working with pottery for over 25 years. She studied at the University of Saskatchewan, and now produces functional wheel-thrown and hand-crafted items. For an entire listing of artists, times and locations, visit www.shellbrooktour.com.

W.P. Sandin held a celebration barbeque on May 31 in order to honour the 50th anniversary of the first class to graduate through its doors. The event was organized by the current grade 12 class as part of a project about the process of running a formal meeting. Nicole Philp, an English teacher at the school, says that the assignment ended up teaching the students about more than just meetings. “They’ve learned a formal meeting process, which was the goal, but they’ve also learned how to work with community. They had to, for example, write a letter to the town office asking for permission to barricade the streets, and they had to put down a deposit

to rent the tables and little things like that. They’ve had to jump over those hurdles to be able to host this.” Besides the barbeque itself, the event included live music, tours of the school, and a number of events for the children in attendance, including face painting, skipping ropes, hula hoops and crafts. A large crowd turned out to enjoy some lunch and take part in the festivities. Philp says that even though she oversaw the project, she tried to give the students a lot of freedom and to let them figure things out on their own. “They have taken this on by themselves and done a really good job,” she said.

TOWN OF BIG RIVER PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Big River, Pursuant to Section 207 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 intends to pass a bylaw to amend Town of Big River Bylaw 15/81 known as the Zoning Bylaw as hereinafter provided: It is proposed to amend the said Zoning bylaw as follows: 1. By inserting “xv) Retail Stores” after “xiv) Cartage and trucking operations” in Part V-E C2 Commercial District (Highway) (3) Land Use A. Principal Commercial Uses. Purpose/ Explanation: The intent of the amendment is to provide for retail stores in a Highway Commercial District. Bylaw Inspection: The Bylaw may be inspected by any interested party at the Town Office 606 1st St. N. Big River, Saskatchewan on any judicial day from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and l:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Copies are available to persons at a cost of $1.00 each. Public Hearing: Representations respecting the amendment will be considered by Council at 10:00 a.m. June 17, 2013 at Big River Community Centre, 606 1st St N. Big River Saskatchewan. Council shall hear any interested parties who wish to make a presentation. Notice of intent to make representation must be received by June 17, 2013 9:00 a.m. Issued at Big River, this 21st day of May 2013. Gail Gear, Administrator

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Shellbrook Chronicle

OPINION www.shellbrookchronicle.com

June 7, 2013

Major lessons from minor sports

The breeze did its part to keep the bugs away while the sun shone through it just enough to keep everyone warm. Teams travelled from all over the area to take in Shellbrook’s annual Sports Days last weekend, and the ball tournament allowed for a great showcase of minor sports in the region. Watching the young athletes perform provided a great reminder that there are many lessons to be learned from minor sports. That ball can come in pretty hot out of the pitcher’s hand. Standing in the batter’s box, with your teammates watching from the dugout, with your parents and friends watching from the stands, with the base runners silently pleading for a hit, can JON be intimidating. Some young SVEC people welcome the challenge. They look forward to their next ~ chance to help the team win. For Reporter others it can be a frightening experience. Perhaps the player is new to the situation and still uncomfortable with it. It’s usually evident—the batter will stand as far away from the plate as the painted chalk will allow. With the windup and the pitch the feet will creep even farther away from the strike zone, the batter’s pained expression pleading for a walk. Sometimes the prayer will be answered, the amateur pitcher will be unable to find the zone, and the batter will get to take first base. Other times we see a duck away from a strike, then two, and perhaps a token swing that cuts silently through the air. The walk back to the bench after such an attempt can seem a lonely mile long. The lesson here lies in the continuation of the batting order. In the reality of standing in the on deck circle a few innings later, when the batter ahead of you gets on base or doesn’t, and it’s again your turn to stand in front of the catcher and attempt to perform. The question is asked with each practice swing, and when the There are moment of truth inevitably arrives a young individual is given the oppormany lessons tunity to find out what he or she is to be learned made of. Often times, with each attempt, the feet dig-in a little closer to from the plate, the stance relaxes slightly minor sports. and loosens, the cuts at the ball grow a little sharper and eventually find their mark. Sports provide us with a forum to repeat these daunting experiences over and over again, with the end result in each situation (though it may not seem that way at the time) being relatively inconsequential. No one’s life or family or livelihood is on the line, but the lessons that these experiences provide us with are very real. They prepare us for future situations where the same triggers are forced to fire, where decisions need to be made and actions need to be taken, and where the results may make a difference in your life or the lives of people you love. In some small way that hit during a ball tournament when you were young, the one in the bottom of the last inning after a couple of strikeouts when you blooped a single over the second baseman’s head and batted in the winning run, might help. Not because you won the game, but because you made the decision to take another swing at it after so much had gone wrong. Aside from all the victories, there are perhaps even more lessons in the defeats. The ones where the sun has already set, no chances remain and there is nothing left to do but endure. Sports can show us a view where we see nothing but total darkness, and just when we think it will last forever, the first slivers of dawn cut over the horizon and provide a little light.

Paul Martin Commentary The tight labor market means bigger pay checks for work- more and better food. The end result will be a growing need ers. for potash. Saskatchewan generated the strongest increase in avIn his mind, the global commodity super-cycle hasn’t erage weekly pay packets in March. And we now stand in even begun. So if things seem strong now, he forecasts an second place among the provinces, behind only Alberta as even more robust economy in the future. once again we passed Newfoundland with an Consequently, by 2030, says Berry, Saskatchimpressive jump of 1.5 per cent in the month. ewan – with its abundant supplies of potash, That is considerably higher than the annualized arable land and energy – will find itself at the increase of 5.5 per cent which outpaced every forefront of critical commodities suppliers on other province in the country. the planet. The average weekly pay package now stands at *** more than $967. That represents a jump of $50 a A new report from the Fraser institute says P3 week in the past year which is about $1.50 more projects for public infrastructure should be enthan the increases seen next door in Alberta. couraged as they generally deliver better value. The interesting finding in this month’s report The report, released Friday, says P3s also shift is the strength of the prairies. All three provsome of the risk from the public to the private PAUL inces showed considerable strength and, when sector. MARTIN compared to places like Ontario and Quebec This is particularly timely in Saskatchewan ~ where the gains were modest to marginal, it is where the debate over P3s is just heating up. clear that Western Canada is continuing to gain Over the years, roughly $44 billion worth of momentum. projects have been with this model, mostly in And given that people follow opportunity, it is little won- Ontario and B.C. Now other provinces like Saskatchewan der that Ontario is now the largest provider of new resi- are embracing them. dents moving to this province. In Regina, for example, a group is trying to stop the devel*** opment of a waste water plant saying it amounts to privaIf you think the provincial economy has been strong for tization. On the other hand, the Institute’s report notes the past few years, just wait. Even better things are coming. that the public sector continues to direct the projects and That view is advanced by Dr. Michael Berry, a New York retains ownership. The private sector simply has to meet City-based author of Morning Notes, a report that tracks the standards laid out by government, including providing major developments with the potential to change the world. financing. He was in Saskatoon this week, speaking on the outlook for The concept will no doubt gain momentum for one simthe potash sector. ple reason: most governments are broke or financially In his view, global demand for fertilizer and food will con- stretched. Yet demand for new infrastructure continues tinue to grow. Like many observers, he says the emergence so this has moved beyond philosophical debates to simple of a middle class in China and india - a large population practicality as governments look to the market for financial base with ever-increasing purchasing power – will demand alternatives.


June 7, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


A good argument against Fed Ag. policies Those of you who haven’t met my friend Leadthe integrity of Bruce’s argument. Similarly ader-Post Financial Editor Bruce Johnstone likely mirable is factual basis upon which all his arguonly know him by his strong opinions expressed ments are built. in the newspaper _ some of which you may frusThis is why one of his recent columns in which tratingly disagree with. he suggests the real scandal of Prime Minister Heaven knows, I share your pain. Stephen Harper’s government right now is not Ronald Bruce Johnstone is likely the first perthe Senate but its handling of Saskatchewan agson I met when I move to Saskatchewan 31 years riculture issues is such an intriguing read. ago. We’ve been pretty much arguing ever since In his column, Bruce calls the “wholesale dis_ arguing about football, business, politics and, mantling of government institutions, including of course, the need for the Canadian Wheat the Canadian Wheat Board, Canadian Grain MURRAY Board as a single-desk seller of wheat and barley. Commission, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation AdMANDRYK While I might share some of Bruce’s sentiments ministration, Community Pasture Program, and about the rather undemocratic way the federal Agro-forestry Development Centre” likely “more ~ Conservatives and Agriculture Minister Gerry damaging in the long run in the Tory heartland Ritz ended its monopoly, the notion that modernof rural Saskatchewan.” day, market-savvy farmers were well served or I won’t re-live years of Canadian Wheat Board even still wanted the restrictive CWB is simply something arguments, but I did admire one particular acknowledgeI just don’t buy. ment in Bruce’s column: “It’s true that the sky didn’t fall on However, as a highly principled person who passionately Aug. 1, 2012, when the monopoly was removed ... just as Ritz believes in the democratic process, Bruce simply did not ac- predicted.” cept the argument that Harper and Ritz had the right to end That said, Bruce also raised some interesting and still-unthe board’s monopoly exist without a democratic plebiscite resolved questions about the long-term impact of the CWB’s vote. The demands of larger producers did not outweigh the demise _ including, the added costs to farmers for producer right of every farmer _ even those retired and renting their cars now that the CWB is no longer allocating them. land _ to have a say in that vote, Bruce argues. Bruce also noted the cost to farmers as a result of Bill One might not agree with his position but you do admire C-45 that changed the Canadian Grain Commission. A re-

duction in federal funding to $5.4 million from $37 million will surely hurt producers. Similarly, the tripling of inspection fees to $1.60 per tonne and a 33-fold increase in elevator licensing fees will add an additional $2,750 cost to a 5,000-acre farm, Bruce noted in his column. He also noted the cuts to the Community Pasture Program done without consultation that not only will put endangered plants and animals at further risk but also will cost livestock producers. “How much money will be saved? About $10 million a year, maybe a third of that in Saskatchewan,” Bruce wrote. “Who will foot the bill? Farmers again.” Similarly, the elimination of Indian Head’s 112-year-old Agroforestry Development Centre that has grown 610 million trees for farmsteads and shelterbelts across Western Canada saves a paltry $3 million a year _ a tiny saving to Canadian taxpayers at the expense of farmers. And while Ritz has announced tougher rules to prevent outbreaks of E. coli at slaughterhouses, Bruce noted past cuts to the Canada Food Inspection Agency makes it tough for the CFIA to enforce those rules. “Saskatchewan voters _ more than half of whom voted Tory in the last election _ must be wondering what they did to deserve this,” Bruce concludes. Of course, you may not agree with all of Bruce’s conclusions, either. But, as always, he puts forth some interesting arguments.


CTF urges pension cancellation for crooked politicians The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) applauded the introduction of a Private Members Bill by MP John Williamson, (Conservative – New Brunswick Southwest). The bill, entitled The Protecting Taxpayers and Revoking Pensions of Convicted Politicians Act, would take away the Parliamentary pension from any MP or senator convicted of a serious crime, including stealing from taxpayers. The CTF also called on the Harper government to make this a government bill, and pass it before Parliament adjourns for the summer. “There’s few things Canadians find more insulting than having to foot the bill for a generous pension plan for a politician who has ripped off taxpayers,” said CTF Federal Director Gregory Thomas. “By adopting this bill as government policy and making it law before the House adjourns the Prime Minister would send a message to Parliament and to all Canadians that expense fraud won’t be tolerated and crooked politicians will pay a heavy price.” The CTF has long called for a “Lavigne Rule,” named after former Quebec Senator Raymond Lavigne, who resigned with a full pension just prior to being convicted of fraud for stealing from taxpayers. “The best part of this bill is that it takes effect immediately. If passed, politicians currently under investigation by the RCMP won’t be able to ‘pull a Lavigne’ and resign

at the last minute saving their rich pension,” continued Thomas. “But that’s only if this bill is passed.” The pension measure is one of five accountability recommendations in the CTF’s Accountability Act 2.0, a proposed package of reforms to clean up Parliament Hill and

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is highly critical of the provincial government, 3sHealth and regional health authorities’ decision to privatize health care laundry services in Saskatchewan by handing it to the Alberta-based corporation, K-Bro. The decision calls for building a central private, for-profit laundry facility in Regina with private distribution hubs in Saskatoon and Prince Albert. “This decision is a total privatization of health care laundry that will affect the whole province of Saskatchewan,” said Tom Graham. “Not only are Saskatchewan’s communities losing local health care laundry services and the economic benefits that local jobs create, but money will leave this province and go to an Alberta corporation and profits for shareholders.”

Communities directly affected by the decision to privatize public health care laundry services are: Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina, Weyburn, Yorkton, and Saskatoon. Publically-operated health care laundries will be permanently closed in two years. “Patient-centred care should be about patients, not profits for private companies,” says CUPE Health Care Council President Gordon Campbell. “With a private, for-profit company in control, how can we guarantee that the best practices of infection control will be followed?” CUPE is calling on the provincial government to reverse their decision and keep laundry health care services public. CUPE represents approximately 300 laundry health care workers across the province.

Shellbrook Chronicle

C. J. Pepper, Publisher

The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright. Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher.

Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: chnews@sbchron.com Advertising chads@sbchron.com

put an end to expense scandals. “This bill corrects a glaring deficiency in Canadian public accountability law,” said Thomas. “Prime Minister, we ask you to send a message: pass this bill before the House rises for the summer.”

Province’s health care laundry goes private

Jon Svec, Reporter Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales chroniclesales@sasktel.net Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination chnews@sbchron.com Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination chads@sbchron.com Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m. website:www.shellrookchronicle.com

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed, and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of


Shellbrook Chronicle


June 7, 2013

Town Council meeting highlights

Noreen Bryson-Mudry of the Street Fair Committee made a presentation to Council in order to request a number of items pertaining to this year’s event. The selected date is Saturday, August 24, with a few events taking place on the Friday evening. The Council approved the committee’s request to use barricades to block Main Street from the turning loop to 2nd Ave; 4th Ave East for the volleyball tournament; Railroad Ave West to the Liquor Board; and back alley to back alley down 1st Ave East and West. The committee also requested permission to borrow various

items such as picnic tables, garbage cans and snow fences from the town. The volleyball tournament is slated to begin on the Friday evening at 5 p.m. * Changes have been made to the town’s tax holiday on residential and business properties. The policy states that the Town of Shellbrook offers a three year abatement on the municipal portion of the improvement, and only if it meets the requirements listed in the policy. The abatement does not include taxes on the following: municipal land, school, hos-

pital, BID or any special levies added to the tax roll (ie. curb and gutter). Some of the major changes to the policy are as follows: For new construction of residential buildings, the tax holiday will be available to property owners on a one-time basis only. The tax holiday will apply to the primary residence only and is available only if construction commences within one year following the receipt of an approved building permit. For both residential and business properties, the tax holiday will begin January 1 of the year following the permit date. Also, if an existing building is being demolished to accommodate the construction of a new building, the tax holiday will take effect on January 1 of the year following the building permit being approved, providing the permit is applied for within one year of the demolition. Additions on residential buildings will qualify only if the increase in assessment is equal to at least 75% of the original assessment (changed from 50%), and the addition is attached to the existing residence. This does not apply to an attached garage.

In regards to owner operated premises, the following changes have been made: Subject to Council approval, following a recommendation from town administration; new businesses that occupy existing buildings that have been vacant will qualify for the reductions in taxes as follows: 50% in the first year of operation (changed from 75%); 25% in the second year of operation (changed from 50%); 12.5% in the third year of operation (changed from 25%). In regards to rented premises: Subject to Council approval, following a recommendation from town administration; new businesses that occupy existing buildings that have been vacant for more than one year will qualify for the reductions in taxes via a grant payable to the business operator equal to: 50% of the annual taxes on the premises at the end of the first year of operation (changed from 75%); 25% of the annual taxes on the premises at the end of the second year of operation (changed from 50%); 12.5% of the annual taxes on the premises at the end of the third year of operation (changed from 25%).

Canwood Community Public School News

New Facility Opening The Parkland Integrated Health Centre will open on

Monday, June 3, 2013. Weekend Emergency Department coverage will begin on Sunday, July 14th, 2013. Weekend coverage is from 6 p.m. on Fridays to 8 a.m. on Mondays. The main phone number for the facility will be the same as the Shellbrook Hospital. Phone: 306-747-2603 Facsimile: 306-747-3004 All other phone numbers for the hospital, Parkland Terrace and communitybased programs are changing. If you dial the old numbers, you will be provided information about the new numbers and then be automatically forwarded (in most cases). The new numbers for the Parkland Integrated Health Centre are: Parkland Terrace Long-Term Care Facility ...306-747-6840 Parkland Terrace Manager’s Of¿ce ............306-747-6832 Parkland Terrace Recreation ......................306-747-6841 Director of Care ..........................................306-747-6830 Home Care .................................................306-747-6811 Public Health ..............................................306-747-6827 Addictions Services ....................................306-747-6815 Mental Health .............................................306-747-6813 Therapies ...................................................306-747-6822 Therapies ...................................................306-747-6823 Director Primary Care ................................306-747-6818 The old phone numbers will continue to be accessible until the next edition of the SaskTel Phonebook is published.

Graduation - The Graduation ceremony “Live Your Dreams” on May 24th was a wonderful evening where we congratulated our grade 12 students on their many accomplishments and celebrate their academic achievements. Mr. Schwehr and Mrs. Moar did an excellent job as grad coordinators. Best wishes to all the graduates in all their future endeavors as they end the first part of their journey and begin a new exciting adventure with endless possibilities. . The very capable M.C. for the banquet was Mr. Richard Schwehr, and for the exercises and grand march was Mr. Grant Person. The exercises were highlighted by an entertaining and personal address by guest speaker Mr. Daryl Korody and a thoughtful valedictorian address by Lynette Cain. Brooke Howat and Brennan Tomporowski did a wonderful job of presenting the class history and prophecy accompanied by a slide show created by Louise Benson. A Friends & Memories slide show was presented for all to enjoy created by Shelly Andersen. Other well wishers for the evening included Mrs. Harriet Tomporowski, Principal of Canwood Community School. Presentations of scrolls, and awards were given by Mrs. Moar and Mrs. Tomporowski. Subject Award Winners are as follows: Social Studies and Pre-Calculus- Steven Adrian, Physical Education-Lynette Cain and Brennan Tomporowski, P.A.A. (I.A Component)Reid Hoeflicher, ELA B30- Lynette Cain and Brooke Howat, ELA A30, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Home Ec., Geography, Psychology- Lynette Cain The Most Improved Student Award was presented to Christian – Lee Masuskapoe. The Congeniality Award was presented to Brooke Howat. The Student of the Year Award was presented to Brennan Tomporowski. The Governor General’s Medal and Affinity Credit Union Scholarship were presented to Lynette Cain. The Carlson Memorial Scholarship was presented to Lynette Cain and Steven Adrian and the P.A.A.T.A. Scholarships were given to Brooke Howat and Lynette Cain. A vote of thanks by Derek Jensen concluded the exercises for the evening. The grand march and social brought the entire graduation evening to a close.

Library - Please have all books returned to the library by June 12th, the can start inventory can start with a full library of books. If anyone finds a library book over the summer, (they may have a Canwood Community School barcode on the back right-hand corner or a label on the spine of the book) please hang on to it and return it in the fall. Books are very expensive and we would like to keep our local school library as full as possible. Students with overdue books will have had a letter sent home to let their parents know how much they owe for their book. This can be paid by the end of the school year or mail it to the Canwood Community School. The outstanding library debts (if any) will be added to their student fees in the fall. If the books are not paid for, the students’ lending privileges will be taken away for next fall. Awards - On May 6th at the Art Hauser Centre in Prince Albert, Grade 9 student, Kali Stocks was the recipient of a Badge of Respect and Peace Award. Councilor Tim Scharkowski brought congratulations to the children and youth on behalf of the City, and Chief of Police, Troy Cooper said, “It was a pleasure to be there and be part of someone’s life when things went right, and were an example to others.” This award is given to a person who shows an interest in the feelings of others; handles anger in a peaceful way; stands up for others who need help; and is someone who is respectful to others. The Badge of Respect and Peace campaign is sponsored by the Community Against Family Violence, Child and Youth Committee and the PA Cooperative Health Centre. Bike Rodeo - On Tuesday, May 28th Canwood Community Public School together with the Shellbrook R.C.M.P. held a Bike Rodeo. The theme for this year’s Bike Rodeo was “Be A Hero – Wear a Helmet”. The intent of the Bike Rodeo was to educate children how to stay safe while riding a bike. Thirtysix enthusiastic participants rode their bikes through the obstacle course with Constable Perkins inspecting and directing the children as they practiced their safety skills. Staff & students kept things running smoothly through the Rodeo, license plate craft, family bike ride, lunch and prize draws.


June 7, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Looking for alternatives to wheat, oats and barley The best part of most interviews in this busicessfully growing corn to harvest and sell the ness is not the actual topic of the story you are grain. working on. Those are often mundane to be comWhen I was growing up corn was something pletely honest. they grew in the United States and Ontario, But a good interview, and that is reliant on with maybe some acres encroaching into the reporter asking good questions, and the perManitoba, but the idea of growing corn for son being interviewed being willing to respond grain in Saskatchewan would have been prein some depth, rarely stays on course with talk posterous. about only the topic of the story. Corn in those days was simply a crop reA good interview is more of a winding path quiring too many days to maturity, and too than a straight road from start to conclusion. many heat units during the growing days, to CALVIN The best times on the road are on those hairbe viable here. DANIELS pin curves where I, as the journalist, get to set That things have changed so dramatically down my pen, and partake in a conversation over over the last 30 years is testament to just how ~ a shared java. dramatic of steps have been taken in varietal So recently I met up with Ivan Olynyk to disdevelopment. cuss his recent penning of a manual on growing Of course, as Ivan and I discussed, it stands corn on the Canadian Prairies for winter grazing cattle. to reason that plant breeders, most of which work for large As a one-time farm boy, whose interest was always live- companies when it comes to corn, would look to create vastock, with a level of disdain for the monotony of driving a rieties to expand the range for corn. tractor around a field, a tedious process with a 12-foot imIn the true heart of corn country in the United States, plement behind a small Case tractor, the labour reducing they are likely near the limit in terms of corn acres based aspect of what he was writing about was rather obvious. on rotations, and other factors. If cows can wander through the corn field and feed So in order to sell more seed and to expand the market themselves, while spreading their own manure, during the for new varieties, the boundaries of the normal range for coldest months of the year, it sounds pretty good to me. corn has to expand. But what I was particularly interested in when talking That means developing varieties which mature more to Ivan was his comments on more and more farmer’s suc- quickly, requiring less heat units. Such varieties won’t hit

the production levels achieved in an Iowa corn field, but to a Prairie farmer looking for a high-value crop to grow in rotation with canola, corn can still be enticing. The conversation soon grew to include some talk about soybeans. They are another crop option farmers are looking at in Saskatchewan in areas that only a decade ago they would never have even considered it. Again the value of soybeans make them attractive, if they can be successfully grown thanks to new varieties. If one wants to take a slightly longer view of things, we hear a lot about global weather patterns changing. Many see our weather evolving to something more akin to the weather of Montana and the Dakotas. While that change will bring with it challenges, it will also lend itself to growing more corn and soybeans. The Prairies may have been broke to grow wheat, and Canada may have earned a reputation as ‘Bread Basket to the World’ because of that wheat, but things are changing. Cereal grains are a hard way to make money, and producers have embraced canola, pulse crops, and explored everything from borage to quinoa looking for alternatives to wheat, oats and barley. Ivan suggested the search might be over thanks to the expanding ranges for corn and soybeans. I would have to agree, that along with canola, the three are likely to hold the interest of farmers as the crops with the best potential to generate significant gross returns per acre.

Crop report for May 21 to 27, 2013

Hail Insurance

Great strides were made in seeding progress this week with 67 per cent of the 2013 crop now seeded, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report. The five-year (20082012) average for this time of year is approximately 70 per cent seeded. All regions of the province made significant headway this week: 67 per cent of the crop is seeded in the southeast; 85 per cent in the southwest; 51 per cent in the northeast; 69 per cent in the

northwest; 60 per cent in the east-central area; and 65 per cent in the westcentral area. Seeding was temporarily halted in some regions over the weekend as the majority of the province received rainfall. The Coronach and Humboldt areas received the most rainfall with more than two inches. Provincially, topsoil moisture on cropland is rated as 13 per cent surplus, 81 per cent adequate and six per cent

short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as seven per cent surplus, 81 per cent adequate, 11 per cent short and one per cent very short. Livestock water availability is adequate, pasture conditions are rated as 20 per cent excellent, 56 per cent good, 20 per cent fair and four per cent poor. Farmers are busy seeding, controlling weeds and moving cattle to pasture. Follow the Crop Report on Twitter at @SKGovAg.

USA misses deadline, stock growers unhappy The United States government has missed a World Trade Organization deadline to end discriminatory practices against Canadian beef, and the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) is not happy. The WTO had given the US until May 23 to bring its Country Of Origin Labeling (COOL) laws into compliance with international trade standards. That deadline has passed, with no positive action from the Americans. The SSGA urges Canada to get set to retaliate. “This is more than disappointing, it’s outrageous,” says SSGA President Harold Martens. “Canadian producers, through their associations and the gov-

ernment, have been working for months to restore fair trading rules to the beef industry. Not only has the US administration failed to comply, they may make matters worse.” The COOL measures are ostensibly to help consumers identify where their meat was born, raised, and slaughtered. The WTO had ruled that the laws place expensive administrative and logistical burdens on US handlers of imported hogs and cattle. As a result, farms, feedlots, and packing plants hesitate to buy beef cattle that come from Canada or Mexico. Rather than take down the barriers, the US has proposed new regulations that add to the already burden-

some red tape. “This is costing our industry over $640 million a year,” Martens says. “And that doesn’t include the $2 million from our checkoff fund that we’ve had to spend fighting this.” The federal government is weighing its retaliation options. “We’re waiting to see what the government comes up with,” says Martens. “We expect the measures to be aggressive, and we’re fully prepared to support them. The Canadian beef industry and the whole integrated North American beef market are being threatened, and we will not back down until fair trade is restored.”

Scott Moe, MLA Rosthern-Shellbrook

34 Main Street, Box 115 Shellbrook, SK, S0J 2E0 Phone: 306-747-3422 Fax: 306-747-3472 Toll-free: 1-855-793-3422 Email: scottmoe.mla@sasktel.net Web: www.scott-moe.com

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68th Annual Spiritwood & District Regional 4-H Show & Sale

JUNE 10 & 11, 2013 at the Ag Barns, located across from Spiritwood Stockyards Show - 9:00 a.m. Both Mornings Sale - 2:00 p.m., June 11th

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Shellbrook Chronicle


June 7, 2013

Leask RM meeting highlights The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464 which was held in the Leask Municipal Office on Wednesday, March 6th, 2013. The meeting was called to order by Reeve Jim Joanette at 9:08 a.m. Present were Reeve Jim Joanette, Administrator Donn Bergsveinson, A/Administrator Riannon Nelson and the following Council members: Steve Nelson – Division No. 1; Real Diehl - Division No. 2; Don Kavanagh – Division No.3; Myles Robin – Division No. 4; Robert Girod - Division No. 5; Victor Unyi- Division No. 6. The following are the highlights of that meeting: That Resolution No. 65/13 be repealed. That the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of February 13, 2013 be adopted as amended. That the Statement of Financial Activities for the period ending February 28, 2013 be accepted as circulated. That the accounts covered by Cheques numbered 6613 to 6658 and other payments numbered 227 to 237 inclusive, totaling $54,516.29 be approved. That Council pay invoice no. A02400709 for overage to AMEC in the amount of $2,852.09. That Council Supervision and Indemnity Vouchers be accepted and approved for payment as circulated. That Council accepts the following reports as presented and that they be filed accordingly: Assistant Administrator’s Report; Transportation Department Verbal Report That Council continue channel clearing for the moving water from Yankee Valley to the culvert behind Black Diamond Ranch into Shellbrook RM. That Council respond to the GR file: 719.27 with the following: Council cannot comment on the above noted file until the PFRA dispersals are complete; as it is Councils understanding that there would not be any TLE agreements until the PFRA is settled. That Council continues with the 55-40 working group. That Council contacts the chairperson for the Royal PFRA to see if they joined CPPAS. That Council advises Sasktel that the RM has no buried facilities or any other underground utilities and that Sasktel contact other utility companies for their lines. A conference call was held at 1:35 p.m. with Roxy McLeod and her Manager Frank Reid, both of the Ministry of Government Relations, to discuss the options with the road construction project N0. 22378 under BCF-cc options before March 31, 2013 are as follows: 1. Provide a letter requesting an extension to the project completion date. 2. Provide a letter requesting a change in scope of the project supported by revised cost estimates. 3. Provide a letter terminating the project. That this Council request an extension to complete the Primary Grid BCF Road Construction Project No. 22378 to March 31, 2014. 502 Spruce St., White Swan Lakes 4 Northview Road, Candle Lake

That Council advise Jeff Loeppky that he needs to contact the owner of Loeppky Lot 11 to purchase the 2 feet required and this Council will be willing to sell an equal amount of land to keep the lot 10 size the same. All costs of surveying and purchasing the land to Jeff Loeppky. That this Council contact Water Security Agency asking them to inform the public regarding water movement and pumping this year. That Council host a ratepayer’s meeting on April 4, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Legion Hall. That Council authorizes Councilor Girod to spend up to $2,000.00 on the grade lift for Tom Waterhouse to finish what was started last fall. That this Council supports the RM of Fertile Belt in the concern relative to the Indian Head Tree Nursery and Cooperative Nursery. That Council accepts the correspondence as presented and that it be filed accordingly. That Council approves the proposed plan of Subdivision for NW17-47-5-W3 dated August 22, 2012. That this meeting adjourns at 3:13 p.m. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464 which was held in the Leask Municipal Office on Wednesday, April 10th, 2013. The meeting was called to order by Reeve Jim Joanette at 9:00 a.m. Present were Reeve Jim Joanette, Administrator Donn Bergsveinson, A/Administrator Riannon Nelson and the following Council members: Steve Nelson – Division No. 1; Real Diehl - Division No. 2; Don Kavanagh – Division No.3; Myles Robin – Division No. 4; Robert Girod - Division No. 5; Victor Unyi- Division No. 6. The following are the highlights of that meeting: That all resolutions that involve management and finances within the Recorded Rural Municipality of Leask be done by recorded vote. Councilor Kavanagh requested A/Administrator Nelson leave the meeting at 9:05 a.m. Councilor Kavanagh discussed the A/Administrator’s duties in this office. A/ Administrator Nelson was asked to return to the meeting at 10:05 a.m. 10:07 a.m. - 10:35 a.m. Ron Haworth and Brent Duncan spoke to Council about Duncan’s Beach Cottage Owner’s concerns about new assessment and mill rate factors. Dan Walters at 10:38 a.m. – 11:02 a.m. Gravel concerns. 11:04 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. Rose Turner, Roxy McLeod, Mary Omer BCF Grant. That the minutes of the Special Budget meeting of February 27, be adopted as read. That the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of March 6, 2013 be adopted as circulated. Councillor Robin left the room That Council repeals Resolution # 101/ 13. Councillor Robin returned

AUCTION SALE For Bernice Anderson

Recently updated year round cabin located at White Swan Lake, Whelan Bay, 90 min. NE of Prince Albert. On large treed lot w/plenty of room for expansion. Open concept interior w/2 bedrooms; Storage shed, 200’ well &1000 gal. septic tank. All furnishings included so it’s move in ready!


Beautiful 2.5 acre lot available in Northview Subdivision, Candle Lake, adjacent to Golf Course & very close to Candle Lake & a boat marina. Nicely treed w/wire fence; direct approach to Northview Rd. Old house & garage to be removed w/cost negotiable. Has been approved for a 10 lot sub-divide or can be purchased for one or multi Estate lots. MLS® 449710 $295,000 MLS® 457246

640 Whelan Road White Swan Lakes

1 Clearsand Drive, Candle Lake

This luxurious 2 bedroom has red oak Àooring, Italian porcelain tile in 4 pc bath. Custom built alder cabinets, w/Miele appliances. 145’ well rated at 15 gal/min. & 2-900 gal. cisterns. Hi-spd internet avail. w/exchanger& furnace, built in coil for A/C. 960 sq ft double detach garage w/10’ ceilings & autodoors; great for storing, wired for light industrial work. 3 sides of rectangular lot are trees and public reserve. $349,500.00 MLS® 457248

1640sq/ft, 2 levels, 4 bdrms, 1½ baths. Open concept w/pine features. 3 decks front, back & 2nd level. Heated by electric & wood w/natural gas. Ceilings & walls painted 1 yr ago. Lots of room. Public reserve on side & public reserve across street. Furniture negotiable. Includes 12’x16’metal clad summer area. Private well & septic. Walking distance to sandy beach & water. Marina spot available. $239,900 MLS® 456284

www.resortrealtysask.com Shanno Lidster, Realtor Ph: 306-426-2528 Fax: 306-426-2518 lidster@xplornet.ca

Saturday, June 8th 2013 - 10 a.m. LOCATION: From Shellbrook West on HWY#3 (2 miles South of Hilldrop School ½ mile West.) Watch for Signs

Acreage Equip.&Yard Items: 8 N Ford Tractor, Poulan Pro 19.5 HP(garden tractor), Yard Machine 13.5 HP (garden tractor), Roto Tiller (Turf Pro), Lawn Mowers (Gas), Snowblower (Electric), 3 pt. Hitch disc 5’, 3 pt. Plow, 3 pt. Hitch Cultivator, 8’ Dozer Blade, Slip Tank (200 Gallon), Craftsman Roto tiller (for a garden tractor), Craftsman Garden Tractor (needs motor), Husqvarna weed eater, Fertilizer Spreader, Wheel barrow, Hose Reel, etc., Tools & Misc. Items: Bench Grinder, Skill Saw, Welding Tables, Cords/Hoses, Shop Vac, Forks/ Shovels, Fence Tighteners, Battery charger, Garden Tools, Jackall, Bottle Jacks, Tires, etc., Lights, Saws, Plus many more Items. Commercial: Meat Saw (Biro Model 33), Metal Table, Hand/Meat Saws, Antiques & Collectibles: Wood Cook Stove, Bob Sleigh c/w pole, Hump back Trunk, Cream Cans & Crocks, Pine Trunk, Toy Barn, Treadle Sewing Machine, Cream Seperator (electric), Knitting Machine (complete), 5 Gal.Esso & Texaco Cans, 2 Oval Bubble Glass Pictures North Star Grease Pail, Scythe & Buck Saw, Wood Boxes & Canes, Waffle Maker, Cups/Saucers & Glassware, Barn Lanterns, 2 Dolls Reliable, Wooden Rocker & Chairs, Guitar (Tereda), Guitar (Palm Beach), Tea pot (musical), Plus many more Items. Household: Whirlpool Washer & Dryer, 3 pc. Recliner Sofa Set, Table & 4 Chairs, Bedroom Suite & Bed Sets, 15 cu. ft Freezer, 3 Teak End Tables, Dishwasher, Sewing Machine (golden touch), Carpet Shampooer, Stereo & Stand, T.V. Trays & Stacking Stools, Microwave, Swivel Chair, Stereo (Sanyo), Lawn Chairs, Porta Toilet, Suitcases, Kids Wagon & Sleigh, Folding Tables, Pictures, Books & Games, Pots Pans, Dishes, Knitting, Comments: Bernice has sold her acreage and would like to invite all of her neighbors and friends to come out, and bid on all of these fine items. Lunch will be sold by Parkside LCW. Please check website for detailed pictures.

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That the Statement of Financial Activities for the period ending March 31, be accepted as circulated. Councillor Robin left the meeting at 11:45 a.m. That the accounts covered by Cheques numbered 6659 to 6725 and other payments numbered 238 to 258 inclusive, totaling $213,436.62 be approved for payment. Steven Stieb 12:53 -1:08 New Contractor in the area That Council Supervision and Indemnity Vouchers be accepted and approved for payment as circulated. That Council authorizes the A/Administrator purchase a paper shredder for office use and chair for the front desk. That Council accepts the A/Administrator’s Report as presented. That Bylaw 3/2013 be read a first time. That Bylaw 3/2013 be read a second time. Councilor Robin returned to Council Chambers 1:53 p.m. That Bylaw 3/2013 be read a third time and finally approved. Justin Nagy – 2:10 – 2:45 p.m. Transportation Report. That Bylaw 4/2013 be read a first time. That Council holds a Public Hearing at the Happy Homesteaders Hall on Friday May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. for the Bylaw 4/2013 if hall is available on that date. That Bylaw 5/2013 be read a first time. Bylaw 5/2013 be read a second time. Bylaw 5/2013 be read a third time and finally approved. That Council contact Sasktel and request they attend our next meeting on May 8, 2013 to discuss the job 959508. Reeve Joanette was approached by the R.M. of Blaine Lake to assist their Municipality with snow removal as their graders cannot handle the job due to excessive snow on the roads. The Reeve contacted all Council members, except Victor Unyi (not available). All Councillors contacted agreed to send two Municipal graders over to assist with the snow removal. That the custom work of snow removal done with one grader in the R.M. of Blaine Lake No. 434 on March 26, 2013 be approved by this Council. That Council responds to Roger Daniels at the Mistawasis Land Claims email dated March 25, 2013 that we will begin the process of finding the road and will notify Roger Daniels when road allowance is found. That Council accepts the Tender for the Kilwinning lots in the amount of $2,500.00. Wade Fiala 4:28 p.m. – 5:05 p.m. – water concerns. That Council approves the payment for Beaver Tails to the authorized hunters as listed on the Beaver Control Program 2013 sheets dated April 8, 2013. That the Taxes Levied in error on the SW29-46-07-W3 (TLE land) including the hospital tax of $150.00 be cancelled. That Council accepts the 2012 Auditor’s Statement as presented. That Council send a letter to Sask Energy re: File WR#189594 that there are no concerns and to contact other utilities for their utility locations. That Council agrees to pay half of the Rink Fire invoice in the amount of $172.35. That Council declares May 29 as “Day of the Honey Bee” and advertises in the Shellbrook Chronicle. That Council pays $100.00 for floor stripping and waxing and also sends a letter requesting this not be done without prior authorization. That Council accepts the correspondence as presented and that it be filed accordingly. That this meeting adjourns at 6:50 p.m. A Special Meeting of the Council of the R.M. of Leask No. 464 was held in the municipal office in Leask, Saskatchewan on Wednesday April 24, 2013. To deal with the Olfert/Jackson Order to Remedy- Instructions to Legal Council. The meeting was called to order by Reeve Jim Joanette at 9:18 p.m. Present were Reeve Jim Joanette, A/Administrator Riannon Nelson and the following Council members: Steve Nelson – Division No.1; Real Diehl - Division No. 2; Robert Girod - Division No. 5; Victor Unyi – Division No. 6. A discussion was held regarding the email dated April 22, 2013 from Michael Morris, lawyer for SARM with his recommendations for Council going forward with the Olfert/Jackson appeal. That Council directs the SARM Lawyer to advise Mr. Jackson that Council is prepared to rescind resolution 431/12 and also 12/13 if Mr. Jackson will agree to withdraw his appeal. That this meeting adjourns at 9:27 p.m.

June 7, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

Museum Honours Homemakers Shellbrook, Saskatchewan – April 28, 2013 – In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the Shellbrook Heritage Museum is writing articles focusing on a part of its collection. The previous article was about homesteaders and this one honours homemakers. The traditional division of labour assigned the responsibilities of homemaker to women and a folk saying that recognizes the demands of homemaking is “Man may work from sun to sun but woman’s work is never done.” Daily, homemakers were responsible for childcare, healthcare, housekeeping duties, and making meals. Weekly the local pattern was most likely Monday laundry, Tuesday ironing, Wednesday baking, Thursday shopping, Friday sewing, and Saturday housecleaning. If the homemaker was hosting the Sunday church service in their home, Saturday housecleaning may have had extra burdens. A homemaker of 33 years, Mrs. Zelickson of Hirsch estimated her hours and informed the newspaper the Nor’West Farmer she had “put in 48,180 hours scrubbing, cleaning and washing.” This accounts for 4 hours a day. In her other hours, “I have cooked 361,351 meals, baked 78,800 loaves of bread, 12,045 cakes, 5,158 pies, preserved 3,300 quarts of fruit, churned 13,728 pounds of butter and raised 4,950 poultry.” This was all manual labour; knuckle bruising scrub boards rather than washing machines, blistering heavy irons rather than electric steam irons, demanding woodstoves rather than electric stoves, inefficient brooms rather than efficient vacuums, pedal-powered treadle sewing machine rather than electric, etc. A homemaker with milk cows may or may not do the milking but would most likely separate out the cream, churn the butter, and perhaps make cottage cheese with the skim milk. Even the water was manual labour. Blessed was the homemaker who had a well with a pump and did not have to draw every bucket up by hand. The seasons also had a pattern. In the spring, the essential vegetable garden needed planting and weeding. In summer, garden produce and wild berries needed to be harvested. Berry picking could be a social event and some families would camp overnight if the berry patch was far from home. Food

not eaten fresh would be preserved; fruit would be canned and cucumbers and beans would be pickled. In the fall, the root vegetables, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, onions, and beets, would be harvested and stored in the cold room or root cellar. If the poultry was butchered early, it would be canned, while a late butchering could be frozen. Fall threshing crews of 10-20 men would need three square meals a day plus field lunches in the afternoon and the larger the homestead, the longer the crew would stay. The onset of winter meant constantly feeding the woodstove to heat the house. Having a logger for a husband was a mixed blessing. While the income was welcome, an absent husband meant any outside chores, wood and livestock, became the homemakers if she was not doing those chores already. It is not surprising that “homemakers” often wished they were just homemakers, and not also farm labourers. Why did women stay homemakers? Their apron strings were tied to their husbands purse strings through legislation. Joan Champ writes in “The Unenviable Circumstances of Women in Saskatchewan Before 1920” that “Pioneer women were vital to economic success of the family farm in Saskatchewan. Sandra Rollings-Magnusson argues that, because of this, the federal and provincial governments enacted and maintained legislation that limited the independence of women in an effort to ensure that women would remain tied to the farm and contribute to the grain economy.” Women were non-persons—the Dominion Election Act decreed “No woman, idiot, lunatic or criminal shall vote.” As well as the endless physical work, some homemakers suffered from the psychological effects of isolation. The University of Saskatchewan found women eager to join their Homemaker Club initiative modeled on the Women’s Institutes in Ontario. Champ writes the clubs “quickly became agents of adult education, providing courses in the skills of homemaking.” They also provided treasured opportunities for socializing. Like homesteaders, homemakers practiced a long list of virtues that Shellbrook continues to benefit from, especially the virtues of resilience, compassion, and grace.

Canwood Housing Authority Maintenance/Caretaker Contract Position The Canwood Housing Authority is now accepting applications for a Part-time contract Maintenance/Caretaker The Housing Authority manages 30 semi-detached seniors units and 1 family unit located in Canwood. The successful candidate will report to the Manager and be responsible for regular seasonal ground maintenance and for performing minor repairs. Basic working knowledge of: carpentry, plumbing, heating, electrical, appliance repair and general maintenance is an asset. Must be able to perform manual labour and lifting tasks. The individual chosen will be responsible for attending Board meetings and responding to emergency maintenance issues. Tools and equipment are to be supplied by the Contractor. For further details, please contact Meagan Whiteside at 306468-3011. Please submit written resume by June 14, 2013 to: Attention: Meagan Whiteside, Manager Canwood Housing Authority Box 313 Canwood, SK S0J 0K0


Sawmill Manager We are pleased to announce we will soon be starting up the Big River Saskatchewan sawmill! As Sawmill Manager you will have the opportunity to develop a new team and assist in upgrades and renovations. Afterwards, you will ensure safety, production, LRF, staffing, cost, and HR targets are met. We are looking for a “hands on” individual of integrity who has excellent communication and people skills, mechanical aptitude, budgeting knowledge and prior supervisory or management experience in a sawmill environment. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Interested candidates may submit resumes in confidence to the Executive Assistant at Resumes@carrierforestproducts.ca Or fax: 250-963-7023 Closing date is June 12, 2013. Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.


This framed illustration donated by Mary (Wetzel) Dewar to the Shellbrook Heritage Museum is a resume of the activities of the Pleasantville Homemaker Club from March 1939 to February 1940. Thank you to Hazel Barkway for her willingness to be interviewed. Her valuable knowledge was the foundation of this article. The Museum Committee and Friends of the Museum continue to invest energy in inventorying the collection. The inventorying process is the first step as the museum moves from storing artifacts to telling their stories. If you would like to help, please drop in to see Alanna Carswell at the library or call Marlene Fellows at 747-2475. The Museum welcomes monetary donations for inventory show cases and other donations to help better display items to tell their stories. Please make donations to the Town of Shellbrook to receive a receipt.



SATURDAY, JUNE 15 - 10:00 a.m.

TRACTORS & 3 PT.: Stieger Bearcat III PT 225 FWD1978, shows 5559 hrs, 6 cyl Caterpillar; International 4386, 1981, FWD, shows 6179 hrs, 4 new tires; Ford 8N; Caroni lawnmower, 50”, 3pt.; Farm Star 3pt fertilizer spreader; Field King estate sprayer; Dearborn 2 furrow plow; SWATHER: Versatile 4400 w/cab, 1984, gas, 22ft w/MacDon pickup reel; BINS: Westeel Seed Store 3000 bu hopper, skids; Twister 2000 bu wood; Westeel 1800 bu hopper, skid; Westeel 1500 bu hopper; CULTIVATORS: Bourgault 40’; JD 1000, 30’; ROCK PICKER: Rock-O-Matic 57, 7’, high lift. V.G.; HARROWBAR & PACKER: Blanchard 70’ harrowbar; Flexicoil System 95, 50’ harrow packer; w/500 tank & P30 packers; SPRAYER: Brandt 830, 70’ w/600 gal.; DISCS: Kello Built 250, 14’, offset; Ford 242, 33ft tandem disc w/ cushion gangs; CCIL discer, 30’ w/seeder box; MOTOR GRADER & BLADE: Champion 600; 11½’ piler for D7 Cat; LOG GRAPPLES: Weldco 1240 & 20, short & long wood; TRAILERS: Custom built 14’ tandem trailer; GRAIN DRYER: Grain Chief 275 bu.; HOUSE & LOT, #117 Hanson Lake Rd, Village of Smeaton, SK to be sold by picture at 1:00 p.m. VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT: Call Elaine King 306-426-2142 or Balicki Auctions 306-922-6171. Bungalow 1296 sq ft, 3BDR, kitchen, LR & Full Bath, Wood basement, Gas furnace, Lennox Pulse high energy ef¿cient, Lot approx. 49 X 184’. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Sold AS IS, WHERE IS, CONDITION. Possession could be immediate. A minimum of 15% Non-refundable deposit required on sale day and the balance within 30 days.. Subject to seller’s approval of high bid. Call or see website for balance of terms. SHOP: Nu Way drill press; Carolina 50 ton press (as new); Carolina Àoor crane (as new); Carolina power hack saw (as new); Ringuard Inc. elec/hyd 10,000 lb press; Century Tri Star 230 AC/DC; Kacher HDS 750 elec pressure washer; 1 in air impact; 1¼” wire rope, approx 300 ft.; Several tools; MISCELLANEOUS: Service Manuals – D7F Caterpillar, Stieger & IHC, Chev 70, 80 & 90 Series trucks; Bostrum 915 seat (new); Wheatheart hyd earth auger for FEL; Northern Steel Inviro tank, 825 L w/12 volt pump; Caterpillar 2 cyl pup mtr; School bus mobile shop, 1967, Lister power plant, 25hp diesel 25 KVA; Approx 2400 gal fuel tank on skid; Lister power plant on trailer, 12hp KVA 7.5; COLLECTABLE VEHICLE & ANTIQUE EQUIPMENT: McCormick Deering 1020 tractor (not seized); McCormick 101 SP Combine; 1978 Mercury Grand Marquis, 2 dr, hardtop, (restorable); ANTIQUES: Violin – Nicholas Bertholina; Accordians – Serndalli 120 base (very old); Horner 120 base. V.G.; Regent Trumpet; Large oak dresser w/side shelves; Combination chair/table - oak, transforms from table to easy chair; Belt Buckle - Swastika, “GOTTMITS” inscribed; Round enamel sign - Chrysler/Fargo; Round oak table; 1892 Everyday Cookbook; MH 102 & Case 15-27 Operators Manuals (1920); Grampa Goodwins Stories 1892; 54 Sets of Salt & Pepper Shakers - lead SN:102; Nippon sugar bowl & molded saucer; Blue Ribbon coupons; Plug tobacco tin; Mini Religious book - Small Rain Upon Tender Herb.

Conducted by Prince Albert P.L. 915694 Ph: 306-922-6171 or 309-961-7553



Shellbrook Chronicle


June 7, 2013


June 7, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Talbot to be inducted into the Sask. Baseball Hall of Fame The Late Rupert Earl Talbot of Canwood will be inducted, posthumously, into the individual category of the Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame as a player on Saturday,

August 17, 2013, at Battleford, SK. Rupert was born March 17, 1898, at Stanstead County, Georgeville, Quebec. He moved with his family to Saskatoon,

Barbeque fundraiser

Saskatchewan in 1912. Rupert attended school in Saskatoon and in 1924 began his baseball career as a catcher and umpire, gaining a position as head of the CPR Sluggers. In 1924, the Saskatoon paper headlined “Talbot Takes Lead In Race For City Loop Hit Honours” The article read, ”Rube” Talbot, the hard hitting catcher of the CPR is topping the City League sluggers with a batting average of .410 replacing Steve Ayres of the Elks, and Mel Kerr of the Fifth, the two team leading swat smiths at the end of the first series. In gaining the position at the head of the sluggers, “Rube” slammed out 34 hits in 83 times at bat. He increased his mark four points since the last average was issued. Rube was the recipient of the Gold Medal for batting honours that year. He caught for the outstanding pitcher Ho-

sea, and excelled in putting runners out trying to steal second base. In 1924, Rube had the opportunity to go professional but declined. While in British Columbia for a short time, Rupert was thrilled to catch for the Campbell River Loggers He played his last tournament when he was 50 years old. For many years Rupert umpired in the Canwood area as well as in Saskatoon. Baseball was the love of Ruperts life. Rupert also enjoyed curling and bowling. In 1928, Rupert became a member, and later became a life member, of the Canwood Elks Lodge #183. He held many lodge offices, driving horses 20 miles in summer and winter in the 1930’s and 40’s to do so. Rupert Earl Talbot died September 26, 1997.


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On May 17 the Shellbrook Detachment of the RCMP held a barbeque fundraiser to celebrate Police Week. The event raised $367.60 which the RCMP then donated to the Town of Shellbrook, who will be using the donation to help pay for the construction of a new Scout facility. Pictured are Cst. Ryan Rempel of the Shellbrook Detachment, and Jenny Hosie, Shellbrook’s Recreation Director.

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Shellbrook Chronicle


June 7, 2013

(Left) Jordan Sipes settles under a pop fly from the pitcher’s mound while her coaches look on. (Above) Drew Crawford of Shellbrook belts a triple. (Above right) Devon Thorpe takes a plunge into the dunk tank. (Right) The Grand Champion Heifer is paraded around the grounds during the Steer and Heifer Jackpot.


Annual Sports Days a hit in Shellbrook

Shellbrook’s annual Sports Days were held last weekend under sunny skies that allowed for everyone to comfortably enjoy the festivities. A ball tournament was held on June 1-2, and many teams travelled from around the area to participate. Many age groups were incorporated into the competition, and everyone from young children to grown adults were invited to participate in the fun. Trevor Miller, coach of the Shellbrook Bantam Girls, was in high spirits following a solid performance by his team. “It’s a beautiful day for ball,” he said. “And it’s good for the community. It’s a great day.” The large amount of participating teams came together as sort of a mixed bag in order to make each individual tournament work. The coaches of the local teams were responsible for putting together the games at each level, and sometimes competition was hard to come by. The Bantam Girls, for instance, had trouble finding other Bantam teams to play, so they ended up inviting some Midget teams (which is a level up) to enter into their tournament. “It’s just going to make us a better team,” said Rhonda Miller, who also coaches the Bantam Girls team. “To play those teams that have a little more experience, that’s how you improve your game.” From the Men’s side of things, the Cubs defeated Spiritwood in the A Side finals. In the finals on the B Side, the Prince Al-

bert Blue Jays defeated Dry Creek, and on the C Side it was the Prince Albert Rebels over the Saskatoon Midget Selects. The Slo Pitch finals saw Tippy Canoe beat the Kingfisher Howlers in the A Side game. Aside from the ball, the event also included a Steer and Heifer Jackpot. Janine Kernaleguen, the judge of the event, was very impressed with the competition. “These were definitely the toughest classes I’ve done in a long time,” she said. “Everything was really close, (I was) basically splitting hairs, picking out little tiny faults to separate them.” Kernaleguen grew up in Melfort where she showed cattle in the 4-H Club. She went on to judge a few different 4-H shows and the Cinderella Classic in Saskatoon. “Basically I love doing these jackpots, though. There is amazing quality of cattle.” Some other events also took place throughout the two day celebration. There were games brought in for the children in attendance, and the barbeque was kept hot throughout the entire weekend. A dunk tank gave community members the chance to douse some of their colleagues, teachers and even their local MLA. A tent was also set up, with members of the Kinsmen Club running the bar. Saturday evening’s entertainment included DJ Executive Chef, who kept things lively well into the night.


June 7, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Another triple crown for Cabrera? How about a triple crown of Triple Crowns? able major league hype as he goes after three in a Back-to-back-to-back! row next year. Baseball has records it believes are untouchable: • Norman Chad of the Washington Post, on the Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak; and Johnworst team in Major League Baseball, Houston ny Vander Meer’s consecutive no-hitters. But the Astros, having “a roster so young that Chuck E. way Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers is smashCheese’s caters the team’s training table.” ing the ball this year, he’s en route to accomplishing • Bob Molinaro, Hampton Roads Virginian-Pilot: something that has never happened in the 135-year I don’t understand what Chuck Norris means when history of Major League Baseball: Back-to-back he says he sees some of himself in Tim Tebow. The Triple Crown titles. out-of-work quarterback Tebow has been called a And hey, if the 30-year-old Venezuelan leads the lot of things but, far as I can tell, never a bad actor.” BRUCE American League in batting average, home runs • Comedy writer Jim Barach: “Nike is cutting its PENTON and runs-batted-in again, who would bet against ties with Lance Armstrong’s Livestrong. How bad ~ him doing it again in 2014? — a triple crown of is it when the company that stuck by Tiger Woods Triple Crowns. and Michael Vick says you don’t measure up to When Cabrera led the league in all three categotheir standards?” ries last year, he was the first American League hit• R.J. Currie of sportsdeke.com: Ottawa rightter to do it since Carl Yaztrzemski of Boston Red Sox in 1967. winger Guilliame Latendresse told TSN hockey is a game of Ted Williams of the Red Sox did it twice — in 1942 and 1947, mistakes. In which case, the Toronto Maple Leafs are a dywhile superstars of the game such as Rogers Hornsby, Ty Cobb, nasty. Jimmie Foxx, Lou Gehrig and Mickey Mantle are among the • Scott Miller of cbssports.com, pointing out there is a bright elite 16 players to totally dominate the three glamour hitting side to Matt Kemp of the Dodgers going on the disabled list categories. There have been far more perfect games pitched with a strained hamstring: “He will be physically unable to (23, some of them by no-names like Phil Humber and Dallas strand any more runners at least for the next two weeks.” Braden) than Triple Crown winners (every one a Hall of Famer). • Blogger Bill Littlejohn, after Broncos QB Peyton Manning At last look, Cabrera was back on top of the A.L. in batting av- shot a 77 at Augusta National: “Though Tom Brady phoned in erage (.367) and runs-batted-in (65) while sitting No. 2 in home claiming he took an illegal drop.” runs with 17, three behind Chris Davis of the Orioles. ESPN. • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg, after Keyshawn Johnson com’s Buster Olney tweeted that Cabrera is the first player in complained about neighbor Justin Bieber’s speeding: “When MLB history to enter the month of June with a batting average your behavior offends an ex-NFL receiver, it is time to clean of at least .340 and at least 15 HR and 60 RBI. up your act.” Of the 16 previous Triple Crown seasons, no player has fol• Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: A high-school baseball lowed up the next season by leading in even two categories. ump — obviously under the influence, witnesses say — passed “I’ve been playing a long time, and he’s the best hitter I’ve out during a game in Stark County, Ill., and then attacked first ever seen,” Tigers right fielder Torii Hunter told Richard Justice responders who came to his aid and was tased twice by police, of mlb.com. WQAD-TV reported. The umpiring situation, in short: loaded, “I’ve never seen a guy that put the bat head on the ball as with one out and two strikes.” regularly as he does and on all pitches,” Rangers manager Ron • Janice Hough of leftcoastsportsbabe.com: “Better to be Washington said to Justice. Not surprisingly, Cabrera is starting to be compared to some of the all-time greats — Aaron, Mays, Williams, Mantle, Ruth. “It’s too soon to say that,” Cabrera said. He might be right, but if the Tigers’ infielder puts together Triple Crown No. 2 this season, get ready for some unbeliev-

lucky than smart? Running back Matt Brown was supposed to sign a contract with Saskatchewan of the CFL. But he forgot his passport had expired and couldn’t board the flight. Before he could fix it the Tampa Bay Bucs offered him a contract.” Hough again: “Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Ian Kennedy missed a start recently because he cut himself washing the dishes. And all over America, men are going ‘See, honey, I’d love to help clean up but for men that stuff is dangerous.’ “ • Steve Simmons of Sunmedia, quoting Canadian rower Marnie McBean on why athletes in her sport are a lot like politicians: “We sit on our ass and go backwards.” Care to comment? Email brucepenton2003@yahoo.ca

Track meet

ESTATE AUCTION For Vivian Sondresen

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 - 5 p.m. LOCATION: 708 Chambers Court, Shellbrook SK. Also a selection of items from Dora Gustafson

Furniture/Household: Chesterfield & Chairs, Kitchen Table & Chairs, Dressers, Corner China Cabinet, Chrome Table & Chairs, Stainless Steel Pots & Pans, 11ft. Cu. Deep Freeze, Chest of drawers, BBQ., Vacuum, Pictures, Night Tables, Dishes, Household Appliances. Antique/Collectibles: Birch Cupboard, Settlers Table, Rocking Chairs, Tredle Sewing machine, Copper Boiler, Wade Figurines, Old Radio Collection, Blue Mountain Pottery, Sad Irons, Coal Oil Lamp, Steamer Trunk. Yard/Recreational: Craftsman 17.5 hrsp. 42” cut, J.D. Snowblower TRX 24 c/w track, Quad. 90cc. (sold as is). Comments: Also many boxes of misc. items. This is a sale you won’t want to miss!

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Our local “Students making a Difference” along with their families would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU to all cash sponsors as well as businesses who donated items for our silent auction. Your support made this variety night on May 11 a huge success. The following cash sponsors include: Investor’s Group; Shellbrook Pharmacy; Russ’s Auto Body; Naber Ford; E & B Lumber; Hubel Insulating (Chuck Miller) & ET Flooring. Businesses and indviduals who donated silent auction items include: Elk Ridge Resort; Bev’s Fish & Seafood; Canadian Tire; Fresh Air Experience; Kentucky Fried Chicken; Marks Work Warehouse; Sobey’s; Nicole Rancourt – Lia Sopia; Propaganda; Shellbrook Chev Olds; Marj & Larry Brossart –Fireplace; Woodland Pharmacy; Rona; Days Inn; South Hill Physio; Triple S Transport; Debbie Helm; Corral Lafond; Laura’s Hair Studio; Hanigan’s Honey; Janet Harris; Petland; Sunlife – Larry Brossart; Ted Matheson’s Men’s Wear; Carla’s Hair Place; Boston Pizza; Arby’s; M&M Meats; Ciniplex Theater; Shellbrook Co-op; Pine Ridge Cottages; Novus Salon; Tim Horton’s; Ben Moss Jewellers; Dollar Store; Designer’s Edge & Prairie North Surplus.


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Kyle Simmonds leaps through the air during a recent track meet at W.P. Sandin School. Many athletes participated, and the top two or three finishers in each event moved on to the meet in Prince Albert on June 4-5.

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Shellbrook Chronicle


The R.M. of Canwood No. 494 Seasonal Heavy Duty Equipment Operator & Truck Driver The R.M. of Canwood No. 494 invites applications for a Seasonal Heavy Duty Equipment Operator and Truck Driver. The successful applicant must have a valid Class 1A driver’s license and be able to carry out assigned duties without supervision and shall answer to the R.M. Council and the Foreman. Submit your drivers abstract and resume, including past experience and at least two references, to: R.M. of Canwood No. 494 Box 10, 641 Main Street, Canwood, Sask., S0J 0K0 Fax: 306-468-2666 Email: rm494@sasktel.net Wages are negotiable based on experience. All resumes are to be in the hands of the Administrator on or before 4:00 P.M., Monday, June 17, 2013. Only those contacted will be granted an interview.

Come Join our Team. Crop Production Services Canada is a division of Agrium (www.Agrium.com), and one of the largest farm market retailers in North America. Our mission is to be the trusted and recognized leader in the agricultural industry, the first choice for every customer and producer. Make the move to join our more than 7000 employees across North and South America and begin growing your career now. Due to our continuous growth we are currently recruiting for:

Crop Production Advisor- Shellbrook, SK Please contact Carolyn Hazelwood at 306-747-2644 or carolyn.hazelwood@cpsagu.ca for more information or to apply. To learn more about dynamic employment opportunities log on to www.cpsagu.com/Careers

More doctors practicing in Sask. Saskatchewan residents have better access to physician care, thanks to fourteen more doctors who are now practising in Saskatchewan. These doctors, who entered the Saskatchewan International Physician Practice Assessment (SIPPA) in January, recently passed all of the program’s requirements and are now practicing in communities throughout the province. “We continue to recruit our own medical graduates from Saskatchewan’s College of Medicine, but we appreciate and rely on physicians from outside our own borders,” Minister Responsible for Rural and Remote Health Randy Weekes said. “I’m very pleased these internationally trained doctors have passed their assessment and are now providing care to Saskatchewan residents, further stabilizing the physician workforce throughout the province.” In addition to the new doctors from the January SIPPA program who are now practicing medicine, the May SIPPA intake is completely full. Each intake allows 30 inter-


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, Internet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 5-8, Friday 1-5. Contact us for more info 497-3130 www.wapitilibrary.ca. CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thurs. - 12 :00 noon - 5: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Theatre Movie Night. Next Movie Night in Shellbrook, Friday, June 21 ~ “Oz”. American fantasy adventure ¿lm, Doors Open 7:00 p.m. Show time 7:30 p.m. Cost is $5 for movie SHELLBROOK: Fundraising Barbecue For the Kinsmen Park Improvements, Fri., June 7- 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., In front of Bigway, $8.00 for Hamburger, potato chips & drink. The Kinsmen and Kinettes Thank You for your support. PARKSIDE: In concert Link Union Gospel Bluegrass band Northern Lights Tour. Thursday, June 20, 7:30 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church, 234 - 2nd Ave. W., Parkside. No Admission, Free will offering, Pot luck lunch to follow. For concert info: 306-7472938 or 306-747-3463. SHELLBROOK: Healthy Eating DVD Series Cooking Demo & Food Sampling, Tuesday, June 11, 7 p.m. at the Shellbrook Public Library. This month’s topic “Low-carb Hysteria” by Dr John McDougall.

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national medical graduates (IMGs) to apply to the program. A total of 25 of these IMGs are from Canada; four from South Africa, and one from India. Many of the candidates were trained in countries like Egypt, Nigeria, the Philippines and Iran. While all of them were successful at obtaining a seat in SIPPA, they still have to successfully complete the program over the next few months. If successful they will move forward to the Clinical Field Assessment phase of the program in ten health regions around the province. “This is certainly encouraging. Not only is word getting out about SIPPA within Canada, it is spreading world-wide as we see more and more SIPPA candidates who were trained in a variety of countries coming to Saskatchewan in an effort to make it their home and practice medicine,” said Ed Mantler, saskdocs CEO. “It is good to see that many of them come from within Canada because saskdocs has been working hard at reaching Doctors within Canada to tell them about the many opportunities that await them here.” Keeping Saskatchewan medical graduates continues to be a high priority. “Even if we were 100 per cent successful at retaining every University of Saskatchewan (U of S) medical graduate, we would still have to recruit out of province, the demand is that great,” said Mantler. Pivotal to the success of the SIPPA program is the work of its administrator, Continuing

Professional Learning at the U of S College of Medicine. “SIPPA is a made- in -Saskatchewan solution, and it is working. We are delighted by the success of our candidates in their clinical field assessments. We will continue to work in partnership with saskdocs and our provincial government to ensure continued success for SIPPA and the IMGs who now have the opportunity to live and work in Saskatchewan” said Dr. Penny Davis, Medical Director of SIPPA for the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. SIPPA expanded last year to assess doctors from all countries as long as they meet the assessment criteria. Since its inception in 2011, 68 more doctors have passed the assessment and are now practicing medicine in Saskatchewan. A list of the communities and health regions in which they are practicing is provided in Attachment A . Saskdocs continues to recruit physicians to the province in collaboration with the health regions through: direct recruitment initiatives; establishing relationships with medical students and residents; advertising locally, nationally and internationally; and, attending career fairs at home and out of province. Family physician IMGs seeking more information on SIPPA and the opportunities that are currently available are encouraged to contact saskdocs at info@saskdocs.ca or call toll-free (in North America) 1-888-415-3627 or 306-9335000.

SIPPA Physician Placements Cypress: Swift Current, Leader - 2 Five Hills: Moose Jaw -2, Assiniboia - 1 Heartland: Kindersley – 2, Unity - 1, Rosetown - 2 Kelsey Trail: Hudson Bay - 1, Melfort - 1, Nipawin - 4, Tisdale -3, Kelvington - 1 Northern Medical Services: Ile a la Crosse - 2 Prairie North: Lloydminster - 7, Maidstone - 1, North Battleford - 1, Meadow Lake - 2, Turtleford - 2 Prince Albert: Prince Albert -3, Spiritwood - 2, Shellbrook - 2 Regina: Qu’Appelle – 1, Broadview - 1, Regina - 2, Fort Qu’Appelle -1 Saskatoon: Saskatoon -2, Humboldt - 3, Watrous -2, Wakaw - 1 Sun Country: Estevan - 3, Kipling - 1 Sunrise: Kamsack -3 Yorkton - 3, Canora - 3 Esterhazy - 1 Total: 68 *Statistics do not include physicians from the May 2013 SIPPA intake*

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Ph: 306-747-2442 Fax: 306-747-3000 chads@sbchron.com

June 7, 2013


PRAISE & WORSHIP ~ Regular services, Sunday school and

Shellbrook Chronicle

Construction ahead


special events will be listed at no charge. LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. - Worship Pastor Chris Dean

St. Henry’s - Leask Mass Sunday 7 p.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Saturday, 9 a.m. Fr. Tru Le

-----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Shellbrook Sun., 11 a.m. - Worship, 7 p.m. Pastor David Bodvarson 747-7235 Canwood 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296

-----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am -Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Dan Guiboche 204-620-0309

-----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun., 9:30 a.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Whitefish Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Sunday, 11 a.m.

-----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky

-----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morning. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 747-2309, Leask 466-4498 Marcelin 226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays - 10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley

In Memory may be put in the Chronicle for

$19.50* (30 words) 20¢ per additional word Photo - $10.00 * 1 week includes website

Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442

fax: 306-747-3000 email: chads@sbchron.com

Crews begin work on an eastbound acceleration lane at the junction of Highway 3 and Highway 40. The project is an extension of the construction work being done to repair a large section of Highway 40 that runs from the junction all the way down past Parkside.

Shellbrook RM meeting highlights Minutes of a meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Shellbrook No. 493 which was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office in Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, on Wednesday, April 3, 2013. Present were Reeve Robert Ernst and Councilors Andy Larsen, Larry Ferster, Earl Stewart, Sean Helm, Derwin Joelson, Doug Oleksyn and Administrator Karen Beauchesne. Reeve Ernst called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. The following are the highlights of that meeting: That we adopt the Minutes of the meeting of March 6, 2013 as read. That we accept the reports of the various members of Council, as well as the Administrator’s report, as presented. That we approve the Statement of Financial Activity for the month of March, 2013 as presented. That we approve the correspondence as presented. That we purchase a 1/10 page ad in the Royal Canadian Legion Military Service Recognition Book for $195.00. That we set the date for our Budget Meeting as Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. That we advise the Crutwell Hamlet Board to contact the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency and Prince Albert Public Health to obtain information on a possible communal septic system for the hamlet That we apply for funding under the Channel Clearing Grant Program with the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency. That we advise the Crutwell Hamlet Board that we do not object to their proposal to change the name of Oskatukaw Street. That we advise The Department of Agriculture the municipality does not object to the sale of SW 06-48-03-W3rd. This approval is subject to the condition that the municipality must recoup all costs incurred (from either the purchaser or the vendor) to have the road surveyed. That we pass the resolution regarding proposed changes to the Wildfire Act and that we send a copy of said resolution to the Minister of Environment, Ken Cheveldayoff. That we purchase a 2013 John Deere 544K Loader for the price of $177,900.00, less the trade-in value for our used 2007 John Deere 544 J Loader of $93,900.00, for a difference of $84,000.00 plus applicable taxes. That, pursuant to The Tax Enforcement Act, we serve the 30 Day Notice to persons as presented to council. That we approve payment of the accounts being regular cheque numbers 6365 to 6413 in the amount of $179,645.34,

Healthy Eating DVD Series

Cooking Demo & Food Sampling Tuesday, June 11, 7 p.m. Shellbrook Public Library

and payroll cheque numbers 12015 to 12026 in the amount of $21,070.24. That we adjourn. Minutes of a meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Shellbrook No. 493 which was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office in Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, on Wednesday, April 24, 2013. Present were Reeve Robert Ernst and Councilors Andy Larsen, Larry Ferster, Earl Stewart, Sean Helm, Derwin Joelson, Doug Oleksyn and Administrator Karen Beauchesne. Reeve Ernst called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Amund Otterson attended the meeting to discuss Dr. Recruitment. That we accept the reports of the various members of Council as presented. That we approve the 2013 Budget as presented. That, due to the assessment revaluation, we reduce the municipal mill rate for 2013 from 16 mills to 11.5 mills with a mill rate factor of 0.65 for residential assessments and 1.05 for commercial assessments. Further, that the mill rate for the Library Levy be set at 0.25. That we approve the following mill rates and minimum taxes for the hamlets: Holbein - 6.0 mills; Land Minimum $200.00; Impr. Minimum $200.00 Crutwell - 9.0 mills; Land Minimum $300.00; Impr. Minimum $400.00 Further, that both the Hamlet of Holbein and the Hamlet of Crutwell receive 70% of the total taxes levied as provided for in Section 69(1)(b) of The Municipalities Act. That we concur with the Sturgeon Lake Regional Park Board’s decision to set their 2013 mill rate at 5.0 mills. That, pursuant to a motion passed by R.M. Council at the March 4, 2002 meeting, we pay the Shellbrook & District Health Services Project the $10,000.00 that was promised to them. Further, that these funds are to be allocated toward the purchase of furnishings for the new Health Complex. That we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

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Shellbrook Chronicle 16



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THE CLASSIFIEDS Email your ad: chads@sbchron.com

June 7, 2013

Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000 Email

chads@sbchron.com P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Advertising Deadline - Monday: 5:00 p.m.

Subscriptions $60.00 + $3.00 (GST) = $63.00/year

TAX ENFORCEMENT TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST VILLAGE OF LEASK PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 5th day of August 2013, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. 505024800, Lot 11, BLK 4, PL S3969 Ext 0, Title 140648249 $302.90 505010950, BLK 6, PL S3969 Ext 37, Title 1340331502 $626.29 505029950, Lot 2324(W), BLK 14, PL 101536163 Ext 47, Title 115898484 $1822.20 505052100, Lot 9, BLK 19, PL CQ5157 Ext O, Title 135218741 $514.54 505001900, Lot 18, BLK 21, PL CS1025 Ext 0, Title 115897304 $570.52 505015600, Lot 26, BLK 8, PL 101536220 Ext 19, Title 139657944 $570.81 505018000, Lot 25, BLK 8, PL 101536231 Ext 20, Title 139870075 $644.47 505007100, Lot 7, BLK 13, PL CJ 1985 Ext 0, Title 139539189 $682.82 Dated at Leask, Saskatchewan, this 7th day of June, 2013. Brenday Lockhart, Administrator

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Raymond Bold, late of Blaine Lake, SK, deceased. All claims against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held if any, must be sent before June 11, 2013 to: Delbert M. Dynna 100A - 10th St. E. Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Y7 Solicitor for the Executor, Rita Palawaga 2-23C

NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Terrence Matthew Kwasnica, of Leask, in the Province of Saskatchewan, deceased. All claims against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 17th of June 2013. Holash Logue McCullagh Barristers & Solicitors 1102 - 1st Avenue West Prince Albert, SK S6V 4Y6 Solicitors for the Administrator 2-23C NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Lida Kabaroff, late of Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, deceased. All claims against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 20th day of June, 2013. Solicitors for the Estate, David B. Jahnke (in association with Leland Kimpinski LLP) 3005 Central Avenue, P.O. Box 343, Waldheim, Saskatchewan S0K 4R0 2-24C


Shellbrook Chronicle Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + GST 20¢ additional words $7.75 for additional weekds Classified Display: $17.80/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.60 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: chnews@sbchron.com advertising: chads@sbchron.com FOR SALE - 1995 Dodge mini van, Sport Wagon, new transmission Nov. 2011, new fuel pump and all weather tires, Nov. 2012, no rust, all windows no cracks or chips, asking $3,000. Ph: Doris 306-4662309, Leask 2-24CH

REC. VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE - 35 foot Pace Arrow, top of the line motorhome. For more information phone 306-7473210 2-24CH FOR SALE - 2006 24 ft. Dutchman trailer, 1 slide, excellent condition, $9,950, firm Call 306-883-2626 or 306-883-9251 2-24CH


FOR SALE - 4 - 20555-R16 Michelin XIce with steel rims. $50 each fits Mazda 3. Phone 306-7472297. TFCH

FOR SALE - 2012 J.D. Disc-Bind 956, center pivot rotary mower-conditioner PRU $34,995 obo. Phone Phil 306-9608323 TFCH

For Sale: 300 gal fuel tank & stand. $100. 500 gal. fuel tank (split 200-300) no stand. $40. Tanks used in 2012. Call 306-536-3724. 2-23C

FOR SALE - 6’ 3 point hitch cultivator in good shape $650; 500 gal. low profile poly water tank on skids $150. Ph 306-468-2896 2-23CH


FOR SALE - 46’ Riteway harrow-packer bar, 5 bar harrows, P20 packers, auto fold. 306-747-3185 or 306-747-7622 TFCH

FOR SALE - 1988 Chrysler 5th Avenue, 80,000 kms, $2,000. Ph: 306468-2177 or 403638-4165 2-24CH

Classifieds Work!


LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE - Yearling bulls, Red Simmental, Simmental-Red Angus cross, Traditionals including Full Fleck Fullbloods. Foxdale Farm and Ranch, Glenn and Christine Strube, 306-7473185, Shellbrook. TFCH FOR SALE - Herd Dispersal - 100 Red Simmental Commercial cow/calf pairs - Registered Pure Bred Red Simmental cows with calves, 5 Open Spring heifers - Spring bulls, 2 yr old bulls, 1 Black 2 yr old bull, 3 yr old bulls - Newer nitrogen tank with straws - Calf scale. Ph: Mel 306-960-1416, Phil 306-960-8323 TFCH FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus bulls. Yearling and 2 year olds. Reasonably priced, well developed bulls. Not force fed, but carry enough condition to go out and work your pastures. Transformers, Raven, Master and Diversity bloodlines. $100.00 deposit will hold until May 1. Tours welcome. For more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries. 306-4694970 or 306-4697902 25-30CH JOHNER STOCK FARM BULLS, Polled Hereford/ Speckle Park yearling and two year

SWNA Blanket Classifieds

Reaching over 6 million people weekly. Cost for 25 words:

Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French)

olds. Guaranteed, delivered. 306-8932714 or 893-2667 25-28CH POPLAR RIDGE ANGUS offering: Registered purebred Black Angus yearling and two year old bulls. Quiet disposition, easy calving, semen tested and pasture ready. Shellbrook, SK 306-7473038 TFC FOR SALE - Polled yearling Charolais bulls; Avg birth wt. 95 lb; avg WW Sept. 19 765 lb; avg yearling wt Jan. 19 1190, Mar. 24 1,443, semen tested, Vass. Issac Hildebrand 1-306-724-4907 6-24CH FOR SALE - Red and Black Gelbvieh bulls, quiet, semen tested, free delivery. RPS Gelbvieh at 306-342-4490 or 306-342-2136 8-26CH FOR SALE - Registered Red Angus bulls for sale, Harty Red Angus, Jeff Harty 306-469-4590 after 6 4-25CH

PETS FOR SALE PETS FOR SALE Doberman Pinscher puppies and Miniature Pinscher puppies, Vet checked with shots and dewormed. $400 to $600. 306-4684545 2-23CH

Advertising Deadline is Monday 5:00 p.m.

Shellbrook Chronicle


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Shellbrook Chronicle




FOR SALE - Common #1 Smooth Brome, Meadow Brome, Timothy, Crested Wheat, Yellow Clover, Cicer Milkvetch, Alfalfa; also have certified seed. Grower Direct. Blending and delivery available. Competitive prices. Darrel Siklenka 306342-4290 or 306342-2189, Glaslyn, SK 12-26CH

WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH

FOR SALE - Alfalfa seed tailings, Various Leaf Cutter Bee equipment. Contact Grant Wood, 306469-4893. 4-24CH

Buying? Selling? Try the Classifieds!


WANTED - CB base antenna. Phone between 8 pm and 10 pm 306-747-2169 2-23CH

HOMES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE - in Debden, 1,120 sq. ft. bungalow built 1992. Great location 409 4th Ave. E. Contact 306-468-4470 TFCH FOR SALE - 2 storey house in Canwood. 3+ large bedrooms,

Brookside’s Neighborhood Restaurant is looking for Reliable, Mature Staff for Kitchen & Front Counter Monday to Sunday • Flexible Hours Wages Negotiable Summer Hours - 7 am to 8 pm, Mon. to Sat., Sun. - 9 am to 5 pm Please drop resume off in person. Ask for Rob or Andrew.

Email your ad: chads@sbchron.com

3 full baths, new siding, windows & flooring. Available immediately. Asking $120,000. Ph: 306468-7744 2-23CH

FOR RENT FOR RENT - House in Parkside for 1 or 2 working or retired people. $595/ month, plus utilities, damage deposit and references required. For application call 306-747-2775 after 6 p.m. 2-23CH

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Shellbrook Motel seeking mature individuals for permanent part time employment. Good for stay at home moms, or retired persons. Perks included. Ph: 306-747-2631, or stop in or email shellbrookmotel@ gmail.com TFC LOOKING FOR a student for full-time child care, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. Valid driver’s license required. Term July 2, 2013 to August 30, 3013. Time off negotiable. Please call Carolyn Hazelwood at 306-747-3085 for details. 4-25CH

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Caltex Resources Ltd is seeking a Contract or Employee Production Operator in the Kerrobert Area General understanding of field production operations - Day-to-Day management of single/multi-well oil batteries, water gathering, injection system and atmospheric treating facilities - Mechanical aptitude, desire to learn, ability to work as part of a team are the prime qualifications Prefer a minimum 5 years industry experience; ideally in heavy oil setting - Individual requires a valid drivers licence, industry safety training/tickets. Also requires WCB and proof of insurance for contract positions Caltex is an equal opportunity employer, should you meet the qualifications and be interested in the position. Please forward your resume to careers@ caltexresources. com or via fax to 306-834-0041.


GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE: 217 - 1st Ave. North, Marcelin, Friday & Saturday, June 7 & 8, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fresh baking, miscellaneous, too much to mention. 1-23CH YARD SALE - June 8, 9:00 - 4:00; 2 miles East of Shellbrook on Highway 55 to Hazelridge Road, 3.5 K South, Alumacoach camper, Valley Comfort heater, tools, rototiller, lots more 1-23C

AUCTIONS AUCTIONS - Rose Vargo and The Estate of John Vargo Auction Sale - June 16, 2013 @ 9:00 AM Glaslyn, SK 1 mile East of Glaslyn on Hwy #3 for info call 1877-494-2437, PL# 318200SK www. bodnarusauctioneering.com

CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank everyone for the flowers, gifts, cards and phone calls I received while in hospital. Your thoughtfulness and encouragement were very much appreciated. Thanks again to all. - Sincerely Pauline Chalifour The family of Lenora Viden wish to extend their sincere thanks for the condolences, flowers and food received, to the Lutheran ladies for the lunch they prepared, Nicole Philp for playing the piano, Pastor Schmirler for his lovely service, Beau “Lac” Funeral Home for the care and help provided in our time of grief and to all who regarded Lenora as a friend. She will be missed.

June 7, 2013

The family of the late Denise Jean of Debden Sask who passed away May 20-2013, sincerely appreciate your kind expressions of sympathy and support received by our Family, Friends and Community Members in our great loss.

MEMORIAMS Lois Wilcox: beloved mother & grandmother – forever loved and missed. Pat, Brian, Sharon, Colleen and families.

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email: chads@sbchron.com

June 7, 2013


CLAUDE RESOURCES INC. is a Saskatchewanbased gold producer, engaged in the production, exploration and development of gold mineral reserves and mineral resources. Claude's entire asset base is located in Canada, with its principal assets being the Seabee gold operation located 125 kilometers northeast of La Ronge, SK, the Madsen Exploration Project in Red Lake, ON, and the Amisk Gold Project in Flin Flon, MB. Our developing Santoy 8 project is located approximately 14 kilometers east of the Seabee Mill. We are currently seeking a Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic at our Seabee/Santoy gold operation. The successful candidates will have 2+ years of underground mining equipment experience and a valid Journeyperson license is considered an asset. The work rotation will be two weeks in/two weeks out, working 11 hour shifts. The Seabee and Santoy operations are fly-in camps with flights coming from La Ronge, Prince Albert, Flin Flon, Cumberland House and Saskatoon. Claude Resources Inc. offers a competitive compensation and benefits package as well as an employee share purchase plan. Interested applicants are invited to submit their resumes by June 30,2013 to hr@clauderesources.com. Please refer to the title “Heavy Duty Mechanic” in the subject line of your email. For further information on our company, please visit www.clauderesources.com We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Klassic Autobody (Hay River, NT) seeking Working Shop Foreman/ Assistant Manager - Oversee Bodyshop, estimations, quality/safety, teamplayer. $37-$42 hourly+OT, company matched pension plan, benefits. Apply to: e m p l o y m e n t @ kinglandford.com Fax:867-874-2843


E M P L O Y M E N T OPPORTUNITY Marine Superintendent/ D e t a c h m e n t Superintendent, Canadian Forces Auxiliary Fleet, a civilian component of the Department Of National Defence, seeks Marine Managers for positions in Nanoose Bay and Victoria (Vancouver Island), British Columbia. Online applications only through the Public Service Commission of Canada website, Reference# DND13J-008697000065, Selection Process# 13-DND-EAESQ-373623, Marine Superintendent/ D e t a c h m e n t Superintendent. Applicants must meet all essential qualifications listed and complete the application within the prescribed timelines. * * h t t p : / / j o b s emplois.gc.ca/index-eng.htm Surintendant/Surintend ant de dtachement de la Marine, La flotte auxiliaire des forces canadiennes, une composante civile du ministère de la Défense nationale, cherche des gestionnaires marins pour des postes situés à Nanoose Bay et Victoria sur l’île de Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Les candidats intéressés doivent postuler en ligne à travers le site internet de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada, Référence n DND13J-008697000065, le processus de sélection # 13-DNDEA-ESQ-373623, Surintendant/ Surintendant de détachement de Marine. Les candidats doivent posséder toutes les qualifications essentielles énumérées dans la publicité en ligne et remplir la demande dans les délais prescrits. h t t p : / / j o b s emplois.gc.ca/index-eng.htm Water Utility Maintenance/ Operator - full-time, based out of Aberdeen, SK. Must have Level 1 certification. For more information see our website at www.41water.com

AUTOMATED TANK MANUFACTURING Inc. is looking for an experienced Spray/ Foam Painter. $35. $45/hour depending on experience. Profit sharing bonus, full insurance package 100% paid by company, long term employment. Good working environment. Also looking for a Spray/Foam Labourer. Call Cindy for an appointment or send resume to: cindy@autotanks.ca. 780-846-2231 (Office); 780-846-2241 (Fax).

PROFESSIONAL SALES CONSULTANTS. Central A l b e r t a ’ s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates. We maintain a large inventory of New & Used vehicles & friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email: dbrackenbury@ denhamford.com.

HELP WANTED NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect.

AUCTIONS Online Auction, Lac La Plonge Resort, SK. 12:00 noon June 20, 2013: year round 1392sf home, appliances, deck, superb fishing. Kramer Auctions Ltd 306-445-5000 www.kramerauctions.com.


On behalf of Sisters of Saint Elizabeth

Sat. June 15@9:00 am 1212 – 12th Street, Humboldt, SK Kubota diesel garden tractor & attachments, John Deere garden tractor & attachments, Ariens riding lawnmower. Numerous household items; filing cabinets, desks, bookshelves & much more www.kirschauctions.ca KIRSCH AUCTIONS Phone 306-367-4925 PL#908445

AUTO PARTS WRECKING TRUCKS all makes, all models ..Dodge..GMC..Ford.. Imports. Lots of 4X4 stuff...Diesel..Gas.. Trucks up to 3 tons.. We ship anywhere. CALL 306-821-0260 Bill... (Lloydminster) reply text.....e-mail...call blackdog2010doc@hot mail.com... We ship same day bus..dhl... transport

AUTOMOTIVE Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapproved online.com.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAKE MONEY and save lives. We are offering exclusive rights in your area, 100% guaranteed return of investment. Don’t pay until you see your business up and running. Voted top vending program in North America. Absolutely no selling i n v o l v e d ; www.locationfirst vending.com. Call 1-855-933-3555 for more information today.

CAREER TRAINING Study FASHION DESIGN in SK. The Academy of Fashion Design in Saskatoon is accepting applications for the fall. Deadline August 1 For info 306-978-9088 www.aofdesign.com

SIAST Parts Management Program, seats available for Fall 2013 Workforce ready in 10 months. Grads in demand by automotive & agricultural dealerships, and wholesale distribution centres. Offered through distance learning, part-time continuing education, and full-time at SIAST Kelsey Campus in Saskatoon. Apply now! 1-866-goSIAST or goSIAST.com/ IndustrialTrades

OVER 90% EMPLOYMENT rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800-466-1535. www.canscribe.com. a d m i s s i o n s @ canscribe.com.

WELL-PAID/ LOW-STRESS CAREER IN MASSAGE THERAPY No need to relocate! Independent study plus monthly classes in Calgary or Edmonton. Our grads are in great demand throughout the west. Excellent instructors, great results.

$1000 Distance Grant. 1-866-491-0574. www.mhvicarsschool.com


Shellbrook Chronicle

Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on a d v e r t i s i n g conditions, please consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. HOT TICKETS for fans in Rural Saskatchewan only UFC-161 in Winnipeg on Saturday, June 15th TAYLOR SWIFT June 22nd in Winnipeg PAUL McCARTNEY August 14th in Regina Ask about our tickets in the First 5 Rows on the floor LABOUR DAY CLASSIC Riders vs. Bombers September 1st in Regina

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FOR SALE PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1405 for details.

DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. EVERY WATER WELL on earth should have the patented “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator from Big Iron Drilling! Why? Save thousands of lives every year. www.1800bigiron.com. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.




FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! We have recently completed a very successful sale of our farmland to Freshwater Holdings. From the first point of contact, and throughout the sale process Freshwater Holdings was always in touch with us to make sure that all was going as discussed. Doug Rue (Freshwater Holdings), has been very approachable and forthright from the beginning. There was never any pressure, nor unfair dealings during the process. The deal was handled very smoothly and efficiently. When an issue arose, Doug was always in contact to help work out the situation fairly for all parties. We certainly would recommend dealing with Freshwater Holdings for any land discussions, and/or sale. Regina and Bill Kossatz

SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 66 1/4’s South Central - 18 1/4’s East Central - 74 1/4’s South - 70 1/4’s South East - 38 1/4’s South West 58 1/4’s North - 6 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 39 1/4’s FARM AND PASTURE LAND AVAILABLE TO RENT


MANUFACTURED HOMES NEW & PREOWNED Modular homes for immediate delivery! Take advantage of our Moduline Showhome sell off and receive a $1500 gift card. Offer extended until June 30! www.craigshome sales.com or call 1-855-380-2266.

Call us for her number now! ~ Cell and home available! Call today, meet on the weekend! Lunch for two! Or Dinner for one! Same old same old in your life? We can help!!!!! AVAILABLE MATCH Jemma is 53, 5'6”, 119lbs , a widow and a divorcee. She is a smart, savy, entrepenuer who is self made. Money is a tool for me. Love I cannot outsource, buy or force. I have a wonderful life, its full. I have 5 children, and 7 grandchildren, and one puppy who I adore. I love camping, fishing, canoeing, Atvs, horses, zip linning, travel & dancing the night away. I have great skin thanks to my mother. There are many things on my bucket list, and I want to meet a man who excites me and moves me as I would be the same for him. Matchmakers Select 1888-916-2824 Guaranteed service Face to face matchmaking, customized memberships thorough screening process. Rural, remote, small towns, isolated communities & villages 13 years established Canada/US www.selectintroductions.com

REAL ESTATE ONLY A FEW UNITS LEFT! 55 PLUS ADULT COMMUNITY Ground Level Ranchers. www.diamondplace.ca 306 241 0123 Warman, SK

CANADIAN MANUFACTURED backed by 10 year warranty -multi family, single section, motel style homes -Qualify for C.M.H.C.Financing FOR MORE INFO CALL 1.800.249.3969 www.medallion-homes.ca Hwy 2 South Prince Albert

STEEL BUILDINGS S T E E L BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteel buildings.ca


Shellbrook Chronicle


June 7, 2013


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