Shellbrook Chronicle March 16th

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Shellbrook VOLUME 101


The Voice Of The Parkland Since 1912 SHELLBROOK, SASKATCHEWAN

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012

PMR #40007604 No. 11

Silvertips 2011-12 BLHL Champions

The 2011-12 Beaver Lakes Hockey League champion Shellbrook Silvertips. Pictured here are Trainer Terry Segberg, Josh Sommerfeld, Steven Porter, Brett Mason, Braden Lande, Derek Olson, Cody Sommerfeld, Matt Sommerfeld, John Martin, Brendon Canaday, Jason McComas, Coach Rob Olsen and Manager Darrel Martin. Front, Dwayne Nyberg, Devin Waterhouse, Marshall Harris, Jory Segberg, Matt Mortensen, Devin Dicus, Nic Martin, Mitch Wourms and Landon McComas. Story on page 9

Lagoon project completed under budget The largest infrastructure project in the history of the Town of Shellbrook came in just under budget after all of the bills were submitted and cheques were sent out. The sewage lagoon project, funded in three equal parts by the municipal, provincial and federal governments was completed $4,500 under budget. According to Town Administrator Tara Kerber, there were some occurrences along the way that had the Town believing that the project would exceed the budgeted $7.7 million but through some minor changes and once accurate pricing was established for some of the materials they were pleasantly surprised. “(At times) we thought we were going to be over, well over,” said Kerber. She said that with early estimates, the picture looked much more bleak due to the budgeted figures presented by the projects engineer, Stantec Many of the figures for materials were inflated to accommodate price increases and other overages. In the end, many of the materials came in at less than the budgeted figure which made up for any oversights or cost over-

runs in other areas. “The system that is in place is extremely complex and most of the components aren’t made in Saskatchewan,” said Kerber, noting that much of the technical equipment that is part of the town’s new sewage treatment system came out of Winnipeg.

The new lagoon began basic operation in October and is almost being used to its full capabilities however some programing work is still required for the equipment to operate without supervision. The federal and provincial government announced funding for the project in June of 2009 as a part of the Building

Canada grant program. The town received $5.2 million in grant funding to construct the lagoon with a deadline which was extended to October 31, 2011. To fund the project, the Town obtained a $3 million low interest loan from CMHC’s Municipal Infrastructure Lending Program (MILP).

Town receives extra $46,323 in revenue sharing The Town of Shellbrook received a bump in its municipal operating grant from the provincial government this year. This year the town will receive $288,614 in municipal operating grant up from $242,291 making for an increase of $46,323. The increase is based on population growth in the town over the past four years. The 2011 Census, released early this year showed 16.5 per cent growth within the Town from 1,230 in 2006 to 1,433 in 2011. According to Town Administrator Tara Kerber, the formula the rate is based on likely remained the same, the Town just

received funding for 203 more residents. The provincial government only provided the amount that would be given for the revenue sharing grant and not the rate per capita. “We are grateful to the provincial government for increasing our share. Every dollar helps,” said Kerber. This combined with properties going onto the tax rolls following their Three Year Tax Holiday, the Town will have a little more revenue at its disposal. However, how that revenue will be spent remains to be seen as the Town’s budget committee is currently working on the 2012 budget. With a number of infrastructure needs

from paving to sewer line replacements stacking up, these new funds coming on stream will likely be earmarked for one project or another rather quickly. Kerber expects that the budget will be presented at the March 9 regular meeting of council or at a special meeting at a date yet to be determined. Other area communities that should see a rise in funding due to population increases include Blaine Lake, Debden and Holbein. Blaine Lake saw an 8.1 per cent increase from 474 to 510 while the Village of Debden grew 2.9 per cent from 348 to 358. The Organized Hamlet of Holbein grew 6 per cent from 84 to 89.

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Shellbrook Chronicle

March 16, 2012

Primary weights restored on Diefenbaker Bridge

The primary weight limit of 63,500 kg was restored on the Diefenbaker Bridge in Prince Albert last week. “Since the crack in the bridge was discovered, the province and the City of Prince Albert have worked in partnership to restore the bridges as quickly as possible,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Jim Reiter said. “This is good news for truckers, shippers, and all motorists who use Diefenbaker Bridge as a vital link.” The cracked section of the bridge was removed and replaced and opened to light traffic on December 21, 2011. Traffic has been allowed to run at a weight

of 47,000 kg since Feb. 14, 2012. Since Feb. 14, engineers have completed further inspections to ensure the bridge can now carry the primary weight limit of 63,500 kg. Primary weight is the highest legal weight that shippers can carry on Saskatchewan highways without a permit. This weight increase will allow trucks carrying up to 63,500 kg to use the bridge while further repairs take place. These repairs will prevent future cracks from occurring, and are expected to be completed in August. Engineers will continue to inspect the bridge weekly until August. “Restoring the bridge to

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to ScotiaBank for their generous donation which paid for the Shellbrook Ministerial Food Bank March rent.

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allow for primary weights is an important day for the transportation industry and the many businesses in and around Prince Albert that rely on it to move people and products to the north,” Prince Albert Mayor Jim Scarrow said. “Repairing this bridge was a major undertaking and I need to thank everyone impacted for their understanding as the city and province worked

through the repair process.” The southbound lanes of Diefenbaker Bridge were closed on Aug. 30, 2011, due to a crack in one of four support girders on the bridge. Twolane traffic was redirected to the northbound lanes, and a weight restriction of 15,000 kg was implemented to ensure the integrity of the northbound lanes. The bridge was inspect-

ed and evaluated by engineering consultant Stantec and repair work began in November 2011. Repairs involved jacking up the damaged section and bolting in a new 1.5 metre section of the bridge. Live load testing occurred on Dec. 19 and 20 and access to all four lanes was restored on Dec. 21, 2011, at a restricted weight limit of 15,000 kg. “Final repairs will be

ongoing in the upcoming months but I am pleased we have reached this milestone,” Reiter said. The Province of Saskatchewan is funding 100 per cent of the repair of Diefenbaker Bridge over the North Saskatchewan River in Prince Albert, which connects to Highways 2 and 3 on the provincial transportation network.

Canwood Seniors Association news

Canwood Seniors held their meeting on March 5th. In the absence of President Doris Bazley, Eileen Olsen opened the meting with O Canada followed by the Lord’s Prayer. She also read the Senior Prayer and finished with a short quip for a laugh. Secretary Doris Odegaard read the minutes of he February 6th meeting and moved adoption of the minutes, seconded by Eileen Micheljohn. Carried. Eileen Olsen gave the Treasurer’s report and moved the adoption of her report. Seconded by Hilda Gaboury. Carried. Anne Andrews made a motion to pay outstanding bills. Seconded by Stella Campbell. Carried.

Reports of goings on! Whist continues on every other Sunday. Ticket books to be turned in soon as possible and Doris Bazley is going with Bowling Team on Sunday to Prince Albert and reminded seniors they have a silent auction so Bertha Johnson made a motion to give $25. Seconded by Pat Bartley. Carried. Eileen expressed information on Fraud (a book called tool kit) for Seniors. Social Service reported a sympathy card had been sent. Fun Day at the bowling alley was a real success and enjoyed by many. The Elks presented the Seniors with information on change tables (prices, sizes) etc. for bathrooms in

the Elks hall. Discussion took place and Joan Anderson made a motion to try one in the ladies bathroom and see how it works. Seconded by Esther Benson. Carried. Bertha Johnson made a motion to buy a 75 cup coffee urn. Seconded by Anne Andrews. Carried. Roll Call was answered by 21 members. Happy Birthday was sung to March celebrants. There was no anniversaries. Eileen reminded everyone that April 2nd would be the annual meeting. Anne Andrews adjourned the meeting.

Operation March Madness targets aggressive driving Traffic enforcement officers in Saskatchewan will be cracking down on aggressive driving on March 14 and 15 as part of a coordinated traffic safety blitz. Aggressive driving includes speeding or driving too fast for road condi-

Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the R.M. of Leask No. 464 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 6-92 known as the Zoning Bylaw. INTENT - The proposed bylaw will add the Zoning District: Duncan’s Beach Resort District. The affected area is shown within the bold dashed line on the map that is attached to and forms part of this bylaw. AFFECTED LAND - The affected land includes a fraction of SW 33-48-7 W3. REASON - The reason for the creation of a new zoning district is to recognize the existing Duncan’s Beach residential buildings and their uses as conforming, and to allow for their upgrading, improvement or replacement. PUBLIC INSPECTION - Any person may inspect the bylaw at the R.M. of Leask office between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed from Noon until 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at cost. PUBLIC HEARING - Council will hold a public hearing on April 25, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at the R.M. of Leask office to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing, or delivered to the undersigned at the R.M. of Leask office before the hearing. Issued at the R.M. of Leask No. 464 this 12th day of March, 2012. Sheri McHanson Budd Administrator

tions, running red lights or failing to stop at stop signs, stunting, passing to the right on a highway, or racing. “A significant number of collisions happen on Saskatchewan roads each year as a result of aggressive driving,” said Andrew Cartmell, President and CEO of SGI. “With today’s hectic schedules, we’re often in a rush behind the wheel. This blitz will remind motorists to give themselves enough time to get where they’re

going to prevent anxiety or frustration that could affect their driving.” On average, there are more than 4,100 collisions on Saskatchewan roads each year as a result of aggressive driving, resulting in more than 1,600 injuries and nearly 60 deaths. “Street racing and stunting are two particularly dangerous types of aggressive driving,” said Chief Troy Hagen, President of the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police. “At their worst they can be fatal; in lesser

degrees they can result in injury, property damage, noise and neighbourhood disruption. These are all outcomes that could be avoided if drivers are careful and considerate.” Operation March Madness is the fourth provincewide coordinated traffic safety blitz, following Operation Handsfree, Operation Overdrive and Operation Crossroads. Each has been successful in raising awareness about safe driving practices.

Spring ice is rotten ice The Prince Albert Fire Department is warning people to stay off the ice as warmer weather approaches this spring. “Once ice starts to rot, the thickness of ice cannot be used to determine if the ice is safe,” reminds Joe Zatylny, Deputy Chief of Operations and Logistics with the Fire Department. “We are reminding everyone that all ice is unpredictable and should be avoided during the spring thaw. There has already been open water observed near the Diefenbaker Bridge, where bridge repairs and removal of the coffer dam have compromised the ice conditions.” “We are asking that you know the risks in your neighborhood, know where your children are, supervise them closely when playing near frozen water,” added Zatylny. “This includes river ice, but also ice in drainage ditches.” Consider the following: · Rotting ice begins to look grey and splotchy; · Beware: ice can erode from the bottom up, with no obvious warning signs

on top; · Melting upstream can create run-off that weakens river ice; · Ice near shore will melt more quickly; · Saline water run-off from roads and melting snow dumps can create “hot spots” that weaken the ice; · Bridge columns, tree stumps, rocks and docks absorb heat from the sun, causing ice around them to melt; · Beware of snow covered ice. Snow can also hide the danger signs of weak ice. · The ice may look solid – but beware; · Because of the way ice melts, the ice will dramatically weaken even as it retains much of its original thickness; and · Cold water is life threatening. In cold water the temperature of your heart, brain, and other vital organs drops, leading to a loss of consciousness and drowning. It can also cause heart failure. When it comes to ice safety, the key message is that you do not attempt a rescue on your own. “A person should first and foremost call 911,” said Zatylny.

March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 3

PAPHR awards contract for Pineview Terrace

The Prince Albert Parkland Regional Health Authority board of directors has awarded RNF Ventures Ltd. of Prince Albert the construction contract for the Pineview Terrace Lodge replacement project. “We are very excited about taking this very important next step in towards a new and larger Pineview Terrace Lodge,” said Gord Dobrowolsky, RHA board chairperson. “The new building will provide a home-like environment for 60 long-term care residents. This is 26 additional long-term care beds that will help reduce wait lists and the address need for capacity in Prince Albert. This new facility will also ensure that our employees, physicians and volunteers have the best possible environment for providing quality, safe and compassionate care for the

people we serve.” The new facility, which was originally announced in February 2009, will replace the existing Pineview Terrace Lodge longterm care facility. It will be located just west of the Victoria Hospital and will have five “houses” for 12 residents each. In addition to a main public entrance for the facility, each of the five homes will have its own front door. The new building will be connected to the Victoria Hospital site via a tunnel, which will allow for access from the Regional Health Centre for services such as maintenance and laundry. The $22.8 million project is cost-shared with 80 per cent of the project costs being provided by the provincial government through the Ministry of Health and the remaining 20 per cent from local communities. In addition

to the project costs, the Region will fundraise to purchase equipment and furnishings (estimated at about $400,000) that are not funded by the Ministry of Health. Where it is possible, existing equipment and furnishings will be moved to the new facility. “The board of directors and our staff are very excited about moving forward with the construction of the much needed new facility in Prince Albert,” said Dobrowolsky. “We appreciate the support from the many municipal governments who have committed funding for the local share of the project.” The $4.43 million local share is being provided by municipal governments in the Prince Albert area. The City of Prince Albert, Resort Village of Candle Lake, Rural Municipalities of Lakeland, Prince Albert,

Garden River and St. Louis, along with the Village of Weirdale, Christopher Lake, Paddockwood and Meath Park have already committed the full share requested by the Region. The Region is continuing discussions with the Rural Municipalities of Buckland and Paddockwood, along with the Village of St. Louis and Albertville have not yet committed the full share requested by the Region. The board’s decision to award the construction contract will be forwarded to the Minister of Health for final approval. It is expected that construction could start in April, and that residents would move into the new facility in 2014. .. The board of directors approved the Region’s implementation plan for Patient and Family Centered Care (PFCC), which

is focused on ensuring exceptional patient and family centered care which respects patients and families’ preferences, values and cultures. “Patients and their families must be more involved in the decisionmaking process for their own care and be the centre of how we do our daily work,” said Pat Stuart, Vice-President of Quality Management. “Our implementation plan includes having patients and their families more involved in our efforts to improve the quality of care and the patient experience. It is about our staff thinking patient-first every time they interact with a patient and their family.” In addition to having a customer service training plan for all employees, the Region will be involving patients and family members in improvement initiatives and on the PFCC steering committee. Information about how interested patients and family members can become involved in the steering committee or improvement initiatives will be made available over next few months. Other notes from the regular board meeting include: The Ambulatory Care

Quality Team, led by Sheila Long, Nursing Unit Manager for Ambulatory Care and Day Surgery, reported on efforts by the team to improve quality, patient and staff safety. This includes increasing the number of procedures that can be done outside of operating rooms to decrease both procedure time and the recovery time required by the patient. As of January 31, 2012, the Region has an operating surplus of $2.4 million (1.4 percent on $168.5 million of expenditures), after subtracting the required transfers to the capital fund. The Region is expecting a 2011-2012 yearend surplus of 432,645 after the transfers to the capital fund for mortgage payments, long-term care reserves and the energy performance loan payments. After an evaluation and feedback from primary care practitioners, the Region will resume doing spinal and abdominal X-rays in Big River and Spiritwood. This change is to improve access and reduce travel for patients. Skull X-rays will not be provided at these sites due to low volumes and clinical practice guidelines.

Star Search & Cabaret - Country at the Creek Friday, March 30 ~ Auditions 7:00 p.m.

WHAT A DAY FOR A WINTER CARNIVAL -- Temperatures were unseasonably warm as the Shellbrook Elementary School held its annual Winter Carnival. In stark contrast from last years event, which was held indoors due to cold temperatures, this year’s event saw sunshine and +5 degree temperatures. The afternoon began with students of various ages participating in a variety of winter games and ended with hot chocolate.

It’s wise to be an informed traveller With careful planning, travelI would like to remind Canalers can maximize their chances dians planning to travel abroad of having a safe and enjoyable for spring break to visit http:// trip abroad,” said our Minister for advice on planof State, the Honourable Diane ning a safe trip. Ablonczy. The site helps inform travelDesnethé-MissinippiTravellers are reminded to selers on safety, security and local Churchill River cure travel insurance that covers laws in the region you are visitout-of-country health care, mediing, as well as such information cal evacuation, flight cancellaas entry and exit requirements, tion and trip interruption. health precautions and contact Between January and April 2011, Consular Services numbers for Canadian government offices in the region replaced 1,864 lost passports and 1,504 stolen passports. you are visiting. You can also learn how to enroll in the Registration of Should you lose your passport (or have it stolen) report Canadians Abroad service, which provides the ability for the incident to the local police first and then notify the government officials to quickly contact and assist you in nearest Canadian government office abroad to apply for a replacement. the event of an emergency situation. I hope you will enjoy a fun and safe spring break no A Traveller’s Checklist and tips for traveling with children are also available on the website, providing matter where you spend your vacation. For those travelimportant tips, reminders and important information on ling – travel smart. As always, I look forward to your letters, e-mails and documentation. Those encountering problems abroad can contact the calls. Write me at: Rob Clarke MP, House of Commons, Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa by 502 Justice Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6. I hope you will find time to visit my website http://www.robcalling 613-996-8885. “As many Canadian families and students across the To contact me via e-mail use clarkr@parl. country prepare to travel abroad for spring break, we re- or call my constituency office toll-free at 1-866mind them that safe travel is a personal responsibility. 400-2334.

Cabaret featuring ‘Trick Ryder’ to follow auditions Big River Community Centre Tickets Adults $15; 12 & under $5 Star Search open to all Non-Recording Artists Top 10 Finalists Selected then collect pledges (minimum $250). Winning finalist will be opening act for

Aaron Pritchett on June 23.

For more info contact Jeanette 306-469-4558 or 4697958; Wanda 306-469-2066; Patty 306-469-7530 or email: Proceeds will be used for production costs

Rob Clark

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Woodland Pharmacy 9 Main Street ~ Open Sundays 12 Noon to 5 p.m. Ph: 747-2545 Fax: 747-3922

Page 4

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012

Opinions Brad Dupuis News Editor

Drive-thru mentality entrenched in society Traffic headaches have led one City of Saskatoon Councilor to call for a moratorium on drive-thrus. Councilor Bev Dubois made the suggestion at a recent city council meeting citing vehicle emissions and traffic trouble with drive-thru line ups backed up onto streets and main thoroughfares. At first glance I thought this to be one of the most ridiculous ideas going. You mean to tell me that you want all future restaurants and coffee shops built in one of Canada’s fastest growing cities to be devoid of a drive-thru option? The super heavyweights, McDonalds and Tim Hortons will crush you because I’m pretty sure that a big part of their business model is based on drive-thru business. When looking at local franchises it is only the oldest ones that do not have a drive-thru attached and anything built in the last decade has an attached drive-thru. So, what do they do? I know, to some degree, city planners have gotten involved with franchises in newer areas to help alleviate problems but I think it needs to go a few steps further with areas specifically designed for drive-thru access. In terms of vehicles waiting in line taking up space on public roads, they can start punishing those guilty of causing traffic backups. If there is a law on the books start enforcing it and if there isn’t put one in place. The drive-thru is handy when you’ve got a pair of sleeping kids in the vehicle or you just need your quick coffee fix as you are heading home after a long day in the city but for me it is only an option if it isn’t too busy. I’ve pulled up to a Tim Hortons where the drive-thru line was around the block, parked my car, gone in, placed and received my order only to find that the drive-thru line has only moved three cars since I went into the store. I don’t know if people were thinking they were saving time, were too lazy to get out of their cars or simply couldn’t get out because of sleeping kids or the like. The idea of a moratorium is interesting only from the standpoint that it will get people talking about the problem but any action would be short lived. St. John’s Newfoundland enacted a moratorium on drive thrus in 2009 due to traffic problems but overturned that ruling two weeks later. The reason these things will never go away is that the public obviously has an appetite for them. As outlined earlier in this column, many are willing to wait 15 minutes or more in their car for a cup of coffee rather than walking across a parking lot and waiting a minute or two inside the restaurant. The other reason is that the fast food industry wants to give their customers what they want. If drive-thrus weren’t utilized, restaurants would stop including them. These large enterprises generate a lot of revenue and pay a lot of taxes which tends to give them a lot of pull. If they want drive-thrus they are likely going to get them. In reality, it’s the people that need to change, not the laws or the restaurants.

The Paul Martin Commentary Just over 6,000. That`s the number of people working new jobs in Saskatchewan last month compared to February of last year. Two-thirds of the gain was in the full-time category while about 2,000 were parttime positions. These numbers are something of a contrast to nearly all parts of the country as only Alberta was showing stronger numbers. The latest employment figures represent a stronger pace of job formation. We spent most of last year with an economy that was doing well but the number of new jobs being recorded seemed low. But the February figures show a slightly different trend. The workforce increased by roughly 3,000 in the last year while the number of new jobs rose twice as fast. In other words, people are coming here in search of work but not enough to fill all the positions. That`s why we saw a high profile mission to Ireland this month, as employers continue to look farther and farther afield in search of new talent to fill the vacancies. *** This Sunday marks World Plumbing Day. It’s a day designed to raise awareness of the role plumbing industry plays in public health. Thousands of children die every day because they don’t have access to a clean drinking water supply and while we take it for granted, more than a billion people worldwide are not as fortunate. Here in Saskatchewan the Mechanical Contractors Association, under the leadership of John Baker, who heads a family-operated mechanical contracting firm in Kindersley, is working to bring attention to the impor-

Paul Martin

tance of infrastructure. Along with organizations such as Plumbers Without Borders, similar to Doctors Without Borders, who organize volunteer plumbing professionals to rebuild sewer and water systems in disaster areas, they are bringing the challenges of infrastructure development around the globe into focus. And even in First World nations like Canada where access to the basics of water and sanitary waste treatment is a given, the association is encouraging all of us to contact our local plumbing contractor to look for ways to conserve water and environmental protection. *** This is uncharted territory. The traditional view of the major banks goes something like this: they’re staid, conservative and stodgy. But they seem to be shaking up that image a little bit. This all began in January when the Bank of Montreal decided to put mortgages on sale. They cut their fiveyear rate to 2.99 per cent, an unprecedented level. The move prompted a couple other banks to follow suit. Not only did it shake up the marketplace, it got under the skin of the Bank of Canada governor who was busy trying to slow borrowing. This only increased it. So the banks quickly withdrew, days ahead of the planned conclusion of their mortgage sale, in response. But then all of a sudden BMO has returned to the market with its mortgage sale, again announcing the 2.99 per cent rate will be available until the end of the month. Not only does this come as a surprise, it could be viewed as a bit of a nose tweak for the central bank.

March 9, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 5

Viewpoint Wall sends mixed boom/bust messages So are we booming or busting? Or is it a little a both? Certainly, when it comes to the complex Saskatchewan economic that depends on the whims of the weather, agricultural markets and the ups and downs of the natural resource cycle, it can be a little of both. One thing is certain, though: A tougher hold-the-spending budget will mean rural communities bear more than their share of the cuts. It has always worked that way and there’s little reason to think that will change even if it’s a government with a strong rural base is making the cuts. For those of you who might have missed them, Premier Brad Wall has been dropping strong hints of a tough budget on March 21 that will see the elimination of some government programs. Wall also told reporters that other programs _ even on the social services side _ might receive funding cuts. (Interestingly, Wall’s last hints of a tough budget came just as he was leaving for Ireland to recruit skilled workers.) Already, the Saskatchewan Premier has made it clear that one such cut will mean smaller communities and cities pay-

ing more for RCMP services. As noted earlier, this is all too typical of austerity measure budgets where cost-efficiency is always the first consideration. And whenever bureaucrats and politicians start talking about costefficiency in program delivery, it is almost always rural Saskatchewan that pays the price. Also worth watching in the upcoming provincial budget will the formula for education funding that is expected to be overhauled. Again, details are sketchy at this point, but bet that more than rural community will be effective. The question, however, is why is all this necessary? Haven’t we been receiving near daily reminders from the Wall government that we are in a time of near unprecedented growth and prosperity? So is this a boom or a bust? Yes, governments at least attempt to be slightly more disciplined with their

“Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview” A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning, P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: Advertising C. J. Pepper, Publisher, Brad Dupuis, Editor, Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales, Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination, Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination, Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception, Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m. The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed. and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of

Murray Mandryk

spending in the first budget of a term. Yes, “good times” also happen to be a “good time” to keep spending in check. And, yes, the Sask. Party did take the high road in last November’s election campaign, talking about the extravagance of the NDP platform. That said, the Sask. Party wasn’t exactly shy about promising new hospitals in North Battleford and Moose Jaw or replacements in smaller communities like Kipling and Radville. Where all this newfound spending discipline last term when government spending increased nearly 30 per cent in four years? If we were headed for rough times shouldn’t Wall’s government have told us that earlier? There wasn’t even any mention of the changes to RCMP funding at last month’s Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) conference. And what about all the other hype

about our booming economy? Exactly how can we be in times of austerity, when the government keeps telling us about all our prosperity _ retail sales increases, population growth, more job opportunities, etc? Well, it’s about here where we may be getting to the real reason we are now seeing this inconsistency. What this Sask. Party government has gotten quite good at quite quickly is hyping itself _ telling us exactly how much better provincial voters are doing under a Sask. Party regime. For much of its first term, this also happened to the reality. But as economic conditions have returned to what might be considered more normal expectations, it’s been a little difficult for the government to simply shutdown its propaganda machine. So when it comes to the question of whether we are in a boom or a bust, signs suggest that it might be a little of both. The problem is, Wall seems to have a little difficulty talking about the latter _ especially when it translates into cuts in rural Saskatchewan and elsewhere.

Your Two Cents Healthy CWB, private sector in best interests of all producers Dear Messrs. White and Sobkowich: On behalf of tens of thousands of successful farmers who eagerly anticipate a new wheat and barley era, we strongly encourage both private grain companies and the new voluntary Canadian Wheat Board to use all possible resources to successfully conclude their ongoing negotiations on

handling agreements. The Grain Growers’ policy has always been marketing choice for farmers, and that means a healthy and strong CWB with pooling options offered as well as a proactive private sector grain industry. In the Ministerial taskforce on changes to the Canadian Wheat Board mandate, the private sector

World Bank monitoring Editor Sixty-seven million children in the world do not go to school. It is thus quite important that the World Bank, conveying aid to the poorest of the world, respect its 2010 commitment of a $750 million increase in basic education. By rather decreasing its aid in 2011, the World Bank broke its commitment towards its donators, including Canada with its $1.5 billion contribution over 3 years. This $1.5 billion contribution comes from Canadian taxpayers and the Canadian Government must absolutely force the World Bank to respect this commitment in favour of the poorest populations. Above all, it must not forget how the World Bank, when left by itself, can strongly hurt the poorest of the world, like it did for many years with its sad structural adjustment policies. Bruno Marquis Gatineau QC

expressed a strong willingness to handle grain on behalf of the new Wheat Board. As a result of this expressed interest, a number of us felt that it was premature to recommend regulated access to facilities. Having said that, we can imagine the complexity of negotiating issues around access to inland and terminal facilities, shippers of record, blending gains, a pricing formula for grade differences and other issues. We do appreciate this does take some time. However, it has been close to two months now and farmers are starting to wonder when the CWB will be active in new crop

contracting. The businessorientated farmers we represent are looking to lock in prices and profits up to a year in advance in many cases. Therefore we urge both sides to commit the resources and time needed to get handling agreements in place so that marketing choice becomes reality. It is in the interests of all prairie farmers, to ensure a successful future for both the CWB and for the private sector. Respectfully, Stephen Vandervalk President, Grain Growers of Canada Richard Phillips Executive Director, Grain Growers of Canada

Shellbrook Chronicle Polling Question:

Does Shellbrook need a nonprofit, licensed daycare centre? Vote on line at

Page 6

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012

Elks advance to Provincial, FCHL finals

The Shellbrook Elks proved this week that you can never really count them out, regardless of the circumstances. The Elks knocked off the Rosthern Wheatkings in back to back overtime thrillers to advance to both the Provincial A and Fort Carlton Hockey League Finals. The Elks went the distance with the Wheatkings playing five league playoff games and three provincial games over the last two weeks after falling behind early in both series. The Elks open their best of three Provincial A final series with the Bienfait Coalers Saturday March 17 in Bienfait before hosting game two Saturday March 24 at 7:30 p.m. Meanwhile, the Elks will face off against the Bruno T-Birds in the Fort Carlton Hockey League Final. The T-Birds knocked off the first place Prairie Outlaws in four games capping off the series with a convincing 11-5 win March 8. Dates had not been set for this series at press time. Elks 6 Rosthern 5

(OT) The Shellbrook Elks and Rosthern Wheatkings faced off Tuesday night in Rosthern in game five of the league semifinal. For Rosthern, it was an opportunity to continue their season and possibly repeat as champions while for the Elks it was a chance to come out of the 201112 season as champions in two separate arenas. The Elks found themselves leading last year’s FCHL champions 2-0 late in the first with goals from Chris Thompson and Owen Walter. Aki Seitsonen added the Elks’ third goal early in the second before the Wheatkings rattled off a pair of quick goals from Matthew Hildebrandt and Shaun Aebig to make the score 3-2. Korey Diehl restored the Elks’ two goal lead midway through the second but Rosthern’s Ian Clarke scored on the powerplay with two minutes left in the second to bring the Wheatkings within a goal heading into the third. The Elks again were given a two goal lead with Curtis Olsen scoring 7:44

Mark Walter fires the puck past Johnathan Krahn during the Shellbrook Elks 7-3 home win against the Rosthern Wheatkings Friday night

into the second but back to back goals 1:30 a part from Ernie Muller and Hildebrandt evened the score and forced overtime. Diehl scored his second of the game 3:36 into the overtime period, sending the Elks to the FCHL final with the Bruno T-Birds. Shots on goal were 33 to 40 for the Elks, with 18 of those against the Wheatkings coming in the third period. Just six penalties were called through the game 12032JJ00

For the past 35 years, the Saskatchewan Junior Citizen program has been recognizing the outstanding youth of Saskatchewan. This year four deserving youth, aged between 8 and 18 years old, will receive $3000 bursaries to help pay for their future post-secondary education. Someone you nominate could be one of them. Visit for more information and nomination forms or call Nicole Nater at 1-800-661-7962 Nomination closes April 30, 2012.


with Shellbrook receiving four. The Wheatkings went 1-4 on the powerplay while the Elks were skunked again going 0-2. Elks 2 Rosthern 1 (OT) After battling back from adversity, the Shellbrook Elks nearly lost their Northern Final series with the Rosthern Wheatkings on the strength of a slapshot from centre ice. After playing more than two periods of scoreless hockey Barry Sparvier fired a slapshot from centre which found its way past Shellbrook goaltender Kelly Guard. That goal looked to be the game winner until the Elks pulled Guard in favour of an extra skater and that advantage proved to be the difference maker as Bret Peppler evened the score with 1:26 left in the period. Peppler also proved to be the overtime hero scoring the game winner in overtime. Elks 7 Rosthern 3 Facing elimination in the Provincial A Draw, the Shellbrook Elks responded with a convincing win on home ice against the Rosthern Wheatkings Friday night. The Elks opened the first with a pair of quick

goals from Ryan Gareau and Matt Swaby 19 seconds apart to take a two goal lead. Brett Harrison responded for the Wheatkings midway through the period to cut that lead in half. The Elks regained their two goal cushion with a goal from Chris Thompson a little over a minute later. In the dying seconds of the first Rory Gregoire scored for Rosthern to send the game into the second 3-2 for the Elks. Neither team gave an inch in the second period with neither team being able to capitalize on their scoring opportunities. The third period saw the Wheatkings even the score 36 seconds into the frame on a goal by Ian Clarke but from then on it was all Elks. Ryan Gareau broke the tie with a slapshot through traffic that fooled Rosthern goaltender Jonathon Krahn. Mark Walter stole the puck at the blue line and drove hard to the net and beat Krahn to make the score 5-3. The Elks contained the Wheatkings in their own end through the remainder of the game and added goals from Gareau and Chris Hahn in the final

three minutes for the 7-3 finish. The powerplay proved not to be an advantage for either team as neither the Elks nor the Wheatkings were able to score with the man advantage. The Elks went 8-8 on the penalty kill while the Wheatkings were 7-7. Shellbrook 7 Rosthern 3 Despite relentless pressure in the first period, the Shellbrook Elks outlasted the Rosthern Wheatkings in Fort Carlton Hockey League action Saturday night in Shellbrook. The Elks found themselves in a must win situation entering the game with a 2-1 series deficit in the best of five series. After peppering Elks goalie Kelly Guard with shots Blair Toms finally got one through, on the powerplay, with 1:26 left in the period to give the Wheatkings the lead. Barry Sparvier put Rosthern up by two with a goal with 15 seconds left in the first. Guard faced 18 shots through the period. Curtis Olsen brought the Elks within one early in the second but a goal from Aaron Starr again put the Wheatkings up by two. Aki Seitsonen and Mark Walter both scored at the end of the second period to tie the game at three goals a piece. The third period was all Elks as Guard made saves on all seven shots he faced while the Elks offence kicked into high gear. Joel Belair scored the eventual game winner 44 seconds into the third followed by a goal from Brock Fitch and a pair of goals from Korey Diehl. Only five penalties were called through the game with the Elks serving two to Rosthern’s three. The Elks went 0-3 with the man advantage while Rosthern connected on one of their two powerplay opportunities.

March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle Page 7

Agriculture Marketing alternative livestock a challenge There was a recent story in the Western Producer which had me thinking back to a reoccurring theme in these columns over nearly a quarter-ofa-century, and that is the gambles farmers have taken over the years to try and find new outlets to profitability. The Western Producer story in question was about concerns from Llama Canada that their numbers have declined to 26 members from a high of 146 in 2006. There have been a lot of attempts by farmers over the year to ‘diversify’ and

while such efforts were applauded and generally supported by government, most have done little to change the face of farming. While cattle, hogs, and chickens have been mainstays of agriculture basically from day one of North American farming, they of course hold their place in farming for one very basic reason, the general European heritage of North America is to eat beef and pork. We like our steaks, and the adage about anything being better with bacon is something we generally accept as near fact.

Calvin Daniels On Agriculture

Beyond those three species of farm animals consumers here have never really been particularly popular. At particular times of the years we like to chew through a pile of turkey, Thanksgiving and Christmas, the big birds aren’t exactly regular table fare

for most of us. While there have been ducks, geese, and sheep on farms from the time of the first turning of the soil, again they have never been regular fare. Even the horse, while important to farming as a power source before the development of the trac-

Ways to assist during lambing By Jessica Podhordeski, P.Ag. Regional Livestock Specialist, Prince Albert More often than not ewes are able to handle the birthing process on their own. However, lambing problems do occur and it is important to be prepared to assist the ewe if needed. The best way to be prepared is to know what a normal birthing process is, how to recognize if the ewe is having difficulty, and if assistance is needed. Behavioral changes occur as the ewe approaches labor. The ewe may demonstrate a nesting behavior, separation from the flock, raise her tail, grind her teeth and have a general nervousness or uncomfortable appearance. At this point the ewe should be moved into a lambing pen and left undisturbed. As labor continues and progresses normally, the ewe will pass the water bag followed by the birth of the lamb. This can take a variable amount of time, but should not take more than a couple of hours for the birth of twins. After lambing, the ewe will shed the afterbirth, ideally within a few hours to one day. If after 24 hours she has not expelled the afterbirth, she may need additional attention. Difficult births or dystocia, is one of the leading causes of newborn lamb death. Ewe lambs and yearling ewes tend to be more susceptible to lambing problems than mature ewes. The ability to recognize when to assist can

be just as important as the technique used. A common error is to intervene too early in the lambing process. If the ewe has not made significant progress within one hour after her water bag appears, she may need assistance. This delay is a good indication of a malpresentation which is one of the most common lambing problems. When preparing to assist, it is important to keep everything very clean. Wash and scrub thoroughly with soap and water, use a protective sleeve and apply a liberal amount of lubricant. It takes patience, gentleness, and perseverance while assisting ewes lamb. It is best to pull in a steady, gentle but firm manner. If necessary, have tools available to help the ewe lamb such as a lamb snare, antibiotics for the ewe and towels for the lamb. Normal lamb presentation is when the two front feet appear with the head resting between. This does not often warrant assistance unless a small ewe is trying to deliver a very large lamb. With multiple births it is common to have the legs of one lamb and the head of another at the opening of the birth canal. Gently pull on the legs to make sure they are from the same lamb as the head. If necessary repel the head of one lamb and follow the legs up to the body. It may be necessary to use a lamb snare to hold one lamb in place while repelling the other back into the uterus if the problem is simulta-

neous delivery of twins. Anterior presentation (head first) with the head turned backwards is also common. Push the lamb back into the uterus so that you can get the head turned around. This may require using the lamb snare. A posterior presentation can allow for easy delivery if both rear legs are in the birth canal. Gently pull in a steady downward motion. If it is a true breech position with the rear facing the birth canal and the legs forward, push the lamb forward and grasp one rear leg and

bring it into the birth canal, followed by the other. These are just some examples of how and when to assist in delivery. Keep in mind not to rush into assisting the ewe. If in doubt call your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may also advise if antibiotics are recommended after an assisted birth. For more information on this or other livestock related information, you can contact your Regional Livestock Specialist at (306)953-2772, or the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377.

tor, numbers declined after steam and gasoline power arrived, and we have never acquired a taste for horse meat. Over the last 25-years farmers have rolled the dice on many alternative livestock enterprises, and none have caught on beyond localized niches. While there is nothing wrong with a farmer being successful on a localized level, there was great hope surrounding the idea to bring rabbit meat to the dinner plate. It never materialized in spite of rabbit meat having a low fat, high protein profile which would seem ideally suited to the health conscious society we live in. There are at least pockets of rabbit interest left, including a significant producer at Saltcoats who has managed to carve out markets and maintain interest when most have given up.

Others have carved out markets for wild boar, and elk, and in the case of meat goats and bison, have even grown to have reasonable markets, although they are far from being meat most homes have ever cooked on their kitchen stoves yet. Farmers can raise anything, but there must ultimately be a market for the meat, or fibre from the animal. Which brings us back to the plight of the llama. It never really caught on in terms of fibre, or meat. Without a market, livestock such as ostrich and others have come and gone. How to get enough people eating something new to the point it is popular enough to support an industry is something which has proven elusive for all but pork, beef and chicken.


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Page 8

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012

March is Fraud Awareness month

The Commercial Crime and Fraud Sections with the Regina Police Service, Saskatoon Police Service, Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission and the RCMP have joined forces to promote March as Fraud Awareness Month (www.sacp. ca/fraudawareness) to Saskatchewan residents and consumers. Public education and awareness is key in preventing and reducing the number of victims of fraud. During the second

week of Fraud Awareness Month, the fraudulent activity to be profiled is the computer virus scam, one of the top reported scams for 2011. In this scam the fraudster, posing as a computer security employee allegedly representing a legitimate company, calls a person (victim) and tells them their computer is running slow or has viruses. They then offer to repair the computer over the Internet. The steps the fraudster has the victim take can involve

the installation of software or even allowing the fraudster to remotely access to their computer. The fraudster will often ask for payment for the software or repair service via credit card with the typical amount being between $ 200.00 - $300.00. Downloading software provided by the fraudster and allowing a third party to install software or to remotely access your computer carries inherent risks. Keyloggers or other malicious software could be

installed in order to capture sensitive data such as financial information, including online banking user names and passwords. Personal information can also be obtained from your computer and make you vulnerable to identity fraud. Another way that the fraudster can contact a potential victim is through Vishing. This involves the use of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), or phone service over the internet. A recorded

message tells the potential victim their computer has a virus. The recorded message will also ask the victim to enter personal information and a credit card number, as VoIP recognizes telephone keystrokes. Once the fraudster has this information, you could become a victim of identity theft and fraud. - The key to not becoming a victim is to just hang up. - Be suspicious of any unsolicited calls where someone claims you have

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a computer security problem. - The best way to protect your computer is to keep your anti -virus protection and other security software up to date. - Never provide personal or financial information over the phone to an unsolicited caller. - Be cautious and take steps to safely store personal and financial information on your computer. In Canada, the police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (Phonebusters) have received 7,475 complainants regarding this scam over the past year. Over 1,000 people suffered a financial loss, with the total loss amounting to $303,913.93. In Saskatchewan, there have been 323 complaints involving 40 victims and a total loss of $11,599.84. Fraud Awareness is part of a national crime prevention campaign to increase Canadians awareness of and knowledge about different types of fraud in order to help citizens to not become fraud victims. RCMP Saskatchewans F Division Commercial Crime Section has offices in Regina and Saskatoon. Their role is to reduce the impact of economic crime on Canadians by maintaining the integrity of our economy through public education, crime prevention, and enforcement. To better educate yourself with this scam and others, please visit www. or

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March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 9

Silvertips sweep St. Louis to win BLHL title In their second year of existence, the Shellbrook Silvertips are Beaver Lakes Hockey League champions. The Silvertips swept the St. Louis Blues in three games to take the title after finishing first in the regular season. Captain Nic Martin that the experience gained from their first year helped propel them to success in their second year. “The first year we came out as young team. The second year we come out and win the league. I guess we are doing something right,” said Martin, who also received the Most Valuable Defenceman Award from the league. After a disappointing loss in the opening round of the Provincial C playoffs at the hands of the Delisle Bruins, the team refocused on winning their first league championship. “That was just a big learning curve for us, the first time in provincials, but I think it helped us out in the (league) playoffs. We really stepped up our game after that and realized that we don’t win all the time,” said Martin. The Bruins are current-

out with 12 skaters while the Tips dressed a full squad of 18. The Blues drew first blood with a goal from Lee Regnier 4:29 into the the first but Devin Waterhouse replied for the Silvertips just a minute later. Both teams battled for position through the remainder of the first but neither could solve the opposing goalie. As close as the first period was, the second period was anything but as the Silvertips picked the Blues apart and seemingly scoring at will. The Silvertips took the lead for good five minutes into the second with a goal from Matt Mortensen. Devin Dicus scored midway through the period to

make the score 3-1 before a three goal onslaught in less than a minute that put the Blues away. Mortensen scored at the 5:15 mark followed by a goal for the Blues by Gage Paul 17 seconds later to make the score 4-2. Dicus scored his second of the game nine seconds after the Blues goal with Marshall Harris 18 seconds later. Landon McComas scored with a minute left in the second to make the score 7-2. The Silvertips contained the Blues in their own end most of the third while St. Louis settled down defensively and fended of the Shellbrook attack.

Beaver Lakes 2011-12 award winners Beaver Lakes Hockey League President Kevin Reimer presents team captains Mitch Wourms, Brendon Canaday,Nic Martin and Marshall Harris with the BLHL Championship trophy.

ly in the C Northern Final series with Davidson. After receiving a bye into the second round, by virtue of their first place finish, the Silvertips went on to sweep the Leoville Huskies before knocking off a Blues team that had given them trouble

Govt extends grain bag recycling funding

Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud announced $210,000 to extend the Grain Bag Recycling Pilot Project for another two years. The Grain Bag Recycling Pilot Project was first implemented in March 2011. In the first year of the program, Saskatchewan farmers recycled approximately 275,000 pounds of agricultural plastics and baler twine. This is equivalent to over 80 kilometres of grain bags, more than the distance between Moose Jaw and Regina. “Farmer support for last year’s pilot program showed great demand for a responsible method to dispose of grain bags,” Ritz said. “This innovative project is an easy and positive solution that meets the needs of farmers.” “Grain bags are an important source of grain storage for many producers, and there is a need for these collection sites,” Bjornerud said. Farmers and ranchers can access collection sites across the province in Viscount, Abbey, Unity, Hirsch, Macoun, Kelvington and Prince Albert. The pilot project will also provide support for the Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards grain bag recycling project, which has collection sites in Moose Jaw, Milestone and Mossbank. “Grain bag disposal has been an issue for many of our members and we are pleased the federal and provincial governments are working to address this by continuing the Grain Bag Recycling Project,” SARM President David Marit said. The Grain Bag Recycling Pilot Project will be administered by the Provincial Council of Agriculture Development and Diversification Boards (PCAB). “We are pleased to partner with the federal and provincial governments to continue providing this program for Saskatchewan producers,” PCAB Chair Alex Mitchell said. Funding for the Grain Bag Recycling Pilot Project is being provided through the federal-provincial Growing Forward agreement. For more information, producers can contact PCAB toll-free at 1-866-298-7222.

throughout the regular season. In 14 games, Shellbrook lost one in regulation and one in overtime, both at the hands of the Blues. Each of the other meetings between the two clubs were close one and two goal games. Shellbrook


and St. Louis finished first and second, respectively, in league play. Silvertips 7 St.Louis 2 Both teams came out hard in the first period but a depleted Blues bench could not match the pace of an energized Silvertips squad. The Blues turned

Top Scorer Troy Regnier St. Louis Blues Top Goaltender Mathew Laturnis St. Louis Blues Rookie of the Year Brett Springinotic Birch Hills Blackhawks Most Gentlemanly Player Gary Schlageter Leoville Huskies Top Defenceman Nic Martin Shellbrook Silvertips Most Valuable Player Troy Regnier St. Louis Blues

Page 10

Shellbrook Chronicle

March 16, 2012

Ground breaking treatment for sufferers of eye disease Corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) is a breakthrough treatment that is giving hope to patients with keratoconus. This is a serious eye disease that causes the cornea − the front transparent layer of the eye − to weaken and bulge into a cone-like shape, resulting in deteriorating vision and sometimes the need for a cornea transplant. The CXL treatment strengthens a weak cornea by “cross-linking” its collagen fibres, experts say. These fibres are increased to form a strong network, which reinforces the cornea’s structure. Results show that this innovative procedure can effectively halt the progression of keratoconus. According to Dr. Mark Cohen , surgeon and cofounder of vision correction provider, Lasik MD, there is now a two-part advanced procedure of CXL combined with an excimer laser treatment. This new approach provides a dual benefit of halting the progression of Keratoconus, and also corrects some of the effects of the disease. Lasik MD first began performing the CXL treatments in 2009. Since that

time, they’ve performed hundreds of procedures and are now giving patients far more hope of an improved quality of vision. The treatment begins with a topography-guided excimer laser treatment which reshapes the cornea to reduce the irregular high prescription. This is followed by the CXL procedure, which involves giving the patient riboflavin eye drops, followed by exposing the eye to UV-A light. This process causes a reaction which forms collagen bonds in the cornea, and results in a cornea that is more stable and stronger, and provides the patient with a better quality of vision when wearing contacts or glasses. For patients like Carleb Valsaint, the CXL and laser treatment combination was life changing. The 24-year old Haitian-Canadian recently located here after the devastating earthquake that struck his home country in 2008. He visited Lasik MD over concerns about the quality of his vision, and learned he was in the advanced stages of keratoconus. The news of his degenerative eye disease

The time to celebrate your smoke-free accomplishment Quitting smoking is not just a matter of kicking an old habit. The reason it is difficult to quit is because over time, a person becomes physically and emotionally addicted to nicotine. So why not celebrate the accomplishment of those who manage to quit successfully? If you have quit smoking, you’ve probably realized that it is the single best thing you did to improve your health and quality of life. When a person decides to quit smoking, they see immediate benefits: • After twenty minutes: your blood pressure returns to normal • After two days: your chances of having a heart attack start to decrease and your sense of smell and taste begin to improve • After three weeks: your lung function increases up to 30 per cent • After one year: your risk of developing heart disease is half that of a smoker Many quitters have found that setting a quit plan with their physician, along with counselling, has been integral to their success. “When patients come to me and tell me they want to quit, we first sit down and discuss a plan that includes selecting a quit date and enlisting as much support as possible,” says Dr. David Greenberg, GP and regular guest on The Mom Show, Dr. in The House and Cityline. “We then discuss the available smoking cessation options to increase the chance of quitting successfully, as well as potential withdrawal symptoms.” Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include light-headedness, restlessness, sleep disturbance, poor concentration, irritability and aggression, craving for nicotine, depression, and increased appetite. Discussing withdrawal symptoms may make a quit attempt more successful. Quitting smoking is no easy feat. In fact, studies have shown that it takes five to seven quit attempts before smokers successfully quit. It’s important to congratulate those smokers who have managed to overcome their addiction to nicotine. For more information about developing an effective quit plan to help you accomplish being smoke-free, speak to your doctor, your pharmacist or other healthcare professional

couldn’t have come at a worse time. Valsaint had already lost most of his family and friends in the earthquake and he was on his own in Canada and just starting his new life. He couldn’t afford the treatment, even though he knew he needed it. After hearing about his special circumstances, Lasik MD decided to offer the treatment to the young patient at no cost. For Carleb—and the majority of CXL patients—the procedure offers them the comfort of knowing their condition won’t worsen with time.


CANWOOD SNOWMOBILE RALLY - 61 snowmobiles attended this event to raise money for the Canadian Diabetes Association. First pale was Makayla Stieb $400; second place Adam Kresse $200; third place Al Mattice $140, fourth place Opal Johnson $80.

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March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 11

2012 Sask Libraries education bursary awarded The Saskatchewan Library Association has awarded its 2012 Saskatchewan Libraries Education Bursary to Ms. Justina Datta, a graduate student and an employee of the University of Saskatchewan. The $5,000 bursary is offered annually to a student who is enrolled or accepted in a Master of Library and Information Science program or equivalent, and who will live

and work in Saskatchewan for at least one year after graduating. “I congratulate Ms. Datta on winning this award,” Education Minister Donna Harpauer said. “The bursary is an opportunity to contribute to the future of the province, by supporting library education, which is essential in a knowledge-based economy.” Datta, a graduate of the University of Saskatch-

ewan, is currently enrolled in a Master’s program in Information and Library Science at San Jose State University, California. She also works at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Her interests focus on the importance of information literacy, particularly as it relates to the health care sector. “I wish to express my heart-felt thanks and ap-

preciation to the Saskatchewan Library Association for awarding me the 2012 Saskatchewan Libraries Education Bursary,” Datta said. “The bursary will make an invaluable contribution to my graduate studies in the School of Library and Information Science.” The Saskatchewan Libraries Education Bursary was established through a partnership between the Provincial Library and Literacy Office, Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, the Multitype Library Board and the Saskatch-

ewan Library Association. The bursary was developed to promote the continued growth of professional librarianship in the province. “Congratulations to Ms. Datta on being awarded this bursary,” Saskatchewan Library Association President Amber Christensen said. “She has shown enthusiastic commitment to her vocation, and we are delighted that this bursary will support her desire to contribute to the profession right here in Saskatchewan.”

“It is gratifying to award this bursary to Ms. Datta,” Multitype Library Board Chair Bryan Wilson said. “I wish her continued success as she pursues her Master’s program in Information and Library Science.” More information on the bursary and on the application process is available on the Saskatchewan Library Association web site at or by calling the office at 306780-9413


CASH FOR CAMEO -- Shellbrook Scotiabank Branch Manager Connie Bahnuick, left, and staff members Shelley Kennedy, centre right, and Kelsey Fitch present a cheque for $5,000 to Keith Mason of the Cameo Community Club -- matching the first $5,000 raised at the Cameo Poker Rally February 25. Proceeds raised from the event will go toward the ongoing upkeep and renovation of the Cameo Hall.

Province invests in electrical carbon capture and storage Minister responsible for SaskPower Rob Norris announced that SaskPower will provide $3.5 million each to the University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan to help meet Saskatchewan’s growing need for power with a skilled workforce and innovative technology. “As the province continues to prosper, we need to invest in the education of our future workforce to make sure we have the skills and expertise to support the changing needs of the power industry,” said Norris. “We also need to invest in new technology to ensure we have a sustainable supply of electricity to power future growth.” The funding will support new faculty chairs to ensure a strong foundation of academic and applied research is in place to position Saskatchewan as a leader in clean energy development, and will be

directed to program areas that align with the company’s future business needs. The University of Regina funding will go towards advancing research in carbon capture and storage technology as SaskPower continues building the world-leading Boundary Dam Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Project. The investment will also provide opportunities for future engineering graduates to work in this emerging field at SaskPower. Funding at the University of Saskatchewan will go toward the power systems engineering field within the university’s existing electrical engineering program. This program already provides the main source of graduate electrical engineers for SaskPower. The expanded partnership will enable SaskPower to work with the university to ensure the curriculum aligns

with SaskPower’s future needs. It will also help to attract more students into the power systems engineering field and advance research in power systems engineering. “These investments in our province’s universities will further the innovative work taking place on carbon capture and storage in the province, and help ensure the technology evolves so coal can remain as part of SaskPower’s sustainable supply plan” said Robert Watson, SaskPower President and Chief Executive Officer. “They will also ensure SaskPower can meet its ongoing need for qualified engineers with homegrown Saskatchewan talent.” In the coming months, SaskPower will explore similar post-secondary partnerships with other institutions in Saskatchewan, with a focus on Aboriginal programming.

Page 12

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012

Sturgeon River hosts ski provincials

Unseasonably warm weather made for interesting ski conditions as the Sturgeon River Nordic Centre played host to the Provincial Ski Championships March 10 and 11. The Sturgeon River Nordic Ski Team found the podium frequently as they hosted the event. Sturgeon River competitors were concentrated in the midget girls and peewee boys divisions. Coach, Joan Jeffery said that it is a bit of a shame that the teammates are also competitors but knows that it also makes them better. “They push each other to be better,” said Jeffery. She and her husband Bill have been working with their skiers twice a week since November 12. In all 75 racers competed through the two day event. The warm weather made the skiing a challenge Saturday for the classic sprint but according to Jeffery, conditions for Sunday’s skate ski event were perfect. What made the event possible were the volunteers from the local and visiting clubs. “We had lots of volunteers with our parents that did some very important jobs,” said Jeffery, noting timing, data entry and spotting as some of the jobs taken on by volunteers. Results are as follows: (local skiers appear in bold) Para Nordic 3.3 km. Free

Free 1 Sid Robinson La Ronge Nordic Master Men 7 5.7 km. Free 1 Robert Jarvis Flin Flon Ski Club

Sprint Qualification

Sturgeon River Nordic skiersTaryn Moe and Hannah Miller come in just behind team mate Miranda Crosby during Saturday’s Classic Sprint races as the club hosted the Provincial Cross Country Ski Championships at the Sturgeon River Nordic Centre north of Shellbrook.

1 Colette Bourgonje Sturgeon River Nordic 2 Marie Gareau Sturgeon River Nordic ParaNordic Men 3.3 km. 1 Chad Layton Snobuddies Junior Boys 5.7 km. Free 1 Evan Stryde La Ronge Nordic 2 Michael Fraser Sturgeon River Nordic 3 Simon Crosby Sturgeon River Nordic Juvenile Boys 5.7 km. Free 1 Dylan Stryde La Ronge Nordic 2 Nicholas Martin Flin Flon Ski Club 3 Toshio Green La Ronge Nordic Junior Girls 5.7 km. Free 1 Lauren Dyck Saskatoon Nordic 2 Christine Martinuk

Carlton Trail Ski Club Juvenile Girls 5.7 km. Free 1 Mackenzie Grove Flin Flon Ski Club 2 Lexy Vincent Regina Ski Club 3 Emma Donovan Regina Ski Club 4 Carly Fraser Sturgeon River Nordic Master Women 5 5.7 km. 1 Hilary Johnstone La Ronge Nordic Atom 1.2 km. Free 1 James Grundahl Regina Ski Club 2 Alex Wilson Sturgeon River Nordic 3 Jessica Gill Sturgeon River Nordic 4 Jaxson Carter Sturgeon River Nordic 5 Milton Schinbein Sturgeon River Nordic PeeWee Boys 2 km. Free

1 Matthew Gill Sturgeon River Nordic 2 Michio Green La Ronge Nordic 3 Ryan Potts Sturgeon River Nordic 6 Reilly Pauliuk Sturgeon River Nordic 8 Adam Crosby Sturgeon River Nordic PeeWee Girls 2 km. Free 1 Janice Grundahl Regina Ski club 2 Cheyanne Broussie La Ronge Nordic 3 Deanna Charles La Ronge Nordic Midget Boys 3.3 km. Free 1 Simon Chambers Crease Regina Ski Club 2 Knut Lokken Saskatoon Nordic 3 Isaac Dufour-Jarvis Flin Flon Ski Club 5 Evan Beaulieu

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Sturgeon River Nordic Midget Girls 3.3 km. Free 1 Shannon Butler Saskatoon Nordic 2 Miranda Crosby Sturgeon River Nordic 3 Hannah Miller Sturgeon River Nordic 4 Taryn Moe Sturgeon River Nordic 6 Jenna Beaulieu Sturgeon River Nordic 7 Erica Archer Sturgeon River Nordic 8 Cassandra Crosby Sturgeon River Nordic Senior Men 11.4 km. Free 1 Nathan Sedgewick Saskatoon Nordic 2 Barret Dunbar 1984 Saskatoon Nordic 3 Bradley Kerr Regina Ski Club Master Men 2 11.4 km. Free 1 Ivan English Saskatoon Nordic Master Men 3 11.4 km. Free 1 Ryan Fyfe Saskatoon Nordic Senior Women 11.4 km. Free 1 Adrienne Dunbar Saskatoon Nordic 2 Sarah Champagne Saskatoon Nordic Master Men 4 5.7 km. Free Master Men 5 5.7 km. Free 1 Duane Davis Flin Flon Ski Club Master Men 6 5.7 km.

Para Nordic 0.5 km. 1 Colette Bourgonje, 2 Marie Gareau ParaNordic Men 0.5 km. 1 Chad Layton Atom 0.2 km. Classic 1 Alex Wilson 2 James Grundahl 3 Jaxson Carter 4 Milton Schinbein 5 Jessica Gill PeeWee Boys 0.3 km. 1 Michio Green 2 Nathan Whitbread 3 Matthew Gill 4 Ryan Potts 5 Reilly Pauliuk 8 Adam Crosby PeeWee Girls 0.3 km. 1 Janice Grundahl 2 Paige Pomarenski 3 Cheyanne Broussie Juvenile Boys 0.5 km. 1 Dylan Stryde 2 Toshio Green 3 Nicholas Martin Juvenile Girls 0.5 km. 1 Emma Donovan 2 Mackenzie Grove 3 Lexy Vincent 4 Carly Fraser Midget Boys 0.5 km. Classic 1 Simon Chambers Crease 2 Knut Lokken 3 Harris Tinker 5 Evan Beaulieu Midget Girls 0.5 km. 1 Hannah Miller 2 Taryn Moe 3 Miranda Crosby 4 Erica Archer 6 Cassandra Crosby 7 Jenna Beaulieu Senior Men 1.2 km. 1 Nathan Sedgewick 2 Barret Dunbar 3 Brett Unrau Flin Junior Boys 1.2 km. 1 Evan Stryde 2 Michael Fraser 3 Simon Crosby Junior Girls 1.2 km. 1 Lauren Dyck S 2 Christine Martinuk Master Men 4 1.2 km. 1 Chris Fettig Master Men 5 1.2 km. 1 Duane Davis Master Men 6 1.2 km. 1 Sid Robinson Master Men 7 1.2 km. 1 Robert Jarvis

Happy St. Pat’s Day

March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 13

Saskatchewan Agri-Food exports lead the nation For the first time ever, Saskatchewan exceeded $10 billion in agri-food exports in 2011 and now surpasses Ontario as the top agri-food exporting province in Canada. “Saskatchewan farmers and ranchers are agricultural leaders, both at home and abroad, and continue to provide safe, reliable food to feed the world’s growing popula-

tion,” Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud said. “This significant growth in our agri-food exports exemplifies the importance of agriculture to our economy and is part of the Saskatchewan Advantage that our producers have helped to create.” In 2011, the province’s top exported agri-food products included canola, canola oil and non-durum

wheat. Canola continues to have a major impact on the province’s economy with canola seed overtaking non-durum wheat as the top agriculture export commodity. In the last five years, canola seed exports have increased by 250 per cent from $856 million in 2007 to more than $2.1 billion in 2011. “We’ve worked hard to

expand opportunities for farmers in both traditional and emerging markets like India and China,” Enterprise Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “Saskatchewan is a world leader in food production and that importance is only going to increase as the world population increases.” The top five markets for Saskatchewan agriculture products are the United

States, China, Japan, Mexico and India. Since 2007, Saskatchewan agri-food


exports have increased by 60 per cent, from $6 billion to $10 billion.

Page 14

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012


DURET - 1950~2012 Serge Duret of Chase B.C passed away on March 4, 2012 at the age of 61 years. He is survived by his loving daughters Stacey(Jon) Rogers of Kelowna and Leslie Duret of Chase, grandchildren Linden Rogers, brothers and sisters Gaetane Cej (Jerry), Francine Duret (Rick), Benoit Duret (Roseline), Jacques Duret (Aurelie), Richard Duret (Yves), Madeleine Bilodeau, Gaston Duret, Pierre Duret and a large extended family. Serge is predeceased by his parents Leonce and Simone Duret and brother-in-law Pierre Bilodeau. Serge was born and raised in Debden, Saskatchewan. He got mar-

ried and then moved west in the mid 1970’s where he settled in Chase and started his family. Serge spent his working life as a journeyman electrician. He enjoyed a variety of sports which included hockey, softball and curling. Serge was a loving father, son, brother and a dedicated worker. Serge will be dearly missed by his friends and loving family. The family would like to offer a special thanks to the staff of Unit B at the Hamlets. A service will be held in Kamloops at a later date. Arrangements entrusted to Personal Alternative Funeral Services

FORTIER - Henri-Paul passed away peacefully at Whispering Pine Place in

Canwood with his family by his side on March 2, 2012. Henri-Paul was born on April 19, 1923 on a farm near Debden. He attended school in Mattes until grade 8, and then went to College St. Jean in Edmonton for 1 year. HenriPaul started farming with his parents at a young age, married in 1951, raised 6 children and farmed until his retirement in 1982. Henri-Paul was active in his church and participated in many cultural and community events. He also liked camping, fishing, playing his harmonica, singing songs and spending time with his family. Henri-Paul Fortier will be lovingly remembered and missed by: his loving wife of 60 years, Alice Fortier, his loving children: Alfred (Aline) Fortier of Debden, SK and their children: Dorian (Lindsay), Dominic, Darcy; Yvonne (Barry) Worman of Buena Vista, SK and their children: Nicole (Jason) Tiller, Chris, Joanne (Marco) Melchiorre, Eric (Mellisa); Céline (Adrien) Beaulac of Debden, SK and their children: Rachelle (Denny) Little, Jillian (Norm) Poirier and David; Aurélie (Keith) Poelzer of Saskatoon, SK and their children: Natalie and Michael (Jenna); Vincent (Lynn) Fortier of Calgary, AB and their children: Gloria and Johnathon; Diane (Sandy) Carey of Martensville, SK

and their children: Danielle and Devin, his great grandchildren: Aidan & Madeline Tiller, Matteo & Annabella Melchiorre, Beau & Dyllan Little, Alex and Noah Poirier; his siblings, Wilfred, Sr. Lorette, Roger, Sr. Thérèse, Sr. Bernadette. He is predeceased by: his parents, Pierre & RoseAnna, his brothers, Gerard, Léo (Marguerite) and Roland (Thérèse), his sisters, Marie-Blanche (Henri) and Sr. Aurore, his sisterin-law, Cécile, his grandchild, Sheena Fortier. Prayer Service for Henri-Paul was held Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 ~ 7:30 pm from the St. Jean Baptiste Roman Catholic Church. Mass of Christian Burial was held Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 ~ 1:30 pm from the St. Jean Baptiste Roman Catholic Church in Debden, Saskatchewan. Henri-Paul’s final resting place is the Debden Cemetery. Henri-Paul had a Knights of Columbus honor guard. Donations in HenriPaul’s memory may be made to the Whispering Pines Lodge – bus fund. Condolences to www. will be forwarded to the family. Ed Beaulac of Beau “Lac” Funeral Home was entrusted with arrangements.

In Memoriams In memoriams may be put in the Chronicle for $19.00 (30 words) plus 20¢ per additional word

Shellbrook Chronicle Ph: 306-747-2442 Fax: 306-747-3000

Regular Church Services, Sunday School and Special Church Events will be listed with the Directory FREE OF CHARGE

LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. - Worship & Sunday School Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Time of prayer 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Pastor David Baldock Shellbrook Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sun., 11:00 a.m. - Worship Pastor David Bodvarson 747-7235 Canwood 11 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun., 9:30 a.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Whitefish Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s Shellbrook Mass Sunday, 11 a.m. Fr. Tru Le St. Henry’s - Leask

Mass Saturday 7 p.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Sunday, 9 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. - Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Stanislav Kondrat 306-764-6853 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morn. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 747-2309, Leask 466-4498 Marcelin 226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays -10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley

-----------------------ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH Big River Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship

March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 15

Rangers and Blues no laughing matter anymore Legal bookmakers in Nevada will take bets on just about anything connected with sports. If you want to put down a fiver that says the national anthem singer will finish singing in less than a minute and 30 seconds at a college basketball game in Tulsa next Thursday, somebody on Las Vegas Blvd. would likely quote you odds without a snicker. But you probably would have got a smirk — or maybe even an outright giggle or a belly laugh — had you wagered money last October that the best two teams going into the National Hockey League playoffs in April would be the New York Rangers and St. Louis Blues. But that’s what a team commitment to defence, and great goaltending, will do. The Rangers were the better of those two team last year, barely sneaking into the playoffs after finishing eighth. They were quickly dismissed four games to one by Washington in the first round of playoffs. The Blues were worse; they finished a dismal 11th in the Western Conference, missing a playoff spot by 10 points. Fast forward 11 months: The Blues, under coach Ken Hitchcock, who took over from Davis Payne after 13 games (6-7 record) , were — huge surprise! — the No. 1 team in the West. The Rangers, riding the hot goaltending of Henrik Lundqvist and the determined coaching of John Tortorella, who won a cup in 2004 with Tampa Bay, have been the class of the East all season. The perceived powers in the NHL — Stanley Cup finalists Boston and Vancouver, and perennial contenders Detroit

and Pittsburgh — have had strong seasons, but the underdog Rangers and Blues have been even more sublime.

Bruce Penton

New York is likely to finish the season with only three 20-goal scorers (Marian Gaborik, Ryan Callahan and Brad Richards) but are riding Lundqvist and his mid1.80s goals-against average, eight shutouts and save percentage close to .940 to win after win. Same story with the Blues, who are the only team in NHL history to have two goaltenders post at least six shutouts each in one season. When they award the Vezina Trophy this June, don’t be surprised if it’s shared by the Blues Jaroslav Halak and Brian Elliott. The playoffs are still about a month away, but suggesting a RangersBlues Stanley Cup Final is no longer accompanied by roars of laughter. • Comedy writer Alan Ray, not surprised that Massachusetts authorities broke up a canary-fighting ring: “Usually, investigators can get one or two of the participants to sing.” • Angels manager Mike Scioscia showed up to spring training 38 pounds lighter — and with a goal to lose another 20. “I was born 10 pounds, 12 ounces,” he explained to the L.A. Times, “and I’ve been trying to lose weight ever since.” • Comedy writer Jim

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Barach: “Forty-nineyear-old pitcher Jamie Moyer is trying to make a Major League comeback. Apparently he has good speed and location with the pean u t s . T h e y just need to show him how to make correct change.” • Barach again: “Former Major League star Lenny Dykstra has been sentenced to three years in prison for car theft. He says it’s still better than being traded to the Cubs.” • Comedy writer Jerry Perisho: “. . . Dykstra was sentenced to three years in state prison for auto theft. A disappointed Pete Rose said, ‘Damn, I had 150 big ones saying he’d get five to 10.’ “ • R.J. Currie of “Rory McIlroy is now the world’s No. 1 golfer, has earnings over $5.2 million in 2012 and is dating tennis star Caroline Wozniacki. If that’s the luck of the Irish, I want some.” • Currie again: “Tim Tebow was seen at a restaurant with Taylor Swift, fueling speculation it’s the start of a romance. With the accuracy of Tebow’s passes, he’ll end up dating the waiter.” • Headlines at — “Crosby to visit people doctor after penguin specialists offer no solutions.” — “Desperate Mets to attempt to play winning baseball in scheme to sell tickets.” • Budd Bailey of the Buffalo (N.Y.) News, after a caged lion at a charity event reportedly urinated on Patriots wideout Chad Ochocinco: “You catch only 15 passes in a season, and everyone is a critic.” • NBC’s Jimmy Fallon, on the electrical blaze at Fenway Park: “Instead of calling 911, Boston fans just heckled the fire until it left.” • Brad Dickson of the Omaha (Neb.) WorldHerald, on the new mob museum in Las Vegas: “It’s similar to the Baseball Hall of Fame, only with fewer rule-breakers.” • Norman Chad of the Washington Post on Mike Tyson hosting a one-week

live variety show in Las Vegas in April: “Tickets in the 740-seat theatre start at $99.99, with “special VIP packages” available for $499.99 — for that price, you should get a piece of

Evander Holyfield’s ear.” • Janice Hough of “San Diego Chargers QB Philip Rivers just enthusiastically endorsed Rick Santorum for President. The NFL

is reviewing tapes to see if the Saints or any other team gave him a particularly hard hit to the head.” Care to comment? Email brucepenton2003@


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library: Books, DVDs, Internet, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service. *New Hours*: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday & Friday 1-5, Thursday 5-8. Weekly Programming: After School Club (Crafts, Stories, Homework Help) Thursday 2:15-5:15, Craft n’ Chat for Adults Thursday 6-8, Drop In Computer Help Friday 2-4. 306-497-3130. CANWOOD: Branch of Wapiti Regional Library Hours: Tues. and Fri., 1 - 5 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 - 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). Ph. 747-3419. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook & District Ministerial Association presents 2012 Lenten Lunch Series, “They Heard Him Gladly”. Wed., March 21 - St. Agatha’s Roman Catholic Church, Reverend David Whalley, guest speaker, Topic - “Jesus and Zacchaeus”, Luke 19: 1-10 Presentation begins at 12 Noon. Soup and bun lunch to follow. Free Will Offering to be collected to further the work of the Shellbrook Ministerial. SHELLBROOK: Eat your way to health, 6 week video health series of Cooking Demo’s & Food Tasting. On till March 17th. Every Saturday at 3 p.m. ~ $10.00 per week. Shellbrook 7th Day Adventist Church 407 - 2nd Ave. East, Shellbrook Contact Laura 747-3554, 960-1725 (cell) Fifth session - GMO Trillogy - Part 2 (Genetically Modified Food) SHELLBROOK: Hidden Hills of Shellbrook Golf Course Spring Fling, CASH ELIMINATION DRAW & DANCE, Featuring REWIND (70’s music), Music sponsored by The Shellbrook Co-op, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, Shellbrook Community Hall, Cocktails 8 p.m. ~ Dance 9 p.m. ~ Midnight Lunch ~ No Minors - Elimination Draw - 1st & 50th Number Drawn - Wins $100; 2rd Last Number Drawn - Wins $250; 2nd Last Number Drawn - Wins $500; Last Number Drawn - Wins $1000. For tickets contact: Larry Ritchie 747-1010 (Home) 714-7714 (Cell); Sally Gunderson 747-2587 (Home); Ron Cripps 747-3326 (Home. Dance tickets available at the door. SHELLBROOK: Golden Host Presents A Mix of Music & Laughter, 2 - One Act Comedies ‘High Tea’ & ‘Old Folks’ on Sat., March 17 - 7:30 p.m. and Sun., March 18 - 2:00 p.m. at the Shellbrook Theatre. Plus Musical Entertainment: Sat. -Gerald Lanes & Friends and Sun. - Ordale Singers. $5 from each ticket sold donated to Shellbrook Food Bank. Bring a non-perishable item for Shellbrook Food Bank and receive an entry for a door prize. Advance tickets $15, available at Woodland Pharmacy. At the door $18.00 PARKSIDE: Celebrate the Coming of Spring! Spring Fundraiser to support Honeywood (Dr. A. J. Porter) Heritage Nursery Inc. Sun., March 25th - 5 pm. Parkside Heritage Center, 1st St. West Parkside, Roast Beef Dinner with all the fixings; Live Auction: Bodnarus Auctioneering Advance Tickets: $15; At the Door: $18 Advance ticket venues: Parkside General Store; Woodland Pharmacy, Shellbrook; Marcelin Co-op; Bramshott Spirits, Leask; Canadian Tire,Prince Albert or contact: 306-7472275 SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Theatre Movie Night. Next Movie Night in Shellbrook, Friday, March 23. The movie showing will be: “The Muppets” - 7:00 p.m. Bring the family and enjoy! Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Cost is $5 for movie BIG RIVER: Star Search & Cabaret - Country at the Creek on Friday, March 30 ~ Auditions 7:00 p.m. Cabaret featuring ‘Trick Ryder’ to follow auditions Big River Community Centre. Tickets Adults $15; 12 & under $5. Star Search open to all Non-Recording Artists. Top 10 Finalists Selected then collect pledges (minimum $250). Winning finalist will be opening act for Aaron Pritchett on June 23. For more info contact Jeanette 306-469-4558 or 469-7958; Wanda 306-469-2066; Patty 306-469-7530 or email: Proceeds will be used for production costs.


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Page 16

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012

Space colonization not all its cracked up to be

The exploration of space has led to a moon landing, instant worldwide communication, a clearer window on the cosmos, and more. But for all this achievement and wondrousness, a kind of existential madness characterizes a lot of the space travel culture. Last year, Canadian astronaut Bob Thirsk returned to earth in a Russian Soyuz capsule, “exhausted, exhilarated, and badly in need of a shower” after spending 188 days on the International Space Station—that 16-nation, $100 billion orbital lab which apparently is visible on a starry night. Thirsk will reportedly have to spend up to six months “in intense rehab” to fully recover bone and muscle mass lost in micro-gravity. His return to earth was no picnic either. He said it was like “being stuffed into a Volkswagen Beetle...(and) going for a ride on a bucking bronco.” After half a year up there, Thirsk told how he missed his family and nature. “I miss the wind. I miss the sunlight,” said the father of three. Who wouldn’t? Yet spacers are forever rhapsodizing about future space travel and how great it would be to colonize the moon, and even

Mars. Remember NASA’s recent mooncrash—the one in which they smashed a rocket into the moon at bullet speed? The main outcome, apparently, was that the scientists detected about 25 gallons of water in the form of exploded vapour and ice. Judging by their jubilant response, you’d think they’d struck gold and oil simultaneously. But their exultation stemmed entirely from the ice-vapour displacement. “The moon is alive,” declared one. “We are ecstatic,” proclaimed another. “Multiple lines of evidence show water was present in both the vapour plume and the ejecta curtain created by the impact.” To these guys, water on the moon apparently signifies that it’s not the desolate, forbidding environment we all thought it was. Future astronauts could now colonize it! Drink the water! Use the oxygen to make space stations inhabitable! Live off the land! John Johnson Jr., writing in the Los Angeles Times, even opined that “a re-

By Bernadette Vangool Gardenscape (, western Canada’s premier horticulture show, will be held at the end of this month March 30 – April 1 at Saskatoon’s Prairieland Park as usual. It’s a great opportunity for new and experienced gardeners alike to get their ‘green’ fix before the snow is gone. There will be several display gardens, a garden-themed art show, and more than 450 commercial and noncommercial booths to visit to get inspired, perhaps buy some seeds or equipment, or just learn something new at the information and demonstration theatres. Don’t forget to visit the non-profit garden and plant societies. Their knowledgeable members will be on hand to answer your questions related to their society’s area of specialty. Consider joining if you have the time and interest. There are many member benefits. To give you a flavour for what the garden societies do and offer, we’ll be

highlighting a few of them in this column over the next couple weeks in lead up to Gardenscape. First up is the Saskatchewan Perennial Society: In 1988 a group of gardeners got together to compare notes on which perennials were hardy in the Saskatoon area. They would visit each other’s gardens and share plant material amongst themselves. Thinking that perhaps there were other likeminded individuals in Saskatchewan that could have information to share, they put out the call and formed the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (SPS). Some 20 plus years later, little has changed. The core belief of sharing information about perennials remains, and they still visit one another’s gardens. Tours are organized during the summer months from June to August and are open to members and the public alike. The Saskatchewan Perennial Society provides different opportunities for members to share their expertise and to learn

source-rich moon could also serve as the perfect low-gravity launch pad for missions that could carry astronauts and their families elsewhere in the solar system.” “...and their families”? Mmmm, just the t adventure that wifey (or hubbie) w and a the kids were looking for: a l long, long flight to l the t moon (where the t temperature in polar craters dips p to t a nippy -217 C)—and if they’re C lucky, k an even ffurther th jjaunt to crater-covered Mars, where the thermometer drops to only -95 C. If they ever were to make the trip, they’d better take a good supply of DVDs, computer games, and reading material, because they won’t be able to avail themselves of very many entertainment venues outside their moon station. In other words, get ready for some serious family time. If this weren’t December, I’d assume these keeno spacers were pulling an April Fools joke. What parents in their right mind would take the family to a distant, desolate moon or planet? It’s a safe bet

Bronwyn Eyre

more than their muscle mass and bone density would go into serious deficit. If a trained “mission specialist” like Bob Thirsk gets antsy for the wind and the sun after a half year encircling the globe, how sane do these moon colony enthusiasts think ordinary folks would remain, millions of kms away from home? I admire adventurers and dreamers as much as anyone, and I know that mankind can’t live on bread alone. But it’s time to give the space colonization thing a permanent rest. Any group of people colonizing the moon or Mars would go crazy real fast, if they all didn’t freeze to death first. In 2004, the Bush administration announced the Vision for Space Exploration program, which called for a return to the moon by 2020 and the eventual colonization of Mars. Just weeks ago, a commission appointed by President Obama reported that NASA will not be getting back to the moon without $3 billion in funding. The commission also questioned the worthiness of that goal, citing the “been there, done that” factor. Given the abundance of crises the U.S.A. is currently facing, that sounds like a good idea to me.

Garden Societies in Saskatoon – Part I

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Sask Perennial Society coming events University of Saskatchewan Master Gardener spring gardening classes. March 10, 9 - 12 noon: Overlooked and Underused Perennials; 1 - 4 pm: The Cabbage Family March 11, 9 - 12 noon: Gardening for Fragrance; 1 - 4 pm: Common Plant Disease. Lyndon Penner, CBC horticulturist, will share his extensive knowledge and experience. All classes are $39 + GST each. For more information or to register call 966-5539 or visit // Everyone welcome. March 28 (Wednesday), 7:30. ‘Annuals, biennials and perennials for the mixed border: The best from the Calgary Zoo Gardens’ presented by Corinne Hannah. Hosted by the Saskatchewan Perennial Society. St. James Anglican Church, 607 Duffering at 12th St. South entrance, downstairs - follow the signs. There are still a few copies left of ‘Of a Cold Land’ (Sara Williams: the stories and plant introductions by prairie horticulture pioneers; $14) and the ‘2012 Prairie Gardener’ (Western Canada’s only gardening annual since 1937; this year’s theme is trees for the prairies; $13). They are available from the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (343-7707) and at some local book stores and garden centres.

from one another. In the winter we have five information meetings that feature speakers and slide presentations about perennials, use of plants in the landscape, or new varieties coming on the market, to name just a few topics. These meetings are free and open to the public. Members have access to the SPS library and may borrow one or more of the 340 books the Society has accumulated over the last 20 years. In the spring and the fall, the society holds a plant exchange at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo Auditorium. This is a “member only” event at which members bring plants which have outgrown their space and need to be divided, or plants they really like and want others to try in their gardens. A Membership ($10) can be purchased at the door. In the last few years the Society has also brought in commercially grown plants for sale as a fund-raiser to the spring exchange, sometimes specific plants that may have been discussed at one of the winter meetings or unusual perennials requested by long standing members. Plant lists are usually e-mailed to our members so that they know what will be available on sale day. Last fall we also brought in some bulbs for sale. The Society was founded on friendship and community and these plant exchanges are more than just trading plants. This is a social occasion where members can make or renew acquaintances; snarf down home

baking with a hot or cold beverage; and exchange information. Our pride and joy are the two gardens we developed and maintain at the Forestry Farm Park and Zoo. The Robin Smith Meditation garden, named after our founding president and former Meewasin Valley landscape architect, features a bridge over a dry stream bed, a shade garden under an old maple tree as well as a sunny border. The Heritage Rose Garden commemorates early plant breeders, who collected, selected and hybridized plants for the prairies. It features two arbours planted with clematis, lilies and of course roses. The maintenance sessions are advertised as Labour and Learn on our yearly calendar. Members and nonmembers alike are welcome to join our seasoned gardeners as we weed, prune and deadhead to show of these gardens to perfection. Both gardens are free and open to the public. Parking, charged by the city, is only $2 per car. Last but not least, this column in the Sun was the brainchild of one of our members and has provided many gardeners a unique perspective on gardening, as well as providing other non-profit garden organizations with a forum to advertize their upcoming events. To learn more about the SPS, their projects and upcoming events, visit

March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 17

Join the Library’s diamond anniversary party As it prepares for its 60th Anniversary the Shellbrook Public Library invites the community to come celebrate at the Library on Monday, March 26, at 2:00pm. The Library adds to its history as it moves through its fourth decade of history. The Library is also presenting a program on how to use the Library’s online catalogue on March 22 at 7:00pm. The Library invites the community to join its 60th Diamond Anniversary party on Monday, March 26. There will be a short program starting at 2:00 pm with cake and refreshments served afterwards.

There will be displays of the Library history and the 1961 NFB film “Books for Beaver River” will be available for viewing. This nineteen minute story chronicles the creation of the regional library system and was shot locally with local people. Continuing the revelation of history by decades, the Library saw eight librarians serving the community by the 1990s: Vesta Massey from 1952 to 1960; Dorothy Loth in 1960; Doris Smith from 1961 to 1975; Dorothy Perkins from 1975 to 1977, Anna Anderson in 1978, Brenda Kinnaird in 1978 to 1979; and the longest serving


Hazel Barkway from 1979 to June 1994; and Linda Mazurkewich began working in July 1994. Under Mazurkewich, the Library would move again in 1996 into the Provincal Building at 105 Railway Avenue West where it is located to this day. Previous locations were Halliwell Hardware, the Ladies Restroom, the Elks Theatre, Dorothy’s Floral Shop, Norman Smith’s Furniture Store (presently Dee Gees Confectionary) from about 1962-63 to 1977, Shellbrook Credit Union from 1977 to 1984, and the its own building (presently Triple S. Transport) on the

corner of Main Street and 3rd Avenue from 1984 to 1996. Notable fiction books published in 1992, the Library’s fortieth year, were “The Pelican Brief” by John Grisham, “The Shadow Rising” (Wheel of Time series, #4) by Robert Jordan, “The English Patient: by Michael Ondaatje, “The Black Echo (Harry Bosch series, #1) by Michael Connelly, “Gerald’s Game” by Stephen King, “Dragonfly in Amber” (Outlander series, #2) by Diana Gabaldon, “All Around the Town” by Mary Higgins Clark, “The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble

with Grownups” by Jan and Stan Berenstain, and “Franklin Is Lost” by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark, and “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister. The Library is offering a class on Thursday, March 22 at 7:00pm, on how to learn how to use the online catalogue to find books, order in items, and what to do when you just can’t find the title you want. Openings are limited to available computer seats at the Library so hurry to register by dropping in or phoning Librarian Alanna at 747-3419. Shellbrook Library hours are Monday 2:00pm

- 6:00pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 2:00pm - 8:00pm, Thursday 2:00pm - 6:00pm, and Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm. Weekly library hours are determined annually by materials checked out; the more materials checked out, the better. Children’s Story Time is Friday at 10:30 am. As a Community Access Program (CAP) site, the Library offers free computer and Internet access to the public.

Happy Anniversary

Page 18

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012

Report from the Legislature

Scott Moe, MLA, Rosthern/Shellbrook, (306) 747-3422 or 1-855-793-3422 ; and Nadine Wilson, MLA Saskatchewan Rivers, 1-888-763-0615 Dear Friends; It is often said a society is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. With that in mind, our government is continuing to take action to better meet the needs of people with intellectual disabilities. Starting April 1, 2012, we are changing the way we fund day programs from the old cost-per-space

model developed in the 1970s to one that is based on the actual needs of each individual. This will also allow us to devote more resources to support people that have more complex needs. Implementation will cost approximately $6.3 million in 2012-13 which includes $4.6 million for regular day programs and $1.7 million for

Prince Albert Raider Hockey Schedule Fri., March 16 ~ 7 p.m

P.A. VS Moose Jaw

LANE REALTY CORP. For the most exposure that you deserve in the marketing of your farm or ranch property Contact your local agent:

JEFF HEGLAND 306-441-6777 To view full color feature sheets for all of our CURRENT LISTING Visit our website at

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Ph: (306) 569-3380 Visit our website at “Now representing purchasers from across Canada, the United Kingdom and Mainland Europe!”

day programs with clients that have complex needs. The total annualized cost of the new standard will be up to $7 million when all complex needs designations are complete in 201314. A further $560,000 will be used to expand funding standards in current and new residential programs that support individuals with complex needs and increase to $2 million by 2014. Through these and other programs, we are working to ensure that Saskatchewan is the best place to live in Canada for people with intellectual disabilities. Congratulations to Vaughn C. Schofield in her appointment as Saskatchewan’s 21st Lieutenant Governor. Ms. Schofield’s appointment was announced by the Prime Minister on March 6. She has an extensive record of community service as a member of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council, St. John Ambulance (Saskatchewan), The Hospitals of Regina Foundation, the MacKenzie Art Gallery, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program, Regina and Regina Beach Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Schofield is also the Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of 16 Saskatchewan Service Battalion, where she provides leadership and support to the unit and to the Canadian Forces Reserve, in particular to those who have returned from Afghanistan. I would also like to thank outgoing Lieutenant Governor Gor-

Hidden Hills of Shellbrook Golf Course


Featuring REWIND (70’s music)

Music sponsored by The Shellbrook Co-op Cash Elimination & Dance $30; Dance Only $15


Shellbrook Community Hall Cocktails 8 p.m. ~ Dance 9 p.m. ~ Midnight Lunch ~ No Minors For tickets contact: Cash Elimination Draw Larry Ritchie 747-1010 (Home) $ 1st & every 50th Number Drawn - Wins 100 714-7714 (Cell) 3rd Last Number Drawn - Wins $250 2nd Last Number Drawn - Wins $500 Sally Gunderson 747-2587 (Home) Last Number Drawn - Wins $1000 Ron Cripps 747-3326 (Home)

don Barhardt. Dr. Barnhardt served our province well as the Queen’s representative over the last four years. The date for the installment of the new Lieutenant Governor has yet to be announced. Saskatchewan’s farm and ranch families continue to make valuable contributions to our province. As a government, we are continually looking for ways to improve programs and services to address the needs of producers. The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation has launched AgConnect, a new web-based application which allows AgriStability customers to submit and manage their program information online. This

process will help reduce the timelines for processing applications, therefore improving service for customers. Through AgConnect, you can download and submit program forms and supporting documentation. AgriStability participants will receive an AgConnect activation letter by the middle of March. For more information on AgConnect or AgriStability, producers can contact their local SCIC office, call 1-866-270-8450 or visit While our government remains committed to essential services legislation that keeps you and your family safe, we take issue with part of the recent

Court of Queen’s Bench ruling that found certain part of the legislation unconstitutional. In his ruling, the judge found that the right to strike is constitutionally protected, which breaks new Canadian legal ground. If upheld, it will have much broader implications for the entire country. It is also important to remember that the court upheld the principle of essential services and The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour has indicated they are willing to discuss this issue and we hope to work with them as we amend the legislation. As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Shellbrook UCW meeting highlights The United Church Women met Thursday March 1st at 7:30 p.m Twelve ladies answered the roll call. President Marion Miller welcomed everyone and extended appreciation for all help during February activities. Devotion was led by Deb Mervold and Pat Sonntag. It was titled ‘Compassion - What is it?” ‘What does it mean?’ Devotion ended with a meditative worship called ‘Taize’. Minutes of the last

meeting were read and declared as such with no errors or omissions. Items noted from 1) Business arising. Food Bank meeting; 2) Correspondence. Letter from our corresponding secretary of Tamarack Presbyterial with information regarding 50th annual Presbyterial meeting in April 2012. Treasurer Janet Jones noted that our financial books have been audited. Upcoming events that the UCW will be hosting or assisting in are: Lenten Lunch; Knox’s 100th an-

‘Go green’ laundry tips Washing machines use a lot of water and energy each month and laundry is one household chore that can’t be avoided. Here are four simple tips to save your family money while taking a more environmentally responsible approach: 1. Wash your clothes in cold water. This will help prolong the life of your clothes by keeping the delicate fibres intact while reducing colour fading and shrinkage. 2. Use an ultra-concentrated single-dose laundry detergent like Arm & Hammer Crystal Burst Power Paks, there is no added water and a single-dose can tackle a large load. 3. Wash full loads where possible. Reducing the number of loads you do is more energy efficient and will save you money. 4. Give your dryer a break. With the warm weather upon us, save on energy costs by using a clothesline or if it’s rainy, set-up a drying rack in the

laundry room. 5. Upgrade to a high efficiency washer.

niversary celebrations; World Day of Prayer; Lunch following service - Lorne Calvert as guest minister. Social time was enjoyed following meeting adjournment. - Bev Irvine, General Secretary.

Sell It Fast! In The Classifieds



March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 19

From the desk of the Recreation director By: Cassie Bendig I really am starting to think spring is on its way! Beautiful weather and snow is melting, how I love spring. Part of spring includes ball season. Pe-

ter Postnikoff and Becky fisher will be hosting a pitching clinic starting March 27 at the Elementary school from 5-7 pm. This clinic will be held every Tuesday and Thursday

at the Elementary school except for during the Easter break, it will be held at the Community Hall. If you would like to register before March to guarantee a spot, you can go see

Becky Fisher at Designer’s Edge Hair Salon on Main Street. The cost to register is $10.00. Another spring item about to take place is the Hidden Hills of Shell-

Farmers reminded to focus on the here and now at Wheat Board meetings The Canadian Wheat Board Alliance is reminding farmers to focus on current issues at the Wheat Board meetings being held this month instead of being side-tracked by speculation about future agreements Ritz’s appointees

now running the CWB may make if the illegal end of the single desk proceeds on August 1, 2012. “Farmers should remember that Minister Ritz seized control of about $7 billion dollars of pool account grain and outstand-

Coughing, wheezing, short of breath? It could be mould Did you know that some of the hazards that many of us encounter every day in our homes can make us sick? Mould is one of them. Mould is a type of fungus that comes in a variety of colours and grows in damp areas inside your home. It can cause eye, nose and throat irritation, coughing and mucous buildup, wheezing and shortness of breath, worsening asthma symptoms and allergic reactions. It can grow on wood, paper, fabrics, drywall and insulation; inside walls or above ceiling tiles. Not all mould is obvious to detect, so it’s important to check for the presence of mould anywhere that is damp, especially where water damage has occurred. Look for stains or discolouration on floors, walls, window panes, fabrics and carpets or a musty “earthy” odour. To prevent mould from growing in your home, repair water leaks as soon as possible; use exhaust fans when cooking and showering; make sure clothes dryers and range hoods vent outdoors; and seal tubs and sinks. Also, keep humidity levels to 50 per cent in summer and 30 percent in winter. If you find a small patch of mould, simply clean with water and dish detergent – no need for bleach. If you find a large patch or have a major water problem, consider hiring a professional clean it up. These are just some of the tips for dealing with mould that you can find on the Health Canada website at www. FUTURE SHOP - CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE FUTURE SHOP MARCH 9 CORPORATE FLYER On the March 9 flyer, page 18, please be advised that this promotion: “Free Rental on CinemaNow Included With The Adventures of Tintin Movie” (WebID: 2194695) was incorrectly advertised. We regret to inform you that the free rental offer is NOT valid, and will not be available with the movie. Also, on page 20, this product: AKG Foldable On-Ear Headphones – K403 (WebID: 10184517) shows an incorrect feature. Please be advised that the headphones are NOT noise-cancelling. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.

R.M OF CANWOOD NO. 494 Seasonal Heavy Duty Equipment Operator & Truck Driver The R.M. of Canwood No. 494 invites applications for a Seasonal Heavy Duty Equipment Operator and Truck Driver. The successful applicant must have a valid Class 1A driver’s license and be able to carry out assigned duties without supervision and shall answer to the R.M. Council and the Foreman. Submit your resume, including past experience and at least two references, to: R.M. of Canwood No. 494 Box 10, 641 Main Street Canwood, Sask., S0J 0K0 Wages are negotiable based on experience. All resumes are to be in the hands of the Administrator on or before 4:00 P.M., Monday, March 19, 2012. Only those contacted will be granted an interview.

ing sales on December 15, 2011” observed Bill Gehl, chairperson of the Canadian Wheat Board Alliance, “and in the series of CWB meetings this March, farmers need to hold Ritz’s appointees accountable for this year’s single-desk CWB sales.” Gehl went on to say “don’t let Ritz hide his seizure and expropriation of our pool account money behind announcements of future agreements with international grain companies. His appointees need to answer the same basic questions we used to ask our elected Directors about our money.” “Farmers also need to know if they will be paying for the severance of CWB staff being fired. It is unfair to take this money from the pool accounts” Gehl remarked. “We have already seen worrying signs that Minister Ritz has something to hide. Why have all the previous audited financial statements from the CWB web site been removed? We want straight answers on the contingency fund they have taken from the single desk. This is farmers’ money, not a slush fund to finance their experiment at being a private

grain broker, and we have a right to clear answers about what is happening to it.” “Farmers also have a right to know when the final payments will be issued. Consistency of financial reporting is critical for transparency so farmers need to know if a fully audited statement compatible with previous years will be available.” Gehl explained. “When the elected directors were dismissed the CWB was on track to sell $7 billion worth of grain about 99% of which would come back to farmers. What has Gerry’s Grain Company done with these sales? We expect Minister Ritz and his appointees to be fully transparent on their handling of farmers’ money this crop year.” Gehl concluded “we would also remind Minister Ritz’s appointees and Wheat Board management that the legislation they believe they are working under is now being contested in the courts and it is best to assume the old rules of transparency and fairness followed by our elected Directors still apply to them.”

CROWN HILL AUCTION Pauline Brad Estate & Government Trusteeship for Royce Church th

10:00 am

Legion Hall (1st. Street) Leask, Sask. Collectibles and numerous antiques including wood stove, bedroom suite, china cabinet, complete household - electric fireplace, davenport, electric lawnmower, large mirrors, de-humidifier, chrome table, also house & lot at 415 Main St., Blaine Lake; ‘96 F150 4x4, ‘03 Taurus; 930 Case tractor (for parts), 3 Westeel Rosco 1650 bu. bins & 1 - 1650 hopper bottom bin, cross bow, plus much more. Very Clean. Bigger ticket items must have irrevocable letter of credit from bank. Complete listing and pictures at or phone 306-

497-3539 for info.

Auctioneer John Priestley, PL #917023

Ph 306-466-2210

gram please let me know. There will also be volunteer opportunities for the program for youth ages 1218 years. Keep your eyes open for volunteer opportunities with the Town of Shellbrook as well as a possible volunteer award for spring of 2013! Weekly Health Tip: Summer will be coming before we know it, so prepare your habits by getting enough water! I have heard that we need 8 glasses of water a day, that sounds like a lot, but start a habit of drinking a glass when you get up, with each meal, during snacks and when you go to bed – you’ll get that healthy amount of water in no time. Have a great week! Cassie Bendig Shellbrook Recreation Director office – 747-4949 cell – 747-9098 email –


39th Annual Bull Sale

Sat., March 24 Sale 1:00 pm

Location - Spiritwood Stockyards 4-H Dutch Auction Heifer to start the sale 3 Buyer # Draws of $300 towards bull purchase 3 Breeds: Angus, Charolais & Simmentals New & existing breeders with their top breeding stock For More Info:

FUTURE SHOP - CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE FUTURE SHOP MARCH 9 CORPORATE FLYER Please note on Popup page 3 of the March 9 flyer, the microwave advertised is limited in stock. This model is available while quantities last as it is being discontinued. No rainchecks will be issued. In the unfortunate event that this model is no longer available, we are pleased to offer the Sunbeam SBMW759W (WebCode: 10143370) as a substitute for the same price. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.

SAT., MAR. 24

brook Golf Course Spring Fling on March 31st. Grab your tickets as soon as you can! The tickets cost $30 dollars to be part of the elimination draw or $15 just to come to the dance. Either way, come and help this fundraiser by buying tickets and support the Golf Course. For all of you parents of children ages 5-12 years (by September 2012) there has been a survey handed to all the children who attend Shellbrook Elementary asking about the Shellbrook After-School Program. If your little one attends the school and did not bring the survey home, please give me a shout and I will make sure to send you a copy. If the survey is filled out and passed back to the teachers, your name will be entered to win a Family Swim Pass for the 2012 summer season at the Shellbrook Swimming Pool. If you would like to be part of the Parent Board for the After-School pro-

883-2767 or 883-2566 NOTICE

Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the R.M. of Leask No. 464 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 6-92, known as the Zoning Bylaw. INTENT - The proposed bylaw will add the Zoning District: Country Residential Lakeshore District. AFFECTED LAND - This is a textual amendment that will apply equally throughout the entire municipality REASON - The reason for the amendment is to provide for the regulation of development of country residential acreages bordering bodies of water in the municipality. PUBLIC INSPECTION - Any person may inspect the bylaw at the R.M. of Leask office between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed from Noon until 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at cost. PUBLIC HEARING - Council will hold a public hearing on April 25, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. at the R.M. of Leask office to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing, or delivered to the undersigned at the R.M. of Leask office before the hearing. Issued at the R.M. of Leask No. 464 this 12th day of March 2012. Sheri McHanson Budd Administrator

Page 20

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012




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March 16, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle Page 21

The Classifi fieds Shellbrook Chronicle Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + 20¢ additional words for the 1st week. Additional weeks: $7.75/week + GST. Classified Display: $17.50/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.00 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: advertising: P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Advertising Deadline - Monday: 5:00 p.m.

Subscriptions $57.00 + $2.85 (GST) = $59.85/year

SWNA Blanket Classifieds Reaching over 6 million people weekly. Cost for 25 words: Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French) Career Ads “Reaching Over 600,000 People Weekly” Rates: $7.79 per agate line Size: 2 col. x 2” ............... .....$424.00 Deadline for Booking/Material Tuesdays @ 12 Noon Contact the Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442 or Email: All prices plus applicable taxes. NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or services offered.



FOR SALE: Computer desk $50; Gazelle exerciser with spare parts $150; 27 “ color TV $150; green leather sofa $100; Green leather recliner $200; Kitchen table with six chairs $100; Venmar air exchanger $600; Eureka vacuum $150. Call 7641363 TFCH

FOR SALE - 1990 D150 Dodge truck 360 auto, PS, PB, new tires asking $800; 1991 Olds 98 Regency Elite V6, good power tran., new tires and battery, many new parts put on recently. Last of the big cars. Good fuel mileage. Asking $1,600 obo. Ph: 747-2775 after 6 p.m. 2-11CH

FOR SALE - Band sawn lumber, spruce 2x4 to 2x10 from 8 ft. to 20 ft.; 1x6, 1x8, 2nd cuts, and bull rails also timbers from 4x4 to 12x12. Phone 306-469-2490, Big River. TFCH

FOR SALE - 1989 Chev, C/R10/1500, 4 + cab, 2WD, $900. Ph: 7472997, leave message. 2-12CH

LAND TENDER IN CANWOOD RM 494 1. NW-21-51-04-W of 3 , 160 acres , 155+/- cultivated. Assessment 71800 2. SE-30- 51-04 -W of 3, 160 acres, 155+/- cultivated. Assessment 74600 3. NE-31-51-04-W of 3, 160 acres 150+/- cultivated. Assessment 67400; SW-31-51-04-W of 3, 160 acres, 65+/- cultivated. Assessment 25200 4. SW-8-52-04-W of 3, 160 acres, 150+/- cultivated. Assessment 55700 TERMS: 1. Bids on single parcels or multiple combinations. 2. It is the responsibility of each bidder to inspect each parcel for accuracy and conditions. 3.Year 2012 land taxes to be paid by purchaser. 4. Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. 5. Submit bid(s) by mail to : Wesley Ledding Box 4, PARKSIDE, SK S0J 2A0 6. All bids must be postmarked or received by: 5:00 pm on March 30, 2012. 7. Successful bid(s) will be notified by April 12, 2012. 8. For more information call Wesley @ (306) 7477682 or Tom @ (306) 747-7688

MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1998 Bergen 16’ stock trailer. Ph: 7473185 TFCH


Double “F” Cattle Co., 3rd Annual Bull Sale, March 23, Heartland Livestock, 1:00 p.m., Prince Albert, SK. Selling 50 rugged Black Angus bulls and 45 elite Black and Baldy replacement heifers. Call Kelly Feige, 306747-2376, 306747-7498, www. FOR SALE - Black and Red Angus bulls on moderate growing ration. Performance info available. Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills Angus, Glaslyn, SK 342-4407 TFCH

The Try eds! S sifi TO Clas AU







747-2442 Call Today

Shellbrook Chronicle

FOR SALE Johner Stock Farm bulls. Polled Herefords/Black Angus yearling and 2 year olds. Guaranteed, Delivered. David 306-893-2714, Justin 306-2481305 20-26CH FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus bulls. Yearling and 2 year olds. Reasonably priced, well developed bulls. Not force fed, but carry enough condition to go out and work your pastures. Transformer, Kodai, Raven, Master and Diversity bloodlines. $100 deposit will hold until May 1. Tours welcome, for more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries 469-4970 or 469-7902 23-30CH FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus Heifers. Yearlings ready for breeding in the spring. Leading bloodlines from very dependable no nonsense cows. Approx. 30 available, for more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries. 469-4970 or 469-7902 6-13CH FOR SALE - Charolais Bulls selling at Spiritwood Ag Society Bull Sale, March 24, 1 pm. Two 2 year old bulls, 13 yearlings, Mostly AI sired. Tans, Whites, Polled and Horned.

Isaac Hildebrand. 724-4907 4-12CH FOR SALE Fleckvieh-Simmental bulls, Traditional, Red and Black. Also Simmental-Red Angus Cross bulls and one Black SimmentalRed Angus Cross. Foxdale Farm and Ranch. Glenn and Christine. 7473185 TFCH FOR SALE - Quality Red and Black Salers bulls for calving ease. Elderberry Farm Salers, Parkside 7473302 8-17CH



All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Bulk Fertilizer For Sale

Marcel Seeds Debden Ph: 306-724-4461

WANTED - Grain land to rent north of Shellbrook. Call Scott 747-9322 2-12CH

FOR RENT FOR RENT - Pasture land for lease, 7 quarters, will split up, cross fenced. Lyle Muller 7472805 4-14CH FOR RENT - Pasture for rent, 4 wire fence, good water supply in RM of Spiritwood #496, Ph: 306-883-2902 or 306-883-7907 3-13CH FOR RENT - Older house/farm yard. Alticane area Ph: 306-480-7428, leave message. 2-12CH

Sell It Fast! In The Classifieds



DNA/Integra Tire

Shellbrook is seeking F/T Tire Technician/ Mobile Service Truck Operator • Experience in tire and automotive industry preferred. • Mon./Fri. • Wages Negotiable Apply to:

HELP WANTED Canwood Regional Park is accepting applications for operation of the Clubhouse and Concession for the 2012 season from May 1 to September 30th. Living accommodations available at the park for applicants if required. Send applications to Box 9, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0. For further information and list of duties contact Terry Hamborg at 306-468-4425 (cell) or Shirley Danberg at 4682114 (evenings). Applications close on March 31, 2012. 5-13C HELP WANTED Spiritwood Stockyards, part time seasonal jobs. Contact Brian 306-8832168. 4-11CH HELP WANTED - Shellview Sod Farms is currently looking to hire a

Class 1A delivery driver for the 2012 sod harvest. Work to begin approx. May 1 and continue to freeze up. Duties include, but not limited to basic truck/trailer maintenance, operating fork lift, and delivering sod throughout the province. Please fax resumes and abstract to 7473147 or call 306981-3910 for more information. 5-15C

Please fax resumes to 747-3147 or call 306-981-3910 for more information. 5-15C

HELP WANTED - First Responder Training Course, Part One, April 13, 14 and 15, Part Two, April 20, 21 and 22, East Base - Training Centre, 555 13th Street East, Prince Albert, SK. Contact Murray Cameron 7472364 or Al Dion 747-3301 3-11CH


HELP WANTED - Shellview Sod Farms Ltd. is currently looking to hire a field operator. This position will begin approx. May 1 and continue to freeze up. Duties include but not limited to operating equipment and providing labor directly related to sod harvest. Equipment included tractors, forklifts and mowers, etc. Applicant must have a min Class 5 driver’s license and be in reasonable fitness.

TO GIVE AWAY CATS TO GIVE AWAY - 6 months old outdoor cats and litter trained. Ph: 468-2142 2-12CH


R & D Tax Service

Income Tax Prep Bookkeeping Service IN NEW E & B Lumber Building 511 Service Rd East Shellbrook MON. to FRI., 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Rosalyn or Donna




15 B Main St. Shellbrook, SK


Advertising Deadline is Monday 5:00 p.m.

. Shop Smart.. ifieds! s s la C e h T p Sho HOLDS 0 HOUSE



eek) s GST (One w lu p 5 .2 3 1 $ only 20 words for in the itional weeks d d a r fo 5 .7 7 $


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Page 22 Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012


C O M I N G EVENTS - Deer Ridge St. Patrick’s Dance, March 17, 2012. Doors open 8:30 Dance at 9:00 Midnight lunch. Music by Vinyl $15/person at the door. For info call 747-3523 or 7472719 3-11CH C O M I N G EVENTS - St. Patrick’s Day Stew Supper on March 17, 2012 at Shellbrook Legion Hall. Cocktails at 4:00 p.m, supper at 5:00 p.m. Advance tickets at Parkland Meats or Home

Hardware. Price $10.00 Sponsored by Shellbrook Legion. Come one come all.

CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all of my customers and suppliers for their loyalty over the years, it is time to move on from the Shellbrook Co-op. I am not moving away, just moving on to another endeavor. Thanks for your friendship, laughs and memories. - Shelly Willoughby


The Shellbrook Seniors Association would like to thank everyone for making our Tea, Bake and White Elephant sale such a success. Special thanks to the staff from the Scotiabank for handling the 50/50 draw, won by Eileen Chappell and for the gift certificate donated by the Shellbrook Restaurant won by John Groenen

We, the family of the late Vivian Moe would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their care and concern. To the First Responders and Charlene Willoughby for their assistance before the ambulance arrived; to the Blaine Lake Ambulance and the Doctors and nurses at the Victoria Union Hospital. Thank you to Dr. Fourie and staff at Shellbrook Medical Clinic for the loving care given over the years; to Pastor Chris Dean for always being there when we needed

him and for the comforting words at both the prayer and funeral services; to Beau “Lac” Funeral Home for providing such a professional and understanding service that helped make this difficult time more bearable. Thank you to the grandchildren and Andy Gross for being pallbearers. Thanks to Scott Moe for the touching eulogy and to Bernice LaBrash for being the organist. Thank you to the Lutheran Ladies for providing the lunch. Thanks to Darrel Martin for snow plowing the yard and the cemetery. And a special thank you for all the memorial donations, flowers, cards, phone calls, emails and food that was brought to the house. We are truly blessed to be a part of such a loving and caring community - With love David, Michele, Shawna and families.

HEADON - Ronald, May 2, 1950 March 15, 2011 When you passed away, We looked into the night sky on a clear day The star that to us, appears to be


SASAKAMOOSE - John, July 2, 1941 - March 14, 2011 Always remembered, Always missed.

bright, is you, Looking upon us during the night, The lights of heaven are what shows through, As you watch all that we do, When we feel lonely for you, the

one we love, We look to the heavens in the night sky above. Always and forever in our memories and missed, - Jean, Della, Mike, Jordan, Dylan, Riley, & Kolbee

swna blanket classifieds • Market Your Products • Zero in on New Employees • Promote Local Events

For more info call: 747-2442 Classified Ads One Week! Two Papers! List your For Sales, Wanted, For Rent, etc. 20 words for only $13.25 plus GST additional words 20¢; additional weeks $7.75

Spiritwood Herald Shellbrook Chronicle Ph: 747-2442 ~ Fax: 747-2442

WorleyParsonsCord offers extensive experience in field construction, module fabrication and assembly in the energy industry across Western Canada. Operating in a fully integrated EPC environment or as a standalone general construction contractor, WorleyParsonsCord’s track record in oil and gas transmission, gas processing, petrochemicals, power generation and heavy oil sectors is unrivaled. Flight programs and living out allowance may apply. WorleyParsonsCord is currently hiring for the following positions throughout Alberta: • Pipefitters • Rig welders • Welders Helpers • Iron Workers • Labourers • Crane Operators • CWB Structural Welders • Construction Managers • Project Managers • Construction Superintendents • Foreman • General Foreman • Safety Advisors Construct your career with us! Apply online at or via email: Phone 1-855-483-2626.

or email:

In Memoriams In memoriams may be put in the Chronicle for $19.00 (30 words) plus 20¢ per additional word Photo - $10.00

Shellbrook Chronicle Phone 306-747-2442

Fax 306-747-3000


March 16, 2012

Wanted EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Adair Construction Ltd., Moosomin, SK is seeking a construction labourer. Wage starts at $11/hr. Able to assist in roofing, fencing, and carpentry. Criminal record check required. 1-306-435-7871 Career Hunt SK looking for employment? See us online at EXPERIENCED WINCH TRACTOR and BED TRUCK DRIVERS for drilling, rig moving trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email rigmove@ Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 1 Ave Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7.

SPRING SEASON 2012 Customer driven, aggressive crop input retailer, along with grain farm operation, requires motivated individuals to join it’s team in Norquay, Kamsack and Sturgis. Successful applicants must display a positive attitude and a strong work ethic, with an appreciation for outstanding customer service. Start Date: Monday, April 16, 2012. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: (Seasonal) * Semi-drivers (class 1A required)

* NH3 Delivery drivers (class 1A required)

* Equipment operators (farm experience an asset)

* Yard help (no class 1A required)

All positions offer competitive wages. Please apply to: Braden Hudye Hudye Soil Services Inc. Box 550, Norquay, Sask. S0A 2V0 Ph: 306.594.2330 Fax: 306.594.2410 Email: bradenhudye@ Speedway Moving Systems Requires O/O for our 1 ton and 3 ton fleets to transport RVs throughout N. America. We offer competitive rates and Co. Fuel cards. Paid by direct deposit. Must have clean criminal record and passport to cross border.1-866-7366483; www.speedway

Mature Couple as resident lodge managers, Pawistik Lodge, Mile 190, Hanson Lake Road. Duties include: Store management, basic bookkeeping, all duties related to the operation of a fishing lodge. Qualifications: knowledge of boats and motors, general construction knowledge, good customer relations. Please reply with resume to: Scott Jeffrey: 1-8005264177. Email:

TH ROCK has positions for road construction workers, BASE - heavy equipment operators (Finish Grader Op). Asphalt - (paver, roller, screed, raker). Heavy Duty Mechanic (service truck). General labourers. Forward resume to: Fax 403-568-1327;

TH Vac Services, Kindersley Sask is now hiring drivers & swampers. Competitive wage, benefits package, scheduled days off. Tickets an asset. Fax resume to 306.463.2919 or call Don @ 306.463.7720. WELDERS WANTED. Journeyman 2nd and 3rd year apprentices with tank manufacturing experience. Automated Tank Manufacturing Inc. Located in Kitscoty, Alberta. 20km West of Lloydminster is looking for 15 individuals that want long term employment and a secure paycheque. Journeyman wages $33. - $37.50/hour. Wages for apprentices based on hours and qualifications. Benefits, training programs, full insurance package 100% paid by company, profit sharing bonus. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine for an appointment or send resume to: or production@autotanks. ca. 780-846-2231 (Office), 780-846-2241 (Fax).

HELP WANTED NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect



Indoor public auction Saturdays at 1:00 p.m Cars/trucks/SUVs/ RVs/ATVs Kathleen Podiluk, E-RYT Yoga Alliance

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LCBI High School Outlook, SK is a co-educational faith-based boarding school operating in the Lutheran theological tradition. LCBI High School offers a high quality education for grade ten, eleven, and twelve students using the approved Saskatchewan curriculum. LCBI has a global appeal with students in recent years from China, Mexico, Brazil, Norway and Germany. Come experience a taste of LCBI. Everyone is invited to: Open House April 28, 4:00 – 10:00 pm For more information: 306-867-8971 Look for us on Facebook

The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel Visit www.saskrate for copies of the applications and supporting documents, or to submit comments. SaskEnergy Delivery Rate Application Public Meetings March 22, 7:00 p.m., Ramada Hotel, Regina March 27, 7:30 p.m., Hilton Garden Inn, Saskatoon The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel Visit www.saskrate for copies of the applications and supporting documents, or to submit comments.

CAREER TRAINING WORK FROM HOME. Largest Medical Transcriptionist employer in Canada looks to CanScribe for 100 more MT’ s. We need more students! Enroll Today!1-800-466-1535 admissions@can

Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS Wheat, barley, rye, triticale, feed pulses, spring threshed heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM Western Commodities 877-695-6461

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FOR SALE Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at

RURAL WATER TREATMENT Tell them Danny Hooper sent you.




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LAND FOR SALE PURCHASING: SINGLE TO LARGE BLKS OF LAND. PREMIUM PRICES PAID WITH QUICK PAYMENT. SOLD EXAMPLES Bengough - 22 1/4’s Bethune - 2 1/4’s Blaine Lake - 245 acres Cupar - 5 1/4s Davidson - 6 1/4’s Elfross – 18 1/4’s Emerald – 22 1/4’s Eastend - 2 1/4’s Grenfell - 3 1/4’s Harwarden - 1 1/4’s Lestock - 5 1/4’s Lake Alma – 9 1/4’s Marcelin - 7 1/4’s Moose Jaw - 8 1/4’s Nokomis - 8 1/4’s Ogema - 36 1/4’s Prince Albert - 1 1/4’s Saskatoon - 2 1/4's Semans - 7 1/4’s Simpson - 10 acres Viscount - 3 1/2 Wadena - 4 1/4’s Wakaw West - 41/4’s Watrous/Young 30 1/2 Mobile Home Park Weyburn - 21 1/4’s Call DOUG 306-955-2266 EMAIL: Letter of Appreciation When we were approached by Mr. Doug Rue of Freshwater Holdings in July 2011, it was an opportunity for us to sell our farmland at a very fair price. Mr. Rue visited our home and he explained the process, which went forward very quickly. We received payment on September 15, 2011. We appreciated Mr. Rue’s friendly and understanding manner. There were no difficulties and he kept in touch throughout the transaction.

Shellbrook Chronicle

SPECIALIZING IN FARM LAND SALES WHAT WE DO - Represent Buyers & Investors with CASH for large & small parcels - Lease back to Seller is a possibility ABOUT US - Long term Sask farmer & businessman - Fully licensed, professional service - Highly effective Farm Land sales team - References available upon request - We welcome your call or email to discuss the sale of your land or answer questions. HARRY SHEPPARD #1 Top producer in 2011 at Sutton Group - Results Realty, Regina, SK.



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AVAILABLE BACHELORETTE Widowed, 56, 5’8”, 133lbs, slim, attractive, and a non smoker. Loves people, animals and children. A soft caring lady who always makes the best of any situation life throws her way. As a farmer and a nurse she knows what hard work is all about. When it is time to relax she loves to travel to her holiday home in Aruba. Matchmakers Select 1888-916-2824 Guaranteed service Face to face matchmaking, customized memberships thorough screening process. Rural, remote, small towns, isolated communities & villages 12 years established Canada/US

Page 23

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 55 PLUS ACTIVE ADULT Living. Large Ground Level Townhomes. 306.241 .0123 www.diamond

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Page 24

Shellbrook Chronicle March 16, 2012


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