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Your favourite source for news and entertainment in 30 pt EastR Central Alberta, reaching 90 communities weekly

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Volume 105 No. 19


Surplus not as high as anticipated

05-12-2016Mich1.125x10.75.indd 1




Food Town




Wheel of a Deal

Daysland Spring Graduation Exercises Page 5 Page 14-16


Garden Centre Now in Full Bloom

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Bashaw council ����������������� 2 Evacuees ��������������������������� 3 Forestburg council ������������ 4 Prairie Land schools ���������� 4 On The Other Hand ����������� 6 Coronation council ������������ 6 Clearview schools �������������� 6 Obituary ���������������������������� 7 Galahad news �������������������� 8 Crossword ����������������������� 12 Police Week ����������������10-11

Saturday urday May 14, 2016 Calgary, Alberta Thursday June 2, 2016 Calgary, Alberta


Lacombe County, at its regular meeting April 25, backtracked on allocating a projected 2015 $1 million surplus because of an administration error. Numbers entered were transposed and Lacombe County Council was told April 14 that the surplus would be $931,771 instead of the actual $97,283. “Had we waited until the financial statements were completed before projecting the surplus for 2015 the transposition error would have been identified and corrected,” Lacombe County Commissioner Terry Hager told council April 25 in his report. The 2015 surplus was projected this year without finalizing the balanced financial statements. Hager said this is the first year the surplus was projected without balancing the financial statements and was done to give council a chance to allocate any projected surplus prior to the auditor presenting the financial statements to council. At the April 14 regular meeting council was told there would be a projected 2015 surplus of almost $1 million and recommended council allocate $313,000 to uncollectable property taxes and $600,000 to reserves. But when finishing the final balance and checks for the financial statements, it was discovered that the number in the line item for change in the prepaid expenses and inventory of supplies was transposed. Turn to Budget, Pg 2

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Ron Wambolt and Charmaine Morehouse of Coronation have the rare opportunity to watch a pair of Great Horned owl’s parent their new clutch in a spruce tree right in their front yard. ECA Review/D.Clark

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Lisa Joy

ECA Review reporter

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2 May

12'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review

Bashaw can capitalize on businesses wanting to relocate Lisa Joy

ECA Review reporter Branden Jones, of U.S. based company Multi-View, pitched a $12,000 proposal to Bashaw town council at its regular meeting May 5, that he says could bring business to town. Jones, in a presentation over the phone, told council through a targeted behavioural campaign, Bashaw could tap into the businesses looking into relocating to either Calgary or Edmonton. Behavioural targeting is a technique used by advertisers to increase how effective ad campaigns are by gathering an individual’s web-browsing behaviour for the last 30 days. This includes the pages they visit and key word searches they make. The targeted approach then has ads pop up into the browser’s window. In Bashaw’s case they could target toplevel managers of businesses who are looking to invest in Alberta, said Jones. He said if a company has a registered IP address he can give them information on the company. The campaign would also collect data on who is coming to the Town of Bashaw’s website. Coun. Bryan Gust, however, didn’t

Budget typo

think a targeted campaign would suit Bashaw. “The reality of Bashaw competing with Calgary or Edmonton for business location is a little far fetched.” Chief Administrative Officer Theresa Fuller said Bashaw could consider a regional partnership for the campaign and ask neighbouring communities if they’re interested in participating. CAO Fuller said if the town ended up selling one or two industrial lots it would cover the cost of the marketing campaign. Mayor Penny Shantz said she liked the idea of approaching the campaign from a regional perspective. “Never say never. Look outside the box.” Deputy Mayor Rosella Peterman said the targeted campaign is a way of reaching an audience they may not otherwise reach but added, “I need time to digest this.” She said the industrial lots are just “sitting there” but the town needs to consider what kind of industry they want to target. “We are small and some of those things won’t come. Then it would be a waste.” “It is a lot of money for a small town,” said Coun. Darren Pearson. CAO Fuller said it’s an interesting campaign worthy of consideration.

from May long weekend to the middle of September. Pam Miller, past chair of the historical society, told council at its regular meeting May 5 that they won’t be able to use a summer student and asked the town to help pay the $7,200 cost for an employee for six hours a day, five days a week. The individual would be at the tourist booth from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and at the museum from 1 to 4 p.m. “We would like to request that your generous offer of handling the wages for our employee be used again this year, if we supply you with our full commitment of monies,” said Miller. The historical society plans to use the tourist booth to display some historical artifacts. “We have a selection of old fire equipment that we have never been able to showcase and the booth would provide a wonderful venue,” said Miller. The historical society may include antique dressers, tables, history books,

walking historical tour brochures and tourist brochures in a display. The historical society wants to hold its summer children’s program at the booth, gazebo or park. They are considering a variety of activities from a picnic and concert in the part, bug collecting and a photo and art contest, to crafts, puppet show, talent show and a historical contest. They plan to highlight the old fire truck and put mannequins dressed in old firemen uniforms at the truck. They want to hold weekly tours of the historical statues, buildings and plaques around Bashaw. To conduct the tours they are considering using a horse and wagon, a six-passenger golf cart or an old historical truck. “Finding the funds for this project may prove a little more tricky,” said Miller. Coun. Rosella Peterman suggested the historical society ask Reynolds Museum in Wetaskiwin if they have a vehicle they could lend.

Tourist booth gears up for season

The Bashaw Historical Society wants the Town of Bashaw to help fund the Tourist Booth and Museum

Cont’d from Pg 1 What should have been recorded as a negative ($417,262) was instead shown as a positive ($417,262). This error resulted in the Visit Screen Test in 2015 surplus Hardisty being $97,283 instead of $931,771 June 3 & 4 as given to Call for an appointment council at its 1-800-667-0604 April 14 meeting. (toll-free) (At its regular meeting April 14 Everyone who loves Linda is Women aged 50 to 74 council voted in should plan to have a screening glad she got a mammogram. favour of allomammogram every 2 years, Because her breast cancer cating $600,000 to and can self-refer. was found early, the tax rate stabiWomen 40-49 may be screened she is alive and well today. lization reserve annually with a referral for their and $313,000 to first mammogram. uncollectable property taxes.) With the corrected information on the 2015 surplus, Hager told council it’s no longer prudent to consider reallocation of the accumulated surplus as council planned at its April 14 meeting. Council cancelled the transfer of $313,000 to allowance for uncollectable Book an property taxes appointment and cancelled the transfer of to receive a $600,000 to the complimentary tax rate stabilizadenture tion reserve. Council, howcleaning! ever, still needs to deal with the issue of allowance for uncollectable property taxes 5021 - 50 Street, Stettler, AB and will discuss the issue in May.

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Deadline for applications is May 18, 2016

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab


May 12'16

A campground hosting 12 evacuee families in Central Alberta near Red Deer.

Fort McMurray evacuees find refuge in Central Alberta A campground in Central Alberta is to evacuate Fort McMurray. Robert said Robert. “I took over driving and After getting out of the city the a temporary home to 12 families from got a text message from his mom at 1:33 took every back alley, cut across family drove to Lac La Biche and spent Fort McMurray who fled the wildfire p.m. about the evacuation of more than parking lots. I got us to the Safeway a few hours there. They then went to that forced the largest fire evacuation 80,000 residents. They then listened to and got gas. the Syncrude baseline campsite. They in Alberta’s history were given two camp May 3. rooms with an adjoining Chris, who doesn’t bathroom. want his last name “It was better than used, runs the campsleeping in a tent or in our ground. And, as one SUV, all seven of us,” said family leaves the Robert. campground, another The family arrived in arrives. Central Alberta Friday Chris has also after being unable to find a helped place seven rental in Calgary or families in rentals in Edmonton. Red Deer so far. Lisa wants her children’s “I expect it to be like lives to continue as normal this for four or fives as possible and plans to months,” he said. enrol them in school in Red Some of the larger Deer. Robert will return to families live in two work for Syncrude in Fort RV’s parked side by McMurray in the coming side. All the RV’s were days after his family is donated. settled. “People just pulled Although the family has up with their RV’s and called Fort McMurray left them here for the home since 2009, they are Some members of the Metacat family enjoy a Mother’s Day barbecue in Blackfalds away from their East Central Alberta uncertain whether or not evacuees,” said Chris, campsite they now call home. Robert and Lisa, along with their five children, Samuel, 15, Katherine, 12, Sara, 10, George, 6, they will return. visibly touched by Central Albertan’s “I’m not too sure,” said and Rosalie, 4, fled Fort McMurray May 3 in the largest fire evacuation in Alberta’s history. ECA Review/L. Joy generosity. Lisa. “I haven’t thought of A young boy runs that.” across the grass between the RV’s car- the local radio that was telling resi“I fuelled up and I looked back and For now they are together – alive rying an armful of toilet paper. Other dents to evacuate. the guy behind me, the pump quit on and that’s enough. children play on outdoor playground Their youngest child, Rosalie, was him, it stopped pumping,” said Robert. equipment while still others dart home with them. The other four were “We were lucky we got our tank of fuel. around the campsite like it was a in school - at two separate schools - and “As I ran through Safeway getting neighbourhood street. The children they had to pick up their children fast. water, fruit and what I could, I kept seem elated - as if staying at the campThey left their downtown apartment saying over and over ‘thank you my ground is just one big adventure - not in such a hurry they didn’t close the Creator, guide me the rest of the way to yet realizing their lives have been windows. safety. I love my family – please help us changed forever. “There was no time to close the win- in our darkest moment in our lives.’” There is a sense of camaraderie dows,” said Robert. “We were more The family drove south towards between the families staying at the worried about getting our kids and Edmonton but were stopped by police. pec a campground. Everyone is polite – and their electronics and whatever clothes “You have to go north, go north” ial G ol l r V n uests A i grateful for the outpouring of generwe could see. We grabbed it and left.” shouts an officer standing alone in the lfe Myhre & Calv osity from strangers. They went to the Composite High middle of a smoke filled highway as he For now, the Metacat family is School at 2:11 p.m. to pick up Samuel directed traffic, a home video made by calling the campsite home. Robert and and then at 2:30 p.m. to Dr. K.A. Clark the family shows. Strome Community Hall Lisa, along with their five children, School to get Katherine, Sara and “We wanted to come south but they Jamboree (6 pm) $10 • Dance (8:30 pm) $20 Samuel, 15, Katherine, 12, Sara, 10, George. (police) wouldn’t let us,” said Robert. Jamboree & Dance $25 George, 6, and Rosalie, 4, fled Fort The reality of the evacuation and the Videos the family shot of their Late Night Lunch • Camping Available McMurray May 3. panicked city population started to escape from the city depict fiery flames The day started out like any other. take its toll on the Metacats. along the highway devouring trees in Tickets & Info: Myhre’s Music, ATB Financial, Strome or “It happened so fast,” said Lisa. “It “When we went back two and half its path, the incessant sound of sirens call Marie 780-376-2241 was sunny, the brightest day ever and blocks to the Macs store only to find wailing across the city and distant In Support 2016 Canadian Grand Master Fiddle Championship then (the sky) was covered with cloud there was no gas I was in panic mode,” screams. and smoke. You couldn’t see anything. It was like evening. It went fast. Youngstown Community Club Everything just went so fast.” Bringing Education to you - in Partnership in the Castor/Coronation area Robert, who works for Syncrude, th was at home helping his wife with Paintearth Adult Learning is thrilled offer the Save money and get your toGED this Fall. laundry when they were told they had New Futures Employment Series with start dates







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4 May

12'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Ag r i c u lt u r e

ECA review


Plans for economic diversification Council discussed economic diversification during their regular meeting on Wed., May 4 and the following points were brought up: a need to develop a marketing campaign that works in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary Celebration; the potential need to engage a marketing consultant to provide direction on how to set up the campaign; developing affordable lots;

updating the internet service, developing an inventory of all businesses; using “fresh eyes” to view the community to see what sets Forestburg apart; promoting local shopping; setting up a public meeting to discuss the issues facing the future economic situation. Administration set a public meeting to be held on Thur., June 9 at 7 p.m. at the Community Hall.


Board agrees to support playground Dena Clark

ECA Review reporter Audra Limpert from Hanna Primary School requested approximately $60,000 on behalf of the Hanna Community School Enhancement (HCSE) from the Prairie Land Regional Division (PLRD) at their meeting on Thurs. Apr. 28 for the new playground equipment project currently in the works in the Town of Hanna. The new equipment has a total price tag of $232,265.29.

To date, $60,000 has already been raised for the project through the efforts of HCSE and with the $60,000 requested of the school division, that allows for the potential of applying for a matching government grant which should cover the entire cost of the project. Following Limpert’s presentation there was a great deal of discussion surrounding the request. The board shared varying opinions over providing these dollars. Turn to Lengthy, Pg 14

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Good fences

Corinne Jordan appeared to discuss constructing a new fence between her property and her neighbours. Council indicated that because she was replacing a fence, administration policy states that no permit would be required. She was also told that the village would not be dealing with property line issues between the two properties and recommended that she obtain a survey to ensure that all parties are fully aware of where the property line is located.

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According to the unapproved meeting minutse, Matt Fedun stated that he has been working with the apprenticeship board advocating for apprentice training outside of major centers. He feels that there are sufficient semi-retired individuals available in our area to provide training to our grade 11 and 12 students. Matt Fedun requested all four sets of bleachers for the Forestburg Power Sports Association for use during the drag races and mud bogs. Council had be no issue with this as Administration will be purchasing new bleachers for the annual swim meet. Fedun also asked about the property left at the airport by the previous tenant and indicated that it would cause issues for the drag races.

Administration will be contacting the previous tenant to have all property removed by the end of May.

Verle Klassen

Nominate your rural healthcare hero for a 2016 RPAP Award


Semi-retired individuals to provide training


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Town Hall Meetings

Public Notice

March 23 - March 28, 2015

County of Stettler No. 6 Roadside Mowing Program The County of Stettler No. 6 invites all ratepayers to join County Council and Administration to The County of Stettler No. 6 Public Works Department will manage participate in Town Hall meetings. We encourage theandvegetation along all County subject to the following: invite citizen input on various topics in roads a

1. ourThe County of Stettler No.6 reserves the right to manage the ratepayers including, but not limited to, vegetation along the roadbudget, slopes. the new County Shop/Office Complex, community-led agenda, on issues concerning

roads and County operations.

2. Residents will be permitted to hay the remainder of the Road Allowance Byemoor underHall the following conditions: Monday, March 23 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 24 Red Willow Hall 7:00 p.m. a) Haying must be completed by August 1 of the year the hay Wednesday, March 25 Big Valley Jubilee Hall 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Erskine are I.O.O.F. 7:00 p.m. wasMarch cut.26 Bales toHall be removed within 48 hours of baling. Saturday, March 28 Stettler Ag Society 10:00 a.m. p.m.County of Stettler No. 6 Public Saturday, March 28 Linda Hall b) Residents must notify2:00 the Works Department of their intention to cut the hay by June 15 For more information please contact the County of Stettler at 403-742-4441. in writing annually before commencing. Please direct questions to Public Works at (403) 742-4441.

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ECA review

Allyson Badry and Matthew Elley

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

Jaden Green, Dalton LaFantaisie and Ashley Wipf

May 12'16


Ember Kowalchuk and Blaine Owre


Graduation 2016 the Moments. the Memories. The Daysland School held their annual Spring Graduation Exercises on Fri., May 6 in a packed school gymnasium. The 2016 graduating class are, from the left, back row: Dalton LaFantaisie, Matthew Kirk, Tyler Emmerson, Jake Albers and Dylan Vaclavik. Third row: Langdon Holt, Blaine Owre, Matthew Elley, Brandan Patterson, Trent Terway and Jason Albers. Second row: Principal Richard Payne, Allyson Badry, Keely Blake, Vanessa Gratrix, Madison Zimmer, Shantelle Vaillancourt and Vice-Principal Margaret Carlson. Front row: Natasha Martz, Jaden Green, Caitlin Ronnmark, Ember Kowalchuk, Jo-Anne Yuzik, Shelby Meyer and Ashley Wipf. Photo courtesy of Summit Studios

Matthew Kirk and Shelby Meyer

Keely Blake and Dylan Vaclavik

Madison Zimmer and Jason Albers

the Happiness.

Vanessa Gratrix and Trent Terway

6 May

12'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review



The wealth of the sands

by B.P. Schimke Life is fragile, again highlighted by what has and continues to unfold in Fort McMurray. In an instance our lives can change forever. There are at least 90,000 people who faced tragedy on Tuesday last. Their lives will never be the same after driving through walls of towering flames and losing homes, businesses, jobs, memories and treasures. Living as nomads, sleeping on cots, in strange hotel rooms or couch surfing. Needing strangers, family and friends to provide the basic necessities of life. And most distressing, their lives will not be normalized for some time to come. I have always had a problem with successive Conservative governments enjoying the wealth of the Sands, but doing far too little to support the people and infrastructure of Fort McMurray and Wood Buffalo MD. Ninety thousand people living at the end of a road, one way in and one way out, always seemed like a tragedy waiting to happen. The south has enjoyed the lion’s share of the Sands wealth especially through low taxes, no provincial sales tax, high salaries and huge investments in southern infrastructure. Yet after 35+ years of extensive oil sand development, we have yet to provide those residents with a safe four-lane highway from Fort McMurray to Edmonton. Truth be told, schools, hospitals and living spaces for seniors were all painfully slow in arriving to meet the needs of Alberta’s economic engine. It seems North American life style needs tragedy to challenge us out of our complacency and self-absorption. It is now time that we stop fretting about the provincial debt or our taxes

and step up to the plate, not for the short-term which is easy and emotional, but for the long term. With three successive major weather events in the last five years (Slave Lake, Southern Alberta/Calgary floods and now Fort McMurray), our Treasury is bare and we need a new source of revenue. It would be incumbent on the government to start charging a progressive “Act of God” surcharge on our taxes to cover the cost of uncontrollable major weather events. The surcharge should come and go depending on whether there are Act of God costs to pay or in the case of McMurray, the twinning of Highway 63 to finish. The silver lining in tragedy for wealthy countries is that a lot of citizens remember and experience empathy for others. We have seen donations pour in, but as the survivors of Slave Lake will tell you, the rebuilding of lives and communities takes decades and lots of public money. We’re in a bust. As per usual the Alberta government and many of its citizens didn’t plan for a bust, thought the boom would go on forever. Well it hasn’t and now we have what will be the most expensive-ever cleanup from a natural disaster in Alberta history. With oil prices in the tank and much of our production off line because of the fire, working Albertans are solely on the hook for this one. And, that’s not such a bad thing. Next time it could be you or me facing the life alternating event and we, too, will look for government’s financial support. We the people are the government and we might just have to start acting like that instead of a citizenry drunk on oil.

Sixth graders grill Coronation council Dena Clark

ECA Review reporter Coronation school teacher Dan Kinakin brought several of his sixth grade students to the Coronation town council meeting on Mon., Apr. 25 to question council on various topics as part of their social studies curriculum. Some of the questions council fielded included being asked to increase the temperature of the pool. To which, Kulyk explained the lower temperature was required in order to strike an optimal balance between chlorine and bacteria levels. With an increase in the pool water’s temperature there comes an increase in the amount of bacteria present, therefore a higher level of chlorine needed. If those chlorine levels are not up to provincial code the pool risks being shut down.

Colony kids walk for health Debra Johnston

ECA Review reporter Colony students are walking across Canada in a wellness project started by Silver Spring Colony School teacher, Lori Zitaruk. Superintendent Peter Barron explained the physical/virtual project to trustees at Clearview School Board meeting on May 5. According to Zitaruk, the students and staff physically walk each day at their respective colonies. The distance each person has walked is entered into an app called ‘World Walking’. The total then shows how far across Canada the group has progressed. The app uses Google Maps and even provides a street view of each new


Published by Coronation Review Limited


location. So far, the students have walked 1,119km. Their goal is 8,871km where they will arrive Newfoundland.

Visit from mobile classroom

Students at Brownfield and Botha schools will get a chance to learn computer coding when the Code Mobile visits the schools at the beginning of the 2016/17 school year. The Code Mobile, an initiative of Ladies Learning Code, is a travelling computer lab that teaches students about program coding. The target audience is generally children and women and the goal is to get individuals to not only use but also build technology. According to their website, Ladies Learning Code is a not-for-profit

East Central Alberta R 72 pt


Subscriptions: $42.00 in Canada; $74.20 in US; $135.15 Overseas. (All prices include GST)

60 pt


48 pt

36 pt

Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 5 pm 30 pt R 4923 - Victoria Avenue Tel. (403) 578-4111 Fax (403) 578-2088 24 pt Mail:RBox 70, Coronation, AB Canada, T0C 1C0 R

18 pt

We like your letters. Keep writing to the Editor.

organization started with crowd funding. To date, they have held over 600 workshops with over 24,000 learners across Canada

Finalizing budget details

Trustees worked out the final details of the 2016/17 budget, which the board will finalize at the next meeting. Boards have until June to approve their budgets. Some of the main tweaks were: hiring a full time coordinator focused on early learning which replaces a current position of an employee set to retire, busing rates for field trips will be cut in half for schools, automatic external defibrillators to be placed in all schools, and continued technology upgrades and remodeling.

LETTERS POLICY • Letters to the Editor are welcomed • Must be signed and a phone number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. • ECA Review reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. Letters and columns submitted are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper.

Therefore the lower pool water temperature helps ensure the pool remains open throughout the entire summer season. Another student asked for more street lights in town, to which council replied, “they would have to look into”. Murmurs were heard among council members that some streets were quite dark and perhaps some upgrades were required for their bulbs. In response to the question, “what is council doing to attract business and economy to town”, Counc. Shelley Cook replied that pamphlets were being stocked at tourist booths in addition to getting together with other communities to promote each other. Counc. Vickey Horkoff added that the Paintearth Economic Partnership Society (PEPS) was working to promote economy in the county.

Our opinion isn’t the only one… it is important that you express your opinion! Keep it short…Ask yourself how long you would spend reading an individual letter. Don’t rant… Nothing turns away a reader’s interest like a misguided, misdirected rant. Don’t put down or name call other writers. We all have a right to our opinions. Instead, aim for a persuasive, rational argument supported by facts and figures. On being edited … Expect editing…and when it doesn’t happen, great. All newspapers reserve the right to edit. The primary purpose is to ensure a letter is readable While care is taken in the editing process not to impair (or destroy) a writer’s point of view, a well-formulated letter requires less editing. Be legible…Not everyone owns VIEWPOINTS a computer but please make handwritten letters legible. If need be, print.

Joyce Webster Publisher/Editor

Yvonne Thulien Reception/Acctg.

Dena Clark Reporter/Photographer

Member of:


Gayle Peters MARKETING 403-578-4111

Elaine Nielsen MARKETING 403-854-4560

LisaMyers-sortland Graphic Artist

Bonny Williams Circ./Office

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

May 12'16



Gardening, flowers and quilting were special pastimes The family of Lola Heggen sadly announce her sudden passing on Sat. May 7, 2016. Lola was born in Federal, Ab. to George and Georgette Easton on June 11, 1922, the second oldest of the family of six siblings. She grew up on a farm and attended school in the Coronation area. Lola worked at the Lacombe Hotel in Heggen Lacombe Ab. before

she married Henry Heggen on Nov 24, 1943. Together they made their home on a farm in the Spondin area and raised a family of two girls, Mavis and Anola. Lola and Henry parted ways and Lola moved to Hanna where she worked at several places including Rawlusyk’s Bakery and the Acadia Lodge. After retiring, Lola bought the house of her dreams, which was her

Lola is survived by her her mother and father, two daughters: Mavis George and Georgette (Garry) Hamilton and Easton, her sister Erma Anola (Butch) Moench; Hogg and a niece, Romona four grandchildren: Campbell. Steven (Roxann) In lieu of flowers, donaHamilton, Darcy tions can be made to the Hamilton, Brian Moench Hanna Hospital Ladies and Bonnie (Jovan) Auxiliary, Box 20, Hanna, Deadlock; six great grand- Ab. T0J 1P0 or to a charity children; three sisters: of the donor’s choice. Ellen Colina, Loreen Heartland Funeral Coughlan, Joyce Petterson Services Ltd was entrusted and one brother Jack with arrangements (Joan) Easton; plus several 403-854-2758 nieces and nephews. www.heartlandfuner3” wide Lola was predeceased by version

pride and joy. Gardening, flowers and quilting were pastimes that gave her great pleasure. Failing health forced Lola to sell her house and she moved to the Acadia Lodge and finally to the Hanna Long Term Care Facility where she resided until her passing. Lola shared the last 48 years of her life with a special friend and partner, Alois Csanits. Together they enjoyed numerous trips throughout Alberta, B.C. and the United States.

Coronation 4-H Beef Club mock achievement, club tour

4-H Sponsor Page


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The Coronation 4-H Beef Club sat in fighter jets during their tour of the Cold Lake military base on April 25. From left to right, back row: unknown bus driver, Ryley Ramsay, Jeff Smith, Josh Kubinchak, Dionne Elliott, Ryan Ramsay and unknown military staff tour guide. Second row: Jody Perry, Doug Tkach, Chase Tkach, Karly Ramsay, Payton Elliott, Loren Perry, Sydney Kubinchak, Koryn Duncan and Rayanna Ramsay.Third row: Sydney Elliott, Layton Perry, Cole Kubinchak and Alexis Perry. Front row: Jessie Tkach. ECA Review/Submitted submitted by Karyn Duncan The Coronation 4-H Beef club had their mock achievement day and club tour on April 24 and 25. At mock achievement the members took their calves to Dryland Cattle Trending in Veteran and learn to groom and show them. For the club tour, on April 25, all members went on a tour of the Cold Lake military base. They went to the watch tower, ran a simulator and saw and sat in fighter jets. Our club achievement day will be on June 7 in Coronation. The Coronation and District show will start with the female show on Tues., June 7 and the steer show on Wed., June 8. The steer sale will be held Wednesday afternoon.

Thank You Spectra Energy!

On behalf of the Youngstown Community Club in recognition of your generous donation made for repairs to our curling rink.

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TUESDAY JUNE 7, 2016 COUNCIL CHAMBERS #1 Crowfoot Crossing Industrial Park County of Paintearth, AB

Bylaw 463-16 to amend the Land Use Bylaw 593-09 has been given first reading by Council, and in accordance with the Municipal Government Act Section 606, shall cause to be held a PUBLIC HEARING at the noted time below for the purpose of general updates and amendments to the LUB: 1:15 PM Solar Energy Information and submissions received since April 5 The proposed bylaw amendments are available for viewing on the County website at or at the County Office, #1 Crowfoot Crossing Industrial Park at Hwy #12 and Twp Rd 374 during office hours of 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Anyone who may be affected or claim to be affected by the above proposed amendments may make an oral or written presentation at the above noted hearing, or submit a written presentation to the County of Paintearth, Box 509, Castor, AB T0C 0X0 or by fax 403-882-3560 no later than 4:30 pm on Tuesday May 31, 2016. Dated: May 12, 2016 Todd Pawsey, Development Officer

Invitation to Tender

Town Hall Meetings

Erskine Water and Sewer Improvement Phase 2

March 23 - March 28, 2015

Sealed Tenders for6 invites the allconstruction of Erskine Water and Sewer Improvements Phase 2 clearly marked on The County of Stettler No. ratepayers join County Council and Administration to thetoparticipate envelope, will be received at the County of Stettler No. 6, 6602 – 44 Ave., Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 before in Town Hall meetings. We encourage and invite citizen input on various topics in a 2:00 pm local time, Thursday, May 19, 2016. community-led agenda, on issues concerning our ratepayers including, but are not limited to, Major Work Items as follows: the new County Shop/Office Complex, budget, and County operations. 1. roads Directional Drill 200/250 mm DR11 HDPE Water Main 5700 m 2. 150 mm DR 18 PVC Water Main 645 m 3. 200 mm SDR 35 PVC Sanitary Main 390 m 4. Gate Valves 57 each 5. 5A Sanitary Manhole 13 vm 6. Fire Hydrant 35 each 7. Water Service 170 each 8. Sanitary Service 13 each Monday, March 23 Tuesday, March 24 Wednesday, March 25 Thursday, March 26 Saturday, March 28 Saturday, March 28

Byemoor Hall Red Willow Hall Big Valley Jubilee Hall Erskine I.O.O.F. Hall Stettler Ag Society Linda Hall

7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.

For more information please contact the County of Stettler at 403-742-4441.

Tender documents can be picked up at the office of the Owner’s Representative, MPE Engineering #302, 4702-49 Ave., Red Deer, AB. A general site visit will be held at 2:00 pm, Thursday, May 5 starting at Erskine Pump Station located at the corner of Prospect Ave and Johnson Street, Erskine, AB. Each tender must be accompanied by a bank draft or bid bond in the amount of ten (10%) percent of the Tender Price, payable to the County of Stettler No. 6. Tenderers are also required to supply a Consent of Surety Form in the amount equal to fifty (50%) percent of the Contract Sum. Specifications and Drawings will also be available for viewing at the Calgary, Red Deer and Edmonton Construction Association Offices. The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities in, or reject any or all tenders, or accept the Tender deemed most favourable in the interest of the Owner. Tenders will be opened in public. County of Stettler No. 6 6602 – 44 Avenue/Box 1270 Stettler AB, T0C 2L0 403-742-4441

MPE Engineering Ltd. #302, 4702 – 49 Ave. Red Deer, AB T4N 6I5 403-348-8340

8 May

12'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

R e a l E stat e/ Hom e s

ECA review

Galahad Care Centre treated to lots of music

Submitted by Jamie Geddes David Biggs of Killam provide a needs. They strive to create resident “We have a very good volunteer The Walter Jahns Singers’ permusical interlude once a month. David and family centered events and conbase,” said Blumhagen. formed their 33rd annual Spring plays a variety of string instruments nections which they make seem “We are very fortunate to have the Concert entitled The Director’s All and his wife joins in singing with the effortless. Diligent to provide the day support we are given. We know that if Time Favourites on Sunday, April 25 at residents. They also lend a musical to day must haves, the staff is keenly there is a need, we can count on our the Galahad Care Centre. hand with other special events. aware that they have tremendous area volunteers to help us achieve a goal The Walter Jahns Singers directed The Galahad Care Centre Ladies’ support and volunteers to help make and meet that need. We are grateful for by Carl Jahns and accompanied on Auxiliary host a variety of events such the little extras come together. their continued support.” piano by Diane Jahns, sang their full as a Mother’s Day tea; a St. Patrick’s concert program for the residents and Day chili and soup, a Thanksgiving staff. Dinner and a Christmas party which Carl Jahns celebrated 15 years of always includes a musical portion for directing the Singers and chose his the resident’s enjoyment. favourites for the program. The The Auxiliary provide a monthly Singers perform twice a year at the birthday party to honour residents centre. who have had a birthday that month. “Thank you for having us here Cake and you guessed it, music is tonight and we always enjoy coming served! out to perform for you,” said Jahns. Pastor Jim Culham, a chaplain at “The residents love their music,” Castor and Hanna Hospital affectionThe Walter Jahns Singers’ performed their 33rd annual Spring Concert at the Galahad Care said Cathy Blumhagen. ately known at the Centre as the Centre on Sunday, April 25. ECA Review/Submitted “They look forward to Walter Jahns “Pastor from Castor” volunteers once concerts and all the music programs a month. He helps lighten the resithat are serviced by various volundents’ day with a sing-along, some teers.” You see their fingers going, jokes and anecdotes. their toes are tapping and really This month the staff will take the enjoying themselves.” residents to visit Niconna’s The centre ensures music once a Greenhouse and see the Popovich’s week. perform their comedic musical act in On Thursdays, the centre offers Killam. Arnold lee - Unreserved FArm AUction church services which is provided on a The Centre provides many daily Cereal, enhance – saturday, june 14, 2014 - 10:00 a.M. rotational basis by several denominaactivities the residents’ Directions: From Cereal AB: South on #886 to junction #570, 11 kms East to RD 5-3 & 5 kms south to yard. tions. Each service is led by Flagstaff physical, mental, social, and spiritual (Watch for Signs) area clergy comOwners Phone: Contact arnold lee at (403) 526- 0401 or cell (403) 664-9561 plete with Bible •  Brandt 7” X 35’ Auger c/w Honda 13 hp  •  1985 Buick Le Sabre •   Socket Sets, Hand Tools TRACTORS, COMBINE & engine, elect. start & winch •   Makita elect. impact •  1953 Chevrolet 1100 SWATHER: readings, short •  Walinga 510 Std Agri Vac •   Tow Chains •  Various older vehicles for parts or •  Case International 4694 Tractor, 20.8 X  •   Various Power Tools rebuilding GRAIN BINS: 34 tires, PTO, 4 hyd., 5620 hrs showing. inspirational sto•   Forney arc welder •  #1 GSI 4200 bus. on wood •  Case 4690 Tractor, 20.8 X 34 tires, 4 hyd.,  •  Arctic Cat 400 Quad 4X4 Speedrack •   Plus a sizable assort. of misc tools, shop  •  1975 Ford F100 Supercab •  #2 Westeel Rosco 3300 bus. on wood ries and hymns to PTO, 8216 hrs., showing. & farming supplies too numerous to list •  1963 Chev 3 ton, wood box & hoist. Needs  •  #3 UFA 2750 bus. on wood •  International 1482 PT Combine, hyd.,  sing. •  #4 Westeel Rosco 3300 bus. on wood clutch repair. FURNITURE, COLLECTABLES & reverser, 7 belt Victory pickup. •  #5 Westeel Rosco 1250 bus. on wood ANTIQUE MACHINERY: •  MF 200 SP Swather, 30’ draper table, elect.  TILLAGE & SEEDING: On most •   3 drawer oak dresser with mirror, various controls, UII pickup reel, 1645 hrs. •   Case IH 5600 Cultivator, 40’, c/w Flexi-Coil  •  #6 UFA 1750 bus. on wood •  #7 Westeel Rosco 1750 bus. on wood  older dressers •  MF 1135 Tractor, 23.1 X 34 tires, dual hyd.,  3 bar mounted harrows Tuesdays, Alaire (located off farm) •   Oak chest of 3 drawers PTO. (Engine overhaul approx. 2300 hrs  •   Flexi Coil System 95 - 50’ Harrow Packer •  #8 Westeel Rosco 2750 bus. on wood  •   Brass Spittoon, old telephone ago, 2 seasons on clutch overhaul - approx.  •  H   armon Rockomatic Rock Picker Oberg from All Your • Carpentry Needs (located off farm) •   Eatonia wash ringer, butter press, 60 hrs.)  MF 360 Discer, 2 - 15’ in tandem TANKS & MISC.: various crocks, butter churn, boilers, •  Case 930 Tractor, 18.4 X 34 tires, 1080  Forestburg comes •  M   F 36 18’ discer Fences/Decks/House Renovation•  Westward end-gate drill fill washtubs, enamelware , wash board hrs on engine overhaul (tack replaced with  •   Morris 19’ Cultivator, c/w 3 bar mounted  •  Degelman 9’ dozer blade •   Stereoscope and plays the engine overhaul) harrows •  4 - 20.8 X 34 tires •   Runway light •  John Deere 720 Diesel Tractor, sells with  •   5 - 6’ P20-4 Flexi Coil Packers •  150 gal. poly water tank •   Coal Oil Lamps, various wood chairs, piano while Vern Robin FEL & bucket •   3 - 4’ Flexi Coil Packers •  2-500, 1-1000, 2-300 gal fuel tanks wrought iron bed, Angora Chaps, small •   4 - 4’ coil packers GRAIN TRUCK, VEHICLES & ATV: 403-990-9371 Erickson of •  3 elect. fuel pumps insulators •  1981 International S1900 Diesel Tandem,  •   Mel-Cam hyd. rock bucket •  4 slip tanks •   Kohlswa Sweden Anvil •  H   armon 8’ Swath Roller Killam often 3208 Cat, 10.00 X R 20 tires, Allison 5  •  Kirby straw & chaff spreader •   Leg Vice, #12 AB Jardine Forge Blower, 16052AX0 speed auto., 18’ steel box & hoist, roll tarp,  GRAIN LOADERS: •  Round Galvanized Water Tank post drill, barrel Tailwind’s • Consulting & Construction plays guitar for plumbed for drill fill., 173,230 kms. Farm King 10” X 60’ Swing Auger SHOP & FARMING SUPPLIES: •   Various Pieces of Horse-Drawn •  1987 Ford F 150, 2WD, 176,589 kms •  Sakundiak HD7-1200 7” X 35’ Auger c/w  •   Pro Air II air compressor Machinery an afternoon •  1990 Ford F150, 4X4 ext. cab, 206,682 kms. Kohler 14 hp engine & elect. start •   Battery Charger •   Various Old Harness, Saddle & Tack sing-a-long with CONTACT: Jeff & Sheryl Van Wert the residents and Please visit Vern Thuroo staff. Doug & Rae 403-362-2972 (evening), 403-854-5853 Bish of for complete listing & details. 403-820-0650 (cell) “Farmers Serving Farmers” Forestburg and Cell: 403-793-9988


Tom and Marilyn Bunbary of Castor bring up the vocals. At times they are joined by Jean Kumar and Agnes Oberg of Forestburg who lend their voices in song. The residents join singing from their favourite old time song book. Joyce and

Hanna & Area Unreserved Spring Antique & Collectible


Saturday, May 28, 2016

10:00 AM at the Hanna Round-Up Centre

Consigners include Herb Gutsche (Endiang), Ken & Eleanor Schultz (Endiang), the Servonnet Estate (Scapa)

*Furniture *Housewares *Lighting *Bottles/Crates *Wash Day *Toys *Decorative *Books & Magazines *Barber, Smoke Shop & Ladies Only *Trunks *Records*Garage & Advertising *Outdoor *Newer Items *Home & Yard (Sale subject to additions & deletions)

Listing & pics can be found at

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Feature Trees Size Price Colorado Spruce - Premium 6’-7’ $100 Colorado Spruce - shelterbelt grade 6’-7’ $70 Spruce installation available for $40/tree with a minimum order of 10 trees Please contact me for additional installation conditions Feature Shrubs Yellow Twig Dogwood, Potentilla, Spirea, Mugo Pine, Cranberry, Ninbark & more

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R e a l E stat e/ Hom e s

ECA review

Publication to document Stettler’s historical roots Debra Johnston

Council made no decision at the meeting.

ECA Review reporter Documenting the origins and changing face of Stettler from 1905 to 1910 is the focus of a new Stettler Museum campaign. At the May 3 Stettler Town Council meeting, Alf Erickson outlined the Museum’s goal of compiling and printing Stettler’s history for the time period. The project will cost $3000 for 1200 copies which will be available free of charge to the public. Erickson requested that Stettler town council consider providing a grant for the project.

Low bid wins contract

Tender bids continue to come in well under budget for planned projects. The 2016 sidewalk replacement tender went to Greg Patterson who bid $91,170 to replace miscellaneous sections of concrete. The budget for the project is $130,000. Two other companies bid on the project: J. Branco and Sons $116,276.95 and Proform Concrete $129,372

First reading passed

Bylaw 2083-16 passed first



Trade show draws crowd

Over 2900 people visited the recent Stettler Trade Show according to a Stettler Board of Trade media release. Over 125 exhibitors were present at this year’s show.

Furnace Cleaning Book Now

Nick & Donna Kozak 11067 - 602 Secondary Rd 22km east of Alliance or 3km west of Junction Sec Rd # 872 &602

reading at the meeting. If the bylaw passes third reading, it would rezone two residential general lots, 4917 and 4919 53 Street, to commercial neighbourhood district. The owners have requested the rezoning in order to develop an Escape Room Facility in the lower level of the structure. The upper level currently houses Remedy Art Studio.

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May 12'16



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Coronation Home Hardware Building Centre will match or beat any competitor’s quote or estimate, if we can’t beat it we will pay you!! For every $1000 worth of material you get quoted we will pay $5 if we can’t beat the competition’s estimate. Limit of up too $500 per estimate. Must bring current estimate in for matching purposes, if we can’t beat or match it bring in your receipt upon purchasing the material from competitor and we will pay you based on the total amount purchased. Please feel free to call or email Mathew with questions.

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Coronation/Stettler, Ab


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12'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review


May 15 - 21, 2016

The RCMP – Much more than policing!


Canada’s national police force is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and what better time to learn more about who they are and what they do than during National Police Week, May 15 to 21. While today’s “Mounties” still work to “always get their man”, to do so requires so much more than when the RCMP was created back in 1873. Originally, the RCMP provided general law enforcement for early settlers in Canada, with a role that varied from establishing peaceful relationships between settlers and the First Nations, to fighting fires if the need arose. These officers also established their presence internationally during numerous rebellions and wars. The first women police members were signed on about 100 years after the organization was formed, but are now a vital part of RCMP operations. In fact, the RCMP continues to grow as its role becomes even more challenging with today’s technological advances. The use of technology has generated a new wave of criminal activity, and one branch of the RCMP’s National Police Services deals specifically with crimes such as identity theft or sex offences, and provides services related to security, audio and video analysis, and co-ordination of investigations between all police services in Canada. Other branches deal with firearms, education, information, intelligence, forensic laboratories, identification networks and child exploitation. The RCMP’s major areas of focus include organized crime, terrorism, youth, aboriginal communities and economic integrity. On a more local level, RCMP officers still provide everyday policing in areas not served by provincial or municipal police services. They also provide extra support to provinces and municipalities when needed.

Coronation RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Big Knife Provincial Park, Killam RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Alliance, Amisk, Daysland, Forestburg, Brownfield, Bulwark, Burma Park, Castor, Coronation, Federal, Fleet, Halkirk, Talbot and Throne. Galahad, Hardisty, Heisler, Killam, Laughed, Sedgewick and Strome,

Provost RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Bodo, Cadogan, Capt. Ayre Lake, Czar, Consort RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Compeer, Consort, Hemaruka, Hayter, Hughenden, Metiskow and Provost. Kirriemuir, Lloyd Hills, Loyalist, Monitor, Neutral Hills, Pemukan, Altario and Veteran.


Hon. Kevin Sorenson, M.P. Crowfoot Battle River – Crowfoot Constituency Office 4945 - 50 St. Camrose, T4V 1P9 Phone: 1-800-665-4358 Fax: 780-608-4603 e-mail:

5015-50th Ave. Box 819 Castor, AB T0C 0X0 403-882-3031

4706 Victoria Ave., Coronation, AB


Ph. (403) 882-3215 Fax. (403) 882-2700

open 7 days per week

Woody’s Automotive

OK Tire, Coronation 4901 Victoria Street 403 578 3613


Sinclair Plumbing & Heating (Hanna) Ltd.

Box 178 • 301 - 1st Ave, West Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Robin Gall • Ph. (403) 854-3211 • Fax (403) 854-3785


4608 44 Ave. • 403.742.3481


403-742-6272 • Stettler, AB

RCMP Hanna Detachment 104 3rd Avenue West 403 854-3393

Hanna, AB 403-854-3711

Dallas Ellerby - Agent Calgary, Ab

403-578-2584 Coronation


ph. 403-882-3244 403-882-2334 fax. 403-882-2714

RCMP Provost Detachment 5012 53rd Avenue 780 753-2215

APACHE CANADA LTD. 4915 Victoria Ave • P.O Box 99 Coronation, AB T0C 1C0 Direct: 403-578-2131

4822 Victoria Avenue.,

Coronation AB 403 578 4663

RCMP Coronation Detachment Battl Battle Riv 4909 Royal St. 403 578 3666



ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

May 12'16


Stettler RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Big Valley, Botha, Buffalo Lake Wainwright RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Arm Lake, Camp Wainwright (CFB), Meadows, Buffalo Lake Provincial Park, Buffalo Sands, Buffalo View Estates, Byemoor, Content Chauvin, Clear Lake, Denwood (Camp Wainwright), Dillberry Lake, Egerton, Fabian, Gilt Edge, Bridge, Erskine, Fenn, Gadsby, Nevis, Red Willow, Rochon Sands, Stettler and White Sands. Greenshields, Heath, Irma, Jarrow, Killarney Lake, Ribstone and Wainwright.

Three Hills RCMP Detachment serving Allingham, Ardley, Content Bridge South, Delburne, Drumheller RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Aerial, Beynon, Cambria, Carbon, Elnora, Equity, Ghost Pine Creek, Huxley, Lousana, Sunnyslope, Three Hills, Trochu and Twining. Dalum, Delia, Dorothy, Drumheller, Dunphy, East Coulee, Hesketh, Kirkpatrick, Little Fish Lake, Michichi, Morrin, Munson, Nacmine, Redland, Rosebud, Rosedale, Rowley, Ramsey, Scollard, Sharples, Taylor Siding, Trefoil, Verdant Valley and Wayne.

Bashaw RCMP Detachment serving Alix, Bashaw, Buffalo Lake Estates, Donalda, Dorenlee, Edberg, Ferintosh, Meeting Creek, Mirror, Pelican Point and Tees. Hanna RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Big Stone, Blood Indian Park, Bonar, Bull Pound, Carolside, Craigmyle, Dowling, Endiang, Garden Plains, Hand Hills, Hanna, Homestead Coulee, Pollockville, Red Rose, Rochdale, Rose Lynn, Scapa, Scottsfield, Sheerness, Spondin, Stanmore, Sunnynook, Watts and Youngstown.

Community needs

Public safety and security, rights and freedoms and strengthening police-community ties are the goals of National Police Week. These issues are key to safe homes and communities and when police work with the community, they are easier to accomplish. The RCMP (Royal Oyen RCMP Detachment serving the communities of Acadia Valley, Atlee, Benton, Bindles, Canadian Mounted Buffalo, Capon, Cavendish, Cereal, Chinook, Empress, Esther, Excel, Helmsdale, Kinmundy, Police) provides services Lanfine, Naco, New Brigden, Oyen, Sedalia and Sibbald. to the three territories,

Castor RCMP Oyen Detachment 317 1st Ave East 403 664-3505

Box 179 Castor, AB T0C 0X0

403-882-3055 fax 403-882-2349


Gus Wetter School

Castor, AB • 403-882-3242

Wes Wes Taylor Taylor MLA MLA

Battle River - Wainwright Constituency

le River - Wainwright On behalf ofConstituency theConstituency Constituency ver - Wainwright I thank you for your dedication to serve & protect.

DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

Crew Open 24 Hours

107 Palliser Trail, Hanna


RCMP Stettler Detachment 5902 44th Avenue 403 742-3382

McKenzie Motors

activities and rehabilitate those who already have, as one of the many ways they work within the community.

Castor Fender Mender 5009 - 49 Ave., Castor AB 587 802 4340 Shop 403 575 0104 Cell


Castor OK Tire



5501-50 Ave., Castor, AB


Ted McKenzie 403-578-3866 Coronation

882-3211 • Castor




Good Fences Make Good Neighbours!

Verle Klassen Ph 403-741-4483 Fax 403-742-4560

eight provinces (not Ontario and Quebec), about 198 municipalities and 192 First Nations communities. It first played a role in general law enforcement and community relations starting in 1874, and was reorganized in 1920 to become a federal police force. Police try to build relationships with youth to prevent them from getting drawn into crime

RCMP Killam/Forestburg Detachment 4915 49 Ave • 780 385-3502


4418 Railway Ave., Box 520, Coronation AB Ph: 403 578 3800 • Fax: 403 578 3993


Convenience Store Gasoline * Diesel * Propane 7am-8pm Winter 7am-9pm Summer

403-779-2622 615 Main St. Youngstown

717-14th Ave., Wainwright, AB 780-842-4454 We salute our Police Service for protecting our communities.

Village of Consort

4901 50 Ave Consort, AB 1.403.577.3623 - phone 1.403.577.2024 - fax Grateful for the service provided to our community. We honour and thank them.

Fastimes Towing 403-740-3763

12 M a y

12'16 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review

Ph. 403-578-4111•Fax. 403-578-2088 Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). Reach 81,500 readers with your classified. This includes For Sale, For Rent, Card of Thanks, Coming Events, etc. Payment Necessary All Classified Ads are on a Cash Only basis and must be prepaid before running. There will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. We accept cash, cheque, VISA or MC. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. The Review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads All classified ads must be received by 5 pm on Mondays preceding publication. For Too Late To Classifieds ad must be received by 10 am Tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to Box 70, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0.

Real Estate

5 PARCELS of farmland near Hondo, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction on June 9. Over 475 acres of Farmland & Grazing Lease. Contact Cody Rude: 780-722-9777; 31 FULLY serviced lake lots - Murray Lake, Saskatchewan. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 27 in Saskatoon. Lots range from 0.28 +/to 0.35 +/- acres. Brennan LeBlanc: 306-280-4878; LAKE FRONT Residence- Pigeon Lake, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 15 in Edmonton. 1313 +/sq. ft., 1 1/2 storey home - 0.2 +/- title acres. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; INDUSTRIAL property & shop Strathmore, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 15 in Edmonton. 2+/- title acres industrial property & 8000 sq. ft. shop. Jerry Hodge: 780-7066652. Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; PASTURE & hay land. 400 - 8000 acres year round water. Management available. Central Sask. Natural springs excellent water. Grazing available. Other small & large grain & pasture quarters. $150k $2.6m. Doug Rue 306-716-2671;

Classifieds Email:

For Rent

FOR RENT OR SALE: 3 bdrm, 2 full bath mobile home in Coronation. $700 plus utilities, $700 deposit. Children and house trained pets welcome; 2 car heated garage, complete with 2 doggie doors & kennel attached; fenced in backyard leading onto playground; washer/dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher included. Call 780704-2370.

POLE Barns, Shops, steel buildings metal clad or fabric clad. Complete supply and installation. Call John at 403998-7907;


3” wide version

MAJOR ANNUAL SPRING R.V. REPOSSESSED & CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE selling all manner of RVs: trailers, boats, quads, motorcycles and miscellaneous items

12345 MAY 14TH, 2016 SATURDAY, Sale at 10:00 am

VIEWING: FRIDAY MAY 13th, 2016 FROM 1:00 PM TO 4:00 PM

Call today for info on consigning your RV units



VISIT NEWMOM.CA to get money saving coupons that help you save on your favourite brands. 25+ new online and store coupons every month. Check in regularly to see how much you can save! Join today and start saving! Register code LEARN. METAL roofing & siding. 32+ colours available at over 55 Distributors. 40 year warranty. 48 hour Express Service available at select supporting Distributors. Call 1-888-263-8254.

BEAUTIFUL spruce trees 4-6 feet, $35 each. Machine planting: $10/tree (includes bark mulch and fertilizer). 20 tree minimum order. Delivery fee $75-$125/ order. Quality guaranteed. 403-820-0961. SAWMILLS from only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & dvd: www. NorwoodSawmills. com/400OT. 1-800566-6899 ext. 400OT.

REFORESTATION nursery seedlings of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce & Pine from $0.99/ tree. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or

11303 Yellowhead Trail NW, Edmonton • 780-440-1075

3”forwide Check our Website Photos version & Listings @ Major Unreserved Bankruptcy Public Auction Sale as awarded by MNP Ltd: Complete Dispersal Of Rainbow

3.75” Restoration wide version International Of Alberta

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016, 10:00 am sharp MAJOR ANNUAL SPRING R.V. REPOSSESSED 12842-141 Street, Edmonton, AB 12345


VIEWING: Tuesday, May 17th, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm and Sale Day from 9:00 am to Sale Time. RING 1, STARTS AT 10AM: Selling office furniture, selling all manner of RVs: trailers, boats, quads, wood working tools, hand & power tools. motorcycles and miscellaneous items RING 2, STARTS AT 10:30AM: Selling restoration equipment, cleaning equipment and inventory, approximately 20 trucks TH SATURDAY, MAY 14 , 2016 12345 from 2006 – 2015, a 20ft seacan, and a Clark electric forklift

Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

Crossword puzzle answers Use American spelling

ACROSS 1. Placido Domingo, e.g. 6. Copy 9. Do arithmetic 12. Oyl of “Popeye” 13. Nothing 14. To’s opposite 15. On a regular basis 16. Emerald, e.g. 17. Adapted 18. Zero 20. “____ Got Sixpence” 21. Sicknesses 24. Building wing 26. Cut down 27. Dove’s noise 28. Classify 30. Master 32. Boll ____ 36. Screamed 38. Mine’s output 39. Confront 42. Corn portion 43. Overwhelmed 44. The total amount 45. Employed

47. Life story, for short 48. Crazed 50. Zest 54. Junior 55. Work by Keats 56. Pasted 57. Snaky letter 58. Berth 59. High-spirited horse

DOWN 1. Excessively 2. Santa’s staffer 3. Young louse 4. Bread bakers 5. Gambling town 6. Celestial beings 7. Baked fruit dessert 8. Kind of tree 9. Fasten 10. Long golf shot 11. Loved a lot

19. Cuddle 21. Drink cubes 22. Cured salmon 23. Crop 25. Brings down 26. Feasted 28. Exist 29. Ruby 31. View 33. Oath 34. Bitter resentment 35. Directed 37. Praised 39. Aesop’s specialty 40. False name 41. Bumpkins 43. Mature 46. Easter edibles 48. Riot crowd 49. Thirst quencher 51. Take to court 52. Golf accessory 53. Uncanny

Sale at am And Listings Visit For 10:00 More Info,Photos

VIEWING: FRIDAY MAY 13th, 2016 FROM 1:00 PM TO 4:00 PM

GARY HANNA AUCTIONS LTD. (780-440-1075) 11303 Yellowhead Trail NW, Edmonton

Call today for info on consigning your RV units

GARY HANNA AUCTIONS LTD. Community Enhancement Fund of Check our Website3.75” for Waste Photos Listings @ wide&Solutions version Progressive Ltd. and Paintearth Waste Management Ltd. Major UnreservedRegional Bankruptcy Public Auction Sale as awarded by 11303 Yellowhead Trail NW, Edmonton • 780-440-1075

MNP Ltd: Complete Dispersal OfFOR Rainbow GRANTING GUIDELINES 2016

International Restoration Of Alberta For the 2016 granting cycle the Community Enhancement Fund of th Progressive Waste andMay PRWML18 anticipates awarding grants am up to $25,000 Wednesday, , 2016, 10:00 sharp and invites applications for eligible projects from not for profit organizations, 12842-141 Street, Edmonton, AB registered charities, and12345 community groups that provide services to the VIEWING: Tuesday, 17th, 11:00fund amis–to4:00 pm its grant Paintearth Region. The intent of May this community distribute and Sale Day from 9:00 am to Sale Time. funds to as many groups as possible. Larger amounts may be considered RING 1, STARTS AT 10AM: Selling office furniture, wood working tools, hand depending expressed need grantingSelling capacity. Projects should & power tools. upon RING 2, STARTS ATand 10:30AM: restoration equipment, contribute to the development of a healthy and diverse The2006 – cleaning equipment and inventory, approximately 20community. trucks from purposes of athis community to: 2015,charitable a 20ft seacan, and Clark electricare forklift • Foster and promote awareness appreciation for community-based Visit ForandMore Info,Photos And Listings philanthropy;

GARY HANNA AUCTIONS LTD. (780-440-1075) 11303 Yellowhead Trail NW, Edmonton

• Promote the growth, development, and success of community endeavours Deadline for applications is Tuesday, May 31, 2016. To receive the application form, granting guidelines and/or to submit the application form, please contact the following: Progressive Waste/Paintearth Waste Community Fund Attention: Tarolyn Aaserud PO Box 509 Castor, AB T0C 0X0 Phone: 403.882. 3211

Business Directory S. Barnes Trucking


Quality Collision Repair and Professional Service… Guaranteed! Find out more about us at:

For Livestock Hauling Call

Stan Barnes Res 403 578 3265 Cell 403 575 5264


4109 - 48 Avenue, Stettler

Mon.-Fri.: 9 am - 6 pm Sat.: 9 am - 5 pm Sun.: Noon - 4 pm East Central Alberta’s

Largest Drugstore

• Custom New Homes •All Farm Buildings • Renovations • Windows and Doors • Overhead Doors & Service • Retail Sales Quality Customer Care

Phone: 403-742-3555

Guardian Drugs Killam

Big Country Bill’s Waterwell Construction Services & Building Well Drilling Ltd.& Repairs Pumps Supplies Ltd.

Little Gap Septic Service

Kikel Meat Packers

Government Inspected Abattoir

RR #2 Bashaw, AB Ponoka County 424008

780 372 2178

Little Gap Septic Service

Serving East Central Alberta Brett & Lana Twa Ph. 403-578-3157

Cell. 403-578-8451

Professional Mobile Therapy

403-747-2120 Well Drilling Pumps & Repairs


Service Wise We Specialize

403-742-5237 Stettler, AB

Wecker R & L Transport


• Cattle, Grain, Equipment Hauling • Custom 4 x 4 Square Baling

RICK LAUGHLIN 403 854 6124 LARRY LAUGHLIN 403 854 6126

• Plumbing • Gas Fitting • Air Conditioning • Sheet Metal • Commercial Refrigeration

Serving the Big Country

(403) 854-4774

Main Street Hanna, AB

Chad Brummund

RMT 2200 hrs, CATA(c), BA To book a massage: 403-860-9633 414 1st Ave W. Hanna, AB

Trailer Dust Parts & Repairs Devil Dust

Horse, Stock, Cargo, Flatdeck Quality Parts In Stock Visa/Mastercard Accepted

Furnace & Duct Devil Horseshoe Cleaning

Furnace & Duct Trailer Mfg. Cleaning CallATRyan403-884-2173 atHalkirk CALL RYAN 403-742-9823



c l a s s i f i e d s/Ca r e e r s

ECA review

Cars & Trucks

2012 CAMARO SS, 10,150 km, 6.2L motor, 6 spd, auto, HUD, orange, over 30 mpg/hwy, never winter driven, over $1000 in dealer installed options. List @ over $50,000 + taxes, asking $34,000 (no tax) 403664-0717.

MAC JAMES MOTORS The Car Credit Cure

0 Cash Down 0 Stress 0 Surprises 0 Pressure

Call Mac Today WEST GASOLINE ALLEY HIGHWAY 2 SOUTH RED DEER Call LES toll free at 1-877-232-2886 403-309-3233


A-STEEL shipping containers. 20’, 40’ & 53’. 40’ insulated reefers/freezers. Modifications possible windows, doors, walls, as office, living work-shop, etc., 40’ flatrack/bridge. 1-866-528-7108; www.rtccontainer. com.

Feed & Seed

HAYTECH common alfalfa seed, bred for hybrid vigour. $3.65/ lb. 780-374-3877. Dennis Dylke, Daysland. HEATED Canola buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877250-5252.


HEISLER History Book Committee is seeking all present and former residents of Heisler, Ab. and area to submit your family history for an updated History Book. Extended Deadline is Aug. 1, 2016. Stories and inquires can be emailed to wagontrails2017@gmail. com. More information at Facebook page “wagon trails volume 2” or contact Heisler village office at 780-889-3774.


INVITATION to tender. Crown Grazing Lease for sale by tender (SW, NW & NE 30-85-21-W5 and SE & SW 25-8522-W5, 154 AUMs, 838.3 acres, 20 km north of Peace River on Highway 743). Detailed terms of tender available by emailing dfrank@ Deliver tenders marked “WILLIBAR FARMS TENDER” with 5% of tender before Noon, June 10, 2016 to Messner Gelineau, Box 6750, 9913 - 100 Ave., Peace River, AB, T8S 1S5. Closing June 30, 2016. Further information call 780-618-2186.

Business Opportunities

CONTROL your financial future selling Watkins products. Watkins has provided stability & high income for its associates for over 145 years. Join for less than $50. 1-800-2796104. Email: watkinse@telusplanet. net. HIP or knee replacement? Restrictions in walking/dressing? $2,500 yearly tax credit. $20,000 lump sum cheque. Disability Tax Credit. Expert Help: 1-844453-5372.

HIGH profit high cash producing loonie vending machines. All on locations Turnkey operation, perfect home based LIGHT BIRTH weight business. Full details Red and Black Angus call now! 1-866-668yearling bulls for 6629. Website: www. sale. $2750. Davidson Angus, Lougheed, AB. 20 UNIT Motel Home: 780-384$750,000. More than 2354, Cell: 780-888- just a retirement 7585, Blaine & business. In the heart Alyssa. of Radium Hot BULLS for sale. Springs. Would conCharolais, Red sider diesel pusher Angus and Red on trade. Call Bill Angus/Simmental 403-947-2427. cross. 780-582-2254. BLACK ANGUS yearling bulls for WE ARE looking for sale. Semen tested. Contact Roger Spady a hard working individual to join the (780) 879-3941. team on our seed FOR SALE. and hay farm north of Simmeron Simmentals, fullblood Oyen. The job will provide full time work full Fleckvieh bulls, from April to yearlings and 1-2 November, with some year old polled and flexibility in hours. horned, A.I. bloodPlease email resume lines, very quiet, to sarahweigum@ muscled. or fax to 7963; www.simm403-664-2097.


Help Wanted

MEDICAL transcription! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Career Training

MEDICAL trainees needed now! Hospitals & doctor’s offices need certified medical office & administrative staff! No experience needed! We can get you trained! Local job placement assistance available when training is completed. Call for program details! 1-888-6270297. MEDICAL transcription, Healthcare Documentation, Medical Terminology online courses. Train with CanScribe, the accredited and top-rated online Canadian school. Work from home careers! 1-866-3051165; info@

Coming Events

SKATING ARENA and Curling Rink, Coronation, Feasibility Study presentation and open house Thurs. May 12, 6-8:30 p.m., presentation 7-7:30 p.m. at the Lions Rec Centre. Findings and future options will be presented by the Project Steering Committee.

CANADA Benefit Group - Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll free 1-888-511-2250 or www.canadabenefit. ca/free-assessment.

Cards of Thanks

CRIMINAL record? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2281300/1-800-3472540. GET back on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www.pioneerwest. com.

WE WOULD like to thank the Coronation RCMP, Coronation and Castor EMS and the staff at the Coronation Hospital for their compassion and hard work during the recent loss of our dear friend. Also thank you to those who reached out to us after with kind and caring words and gestures. It means a lot to us and you are greatly appreciated. Ken, Lisa, Ashlyn & Owen Heidecker, Tom & Carol Heidecker.


NEED a loan? Own property? Have bad credit? We can help! Call toll free 1-866405-1228; www. EASY Alberta Divorce. Free Consultation 1-800320-2477; www. CCA Award #1 Paralegal. A+ BBB Reputation. 26 Years Experience. Open Mon. - Sat.

The Crossing Resort

Now HiRiNg Located on The Icefield Parkway in Banff National Park, Alberta, 12345 The Crossing is now hiring for the following positions: Service Station Attendants, Servers, Bartenders, Cooks, Dishwashers, Housekeepers, Cashiers and Maintenance personnel. Room and board provided at a minimal cost.

To apply and for further information please visit our web site: and apply online or send your resume to

3.75” wide version

The Crossing Resort Hope College is accepting applications Now HiRiNg

for our Fall 2016 Semester Located on The Icefield Parkway 12345in Banff National Park, Alberta, The Crossing is now hiring for the following positions:programs Service StationinAttendants, Servers, featuring Bartenders, Cooks, Dishwashers, Housekeepers, Cashiers and Maintenance • Exercise and Wellness • Business personnel. Room and board provided at a minimal cost. •ToJustice • Tourism • Massage apply and for further information please visitTherapy our web site: www. and apply online or send your resume to • Integrative Nutrition. Register by June 1st for a chance to WIN a laptop compliments of Tech-Rex. Summer session business courses are also being offered. Contact Dave Watson at 403-856-8108 or


Journeyman Mechanic or 2nd or 3rd year Apprentice Full Time, 8 hours 5 days/week. Valid drivers license, own tools an asset. Able to work under pressure in fast paced and busy environment. Email Resume: fax 403-882-2331 or drop if off @Jordahl Enterprises 5201-50th Ave., Castor , AB 403-882-3944

Decorative landscape cover • Decorative landscape and tree mulch, variety of cover tree mulch, earthtone colours variety of colours

• We can now apply 403-742-4815 mulch up to 150 feet in hard to reach areas

403-742-4815 403 740 3610 403 742 7619

Answer to puzzle on page 12

3” wide version

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Claimants. Regarding the Estate of Kathleen Alvina Lawrie, of the Village of Elnora, who died on November 26, 2015 at Elnora, Alberta. If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by June 10, 2016, with: Frank N. T. VanderKley, Solicitor and Executor of the Estate, PO Box 640, 321 Main Street, Trochu, Alberta, TOM 2C0. If you do not file by the date above, the estate can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have. Creditors: you must include a full description and value of the debt you allege the deceased owes you and a full description and value of any of the deceased’s property that you hold as security for the debt. Claimants: you must include a full description of your claim and why you have a right to make such a claim.


Coronation/Stettler, Ab

HELP WANTED: Delburne Winter Arena Manager/Caretaker

The Delburne and District Agricultural Society is accepting bids for the position of Winter Arena Manager/Caretaker in Delburne. This is a term position from September 15, 2016 to April 1, 2017. The duties include ice making, operating the zamboni, managing the concession, caretaker duties, maintenance and ice bookings. The closing date for bids on this position is June 10, 2016. For a detailed job description and information on this position please contact Lance Cochrane @ 403-304-4047.

May 12'16


Sponsor a

Coronation or Castor Graduate or the

Special Grad Section

Issue date: June 2 Deadline Mon. May 30

Professional Directory Professional Directory Coronation Vision Clinic Dr. Marc Kallal Dr. Ward ZoBell Tues & Thurs 10 - 4

410 2nd Avenue West, Hanna, AB JEFF M.FAUPEL, B. Mgmt., C.A. MONICA N. FAUPEL, B. Mgmt., C.A. Three Hills - Tues. Coronation - Wed. Oyen -Thurs. (by Appointment)



Hanna Vision Centre Eye Health • Glasses • Contacts

Dr. Dennis A. Heimdahl Dr. Ward ZoBell Tuesdays, Wednesdays 9-5 Thursdays, Fridays 9-4


Chapman and Co. Professional Accountants LLP

Guy Chapman, CPA, CA Chris Annand, CPA, CA Kendra Walgenbach, CPA, CA Naomi Roth, CPA, CGA 4702 51 Ave, Stettler, AB

Phone 403-742-3438

Email: Fax 403-742-0560

Established in 1905

Knaut Johnson Francoeur Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public

5004-49th Ave (Box 311) Forestburg, AB T0B 1N0 Hours 9am-3:30pm Thursday (780) 582 3973 •

A. Div. of Central Alberta Family Funeral Services Ltd.

“Knowledge, Experience and Professionalism With a Personal Touch” 5117 Victoria Avenue, Coronation, Alberta T0C 1C0 403.578.2928 Heather Caseley, Funeral Director

E.Roger Spady Professional Corporation Barrister & Solicitor Coronation Mall Coronation, AB

403-578-3131 Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Dr.McIver In Coronation

MONDAYS 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Call Anytime for Appointments


Located in Coronation Mall

14 14MMa ay y 1 12 2' 1' 16 6

Wheel of a Deal

C Co or ro on na at it oi on n/ S/ St et et t lt el re r, , A Ab b. .

E EC CA A r re ev vi ei eww

Wheel of a Deal Section

Lengthy in-camera discussion Cont’d from Pg 4 Some trustees felt the $60,000 should be provided “in-kind” while other trustees urged the board to remember that the $60,000 currently raised was already provided by the community. Another trustee was also of the opinion that if HCSE had not taken on the playground equipment project, the entire lump sum, not to mention all the logistics of the project, would have fallen into the PLRD lap. Therefore a $60,000 cost was merely around $3,000 a year over the playground lifespan of approximately 20 years. The board agreed to give the amount of $60,000 in a letter of intent, including in-kind work to be funded through unsupported building school components.

Lengthy in-camera discussion

The PLRD spent over four hours “in-camera” to discuss the agenda items listed as superintendent evaluation, deputy superintendent position, 2016-2017 staffing and compensation review. Following the in-camera discussion the ECA Review was

26 269

99 99

NAPA SYNTHETIC OILS, 5 L /ea. Various grades 12-V MAX LI-ION NPL IMPACT 7240-5/7260-5/7280-5 DRILL 40/ea. REG. COMBO KIT DWT DCK280C2 99

REG. 49


SAVE 15%

Includes: • DCD780 20-V MAX 1/2" drill/driver • DCF885 20-V MAX 1/4" impact driver • (2) 20-V MAX Lithium-ion 1.5 Ah battery packs • Fast charger • (2) Belt hooks

99999 22


provided with notes on the private meeting that included a motion being passed by the Board of Trustees to adopt the 2016-2017 staffing budget. A combination of stable funding in addition to a small increase in student enrollment has allowed the Board to maintain staffing levels throughout the division. No other details on the in-camera discussion have been provided at this time.

Delia School modernization

In response to the PLRD Capital Plan for 2016-2018, the Delia School modernization was identified by Alberta Education for additional project scoping, in the form of a Value Management Assessment (VMA). The VMA was held on April 18 and 19 at the Delia School with representatives from Alberta Education, Alberta Infrastructure, staff, students and parents from Delia School, PLRD trustees and administration.

18 24

Discussion at the VMA was held regarding two wings of the school which were identified for demolition with the remaining areas of the school possibly being modernized. Funding by the Ministry has not yet been allocated to this point.

Duane’s Trucking Ltd.

• Lathework • Drilling • Milling • Grinding • Welding A wide variety of • Shafts • Plates • Parts • Flanges • P.T.O. Shafts Can be built or rebuilt. For Any Industry • Agriculture • Gas & Oilfield • Pipeline & Road Construction • Automotive (403) 742-6185 (Res.) (403) 740-9209 (cell.)


(403) 742-8822

We have what you need, even those hard to find items! • all makes and models • transmissions, motors, wheels, tires and much more • acres of inventory, 500 plus units to be dismantled • check our used trucks, gravel and winch equipment for sale.

Livestock Equipment Ltd.

Our Business “Revolves” Around Livestock Calvin & Judy Bishell

Veteran, AB ph. (403) 575-2262 1-866-575-2262

Call us now Mon. - Fri., 8:30 am - 5:00 p.m. May 1 to May 31, 2016 April 1 to April 30, 2016

(403) 784-3811

99 99

PENNZOIL /ea. HIGH MILEAGE, 5 L IMPACT READY Various FLEX TORQgrades SET 35/ea. 30 pieces. PEN 550023760/771/782 REG. DWT DWA2T30C 59

REG. 99


SAVE 40%



99 REG.

259 23 49





CONVENTIONAL OILS NAPA PREMIUM, 5 L Various grades. NPL 1290-5/1740-5/1770-5

/ea. REG.




Includes: Variable-speed polisherDURABILITY ULTIMATE and angle grinder. SYNTHETIC OILS, 5 L DWT DWP849XBGVarious / DWP849XBG1 grades. QST 550036719/36722/36734/40077



99999 4



SAVE 55%

44999 19 REG.

9 08

SAVE 50%




SAVE 25%



WIPE NEW Exterior car trim cleaner. EMS 9061






Woody’s Automotive Ltd.

Three Hills Auto Sport Ltd.

Stettler, AB 403-742-6272

Three Hills, AB 403-443-2400

4902 - 43rd Avenue

55589_UAP_01-06_c1.indd 1

55184_UAP_01-06_c1.indd 1

510 Main St.


NAPA Associate Drumheller

NAPA Auto Parts Oyen


901 South Railway Ave. Bay 1 & 2

Drumheller, AB 403-823-8598

UAP • CIR/05/2015

UAP • CIR/04/2016




102 Main Street

Oyen, AB 403-664-3515




2016-03-01 12:40 PM

2016-01-31 2:04 PM

E EC CA A r re ev vi ei eww

Bumper to Bumper

Brand Guidelines



Wheel of a Deal

C Co or ro on na at it oi on n/ S/ St et et t lt el re r, , A Ab b MMa ay y 1 12 2' 1' 16 6

15 15

Full versions of the Bumper to Bumper logo include the tagline. The tagline should only appear with the horizontal versions of the logo. For instances where these versions are required, use the logo versions provided by the Bumper to Bumper brand team – do not try to reproduce the tagline.

Stettler, AB. 403-742-0200

Innisfail, AB. 403-227-5581


Castor Fender Mender AMVC licensed, offering auto body, collision repair, auto restoration, custom painting and auto glass replacement. Qualified staff to look after your personal 7repairs, and insurance claims from start to finish.

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