Shellbrook Chronicle May 11th

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VOL. 101



100 Years of History

No. 19

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Shellbrook Chronicle

May 11, 2012

Shellbrook approved for 33 childcare spaces A movement toward forming a funded, non-profit daycare in Shellbrook took one more step forward. The provincial government granted 33 funded spaces for Shellbrook last

week. A group of concerned residents surveyed the community in March and submitted a letter to the provincial government just days before the release of the annual budget request-

ing 51 funded childcare spaces for the community. One of the organizers behind the proposed Happy Hearts Daycare, Karisa Klaassen, said that the government’s offering is very close to what


was asked for once the establishment of a before and after school program is taken into account. Klaassen said the group had initially asked for 51 spaces to accommodate before and after

school kids. The 33 spaces approved will be very close to accommodating those who do not have school aged children who are in need of child care. The next step is a meeting between interested

parties in the community and government officials Wednesday May 9 but further details were not available at press time. Following that, a parent board must be formed to get the project up and running. Once the parent board is established, the big decisions like where the daycare will be housed and how it will be operated will have to be made. Fund raising efforts will also have to begin quickly for the project to get off the ground. According to Klaassen, Government approval of the program provides grants for start up and maintenance of the program but exactly to what extent has yet to be determined. The key will be getting more of the community involved in both the parent board and fund raising. “If we can get lots of people on board and get this going quickly, it can be up and running by next year. If it is just the three of us that are still working on it then, of course it is going to take a lot longer,� said Klaassen. The process has moved very quickly from simple beginnings in March to an approval in May. Klaassen and a group of other mothers decided to look into the communities child care needs when they heard that another childcare provider was set to cease operation. What they found was that the situation was even worse than they had imagined. A survey was circulated and it was determined that at least 51 spaces could be used in the area. They submitted their findings, along with letters of support to the provincial government for consideration. One of those letters of support came from the Town of Shellbrook, stating that the Town would look into providing land for a facility if a project were to move forward. Klaassen said that it was their understanding that programs that were capable of beginning operation within a year would be given consideration for spots and it is now their hope to meet that target. Since embarking on this journey, the group has sought the guidance of established programs like Happy Hands and Feet in Leask and developing funded daycares in Birch Hills and Spiritwood.

May 11, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 3

Johnson receives Saskatchewan volunteer medal Parkside’s Clarence Johnson was among nine volunteers recognized at Government House in Regina with a Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal May 2. Johnson has been long known as a go to guy for those in need in the community. In the winter he clears snow and in the summer he cuts grass and he is always up for helping those who have trouble getting around get to their various appointments, wherever they may be. The medals were bestowed upon the volunteers by Lieutenant Governor Vaughn Solomon Schofield. “These remarkable volunteers exemplify generosity, compassion and determination,” Solomon Schofield said. “I am grateful to each of them for their outstanding con-

tributions.” Recipients are selected by the Saskatchewan

Honours Advisory Council from nominations submitted by the public. Including

the nine new recipients, the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal has been presented

to 148 outstanding individuals since 1995. Saskatchewan contin-

In Memory of

ues to have one of the highest rates of volunteerism in Canada.

Renee Trueman (Hamand)

Canadian Cancer Society Fundraiser

MAY 26th ~ Shellbrook Community Hall Trade and Craft Show 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Supper and Dance Cocktails 5:30 p.m. ~ Supper 6:00 p.m. ~ $20 Dance ~ Dizzy River Band ~ 8:30 p.m. Andrea 747-7112, Jackie 747-3082, Marie 747-3791, Lee 747-3106

Clarence Johnson, of Parkside, poses for a photo with Lieutenant Governor Vaughn Solomon Schofield and Rosthern Shellbrook MLA Scott Moe after receiving his Saskatchewan Volunteers Medal May 1 at Government House in Regina.

Rob Clark


program will come into effect June 30th, 2012, and will spell the end of supplemental benefits for all current beneficiaries as well as those who apply after that date. Basic health-care will still be provided and medical care such as hospital and ambulance services will be provided if medical issues are of an urgent or essential nature or present a risk to public health. Common sense is the guiding principle here, and by removing unjustified benefits we can lower the number of unfounded refugee claims while reducing costs to the taxpayer by about $100 million over the next five years. As always, I look for-

of Canwood is


Equality in health care Our government has moved to reform a federal program which has been providing a better standard Desnethé-Missinippiof health care to Churchill River refugee claimants residing in Canada than that afforded to Canadian citiare entitled to themselves.” zens. The reform of the Inter“Our Government’s objective is to bring about im Federal Health Program transformational changes will lead to the removal of to our immigration system supplemental health-care so that it meets Canada’s benefits, which include economic needs. Canadi- pharmaceutical care, denans are a very generous tistry and vision care. Most Canadians do not people and Canada has a generous immigration have government-funded system,” said Citizenship, supplemental health-care Immigration and Multi- and by removing these culturalism Minister Jason benefits we are eliminatKenney, “However, we do ing a currently existing not want to ask Canadians incentive for those who to pay for benefits for pro- might consider filing an tected persons and refugee unfounded refugee claim claimants that are more in Canada. The changes to this generous than what they

NOTICE Neighbourhood Caterers part of Brookside Neighbourhood Restaurant & Catering

ward to your letters, emails and calls. Write me at: Rob Clarke MP, House of Commons, 502 Justice Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6.

For Bookings Call

Lorraine at 306-468-2606 Canwood & Shellbrook


Program Director We are looking for someone who is motivated, creative and physically active to run our Before and After School Program. The position requires that the applicant have experience with children, valid CPR-C/First Aid/AED training, management experience and be open to career development training. Hours will run on regular school days from 7:008:30AM and 3:00-6:30PM. On PLC Days an 8 hour shift is expected during the hours of 7:00AM – 6:30PM. The job entails creating, developing and implementing a program for children in Kindergarten to grade 6 as well as management and administration of younger staff members. The program is meant to increase physical activity, proper nutrition and regular study habits in our children’s lives. If interested please send your resumes to: Cassie Bendig, Recreation Director Application Deadline: May 22 @4PM

Page 4

Shellbrook Chronicle

May 11, 2012

Opinions Brad Dupuis News Editor

A century in the community One hundred years is a long time. In that span of time we have gone from a full day round trip to Prince Albert via horse and buggy to driving there in our cars in about 30 minutes each way (from Shellbrook). We’ve seen letter writing taken over by email and rotary telephones supplanted by pocket sized portable phones that double as personal computers. Through all of those changes, the Shellbrook Chronicle has remained a constant in Shellbrook and surrounding communities. Many small businesses don’t make it out of their first five years while the Chronicle has managed to keep its doors open for a century. While many newspapers have bounced from independent ownership into large newspaper ownership groups, the Chronicle has remained in the same family since its first edition in May 1912. In the context of the world of newspapers, the Chronicle is a bit of an infant in comparison to old world publications but it is still no slouch. The German Relation aller Furnemmen und gedenckwurdigen Historien is often credited as the worlds first newspaper which first went to press in 1605. Circulation of Canada’s oldest newspaper is a little bit muddier as the Halifax Gazette lays claim to that moniker having been published since 1752 but its beginnings were not in proper news. The Gazette was first published as the Royal Gazette, a government publication for legal notices and proclamations and didn’t run any actual real news. So the title goes to the Quebec Gazette, which also holds distinction of being the oldest continuously published newspaper in North America. That paper, which was first known as the Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph, first went to press in 1764. The Regina Leader Post is the oldest publication in Saskatchewan, dating back to 1883, just one year before the establishment of Saskatchewan’s oldest weekly paper, the Moosomin World Spectator, printed its first issue. In Shellbrook, there is just one business older than the Chronicle – the Shellbrook Hotel- but ownership has changed a number of times over the past 103 years. The Town itself is also 103, incorporating in 1909. Regardless of what business you are in, being able to keep the doors open for a century is a huge accomplishment. Doing so while keeping the business in the family is an even larger accomplishment. In the newspaper business, it goes just one step further. Maybe it is my interest in the industry but it seems to me that newspapers are some of the most commonly bought, sold and amalgamated companies in the business world. The big ones buy the little ones forming large groups to be sold to even larger companies. All in all, independent newspapers are the minority in the business. For economy, smaller papers in newspaper “saturated markets” are often combined with their neighbouring sister papers in an attempt to provide the same news coverage with much less overhead cost. All four generations of Chronicle ownership have avoided those pitfalls and kept the company in the family while remaining in the community. Who says big corporations have to lead the pack.

The Paul Martin Commentary Have you ever looked at your RRSP account or your investment portfolio and wondered: how are the rich people handling their finances in the wake of the Great Recession? The answer to that question was explored at a conference in Toronto a few days ago as some of the top financial managers reviewed how their high net worth clients have been acting since the economic meltdown of 2008. What they’ve discovered is that these investors are more inclined towards fixed income vehicles – things like bonds and have only recently started returning to stocks. Also, they are getting more involved in their financial affairs and relying less on advisors. They’re doing more research and have begun to take a global view rather than focusing only on Canada as a place to put money to work. And one other major finding – philanthropy throughout North America has declined since the Great Recession. Donors are also demanding more of the charities they support in terms of transparency and measures of the ‘impact’ their contributions are making to improving the lives of recipients. *** When the national numbers on building permit values are issued, they tend to be a month behind as it takes StatsCan a month or so to gather up all the data. But, despite being a tad late, the figures for March still provide some useful insight into the state of the construction industry in this province. The most noticeable factor is that they continue to go up. Saskatchewan has been on a building spree for more than five years now. And, at some point, you’d think the

Paul Martin

growth would begin to level off. After all, these figures are measured as growth-on-growth. In other words, last year’s numbers were already high and when they continue to rise, they are being compared to an elevated benchmark. So when we see that provincewide increases in building permits in Saskatchewan in March rose by 17 per cent over last year, the jump is significant. The big rise was in residential – up nearly 25 per cent from a pretty decent year in 2011 – while other categories such as commercial and industrial went up by roughly 11 per cent in the year. *** A Regina chartered accountant has come up with a novel way to help small and medium-sized businesses access the kind of higher level financial support that is enjoyed by big businesses. One of the key roles in any major corporation is chief financial officer. It is more than an accountant or bookkeeper – this is a position designed to work at the strategic level to provide sophisticated capital management expertise. But it is usually something that is out of the reach of small businesses. Until now at least. Danny Wilson has been a CFO for years and recently set out on his own with a new business model. He calls it the fractional CFO. Basically he lines up four companies small or mid-sized firms and shares his time among them. He says often mid-sized firms will take the leap and hire a CFO but they often don`t have enough work to keep them occupied so it can sour a relationship.With this new business model, he can provide each client with the high level support needed to sustain growth but without the financial burden of a full-time senior executive.

May 11, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 5

Viewpoint Crowns working for all of Saskatchewan Quite often, reporting on government becomes an exercise in informing the public of what’s gone wrong. Today, however, it’s pleasing to talk about what’s gone right. The subject matter may surprise you a bit _ Saskatchewan’s Crown corporations that have often been the focus of bad news like rate hikes, bad investments that have lost taxpayers money, failure to provide needed services and, of course, a large and growing provincial debt. And in the last quarter of a century or so, the Crowns have also been the centre of political controversy over whether or not they should exist at all. This debate over privatization has been the subject of virtually every provincial election since 1991. That we are talking today about nothing but good news in our Crown sector front is almost newsworthy in itself. Of course, I say “almost” nothing but good news. The Crown sector isn’t quite perfect yet. There is still the Saskatchewan Transportation Company, whose $11.4-million operating loss in 2011 represents a steady rise from the $10.9-million loss in 2010, the $10.6-million loss

in 2009, the $8.5-million loss in 2008 and the $6.7-million loss in 2007. Those of us that inhabit the cities in particular often sit back and wonder about why the government is the retail liquor selling business at all -- as opposed to restricting its involvement to the wholesale distribution business like most every other government in the free world. After all, this concept of private liquor purchasing isn’t exactly foreign to much of rural Saskatchewan that has private liquor vendors and hasn’t seen the end of world yet. There are still legitimate questions about SaskPower rates and SaskTel cell coverage. And there remains nagging questions about Crown debt that continues to pile about as the Crowns spend a billion dollars a year on infrastructure including a predicted $1.7 billion in 2012. But while you may have heard a little

grumbling about all or some of the above, the Crown sector has actually quietly been out of sight and out mind for most of Saskatchewan in the last couple of years. That’s because it has quietly gone about its business in recent times of providing services for Saskatchewan taxpayers and, yes, providing health profits. In fact, according to the Crown Investments Corp. (CIC) 2011 annual report released last week, our provincial Crowns posted profits of $450.9 million last year on $4.6 billion in revenues _ a healthy return on investment in the range of 10 per cent. This comes on the heels of a tidy $436.3-million profit in 2010, so it appears that another solid year in the Crown sector is becoming less of a rarity and more of a trend. Remember, we may be talking about monopoly utilities in some cases, but our Crown corporations aren’t exactly private

Murray Mandryk

companies mandated to achieve as large a return for their shareholders as possible. Instead, they are mandated to provide services to customers that they might not otherwise get service (again, things like STC bus routes or SaskTel cell phone services in remote and rural areas) at the lowest rates possible. Add to this the fact that the Crown corporations are also expected to provide healthy dividends so that the government can balance its own books. In 2011, that dividend to the general revenue fund was $128.5 million _ less than the $471-million dividend in 2010 or the $755-million dividend in 2009, but a healthy dividend nonetheless. (Also, the Crowns are expected to provide a $273-million in 2012 and dividends of around $150 million a year for the next five years or so, according to CIC officials.) Setting aside whether or not governments should be so reliant on the Crown corporation dividends, they clearly are. So it’s good to report that we now seem to have a healthy Crown sector that is generally fulfilling its mandate..

Letters to the Editor

The David and Goliath issue of nuclear waste Editor: There is a battle going on under the radar in Saskatchewan. On one side is the powerful and well moneyed nuclear industry determined to find a “willing host” for their nuclear waste. On the other is a dedicated group of northern residents with little funds or political connections determined to have a legislated ban on the importation and storage of nuclear waste in Saskatchewan. The nuclear industry has a well developed public relations strategy and a provincial government that is in love with all things nuclear. The corporate media and Chamber of Commerce consistently come down on their side. The northern residents have friends across the province willing to help them collect signatures on their petition calling for a legislated ban. They have their shoe leather, walking 850 km from Pinehouse to Regina to raise awareness. Money? No. Public relations- the Say No to Nuclear Waste in Saskatchewan Facebook page, speaking along their route and their courage and heart. Honourable people. Politicians may say- oh, no- we have no plans for a nuclear waste site- at this time. Do not believe them. Pinehouse is at Step 4 of the selection process, with Step 9 being the construction of the disposal site. English River First Nation and Creighton are other sites being considered. There are small towns in Ontario that are on

the list also, The amount of effort put into Saskatchewan by the nuclear industry and the nuclear leanings of the provincial government makes us a prime target. $1 million to FSIN to promote only the nuclear industry message in the north speaks volumes. The nuclear industry says they do not target aboriginal groups, but a search of their website shows their information being translated into 9 First Nations languages, an Elders Council financed and many references to First Nations. The second poorest area of the country IS being targeted. The dice are loaded. Meetings advertised as being about suicide prevention turn out to be nuclear waste storage promotions. Cameco can have big billboards all over the north. Small anti nuclear waste signs are declared illegal by local authorities close to the nuclear industry. Intimidation of activists has been attempted. Nuclear industry money is doing bad things to poor communities. The nuclear industry are not honourable people. Despite them, over half the citizens of Pinehouse have signed the petition- hardly a “willing host.” Be aware that the nuclear industry is like the hog processing industry- use everything but the squeal. The long term plan is to remove the waste and reprocess it to recover deadly plutonium.Nuclear fuel rods are dissolved in acid to get the 1% plutonium, leaving a toxic sludge

that has 99% of the original waste to be dealt with again. The most likely place for reprocessing would be near the repository. 12,000 signatures will be presented to the Legislature May 14, 2012 calling for a legislated ban on the importation, transport and storage of high level nuclear waste in Saskatchewan. Please consider contacting your government and let them know you support such a ban. Will not affect you? Consider that the Americans do not have a nuclear waste disposal site and are looking for one. I am proud to take my slingshot and stand with the David side on this issue. Mike Bray, Indian Head

C. J. Pepper, Publisher,

The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher.

Brad Dupuis, Editor, Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales, “Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview” A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning, P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: Advertising

Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination, Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination, Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception, Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m.

Shellbrook Chronicle Polling Question Results Did the provincial budget address the needs of Saskatchewan residents?

4 votes - 50% yes; 50% no;

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed. and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of

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Shellbrook Chronicle

May 11, 2012

Report from the Saskatchewan Legislature Saskatchewan has a proud history when it comes to our role in the Commonwealth. From a capital city named after Queen Victoria to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visit in 1939 to The Princess Royal visit in 2007, we have long enjoyed a special relationship with the Crown. Evidence

of that special relationship will be seen again later this month, when Their Royal Highnesses, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, come to Saskatchewan. The royal couple will be visiting Regina on May 22nd and 23rd to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with the

Yard Sale Under The Big Tent May 19 & 20 ~ 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Watch for signs at the Evergreen corner & Golf Course corner along #40 Highway between Parkside & Leask, then follow the Balloon trail. Some items available are: 2007 Mirage cargo trailer, tandem axle 8’ x 18’; washer; dryer; air conditioner; day bed; clothing; aquarium; collector’s globe; clothing; jewelry; sewing notions; misc. household and furniture. Lunch available. 306-466-7712

Honeywood (Dr. A. J. Porter) Heritage Nursery Inc. Provincial Heritage Site Parkside, Sask Ph: 747-3307

Season Opening: May 19th

Open daily 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Now available: New & old lily varieties, assortment of perennial plants. Plus a variety of fruit & misc. trees & shrubs Dainties & refreshments on Sundays served by the Friends of Honeywood & Local Seniors Come out for a Visit!

SCOTT MOE Rosthern - Shellbrook Toll Free: 1-855-793-3422

people of Saskatchewan. On May 23rd, they will visit the Legislative Building to celebrate its 100th anniversary, then tour the First Nations University of Canada, and finish the day by attending a performance by the Regina Symphony Orchestra. To keep up with the latest royal updates you can download the Crown in Canada iPhone application at www. If you have a Blackberry or Android smartphone, you can access thatcontent atm. You can also follow the latest updates on the 2012 Royal Tour Facebook page“The Crown in Canada” and on Twitter @TheCrownCa. There was more good economic news this week about the Saskatchewan

NADINE WILSON Saskatchewan Rivers Toll Free: 1-888-763-0615

Advantage. Statistics Canada reported our economic growth in 2011 was at its fastest in almost 15 years,at4.8 per cent.That’s the best performance since StatsCan began recording this statistic in 1997; and currently second highest in the nation. The Saskatchewan economy is strong and growing and our government will continue to take action to ensure it stays that way. With growth come challenges such as finding affordable housing. Our government is working on many frontsto increase rental housing in Saskatchewan. The new Corporate Income Tax Rebate will deal with one of the concerns regarding the current corporate income tax structure, which has been identified as a barrier to the development of new rental housing in our province. The rebate will help add 10,000 new rental units to

the province by the end of 2016 at a cost of $34 million for the first five years. Corporations eligible for this rebate will receive the two per cent small business tax rate instead of the 12 per cent general Corporate Income Tax rate. This is a real step forward to providing quality rental housing across the province. Applications for registering eligible new residential rental housing are available by visiting the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation website at http://www.socialservices., calling toll-free 1-800-667-7567 or contacting the SHC office in Regina at 306787-4177. The Corporate Income Tax Rebate is only one of the tools our government is using to address the issue of affordable housing. The Minister Responsible

for Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, June Draude, recently travelled to Newfoundland toparticipate in the Canadian Housing Renewal Association’s 44th Annual Congress on Housing and Homelessness. This event brings together decision makers and policy experts from across Canada to discuss and find solutions for common housing issues. It is through meaningful discussion with those on the front lines and with stakeholder that we find innovative solution that makes housing accessible to everyone. While our government has made significant progress ensuring everyone benefits from the Saskatchewan Advantage, there is still more work to do.

Flea and tick control for your pet Ask any cat or dog owner and they’ll tell you: summer time is high season for fleas and ticks. The best way to deal with these pesky pests is to check your pets regularly and catch fleas and ticks before they get a chance to infest your home. As a timely gesture, Health Canada gives us a Pest Note and a video on flea and tick treatment online at

Sat., May 12 ~ 5:30 Ukrainian Feast Includes Jam Session with local performers Everyone Welcome!

Sun., May 13 ~ 10 am to 2 pm Brunch Buffet Adults $12.50 ~ Seniors & Children 10 & under $9.50 Robbie Ross/Andrew Brown Owners We also cater to suit your needs ~ casual, fancy 1 Year Anniversary Celebration All Week Long

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Check us out. We are also on facebook.

747-3450 133 Main Street Shellbrook

MATCHING GRANT FOR MARCELIN -- The Shellbrook and Area Investors Group has presented a $500 matching grant to the Marcelin Senior Co-Operative Centre to help purchase a new water heater for the facility. Pictured here are Paul Bourgeault, left, and Paul Beaulieu, right, of Investors Group present a cheque for $500 to Senior’s Cooperative Centre president Jeanne Lapierre and treasurer Muriel Boyer. The grant matches funds raised through soup and sandwiches and pie socials held at the centre.

May 11, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 7

Agriculture Government cuts to impact ag world The federal government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, is an increasing mystery in terms of how it deals with agriculture. Apparently Harper, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, and the rest of the Conservative clan are the wisest Members of Parliament we have managed to elect in 75-years. At least it seems that way as a group of MPs elected by a minority of Canadians are focused on changing many of the long-held programs of farming. This space has related the government’s handling of the Canadian Wheat Board often, so I won’t spend much time relating the Conservative’s arrogant dealings in terms of that institution. In its recent budget the government also announced it is eliminating the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s enforcement of non-health and non-safety food labeling claims. The CFIA has a strong reputation in ensuring food safety in this country, and consumers should not be happy with that decision. When you think about how critical food safety is, nothing that even holds a chance of weakening the food security system should be seen as a wise move. The same budget also announced the federal

government, through the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, will be getting out of the community pasture business. The PFRA operates 85 community pastures with a history dating back to the 1930s when the federal department took on the role of reclaiming lands across the Prairies impacted by the severe drought of that decade. Since then the PFRA has remained an important agency in terms of water management, grants flowing through for dugouts and wells, and in dealing with droughts in various ways, including offering thousands of trees through the years for shelterbelts. When it comes to research into important erosion control farm techniques, such as zero-till, the PFRA has been there. The community pastures have offered farmers a source of summer pasture for their cattle, coming with experienced pasture managers looking after the cattle. Most pastures even offer access to top quality bulls for breeding, helping producers to access genetics without the added work associated with wintering bulls. It is a system which has worked pretty well for some 80-years, but under the Conservative government’s current mandate it’s an area that gets cut. The federal govern-

Court date set for friends of Canadian Wheat Board (FCWB) case The Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board welcome the May 23rd court date before the Federal Court of Appeal to defend farmers’ rights and the rule of law. At issue is a ruling by Federal Justice Campbell that Ottawa acted illegally in introducing legislation affecting farmers and their Canadian Wheat Board. On December 6, 2011 the Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board and the farmer elected members of the CWB Board of Directors sought a ruling in Federal Court that farmers’ rights to control their own Wheat Board were being illegally removed by the Harper Government. Federal Justice Campbell agreed with the farmers, characterizing the legislation disabling the Canadian Wheat Board and dismissing its farmer-elected Directors as “an affront to the rule of law”, yet the federal government moved to appeal Justice Campbell’s ruling. The appeal will be heard in Ottawa.

Calvin Daniels On Agriculture

ment is suggesting they will divest themselves of the pasture management over the next few years, with the plan to hopefully have the provinces, or producer groups take over.


That might sound reasonable, but there is something to be said for scale. The ability to buy bulls for 85 pastures and move them around as they need. Having pasture manag-

ers paid for by a federal government agency is likely to offer better dollars than from 85-local cooperatives. On the surface, rancher control might seem a natural progression, but in this case producers haven’t exactly been vocal for the need for change, which at least was the case with the Wheat Board where a lot of producers were not happy. In the case of the PFRA community pastures

weren’t even a major drain on federal coffers at a time when balancing the books is just a dream. Which begs the question why the Conservatives are doing this? It also reminds of the old adage ‘if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it’, but of course Harper and crew are just that much smarter than every government since the 1930s, or at least they seem to believe they are.

Page 8

Shellbrook Chronicle

May 11, 2012

Seeding date considerations

By Shannon Urbaniak, PAg. Regional Crops Specialist, Prince Albert Regional Services Branch Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture The decision on when to seed requires the consideration of a number of factors. Soil climatic zone or the part of the province you live in, is a major determinant. Farm size or

the number of acres to be planted can also play a role in deciding when seeding will begin. Weather, including temperature and moisture conditions, can change from year to year and have a huge impact on when producers can get in to the field. In addition, soil temperature is an important and measurable factor to consider when determining seeding date. If the soil is too cool germination can be

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delayed which can result in seed damage, uneven emergence and seedling diseases. Therefore it is a good idea to know what your soil temperature is to help determine optimum time of seeding. To measure soil temperature, place your thermometer at the depth that you will be seeding. Take one temperature reading in the morning and one in the early evening and then average the two values. It is a good idea to take a number of readings throughout the field especially if there is variability. The optimum soil temperature for most spring crops is 10 C or above. However, many crops will germinate at temperatures much lower than this. For example, peas are quite cold tolerant and can be planted when the soil temperature reaches approximately 5 C. Similarly wheat and barley can be seeded around the 4 C to 5 C soil temperature range. Research has shown that canola and mustard will germinate at temperatures as low as 2 C but it is recommended to hold off on seeding until the soil temperature reaches at least 5 C. Generally, studies show that earlier seeded crops perform better and this can be due to a number of factors. Earlier seeded crops can get a head start on weeds, escape early fall frosts and achieve higher yields and quality. Crops such as peas and canola have an additional benefit of earlier seeding as flower blast can be reduced by

Crop Production Services Canada is a division of Agrium (, and one of the largest farm market retailers in North America. Our mission is to be the trusted and recognized leader in the agricultural industry, the first choice for every customer and producer. A growth company where employees can achieve success and develop to their maximum potential. Make the move to join our more than 7000 employees across North and South America and begin growing your career. We currently have an opening for a Seasonal Operations Support to join our team at our Shellbrook,SK location. The successful candidate will possess the following qualifications: • Possess a valid Class 1A driver’s license with air brake endorsement preferred, but not required • Provide a valid driver’s abstract. • Farm or Ag experience preferred, but not required • Product delivery certificate required (course provided). • TDG / WHMIS training required (course provided). • Candidate must work well with others in a team environment. • Provide high levels of customer service. • Ability to work long hours in season. • All candidates will be required to pass mandatory drug and alcohol testing. • Strong organizational and time management skills. • Ability to read rural maps accurately. • Will be required to maintain accurate records of product delivery. Interested applicants should send their resume in confidence to: or No phone calls please

avoiding hot temperatures in July. Spring frost is another important factor to consider when determining the optimum date for seeding on your farm. The extent of damage caused by frost depends on the temperature, length of exposure, humidity levels, and time to reach freezing temperature. Cereals have good frost tolerance and will tolerate frosts down to -4 C and if hardened, can withstand -6 C. Flax is quite sensitive to frost when it is coming out of the ground. Temperatures that reach -2 C can injure flax up to the two-leaf stage. As flax grows, it becomes more tolerant to frost. After the two-leaf stage, flax can withstand temperatures down to -7 C and even slightly lower if the plants have been hardened. Newly emerged canola at the cotyledon stage can be very susceptible to spring frosts. Plants at the three- to our-leaf stage are much more tolerant and can withstand a couple more degrees of frost. Typically, canola can tolerate temperatures down to -4 C. Hardened plants can tolerate temperatures down to -7 C and possibly lower. Research by Agriculture and AgriFood Canada (AAFC) at Beaverlodge showed that canola can tolerate temperatures of -8 C to-12 C if fall seeded or early seeded. Peas and lentils have good frost tolerance. They have growing points that remain belowground during early development. The aboveground material may be severely injured by frost but new growth will resume from the growing point and will appear approximately seven to 10 days after frost. The Saskatchewan Agriculture website has a map section which displays a map showing the last date that a spring frost could reasonably be expected in your area of the province. The map provides a general guideline as the last spring frost date can vary by approximately 15 days in any one location. In summary, seeding date is an important agronomic factor in crop production. Selecting a seeding date is an individual producer decision which involves many variables such as soil zone, farm size, weather, crop sequence and risk tolerance. All the best as you prepare for the 2012 grow-

ing season! For more information on this or other crop topics, please contact your local

Saskatchewan Agriculture Regional Office or the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377.

Knox UCW meeting highlights Knox UCW meeting was held on May 3rd. Vice President Pauline Chalifour called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. Twelve ladies answered the roll call. Devotion was led by Deb Mervold. Her meditation was “Springtime” a focus on gardeners. The reflection was from the meditation book “The Upper Room” and the text from the book of John Chapter 7 verses 37-38. Just as the plants need water to grow, those who thirst and believe, shall come to Jesus for the living waters of the heart. A short prayer followed. Then all of the ladies present sang “It’s a Song of Praise to the Maker” from the “More Voices” hymn book. Deb ended the devotion with “Prayer in Spring” by Robert Frost. Minutes of the last meeting were declared as such with no errors or omissions. Meeting highlights: Correspondence: Letter from our Tamarack Corresponding Secretary in regard to the weekend at camp. :Letters from 1) St. Andrew’s College (U of S campus); 2) Sask Conference Bursary Fund. The book “Ordering Heroes” has arrived, it will be used as a study tool in future months. Old/New Business: - Finalized birthday party plans for May 17th at Parkland Terrace. - Finalized details for Strawberry Tea May 5th. - Heard a report from the 50th Anniversary celebrations held at Calvary United in P.A. April 21st. - It was noted that Shellbrook UCW will be hosting the Fall Executive Presbyterial meeting. - Summer wind-up supper/meeting will be held May 30th (supper at 6:30 p.m. with meeting to follow 7:30 p.m. Thought for the month: Spring - a season of growth. What is your favorite spring activity? Why? As a gardener - What is your favorite flower? Plant? Why? - Bev Irvine

Request for Proposal Shell Lake Lions Club is soliciting contractor for solutions and price to replace the existing foundation and floor supporting the southwest addition, which is attached to the main community hall. For viewing and questions contact Gary at 427-4600

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Village of Canwood is now taking applications for one full time summer student position. This position will be 40 hours per week for 9 weeks, starting Tuesday, July 3 and running until Friday, August 31, 2012. Duties include cutting grass, trimming grass, garbage collection, minor street repairs and other duties as assigned by the supervisor. This position is being funded by the Student Summer Works program, therefore it is targeted to students attending Adult Based Education programs, Aboriginal Student and students with disabilities (Human Rights Exemption Order EX09-08). The successful applicant must also be 15 years of age or older, legally entitled to work in Canada, enrolled as students at a secondary or post-secondary school or institution, or returning to school full-time pending completion of their employment. For more information, contact Lisa Quessy, Administrator at (306) 468-2016 on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. Please send applications to : Village of Canwood Box 172, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0 Fax: (306) 468-2805 e-mail: Closing date for Applications is May 23, 2012.

May 11, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 9

St. Andrew’s raises funds for African job creation project On Palm Sunday the congregation at St. Andrew’s Church collected money to add to funds already donated over the years to be able to send a lump sum of $9,000 to Zenzele Blanco in South Africa. Zenzele Blanco is a job creation project that was established eight years ago with the help of funding from St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Shellbrook. They are a small project but have become well known for providing help, food, a daily homework programme and running fun competitions and talent shows to encourage the youth to be involved and active in the community. In 2011 Zenzele Blanco started an Aftercare/ Homework Project (Born 2 Stand Out). The site of the project is currently the

property of Child Welfare alongside the Anglican Diocesean house. Zenzele plans to construct a building to run their homework program and lifeskills outreach projects such as parenting courses, youth evenings, beading and sewing classes for unemployed women.. At this time there is an aftercare and lunch programme that runs three times a week from 1 – 3.30 and the homework begins from 3.30 to 5 pm. It began with approximately 40 children in a range of ages and of both sexes for lunch and optional reading or writing and about 12 on the full homework programme. Their emphasis is on literacy and they now have all the children doing homework or practicing reading or writing skills. Most of the children are under 10 years old.

Literacy is a huge problem in South Africa with one of the highest illiteracy rates

in the world. This type of project encourages children to go back to school

with more confidence and creates a sheltered environment where the chil-

dren are able to practice their reading and writing.

Members of Shellbrook’s St. Andrews Anglican Church congregation.

Paperwork filed for Curtis Dagenais’ appeal More than three years after first filing his appeal Curtis Dagenais has filed documents to support it. A jury found Dagenais guilty of two counts of first

degree murder and one count of attempted murder in 2009 and received three life sentences. Dagenais trial lawyer, Bill Roe, filed the appeal

Now Open

Now Open

Shellbrook Carwash on Main Street Spiritwood & District Co-operative Ltd. requires a

Branch Manager

at our Shell Lake branch

Candidate needs to: • Be self-motivated, and able to supervise other staff. • Have strong interpersonal skills • Have strong marketing skills • Knowledge of Lumber and Hardware products would be an asset Spiritwood Co-op offers a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits pkg. Advancements are available in the Co-op retailing system in Western Canada Resume, and application form can be mailed or dropped off: Spiritwood & District Co-operative Ltd, Box 906 Spiritwood, Sask. S0J-2M0 Att. Will Batty Or emailed to:

just weeks after the end of the trial on grounds that the judge erred in his instructions to the jury, that the verdict was unreasonable and not supported by the evidence and that the judge erred in imposing a life sentence on an

attempted murder charge. Dagenais was sentenced to life in prison with no parole eligibility for 25 years in the shooting deaths of Constable Robin Cameron and Constable Marc Bourdage and the attempted mur-

these documents reportedly include Dagenais’ change in legal representation to waiting on expert opinions. He is currently being represented by Prince Albert lawyer Peter Abrametz.

der of Constable Michelle Knopp. The two constables were shot and later died in hospital following a high speed chase July 7, 2006 near Mildred. Delays in the filing of

Emergency Preparedness Week May 6-12 Emergency Preparedness Week is May 6th - 12th and has the theme - Who depends on you in 72? “This is a very clear message to everyone that individuals and families must be prepared. Emergencies can strike anywhere, anytime and we all need to ask ourselves, what would we do and who would we depend upon for the next 72 hours to stay safe? “Commented Elna Fish, EMO Coordinator for Shellbrook Town and RM. Emergency Preparedness is a shared responsibility. If you or your family were caught in an emergency, are you prepared? Do you have an emergency plan and a 72 hour kit? We know that in some cases when a disaster occurs, it can take up to three days for emergency responders to reach you while they deal with the response and the most critically injured. Make sure you take the time now to prepare yourself with the items necessary to survive for a 72-hour period. Fish also reminds members of the community to attend the Emergency Social Services Training session at the Shellbrook Community Hall, May 15th, at 7 p.m. This is free information and training by the Red Cross that every community needs. Shellbrook needs many individuals trained as volunteers and we look forward to a great turnout on May 15th.


MLA - Rosthern - Shellbrook Constituency Office #34 Main, Box 115 Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Telephone: (306) 747-3422 Facsimile: (306) 747-3472 Toll Free: 1-855-793-3422 Email: Website:

Big River EMS Week May 21-25, 2012

Tuesday, May 22nd 10:20 am - 10:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:10 - 12:50

Safety Talk at TD Michel Elementary school Meet & Greet at Big River Long Term Care Home EMS Relay at Big River Community High School

Wednesday, May 23rd 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Lunch Program at Big River Community High School Blood Pressure Clinic at Big River Co-op Grocery store

Thursday, May 24th

Safety Talk at MistahiSipiy Elementary School

Friday, May 25th 11:00 a.m. - 12:30

Drug presentation at Se Se Wa Hum School 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. EMS Relay at Debden High School Safety Talk at Debden Elementary School Meet & Greet Debden Heritage Manor Remember Kids ... Coupons for free Slushi when spotted riding with a helmet

EMS Week theme; Not just a job, a calling.

Page 10

Shellbrook Chronicle

May 11, 2012

After Tax Party nets nearly $9,000 for local groups

Friends, neighbours and strangers provided a good portion of the entertainment as Groenen Accounting hosted its third annual After Tax Party Friday night at the Shellbrook Community Hall. For the third straight year hypnotist William James used his hypnosis skills on a group of willing participants before a sold out crowd and a good time was had by all. In the process $2,921.25 was raised for each of the event’s benefactors -- the Canwood SnoBlazers, Shellbrook Minor Sports and the Shellbrook Street Fair. Organizer Yvonne Groenen said that there has been so much positive feedback that James has already been booked for next year’s event, May 3. “We consider this another huge success,” said Groenen, noting that the profits declined slightly due to increasing costs. Watching the crowd ranging drastically in age laughing hysterically together Groenen knew that James would be a good fit for the event’s fourth installment. “If you can find an act or show that tickles the funny bone of two generations at the same time, you’ve done good,” said Groenen.

The event is designed to be a low effort fund raiser/community event all the way around. Groups chosen to receive the proceeds are responsible for selling 50 tickets, providing five prizes for the “treasure chest” and two volunteers to help clean up after the event. For their efforts they receive a third of the net profits. The Shellbrook Kinsmen club has been contracted each year to operate the bar, so in fact four community groups benefit from the event. “If people don’t come or people don’t make the effort to go out then that is not a success. I think the cool part is that people in the community are just willing to go out and are supporting community events,” said Groenen. Each year the Groenen Accounting staff bring forth their ideas for groups who could use the proceeds from the event and those selections are voted on by the staff themselves to determine who will be the beneficiary of the event. There is never a shortage of willing participants in James’s show as the stage overflowed onto the floor with people looking to get hypnotized and help provide the evening’s entertainment. Only five

Tiffany Delisle, Curtis Bloom, Dan Sumners, Lindy Adams and Marc Tremblay drive their chariots pulled by hand chosen “horses” while under hypnosis at the Groenen Accounting After Tax Party Friday night at the Shellbrook Community Hall.

found themselves able to go under hypnosis and follow James’ suggestions. After the comedic hypnosis show, local band Dizzy River took the stage to fill the dance floor and keep the party rolling. With James’ vast repertoire of material, which also includes a number of game show sets, Groenen said he could keep coming back for years and still keep the event fresh.

Local band Dizzy River provided the entertainment for the second half of the evening with their classic rock sounds.

More phishing emails posing as BBB Emails claiming to contain a newly filed complaint are are once again a problem for the Better Business Bureau. The emails use the BBB name and logo in an attempt to look like a notice of a newly filed complaint. The latest round includes a ZIP attachment, but that has not always been the case. Whether by an attachment or a link, the phishing emails attempt to trick the recipient into clicking and opening the “complaint,” which downloads malware onto their computer. The malware is designed to infect the computer and look for information such as bank account numbers and passwords in order to steal money from the recipients’ accounts. If you receive an email that looks like it is about a BBB complaint: 1. Do NOT click on any links or attachments. 2. Read the email carefully for signs that it may be fake (for example, misspellings, grammar, generic greetings such as “Dear Member” instead of a name, etc.). 3. Be wary of any urgent instructions

to take specified action such as “Click on the link or your account will be closed. 4. Hover your mouse over links without clicking to see if the address is truly from 6. Run anti-virus software updates frequently and do a full system scan. 7. If you are not certain whether the complaint is legitimate, contact your local BBB. 8. Forward the email to phishing@ so that our security team can track the perpetrators. If you receive a “bounce” message, there is no need to send. BBB also recommends that all businesses take steps to secure their data and the information they’ve collected on their customers. BBB’s “Data Security -- Made Simpler” is available free of charge at Contact the Better Business Bureau of Saskatchewan at (306) 352-7601, toll free at 1 (888) 352-7601 or online at www. or email at info@bbbsask. com.

May 11, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 11

$3.6 million invested in primary health innovation The Government of Saskatchewan is investing $3.6 million to strengthen primary health care services in the province. To guide this work, the government also released the Framework for Achieving a High Performing Primary Health Care System in Saskatchewan. “Our government is committed to the transformation of primary health care to better meet the needs of the patients, communities and health care providers,” Health Minister Don McMorris said. “Our aim is a primary health care system that is sustainable, offers a superior patient experience and ensures better access to services as the foundation of our health system.” The funding announced today will support all Regional Health Authorities to improve access to primary health care providers and services and engage with partners

and communities. Funding will also be allocated for designing and implementing innovative models of primary health care delivery in eight sites. The eight primary health care learning sites, built on partnerships between health regions, communities and providers are located in Yorkton, Meadow Lake, Lloydminster, Leader, Regina-inner city, Moose Jaw, Fort Qu’Appelle and Whitecap Dakota First Nation. These sites are in different stages of establishing primary health care teams that will work collaboratively to better meet the needs of the patients and communities they serve with a focus on improved patient experience and increased access to care. The framework is a road map to a patient centred, community designed, team delivered approach to primary health care in the

province. The framework will help to guide health regions, health providers and communities to work together to design primary health care services most suitable for their area. Enhanced primary health care makes better use of a broad range of health professionals, working to full scope of practice, with a physician as a key team member. “I am truly excited to see the vision for primary health care in Saskatchewan come alive,” Saskatchewan Medical Association

past-president Dr. Phillip Fourie said. “By defining primary health care goals, collaborative and team-based care delivery will be enhanced so that patient’s interests remain at the centre, and family physicians will be integral members of these teams for the delivery of care to all Saskatchewan citizens. Saskatchewan family physicians support the goal of each Saskatchewan citizen being attached to a family physician, as they bring unique skills and specific training to complement the team. The physicians

of the province also recognize that the evolution of quality improvement is grounded in the local needs and realities of individual communities.” Communities play a vital role in determining the design of health care services in their areas. “Community engagement is a critical component of a patient-centered primary health care system,” Cudworth Mayor Harold Mueller said. “We established the Cudworth Community Health Council that includes representatives

from the community and Saskatoon Health Region. The terms of engagement for this council focus on shared decision-making to achieve mutually acceptable outcomes. The process we followed and the agreement we reached could serve as a prototype for other interested communities.” For more information on Primary Health Care in Saskatchewan visit the Ministry of Health website at

$1.9 million to reduce serious violent crime in Saskatchewan The Government of Saskatchewan is fulfilling its promise to improve safety and security in the province by investing $1.9 million into a new Serious Violent Offender Response to target high risk serious violent offenders. Responsibility for this new program will be shared between the Ministry of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing and the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General. The Ministry of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing will invest $1.23 million for four new police officers, six new probation officers, two support staff and one clinical director. The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General will invest $700,000 for five additional prosecutors and five support staff. This is the first stage of a $3 million, four-year commitment. Prosecutions will work closely with Policing and Adult Probation units to track and identify high risk serious violent offenders. Through this collaborative approach, staff will monitor the profiles of violent offenders to help ensure they are dealt with appropriately in the justice system. “This shared program will be an effective tool for dealing with Saskatchewan’s high risk violent offenders,” Justice Minister and Attorney General Don Morgan said. “It is a significant enhancement in our province’s ability to identify, monitor and prosecute those who represent a significant threat to the public.” The new resources dedicated to Public Prosecutions will be located in Regina, Saskatoon, North Battleford, Meadow Lake, Prince Albert and Melfort. The new resources from Corrections, Public

Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill MP Rob Clarke

Meadow Lake 114 Centre St. Suite C Box 1260 S9X 1Y9 Phone: 306-234-2334 Fax: 306-234-2339

Please contact my office if you are having problems with EI, CPP, Passports, CEP, Status cards, CRA, Agriculture Canada or any other Federal Government programs or departments.

La Ronge 711 La Ronge Ave Box 612 S0J 1L0 Phone: 306-425-2643 Fax: 306-425-2677


Ottawa House of Commons 502 Justice Bldg. K1A 0A6 Phone: 613-995-8321 Fax: 613-995-7697

“Check out my website at for important information.” - MP Rob Clarke

GRADE 2 CHRONICLE TOUR -- Mrs. Rhonda Fitch’s Shellbrook Elementary School Grade 2 class paid a visit to the Shellbrook Chronicle office Thursday May 3 as a part of their regular course work. The 18 students toured the offices and learned about the inner workings of a newspaper. Pictured here are Mrs Rhonda Fitch, Cole Tanchuk, Dawson Stieb, Lance Paton, Mya Sommerfeld, Holden Willoughby, Bode Bissky, Ben Lafond, Zach Tremain-Price, Alexys Chuback. Front, Jade Keyowski, Tegan Naumann, Petra Borix, Claire Dupuis, Terra Larsen, Marissa Skavlebo, Deklan Poppel, Lynden Kerber and Hannah Allman.

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Page 12

Shellbrook Chronicle

May 11, 2012

Are the Canadian masses clueless?

We’ve all chuckled at the various lamebrains who reveal their general cluelessness on Jay Leno’s “Jay Walking” segment. Some examples: Q: In what country would you find the Panama Canal? A: I haven’t got a clue. Q: Who fiddled while Rome burned? A: Fiddled? Fiddled with what? Q: What countries border the United States? A: Australia and Hawaii. Recently, too, FOX News sent reporter Jessie Watters into the streets of New York to ask randomly chosen people to name an important issue or two facing America. Anton Kush-

ner, said one. Tibetan rights, said another. If I can get a good-paying job, replied a third. Back in the studio, Watters opined that maybe 20 per cent of the people he talks with on the street know anything about what’s going on in the world. That reminds me of the surveys of British secondary students who regularly list Adolf Hitler as one of Britain’s former prime ministers. So, do Canadians answer general knowledge questions with equal cluelessness? Well, on a recent edition of CTV News, we got some indication that many might indeed be a match for some



of our uninformed American and British cousins. In a sequence of on-thestreet interviews, reporter Todd Battis, in Halifax, showed bypassers photo-

rough reflection of a deep, wide political illiteracy out there. How can one live and breathe and not be able to identify the prime minis-

Bronwyn Eyre graphs of our political leaders and asked if they could identify them. A number recognized neither Stephen Harper, nor Bob Rae nor Thomas Mulcair. One young woman said Elizabeth May looked “like an Ann” and another thought her name was Mary. She gleefully admitted she didn’t follow the news. Some skateboarders allowed that they just worked, slept and skated. One said he’d figured out there was an election on only because he “saw the lawn signs.” A “streeter” is not, of course, a properly conducted, statistically legitimate survey. Still, it’s probably a

ter? Has it always been this way? Or is a new degree of ignorance and apathy walking the streets? If the United States of America is more accurately termed the United States of Entertainment, is Canada the Great White Snore? At 59 per cent, voter turnout in the October 2008 federal election was the lowest in the country’s history. And only 37 per cent of the 18 to 24 year old demographic voted. What can explain that? Some blame the selfcenteredness of the “me generation.” In another recent TV segment, for example, one university student

said it was up to federal candidates to catch her eye and impress her: “After all, they need my vote.” Others blame the scattershot nature of information online, where most young people now say they get their “news.” But is it too facile to also blame the school system? In espousing self-directed, “resource-based” learning—where teachers are ever more “guides on the side” instead of take-charge dispensers of knowledge— are our schools perpetrating a monumental cop-out? Are common textbooks, for example, such a bad idea? Can young children really direct their own learning? To charges that the schools seem to be teaching less content, administrators say there’s no virtue in “over-hurrying” learning. To calls for a return to province-set examinations, teachers say such a move would cramp their style. When there’s talk of the desirability of memorizing poetry or the multiplication tables, the educational establishment recoils at the very idea of “rote learning,”

as if it were a self-evidently execrable undertaking. The vagueness (not to say inscrutability) of contemporary student report cards makes parents suspect as true the common charge that our schools emphasize self-esteem at the cost of real content. These days, it’s not uncommon to hear of high school students scoring averages in the high 90s. In January, a Bedford Road student won a scholarship with an average of 99.7! Maybe it’s a chicken-oregg thing: Are the schools dealing with an increasingly intractable indifference to learning and civic duty? Or are they causing a lot of that indifference with an unrealistic promotion of selfworth, regardless of actual accomplishment? It’s probably a bit of both. Meanwhile, it would be more than interesting to see what would happen if Jay Leno were to try out some Jay Walking questions among unsuspecting Canadians. bronwyn.eyre@sasktel. net


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May 11, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Construction begins on Pineview Terrace Progress on a new long-term care facility for residents of Prince Albert Parkland Health Region reached a milestone today, marked by a sod

turning ceremony on the grounds of Prince Albert’s Regional Health Centre. Site preparation is now under way on the construction site, adjacent

to Victoria Hospital and the Herb Bassett Home long-term care facility. Construction of the new $22.7 million facility that will replace Pineview

Terrace Lodge should be complete by late 2013. “The Saskatchewan government is proud to cover 80 per cent of the cost for this new facility,

Federal Government must make improvements to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board The Veterans Ombudsman’s report, Veterans’ Right to Fair Adjudication, was released today. It regarded the judicial review of decisions made by the Veterans Review and Appeal Board and highlights the need to restore trust and fairness to the adjudication process on behalf of all veterans and their families. The report is based on an analysis of judgments issued by the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal on applications for review of decisions made by the Vet-

erans Review and Appeal Board. “In 60 percent of the 140 decisions reviewed by the Federal Court, the court ruled that the Board failed to ensure fairness,” says Patricia (Pat) Varga, Dominion President of The Royal Canadian Legion. “The failure to allow the latitude granted to it by the provisions of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, to give the benefit of the doubt, undermines the rights of veterans and the credibility of the Board,” she adds. “The Board has a critical role to play to ensure that all Veterans receive the benefits they are entitled to. The Government has an obligation to our veterans and their families to ensure that they have access to a fair and transparent adjudication process,” she continues. “They have been injured in service to our country and they deserve to be treated fairly and with respect.” The recommendations proposed by the Veterans Ombudsman provide an implementation plan to make needed changes to ensure a fair and transparent process for our veterans and their families and restore trust in the Veterans Review and Appeal Board. The Royal Canadian Legion and its more than 330,000 members urge the Federal Government to implement the proposed recommendations.

Living Sky School Division No. 202 is now accepting Tender Submissions for the

Provision of School Bus Services in following locations: City of North Battleford - 8 routes Battleford Urban - 4 routes Battleford Rural - 27 routes Maymont Rural - 2 routes Hafford Rural - 6 routes Spiritwood Rural - 5 routes Medstead Rural - 3 routes Battleford S2 - 1 route Tender documents can be obtained by contacting the School Division Central Office in writing (fax requests accepted) at the following address: Living Sky School Division No.202, 509 Pioneer Avenue, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, S9A 4A5 Fax # 306-937-7721 Attention: Colin Westgard Transportation Manager - School Bus Tender The closing date for the tender is Wednesday, May 16th at 2:00 pm. For more information visit


DONATION FOR THEATRE RENOVATIONS -- Shellbrook Arts Council treasurer Sylvia Jones presents a cheque for $4,000 to Shellbrook Theatre Committee Treasurer Kathleen Nording. The funds will go toward ongoing renovations at the Shellbrook Theatre.

which will be a safe, comfortable, home-like environment for seniors and others who need a high level of care,” Health Minister Don McMorris said. “This is one of 13 projects where we are putting patients first by replacing aging long-term care facilities in the province.” Local municipalities will pay the remaining 20 per cent of project costs; a fundraising campaign will cover the estimated $400,000 cost of furniture and new equipment. “This project will allow us to serve an extra 26 longterm care residents, with a total of 60 beds, reducing wait lists and helping us meet the increased demand for care,” Prince Albert Parkland Regional Health Authority Chairperson Gord Dobrowolsky said. “This new facility will also ensure that our employ-

Page 13

ees, physicians and volunteers have the best possible environment for providing quality, safe and compassionate care for the people we serve.” “We all need to do our part to work together to provide the quality of life that our residents deserve,” Prince Albert Mayor Jim Scarrow said. “I am pleased to represent City Council and the taxpayers of Prince Albert at the sod turning of the newest health care facility that will contribute to improved quality of care for the elderly in this region.” Residents will live in five interconnected “houses” each with 12 private bedrooms and common areas. The new location is closer to community health and medical services in Victoria Hospital.

NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the R.M. of Leask No. 464 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to establish development permit fees. INTENT The proposed bylaw will set fees for development permits issued in the municipality. AFFECTED LAND This bylaw will apply to all development permits issued throughout the entire municipality REASON The reason for the bylaw is to establish fees for development permits issued in the municipality. PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the bylaw at the R.M. of Leask office between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed from Noon until 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at cost. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on June 13, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. at the R.M. of Leask office to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing, or delivered to the undersigned at the R.M. of Leask office before the hearing. Issued at the R.M. of Leask No. 464 this 4th day of May, 2012. Sheri McHanson Budd Administrator

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Shellbrook Chronicle

May 11, 2012

Obituary sides west of Prince Albert. Interment will take place in the Garden of the Last Supper, Prince Albert Memorial Gardens. It is the family’s request that donations be made to Mont St. Joseph Foundation – 777-28th Street East, Prince Albert, SK S6V 8C2 or a charity of donor’s choice. Family and friends may send email condolences to Funeral arrangements are entrusted to the care ofRIVER PARK MEMORIAL CHAPEL, 764-2727, Don Moriarty – Funeral Director. HEADRICK - William Arthur Headrick July 17, 1916 - November 23, 2011 William Headrick passed away on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 at the age of 95 years. A memorial service will be held at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, May 12 at River Park Memorial Chapel. Deacon Eldon Danielson of Mont St. Joseph Home will officiate. William (Bud) Headrick was born on July 17, 2016 on his parent`s home at Brightholme, Saskatchewan. On November 5, 1940 he married Elsie Aug and together had three sons, Wesley, married to Audrey (Sather), Wendell, married to Janet (Davis), Garry, married to Patricia (Jacobs). He has six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife Elsie in 1981. He had four siblings; his brother Irvine (deceased), his sisters Alice (Sis) Stiglich (deceased) and Doris Williams (deceased). Another sister, Phyllis Schutte re-

REID - Neil Finlay Reid It is with great sadness that the family of Neil Reid announces his passing on April 28, 2012 at his home on the farm after a brief battle with cancer. Neil was born October 20, 1943 in Springhill, Nova Scotia. He then moved west with his parents in 1946. Neil is survived by the love of his life Beryl of 49 years; their children, Darren (Karla), Dawn (Gary Gerski) and Derrick (Bev); eight grandchildren, Jessica, Ryan, Shawn, Shane,

Shelby, Cole, Hunter and Taylor; two great grandchildren, Ty and Kane; mother, Maebelle Nelson; siblings, Jack (Villy), Daryle (Diana), Debbie (Dave Way), Melody (Bruce Langille), Melena (Scott Fennel); and many nieces and nephews. Neil was predeceased by his father, Jack; stepmother, Eva; brother, Wayne; father-in-law, Edwin Altman; and motherin-law, Edna Yeske. Family was always important to Neil. Neil was his own person and a very hard worker. He liked a challenge, spoke his mind but most of all he was very soft hearted. Neil did many things in his life time including construction, cooking, mechanic, butcher and farmhand. After Neil and Beryl were married, they owned and operated several grocery stores in Saskatoon, Nipawin and Blaine Lake. In 1980 Neil made his dream come true as he purchased the family farm in Hafford. Neil always said the country and the farm was the place to be. Neil, in his own way always believed in the Lord. Out on the tractor, the Man upstairs and Neil would have many conversations. On the morning of his passing Neil asked Dawn “Where am I going today?” “Heaven” she replied. Then he said “I should get going”. Within afew hours Neil passed away peacefully. The Funeral Service was held at the Hafford Communiplex on Thursday, May 3 at 1:30 PM officiated by Pastor Dave Way. Special music by Jennifer Lynchuk-Reid and Darren Boser. Donations in memory of Neil may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Arrangements entrusted to Hawryluk Funeral Home.

CHENEY - Leslie Mcrae - June 18, 1915April 1, 2012. Leslie was born in Wandsworth, Sask to Howard and Annie Cheney. He took his education in Chellwood School. He married Molly Butler on November 10, 1936 and moved to Leoville. He joined the Navy serving in Eastern Canada. Upon discharge he opened a garage, car and machinery agency in Leask that he ran for many years, as well as running a farm at Da’Mour. In 1985 they sold all and moved to Abbotsford where they continued to winter at Needles, California until Mollie passed on in 1998. He was predeceased by his parents, sisters Fern, Grace, Norah and Ann and brother Russell. He is survived by his children - Dennis, Wayne and Joan and their families in California, as well as sisters Lois and Thelma and brother Norman and their families. Les was very active in the Legion and United Church in Leask - was an avid golfer, and enjoyed a musical get together with family and friends. He also played piano, guitar and violin all by ear. He was very interested in most sports especially curling which he had enjoyed in Leask. A memorial service was held April 24, at the Trinity Memorial Church with Reverend David Smith presiding. He will be greatly missed by his many family members and friends.

From the desk of the Recreation Director By: Cassie Bendig Shellbrook Theatre Committee is hosting another movie at the theatre tonight at 7PM. Tonight they will be showing “The Vow”- seems like a real tear jerker! Doors will open at 6:30PM, so come and pay your $5 to watch the movie, grab some popcorn and pop then grab a seat and enjoy. This weekend is also the 2nd Annual Walk, Run, and Stroll Hospital Fundraiser. It is never too late to register, so come on out and support the development of our new hospital. Swimming registration night has passed by, if you still need to register, pop by the Shellbrook Swimming Pool and they will be

happy to get you all signed up. If the guards are unavailable then feel free to come see me at the Town Office. Registration forms are available online, so fill it out and bring it in with cash or a cheque written out to the Town of Shellbrook. Outdoor Fit Camp has begun! If you missed out on the first week, do not be discouraged to come out any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to the High School Football Field from 7:30-8:30PM. Drop in is only $5 or you can purchase 10 passes for $50. The School Community Council of W.P. Sandin High School is hosting a Hamburger BBQ on Main Street Friday, May 25 from

11AM to 1:30PM. This is a fundraiser to help purchase playground equipment for the middle year students (grades 6-8) at W.P. Sandin High School. Nothing smells better in the spring than fresh hamburgers on the BBQ. Before and After School Program Update: the Parent Board has officially put out the advertisement for a Program Director. If you are interested in applying, please send a resume to me. Our next meeting will be May 22 starting at 7PM held at the Elementary School instead of the Town Office. The bike rodeo will also be happening next week. The Bike Rodeo will be held on Friday the

18th and be at the Elementary School. The rodeo is designed to help test and teach children appropriate riding skills and the importance of bike safety. Weekly Health Tip: Babies and children are naturally active. Be active with them, instead of watching TV or using the TV as a sitter, encourage your kids to be physically active WITH you; this way all parents and children are getting plenty of activity in a day. Have a great week! Cassie Bendig Shellbrook Recreation Director office – 747-4949 cell – 747-9098 email –

Regular Church Services, Sunday School and Special Church Events will be listed with the Directory FREE OF CHARGE

LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. - Worship & Sunday School Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Time of prayer 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Pastor David Baldock Shellbrook Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sun., 11:00 a.m. - Worship Pastor David Bodvarson 747-7235 Canwood 11 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun., 9:30 a.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Whitefish Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Saturday, 7 p.m..

St. Henry’s - Leask Mass Sunday 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Sunday, 11 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. - Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Stanislav Kondrat 306-764-6853 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morn. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 747-2309, Leask 466-4498 Marcelin 226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays -10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley


May 11, 2012

Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 15

Do the Oilers need more offence? For the third straight year, the Edmonton Oilers have an envious decision to make: Which of the ultra-talented junior players coming into this year’s draft will they anoint as the No. 1 selection? It should be easy, right? Just go with the consensus No. 1-ranked player, Russian Nail Yakupov, who has played the last two seasons in the Ontario Hockey League with Sarnia and garnered Ovechkin and Kovalchuk comparisons. But wait just a minute. The Oilers have earned the No. 1 pick three years in a row, and offence is not a problem (11 teams scored fewer goals than the Oilers this year). Thanks to consecutive selections of Jordan Eberle (Regina Pats), Taylor Hall (Oshawa Generals) and Ryan NugentHopkins (Red Deer Rebels), conventional wisdom suggests the stockpiling of young snipers is complete. Why add another sniper? To lose games 8-6 instead of 8-4? The Oilers need help on defence and, perhaps in goal. General manager Steve Tambellini looks around the NHL playoffs


and sees a ‘defence-first’ mentality leading to playoff success. But the Oilers don’t have a Shea Weber, an Alex Pietrangelo, a Drew Doughty. Sunmedia’s Steve Simmons says Tambellini is in an enviable position. Instead of taking Yakupov at No. 1, Simmons suggests he should consider trading that pick to a team in need of a sniper and which might have a top-four defenceman to offer in exchange. Then, by picking later in the first round, the Oilers could still snare a potential all-star on defence — perhaps Matthew Dumba of Red Deer or Morgan Rielly of Moose Jaw. (The assumption here is that the top-ranked defenceman, Everett’s Ryan Murray, won’t last past No. 3 or 4 overall.) Two top-four defencemen to add to that potentially explosive Oiler offence? It could secure Tambellini’s job for 10 more years and eliminate the chuckling that goes on across Canada whenever anyone mentions the phrase “the city of champions.” So how about this for a scenario: Winnipeg sends big defenceman Dustin Byfuglien along with its No. 9 selection in the first round and a second-round selection to the Oilers for the No. 1 pick. Jets get what they need (an offensive star in Yakupov) and the Oilers get Big Buff and then perhaps Dumba or Rielly at No. 9, along with another second-rounder. Everyone’s happy, right? But let’s be clear: Byfuglien’s no Weber or Pietrangelo or Doughty, but he’s a big body and he’s a defenceman and for the Oilers, such moves might be a step in the right D.

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real problems in our country are solved so Congress can focus on baseball.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “Los Angeles Laker, Metta World Peace,

• Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “A couple from the Florida Keys bid $100,000 in a charity auction to spend a day with Tim Tebow. If I’m spend-

Bruce Penton ing $100K for a day with Tebow, he’d better be leaving a $99,500 sports car in my driveway.” • Another one from Cote: “Jets cornerback Antonio Cromartie, 27, just had his 10th child with eight different women. I could be wrong, but I doubt Tebow would approve.” • Comedy writer Jerry Perisho: “Notre Dame quarterback Tommy Rees, who ran away from an offcampus party, was caught by a police officer and arrested. Rees had a 0.11 per cent blood alcohol level and the police officer was offered a scholarship as a linebacker.” • Perisho again: “In the perjury trial of former pitching great Roger Clemens, Yankees pitcher Andy Pettitte said he might have misheard Clemens say he took human growth hormones. I’m just glad all the

has been suspended for seven games for throwing a vicious elbow at the head of Oklahoma player, James Harden. For three days Harden’s head hurt like a Kardashian on “Jeopardy.” • Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle: “(Commissioner) David Stern is no pushover. Had Metta World Peace killed James Harden with that elbow, Stern would have ordered World Peace to apologize at the funeral.” • Headline at “Red Sox sign Mark Prior in order to fill a need on the disabled list.” • Words of wisdom from poker legend Amarillo Slim, who passed away recently in Texas: “When you sit down at the poker table, look around for the sucker. If you don’t see one, get up and leave — you’re the sucker.” • Brad Dickson of the Omaha (Neb.) World-Her-

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Crown. But he also won’t get arrested, won’t give a stupid interview, and all his illegitimate children will at least be conceived deliberately.” • Cote again: “NBCTV had a three-hour Kentucky Derby preview show Saturday for a two-minute race. Unless the horses started talking, that strikes me as a bit excessive.” Care to comment? Email brucepenton2003@


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ald, explaining the crowd of 70,000 for WrestleMania: “With America forced to go up to 18 months between Adam Sandler movies, we’re starved for bad acting.” • “I don’t want to say that the Cleveland Browns are a bad team,” wrote Gary Bachman on Facebook, “but two players they drafted have fled to Canada.” • Janice Hough of “So maybe (Kentucky Derby winner) ‘I’ll Have Another’ won’t win the Triple

The Town of Shellbrook has declared the weeks of May 9th to May 23rd, 2012 as Clean-Up Weeks. The Town’s landfill site will be open on Wednesdays, May 9th, May 16th and May 23rd from Noon to 8:00 pm and Saturdays, May 12th and May 19th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm to receive only the following: clean wood and compostables such as leaves, grass clippings, garden refuse and tree trimmings. Residents of the Town of Shellbrook will not be charged the regular landfill access fee during these five days. Should residents of the Town not be able to get their excess materials to the landfill with their own resources, the Town is prepared to pick it up for a fee.Please phone 747-4900 for pickup arrangements.

Interested in Starting or Expanding Your Business? Marcelin and District Small Business Co-op can help you! We offer loans up to $15,000.00 at a competitive interest rate to help local entrepreneurs realize their business dreams. The Small Business Loans Association (S.B.L.A.) Program has assisted thousands of small businesses through their funding services. By making funding available through community-run organizations, the program encourages diversification of the Saskatchewan economy and supports community economic development. Contact Sue Bold at 226-2033 or Wendy Stupnikoff at 226-4727 for additional program information. Application forms can be obtained from the Marcelin Village Office. Marcelin and District Small Business Co-op Box 1, Marcelin, SK S0J 1R0 “The SBLA program made it easier for me to start my small business.” Ted Turner, Owner Warner Enterprises

Page 16

Shellbrook Chronicle May 11, 2012





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The Classifi fieds May 11, 2012

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Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + 20¢ additional words for the 1st week. Additional weeks: $7.75/week + GST. Classified Display: $17.50/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.00 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: advertising: P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Advertising Deadline - Monday: 5:00 p.m.

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SWNA Blanket Classifieds Reaching over 6 million people weekly. Cost for 25 words: Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French) Career Ads “Reaching Over 600,000 People Weekly” Rates: $7.79 per agate line Size: 2 col. x 2” ............... .....$424.00 Deadline for Booking/Material Tuesdays @ 12 Noon Contact the Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442 or Email: All prices plus applicable taxes. NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or services offered.

TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST RM of Leask No. 464 Province of Saskatchewan Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite of the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 10th day of July, 2012, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. Note: A sum for cost is an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. NW 32-46-03 W3, Title #117219528 $339.54 SE 32-46-04 W3, Title #119968071 $285.98

Place Your Ad Email:

Shellbrook Chronicle


Shellbrook Chronicle Page 17

NE 32-46-04 W3, Title #s 119968138/119968116 $114.97 NE 22-47-04 W3, Title #139818886 $418.79 SW fr 06-47-05 W3, Title #114668365 $816.31 NE Pt 21-47-05 W3, Title #134524098 $671.69 NW 29-47-05 W3, Title #141435693 $187.58 SE fr 29-47-05 W3, Title #s 141435738/141435716 $437.69 SW fr 29-4705 W3, Title #s 141435727/141435705 $398.72 NE 11-48-04 W3, Title #s 127708454/127708498 $1,738.16 NE 12-48-04 W3, Title #110685258 $394.98 SE 12-48-04 W3, Title #116934677 $490.73 SW 12-48-04 W3, Title #116934699 $356.16 NW 12-48-04 W3, Title #118189086 $206.73 NE 13-48-04 W3, Title #127708500 $222.88 NW 13-48-04 W3, Title

#127708612 $1,636.18 SE 13-48-04 W3, Title #128158476 $745.42 SW 13-48-04 W3, Title #127708667 $1,134.90 SE 24-48-04 W3, Title #137068678 $407.48 NE 25-48-04 W3, Title #139194434 $223.98 SW fr 27-48-04 W3, Title #112916639 $270.76 NW 30-48-04 W3, Title #116935713 $936.47 SW pt 03-48-05 W3, Title #128327654 $1,193.35 NE 25-48-05 W3, Title #118123376 $718.78 SW fr 25-48-08 W3, Title #s 141892881/14189344 4/141892982/141893477 /141892993/141893006/ 141893152/141893039/ 141893028/141893084/ 141893051/141893411 $1,956.23 NE 33-48-08 W3, Title #132046152 $2,695.43 NE 34-48-08 W3, Title #109829504 $711.04 NE 35-48-08 W3, Title #119913059 $567.59 NW 35-48-08 W3, Title #109829526 $546.19 L3 B2 84B13551 W3 (ML), Title #139778218 $852.30 L15 B4 78B17991 W3 (IL), Title #115225635 $111.00 Dated this the 11th day of May 2012 Sheri McHanson Budd, Treasurer


FENCE FOR SALE - 3 miles of fence to be dismantled (treated posts). For info 984-2442 or 984-7843, Leoville 3-19CH FOR SALE - Computer desk $50; Gazelle exerciser with spare parts $150; 27 “ color TV $150; green leather sofa $100; Green leather recliner $200; Kitchen table with six chairs $100; Venmar air exchanger $600; Eureka vacuum $150. Call 7641363 TFCH FOR SALE - Band sawn lumber, spruce 2x4 to 2x10 from 8 ft. to 20 ft.; 1x6, 1x8, 2nd cuts, and bull rails also timbers from 4x4 to 12x12. Phone 306-469-2490, Big River. TFCH FOR SALE Heavy duty electric lawn mower, 3 in 1 $200; Leaf blower $40; Electric hedge

trimmer $35; Mosquito vac $20; Fertilizer spreader $25; Gutter flusher $5; Metal wall art $65; small fridge $75; assortment of art work. Call Ann 747-3494 2-19CH

AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2006 Pontiac Vibe, AWD, Red, 4 Cylinder, auto, hatchback, A/C, power windows, locks & mirrors, cruise, am/fm radio/cd player, excellent shape, 131,000km. $10,500. Phone: 306-747-7639 leave a message. 3-19CH FOR SALE - 1987 Ford ½ ton. 306 cylinder, auto, runs good. $1500 obo. Will consider trades. 466-2261 2-20CH FOR SALE - 1979 Chev ½ ton. Call 747-2993 2-20CH FOR SALE - 1991 Olds Regency Elite, V6, Auto, last of big cars. new tires lots of new repairs. good body. Ph: 747-2775 after 6 p.m. 2-20CH FOR SALE - Take offs semi tires 11225 and 12-225, couple of 12-245s on rims. $30 to $150. 4 new radial 16” grip tires, worth $210 asking $140 per tire. Ph: 466-2261 2-20CH FOR SALE - 1996 Chev Suburban 4x4, LT, fully loaded with leather, no rust, good rubber, $5,200 obo. Ph: 466-2068 2-20CH

MACHINERY FOR RENT FOR RENT - Bin crane. Ph: David Collins 724-2225 (H), 468-7171 (C) 6-22CH

Advertising Deadline is Monday 5:00 p.m.



FOR SALE - Black and Red Angus bulls on moderate growing ration. Performance info available. Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills Angus, Glaslyn, SK 342-4407 TFCH

SEED FOR SALE: Seed oats for sale. 97% germ. Phone 468-7909 3-20CH

FOR SALE Johner Stock Farm bulls. Polled Herefords/Black Angus yearling and 2 year olds. Guaranteed, Delivered. David 306-893-2714, Justin 306-2481305 20-26CH FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus bulls. Yearling and 2 year olds. Reasonably priced, well developed bulls. Not force fed, but carry enough condition to go out and work your pastures. Transformer, Kodai, Raven, Master and Diversity bloodlines. $100 deposit will hold until May 1. Tours welcome, for more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries 469-4970 or 469-7902 23-30CH FOR SALE - Quality Red and Black Salers bulls for calving ease. Elderberry Farm Salers, Parkside 7473302 6-23CH FOR SALE Fleckvieh influenced Simmental bulls. Traditional Red and Black. Four D Ranch 306-3424208 10-21CH FOR SALE - Simmental yearling bulls, Traditional, Red & Black. Semen tested. Crossroad Farms 4274422 or 227-9910 4-21CH FOR SALE - Poplar Ridge Angus offering Registered Purebred Black Angus yearling bulls. Quiet disposition, easy calving, semen tested and pasture ready. Shellbrook, SK 747-3038 4-22CH

SEED OATS FOR SALE - Variety Morgan, no Wild Oats. $3.00/bushel. Bin run. Ph: 7472669 4-19CH FOR SALE - Common Alfalfa seed, creeping root variety. $2.00/lb. Ph: 306-883-2935 3-19CH FOR SALE - Common #1 Smooth Brome, Meadow Brome, Timothy, Crested Wheat, Yellow Clover, Cicer, Milk Vetch, Alfalfa. Also have Certified seed. Grower Direct. Blending and delivery available. Competitive prices. Darryl Siklenka 306-342-4290, 306-342-2189, Glaslyn, SK TFCH


House in Shellbrook, 725 Cardinal Court, 6½ yrs. old. 1,345 sq. ft. fully finished up and down. Large mature yard. Main floor 3 bedrooms, 2 baths; down, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Available immediately.

$320,000 obo. 841-7980

FOR RENT FOR RENT - ¼ section, 90 acres to seed, 22 acres hay. Stump Lake area. Ph: 724-4833 2-19CH

WANTED WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH WANTED - Wanting to rent an RV to live in for the summer while new house gets built. Will not be taken on the road. Needed for June 1. Phone Mervin or Colleen at 7472924. 2-20CH

Classified Ads One Week! Two Papers! List your For Sales, Wanted, For Rent, etc.

20 words for only $13.25 plus GST

additional words 20¢; additional weeks $7.75

Spiritwood Herald Ph: 747-2442

FEED FOR SALE FOR SALE - Large round bales, approx. 1500 lbs. Trucking available. 466-2261 2-20CH

LAND FOR SALE LAND FOR SALE - R.M. of Canwood,#494, Debden area. 160 acres of pasture, large dugout, electric fence. 724-4903 8-20CH

Get the Jump on Spring - 2006 Larson Senza 206 BowRider boat w/5.0 Merc i/o, 260hp low hours, 2 swivel buckets w/bump up, open bow, back bench seat, Bimi top, stainless steel pop up cleats, snap out carpet, full gauge pkg., factory built-in stereo w/Sirius satellite radio, factory mooring cover, stainless Roswell wakeboard tower w/2 board racks, ski well, 2 factory engine compartment storage containers, Factory Larson HD tandem axle trailer w/ chrome wheels, disc brakes, break away hitch, very good condition, great family boat, stored under cover. $24,900.00 Call 306-747-3432

Great Family Home For Sale

3+1 bedroom 1,175 sq. ft. bungalow in Shellbrook. Open concept with vaulted ceiling in kitchen and living room. Close to schools in a great neighbourhood. Quick possession available. $254,000

Call 747-7545 for viewing

Page 18 Shellbrook Chronicle May 11, 2012

Place Your Ad Ph: 306.747.2442 Fax: 306.747.3000

The Classifi fieds

Place Your Ad Email:

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED - Shellview Sod Farms is currently looking to hire a Class 1A delivery driver for the 2012 sod harvest. Work to begin approx. May 1 and continue to freeze up. Duties include, but not limited to basic truck/trailer maintenance, operating fork lift, and delivering sod throughout the province. Please fax resumes and abstract to 747-3147 or call 306-981-3910 for more information. 2-19CH HELP WANTED - Man to run mobile tire truck. Experience and asset, but not necessary.


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library: Books, DVDs, Internet, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service. *New Hours*: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday & Friday 1-5, Thursday 5-8. Weekly Programming: After School Club (Crafts, Stories, Homework Help) Thursday 2:15-5:15, Craft n’ Chat for Adults Thursday 6-8, Drop In Computer Help Friday 2-4. 306-497-3130. CANWOOD: Branch of Wapiti Regional Library Hours: Tues. and Fri., 1 - 5 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 - 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). Ph. 747-3419. SHELLBROOK: St. Andrew’s Anglican Church Cold Plate Spring Luncheon, Friday, May 18 at 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Shellbrook Senior’s Centre. Turkey, Ham, Salads, Dessert, Buns & Beverage $10.00. Everyone welcome. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Theatre Movie Night. Next Movie Night in Shellbrook, Friday, May 11, The movie showing will be: “The Vow” Rated G - 7:00 p.m. Bring the family and enjoy! Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Cost is $5 for movie. A car accident puts Paige (McAdams) in a coma, and when she wakes up with severe memory loss, her husband Leo (Tatum) works to win her heart again. Coming on June 8 The Lorax. SHELLBROOK: In Memory of Renee Trueman (Hamand), Canadian Cancer Society Fundraiser, MAY 26th ~ Shellbrook Community Hall, Trade and Craft Show, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Supper and Dance, Cocktails 5:30 p.m. ~ Supper 6:00 p.m. , Silent Auction ~ $20. Dance ~ Dizzy River Band ~ 8:30 p.m. Andrea 7477112, Jackie 747-3082, Marie 747-3791, Lee 747-3106 AHTAHKAKOOP: Ahtahkakoop Quad Rally on Sat., May 26, 2012 atAhtahkakoop Reserve, SK. Guaranteed $5000 in Cash Prizes. Registration 10 am to 12 pm at the Band Hall. Lots of Rider Prizes • 50/50 Draw • Prize Draws Free Breakfast - 9:30 am - 11:00 am Free Lunch on trail Free Supper - 6:00 pm Located 6 miles • South of Debden • 6 miles West of Canwood • 8 miles NE of Shell Lake For more information please contact: AJ at (306) 961-9387

Must be willing to learn and be motivated. Ph: 7478000 4-20CH

many to list. 12km N of Shellbrook, watch for balloons 2-19CH

HELP WANTED Shellbrook Motel hiring for summer help. Drop in to office or call 7472631 TFC


HELP WANTED Honeywood Heritage Nursery Inc is looking for a University/SIAST/ Grade 12 student with an interest in Horticulture &/or Agriculture. Applicant must be currently registered as a full time student with confirmed registration for the 2012 – 2013 school year. This would be a full time position for 12 weeks starting immediately. Send your resume to: Honeywood Heritage Nursery Inc. Atten: Judy Harley, Box 48, Parkside, SK, S0J 2A0 or contact: Judy Harley at judyharley8@gmail. com; David Moe at dvmoe@sasktel. net 2-20CH

MOVING SALE MOVING SALE - May 11, 12 - 8, May 12, 10 - 5; furniture, small appliances, brand name clothing, tools, misc. items too

A special thank you to the community of Debden for all the support in the loss of brother, George Kram. thanks to everyone who supplied the lunch and at the funeral. - Gladys Silzer and the Kram family. Thank you, those two small words are not sufficient enough to convey the gratitude and love we have in this wonderful town of Debden. Thank you for the cards, prayers, phone calls, flowers, food and visits during our time of sadness. You are the true definition of what a “home” is. - Sincerely Lisa, Leroy, Jamie and Curtis We wish to thank all the wonderful people who attended our farewell get togethers. It was greatly appreciated. Special thanks to the people who organized these events. Many thanks to the Canwood Community Choir for the sup-

2 column x 2” Display ad for only: $50.00

A savings of over 30%

plus G.S.T.

Available to Non-Profit & Community Organizations Only

Call Now For Further Details

“Don’t miss out on letting your Community and others know of your event!”

Shellbrook Chronicle

Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Ph: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000 • email: chads@shellbrookchronicle. com

Barry Mihilewicz for the beautiful music at the funeral mass. Thank you for donations to the Marcelin Cemetery Fund. Thank you to the kind friends for their wonderful service at the funeral lunch. To the staff at Wheatland Lodge in Leask, please know that we are forever grateful for your care and support. - Sincerely, Willie Diehl and family

We wish to give thanks to everyone who came to honour our dear wife and mother, Irene Diehl, at her funeral mass. Thank you to friends and family for the beautiful floral arrangements, baking and food trays. The support given to us during this sad time is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Father Tru Le for his words of comfort and to all who assisted us at the mass, especially the Marcelin CWL, Blair Bonin, Lucille Gauthier and Blanche Ranger. We also wish to express our gratitude to Northern Funeral Service for helping us plan the service and to


SCHMALZ - In loving Memory of Charlotte Schmalz September 9, 1920April 6, 2011 Mom, Thank you for loving and sharing For giving and for caring, God bless you and keep you, Until we meet again. - Loving remembered by children Rita, Les, Al, Arlene and Families

Email your classifieds to:

Frustrated? No room in the garage for your car? Placing a classified ad is easy and affordable! Clean out the clutter by advertising your unwanted items for hundreds of potential buyers.


We’ll advertise your important community event in our Community Calendar FREE for two weeks prior to the event with a purchase of a

per evening and entertainment at the farewell get togethers. Also thanks to Debden Choir, Laurna and Paulette for their part in the program. Thanks to Fr. Sebastian for his special Sunday supper and the local community for Monday evening supper and socializing. Also thanks to all the people who offered and came to help us get ready for the big move. May God bless you all. - Marcel and Dorothy Lukan.

What are you waiting for? Call us today and start turning the stuff you don’t want into CASH!

Get Things Moving! Shellbrook Chronicle 747-2442

chads shellbrookchronicle com

May 11, 2012

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Administrative Support II Job ID: 18848 Location: Steelman, SK Primary Focus Responsible for providing administrative support to the Steelman field office as well as administrative support for the Area Supervisor, Area Coordinators and field employees. Primary Responsibilities Carry out field office duties, which include working with the accounting, engineering, compliance, measurement, operations and technical departments. As well as having to communicate with other oil companies to relay messages to and from field employees to maintain an efficient flow of oil. Responsibilities would include general administrative duties and assisting co-workers as required. Other duties would include ordering office supplies, arrange office meetings, book travel arrangements, budget forecasting, quarterly updates, sorting and coding invoices. Qualifications Grade 12 Diploma Business Administration Diploma is an asset Solid communications and computer skills Good written/verbal communication If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please apply online through our website at in complete confidence before May 1, 2012, 12 midnight Eastern Time, quoting JO # 18848. Only candidates being considered for interviews will be contacted. Enbridge, where energy meets people, was named

one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers and Alberta’s Top 50 Employers for 2011 EXPERIENCED WINCH TRACTOR and Bed Truck Drivers for drilling, rig moving trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email: Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H & E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7.

Fluid Haulers needed for AB/SK in the Lloydminster area. Qualifications: Class 1 License Truck equipped with fluid pump and positive air shut down

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CHILD CARE 123 Care For Me Daycare, Sturgis, SK is seeking applicants for Center Director, Supervisor and Full Time ECE’s. For information, call Jennifer at 548-2133 or email 123careforme

FEED AND SEED HEATED CANOLA WANTED!! - GREEN CANOLA - SPRING THRASHED - DAMAGED CANOLA FEED OATS WANTED!! - BARLEY, OATS, WHT - LIGHT OR TOUGH - SPRING THRASHED HEATED FLAX WANTED!! HEATED PEAS HEATED LENTILS "ON FARM PICKUP" Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252 Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS Wheat, barley, rye, triticale, feed pulses, spring threshed heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM Western Commodities 877-695-6461

FOR SALE PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 350,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306649.1405 for details.

Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at

RURAL WATER TREATMENT Tell them Danny Hooper sent you.




COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE, 2 year old: $1.49/each for a box of 100 ($149.). Also full range of trees, shrubs, cherries & berries. Free shipping. 1-866-8733846 or

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Shellbrook Chronicle

Page 19

HEALTH HERBAL MAGIC Look great for summer - 1st 9 weeks for $99. Lose Weight and keep it off. Results Guaranteed! Call NOW 1-800-8545176. Today is the right day to do something about your drinking and drugging. Putting it off is not an answer. (306) 6935977. www.angus We have helped thousands.

LAND FOR SALE PURCHASING: SINGLE TO LARGE BLKS OF LAND. PREMIUM PRICES PAID WITH QUICK PAYMENT. SOLD EXAMPLES Aberdeen - 1 1/4’s Bengough - 22 1/4’s Bedson 2 1/4’s Bethune - 2 1/4’s Blaine Lake - 245 acres Bruno 14 1/4’s Cupar - 5 1/4s Davidson - 6 1/4’s Eastend - 2 1/4’s Elfross – 22 1/4’s Emerald – 22 1/4’s Eastend - 2 1/4’s Foam Lake - 7 1/4’s Grenfell - 3 1/4’s Keliher - 10 1/4’s Harwarden - 1 1/4’s Lestock - 21 1/4’s Lake Alma – 14 1/4’s Marcelin - 7 1/4’s Moose Jaw - 8 1/4’s Nokomis - 8 1/4’s Ogema - 56 1/4’s Prince Albert - 1 1/4’s Punnichy - 5 1/4’s Saskatoon - 2 1/4's Semans - 12 1/4’s Simpson - 10 acres Viscount - 5 1/2 Wadena - 4 1/4’s Wakaw - 5 1/4’s Watrous/Young 31 1/2 Mobile Home Park Weyburn - 21 1/4’s Call DOUG 306-955-2266 EMAIL:

CANADIAN MANUFACTURED backed by 10 year warranty -multi family, singe section, motel style homes -Qualify for C.M.H.C.Financing -starting at $69,000 FOR MORE INFO CALL 1.800.249.3969 Hwy 2 South Prince Albert

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. WARMAN 55 PLUS ACTIVE ADULT LIFESTYLE Large Ground Level Townhomes 306 241 0123 www.diamond

STEEL BUILDINGS DIY STEEL BUILDING DEALS! Many sizes and models. Make an offer on clearance buildings today and save thousands of dollars. FREE BROCHURE - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170.


Ph (306) 584-3640 Fax (306)-584-3643


Letter of appreciation: I have sold some land to Doug Rue in 2011. I am looking forward to selling more with hin in 2012. I have made a new trusted friend. Ed P.




CANADIAN BUILT MODULINE 20’ X 76’ for as low as $99,900. Sale ends June 1! Call Craig’s Home Sales. 1-855-380-2266; www.craigshome

Modular, Manufactured or RTM homes. A variety of homes in production or ready to ship Regina,SK 1-866-838-7744 Estevan, SK 1-877-378-7744

WANTED: Buying all wild fur, Beavers etc, Shed Antlers and old traps. Phone Bryon at 306-278-2425 or Phil at 306-278-2299.

Page 20

Shellbrook Chronicle

May 11, 2012

Hidden Hills ready for successful summer

After a spring of unpredictable weather the Hidden Hills of Shellbrook golf club opened at the end of April with near perfect course conditions. According to manager, Larry Ritchie, the greens came through winter in great shape and the fairways are ready for heavy traffic. With a mild winter and an early melt, the course looked to be ready for golf by mid April but some last minute snow followed by cold rainy weather delayed the opening by a few weeks. The golf course opened with a slightly different business model to open the 2012 season.

After years of struggling to maintain a full service restaurant, the club has opted to go with a menu of pre-prepared sandwiches, hotdogs and smokies going forward. Ritchie said that the previous model wasn’t profitable and having too much or too little staff for the meal times was a constant concern. “It hasn’t proved profitable so we don’t have much choice in the matter,” said Ritchie. Instead, the club will focus on the weekly catering of men’s and ladies’ nights as well as tournaments and other special events. The men’s, ladies’ and

Happy Mother’s Day We welcome you to our

Mother’s Day Special Buffet & Take Out Orders 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Shellbrook Restaurant 18 Main Street~ 747-3405

Ahtahkakoop Quad Rally

Sat., May 26, 2012 Ahtahkakoop Reserve, SK

Guaranteed $5000 in Cash Prizes Registration 10 am to 12 pm

The Band Hall Lots of Rider Prizes • 50/50 Draw • Prize Draws

Free Breakfast - 9:30 am - 11:00 am Free Lunch on trail Free Supper - 6:00 pm

Located 6 miles • South of Debden • 6 miles West of Canwood • 8 miles NE of Shell Lake For more information please contact:

AJ at (306) 961-9387

Your Mom Deserves The Best!

Check out Woodland Pharmacy for a great selection of Mother’s Day Gifts!

Woodland Pharmacy 9 Main Street ~ Open Sundays 12 Noon to 5 p.m. Ph: 747-2545 Fax: 747-3922

senior’s golf clubs have all began operation with their regularly scheduled events. The seniors take to the course Monday and Wednesday afternoons, while sponsored ladies’ nights are every Tuesday and sponsored men’s nights take place Thursdays. The club’s expansion project is also starting to pay dividends with the attraction of a provincial tournament. The Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association has booked the course for their annual Scott Irving Golf Classic on June 1. Ritchie applied to bring the tournament to town, not expecting to get it on the first try. He sees the tournament, which will bring recreation directors from across the province to town, as a solid advertising tool for the course. However the club has opted not to bring the International Pairs qualifier back to town due to

Clarence Bowes tees off on #1 during this weeks Seniors Day at the Hidden Hills Golf Club.

a drastic hike in entry fees. Last year, local golfers Mitch Wourms and Brendon Canaday earned top spot in the Shellbrook qualifier and earned an expenses paid trip to

the Crown Isle Resort in Comox, BC to compete for a spot in the international event at St. Andrew’s, in Scotland. “The price went up considerably so we decid-

ed that it was out of the question,” said Ritchie. Golf instructor Danny Jutras will also be returning to the club this year to provide lessons to golfers of all ages.

be short-lived. Gentian speedwell (V. gentianoides), from the Caucuses, produces loose racemes of small, pale blue flowers in early summer, 15 to 50 cm (6-20 in.) above a mat of glossy, 5 cm (2 in.) long leaves. In full sun it is only moderately drought tolerant. Woolly speedwell (V. incana) native to Russia, has spikes of violet blue flowers in July, 30 to 45 cm (12-18 in.) above matforming, silver-gray foliage. Turkish speedwell (V. liwanensis) has tiny evergreen leaves and delicate blue flowers from May to June. Comb speedwell (V. pectinata) produces tiny, deep blue flowers with a white center in June and July. The small, oval leaves are toothed. With a height of 8 to 15 cm (3-6 in.), it forms a prostrate, gray mat. Both the common and species name describe the leaf shape, which resembles a comb used to card wool, a refer-

ence that is probably lost on most gardeners today. Russian speedwell (V. peduncularis) has bright blue flowers in early summer. Untested through most of the prairies, it is best placed in a sheltered location. Sprawling or prostrate speedwell (V. prostrata), with a height and spread of 30 by 40 cm (12 x 16 in.) has lime green to gold foliage and blue flowers. Creeping speedwell (V. repens) has light blue or white flowers in late spring above mossy green foliage with a height and spread of 5 by 20 cm (2 x 8 in.). ‘Spike speedwell’ (V. spicata), with a height and spread of 15 by 75 cm (6 x 30 in.), is the tallest of the drought-tolerant veronicas and has the greatest number of cultivars. Native to Europe and Asia, it blooms over a long period from late summer to fall. In shady conditions or with poor air circulation, it sometimes gets powdery mildew. Among the culti-

vars are: • ‘Blue Spire’ (75 x 30 cm/30 x 12 in.) with blue flowers. • ‘Giles Van Hees’ (15 x 30 cm/6 x 12 in.) is a dwarf dark pink. • ‘Red Fox’ (40 x 30 cm/16 x 12 in.) has deep pink flowers. • ‘Royal Candles’ (40 x 30 cm/16 x 12 in.) is violet blue. • ‘Sunny Border Blue’ (50 x 30 cm/20 x 12 in.) is blue. Whitley’s speedwell (V. whitleyi) has blue flowers in spring over a gray-green mat of foliage (5 x 20 cm/2 x 8 in.). Sara Williams, with co-author Hugh Skinner, has most recently written Gardening, Naturally, A chemical-free handbook for the prairies. Watch for her upcoming revised and expanded edition of Creating the Prairie Xeriscape. This column is provided by the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (www14.

Veronicas – varied and valuable!

By Sara Williams Speedwells form a large group of perennials, some of which are both hardy on the prairies and drought tolerant. Many have graced prairie gardens for decades. Flower color ranges from blue through pink and white, and heights from groundhugging mats to spikes of about 1 m (3 ft). The genus name, Veronica, is associated with St. Veronica for reasons lost to antiquity. The common name, speedwell, is derived from their once presumed medicinal value (i.e. promotes fast healing). In general, speedwells prefers full sun and welldrained soils. Woolly speedwell can be rejuvenated after flowering by shearing. Depending on their height, speedwells are valued as cut flowers, as dense ground covers, among paving or patio stones, as edging, in rock gardens, and as border plants. They are a nectar source for bees. The following are the tried and true speedwells as well as a few worth trying. Hungarian speedwell, Austrian speedwell (V. austriaca, syn. V. teucrium) is a prostrate species with a height of only 15 cm (6 in.) and double the spread that is native to southern Europe. ‘Trehane’ is a wonderful selection with yellow foliage and contrasting blue flowers in July, but it may

Sask Perennial Society coming events May 19 (Saturday), 9 am - 4 pm. Insects in your yard and garden: The morning is spent learning how to identify various species of insects based on their characteristic traits. Professor Cedric Gillot will bring hundreds of mounted bugs to examine! During the afternoon campus-guided walkabout, you will have the opportunity to view insects and insect damage. Dress appropriately for the weather. NOTE: It is recommended to have taken Botanical Latin prior to taking this course. May 20 (Sunday), 9 am - 4 pm. Communications. Whether you are a gardener or not, good communcation skills worth perfecting. A core course for Master Gardeners, you will develop tools to hone your verbal and written communication skills. Everyone welcome. Both classes are $59 + GST each.Call 966-5539 or visit for more information and to register. May 26 (Saturday), 9 am - 2 pm. Garden Plant Sale – Garden plants and gardening magazines will be available for sale. Sale will be held at 18 and 22 Churchill Drive.

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