May 24, 2013

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Shellbrook Chronicle Th The voice i off th the P Parkland kl d ffor over 100 years Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, May 24, 2013

VOL. 102 NO. 21| PMR #40007604

Shellbrook Town Council approves budget The Shellbrook Town Council approved the 2013 budget during a meeting on May 13. This year’s budget turned out to be lower than last year’s, which contained a number of specific large expenses. “Our budget was substantially higher last year because of the waste water treatment plant and . . . (because) we were digging a well,” Town Administrator Kelly Hoare said. The absence of these big projects has resulted in the revenue required to meet budgetary needs going from about 3.3 million in 2012 to about 2.9 million in 2013. While none of the new expenses are on the same large scale as those of 2012, there are a still a few projects of note in the works. For one, a new splash park is being constructed at the local pool. The price tag for the project is about $83,000, with half of the funding coming from the federal government. Also, a new Scout building is going up in the park. Council first looked at renovating the old building, but when potential costs started rising into the $15,000 range, they decided instead to demolish the old, unsafe building and to build a new one. The money budgeted for this project is about $25,000. The future purchase of a dump truck also shows up on the budget this year. Council had budgeted $25,000 for the truck in 2012, but after a major water break and a revamped budget, they never got around to purchasing one. They have rolled that expense to this year and increased the budgeted amount to $50,000 for this item. Council has also passed a resolution to enter into a six-month agreement with EPS Management Services Inc., who will be responsible for bylaw enforcement in Shellbrook. Continued on page 12

SAFE! Shellbrook’s Brenna Hamel slid safely into home plate when the Bantam Girls took on Big River in softball action on May 20.

Government ads fail to inform taxpayers In an article that appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press on May 7, the Canadian Press’s Bruce Cheadle stated that the federal government has now spent over $100 million in advertising costs in order to promote the Economic Action Plan (EAP). According to its slogan, the EAP’s purpose is to provide Canadians with jobs, growth and prosperity. The television ads show Canadians experiencing these three things in an uplifting and positive way. Cheadle states, however, that Treasury Board guidelines dictate that government ads funded by the taxpayers are supposed to inform citizens

about programs and services. These ads do not accomplish this goal, as Prime Minister Stephen Harper admits. Harper claims that the purpose of the ads is instead to highlight the confidence of Canadians and the direction that the country is headed. Cheadle goes on to quote Mathieu Ravignat, the NDP Treasury Board critic. “Government is not a product to be sold. Ads shouldn’t be selling a product, they should be informing Canadians.” Continued on page 6

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Shellbrook Chronicle

Saying goodbye to Parkland Terrace

It is hard to believe this will be the last submission from Parkland Terrace as we know it now. We have been home to many wonderful people over the years. Friendships, connections and caring have been cherished; we have loved and experienced many losses. As we prepare to move into a new chapter of care we will remember all the wonderful years we have had together. After many hours of fundraising, planning, and building, we anxiously await the


moving dates into our new home. Many of us and our family members will have had the grand tour and although it seems overwhelming, we are excited! We wish to thank the many people who have made this possible and continue to add to the quality of life of our community. The Shellbrook and District Health Services Project Committee along with the support of many have volunteered countless hours to fundraising.

The Parkland Terrace Foundation Incorporated is a group of individuals who assist in enhancing the quality of life of our residents by allocating funds from gifts “in Memorial’s” or “Donations”. Most recently three new flat screen televisions, one for each house in our new home, were approved. Previously the Foundation has supported our home by funding lifts, slings, specialty chairs, tubs, outdoor fencing, sensory/mental stimulation items, and the list goes on. We are also fortunate to access services from the Health Care Auxiliary for numerous volunteer opportunities like resident excursions and special events. Providing the extras such as flowers, decorations and gifts help to make special memories for celebrations like Mother’s and Father’s Day, Christmas, Halloween, etc. The Auxiliary also operates the tuck shop at the hospital, which is a service open to make purchases from. The group meets every second month, new members are welcome. If you wish to support the Health Care Auxiliary, Parkland Terrace Foundation or Shellbrook and District Health Services Project income tax receipts can be issued. The packing and sorting has begun. Recreation opportunities are on a slowdown in order to assist with the enormous job of preparing. Family members are encouraged to pick up moving information updates which can be found in the family mailboxes at our home. In order to bid farewell to Parkland Terrace we will be hosting a “CLOSING CER-

May 24, 2013

EMONY” and POT LUCK BBQ, with the meat supplied. Both current and previous family members, staff, and volunteers are welcome to attend Monday, May 27th, 2013 from 3:00-5:30. We ask for you to consider sharing a story, tidbit, music piece, special memory or such. The 10 minute time frame signup sheet is located on the Recreation room door, drop in and add your name! If you are a PAPHR registered volunteer we invite you to help with the transition. We are looking for help with directing people throughout the Parkland Integrated Health Facility (home and hospital). We are recruiting one to one volunteers to assist residents on the day of the move. Please contact Trina at 306-747-4292 if you are available to help on any or all of the following dates: May 29, 30, and 31. Complete descriptions of where help is needed will be provided once a list of volunteers is compiled. Did you know Woodland Bus Association offers special transportation services for members of our community? If you are interested in booking this service or becoming a SGI registered driver please call Trina at 306-747-4292 or Grant Martin at 306-7473648 for more information. We will be in full operation and open to the public June 3rd, 2013. We look forward to settling in and enjoying all our new home has to offer! Submitted by: Trina Chamberlain, Recreation Coordinator Parkland Terrace

Kinsmen donate to park

The local Kinsmen Club recently cashed in on a large collection of recyclable bottles and cans that had been deposited into donation bins around town. Due to the large number of donations, the Kinsmen asked the local Kinettes to help with the sorting of the materials. As a result, the group decided to donate all of the acquired funds to the park upgrade project, which the Kinettes are chairing. The total haul, which came from about six months of collecting, was $1300. Photographed are Robert Chuback, Kinsmen Treasurer; Tasha Cyr, President of the Kinettes; Brad Dupuis, Kinsmen Vice President; and future Kinette Izabelle. The Kinsmen would like to announce that they would prefer it if everyone refrained from depositing milk containers into their bins. There is no money for milk container returns and their presence takes up space and drastically slows down the sorting process. The continued donation of bottles and cans is appreciated. All of the money from these returns goes directly back into the community.

May 24, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle

Police Week recognized with barbecue


Barkway - Rudolph exchange vows Ashley, daughter of Calvin and Tammy Barkway and Kaz, son of LLoyd and Corey Rudolph were married on September 8, 2012 at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church. Attendants were Kim Ernst, Meagan Hamilton, Jenna Rudolph, Michelle Miller, Nikki Lerat, Sheridan Folden, Brandon Stewart, Timo Rudolph, Brett Mason, Landon Mccomas.

I recognition In iti off P Police li W Week k Sh Shellbrook llb k RCMP h hosted t dab barbecue b ffundraiser d i iin th the T Town off Sh Shellll brook. On and off duty members along with detachment staff and auxiliary members all worked together to make the event a success. The event was well attended by over 100 people and almost $400.00 dollars was raised and will be donated to a local organization yet to be determined. The weather was great and everyone had fun!

You walked to school, uphill both ways!...Do your kids? Saskatchewan in motion is not surprised by the grades in this year’s Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. The Report Card released earlier today assigned a “D” grade for active transportation, stating that 62% of Canadian youth, aged five to 17, use only inactive modes of transportation to get to and from school. According to data collected from 10 active transportation projects implemented by in motion, Saskatchewan children and youth are on par with national averages. The pilot projects utilized a number of methods to determine student transportation methods and family attitudes toward active transportation. The majority of families lived within 1.5 kilometres of school, however 36% of students were driven to school, 26% rode the bus and 38% walked. “Our pilots found that in comparison to children who are

driven to school, children who walk report feeling happier and excited and also less tired and less rushed,” says Marnie Sinclair, Community Mobilization Manager, Saskatchewan in motion. The top three reasons parents reported driving their kids to school are convenience, weather and distance from home. Less than 15% of Saskatchewan children and youth are getting the more than 60 minutes of daily physical activity they need,” says Cathie Kryzanowski, General Manager, Saskatchewan in motion. “Walking to school is one of the easiest ways to increase activity levels, and the benefits are significant”. Families can learn more about active transportation and other ways to inspire kids to move more by visiting

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Shellbrook Chronicle


Mr. and Mrs. Kaz Rudolph


Shellbrook Chronicle


May 24, 2013

One Person’s Trash . . . When something is no longer useful to us, we get rid of it. We take things out to the curb, put them up for sale, hock them or give them away. It only makes sense. Why hold on to something when it no longer serves a purpose? Objects clutter and take up space, so we dispose of them to make room for something new. I think that most of us find, however, that some things are easier to part with than others. I was listening to CBC Radio recently and I learned about a musical group from Iceland called the Apparat Organ Quartet. They play a unique brand of music that involves numerous synthesizers and some percussion, but what’s interesting about the band is their affinity for old, outdated instruments. JON In fact, they have struck a deal SVEC with the sanitation department in their hometown, and if an old ~ musical instrument is ever disReporter carded, they get a phone call and first crack at the merchandise. They then take the instrument, perform the necessary repairs or updates, and often use the device on their next album. Just another example of a seemingly useless object finding a purpose based on a simple change of scenery. Other things seem more likely to find their way into new homes once discarded. Cast-off books, for example, often turn up somewhere else. They end up in libraries or used bookstores or our own personal, dusty shelves. They seem to accumulate life every time they change hands. They fill with inscriptions and notes; corners of pages crease to mark I think that pauses. Clothes seem to change hands often as well. Passed down most of us or sold, they too carry with them traces of former owners. Scents and find spills and stains, they can remind us of relatives who have passed or offer that some questions of lives lived by strangers. Certain things remain ingrained things are in the fibers wash after wash after wash. easier to I used to know someone who buried things. Sometimes it was just part with a small piece of equipment that no longer worked, but he also buried than others. big things, like cars. He would bring in someone with a backhoe, select a spot on his farm, and have a massive hole dug for the car to be buried in. I’m not sure why he did it. Perhaps he couldn’t bear to part with those cars. We have all felt sentimental for such things. We experience significant moments with a certain object present, and that object begins to embody some of the emotions that went with the experience. And to hold on to those cars might have been just as difficult—to watch them sit and rust and deteriorate, things that were once so powerful and exuded such grace. Perhaps he simply couldn’t make up his mind, couldn’t decide whether he should sell the usable parts or put the car out to pasture, and so while he tried to figure it out he would just bury the cars for safekeeping. I’m not exactly sure why he did it, and now I’ll never get the chance to ask him. It’s probably a good thing that we are able to stay so detached from material objects. We all know that these are not the important things, though sometimes we forget it. But sometimes these unimportant objects can cling to something worthwhile, perhaps something that’s gone, and in these objects we can find a sort of comfort that’s hard to throw away.

Paul Martin Commentary This province’s manufacturing sector continues to looked deeper to see why some consistently did well. ride the wave. What they found is that contrary to popular beThe labor and capital intensive goods making sec- lief, some big companies can actually turn on a dime, tor has been struggling in recent years. In the US, the adapting to new conditions and rewarding shareholdnortheast where much of the manufacturing capacity ers savvy enough to bet on them. used to be housed came to be called the Rust Belt. In The common element among these players was a this country, central Canada’s Golden Trianmanagement system designed to adapt, begle which dominated our manufacturing secing willing to drop what’s working today for tor has struggled to recover from the downsomething better for tomorrow’s world. turn of 2008. Being willing to change or adapt leads to But here in the West the story reads like agility, according to their findings, and coma different book. We have a lower reliance panies that embrace agility are the ones with on the American market so the impact of the capacity to outpace their competitors US recession was more subdued. We have over and over again. concentrated on things like farm machinery *** development or creating equipment for the One of the leading indicators of where PAUL oil patch, two segments of the economy that an economy is going in a few months is the have fared better than sectors such as autowholesale sector’s performance. That’s beMARTIN motive. cause wholesale goods become retail goods ~ And the strength we’ve seen in this part of down the road, whether they are ultimately the country is not abating. The most current consumed here or abroad. numbers on manufacturing sales volumes – for FebruIn general terms the wholesale sector is also a strong ary - are on an upward trend. February was better job generator as this part of the economy is usually than January and the last year saw a gain of nearly housed in factories and manufacturing plants. six per cent, the best performance west of Atlantic Saskatchewan, historically, was not a big wholesale Canada. player compared to other parts of the country but that *** has been changing. The latest figures on this sector’s The Theory of Natural Selection, Charles Darwin’s sales come from February and they are record setting. thesis that species survive not because they are stron- Aggregate revenues came in just a touch under $2 bilgest but rather because of their ability to adapt has a lion and, given that February was a short month, it new counterpart. But this theory is about the ability of probably understates the level of activity. a company to cope with change. That growth – nearly 6.5 per cent over last year and The findings, written up in the on-line publication S more than five per cent over January – points to a part + B which tracks leading thinkers in the commercial of the economy that is continuing to pick up momenworld, f low from work conducted by three American tum. With signals that the global economy is not growbusiness and academic leaders who tracked the finan- ing as quickly as expected this suggests we are gaining cial performance of some huge companies and then market share.


May 24, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle

Wall must do moreon carbon capture There is no question that Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall was where he should have been in the final days of the spring legislative sitting ... even if that place was nowhere near the legislature or even in the country. Wall spent much of last week of the legislative sitting promoting what he called the province’s “game-changing carbon capture technology” at the annual carbon capture and storage (CCS) conference in Pittsburgh. Of course, some will question the validity of such trips ... and not without valid reason. The Premier’s last U.S. trip to Washington earlier in the year to promote the oilsands and sway President Barack Obama’s approval of the Keystone XL pipeline was of questionable value. For starters, Wall should have gone down with Alberta Premier Alison Redford, whose province has the biggest stake in the oilsands. Having two provincial premiers there at the same time would have been a more effective lobby. Second, Wall’s courting of mostly Republican politicians that don’t especially get along with Obama had many inside Ottawa worried he may have been do-

ing more harm than good. However, a U.S. business conference on carbon capture is different. Wall should be there because Saskatchewan should have a leading role. MURRAY SaskPower is hoping by next year to MANDRYK start capturing as ~ much as 90 per cent of the CO2 emissions from the Boundary Dam power station near for enhanced oil recovery in the nearby Bakken Play oilfields. The technology Wall is using is something that can be sold to what Wall described as the “large players” at the Pittsburgh conference. The problem, however, is that Wall must do more that talk the talk to the Americans. He and government have to walk the walk on carbon capture at home. And that hasn’t been happening this year. It’s centrepiece research project _ the University of Regina’s IPAC-CO2 project

Government leaves us flying blind Dear editor, Canadian taxpayers are now paying more for less thanks to MP Randy Hoback and the Conservative Party’s costly changes to our national census. The results are in and their decision to eliminate the mandatory long-form census has produced much lower-quality data that will often not be useable at the local level. In fact, Statistics Canada withheld data on over 1,100 Canadian municipalities, including Beaver Flat, because the numbers were just too unreliable. The government spent an extra $30 million to collect this inaccurate data compared to the traditional, proven census. What a waste! How will a community know where a food bank is needed if we don’t know which neighbourhoods have the most poverty? How will school boards know where adult language training is most needed without knowing where immigrants are settling? We just don’t know. The errors in the data will only get worse over time. At least this time Statistics Canada can use the last full census as an anchor to correct some of the problems.

Shellbrook Chronicle Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: Advertising

that was to provide guidelines for safe carbon capture and storage _ was wound down last month. Wall explained that IPAC-CO2 had simply completed its work. In reality, the federal/provincial/private sector project has been plagued with controversy _ mostly, involving over-billing and conf licts of interest involving other companies with close ties to principal players in IPAC-CO2. This is not helpful, given that carbon capture technology is already taking it on the chin from critics as unproven with potentially worrisome consequences. Adding to Wall’s problem selling Saskatchewan CCS to the Americans _ again, a laudable goal because of U.S. concerns about Canada’s “dirty oil _ is the fact that CCS development in Saskatchewan is playing second-fiddle to projects in Alberta and elsewhere. While Alberta has also seen two of its four private-sector CCS projects _ TransAlta Corp.’s Pioneer project and the Swan Hills Synfuels LP synthetic gas plant _ because of economic feasible concerns, the province remains committed to CCS in a big way. Alberta Energy Minister Ken Hughes

YOUR TWO C ENTS ~ Next time, that option won’t do much good. The problem is spreading: governments and the private sector use data from the census to adjust their surveys if a group’s response rate is low. Now all these other statistics will be less reliable. Mr. Hoback and the Conservatives are asking us to start making big, expensive decisions blindly, without the basic data that is essential to good planning. And they’re charging us more to do it. It’s irresponsible and we’re paying the price. Yours sincerely, Geoff Regan, MP Liberal Party of Canada Industry Critic

No GM crops contain ‘terminator’ genes


said earlier this year his province would maintain its $1.3-billion commitment to its two remaining private sector projects, including one touted as the “TransCanada Highway” for carbon dioxide. Because of this, it’s Alberta now getting most of the federal support for CCS. The federal government was clearly unhappy about the mess at IPAC-CO2. And it also balked at Wall’s proposal a couple years ago for a joint MontanaSaskatchewan CCS pilot project. Moreover, Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently announced a $4.7-million CO2 Solutions Inc. for a project pioneering the use of enzymes to scrub CO2 from the exhausts of natural-gas-fired steam boilers used to free the bitumen from the oilsands. The project is based in _ of all places _ Quebec City. In fact, Harper’s recently announced $82 million for 55 clean energy projects _ several of which advanced CCS technology. None were Saskatchewan-based. With oil and coal so critical to the Saskatchewan economy _ especially the rural economy _ Wall needs to be promoting Saskatchewan CCS elsewhere. But more needs to be happening at home.

correct. Daniels wrote about “terminator” genes, a phrase that was coined by special-interest groups to alarm Canadians. The truth is that no GM crops contain any socalled “terminator” genes. If readers would like to learn more about plant biotechnology, I would encourage them to visit our website at Sincerely, Lorne Hepworth President, CropLife Canada –representing the plant science industry Sincerely, Jillian Bender Communications officer CropLife Canada Ottawa ON K1R 7S8

Re: In a perfect world we might not need GMO, May 10 I appreciate Calvin Daniels regular columns on the topic of agriculture, and recognize his above-average understanding of plant biotechnology, however, there was aspect in his most recent column that I’d like to

C. J. Pepper, Publisher Jon Svec, Reporter Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m.

The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright. Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed. and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of


Shellbrook Chronicle

Report from the Legislature

Our government has a strong record of keeping promises – doing the things we said we would. We did it consistently during our first term, and continue to do so. I am happy to report that during the justcompleted spring session of the Legislature, we honoured several commitments we made in our Growth Plan. We announced our sixth consecutive balanced budget – a budget that controlled spending while making important investments in health, education, infrastructure and support for people with disabilities We remain committed to making Saskatchewan the best place in Canada to live for people with disabilities. During the spring session of the Legislature, we announced the elimination of the 440-person waitlist for people requiring specialized, residential, and/or day programs to meet their needs. In addition to serving all 440 people on the list, another 215 Community Living clients beyond the original waitlist have been served. This was a commit-

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ment we made in 2008 and represents the largest investment in Saskatchewan history in support of people with intellectual disabilities. Less than a week later, we announced that the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program had achieved a significant milestone. SAID is now providing more than 10,000 Saskatchewan people with long-term and enduring disabilities a better quality of life through the provision of an income sup-

plement that allows them to live with a greater measure of dignity and independence. Through initiatives such as these, our government is taking action to use the benefits of growth to improve the quality of life for all Saskatchewan people. Other highlights of the spring session included: • The new Saskatchewan Employment Act, which consolidates 12 previously existing pieces of labour legislation into one act that protects workers, promotes growth and increases accountability; • The announcement of four new private liquor stores – 2 in Saskatoon and 2 in Regina – all of which will open over the next year; • New laws to improve safety in highway construction zones; and • The introduction of the Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings (SAGES) to help families save for their children’s post-secondary education. The big story this spring though wasn’t what was

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happening in Regina – it was the weather. From brutal spring snowstorms to the potential for significant flooding, Saskatchewan people came together in support of one another. As a government, we’d like to thank all the highways workers for keeping roads safe and community leaders, government officials and volunteers for the long hours they put in to deal with the flooding threat. The true spirit of the people of Saskatchewan shone through yet again. So those were the bright

spots of the spring session. For the lone not-so-bright spot, you only had to look to the other side of the Legislative Assembly. The opposition, under new leader Cam Broten, got off a to a rough start, when the Saskatoon MLA re-affirmed his support for the NDP’s disastrous 2011 election platform, including a concept soundly rejected by Saskatchewan people: a special deal on resource revenue sharing with First Nations. Broten followed that up by flip-flopping on support for the Keystone XL pipeline project. He eventually came down in favour of the project, but only after being reminded it had already received federal approval several years ago. Broten’s support for Keystone XL puts him at odds with not only his federal leader, Thomas Mulcair, but also with his closest leadership rival, Saskatoon Dr. Ryan Meili. Under Broten’s guiding hand, the NDP then started launching political attacks using false information. As the opposition, they have a responsibility to hold the gov-

May 24, 2013

ernment accountable, but to do so with facts. This was not the case on several occasions during the spring session. It started when Broten claimed overcrowding at a Saskatoon hospital led to 47 patients being treated in the hallway – it turns out there were only five. His Highways critic, Buckley Belanger, then claimed 90 highways workers were fired – also not true. This is a disturbing throwback to the days of Dwain Lingenfelter and his 1100 phony NDP memberships which does not serve the people of Saskatchewan well. In the coming months, MLAs will be doing what they have every summer since the people of Saskatchewan – you - entrusted us with stewardship of this great province six years ago – consulting with constituents to find out what your priorities are. Together, we will work toward achieving the ambitious goals contained in the Growth Plan – a population of 1.2 million people, a strong economy and a better qualify of life.

Government ads fail to inform taxpayers Continued from page 1 Cheadle also cites Liberal MP Scott Brison, who’s research found that it costs taxpayers about $95,000 to air each of its EAP advertisements that

CORRECTION In the May 10 edition of the Chronicle the photos of the Dance Recital were contributed by Fresh Vibe North. Sorry for the inconvenience.

air during CBC’s Hockey Night in Canada. The interesting thing is that at the conclusion of these television advertisements, there are none of the same disclaimers that appear at the end of some of the new

EAP radio spots. Cheadle cites a spokesman for the Privy Council Office, Raymond Rivet, who explains the reasons for this. “The recent radio ads launched by the Department of Finance contained new mea-

sures for consideration by Parliament as part of the March 21, 2013 budget. This is why a disclaimer was included. The recent EAP television advertisements did not contain new measures and aired be-

fore Budget 2013.” Many Canadians are wondering why taxpayers are footing the bill for these television ads that, admittedly, contain no new information. Cheadle concludes his article by again citing Bri-


son, who claims that the money spent on each of the numerous Hockey Night in Canada ads would be enough to pay the federal government’s contribution to about 32 student summer jobs.

Shellbrook Chronicle Website 13054MF00


May 24, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


A glimpsing of an earlier time Some events we attend might best be described as bittersweet affairs. The work horse demonstrations held at Rama, SK. Saturday fit into that category for me. Anytime I am around draft horses I am happy. There is something about the gentle giants I have always felt attracted too. It could be that my father quit school in Grade 8 to stay on the farm and work horses, or maybe it’s because I’ve always appreciated history, and they have been a huge part of the agricultural history of this country. That is one reason I very much appreciated Merlin Ford’s book ‘Horses, Harness and Homesteads: The History of Draft Horses in Saskatchewan’. It is a book which really shows just how diverse the roles were for work horses in the early days of the Prairies. They were more than power on the farm, moving freight and goods in urban settings, doing yeoman work in forestry, and frankly being an integral part of just about every undertaking you might imagine in a time Saskatchewan was moving from Prairie grass to farmland. Ford’s work was also a timely one in as much as most of those who worked with horses on a daily basis are passing.

My dad, not long gone himself, was of that generation when horses were still important to farming, but their days were numbered. Tractors, which many thought would never replace the horse, did, and it was a change which occurred in a relatively short period of time. And that left work horses in a predicament. CALVIN When an animal is bred to work, DANIELS and that work disappears, then there is not much left for them to ~ do. So work horse numbers declined. Today there are still those who hitch work horses and put them to laborious tasks. This spring I visited with Kristina Just who is fulfilling a long held dream by now feeding her cows on the farm not far outside Yorkton with a team. It was a cool spring morning when I visited, but she was smiling as she did her chores with the help of two Belgians who also seemed to relish being put to a task for which they were bred. And that was what Rama was

all about. Teams were hitched to plows, cultivators, discs and harrows to ready a plot for planting. It was like glimpsing an earlier time watching the teamsters put their horses to work. It was particularly poignant having seen several massive four-wheel drive tractors working in the fields on the way to Rama. The contrast in times was quite dramatic. For me it was a great morning. But I was left wondering who will carry on the traditions of working horses in the years to come? The teamsters were all grey-haired, marking the experience of a lifetime harnessing draft horses, hitching them to all manner of equipment and putting them to the task. Who will know how to keep the horse plow and disc operational? Who will have the love of the big horses to keep them working a decade from now? Or two? Or three decades into the future? We live in a time when the knowledge of our work is a keystroke away, yet the practical skills of the recent past may slip away if we are not careful. Hopefully that won’t be the case for how to work with horses, because it is such a tangible connection to our collective past.

Farm business management specialists: Helping you get the most from your business By Cyril Laforge PAg Regional Farm Business Management Specialist, Prince Albert Regional Services Branch Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Saskatchewan’s economy is one of the strongest and healthiest in the country. The agriculture industry and the farmers who drive its success are major contributors to provincial prosperity. Farmers are continually adapting, acquiring new knowledge and developing the skills needed to incorporate new farm management practices.

This constant innovation is crucial, as it allows farmers to place themselves and their business in a position tofurther drive(the thriving economy. Farmers can get advice and assistance in making changes to their business by meeting with their Regional Farm Business Management Specialist. One of the Regional Farm Business Management Specialist’s goals is to help farmers prepare and respond to future opportunities and challenges. They aim to achieve this by creating the conditions for long-term


FRI., MAY 31, 2013 6:30 p.m.

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competitiveness, farm sustainability and adaptability, emphasizing selfreliance and helping farm families achieve higher net income, higher net worth and reduced risk. Regional specialists have the resources, knowledge and skills necessary to make this goal a reality for Saskatchewan farmers. They provide information on a regional basis, including publications, bulletins, workshops, meetings, news articles, webinars as well as individual consultation. Much of what the specialists offer is focused on the development of a sound farm business management plan and includes the areas of marketing, succession, financial planning,


production economics, human resource issues, business structures as well as overall business strategy planning including environmental elements. The specialists help deliver programs through the federal provincial agreement, Growing Forward. Regional farm business management specialists provide services, information and support for farmers who wish to access training or consulting services, apply for benefits or develop a farm plan. The Regional offices work together with the Agriculture Knowledge Centre in Moose Jaw to respond to any producer inquiries such as land rental arrangements, custom work, cost of produc-



LORNA PEARSON, Chitek, SK SAT., MAY 25/13 ~ 10:00 AM SHARP

tion calculations and any other topic related to farm business management. Regional Farm Business Management Specialists are a tremendous resource and can be used to aid farmers in all areas of farm management development. The Federal-provincialterritorial agriculture policy framework called Growing Forward 2 has recently announced a program that focuses on helping farmers build their business by supporting innovation, commer-

cialization, sustainability and profitability. Farm Business Development Initiative (FBDI) is a farm business management program under Growing Forward 2. For more information, please visit our website w w w. a g r i c u l t u r e . g o v. call the Agriculture Knowledge Centre (1-866-4572377)of the Ministry of Agriculture, or contact your nearest Farm Business Management Specialist.

AUCTION SALE For Norman Reidt Sunday, June 2nd 2013 - 11 a.m. LOCATION: 803 South Rd. Allowance Leask, Sask. Watch for signs. Vehicle: 2006 Ford F150 Quad. Cab, 40,000 kms. (1 owner). Recreational: 1998 Ford 33.5 Ft. National Motor home, V-10 Chassie, 124,000 Kms, 1 slide, Towing Package, (immaculate condition, 1 owner), 16’ Thunder Craft Boat (model 1560), 60HP Johnson, c/w trailer (all new electrical), Yamaha gas operated golf cart, Golf cart trailer. Tractors & Yard Equipment: Farm All A Tractor, LT 2000 Craftsman riding mower, 17 HP Craftsman riding mower, 11 HP 30” Craftsman Snow blower. Tools: Craftsman Radial arm saw, 12” planer, Sand Blasters, Mig welder 115 volt, Accetalyne torches, c/w gauges & tanks. Household: 3 pc. sectional/recliner, 4 pc. sofa set, table & 6 chairs, table & 4 chairs, dresser & mirror. Guns: 22 Caliber Single Shot, 12 Gauge Shot Gun, 303 British rifle, assorted ammo. Antiques: Maple 2 pc. kitchen cupboard, Cabbage cutter, 2 post drills, sealers, Peter Wright anvil, collection of license plates (1928 and up), broad axe.

Please check websites for more details.

Location: Chitek Lake Community Hall ~ Watch for signs

Sales Conducted by Schmalz Auctions

Fred Walter 306-883-2797 • Cell: 306-883-7368 Marlene Boechler 306-883-2727 • Cell: 306-883-7103 Prov. Lic. #312429

Gerald Fillmore 1-306-922-7907 or 1-306-940-8720

BOECHLER-SCHIRA AUCTIONEERING or Hwy #2 South, Prince Albert, SK - PL 911509

Phone (306) 763-2172 or 922-2300


Shellbrook Chronicle

Low-maintenance, non-irrigated lawns

Non-irrigated lawns are best suited for large spaces like acreages. By Sara Williams As much as 50% of household water is applied to your lawn.The easiest way to cut your water bill then is simply to stop watering your lawn. But to do that you need to use low maintenance grasses. These are grass species and cultivars that persist with few inputs, require little water, fertilizer or mowing. Instead of being smooth and soft, they tend to be clumpy, lumpy and one does not voluntarily walk barefoot on

May 24, 2013

them. They are usually mowed at 3–6 in. – somewhat higher than conventional lawn grasses. These grasses work well on farms and acreages where their function is primarily visual. Once established, they require only occasional mowing and almost no irrigation or fertilizer. There are several species of three main genera to choose from: fescue (Festuca), bluegrass (Poa) and wheatgrass (Agropyron). Chewings fescue (Festucarubra var. commu-

tata) has narrow, dark blue green leaves. It can be mixed with creeping red fescue and Kentucky bluegrass in conventional lawns. It spreads by tillering, is shade- and droughttolerant and adapted to infertile, acid soils.Chewings fescue and creeping red fescue make a good blend, similar in height to a conventional lawn but requires less water, fertilizer and m o w i n g . R e c om m e nd e d cultivars include:‘Agram’, ‘Arctared’, ‘Banner’, ‘Victory’, ‘Longfellow II’, and

‘Silhouette.’ Blue-green in colour, sheep fescue (Festucaovina) is strongly clumping with good drought tolerance, and widely adaptive, from dry to moist soils and from basic to acidic. Recommended cultivars include ‘Nakiska’ and ‘Azay.’ Hard fescue (Festucaovina var. duriuscula) has a mature height of 6–10 in., with wider blades and a more greyish-green colour than other fescues. It is slow growing but once established forms a low ground cover that competes well with weeds. Growth slows down during the heat of summer. It is droughtand shade-tolerant. Newer cultivars seem less clumpy and many contain endophytes – naturally builtin biological controls against insects such as sod webworms and chinch bugs. Recommended cultivars include:‘Aurora’, ‘Biljart’, ‘Durar’, ‘Eureko II’,‘Reliant’, ‘Spartan’ and ‘Spartan II.’ Shorter growing (4–12 in.) and coarser than Kentucky bluegrass, Canada bluegrass (Poacompressa) is blue green and adapted to soils from moist to dry

and infertile and from acid to basic. It has a fibrous root system with extensive rhizomes, and a clumpy form. It is tolerant of wear, stress and drought and is disease resistant.‘Reubens’ is less clumpy to nonclumpy than the species. Although very drought tolerant, wheatgrasses show a strong clumping habit and are less dense than other grasses.Crested wheatgrass (Agropyroncristatum) is a clumping bunch grass with excellent drought tolerance. The species seeds readily and may become invasive once established, particularly if planted near or among native grass species.‘Fairway’ crested wheatgrass is one of the best grasses for nonirrigated lawns. Northern wheatgrass (A. dasystachyum), a native species, is relatively low growing at 20 to 30 cm (8–12 in.). With a strong spreading habit and extensive rhizomes, it establishes quickly and is well adapted to slopes, banks and sandy soils. Greyish green in colour, it has a clumpy appearance.‘Elbee’ has excellent drought tolerance.

Streambank wheatgrass (A. riparium) is a dryland species used in pure stands or in mixtures with small amounts of Kentucky bluegrass. It t is a low-growing, sod-forming grass, with narrow leaves and stems 12–30 in. high. It has vigorous rhizomes, is longlived and colonizes both by seed and its spreading root system. It flourishes on welldrained soils, withstands mowing and is highly competitive with weeds under dryland conditions. Long recommended for farm lawns, it establishes quickly with good germination and seedling vigour. The seeding rates for the above in pure stands are 3.5–4.5lb/1000 sq. ft for the fescues, 1–2 lb/1000 sq. ft for the bluegrass, and 3–5 lb/1000 sq. ft for the wheatgrasses. Sara Williams is the author of the revised and updated Creating the Prairie Xeriscape, Coteau Books, February, 2013. This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (w w w.sask perennia l.c a; email: hortscene@yahoo. com).

Scott Moe, MLA Rosthern-Shellbrook

34 Main Street, Box 115 Shellbrook, SK, S0J 2E0 Phone: 306-747-3422 Fax: 306-747-3472 Toll-free: 1-855-793-3422 Email: Web:


The Village of Canwood is now taking applications for One Full Time Summer Student Position This position will be 40 hours per week for 13 weeks, from June 3 to August 30, 2013. (If we are unable to fill the position for June 3, we will then change the start date to suit applications) The successful applicant will work with in both the maintenance and administration departments as needed. Duties may include (but aren’t limited to): Water & Sewer Operations, Street Repairs, Operation & Maintenance of Village Equipment, Maintenance of Grass, Garbage Collection, Assisting Administration with Special Projects, Cemetery Maintenance and upgrades, Basic Computer work. This position is being funded by the Student Summer Works program, therefore it is targeted to students attending Adult Based Education programs, Aboriginal Student and students with disabilities (Human Rights Exemption Order EX09-08). The successful applicant must also be 15 years of age or older, legally entitled to work in Canada, enrolled as students at a secondary or post-secondary school or institution, or returning to school full-time pending completion of their employment. For more information, contact Lisa Quessy, Administrator at (306) 468-2016 on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. Please send applications to : Village of Canwood Box 172, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0 Fax: (306) 468-2805 e-mail: Closing date for Applications is May 24, 2013.


lassifieds Work! 306-747-2442 •

R.M. of CANWOOD NO. 494 Office Assistant - Summer Position The R.M. of Canwood No. 494 invites applications for a summer student for the administration office. This position will be 30 hours per week for 8 weeks to commence on or after June 3, 2013. Duties will include but are not limited to: • Office Reception • Accounts Receivable • Accounts Payable • General Office Duties This position is partially funded by the Government of Canada Summer Jobs Program. Therefore, applicants must be: • between 17 and 30 years of age; • registered as full-time student for the current academic year; and • enrolled in a full-time, post-secondary program for the 2013/2014 academic year. Send resumes to: Lorna Benson, Administrator R.M. of Canwood No. 494 Box 10, 641 Main Street Canwood, Sask., S0J 0K0 Phone 306-468-2014 Email Deadline: Monday, May 27, 2013

Ahtahkakoop Spring Quad Rally Saturday, May 25, 2013

Registration 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

• $5,000 in cash prizes • Raffle prize (2013 Kawasaki 650) • Over $5,000 in merchandise prizes • FREE breakfast, trail lunch and supper For more information contact AJ at 306-961-9387 The Village of Canwood is now taking applications for One Full Time Summer Student Position This position will be 35 hours per week for 9 weeks with the position starting July 2, 2013 and running until August 30, 2013. Duties include cutting grass, trimming grass, garbage collection, minor street repairs and other duties as assigned by the supervisor. This position is open to anyone between the ages of 15 and 30 who is returning to school in the fall of 2013 as it is partially funded by Canada Summer Jobs. For more information, contact Lisa Quessy, Administrator at (306) 468-2016 on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. Please send applications to : Village of Canwood Box 172, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0 Fax: (306) 468-2805 e-mail: Closing date for applications is June 7, 2013.

May 24, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


Scotiabank donates funds to community organizations

Members of the Scotiabank staff present a cheque for $5000 to the Shellbrook Elks Hockey Team. Representing the Elks in the photograph are, from left to right, Ron Hollowell and Shaun Kerber. Representing Scotiabank are Jason Bucknell, Ashley Rudolph, and Diane Ethier


PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! One Ad! Two Papers (includes website)!

Shellbrook Chronicle Ph: 306.747.2442 • Fax: 306.747.3000 Email:

Employees from the local Scotiabank branch present a cheque for $5000 to the Hidden Hills of Shellbrook Golf Course. Photographed, from left to right, are Sharri Mortensen, Customer Support Representative; Larry Ritchie, Manager of Hidden Hills of Shellbrook Golf Course; Shelley Kennedy, Manager Customer Services; and Patty Miller, Customer Relations.

In celebration from 1963 - 2013

Friday, May 31

rsary e v i n n A

Fundraising Barbecue For the Kinsmen Park Improvements

11 am to 1 pm

Fri., June 7- 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

W.P. Sandin

In front of Bigway

Composite High School Musical Talent • Children’s program

$8.00 for Hamburger, potato chips & drink The Kinsmen and Kinettes

All are welcome

Thank You for your support.

Sponsored by Grade 12 Graduating Class

The Move from the Shellbrook Hospital and Parkland Terrace long-term care facility to the new Parkland Integrated Health Centre will start the week of May 20th. The move timelines are: - May 29-31, long-term care residents, furniture and equipment will move from Parkland Terrace into the new facility. This will also include the current alternative level of care clients at the Shellbrook Hospital. - May 27-31, equipment from the Shellbrook Hospital (including X-ray and laboratory equipment) will be moved into the new facility. Community-based program staff will also be moving during this week. There will be some disruptions of services during the moving process. These include: - NO Weekend Emergency Service from May 24 to June 2, 2013 Regular weekend services will resume in the new facility at 6 p.m. on June 7th (weekend coverage is from 6 p.m. on Fridays to 8 a.m. on Mondays). Laboratory services will be limited to blood and sample collection only. This will continue to be offered at the Shellbrook Hospital May 21-24, but no testing will be done on-site. There will be no collection available from May 27-31. Regular collection will resume on June 3rd. - Community service programs based at the Shellbrook Hospital will not be available May 27-31. They will resume normal programming on Monday, June 3rd. - Home Care will continue to provide services to people in their homes. Regular outreach programs will continue as previously scheduled. - While the Shellbrook Medical Clinic and the Shellbrook Primary Health Care Clinic will be operating regular hours, there will be no X-ray services from May 27-31 In addition to moving to a new facility, telephone numbers for all programs will be changing. The only exception is the main switchboard number for the hospital. It will continue to be 306-747-2603. The Region will be advertising the new numbers, and have them available on the Region’s website ( The old numbers, if called, will provide new number information. The new numbers will be in the next edition of the SaskTel Phonebook.

The new facility will open for normal services on Monday, June 3rd.


Sat. & Sun., June 1 & 2 , 2013 st


Shellbrook Elks’ Sports Grounds • Gates Open 7:00 a.m. Each Day

SATURDAY, JUNE 1 8:00 a.m. - Minor Sports Softball - Contact Trevor Miller 306-747-7827 8:00 a.m. - Mixed Slo Pitch Tournament - Contact Drew Ferster 306-747-2886 or 306-747-7044, 10-team limit. $100 entry fee. Guaranteed 3 games. Each team must have at least 3 ladies/team. Prize money determined by number of entries.


8:00 a.m. - Minor Sports Softball - Contact Trevor Miller 306-747-7827 9:00 a.m. - Senior Fastball Tournament (Mens & Ladies) Eight team limit for each. Each team guarant aranteed 2 games. $100 entry fee. Prize money determined on number of entries. Phone entries - Curtis Olsen 306-960-3963 or Trevor Miller 306-747-7827

All players pay at the gate.

Also Featuring • Jackpot Heifer and Steer 4-H Show



SATURDAY ONLY Registration 11 a.m. Starts 1 p.m. $40 fee. Contact Brenda Cromartie 306-747-2930 or email

• Food Booth Burgers, Hot & Cold Plates and Pies

• Refreshment Gardens For Thirsty Adults - operated by the Shellbrook Kinsmen

• Various Games & Activities throughout the day

Daily Admission Fee A Shellbrook Community Project

Some Events and Displays May Change


Shellbrook Chronicle

May 24, 2013

New system in place for purchase of fishing licenses

Boaters and anglers enjoying the pleasant conditions on Memorial Lake during the long weekend.

Annual Flag Day held in Canwood

On Monday, May 6th at 11:00 a.m. the Canwood Elks and Royal Purple members had their annual flag raising ceremony in front of the R.M. building. The first week in May is Hearing and Speech Awareness Week. Early detection of communicative disorders is everyone’s responsibility. For more information and assistance visit the websites or The students of Mrs. Howat’s Pre-K class were on hand to help celebrate the flag raising event.

It used to be that you could walk down to your local hardware store or gas station, converse with the clerk or other familiar patrons, and with no more than a pen and some official forms of paper, you could walk out with your fishing license in hand. This is no longer the case at many used-tobe license vendor sites, as a new electronic system has been implemented that has caused some proprietors to discontinue the practice. Its name is HAL, and it is the brand new Hunting, Trapping and Angling License System as presented by the Government of Saskatchewan. Through this system potential licensees are able to go online from the comfort of their homes and, through a series of clicks, register themselves in the database and print off their new licenses. All that you need is an internet connection, a credit card, a unique email address and a printer. For those who possess these items, the new system will certainly prove to be convenient. It is only when one lacks one of these articles that problems can arise. In those cases, the other options include registering over the phone or physically seeking out a vendor who has made the switch to the new system. Scott Moe, MLA of Rosthern-Shellbrook, says that along with the convenience that an automated system provides, HAL will also help by providing the Ministry of Environment with real-time feedback that will assist them in their various initiatives. “What this fits into is, first of all, the growth plan for Saskatchewan that the premiere announced last fall, but it also fits into the Ministry of Environment and what they are doing with their results based approach to resource management.” According to the Government of Saskatchewan’s website, prior to the implementation of HAL on April 1, 2013 there were 600 license issuers in the province. Currently there are only 239 who are registered and trained to use the new system, even though everyone who participated in the old system was invited to switch over. Some common complaints are arising from various establishments that are choosing to abstain from HAL. Many feel that to

switch over would be too expensive. For a shop to use the system it must first equip itself with a computer, internet access and a printer that can be used to issue licenses, and for some this means an added expense. They feel that the ability to provide a license would not bring enough added traffic to their store, and the commission they would make on sales, which amounts to $1 per license, is insufficient. In the town of Shellbrook there used to be a number of locations where angling licenses were available for purchase. As of now, there are none. “There has been a reduction in the number of private vendors,” Moe said. “But then there is the option now, which was not there before, to do it either by telephone or by website.” Some vendors who have decided to make the switch are very happy with the new system. One such vendor is the Willow Insurance Corporation located in Shell Lake. Owner Rose Freeman said that for them the transition was very easy. Being an office, the company already had all of the necessary equipment required for changing over to the electronic system. They are up and running with HAL and Freeman said that the response from patrons has been very positive. According to Freeman, when problems do arise, the support has been excellent and they have found that snags can often be worked out. “An individual went to another vendor to purchase one and there was an issue with the transaction, it wouldn’t print properly,” Freeman said. “They came in and there was still an issue with the system so I talked to the Active Network, the ones that monitor the actual software, and they were extremely helpful. I called them and they had it straightened out.” “With any change the roll out is never just perfect,” Moe said. “I know there have been some hurdles with the roll out of the HAL system and the Ministry of Environment is working to address those.” It’s probably too early to decide whether HAL should be kept or thrown back, but for now anyone hoping to get out there and fish will have to adapt to the new system.

May 24, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle



Shellbrook Chronicle Website



Shellbrook Chronicle

All Hands on deck

If this past week is any indication, there’s no doubt that under ideal conditions, the equipment and technology being used in the fields today are allowing us to plant more crop than ever. The most recent U.S.D.A crop progress report showed that over 63 million acres of major crops in the U.S. was planted in just one week. This is equivalent to the same area as about the size of Texas! Up here in Canada, while we didn’t plant nearly as many acres, we definitely held our own proportionally with producers across the Prairies letting us know they’re pushing the limit to get the crop in. With regards to the U.S.D.A. progress report, 43 per cent (or 41.84 million acres) of the corn crop was planted in just 1 week, bringing the total to 71 per cent. Further, 24 per cent of the U.S. soybean crop is now in the ground, an improvement of 18 point week-over-week. Granted these numbers are still well behind the five-year average of 79 per cent and 42 per cent respectively, it is a significant improvement from where we were just a couple of days ago. The planting conditions in Western Canada have been

fairly ideal with rains fairly spotty in all except Manitoba. The wet fields in the eastern-most Prairie province is certainly putting a damper on the hope that more crop can get put in at a pace similar to our American neighbours. That being said, the same weather system is affecting the likes of North Dakota where it’s been estimated that at least 500,000 acres will likely be switched out of corn and into soybeans or a cereal crop. Should the same be expected for Manitoba? It varies by region as some areas were soaked with three inches in less than three days while others only got a few sprinkles. Switching continents, Australia continues to receive some much needed rain in major wheat producing regions. This would help a crop there return to natural form a from a drought-inflicted production shortfall last year. As such, with Aussie wheat supplies getting very short, prices are a little higher than the rest of the global market (as indicated by Indonesia’s recent purchase of 45,000 tonnes of Canadian spring wheat versus a closer purchase from the Land Down Undaa).

At the end of the day, a lot of crop is going into the ground in a short period of time. This in mind, there is some risk on the table should the weather not cooperate during key growth stages (i.e. the expected late June/early July corn pollination phase). Should things go more along the lines of normalcy, then we can expect to see a gradual decline in grain prices as a result of the higher anticipated supply. Ultimately, that’s what happens when you get all hands on deck & everyone contributes a little here & there. To growth, Brennan Turner President, Brennan Turner is originally from Foam Lake, SK, where his family started farming the land in the 1920s. After completing his degree in economics from Yale University and then playing some pro hockey, Mr. Turner spent some time working in finance before starting, a risk-free, transparent online grain marketplace. His weekly column is a summary of his free, daily market note, the FarmLead Breakfast Brief.

Budget approved

Continued from page 1

They will patrol town periodically and also respond to complaints in order to find infractions of the town’s bylaws. This will include things such as unkempt yards, traffic violations and loose animals. They will be present in town for five hours a week, and they will vary these times randomly in order to remain unpredictable. Council passed bylaw 2013-01 at the meeting and submitted it to the Saskatchewan Municipal Board (SMB) for approval. This bylaw pertains to water, sewer and infrastructure rates for the next three years. The bylaw states that there will be a 10% increase in water and sewer rates for the remainder of 2013, and that the infrastructure rates will increase

to $15 per month, with a minimum total bill of $62.90 per month for all three. In 2014 there will be a 10% increase in water and sewer, and an infrastructure rate of $18 per month, with a minimum total monthly bill of $70.70 per month. In 2015 there will be a 10% increase in water and sewer rates, an infrastructure rate of $21 per month, and a minimum total monthly bill of $79 per month. Also, billing will change to a monthly minimum bill, with an actual reading being done every three months. These rates will take effect on the day of approval from SMB or on July 1, 2013, whichever is later. The increases were determined upon the completion of asset management plans on the town’s sanitary sewer

May 24, 2013

system and water works system, which opened the council’s eyes as to how underfunded the town’s infrastructure has been in the past. The mill rate has been set at 12.1, which is down from the 39 mills last year. The reduction was due to assessment increases. All land for residential and agricultural use will incur a base tax of $100, while the base tax on commercial land will be $250. Also, there will be a minimum tax on residential improvements of $700. The mill rate factor on residential and agricultural will be 100%, and on commercial it will be 300%. In the midst of all these numbers, the bottom line is that some people’s taxes will go up, and some people’s taxes will go down.

NOTICE PROVINCIAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) designation has been established for residents of the RM of Big River, No. 555 (RM) that includes flooding damages that occurred in the RM between April 27 and May 12, 2013 inclusive. The Ministry of Government Relations asked the RM to distribute the application packages. If you require an application package, please make your request by calling the RM Office 306-469-2323; emailing rm555@sasktel. net; or stopping by the office at 606 First Street North/Big River Community Centre. Questions regarding the PDAP Program may be directed to The Provincial Disaster Assistance Program Service Center 1-866-632-4033. Donna Tymiak RMA

The Try eds! S sifi TO Clas AU





s RV




Call Today

Shellbrook Chronicle

The remains of the old Scout hall, which was taken down recently in order to make room for a new building that will go up in the same location.

Help Wanted

Attention Hunters & Anglers! The system to purchase your hunting or angling licences has changed to provide you with more options. To sign up for your HAL ID and purchase your hunting or angling licences you can: • Phone 1-855-848-4773, • go online at or • visit selected Provincial Parks offices, a Ministry of the Environment office or a Private Issuer.

Make Money With The Classifieds Sell your stuff with a little help from the

Shellbrook Chronicle

20 words for only

$13.25 plus GST

You will need a valid Saskatchewan Health Services card and provide an identification number such as: driver’s licence, RCMP, Canadian Armed Forces ID, Canadian Firearms licence, or passport number.

Courtesy of Scott Moe, MLA Rosthern-Shellbrook

$7.75 for each additional week • Additional words 20¢ • Includes 2 papers and website

747-2442 chads@

The Village of Canwood requires the services of a person to assist our maintenance man. This is a casual position to assist in the grass cutting, driving truck, garbage collection, loader operation, and street maintenance. Must be able to work independently and supervise others if needed. Mechanical skills would be an asset. As this position is casual, there are no guaranteed hours of work. Applicant must have a valid license. Wages negotiable depending on experience. The successful applicant will be expected to start as soon as possible. Please send resumes to: Village of Canwood Box 172, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0 Email: Fax: (306) 468-2805 For more information, contact Lisa @ 306-4682016 or 306-468-7465. The position will remain open until a successful candidate is chosen. The Village of Canwood wishes to thank all applicants for their interest and advises that only those to be interviewed will be contacted.


May 24, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


Crosby, Toews headed for cup showdown? Which young National Hockey League superstar will be the first to win two Stanley Cups? We could find out in mid-June whether it’s Jonathan Toews of the Chicago Blackhawks or Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Both are 25 years of age, have one Cup each to their credit and appear headed for a Stanley Cup final showdown. Their teams were the class of their respective conferences during the shortened 48game regular season and neither has shown any signs of slowing down in the post-season. Crosby, generally acclaimed as the best hockey player in the world, won his Cup in 2009, leading the Penguins past Detroit Red Wings in the final. The next year, Toews and his Hawks were crowned champs, downing Philadelphia in the final. Having two teams other than Pittsburgh and Chicago in this year’s final would have to be regarded as a huge surprise. The Penguins were

nine points better than runner-up Montreal in the Eastern Conference, and Chicago’s closest rival in the West, 11 points behind, was Anaheim. Both of those runner-up teams are already on the sidelines, leaving what appears to be a clear path for Pittsburgh and Chicago to zip through to the final. Hockey fans all across North America are rooting hard for Crosby. He missed most of the 201112 season with a concussion. After this year’s lockout ended in January, he got off to a sensational start with the Penguins, leading the scoring race by a mile before he took a slapshot in the jaw, fracturing it, and causing all kinds of tooth damage. He made it back in time for the playoffs and has been playing some of his best hockey. Crosby, who wears the number 87 because he was born Aug. 7 (8-7) in 1987, may be on top of his game because he’s so fresh thanks to all the injury time off. It says

here that in miderything exJune, he’ll still be cept the net. fresh enough to Ovechkin fincarry the Stanley ished the seCup around eiries with one ther the Consol goal, but he Energy Centre in was credited Pittsburgh or the with 13 hits United Center in (in Game 7), Chicago. and 13 hits is BRUCE • T. J. Simers of great if you PENTON the Los Angeles happen to be Times, on what the Supremes, ~ would happen if but not so hot Josh Hamilton if you’re one of swung a bat at him in re- the most gifted offensive taliation for a column he hockey players on the wrote critical of the Angel planet.” slugger: “Everyone knows • Mark Whicker of the he would miss, especially Orange County Register if I ducked low and away on Twitter: “Mike Keenan from him.” hired by Mettalurg Mag• Brad Dickson of the nitogorosk of KHL. And Omaha World-Herald: “A they thought Putin was a new hybrid sport called tough guy.” FootGolf combines soc• Brad Dickson of the cer and golf. Omaha World-Herald: The basic goal is to “A Reddit user who has combine the elements of never played competitive soccer with the elements basketball declared himof golf to create a TV self eligible for the NBA viewing experience that draft ‘after a few drinks.’ functions as a cure for in- So it sounds like the somnia.” Charlotte Bobcats found • Charles P. Pierce at their second-round pick.” “Alex • Comedy writer Jim Ovechkin . . . skated all Barach: “Boxer Floyd over the ice, hitting ev- Mayweather, Jr. is the

Classifieds Work Place yours today! Ph: 306-747-2442 Fax: 306-747-3000 TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST


Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 26 day of July, 2013 an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel Roll Number 00000010000 00000030000 00000076000 00000128000 00000132000 00000133000 00000166000 00000169000 00000170000 00000177000 00000178000 00000196000 00000214000 00000256000

Property Description 10 01 AB780-210 2nd Ave. E 02 03 AB780 - 305 Main 23 06 78PA27706 - 524 Main 02 11 84PA00289 - 103 1st 10 11 76PA00585 - 218 2nd 04 11 CX5988 - 2nd Ave. East 04 13 81PA01279 - Park Ave E 1/2 6 13 81PA01279 - Park 07 13 81PA01279 - 124 Park PT LSD 15 CX5988 - 170 PT LSD 02 DEBDEN PT 10-11 01 AK1413 - 128 09 02 82PA09823 - 101 Main 06 04 96PA00906 - Industrial

Dated this 15 day of May, 2013 Carmen Jean. Administrator

Title 139509872 137510827 141252061 141869256 131378384 131378407 142518214 115724640 115724662 119176623 119176768 115722480 139926448 115725405

Total Arrears $1,144.67 $1,099.91 $803.00 $1,219.23 $882.46 $175.07 $507.35 $84.13 $1004.06 $3,516.15 $132.25 $1,072.74 $1,937.87 $720.99

Advertising $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00

Total $1,154.67 $1,109.91 $813.00 $1,229.23 $892.46 $185.07 $517.35 $94.13 $1,014.06 $3,526.15 $142.25 $1,082.74 $1,947.87 $730.99

highest earning athlete for the second straight year. Although that would be changed if there was ever a pay per view showing of a fight between Tiger Woods and Sergio Garcia.” • Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “Tiger Woods won the Players Championship and also made Sergio Garcia really mad. So it was like winning twice!” • R.J. Currie of “Thomas Tusser is credited with the proverb ‘A fool and his money are soon parted.’ In a related item, Jerry Jones gave Tony Romo a $108 million contract extension.” • Headline at "Cleveland Browns gearing up to punt ball down opponents' throats." • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “A semitruck overturned on I-271 near Richfield, Ohio, spilling hundreds of hot dogs. Giants third baseman Pablo Sandoval immediately put in for a bereavement day.”

• Janice Hough of “The latest player caught in baseball’s testing program is a Marlins minor league pitcher who has been suspended 50 games. If you have to cheat and you can’t even make the Miami Marlins roster, maybe it’s time to find a new career choice.” • Another one from Dickson: “The odds of winning the $600 million Powerball Lottery are about 1 in 175 million. Speaking of, how are the Houston Astros looking in the playoff race?” •Another one from Cote: “Tim Tebow remains unsigned. ‘Hey, you know he’s in trouble if even I can’t help him,’ said God.” • Cote one more time: “Alabama coach Nick Saban called it ‘terribly disappointing’ that Florida assistant Tim Davis called him the devil. ‘Hey, being compared to Saban isn’t exactly a thrill for me, either,’ said Satan.” Care to comment? Email

R.M. OF CANWOOD NO. 494 PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given, pursuant to The Planning and Development Act, 2007, that the R.M. of Canwood No. 494 intends to pass a bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw No. 20037 as hereinafter provided: It is proposed to amend the said Zoning Bylaw as follows: 1. The Zoning District Map referred to in Section 4.1 of Bylaw 2003-7 is to be amended to rezone from AR-Agriculture Residential District to S-Storage District all that portion of Parcel C on the SE 6-49-7 W3 as shown within the bold line on the map below: Rationale: The intent of the bylaw is a follows: To provide for storage development in an area which is currently zoned as agriculture at the request of the landowner. The demand for storage development for recreational and private needs related to lakeshore development has increased significantly. The purpose of allowing storage development in the R.M. is to provide for privately owned sites that can be used for cold storage. Bylaw Inspection The bylaw may be inspected by any interested person at the R.M. Office on any judicial day from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and Noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Copies are available in person at a cost of $1.00 Public Hearing Representations respecting the amendment will be considered by Council on the 12th day of June, 2013, in the R.M. of Canwood No. 494 Council Chambers at 1:30 p.m. council shall hear any person or group of persons or person acting on their behalf who wishes to make a representation. Written submissions received by the Administrator prior to that date will be considered by Council as well. Issued at the Office of the R.M. of Canwood No. 494, this 17th day of May, 2013. Lorna Benson, Administrator


Shellbrook Chronicle

OBITUARIES ~ Herman Thiessen THIESSEN - Herman Thiessen He was a loving, caring husband, father, and grandfather who enjoyed the simple things in life. His first love was always his family, of which he spoke so proudly of and shared so many fond memories with. His grandchildren were very dear to his heart and he always found the time to keep them busy, playing cards or dice, or taking them for tractor, quad or skidoo rides. He had immense respect for nature and admired spending most of his time outdoors, whether it was working in the field, tending to his cattle, trapping, or watching wildlife. He had a great sense of humour, loved to tease and joke, and his smile could always light up a room. Music and dancing was a favourite pastime of his, he never wanted to go home from a function. His character was very influential and touched the lives of many. He was a genuine, kind-hearted, down to earth person with a soft voice and a huge heart. He was stubborn, determined, and strong-willed which enabled him to persevere. The cabin was his haven, a place where he could get away from daily life and relax. His trap line was very important to him, and his hard work and dedication resulted in numerous awards for his furs. He was always up for a visit and a few drinks which seemed to get stronger as the night progressed. He was a one of a kind man, who will always be greatly loved and missed. Herman leaves to cherish his memory, his loving wife of 49 years, Vivian; children: Shannon and her daughter Heidi (Ryan) – Tiffany & Kolby; Charma and her children: Jeremy (Desiree), Chelsea (Cyril) & Kimberly (David); Sherlyn (Donald) and her son Shawn; Bradley (Angie) and their children Liam& Kara. He also leaves his mother, Anna; and his siblings, Judd, Margaret, Mary (Richard), Judy (Dale), Martha, Bernice (Wayne); and numerous nieces, nephews, family and friends. Herman was predeceased by his father, Henry; his brothers, Henry & Abe; his sisters, Helen &Tena and a sonin-law, Denis. Herman passed away with his family by his side on May 15th, 2013 at the Victoria Hospital in Prince Albert, SK. at the age of 70. It is Herman’s wishes to have a private family service, which will be held at a later date. For those wishing to honor Herman’s memory with a donation, the family would like the Cancer Clinic in Saskatoon to be the charity. Saskatoon Cancer Centre 20 Campus Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada S7N 4H4 Tel (306) 655-2662. Fax (306) 655-2910 Email condolences to will be forwarded to the family. Lori Saam of Beau “Lac” Funeral Home entrusted with arrangements.

In Memoriams In memoriams may be put in the Chronicle for $19.50 (30 words) plus 20¢ per additional word

Shellbrook Chronicle

Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000

OBITUARIES ~ Lorne Person PERSON - Lorne James Person Lorne passed away May 13, 2013 after a lengthy battle with Parkinson’s disease.Lorne was born on July 11,1938 to Axel and Alice Person in Canwood, SK. He was raised on the farm in the Dry Creek area. He attended school at the Dry Creek School, until it burned down, thencontinued at the CanwoodSchool. Lorne married Dorothy LaClaire on Aug.30,1958 and had two children; Darrell born June 30,1962 and Lenore born May 19,1965. Lorne had a few different careers- he worked in a parts store in Edmonton, as a grain buyer for Searle grain in Canwood, an equipment operator for the Canwood RM, a farmer buying the Skafte farm in 1972 and an equipment operator for Cameco until he retired in 1999. Lorne was very active in the community belonging to the Blue Heron Community Club and to the Canwood Elks Lodge and served on the Canwood RM Council. He was involved with boy scouts, coached softball, was a leader with 4-H and sang with the Canwood Community Choir. Lorne loved music from an early age. He taught himself how to play the guitar, piano, organ and harmonica. He performed for many different functions singing his famous Cattle Call and Swiss Moonlight lullaby. Lorne also recorded a CD with the Mobergs performing his all-time favorite songs. Lorne loved to dance and along with Dorothy very rarely missed a dance. Lorne loved to travel. He and Dorothy travelled right across Canada, to Alaska and Hawaii. Most of all Lorne loved his family - whether it was playing with his grandkids, playing cards or games with family and friends or just simply visiting made him very happy. Lorne was predeceased by his parents, Axel and Alice Person; his father-in-law, Louis LaClaire; sister-in-law Sharon LaClaire (nee Best); and a brother-in-law Gordy LaClaire. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Person; his son Darrell Person and his wife Jean Person and their three children Melissa (Cody) Chretien, Dillon Person and Zach Person; daughter, Lenore Kuchirka and her husband Dennis Kuchirka and their three children, Britney Kuchirka, Tricia Kuchirka and Kyle Kuchirka. Lorne is also survived by his brothers, Wayne (Doris) Person, Gordon (Loretta) Person and Dorwin(Wendy) Person; his mother-in-law Maizie LaClaire; sister-in-laws, Joyce (Frank) Roggeveen, Delores (Larry)Nordell and Kim Laclaire; brother-inlaws, Fred (Sandy)LaClaire and Ken (May-louise)LaClaire. He is also survived by numerous cousins, nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews and even great great nieces and nephews. The Memorial Service was be held on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 2:00 PM at the Community Hall in Canwood officiated by Pastor Dave Whalley. Interment in Blue Heron Cemetery. The eulogist was Stuart Person and music selections were sung by Britney Kuchirka, Tricia Kuchirka, Kyle Kuchirka and Dillon Person. The organist was Linda Bator. Melissa Chretien conveyed a story about grandpa. The Honorary Pallbearers were “All family and friends that share in Lorne’s life”. The Urn Bearers were Kyle Kuchirka and Zach Person. Donations in memory of Lorne may be made to the Saskatchewan Parkinsons Disease Foundation. Online condolences to the family may be made by going to Arrangements entrusted to Hawryluk Funeral Home, Canwood, SK.

May 24, 2013

PRAISE & WORSHIP ~ Regular services, Sunday school and

special events will be listed at no charge. LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. - Worship Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 11:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Shellbrook Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sun., 11 a.m. - Worship Wed., Mid Week Study 7 p.m. Pastor David Bodvarson 747-7235 Canwood 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun., 9:30 a.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Whitefish Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis Sunday, 3 p.m.

St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Saturday, 7 p.m. St. Henry’s - Leask Mass Sunday 9 a.m.. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Sunday 11 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am -Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Dan Guiboche 204-620-0309 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morning. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 747-2309, Leask 466-4498 Marcelin 226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays - 10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley


Classifieds Work

May 24, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


From the desk of the Rec Director By Jenny Hosie Sunday June 23, you will have the opportunity to take part in a 5km walk/run or 10kn run. The event starts at Shellbrook Sports Grounds at 2:00pm and is a fundraiser to help with the furnishings at the Parkland Integrated Health Facility. Even if you are unable to participate yourself, you can sponsor someone else to take part who will wear your name. More information and a registration form will be available next week in the forms sections of our website; You can still register for Red Cross & Life Saving Society Lessons, Adult Lessons, Punch Passes, Seasonal Passes and Aqua Fit. You can also register for Silver Fins Swim Club. If you were unable to attend our Swimming Lesson Registration on May 9, please get in touch with me and I can send you the forms via post or email. You can also register at the pool when it opens in June. There you can also purchase season

and punch passes. Please find your Shellbrook Swimming Pool brochure in this week’s Chronicle for all the information you will need about the pool this summer! Fitness with Leeta is now outdoors at the High School football field!!$5.00 drop in cost or 12 passes for $50.00. Leeta is a certified group fitness leader and offers a range of workouts that will improve your cardio, strength, endurance and flexibility. If you have any questions regarding these sessions, contact me using the details that follow.Classes every Tuesday and Thursday 7:30-8:30pm. Good news everyone! Our brand new Splash Pad at the pool is going to be installed this month. We are aiming a start date of May 21, weather permitting of course! So fingers crossed everyone, it should be completed for the opening of the pool. Call for Volunteers: If you would like to volunteer this summer for the museum or tourist booth, please contact me

using the details below. Health Tip: Sometimes when we exercise we do not know how much of an impact it is having on our bodies. Make sure that when participating in physical activity that you are aware of your heart rate. Make sure you drink plenty of water when exercising, don’t wait until you are dehydrated! Cool down your body after exercise by gently stretching to reduce and prevent buildup of lactic acid. Lactic acid is what gives you pain the day after a big workout. Exercise can increase your hunger so be sure to eat your carbs and required calories at least 30 minutes after working out. Remember to keep updated with all things Shellbrook on our Facebook page, Shellbrook Recreation. Office – 747-4949 Cell – 747-9098 Email –

Province Proclaims Coaches Week in Saskatchewan The Honourable Kevin Doherty, Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport along with the Coaches Association of Saskatchewan has once again proclaimed May 25 – June 1, 2013 as Coaches Week in Saskatchewan. This week, we take time to recognize and celebrate the valuable contributions coaches make to sport and our communities, as well as to offer education opportunities for

Saskatchewan coaches. “Coaches Week is dedicated to celebrating the thousands of coaches who make a difference in the lives of their athletes and to amateur sport in Saskatchewan. Through their skilled leadership and passion for their sport, coaches inspire young people, and help them achieve their goals, as well as experience the many benefits that participation in

Classifieds work ... 306-747-2442 PUBLIC NOTICE

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec 55 of the Planning and Development Act that the Council of the Town of Big River has received application for a Discretionary Use under the Municipality’s Zoning Bylaw: Application has been made by SMOOTH R.O.C.K. Construction, Calvin Thiessen, for Multiple Unit Dwelllings to be constructed on Lot 3 Block M Plan 74B12304, 519 Forbes Street. This application will be considered by Council at 10:00 a.m. on June 3, 2013 in the Meeting Room of Big River Community Centre, 606 1st Street North, Big River Saskatchewan, at which time Council shall consider any written submissions. Dated at Big River, SK. this 21st day of May, 2013 Gail Gear, Administrator

sport offers,” said Garry Armstrong, Chairperson of the Coaches Association of Saskatchewan. “I encourage you to take the opportunity during Coaches Week to recognize and say “thank you” to the coaches in your sport and community and to also consider becoming involved in coaching yourself.” “Coaches are dedicated individuals and important role models. They instill

values in our youth such as commitment, teamwork and sportsmanship,” Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Kevin Doherty said. “Coaches play a vital role in improving sport and recreation in our province and are leaders in promoting healthy, active and vibrant lifestyles for the people of Saskatchewan.” There are more than 20,000 coaches in the province, most of who


work as volunteers. These coaches dedicate their time and energy to supporting Saskatchewan athletes on and off the field, and are integral to the success of Saskatchewan’s sport system. We encourage all those involved in sport and the media to join us in raising awareness of Coaches Week in Saskatchewan and saying “thank you” to coaches across the prov-

ince. For more information on Coaches Week, or to get involved in coaching, visit The Coaches Association of Saskatchewan (CAS) is a not-for-profit provincial organization which represents the interests of coaching in the province. CAS strives to enhance the development and recognition of coaches at all levels in all sports.

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May 24, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle 16


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THE CLASSIFIEDS Email your ad:

May 24, 2013

Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000 Email P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Advertising Deadline - Monday: 5:00 p.m.

Subscriptions $60.00 + $3.00 (GST) = $63.00/year

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 4 - 20555-R16 Michelin X-Ice with steel rims. $50 each fits Madza 3. Phone 306-7472297. TFCH FOR SALE - 950 watt Yardworks generator, low hours, $250 306-883-2376 2-22CH

AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE - Handi Bus, 1997 Ford 350 Chassis Vortec V10 engine, dual wheels. Equipped with chair lift, 8 seats and tie downs for 4 wheel chairs. Asking $7,900. 306-7477779. 2-21CH FOR SALE - 1996 IHC 54 pass. school bus, Thomas body, V8, diesel engine, 5 spd. trans. rubber 80%, Sask certified. Exc. cond. Asking $5,000. Don Moe 306-747-7874 3-21CH

REC. VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE - 35 ft. Pace Arrow top of the line motorhome. 306-747-3110. 2-21CH FOR SALE - 1988 Prowler Lynx 25 1/2’ 5th wheel, very good condition, no leaks, new fridge in 2010, new water heater in 2011. modified for higher trucks. Will flip axles back if needed. Phone 306724-4422. 2-21CH

MOTORHOME FOR SALE - 1997 - 35’ Rexhall diesel pusher, 300 Cummins on Freightliner chassis, air brakes, 7000 watt generator, solar panels, queen bed, side by side fridge, sleeps 4, central vac, 4 pc. dinette suite. Loaded with extras. 306468-2098 4-22CH FOR SALE: Canadian built “Bigfoot” well-appointed, lightweight 17’ fibreglass travel trailer in excellent condition. $10,900.00 OBO. 1-306-747-3221 2-21CH FOR SALE - 1990 26 ft. Dutchman 5th wheel, rear kitchen, sleeps six, A.C., awning, 3 piece bath, very good condition. Asking $5,000. 306747-2315 2-22CH

MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2001 JD 7710 PQ LHR, 3 hyd, 20.8x38 duals, w/2010 JD740 classic loader, very clean, shedded; 2002 Spray Coupe 4640, auto, 80 ft. booms, Outback Guidance, very clean, shedded. 306-468-7879. 2-21CH FOR SALE - 2012 J.D. Disc-Bind 956, center pivot rotary mower-conditioner PRU $34,995 obo. Phone Phil 306-9608323 TFCH FOR SALE - 2094 Case, 2wd, 110HP, 8400 hrs; 2294 Case FWA, 135 HP, 6400hrs w/loader; 5600 Case Chisel

Shellbrook Chronicle Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + GST 20¢ additional words $7.75 for additional weekds Classified Display: $17.80/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.60 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: advertising: plow; Degelman 12ft Dozer w/Case mounts. Call Barclay at 306-466-2555 after 6 p.m.

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus bulls. Yearling and 2 year olds. Reasonably priced, well developed bulls. Not force fed, but carry enough condition to go out and work your pastures. Transformers, Raven, Master and Diversity bloodlines. $100.00 deposit will hold until May 1. Tours welcome. For more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries. 306-469-4970 or 306-469-7902 25-30CH FOR SALE - Black and Red Angus bulls on moderate growing ration. Performance info available. Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards. Valleyhills Angus. Glaslyn, SK Ph: 306-342-4407 17-22CH JOHNER STOCK FARM BULLS, Polled Hereford/ Speckle Park yearling and two year olds. Guaranteed, delivered. 306-893-2714 or 893-2667 25-28CH FOR SALE - Quality Red and Black Salers bulls for calving ease. Elderberry Farm Salers, Parkside 7473302 8-22CH POPLAR RIDGE ANGUS offering: Registered purebred

Black Angus yearling and two year old bulls. Quiet disposition, easy calving, semen tested and pasture ready. Shellbrook, SK 306-7473038 TFC FOR SALE - Polled yearling Charolais bulls; Avg birth wt. 95 lb; avg WW Sept. 19 765 lb; avg yearling wt Jan. 19 1190, Mar. 24 1,443, semen tested, Vass. Issac Hildebrand 1-306724-4907 6-24CH FOR SALE - Red and Black Gelbvieh bulls, quiet, semen tested, free delivery. RPS Gelbvieh at 306-3424490 or 306-3422136 8-26CH

SEED FOR SALE FOR SALE - Common #1 Smooth Brome, Meadow Brome, Timothy, Crested Wheat, Yellow Clover, Cicer Milkvetch, Alfalfa; also have certified seed. Grower Direct. Blending and delivery available. Competitive prices. Darrel Siklenka 306342-4290 or 306342-2189, Glaslyn, SK 12-26CH FOR SALE - Alfalfa seed tailings, Various Leaf Cutter Bee equipment. Contact Grant Wood, 306469-04893. 4-23CH

WANTED WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Mar-

SWNA Blanket Classifieds

Reaching over 6 million people weekly. Cost for 25 words:

Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French)

cel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH WANTED - Cow/Calf pairs. Phone 306468-2711. 2-21CH WANTED - Pasture land for 30 cow/calf pairs. Close to Shellbrook with water. Ph: 306-747-2575 2-22CH

HOMES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE - in Debden, 1,120 sq. ft. bungalow built 1992. Great location 409 4th Ave. E. Contact 306-468-4470 TFCH FOR SALE - 1225 square foot energy efficient home in Leoville. Attached garage, large lot with detached garage, central air and appliances. Phone 306984-4933. 10-22CH

FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT - 2 bedroom. Looking for older renter, long duration stay, no pets, no smoking, call Jennifer. 306-747-3405 1-21CH

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Shellbrook Motel now hiring for summer staff in housekeeping, part time morning hours. Retention bonus. Ph: 306-747-2631 TFC HELP WANTED Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds now hiring FT customer service rep. Email resume to mumms@sprouting. com or fax: 306-7473618 2-22CH

YARD SALE YARD SALE - Multifamily, May 17 - May 20, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Snow or shine. Some antiques, household items and many more. Watch for signs, 20 miles South of Shell Lake, 20 miles North of Blaine Lake, 12 miles West of Leask. Call 3-6466-4441. 2-21CH

CARD OF THANKS Thank you to those who travelled to Saskatoon to be with us at the funeral for our daughter, Lovina Holodniuk; that was very gratifying. Thank you for all the

Shellbrook Chronicle Career Ads

Reaching Over 600,000 People Weekly

Rates: $7.79 per agate line Size: 2 col. x 2” ...................$424.00 Deadline for Booking/Material Tuesdays at 12 Noon Contact the Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442 or Email: All prices plus applicable taxes.

NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or services offered. monetary donations, they were all forwarded to the Diabetic Assoc. Thank for the many tokens of love. We have been deeply touched. - Elias and Lilleth Shantz

MEMORIAMS BITTNER - Rudolph Bittner, 1911-1966 Ottelia Bittner, 19202009. TO OUR PARENTS A bouquet of beautiful memories Sprayed with a million tears, Wishing God could have spared you If just for a few more years. We cannot have old days back When we were all together, But secret tears and loving thoughts Will be with us forever. A silent grief that’s in our hearts No human eye can trace, For many a broken heart is hid Beneath a smiling face. Many moments throughout the day It feels as though you are near, Memories of you come our way

MISS YOU...WISH YOU WERE HERE. - Love from all of your children. IN MEMORIAM Mason, Mark. In loving memory of Mark, March 27, 1964 - May 16, 2003. Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts, And we are never,ever the same. Forever loved and sadly missed. - Love Mom and Dad. IN MEMORIAM Kotyk, Orest. March 3, 1952 - May 23, 2012. It broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you The day God called you home. Miss you so much. - Love Deb and families.

In Memory


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Shellbrook Chronicle

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May 24, 2013

Local nurse honoured Health care has been prevalent in the minds of many community members these days with the upcoming opening of the new Parkland Integrated Health Centre. In the midst of all of this, it is sometimes easy to forget about the individuals who help these facilities function. One such person was honoured recently with a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Pam Archibald, a registered nurse at the Shellbrook Primary Health Care Clinic, was granted this national honour for her efforts at the clinic and in the community. According to the Governor General of Canada’s website, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal was created in 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II taking the Throne as Queen of Canada. The medal was designed as a way for Canadians to honour Her Majesty for her service, while at the same time honouring individual Canadians who have contributed to the country’s success. The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) was invited to award 30 of these medals to deserving RNs across the country. According to the CNA website, Pam was selected for the award because of the attention she gives her patients and the extra work that she does in the community. “When Pam is faced with a new treatment regime, a com-

plex patient or an unusual symptom, she investigates and uses an evidence-based approach to ensure her patients receive the best care possible,” the website states. “Pam’s main priority is her patients. She is compassionate and caring and strives to provide patient and family-focused care. Chronic disease management is only a small part of her day. S he also spends considerable time involved in community engagement activities. Besides having a very busy role in the clinic, Pam recently took on an additional role: presenting a six-week program for individuals and families living with chronic conditions called Live Well with Chronic Conditions. Pam exemplifies the role of the nurse practitioner, showing how this role aligns with the teambased care model.” “I offer the warmest of congratulations and thanks to all of the medal recipients,” CNA president Barb Mildon said at a congratulatory dinner held in Ottawa on March 5. “These medals represent a distinct achievement in each of their exemplary careers. They will also serve as an inspiration to the entire nursing community. No matter what capacity or sector an RN works in, he or she is engaged in and committed to helping Canadians and the health care system reach a higher level of health.”


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, Internet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 5-8, Friday 1-5. Contact us for more info 497-3130 CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thurs. - 12 :00 noon - 5: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Theatre Movie Night. Next Movie Night in Shellbrook, Friday, June 21 ~ “Oz”. American fantasy adventure film, Doors Open 7:00 p.m. Show time 7:30 p.m. Cost is $5 for movie SHELLBROOK: Benefit Concert for Living Waters Camp featuring Elim Church Choir Sunday, May 26 6:00 p.m. Shellbrook Pentecostal. Pot luck lunch following. CANWOOD: W.W.H.S. Plant Sale at the Canwood Curling Rink on Tues., May 28 ~ 10 a.m. Lunch - Beef on a Bun - $8 LEASK: W.W.H.S. Plant Sale at the Leask Legion Hall on Wed., May 29 ~ 10 a.m. Lunch - Beef on a Bun - $8 AHTAHKAKOOP - Ahtahkakoop Spring Quad Rally, Saturday, May 25, 2013. Registration 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • $5,000 in cash prizes • Raffle prize (2013 Kawasaki 650) • Over $5,000 in merchandise prizes • FREE breakfast, trail lunch and supper. For more information contact AJ at 306-961-9387 SHELLBROOK: Fundraising Barbecue For the Kinsmen Park Improvements, Fri., June 7- 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., In front of Bigway, $8.00 for Hamburger, potato chips & drink. The Kinsmen and Kinettes Thank You for your support. SHELLBROOK: 50th Anniversary Barbeque in celebration from 1963 - 2013, Sandin Composite High School, Friday May 31, 11 am to 1 pm. Musical Talent, Children’s program. All are welcome. Sponsored by Grade 12 Graduating Class.

TRIPLE YOUR ADVERTISING We’ll advertise your important community event in our Community Calendar FREE for two weeks prior to the event with a purchase of a

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55.00 plus G.S.T. - A savings of over 30% Available to Non-Profit & Community Organizations Only

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Shellbrook Chronicle Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0

Ph: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000 • email: chads@shellbrookchronicle. com



Pam Archibald of the Shellbrook Primary Health Care Clinic received a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for her efforts at the clinic and in the community.

2013 Big Game draw now open The 2013 Big Game Draw is open until June 17 for Saskatchewan hunters. “Our province is blessed with abundant sporting opportunities,” Environment Minister Ken Cheveldayoff said. “Best of luck to those participating in the 2013 Big Game Draw and I wish all hunters an enjoyable and safe season.” According to an evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Environment in 2005, it was estimated that hunters contribute $107.5 million to the economy annually through their sporting activities - approximately eight per cent of the total amount spent on all tourism activities in Saskatchewan. Much of this expenditure generated economic benefits to rural areas across the province. All hunters on the draw application are reminded they must have their own unique Hunting, Angling and Trapping Licence iden-

tification number (HAL ID) and are urged to obtain one before applying for the draw to avoid complications with their application. Hunters can receive a HAL ID: •Online at •Through private issuers, ministry offices and select park offices; or •By phone at 1-855-848-4773 between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. (CST) Starting this year, licences will not be mailed automatically to successful applicants as the HAL ID allows licences to be issued via the automated licensing system. Information on who was successful in the draw will be posted on both the big game draw site and on an individual’s HAL account starting mid July. The 2013 Saskatchewan Resident Big Game Draw Supplement is available at

Real Estate for Sale

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Debden Area - Approx. 150 acres with approx. 60 acres in tame hay, balance bush & natural pasture. Large slough for water, mainly fenced. Seller is keeping the yard site (10 acres). Approx 4 miles NW of Debden. MLS® 448225

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May 24, 2013

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Shellbrook Chronicle

May 24, 2013





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