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Shellbrook Chronicle The voice of the Parkland for over 100 years Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, September 20, 2013

VOL. 102 NO. 38| PMR #40007604

A number of vehicles and firefighters responded to the blaze, including crews out of Prince Albert, Shellbrook and Buckland.

Fire near Holbein contained by local crews A fire was spotted by fire detection aircraft in an area southeast of Holbein on September 17 and reported to the fire base in Prince Albert at approximately 12:45 p.m. Fire crews were immediately dispatched from the Prince Albert Fire Base. The Shellbrook Fire Department and the Buckland Fire Department were also notified and dispatched. Public safety 911 responded to the scene as well. “That fire was in Wildfire Management’s jurisdiction, so in cases like that where we have extreme fire conditions out there, we called in our air tankers,” commented Connie Bradburn, a Forest Protection Officer at the Prince Albert Forest Protection Base. Three different aircraft were dispatched from La Ronge where they were sitting on call. One of the aircraft was a Convair 580, which set a line of retardant around the fire. A CL215, which is a water dropping aircraft, was also sent to the

scene. The third plane was a Bird Dog aircraft meant to direct the other planes. In fires such as this one, the aircraft often perform the initial fire fighting duties. “They actually had to do some traffic control first when they got out there,” Bradburn said. “In the case where we have air tankers working on the fire, they are in charge from the air, so a lot of the ground crews are instructed to go to safe areas while the tankers are dropping ... When they are finished, then all the crews are allowed to go in and work on the fire.” According to Bradburn, once the aircraft were finished their work, the fire was about 70-80% contained. “The crews then went in and were assigned locations to work in by our incident commander that was out there,” Bradburn said. The site of the fire marked the same location that was set ablaze in 2002. The material that burned on Tuesday was the

regeneration from the old burn, which was made up of about 10-foot-tall pine. By about 5:30 p.m. on September 17, it was estimated that the fire was approximately 90% contained. It was expected at the time that before the crews were to leave for the night the fire would be contained to a point where they would have nothing but mop up duty the following day. Conservation officers have initiated an investigation as to the cause of the fire, but as of press time the investigation was still under way, and no results were reported. Fire Protection Officers are stating that the conditions in this area are currently at an extremely hazardous level in regards to forest fires, and people should take caution during the dry fall season. More photos on page 11

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Shellbrook Chronicle

September 20, 2013

Perform on Kinsmen Telemiracle 38!

We are looking for Saskatchewan singers, dancers, bands, and entertainers to audition to perform on Kinsmen Telemiracle 38 to be held March 1 and 2, 2014, and broadcast live on CTV. “Audition time is exciting for us. We are amazed every year at the incredible talent in our province.” says Joan Steckhan, the Kinsmen Foundation’s Executive Director. “We audition over 200 performances on the Audition weekend. Our producers always have a tough job to narrow that down to the less than 50 that will ultimately be on the show.”

While talent is one part of our criteria – passion for Telemiracle, the desire to help others, and geographic balance among performers are other factors involved in the selection of who will be on the show. Producer Ian Roach says, “Telemiracle is a coming together of the people of Saskatchewan to raise funds for people with special needs. Our performers are a huge part of that and we look to celebrate this in every corner of the province.” Anyone interested in auditioning for Telemiracle must apply with the Kinsmen Telemiracle office to be registered.

Auditions will be held on November 2 in Regina and November 3 in Saskatoon. Please call 244-6400, extension 2, to register. The Kinsmen Foundation makes miracles by providing Saskatchewan people and organizations with special needs equipment and access to medical assistance. Through Telemiracle dollars, the Kinsmen Foundation is able to gift special needs equipment, mobility equipment, travel costs to get to medical facilities, community vans, and equipment in hospitals and health centres.

Donation to Health Services Project


W dl d Ph Woodland Pharmacy recently l d donated d $ $25,000 to the h Sh Shellbrook llb k & Districts Health Services Project Inc. Their donation will be recognized in the entrance of the new building, along with others, and also on an acute care room in the Parkland Integrated Health Centre. Photographed, from left to right, are Grant Hladun, Murray Kasun, and Darryl Kress.

Fourteen and fifteen year olds can only work 16 hours during a school week Saskatchewan youth aged 14 and 15 are reminded that they must complete Saskatchewan’s Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course (YWRCC) and abide by Saskatchewan’s Minimum Age Employment laws if they want to work during the school year. Employers are responsible for ensuring that each young worker provides them with a YWRCC certificate, which must be kept on file. Employers must also adhere to the labour standards, occupational health and safety,

and minimum age employment laws. “As school is a priority, it is important that youth with part-time jobs are aware of the minimum age laws,” Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don Morgan said. “There are limits on the hours per week they can work and the start and end times of their shifts.” Young workers under the age of 16 must have the consent of their parent or guardian to work; are not allowed to work after 10 p.m. Sunday through

Thursday; cannot work before school starts in the morning; and cannot work more than 16 hours during a school week. The YWRCC is a mandatory ready-for-work course that teaches youth about occupational health and safety, labour standards laws and their rights and duties as employees. Since 2010, more than 27,000 certificates have been printed. The course can be taken online at You can also learn more about YWRCC at 1-800-667-1783.

September 20, 2013

Crew works to reline sewers

A crew from Acme Sewer and Industrial Services, a company out of Regina, was in town last week working to reline the sewers in different areas throughout Shellbrook. The process involves running a felt-like material through the existing line. The crew then clears the line with steam, and the material hardens in place, relining the inside of the existing line and making it like new. The new liner initially blocks the services that run to each individual house, so the crew must then run a robotic cutter through the line, fitted with different drill bits, that cuts out the necessary pieces of the new liner to reopen the access to each house. This means that, for a short period of time, adjacent houses are without service, usually for no more than a couple of hours. In the long run it is certainly worth it, as this process creates a sewer line that is like new without going through the process of digging up the existing infrastructure.

Rob Clarke’s MP Report Our government recently announced Employment Insurance rate freezes for both employers and employees for the next three years. These freezes will represent significant savings for workers and will help stimulate the economy by ensuring that business owners can hire without fearing that a rising EI rate will stunt the growth of their operations. Small business is the lifeblood of Canada’s economy and our government recognizes the vital role that small business has played in Canada’s strong position in the global economy. The rate freezes will save small businesses and those employed by them more than $660 million in the year 2014 alone, in comparison to the projected increases. The news of the rate freeze has generated numerous positive comments from organizations across the

country. Diane J. Brisebois, President and CEO of the Retail Council of Canada, stated, “The retail sector is Canada’s largest employer ROB and as a result bears the bulk CLARKE of the burden ~ of paying into Desnethé the EI system. This freeze on Mississippi premiums will Churchill River mean more money for employers to invest in other important areas such as employment, training and infrastructure… As a small business owner, I applaud Minister Flaherty for recognizing that even the smallest

tax relief goes a long way to helping businesses grow and thrive.” Our government’s job creation strategy has allowed us to eliminate increases in the EI rate. Our low-tax policies are keeping Canadians employed and creating new opportunities. Putting money where it belongs - in the hands of workers and small business owners – is a priority for our government. We will continue to find innovative ways to save Canadian families money. As always, I look forward to your letters, e-mails and calls. Write me at: Rob Clarke MP, House of Commons, 502 Justice Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6. I hope you will find time to visit my website To contact me via e-mail use Rob. or call my constituency office toll-free at 1-866-4002334.


Shellbrook Chronicle Website

Shellbrook Chronicle

Saskatchewan Seniors Association news


The members of SSAI’s Executive Board meeting of this month of September have asked me to forward a message via this letter which is of great importance to all members of SSAI. The message is simply this. The Board realizes the problems of declining membership that the majority of our seniors’ centers are experiencing and are very determined to try and change that situation as quickly as possible. However they cannot do this huge task alone and are asking for each and every member to help them. They believe, as do I, that the problems lies not in the fact there are no seniors but that the seniors out there in all our communities have had, up to now, no real incentive or reason to join SSAI. The board believes that the answer to this problem lies out there and with all our combined experience and knowledge we can come up with the ways and means to correct this problem. To that end they have struck a committee with that very title whose aim is to reach out to all our members, in all our centers, to determine how best we can overcome this age old concern. The committee already has some great ideas how SSAI can attract new members and at the same time help existing members and centers to cope with their failing resources and memberships. We all need to help them and pitch in with positive ideas, because the alternative is not one that we need or want. All those ideas and suggestions should be forwarded to the President of the association who will be heading this new committee. I receive quite a lot of phone calls and notes and there are some really great items of interest to seniors and probably now is the time to bring some of them into this letter. One is entitled, (author unknown) WE WERE AWESOME and its directed at all those people who survived the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. I can only mention a few of the quotes because of space, but here we go. “As infants and children we would drink water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with all of our friends, from one bottle and no one actually died from that. We ate cupcakes, white bread and bacon. We drank cool aid made with real sugar and we were not over weight. Why not? Because we walked to school and played all day from morning to night and only came home when the street lights came on and we survived. There were no play stations, nintendos and X boxes, no video games, no 150 channels on cable, no TV, no internet and no chat rooms, no video movies or DVD’s, no surround sound or CD’s, no cell phones, no personal computers, but we did have friends because we actually went out and found them. The idea of parents bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of, because they actually sided with the law. Those generation have produced some of the best risk takers, problem solvers and inventors ever. The past 50 to 80 years have seen an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. No blame was attached to events in our childhood or even our parents’ childhood that affected our successes, failures, our vices or virtues, we just got on with our lives and made the best of it.” For many of the people out there now who seem all too willing to blame everyone and everything for the problems they have this could be the lesson that they should learn. ‘Now something to make you smile.’ The word ‘politics’ describes the system that rules most of our lives. In Latin the word ‘Poli’ means ‘many’ and I believe that ‘tics’ mean “blood sucking creatures”!!!!. Only in Canada eh! With all the problems that politicians face today the biggest one still remains the one of image. Elected M.P.’s and selected Senators helping themselves to the trough of tax money does nothing to help that image and then expecting the man in the street to believe the feeble and lame excuses for their actions seems to put icing on the arrogance and ignorance cake. Right about now we should all be looking for our brooms in preparation for making a clean sweep and see if we can’t come up with something better. Once again I would like to remind all the people who think they know what seniors want or care about, remember, “we may be old but we are not stupid”. In the meantime please remember that SSAI needs all your help, and while you are thinking of the ways you can be of assistance do not forget to stay active and to stay healthy. The ‘golden ages’ are not for the weak and feeble. - Len Fallows. Past President SSAI.


Shellbrook Chronicle


September 20, 2013

Siblings in sports Last Sunday’s platter of NFL football games included a unique matchup, dubbed the “Manning Bowl”, that saw brothers Eli and Peyton Manning square off against each other in a quarterback duel. Eli’s Giants ended up losing the game to Peyton’s Broncos, giving older brother Peyton a 3-0 lead in the career series at the NFL level. While the game didn’t quite live up to the hype, it did pose some interesting questions regarding the success of siblings in the world of sports. The nature versus nurture debate is an old one and a good one, with arguments from both camps popping up when discussing sporting siblings. When two individuals are both gifted with the right genes, it certainly increases the chances that they will both grow up to excel in a similar field. For the Manning brothers, this was certainly the case, as father Archie Manning had a long career in the NFL as a quarterback. JON There are a number of examples of twin brothers who have found SVEC success in the world of professional ~ sports. Daniel and Henrik Sedin are both stars in the NHL, Tiki and Reporter Ronde Barber both played in the NFL, and coaches Rob and Rex Ryan, sons of legendary NFL coach Buddy Ryan, are both coaching in the NFL. While the idea of twin brothers succeeding in the same field might seem like a case for those who favour nature in the debate, the twins themselves may say otherwise. Daniel and Henrik Sedin grew up not only competing with each other, but competing with their two older brothers as well. A National Post article from December of 2011 chronicled the twins, and claimed that, “Daniel and Henrik never dreamt as children of playing in the NHL--they simply wanted to be as good as their older brothers.” This type of competition is often what drives young individuals to work to reach their potential, and this certainly seemed to be the case for the Sedin brothers. It was the same for Tiki and Ronde Barber. “If you put us in the backyard together for a whiffle-ball game or a flag-football match with the neighborhood kids, well, that could get pretty ugly and downright competitive,” Ronde said in an interview with Muscle and Fitness Magazine. Because of this, they often chose to avoid direct competition when possible, as their ultimate goal was always to be supportive. “We always played the same sports but different positions (in football) or participated in different events (in track),” Tiki said. That is probably why, though they are twins, they each played a different position in the NFL. Tiki was a star running back, while Ronde excelled in the defensive secondary. Twin brothers Rob and Rex Ryan are also split between the two camps, as they inherited some great coaching genes from their father Buddy, but were also taught the X’s and O’s by their dad, who was recognized as a defensive mastermind in his time with the Bears. Buddy didn’t push his sons to become coaches, but when he realized that it was what they wanted to do, he decided to help. On the weekend that his boys graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Buddy drove to town and rented a hotel room. It was in that hotel room that Buddy taught his sons his revolutionary defensive scheme. “He bought an easel and gave the boys a two-day crash course on his scheme, the vaunted 46 defense,” wrote Jenni Carlson in an article for NewsOK in Oklahoma. “I always say that he taught me the defense in one day, taught Rob the defense in two days,” Rex Ryan joked in the article. The lessons certainly paid off, as Rex is currently the head coach of the Jets, while Rob is the defensive coordinator for the Saints. One factor that I believe is often overlooked during this debate is the issue of attainability. For many young quarterbacks, the idea of playing in the NFL is something that seems otherworldly, too big to grasp--unattainable. Peyton and Eli Manning, however, grew up with an NFL quarterback for a father. They were reminded every day that NFL quarterbacks are mere mortals playing on a huge stage, and that with hard work their goals could be achieved. I’m sure it didn’t hurt having a brother with the same goals, someone to push and pull you along the way.

Paul Martin Commentary Traffic at the local car lot in this province is It is now estimated that Saskatchewan exports will fairly steady these days ... perhaps that should be hit the $30 billion mark this year – a level we’ve have the local truck lot. never seen before. The monthly update on sales of new vehicles *** looks at July and for the forth month in a row, Residents of this province who have retired are the total number of units leaving the lot has examong the happiest in the country about their lot in ceeded five thousand. But, interestingly, for every life. new car being acquired, three trucks are sold. An interesting survey conducted for CIBC on the Now, the truck classification also includes SUVs attitudes of retirees says people in this province are and minivans as well as buses so it may be a bit generally happy about the state of affairs in their PAUL skewed. lives. Roughly three out of four say they are living These numbers come from StatsCan and form the retirement life they expected. That’s the highest MARTIN an important piece of the consumer confidence ranking in Canada, tied with Quebecers. To put that ~ puzzle. Economists like to track the activities of in context, only 60 per cent of retirees in BC can say consumers to see if something is changing in the the same thing. marketplace. Whether people are feeling more or There is, however, one dark cloud hanging over all less optimistic can often be judged by their spending habits. of this – they’re happy but living close to the financial line. What this particular report tells us is that nothing is hapWhen asked if they were worried about running out of monpening - either pro or con. It is just steady-as-she-goes with ey in retirement, one-third of Saskatchewan residents said it sales volumes remaining in a relatively narrow range sug- was an issue, second highest in the nation. And, when asked gesting consumers'' attitudes have not changed one way or if they could handle an unexpected bill of $500 a month – say another for the bulk of the year. for a loan for home repairs – about half said they would have *** trouble managing it. With a relatively small population base, a large land mass With life expectancy rising retirement savings have to last and a highly productive economy, Saskatchewan is the ulti- longer, making financial planning early in life all that much mate exporting jurisdiction. In simple terms we produce far more important. more than we can consume so we have to find a home for our * output somewhere in the world. To put it another way, imagCanadians are wrestling with high levels of personal debt, ine if Saskatchewan producers of grain, oil or potash could according to the report which says we owe $1.64 for every only sell to Saskatchewan consumers….our economy would dollar of income. dry up. This is a reflection of spending habits which have changed So when the export numbers for most of last year were re- from the way our grandparents did things. In part, say most leased earlier this week showing that national exports had observers, the reason is low interest rates. fallen and shipments to Europe declined by nearly 30 per With borrowing costs at all-time lows, economists say we cent, Saskatchewan economists were very interested. are encouraged to spend more than we make and cover the But these numbers also showed the variance between Can- short fall with debt. ada and Saskatchewan on exports. But this a two-sided coin. It is also easier to pay off. We, in fact, were up. Because we don’t rely as heavily on When interest rates are low, more of our payments go to Europe to buy our goods – we tend to look south and to the principal so while this is may seem like a good time to borFar East – we were the contrarians…moving upward while row…it is also an equally good time to pay things off. the nation as a whole was in decline.


September 20, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


Foreign workers welcome in Saskatchewan Before we get into today’s issue of when it’s appropriate to be bringing in foreign workers to Saskatchewan, consider this province’s biggest controversy with new arrivals compared with that in Quebec. For all the joy some in Eastern Canada _ and especially some in Quebec _ get out of portraying rural, prairie folk as rednecks, who seems more tolerant to foreigners right now in this country? In Quebec, the Parti Quebecois government is enacting a law saying those whose custom it is to display their religious affiliation _ be it a turban, head-cover or even a Catholic of Protestant cross _ can no longer do so if they want to work in the public sector. Think of the chilling message this sends _ especially to newcomers to Canada who came to escape religious prosecution. Now, compare that with how welcoming both rural and urban Saskatchewan has been, given the biggest controversy here is whether we’re too aggressive in bringing foreign workers. No, we’re not perfect here. One certainly can’t say that everyone in this province is tolerant. You will find some who oppose

temporary foreign workers simply because they are foreigners. But we certainly don’t have government policy prohibiting the public expression of religious belief. In fact, SaskatchMURRAY ewan’s government has no interest in MANDRYK temporary foreign ~ workers’ religion or even whether they speak the language. Its only interest here is whether the temporary foreign workers can help fill the province’s many job vacancies. And it is the government’s fondest desire is that these temporary works will stay and make Saskatchewan their new permanent home. That said, whether this strategy is the best one for Saskatchewan in the long run is a matter of debate. According to federal documents obtained by the CBC, more than 3,000 companies in Saskatchewan requested and received permission to hire foreign workers.

Included in that list are 430 Saskatchewan restaurants, hotels, construction companies, mines, retail outlets, farm companies and even our Crown corporations like the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority that has hired foreign workers to work its tills. A government liquor store job starts at $16 an hour. Of course, some foreign workers are hired because they have specific technology skills that can’t be easily filled by the unemployed. Worker shortages are especially a problem in construction and in the trades, which might explain why Crowns like SaskPower, SaskEnergy and SaskTel are applying under the temporary foreign work program. Other jobs _ including some farm labour jobs _ have traditionally been hard to fill by anyone other than foreign workers. And there are a lot Saskatchewan jobs to be had. In August, Saskatchewan created 15,800 new jobs created over a year ago _ the fastest job growth in the country next to Alberta. There were 564,900 people working in Saskatchewan that has a nation-low unemployment rate of 4.2 per cent. Regina’s

unemployment was an unheard-of 2.9 per cent. Even off-reserve aboriginal employment increased by 5,100 or 12.9 per cent in August, suggesting we may be finally making headway with the perennial problem of First Nations unemployment. Nevertheless, there are reasons to question whether filling jobs with any such “temporary” worker is all that wise. The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour called it “a cheap labour policy.” The Saskatchewan Federation of Indian Nations asked why their people aren’t being offered these unskilled or construction labourer jobs and wonder what will happen when the foreign workers have to go home. After all, in unskilled work like the restaurant industry or retail sales, isn’t it better for everyone to encourage the hiring of unemployed First Nations people to deal with this century-old problem? (By the way, First Nations aren’t counted in the unemployment numbers if they live on reserve.) It is a legitimate debate. But it is better to be having this debate about new arrivals than the one they are having in Quebec.


Government’s low-tax plan is benefitting Canadian families Dear Editor: Safeguarding financial prosperity starts with strong Canadian families, and the Harper Government will continue to keep taxes low for Canadian families. The Harper Government’s low-tax plan is delivering real results for hardworking Canadians and their families. The average family of four now receives more than $3,200 in extra tax savings, and the federal tax burden for all Canadians is now the lowest it has been in half a century. The savings from these tax programs and credits contribute to Canada’s economic stability and improve the standard of living. We know that Canadian families want to be able to raise their children and have enough money at the end of the month to pay for their expenses. Thankfully, our Government has introduced a number of tax relief measures and credits geared toward families to make sure they are able to keep more of their hard-earned money. These include the Children’s Arts and Fitness Tax Credits, which encourages families to enrol their children in various arts and fitness programs. Families can claim a 15% nonrefundable tax credit on an amount up to $500 per child per credit on their income tax and benefit returns. According to the 2012 Tax Expenditures and Evaluations publication, the

Children’s Fitness Tax Credit provided an estimated $120 million to hard-working families in 2012 alone. Additionally, the First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit provides tax relief to families and helps make the transition into home ownership more affordable. Taxpayers or their spouse or common-law partner who bought their first home this year, may be eligible to claim a 15% non-refundable tax credit on an amount of $5,000 on their income tax and benefit return. The amount only applies if they did not live in another home owned by them or their spouse or common-law partner in the year of acquisition or in any of the four preceding years. In its first two years alone, more than 550,000 Canadians claimed the First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit, which resulted in over $2.5 billion claimed. The Family Caregiver Tax Credit is available to help Canadians cope with the added responsibilities of caring for infirm parents or relatives. It provides a 15% non-refundable tax credit on an amount of $2,040 to caregivers of dependent relatives. And finally, the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) allows Canadians, aged 18 or over, to set money aside tax-free. Each calendar year, they can contribute up to $5,500 to their TFSA. All income earned in and withdrawals from a TFSA are gen-

erally tax-free. By the end of 2012, over 9 million Canadians had opened a TFSA, and half of those TFSAs were held by Canadians with an income of less than $40,000. I encourage all Canadian families to visit the Canada Revenue Agency Web site at for more information about these programs and other tax savings they may be eligible for. Remember, save your receipts for 2013, because you may be eligible to start claiming these credits on your income tax and benefit return when you file your taxes in 2014. Our Government will continue to remain focused on creating jobs, economic growth and long-term prosperity of all Canadian families. Randy Hoback, MP, Prince Albert

Shellbrook Chronicle

C. J. Pepper, Publisher

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Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

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Shellbrook Chronicle

September 20, 2013

Report from the Legislature Cam Broten continues to refuse to stand up for Saskatchewan. On the sixmonth anniversary of his election as NDP leader, Broten addressed the federal NDP Caucus in Saskatoon. In his speech, Broten was silent regarding Thomas Mulcair’s opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline project. Broten had a chance to tell Mulcair he’s wrong on Keystone and stand up for Saskatchewan, but he didn’t, despite the fact. That’s in sharp contrast to what Premier Brad Wall did when he met with Mulcair the day before. Premier Wall told the federal NDP leader, in no uncertain terms, that he was wrong. Because of the bottleneck created by limited pipeline capacity, it’s estimated that the Sas-

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katchewan government lost up to $300 million revenue last year and oil producers up to $2.5 billion. Keystone would help fix that. Keystone is good for Saskatchewan and, by not telling his

federal party that, Cam Broten is potentially losing this province billions of dollars a year. It’s no secret that Saskatchewan is a great place to live, work and raise a family andnew figures from Statistics Canada support that. When comparing August 2012 to August 2013, 15,800 new jobs were created in Saskatchewan. Nearly one-third of the new opportunities were filled by First Nation and Metis people. Saskatchewan businesses have also been hiring more of our young people (ages 15 to 24) as the youth unemployment rate was 7.2 per cent in August – the lowest in Canada and well below the national average of 14.1 per cent. For the eighth consecutive month, Sas-

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katchewan also held down the lowest unemployment rate in the nation at 4.2 per cent. The biggest employment gains were found in manufacturing, health care and social assistance. These new opportunities brought

Saskatchewan’s labour to an all-time high of 564,900, up 800 from July. As our province grows, our government remains committed to making Saskatchewan the best place in Canada to live for people with disabilities. In keeping with that commitment, grand opening ceremonies were held recently in North Battleford for two new homes for people with intellectual disabilities. These homes will provide services for 11 individuals and allow them to play an active role in their community. Our government has a strong track record when it comes to taking action to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, including the elimination of the 440 person wait list as well as

the introduction of the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program. This program allows more than 10,000 people with significant and longterm disabilities to live with greater dignity and respect. Our commitment of making Saskatchewan the best place in Canada to live for people with disabilities also includes the development of a comprehensive Disability Strategy. Outlined in the Plan for Growth, the strategy will address accessibility, affordability and availability of housing; transportation; employment; education; support for community inclusion; and support for caregivers. Other priorities may emerge through consultation.

Recycling of antifreeze and other petroleum products soon to be available in Saskatchewan The Saskatchewan government is expanding recycling programs

in our province. New regulations aimed at increasing Saskatche-

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wan’s list of recyclable petroleum products will provide key environmental benefits. The new regulations increase the number of petroleum products that can be recycled to include antifreeze, antifreeze containers, diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) containers and diesel fuel filters. Used oil, used oil filters and used plastic oil containers are already eligible for recycling in Saskatchewan. The size of containers for recycling also increases from 30 litres to 50 litres to reflect changes in packaging. “As our communities continue to grow, we have an obligation to protect our environment by finding effective ways to dispose of hazardous waste materials,” Environment Minister Ken Cheveldayoff said. “Aligning with Saskatchewan’s Plan for Growth, the expanded recycling program


helps to prevent the illegal dumping of hazardous materials and extend the life of our municipal landfills. This program has the potential to divert over three million litres of antifreeze from traditional waste cycles, which is good news for our environment and for our quality of life.” Increasing the number of recyclable products was championed by the Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (SARRC), which operates the province’s approved product management program for used oil, used oil filters and related products on behalf of the industry. Key industry stewards and stakeholders support the expansion of the used oil recycling program. Public support is also strong, as indicated in a 2013 public opinion survey commissioned by SARRC.

“SARRC appreciates the support of the Minister and his ministry in updating the regulations to include these new products in our recycling programs,” SARRC Executive Director Phil Wrubleski said. “Antifreeze, DEF and antifreeze containers and diesel fuel filters are logical extensions of recyclable materials captured through SARRC’s province-wide network of registered collectors and nearly 300 collection points.” Under the new regulations, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers can collect and recycle these additional petroleum products through the SARRC program. The changes come into effect January 1, 2014. For more information on provincial recycling programs, visit the Ministry of Environment’s website at www.environment.


September 20, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


New technology needed to sustain growth When you drive around the countryside right now you see farmers harvesting one of the best looking crop in years. In spite of a spring which seemed to threaten the very idea of getting a crop in the ground, things have come together thanks to Mother Nature to produce what has the appearance of a better than average crop. And harvest so far has been a time of sunny skies and warm weather allowing farmers to put a lot of acres through the combines already. But as I drive around I wonder what a harvest a decade from now might look like. In past columns I've talked about the likelihood we will see more soybeans and even potentially seed corner inching ever northward across the Canadian Prairies as new varieties make the crops viable in cooler, shorter daylight areas. We are also likely to see varieties of existing crops which we can not even imagine today. Genetic modification might be seen by some as a dark shadow over agriculture, it

will not be going away. GM also broadens options by The ability to continue to opening plant breeding to traits grow crops effectively will deborrowed from one plant and mand changes to the plants we placed in another to offer the degrow. Whether it's club root in sired result. canola, or fusarium in wheat, But what makes me wonder as or bugs and disease today bareI look out across a field of golden ly seen but which will grow in wheat is what technologies will their impact on crops, many of arrive on the scene in the coming the crop varieties of today will years to again alter what farmers CALVIN not be viable into the future. grow? History tells us as much. Rust As sometimes happens when DANIELS was once a major issue in cereal one is contemplating such things ~ crops, and it was plant breeders you pick up a magazine and gain a selecting for resistance which glance at a little of what is to come. made the problem all but a disThe magazine is The agAdtant memory. Lodging is anvance, which is subtitled 'Journal other in-crop issue which new varieties over of Growing Innovations', so it often shows the years have helped lessen in many crops. glimpses of new technology. "In a small While those advancements were made settlement in southern Israel, a group of through individual plant selection, GM tech- scientists from the Hebrew University of nology looks to speed the process of devel- Jerusalem are fine-tuning a new method for opment. delivering disease-resistant traits to seeds

without genetically modifying the plant. The process is similar to a vaccination, which protects a person from a disease by injecting them with a small sample of the neutralized virus. The virus triggers the development of antibodies that protect the subject from being infected," starts the story in question. While the concept is still very much still that — a concept, the potential of such a technique is intriguing to say the least. Limited at present by the fact the benefits do not transfer to subsequent crops, that barrier might well be over come in time too. And this is technology that has at least advanced to the stage it is in the public eye. What of the research still so much in its infancy it is but a dream? Remembering rust resistance was once just a dream, we can only imagine what crops science will give farmers in the years ahead. The results will be seen in the fields a decade and more from now, varieties and crops today barely imagined today.

Poll: Only one in three growers rotates canola crop every four years Most Western Canadian growers are not following the industry best practice of growingcanola once every four years in a rotation with other crops. According to a poll conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of BASF Canada Inc., only one in three growers from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba follows this recommendation, while most push growing canola to once every three years (44 percent), two years (25 percent) or every year (1 percent). The online poll of 401 wheat and canola growers in Western Canada was conducted late last

year. “Canola rotations are tight because canola is one of the top revenueproducing crops,” said Harley House,BASF Brand Manager for Clearfield® Crops,. “We don’t endorse or condone shorter rotations but if growers are opting for shorter ones, there are other ways to be sustainable.” Among those that do rotate their systems, the poll found the primary reasons are they want to use different modes of action to manage weed resistance (89 percent); to control volunteer canola (82 percent); blackleg management (67 percent); and to get

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higher quality samples (61 percent). “For whatever reason, if growers can’t rotate their crop, they should rotate their system,” saidHouse. “One of the key benefits of the Clearfield Production System for canola is the ability to choose the herbicide that best matches your weed control needs and sustainability strategies.” But what the poll found was four in 10(41 percent) said they don’t switch the herbicidetolerant system they use for their canola crop. And, among those that do, there was no consensus on the frequency of doing so. The Clearfield Production System for canola provides reliable control of problematic weeds, plus f lushing control of shallow germinating weeds. It also provides control of both Roundup Ready® and Liberty Link® Volunteer canola. Full tabular results of this poll are available at more information please visit Always read and follow label directions. CLEARFIELD is a regiBASF - The Chemical Company BASF Canada, located in Mississauga, Ontario is a subsidiary of BASF SE, and an af-

filiate of BASF Corporation. BASF Corporation, headquartered in Florham Park, New Jersey, is the North American affiliate of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany. BASF has more than 16,600 employees in North America, and had sales of $18.5 billion in 2012. For more information about BASF’s North American operations, visit www.basf. us. To find out more about BASF’s activities in Canada visit www. or follow us on twitter: www.twitter. com/basfcanada. BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Through science and innovation, we enable our customers in nearly every industry to meet the current and future needs of society. Our products and solutions contribute to conserving resources, ensuring nutrition and improving quality of life. We have summed up this contribution in our corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future.

BASF had sales of €72.1 billion in 2012 and more than 110,000 employees as of the end of the year.

Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at www.basf. com.


Shellbrook Chronicle

September 20, 2013

Parkland Integrated Health Centre - Long Term Care

Resident Council update Submitted by Grace Colby The Farmers Market and BBQ held September 6 was a huge

success! We couldn’t have done it without the help of all who supported the barbecue and made donations or purchases of garden produce and plants, baking, canned preserves and

such. Much appreciation goes out to the residents, staff, family members and volunteers who participated in helping. It was great to meet and visit with so many people from our community. We profited very well financially and socially. The money raised will be divided amongst the houses to be used for extras that every home needs. Recreation report - submitted by Trina Chamberlain Welcome back to the many volunteers who took a well deserved summer break! We look forward to spending time with you all. If you have a little free time and would like to make a difference in the lives of others please drop by and ask how to sign up. Volunteering benefits are amazing to both the giver and the receiver. Spectrum Sound has done a fantastic job hooking up and supplying our “Great Room” with a fabulous sound system. This will enable our entertainers with all the necessities to play music without having to carry their equipment in and out every time they come to perform. We are grateful to The Knights of Columbus and Arts Council who made this possible. Special Care Home Week is a time to celebrate the people who live, work and visit our homes. The week kicks off Sept 22/13 with a resident “Art Gala” held from 1:00 - 4:00 at the Herb Bassett Home in Prince Albert. Residents in PAHR are given the opportunity to participate. Thirteen of our residents have created over 70 pieces of art of which approximately 50 will be sent to the gala for the auction. The art remaining will be on display at the home until December. If you see the art in action you will see the process and engagement is as important as the outcome. Funds raised are used to purchase Recreation supplies and provide opportunities. Tickets to the event can be purchased for $20.00 from the PIHC Main Desk. The “Alzheimer’s Coffee Break” is open to the public and hosted in the “Great Room” September 23, 2013 from 2:303:30. The Tone Chime Band will perform a few special selections for your pleasure. Donations go to the Alzheimer’s Society. Silvertz Clothing Sale will be held October 3 from 2:004:00. This is a great chance to shop for Christmas! Stop and shop for your adapted clothing needs. That’s all for this time, enjoy the fall weather. If you have Esther E th L Lehman h shows h h her h handi-work di k tto Mi Michelle h ll Chilli Chilliak k and d Ed Edna L Lens d during i th the F Farmer’s ’ questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to call Recreation Services at 306-747-6841. Market on September 6.

New border signs warn motorists of photo enforcement Drivers arriving in Saskatchewan will have a clear reminder to slow down in work zones as new signs warning of photo speed enforcement have been erected at major points of entry. “These signs clearly state that work zone speed limits are photo-enforced and that fines have tripled,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Don McMorris said. “They offer a bold reminder that drivers who refuse to respect our workers and slow to 60 km/hr will be photographed and ticketed.”

The seven signs will be posted at Highway 1 at both the Alberta and Manitoba borders, Highway 16 at the Alberta and Manitoba borders, Highway 7 at the Alberta border, and Highways 6 and 39 at the U.S. border. Highlighting the new work underway this week is a $2.2 million surfacing project on the westbound lane of Highway 1 from Regina city limits to the junction with Highway 46. Other projects include repairs to Highway 5 near Humboldt and Highway 6 south of Ceylon, as

Meadow Lake Native Urban Housing is a locally owned, non profit, rental housing agency with a portfolio of 144 units. We currently require a self motivated full-time employee for our MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT The successful candidate will have experience in all aspects of residential maintenance including carpentry, painting, landscaping, heating systems and flooring. Candidate must have a valid Class 5 driver’s license, a reliable truck and must supply their own tools. Please submit a cover letter and resume detailing your experience, including copies of relevant tickets/certificates and expected salary no later than Friday, September 27, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. Meadow Lake Native Urban Housing Corporation Box 686, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Y5 Phone: (306) 236-3737 • Fax: (306) 236-6574 Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

well as culvert replacements near Grenfell, Craven and Stockholm.

To learn more about Saskatchewan work zones, head to

workzone/ and to view a gallery of photos from this year’s construction season,

visit uctionGallery2013.

New first aid app puts life saving help on your phone Just in time for World First Aid Day on September 14, the Canadian Red Cross has launched a first aid app to increase Canadian’s skills and confidence to intervene in health emergencies. Life-threatening injuries and emergencies can happen any time and anywhere, and the Red Cross wants the people of Saskatchewan to empower themselves to save lives. “This app will allow people to learn what to do in multiple medical emergencies, from severe bleeding to broken bones to heart attacks,” said Rebecca Benko with the Canadian Red Cross in Saskatchewan. “Knowing how to recognize the signs of a medical emergency is not enough; people need to know what to do.” According to recent polling on behalf of the Canadian Red Cross, nearly 40 per cent of Canadians say they’ve been in an emergency situation where they’ve had to perform first aid.

Although more than two-thirds of Canadians say they can recognize the signs of a life-threatening health emergency like choking or a heart attack, only half are confident in their skills to help. The free app is available for Android, iPhone and iPad. It can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android by searching “Canadian Red Cross.” It is also available on the Red Cross website at Users can sharpen their skills through interactive quizzes and videos, or access simple step-by-step advice to help them respond to an emergency. The Canadian Red Cross is a leading provider of first aid and CPR programs and has been offering first aid and CPR training to Canadians for more than 50 years. For more information or to find a course near you, visit


MLA - Rosthern - Shellbrook

Our mobile office is touring the constituency • Laird Blaine Lake ...Feb. 2 ..... Seniors Hall.... 10 –44p.m. …….…Oct. 1st .….Heritage Seniors Centre.………....1 pm ….Oct. 2nd ....RM/Village Council am-–4Noon • Canwood Rosthern .......Feb. 3 ..... Lions HallChambers…...9 ....... 10 a.m. p.m. ……...Oct 2nd …..RM Council Chambers pm •• Leask Hafford...........Feb. 6 ..... Seniors Hall…..…........1 .... 10 –44p.m. • Rabbit Lake ..Oct 4th …...RM/Village Council Chambers.…9 am – Noon •• Medstead Spiritwood .....Feb. 7 ..... Legion Hall ..... 10 a.m. 4 p.m. …Oct 4th…....RM Office/Library…………….........1 pm – 4 pm Telephone: (306) 747-3422 Facsimilie: (306) 747-3472 ~ Toll Free: 1-855-793-3422 Email:

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September 20, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle

Busy summer comes to a close in Shellbrook

Many of the town’s summer activities went through Kinsmen Park.

S Some young community i members b enjoying j i the h June 5. The Kinsmen Park in for local children, young Shellbrook was a busy spot swimmers from outside of this summer, with many lo- town have been known to cal activities taking place use the pool as well. “We on its grounds during the get lots of kids coming who warmer months. Between live in other provinces, or the pool, the camping, and live in America, like Calithe Playground Program, fornia and places like that,” “They are the site was a virtual hub Hosie said. of activity for local commu- originally from Shellbrook, nity members and visitors but they have moved on and then they always come alike. The local pool had anoth- back for holidays, and they er successful year of swim- still want to participate in ming lessons, with about swimming lessons. There’s 500 kids going through the a lot of that.” Aside from the swimming program throughout the summer. “It’s not as many lessons, the pool also held as last year, but 500 kids daily public swim sessions for this size of a community where anyone was allowed is pretty great,” commented to come by and enjoy the Shellbrook Recreation Di- local pool. Many took adrector Jenny Hosie. While vantage of the opportuthe lessons are a big draw nity to take a break from

new S Splash l hP Park kd during i iits grand d opening i on the heat by spending some time in the water. “I think it was pretty well attended,” Hosie said. This summer also saw the first ever installment of the new Junior Lifeguard Program, an initiative meant to help young swimmers learn what it’s like to be a lifeguard. The program included various sessions that would inform participants about lifeguarding, and introduce them to the procedures and terminology that go along with the position. It also included the opportunity for the 31 members of the program to shadow a current guard for a shift, to see what the job is really all about. The program was meant to be an

introduction to lifeguarding, and was made up of young swimmers from the ages of 8-11. If, after the program, members decided that they liked the job, they then have the opportunity to go on and acquire the necessary certification in order to become lifeguards themselves. Jenny Hosie says that the program is two-fold, as it is informing young community members about a worthwhile job, and also helping to ensure that the local pool has qualified staff for years to come. “We want to make sure that people want to be lifeguards, so that we always have full staff here,” she said. “We did tell them that in the future, if they

Come & Go Tea

Shellbrook Pentecostal Assembly

Francis Bazley’s

Anita Pearce


90th Birthday Sat., September 28

1 to 4 p.m. Legion Hall, Canwood No gifts please


Inspiring Ministry in Song and Word

October 4 to 6 Fri., October 4, Youth Emphasis - 7:00 p.m. Sat., October 5 - 7:00 p.m. Sun., October 6 - 10:30 am and 6:30 pm

want to become lifeguards, we can try to help them fund it.” “The time and the money is quite substantial to become a lifeguard ... but I think sometimes the guards lose sight of what they are getting out of it. It’s not just a job. If they go on to university or a job in the future, outside of Shellbrook, if they have three years of commitment to one workplace, and they are showing professional development all the way through, it’s just going to be so valuable to them,” Hosie said. New to the pool this summer was the recently installed Splash Park, an addition that was enjoyed by the youngest of swimmers, providing a safe place to play in the water on those hot summer days. With the new system came a few snags which forced the facility to close a few times throughout the season, but the hope is that the initial kinks have been worked out, and that the new addition will remain a stalwart portion of summer recreation in Shellbrook for years to come. The campsites in the park remained occupied for most of the summer, providing a great camping experience right in the central part of town. “It’s been really busy with campers,” Hosie said. “We had a lot of long-term campers stay this year. Some of them are having work done on their homes, stuff like that.” A couple of the sites were upgraded this year to provide electrical service. As of now, most of the sites in the park are serviced, though unserviced camping is still available. With the favourable weather, and the easy access to all of Shellbrook’s amenities, as well as the ability to connect to Wi-Fi while camping, the site offers a lot of advantages, though there is one specific area that is next on the list as far as repairs and upgrades go. “We’re looking now at finally getting the washrooms renovated. If you’ve got a really nice place to shower and bathrooms, it


makes the experience a lot better,” Hosie said. Overall, it was a successful year of camping in Kinsmen Park. “There’s lots of usage of the place,” Hosie said. “There have been no hiccups at all this year as far as camping, and I think the revenue speaks for itself.” Shellbrook’s Playground Program also ran through the park this summer, providing an invaluable service to local children. “I think of it as an opportunity to have the kids participate in loads of physical activity throughout the summer,” Hosie said. “(To) learn stuff when they don’t actually realize they are learning, and keep them in a schedule, like school, so it’s not so much of a shock when they go back in September.” The program was free of charge for all who utilized it, and the Town itself was able to fund most of the program through government grants. Between provincial and federal grants, the Town received about $11,000 for the program this year, enough to not only pay for wages and supplies but also to purchase some new equipment for the kids. They used some of the money to purchase sports gear like hula hoops, beach balls, balloons, a parachute, and a tennis set, complete with a portable net. The program was housed in the newly built Scout Hall, a structure that, while not completely finished, did well to serve as a home base for the kids. Hosie said that while the numbers often fluctuated, there were usually about 25 kid, on average, using this worthwhile program each day. Though the warm weather lingers, the return of the school year has marked the end of most summer activities in Kinsmen Park. It was certainly a successful season, with many children and adults alike choosing to use the park as a meeting ground for outdoor activities, right in the heart of town.

Shellbrook Legion



Shellbrook Legion Hall

Saturday, September 28th 8 am to 4 pm Book your table now for $10 To book call Lloyd or Cori 306-747-2207


Shellbrook Chronicle

September 20, 2013


September 20, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle

Fire near Holbein contained by local crews

Anne Thiessen celebrates 100 years

On August 29, 2013, Anne Thiessen, formerly of Park Valley and Big River, celebrated her 100th birthday at the Spiritwood Health Complex where she now resides. Fifty people were in attendance including her six living children,

grandchildren, great grandchildren, friends and neighbors. A short history of Anne’s 100 years was given by Bernice, her youngest daughter. Twelve red roses were presented by Margaret, her eldest. Amy, the activities co-ordinator of the home, com-

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Shellbrook Chronicle

Ph: 306.747.2442 • Fax: 306.747.3000 Email:

piled and presented Anne with an album of congratulatory letters from Queen Elizabeth II, Stephen Harper and other government officials. Her six children, Margaret, Mary, Sarah, Martha, Bernard and Bernice sang two of her favorite songs, Blue Canadian Rockies and Little Green Valley. Diane Arcand, a granddaughter gave a tribute and shared a poem she had written for the occasion. Irvin Amundson, a long time friend and neighbor, gave a speech and sang a song, One Day at a Time. Individual and family congratulations with photo shoots followed. After shared birthday cake and coffee, a gathering was held at the Legion hall. Diane Arcand organized and with the help of other grandchildren, prepared a terrific meal for all who attended. Family members entertained with guitars and vocals. Anne attributes her longevity to belief and faith in her creator.

Anne Thiessen



Shellbrook Chronicle

From the Desk of the Rec Director

By Jenny Hosie You can still register for minor hockey, 3 on 3 and skate club even if you missed registration night. Contact me using the details at the end of the article and I will point you in the right direction! Registration forms for Minor Hockey and the Skills of Gold Hockey Camp which takes place on October 19&20 are available at under the forms section. You can bring your completed forms to me with payment and I will forward them to the right people. Fitness with Leeta is back and as popular as ever! Leeta is a certified group fitness leader and offers a range of workouts that will improve your cardio, strength, endurance and flexibility. If you have any questions regarding these sessions, contact me using the details that follow. Classes are every Tuesday and Thursday 7:30-8:30pm at Shellbrook Elementary School.$5.00 drop in cost or 12 passes for $50.00. Shellbrook Yoga classes are resuming on TUESDAY evenings from 6:00 - 7:30. This GENTLE FLOW Class is moving into the new Integrated Care Facility in Shellbrook.

New registrants, including Beginners, are being accepted from September 10th - 24th. Yoga classes will resume at Wild Rose School on October 17th, THURSDAY evenings; with Flow I - GENTLE FLOW YOGA from 5:30 - 7:00 & Flow II - VINYASA FLOW YOGA from 7:15 - 8:45. Contact Tammy Fulton at 306-747-3030 for Session dates, fees & class descriptions. Or, go to Honeywood Heritage Nursery Inc. invites you to join in ‘A Touch of Autumn’. This takes place on Sunday September 22nd at the Provincial Heritage site, Parkside which is 8km south of Parkside on Honeywood Road and will run 1-4pm. Enjoy music, tours, raffles, door prizes and much more. Admission is $5.00. So this week for my health tip I thought with the opening of the rink approaching next month, I would talk a little bit about the benefits of skating. So whether you play hockey or just like to skate round and round during public skate, the following reasons are why you should continue to attend this year!

September 20, 2013

The cardiovascular benefits of skating are great. It is a highly aerobic activity, plus you’re having so much fun you won’t even realise how hard your body is working until you’re done. To make the most of the cardio benefits of skating, switch it up between gliding and speed skating thought out your session. Ice skating will also increase muscle! Obviously your legs will benefit greatly from skating, especially your quadriceps and hamstrings. You will also find that your abs and back muscles will get a great work out too while you are keeping your balance on the ice. So visit the rink this season and participate in this great activity! And when you wake up the day after a skate and you’re aching so much you cannot get out of bed, read this article and remind yourself of the huge benefits of ice skating! Remember to keep updated with all things Shellbrook on our Facebook page, Shellbrook Recreation. For more information on programs and services contact me using the following details. Office – 747-4949, Cell – 747-9098 Email –

Revoke pensions for crooked politicians By the Canadian Taxpayers Federation By Gregory Thomas, Federal Director This commentary first appeared in the September 13th, 2013 Sun newspapers in Calgary, Edmonton,

Winnipeg, Toronto, and Ottawa When Canadians discovered back in 2010 that serial child-killer Clifford Olson was banking over $14,000 a year in cheques

from Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement, many of us went nuts. So loud was the outcry — 46,000 signed the Canadian Taxpayers Federation


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, Internet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 5-8, Friday 1-5. Contact us for more info 497-3130 CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thurs. - 12 :00 noon - 5: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). SHELLBROOK: Anita Pearce, inspiring Ministry in song and word October 4 Youth Emphasis, October 5 and 6, 7:00 p.m. Fri. and Sat.; 10:30 am and 6:30 pm Sunday at Shellbrook Pentecostal Assembly PARKSIDE: ‘A Touch of Autumn’ Honeywood (Dr. A. J. Porter) Heritage Nursery Inc. Parkside, Sask. 8 km South of Parkside on Honeywood Rd Sun., September 22nd ~ 1 - 4 pm Come & see the beauty of Honeywood decked out in the Fabulous Colors of Fall!! Fresh Veggie Table, Lilies, Music, Tours , Artist Displays, Raffles, Door Prizes. Team Scotia will join us & will match donations and funds raised on this day. Refreshments & GREAT Apple or Rhubarb Pie. All for only $5.00. Ph: 747-3307, SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Legion Community Garage & Bake Sale at the Shellbrook Legion Hall on Saturday, September 28th from 8 am to 4 pm. Book your table now for $10. To took call Lloyd or Cori 306-747-2207

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Shellbrook Chronicle

Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Ph: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000 • email: chads@sbchronicle. com

petition demanding Olson’s benefits be cancelled — that before the year was ended, Parliament changed the law: Federal inmates lost their OAS and GIC benefits. But Parliament’s tough-love approach to elderly crooks doesn’t extend to crooked federal politicians. They get to keep their Parliamentary pensions, even if they’ve been convicted of ripping off taxpayers. A private member’s bill currently before Parliament— Bill C-518— would eliminate Parliamentary pension eligibility for any MP or senator convicted of a serious crime while serving in office. The bill would apply to any of the senators currently under RCMP investigation for their faulty expenses, if any of them are charged, tried and convicted. A case in point: in August, the parole board denied an application from former Liberal MP and senator Raymond Lavigne for early release. Lavigne has served just two months of his sixmonth jail sentence for fraud and breach of trust for running ridiculous charges through his Senate expense account. He wanted out of the Ottawa

Carleton Detention Centre where he’s been enjoying taxpayers’ hospitality. You see, beyond the free jail food and, OK, cramped accommodations, Lavigne is still collecting his $67,000 annual Parliamentary pension — the gift of a grateful nation for a lifetime of devoted service. If he lives to age 90— which is the average life expectancy of those well-maintained members of the Parliamentary pension plan — former senator Lavigne will pocket $2 million in pension. If you’re wondering why we now have four senators under criminal investigation, one reason might be that we keep sending cheques to former politicians like Lavigne, who have actually been convicted of ripping off taxpayers. After the RCMP charged senator Lavigne in 2007, he continued collecting his salary, banking over half a million dollars in Senate pay and padding his pension entitlements, until he was finally convicted in 2011. He also charged over $400,000 in office and travel expenses. In his final three weeks as a Senator, the month he was convicted, Lavigne charged $5,908 in office

expenses, $1,514 in living expenses, $1,486 in travel expenses and pocketed $7,486 in salary. Then Lavigne resigned his seat, just before the Senate could vote to expel him and terminate his Parliamentary pension. Right now, it’s not enough that a Senator or an MP be convicted of a serious crime while in office. They actually have to be formally expelled. By resigning and making an early exit, Lavigne disproved the adage that quitters never win. He’ll collect $67,000 a year for life. The formal title of Bill C-518 is ‘An Act to Amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act.’ When the bill’s sponsor, New Brunswick Conservative MP John Williamson tabled it in June, he told the Commons he has an alternative title for it: He calls it the “protecting taxpayers and revoking pensions of convicted politicians act.” Wouldn’t it be great if the Harper government borrowed the idea and inserted this bill into next month’s Speech from the Throne? What better way to send a message to senators than having the Governor General read it out loud in the Senate chamber?

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Shellbrook Chronicle


September 20, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


The Honeywood Cash Lotto gave away $125,000 in prizes between their early bird draw and their final draw on September 14. The lottery was meant as a fundraiser to bring in money to help maintain and improve the site.

Honeywood Cash Lotto holds final draw The Honeywood (Dr. A.J. Porter) Heritage Nursery held a barbeque on Saturday, September 14 in order to celebrate the drawing of their first ever Cash Lotto. “It went well,” commented Judy Harley, manager of the site. “We had quite a day on Saturday getting ready for the draw and having burgers.” Following two separate radio broadcasts and the use of other avenues meant to advertise the fundraiser, as well as countless hours of canvassing at local events and general word of mouth, the lottery ended up selling enough tickets to make it a success. “We didn’t sell out, but with the number that we did sell, we are quite happy with that,” Harley said. At the end of the day, the lottery ended up selling 1915 tickets, which was just a little shy of their 2500 goal. “Considering the short time-frame that we had to sell, I think we did very well,” Harley said. “And you know, our local communities, Shellbrook, Leask, Canwood, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, they really did a

good job of supporting us. We were really, really impressed with the support that we got.” Harley was also impressed with the support they received from Honeywood’s own local community. “And Parkside, of course. (I think) everybody in Parkside bought at least one ticket, if not more.” Aside from the communities at large, Harley claims there was at least one specific member of the board that they couldn’t have done without. “We would never have done this, and gotten where we are with it, without Vivian Nemish on board and looking after everything. She was amazing, she did a great job.” As they began informing the winners of their luck, the board learned that some of the people who won were willing to donate their winnings back to the nursery. At least, that’s what happened on one of the calls that Harley made that day. “I told him he won a thousand dollars. He just laughed and said,

‘Oh, I’ll give it back to you.’ That was his first impression, he said he’d give it right back,” Harley said. When it was finally time to draw the big prize, Malcolm Jenkins of Prince Albert was announced as the big winner. According to Harley, Jenkins has been a big supporter of Honeywood for quite some time, and was surprised to receive the call. “He thought I was pulling his leg. He couldn’t believe it at first,” Harley said. The successful event should do well to provide Honeywood with some operating cash to go towards the continual maintenance and improvement of the site. The full list of winners were: $500 Winners Ticket # Winners Name Location 1114 Esther Millar - Spiritwood 1478 Grant Holmes - Kindersley 618 Ron Hamborg - Canwood 582 S.R. Leitch - Saskatoon

1589 Ron Brown - Meadow Lake 1008 Bonnie Gosselin - Shellbrook 933 Scott Johnston - Saskatoon 1824 Marion Thompson - Deslisle 51 Malcolm Jenkins - Prince Albert 1017 Lucy Remai - Saskatoon $1,000 winners Ticket # Winners Name Location 1903 Doug Moir - Hawarden 31 Kevin Douglas - Winnipeg MB 1127 Steve Geffrey - Meadow Lake 1403 Alain Ciassep - Spiritwood 1780 Neil J. Zentner - Prince Albert 1621 Gordon Stomp - Air Ronge 228 Dean Peterson - Calgary AB 1101 Curtis Martin - Martensville 1323 Don Paziuk - Cut Knife 1386 Lois Dobson - Calgary AB Grand Prize $100,000 Ticket # Winners Name Location 58 Malcolm Jenkins - Prince Albert


Shellbrook Chronicle

Shocking number of drivers caught speeding in school zones Law enforcement issued more than 800 tickets last week during a t wo-day traf f ic blitz focusing on school zone safet y, w ith 352 people charged for speeding in a school zone. Operation Student Safet y took place Sept. 10 and 11 across the prov ince, in conjunction w ith a Selective Traf f ic Enforcement Program (STEP) event in the communities of Mar tensv ille, Warman and Corman Park. Combined, these ef for ts resulted in a total of 835 tickets, including: • 352 tickets for speeding in a school zone • 179 other speeding tickets • 125 seatbelt v iolations

• 61 cellphone v iolations • 30 tickets for failing to stop at stop sign/ red light • 20 tickets for jay walking • 8 tickets for failing to y ield to a pedestrian • 60 various other tickets During the STEP event, SGI car seat technicians were on hand to ensure children were secured in properly-f itting car or booster seats. They checked 66 seats and gave away six car and booster seats to make sure children were travelling safely. Last month’s prov ince-w ide blitz focusing on intersection safet y, Operation Crossroads, resulted in a total of 452 tickets.

Crop report for September 3 to 9 Significant harvest progress was made this week, allowing Saskatchewan farmers to move ahead of the five-year harvest average. Thirty per cent of the 2013 provincial crop is combined and 36 per cent is swathed or ready to straight-cut, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report. The five-year average (2008-2012) for this time of year is 28 per cent combined and 31 per cent swathed or ready to straightcut. Harvest is most advanced

in the southwestern region, where 46 per cent of the crop is combined. Twenty-eight per cent is combined in the southeast; 23 per cent in the eastcentral region; 38 per cent in the west-central region; 15 per cent in the northeast and 16 per cent in the northwest. Warm weather over the past few weeks has helped speed crop development. Of the crop that has been harvested, above-average yields are being reported in most areas. Spring wheat average yields are reported as

43 bushels per acre, barley 66 bushels per acre, canola 35 bushels per acre, lentils 1,600 pounds per acre and peas 42 bushels per acre. Average yields vary from region to region, depending on seeding conditions and growing season moisture. Thunderstorms later in the week dropped more than 60 mm of rain on some parts of the south. Province-wide, the week’s rainfall ranged from nil to 86 mm. Grasshoppers, wind and heavy rains caused the major-

ity of the reported crop damage. Across the province, topsoil moisture on cropland is rated as three per cent surplus, 59 per cent adequate, 30 per cent short and eight per cent very short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 54 per cent adequate, 35 per cent short and 10 per cent very short. Farmers are busy desiccating, swathing and combining. Follow the 2013 Crop Report on Twitter at @SKGovAg.

Tips for a safe harvest --Turn off equipment when working around it. Turn the tractor off every time you get off. --Stay hydrated. Take a jug of water with you. --Take periodic breaks from doing repetitive tasks. --Complete a thorough safety check on all equipment before you use it. --Wear sunscreen and a hat. --Make sure all shields and guards are in place on your equipment. Replace those that are worn or missing. --Make sure your Slow Moving Vehicle emblem is visible and properly placed. --Carry a charged cell phone with you. --Make sure someone knows what field you’re in, and that you have set a time you’ll return home. --Don’t wear loose fitting clothes. They can become entangled in moving equipment such as a PTO shaft. --Never allow extra riders. One seat on a tractor means one person should be on that tractor. --Have rollover protective structures (ROPS) installed on all tractors. --Wear your seatbelt (only on ROPS equipped tractors). --Be considerate of traffic when you’re on the road with your equipment. --Remember, many farm accidents happen because of choices we made or didn’t make.

In Memoriams In memoriams may be put in the Chronicle for $19.50 (30 words) plus 20¢ per additional word

Shellbrook Chronicle

Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000

September 20, 2013

PRAISE & WORSHIP ~ Regular services, Sunday school and

special events will be listed at no charge. LUTHERAN CHURCH Mass Saturday, 7 p.m. Zion - Canwood Mistawasis Sunday School, Sunday, 3 p.m. Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. Fr. Tru Le St. John’s - Shellbrook -----------------------Sunday School, PRESBYTERIAN Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. Mistawasis Pastor Doug Schmirler Sunday worship Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. 11 a.m. - Worship Rev. Bev Shepansky Pastor Chris Dean ----------------------------------------------SEVENTH DAY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ADVENTIST Parkside 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook 10:00 a.m. Worship Sat., 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Sabbath School. Shellbrook Sat., 11:00 am -Worship Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship, Broadcast on Pastor David Bodvarson VOAR 92.1 FM 306-747-7235 Pastor Dan Guiboche Canwood 306-930-3377 10:30 a.m. - Worship Lay Pastor John Redlick Pastor Glenn Blazosek 306-497-2566 Leask Gospel Tabernacle Spiritwood Bible Study Sunday 6:30 p.m. Last Sat. of each month Pastor L. Trafford 10 a.m. 306-466-2296 Figures and Physiques Fit-----------------------ness Centre 327-2nd St. E EVANGELICAL FREE Spiritwood Big River -----------------------11:00 a.m. - Worship SOVEREIGN GRACE Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. BAPTIST CHURCH Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 Currently meeting in homes 306-469-2258 on Sunday morning. Youth Nite: Fridays and Wednesday evenings. Mont Nebo Parkside 306-747-2309, Wed., 7:30 p.m. Leask 306-466-4498 Marcelin 306-226-4615 Bible Study and Prayer. -----------------------Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship ANGLICAN CHURCH Pastor Bill Klumpenhower Leask - All Saint’s -----------------------Sunday, 9 a.m. - Service. CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook Debden Sunday, 11 a.m. Service Sun. Mass - 9:30 a.m. Canwood - Christ Church Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Sunday, 11 a.m. Service Big River - Sacred Heart Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Sunday, 2 p.m. -Service Whitefish Interim priest in charge Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Rev. Ken Davis Victoire 306-922-0044 Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Home 306-922-2073 Fr. Sebastin Kunnath -----------------------Eucharist Celebrations UNITED CHURCH Muskeg Big River Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass 1st & 2nd Sundays Mistawasis 1 p.m. - Worship Sunday, 3 p.m. at Anglican Church St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook All Other Sundays - 10 a.m. Mass Sunday, 9 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox St. Henry’s - Leask Sun., 10 am - Worship Mass Sunday 11 a.m. Pastor Dave Whalley St. Joseph’s - Marcelin


September 20, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle 15

Marlins’ rookie making a name for himself If you’re a baseball player looking for anonyma ‘shoo-in’ for rookie of the year and the Washity, having a name such as Jose Fernandez is a ington Post wondered in print if there’s another good start. pitcher in the NL, rookies and non-rookies alike, It’s difficult to keep the Joses (Bautista, Cabrera, who’s better. Constanza, Lopez, Jiminez, Morales, Reyes) and Now that Miami management won’t let him the Fernandezes and Hernandezes (Felix, Livan, pitch anymore this season, Fernandez told USA Ramon, Jose) straight as it is, but to put two of Today he is “thinking about being a bat boy. I them together in one name is begging to be invited don’t imagine myself just sitting in the dugout, I to the Spanish equivalent of the English convenneed to do something. I’m the guy that’s always tion of people named Bill Smith. moving around and need to do something.” And to top it off, this Jose Fernandez plays for What he might do is start writing his acceptance BRUCE the Miami Marlins, whose stadium, it’s rumoured, speeches for post-season awards. His days of anoPENTON is where Floridians go if they want some peace nymity are nearing an end. and quiet. • Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “The Harlem ~ But Jose Fernandez, a rookie pitcher for the Globetrotters exhibition basketball franchise is Marlins, just may be the best hurler in MLB this for sale. Assets include a pail that you think is full season. Clayton Kershaw of the Dodgers and Max of water but actually only contains confetti!” Scherzer of the Tigers will likely win the Cy Young awards • Another one from Cote: “Ryan Fraud, I mean Braun, fifor pitching prowess, but here’s a case for Fernandez, al- nally admitted using performance-enhancing drugs during ready causing Yankees ownership to drool over his impend- his 2011 MVP season. His MVP award will now be called the ing free agency four years or so down the road. MVPED.” A 20-year-old Cuban, Fernandez has a record of 12-6 on a • Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “Someone Marlins team that is close to 40 games below .500. To pro- called the new University of Alabama football locker room tect the arm of their pitching prize, Marlins’ brass shut him ‘too extravagant.’ It was the Sultan of Brunei.” down in mid-September after 170 innings. • Norman Chad of the Washington Post, on Twitter: “Tom At home, he was 9-0 with an earned-run-average of 1.19. Brady has the worst contract in football – it doesn’t guaranHe didn’t allow a run in three of his last five starts (usually tee the Patriots will carry any NFL wide receivers on their lasting seven innings), his only other starts a 2-1 loss to At- roster.” lanta Braves, owners of the best record in baseball, and a 5-2 • Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle, on Twitter: victory over the same Braves. He has more strikeouts per “Waiting for pregame coin flip that will determine #Raiders nine innings than any other starter in the National League. starting QB!” For every walk he issues, he strikes out more than three oth• Rick Reilly of, writing about the ultra-fast er batters. Washington manager Davey Johnson calls him paced offence run by the Philadelphia Eagles and how teams

will likely be doing whatever they can to slow down the pace: “You’re going to see more injuries than on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ during Eagles game this season, all as fake as the ones Patrick Dempsey operated on.” • RJ Currie of “Carrie Underwood says her husband, Nashville centre Mike Fisher, was trying to rescue a chipmunk when it attacked and bit his hand. So if I got this straight, the Predator was prey?” • Currie again: “Jerry Jones says he’s so excited for the upcoming Cowboys season he can’t sleep. Presumably, this is different from previous Romo-led teams keeping him awake at night.” • Comedian Will Durst: “Tim Tebow refuses to give up on his dream of becoming an NFL quarterback. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit.’ Unfortunately, he doesn’t know the meaning of ‘tight spiral’ either.” • Comedy writer Alan Ray, after Tokyo won the rights to host the 2020 Olympics: “Sprinter Tyson Gay sees this as a positive. No, wait a minute — that’s his drug test.” • Reggie Hayes of the Fort Wayne (Ind.) News-Sentinel, on the two men arrested for trying to pilfer some Wrigley Field ivy: “In keeping with Cubs tradition, the steal was unsuccessful.” • Janice Hough of “Two Saskatchewan Roughriders players have been charged with aggravated assault following an August bar fight. Were the two trying to prove they really belonged in the NFL?” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: During the U.S. Open’s men’s final, announcer, John McEnroe called an unruly fan a loudmouth jerk. Being called a loudmouth jerk by ‘Super Brat’ John McEnroe is like Donald Trump telling you you’re having a bad hair day.” Care to comment? Email

Green between the lines - Riders let another one slip By Jon Svec It was supposed to be a bounce-back game for the Roughriders, who were coming off a loss to the Blue Bombers but offered a chance at redemption in the form of a matchup with the East-leading Argonauts. But things don’t always work out like they are supposed to. Things started rough at Mosaic Stadium when Durant was picked off early by Demetrice Morley, who jumped a route and returned the ball 31 yards the other way. After a questionable pass interference call on Prince Miller, quarterback Zach Collaros was able to plunge into the end zone for a touchdown. It seemed like the next break would be in the Riders’ favour when a muffed punt gave them the ball in decent field position. But a clip by Dominic Picard backed them up, and when they lined up to punt, the snap sailed over Ricky Schmitt’s head, once again shifting the momentum towards the Boatmen. It seemed as though the Argos defensive gameplan early in the match was to give the illusion of pressure before dropping off into coverage. After Collaros threw up an ill-advised interception early in the second quarter, however, the Argos began living up to the threat of the blitz. A deflected pass at the line of scrimmage led to a Chris Milo field goal attempt with 13:10 left in the second, but the ball bounced off the upright, and for the first time this season, his kick was no good. The Riders came on strong in the dying moments of the first half, scoring two touchdowns in less than six minutes of play. The first score came in the form of a 31-yard catch and run by Chris Getzlaf on a play where the Riders finally decided to go back to their maximum protection blocking scheme. The entire offensive line slid, and they added in two extra blockers to the backside, giving Durant the

time he needed to execute the play. Their next touchdown was scored by Rob Bagg who cashed in on a coverage bust by the Argos secondary. It seemed as though the halfback bit short when he should have stayed deep, but whoever was at fault, it resulted in another six for the Roughriders. The Riders’ halftime lead of 20-12 came at a price, as running back Kory Sheets left the

confuse the Riders, who left Chiles wide open for the extra two. On the next drive, some heavy pressure forced Durant to throw another interception, though most of the credit should go to Argos defensive back Alonzo Lawrence who made a phenomenal play to haul in the pass. Another corner route to Chiles brought the Argos closer to the goal line, and a pass inter-

game early with an injury and did not return. Saskatchewan maintained their eight point lead until the twelve minute mark of the fourth quarter. That was when Zach Collaros hit John Chiles on a corner route in the end zone. The Argos elected to go for two in order to tie the game, and used a bunch formation to

ference call on Terrell Maze brought them the rest of the way. Running back Jerious Norwood went up and over the pile for the final two yards, granting the Argos a 30-23 lead. The Riders’ next drive ended in a punt, and when the Argos got the ball back they set off on a drive that would chew up most of the field

and a large portion of the clock. Eventually Argos kicker Swayze Waters set up for a field goal that would effectively put the game away, but a Mosaic Stadium gust blew the kick just right of the goal post, netting the Argos a single point and giving the Riders new life. Durant took over with 58 seconds on the clock, down by eight, and two plays later he had the Riders in scoring range. With 14 seconds left, on the pivotal play of the game, Argos defensive coordinator Chris Jones let the Riders off the hook by sending only two rushers after Durant and dropping the other ten into coverage. Durant was able to take his time to find Getzlaf on the crosser for the score. Obviously it was time to go for two, and obviously the Argos weren’t going to sit back and be passive for two plays in a row, so it seemed obvious that the Riders would counter by going back to their max protection blocking scheme. Instead, the Riders blocked with five, so when the Argos sent the house and Durant didn’t get rid of it right away, the Argos were able to end the game with a sack. The Riders lost to a good team on Saturday, but too much of the damage was self-inflicted. For one thing, they committed 16 penalties for a total of 163 yards in the contest. Some coaches say that every time you commit 110 yards in penalties (the length of the field), it equates to one touchdown on the scoreboard. If that adage is true, than eliminating the penalties alone would have made the difference in this game. As with every other team in the league, the Riders’ injuries are piling up at this late stage of the season. The team will have to adjust as necessary in order to put their best foot forward in their upcoming matchup with the B.C. Lions on September 22.


Shellbrook Chronicle

September 20, 2013


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THE CLASSIFIEDS Email your ad:

September 20, 2013

Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000 Email P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Advertising Deadline - Monday: 5:00 p.m.

Subscriptions $60.00 + $3.00 (GST) = $63.00/year

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Pauline Mae Chalifour, late of Shellbrook, in the Province of Saskatchewan, deceased. All claims against the above Estate duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before 27th day of September, 2013. Wilcox-Zuk-Chovin Law Office Barristers & Solicitors Box 820 (52 Main Street) Shellbrook, Saskatchewan S0J 2E0 Solicitors for the Executors 2-38C NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ellen Ledding, late of Parkside, SK, deceased. All claims against the above Estate duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent before October 8th, 2013 to: Delbert M. Dynna 100A - 10th St. E Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Y7 Estate Solicitor 2-39C

Buying? Selling? Classifieds Work!


TENDERS ELECTRICAL TENDER Martins Lake Regional Park is accepting tenders for upgrading 24 campsites from 15 amp to 30 amp power and installation of new 30 amp service to 12 campsites. Work to be completed by Nov. 30, 2013. For more info phone Rick 306-3824838 or Shirley 306-4973370. Mail tenders to MLRP, Box 488, Blaine Lake, SK S0J 0J0 before Sept. 30, 2013.

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE - Bar fridge, great for students, in new condition, was $160 asking $100,; 13” T.V. $50; Gazelle $100; screened tent, like new, $50; Truck tool box , dual packer, $50; Venmar air exchanger asking $500; camping mesh carpet 10’x12’ in new shape $100; obo on all items. Call 306-764-1363 evenings and weekends. TFCH FOR SALE - Bogarts Bay Coffee - Fresh, locally roasted organic coffee beans. Available in local stores and online at 3-38CH

2013/14 SNOW REMOVAL TENDERS Prairie Spirit School Division #206 invites local contractors to tender for snow removal at all our facilities during the months of October 2013 through April 2014. Tender documents are available on our website at www.spiritsd. ca/tenders, at our School Services Building at 523 Langley Avenue Warman SK, or by fax or email upon request at 306-683-2875. For further information, please contact Randy Willms, Caretaking Supervisor at 306-683-2916 or 306-227-7368.

Shellbrook Chronicle Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + GST 20¢ additional words $7.75 for additional weekds Classified Display: $17.80/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.60 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: advertising:

FOR SALE - Swisher 27” snowblower, new in 2007, $450; 15½ ft. Huron canoe, $175. Alan Williamson, Shellbrook, 306-747-3402 2-39CH

AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2003 Chevy Impala, immaculate condition, like new, 181,000k, $4,400. Ph: 306747-9520 or 306747-3061 2-38CH FOR SALE - 1999 GMC Astro van, New tires, command start, good shape, excellent work van, 170,000k, $2,500 obo. Two - 16 ft. aluminium boats with motors, 25 hp and 15 hp. and trailers. Ph: 306-229-1812 2-38CH FOR SALE - 2002 19 pass. school bus, Chev Chasis, 6.5L diesel engine, automatic trans., 180,000 Km, rubber at 85%, excellent service truck or crew truck, Sask. Cert. until Aug. 31. $5,000 Ph: Don Moe 306-747-7874 3-39CH FOR SALE - 1997 Ford ½ ton, body, tires in good order, Engine needs work. Ph: 306-466-4428 2-38CH

Advertising Deadline is Monday 5:00 p.m.

SWNA Blanket Classifieds

Reaching over 6 million people weekly. Cost for 25 words:

Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French)


area. Ph: 306-4664640 2-39CH

FOR SALE - Mallard 25 ft. 5th wheel camper, great condition. New awning, a/c, truck hitch. Full bath. $6,500. Ph: 306-747-2230 3-38CH

WANTED - Will trade bred cows for hay bales. Ph: 306883-2536 2-39CH

MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1 - TR85 combine, field ready, Ph: 306-747-2363 1-38CH



Gold, Silver, Scrap Precious Metals We buy a wide range of Gold, Silver, Coins and scrap precious metals Contact me at:


email: nicholsxchange@ WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH WANTED - Looking for older style asphalt shingles, White/gray color. Need about 20 bundles. Ph: 306747-3432 TFCH WANTED - Canned blueberry or raspberry fruit. Ph: 306291-4300 2-39CH WANTED - Straw wanted to bale or baled straw in Leask

FEED FOR SALE FEED FOR SALE Good quality round hay bales for sale. Ph: 306-466-4428 2-38CH

TO GIVE AWAY PETS TO GIVE AWAY - 2 yard dogs to give away together or separate. Chase coyotes. 306747-3265 2-38CH

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE - 6 registered horses. Harness broke. 2 mares, 9 & 12 years; 2 - 3 year olds, 1 mare, 1 gelding; 2 - 2 year olds, 1 mare, 1 gelding. Ph: 306466-2302 4-41CH

HOMES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE - To be moved, approx. 1200 sq. ft., 3 bedroom bungalow in excellent condition. 17 miles north east of Shellbrook. Ph 306-747-3185, 306-747-7622 TFCH FOR SALE - 2013 Park Model home, 14 x 45, 2 bedroom, 2x6 construction with lots of options. Furnished stainless steel appliances, D/W, W & D, Central heat & air, $64,900 includes delivery within 50

mile radius. Or special order from over 40 floor plans of Park Model homes, cabins, offices or man camps. 1-306468-2224, Mont Nebo 6-39CH FOR SALE - Small older house in Canwood, approx. 26’x30’. 2 bedrooms, ground level, fenced yard and shed. Located on Main Street. Includes stove, washer, dryer. $25,000 obo. Contact Sandra 306468-2734 evenings. 4-40CH

FOR RENT FOR RENT - House and shop in Mildred. 1,450 sq. ft. bungalow, 4 bedroom, 3 bathrooms. Heated 40x50 shop, 16’ ceilings, 14’ overhead door, 220 power. Option for horse pasture and stable. 306747-3316 3-40CH

HELP WANTED Required person to COOK AND CLEAN for 10-15 man road construction camp. Accommodations provided. Successful applicant will be required to travel with the construction crew. Must have valid driver’s license; safe food handling ticket; and experience in a similar environment. Send resume and two work references to: Bryden Construction, Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0. Fax: 306-769-8844. Email: brydenconstruct

HELP WANTED Shellbrook Motel seeking mature

Shellbrook Chronicle


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individuals for permanent part time employment. Good for stay at home moms, or retired persons. Perks included. Ph: 306-747-2631, or stop in or email shellbrookmotel@ TFC WANTED - School Bus drivers, excellent position for stay at home parent. Good Pay, approx. 3 hours/ day. Licensing paid for. Van driver also needed for Christopher Lake area. Ph: 306-747-7874 2-39CH HELP WANTED - Part/Full time cashier/cleaner. 306427-2212, Shell Lake Esso 2-39C

SERVI CES SERVICES - Childcare available. Experienced caregiver will provide care in my home, Monday to Friday, 7 am to 5 pm. Contact Brenda Rivard. 306-4682347 2-38C

GARAGE SALE MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE - Sat., Sept. 21. Furniture, appliances, clothing, misc. at Bruce Masons. 306-747-3594 2-38CH YARD SALE - Sept. 20 & 21, 9 am to 5 pm, Oval wood table (large) and 5 chairs. jams, pickled carrots, baking, clothing and more. 220 - 2nd St. South West, Shellbrook, past golf course. 1-38CH

GARAGE SALE Sat., & Sun., Sept. 21 & 22 at 402 Railway Ave. West, Blaine Lake, 9:00 am to 6:00 p.m. 1-38CH Multi Family Garage Sale - New winter jackets men’s and women’s; flat screen TV and stand $150; 2 new style wedding dresses $250 each 2 new printers $25 each and muchmuch-more. 1 KM South of Mildred 306-883-2412. Fri., Sept. 20, 9-9 Sat, Sept. 21, 9-6

COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS - 12th Annual Christmas Craft Fair Rosthern High School 4000-4th Street, Rosthern Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013 10:00am - 4:00pm Exhibitors: 25.00/30.00 Admission: adults $2.00 children $1.00 for information: rostherntravelclub@ or Richard @ (306)232-4338 5TH ANNUAL SASKATOON GUN SHOW Northridge Community Centre 901 3rd St. North Martensville SK Sept. 21 10AM-5PM Sept. 22 10AM4PM 306 933 2587 Inquiries. Dance Party at ‘The Hat’, Hwy 5, Saskatoon Sat. Sept. 28th, 3:00-11:00 p.m. Phoenix & The Hamps. $20/$23. Call 242-7373, 2444143 By Friends of the S’toon Public Library.


Shellbrook Chronicle

COMING EVENTS Non-denominational Bible Talks in the Spiritwood Legion Hall, each Sunday at 4 p.m. 1-38C

CARD OF THANKS The family of Roger Paquette would like to express sincere appreciation for all the condolences, kindness and memorial donations received after Roger’s passing on September 5, 2013. To the staff at the Debden Heritage Manor, we are so thankful for the loving care you provided for him. To Beau “Lac” Funeral Home for your guidance and profes-

THE CLASSIFIEDS Email your ad:

sionalism at such a difficult time for the family. To Father Sebastian for celebrating the funeral mass. To Gilles Francoeur, Louise Marchildon and Rita Couture for leading the choir. Special thanks to the grandchildren, Erik Paquette, Sean Gallant and Nicole Bletsky for the music. To everyone who joined the choir to sing, we are very grateful. To the volunteers who prepared and served the lunch, thank you for being so willing to give of your time. To the Knights of Columbus for the Honour Guard and to the Legion for the Veteran’s Honours. We are eternally grateful for the

care and kindness shown towards us at this time. Please accept our heartfelt thanks. - Sincerely, The Paquette Family. The Prince Albert Chapter of the Saskatchewan Brain Injury Association wish to thank all the following sponsors, donors, speakers Tim Scharkowski, Malcolm Jenkins, Murray Weatherspoon, the media and volunteers. As well as those who worked so hard collecting pledges to walk in the Brain Boogie Walkathon held Saturday September 7th at the Elks Hall. Your help in anyway helps the survivors and caregivers to take part

in camps, retreats and makes our life a little more enjoyable. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. If you or someone you know has a brain injury and would like to join our group please contact mhoey@gotgeek. ca or call 306922-4619 for more information. Malcolm Jenkins, The Prince Albert Daily Herald, The Prince Albert Firefighters, The Prince Albert Elks, Rawlco Radio, Shellbrook Affinity Credit Union, Prince Albert Raiders, Affinity Insurance, Lammle’s Western Wear, Scotiabank, RBC, Riverside Arctic Cat, Spiritwood Credit Union, Fast Genetics,

Have You Heard?

Main Street Salon, Spiritwood Tire and Lube, Spiritwood Ambulance, Angel Haryung, Ming’s Wok, Cameron & Bourdages Memorial Fund (RCMP), Spiritwood Co-op, Martodam Motors, Spiritwood Stockyards, Cavalier Agrow Spiritwood, Lou Carriere, Larry Krause, Spiritwood Good Health Pharmacy, Patti and Darrel Koivisto. And any other sponsor I may have accidently missed. The family of Jean Wason would like to thank the Royal Purple Ladies, Pastor Claude Tucker and Northern Funeral Service. A very special thank you to Myles Nagy

for doing the eulogy and Tara Lenz for the special reading. Thank you everyone who visited, sent cards, food and flowers to our homes and for the donations to the Palliative Care Unit. Thanks to everyone for their expressions of sympathy and kindness. The family of the late Walter Boyle wishes to thank everyone who has been so kind through this difficult time. Thank you to friends and family for the beautiful cards and donations made in the memory of Walter, which have been directed to the Mont St. Joseph Foundation or as specified. Thanks to

September 20, 2013

the staff of Mont St. Joseph for the kind care and friendship provided to Walter and to Deacon Danielson for the lovely memorial service. Thank you to Father Harnish and Hawryluk Funeral Home for the comforting funeral service. We especially thank all his friends who participated in the service and made it so meaningful for us: organist Grace Buhler, the Canwood Community Choir, the Elks Honour Guard, the Royal Purple lunch committee and the pall bearers.

MEMORIAMS SKAVLEBO - In memory of Herman Skavlebo, September 25, 2008. Some people make a difference Just by being who they are, Their inner light shines bright And touches lives both near and far, And even when they’re gone, They still forever play a part In the smiles, the priceless moments, That are treasured in the heart. - Lois and families.

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Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442


September 20, 2013

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for late model CAT equip: motor scrapers (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock trucks, graders (trim operators). Camp job. Competitive wages plus R & B. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0; email:

SEARCHING FOR LICENSED Automotive Technician or 4th year apprentice for GM dealer in Whitecourt, Alberta. Preference will be given to those with GM experience and training. Starting wage $35-40/hr. depending on experience. Full benefits after 3 months. Moving allowance provided. E-mail or fax 780-778-3398.

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This position is located in the company’s head office in Biggar, Saskatchewan. The applicant must be willing to relocate. Do not hesitate to find more information about us on our website and if you have the necessary experience please apply now.

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AGI-Envirotank, is a rapidly growing Saskatchewan company who is a leading manufacturer of aboveground and below ground steel storage tanks. We are currently looking for draftsmen whose responsibilities will include, but not limited to reporting to the drafting supervisor, create and modify detail drawings used in the fabrication of storage tanks and their accessories. Other duties will include working with the sales staff, providing design information and working with the production staff to solve problems arising on the production floor. The Ideal candidate will have: • Experience or training with Auto Desk Inventor • Experience or training with Mechanical Desktop • Proficiency using Microsoft Word and Excel • The ability to work independently and in a team environment • The ability to communicate clearly and concisely • Steel fabrication experience is considered a great asset • Must possess good organizational and problem solving skills • Own vehicle (however travel is not required)




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Shellbrook Chronicle

September 20, 2013

Students and staff walked, ran and strolled behind the Terry Fox banner during the annual Terry Fox Run in Shellbrook on September 13.

Terry Fox Run hits the streets of Shellbrook On September 13, students and staff from both W.P. Sandin High School and the Shellbrook Elementary School teamed up with local community members to participate in the annual Terry Fox Run. A large group left from W.P. Sandin High School at around 11 a.m. and made their way to the elementary school where they would meet up with the rest of the run’s participants. From there the large group ran, walked and strolled with the Terry Fox banner, making a loop of the town in the hopes of creating awareness about the Terry Fox Foundation and cancer research. Fol-

lowing the run, some participants met up at the high school to enjoy in a fundraising barbeque hosted by senior high school students. “The grade 12 class ... has a curriculum outcome that they need to meet where they have to learn how to work as a group and run meetings and work in committees,” commented teacher Nicole Philp. “We have decided to do that through hosting a barbeque, and this year we are fundraising for Terry Fox through the same process.” The legendary Terry Fox had his leg amputated in 1977 as a result of bone cancer in the limb. He set off

R.M. of Leask

This is the acreage you may have been waiting for! 121 acres which includes approx. 35 acre lake 30 ft. deep, plus balance is mainly heavy bush including Aspen, Spruce, lots of Birch, Saskatoon bushes, excellent big game hunting and several fishing lakes within 15 miles. 14x64, 1973 mobile home, well, power, phone, garden area, just a very quiet place approx. 2 miles in off No. 12 highway and just over an hour out of Saskatoon. MLS® 475521

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on his Marathon of Hope in 1980 with the goal of running across Canada, from east to west, to raise money and awareness for cancer research. He made if from the East Coast all the way to Thunder Bay, Ontario, before he was forced to stop

his run after learning that the cancer had spread to his lungs. Up until that point, he had covered an average of 42 kilometres (equivalent to the length of an entire marathon) every single day for 143 days--on one leg. Terry died in June of

1981, but his legacy lives on. According to the foundation’s website, “The Terry Fox Foundation is responsible for supporting close to $20 million in discovery based research each year in Canada.” Shellbrook did well to

honour the legacy of Terry Fox during their run on September 13, when a large portion of the young community set out under sunny skies, most of them on two healthy legs, to pay tribute to one of Canada’s greatest heroes.

Government supports competitiveness of colleges and institutions The Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) is pleased to be among 39 national industry associations receiving investments from the Government of Canada’s 2013-14 Global Opportunities for Associations (GOA) program. ACCC is receiving a $135-thousand investment towards increasing Canada’s competitiveness in the international education market. “Canada’s colleges and institutes are known around the world for their advanced, applied programs that produce job-ready graduates,” said ACCC President and CEO, Denise Amyot. “This funding supports ACCC’s work to promote the value and expertise of

Notice of Call for Nominations PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of Councillor - Town of Big River – One to be Elected will be received by the undersigned on the 2nd day of October, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and during regular business hours on September 20th to October 1st, 2013 at the Office of the Administrator. Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: Office of the Administrator, Big River Community Centre, 606 1st Street North, Town of Big River. Dated this 20th day of September, 2013 Noreen Olsen, Returning Officer

Canada’s colleges and assists in creating economic opportunities for our member institutions.” The GOA funding is supporting a digital recruitment strategy with enhanced online college program resources, as well as the Association’s ongoing student recruitment efforts in Brazil; francophone Africa and India. ACCC recently led a delegation of thirty Canadian institutions to Brazil, partially funded through the GOA, to strengthen collaboration and enhance recruitment. As a result, Canada’s colleges and institutes are preparing to welcome as many as 2,000 students and 1,000 teachers from Brazil over the next two years through the Science Without Borders initiative – a benefit of over $120 million to Canada’s economy.

Election Declaration [Section 160.16 of the Act]

The Rural Municipality of Big River, No. 555 Municipal By-Election 2013 Public Notice is hereby given that: I hereby declare the following candidate so nominated duly elected. Councillor for Division 3 – Vickie Hodgson Dated this 11th day of September, 2013. Donna Tymiak, Returning Officer

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