For a truly distinctive taste of Airdrie’s history, you must try their Belgian series that follows the evolution of the city. Starting with the 1889 Siding Belgian Blonde (reflective of Airdrie’s beginning as a train stop), it’s the first step of the beer journey with a smooth flavour with notes of banana and citrus. Next up is the 1909 Village Belgian Dubbel – where Airdrie grows into a village, and the beer does too. A little bigger and a little bolder, with lots of caramel malts. The 1974 Town Belgian Tripel is the highest alcohol content, with vanilla and banana on the nose and finishing with crisp apple. Rumour has it that the Belgian Quad is in the works for the transformation into a city so stay tuned!
brewery amenities
give these a try California Sunburn Jalapeno Pale Ale Extra Terrestrial Bitter No Joke IPA Patio Krusher Kolsch