Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020

Context Bristol is the major city in the West of England region

the city region focusing on four key strands: learning

and the seventh largest city in England. City of Bristol

for life; learning for everyone; learning in education;

College sits in a prime strategic location to contribute

learning for life and work.

to the development of the skills, knowledge and capability of the region’s citizens, working alongside

The further education sector exists within a changing

good quality schools and two prestigious universities.

policy context with colleges and other providers

The West of England is a successful economy. Priorities

responding to a range of policies from government

in the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) strategic plan

alongside demand from students and employers.

set out to ensure that prosperity is maintained and

The increasing availability of loans for adults from

benefits all of the region’s citizens. Through students’

age 19, the introduction of the employers’ levy for

success, the College makes an active contribution

apprenticeship programmes and the potential for

to the wider West of England economy and indeed

greater influence of adult skills funding by local

nationally, however the College is at the heart of the

enterprise partnerships changes the ways in which

city’s growth and development as a priority.

colleges access funding. However, the primary role of colleges remains in providing high quality technical,

Since 2012 the city has developed a number of

professional and vocational education to adults and

initiatives including; being appointed European

young people.

Green Capital 2015; moving closer the development of the 12,000 seat arena, with the further development of Temple Quarter, offering around 17,000 new jobs; upgrading Metro Bus and improved cycling infrastructure. The College has played a key role in the Mayor’s Education and Skills Commission in order to: ‘strengthen the link between sustainable employment opportunities in our highly skilled, knowledge economy, and the education and training our young people receive, whether at school, college or university’. Bristol is the only UNESCO Learning City in England and the College is a key player in the Learning City. The city’s Mayor declared 2016 a ‘year of learning’ which seeks to create a cohesive, joined-up educational, skills, economic and social improvement strategy for


Strategic Plan 2016-2020

Our Role To enable access to higher learning, employment and career progression through the development of technical and vocational skills and professional behaviours.

Our core business will be • Study programmes which enable young people to be in the

best place to secure access to higher learning or skilled employment in the local economy • Further Education courses which enable adults to maximise their access to higher learning, skilled employment and career progression

• Traineeships and Apprenticeships which enable access to higher learning or sustained employment in a skilled workforce • Higher Education courses which are rooted in the world of work and recognised by employers • Commercial education and training supporting employers to meet their current and future skills needs


Values Integrity | Respect | Ambition | Pride


Student focused High expectations and aspirations for all Focused on progression and employment Proud of what we do and our place in the city Collaborative Continually improving


Strategic Plan 2016-2020


Strategic objectives

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To enable all students to develop the skills and behaviours they will need to play a productive role in the economy

To offer high quality provision which responds to the needs of the economy and opens doors to the best opportunities for everyone

To collaborate in order to support the development of the College and the city

To provide excellent services to businesses

To develop a responsive, highly skilled and committed workforce

Be a strong, financially sound and active contributor to the city’s success

Strategic Plan 2016-2020

Local and regional skills economy City of Bristol College is the largest provider of learning

The College offers provision in all seven of the LEP

and skills in the city and is increasingly building its

skills priority areas, which are:

provision and resources around the West of England

• Advanced Engineering and Aerospace

LEP priorities. The College is aligning its estate in

• Creative and Digital

order to locate provision close to the established and

• Construction and Development

emerging business and economic developments of

• Health and Life Sciences

the city region. This strategic direction aims to create

• High Tech

accessible opportunities for the city’s population to

• Low Carbon

progress from entry level learning through to higher

• Professional and Financial Services

education, providing opportunities for young people and adults to become economically active.


Strategic objectives


To enable all students to develop the skills and behaviours they will need to play a productive role in the economy Ensure all provision types are high quality and reflect the best contemporary practice in each subject field Develop and provide high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance which support progression and is consistent across the College Devise a Student Charter which reflects and reinforces the required behaviours to prosper in employment and independent living To promote the use of online and digital technology To utilise the College’s estates to create professional and differentiated learning environments


To offer high quality provision which responds to the needs of the economy and opens doors to the best opportunities for everyone To develop and maintain curricula and courses which are aligned to relevant economic skills priorities and which support individuals to develop independence Support teachers to develop excellence in teaching, learning and assessment practice Embed literacy and numeracy skills into courses at all levels and support all students to achieve qualifications in English and maths as appropriate Utilise robust arrangements for quality assurance and improvement to provide the best possible student experience Support students to lead independent and prosperous lives through developing skills for independence, good citizenship and behaviours for work


Strategic Plan 2016-2020

Strategic objectives


To collaborate in order to support the development of the College and the City To maximise partnerships which improve the quality of the student experience Utilise the views of employers and students to evaluate the impact and quality of provision Develop focused partnerships with educational peers to effectively plan and deliver coherent education as part of the Learning City Create opportunities for the College to play an active community development role through proactive sharing of resources Harness the city’s prosperity to maximise access to employment opportunities for students


To provide excellent services to businesses Be responsive and well-informed in our dealings with businesses Deliver services in a way which meets the needs of businesses Provide training which increases the efficiency and productivity of workforces Listen carefully to the needs of businesses before offering solutions Develop value for money training solutions


Strategic objectives


To develop a responsive, highly skilled and committed workforce Ensure that the College’s core values are at the heart of how everyone discharges their role Facilitate opportunities to access development linked to the College’s key priorities and plans Provide all staff with access to an appropriate appraisal framework which enhances performance and supports individuals’ development Create a framework for staff to engage in and shape the College’s future Recognise and celebrate the contributions of individuals and teams towards the College’s success


Be a strong, financially sound and active contributor to the City’s success Plan with prudence and integrity safeguarding the public assets which the College oversees Monitor financial performance and intervene quickly where improvement is required Maximise the use of information and evidence to ensure the viability of all aspects of delivery Make investments which support the delivery of this plan, complement the development of the City and the sustainable growth of the College


Strategic Plan 2016-2020

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