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Table 8: Consistency with relevant SEPPs
Q5. Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable State Environmental Planning Policies?
The amended Planning Proposal is generally consistent with the applicable State Environmental Planning Policies (as identifi ed in Section 3 of this report) as set out below:
Table 8: Consistency with relevant SEPPs
State Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 – Remediation of Land
State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 & State Environmental Planning Policy No. 70 Affordable Housing (Amended Schemes)
The amended Planning Proposal is consistent with SEPP 55 (now State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience and Hazards) 2021).
A Preliminary Site Investigation (Appendix R) and Additional Contamination report (Appendix S) was prepared and lodged with the original Planning Proposal. The reports indicate that the site can be made suitable for development and that further testing should occur given the existence of higher Health Investigation Levels in specifi c locations to the north-west and north-east of the site. Further investigation, remediation and/or management would be required to make the contaminated soil suitable for future development, to be addressed at Development Application stage.
A subsequent Site (Contamination) Investigation report has been prepared (May 2022) in response to condition 1 (b) of the Gateway Determination condition. The report addresses the recommendations of the initial Stage 1 investigation and concludes that additional borehole testing and investigation is recommended following demolition of the factory, administration building, transformer room, and gate house to determine the need or otherwise for remediation. The report considers that Council can be satisfi ed that the site can be made suitable for the proposed uses following this approach.
The amended Planning Proposal is consistent with the former ARH SEPP and former SEPP 70, the provisions of which have been transferred to the SEPP H.
The amended Planning Proposal provides for approximately 400 new dwellings. Affordable Housing will be provided consistent with the requirements of SEPP 70 and Council's draft Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme is proposed to be updated to refl ect the recommendations of the Eastern City Planning Panel as discussed throughout this report.