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Public Domain, Open Space and the Foreshore
A PLACE THAT IS: u Clean, safe and well maintained public domain u Accessible for all A PLACE THAT HAS: u Opportunities for fun and excitement through activated spaces u Good quality amenities in parks and open spaces (shade, seating, fitness equipment, lighting, etc) to bring people out of their homes u Quality streetscape design with activity at the ground level – ‘getting community right at the ground level’ u An outdoor lifestyle as a key to sense of community u Coordinated waste management, street maintenance, grass cutting, etc u More bins and dog tidy facilities u Community education about littering, dumping, shopping trolleys, responsible dog ownership u Sufficient public toilet facilities u Effective way finding – signage, pathways, trails u Public art integrated into the public domain and foreshore
our vision PLANNING AND DELIVERY OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, OPEN SPACE AND FORESHORE AREAS will focus on encouraging connectivity and promoting a sense of community through the integration of public art. Planning has included the development of an Open Space Plan of Management and Masterplan, Rhodes Peninsula Arts Plan and a variety of public domain, open space and foreshore improvements. THE CIRCULATION OF PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE PENINSULA AND AROUND THE FORESHORE is an important challenge facing the Open Space Masterplan. The amenity of the local community as well as cyclists from outside is assured when coherent paths are built, sustained and linked. THE STREETSCAPE EMERGES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT and the Public Art provides a vibrant presence and language for this public arena. The entrances for the Peninsula are thresholds for public art. The underpass approached from Leeds Street captures motorists in a squeeze point before they turn into Walker St and the current advertising hoardings indicate the marketing exposure for this threshold. THE VERY NATURE OF RHODES PENINSULA provides an excellent amenity to the water and its shorelines. Although the collective open spaces address these edges, the emergent mangrove colonies and the expanding building footprints distinctly separate the interface between land and water. As you move south west the mangrove forest impedes sightlines to the water so the stark views across Homebush Bay are welcome. This edge experience is both powerful
in scale and evocative depending upon the season and wind. The edge pathway which stretches along the western foreshore is well utilised by cyclists, joggers and walkers and provides an opportunity to both public domain works as well as space activation initiatives. JOHN WHITTON BRIDGE IS THE MAIN RAIL LINK ACROSS THE PARRAMATTA RIVER from Rhodes and Homebush Bay to Ryde and northern Sydney. The bridge was constructed from 1952 to 1980 and has a heritage listing. The area under the bridge forms a pedestrian link from Mill Park and the apartments on Walker Street to the boat ramp and east Rhodes area. It has been a difficult area to maintain and subject to some vandalism. In 2011 City of Canada Bay engaged Oculus Landscape Architects to develop a landscape solution to the site. WORKS ARE PLANNED THAT WILL CREATE A UNIQUE PLACE through a high quality open space that links between the east and west side of Rhodes. The space will enhance the foreshore walk by connecting Mill Park to the eastern side of Rhodes and the shared path that crosses the Meadowbank Bridge. The John Whitton Bridge project will be completed by 2014.
Social and Cultural Life Uses and Activities Comfort and Image Connectivity Voice and Influence
THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Support retail and commercial activation of the public domain to encourage social connection B Integrate Public Art and cultural heritage in to the public domain
• Place Committee • Residents and representative groups • Businesses • Rhodes Waterside Shopping Centre • NSW Police Local Area Command • Sydney Olympic Park Authority • Auburn Council • Roads and Maritime Services • Developers • City of Ryde Council • Transport for NSW THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Implement the recommendations from the Rhodes Peninsula open space Plan of Management and Masterplan B Ensure public domain design incorporates the principals of accessibility, safety, environmental sustainability and connectivity C Identify a suitable location for a dog park/s or off leash area/s THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Review bin provision, location and needs throughout the Rhodes Peninsula and communicate information to the community B Investigate opportunities for maximising resource recovery and recycling in public space C Implement the use of existing mobile/GPS applications for reporting of maintenance and asset management issues (internal Council and external stakeholder reporting) D Improve signage and wayfinding throughout the Peninsula E Investigate provision of free Wi-Fi in open space areas F Consider crime prevention through environmental design principles in the design and assessment of these spaces including encouraging passive surveillance by the design of residential and business premises G Lobby for installation of sound barriers (where appropriate) along the railway line by Railcorp as part of the National Freight line upgrade H Ensure public domain design incorporates the principles of accessibility, safety, environmental sustainability and connectivity STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS A Waste management and collection of public bins in Rhodes are response to community needs B Advocate for a police presence as needed in Rhodes due to the increasing population THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Upgrade the boat ramp and car park at John Whitton Bridge STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS A A coordinated approach to the management of the public domain through master planning and similar processes B Lighting is included in key public domain locations to ensure safety and activation both during the day and night, especially between transport nodes and homes THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Consult with key stakeholders on planning and implementation of works