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Town Square

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planning for the future TOWN SQUARE

THE SQUARE FOR RHODES PENINSULA is part of Mirvac’s building development at the termination of Walker Street and Mary Street. The inclusion of public art into the places and space where people gather and interact adds a valuable cultural dimension to Rhodes and explores the notion of a civic experience and meeting place.


THE NEW TOWN SQUARE will be located adjacent to Rhodes Station which provides a space to be enjoyed by the community as a meeting place and civic space. It will act as a key entry and exit point to the station and other public transport and contribute to the first impression of Rhodes to people arriving by public transport. This space also acts as a link to the commercial precincts in Rider Boulevard and Rhodes Corporate Park.

Social and Cultural Life Uses and Activities Comfort and Image

A PLACE THAT IS: u The community heart – a place for people to meet u Activated at the street level with places to sit, meet, people watch, eat lunch u Accessible and shared village atmosphere u A place for people to gather in the evening with open space, restaurants and wine bars A PLACE THAT HAS: u Adequate amenities including seating, shade, rubbish bins u Public art and community information provided u Good quality amenities … to bring people out of their homes

Connectivity Voice and Influence

THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Support pop-up activation of the Town Square B Deliver public art to provide an iconic art element to create a destination in partnership with Mirvac C Encourage the incorporation of public art within the landscaping elements such as seating and shade D Maximise the opportunities for activation of the space through encouraging on-street dining THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Explore innovative means through which to provide community information, e.g. using new technologies THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Include facilities such as shade, lighting, seating and eating spaces B Incorporate crime prevention through environmental design principles in the design of the town square THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Ensure clear connectivity with pedestrian and cycleways in the Town Square B Consider bike storage facilities in the vicinity STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS A Actively engage community members and key stakeholders in the management of the space


• Residents and representative groups • Businesses • Place Committee • Community service providers • Transport for NSW • NSW Police Local Area Command • Roads and Maritime Services • Strata and building managers • Developer - Mirvac

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