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Community Precinct

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planning for the future COMMUNITY PRECINCT

A PLACE THAT HAS: A PLACE THAT IS: u A community heart and hub – a place for people to meet and to get involved in activities u Used to celebrate community and cultural events our vision


THE COMMUNITY PRECINCT WILL BE THE MOST IMPORTANT FOCUS for community building in Rhodes and offers significant opportunities for art that develops engagement and cultural identity. The development of the community precinct at the western edge of the water opposite Gauthorpe Street provides the locale with a multi-purpose centre in a prominent place. At this stage the project is in early planning stages and is developing design responses to the new population, its needs and the potential landing of the proposed Homebush Bay Bridge nearby. Once the proposed bridge is built, it is likely that the residents from Wentworth Point will utilise the new Community Precinct as well as the local Rhodes residents.

THE COMMUNITY PRECINCT HAS AN IMPORTANT ROLE AS A COMMUNITY HUB – a place for people to meet, gather and get involved in a range of activities. Residents saw it as an opportunity to combine some of the key things that people in the Peninsula like – walking, the waterside experience, places for people to meet and socialise, cafes and restaurants.

THE COMMUNITY PRECINCT IS SCHEDULED TO BE COMPLETED BY 2016. u Indoor and outdoor space u Meeting, activity, exhibition and function space u Compatible commercial space – restaurant or cafe u Technology and access to library resources u Both passive and active recreation uses u Space for just relaxing u Good design to make the most of waterfront location u Good quality amenities in parks and open space (shade, seating, bbqs, lighting, public art, play spaces etc) to bring people out of their homes

Social and Cultural Life Uses and Activities Comfort and Image Connectivity Voice and Influence

THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Support and promote a wide range of activities for all members of the community B Share information, build capacity, exchanged ideas about the Place C Facilitate the provision of youth and health programs D Integrate Public Art and cultural heritage in the Precinct E Support and encourage neighbourhood groups STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS A A multipurpose community space that is active, accessible, environmentally responsive and provides a range of affordable activities for a diverse range of residents

“I’d like to see a community heart including a place for retirees to meet. ”

Resident of Rhodes THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Establish a temporary community space on the site whilst the permanent Community Precinct is under construction B Provide a range of facilities in the Community Precinct including public toilets, play space, bbqs, shade, wi-fi, lighting, public art, group and individual seating and eating spaces STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS A The Community Precinct addresses the changing needs of the Rhodes community

“A community centre would be good with lots of activities for young people and seniors – such as playgroups, pilates, yoga, tai chi. Seniors activities could be during the day, with other activities in the evenings. ”

Participant in Korean community focus group THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Consider spaces for children and young people B Consider opportunities for interactive learning centres and free Wi-Fi for residents in public spaces C Promote quality design and best practise through Council leadership in the development of a multipurpose precinct STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS A Community meeting places and gathering places where community members are welcome and can participate in structured, informal and unstructured activities and programs THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Explore opportunities to facilitate bike use B Design the Community Precinct to maximise its location adjacent to a major walking route and potential future landing of the proposed Homebush Bay Bridge C Apply Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles in the Precinct (including appropriate lighting) to ensure safety and activation both during the day and night THE NEXT 5 YEARS A Engage with Peninsula residents in the design, development and management of the Community Precinct B Utilise the Precinct as a location for community engagement and information exchange STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS A The Community Precinct as a focal point for community interaction, connection and information exchange


• Residents and representative groups • Businesses • Community service providers • NSW Police Local Area Command • Homebush Bay Bridge proponents • NSW Health • Department of Immigration and Citizenship • NSW Department of Family and Community Services • Transport for NSW • Roads and Maritime Services • Sydney Olympic Park Authority • Auburn Council • Developers • Place committee

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