5 minute read
4.1 Introduction
This section defines the specific rolesand objectives for Timbrell Park based on community values and management directions of City of Canada Bay andthe Departmentof Environment and Planning-Crown Lands.
4.2 Community values
4.2.1 The Five Dock-Canada Bay community
Timbrell Park is situatedon theboundary of the Five Dock-Canada Bay and Russell LeaRodd Point small areas (id. Profile, 2020). Thecombined population of Five Dock-Canada Bay and Russell Lea-Rodd Point had a population of 18,244 people in 2019, with aforecast increase in populationof 4,845 residents(26% increase) to 23,089 by 2036.
Comparedwiththe population of the City of Canada Bay, the Five Dock/Canada Bay small area had in 2016:
a higher proportion of people in the younger, under 15 years, age groups(18.6% comparedwith 16.2%) as well as more people inthe 40-to44 and older, 65 years and over, age groups
fewer peoplein the 20 to 34 year age ranges
a higher proportion of couple families with one or morechildren (35.6% comparedwith 31.2%) as well as ahigher proportion of one-parent families and single person households
a lower proportion of couples without children
considerable growth in couples with children households, and extra 131 such households added between 2011 and 2016
a muchlarger proportion of people withItalian ancestry (25.0% comparedto 14.8%), as well as more people withAustralian ancestry
a smaller percentage ofpeople with Chinese ancestry(8.4% comparedto 16.9%), but with considerable growthin the local Chinese ancestrypopulation between 2011 and 2016 of 220 persons
significantly lower residential densities, with afar higher percentage of detached dwellings (48.1% compared to 36.8%) and also moremedium density dwellings (31.0% comparedto20.4%), but with medium density dwellings on the increase with 187 new medium density dwellings added between 2011 and 2016 (with atotal 2016 stock of 4,330 dwellings)
Five Dock/Canada Bay’sdemographic and dwelling profile is indicative of an older, established, residential areathat is undergoing a phase of urbanrenewalwith an influx of younger to middle aged families and, to adegree, someurban redevelopment and increasing residential densities.
4.2.2 Community engagement outcomes Process
The process and outcomes of community andstakeholder engagement undertakenfor this Plan of Management and Masterplanare set outin detail in theDraft Timbrell Park Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report (Parkland Planners,2020).
Community and stakeholder engagementfor this project wasundertakenin two stages:
1. Information gathering inNovember-December 2019 (Stage 1).
2. Public exhibition of the draft plans inmid 2022(Stage 2).
Values and roles for Timbrell Park
City of Canada Bay CityCouncil takes a values-based approachto the planning, use and management of TimbrellPark.
By understanding thereasons whythe community values Timbrell Park, the roles that the community expects thesite to play in the futuremay be determined. ThisPlan of Management is based on protecting, conserving and enhancing the values of Timbrell Park. Desired outcomes, management strategies and actions which are consistent withthese values have been developed.
The values of Timbrell Park revealed by thecommunity engagement are in Table 9.
Table 9
Values and roles of Timbrell Park
Significance Roles
Large open space with opportunity for multipurpose activities
Informal recreation opportunities
TimbrellParkismorethan11hectares ofpubliclyavailableopenspaceina mediumdensityurbanareawithan increasingpopulation.
ThespaceavailableinTimbrellPark facilitatesmultipurposeactivitiesthat thecommunitycanparticipatein.
TimbrellParkoffersarangeofinformal recreationactivitiesforallageswhich areaccessibletothecommunity.
Livvi’sPlaceinclusiveplayground,with itsfencedplayspace,rangeofplay facilitiesandopportunities,and Storytimeactivityisespeciallyvalued. Thecafé,internalcircuitpath,BMX track,theoff-leashdogareaandpicnic/ barbecuefacilitiesareappreciated.
District Publicopenspace
Emergencyassembly point
Location and access
ThecommunityvaluesTimbrellPark becauseitisclosetothewaterofIron Cove,andiscentralandaccessibleto TheBayRunalongIronCove.
TimbrellParkisdescribedasbeing easytogettoandconvenientfrom nearbyhomesandfromfurtherafield. Onstreetvehicleparkingisavailable.
District/ Regional Play
Venueforinformalcasual activeandinformal recreationactivities
Inclusivechildren’splay space
Offleashdogexercise area
District Partofregionalandlocal bikeroute
Starting/finishingpoint andconnectingloopfor theBayRun
Sport opportunities TimbrellParkprovidesfacilitiesfor communitybasedsportincluding competition,trainingandcasualusefor severalfieldanddiamondsports. Thesocialopportunitiesprovidedby organisedsportingclubsisvalued.
Natural/ environmental / ecological
Thebushlandareatothesouthofpark, andtreesandshadeingeneral,are valued.
District Venueforcompetition andtrainingfor local/districtfieldand diamondsportsinFive Dock
District PartoftheGreenGrid ConnectivitybetweenIron CoveandRamsayStreet alongIronCoveCreek Wildlifehabitatand corridor
Visual ViewsfromTimbrellParktothewater ofIronCovearecoveted. Theextensiveflatgrassedareaand treesgivetheparkagreen appearance. TimbrellParkisdescribedascleanand well-presented.
Issues and suggestions forimprovements
District PartofGreenGrid Visualbackdropto adjoiningdevelopment
The issues the community and stakeholdersraised, and howtheir suggestions to address those issues, are brieflyset out below and addressed in relevant sections of this plan.
The “top 20’ issues raised by the communityand stakeholders, andhow they areaddressed in this plan, arein Table10 below. Adetailed list of issues and suggestions is in Appendix D.
4.3 Vision and management objectives for Timbrell Park
4.3.1 Vision
Timbrell Park will continue to be a district scale, quality multi-purpose sport and informal recreation area which together has “something for everyone”. It is an inclusive space with facilities for the whole community to enjoy a range of organised and informal sport, recreation and play.
The vision for Timbrell Park is consistent with the NSW government and City of Canada Bay’s vision for open space and parkland(refer toAppendix E).
4.3.2 Principles of Crown land management
Timbrell Park will be managed accordingto theprinciples of Crown landmanagement embodied in the Crown Land Management Act 2016 which are:
(a) that environmental protection principles beobserved inrelationtothemanagement and administration of Crown land, and
(b) that thenatural resources of Crown land (including water, soil, flora, fauna and scenic quality) beconserved wherever possible, and
(c) that public useand enjoyment of appropriateCrown land be encouraged, and
(d) that, whereappropriate, multiple useof Crown land be encouraged, and
(e) that, whereappropriate, Crown land should be used and managed in such a waythat both the land anditsresources are sustainedinperpetuity, and
(f) that Crown land be occupied, used, sold, leased, licenced or otherwisedealt with in the best interests ofthe State consistent withthe above principles.
4.3.3 Core objectives for categories of community and Crown land
Timbrell Park will be managed accordingto thecore objectives under the Local Government Act 1993 for eachcategory of Crown and community land asshown inFigure 11.
The coreobjectives for community land categorised as Sportsgroundare to:
encourage, promote and facilitaterecreational pursuitsin the community involving organised and informal sporting activities andgames.
ensurethat suchactivities aremanagedhaving regard to any adverse impact onnearby residences.
The coreobjectives for community land categorised as Park are to:
encourage, promote and facilitaterecreational, cultural, social and educational pastimes and activities
provide for passiverecreational activities or pastimes andfor thecasual playing of games
improvetheland in sucha way as to promote andfacilitate itsuse to achieve theother core objectives forits management.
General Community Use
The coreobjectives for community land categorised as General CommunityUse areto:
promote, encourage and providefor the use of the land, and toprovide facilities on the land, tomeet thecurrent and future needs of the local communityand of the wider public in relation to:
- public recreation and the physical, cultural, socialand intellectual welfare or development of individual membersof the public.
- purposes forwhich alease, licence or other estate may be granted in respect of the land (other than the provision of public utilities and works associatedwith or ancillary to public utilities).
For context Figure4 - Ownership of land in Timbrell Park from p9 of the PoM is reproduced below:
4.3.4 Reserve purpose
Timbrell Park will be managed consistent withitspurposeof Public Recreation.
4.3.5 Zoning objectives
City of Canada Bay’sobjectives forthe RE1 Public Recreation zoneareto:
enable land tobe usedfor public open spaceor recreational purposes.
provide a range of recreational settings and activities and compatible land uses.
protect andenhancethe natural environment for recreational purposes.
facilitate public accesstoand along theforeshore.
conserve public open space that enhances the scenic and environmentalquality of Canada Bay.
4.3.6 Management objectives for Timbrell Park
The management objectives for Timbrell Park related to its values areset out below.
Table 11 Managementobjectives for Timbrell Park
Large open space and opportunity for a variety of activities
Informal recreation opportunities
Location and access
Sport and active recreation opportunities
Natural/ environmental
ConsiderTimbrellParkasaprecinctcomprisingalargeparklandaswellasa sportandactiverecreationfacility.
Broadenaccesstoanduseoftheparkforarangeofsporting,informal recreationandcommunityandsocialuses.
Monitoruseoftheparkanditsconsistencywiththecarryingcapacityof facilitiesandsettings,andadjustvisitationifrequired.
Providearangeofopportunitiesforrecreationalactivitiesforallagegroupsin avarietyofsettings.
Provideandmaintainopportunitiestoexperiencepeaceandquietinthepark. Ensuresafeenjoymentoftheparkforthecommunity.
Ensureequitableandeasyaccesstoandwithintheparkforallmembersof thecommunity,regardlessofgender,ageorphysicalability. Enhancelinkstoothersportingandrecreationareas,residentialareasand retailareaswithinandoutsideCanadaBay.
Providehighqualityfacilitiesforfieldanddiamondsports. Provideopportunitiesforphysicalfitness.
Manageandmaintaintheparkinanecologicallysustainablemanner. Ensuretheprinciplesofecologicallysustainabledevelopmentareconsidered ineveryareaofimprovementtothepark.
Encouragetheuseofecologicallysustainabledevelopment,watersensitive urbandesign,andothermanagementapproachestominimisetheuseof non-renewableresources.
Aimtowardsa25%treecanopycoverinthenon-sportingareasofthepark. Plantappropriatevegetationandensureitishealthy. Managetrees,vegetationandlandscaping.
Visual Enhancetheleafyandgreenvisualcharacterofthepark. Provideshadeforparkvisitors.
Manageandmaintainopenspace,sportingandrecreationfacilitiesinan efficientandcost-effectivemanner.
Ensurethepark,facilitiesandamenitiesareclean,tidyandwellmaintained. Minimisegenerationofwaste.
Social, heritage, culture
Encouragecommunity“ownership”anduseofthepark. Involvethecommunityinplanning,managementandmaintenanceofthe park.
Conserve,enhanceandpromoteAboriginal,Europeanandnon-European heritagevaluesofthepark.
Interpretheritageandhistoricalvaluesoftheparkforusersandthe community.
Increaseopportunitiesforsocialandcommunityinteractioninthepark. Encouragesocialandculturalactivitiesandstructuresinthepark. Encourageprivateandcommunityceremoniesandcelebrationsbeingheld inthepark.
Values Objectives
AdoptCrimePreventionThroughEnvironmentalDesignandSaferBy DesignprinciplesinmanagingthePrecincttominimisevandalismand increasepersonalsafetyofprecinctusers. Maintainpartnershipswithsportingandotherusergroups.