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7.1 Management

Timbrell Park will continue tobe managed by Cityof Canada Bay as land owner and Crown Land Manager interms of facility management, use, improvementsand maintenance.


Council will have oversight of anyuse agreements for activities onthe site.

Day-to-day management of any leasedand licenced areas will be theresponsibility of any lease or licenceholder according to the terms of the lease or licence agreement.

Allocation of staff for management, maintenanceand capital works will be monitored by Council on an ongoing basis to ensure that standards are maintained. If new facilities or extensive works arerequired then the need foradditional staff or contractors will be assessed.

Development of new facilities will be carried out only by Council staff or contractors engaged by Council. Council may also engagecontractors toassist with themaintenance of Timbrell Park.

7.2 Implementation

Once aPlan of Management for aCrownreserve has been approved and adoptedby the Minister, the Crown Land Managermust carry out and give effect to the plan. OnceCity of Canada Bay adopts thisPlan of Management it is Council’s responsibility to implement this Plan of Management.

Implementation of actions in thisPlan of Management according to their assigned priorities will be monitoredthrough the preparation of annual performancereports, budgets, and capital works programs.

It should berecognised that commencement and completion of the actions in thisPlan of Management depends on available Council resources, funding, and Council’s priorities in its annual works program The priority of eachaction should be reassessed annually to determine if the stated priority is still relevant.

Implementation of this Plan of Management will be monitoredthrough the preparation of annual operational and capital worksprograms and budgets. Performance standards and works programsfor administration, maintenanceand upgrading works arerevised each year tomeet allocated budgets and works priorities determined in Council’s Resourcing Plan.

7.3 Funding

City of Canada Bay Council can take several approaches in funding the implementation of this Plan of Management, including:

 Council sources, including capitalfunds, developer contributions, feesand charges foruse

 Partnerships withsporting and other user andcommunity groups

 Applying for Commonwealth and state government grants, including Crown Reserves Improvement Fund, sports and recreation, heritage, and environmental.

7.4 Reporting

CouncilwillreportontheprogressofimplementingthisPlanofManagementinthe followingways:





providinginformationflyersandnewsletterstoadjoiningresidentsandother stakeholders.

7.5 Change and review of this Plan of Management

This Plan of Management will requireregular review in order to align with community values and changing community needs, and to reflect changes in Council priorities. Council has determined that it will review the Plan ofManagementwithin 5 to 10 years of its adoption. However, the performance of this Plan of Management as set out in the Action Plan willbe reviewed on anannual basis toensurethat Timbrell Park is being managed in accordance with the Plan of Management, is well maintained, and provides asafe environment for public enjoyment.

Council may continue toacquire or divest land for thebenefit of the community. Landmay also come into Council’sownership by dedication of landfor open space. The community will have the opportunity to participate in reviews of this Plan of Management.

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