1 minute read


City of Canada Bay (2007) Generic Plan of Management

City of Canada Bay (2013) Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013. http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au


City of Canada Bay (2014) Public Art Plan 2014.

City of Canada Bay (2017) Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021

City of Canada Bay (2019) Dogs in Public Places Strategy 2019

City of Canada Bay (2019) Let’s All Play Strategy 2019

City of Canada Bay (2019) Timbrell Park Off-Leash Dog Trial: Community Engagement Outcomes Report

City of Canada Bay (2020) Canada Bay Local Strategic Planning Statement

City of Canada Bay (undated) City Planning Framework: Landscapeand Visual Assessment. Cred Consulting(2019) Social Infrastructure (Open Space and Recreation) Strategy and Action Plan. Preparedfor City of Canada Bay, September.

Department of Planning and Environment (2019) Everyone Can Play: A Guideline to Create Inclusive Playspaces

Department of Planning and Environment (2019) Greater Sydney Outdoors Study

Dominic Steele Consulting Archaeology (2020) Aboriginal Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Assessment: Timbrell Park, Henley Marine Drive, Five Dock – Proposed Parklands Improvements and AHIP Application for AHIMS #45-6-3322. Preparedfor City of Canada Bay, March.

Drummoyne Council(1994) Plan of Management for Timbrell Park.

Eco Logical Australia (2019) Canada Bay Biodiversity Framework and Action Plan. Prepared for City of Canada Bay.

EnvironmentalInvestigation Services (2010) Report to City of Canada Bay Council on Environmental Management Plan and Quantitative Risk Assessment for Proposed Light Poles at Timbrell Park, Henley Marine Drive, Five Dock. Prepared for City of Canada Bay, September.

Gondwana Consulting (2006) Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study and Management Plan for the City of Canada Bay. Prepared forCity of Canada Bay

Government ArchitectNSW (2017) Greener Places: establishing an urban green infrastructure policy for New South Wales

Greater Sydney Commission (2017) Our Greater Sydney 2056: A Metropolis of Three Cities – connecting people.

Greater Sydney Commission (2017) Eastern City District Plan

GTA Consultants(2019) Local Movement Strategy. Preparedfor City of Canada Bay.

InSight Ecology (2014) The Fauna of City of Canada Bay Local Government Area: 20132014

NSW Officeof Sport (2019) Eastern City District Sport Facility Information Pack

Perumal Murphy Wu Pty Ltd (1999) Concord Heritage Study Review-Final Report. Prepared for ConcordCouncil.

Seed Consulting Services et. al. (2019) City of Canada Bay Urban Tree Canopy Strategy Prepared for City of Canada Bay.

Transport andUrban Planning (2014) Strategic Review of the Canada Bay Bike Plan

Prepared for City of Canada Bay.

TyrrellStudio and Officeof the Government Architect (2017) Sydney Green Grid: Spatial Framework and Project Opportunities

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