FALL 2022

2.62 miles of natural surface trail along the Rocky River adjacent to the Mills at Rocky River neighborhood.
STAY UPDATED ON NEW PROGRAMS AND EVENTS BY LIKING US ON: Facebook facebook.com/concordncparksandrec Instagram concordncparksandrec Feel free to contact us or visit our website if you have any questions concerning our facilities. You can find our contact information in this issue or on our website. concordparksandrec.org
Includes a 2.2 mile asphalt trail along Three-Mile Branch from Les Myers Park (south end) to about 1/4-mile north of Hatley Cir. Public parking at Les Myers Park, McGee Park, Wilson St., and on-street parking along McCachern Blvd. The downtown loop includes 3 miles of connecting sidewalk along Lawndale Ave., Patton Ct., Union St., Means Ave. and McCachern Blvd. to the Greenway trail head across from the Post Office, 75 McCachern Blvd. SE HECTOR HENRY GREENWAY | MOSS CREEK PHASE
AFTON RUN GREENWAY Includes a 0.5 mile greenway within Dorton Park along Afton Branch connecting the park to the West Cabarrus YMCA at Dumbarton Street and Langford Avenue. Parking will be available at Dorton Park, along Burck Drive (on-street parking), and at the YMCA lower lot.

Includes a 1.3 mile asphalt path connection from Weddington Rd. to Highway 29 at Christy’s Nursery. Parking currently available at Publix on Weddington Rd.
HECTOR HENRY GREENWAY | RIVERWALK/WEDDINGTON PHASE Includes a 2.75 mile connection from the Embassy Suites located on John Q. Hammond Drive to Clover Road in the Riverwalk neighborhood. It includes connectivity along Gateway Lanes, and a crossing to the Hampton Inn & Suites. Trail head parking can be found at the Weddington Road Bark Park, and Embassy Suites. This greenway features over 3/4's of a mile of boardwalk, a public shelter, outdoor classroom, and an observation deck to the Rocky River. Visitors will be welcomed by natural habitat and featured public art at turns along Gateway Lane and Weddington Road.
CONTENTS Existing Greenways 2 Registration Process 3 Youth Athletics 4 Adult Athletics 6 Road Race 7 Academy Recreation Center 8 David Phillips Activity Center 9 City of Concord Parks & Facilities Map 14 Hartsell Recreation Center 16 Logan Multi-Purpose Center 20 Other Locations 24 Lake Fisher 26 Learn More, Stay Engaged 27 2 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org
EXISTING GREENWAYS THE VILLAGE GREENWAY Includes a 0.5 mile paved asphalt trail which runs through Historic Gibson Village from Kerr St. to Academy Ave., and a sidewalk connector along Academy Ave., Alexander St., and Elm Ave. to the Cabarrus Boys and Girls Club. Public parking available at the corner of Kerr St. and Crowell Dr. NW, and at the Academy Recreation Center.
Includes a 1.5 mile asphalt trail along the Rocky River from Alexia Ct. to Moss Farm St. between Harris Rd. Middle School, and W.R. Odell Primary School. See wildlife in a wetlands habitat, view environmental education displays and experience the boardwalks and observation decks. Parking available at the south end only (1215 Moss Farm St. NW, W.R. Odell Primary School)
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There are three ways you can register for classes or programs:
You are a resident if you reside within the City Limits of Concord. If you are still not sure please call 704.920.5600. Please call 704.920.5600 or email us at recreation@concordnc.gov if you have any questions or concerns.
Providing daywetheparkgreenwaypleasingsafe,andprogrammingqualityservices,aaestheticallyandsystemiscommitmentmakeeverytothefamilies and residents of Concord. We take great pride in providing services that enhance quality of life and we strive to make our community a great place to live. I hope you have the opportunity to get outdoors and walk the greenway, visit one of our parks, experience one of our special events, visit one of our community centers, and participate in a recreational class or program.
Registration is on a first-come, firstserved basis. Fees are due and payable upon registration. A registration form for our classes is included below. A signed registration form is required for participation in all programs. Please note: Summer Playground, Athletic Programs and Special Events require different registration forms. Please call for the appropriate form or download from our web site at concordparksandrec.org.
MAILING ADDRESS: Concord Parks & Recreation P. O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026-0308 147 Academy Avenue, NW Tel. 704.920.5600 | Fax 1.800.735.8262.TDD/Northconcordparksandrec.org704.792.1971CarolinaRelay
concordparksandrec.org •
CityAddress State Zip ActivityActivityEmail
Name Home/Cell Phone Date Of Birth Do you wish to receive texts?
Each request will be assessed in compliance with ADA.
I request ADA accommodation for a disability/medical condition. Yes No
3 Walk-in: Complete this registration form and bring with payment to any recreation or activity center.
There is no better time to invest in a futurehealthythantoday.
Signature (Parent’s signature if registrant is under 18)
City of Concord Parks & Recreation exists to provide recreation services, parks and facilities that enrich the lives of all residents and promote the opportunity for a healthy lifestyle.
Registration Form (PLEASE PRINT)
2 Online: For your convenience, some classes and programs are now available through online registration. Please visit our web site at concordparksandrec.org to see if online registration is available for your class or program. Online registration payment can be made with your credit or debit card. A user fee is applied to online charge payments.
Programs are provided for people of all abilities.
1 Mail: Complete this registration form, include payment and mail to: Concord Parks & Recreation Department | P.O. Box 308 | Concord, NC 28026-0308
Residency (PLEASE CHECK ONE) City of Concord Resident Non-Resident Date Fee Enclosed make check payable to City of Concord ! 704.920.5600
I agree to release and hold harmless the City of Concord and its staff from any and all claims for personal injury, property loss or any other loss that may arise out of or during participation in this program. I understand that pre-registration in my class is on a first-come, first-served basis, and that the Concord Parks & Recreation Department, its staff, facilities, and instructors will not be held responsible for any injury or loss that might occur in the course of the program. The department reserves the right to cancel or modify programs due to enrolment, weather or other situations that are deemed necessary. Refunds may be made in cases in which changes in class day, time or site prevent participation. I understand that photographs and videos may be taken during the program for departmental use. Registration fee is enclosed (if Registrant’sapplicable).
Mayor, William “Bill” Dusch Andy Langford District 1 Brian King District 2 Betty M. Stocks District 3 JC McKenzie. District 4 Terry L. Crawford District 5 Jennifer P. Hubbard District 6 John A. Sweat, Jr. District 7 Bob Dowless

Concord Parks & Recreation takes great pride in the community support we receive and want you to know that we are continually working to earn your support. We welcome your comments, questions or concerns. You can reach our office at 704.920.5600 or email us at recreation@concordnc.gov.
Participant’s Yes No Location Dates: From To Time (am/pm) on M T W TH F SAT SUN (PLEASE CIRCLE)
Mayor & City Council
City Resident Discount: Many of our activities and programs offer discounts to City of Concord Residents due to contributions to the local tax base. If a discount is offered, it is shown as a City Resident Discount, and if applicable, this amount will be deducted from the program fee as indicated. This discount applies to registration fees and not to supplies, materials, equipment, etc.
Instructor: RDU Tennis , Brian Rosenthal; 919-395-7329; brian@rdutennis.net
Instructor: RDU Tennis , Brian Rosenthal; 919-395-7329; brian@rdutennis.net
TENNIS AT MYERS at Les Myers Park Ages Age 4 to 99 Tennis Programming at Myers Park Min. 3; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: RDU Tennis , Brian Rosenthal; 919-395-7329; brian@rdutennis.net
Per Session: $110 City Resident; $120 Non-Resident RED BALL BEGINNER TENNIS AGES 4-6 6102.322 Tuesdays September 13 - November 1 4:30pm to 5:30pm ORANGE BALL BEGINNER TENNIS AGES 6-9 6105.322 Tuesdays September 13 - November 1 5:30pm to 6:30pm ADULT TENNIS 2.5 BEGINNER 6098.322 Tuesdays September 13 - November 1 6:30pm to 7:30pm -
GREEN BALL BEGINNER TENNIS AGES 10-14 6107.322 Wednesdays September 14 - November 2 4:30pm to 5:30pm INTERMEDIATE LEVEL TENNIS AGES 12-18 6110.322 Wednesdays September 14 - November 2 5:30pm to 6:30pm
ORANGE BALL BEGINNER TENNIS AGES 6-9 6106.322 Sundays September 18 - November 6 4:30pm to 5:30pm GREEN BALL BEGINNER AGES 10-14 6109.322 Sundays September 18 - November 6 5:30pm to 6:30pmTENNIS AT DORTON at Dorton Park Ages Age 4 to 99 Tennis Programming at Dorton Park Min. 3; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
ADULT CARDIO TENNIS 6100.322 Wednesdays September 14 - November 2 6:30pm to 7:30pmTENNIS AT MYERS at Les Myers Park Ages Age 4 to 99 Tennis Programming at Myers Park Min. 3; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Per Session: $110 City Resident; $120 Non-Resident
Instructor: RDU Tennis , Brian Rosenthal; 919-395-7329; brian@rdutennis.net Per Session: $110 City Resident; $120 Non-Resident RED BALL BEGINNER TENNIS AGES 4-6 6103.322 Sundays September 18 - November 6 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Per Session: $110 City Resident; $120 Non-Resident RED BALL BEGINNER TENNIS AGES 4-6 6101.322 Mondays September 12 - October 31 4:30pm to 5:30pm ORANGE BALL BEGINNER TENNIS AGES 6-9 6104.322 Mondays September 12 - October 31 5:30pm to 6:30pm ADULT TENNIS 2.5 BEGINNER 6099.322 Mondays September 12 - October 31 6:30pm to 7:30pmTENNIS AT DORTON at Dorton Park Ages Age 4 to 99 Tennis Programming at Dorton Park Min. 3; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
YOUTH ATHLETICS concordparksandrec.org • 704.920.5600 • 5

Registration: Returning Teams: December 1 - 16 Registration Open to All Teams: December 19-31 Playing Season: March - May Playing Day Thursday 6 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org
Divisions: Men’s 5 on 5 and Co-ed Fee: $375 per team Registration: August 1 - 31 Playing Season: Sept - Dec Co-ed Playing Day: Thursday Men's Playing Day: Monday
Teams enter the league pre-formed. Contact 704.920.5618 for more information or visit our website at concordparksandrec.org
ADULT CO-ED VOLLEYBALL Ages 16 & up Fee: $300 per team
Fee: $495 per team Registration: December 1 - 31 Playing Season: Jan - March Playing Day Sunday
TENNIS AT MYERS at Les Myers Park Ages Age 4 to 99 Tennis Programming at Myers Park Min. 3; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: RDU Tennis , Brian Rosenthal; 919-395-7329; brian@rdutennis.net Per Session: $110 City Resident; $120 Non-Resident GREEN BALL BEGINNER TENNIS AGES 10-14 6108.322 Thursdays September 15 - November 3 4:30pm to 5:30pm INTERMIDATE LEVEL TENNIS AGES 12-18 Thursdays September 15 - November 3 5:30pm to 6:30pm ADULT TENNIS 3.0-3.5 INTERMEDIATE Thursdays September 15 - November 3 6:30pm to 7:30pm -
Divisions: Men’s Senior (40+), Men’s Open, Women’s, Co-ed Fee: $400 per team Fall Playing Season: Sept - Nov Fall Registration: August 1 - 31 Spring Playing Season: April - June Spring Registration: March 1 - 31 Men's Senior (40+) Playing Day: Monday Co-ed Playing Day: Tuesday Women's Playing Day: Wednesday Men's Open Playing Day: Thursday ADULT BASKETBALL - WINTER Ages 16 & up
Divisions: Men’s Open Gold, Men’s Blue Division, Men’s Silver (Over 40) and Women’s; Max 32 teams (Returning Teams have priority)
Friday October 28; register or cancel by October 24 5:30-7:00pm 0 0 0 0
• concordparksandrec.org
Celebrate this spooky season by crafting a festive card for your friends and family. Min. 4; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required. No 1020.322Fee.
Thursday September 1 - November 17 4:00 - 5:00 pm 0 0 0 0 ADULT & FAMILY PROGRAMS 8 • 704.920.5600
We will have a turkey of a good time as we make a craft to celebrate this Thanksgiving season. Min. 4; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required. No 1045.322Fee.
at Academy Recreation Center Ages 6 - 12
Wednesday December 21; register or cancel by December 15 5:30-7:00pm 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Altea Lambert, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Strong & Zumba Instructor (ZIN) Certified Per Class: $3
Wednesday September 7 - December 28; NO class November 30 8:30 - 9:30 am 0 0 0 0
Master Personal Trainer Michelle Colombero will design a 1 hour fitness program that includes strength training for your upper and lower body, a cardiovascular component, nutritional consultation and flexibility exercises. Call 704-920-5601 for more information. Pre-registration is required.
CRAFT at Academy Recreation Center Ages 6 - 12

CHRISTMAS BINGO at Academy Recreation Center Ages 6 - 12
INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL TRAINING at Academy Recreation Center Ages 18 & up
DANCE & EXERCISE WITH FLAGS at Academy Recreation Center Ages 12 & up Learn about flags, their meanings, and how to dance and use them. It’s exercise combining education with innovation! Min. 1; Max. 8.
Let’s play BINGO, win prizes and celebrate the joyous holidays together! Min. 4; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required. No 1007.322Fee.
Instructor: Michelle Colombero, Master Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor Fee Per 1 Hour Session: $45 City Resident; $50 Non-Resident 0 0 0 0
ZUMBA FITNESS at Academy Recreation Center Ages 18 & up Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and International music with dance moves, enhancing balance, coordination, agility and strength. Min. 1; Max. 12.
Instructor: Regina Sanford, No 4008.322Fee.
Monday November 21; register or cancel by November 17 5:30-7:00pm 0 0 0 0
No school does not mean you have to be bored! Enjoy some outdoor games at the Outdoor Learning Activity Center. Min. 5; Max. 17. Pre-registration is required.
Thursday September 15, register or cancel by September 14 10:00-11:00am 9602.322
Thursday October 13, register or cancel by October 12 10:00-11:00am 9604.322
Thursday October 27, register or cancel by October 26 10:00-11:00am
Thursday November 10, register or cancel by November 9 10:00-11:00am
GROSSOLOGY at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 6-12
The scariest and grossest time of the year calls for GROSSOLOGY class! We will get down and dirty with science experiments, gross art projects and loads of fun! You’ll feel gross and leave with a smile! Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Meg Irvin Per Class: $3 9600.322
LEVEL 2 - Previous line dance experience is recommended before attending this class. You will learn a variety of advanced-beginner and low-intermediate line dances that will exercise your body and mind. 1005.322
Tuesday October 25; register or cancel by October 24 4:00-5:00pm -
• 704.920.5600 • 9
LABORATORY - Experiment with pumpkins as we make the ooze, spew, and extract their DNA! 9030.322
WITCHES BREW AND BUBBLES - Experience the witches’ cauldron, make some spooky bubbles and some of the slimiest slime you’ve ever seen. 9029.322
Tuesday October 18; register or cancel by October 17 4:00-5:00pm
Instructor: Crystal Hallenbeck No Fee.
I’M NOT BORED at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 9-12
Instructor: Meg Irvin Per Class: $3 9509.322
Tuesday October 11; register or cancel by October 10 4:00-5:00pm
0 0 0 0 THERE IS A BOOK IN THE PANTRY at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 3-5
The perfect mid-morning break for your little one to enjoy a book and a fun snack they help create. Min. 2; Max. 8. Pre-registration is required.
Tuesday November 8, register or cancel by November 7 1:00 - 2:30pm
Thursday December 8, register or cancel by December 7 10:00-11:00am 9607.322
Thursday September 29, register or cancel by September 28 10:00-11:00am 9603.322
Wednesday August 3 - December 28 2:00 - 3:00 pm -
Wednesday August 3 - December 28 1:00 - 2:00 pm
0 0 0 0 9606.322
Thursday September 1, register or cancel by August 31 10:00-11:00am 9601.322
LINE DANCING at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 8 & up Learn and advance your skills on the dance floor! Max. 17. No Fee.
Thursday December 22, register or cancel by December 21 10:00-11:00am
LEVEL 1 - This class is for beginners. No line dance experience needed to join. You will learn a variety of beginner line dances that will exercise your body and mind. 1004.322
Per Class: $5 City Resident; $10 Non-Resident
Instructor: Rachael Marks
GLOWING GHOSTS AND GOBLINS - Don’t be afraid of the dark as we make ghostly, glowing creations, experiment with fizzy ghost and floating ghost. 9031.322
Instructor: Rachael Marks No Fee.
Thursday October 13; register or cancel by October 12 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Thursday October 6, register or cancel by October 5 10:00-11:00am
Thursday December 1, register or cancel by November 30 10:00-11:00am
Tuesday December 20, register or cancel by December 19 4:00-5:00pm 0 0 at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 9-12
Thursday October 6; register or cancel by October 5 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Thursday October 20, register or cancel by October 19 10:00-11:00am
Thursday November 3, register or cancel by November 2 10:00-11:00am
Thursday November 17, register or cancel by November 16 10:00-11:00am
An afternoon of repurposing everyday items into fun and funky crafts to wear and use. Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Tuesday October 4, register or cancel by October 3 4:00-5:00pm
Tuesday November 8, register or cancel by November 7 4:00-5:00pm 9520.322
SURVIVE! - Go wild learning some basics of outdoor survival, like how to build a shelter, filter water, use a compass and more! 9202.322
Thursday October 27; register or cancel by October by 26 4:00 - 5:30 pm -
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ANIMAL INVESTIGATOR - Become an animal investigator and learn about different signs of animals, their tracks, their scat and what they’ve been up to. 9203.322
MEET THE INVADERS! - Learn about invasive species, what they are, how they got here and what can be done about them. Play some games and create some crafts that will help stop the invaders. 9201.322
Instructor: Meg Irvin Per Class: $3 9515.322
Tuesday September 6, register or cancel by September 5 4:00-5:00pm
Thursday September 8, register or cancel by September 7 10:00-11:00am
• concordparksandrec.org
CREEK EXPLORERS - Be prepared to get wet and dirty as we learn about the plants and animals that live in the water, and help clean up some trash from our local creek. 9200.322
WILD CHILD at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 8 & up
Creative play and craft based on a seasonally appropriate children’s book. Min. 2; Max. 8. Pre-registration is required. Meg Irvin Per Class: $3
Tuesday October 18, register or cancel by October 17 4:00-5:00pm 9519.322
Tuesday December 6, register or cancel by December 5 4:00-5:00pm
Tuesday November 22, register or cancel by November 21 4:00-5:00pm • 704.920.5600
This is a nature immersion program in which kids learn about nature and wildlife in a hands-on way and play some games. Each program will last approximately 1.5 hour and will meet at DPAC. No fee. Pre-registration required. Max. 12. Pre-registration is required.
0 0 0
Thursday September 22, register or cancel by September 21 10:00-11:00am
Thursday October 20; register or cancel by October 19 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Thursday December 15, register or cancel by December 14 10:00-11:00am 0 WORDS AND WONDER at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 3-5
Tuesday September 20, register or cancel by September 19 4:00-5:00pm
5017.322 Tuesday
5018.322 Tuesday
5019.322 Tuesday
ADULT ART FUNKY JUNK at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up An afternoon of repurposing everyday items into fun and funky crafts to wear and use. Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Meg Irvin Per Class: $3 5012.322 Tuesday September 6, register or cancel by September 5 1:00-2:30 pm 5013.322 Tuesday September 20, register or cancel by September 19 1:00-2:30 pm 5014.322 Tuesday October 4, register or cancel by October 3 1:00-2:30 pm 5015.322 Tuesday October 18, register or cancel by October 17 1:00-2:30 pm 5016.322
0 0 0 0 concordparksandrec.org • 704.920.5600 • 11
Tuesday November 8, register or cancel by November 7 1:00-2:30 pm November 22, register or cancel by November 21 1:00-2:30 pm December 6, register or cancel by December 5 1:00-2:30pm December 20, register or cancel by December 19 1:00-2:30 pm

ADULT MOVIN’FITNESS&GROOVIN’ at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up Gentle cardio, walking, light weights and stretching. Once a month lunch outings the last week of class each month. Min. 5; Max. 17. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Meg Irvin, YogaFit certified Instructor Per Class: $3 4069.322 Tuesday September 6-December 20 11:00 am -12:00 pm 0 0 0 0 PILATES at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up Improve your core strength, flexibility and balance while building strength. Workout incorporates bands, weights and fitness balls, combining yoga techniques. Bring your water bottle. Min. 5; Max. 17. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Michelle Colombero, Master Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor Per Session: $35 City Resident; $40 Non-Resident 4083.322 Tuesday October 4 - November 8; register or cancel by October 3 6:00 - 7:00 pm 4084.322 Tuesday November 15 - December 20; register or cancel by November 14 6:00 - 7:00 pm 0 0 0 0 12 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org DAVID PHILLIPS ACTIVITY CENTER (continued)

RISE & FLOW at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up Start your day off right with an early morning Vinyasa Flow class. Plenty of Sun Salutations to center yourself, and mentally prepare for the work day ahead. Min. 1; Max. 12.
Instructor: Meg Irvin, YogaFit certified with 15 years experience Per Class: $3 pay at classMonday September 12-December 19 10:00-11:00 am 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Meg Irvin, YogaFit certified with 15 years exerience Per Class: $3 pay at classWednesday August 24 -December 28; no class November 23 10:00-11:00 am 0 0 0 0
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FIRST STEP YOGA at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up Take the first step into yoga on the mat. A chair and/or blocks may be used for balance. Min. 2; Max. 14.
Instructor: Meg Irvin, YogaFit certified with 15 years experience Per Class: $3 pay at class City Resident; $ Non-Resident Wednesday August 24 -December 28; no class November 23 11:00 am-12:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Altea Lambert, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Strong & Zumba Instructor (ZIN) Certified Per Class: $3 Monday September 12 - December 26 6:30 - 7:30 pm 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Altea Lambert, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Strong & Zumba Instructor (ZIN) Certified Per Class: $3 Monday September 12 - December 26 8:30 - 9:30 am 0 0 0 0
HATHA YOGA at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up Hatha is a type of yoga class that is typically slow-paced with a focus on proper alignment and performing poses correctly. Min. 1; Max. 12.
ROOTED YOGA MONDAY at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up Yoga with a focus on balance, strength and health. Options to use a mat or a chair. Min. 2; Max. 14.
BEGINNER YOGA at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up
For beginners new to yoga, people recovering from illnessor injury, and athletes who want to complinet their cardio with stretching. Mostly seated, kneeling, prone and supine poses. Min. 1; Max. 12.
ROOTED YOGA WEDNESDAY at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 18 & up Yoga with a focus on balance, strength and health. Options to use a mat or a chair. Min. 2; Max. 14.
Instructor: Altea Lambert, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Strong & Zumba Instructor (ZIN) Certified Per Class: $3 Tuesday September 6 - December 27 8:30 - 9:30 am 0 0 0 0 concordparksandrec.org • 704.920.5600
City Of Concord CONCORDREGIONALAIRPORT ROCKYRIVERCLARKECREEK CONCORDMILLS GATEWAYCONVENTIONCENTERLANEBRUTONSMITHBLVD CHARLOTTESPEEDWAYMOTOR DDOCLECREEK POPLAR CLOVERRD POPLARTENT 85 73 GEORGELILESBLVD PITTSSCHOOLRDCLEARWATERDR INTERNATIONALDRIVE 29 HowellLake FS 9 FS 7HARRISRDSOMSFARMSTMALLARDCREEKRD ODELLSCHOOLRD MOSSPLANTATIONAVE COXMILLRD DERITARD 12 BRANCHAFTONRUNFUTUREALEXIACT JE "JIM"PARKRAMSEURSITE 10 8 8 4 3 2 2 CONCORDREGIONALAIRPORT ROCKYRIVERCLARKECREEK CONCORDMILLS GATEWAYCONVENTIONCENTERLANEBRUTONSMITHBLVD CHARLOTTESPEEDWAYMOTOR DDOCLECREEK POPLARPOPLARTENT 85 GEORGELILESBLVD CLEARWATERDR INTERNATIONALDRIVE HowellLake 9 FS 7HARRISRDSOMSFARMSTMALLARDCREEKRD ODELLSCHOOLRD MOSSPLANTATIONAVE COXMILLRD DERITARD 12 FUTUREALEXIACT JE "JIM"PARKRAMSEURSITE 10 8 4 3 2 GREENWAYS 1 Downtown Greenway Loop Union Street S & Means Avenue 2 George Liles Greenway Parking at 5015 Weddington Road (Publix) 3 Hector H. Henry II Greenway –Moss Creek Parking at 1215 Moss Farm Street NW. 4 Hector H. Henry II Greenway –Riverwalk Parking at 8955 Weddington Road and at the Embassy Suites, 5400 John Q Hammonds Dr, NW 5 Hector H. Henry II Greenway –Mills at Rocky River Parking at 1095 Drake Mill Lane SW 6 Harold B. McEachern Greenway 704.920.5600 • Enter at Les Myers Park or J. W. McGee, Jr. Park 219 Corban Ave SE or 106 Wilson St SE 7 The Village Greenway 704.920.5600 • 175 Academy Avenue, NW (Parking at Academy Recreation Center) 8 Afton Run Greenway Dorton Park PARKS 1 Beverly Hills Park 704.920.5601 • 631 Miramar Street, NE 2 James L. Dorton Park 704.920.5602 • 5790 Poplar Tent Road 3 Marvin Caldwell Park 704.920.5603 • 362 Georgia Street, SW 4 Hartsell Park 704.920.5602 • 65 Sunderland Road 5 J. W. “Mickey” McGee, Jr. Park 704.920.5601 or 704.920.5600 219 Corban Avenue, East 6 Les Myers Park 704.920.5600 • 338 Lawndale Avenue 7 W. W. Flowe Park 704.920.5600 • 99 Central Heights Drive 8 Weddington Road Bark Park 704.920.5600 • 8955 Weddington Road FACILITIES 1 Academy Recreation Center 704.920.5601 • 147 Academy Avenue, NW 2 Gibson Field 704.920.5600 • 265 Ballpark Ct. NW 3 Hartsell Recreation Center 704.920.5602 • 60 Hartsell School Road 4 John F. McInnis Aquatic Center 704.785.8105 • 151 Academy Avenue, NW (Seasonal, May-August) 5 Lake Fisher Reservoir Boat Rentals 704.920.5600 or 704.938.1327 5099 Lake Fisher Road (Seasonal) 6 Logan Multi-Purpose Center 704.920.5603 • 184 Booker St., SW 7 McAllister Field 704.920.5600 • 160 Crowell Drive, NW 8 Webb Field 704.920.5600 • 165 Academy Avenue, NW 9 David Phillips Activity Center 704.920.5604 • 946 Burrage Rd. NE 10 Rocky River Golf Club at Concord 704.455.1200 • 6500 Bruton Smith Blvd. 11 Brown Mill Mountain Bike Trail 704.920.5600 • 7 Second St., SW FIRE STATIONS FS 7 250 International Dr NW FS 8 1485 Old Charlotte Rd, Concord, NC 28027 FS 9 1020 Ivey Cline Rd, Concord, NC 28027 FS 12 3300 Roberta Road Concord, NC 28027 MAPFACILITIES&PARKSCONCORDOFCITY 14 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org


HARTSELL RECREATION CENTER CORNHOLE • Ages 12 & up • Min. 2; Max 6 • No Fee • Instructor: Staff Supervised • Wed (Continual) • 3:00 - 5:00 PM | Holiday hours 12:00 -6:00 pm PICKLEBALL Join your friends for one of the fastest growing sports! Pickleball is a combination of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. • Min. 8; Max. 40 • No Fee • Instructor: Staff Supervision • Mon, Wed, Fri (Continual) • Ages: 59 & up: 9:00 AM – 12:00 pm | No pickleball on holidays OPEN BILLIARDS • Ages 18 & up • Min. 2; Max 6 • No Fee • Instructor: Staff Supervised • Tues & Thurs (Continual) • 8:30 AM - 5:00 pm Holiday Hours 12:00 -6:00 pm ADULT BASKETBALLOPEN • Open gym for basketball • Ages 18 & up • Min. 2; Max 60 • No Fee • Instructor: Staff Supervision • Tues & Thurs (Continual) • 8:30 AM - 5:00 pm Holiday hours 12:00 -6:00 pm YOUTH OPEN BASKETBALL • Open gym for basketball Ages 6-17 • Open gym basketball • Min. 2; Max 60 • No Fee • Instructor: Staff Supervised • Mon, Wed, Fri (Continual) • 3:00 - 5:00 pm | Holiday hours 12:00 -6:00 PM 16 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org

ADULT SENTAOFITNESS at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 18 & up
GAME/GYM TIME at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 6 - 12 Come enjoy an hour with your friends playing games such as pool, air hockey, ping pong or maybe even some old school egg and spoon racing. Min. 4; Max. 10.
Wednesday September 14; register or cancel by September 12 5:30-6:30 pm 1032.322 Wednesday October 19; register or cancel by October 17 5:30-6:30 pm 1033.322 Wednesday November 16; register or cancel by November 14 5:30-6:30 pm 1034.322 Wednesday December 21; register or cancel by December 19 5:30-6:30 pm 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Altea Lambert, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Strong & Zumba Instructor (ZIN) Certified Per Class: $3 Wednesday September 7 - December 28; NO class November 30 7:00 - 7:45 pm 0 0 0 0 concordparksandrec.org • 704.920.5600
Instructor: Staff Instructed No 1031.322Fee.
Instructor: Staff Instructed No 1062.322Fee.
Thursday September 15, October 20, November 17, December 15 6:30 -7:30 pm 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Concord Bridge Club Per Class: $5 pay at classMonday & Friday September 2 - December 30 12:00-4:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Sentao combines strength and resistance training with innovative dance moves, using a chair as your partner. Min. 1; Max. 12.
PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 60 & up Register now for a great opportunity to showcase your pickleball skills. Mixed doubles. Limited number of team spots available. Call 704-920-5602 for more information. Fee: $20 per team 1000.322 Saturday October 22; register by October 21. 9:00am -2:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Instructors: Vance Passley Fee: $30.00 City Resident; Non-Resident $35.00 1010.322 Monday -Thursday September 1– September 29 NO CLASS 9/5 6:00-8:00 pm 1011.322 Monday -Thursday October 3 – October 31 6:00-8:00 pm 1012.322 Monday -Thursday November 1 – November 30 NO CLASS 11/11, 11/24, 11/25 6:00-8:00 pm 1013.322 Monday -Thursday December 1 – December 29 NO CLASS 12/26,12/27; No classes on holidays 6:00-8:00 pm
at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 6 - 12
DUPLICATE BRIDGE at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 18 & up Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Min. 10; Max. 50.
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Our arts & crafts projects will cover all of the seasons and holidays and have you coming back month after month. Min. 2; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
HARTSELL KARATE at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 5 & up Participants experience the fun and self-discipline of Karate. Min.5; Max. 30. Pre-registration is required.
ZUMBA FITNESS at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 18 & up
HARTSELL RECREATION CENTER (continued) 18 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org
Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and International music with dance moves that enhance balance, coordination, agility an strength. Min. 1; Max. 12.
Learn how to integrate inclusive chair yoga practices into your everyday life. Practice modifies yoga poses that may be done in a seated position, or standing near a chair. Min. 1; Max. 12.
Instructor: Altea Lambert, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Strong & Zumba Instructor (ZIN) Certified Per Class: $3 Thursday September 8 - December 29; NO class November 24 10:00 - 11:00 am 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Johnnie McCallum Per Session: $30 City Resident; $35 Non-Resident 5011.322 Thursday September 8 - December 15; register or cancel by September 2; No class November 24 9:00 am -12:00 pm 0 0 0 0
SMALL GROUP TRAINING at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 15 & up Workout will focus on strength, endurance, toning, and cardio training in small group. Don’t forget water and towel. Min. 4; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: John Edmond, IFTA Personal Trainer Per Session: $35 City Resident; $40 Non-Resident 4145.322 Tues, Wed & Thurs October 11 - November 10 5:30 - 7:30 pm 4146.322 Tues, Wed & Thurs November 15 -December 15; NO class November 24 5:30 - 7:30 pm 0 0 0 0
ENERGIZING CHAIR YOGA at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 18 & up
ADULT QUILTINGARTat Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 18 & up Welcome all quilters! During this quilting class we will create exceptional keepsakes and long-lasting friendships. Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.

Instructor: Altea Lambert, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Strong & Zumba Instructor (ZIN) Certified Per Class: $3 Friday September 9 - December 23; NO class November 11 10:00 - 11:00 am 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Altea Lambert, AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Strong & Zumba Instructor (ZIN) Certified Per Class: $3 Wednesday September 7 - December 28; NO class November 30 6:00 - 7:00 pm Thursday September 8 - December 29; NO class November 24 6:30 - 7:30 pm 0 0 0 0
GOLD FITNESS at Hartsell Recreation Center Ages 18 & up Gold is a fitness class good for active older adults who are looking for modified fitness that recreates moves at a lower intensity. Min. 1; Max. 12.
concordparksandrec.org • 704.920.5600 • 19

LOGAN MULTI-PURPOSE CENTER BOARD GAMES • Ages 5 & up • Join us for a variety of board games and loads of laughter • Instructor: Staff Supervised • Wed - Fri | Sept 7 - Dec 30 (Continual) • 9:00 AM - 5:00 pm OPEN BILLIARDS • Ages 18 & up • Open games of billiards • Instructor: Staff Supervised • Mon - Fri | Sep 1 - Dec 30 (Continual) • 1:00 - 6:00 pm SENIOR BASKETBALLOPEN • Ages 50 & up • Open gym basketball • Instructor: Staff Supervised • Mon, Wed, Fri | Sep 2 - Dec 30 (Continual) • 11:00 AM- 2:00 pm ADULT BASKETBALLOPEN • Ages 18 & up • Open gym basketball • Instructor: Staff Supervised • Mon, Wed, Fri | Sep 2 - Dec 30 (Continual) • 10:00 AM- 2:00 pm YOUTH OPEN BASKETBALL • Ages 8-17 • Open gym basketball • Instructor: Staff Supervised • Mon - Fri | Sep 1 - Dec 30 (Continual) • 2:00 - 5:00 pm 20 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org

Fee Per 7-week Session: $10 1061.322 Friday September 2, September 16, September 30, October 14, October 28, December 2, December 16; register or cancel by August 26 5:00 - 6:00 pm 0 0 0 0
OPEN PICKLEBALL at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 18 & up Join your friends for one of the fastest growing sports! Pickleball is a combination of badminton, tennis and table tennis. Min. 4; Max. 40. No Fee. Tuesdays & Thursdays September 1 - December 29 11:00am-2:00 pm 0 0 0 0
LOGAN WALKING at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 18 & up Walk away fat while conditioningg and strectching your muscles. Min. 2; Max. 40. No Fee. Mondays thru Fridays September 1- December 30 9:00-10:00 am 0 0 0 0 concordparksandrec.org 704.920.5600
HALLOWEEN CRAFT at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 5 - 13 Bring on the pumpkins, cool weather and spooky sights. Come out and create your own Halloween craft to celebrate our favorite spooky season. Min. 2; Max. 15. No 1048.322Fee. Friday October 28 2:30 - 3:30 pm 0 0 0 0
Tuesdays September 5-December 27 9:00 am-12:00 pm 0 0 0 0 FUN TIME IN GYM at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 18 & up
QUILTING at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 18 & up
ACTIVE ADULT BINGO at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 55 & up Senior adults come join us in games of BINGO. Min. 3; Max. 20. Pre-registration is required.
Inclusive open gym basketball, open billiards, workout room, and occasional craft for people with varying needs and levels. Min. 2; Max. 25. No Fee. Mondays September 5-December 26 12:30 pm-3:00 pm 0 0 0 0
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Instructor: Ursula Barrier Per Class: $3 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 1-December 29 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Saturdays September 3-December 31 12:00 pm-1:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Quilters come out and work on your lifetime keep sake and socialize with other quilters. Min. 2; Max. 12. No Fee.
ZUMBA at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 18 & up Join Parks and Recreation at Logan Center for a dynamic, exciting and effective fitness program.. Min. 2; Max. 25.
Instructor: Self led No 5021.122Fee.
Join us for fun filled games of cross-court basketball. Min. 2; Max. 40. No Fee. Fridays September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 6:00-8:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Wednesdays September 7 - December 28 6:00-8:00 pm 0 0 0 0
HOME SCHOOL OPEN GYM at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 6-17 Calling all Home-Schoolers come out and have fun utilizing the gym space. Min. 2; Max. 30. No Fee.
SOUTHWEST KARATE at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 11 & up Youth learn how to defend yourself, gain confidence, and get in shape. Min. 10; Max. 30.
CHRISTMAS CRAFT at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 5-13
SOUTHWEST KARATE at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 6 - 10 Youth learn how to defend yourself, gain confidence, and get in shape. Min. 10; Max. 30.
Tis the season to be jolly! Show your festive side as you create a fun Christmas craft. Min. 2; Max. 15. No 1046.322Fee. Thursday December 22 4:00-5:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Instructor: Tony Moody No 1039.322Fee.
Teens come out and join Parks and Recreation in playing video games, and socialize with friends. Min. 2; Max. 15. No Fee.
There’s no time like turkey time. Bring your creativity along with you as you create a craft to show others how thankful you are for them. We will have a gobble good time. Min. 2; Max. 15. No 1044.322Fee.
Tuesday & Thursday September 1 - December 29 7:00 - 8:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Wednesday November 23 4:00 - 5:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Mondays & Wednesdays September 5 - December 28 12:00pm-1:00 pm 0 0 0 0
Tuesday & Thursday September 1 - December 29 6:00 - 7:00 pm 0 0 0 0
LOGAN TEEN LOUNGE at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 13-17
SOUTHWEST KARATE at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 4 - 5
Youth learn how to defend yourself, gain confidence, and get in shape. Min. 5; Max. 10.
Tuesdays & Thursdays September 1 - December 29 5:30 - 6:00 pm 0 0 0 0 22 • 704.920.5600
Instructor: Tony Moody No 1041.322Fee.
• concordparksandrec.org
TEEN BASKETBALL at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 13-17
Instructor: Tony Moody No 1240.322Fee.
CRAFT at Logan Multi-Purpose Center Ages 5 - 13
Annual Christmas Tree Lighting And Fireworks Enjoy an evening of holiday fun and festivities! Please visit Parks-Recreationconcordnc.gov/Departments/ for all up to date event details, location, parking and road closures leading up to the event. Day: Friday, November 18 Time: 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Concord concordparksandrec.org • 704.920.5600 • 23

OTHER LOCATIONS ADULT & FAMILY PROGRAMS BINGO at Les Myers Park Ages 18 & up Come play B-I-N-G-O, socalize and have a good time. Max. 50. Instructor: Staff led No 1060.322Fee. Wednesday September 14 - December 7; No class Nov 23 12:30 - 1:30 pm 0 0 0 0 FLORA AND FAUNA GUIDED WALK Ages For the entire Family Using the greenways get a chance to hike, enjoy some nature and learn to identify different trees, plants, animals and bugs. Get to know some of the native species that populate our green spaces around Concord and learn about beneficial flora and fauna that live along our creeks, rivers and greenways. Min. 2; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Rachael Marks No 9102.322Fee. Thursday September 8; register or cancel by September 7 5:00 - 6:30 PM at McGee Park 9103.322 Thursday September 15; register or cancel by September 14 5:00 - 6:30 PM at Hector H. Henry II Greenway – Mills at Rocky River 0 0 0 0 0 24 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org

NOCTURNAL ANIMALS at Dorton Park - While you sleep, some animals play! Come read about those who do, and take a walk with us on the greenway. 9008.322 Monday November 21; register or cancel by November 18 10:00 - 11:00 am
Wednesday November 30; register or cancel by November 29 10:00 - 11:00 am -
PLANTS AND SEEDS at Weddington Road Bark Park - Learn about plants, their seeds, and create a fun craft that will grow with you. 9078.322
BATS, FROGS, AND SPIDERS at McGee Park - Hop, crawl, or fly to this story reading and crafting course in the park. It’ll be some spooky fun! 9197.322 Monday October 3; register or cancel by September 30 10:00 - 11:00 am
Wednesday October 5; register or cancel by October 4 10:00 - 11:00 am
Instructor: Staff Led No Fee. FALL at McGee Park - Next to winter, fall is the “coolest” season. Let’s read about the fall time, and its falling leaves. 9196.322 Monday September 12; register or cancel by September 9 10:00 - 11:00 am
GREENWAY ADVENTURES Ages 3 & up Using the greenways as our classroom, we will explore critters and their habitats with fun and creative activities. Parents are encouraged to join in on the fun. Each program will meet at the designated park for 1 to 1.5 hours. Max. 12. Pre-registration is required.
Monday November 14; register or cancel by November 13 10:00 - 11:00 am
TREMENDOUS TREES AND LEAVES at McGee Park - Get up close and personal with trees, learn how to identify and create some “tree”mendous crafts 9076.322
TRAILS & TALES Ages 3 & up
This program is in collaboration with the Concord branch of the Cabarrus County Public Library. Experience a children’s book in real life on our greenway as we do activities and crafts while we read! You can also sign up to get a library card! Min. 1; Max. 20. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Rachael Marks No Fee. PLANTS AND SEEDS at McGee Park - Learn about plants, their seeds, and create a fun craft that will grow with you. 9075.322 Monday October 3; register or cancel by October 2 10:00 - 11:00 am
TRACKS AND SCAT at Weddington Road Bark Park - Learn about different animal tracks, what scat is and who left it behind. 9080.322 Wednesday November 16; register or cancel by November 15 10:00 - 11:00 am
MARVELOUS MAMMALS at Weddington Road Bark Park - Let’s get squirrely as we learn about this and other common mammals. You’re going to go nuts for this! 9082.322
Monday November 28; register or cancel by November 27 10:00 - 11:00 am
YOUTH ACTIVITIES concordparksandrec.org • 704.920.5600 • 25
BATS, FROGS, AND SPIDERS at Dorton Park - Hop, crawl, or fly to this story reading and crafting course in the park. It’ll be some spooky fun! 9007.322 Monday October 17; register or cancel by October 14 10:00 - 11:00 am
NOCTURNAL ANIMALS at McGee Park - While you sleep, some animals play! Come read about those who do, and take a walk with us on the greenway. 9198.322 Monday November 7; register or cancel by November 4 10:00 - 11:00 am
Monday October 17; register or cancel by October 16 10:00 - 11:00 am
TRACKS AND SCAT at McGee Park - Learn about different animal tracks, what scat is and who left it behind. 9079.322
FALL at Dorton Park - Next to winter, fall is the “coolest” season. Let’s read about the fall time, and its falling leaves. 9006.322 Monday September 19; register or cancel by September 16 10:00 - 11:00 am
TREMENDOUS TREES AND LEAVES at Weddington Road Bark Park - Get up close and personal with trees, learn how to identify and create some “tree”mendous crafts 9077.322 Wednesday October 19; register or cancel by October 18 10:00 - 11:00 am
MARVELOUS MAMMALS at McGee Park - Let’s get squirrely as we learn about this and other common mammals. You’re going to go nuts for this!
LAKE FISHER Lake Fisher consists of 534 acres, and supports a healthy sport fishery. FEE: CITY AdultRESIDENT:&SeniorAdult - $5, Youth (12-16) - $4 HOURS: Wed - Sat: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm 1:00Sunday:-6:00 pm Winter Hours Start November onLake(WEEKENDS6thONLY).closesat5pmSundays 26 • 704.920.5600 • concordparksandrec.org

Nextdoor @ City of Concord For up-to-date news, and posts visit our website, Facebook or Instagram. Facebook.com/concordncparksandrecInstagramwww.concordparksandrec.org@concordncparksandrec www.PublicInput.com Our parks, facilities and programs are designed for you, by you! That’s right, we take your input seriously, and your thoughts on the City’s future are critical. Park, greenway and facility master plan surveys are being conducted right NOW, so be sure your opinions are heard by completing these surveys through PublicInput.com. Do you live in Concord? Have you joined your neighborhood on the Nextdoor App? Be sure to sign-up for news in your area. LEARN MORE, STAY ENGAGED concordparksandrec.org • 704.920.5600 • 27