Fitness, arts, trips, outdoor & more
Fitness, arts, trips, outdoor & more
● 1 Amazon Community Center
2700 Hilyard St.
Ph: 541-682-5373 Hours: 9a-5p M-F
Fx: 541-682-5367 Bus: #28, 73
● 2 Amazon Pool (seasonal)
2600 Hilyard St.
Ph: 541-682-5350
Schedule: See pages 28 &58 Fx: 541-682-6366 Bus: #28, 73
● 3 Campbell Community Center
155 High St.
Ph: 541-682-5318 Hours: 8:30a-7p M, Fx: 541-682-6386 8:30a-4:30p Tu-F Bus: #1, 66, 67
● 4 Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center
1655 Echo Hollow Road
Ph: 541-682-5525
Schedule: See pages 28 &58
Fx: 541-682-8193 Bus: #40
● 5 Graham Field House
2190 Polk St.
Ph: 541-682-5409
● 6 Hilyard Community Center
2580 Hilyard St.
Ph (voice/TDD): Hours: 9a-5:30p M-F
541-682-5311 Bus: #28, 73
Fx: 541-682-5460
● 7 Lamb Cottage
In Skinner Butte Park
Ph: 541-682-5318
Outdoor Sports Fields
Located throughout the city
Ph: 541-682-5409
● 8 Petersen Barn Community Center
870 Berntzen Road
Ph: 541-682-5521 Hours: 9a-5p M-F
Fx: 541-682-8192 Bus: #40
● 9 River House Outdoor Center
301 N. Adams St.
Ph: 541-682-5329 Hours: 10a-2p M-F
Fx: 541-682-6319 Bus: #40, 52
● 10 Sheldon Community Center
2445 Willakenzie Road
Ph: 541-682-5312 Hours: 9a-5p M-F
Fx: 541-682-6332 Bus: #66 & 67
● 11 Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center
2443 Willakenzie Road
Ph: 541-682-5314 Schedule: See pages 28 &58
Fx: 541-682-6344 Bus: #66 & 67
● 12 Shelton-McMurpheyJohnson House
303 Willamette St.
Ph: 541-484-0808 Bus: #1
Fx: 541-984-1314 Also see page 22
● 13 Spencer Butte Challenge Course
Off Willamette St., south of 50th Ave.
Ph: 541- 682-5329
Fx: 541-682-6319
● 14 Washington Park Center
2025 Washington St. Ph: 541-682-5370 Bus: #36
● 15 Wayne Morse Family Farm & Park 585 Crest Drive Ph: 541-682-5373 Also see page 13
● 16 WJ Skatepark + Urban Plaza
Between Washington Street and Jefferson Street at First Avenue beneath the I-105 bridge 6a-1a daily Bus: #51
Addresses and phone numbers for all facilities are on pages 4-5.
• Online: Ifyouhaveregisteredwithusbefore,makesure youhaveyourlogininformation.
Notsureifyouhaveanaccount?VisitGetRec.org/register andclick“LogIn/CreateAccount,”thenselect“LogInwith Email”andselect“ForgotPassword.”Ifyouhaveanaccount yourlogininformationwillbeemailedtoyou.
Needtocreateanaccount?VisitGetRec.org/registerand click“LoginIn/CreateAccount,”thenselect“CreateYourEug RecAccount.”
• By Phone: Calltherecreationfacilityprovidingtheactivity orcall541-682-5333.HaveyourVisaorMasterCardnumber handy.
• In Person: Visitanyrecreationfacility.
Registrationisongoingandopentoresidentsandnon-residents ona�irst-comebasis.Registerearly;manyclasses�illquickly. Classesmaybecancelediftherearenotenoughregistrations.
TheCityofEugeneRecreationDivisionstrivestomake recreationalopportunitieswelcomingforeveryone.Eugene Recworkstoensureitsprogramsareaccessibleand inclusiveforallpeople,regardlessofage,disability,gender identity,immigrationstatus,nationalorigin,race,religion, sexualorientationorsocio-economicstatus.
TheCityofEugeneiscommittedtosupportingtheAmericans withDisabilitiesActandwillprovideindividualswith modi�icationstheyneedtoparticipateinEugeneRec programs.Thefollowingservicesareavailablewithadvance notice.Somerequestsmaytakeuptotwoweekstosecure.
Large Print and Digital Recordings canbeprovidedwith advancenotice.Fiveorfewerlargeprintcopiescanbe provideduponrequest.
Accessible Bus with Wheelchair Lift isavailablefor activitiesthatprovidebustransportation.Pleasemakeyour requestatthetimeofregistrationsincedemandforuseis high.Thebusisbookedona�irstcome,�irst-servedbasis.
Braille sectionsoflargepublications(suchasthisRecreationGuide)canbemadeavailablewithadvancenotice.
Readers areavailablebyphoneorinperson.Astaffperson willreadtherequestedsectionsofpublicationsforyou.
American Sign Language Interpretation isavailablefor classesorpresentationswithadvancenotice.
Hearing Assistance Equipment isavailableforclasses,specialeventsandculturalperformanceswithadvancenotice.
Adaptive Technology at the Library: 27-inchmonitors, largekeyboardletters,adjustabletablesandscreens, magnifyingsoftware,JAWS(computerizedreader)anda Brailleembosser.
Ifyouhaveadditionalquestions,callAdaptiveRecreation at541-682-5311(TTY)orvisitGetRec.org/recinclusion. For more information about Recreation Inclusion Services see page 8.
Inordertorecoverprogramcosts,aminimumnumberof participantsarerequired.Pleaseregisterearly.Classesand activitieswillbecanceledbetweentwoand�ivedaysbefore theactivitystartdateiftheminimumnumberof participantshavenotregistered.
Ifyouregisterforanactivitythatiscanceledbecauseoflow enrollment,staffwillnotifyyouandissuearefund.Formore aboutthewithdrawal/refundpolicy,seebelow.
Withdrawalandrefundrequestsmustbemadetothefacility sponsoringtheactivity.
Withdrawalsfromrecreationactivitiesaresubjecttoa withdrawalfee.Awithdrawalfeeof$10willbechargedfor eachregistrationunder$100.Awithdrawalfeeof$25will bechargedforeachregistration$100andhigher.
Arefundwillbeissuedminusthewithdrawalfeewhen requestedatleastseven(7)ormorecalendardaysbefore the�irstactivitymeeting.
Whenarefundisrequestedsix(6)orfewercalendardays beforethe�irstactivitymeetingoronceaclassoractivity hasstarted,arefundshallbeissuedonlyif:
•Departmentactionrequirescancellationoftheactivity(no withdrawalfeewillbecharged).
Norefundwillbeissuedifyoufailtoshowupfora registeredactivity,classortrip.Norefundwillbegivenfor athleticleaguefeesandtripsthatrequireprepaymentof advancedreservationticketsoradmissionfees.
Withtheexceptionofspeci�ictrips,CityofEugene Recreationdoesnotprovidemedicalinsurancecoveragefor itsparticipants.Inconsiderationoftherighttoparticipate, eachparticipantmustacknowledgetherearerisksinherentin anykindofactivityandmustagreetoassumethoseriskson his/herownbehalf,releasingandholdingharmlessthe City,itsof�icersoragentsfromallclaimsforinjuryor lossessufferedfromparticipation.
AnadditionalReleasefromLiabilityAgreement,signedby theparticipantorguardian,mayberequiredfor participationinsomeactivities.
Photographs,videosandaudioofparticipantsinRecreation ServicesprogramsmaybeusedbytheCityofEugeneinany medium(e.g.,printpublications,socialmedia,etc.)for publicitypurposes,withoutcompensationorpermission.
Registrationand/orpaymentofanyregistrationfeeshallbe deemedanadmissionofagreementtothetermsstatedabove.
ApplicationsareavailableinNovembereachyearforthe upcomingyear(January1-December31).Applicationswill beavailableatGetRec.org/recscholarshipor atanyEugene Recfacility.
Non-cityresidentsareassesseda20percentsurchargefor registeredactivitiesandrentals.EffectiveOct.1,nonresidents willbeassesseda25percentsurchargeforregisteredactivities andrentals.
CityofEugeneoperatesunderaSpecialUsePermitissuedby theU.S.ForestServicefortheDeschutes,Siuslaw,Umpquaand WillametteNationalForests;andunderSpecialRecreation PermitsgrantedbytheBureauofLandManagementinthe NorthwestOregonandPrinevilledistricts.CityofEugeneisan equalopportunityoutdoorrecreationserviceprovider.
Adaptive Rec programs are designed for people with disabilities, and are for ages 14+, unless otherwise noted. Classes and activities are structured for different levels of ability. All Adaptive Rec programs require registration. Participants must complete a Participant Information Form before attending. Fees do not include the cost of meals and admission, unless otherwise noted. For more information call 541-682-5311.
New participants are welcome to call before registering for programs. Staff are available to discuss recreation resources and opportunities. Certi�ied Therapeutic Recreation Specialists are available to answer questions regarding the activities that are most appropriate for you, a family member or an individual in your care.
Every effort will be made to reasonably accommodate each individual. However, if a person’s conduct poses physical harm or risk to self or others, as indicated in the Patron Code of Conduct, they may be removed from programs. Personal Support Workers are welcome to attend programs to support individuals with behavioral and/or personal care needs. PSWs are required to register for programs. Call the front desk to register, 541-682-5311.
Eugene Rec staff is committed to making all reasonable efforts to ensure that its facilities, programs and services are accessible to and usable by all people. Individuals with disabilities are welcome to participate in any City of Eugene Recreation program within the eligibility requirements of age, prerequisites, etc.
When additional support is required for successful participation in Eugene Recreation programs, staff utilize the Inclusion Services process to determine programmatic modi�ications and/or individual support plans that best �it the participant.
To initiate the Inclusion Services process, discuss your request upon registration in person, over the phone or at GetRec.org/recinclusion at least two weeks in advance.
For additional information and/or questions regarding Inclusion Services, call 541-682-5311 or email recadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
Looking for a fun and engaging volunteer opportunity? Your enthusiasm, involvement and support with participants is essential to the quality of Adaptive Recreation Services. No previous experience necessary – training and feedback are provided for all volunteers. If you or your group are interested in volunteering any amount of time, call 541-682-5311 or email recadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
Bike & Equipment Services All ages
AdaptiveRecreationServicesmaintainsaunique�leetof adaptiveequipment,includingbeachandall-terrain wheelchairs,aswellasthree-wheeledbikesincluding recumbents,tandemsandhandcycles.Individualandgroup servicescanbeprovidedtosupportadaptiverecreational equipmentneedsforpeopleofvaryingabilitiesandskill levels,including�ittingsandrentals.Formoreinformationcall 541-682-5311orvisitGetRec.org/recadaptive.
Adapted Bike Assessment & Fitting
Staffassessneedsandrecommendequipment.Designedfor peoplewithlimitedmobility,disabilities,medicalconditionsor thosewhowishtopreviewequipmentbeforerentalorpurchase.
Ongoing M-F 9a-5p $10 Byapptonly Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5311
Adapted Bike & Beach/All-Terrain Wheelchair Rental
Ongoing M-F 9a-5p Byapptonly
Havefunandget�itwiththisuniquedance�itnessclass. Learnbasicmovestomulticulturalmusicasyoushake, shimmyandsalsayourwaytoahealthieryou.
Oct7-Dec9 M 4:30-5:30p $45 #29460
Oct9-Dec11 W 4:30-5:30p $50 #29461
Halloween Dance Ages 18+
Digoutyourfavoritecostumeandjoinyourfriendsforan eveningofMonsterMash.Registrationisrequiredandmust becompletedbyOct.25.Personalsupportworkersattending withparticipantsgetinfreeanddonotneedtoregister.
Oct26 Sa 6-8p $8 #29483
Havefunandchallengeyourfriendstoindoorandoutdoor gamesasweatherallows.
Oct8-Dec10 Tu 3:30-4:30p $27 #29462
Oct10-Dec12 Th 3:30-4:30p $24 #29464
Oct11-Dec13 F 3:30-4:30p $24 #29463
Tabletennishasbeenshowntoimprovemotorsymptomsof Parkinson’sandincreasemovement,hand-eyecoordination andstrength.Plus,it’sfunandagreatwaytomeetothers. Sessionsarespeci�icallyforthosewithsymptomsof Parkinson’s.
Sep24-Dec17 Tu 2-4p Free Drop-in
Thisclassisidealforindividualswithneuromuscular challenges(Parkinson’s,mildstroke,multiplesclerosis)that maycauselossofbalanceandcoordination.Theseclasses engagethebrainandbodytoencouragemore�luid, balancedmovementandimprovestrength,agilityandgait. Thosewhoneedindividualassistanceshouldbringa personalsupportworkerorcareprovider.
Oct1-31 TuTh 12-1p $75 #29544
Nov5-26 TuTh 12-1p $53 #29545
Dec3-31 TuTh 12-1p $53 #29546
Oct1-31 TuTh 2-3p $75 #29465
Nov5-26 TuTh 2-3p $53 #29466
Dec3-31 TuTh 2-3p $68 #29467
Join us for fun and advocacy skill building. The Community Advocacy Council will host Advocacy Bingo that covers disability rights history and facilitates conversations about advocating for yourself. Care providers are welcome to attend.
Hilyard Community Center
Oct 26 Sa 3:30-5:30p Free #29520
Join in games, crafts, music and guest speakers.
Hilyard Community Center
Oct 11-Dec 13 F 1:30-3p $31 #29455
No class Nov 29
Enjoy your winter days with crafts and games.
Hilyard Community Center
Dec 16 M 3-5p
Dec 18 W 3-5p
Dec 20 F 3-5p
Dec 23 M 3-5p
Dec 27 F 3-5p
$5 #29525
$5 #29526
$5 #29527
$5 #29528
$5 #29529
Join us as we work together to plan and implement fun activities and community ventures in the Eugene and Spring�ield areas. This is designed as a community integration, life and social skill-building program. Participants collaborate to develop the schedule during the �irst week of class. Participants will be asked to cover the cost of some admissions and concessions up to an additional $40 for the session.
Hilyard Community Center
Oct 9-Dec 11 W 1:30-4p $100 #29472 Uses the lottery system, see box.
Make wonderful memories with your peers as you explore the recreational opportunities in the Eugene and Spring�ield areas. Transportation provided.
All outings meet at Hilyard Community Center
Visit our partners at the Oregon Supported Living Program Art Studio. Make a fall lantern to take home. Bring $10 for supplies.
Oct 5 Sa 4:30-6:30p $12 #29510
Uses the lottery system, see box.
Sheldon Branch Library
Take a tour of the Sheldon Branch Library, and learn about resources from library staff.
Nov 2 Sa 4:30-6:30p $12 #29516
Uses the lottery system, see box.
Swim with friends at our local pool. Enjoy a recreation swim and the hot tub.
Dec 7 Sa 12-2:30p $12 #29521
Uses the lottery system, see box.
Join friends for Saturday night games, crafts and fun social activities. Each month we will learn about and celebrate a cultural or seasonal theme.
Hilyard Community Center Harvest Festival
Oct 19 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #29474
Nov 16 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #29475
Winter Wonderland
Dec 21 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #29477
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Sept. 5-10. No payment is due at this time.
Personal support workers do not need to sign up for the lottery but will be signed up when the patron registers.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Sept. 16, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Sept. 22 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
14 & under
Circle of Friends was founded on one simple concept: youth with severe disabilities are just like anyone else – they deserve opportunities. Through resources, support, training and a community built on compassion, Circle of Friends strives to break the cycle of isolation for these individuals and the people who love them. Offerings include monthly family-friendly public events that provide youth opportunities to experience fun and recreation that have traditionally felt inaccessible. Circle of Friends will highlight community-based events that are accessible and fun for all in order to increase comfort in family outings. These activities are speci�ically designed for youth ages preschool through middle school. Registration is required and events are as low cost as possible. For more information, visit coforegon.org.
DanceAbility International’s mission is to dissolve barriers and connect people with and without disabilities through dance and movement. This mission is accomplished through classes, workshops and events for adults and children, performances, teacher trainings and educational materials for teachers of inclusive dance. Learn more by emailing info@danceability.org or calling 541-357-4982.
KindTree Productions Inc. is dedicated to celebrating and supporting individuals with autism and developmental disabilities through the arts, education, recreation and community involvement.The KindTree Skill Training for an Independent Living Experienceprogram is an educational program for youth and adults with autism and others with developmental/intellectual disabilities. Classes are offered quarterly and can be found atkindtree.org/calendar/stile.
OSLP Arts and Culture Center is an inclusive art studio and gallery space that’s mission is to break down barriers to participation in the arts for adults of all abilities. Participate in a variety of mixed ability classes, including open studio, acrylic painting, creative body movement, clay sculpture, bookmaking and zine exploration and mosaics. Register through the OSLP Arts and Culture Center. For more information, visit artsandcultureeugene.org, email Kailey Ruiz at kruiz@oslp.org or call 541-636-3119.
This informal group of wheelchair users meets at various locations in Eugene to explore paths and trails and connect socially. Open to regular or situational wheelchair users. For more information, call Hilyard at 541-682-5311 or email Loren at lcush9@hotmail.com.
Locations vary Ongoing W 10a-12 Free Drop-in
Are you looking for exciting and rewarding activities for your group? Organizations, agencies and individuals are invited to participate in the Accessible Pursuits services. It uses the expertise and resources of Adaptive Rec to design a recreation program that meets your speci�ic needs.
In addition, City staff can present clinics, workshops, in-services and trainings in adaptive recreation and inclusion services for employees, participants and family members.
The bene�its include:
• Activities that are affordable and tailored to the needs of your organization and clients.
• Access to a wide variety of adapted equipment and services.
• Activities that are safe and accessible.
• Activities that are designed by Certi�ied Therapeutic Recreation Specialists and other trained and knowledgeable staff.
Accessible Pursuits focuses on helping participants discover their own innate talents, acquire greater independence and develop enduring peer relationships that are instrumental to improving the quality of their lives. Let Accessible Pursuits bring fun directly to you. For more information, call 541-682-5311.
All ages
Joinotherpeoplewithphysicaldisabilitiestocometogether toplaycourtsportsincludingwheelchairbasketball,rugby andvolleyball.IncollaborationwiththeEugeneY.Scholarships availableforyouth21andunder,toinquirecall541-682-5311.
Oct6 Su 2-4p
$5 #29587
Nov3 Su 2-4p $5 #29588
Dec1 Su 2-4p $5 #29589
Learnaboutpickleballandhowitcanbeadaptedforpeople withdisabilities.Instructionandequipmentwillbeprovided. InpartnershipwithEmeraldValleyPickleballClub.Formore informationcallHilyardat541-682-5311oremail recadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
WestmorelandPark,TaylorStreet&West20thAvenue Sep28 Sa 10a-12p $3 #29669
ThisgroupisforpeoplelivingwithLouGehrig’sdisease, families,caregiversandfriends.Meetingsofferspeakerson relevanttopicsandaredesignedtoshareinformationaswell asstrategiesforpreservingindependenceandqualityoflife. FormoreinformationcallMaryRebarat541-990-1246or emailmary.rebar@alsnorthwest.org.
Ongoing 2ndW3-4:30p Free Drop-in
PowerOnWithLimbLosshostsmeetingsforamputeesand peoplewithphysicalchallenges,whichincludespeakersand peermentorshiptosupportpeoplewithphysicalchallenges tohelpbuildindependenceandimprovetheirqualityoflife. FormoreinformationcallPaulaFreeat541-510-5866or emailpaula@poweronwithlimbloss.org.
Ongoing 4thW 6-8p Free Drop-in
Forpeoplewhohaveexperiencedastroke,headinjuryor Parkinson’s.Communicationisthegluethatbindsustogether infamiliesandcommunities.Thisgroupseekstorebuildthat connectionforpeoplelivingwithaphasia.Meetingsalternate betweenhands-onactivitiesandlanguage-richexercisesto reinforcewordsandtopicsfromtheprevioussession.Joinus insupportingeachother’sjourneyforbettercommunication. Anintakewilltakeplacebeforemeetingwiththegroup.
Ongoing 2nd&4thW 2-3p Free #29808
Thispeersupportgroupisforpeoplewhohaveexperienced abrainorheadinjurytoshareexperiences,supportand resourcesonaninformalbasis.Formoreinformation, contactHilyardCenterat541-682-5311.
Ongoing Tu 11a-12:30p Free Drop-in NogroupDec24,31
TheEugene/Spring�ieldgeneralsupportgroupwelcomes family,friendsandcarepartnersaswellasthoselivingwith adiagnosisofParkinson’sdisease.Thisgroupismeetingin personwithanoptiontoparticipateviaZoom.Checkthewebsite formeetingdetailsandtimesparkinsonsresources.orgoremail Libbyatlibby@parkinsonsresources.org.
Ongoing Dates/timesvary Free Drop-in
Thisclassisdesignedtosupportyouthwithdisabilitiesin learningwatersafetyandbasicswimmingskills.Throughan adaptiveswimlessonapproach,staffwillsupport individualsinagroupsetting.Forquestionscall541-6825311oremailrecadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
SheldonPool Sep22-Nov10 Su 11-11:50a $80 #29590
This class uses energizing circuit training and motivating activities with positive support. Move toward a healthier you.
Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Megan Patrignelli
Oct 8-Dec 12 TuTh 4:45-5:45p $95 #29454
No class Nov 28
CPR & Basic First Aid Ages 18+
Everyone can be helpful in an emergency. Learn about CPR, �irst aid and how you can step into action in an emergency medical situation.
Hilyard Community Center
Sep 26 Th 3:30-5:30p $5 #29581
Nature Walks ■ 4 See key on page 15.
Be outdoors walking or rolling at local parks and trails. Patrons may hike up to 2 miles per outing. Dress for active play, wear good walking shoes and bring a water bottle and snack. All-terrain wheelchairs will be available upon request.
Transportation provided to and from Hilyard Center.
Meet at Hilyard Community Center
Oct 8-Dec 10 Tu 10a-12:30p $55 #29468
Oct 12-Dec 14 Sa 10a-12:30p $55 #29469
Both sessions use the lottery system, see box on page 14.
A yoga experience for all abilities that focuses on building strength and �lexibility while improving balance and con�idence. Suitable for all body types. No experience needed.
Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Kate Cleary
Oct 7-Dec 9 M 3-4p $67 #29456
No class Nov 11
This gentle yoga class is designed for people living with chronic neuromuscular conditions like �ibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease. Poses are modi�ied for those needing adaptations. This class has a hybrid option. For those attending in person, individuals must be independent or have someone to assist. Yoga mats and blocks provided as needed. For the virtual option, a Zoom link will be sent to patrons upon registration. In-person registration is available on a monthly basis, alongside the virtual 10-use card.
Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Kate Cleary
Oct 7-28 M 11:45a-1p $30 #29457
Nov 4-25 M 11:45a-1p $22 #29458
Dec 2-30 M 11:45a-1p $37 #29459
10-use card for $75, Modified Yoga class only
No yoga Nov 11
Date Day Time
Oct 6 Su 9a-4p Heceta Head Lighthouse $45
Oct 11 F 9:30a-2:30p Willamette Confluence Tour $14
Oct 13 Su 1-6p Cottage Theatre $60
Oct 20 Su 10a-1p Pumpkin Patch $20
Oct 20 Su 2-5p Pumpkin Patch
Oct 29 Tu 9:30a-2:30p Green Island Tour
Nov 16 Sa 12:30-3:30p Holiday Shopping $20
Nov 17 Su 9a-5:30p Oregon Coast Aquarium $70
Dec 14 Sa 9a-5:30p Evergreen Air & Space Museum $70
Dec 15 Su 6:30-8:30p Holiday Lights $12
Dec 22 Su 6:30-8:30p Holiday Lights $12
All trips meet at Hilyard Community Center, are designed for people with disabilities and are for ages 14+.
All Adaptive trips use the lottery system unless noted otherwise, see box.
Perched atop a 1,000-foot-high cliff, the Heceta Head Lighthouse is one of the most photographed on the coast. The light atop the 56-foot tower was �irst illuminated in 1894. A half-mile trail to the lighthouse begins in the parking area and passes the lightkeeper’s house on its way up to the lighthouse and viewpoint. Beach wheelchairs are available for those with mobility needs.
Oct 6 Su 9a-4p $45 #29515
Join McKenzie River Trust and Friends of Buford Park on two small bus tours: the Willamette Con�luence Preserve and Turtle Flats near Mount Pisgah, and Green Island north of Coburg. These properties offer opportunities to preserve and restore a dynamic and ecologically diverse river system. Volunteers and staff will lead visitors around much of the preserves, highlighting the conservation efforts, human
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Sept. 5-10. No payment is due at this time.
Personal support workers do not need to sign up for the lottery but will be signed up when the patron registers.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Sept. 16, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Sept. 22 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
history and natural features. The tours are intended for people who are unable to walk the 4 miles typically required for walking tours. Bring a lunch and water, dress for the weather and consider bringing a portable chair or binoculars.
Willamette Confluence
Oct 11 F 9:30a-2:30p $14 #29496
Green Island
Oct 29 Tu 9:30a-2:30p $14 #29509
These tours do not use the lottery system.
Visit the Cottage Theatre to enjoy a matinee performance of “Something Rotten,” a satirical scramble of Renaissance, writers and rock stars. Admission ticket is included in registration fee. Go to cottagetheatre.org/something-rotten for more information.
Oct 13 Su 1-6p $60 #29512
Head to a local pumpkin patch to get your pumpkin and enjoy the festivities. Bring money for a pumpkin.
Oct 20 Su 10a-1p $20 #29486
Oct 20 Su 2-5p $20 #29485
Head to the Campbell Center to purchase gifts at the Holiday Bazaar. The bazaar is an annual fundraising event that includes crafts, books, quilts, wooden items, raf�les, baked goods and preserves. Bring money for gifts.
Nov 16 Sa 12:30-3:30p $20 #29518
Visit the sea creatures and learn about ocean life. Registration fee includes admission. Bring lunch.
Nov 17 Su 9a-5:30p $70 #29490
Join in to explore wonders like the Spruce Goose - the largest �lying boat ever built - and other antique aircraft. Museum admission is included in registration. Bring lunch and optional money for snacks and souvenirs.
Dec 14 Sa 9a-5:30p $70 #29523
’Tis the season for twinkling lights and cheer. Join friends for viewing holiday lights, music and hot cocoa or tea.
Dec 15 Su 6:30-8:30p $12 #29479
Dec 22 Su 6:30-8:30p $12 #29480
Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.
Explorecolortheoryandshapebasicsthroughabstract painting.Gaincon�idencewhilelearningtopaintwithmore freedomandfeeling.Thisclassmostlyfocusesonusing acrylicpaint.Listofrequiredmaterialswillbeemailed before�irstclass.
Oct5-Nov16 Sa 10a-1p $145 #29655
Designcharacters,creatures,costumesandprops.Learn aboutshapedesign,valuearrangementandvisual storytelling.Together,ourclasswillestablishaworldand designanewcharacterthatlivesiniteachweek.Students arewelcometodesigncharactersforthesettingwedevelop inclassortheirownsetting.
Sep23-Nov18 M 4-5p $42 #29626
Learnbasicandadvancedtechniquesofwheelthrowing, handbuildingandglazing.Takehomeyourownpotsand bowlstosharewithyourfamily.Nopriorclayorpottery experienceisnecessary,justawillingnesstotrynewthings. Workatyourownpace.
Sep18-Oct30 W 3:45-5:45p $119 #29557
Nov6-Dec18 W 3:45-5:45p $119 #29560
Lottery #29561, see box.
Thehealthbene�itsofdevelopingaregulargratitudepractice havereceivedalotofattentionrecently,andthisworkshop isdesignedtoaccentuatelife’spositives.Participantswill makeoneormoreimagesona3-by-5-inchcardthatre�lect whattheyaremostgratefulfor.Thecardswillbereproduced sothateachparticipantwillleavewiththeiroriginals,along withcopiesofeveryoneelse’scards.Together,wewillcreate a“GratitudeDeck”touseasawaytoincreaseoursenseof appreciationandwell-being.
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:ChristinaSalter(she/her) Nov16 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29453
Students will make one larger project throughout the session as well as participate in small, daily crafts. At the end of each session students will be able to take home their project. Craft activities may include �iber arts, clay, painting and more. Its a great opportunity for your youth to socialize and create with fellow crafty friends.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Jay Hall-Schnurrpusch
Sep 25-Oct 30 W 3:30-4:45p $45 #29787
Nov 6-Dec 18 W 3:30-4:45p $45 #29788
No class Nov 27
Discover the depths of Procreate and Adobe Illustrator as we learn how to make digital print media. Youth will make zines, icons, logos and stickers while practicing their drawing and design skills.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Xandre Hernandez
Sep 21-Oct 19 Sa 12:15-1:45p $70 #30338
Nov 2-Dec 7 Sa 12:15-1:45p $70 #30339
No class Nov 30
A unique and exciting class designed for youth, encouraging their visions in creating fashionable new clothing. Youth will be given the opportunity to create and learn how to use a sewing machine.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Kayla Boyce
Sep 23-Oct 28 M 4-5:45p $63 #29821
Nov 4-Dec 16 M 4-5:45p $63 #29822
No class Nov 11
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Sept. 5-10. No payment is due at this time.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Sept. 16, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Sept. 22 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on Sept. 23. Use the registration code (not italics) to register. For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
Design your own stylish clothes and accessories using fun fabrics and patterns. Be creative and get tips from an experienced sewing instructor. Basic sewing skills and use of a sewing machine are required.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Kayla Boyce
Sep 24-Oct 29 Tu 4-5:45p $63 #29823
Nov 5-Dec 17 Tu 4-5:45p $74 #29824
Learn the basics and techniques of jewelry making by using wire, beads and various hand tools. Work on a few start-to�inish projects by making a bracelet, earrings, charms and a necklace. Take these skills to another level by learning to repair, repurpose and upcycle jewelry pieces of your own.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Debbie Garza Troutz
Sep 21-Oct 19 Sa 12:15-1:45p $70 #29825
Nov 2-Dec 7 Sa 12:15-1:45p $70 #29826
No class Nov 30
Masks have been used throughout time and across cultures in a myriad of ways: to express, to conceal, to fantasize, to entertain, to protect and to empower. Mask making is an excellent way to explore our identity and expand our sense of self. Using plaster and gauze, we will cast impressions of our faces that can then be decorated and embellished to create unique representations of who we are or who we want to be.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Christina Salter (she/her)
Oct 12-19 Sa 9a-12p $60 #29452
Learn how to see proportions, shapes and better hone your life drawing skills. Class will operate like a group-based studio, with drawing time from beginning to end. For beginner to intermediate artists.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Xandre Hernandez
Sep 21-Oct 19 Sa 10-11:30a $70 #30329
Nov 2-Dec 7 Sa 10-11:30a $70 #30331
No class Nov 30
Join us for an evening of fright. Working from a spooky still life, this session will focus on interpreting images and color from observation. There will be time for critique at the end. List of required materials will be emailed before �irst class.
Amazon Community Center
Instructor: Nickolai O (they/them) Oct 19 Sa 4-6:30p $20 #29628
Feltingisthemostancientformoftextileartandpredates weavingandspinningtechniques.Toproduceapieceoffelt, youmustcausethe�iberstointerlockwitheachother creatingamattedfabric.Thiscanbeaccomplishedby applyingwaterandagitationorbyphysicallytanglingthe woolusingspecialfeltingneedles.Joinusinlearningthis ancientartform.Youwillleavewithanewskillanda handmadepieceofart.
Needle Felting for Teens & Adults Ages16+
Learnthebasicsofsculptingwoolintoadorablecharacters anddoo-dadswhilewepoke,prodandcreatetogether.Work atyourownpacetocreateartfromyourownimaginationor workwiththeinstructortoselectaprojectbasedonyour interests.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Sep18-Oct16 W 5-6p $25 #29712
Nov17-Dec15 Su 10:30-11:30a $25 #29716
Halloween Needle Felting Ages 10+
GetcreepywithusatourHalloweenneedlefeltingworkshop. Usewoolandfeltingneedlestoconjureupawhimsical witch,aboo-tifulghouloraspookycreaturefromyour imagination.Beginnerfriendly,materialsincluded.
Oct5 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29696
Wild Ones Felting Ages 10+
Gowildwithwearableneedlefeltedanimalears.Wantto lookalittlemorefoxy?Thinkitwouldbeniceifyouand yourcatcouldbetwins?Maybealongsetofbunnyearsare moreyourstyle?Designandcreateaplayfulaccessorythat willturnheadswhereveryougointhisshort,funclassthat’s accessibletobeginningfelters.Materialsincluded.
SheldonCommunityCenter Oct19 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29451
Nowthattheweatheriscoolingdown,needle-feltacustom scarfforyourselforsomeoneyoucareabout.Startingona feltbase,you’lladdwooltomakefreehandartinyour chosencolorstomakesomethingwarm,beautifulandtruly personal.Whenyou’redone,youcanaddasoftliningfor extracoziness.
Oct26-Nov2 Sa 9a-12p $60 #29607
Festive Felting: Holiday Needle Felting Ages 10+
WhetheryouwantacustomornamentforyourChristmas tree,ahandmadedreidelandgeltgarland,ortomakeanew toymousefortheYulecat–wewanttocraftwithyouatour holidayneedlefeltingworkshop.Beginnerfriendly, materialsincluded.
Dec7 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29706
Learnculinarytechniques,kitchensafetyprotocolsand experienceavarietyoffoods.Classwillincludedemonstrations andinstructionaswellashands-onlearningtohelpyouth feelcomfortableinthekitchen.Allingredients/suppliesare includedinthefee.
Sep21-Oct19 Sa 10-11:30a $70 #29983
Nov2-Dec7 Sa 10-11:30a $70 #29984
Toddler & Me Dance Ages 2-3 with adult Dancetogetherwithyourchildwhileexploringmovement andplay.Thisisagreatopportunityforlittleonestoexplore dancewiththecomfortoftheirparental�igure.
Oct4-Nov8 F 12:45-1:15p $20 #29818
Nov15-Dec20 F 12:45-1:15p $20 #29819
Explorerhythm,balanceandawarenesswhileexploring movementthroughmusic.Thisisagreatopportunityfor youthtoexploredance.Thisclassisachild-onlyclasstohelp studentslearnhowtobeindependentintheclassroom withouttheirparent/guardian.Onthelastdayofthe session,parents/guardianswillbeallowedintheclassto participatewiththeirchild.
Oct4-Nov8 F 1:30-2p $20 #29765
Nov15-Dec20 F 1:30-2p $20 #29766
Ages 3-4, 4-5 & 5-6
Exploreallthebasicsofballettechniqueinafun,safeand lovingsetting.Yourchildwillstretch,leapanddance. Studentswilldiscovertheirloveofdancewithfunmusic. Someballetshoesareavailabletoborrow.Studentsare encouragedtowearsomethingtheycaneasilymovein.This classisachild-onlyclasstohelpstudentslearnhowtobe independentintheclassroomwithouttheirparent/ guardian.Onthelastdayofthesession,parents/guardians willbeallowedintheclasstoparticipatewiththeirchild.
Sep26-Oct31 Th 10-10:30a $20 #29753
Nov7-Dec19 Th 10-10:30a $20 #29754
Sep26-Oct31 Th 10:45-11:15a $20 #29755
Nov7-Dec19 Th 10:45-11:15a $20 #29756
Sep23-Oct28 M 3:30-4p $24 #29751
Nov4-Dec16 M 3:30-4p $24 #29752
Ballet, Beginning Ages 6-9
Learnbasicballetpostureswhileexperimentingwith creativemovement.Emphasiswillbeondevelopingrhythm, balanceandcreativity.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:JayHall-Schnurrpusch
Sep23-Oct28 M 4:15-5p $36 #29757
Nov4-Dec16 M 4:15-5p $36 #29758
Ballet Ages 16+
Balletisthefoundationofdance.Initsstrict,yetbeautiful form,wewillintroducestudentstopositions,techniqueand terminology.Classwillbeginwithbarrewarmups,across the�loorroutinesandendwithadancewewillbeworking onthroughouttheseason.
AmazonCommunityCenter Instructor:SelenaSwanson
Sep17-Nov19 Tu 5:30-6:30p $55 #30201
Ballet Barre & Center Ages 16+
Dipyourtoesintodanceinthiswelcomingandfunclass. Learnthefundamentalsofballetthroughbarre,centerand across-the-�loorexerciseshelpingtogain�lexibilityand strength.Eachclassisuniquetotheparticipants.Alllevels welcome.
Sep23-Oct28 M 5:15-6:30p $45 #29747
Nov4-Dec16 M 5:15-6:30p $45 #29748
Ages 4-5 & 5-6
Thisplayfultapclasswillfocusoncoordination,memorization andrhythmicskills.Dancerswillhavefunlearningashort routinetoshareattheendofthesession.Sometapshoes areavailabletoborrow.Wearcomfortableclothing.This classisachild-onlyclasstohelpstudentslearnhowtobe independentintheclassroomwithouttheirparent/guardian. Onthelastdayofthesession,parents/guardianswillbe allowedintheclasstoparticipatewiththeirchild.
Sep26-Oct31 Th 11:30a-12p $20 #29761
Nov7-Dec19 Th 11:30a-12p $20 #29762
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 3:30-4p $24 #29759
Nov5-Dec17 Tu 3:30-4p $28 #29760
Thisclasswillfocusonlearningthefundamentalsoftapas wellasplayingwithrhythmandstyle.Dancerswilllearna shortroutinetoshowofftheirnewmovesattheendofthe session.Sometapshoesareavailabletoborrow.Wear comfortableclothingandcomereadytomakesomenoise.
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 4:15-5p $36 #29763
Nov5-Dec17 Tu 4:15-5p $42 #29764
Ages 16+
Danceisandalwayswillbeexpressingyourselfthrougha seriesofmovements!Hiphopcanbesuchafungenretodo so.Learnsomerhythmandfunkystepsandalsoincorporate abitofjazzfootwork.Let’sgetdownwiththebasicsofhip hopandcreatesomethingentertaining!
Sep20-Nov22 F 6-7p $55 #30200
Hip-Hop at Sheldon Ages 14+
Allexperiencelevels,bodiesandgendersarewelcome.This classwillexploresethiphopsequencesasagroupand guidedfree-�lowexplorationsindividually.Comedevelop yourmovesinasafespaceallowingyoutoexpressyourself andfeelcon�ident.Sneakersaresuggested.
Sep23-Oct28 M 7:30-8:30p $36 #29682
Improv Skills Ages 12-17
Learntheessentialsofimprovisationalactinginafun, inclusiveenvironment.Developself-con�idence,explore creativestorytelling,takerisksandbuildcommunity.No experiencenecessary.
Instructor:IndigoRael Oct11-Nov15 F 6-7p $36 #30274
Fencing Ages 8-11 & 12+
Fencingisaclassicmartialsportwithmuchhistory,art,style anddramaaswellasbeingafunphysicalactivityforkids andparents.Thisclassseriesisanintroductiontofoil fencing.Itconcentratesondiscipline,balance,coordination, sportsmanshipandaboveall,fun.Parentsarewelcometo participate.Equipmentwillbeprovided.
Sep23-Nov18 M 6-6:45p $80 #30081
Sep25-Nov13 W 6-6:45p $80 #30082
Sep25-Nov13 W 7-8p $120 #30083
Sep25-Nov13 W 8:15-9:15p $120 #30084
Ahappy,caringatmospherewhereyourpreschoolercanbe introducedtobasickarateandlifeskills.Thisactiveclass enhanceshand-eyeandfoot-eyecoordination,self-con�idence andrespect.Studentsbecomegreatlistenerswhilelearning importantsafetyskills.Noteligibleforscholarships.
Instructor:AlbertRoy Sep18-Nov6 W 3-3:30p $56 #29894
Thisprogramintroducespartnerwork,teamwork, cooperationandgroupactivities.Somecompetitivegames areaddedtothelessonssuchasbunkai,sparring,selfdefenseandelbowtechniques.Noteligibleforscholarships.
Instructor:AlbertRoy Sep18-Nov6 W 3:40-4:10p $56 #29895
Thisprogramhelpsstudentsimprovelisteningskills,develop concentrationandlearnpersonaldisciplineandrespectfor others.Noteligibleforscholarships.
Sep18-Nov6 W 4:15-5p $84 #29896
Taekwondo Ages 5-7 & 8-12
Developabetterawarenessofyourpotentialthroughthe practiceoftaekwondo.Thisphysicalsportusesallthe musclesandjointsinthebodywhiledevelopingmental abilitiesthatpromotefocusandself-discipline.Classesare non-combativeandfocusonprovidingthestructure, knowledgeandskillsstudentswillusetoliveamore con�ident,empoweredlife.Noteligibleforscholarships.
Sep25-Oct23 W 4-4:45p $35 #30087
Nov6-Dec11 W 4-4:45p $35 #30088
Sep25-Oct23 W 4:50-5:50p $40 #30089
Nov6-Dec11 W 4:50-5:50p $40 #30090
Thistripisforyouthwhoenjoybikingoff-roadandspending thedayoutofschoolonthedirt.Bikeridingexperience required.Climbinghillsisunavoidable.Wellmaintained mountainbikeneeded.Mountainbikesareavailableforloan thankstoadonationinmemoryofJuliaFudge.Loanerbikes arelimitedsocall541-682-6321withtherider’sheightif youneedtoborrowabike.
Oct11 F 9a-4p $65 #30270
LearnthebasicsofArduinoprogramminginthisbeginner class.Noexperiencenecessary.Participantswillbuildtheir robotonthe�irstday,thenspendtherestofcamplearning howtoprogramitandbeabletotakeithomeonthelastday. Participantsareexpectedtoprovidetheirownlaptop,phone ortablet.
Nov25-27 M-W 12-4p $200 #29417
ThesenoschooldaysareopentoallyouthingradesK-5.A letterdetailingthedaywillbesenttofamiliesatleastone weekpriortotheprogram.
Oct11 F 9a-5:30p $50 #29421
Nov8 F 9a-5:30p $50 #29422
Nov25 M 9a-5:30p $50 #29423
Nov26 Tu 9a-5:30p $50 #29424
Nov27 W 9a-5:30p $50 #29425
Dec23 M 9a-5:30p $50 #29426
Dec30 M 9a-5:30p $50 #29427
Exploreallthelocalskateparksonyourdayoffschool. Whetheryou’reanexpertatskateboardingorjustgetting thehangofmakingturns,thistourisagreatwaytospend yourday.Studentswillvisitavarietyofskateparkswhich mayinclude:Washington-Jefferson,CalYoung,Harrisburg, JunctionCity,Emeraldandmore.
Oct11 F 9a-4p $65 #30325
TheRiverHousearcheryprogramaimstoteachyouth, adultsandfamiliestheskillsneededtobecomepro�icient archersandtodevelopalifelongpassionfortraditional shooting.Archeryhasbeenshowntoimprovemotivation, attention,disciplineandfocus.Thisprogramhelps participantsdeveloptheir�ineandgrossmotorskills, includingtheirbalance,timingandbreathingregulation, plusit’sagreatsocialopportunity.
Sep21 Sa 10a-4p $60 #26975
Oct19 Sa 10a-4p $60 #29705
Oct9-30 W 4-7p $180 #29699
Nov5 Tu 4-7p $40 #29723
Nov19 Tu 4-7p $40 #29724
Learnhowto�latwaterandriverkayakandre�ineexisting skills.KayakClubisheldoverseveralweeksandincludes beginnerandintermediatesessions.Clubparticipantswill needtobedroppedoffandpickedupatvariouslocationsto maximizetimeonthewater.Thisisthebestwaytodevelop andimprovekayakingskills.
Thebeginnersessionwillstartpaddlerswithbasics, buildingtheneededfoundationtogrowupon.Theclasswill beginina�latwaterenvironmentandusesit-on-topkayaks. Graduallythissessionwillworkuptopaddlingonlocal riversandpotentiallyusingsit-insidekayakswhilecovering alltheinformationneededtobeacompetentriverkayaker.
Sep10-19 TuTh 4-7p $180 #30221
Designedforparticipantswhohavesomeexperiencepaddling andarereadytore�ineandimprovetheirpaddlingpro�iciency. Wewillfocusonskillsincludingriverrescue,hydrology, groupmanagementandtripplanning.Advancedpaddling skillssuchaspaddlingindynamicwater,playboatingand paddlingef�iciencywillalsobetaught.
Sep24-Oct3 TuTh 4-7p
Oct6 Su 9a-5p $220 #30222
Opportunitiestoworkonyourkayakrollingskillswith instructors.Priceincludesboat,skirt,paddleandpool entrancefee.Bringyourownnoseplugandgogglesifyou needthem.Formoreinformationcall541-682-5329.
Oct10 Th 8-10p $45 #30226
Nov14 Th 8-10p $45 #30227
Whetheryou’venevermountainbikedadayinyourlifeor you’vebeenhittingthetrailsforyears,joinustolearnand developyourmountainbikehandlingskills.Club participantswillneedtobedroppedoffandpickedupat variouslocationstomaximizetimeonthebike.
Sep13-Oct4 F 4-7p
Oct5 Sa 10a-5p $220 #30219
Designedforbeginnertointermediateclimberslookingto learnthebasicsorre�ineexistingskills.Participantswill needtobedroppedoffandpickedupatvariouslocationsto maximizetimeontherock.Indoorandoutdoorexperiences.
Sep9-30 M 4-7p
Sep28 Sa 9a-5p $220 #29697
TheScoutingAmericaMeritBadgeProgramprovides opportunitiesforyouthinscoutingtoearnavarietyofmerit badgesthroughtheexpertiseoftheRiverHouseOutdoor CenterProgram.Programsmeettherequirementssetbythe ScoutingAmericaProgramandareopentoanyactivescout.
Sep11-Sep25 W 5:30-7:30p $60 #29719
Oct7-Oct21 M 5:30-7:30p $60 #29720
Learnthefundamentalsofskateboardingandparkriding. Helmetsarerequired,andfullpadsarehighlyrecommended. Parentattendanceisrequiredforchildrenages6and younger.Aguardiansignatureisrequiredforparticipants ages17andunder.Somegearisavailableforloan.No registrationrequired.
Sep14 Sa 10a-1p Free Drop-in
Oct19 Sa 10a-1p Free Drop-in
JoinourradskatecrewanddevelopyourskillsatSkate Club.Progressfromour�irsttwomeetingsattheCalYoung Skateparktoour�inaltwomeetingsattheWashingtonJeffersonSkatepark.Learnthefundamentalsofskateboarding
andparkriding.Helmetsarerequired,andfullpadsare highlyrecommended.Gearisavailableforloan.
CalYoungSkatepark,2555GilhamRoad,firsttwodays Washington-JeffersonSkatepark,150JeffersonSt.,lasttwodays
SaSu 10a-12p $100 #30213
Oct5-13 SaSu 10a-12p $100 #30214
Oct15-24 TuTh 5-7p $100 #30215
Fromwheels,trucks,boardandgriptape,thisclasswill teachyouhowtobuildaboardfromthegroundup.Plus, youwillleavetheclasswithyourveryownbrand-new skateboard.Thisclasssuppliesallthegearneededandwill teachyouhowtodoit.Ifyouwanttolearnhowtoskateboard orhavebeenskateboardingforalongtimeandwantto replaceyourboard,thisisagreatstartingpoint.
Nov1 F 4:30-7p $130 #30216
Dec6 F 4:30-7p $130 #30217
EnjoyaneveningofsailingatFernRidgeReservoirgaining experiencesailingaJ-24.Bringanextralayer,waterbottle andasnack.
MeetatRichardsonParkMarina,DockB,onFernRidgeReservoir Sep11 Th 5-9p $70 #30265
MarinaparkingrequiresaLaneCountyfeeof$5/day,$50/year Purchaseonlineatlanecounty.org
FundedbytheCommunitySafetyPayrollTax,theTeen EmpowermentProgramworkswithcommunitypartnersto empowerteensbybuildinglifeandjobskills,offeringaccess tocaringyouthandadultmentorsandincreasingaccessto othervitalcommunityresources.Programsaredesignedto below-barrierandinclusivesothateveryyoungpersonis providedtheopportunitytogrowupsafelyandaccesstheir bestpossiblefuture.Moreinformationcanbefoundat GetRec.org/empowerment.
All programs are free and provide food.
Explorevariouscreativeprojects,frombookbindingand sculptingtocostumemakingandtextilearts.Thesehandsonclassesfostercreativity,skilldevelopmentandselfexpressioninafun,supportiveenvironment,helpingteens discoverandnurturetheirartistictalents.
Costume Creations
Learntodesignandcraftmasks,tailsandgloves.Perfectfor allskilllevels,thisclasscoverstechniquesfrombasichand sewingandpainting,fosteringcreativityandcraftsmanship inafun,supportiveenvironment.
Oct11 F 10a-12p Free #30179
Book Binding
Discovertheartofbookbindinginourhands-onclass.Learn traditionaltechniquestocraftbeautiful,personalizedbooks fromstartto�inish.Perfectforbeginners,you’llexplore materials,stitchingmethodsanddecorativeelementsto createunique,handmadebooksthatshowcaseyour creativityandcraftsmanship.
Dec23 M 10a-12p Free #30181
Doyouhavemorepaint,yarnandcreativesuppliesthanyou canuse?JoinusfortheShareFairwherewewillengagein sustainableupcyclingandthriftyswappingofsuppliesthat wewouldliketotradeordonate.Cleanandunbrokenitems onlywillbeaccepted.Wedon’thavethecapacitytoaccept itemsmeantforthedump.Allitemsleftattheendoftheday willbeusedforYouthEmpowermentProgramactivitiesor donatedtoMECCA.Parkingislimited.
Sep21 Sa 12-4p Free Drop-in
WehaveexpandedourBakingClubforTeensintothe CookingClub.Itwillkickoffthisfallwithbothsweetand savoryitemsanddishesandincludefestivethemesaswe headintothecelebratoryseason.InSeptember,saygoodbye tosummerwithsomethingsweetandmakecinnamonrolls withraspberryicing.Octoberisagreattimeforharvest season,wewillcreatesomechillingappetizersthatthewhole familycanenjoy.Yummyjalapeñopoppers,tacograveyard dipandghostlysugarcookiesiftimeallows.November meansagratefulfeastformany.Fordessert,pieisalwaysa winner.Traditionalpumpkinandapplepiesareonthemenu forCookingClub.Decemberischockfullofdelicious traditionsthatmakefamilygatheringsmemorable.Latkes (potatopancakes)andacolorfulfestivepastasaladcanhelp bringthefamilytothetable.
WashingtonParkCenter Sep28,Oct26,Nov16,Dec14 Sa 12-4p Free #29861
Formoreinformationemailempowerment@eugene-or.gov. AllmeetatGrahamFieldHouse,2190PolkSt.
Joinusforadayoffunatthepumpkinpatch.We’llenjoya hayrideandcornmazeandpickpumpkins.Dressappropriately forweather/mud,bringawaterbottleandlunch.Busleaves at9a.m.
Oct11 F 9a-4p Free #29973
Joinusforafun-�illeddaytriptoHopscotchinPortland. Enjoyinteractiveartinstallations,immersiveexperiences andcreativeplayinavibrant,colorfulspace.Dress appropriatelyforweather,bringawaterbottleandlunch. Busleavesat9a.m.
Nov8 F 9a-5p Free #30183
LGBTQ+ teens can drop in for support, conversation and connection. This activity is adult-facilitated and free. No registration required. For more information call Amazon Community Center at 541-682-5373.
Amazon Community Center
Ongoing F 4-6p Free Drop-in No meeting Nov 29
The Open Door invites queer and questioning kids ages 1015, their friends and family to create and connect. As you paint, draw, sculpt and craft, you may choose to share life stories with others who understand being young and queer. Jeannie Schwanekamp brings two decades of supporting authenticity, con�idence and inclusion through art. This safe space nurtures and empowers queer kids. No artistic experience necessary.
Washington Park Center
Sep 12-Dec 19 Th 3:30-5:30p Free #30202
Ages 12-18
Join our teen community service club, Resolve. Engage in meaningful projects that make a difference in our community. From environmental cleanups to volunteering at local shelters, this club empowers teens to develop leadership skills, build friendships and create positive change together. Hours for this program can be used toward school community service hours. We will meet weekly on Thursday evenings and some volunteer projects may take place on noschool days and on weekends. For questions email Oliver Redig at oredig@eugene-or.gov. Registration required.
Washington Park Center
Oct 3-Dec 19 Th 6:30-8p Free #29993 No meeting Nov 28, Oct 31
Ages 13-19
Join Simply Youth Institute for a series of empowerment classes that create safe spaces for teen girls to master informed decision-making, build healthy relationships and achieve goals in a fun and supportive community. Unleash your potential and navigate your personal journey with con�idence and resilience. For more information call Wynter at 818-253-4340 or email simplyyouthinstitute@gmail.com. This series is not funded by the Community Safety Payroll Tax.
Amazon Community Center
Sep 9-Dec 9 M 4-5p Free Drop-in No class Nov 11
A safe, welcoming space for youth to connect, learn and grow. Offering recreational activities, educational programs and a supportive environment, the center empowers teens to build friendships, develop skills and engage in their community.
Washington Park Center
Sep 23-Dec 19 M-Th 3-6p Free Drop-in No meeting Nov 11, 28
Vibe Ages 12-18
Hang out on Friday nights. We have snacks, video games, virtual reality, table tennis, arcade basketball and art supplies. We also periodically offer karaoke, movie nights and special presenter events. For more information contact empowerment@eugene-or.gov.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Sep 27-Dec 20 F 5-9p Free Drop-in No meeting Oct 25, Nov 29
We recognize that some youth require additional support in order to participate fully in recreational activities. Through the Inclusion Services program, parents, caregivers and youth work with the Inclusion Services Coordinator to create a plan to support the youth’s individual needs. This process will be unique to each participant and we look forward to working collaboratively to support every child.
Inclusion services are available by discussing the request with the person taking your registration and/or requesting accommodations using a Youth Inclusion Services Request form. Once a request has been received, a Recreation staff member will contact you. For more information email empowerment@eugene-or.gov.
Amazon Preschool aims to spark a lifelong love of learning through nature and art while providing developmentally appropriate practices that support the whole child. The goal is to create an engaging and fun educational environment through child-led play and teacher-led group projects that promote independence while also nurturing the social and emotional intelligence and creativity in preschool children.
The focus is on individual early academic development through experiential learning with an emphasis on building social skills. Children engage in arts and science activities that build upon skills to increase dexterity and coordination while having fun. Through self-directed learning children explore, play and become independent learners.
Amazon Community Center
9a-12p, M-Th
To register call 541-682-5373
Through play children experience cooperation, risk and creativity, and engage with and observe the laws and structures of their world. In our small preschool, we practice an exploration and play-based learning approach using weekly themes to structurecurriculum andinteract withour environments.
Petersen Barn Community Center
9a-12p, MWF or TuTh
To register call 541-682-5521
Developmentally appropriate curriculum is built around the emerging interests of the children. Language, literacy and mathematics are integrated into all of the children’s work throughout the day. All classrooms include hands on exploration with art, science, sensory, music and movement.
Sheldon Community Center
9a-12p, MWF and/or TuTh, or 1-4p TuWTh
To register call 541-682-5312
The schedule below is subject to change. For the most up-to-date schedule, visit GetRec.org/pools or give the pools a call.
Baby Swims Ages 0-2 with adult
Children under 3 and their adults can enjoy the warm water pool together. Adults must be in the water with their children. Admission is not included with swim lesson registration. Purchase a pass or drop-in admission.
Sheldon Pool, Sep 16-Dec 21
Warm Water Pool
TuThF 10:30-11:30a
Adults must be in the water with their children. Admission is not included with swim lesson registration. Purchase a pass or drop-in admission.
Echo Hollow Pool, Sep 3-Dec 21
M-F 2-3:30p
Sheldon Pool, Sep 16-Dec 21
Warm Water Pool
M-F 1-2p TuTh 7-8p F 6-7p
All entry requires an admission fee for ages 3 and up. Children age 2 and under are free with a paid adult. Effective Oct. 1, passes will be 25% extra for nonresidents. *Additional charges for more than 5 people.
Swim Diapers Policy: City of Eugene swim facilities require swim diapers that are elastic fitting around the legs and waist for non-toilet trained individuals.
Playandswimtimesopentoallages.Childrenunder4feet mustbeaccompaniedbyanadultage18orolder(oneadult perchild)orbeabletopassaswimtest.
Sa 12:30-2p
MW 7-8:30p
Su 12-1:30p
Sep2 Holidayschedule:LapSwim11a-4:30p, RecSwim2-4:30p
Nov2 Closedforseason
Sep2 Holidayschedule:LapSwim11a-1:15p, RecSwim1:45-4:30p
Nov11 Closedforholiday
Nov28-29 Closedforholiday
Dec22-Jan5 Winterbreakschedule
Dec25&Jan1 Closedforholiday
Aug31-Sep15 Closedformaintenance
Nov11 Closedforholiday
Nov28-29 Closedforholiday
Dec22-Jan5 Winterbreakschedule
Dec25&Jan1 Closedforholiday
Designedtosupportyouthwithdisabilitiesinlearning watersafetyandbasicswimmingskills.Throughanadaptive swimlessonapproach,staffwillsupportindividualsina groupsetting.Forquestionscall541-682-5311oremail recadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
Sep22-Nov10 Su 11-11:50a $80 #29590
● 1 Introductory Parent-Child Ages6months+
No prerequisites. Parentsandbabiesenjoythewater together.Parentsreceivesafetytipsandparticipatein songsandgamestoincreasetheirchild’scomfortinthe water.Infantsmustwearelastic�ittingreusableswim diapers; see page 28
● 2 Advanced Parent-Child Ages18months+
No prerequisites. Parentsandbabiesworktogetherinthe watertodevelopimportantbasicskillsandbuilda foundationtocomfortablyparticipateinpreschoolswim lessons.Theclasscoverssafetytopics,songs,games, �loating,kicking,armstrokesandblowingbubbles. Infantsmustwearelastic�ittingreusableswimdiapers; see page 28.
● 3 Starfish Ages3-5
No prerequisites. Thisintroductoryclassteachesstudents tosubmergeandsafelyparticipatewhilelearningbasic bodypositioningandswimmingskills.Childrenattend lessonsindependentlyfromparents.Parentswillbeable toobservechild’slessonfromspectatorareas.No goggles.
● 4 Otters Ages3-5
Prerequisites: Star�ish, or participate independently in a class setting, jump in and submerge independently. Swimmersworkonincreasingcomfortinthewater, becomingindependentandcon�identlysubmerging. Skillsfocusonfrontkicks,glidesandextended independent�loats.Nogoggles.
● 5 Penguins Ages3-5
Prerequisites: Otters, or independently roll from front to back while kicking, demonstrate long-reach front crawl arms. Swimmerslearnsidebreathingandbackstrokewhile increasingtheirstaminaandswimmingskills.Swimmers gainabetterunderstandingofbodypositioningand movementinwaterandworkonimportantsafetyskills.
● 6 Seals Ages3-5
Prerequisites: Penguins, or front crawl with side breathing for �ive cycles. Swimmersgaincon�idenceandendurance whileimprovingsidebreathing,backstrokeandtreading waterskills.Studentsworkindeeperwaterandare introducedtodiving.Safetytopicsbuildonmaterialfrom previousclasses.
● 7 Orcas Ages3-5
Prerequisites: Seals, or strong front crawl and backstroke 15 yards. Swimmersimprovetheirfrontcrawland backstroketechniqueandareintroducedtothebasicsof breaststrokeandbutter�ly.Studentscomfortableindeep watercontinuetobuildcon�idenceandenduranceas theyprogresstoswimminglengthsandtreadingwater.
● 8 Beginner Ages6-10
No prerequisites. Studentslearntobecomfortableinthe waterbyexploringbodypositionsandsafetyskills. Introductiontoputtingfaceinthewater.Nogoggles.
● 9 Fundamental Skills Ages6-10
Prerequisites: Beginner class, or independently enter water and bob to safety and independently front glide. Students comfortableinthewaterwilllearnintroductoryfront andbackcrawlwithfocusonbodypositionandbuoyancy.
● 10 Deep Water Confidence Ages6-10
Prerequisites: Fundamental Skills, or front crawl with side breathing (six cycles) and backstroke (�ive cycles). Those withfrontandbackcrawlexperiencewillre�inetheir strokeandbuildendurance.Swimmingskillsindeep waterwillbepracticed.Advancedbodyposition techniqueswillalsobepracticed.
● ● 11 Building Endurance Ages6-10
Prerequisites: Deep Water Con�idence, or front crawl and backstroke 15 yards and tread water for two minutes. Fora morecon�identswimmer.Studentswillworkonswimming afulllengthofthepoolwhileperfectingandpracticing frontcrawl,backcrawl,breaststrokekickandmore.
● 12 Advanced Strokes Ages6-13
Prerequisites: Building Endurance, or front crawl and backstroke 25 yards. Forthemoreadvancedswimmer. Studentswillre�inestrokesandincreasedistances.This courseengendersswimmingasasourceoflifelong�itness.
● 13 Pre-Competitive Training Ages6-13
Prerequisites: Advanced Strokes, or front crawl and backstroke 50 yards. Classfocusedonthefourstrokesusedin competition.Learnstarts,turnsandinfotoprepareyou toentertheexcitingworldofcompetitiveswimming.
● 14 Middle School Ages11-13
No prerequisites. Formiddleschool-agedstudentsofall skilllevels.We’llteachyouwhereyou’reat,beitabeginner withnoexperienceorifyou’relookingforskillre�inement.
● 15 Teen Swim Lessons Ages14-17
No prerequisites. Forteenstudentsofallskilllevels.We’ll teachyouwhereyou’reat,beitabeginnerwithnoexperience orifyou’relookingforskillre�inement.
● 16 Adult Swim Lessons Ages18+
No prerequisites. Foradultstudentsofallskilllevels.We’ll teachyouwhereyou’reat,beitabeginnerwithnoexperience orifyou’relookingforskillre�inement.
● 17 Private/Semi-Private Ages3-adult
One-on-oneprivatelessonsgiveswimmersindividual attention.Forsemi-privategrouplessons,contactstaff.
Sessions are 4 weeks 2 classes per week, MW or TuTh 30 minute classes
Session 1
Sep 16-Oct 10 MW/TuTh $48
Session 2
Oct 14-Nov 7 MW/TuTh $48
Session 3
Nov 12-Dec 5* MW/TuTh $42
*No class Nov 11, 28
Createbowls,mugs,monsters,boxes,tiles,plantersand sculptureswiththefamily.Thisclassincludesinstruction, clay,glazesand�irings.Registereachfamilymember, includingatleastoneadult.
Oct6-Nov10 Su 11a-12:30p $60 #29573
Lottery #29574, see box.
Nov5-Dec10 Tu 4-5:30p $60 #29562
Lottery #29572, see box.
It’sfrightfulfuntomakemonstrouscreationsinclay.Make pumpkins,owls,fallleavesandscarythings.
Oct1-15 Tu 11a-12:30p $60 #29579
Lottery #29580, see box.
Gainartisticcon�idenceandcreatelastingconnectionsas youexplorecolorsandshapestogetherinourfamilypainting class.Nopreviouspaintingexperienceneeded–justbring yourfamilyandadesiretocreatebeautifulmemorieson canvas.Registereachfamilymember.Listofrequiredmaterial willbeemailedbefore�irstclass.
Oct6-Nov17 Su 12-1:30p $49 #29725
Oct6-Nov17 Su 2-3:30p $49 #29726
Fillyourhomewithbeautifulhandmadeholidayclaydecor ortiethemontothegiftsyougive.Thisworkshopisafun opportunitytoshareinthecreativeprocesswithyourfamily.
Nov17-Dec8 Su 11a-12:30p $80 #29583
Lottery #29584, see box.
Get grooving with set movement sequences that engage the full body and stay in tune with your mobility. This class is a lively way to improve your overall balance and tone your muscular system. All abilities, ages and genders are welcome. Sneakers are required.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Steph Young
Sep 23-Oct 28 M 6:30-7:30p $36 #29681
Dance is and always will be expressing yourself through a series of movements! Hip hop can be such a fun genre to do so. Learn some rhythm and funky steps and also incorporate a bit of jazz footwork. Let’s get down with the basics of hip hop and create something entertaining!
Amazon Community Center
Instructor: Selena Swanson
Sep 20-Nov 22 F 6-7p $55 #30200
All experience levels, bodies and genders are welcome. This class will explore set hip hop sequences as a group and guided free-�low explorations individually. Come develop your moves in a safe space allowing you to express yourself and feel con�ident. Sneakers are suggested.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Steph Young
Sep 23-Oct 28 M 7:30-8:30p $36 #29682
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Sept. 5-10. No payment is due at this time.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Sept. 16, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Sept. 22 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on Sept. 23. Use the registration code (not italics) to register. For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
Join us to learn the legendary “Thriller” dance from the iconic 1983 music video! On October 26, you’ll have the option to perform in zombie costume with Thrill the World Eugene at Amazon Community Center (see page 34) Dancers of all ages and abilities are welcome. Registration is required.
Amazon Community Center
Instructor: Margo Jennings
Sep 26-Oct 24 Th 5:30-6:30p Free #30077
The Amazon Farmers Market is running through October. There’s plenty of parking at our convenient location right off Hilyard Street. Come get your fresh vegetables and fruit for the week, snag a delicious pastry for your walk along Amazon Creek, or bring cheer to someone’s day with fresh cut �lowers.
Amazon Community Center
Jun 13-Oct 17 Th 11a-4p Free Drop-in
86Hunger is partnering with Amazon Community Center to serve made-to-order meals to community members on the second and fourth weekend of every month (Saturday and Sunday). Donations are accepted. Visit 86hunger.org for more information.
Amazon Community Center
Ongoing 2nd & 4th Sa/Su 12-2p Free Drop-in
Celebrate the fall season with us and enjoy our haunted barn, interactive ambiance and scary elements. The �irst two timeslots are dedicated to a younger audience as the lights will be on, the animatronics will be turned off and our actors will not have masks on. This can still be scary for some. Pick a timeslot and register all members of your group. Don’t show up earlier than your timeslot. Late arrivals will be denied access. There are two �lights of stairs in the haunted barn.
Petersen Barn Community Center Oct 25 F Free Time slots 5-5:20p (less scary) #29830 5:30-5:50p (less scary) #29831 6-6:20p #29832
6:30-6:50p #29833
7-7:20p #29834
7:30-7:50p #29835
Celebrate the creepy, weird and wacky. Enjoy Halloweenthemed games and ambiance throughout the community center and a free Rec swim from 7-8:30 p.m. Though all ages are welcome, this event is a perfect way to celebrate with pre-K and elementary-aged children. Registration is required. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
Sheldon Community Center & Sheldon Pool
Oct 25 F 6-8p Free #29647
Join Thrill the World Eugene for their part in the annual worldwide performance of “Thriller” from the iconic 1983 music video. Watch stellar dancers from all over our community perform while dressed to the nines in their �inest zombie garb. This is a free event. Donations support ShelterCare.
Amazon Community Center
Oct 26 Sa 1:30-3p Free Drop-in
Santa has marked his calendar to �ly in and visit our festive holiday breakfast. Come and join the fun and don’t forget your camera. Each person in attendance (adults and children) must register.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Dec 14 Sa 9:30-10:30a $5 #29794
Join us at the Amazon Community Center for an open house featuring a diverse array of beautiful pieces created by both instructors and students. This is a perfect opportunity to purchase unique pottery and learn more about the studio and the classes we offer.
Amazon Community Center
In partnership with Amazon Community Center, Free Shakespeare in the Park presents “Shakespeare in the Dark,” a special Halloween event featuring the scariest scenes from Macbeth. Follow the witches on a magical journey through Shakespeare’s dark play. This free event is rated PG (Pretty Gruesome). Come in costume and bring �lashlights.
Wayne Morse Family Farm
Oct 31 Th 6:30-7:30p Free Drop-in
Dec 14 Sa 10a-4p Free Drop-in
A gathering of Northwest artists and crafterswho are dedicated to preserving Native arts and cultures hosts the Native American Craft Fair. Native artisans will share their work in a wide variety of genres, including beading, basket making, printmaking, painting and graphic arts. Artists will be creating some work at the event.
Amazon Community Center
Dec 14-15 SaSu 10a-4p Free Drop-in
Special events for the entire family to have fun on a Friday. Children 10 and under are free. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
All at Sheldon Community Center
Join us for an evening of crafting, learning and making gifts for the holidays. You will leave with at least one homemade gift and the skills to make more.
Nov 15 F 5:30-7:30p $10 #29648 Free for children 10 & under
Why wait to �ind that perfectly horri�ic holiday sweater at a thrift store? Take matters into your own hands and bring a sweater and ugly it up with our extensive stock of glitter, gaud and glitz. Bring your own sweater.
Dec 6 F 5:30-7:30p $10 #29650
The River House Archery program aims to teach youth, adults and families the skills needed to become pro�icient archers and to develop a lifelong passion for traditional shooting. Archery has been shown to improve motivation, attention, discipline and focus.This program helps participants develop their �ine and gross motor skills, including their balance, timing and breathing regulation, alongside acting as a great social opportunity.
River House Outdoor Center
Sep 13 F 5:30-8:30p $40 #29701
Oct 26 Sa 12-4p $60 #29702
People have been fastening natural materials onto cordage for millennia in order to trick �ish into being caught. While the motivation, materials and tools have changed, the aesthetic of �ly angling has not. It is a beautifully frustrating and satisfying way to spend your time. Taught by local legend, Mike Brooks, these classes will provide the skills you need to get out on the water and catch more �ish. The beginning class will cover the basics of the tools, terminology and techniques. The intermediate class will build on foundational skills to make you a more con�ident and pro�icient tyer. All materials and tools are provided. Participants are welcome to bring their own equipment to class. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. The drop-in sessions are available before class and are free with registration.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Mike Brooks
All sessions meet at Richardson Marina, Dock B, Fern Ridge Lake. Marina parking requires a Lane County fee of $5/day, $50/year; purchase online at lanecounty.org. For more information call 541-682-5329.
Join sailing instructors for a sail on evening breezes as the sunlight fades. No sailing experience required. Bring a picnic dinner, place settings and nonalcoholic drinks in nonbreakable containers. We will stop for dinner. Each person must register.
Sep 13 F 5-9p $70 #30267
Sep 19-Oct 24 Th 5:30-7:30p $60 #29418
Intermediate Nov 7-Dec 19 Th 5:30-7:30p $60 #29419
No class Nov 28
Sep 19-Dec 19 Th 4-5:30p Drop-in
Free with registration in beginning or intermediate class No class Oct 31, Nov 28
Learn how to make four different recipes for no-bake dog treats. Yourfour-legged friends will thank you. Ingredients included in cost. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Austin Nieve
Celebrate the holidays with your family at Petersen Barn Community Center. Enjoy a delicious meal of ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, salad, rolls and dessert. Special holiday entertainment will follow the meal. Each family member must be registered.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Dec 12 Th 5:30-7:30p $11 #29829
Enjoy a fun family fungi identi�ication hunt in nearby Hendricks Park. We won’t be picking on this trip, just identifying.
Meet at & carpool from Amazon Community Center
Nov 9 Sa 10a-12p Free #29890
Oct 10 Th 5:30-7p $15 #30092 Nov 14 Th 5:30-7p $15 #30093
All ages
Meet your neighbors to play some fun yard games in a familyfriendly setting. Cornhole, ladder ball, Kan Jam, Spikeball and other games will be available.
Meet in front of Graham Field House, 2190 Polk St.
Sep 4 W 5:30-7:30p Free Drop-in
Sep 11 W 5:30-7:30p Free Drop-in
Sep 18 W 5:30-7:30p Free Drop-in
Sep 25 W 5:30-7:30p Free Drop-in
Ages 12+
Explore color theory and shape basics through abstract painting. Gain con�idence while learning to paint with more freedom and feeling. This class mostly focuses on using acrylic paint.List of required materials will be emailed before �irst class.
Amazon Community Center
Instructor: Will Paradis
Oct 5-Nov 16 Sa 10a-1p $145 #29655
Tap into your inner artist as we celebrate the positive power of creativity. Each class we will have fun exploring the elements of art and color using a variety of media: watercolor, oil pastel, felt-tip, graphite pencil, charcoal, chalk pastel and colored pencil. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Hollie Roman
Sep 16-Dec 16 M 10:30a-12:30p $125 #29397
Sep 17-Dec 17 Tu 10:30a-12:30p $125 #29398
No class Nov 11, 12, 25, 26
Art journaling allows you to express yourself through a combination of art and words. It can include techniques such as drawing, painting, writing, doodling, collaging and sketching resulting in a journal �illed with color, art and imagery with words. You have total creative freedom as the focus is on the process of creating and self-expression rather than a particular end result. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Denise Zanetta
Oct 30-Dec 18 W 10a-12p $96 #29778
This workshop is an informal gathering of artists of all kinds. Enjoy a great studio space and great company. No instructor. Bring your own supplies.
Campbell Community Center
Sep 16-Dec 30 M 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Sep 17-Dec 31 Tu 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Sep 18-Dec 18 W 9a-12p $0.50/day Drop-in
No class Nov 11, Dec 25
This class is designed to guide students on how to get started with the ease of sketching. Sketching is the primary skill to quickly generate and communicate design ideas. Just bring some paper, pencils and your big ideas.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Denise Zanetta
Sep 25-Oct 23 W 10a-12p $60 #29777
Learn safe and fun woodworking skills. This class is designed for beginners or anyone who wants to learn their way around the Campbell Woodshop. Make a beautiful laminated cutting board or choose a different project. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Len Gould
Oct 2-30 W 6-8:30p $130 #29664 Lottery #29663, see box.
Open specifically to those who identify as female Instructor: Ron Peterson
Oct 1-Oct 29 Tu 6-8:30p $130 #29666 Lottery #29665, see box.
This single evening class is a tour of the Campbell Woodshop and teaches safe techniques to utilize the bigger tools. Learn how to properly use the table saw, band saw, drill press and planer. Campbell Woodshop is a community space available for woodworking projects.
Campbell Community Center
Nov 25 M 5:30-8p $10 #29410
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Sept. 5-10. No payment is due at this time.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Sept. 16, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Sept. 22 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on Sept. 23. Use the registration code (not italics) to register.
For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
Open to adults who want to use a work space and tools for wood projects. Sign in and pay at the front desk before entering the shop. Orientation required for new users.
Campbell Community Center
Ongoing M-F 9a-3p Th 5-8p $4/day Drop-in
No woodshop Nov 11, 28, 29, Dec 25
Use your woodworking skills to build an artful pendulum wall clock. Clock and wood choice options discussed in the �irst class. Basic woodworking and safe tool usage skills required. Clock mechanism and wood stock supplied.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Mike Rau
Oct 7-28 M 5-7p $115 #29396
Learn the basics of wood turning on a lathe by creating your own writing pen. Make the perfect gift. Safety, tools and materials will be discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructors: Richard Wright & Larae Palmer
Oct 4 & 18 F 5:30-8p $58 #29412
Nov 4 & 18 M 5:30-8p $58 #29411
If you love �lowers and plants, why not immortalize them in art? Botanical art and illustration is an accurate and artistic representation of plants and �lowers. Learn the technical and observational skills to create your own beautiful pictures of plant life. Drawing skillsand knowledge of chosen media (colored pencil, watercolor pencil or watercolors) required. List of required materials will be emailed before �irst class.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Denise Zanetta
Sep 25-Dec 11 W 12:30-2:30p $144 #29779
Invent, discover and create with clay. Beginning and intermediate students will be introduced to techniques such as slab building, coiling, pinching and extruding. Add surface decoration and glazing to create fun and usable pieces you can enjoy for years. Fee includes clay, glazes and �irings. Students are encouraged to bring their own tools.
Amazon Community Center
Instructor: Amy Graves
Sep 17-Nov 19 Tu 6-8:30p $200 #29575
Ages 16+
Classesareavailableforbothbeginningandintermediate students.Conceptsofbuildingwithclaybyhandandonthe wheelaswellasbasicglazingtechniques.Dependingonthe skilllevelanddesireoftheclassanintroductiontoadvanced techniqueswillbeadded.Feeincludesclay,glazesand �irings.Studentsareencouragedtobringtheirowntools.
Sep30-Dec9 M 11a-1:30p $200 #29553
Lottery #29554, see box.
Sep30-Dec9 M 6-8:30p $200 #29555
Lottery #29556, see box.
Sep19-Nov21 Th 6-8:30p $200 #29577
Concentrateonyourworkwithaccesstotheceramics studio,includingwheelthrowing,handbuilding,glazeand design.Thefeeincludesglazesand�iring,butclayis purchasedseparately.Youareencouragedtobringyourown tools.YoumaysignupforeitherSundayorWednesday session,butnotboth.Musthaveexperienceandstudio managerapprovaltoregister.Forinformationortorequest openstudioapprovalcall541-682-5373.
Oct6-27 Su 1-4p
Nov3-24 Su 1-4p
$60 #29547
$60 #29549
Dec1-29 Su 1-4p $75 #29551
Oct2-30 W 6-9p $75 #29548
Nov6-27 W 6-9p $60 #29550
Dec4-18 W 6-9p $45 #29552
Thehealthbene�itsofdevelopingaregulargratitudepractice havereceivedalotofattentionrecently,andthisworkshop isdesignedtoaccentuatelife’spositives.Participantswill makeoneormoreimagesona3-by-5-inchcardthatre�lect whattheyaremostgratefulfor.Thecardswillbereproduced sothateachparticipantwillleavewiththeiroriginals,along withcopiesofeveryoneelse’scards.Together,wewillcreate a“GratitudeDeck”touseasawaytoincreaseoursenseof appreciationandwell-being.
Instructor:ChristinaSalter(she/her) Nov16 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29453
Learnhowtodrawwithcoloredpencilsbyexploringthe tools,developingtheartist’seyeandlearningdifferent techniquesandcolortheory.Theclasswillincludelectures, demonstrations,exercisesanddrawing.Basicdrawingskills arerequired.
Sep27-Dec20 F 10a-12p $132 #29781
Sep27-Dec20 F 12:30-2:30p $132 #29782
Exploreyourcreativityandtakehome�inishedcrafts.All suppliesareincludedinthefee.
Wine Glass Charms
Makeasetofsixbeadedwineglasscharmstokeeportogift toafriend.
Nov6 W 10a-12p $20 #29871
Holiday Decor Tree
Createaholidaytreeusingacone,twine,beadsandother festiveembellishments.
Dec4 W 1:30-3:30p $20 #29872
Exploretheworldofimpressionistart.You’lllearnfromthe worksofMonet,Degas,Renoir,Cezanneandothers.You’ll completeanewpaintingeverytwoweeks.
Nov5-Dec17 Tu 10a-12p $84 #29775
Nov5-Dec17 Tu 6-8p $84 #29776
Ajunkjournalisahandbookmadewithfoundandrecycled materialsandisusedtocollectandrecordmemories, thoughts,ideas,sketchesandinspiration.Almostanything canbeusedtocreateajunkjournal–randompaper,bitsof fabric,buttons,sheetmusic,ledgerpages,nature�inds,etc. There’snorightorwrongwaytomakeajunkjournal.Truly anythinggoessoletyourcreativityrunfree.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:CherylLees-Haley
Oct3-Nov14 Th 10:30a-12p $45 #29820 NoclassOct24
Maskshavebeenusedthroughouttimeandacrosscultures inamyriadofways:toexpress,toconceal,tofantasize,to entertain,toprotectandtoempower.Maskmakingisan excellentwaytoexploreouridentityandexpandoursense ofself.Usingplasterandgauze,wewillcastimpressionsof ourfacesthatcanthenbedecoratedandembellishedtocreate uniquerepresentationsofwhoweareorwhowewanttobe.
Oct12-19 Sa 9a-12p $60 #29452
Enjoycreatingbeautifulpaintingsinafriendly,supportive environment.Whileworkingonindividualpaintings,students willreceivepersonalinstructionregardingbasicdrawing skills,paintingtechniques,colortheory,atmospheric perspective,compositionalunityandcolorharmony. Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.Thisisnotawatercolorclass.
Sep23-Oct28 M 9:30-11:30a $72 #29767
Nov4-Dec16 M 9:30-11:30a $72 #29768
Sep23-Oct28 M 11:45a-1:45p $72 #29769
Nov4-Dec16 M 11:45a-1:45p $72 #29770
Sep23-Oct28 M 6-8p $72 #29771
Nov4-Dec16 M 6-8p $72 #29772
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 10a-12p $72 #29774
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 6-8p $72 #29773
Learnintuitivepainting,aprocessthatintegratescreative expression,self-careandconnectionwithothers.These circlesareforeveryone:folkswithnoartisticexperienceand folkswithestablishedpractices.Allyouneediscuriosity aboutwhoyouareandwhatyourauthenticcreativityfeels like.Webeginwithanembodimentpractice,sharingtime andmeditation.Allmaterialsprovided.
Oct3,17 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #29533
Nov7,21 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #29534
Dec5,19 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #29535
Inthisbeginningprintmakingclass,useGelliplates, plexiglass,�ishmodels,stencilsandlinoleumblockstocreate one-of-a-kindprints.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Nov1-Dec13 F 1-3p $80 #29536
Joinusforaneveningoffright.Workingfromaspookystill life,thissessionwillfocusoninterpretingimagesandcolor fromobservation.Therewillbetimeforcritiqueattheend. Listofrequiredmaterialswillbeemailedbefore�irstclass.
Instructor:NickolaiO(they/them) Oct19 Sa 4-6:30p $20 #29628
Gatheringofartistswhoenjoysumi-eandwhoexploreink andJapanesewatercolorandwash.Enjoystudiospaceand greatcompany.Noinstructor,bringyourownsupplies.
Sep19-Jan2 Th 1-4p $7/session #29864 NoclassNov28
Practiceandexperimentwithnewtechniques.Learnfrom andpaintalongwiththeinstructor’sdemonstrationeach week.Workatyourownpaceanddevelopyourownstyle. Thisclassisdesignedforartistswhopossessafoundationin watercolortechniques.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Oct2-Nov13 W 1-4p $112 #29624
Oct3-Nov14 Th 1-4p $112 #29625
Exploretechniquesanddevelopdrawingskills.Eachclass includesinstructordemonstrationsandcritiqueofstudent work.Studentscanchooseassignmentsfromtheinstructoror developpersonalprojects.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Sep26-Dec12 Th 2-4p $120 #29780 NoclassOct24,Nov28
Feltingisthemostancientformoftextileartandpredates weavingandspinningtechniques.Toproduceapieceoffelt, youmustcausethe�iberstointerlockwitheachother creatingamattedfabric.Thiscanbeaccomplishedby applyingwaterandagitationorbyphysicallytanglingthe woolusingspecialfeltingneedles.Joinusinlearningthis ancientartform.Youwillleavewithanewskillanda handmadepieceofart.
Needle Felting for Teens & Adults Ages16+
Learnthebasicsofsculptingwoolintoadorablecharacters anddoo-dadswhilewepoke,prodandcreatetogether.Work atyourownpacetocreateartfromyourownimaginationor workwiththeinstructortoselectaprojectbasedonyour interests.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Sep18-Oct16 W 5-6p $25 #29712
Nov17-Dec15 Su 10:30-11:30a $25 #29716
Halloween Needle Felting Ages 10+
GetcreepywithusatourHalloweenneedlefeltingworkshop. Usewoolandfeltingneedlestoconjureupawhimsical witch,aboo-tifulghouloraspookycreaturefromyour imagination.Beginnerfriendly,materialsincluded.
AmazonCommunityCenter Oct5 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29696
Wild Ones Felting Ages 10+
Gowildwithwearableneedlefeltedanimalears.Wantto lookalittlemorefoxy?Thinkitwouldbeniceifyouand yourcatcouldbetwins?Maybealongsetofbunnyearsare moreyourstyle?Designandcreateaplayfulaccessorythat willturnheadswhereveryougointhisshort,funclassthat’s accessibletobeginningfelters.Materialsincluded.
SheldonCommunityCenter Oct19 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29451
Nowthattheweatheriscoolingdown,needle-feltacustom scarfforyourselforsomeoneyoucareabout.Startingona feltbase,you’lladdwooltomakefreehandartinyour chosencolorstomakesomethingwarm,beautifulandtruly personal.Whenyou’redone,youcanaddasoftliningfor extracoziness.
Oct26-Nov2 Sa 9a-12p $60 #29607
Festive Felting: Holiday Needle Felting Ages 10+
WhetheryouwantacustomornamentforyourChristmas tree,ahandmadedreidelandgeltgarland,oranewtoymouse fortheYulecat–wewanttocraftwithyouatourholiday needlefeltingworkshop.Beginnerfriendly,materialsincluded.
AmazonCommunityCenter Dec7 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29706
Learntheessentialsofimprovisationalactinginafun, inclusiveenvironment.Developself-con�idence,explore creativestorytelling,takerisksandbuildcommunity.No experiencenecessary.
AmazonCommunityCenter Instructor:IndigoRael Oct23-Dec18 W 6-7p $48 #30272 NoclassNov13,27
JoinThrilltheWorldEugenefortheirpartintheannual worldwideperformanceof“Thriller”fromtheiconic1983 musicvideo.Watchstellardancersfromalloverourcommunity performwhiledressedtotheninesintheir�inestzombie garb.Thisisafreeevent.DonationssupportShelterCare.
AmazonCommunityCenter Oct26 Sa 1:30-3p Free Drop-in
Ongoing Th 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in Nomah-jonggNov14,28
Thisserieswillteachyoutherules,techniquesandstrategy toplayAsianmah-jongg,afunandsocialgamethatcombines skillandchance.
CampbellCommunityCenter Beginner
Sep20-Oct11 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #29507
Intermediate Oct18-Nov8 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #29508
Joinlocalboardgameenthusiastsforabeginner-friendly gameday.Theopenplayformatencouragesparticipantsto bringtheirownfavoritegamesorplaywhatothershave brought.Youthandteensarewelcometojoinwithanadult.
Sep14 Sa 9:30a-7p Free Drop-in Dec7 Sa 9:30a-7p Free Drop-in
Ongoing Tu 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Tabletennisistheperfectgameforalmosteveryonebecause itprovidesexercise,recreationandasocialoutlet.Playina friendlyatmosphereopentoallskilllevels.Limitedpaddles andballsavailableforuse.
Ongoing MF 12-3p $0.50/day Drop-in
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing MF 9-11:45a $0.50/day Drop-in
See page 70.
See page 71.
All presentations are free, but registration is required. More presentations are on pages 72-75.
Curiousaboutbrainfog?Cometothispresentationtolearn whatbrainfogis,itsmaincausesandhowtoimproveit. Evaluateyourcurrentbrainhealthhabitsand�indoutabout doable,evidence-backedstrategiestobettermanagebrain foggydays.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching Sep16 M 5-6p Free #29621
Learnaboutthreehabitsofmind(recognize,regulateand resource)tohelpyoumoreeffectivelyrespondtodaily challengeswithlessstress.Identifyyourenergyneedsto functionatyourbesteffortlessly.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching Oct7 M 5-6p Free #29622
Learnaboutthepowerofwonderforimprovingyourwellbeing.Wewilluseasimplebutpotentstrategytoenhance yourmindandhowyoufeelby�indingwonderinallkindsof everydayplaces.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching Nov18 M 5-6p Free #29623
ThankyoutoalltheVeteranswhoservedintheU.S.Armed Forces.Freebreakfastformilitaryveterans,$3eachfor familyandfriends.Doorsopenat7:45a.m.,breakfastserved at8a.m.Toregistercall541-682-5318.
CampbellCommunityCenter Nov8 F 8-9a $3 #29442
Thisweekly,informalget-togetherforVeteransisforcoffee, camaraderieandconversations.Thisisanopportunityfor Veteransandtheirfamiliestoparticipateorlearnmore aboutthatspecialbondofmenandwomenwhohaveserved theircountryortojustlistenasotherssharetheirstories, theirfriendshipandhelpfulresourcesthey’vefound.
SheldonCommunityCenter Ongoing M 10-11a Free Drop-in
Jointhispeer-ledgroupwhereyoucanrollupthesleeveof yourwritingarmandborrowtoolsfromthewriter’skitto addmuscle.Later,asyoureadyourcraft-creation,youcan quietlyenjoyexperiencingtheregardofyourpeers.
Sep19-Dec26 Th 10:30a-12:30p #29814
Termfee$6ordrop-infee$0.50/day NoclassNov14,28
Peoplehavebeenfasteningnaturalmaterialsontocordagefor millenniainordertotrick�ishintobeingcaught.Whilethe motivation,materialsandtoolshavechanged,theaestheticof �lyanglinghasnot.Itisabeautifullyfrustratingandsatisfying waytospendyourtime.Taughtbylocallegend,MikeBrooks,
theseclasseswillprovidetheskillsyouneedtogetoutonthe waterandcatchmore�ish.Beginningclasswillcoverthebasics ofthetools,terminologyandtechniques.Intermediateclass willbuildonfoundationalskillstomakeyouamorecon�ident andpro�icienttier.Allmaterialsandtoolsareprovided. Participantsarewelcometobringtheirownequipmentto class.Childrenunder13mustbeaccompaniedbyanadult.
Beginning Sep19-Oct24 Th 5:30-7:30p $60 #29418
Intermediate Nov7-Dec19 Th 5:30-7:30p $60 #29419 NoclassNov28
Sep19-Dec19 Th 4-5:30p Drop-in Freewithregistrationinbeginningorintermediateclass NoclassOct31,Nov28
Learnthebasics,tips,tricksandaccessoriestofreemotion quiltonasewingmachine.Startcreatingyourownunique quiltsandgifts.Thisseminarisledbyaninstructoranddoes notrequireasewingmachine.Hands-onpracticecanbehad attheQuilting,ComfortsforKidsgroupeachThursday afternoonatCampbellCenter (see page 68).
CampbellCommunityCenter Nov7 Th 11a-12:30p $10 #29582
Learnhowtomakefourdifferentrecipesforno-bakedog treats.Yourfour-leggedfriendswillthankyou.Ingredients includedincost.Childrenunder18mustbeaccompaniedby anadult.
Oct10 Th 5:30-7p $15 #30092 Nov14 Th 5:30-7p $15 #30093
Learnhowtosafelyidentifyandconsumewildmushrooms. Discovertheirhabitats,whichmushroomstoavoidand whichediblesareeasiesttoidentifyand�ind.Includesan edibleandnon-ediblemushroomdisplayandwild mushroomtastingbasedonseasonandweatheravailability.
Instructor:CascadeMycologicalSociety Sep27 F 7-9p Free #30085
Mingleandlearnfromexpertmycologistsandthelocal mushroomenthusiastsofCMS.Bringmushroomsinfor identi�icationduringtheshow-and-tellheldthe�irst30 minutes.Guestspeakersonvariousfungirelatedsubjects, followedbyaninformaltastingtableofdelightsbroughtin bymembers.Formonthlyspeakersvisitcascademyco.org.
Instructor:CascadeMycologicalSociety Sep-May 3rdW7-9p Free Drop-in NomeetingOct16
Descriptions are on pages 82-85.
Dec17 Tu 3-9p
Dec19 Th 5-8:30p
May9-16,2025 Overnight
Forbeginnerandexperiencedgardenersaliketogather, learnandpracticeholisticandorganicgardeningtechniques.
Sep11-Oct16 W 6-7:30p Free #29828
InthisfunclasswewatchmoviesfromIran,Italy,Mexico andmore.Noknowledgeofforeignlanguagerequiredjust comeandenjoythemovies,discussothercultures, traditionsandhistory.
Oct9-30 W 1-3:30p $48 #29815
TheNativePlantSocietyofOregonisdedicatedtothe appreciation,studyandconservationofournativeplants. Thelocalchapterhostspresentationsonnativeplantseach month.Italsohostsfree�ieldtripstoviewwild�lowersand learntheirnames.Foradditionalmeetingand�ieldtrip informationvisitnpsoregon.org.
Sep-May 3rdM 6:45-9p Free #29902 NomeetingNov11
Whatwillyoudoonthe�irstdayofyourretirement?Have youthoughtaboutwhatyouwilldowith40hoursoffree timeaweek?Thisworkshopisintendedforpeoplewho thinktheymaybeonetotwoyearsawayfromretiring.Like your�inancialplantospendyourhard-earnedsavings,we willhelpyouwriteyourretirementplantospendyour valuabletime.Nowisthetimetocarefullyplanyourlater.
Instructor:LoriKievith,semi-retiredleadershipcoach &trainingconsultant
Sep24-26 TuTh 5:30-8:30p $10 #30076
ThePetersenBarnBookiesmeetthethirdTuesdayofeach month.Thisbookgroupwillselectbooksofallgenres including�ictionandnon�iction.Registrationrequired.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Ongoing 3rdTu1-2p $0.25/day #29869
Bringyourdogandjoinusforfuncanine-creativeartsand crafts.Thenmakeaspecialtreattorewardyourfurryfriend. Dogsmustbeleashedatalltimes.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:AustinNieve
Sep26 Th 5:30-7p $17 #30091
Alterations,tailoring,darningandmending.Appliqué, embroidery,needlepoint,quilting,samplerandsmocking. Takeaclasstolearnwhatthesewordsmeanwhilelearning skillsandmakingtextilesbeautiful.
Sep25-Oct30 W 5:30-7:15p $63 #29783
Nov6-Dec18 W 5:30-7:15p $63 #29784
Sep26-Dec19 Th 5:30-7:15p $95 #29785 NoclassOct24,31,Nov27,28,Dec12
Thiscoursetakesyouthroughplanning,organizingand beginningtowriteyourmemoirs.Everyonehasastoryto tellandthejourneybackcanbeanenlighteningand validatingexperience.Inclassweaimforaninteractivegroup offeringsupportandencouragementtoourfellowwriters. Weeklycontinuousattendanceisrecommendedinorderto achievecontinuityandprogressinwritingyourlifestory.
Sep17-Nov19 Tu 1-3p $62 #29492
See page 80.
Learnhowtoexpandyourfoodchoices,improvethequality ofyourdietandenjoythelocalbountyallyearlong.Each weekoffersanewtopicfromdo-it-yourselffoodproduction suchasfermentingandpreservingtosoapmakingandlip balms.Noteligibleforscholarship.
Learncold-packcanningtechniqueswhileyoucanyourown pintoffarm-freshpeaches.Thiswillbealow-sugarmethod withjustenoughsugartomatchthesweetnessofthe peaches.Bringacleanwide-mouthpintjarwithnewlidor $1topurchasefrominstructor.
Sep16 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30186
Sep17 Tu 2-4p $24 #29619
Makeasweet-spicycondimentfromlocalThistledownnospraybellpeppersandjalapeños.ThisissimilartoThai sweetpeppersauce,butyougettocontroltheheat.Delicious onmeatloaf,burgers,aspartofabarbecueglazeorina vegetablesauté.Bringacleanpintjarwithanewlidor$1to purchasefrominstructor.
Sep23 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30185
AmazonCommunityCenter Sep24 Tu 2-4p $24 #29605
Learnfermentationbasicsasweturnahead(orseveral)of napacabbageandabunchofothergoodiesintokimchiand takehomeapinttofermentandenjoy.Aspecialmodi�ied techniqueletsyoufermentdirectlyinthejar.Wewillalso makeabatchofkombuchaandtherewillbekombucha SCOBYtotakehomeforanyonewhowantsit.
Sep30 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30187
AmazonCommunityCenter Oct1 Tu 2-4p $24 #29606
Readytoexploretheworldoffermentation?Learnhowto makeyourownfermentedpickles,salsa,hotsauce,avariety offermentednon-alcoholicbeveragesandevencornedbeef. Takehomeapintofgiardinieraandsomehabanerohotsauce to�inishfermentingathome.Bringacleanwide-monthpint jarwithlidor$1topurchaseonefromtheinstructor.
CampbellCommunityCenter Oct7 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30188
AmazonCommunityCenter Oct8 Tu 2-4p $24 #29608
Wewillmakeafresh,hardcheeseandricotta,andlearn aboutdifferenthardandsoftcheeseculturesandprocesses. Wewillgothroughtheentireprocessfromculturedmilkto formedcheesereadyforthepress.Wewillalsogooverhow tomakeyogurtandke�ir.
AmazonCommunityCenter Oct15 Tu 2-4p $24 #29609
Learnhowtocatch,careforanduseawildsourdoughculture. Wewillalsogooverregularbreadbakingtechniquesfor thosewhowanttostartsimple.Overthecourseofthisclass, wewillmakeabatchofsourdoughbreadwhilewelearn aboutproo�ing,thecomplexbiologyofavitalsourdough cultureandtipsandtrickstogetthatgreatartisanalstyle breadinyourownkitchen.Takehomeyourownsmall roundloafandasourdoughculture.
CampbellCommunityCenter Oct21 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30190
AmazonCommunityCenter Oct22 Tu 2-4p $24 #29610
Hummus,tapenade,pesto/sun-driedtomatocreamcheese andmore.Getrecipesandtipsforcustomizingasyoumake acoupleamazingandsimplespreadsandappetizers,
includingsomegluten-anddairy-freeoptions.Takehome someofwhatyoumakeinclass.
Oct28 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30191
Oct29 Tu 2-4p $24 #29620
Learnhowtomakeavarietyofsmall-batchchutneys,a peanutsauceandothersavorycondimentsforIndianand otherAsianfoods.We’llmakethreedifferentonesinclass andyoucantakehomeashare.
Nov4 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30192
Nov5 Tu 2-4p $24 #29612
Learnhowtomakeavarietyofinfusedvodkas,fruitliqueurs andherballiqueurs.Takehomeasmalljarofyourfavorite. Bringacleanhalf-pintjarwithanewlidor$1topurchase frominstructor.
Nov12 Tu 2-4p $24 #29613
Nov18 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30193
Learntomakeavarietyofskincreams,lipbalms,herbal salvesandtincturesforgiftsoratreatforyourself.Take homesomelipbalmandherbalskincream.
Nov19 Tu 2-4p $24 #29614
Nov25 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30194
Learnthebasicsofmakingbarsoapfromscratch.Wewill discussthechemistryofsaponi�ication,propertiesof differentbaseoilsandlocalsourcesforfragranceoilsand otheradditiveswhilewemakeabatchofsoap.Youwillalso learnhowtomakeliquidsoapandtwoformsoflaundry soap.Takehomeashareofthesoapweproduce.
Dec2 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30195
AmazonCommunityCenter Dec3 Tu 2-4p $24 #29615
Gingercanbeusedforanumberofsweetorsavorytreats. Cookupabatchofcandiedginger,gingersyrup,gingersugar andpickledgingerforsushi.Theseallmakegreatgiftsand youcantakehomeashareofwhatwemake.
CampbellCommunityCenter Dec9 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30196
AmazonCommunityCenter Dec10 Tu 2-4p $24 #29616
Learnthreedifferenttechniquestomake�lavoredsugars andherbed,garlicandredwinesaltsforaspecial�inishing touchonyourfavoritefoods.Takehomeaportionofwhat wemakeinclass.
Dec16 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #30197
AmazonCommunityCenter Dec17 Tu 2-4p $24 #29617
All ages
Adaptive Recreation Services maintains a unique �leet of adaptive equipment, including beach and all-terrain wheelchairs, as well as three-wheeled bikes including recumbents, tandems and hand cycles. Individual and group services can be provided to support adaptive recreational equipment needs for people of varying abilities and skill levels, including �ittings and rentals. For more information call 541-682-5311 or visit GetRec.org/recadaptive.
All services at Hilyard Community Center
Staff assess needs and recommend equipment. Designed for people with limited mobility, disabilities, medical conditions or those who wish to preview equipment before rental or purchase.
Ongoing M-F 9a-5p $10 By appt only
To schedule an appointment call 541-682-5311
Available after initial �itting or assessment.
Ongoing M-F 9a-5p By appt only
$6/hour (up to 8 hours)
To schedule an appointment call 541-682-5311
Bike riders depart rain or shine from Campbell Community Center for in-town rides. Helmets are required, but weekly attendance isn’t. Electric bikes are welcome to join. Rides vary in length and time depending on ability.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Ongoing W 10a-12p Free Drop-in
No biking Dec 25
Azucarwasfoundedin2010.Welovetodance,performand teach.Nopartnerneeded.Noteligibleforscholarship.
Joinustolearntheversatilestyleofbachatapartnerdancing, urbanbachata.Youwillbeabletocon�identlydancetoany typeofbachatamusic,beitatraditionalsongoraremix.It combinestheplayfulsyncopationsoftraditionalbachata withgroovymovesofsensualandmodernbachata.Wewill teachfoundationelementsandourfavoritecombinations thatyouwillbeabletouseinsocialdancingrightaway.No partnerneeded.
Sep19-Oct10 Th 8-9p $40 #29441
Nov14-Dec12 Th 8-9p $40 #29439 NoclassNov28
Merengueisastyleofmusicanddancethatoriginatedinthe DominicanRepublicandisconsideredanimportantpartof thecountry’snationalidentity.Thedanceisatypeofwalked dancethat’saccessibletopeopleofalllevelsofexperience.
Sep19-Oct10 Th 7-8p $40 #29428
Cubansongreatlyin�luencedmodern-dayLatindanceand musicincludingsalsaandtimba.Thisisapartnerdance oftendancedcloseand“ontwo”rhythm.Noexperienceor partnerneeded.
Oct17-Nov7 Th 8-9p $40 #29440
RuedadeCasinoisafunandinteractivedancefromCuba.It isdancedinacirclewithmultiplepartnerswitchesandis theperfectwaytomeetandinteractwithavarietyofnew andinterestingpeople.Learnthe�ivefoundationmovesyou needtoknowtoparticipateinthisdynamicgroupdance.No experienceorpartnerneeded.
Sep18-Oct9 W 7-8p $40 #29432
Nov13-Dec11 W 7-8p $40 #29434
Intermediate/Advanced Cuban Salsa Rueda
Onceyouhavelearnedthe�ivefoundationmovesinthe beginnerclass,learntomakemorechallengingmove
combinations.Youwillalsoimproveleadingandfollowing skillsaswellaswheelawareness.Pastmoveswillbereviewed andnewmoveswillbetaughteachmonth.Nopartnerneeded.
Oct16-Nov6 W 7-8p $40 #29433
Nov13-Dec11 W 8-9p $40 #29438
Intermediate/Advanced Rueda Performance
Duringthissessionwewillimproveourstylingandmusicality bylearningaruedachoreographythatwillbeperformedata publicdanceevent.Performingisnotrequired.
Sep18-Nov6 W 8-9p $80 #29435
Intermediate/Advanced Cumbia
Cumbiareferstoseveralmusicalrhythmsandfolk-dance traditionsofLatinAmerica,generallyinvolvingmusicaland culturalelementsfromAmericanIndigenouspeoples, EuropeansandAfricanslavesduringcolonialtimes.This serieswillfocusonthecontinuationofcumbiamovement andpatterns.Participantsshouldknowthebasicsofcumbia toattendthisclassseries.Nopartnerneeded.
Oct17-Nov7 Th 7-8p $40 #29430
Intermediate/Advanced Cuban & Afro-Cuban Dance
Add�lavortoyourCubandancingbylearningpopularAfroCubanstyling.Thesemovementsfollowtheclave,drumand otherinstrumentsthatarepartofCubandanceculture.Each classwillfocusonanewpattern.
Nov14-Dec12 Th 7-8p $40 #29431 NoclassNov28
Ballet Ages 16+
Balletisthefoundationofdance.Initsstrict,yetbeautiful form,wewillintroducestudentstopositions,techniqueand terminology.Classwillbeginwithbarrewarmups,across the�loorroutinesandendwithadancewewillbeworking onthroughouttheseason.
Sep17-Nov19 Tu 5:30-6:30p $55 #30201
Dipyourtoesintodanceinthiswelcomingandfunclass. Learnthefundamentalsofballetthroughbarre,centerand across-the-�loorexercisestogain�lexibilityandstrength. Eachclassisuniquetotheparticipants.Alllevelswelcome.
Sep23-Oct28 M 5:15-6:30p $45 #29747
Nov4-Dec16 M 5:15-6:30p $45 #29748
Bellydanceisanancientartformwitharichhistory.Inthis classwe’llfocusonfundamentalmovementsandtechniques andwillincludecombinationsetsandchoreography.Gain improvedcorestrength,postureandbodyawarenessall whilehavingfun.Allbodieswelcomeregardlessofage, shapeordanceexperience.
Sep25-Oct30 W 6:30-7:30p $36 #29852
Nov6-Dec18 W 6:30-7:30p $36 #29853
DiscoverthefusionofPunjabitraditionandWesternbeats inBhangradance.LearnthebasicsofthisenergeticNorth Indianfolkdance,withahintofBollywood�lair.Enjoyan invigoratingworkout,excitingmovesandaddictivemusic. Getreadytosweatandhaveablast.
Sep26-Nov21 Th 5:30-6:30p $59 #30250
Getgroovingwithsetmovementsequencesthatengagethe fullbodyandstayintunewithyourmobility.Thisclassisa livelywaytoimproveyouroverallbalanceandtoneyour muscularsystem.Allabilities,agesandgendersare welcome.Sneakersarerequired.
Sep23-Oct28 M 6:30-7:30p $30 #29681
Thisclassisfordancerswhoarereadytotakethenextstep intheirmovementjourney.Jointhisclasstoparticipatein rehearsalsforperformancesinthelocalarea.Choreography willbecreated/directedbytheinstructorandoccasionally co-createdbyperformers.Dancestylesincludemodern, ballet,jazz,tapanddanceimprovisation.Byinvitationonly. FormoreinformationcallPetersenBarnat541-682-5521.
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 5:15-6:30p $45 #29848
Nov5-Dec17 Tu 5:15-6:30p $53 #29849
Feelthebeatandgetmovingtoahealthieryou.Thisisa dance-�itnessclassforallskilllevels.Movetomusicfromthe ’60stotoday,rocktojazzanddiscotoBroadway.Andwhile you’rehavingfunmovingtothemusic,you’llalsobe buildingstrength,�lexibilityandbalance.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:JayHall-Schnurrpusch
Sep26-Oct31 Th 12:15-1:15p $30 #29749
Nov7-Dec19 Th 12:15-1:15p $30 #29750 NoclassOct24,Nov28,Dec12
Thisisanopeninvitationtotryinternationalfolkdancing. Learnandenjoydancesfromallaroundtheworld.Stay youngandkeep�it.Noexperiencerequired.Newdancers arealwayswelcome.Nopartnerneeded.
Ongoing M 1-2:30p #29406 Termfee$7ordrop-in$0.50/day NoclassNov11
Danceisandalwayswillbeexpressingyourselfthrougha seriesofmovements!Hiphopcanbesuchafungenretodo so.Learnsomerhythmandfunkystepsandalsoincorporate abitofjazzfootwork.Let’sgetdownwiththebasicsofhip hopandcreatesomethingentertaining!
Sep20-Nov22 F 6-7p $55 #30200
Allexperiencelevels,bodiesandgendersarewelcome.This classwillexploresethiphopsequencesasagroupand guidedfree-�lowexplorationsindividually.Comedevelop yourmovesinasafespaceallowingyoutoexpressyourself andfeelcon�ident.Sneakersaresuggested.
Sep23-Oct28 M 7:30-8:30p $36 #29682
Céili(pronounced“kay-lee”)isatraditionalsocialdancefrom Ireland.It’srelatedtocontraandsquaredance,butalittle fasteranddancedtoIrishmusic.Verybeginner-friendly,no partnerrequired.
Instructors:GriffinFickes&ShannonBrown(she/her) Alllevels
Oct1-Nov26 Tu 7-8:15p $45 #29630
Oct1-Nov26 Tu 8:15-9p $27 #29631
Learnthefundamentalsofjazzthroughcenter-andacrossthe-�loorexerciseswhileworkingonrhythm,syncopation andstyle.Smalldancecombinationswillbetaughtfeaturing jazzmusicfrommanyerastocombinealloftheelements learned.Jazzshoesarerecommendedbutnotrequired.All levelsarewelcome.
Sep25-Oct30 W 5:15-6:15p $36 #29981
Nov6-Dec18 W 5:15-6:15p $36 #29982 NoclassNov27
Linedancingisgoodexerciseforyourbrain,itcanhelpwith balanceandit’slowimpactonyourjoints.Meetnewpeople andhavefunwhileexercisingtoavarietyofmusic.Wear loose,coolclothingandshoesthatwillslideonthe�loor.No partnernecessary.Ifyoualreadyhavelinedancing experienceandknowthebasicsteps,givetheLineDance, BeyondBeginningclassatry.
Sep17-Dec17 Tu 2:30-3:30p $84 #29414
Sep19-Dec19 Th 2:30-3:30p $72 #29415
NoclassNov14,28 BeyondBeginning
Sep17-Dec17 Tu 1-2p $84 #30397
Learnthebasictechniquesforcouplesdancing,allsetto popularmusic.Buildyourrepertoireandgaincon�idenceon thedance�loorinafunandwelcomingenvironment.Partner required.
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 6-7:15p $36 #29601
Nov5-Dec17 Tu 6-7:15p $42 #29602
Thisclasswillcovershortsequencesofdancemovesthat arefunandaddvarietytoalltypesofpartnerdancing.These patternsaredesignedto�itthephrasingofmostdance musicnomatterwhatgenre.Thisisanintermediateclass andpriorexperiencewithsocialdanceisaprerequisite. Partnerrequired.
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 7:30-8:45p $36 #29603
Nov5-Dec17 Tu 7:30-8:45p $42 #29604
Learnthebasicsofmoderntapwithdrillsandshortdancesin thisfunandeasyclass.Allarewelcomeregardlessofability. Opentoallageswherethefocusisonfunexercisetomusic.
Sep23-Dec16 M 9:30-10:30a $72 #29743
Sep23-Dec16 M 6:45-7:45p $72 #29746
Oct4-Dec20 F 11:30a-12:30p$60 #29745
Sep23-Dec16 M 10:30-11a $36 #29744
Joinustolearnthelegendary“Thriller”dancefromthe iconic1983musicvideo!OnOctober26,you’llhavethe optiontoperforminzombiecostumewithThrilltheWorld EugeneatAmazonCommunityCenter (see page 41). Dancersofallagesandabilitiesarewelcome.Registration isrequired.
Sep26-Oct24 Th 5:30-6:30p Free #30077
Designedtoimprovebonehealth,muscularstrengthand balance,thisclassincludesstrengthtraining,aerobic exerciseand�lexibilityandbalancemovements.Fitness levelsfrombeginnertointermediatearewelcome.
Sep19-Dec19 Th 3-4p $66 #29741
Sep19-Dec19 Th 4:15-5:15p $66 #29742
ThisshorterandlowerimpactversionofthepopularZumba classformatstillhasallthefunkymusicandjamming moves.Ifyoustrugglewithstamina,mobilityorbalance,but stillliketogetyourgrooveonandyourheartpumping,this classcouldbeforyou.
Instructor:KhalilaCharles Sep17-Oct22 Tu 10:15-11a $36 #29447
Thisclassisdesignedspeci�icallyforpeoplewitharthritis. Learntousegentlemovementstoincrease�lexibilityand maintainmusclestrength.Alsohelpsreducestiffnessand pain.Allarewelcome.
Ongoing MW 11:45a-12:45p Drop-in Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 59. NoclassNov11,Dec25
Thisclasshelpswithmusclepliabilityanddurabilityaswe age,throughgentletechniquesforstretchingandimproved overallmovement.Practicestrengthandbalancemovements thatwilltrainyourbodytosupportyouineverydayfunctions, especiallywhenyou’renotthinkingaboutit.Thosewhohave bene�itedincludepeoplerecoveringfromfractures,softtissue injuries,sedentarylifestyleandage-relatedandneuromuscular diseaseprogression.Modi�icationsgivenforallabilitylevels. Noequipmentisneeded.No�loorwork.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:EricBeins
Sep25-Dec18 W 12-1p $72 #29541
Sep27-Dec20 F 12-1p $66 #29542
Thisclassisidealforpeoplewithneuromuscularchallenges (Parkinson’s,mildstroke,multiplesclerosis)thatmaycause lossofbalanceandcoordination.Theseclassesengagethe brainandbodytoencouragemore�luid,balanced movementandimprovestrength,agilityandgait.Thosewho needindividualassistanceshouldbringapersonalsupport workerorcareprovider.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:EricBeins
Oct1-31 TuTh 12-1p $75 #29544
Nov5-26 TuTh 12-1p $53 #29545
Dec3-31 TuTh 12-1p $53 #29546
Oct1-31 TuTh 2-3p $75 #29465
Nov5-26 TuTh 2-3p $53 #29466
Dec3-31 TuTh 2-3p $53 #29467
Researchshowsexercisecanstrengthenbones,improve balanceandincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Every exerciseisadjustedtoyourability.Anexcellentclassfor thosewithosteoporosisorosteopenia.Thevirtualclassis nowaseparateregistrationfee.
Oct7-Dec16 M 1:30-2:30p $54 #29599
Oct8-Dec17 Tu 9-10a $60 #29600
Oct9-Dec18 W 3-4p $60 #29611
Oct10-Dec19 Th 9-10a $60 #29635 NoclassNov11,25,26,27,28
Oct7-Dec16 $60 #29637
Defeatthelossofbonedensitywhileyouimprovebalance andincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Thisclassisamore advancedversionofHealthyBonesFitness.Thevirtualclass isnowaseparateregistrationfee.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:ThomasFate
Oct7-Dec16 M 3-4p $54 #29639
Oct8-Dec17 Tu 10:30-11:30a $60 #29640
Oct9-Dec18 W 1:30-2:30p $60 #29641
Oct10-Dec19 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #29642 NoclassNov11,25,26,27,28
Virtual Instructor:ThomasFate
$60 #29643 NoclassNov25
Thisclassisstructuredtoimproveendurance,energy, functionalstrengthandbalancefordailyactivityand recreation.Participantsareeducatedandledtoincreasethe heartratesafely,observetheirrateofperceivedexertionand adjustactivityaccordingly.Thosewhohavebene�itedinclude peoplerecoveringfromfractures,softtissueinjuries, sedentarylifestyleandage-relatedandneuromuscular diseaseprogression.Modi�icationsgivenforallabilitylevels. Noequipmentisneeded.No�loorwork.
Sep23-Dec16 M 12-1p $66 #29543 NoclassNov11,25
HIIT,orhigh-intensityintervaltraining,usesshortburstsof intenseexercisewithshortbreakstoprovideanexcellent strengthandoverall�itnessworkout.Allequipmentprovided.
Sep30-Dec16 M 6-6:45p #29504
Oct2-Dec18 W 6-6:45p #29505
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 59.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassNov11,27
Discovertechniquestoenhanceyourawarenessofyourbody’s overallpositionandhowminoradjustmentscanleadto signi�icantimprovementsthroughoutthebody.Thisclass exploresthedistinctionsbetweenactiveandpassiveranges ofmotion,andtheimpactthesedifferenceshaveonyour mobility.We’lldelveintomethodstoexpandandfortifyyour rangeofmotion,initiatingtheprocessoffreeinguprestricted bodypartsandfosteringmorepain-freemovement.
Oct1-Nov5 Tu 10-11a $40 #29634
Learnhowtoweighttrainsafelyandeffectively.Weight trainingincreasesstrengthandpower,helpswithweight lossandisimportantforlong-termhealth.Getyour�itness journeystartedtherightway.
Sep30-Dec16 M 4:45-5:45p #29502
Oct2-Dec18 W 4:45-5:45p #29503
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 59.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassNov11,27
AikidoisatraditionalJapanesemartialartbasedon nonaggressionandnonviolentself-defense.Classesfeature ki (energy)exercisescombinedwithself-defensetechniques inasafeandsupportiveenvironment.Alllevelswelcome.
Instructor:WayneVincent Sep17-Oct21 TuTh 7-8p $112 #29680
Try Aikido for Free Registrationisrequired.
AmazonCommunityCenter Sep12 Th 6:45-7:45p Free #29897
Fencingisaclassicmartialsportwithmuchhistory,art,style anddramaaswellasbeingafunphysicalactivity.Thisclass seriesisanintroductiontofoilfencing.Itconcentrateson discipline,balance,coordination,sportsmanshipandabove all,fun.Equipmentwillbeprovided.
Beginning Sep25-Nov13 W 7-8p $120 #30083
Intermediate Sep25-Nov13 W 8:15-9:15p $120 #30084
Qigongisaself-healingartthatcombinesmovementand meditation.Regularpracticeofqigongcanreducestress, establishbalanceandintegratethemind,bodyandspirit. Thispracticeisbestknownforafocusonbreathingandis usedasahealingexercise.ClassesatAmazonCommunity Centerareheldoutdoors.
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$36 #29677
Nov5-Dec10 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$36 #29678
Intermediate Sep24-Dec10 Tu 12:30-1:15p $72 #29679
Instructor:MariahCarter Sep16-Dec2 M 1-2p $66 #29857 NoclassNov11
ThisancientChineseartusesround,�lowingmovements combinedwithcalmnessandinnerbalance.Learnaseries ofslowmovementsthatpromotebetterhealth,balance, �lexibilityandreducedstress.Theclassincludesproper form,bodyalignment,breathing,energycultivationand energyawareness.
Sep16-Oct28 M 10:45-11:45a $42 #29632
Nov4-Dec16 M 10:45-11:45a $36 #29633
Sep18-Oct30 W 10:45-11:45a $42 #29673
Nov6-Dec18 W 10:45-11:45a $42 #29674
Sep16-Oct28 M 9:30-10:30a $42 #29671
Nov4-Dec16 M 9:30-10:30a $36 #29672
Sep18-Oct30 W 9:30-10:30a $42 #29675
Nov6-Dec18 W 9:30-10:30a $42 #29676
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:JamesMoffat
Sep30-Dec9 M 9:30-10:30a $60 #29659
Intermediate Oct2-Dec11 W 9:30-10:30a $66 #29660
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:KyleRipka
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$42 #29735
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$36 #29736
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 12:45-1:45p $42 #29737
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 12:45-1:45p $36 #29738
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 2-3p $42 #29739
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 2-3p $36 #29740
TaichiistheancientChinesemartialartwidelyrecognized asthepowerfulwaytoimprovebothphysicalandmental health,betterbalance,relievepain,lessenstressandcalm themind.Thisclassteachesthe42CombinedFormandthe medicalqigongusingthetraditionalChinese/Japanese method.
Oct1-Dec12 TuTh 2-3p $120 #29657
TryTaiChi&QigongforFree Sep26 Th 2-3p Free #29658
Thisspeciallydesignedclassfocusesonthehealthbene�its forpeoplewithmobilityandbalanceproblems.Gentle exerciseintheformoftaichistrengthensmusclesand improvesstamina,bloodcirculation,balanceandrelaxation.
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:JamesMoffat
Sep30-Nov4 M 12-1p $36 #29597
Nov18-Dec23 M 12-1p $36 #29598
Ongoing MW 11a-12p Drop-in 10-usecardfor$55,TaiChiforBalanceIntermediateclassonly NoclassSep16,18,23,25
DanceAbilityInternational’smissionistodissolvebarriers andconnectpeoplewithandwithoutdisabilitiesthrough danceandmovement.Thismissionisaccomplishedthrough classes,workshopsandeventsforadultsandchildren, performances,teachertrainingsandeducationalmaterials forteachersofinclusivedance.Learnmorebyemailing info@danceability.orgorcalling541-357-4982.
Thisinformalgroupofwheelchairusersmeetsatvarious locationsinEugenetoexplorepathsandtrailsandconnect socially.Opentoregularorsituationalwheelchairusers.For moreinformation,callHilyardat541-682-5311oremail Lorenatlcush9@hotmail.com.
Locationsvary Ongoing W 10a-12 Free Drop-in
Getatasteoftherulesandhowtoplayoneofthefastestgrowingsportsoutthereinthesefreesessions.Registration required.Equipmentprovided.
ChurchillSportsParkPlayground,2120BaileyHillRoad Sep17 Tu 5:30-7p Free #30204
WestmorelandPark,TaylorStreet&West20thAvenue Sep24 Tu 5:30-7p Free #30206
River Walking Group ■ 3 See key on page 62.
Thisweeklygroupmeetstowalktheriverpathtogether. Distanceanddestinationvarydependingonwhoshowsup.
Ongoing Tu 10-11:30a Free Drop-in
These classes are open to ages 16+.
For class fees at City pools, see pool admission fees, page 59. No classes during pool closures, classes vary during holiday schedules, see page 59. Schedule may be subject to change.
Focusonrelievingchronic,limitingpainthroughslow movementthroughthewater,deepbreathing,stretchingand meditation.A�lowingseriesofexercisesarerepeatedand emphasisrangeofmotion,balanceanddeepbreathing.
Ongoing WFSu 9-10a Drop-in
OngoingfromOct15 TuTh 2-3p Drop-in
Thisbuoyancy-supported,deep-waterexercisewillhelpyou increasemusclestrengthandtonebyusingwaterresistance andequipment.
Ongoing TuTh 8:45-9:45a Drop-in
Toneindividualmusclegroups,strengthencoremusclesand improvebalanceinshallowanddeepwater.Suspended exercisesenhanceposturalbene�its.Excellentclassforthose newtowaterexerciseorrecoveringstrengthand�lexibility. Upperbodystrengthisenhancedwithresistanceequipment.
Ongoing MW 8:45-9:45a Drop-in
Ongoing TuTh 8:45-9:45a Drop-in
Thisclasscanhelppeoplewitharthritisexercise,reduce painandimprove�lexibilityandstrength.Thisfunclassis taughtinshallowwaterandisexcellentforthosewith generalmuscleorjointstiffnessorchronicpain.
Ongoing TuTh 10-11a Drop-in
Flotationfacilitatesthesenon-impactdeep-waterworkouts. Totalbodyimmersionequalstotalbodyworkout.Allmajor musclesarestrengthenedwiththeaddedchallengeofa cardiovascular�itnessworkout.Intensitylevelsarevariedto accommodateyourexerciseneeds.Furtherstrengthgains areofferedbyusinghand-heldbuoyant-resistantequipment.
Ongoing M-Th 6:30-7:30a Drop-in M-Th 7:30-8:30a Drop-in
Ongoing M-Th 6-7p Drop-in
F 9:30-10:30a Drop-in
F 10:30-11:30a Drop-in
Thisisalow-impact,water-supportedexercisefordeveloping cardiovascular�itness.Toningandabdominalexercisesare included.Upbeatandsimpleenergeticroutineskeepyoumoving.
Ongoing MW 10-11a Drop-in
Enjoyafriendlygameofvolleyballinthepool.Thegames takeplaceinthedeependofourindoorpool.Useaprovided �lotationbeltortreadwaterifyou’relookingforachallenge.
MW 1-2:30p Drop-in
F 5:30-7p Drop-in
Sa 12:30-2p Drop-in
Fora�irst-timewater�itnessattendee,thisclassprovides thebasicsyouneedandstillgivesyouagreatworkout.Walk orruninchest-deepwaterusingtravelingmoves.Suspended, supportedexercisesareofferedforadditionalbalanceand stabilizationchallenges.
Ongoing TuTh 9:30-10:30a Drop-in
See pages 90-91.
Yogarejuvenatesthemind,bodyandspirit.Gentleexercises toneandstretchmusclesandworktobalanceeverysystem inthebody.Itimprovesoverallhealthandwell-being.Yoga matsareavailableorbringyourown.Allmobilityandskill levelswelcome.
Sep23-Dec9 M 5:30-6:30p $66 #30248
Sep26-Dec12 Th 9:15-10:15a $66 #30247 NoclassNov11,28
Sep18-Oct23 W 5:30-6:30p $36 #30377
Oct30-Dec18 W 5:30-6:30p $42 #30378 NoclassNov27
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 9:05-10:05a $42 #29729
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 9:05-10:05a $36 #29730
Oct4-Dec20 F 9:05-10:05a $60 #29731 NoclassOct25,Nov29
Sep18-Oct23 W 9-10a $36 #29448
Nov13-Dec18 W 9-10a $36 #29449
Feelbetterthroughmovement.Experiencereleasefrom stressandfatiguethroughthisgentleyogaapproach designedtoaccommodatepeoplewithphysicallimitations. Thisclassistaughtwhileyouaresittinginachair.
AmazonCommunityCenter Instructor:PaulSimon
Sep29-Dec12 Th 10:30-11:30a $66 #30249 NoclassNov28
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:MariahCarter
Sep18-Dec4 W 3-4p $72 #30369
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:PaulSimon
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 10:15-11:15a $42 #29732
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 10:15-11:15a $36 #29733
Oct4-Dec20 F 10:15-11:15a $60 #29734
Thisgentleyogaclassisdesignedspeci�icallyforpeople livingwithchronicneuromuscularconditionssuchas �ibromyalgia,multiplesclerosis,Parkinson’sandLou Gehrig’sdisease.Posesaremodi�iedforthoseneeding adaptations.Modi�iedYogaclasshasahybridoption.For thoseinperson,individualsmustbeabletobeindependent orhavesomeonetoassist.Yogamatsandblocksprovidedas needed.Forthevirtualoption,Zoomlinkwillbesentto patronsuponregistration.In-personregistrationisavailable onamonthlybasis,alongsidethevirtual10-usecard.
HilyardCommunityCenter Instructor:KateCleary Oct7-28 M 11:45a-1p $30 #29457
Nov4-25 M 11:45a-1p $22 #29458
Dec2-30 M 11:45a-1p $37 #29459 10-usecardfor$75,ModifiedYogaclassonly NoclassNov11
TheVeteransAdministrationhostsayogaclassforVeterans throughitsWholeHealthProgram.JoinotherVeteransin thissupportiveandrelaxedenvironment.
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:AlexandraLevine
Sep22-Dec29 Su 9:30-10:30a Free #29450
The Athletics Of�ice is in Graham Field House at 2190 Polk St., phone 541-682-5409. Registration for all activities is through teamsideline.com/eugene. This webpage has all of the latest schedules, scores, standings and registration materials for current leagues and more. Also visit us on the web at GetRec.org/athletics or facebook.com/eugathletics.
Did you know we now offer pickleball for various levels of play? Check out our programs for those who have played for years and for those who have never touched a paddle. Our up-to-date registration information can easily be found on our website. Come join in the fun!
Contact the Athletics staff for info and applications for use of the City’s outdoor sports �ields and the joint school district/City of Eugene arti�icial turf �ields.
Like sports? Want to earn extra money? All of the adult sports leagues are looking for new of�icials. No experience necessary. Contact the Athletics of�ice or: Soccer: Cindy Wilgus, lcsra.org/join-lcsra
Softball: Ray Cunningham, 541-321-5990
Volleyball: Kathy Ipock, 541-510-0112
Registration is by individual only, no team registration.
Individual and team registration
For the most up-to-date schedule, visit GetRec.org/pools or give the pools a call.
Lap Swims Ages 13+
No matter what your level is, we have a lane for you. Lap lanes are available for slow, medium and fast swimmers. Children ages 12 and younger must be accompanied by an adult and must be swimming laps.
Amazon Pool, Sep 3-Nov 1
M-F 5:30–8a Sa 7:30a-2p
11a–2p Su 11a-2p
Echo Hollow Pool, Sep 3-Dec 21
Indoor Pool Outdoor Pool
M-Th 5:30-6:30a M-F 5:30–8a
11:15a-1p 10:30a-2p
F 5:30a-1p 5:30-8:30p
5:30-7p Sa 11a-2p
Sa 11a-12:30p
Sheldon Pool, Sep 16-Dec 21
MW 5:30a-3:30p F 5:30a-1p
7-8:30p 5:30-7p
TuTh 7-8:30a Su 10:30a-1:30p 10a-2p
See page 55.
Ages 13+
Space in the pool for on-your-own �itness.
Amazon Pool, Sep 3-Nov 1
Deep Water
M-F 5:30-8a Sa 7:30a-2p 11a-2p Su 11a-2p 5:30-8:30p
Echo Hollow Pool, Sep 3-Dec 21
Indoor Pool Outdoor Pool
M-Th 11a-1p M-F 10:30a-2p F 6:30a-1p Sa 11a-2p
M-F 5:30-6:30p Sa 11a-12:30p
Sheldon Pool, Sep 16-Dec 21
Deep Water Shallow Water Lap Pool
MWF 5:30-9:30a MW 8-9:30a
MW 11:30a-3:30p F 8-11a
TuTh 5:30a-2p Shallow Warm Water Pool
5:15-6p MWF 8-9a
F 5:30-9:30a TuTh 8:30-9:30a 11:30a-1p M-F 11:30a-1p
5:15-8:30p M-Th 3-4p
Su 10:30a–12p F 4:30-6p Su 10-11a
All entry requires an admission fee for ages 3 and up. Children age 2 and under are free with a paid adult. Effective Oct. 1, passes will be 25% extra for nonresidents. *Additional charges for more than 5 people.
Swim Diapers Policy: City of Eugene swim facilities require swim diapers that are elastic fitting around the legs and waist for non-toilet trained individuals.
Our �itness centers offer cardiovascular equipment, including treadmills and stair masters, as well as weight equipment designed to work speci�ic muscle groups.
Use of the �itness centers requires an orientation if you haven’t used the facility before, and we must have a signed consent form on �ile. Open to adults ages 18 or older.
• Youth age 16 to 17 must have a guardian signed consent form on �ile.
• Youth age 13 to 15 must have a guardian signed consent form on �ile and must have an adult present.
• Youth age 12 and younger are not permitted to use the �itness centers.
Echo Hollow Pool, Sep 3-Dec 21
M-F 5:30a-8:30p
Sa 11a-2p
Sheldon Pool, Sep 16-Dec 21
M-F 5:30a-8:30p
Su 8:30a-1:30p
Spa Hours Ages 15+
Amazon Pool, Sep 3-Nov 1
See lap swim hours.
Echo Hollow Pool, Sep 3-Dec 21
See outdoor lap swim hours.
Sheldon Pool, Sep 16-Dec 21
M-F 5:30a-8:30p
Su 8:30a-1:30p
Amazon Pool
Sep 2 Holiday schedule: Lap Swim 11a-4:30p, Rec Swim 2-4:30p
Nov 2 Closed for season
Echo Hollow Pool
Sep 2 Holiday schedule: Lap Swim 11a-1:15p, Rec Swim 1:45-4:30p
Nov 11 Closed for holiday
Nov 28-29 Closed for holiday
Dec 22-Jan 5 Winter break schedule
Dec 25 Closed for holiday
Jan 1 Closed for holiday
Sheldon Pool
Aug 31-Sep 15 Closed for maintenance
Nov 11 Closed for holiday
Nov 28-29 Closed for holiday
Dec 22-Jan 5 Winter break schedule
Dec 25 Closed for holiday
Jan 1 Closed for holiday
at City of Eugene Adaptive Recreation!
Anopportunityforadultstolearnhowtosetupandinitiate multi-daybackpackingtrips.Allequipmentisincluded exceptpersonalclothing.
PretripOct1 Tu 5:30-8:30patRiverHouse
Trip Oct5-6 SaSu Overnight $310 #29722
Explorethebeautifulcoveredbridgesscenicbikewaywitha wonderfulgroupofpeople.Thetouris36milesandincludes exploringdowntownCottageGroveforlunch,gettingthe bestviewsofDorenaLakeandseeingmultiplehistoric coveredbridges.Asafebikeandhelmetarerequired.Ifyou needtorentabike($30),call541-682-6358oremail nasher@eugene-or.govafterregistration.
Oct19 Sa 9a-5p $100 #30268
Acoursespeci�icallyforthosewhoidentifyasfemale.Gain con�idence,increaseskillonthetrailandridewithother supportivewomenmountainbikers.Signupforoff-roadfun atanepicenterformountainbikinginOregon.Noexperience necessary.AbuswillruntoandfromtheRiverHouse.Bring water,lunchandawell-maintainedmountainbikeortryone ofourdemobikesatnoadditionalchargethankstoa donationfromtheJuliaFudgefamily.Call541-682-5329at leastaweekaheadifyouneedtoborrowanygear.
MeetatRiverHouseOutdoorCenter Oct12 Sa 9a-5p $180 #30220
Thisclasscoversinformation,skillsandtechniquestogive ridersthecon�idencetheyneedtoridesafelyandlegallyin traf�icandonpaths.Thecoursecoversbicyclesafetychecks, laws,saferidingtechniques,on-bikeridingskillsandcrash avoidancemaneuvers.Thiscoursepreparescyclistsforafull understandingofvehicularcyclingandisgreatforbeginning andexperiencedcyclists.Asafebikeandhelmetareneeded inthisclassaswewillbedoingonroadridingandparking lotskillsanddrills.
MeetatRiverHouseOutdoorCenter Oct26 Su 9a-5p $60 #30271
Thisbeginningclassincludesanevening�latwatersession andtwofulldaysontheriver.Youwillkayakrapidsupto ClassII.Practicepaddlingskills,readingwater,running rapids,whitewatersafetyandriverknowledge.All equipmentprovided.Bringaswimsuitandlunchonthefull days.Choosefromhard-shell,sit-on-toporin�latablekayaks.
PretripOct16 W 5:30-9:30patRiverHouse
Trip Oct19-20 SaSu 10a-4p $210 #30224
Practiceyourpaddlestrokesanddevelopyourkayakrollin anindoorpool.Bringyourownthoroughlycleanedboatand gear.Noinstructionprovided.Noregistrationneeded.Youth under13musthaveanadultguardianpresent.Formore informationcall541-682-5329.
Oct3-Dec12 Th 8:30-10p $6 Drop-in NosessionNov28
Opportunitiestoworkonyourkayakrollingskillswith instructors.Priceincludesboat,skirtandpaddleandpool entrancefee.Bringyourownnoseplugandgogglesifyou needthem.Formoreinformationcall541-682-5329.
Oct24 Th 8-10p $45 #30228 Nov21 Th 8-10p $45 #30229
Thiskayakclassisdesignedforthosewhoidentifyasfemale andwanttobuildtheircon�idenceonwhitewater.The courseisagreat�itforpeoplewhocurrentlyfeeltheyhave
theskillstotackleClassII/IIIwhitewater,butoftendon’t becausetheydonothaveasupportnetworktofeel comfortablepushingharder.Eachdaywillbuildonskills fromthepreviousday.
PretripSep19 Th 5:30-9patRiverHouse Trip Sep21-22 SaSu 9a-5p $255 #29717
TheWomen’sRowingClinicprovidesanopportunityfor peoplewhoidentifyasfemaletolearnhowtorowaraft amongstacohortofpeers.Participantswilllearntorigand rowaraftandlearnaboutequipment,hydrology,reading andscoutingrapids,safetyonandoffthewater,planningfor adayoutingandbegininngplanningformulti-day expeditions.Allraftingequipmentprovided.
RiverHouseOutdoorCenter Oct12 Sa 9a-5p $90#29718?
Surfkayakingisafantasticwaytoincreasekayakingskillina funandexhilaratingway.Thesurfkayakprogramutilizes waveskisanddeckedsurfkayakstoteachparticipantsnot onlytheskillsneededtosurfkayak,butspeci�iclessonsrelated tothesurfzoneandsur�ingetiquette.Theprogramis designedforbeginnersandexperiencedpaddlersalikeand isguaranteedtoincreaseyourkayakingskills.
Nov13 W 5:30-7:30p Nov16 Sa 9a-5p $160 #30233
Explore a 1.4-mile out-and-back trail with 330 feet of elevation gain - a moderate trek with a lovely waterfall as the payoff. We will share a lunch in Sweet Home near Foster Lake Reservoir before headingback to town. Purchase your own lunch.
Meet at Amazon Community Center Nov 20 W 9a-3p $42 #29892
Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited. Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.
Spend Thanksgiving hiking the Drury Ridge Loop Trail at Shotgun Creek Recreation Area, a 3.1-mile trek with a 623foot elevation gain. Take in the fall foliage, mushroom sightings and crisp air. Bring a lunch – turkey or tofurkey sandwiches strongly encouraged.
Meet at Amazon Community Center
Nov 28 Th 9a-1p $27 #29893
This program provides opportunities to enjoy nature through the vertical lens of climbing. Classes vary from oneday evening programs to multi-day excursions and trips to climbing destinations.
Meet at River House Outdoor Center Day Trip
Sep 21 Sa 9a-5p $100 #29714
Oct 19 Sa 9a-5p $100 #29715
Evening Climbs
Sep 12 & 19 Th 5:30-8:30p $60 #29711
Oct 9 & 16 W 5:30-8:30p $60 #29713
All sessions meet at Richardson Marina, Dock B, Fern Ridge Lake. Marina parking requires a Lane County fee of $5/day, $50/year; purchase online at lanecounty.org. For more information call 541-682-5329.
Join sailing instructors for a sail on evening breezes as the sunlight fades. No sailing experience required. Bring a picnic dinner, place settings and nonalcoholic drinks in nonbreakable containers. We will stop for dinner. Each person must register.
Sep 13 F 5-9p $70 #30267
Enjoy sailing at Fern Ridge Lake and watch the sun dip below the horizon. No sailing experience is required. Bring a picnic dinner and nonalcoholic drinks in a nonbreakable container.
Sep 20 F 5-9p $70 #30337
Is the lake calling your name? Explore our sailboats and learn the basics of sailing on a keelboat or polish up on techniques that you have not used in a while. No experience required.
Sep 14 Sa 3-7p $70 #30262
Try sailing, practice sailing or just enjoy a night on the water with a friend and learn more about sailing. Women’s sailing nights are for everyone, from those who have never sailed to experienced women working on improving their sailing skills.
Sep 10 Tu 5-9p $70 #30263
Sep 17 Tu 5-9p $70 #30264
Are you taking a sailing class and need a little more time on the water? Practice under the coaching of Eugene Rec sailing staff. Registration is required.
Sep 10 Tu 5-9p $70 #30340
Lessons can be held on the City’s 24-foot keelboats and can be about docking, heavy and light air sailing, ree�ing, crew overboard and more. You set the goals and we help you achieve them. Lessons are subject to lake level and instructor availability. For more information email riverhousecenter@eugene-or.gov.
$70/hour with a minimum of 3 hours By appt
This course is designed to build a general understanding of stand-up paddleboarding techniques. It will present the skills needed to paddle effectively in �latwater and entry level river conditions where wind, waves and current may be present. We’ll cover stand-up paddleboarding history and equipment, paddling technique, balance, foot work, safety, rescue and the foundations needed to excel as a lifelong paddler.
Pretrip Sep 25 W 5:30-8:30p at River House Trip Sep 28-29 SaSu 10a-5p $210 #30236
Sur�ing a stand-up paddleboard is an incredible way to have fun, build endurance and balance and solidify techniques that transfer to all other areas of stand-up paddleboarding. We offer options to utilize both river and ocean waves. This teaches the difference between SUP sur�ing in the river and ocean. It gets you up and sur�ing. The program is designed for beginners and experienced paddlers alike and is guaranteed to increase your paddleboarding skills.
Pretrip Oct 23 W 5:30-8:30p at River House Trip Oct 26 Sa 7a-7p $160 #30237
EachyeartheRiverHouseoffersopportunitiesforpaddlesports professionalsandenthusiaststoearninternationallyrecognized instructorcerti�icationsthroughtheAmericanCanoe Association. Avarietyofcerti�icationlevelsanddisciplinesare availableandarechosenbasedoncommunityneeds.Current ACAinstructorscanearntheupdaterequirementtokeep certi�icationscurrentduringthesecourses.
Nov1-3 F-Su 9a-5p $300 #29710
Nov8-Nov10 F-Su 9a-5p $300 #29708
Sep13-15 F-Su Overnight $300 #29721
Sep16 M 9a-5p $75 #30396
Learntoskippera24-footsloop-riggedkeelboatinlightto moderatewindsandseaconditions.Learnbasicsailing terminology,parts,functions,helmcommands,docking,sail trim,pointsofsail,buoyage,seamanshipandbasicnavigation rulestoavoidcollisionsandhazards.Gaincon�idencewith lotsofhands-onpractice.EarnyourASA101BasicKeelboat SailingCerti�ication.Thecoursecomprisesa3-hourclassroom sessionfollowedbyfouron-the-watersessions.
ASAmembershipis$39additional,requiredforcertification. Veteransreceivea$50discountontheclassandASA membershipfeewaived.
Classroom Sep10 Tu 6-9patRiverHouse
Water Sep14-15 SaSu 2-7p Sep21-22 SaSu 2-7p $500 #30336
Gaintheskillsandcon�idenceneededinswiftwaterrescue situations.Thiscourseisidealforallriverpaddlingenthusiasts, �irstrespondersandriverguides.Learnskillsrangingfrom hydrology,hazardavoidanceandtripplanningtoself-rescue, in-waterrescues,roperescuetechniquesandrescueteam management.
Sep28-29 SaSu 9a-5p $180 #30223
Ournewhybridformatbeginswiththreeweeksofonline learningincludingreadings,videosandquizzes.Youwill spend10to15hourseachweekintheonlineportionandbe requiredto�inishassignmentstoprogress.Youwill completeyourcoursewitha�ive-dayin-personprogram focusingonskillsandscenarios.Thesearethelast�ivedays ofthelistedcoursedates.Uponcompletion,youwillbeable toconductathoroughphysicalexam,obtainapatient history,assessvitalsigns,provideemergencycareinthe wildernessandmakecrucialevacuationdecisions.You’ll learnintheclassroomandinoutdoorsettingsregardlessof weather,socomepreparedforwet,muddy,coldorhot environments.Registeronlineatwww.nols.edu/portal/ wmi/courses/22158orcall866-831-9001.
Dec17-Dec21 Tu-Sa 8a-5p $825
Thishybridformatrecerti�icationcourseblendsonline learningwithscenariosandskillsemphasizingdecisionmakingandcurriculumupdates.Onlineworkallowsyouto reviewthecurriculumatyourownpaceandthenfocuson thehands-onelementduringthistwo-daycourse.Onceyou areregistered,allonlinecomponentsmustbecompleted beforethecourse.IncludesCPRtrainingandcerti�ication. FortheOctobertraining,registeratwww.nols.edu/portal/ wmi/courses/22156.FortheDecembertraining,registerat www.nols.edu/portal/wmi/courses/22157.Orcall866831-9001.
Oct19-20 SaSu 8a-5p $355 Dec14-15 SaSu 8a-5p $355
Explore the ecology and management of Eugene’s beautiful parks with Eugene Rec and Parks and Open Space staff. These free, interpretive walks highlight the diversity of parks in the City and showcase improvements driven by the 30-year Parks and Rec System Plan and the 2018 and 2023 Parks and Rec Bond and Levy passed by voters. Registration is required. For more information call 541-682-6323.
Wild Iris Ridge ■ 3 / ■ 4 See key on page 62.
Take a walking tour through the westernmost Ridgeline Park. View majestic oaks, learn about habitat restoration and wild�ire risk reduction efforts. This tour may be on both gravel trails and mowed, unsurfaced grassy paths. Wear sturdy boots or shoes.
Meet at the trailhead kiosk at the end of Bailey View Drive. From West 18th Avenue and Bailey Hill Road, go south on Bailey Hill Road, turn left on Warren Street at the light. Take the first right to stay on Warren. Then take the first right onto Summit Terrace. Drive uphill past Spooky Hollow, then turn right on Bailey View Drive and proceed down the road for curbside parking.
Oct 5 Sa 9-11a Free #30238
Delta Ponds ■ 2 See key on page 62.
Walk an accessible 1.4-mile gravel surface loop path all the way around Delta Ponds Park. Learn about this 30-year-long project from inception to completion, including �ish habitat
restoration, volunteer efforts and recreational access. Limited parking.
Meet at the main paved parking lot on Goodpasture Island Loop, across from Wimbledon Court.
Nov 2 Sa 9-11a Free #30240
December’s destination has yet to be selected, but information will be updated at GetRec.org/register as soon as one is organized.
Location TBD
Dec 7 Sa 9-11a Free #30244
Tap into your inner artist as we celebrate the positive power of creativity. Each class we will have fun exploring the elements of art and color using a variety of media: watercolor, oil pastel, felt-tip, graphite pencil, charcoal, chalk pastel and colored pencil. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Hollie Roman
Sep 16-Dec 16 M 10:30a-12:30p $125 #29397
Sep 17-Dec 17 Tu 10:30a-12:30p $125 #29398
No class Nov 11, 12, 25, 26
Art journaling allows you to express yourself through a combination of art and words. It can include techniques such as drawing, painting, writing, doodling, collaging and sketching resulting in a journal �illed with color, art and imagery with words. You have total creative freedom as the focus is on the process of creating and self-expression rather than a particular end result. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Denise Zanetta
Oct 30-Dec 18 W 10a-12p $96 #29778
This workshop is an informal gathering of artists of all kinds. Enjoy a great studio space and great company. No instructor. Bring your own supplies.
Campbell Community Center
Sep 16-Dec 30 M 1-4p
$0.50/day Drop-in
Sep 17-Dec 31 Tu 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Sep 18-Dec 18 W 9a-12p $0.50/day Drop-in
No class Nov 11, Dec 25
Learn safe and fun woodworking skills. This class is designed for beginners or anyone who wants to learn their way around the Campbell Woodshop. Make a beautiful laminated cutting board or choose a different project. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Len Gould
Oct 2-30 W 6-8:30p $130 #29664
Lottery #29663, see box.
Open specifically to those who identify as female
Instructor: Ron Peterson
Oct 1-Oct 29 Tu 6-8:30p $130 #29666
Lottery #29665, see box.
This single evening class is a tour of the Campbell Woodshop and teaches safe techniques to utilize the bigger tools. Learn how to properly use the table saw, band saw, drill press and planer. Campbell Woodshop is a community space available for woodworking projects.
Campbell Community Center
Nov 25 M 5:30-8p $10 #29410
Open to adults who want to use a work space and tools for wood projects. Sign in and pay at the front desk before entering the shop. Orientation required for new users.
Campbell Community Center
Ongoing M-F 9a-3p Th 5-8p $4/day Drop-in
No woodshop Nov 11, 28, 29, Dec 25
Use your woodworking skills to build an artful pendulum wall clock. Clock and wood choice options discussed in the �irst class. Basic woodworking and safe tool usage skills required. Clock mechanism and wood stock supplied.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Mike Rau
Oct 7-28 M 5-7p $115 #29396
Learn the basics of wood turning on a lathe by creating your own writing pen. Make the perfect gift. Safety, tools and materials will be discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructors: Richard Wright & Larae Palmer
Oct 4 & 18 F 5:30-8p $58 #29412
Nov 4 & 18 M 5:30-8p $58 #29411
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Sept. 5-10. No payment is due at this time.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Sept. 16, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Sept. 22 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on Sept. 23. Use the registration code (not italics) to register. For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
The health bene�its of developing a regular gratitude practice have received a lot of attention recently, and this workshop is designed to accentuate life’s positives. Participants will make one or more images on a 3-by-5-inch card that re�lect what they are most grateful for. The cards will be reproduced so that each participant will leave with their originals, along with copies of everyone else’s cards. Together, we will create a “Gratitude Deck” to use as a way to increase our sense of appreciation and well-being.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Christina Salter (she/her)
Nov 16 Sa 9a-12p $30 #29453
Create beautiful rugs through this traditional craft. For information on cost and supplies contact Carol Fegles at 541-343-5896.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Carol Fegles
Ongoing 2nd & 4th Th 9a-12:30p Membership fee
No class Nov 28
Play with �iber from wool and paper to bamboo and silk and have fun in the process. New members may attend the �irst meeting for free. Each month features a different �iber craft project. Meetings may have hands-on activities or presentations.
Campbell Community Center
Ongoing 3rd Tu 9a-12:30p
Membership $20/year or drop-in fee $5/meeting
Masks have been used throughout time and across cultures in a myriad of ways: to express, to conceal, to fantasize, to entertain, to protect and to empower. Mask making is an excellent way to explore different aspects of our identity and expand upon our sense of self. Using plaster and gauze, we will cast impressions of our faces that can then be decorated and embellished to create unique representations of who we are or who we want to be.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Christina Salter (she/her) Oct 12-19 Sa 9a-12p $40 #29452
Learnintuitivepainting,aprocessthatintegratescreative expression,self-careandconnectionwithothers.These circlesareforeveryone:folkswithnoartisticexperienceand folkswithestablishedpractices.Allyouneediscuriosity aboutwhoyouareandwhatyourauthenticcreativityfeels like.Webeginwithanembodimentpractice,sharingtime andmeditation.Allmaterialsprovided.
Oct3,17 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #29533
Nov7,21 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #29534
Dec5,19 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #29535
Inthisbeginningprintmakingclass,useGelliplates, plexiglass,�ishmodels,stencilsandlinoleumblockstocreate oneofakindprints.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Nov1-Dec13 F 1-3p $80 #29536 NoclassNov29
Helpmakequiltsandquiltkitsforindividualsandcommunity groupstopickup,puttogetherandreturnfordistributionto at-riskchildreninLaneCountythrough15community agenciesandshelters.Ifyoulikequilting,cuttingand sewing,helpyourcommunitybyjoiningthisgroup.
Ongoing Th 12:30-4p Free Drop-in NoclassNov28
Gatheringofartistswhoenjoysumi-eandwhoexploreink andJapanesewatercolorandwash.Enjoystudiospaceand greatcompany.Noinstructor,bringyourownsupplies. Registrationrequired.
Ongoing Th 1-4p $7/session #29864 NoclassNov28
Practiceandexperimentwithnewtechniques.Learnfrom andpaintalongwiththeinstructor’sdemonstrationeach week.Workatyourownpaceanddevelopyourownstyle. Thisclassisdesignedforartistswhopossessafoundationin watercolortechniques.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Oct2-Nov13 W 1-4p $112 #29624
Oct3-Nov14 Th 1-4p $112 #29625
Senior Law Service Ages 60+
SeniorLawServiceoffersfreelegalservicestothosewith lowtomodestincome.Assistancewillbeprovidedconcerning anylegalmatter,includinghousing,�inancialorpersonal.
Ongoing Sa 9-11a Free Byappt Toscheduleanappointment,call541-402-2241
SeniorHealthInsuranceBene�itsAssistanceconductsoneon-oneappointmentswithindividualstoanswerquestions aboutMedicarehealthinsurancecoverage,formsandmore.
Ongoing M 1-4p Free Byappt
86HungerispartneringwithAmazonCentertoservemadeto-ordermealstocommunitymembersonthesecondand fourthweekendofeverymonth(SaturdayandSunday). Donationsareaccepted.Forinformationvisit86hunger.org.
AmazonCommunityCenter Ongoing 2nd&4thSa/Su 12-2p Free Drop-in
Awonderfulholidayshoppinglocationwithgreatgiftsfor all.Thisannualfundraisingeventincludescrafts,books, quilts,woodenitems,raf�les,bakedgoods,breakfastsnacks andlunch,preservesandmorethan100silentauction items.Thesaleisopentothepublicandadmissionisfree. Vendortablesareavailablefor$30fora6-foottable.To registercall541-682-5318.
CampbellCommunityCenter Nov16 Sa 9a-3p Free Drop-in
All ages
JoinThrilltheWorldEugenefortheirpartintheannual worldwideperformanceof“Thriller”fromtheiconic1983 musicvideo.Watchstellardancersfromourcommunity performwhiledressedtotheninesintheir�inestzombie garb.Thisisafreeevent.DonationssupportShelterCare.
Oct26 Sa 1:30-3p Free Drop-in
Ongoing Th 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Thisserieswillteachyoutherules,techniquesandstrategy toplayAsianmah-jongg,afunandsocialgamethatcombines skillandchance.
CampbellCommunityCenter Beginner
Sep20-Oct11 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #29507
Intermediate Oct18-Nov8 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #29508
Ongoing W 1-4p Drop-in
Ongoing F 12:15-3:30p $2.25/day Drop-in NobridgeNov15,29,Dec13
Thisannualtournamentisalwayslotsoffunwithprizes, refreshmentsandfriendlycompetition.SignupatCampbell CommunityCenterbyDec.11withapartner,orwewill attempttomatchyouwithapartnerifyouregisterasa single.Registerinadvanceinperson,cashonly,andcallif youcan’tattendatthelastminute.
CampbellCommunityCenter Dec13 F 12:30-4p $8cash
Tabletennishasbeenshowntoimprovemotorsymptomsof Parkinson’sandincreasemovement,hand-eyecoordination andstrength.Plus,it’sfunandagreatwaytomeetothers. Sessionsarespeci�icallyforthosewithsymptomsof Parkinson’s.
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing Tu 2-4p Free Drop-in
Enjoyagameortwoofpinochlewithareaseniors. Newcomerswelcome.
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing F 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in NopinochleNov15,29
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Ongoing MF 12:30-4p$0.50/day Drop-in NopinochleSep2,Oct25,Nov11,29
Ongoing M 8:30a-7:30p Tu-F 8:30a-4:30p $0.50/day Drop-in NopoolNov11,28,29,Dec25
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing Tu 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Areyousomewherebetweenbingoandbridge?Try Scrabble,cribbageandSkip-Bo.We’llalternatethesegames inaregularpatterninthisfriendlygroup.
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing W 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in NogamesDec25
Tabletennisistheperfectgameforalmosteveryonebecause itprovidesexercise,recreationandasocialoutlet.Playina friendlyatmosphereopentoallskilllevels.Limitedpaddles andballsavailableforuse.
Ongoing MF 12-3p $0.50/day Drop-in NotennisSep6,Nov11,29
Ongoing MF 9-11:45a $0.50/day Drop-in NotennisNov11,15,29
Parlezfrançais!ThisweeklyFrenchimmersionisofferedby anativespeakerentirelyinFrenchforyoutopracticethe languageyoulove.Participantsmustbeabletoexpress themselvesinthelanguage.Comeandshareyourexperiences withus.
Sep23-Oct28 M 1-2:30p $48 #29810
Nov7-Jan2 Th 1-2:30p $56 #29811
ImmerseyourselfintherichmusicalheritageofFrancewith thisengagingcourseoncontemporaryandtraditionalFrench songs.SinginFrenchinarelaxedandfunatmospherewhile improvingyourvocabularyandpronunciation.Havefun while weexploreavarietyofsongsthatspanfromtheRenaissanceto moderntimes.Thisbilingualclass(withastrongemphasison French)isperfectforpeoplewhohavestudiedsomeFrench previously(advancedbeginners) toadvancedlearners.Join usandexperiencethejoyoflearningFrenchthroughmusic.
Sep26-Oct31 Th 1-2:30p $48 #29809
ThisclasswillintroduceyoutotheItalianlanguageand culturewithafocusonbasicconversationskills,useful vocabularyandphrasesforthetraveler.Smallclasssizesallow forindividualattention.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Sep23-Dec30 M 12-2:30p $196 #29569
Sep26-Jan2 Th 8:45-11:15a $182 #29570 NoclassNov14,28
LearnItalianlanguageandculturewithafocuson conversation,verbsandtensesinasmallclasssetting. Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:SiedImani
Sep23-Dec30 M 9-11:30a $196 #29571 NoclassNov11
ThiscoursewillintroduceyoutotheSpanishlanguageand culturewhileteachingyouhowtoaskquestionsand comprehendbasicinformation.You’lllearnhelpfulvocabulary andphrasesfortravelinginasmallclass.Materialsdiscussed in�irstclass.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:SiedImani
Sep23-Dec30 M 6:30-8:30p $140 #29564
Sep24-Dec31 Tu 9-11a $140 #29563
Sep27-Jan3 F 10a-12p $130 #29565
ThiscourseisacontinuationofSpanish,Beginningwithan emphasisonvocabularyandgrammar.Withsmallclasssizes, you’llimprovepronunciationandincreasecomprehensionof thelanguagethroughaguideddialogue.Materialsdiscussed in�irstclass.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:SiedImani
Sep24-Dec31 Tu 11:30a-1:30p$140 #29566
Sep25-Dec18 W 6:30-8:30p $130 #29567
Gobeyondthebasicsinthisconversationalclass.You’lllearn toeasilyspeakSpanish,developyourconversationskills usingpropergrammarandhavesomefuntoo.Smallclass sizeguaranteesyou’llhaveplentyofpersonalattention.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:SiedImani
Sep24-Dec31 Tu 2-4p $140 #29568
ThisbeginningChineseclassisdesignedforstudentswho havenobackgroundinthelanguage.Theclassgoalistohelp studentslearnbasicMandarinChinesewiththeemphasis ondevelopingpracticallisteningandspeakingskills. Chinesecharacterswillnotbeincludedinthiscourse.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:ThomasWetherell
Sep27-Dec13 F 2:15-4:15p $140 #29662
Intermediateplayerswelcomewithacousticinstruments only.Elevateyourmoodandplayingstylewithsongsfrom the1920sto1950sfromBobWillstoDjangotoGershwin. Wewillfocusonvocalharmoniesandinstrumental improvisation.Musicprovidedorshared.Bringamusicstand.
1st&3rdF 10a-12p #29812
Thisnon-ampli�iedmusicalgroupisforindividualswhoplay astringedinstrumentorharmonicaandenjoyplayingmusic withothers.Bringyourinstrumentandjoinin.
Sep19-Dec26 Th 10a-12p #29399
Oct11-Dec17 2nd&4thF 10a-12p #29813
Termfee$3ordrop-infee$0.50/day NojamNov14,28,29,Dec26
AnintroductiontotheworldofBossaNova,thisclass requiresthatthestudentcankeeptheirinstrumentintune atalltimes,knowsatleastonemajorscaleandatleast�ive major,minoranddominantchords.Classeswillfocuson basicrhythmicvariations,placementofbassnotes,chord voicingsandintroductionstoscalesrelevanttothepieces taughtinclass.Studentsmustprovidetheirowninstrument. Anylonstringguitarisrecommended,butnotrequired.
Oct1-Dec17 Tu 6-7p $120 #29667
AdeeperdiveintototheworldofBossaNova,thisclass requiresthatstudentscankeeptheirinstrumentintuneat alltimes.Inaddition,studentswillknoworhavetheability tolearnallmajorscales,chordinversionsandnavigationup totheeighthfretandhigher.Classeswillfocusonbasic rhythmicvariations,placementofbassnotes,chordvoicings andintroductionstoscalesrelevanttothepiecestaughtin class.Studentsmustprovidetheirowninstrument.Anylon stringguitarisrecommended,butnotrequired.
Oct1-Dec17 Tu 7:15-8:30p $120 #29668
Lightweightframehanddrumsareprovidedtoenhancethe naturalrhythmsofbreath,natureandvitality.Learnthe fundamentalsofdrumming.Live.Laugh.Drum.
Sep26-Oct31 Th 2-3:30p $45 #29532
Oneofthejoysoflearningamusicalinstrumentiseventually playingwithothers.Youknowafewsongs,you’vepracticed themforhoursandmostofthetimeyoucannailthemwhen you’replayingalone.Butplayingwithotherscanbe intimidating.Thisseminarisforyouifyouplayaninstrument andwouldlikestartplayingwithothers.Learnhowjams work,howtoprepareforoneandsomejamsession etiquette.Bringyourinstrument.
Oct7 M 10a-12p $10 #29863
Thisukulelelearninggroupwillgetyoustrummingand singing.Playsongsyouhaveheardfordecadesandsongs youmayhaveneverheard.Bringaukeorrentonebythe monthandlearntotuneit,holditandcareforitaswellas yourownhands.Startgood�ingeringhabits,learnsome chordsandelevateyourmoodasyougo.Ukulelesavailable forrentfor$20permonthpaidtotheinstructor.
Sep18-Dec11 W 9-10a $72 #29791
Sep18-Dec11 W 2-3p $72 #29793
Ifyoualreadyhavethebasicsoftheukuleledownthisclass willhelpyoubeginpluckinguptheneck,�ingeringfancier chordsandlearningchord/melodyarrangements.Explore differentstylesofmusicthathavefoundahomeontheuke andlearnalittlemusictheoryifyouwant.Beautifulsounds areatyour�ingertips.Ukulelesavailableforrentfor$20per monthpaidtotheinstructor.
Sep18-Dec11 W 10:30-11:30a $72 #29795
Sep18-Dec11 W 12-1:30p $84 #29797
All presentations are for ages 50+ unless noted otherwise. All presentations are free, but registration is required. More presentations are on pages 42-43.
TheimpactofAlzheimer’sdiseaseisgrowing.Throughthis seriesofclasses,theAlzheimer’sAssociationhopestoraise awarenessinthecommunityandbringeducationtothose affected,theircarepartnersandlovedones.
Attendeeswillgainanunderstandingofthedifference betweenage-relatedmemorylossandAlzheimer’sandwhat todoiftheyorsomeonetheyknowhassignsofthedisease.
Sep13 F 11a-12:30p Free #30284
Oct9 W 10-11:30a Free #29801
Effective Communications
Explorehowcommunicationtakesplacewhensomeonehas Alzheimer’s,learntodecodetheverbalandbehavioral messagesdeliveredbysomeonewithdementiaandidentify strategiestohelpconnectandcommunicateateachstageof thedisease.
Nov8 F 11a-12:30p Free #30288
Understanding Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Alzheimer’saffectspeopleinvaryingwaysandripplesoutto affectthelivesofthosewhointeractwiththem.Understanding whatishappeningtoapersonwithAlzheimer’siskeyto interactingeffectivelyandprovidingqualitycare.Thisclass includesinformationfromexpertprofessionalsinthe�ield and�irst-handaccountsfrompeoplediagnosedwith Alzheimer’sdisease.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Dec4 W 10-11:30a Free #29803
Thisclasswillcoverwhyfoodaddictionisoneofthemajor issuescontributingtothecurrentobesityepidemic.Learn howtodealwithfoodaddictiontoobtainthehealthyou deserve.
Presenter:ScottWagnonPA-C,EugenePlantBasedProviders Sep16 M 10-11:30a Free #30073
Curiousaboutbrainfog?Cometothispresentationtolearn whatbrainfogis,itsmaincausesandhowtoimproveit. Evaluateyourcurrentbrainhealthhabitsand�indoutabout doable,evidence-backedstrategiestobettermanagebrain foggydays.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching Sep16 M 5-6p Free #29621
Theadvancedirectivetellshealthcareworkerswhatlevelof lifesupportandcareyouwishtoreceive.
Presenter:JoelT.Smith,attorney,CascadiaEstatePlanning Sep17 Tu 2-3:30p Free #29703 Nov19 Tu 2-3:30p Free #29704
AnexpertfromtheAARPFraudWatchwillshineaspotlight onscamsandconartists.Scammersstealbillionseveryyear fromolderadults–andyoungerpeople.Learnaboutthe latestscamsandfraudandgaininsightsandtoolstoprevent fraud.Youhavetospotascamtostopascam.
Sep20 F 2-3:30p Free #30078
LearnthebasicsofMedicare.We’lltalkabouteligibility, enrollmentandwhatpartsA,B,CandDcoverandcost.Ifyou arenewtoMedicareorwouldlikeabetterunderstandingof it,thenthisclassisforyou.
Sep24 Tu 1-2p Free #30380
Oct29 Tu 11a-12p Free #30381
Nov12 Tu 11a-12p Free #30382
Dec3 Tu 1-2p Free #30383
Sep26 Th 10-11a Free #29796
Oct8 Tu 1-2p Free #29798
Nov5 Tu 1-2p Free #29799
Nov19 Tu 1-2p Free #29800
Although chronic in�lammation may go unnoticed, there are diet, lifestyle and environmental choices you can make in your everyday life that have the power to tame your internal �lame and support a balanced in�lammatory response.
Campbell Community Center
Presenter: Yaakov Levine, nutritional health coach, Natural Grocers
Sep 27 F 2-3p Free #29874
Learn how you can budget your money in an ever-changing economy on a �ixed income. Learn how to build a budget and feel con�ident about your �inances.
Campbell Community Center
Presenter: Tyler Holden, branch manager, WaFd Bank
Sep 30 M 10-11a Free #30203
Does it seem your ability to move worry-free was not that long ago?Do you need to build more strength, stamina and balance butaren’t sure how to go about it, or if it’s even possible? Learn a simple, six-step, repeatableprocess that builds on itself and keeps getting better. Walk away with a plan. Workshop notes provided.
Campbell Community Center
Presenter: Eric Beins, movement lifestyle coach, 2nd-Half Fitness
Oct 4 F 1:30-2:30p Free #29878
Nov 1 F 1:30-2:30p Free #29876
Dec 6 F 1:30-2:30p Free #29877
Learn how you can age at home, recognize when it’s time to move to a care community and learn about senior care communities themselves.
Campbell Community Center
Presenter: Ronit Cohen, PT & owner, A Home to Fit You
Oct 4 F 2-3:30p Free #29850
Nov 4 M 10:30a-12p Free #29851
This session introduces the death doula approach to end-oflife care and planning. End-of-life doulas provide nonmedical holistic physical, emotional and spiritual support to people and their families as they go through their end-of-life journey.
Campbell Community Center
Presenter: Karuna, Karuna Doulas
Dec 6 F 9:30-11:30a Free #30210
Learn about three habits of mind (recognize, regulate and resource) to help you more effectively respond to daily challenges with less stress. Identify your energy needs to function at your best effortlessly.
Amazon Community Center
Presenter: Leilani Sáez, Natural Capacities life coaching
Oct 7 M 5-6p Free #29622
Discovertheimportanceofchoosingfoodswith�iberto preventandreversechronicdiseaseslikeobesity,diabetes mellitusType2,cancer,kidneydiseaseandsomeautoimmune disorders.Themicrobiome,in�lammationandserotoninwill alsobediscussed.
Oct11 F 2:30-4p Free #30074
Thisworkshopisaneasy,freewayforOregondriversto createsaferstreetsforeveryone.Lawsandinfrastructure designedforpeoplewalkingandridingbikescanbeconfusing fordrivers.Scenariosincludedinthecoursewillhelptake theconfusionoutofwhytheselawsexistandhowthis infrastructureshouldbeused.Asaresult,you’lllearnhow youcanbeasafer,morefriendlydriveronOregonroads.
Presenter:DrewPfefferle,programcoordinator, SafeLaneTransportationCoalition
Oct14 M 5:30-7p Free #30156
Oct21 M 6-7:30p Free #30283
Apresentationanddiscussionsessiononwills,trustsand designatedbene�iciariesinestateplanning.
Oct15 Tu 2-3:30p Free #29698 Dec17 Tu 2-3:30p Free #29700
Learnfromaretiredphysician,withover40yearsinpractice, howmedicineusessciencetorecommendvariouscourses oftreatment.Theinformationisintendedtobepractical, givingtheaudiencetoolstounderstandandevaluatetheir practitioner’srecommendations,andhelpinmakingthe bestdecisionsrelatingtoone’sownhealthcare.
Presenter:MichaelWeinstein,MD,retired Oct25 F 10-11a Free #30317
You’veheardabouttheimportanceofproteininyourdiet buthowmuchdoyoureallyknow?Elevateyournutrition gameandlearntheidealproteinquantityforyourindividual needs,thebestfoodsourcesfortop-qualityproteinandthe diversearrayofproteinsupplementsavailable.
Presenter:YaakovLevine,nutritionalhealthcoach,NaturalGrocers Oct25 F 2-3p Free #29875
Ifyoucanspotascam,youcanstopascam.Learnthesix signsofascamandcreateyourownelevatorspeechsoyou canhelpothers�ightbackagainstfraud.
Presenter:AARPOregon Oct29 Tu 11a-12p Free #30080
TheOregonHealthAuthorityrecentlypublishedguidelines foruseofmushroompsychoactivemedicinestherapyfor end-of-lifechallenges.Scienti�icdatashowthesemedicines cansigni�icantlyassistseniorsinapproachingend-of-life withpeaceofmindandlackoffear.Thispresentationwill summarizedatasupportingtheuseofpsychoactivemedicines forend-of-lifecareandtheOregonHealthAuthoritystatutes.
Presenter:Karuna,KarunaDoulas Nov4 M 3:30-5:30p Free #30327
Haveyoueverlookedatyourmemorabiliaandwondered, “Doesthisbelonginamuseum?”Joinapanelofmuseum expertsandseewhatmuseumslookfor,howbesttostore
yourmemorabiliaandwhatexactlyisworthsavingversus repurposingelsewhere.InpartnershipwiththeShelton McMurpheyJohnsonHouse.
Nov8 F 2-3:45p Free #30072
We’veallheardofthedaringmissionsand“cloakand dagger”activitiesoftheOf�iceofStrategicServicesduring WorldWarII.Wecannamethemen,butdidyouknowthere weremorethan4,000womenwhocontributedtothese operations?We’llcoverafewofthefemalespies,analysts andotherexpertswhoservedinthatcriticalorganization.
Presenter:DebSorensen,TrainerdebConsulting Nov18 M 3:30-5p Free #29882
Learnaboutthepowerofwonderforimprovingyourwellbeing.Wewilluseasimplebutpotentstrategytoenhance yourmindandhowyoufeelby�indingwonderinallkindsof everydayplaces.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching Nov18 M 5-6p Free #29623
Whileage-relatedcognitivedeclinemightseeminevitable,it doesn’thavetobe.Theformulaforsupportingourbrainand memoryissimple.Discoverhowgoodnutritionandhealthy habitscansupportourmemorythroughoutourlifespan.
Presenter:YaakovLevine,nutritionalhealthcoach,NaturalGrocers Nov22 F 2-3p Free #29870
Thisclasswilldiscusshowourlifestylechoicesaffectourlives andhowwecanbestpreventandreverseheartdiseaseand riskfactorsforstroke.Thesixpillarsoflifestylemedicine (whatweeat,howwemove,thechemicalswechoose,sleep, stressandsocialconnection)willbeaddressed.
Presenter:CharlesRoss,DO,EugenePlantBasedProviders Dec13 F 10-11:30a Free #30075
Whilemostpeopleagreevitaminsbene�itourhealth,many don’tunderstandhowtheyprovideimmunesupport.Proper nutritionandsupplementsupportwillensureyourbodyis readytohandlewhatevercomesitswaythiswinter.
Presenter:YaakovLevine,nutritionalhealthcoach,NaturalGrocers Dec27 F 2-3p Free #29868
A weekly social lunch. Menus vary, call the day ahead to request a vegetarian option. No registration is required. Every fourth Wednesday of the month is a birthday celebration. Each luncheon is followed by penny bingo.
Campbell Community Center
Ongoing W 12-1p $8/day Drop-in
No lunch Nov 27, Dec 11, 25
This is your opportunity to �ind out what Campbell Community Center is all about. Join staff and volunteers for information about the variety of programs, services, trips, classes and activities offered and take a tour of the center.
Campbell Community Center
Oct 4 F 2-3p Free #29991
For members of the Barnies Lunch Club. Monthly potluck lunch followed by an educational presentation. For more information call at 541-682-5521.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Oct 7, Nov 4, Dec 2 M 11:30a-1p #26121
Membership dues $5/calendar year ($6 out of district)
Thank you to all the Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Free breakfast for military veterans, $3 for family and friends. Doors open at 7:45 a.m., breakfast served at 8 a.m. To register call 541-682-5318.
Campbell Community Center
Nov 8 F 8-9a $3 #29442
Feast on turkey with all the trimmings for the annual Thanksgiving meal. Join us again for a pork tenderloin holiday meal in December. To request a vegetarian option, let us know upon registration by phone.
Campbell Community Center
Nov 27 W 11a-12p $11 #29992
Dec 11 W 11a-12p $11 #29995
Celebrate the holidays with your family at Petersen Barn Community Center. Enjoy a delicious meal of ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, salad, rolls and dessert. Special holiday entertainment will follow the meal. Each family member must be registered.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Dec 12 Th 5:30-7:30p $11 #29829
Thiscourseisdesignedformotoristsages50andolderbut isopentoallages.Itwillsharpenyourskillsandhelpyou avoidaccidentsandtraf�iccitations.Autoinsurance discountsmaybeavailabletoparticipantsages55andolder whocompletethissix-hourcourse.
Oct18 F 9a-4p #30001
Nov8 F 9a-4p #30003
Oct16 W 9:15a-4:15p #29789
Basedontheworldcafé,thisprogramisdesignedtoengage peopleinconversationswiththepurposeofcreatingadeeper senseofcommunityandconnectionandanappreciationof sharedwisdomonourlife’sjourney.Smallgroupswilldiscuss avarietyoftopicsrelatedtoaginginanaccessible,respectful andcon�identialspace,alongsidenourishingrefreshments. Sometopicsincludetransitionsandchanges,gratitude,thejoy oftheordinaryandpreparingfordeath.
Facilitator:ChrisEilers,olderadultbehavioralhealthspecialist, LaneCountyHealth&HumanServices
Oct8 Tu 10:30a-12p Free #30047
Nov12 Tu 10:30a-12p Free #30048
Bringasmallapplianceorelectronicdeviceforrepairor adviceonusage.
Ongoing 3rdW11a-12p Free Byappt
Ongoing 1stM 1-1:30p Free Byappt Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5521
Jointhispeer-ledgroupwhereyoucanrollupthesleeveof yourwritingarmandborrowtoolsfromthewriter’skitto addmuscle.Later,asyoureadyourcraft-creation,youcan quietlyenjoyexperiencingtheregardofyourpeers.
Sep19-Dec26 Th 10:30a-12:30p #29814
AtaDeathCafépeopledrinktea,eatcakeanddiscussdeath. It’sagroup-directeddiscussionofdeathwithnoagenda, objectivesorthemes.Itisnotagriefsupportgroupor counselingsession.Thegoalofthisgroupistoincrease awarenessofdeathtohelppeoplemakethemostoftheirlives.
Nov18 M 10:30a-12p Free #30208
Dec16 M 10:30a-12p Free #30209
Learnthebasics,tips,tricksandaccessoriestofreemotion quiltonasewingmachine.Startcreatingyourownunique quiltsandgifts.Thisseminarisledbyaninstructoranddoes notrequireasewingmachine.Hands-onpracticecanbehad attheQuilting,ComfortsforKidsgroupeachThursday afternoonatCampbellCenter (see page 68).
Nov7 Th 11a-12:30p $10 #29582
Learnhowtosafelyidentifyandconsumewildmushrooms. Discovertheirhabitats,whichmushroomstoavoidand whichediblesareeasiesttoidentifyand�ind.Includesan edibleandnon-ediblemushroomdisplayandwild mushroomtastingbasedonseasonandweatheravailability.
Sep27 F 7-9p Free #30085
Have you decided to use Ancestry.com to learn more about your family’s history?This workshop will cover the basics of getting started with the Ancestry.com program, how to search for ancestors and other family members, creating trees and managing the settings, �inding source documents and basics of genealogy.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Deb Sorensen, Trainerdeb Consulting
Oct 21, 28 M 10:30a-12p $5 #29881
In this fun class we watch movies from Iran, Italy, Mexico and more. No knowledge of foreign language required, just enjoy movies and discuss other cultures, traditions and history.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Sied Imani
Oct 9-30 W 1-3:30p $48 #29815
What will you do on the �irst day of your retirement? Have you thought about what you will do with 40 hours of free time a week?This workshop is intended for people who think they may be one to two years away from retiring.Like your �inancial plan to spend your hard-earned savings, we will help you write your retirement plan to spend your valuable time. Now is the time to carefully plan your later.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Lori Kievith, semi-retired leadership coach & training consultant
Sep 24-26 TuTh 5:30-8:30p $10 #30076
The Petersen Barn Bookies meet the third Tuesday of each month. This book group will select books of all genres including �iction and non�iction. Registration required.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Ongoing 3rd Tu 1-2p $0.25/day #29869
Caring successfully for a loved one requires compassion, patience, and knowledge of elder care. Learn the importance of your role as a caregiver to help maintain the physical and mental well-being of your loved one while encouraging independence. We’ll expand on navigating long-term options, planning for end-of-life care, the importance of self-care, and more. This class allows you to meet others with the same challenges and rewards of being a family member caregiver.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Ronit Cohen
Sep 19-Oct 17 Th 10a-12p $10 #29847
No class Oct 3
Take part in a facilitated discussion group. Topics range from health and wellness to current affairs. A safe space for senior women to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences with other women. For adults who identify as female.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Oct 8-Dec 10 Tu 2:30-3:30p Free #29827
This course takes you through planning, organizing and beginning to write your memoirs. Everyone has a story to tell and the journey back can be an enlightening and validating experience. In class we aim for an interactive group offering support and encouragement to our fellow writers. Weekly continuous attendance is recommended in order to achieve continuity and progress in writing your life story.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Marita Nelson
Sep 17-Nov 19 Tu 1-3p $62 #29492
See page 12 for:
ALS Support Group
Amputee Support Group
Aphasia Conversation Group Brain Injury Support Group Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon
Explore the humanities and arts and sciences and connect with other interesting and interested adults at OLLI-UO! Our program offers lectures, courses, and study groups year-round, all for a single three, six, or twelve-month fee.
Visit us at the UO Baker Downtown Center on Tuesday, September 10 at 10:30 a.m. for our Fall Expo event—or contact osher@uoregon.edu to attend one free lecture or class session.
Learnorimproveyourskillsusingemail,theinternet,word processing,managing�ilesandmore.Youcanalsogethelp solvingproblemswithyourcomputerorlaptop.Setupan hour-longin-personappointmenttogethelpwithyour computerormobiledevice.
Ongoing MTuThF 1-3p $30/hour Byappt Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5318
Frustratedorwanttolearnmoreaboutyourphone?The futureishere,andyourphonecanbeyourlinktoit.Useyour phoneasacomputer,searchtheinternetandcommunicate withpeopleallovertheglobe.
Oct1-3 TuTh 2:30-4p $25 #29859
Youcanuseyourphoneforbasicfunctions,butyouwantto increaseyourknowledgeand�indoutwhatallthoseapp iconsdo.Seehowyourphonecanhelpyouindailyroutines.
Nov5-7 TuTh 2:30-4p $25 #29860
Youdon’tneedacameraaroundyourneck.Yourphoneisa highresolutioncamerathattakeshigh-qualityphotosand video.Learnhow,plushowtosendphotostofamilyand friends.
Dec3-5 Tu 2:30-4p $25 #29862
See pages 46-47.
LaneCountyHealthandHumanServicesstaffwillbe availabletoprovidefreehealthscreeningstohelpidentify potentialriskfactorsassociatedwithyourmood,sociallife orsubstanceusepatternsinrelationtoaging,aswellas identifyingaccessibleresourcesandsupports.
Ongoing 3rdW11a-1p Free Drop-in
Ages 50+
Learnfromourinstructors,aswellasyourfellowclassmates. Afterabrieflearningsession,wewillengageandconnect witheachotherthroughgamesandsmallgroupdiscussions designedtoexploreavarietyoftopicsincludingmental health,resilience,socialconnectionsandful�illinglifestyles.
Facilitator:ChrisEilers,olderadultbehavioralspecialist, LaneCountyHealth&HumanServices
Ourbody’sabilitytomanagethein�luenceofpsychoactive substanceschangesasweage.Exploretheimpactof substanceuseandmedicationsonourhealth,aswellas waysthattheycanenhanceourlives.
Oct14 M 10:30a-12p Free #29879
Get Activated
Participantswilllearnabouttherelationshipbetweenaging anddepression,includingavoidancebehaviorsthathavea negativeimpactonhealth.Explorewaystogetactivated, includingthecreationofanactionplanandrecruitingsocial supports.
Dec9 M 10:30a-12p Free #29880
Dates Day Time Title
Sep21 Sa 9:30a-2p
Sep25 W 9a-2p
Sep27 F 9:45a-3p
OregonFlock&FiberFestival $30 82 PeteBarn
DowntownSalemLoreWalkingTour $35 82 PeteBarn
ChintiminiWildlifeCenterTour $50 83 Campbell
Sep28 Sa 10a-5p CorvallisFallFestival $42 83 Amazon
Oct3 Th 9a-6p PortlandArtMuseumFreeThursdays $58 83 Amazon
Oct3 Th 9a-5p HopscotchPortland $65 83 Campbell
Oct8 Tu 9a-4p MysteryTrip
Sep7-20,2025 Overnight
TheOregonFlockandFiberFestivalis�illedwithdemonstrations, livestock(sheep,goats,llamasandalpacas)andanexpansive marketplacewithover100vendorsshowcasingawidearray of�ibergoodsandaccessories.Purchaseyourownlunch.
MeetatPetersenBarnCommunityCenter Sep21 Sa 9:30a-2p $30 #29873
LearnallaboutdowntownSalem’scaptivatingandsometimes scandaloushistoryontheJohnRitter’sStoriesofthe UndergroundandDowntownSalemLorewalkingtour. FromGothicbuildingsontheNationalHistoricRegisterto eye-openingfactsaboutthecity’ssecretunderground tunnelsthatwereusedinthelate1800s,thismile-longwalk letsyoudiscoveritallwithouthavingtogounderground. Purchaseyourownlunch.
MeetatPetersenBarnCommunityCenter Sep25 W 9a-2p $35 #30184
Chintimini Wildlife Center’s mission is to protect and celebrate Oregon’s native wildlife. Enjoy a guided tour of the facilities where they care for and rehabilitate injured wildlife and meet the team of animal ambassadors who are non-releasable to the wild due to permanent injuries or other circumstances. Purchase your own lunch and admission ($16).
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Sep 27 F 9:45a-3p $50 #30230
Shop handmade goods while enjoying local entertainers and music, or sample from a wide range of food and beverage vendors. Purchase your own lunch. Festival entry is free.
Meet at Amazon Community Center Sep 28 Sa 10a-5p $42 #29727
Visit the Portland Art Museum, where patrons can enjoy free admission as part of the Free First Thursday program. Seethe general exhibit alongside special showcases like “Paul McCartney Photographs 1963–64: Eyes of the Storm”in October and December and “Psychedelic Rock Posters and Fashion of the 1960s” in December. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore a rich blend of classic and contemporary art in the heart of Portland. Some exhibits will be closed for construction. Purchase or bring your own lunch. Youth under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at Amazon Community Center
Oct 3 Th 9a-6p $58 #29886
Dec 5 Th 9a-6p $58 #29887
Hopscotch is a wonder-inducing and immersive art experience through 25,000 square feet of light, sound and art. Hopscotch has 14 galleries, which are large-scale rooms featuring mostly interactive artworks such as a color room, laser graf�iti room, a rainbow cave, an acrylic maze and more. Hopscotch lets you interact with the art, create the art and even become the art. Admission is included in the trip fee. Purchase your own lunch. No trip refunds three weeks prior to trip date.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Oct 3 Th 9a-5p $65 #30142
Will you go north, south, east or west? Come along with us because this trip is the best. Everyone loves a good mystery, but will you be able to �igure out the clues to where you will be going? Purchase your own lunch.
Meet at Petersen Barn Community Center
Oct 8 Tu 9a-4p $41 #30252
Join McKenzie River Trust and Friends of Buford Park on two small bus tours. These properties offer opportunities to preserve and restore a dynamic and ecologically diverse river system. Volunteers and staff will lead visitors around much of the preserves, highlighting the conservation efforts, human history and natural features. The tours are intended for people who are unable to walk the 4 miles typically required for walking tours. Bring a lunch and water, dress for the weather and consider bringing a portable chair or binoculars.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Tour of the Willamette Confluence Preserve
Oct 11 F 9:15a-2:30p $14 #29495
Tour of Green Island
Oct 29 Tu 9:30a-1:30p $14 #29494
The Sisters Harvest Faire has been a tradition for more than 40 years. With more than 180 craft vendors to shop and peruse, you may �ind the perfect gift for someone or yourself. It is sure to be a wonderful day with live music and delicious food to choose from. Shop to your heart’s content. Purchase your own fun.
Meet at Campbell Community Center Oct 12 Sa 8:30a-6p $52 #30177
Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.
AdaytoexplorethedelightfulcoastalareaofNyeBeach. Walkonthebeach,discoversealifeinthetidepools,ordine inoneofthelocalbeachfrontrestaurants.Yourdaytoget awayandenjoy.Purchaseyourownlunch.
Oct18 F 8:30a-5p $45 #30253
ItisovertheCoburgHillswithastopatShotgunCreekinthe midstofthefallleaves.Thenonthroughthetownsof Marcola,MohawkandMabelwithlunchinBrownsville. Afterlunch,theafternoonwillbespentperusingtheLinn CountyMuseumtolearnthehistoryofthethreeMs. Purchaseyourownlunchandmuseumadmission($5).
Oct22 Tu 9:30a-3:30p $36 #30235
Spendanafternoonexploringantiquehotspotswithfellow enthusiasts,discoveringthecharmandhistoryofvintage treasures.Bringorpurchaseyourownlunch.
Oct23 W 9a-5p $52 #29889
Nov20 W 9a-5:30p $54 #29888
MinglewithlocalartistsfromPhilomathandsurrounding areasintheirhomestudiosandatparticipatingwineries. Learnwhatinspiresthemandhowtheycreateamazing works.Seewherethemagichappensand�indthatspecial piecethatjusthastocomehomewithyou.Somestudios maynotbeimmediatelyaccessiblebybusandmayrequire somewalking.Purchaseyourownlunch.Youthunder18 mustbeaccompaniedbyanadult.
Oct26 Sa 10a-6p $47 #29885
RiverRanchOregonOliveOilismadeonlyfromolivesthat aregrowninanolivegrovenearRoseburg.Tourthegrove andunderstandtheprocesstheyusetotakeitfromoliveto pureextravirginoliveoil.Sampletheoilsandperhaps purchasesometotakehome.Purchaseyourownlunch.
Oct30 W 10a-5p $41 #30137
Doyoubelieve?Locatedwhereseveralsightingshaveoccurred, thismuseumfeaturesdozensofdisplaysthatfeatureawide arrayofbigfootevidenceandhistoricalartifacts.Perusethe shortdocumentariesand�ilmsandthendecide:Isitreal? Purchaseyourownlunchandadmission($6).
Nov5 Tu 8:30a-5p $51 #30245
Experiencethisbeautifuleventwhenthesalmoncomeback totheirspawninggroundstocompletetheirlifecyclewhile startinganewone.Startwithappetizersandbeverages followedbyawalktoseethesalmonspawninginourstreams andhearthedetailsofoursalmonrestorationprojects.Then youwillreturntoacupofwarmsoupfollowedbyourfourcourseherbaldinner.Thiseventwilloccurindoorsexcept forthesalmonwalk.Purchaseyourownticket($50).
Nov8 F 10a-6p $26 #30345
CelebratethelegacyatthenewHaywardHall.Timeto explorewithawethestoriesofachievementandmoments ofcelebrationasyoutourthenewHaywardFieldmuseum locatedwithviewsoftheworldchampionshiptrack.We continuethethemewithlunchatTrackTownPizza. Purchaseyourownlunch.
Nov20 W 10a-1p $18 #30255
Theshimmeryglowof300,000holidaylightsawaitsyouas youtourtheShoreAcresHolidayLights.Seeleapingfrogs, underseagardens,lighthousesandotheranimated sculptures.Anearlydinnerisplannedatalocalseafood restaurant.Purchaseyourowndinner.
MeetatCampbellCommunityCenter Dec10 Tu 12:30-9p $49 #30157
Joinusforanawe-inspiringlightdisplayandmarketatthe OregonGardenResort.Thiseventoffersamagicalholiday experienceforallages.Strollalongimmersivepathsdrapedin morethanonemillionlightsthatcreateamagicalambiance. ExploretheauthenticGermanChristmasmarketforgifts fromartisanvendorsandtreatyourselftoGermanfoodsand desserts.Purchaseyourownfoodandadmission($15).
MeetatCampbellCommunityCenter Dec17 Tu 3-9p $42 #30251
It’sofftoCottageGroveSpeedwaytoawalk-throughChristmas experiencewithfunandmagicforchildrenandadultsalike. Thespeedwaypropertywillbedecoratedwiththousandsof lightsandoffersahotchocolatebarand�irepits.Purchase yourownadmission($10)anddinner.
MeetatPetersenBarnCommunityCenter Dec19 Th 5-8:30p $24 #30189
TheAtlanticcoastiscalling.ExploreNewEngland’smajestic seaboard,fromRhodeIslandtoCapeCod.VisitProvidence andtheGildedAgemansionsofNewport.Experiencethe beautifulislandsofMartha’sVineyardandNantucket. Completeyourlocalexperienceasyouindulgeinatraditional seafoodandlobsterfeast.Explorethelocalcharms,walk alonghistoriccobblestonestreetsandfeellikeatrueNew Englander.Costincludesround-tripairfarefromEugene, taxes,hotel,transfers,eightdaysand10meals.Formore informationortorequestbrochure,callDianeat541-6826392.Forcompleteitinerarygotogateway.gocollette.com/ link/1240362.
May9-16,2025 Single$4,299,Double$3,499, noout-of-districtfees
Save$100now;forbookingsafterNov9,callforrates Reservewitha$698deposit;finalpaymentdueMar10,2025
Allratesareperpersonandsubjecttochange PresentationatCampbellCenteronNov19, see below
Explorealandwhereworldhistoryandfairy-talecharm cometolifeintheculturallyrichcitiesofCentralandEastern Europe.Enjoymulti-nightstays,immersivelocaldeep-dives, andauthentic,traditional�lavorsinPrague,Vienna,Budapest, andKrakow.LearnaboutlifeduringthefalloftheBerlin WallfromaBerlinerwholivedthroughit.Travelaboarda train,likethelocals,onthebeautifuljourneyfromPragueto Vienna.GetasweettasteoftherelaxedViennesecoffeehouse culture.StrollthroughthehallsofthelavishSchönbrunn PalaceinVienna.Costincludesround-tripairfarefrom Eugene,taxes,hotel,transfers,14daysand19meals.For moreinformationortorequestabrochure,callDianeat 541-682-6392.Forcompleteitinerarygotogateway. gocollette.com/link/1240358.
RegisterthroughCampbellCommunityCenter Sep7-20,2025 Single$7,249,Double$6,349, noout-of-districtfees
ForbookingsafterFeb8,callforrates Reservewitha$698deposit;finalpaymentdueJun9,2025 Tripinsuranceavailablefor$549
Allratesareperpersonandsubjecttochange PresentationatCampbellCenteronNov19, see below
Hearallaboutourupcoming“TripsofaLifetime.”The Colletterepresentativewillbeheretogiveyouallthedetails andanswerallyourquestions.Yournextadventureawaits you.FormoreinformationcallDianeat541-682-6392.
CampbellCommunityCenter IslandsofNewEngland& MajesticCitiesofCentral&EasternEurope
Oct15 Tu 1-2p Free #30379 Nov19 Tu 11a-12:30p Free #30025
Bike riders depart rain or shine from Campbell Community Center for in-town rides. Helmets are required, but weekly attendance isn’t. Electric bikes are welcome to join. Rides vary in length and time depending on ability.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Ongoing W 10a-12p Free Drop-in
No biking Dec 25
Let’s dance our way through the decades of the past and into the present with popular melodies and dance crazes that have de�ined each era, spanning an array of styles. Woven into our routines are low-impact cardio, healthy stretching and rhythmic coordination that will exercise our brains and bodies, increasing physical stamina and cognitive function.
Dance is the body’s poetry set to music, and we’ll have so much fun moving and grooving that we may even forget we’re exercising.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Hollie Roman
Oct 4-Dec 20 F 2-3p $60 #29400
No class Nov 15, 29
Feel the beat and get moving to a healthier you. This is a dance-�itness class for all skill levels. Move to music from the ’60s to today, rock to jazz and disco to Broadway. And while you’re having fun moving to the music, you’ll also be building strength, �lexibility and balance.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Jay Hall-Schnurrpusch
Sep 26-Oct 31 Th 12:15-1:15p $30 #29749
Nov 7-Dec 19 Th 12:15-1:15p $30 #29750
No class Oct 24, Nov 28, Dec 12
Thisisanopeninvitationtotryinternationalfolkdancing. Learnandenjoydancesfromallaroundtheworld.Stay youngandkeep�it.Noexperiencerequired.Newdancers arealwayswelcome.Nopartnerneeded.
Ongoing M 1-2:30p #29406
Linedancingisgoodexerciseforyourbrain,itcanhelpwith balanceandit’slowimpactonyourjoints.Meetnewpeople andhavefunwhileexercisingtoavarietyofmusic.Wear loose,coolclothingandshoesthatwillslideonthe�loor.No partnernecessary.Ifyoualreadyhavelinedancing experienceandknowthebasicsteps,givetheLineDance, BeyondBeginningclassatry.
Beginning Instructor:KateCleary
Sep17-Dec17 Tu 2:30-3:30p $84 #29414
Sep19-Dec19 Th 2:30-3:30p $72 #29415
Sep17-Dec17 Tu 1-2p $84 #30397
Learnthebasicsofmoderntapwithdrillsandshortdances inthisfunandeasyclass.Allarewelcomeregardlessof ability.Opentomoversofallageswherethefocusisonfun exercisetomusic.
Sep23-Dec16 M 9:30-10:30a $72 #29743
Sep23-Dec16 M 6:45-7:45p $72 #29746
Oct4-Dec20 F 11:30a-12:30p$60 #29745
Sep23-Dec16 M 10:30-11a $36 #29744
Joinustolearnthelegendary“Thriller”dancefromthe iconic1983musicvideo!OnOctober26,you’llhavethe optiontoperforminzombiecostumewithThrilltheWorld EugeneatAmazonCommunityCenter (see page 69).
Dancersofallagesandabilitiesarewelcome.Registration isrequired.
Sep26-Oct24 Th 5:30-6:30p Free #30077
Designedtoimprovebonehealth,muscularstrengthand balance,thisclassincludesstrengthtraining,aerobic exerciseand�lexibilityandbalancemovements.Fitness levelsfrombeginnertointermediatearewelcome.
Sep19-Dec19 Th 3-4p $66 #29741
Sep19-Dec19 Th 4:15-5:15p $66 #29742
Thisclasshelpswithmusclepliabilityanddurabilityaswe age,throughgentletechniquesforstretchingandimproved overallmovement.Practicestrengthandbalancemovements thatwilltrainyourbodytosupportyouineverydayfunctions, especiallywhenyou’renotthinkingaboutit.Thosewhohave bene�itedincludepeoplerecoveringfromfractures,softtissue injuries,sedentarylifestyleandage-relatedandneuromuscular diseaseprogression.Modi�icationsgivenforallabilitylevels. Noequipmentisneeded.No�loorwork.
Sep25-Dec18 W 12-1p $72 #29541
Sep27-Dec20 F 12-1p $66 #29542
Thisclassisidealforpeoplewithneuromuscularchallenges (Parkinson’s,mildstroke,multiplesclerosis)thatmaycause lossofbalanceandcoordination.Theseclassesengagethe brainandbodytoencouragemore�luid,balanced movementandimprovestrength,agilityandgait.Thosewho needindividualassistanceshouldbringapersonalsupport workerorcareprovider.
Oct1-31 TuTh 12-1p $75 #29544
Nov5-26 TuTh 12-1p $53 #29545
Dec3-31 TuTh 12-1p $53 #29546
Oct1-31 TuTh 2-3p $75 #29465
Nov5-26 TuTh 2-3p $53 #29466
Dec3-31 TuTh 2-3p $53 #29467
Researchshowsexercisecanstrengthenbones,improve balanceandincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Every exerciseisadjustedtoyourability.Anexcellentclassfor thosewithosteoporosisorosteopenia.Thevirtualclassis nowaseparateregistrationfee.
Oct7-Dec16 M 1:30-2:30p $54 #29599
Oct8-Dec17 Tu 9-10a $60 #29600
Oct9-Dec18 W 3-4p $60 #29611
Oct10-Dec19 Th 9-10a $60 #29635
Virtual Instructor:ThomasFate
$60 #29637
Defeatthelossofbonedensitywhileyouimprovebalance andincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Thisclassisamore advancedversionofHealthyBonesFitness.Thevirtualclass isnowaseparateregistrationfee.
Oct7-Dec16 M 3-4p $54 #29639
Oct8-Dec17 Tu 10:30-11:30a $60 #29640
Oct9-Dec18 W 1:30-2:30p $60 #29641
Oct10-Dec19 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #29642
Virtual Instructor:ThomasFate
$60 #29643
Thisclassisstructuredtoimproveendurance,energy, functionalstrengthandbalancefordailyactivityand recreation.Participantsareeducatedandledtoincreasethe heartratesafely,observetheirrateofperceivedexertionand adjustactivityaccordingly.Thosewhohavebene�itedinclude peoplerecoveringfromfractures,softtissueinjuries, sedentarylifestyleandage-relatedandneuromuscular diseaseprogression.Modi�icationsgivenforallabilitylevels. Noequipmentisneeded.No�loorwork.
Sep23-Dec16 M 12-1p $66 #29543
HIIT,orhigh-intensityintervaltraining,usesshortburstsof intenseexercisewithshortbreakstoprovideanexcellent
Sep30-Dec16 M 6-6:45p #29504
Oct2-Dec18 W 6-6:45p #29505
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 59.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassNov11,27
Discovertechniquestoenhanceyourawarenessofyourbody’s overallpositionandhowminoradjustmentscanleadto signi�icantimprovementsthroughoutthebody.Thisclass exploresthedistinctionsbetweenactiveandpassiveranges ofmotion,andtheimpactthesedifferenceshaveonyour mobility.We’lldelveintomethodstoexpandandfortifyyour rangeofmotion,initiatingtheprocessoffreeinguprestricted bodypartsandfosteringmorepain-freemovement.
Oct1-Nov5 Tu 10-11a $40 #29634
Learnhowtoweighttrainsafelyandeffectively.Weight trainingincreasesstrengthandpower,helpswithweight lossandisimportantforlong-termhealth.Getyour�itness journeystartedtherightway.
Sep30-Dec16 M 4:45-5:45p #29502
Oct2-Dec18 W 4:45-5:45p #29503
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 59.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassNov11,27
Partyyourselfintoshapewiththisworlddance-inspired �itnessprogramthat’slow-impactandeasytofollow.Zumba GoldisagentlerversionofZumbaCardio.It’sthesame danceand�itnessfunwithroomtoslowdownandadjustfor anyinjuriesormobilitylimitations.
Instructor:KateCleary Sep19-Dec19 Th 1-2p $78 #29413 NoclassNov28
Sep24-Dec17 Tu 11a-12p $78 #30342
TryZumbaGoldforFree Sep17 Tu 11a-12p Free #30341
Instructor:KhalilaCharles Sep17-Oct31 TuTh 9-10a $84 #29444 Nov5-Dec19 TuTh 9-10a $78 #29445 NoclassNov28
AikidoisatraditionalJapanesemartialartbasedon nonaggressionandnonviolentself-defense.Classesfeature ki (energy)exercisescombinedwithself-defensetechniques inasafeandsupportiveenvironment.Alllevelswelcome.
Sep17-Oct21 TuTh 7-8p $112 #29680
Try Aikido for Free Registrationisrequired.
Sep12 Th 6:45-7:45p Free #29897
Thisclasscombinesqigongenergymovementpracticesand gentleyoga.Qigongsoftensthetissues,supportshealthy jointsandpromotesacalmnervoussystemandcentered mind.Gentleyogasupportsstrengthand�lexibilityandcan promoteanoverallsenseofbalanceinbody,mindandspirit. Thisisanon-the-matclass.
Sep16-Dec2 M 2:45-4p $82 #29854
Sep18-Dec4 W 1:15-2:30p $89 #29855
Qigongisaself-healingartthatcombinesmovementand meditation.Regularpracticeofqigongcanreducestress, establishbalanceandintegratethemind,bodyandspirit. Thispracticeisbestknownforafocusonbreathingandis usedasahealingexercise.ClassesatAmazonCommunity Centerareheldoutdoors.
Sep24-Oct29 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$36 #29677
Nov5-Dec10 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$36 #29678
Sep24-Dec10 Tu 12:30-1:15p $72 #29679
Sep16-Dec2 M 1-2p $66 #29857
ThisancientChineseartusesround,�lowingmovements combinedwithcalmnessandinnerbalance.Learnaseries ofslowmovementsthatpromotebetterhealth,balance, �lexibilityandreducedstress.Theclassincludesproper form,bodyalignment,breathing,energycultivationand energyawareness.
Sep16-Oct28 M 10:45-11:45a $42 #29632
Nov4-Dec16 M 10:45-11:45a $36 #29633
Sep18-Oct30 W 10:45-11:45a $42 #29673
Nov6-Dec18 W 10:45-11:45a $42 #29674 NoclassNov11
Sep16-Oct28 M 9:30-10:30a $42 #29671
Nov4-Dec16 M 9:30-10:30a $36 #29672
Sep18-Oct30 W 9:30-10:30a $42 #29675
Nov6-Dec18 W 9:30-10:30a $42 #29676 NoclassNov11
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:JamesMoffat
Beginning Sep30-Dec9 M 9:30-10:30a $60 #29659 NoclassNov11
Intermediate Oct2-Dec11 W 9:30-10:30a $66 #29660
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:KyleRipka
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$42 #29735
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$36 #29736
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 12:45-1:45p $42 #29737
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 12:45-1:45p $36 #29738
Intermediate Sep24-Nov5 Tu 2-3p $42 #29739
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 2-3p $36 #29740
TaichiistheancientChinesemartialartwidelyrecognized asthepowerfulwaytoimprovebothphysicalandmental health,betterbalance,relievepain,lessenstressandcalm themind.Thisclassteachesthe42CombinedFormandthe medicalqigongusingthetraditionalChinese/Japanese method.
Oct1-Dec12 TuTh 2-3p $120 #29657 NoclassNov26,28
TryTaiChi&QigongforFree Sep26 Th 2-3p Free #29658
Thisspeciallydesignedclassfocusesonthehealthbene�its forpeoplewithmobilityandbalanceproblems.Gentle exerciseintheformoftaichistrengthensmusclesand improvesstamina,bloodcirculation,balanceandrelaxation.
Sep30-Nov4 M 12-1p $36 #29597
Nov18-Dec23 M 12-1p $36 #29598 Intermediate Ongoing MW 11a-12p Drop-in 10-usecardfor$55,TaiChiforBalanceIntermediateclassonly NoclassSep16,18,23,25
Learnaboutpickleballandhowitcanbeaccommodatedfor peoplewithdisabilities.Instructionandequipmentwillbe provided.InpartnershipwithEmeraldValleyPickleball
Club.Designedforpeoplewithdisabilities.Formore informationcallHilyard541-682-5311oremail recadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
WestmorelandPark,TaylorStreet&West20thAvenue Sep28 Sa 10a-12p $3 #29669
Getatasteoftherulesandhowtoplayoneofthefastestgrowingsportsoutthereinthesefreesessions.Registration required.Equipmentprovided.
ChurchillSportsParkPlayground,2120BaileyHillRoad Sep17 Tu 5:30-7p Free #30204
WestmorelandPark,TaylorStreet&West20thAvenue Sep24 Tu 5:30-7p Free #30206
■ 3 See key on page 93.
Thisweeklygroupmeetstowalktheriverpathtogether. Distanceanddestinationvarydependingonwhoshowsup.
Ongoing Tu 10-11:30a Free Drop-in
■ 3 /■ 4 See key on page 93.
Thisself-ledgroupwalks3-5milesataquickpace.The routevariesandmayhavehillsorroughpavement.The groupwalksrainorshine,year-roundanddepartsat9a.m. sharp.Youmaywanttobringcoffeemoneyforastopalong theway.Dressfortheweather.
Ongoing F 9a-12p Free Drop-in NowalkNov29
Happinesshaslittletodowithourcircumstancesandalot todowithourfocus.Youcanneverstarttoosoonandyou canneverbetoooldtotapintothejoysthatlifehastooffer. Inthiscoursewewillexplorewaystobringmorejoyinto yourlifethroughmindfulness.
Instructor:PatriciaParret Sep16-Oct7 M 5:30-7p $30 #29638
Apracticeofmindfulnesshasbene�itsbeyondthecalm senseofwell-beingitbrings.Itcanhelpreduceanxiety, improvesleepquality,lowerbloodpressureandwardoff depression.Thisclassofferssimplestepstosetupyourown practiceathome.
Sep17-Nov19 Tu 9:30-10:30a $65 #29478
Reducestresslevelsandpromotegoodhealththroughthis welcomingclass.Itcombinespracticingpositivebreathing techniqueswithguidedvisualizationleadingtorelaxation.
Sep26-Dec19 Th 10-11a $78 #30344 NoclassNov28
TryRelaxation&VisualizationforFree Sep19 Th 10-11a Free #30343
Yogarejuvenatesthemind,bodyandspirit.Gentleexercises toneandstretchmusclesandworktobalanceeverysystem inthebody.Itimprovesoverallhealthandwell-being.Yoga matsareavailableorbringyourown.Allmobilityandskill levelswelcome.
Sep23-Dec9 M 5:30-6:30p $66 #30248
Sep26-Dec12 Th 9:15-10:15a $66 #30247 NoclassNov11,28
Sep18-Oct23 W 5:30-6:30p $36 #30377
Oct30-Dec18 W 5:30-6:30p $42 #30378 NoclassNov27
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 9:05-10:05a $42 #29729
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 9:05-10:05a $36 #29730
Oct4-Dec20 F 9:05-10:05a $60 #29731 NoclassOct25,Nov29
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:JudyUlibarri
Sep18-Oct23 W 9-10a $36 #29448
Nov13-Dec18 W 9-10a $36 #29449
Feelbetterthroughmovement.Experiencereleasefrom stressandfatiguethroughthisgentleyogaapproach designedtoaccommodatepeoplewithphysicallimitations. Thisclassistaughtwhileyouaresittinginachair.
Sep29-Dec12 Th 10:30-11:30a $66 #30249 NoclassNov28
Sep18-Dec4 W 3-4p $72 #30369
Sep24-Nov5 Tu 10:15-11:15a $42 #29732
Nov12-Dec17 Tu 10:15-11:15a $36 #29733
Oct4-Dec20 F 10:15-11:15a $60 #29734 NoclassOct25,Nov29
Thisgentleyogaclassisdesignedspeci�icallyforpeople livingwithchronicneuromuscularconditionssuchas �ibromyalgia,multiplesclerosis,Parkinson’sandLou Gehrig’sdisease.Posesaremodi�iedforthoseneeding adaptations.Modi�iedYogaclasshasahybridoption.For thoseinperson,individualsmustbeabletobeindependent orhavesomeonetoassist.Yogamatsandblocksprovidedas needed.Forthevirtualoption,Zoomlinkwillbesentto patronsuponregistration.In-personregistrationisavailable onamonthlybasis,alongsidethevirtual10-usecard.
Oct7-28 M 11:45a-1p $30 #29457
Nov4-25 M 11:45a-1p $22 #29458
Dec2-30 M 11:45a-1p $37 #29459 10-usecardfor$75,ModifiedYogaclassonly NoclassNov11
Paddle this unique water trail on the coast. Equipment and leadership will be provided. Paddle this unique water trail starting on the lake and moving through the dunes.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Sep 17 Tu 9a-5:30p $67 #29499
Explore this scenic reservoir with countless nooks and crannies nestled in a historic logging valley. Our 29-foot canoe holds 10 people and is very stable. Suitable for a wide range of abilities. Bring water, lunch, shoes that can get wet and extra clothes.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Oct 1 Tu 9a-4:30p $65 #29816
Eugene has a beautiful river running right through town. Enjoy an autumn day by rafting from Island Park in Spring�ield through small rapids under the Interstate 5 bridge and the Autzen footbridge and �inish at the River House Outdoor Center. Bring lunch, water, clothes and shoes that can get wet and dress for the weather.
Meet at Campbell Community Center Oct 4 F 10a-3p $45 #29498
Located north of Reedsport on the coast, this large lake is often protected from strong coastal winds and has a couple islands and many inlets available to explore.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Oct 7 M 8:30a-5:30p $67 #29817
The trail winds through open forest and high mountain meadows at the base of Sawtooth Mountain, then loops around the deep blue Indigo Lake deep in the Willamette National Forest. This backcountry trail is for hikers with moderate �itness. 4.6 miles.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Sep 26 Th 9a-5:30p $58 #29500
Explore the McKenzie River Trust Willamette Con�luence property near Mount Pisgah. Learn about the conservation efforts and human history that have shaped this land. This is an easy hike along gravel roads.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Oct 24 Th 10a-1p $14 #29497
Beach Hike ■ 3 / ■ 4
The beach can be surprisingly sunny or invigoratingly stormy on a fall day. Either way, you’ll enjoy a day at the coast walking 2-3 miles at the water’s edge. Bring rain gear–it’s Oregon after all.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Nov 14 Th 9a-4:30p $49 #29844
Explore a 1.4-mile out-and-back trail with 330 feet of elevation gain – a moderate trek with a lovely waterfall as the payoff. We will share lunch in Sweet Home near Foster Lake Reservoir before heading back to town. Purchase your own lunch.
Meet at Amazon Community Center Nov 20 W 9a-3p $42 #29892
Led by the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council in partnership with the McKenzie Watershed Council. Carmen Smith Spawning Channel is located off the McKenzie River near Trail Bridge Reservoir. Expect a short walk on a gravel road to the site. We hope to see spawning salmon, but they are not always on our time schedule.
Meet at Campbell Community Center Sep 30 M 11a-5:30p $26 #29531
Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Spend Thanksgiving hiking the Drury Ridge Loop Trail at Shotgun Creek Recreation Area, a 3.1-mile trek with a 623foot elevation gain. Take in the fall foliage, mushroom sightings and crisp air. Bring a lunch – turkey or tofurkey sandwiches strongly encouraged.
Meet at Amazon Community Center Nov 28 Th 9a-1p $27 #29893
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.
Registering for volunteer opportunities expresses your interest but does not guarantee a volunteer position. Volunteers must pass a background check. RSVPs are required; no drop-ins.
JoinusforanAmericanRedCrossBloodDriveandhelpsave livesinourcommunity.Yourdonationcanmakeasigni�icant differenceforthoseinneed–andyes,wehavecookies.Sign upforadonationtimeslotatredcrossblood.organdenter “amazoncommunitycenter”toscheduleanappointment.
Sep6 F 9a-4p Free
All ages
Helpwiththissummer’srestorationprojectinAmazonPark. VolunteerswillworkwithCityofEugeneParksandOpen Spacestafftoidentifyandremovenon-nativespecies.Tasks includeweedingandlayingweedfabric.Theprojectwillbe splitbetweentheeastside(withinAmazonNeighbors Association)andwestside(withinFriendlyAreaNeighbors) ofAmazonCreek.Aplantwalkandalessonaboutthe historyofAmazonParkandtherestoredwetlandprairie willfollowtheevent.Forinformationortoregister,contact JoeWaksmundskiatjwaksmundski@eugene-or.gov.
Sep7 Sa 9-11:30ap Free Drop-in
Learngardeningtechniquesandmeetfellowgarden enthusiastsatthisweeklyworkparty.Or,justbewillingto grabatoolanddivein.Noexperienceisrequired,butall kindsofhelpisneeded.InpartnershipwiththeFriendsof HendricksPark,thislivelyvolunteergrouphelpsyearround.Formoreinformationortoregister,contactCait Wisbeskiatcwisbeski@eugene-or.gov.
HendricksPark,SummitAvenue&SkylineBoulevard Ongoing Tu 9a-12p Free
JoinourworkpartyeveryThursdayinthenativeplant gardenatHendricksPark.LearnabouttheWillametteValley nativeplantsandtheiruseswhilesupportingthegarden's continuedgrowth.Beginnerandexperiencedgardeners
welcome.Tasksvarybyseason.Formoreinformationorto register,contactKelseyIrvineatkirvine@eugene-or.gov.
HendricksPark,SummitAvenue&SkylineBoulevard Ongoing Th 1-4p Free
Shareyourpassionforrosesandgainhands-onexperience inyear-roundcareofperennialshrubs.Dependingonthe season,helpusweed,pruneanddeadheadavarietyofroses tokeepEugene’siconicbotanicalgardenlookingbeautiful. Meetatthegazebowearingweatherappropriateclothesand sturdyshoes.Noexperiencenecessary.Forinformationorto register,contactCaitWisbeskiatcwisbeski@eugene-or.gov.
OwenRoseGarden,300N.JeffersonStreet Ongoing W 9a-12p Free Ongoing F 9a-12p Free
JoinusinstewardingnativeplantsinsupportoftheCityof Eugene’smanyurbanrestorationprojects.Thiseffort directlyimproveshabitatandwaterqualityforourcity,as wellasallowsparticipantstoworkamongst�lowers,birds andbutter�lies.Noexperiencenecessary.Formore informationortoregister,contactKelseyIrvineat kirvine@eugene-or.gov.
AltonBakerNativePlantGarden,538DayIslandRoad Ongoing F 1-4p Free
JoinWillametteRiverkeeperand�loattherivertohelpclean theurbanriverbanks.Reserveaseatinaraftorbringyour ownboat.Personal�lotationdeviceswillbeprovidedwith registrationandarerequiredforallparticipants.Toregisteror forinfoemailMichelleatmichelle@willametteriverkeeper.org orvisitwillamette-riverkeeper.org/event-calendar.
MeetatRiverHouseOutdoorCenter Ongoing 2ndTu 8:30a-12:30p Free
Las investigaciones demuestran que la recreación bene�icia nuestro cuerpo y mente, ya que ayuda a crear nuevas conexiones neuronales, manteniéndonos con una mente alerta y jóvenes. Nuestra misión es ofrecer oportunidades de recreación a todos los residentes de Eugene para mantener mentes alertas y cuerpos fuertes, utilizando nuestras tres piscinas y siete centros comunitarios.
Eugene Rec ofrece una gran variedad de programas y servicios, desde los campamentos para chicos en el Centro Comunitario Petersen Barn hasta excursiones para personas mayores en el Centro Comunitario Campbell. Cualquiera que sea tu interés, tenemos un lugar para ti.
Puedes encontrar más información en español en eugene-or.gov/actividades o llamando al 541-682-6891.
Todos los programas y clases de Eugene Rec se pueden ver en línea en español y en más de 120 idiomas adicionales. Para ver lo que ofrecemos para jóvenes, adolescentes, adultos y mayores, visita GetRec.org/register y haz clic en "Select Language" (Selecciona Spanish), mira la esquina
Todas las clases son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.
inferior derecha de tu pantalla.
• En línea: Si te has inscrito anteriormente con nosotros, asegúrate de tener a mano tu información de inicio de sesión.
¿No sabes si tienes una cuenta? Visita GetRec.org/register (para español clic en “Select Language” en la esquina inferior derecha de la página, selecciona “Spanish”) y has clic en “Login/Crear Cuenta”, luego selecciona “Iniciar sesión con correo electrónico” y clic en “¿Se te olvidó tu contraseña?” Si tienes una cuenta, te llegará a tu correo electrónico la información para poder iniciar sesión.
¿Necesitas crear una cuenta? Visita GetRec.org/register y clic en “Login/Crear Cuenta”, luego selecciona “Crea tu cuenta Eugene Rec”.
• Por teléfono: Para ayudaen inglés llama al centro de recreación que ofrece la actividad o paraespañol llama al 541-682-6891.Ten a manotunúmero de Visa o MasterCard.
• En persona: Visita cualquiera de las sucursales.
Las inscripcionesestán abiertas continuamente, se reciben en orden de llegada, y son para todos sin importar si vive dentro o fuera de la ciudad de Eugene. Inscríbase temprano; muchas clases se llenan rápido. Las clases se pueden cancelar si no hay su�iciente gente inscrita.
Algunos programas de Recreación estarán en una lotería del 5 al 10 de sept. Más info: GetRec.org/loteria.
Paracubrirloscostosdelprograma,serequiereunmínimode participantes.Regístresetemprano;lasclasesyactividadesse cancelarán2a5díasantesdelafechadeiniciosinose alcanzaelmínimorequerido.Sisuactividadsecancelapor bajainscripción,selenoti�icaráyseemitiráunreembolso.
Lassolicitudesderetiroyreembolsoseledebepedirala instalaciónquehapatrocinandolaactividad.
Losretirosdeactividadesrecreativasestánsujetosaun cargoporretiro.Secobraráunatarifaderetirode$10por cadaregistrodepreciomenoralos$100.Secobraráuna tarifade$25porcadaregistroquecueste$100omás.
Sedaráunreembolsodeltotalpagadomenoslos$10o$25 detarifaderetirocuandoestesehayasolicitadosiete(7+)o másdíasantesdequeempiezalaactividad.
Cuandosesolicitaunreembolsoseis(6)omenosdías antes deldíaquecomienzalaprimerareunióndeactividadouna vezqueunaclaseoactividadhacomenzado,solosedaráun reembolsosi:
•Eldepartamentorequierelacancelacióndelaactividad(en estecasonosecobraráunatarifaderetiro).
Losreembolsosseprorratearánparalasclasesalasqueya hayaasistido.
Noseemitiráreembolsosinosepresentaalaactividad registrada,claseoviaje.Noseotorgaráningúnreembolsode tarifasdelaligaatléticanideviajesquerequierenelpago anticipadodeboletosdereservaotarifasdeadmisión.
Algunasactividadesrequierenunatarifaderegistrono reembolsable.
Conlaexcepcióndeviajesespecí�icos,eldepartamentode recreacióndelaciudaddeEugenenoproporcionacobertura deseguromédicoparasusparticipantes.Enconsideraciónsi deseaparticipar,cadaparticipantedebereconocerque existenriesgosinherentesencualquiertipodeactividady debeaceptarasumiresosriesgosensupropionombre, liberandoymanteniendoindemnealaCiudad,suso�iciales oagentesdetodaslasreclamacionesporlesionesopérdidas sufridasalestarparticipando.
Unacuerdoadicionaldeliberaciónderesponsabilidad, �irmadoporelparticipanteotutor,puedesernecesariopara participaciónenalgunasactividades.
Lasfotogra�ías,videosyaudiodelosparticipantesenlos programasoserviciosderecreaciónpuedenserutilizados porlaciudaddeEugeneencualquiermedio(porejemplo, publicacionesimpresas,redessociales,etc.)para�ines publicitarios,sincompensaciónnipermiso.
Lainscripcióny/oelpagodecualquierregistroserá consideradounaadmisióndeacuerdoconlostérminos establecidosanteriormente.
EugeneRecofreceunnúmerolimitadodebecasindividuales aaquellosquevivenenlaciudaddeEugene.Lassolicitudes estándisponiblesennoviembredecadaañoparaelpróximo año(del1rodeeneroal31dediciembre).
LassolicitudesestándisponiblesenGetRec.org/recbecas oencualquierinstalacióndeEugeneRec.
SideseaobtenermásinformaciónsobrelasbecasdeEugene Recllameal541-682-5654(inglés)o541-682-6891(español).
Aquellosquenovivendentrodeloslimitesdelaciudadde Eugenepaganunrecargodel20%porcadaactividadala queseregistrey tambiénporcadaalquiler.Apartirdel 1oct.,alosquenovivenenEugeneselesaplicaráunrecargo del25%eninscripcionesdeactividadesyalquileres.
LaciudaddeEugeneoperabajounpermisodeusoespecial emitidoporelServicioForestaldelosEstadosUnidospara losbosquesnacionalesdeDeschutes,Siuslaw,Umpquay Willamette;ybajounPermisoEspecialderecreación otorgadosporlaO�icinadeGestióndeTierrasdelnoroeste deOregonyporeldistritodePrineville.Laciudadde Eugeneproveeserviciosderecreaciónalairelibrecon igualdaddeoportunidades.
Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.
● 1 Centro Amazon
Lu-Vi 9a-5p Bus:#28,73
ElCentroComunitarioAmazonofreceunavariedadde oportunidadesparachicos,adultos,familiasymayoresde edad,incluyendoclasesdearteycerámicaparalafamilia, excursionesdeundía,campamentosdeverano,clasesde acondicionamiento�ísicoparamantenersesaludable, conciertosalairelibreyotrosprogramasparaseguir aprendiendodurantetodalavida.
● 2 Piscina Amazon
Horario:Llama Bus:#28,73
Abiertadesdemayohastaoctubre,laPiscinaAmazonesun áreagrandealairelibrequecuentacontrespiscinas,dos toboganesdeagua,untrampolínparaclavados,jacuzzi, arenero,concesionesymuchoscarrilesparanadolibre.La piscinaofrecehorariosespecí�icosparalarecreación,natación familiaryelusodecarrilestambiénofrececlasesdenatación.
● 3 Centro Campbell
Lu 8:30a-7p Bus:#1,66,67
Ma-Vi 8:30a-4:30p
ElCentroComunitarioCampbellofrececlases,actividades, gruposdesocializaciónsemanales,excursionesygruposde apoyoparaadultos.Cuentaconuntallerdecarpintería totalmenteequipadoyesunpuntodepartidaperfectopara salirdepaseousandoelSistemadeSenderosdeRuth BascomRiverbank.
● 4 Piscina y Gimnasio Echo Hollow
Horario:Llama Bus:#40
LaPiscinaEchoHollowcuentaconunapiscinacubiertade25 yardas,unapiscinaalairelibrede25metrosyunapiscinade actividadesconmuchoespacioquetieneunjacuzzi,baloncesto acuático,juegosdeaguayuntobogándeagua.Lapiscinaofrece horariosespecí�icosparalarecreación,nataciónfamiliaryel usodecarrilesparanadolibretambiénofrececlasesdenatación ydeacondicionamiento�ísicoenelagua.Tieneungimnasio queincluyetantoequipocardiovascularcomopesas.
● 5 Graham Field House
GrahamFieldHousealberganuestrosprogramasdeAtletismo yEmpoderamientoJuvenil.Atletismoofreceligasdeportivas recreativasycompetitivasparaadultos,mientrasque EmpoderamientoJuveniltrabajaconsocioscomunitarios parabrindaractividadesdeenriquecimientoparajóvenes.
● 6 Centro Hilyard
Lu-Vi 9a-5:30p Bus:#28,73
ElCentroComunitarioHilyardeslasededeRecreación Adaptada,yofreceprogramasrecreativos,educativosy socialesdurantetodoelañoparapequeños,adolescentesy adultoscondiscapacidades.Lainstalación,totalmente accesible,estátambiéndisponibleparatodoelmundo.
● 7 Cabaña Lamb
Horario:Llama Bus:#1,66,67
LaCabañaLambseencuentraenmediodelParqueSkinner Butteytienevistaalrío,ofreciendounespacioíntimopara bodas,reunionesyencuentros.Incluyeunacocinayunpatio.
● 8 Centro Petersen Barn
Lu-Vi 9a-5p Bus:#40
ElCentroComunitarioPetersenBarnofreceprogramaspara preescolaresyclasesparapequeños,adolescentesyadultos. Lapropiedadincluyeunáreadejuegos,camposdeportivosy unsenderoparabicicletas.
● 9 Centro River House
Lu-Vi 10a-2p Bus:#40,52
ElCentrodeActividadesalAireLibreRiverHouseofrece unagrancantidaddeactividadesalairelibre,incluyendo senderismo,ciclismo,escaladaenroca,esquí,patinajeen monopatín,navegaciónymuchomás.
● 10 Centro Sheldon
Lu-Vi 9a-5p Bus:#66y67
ElCentroComunitarioSheldonofreceunagranvariedadde oportunidadesparachicos,adultos,familiasymayoresde edad,incluyendoclasesdesaludyacondicionamiento�ísico, excursiones,clasesdearte,clasesdebaile,aprendizaje temprano,campamentosdeveranoyprogramas extracurriculardespuésdelaescuelaparagradosK-5.
● 11 Piscina y Gimnasio Sheldon
Horario:Llama Bus:#66y67
LaPiscinaSheldoncuentacontrespiscinascubiertas, incluyendounade25yardas,unapiscinaprofundaquese usaparaaeróbicosacuáticosdepocoimpactoyunapiscina nuevadeaguatibia.Lapiscinaofrecehorariosespecí�icos paralarecreación,nataciónfamiliar,nataciónparabebésy usodecarrilesparanadolibre,ademásdeclasesdenatación ydeacondicionamiento�ísicoenelagua.Elgimnasioincluye tantoequipocardiovascularcomopesas.
● 12 Shelton-McMurphey-Johnson House
303 Willamette St.
Ma-Vi10a-1p Bus: #1
Sa-Do 1-4p
La Casa Shelton McMurphey Johnson es una casa victoriana de 7,000 pies cuadrados, propiedad de la Ciudad de Eugene y operada como un museo que muestra la vida de los años 30.
● 13 Curso de Cuerdas en Spencer Butte
Desde Willamette St., al sur de la Ave. 50
Debido a los daños de la tormenta de hielo de enero 2024, el Curso de Cuerdas de Spencer Butte está cerrado inde�inidamente. No se están aceptando reservas. Para ser añadido a la lista de interés, escribe a dchilders@eugene-or.gov.
● 14 Centro del Parque Washington
2025 Washington St.
Horario: Llama Bus: #36
El Centro Comunitario del Parque Washington es el núcleo de algunos de los Programas de Empoderamiento Juvenil de Eugene Rec, incluyendo Resolve.
● 15 Granja Wayne Morse
585 Crest Drive Bus: #24
La Granja Familiar Wayne Morse es una casa histórica disponible en alquiler para reuniones, bodas, reuniones familiares y otros eventos especiales. También está disponible para su alquiler el prado de al lado y un área de picnic con acceso limitado a la cocina.
● 16 Parque de Patinaje WJ + Urban Plaza
Entre Washington Street y Jefferson Street en First Avenue, debajo del puente I-105 6a-1a diario Bus: EmX
El Parque de Patinaje WJ es el parque de patinaje cubierto e iluminado más grande del país, diseñado pensando en usuarios tanto principiantes como expertos. El parque puede ser alquilado para eventos y competiciones.
Contáctanos para usar los campos deportivos al aire libre y los campos de césped arti�icial que comparten el distrito escolar y la ciudad de Eugene.
LosprogramasadaptadosRecestándiseñadosparapersonas condiscapacidadesapartirdelos14añosenadelante,anoser queseindiquedeotramanera.Lasclasesylasactividadesestán estructuradasparadistintosnivelesdecapacidad.Losprogramas adaptadosdeRecnecesitaninscripción.Antesdeasistir,sedebe llenarunformulariodeinformación.Lastarifasnoincluyenel costodelascomidasyadmisión,anoserqueseindiquedeotra manera.Paramásinformación,llamaal541-682-6891.
Losnuevosparticipantesdebenllamarantesdeinscribirsealos programas.Elpersonalestádisponibleparahablarsobrelos recursosylasactividadesrecreativas.Tambiénestándisponibles losEspecialistasCerti�icadosenRecreaciónTerapéuticapara responderapreguntassobrelasactividadesadecuadasparati,para unmiembrodetufamiliaoparaunapersonabajotucuidado.
Haremoselesfuerzoparaacomodaracadapersonade manerarazonable.Sinembargo,silaconductadeuna personapresentapeligrooriesgo�ísicodelastimarseasí mismaoalosdemás,lopodríamosretirardelosprogramas. LosTrabajadoresdeApoyoPersonalpuedenasistiralos programas.Estostrabajadoresdebeninscribirsealos programas.Inscribirte,llamandoal541-682-6891.
LaDivisióndeRecreacióndelaCiudaddeEugeneseesfuerza porofreceroportunidadesacogedorasparatodos.EugeneRec secomprometeaasegurarquesusprogramasseanaccesiblese inclusivosparatodaslaspersonas,sinimportarsuedad,discapacidad,identidaddegénero,estatusmigratorio,origennacional, raza,religión,orientaciónsexualosituaciónsocioeconómica.
LaciudaddeEugenesecomprometeaapoyar“theAmericans withDisabilitiesAct”(LeydeEstadunidensescon Discapacidades)yproporcionarálasmodi�icacionesnecesarias paraquetodospuedanparticiparenlosprogramasdeEugene Rec.Lossiguientesserviciosestándisponiblesconaviso previo.Algunassolicitudespuedentardarhastadossemanas.
Las impresiones de letra grande y grabaciones digitales estándisponiblesconavisoprevio.Unavezquesehaceel pedido,podemosofrecercincoomenoscopiasdeletragrande.
Los autobuses accesibles con elevador para silla de ruedas estándisponiblesparalasactividadesqueofrecen
ElpersonaldeRecdeEugenesecomprometeahacertodoslos esfuerzosrazonablesparaasegurarquetodassusinstalaciones, programasyserviciosseanaccesiblesyquetodapersonapueda utilizarlos.Laspersonascondiscapacidadespuedenparticiparen cualquieradelosprogramasdeRecreacióndelaCiudadde Eugenesicumplenlosrequisitosdeedad,prerrequisitos,etc.
Sisenecesitaapoyoadicionalparaunaparticipaciónexitosa enlosprogramasdeRecreacióndeEugene,elpersonal utilizaelprocesodeServiciosInclusivosparadeterminar modi�icacionesalosprogramasy/oalosplanesdeapoyo individualquemejorseadaptenalosparticipantes.
ParainiciarelprocesodeServiciosInclusivos,favordehacer tusolicitudalinscribirteenpersonaoporteléfonoconpor lomenosdossemanasdeanticipación.
Paramásinformacióny/ositienespreguntassobrelos ServiciosInclusivos,favorllamaral541-682-6891oescribe arecadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
¿Eresbilingüeeninglésyespañol?¿Estásbuscandouna oportunidaddivertidaeinteresantedehacervoluntariado?Tu entusiasmo,participaciónyapoyoalosparticipantesesesencial paramantenerlacalidaddelosServiciosdeRecreación Adaptados.Nosenecesitaexperienciaprevia,yaquese proporcionacapacitaciónyeducaciónatodoslosvoluntarios.Si túotugrupoestáninteresadosenhacervoluntariadodurante cualquiercantidaddetiempo,favorllamaal541-682-6891o escribearecadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
transporteenautobús.Porfavorhagasusolicitudal registrarseyaquelademandadeusoesmuyalta.Elautobús sereservaporordendellegada.
Secciones en braille de publicaciones grandes (comopor ejemploestaseccióndelaGuíadeRecreación)lapodemos tenerdisponibleconavisoprevio.
Tenemos lectores disponiblesporteléfonooenpersona.Un miembrodelpersonalleleerácualquiersecciónesde cualquierpublicaciónsolicitada.
Tenemos intérpretes de lenguaje de señas disponiblepara clasesopresentacionessisepideconavisopreaviso.
El equipo de asistencia auditiva estádisponiblepara clases,eventosypresentacionesculturalesconavisoprevio.
Tecnología adaptada en la biblioteca: Monitoresde27 pulgadas,tecladoconletrasgrandes,mesasypantallas ajustables,programasdecomputaciónqueagrandanlas letras,JAWS(lectorcomputarizado)yunaimpresoraBraille.
Sitienemáspreguntas,llameaRecreaciónAdaptadaal 541-682-6891(español)o541-682-5311(TTY)(inglés).
Para inscribirse llame 541-682-6891.
Preescolar de Amazon 3-5 años
El Preescolar de Amazon tiene como objetivo despertar un amor por el aprendizaje a través de la naturaleza y el arte mientras proporciona prácticas apropiadas que apoyan el desarrollo en su totalidad. La meta es crear un entorno educativo atractivo y divertido a través de juegos dirigidos por niños y proyectos grupales dirigidos por maestros para promover la independencia y al mismo tiempo fomentar el desarrollo social, la inteligencia emocional y la creatividad. El enfoque está en el desarrollo académico temprano individual a través de la experiencia haciendo énfasis en la construcción de habilidades sociales. Los niños participan en actividades artísticas y cientí�icas que ayudarán a aumentar la destreza y la coordinación por medio de la diversión. A través del juego y la exploración por medio del aprendizaje autodirigido se convertirán en aprendices independientes.
Centro Amazon 9a-12p, Lu-Ju
Preescolar de Petersen Barn 3-5
A través del juego, los niños tienen experiencia con la cooperación, el riesgo y la creatividad, además de observar las leyes y estructuras de su mundo. En nuestro pequeño preescolar,
nos enfocamos en el aprendizaje basado en la exploración y el juego utilizando temas semanales para estructurar el plan de estudios e interactuar con nuestros entornos.
Centro Petersen Barn 9a-12p, LuMiVi o MaJu
Creamos un plan de estudios apropiado según los intereses emergentes de los niños. Integramos el lenguaje, la alfabetización y las matemáticas en todo lo que hacemos durante todo el día mientras exploramos con arte, ciencia, sensorial, música y movimiento.
Centro Sheldon 9a-12p, LuMiVi y/o MaJu, o 1-4p MaMiJu
Los horarios de las piscinas, incluyendo las horas de servicio y los cierres, se actualizan regularmente en GetRec.org/pools. En esa página, encontrarás un pequeño menú desplegable en la esquina inferior derecha de tu pantalla que dice “Select Language”. Ahí podrás elegir el idioma que pre�ieras; para español, selecciona “Spanish”.
Natación para Bebés 0-2 años con adulto
Los niños menores de 3 años y sus adultos pueden disfrutar juntos de la piscina de agua termal. Los adultos deben meterse al agua con sus hijos. El precio de entrada no está incluido en la inscripción. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.
Todas las edades
Los peques deben estar dentro del agua acompañados de un adulto. La entrada no está incluida en la inscripción de la clase. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.
Recreativo Todas las edades
Horarios de recreación y natación abiertos para todas las edades. Los niños que midan menos de 4 pies deben estar acompañados por un adulto de 18 años o mayor (un adulto por niño) o ser capaces de pasar una prueba de natación. La capacidad de Mini-Rec será limitada y algunos espacios podrán no estar disponibles. La entrada no está incluida en la inscripción de la clase. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.
Chicos (3-17)
Adultos (18+)
Mayores (60+)
$40 $48 $116
$6.00 $46 $59 $143
$5.50 $40 $48 $116
Familia* $18.00 $99 $119 $286
Todas las entradas requieren una tarifa de admisión para 3+ años. Menores de 2 años gratis con adulto pago. Pases cuestan 20% sin domicilio en Eugene. A partir del 1 oct., los pases tendrán un recargo del 25% para los que no viven en Eugene. *Cargos adicionales para más de 5 personas.
Política de pañales para nadar: Todas las instalaciones de natación de la ciudad de Eugene requieren pañales de natación con elásticos alrededor de las piernas y la cintura para aquellos que no saben usar el baño.
Nado Libre 13+ años
Sin importar cual sea tu nivel, ¡tenemos un carril para ti! Hay carriles disponibles para nadadores lentos, medios y rápidos. Los niños de 12 años o menos deben estar acompañados de un adulto y deben estar nadando en el carril.
Entrenamiento Individual 13+ años
Espacio en la piscina para nadar o hacer ejercicio solo.
Nuestros gimnasios ofrecen equipos cardiovasculares, como máquinas de correr y escaladoras, y también tenemos pesas para trabajar grupos de músculos especí�icos.
Para poder usar los centros de ejercicio primero debe tener una orientación, si usted ha utilizado nuestro centro anteriormente el formulario de consentimiento �irmado por usted debe estar en los archivos. Si usted nunca ha utilizado la instalación, tiene que �irmar el formulario de consentimiento. Abierto para adultos de 18 años o más.
• Los jóvenes de 16 a 17 años deben tener en archivo un formulario de consentimiento �irmado por un tutor.
• Los jóvenes de 13 a 15 años deben tener en archivo un formulario de consentimiento �irmado por un tutor y deben tener un adulto presente.
• Los jóvenes de 12 años o menos no pueden usar el gimnasio.
Tenemos spas en las tres ubicaciones de las piscinas.
Explora más de 100 instalaciones de Parques y Recreación en Eugene para que encuentres tu nuevo parque o centro comunitario favorito.
Todas las clases son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.
Curso Introductorio para Padres, Madres y Niños 6+meses
No hay prerrequisitos. Padres,madresybebésdisfrutanjuntos elagua.Padresymadresrecibenconsejosdeseguridady participanconcancionesyjuegosparaaumentarla comodidaddesupequeñoenelagua.Losbebésdebenusar pañaleselásticosreutilizablesparapiscina.
Curso Avanzado para Padres, Madres y Niños 18+meses
No hay prerrequisitos. Padres,madresybebéstrabajanjuntos paradesarrollarhabilidadesbásicasimportantespara participarcómodamenteenlasleccionesdenataciónpara preescolares.Elcursoabarcatemasdeseguridad,canciones, juegos,�lotación,pataleo,brazadasyhacerburbujas.Los bebésdebenusarpañaleselásticosreutilizablesparapiscina.
Estrellitas de Mar 3-5años
No hay prerrequisitos. Estecursointroductorioenseñaalos alumnosasumergirseyparticiparenformaseguramientras aprendenposicionescorporalesyhabilidadesdenatación básicas.Losniñosasistenalasleccionesindependientemente desuspadres.Lospadrespodránobservarlasleccionesde susniñosdesdeunáreaparaespectadores.Singafasde proteccióndenatación.
Nutrias 3-5años
Prerrequisitos: Haber pasado por Estrellitas de mar o participar independientemente en un curso, saltar al agua y sumergirse independientemente. Losnadadorestrabajanparaincrementar sucomodidadenelagua,volverseindependientesy sumergirseconcon�ianza.Lashabilidadessecentranen pataleofrontal,deslizamientosy�lotaciónindependiente prolongada.Singafasdeproteccióndenatación.
Pingüinos 3-5años
Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en la clase de Nutrias, o rodar independientemente de adelante hacia atrás mientras patalea, demostrar movimientos de brazos para crol de largo alcance. Losnadadoresaprendenarespirardeladoyabracearde espaldasalavezqueaumentansuresistenciaysushabilidadesy trabajanparaaumentarhabilidadesdeseguridadimportantes.
Focas 3-5años
Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en la clase de Pingüinos, o natación crol con respiración lateral durante cinco ciclos. Los nadadoresganancon�ianzayresistencia,alavezque mejoransurespiraciónlateral,subrazadadeespaldaysu �lotación.Losalumnostrabajanenaguamásprofundayse lesintroducealossaltos.Lostemasdeseguridadsebasan enelmaterialdeclasesanteriores.
Orcas 3-5años
Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en la clase de Focas, o natación crol �irme y brazada de espaldas 13 metros. Losnadadoresmejoran sutécnicacrolybrazadadeespaldasyselesintroducealdenado depechoymariposa.Losalumnossesientencómodosenagua
profundaysiguendesarrollandocon�ianzayresistenciaa medidaquenadanmásdistanciayprogresanenla�lotación.
Principiantes 6-10años
No hay prerrequisitos. Losalumnosaprendenasentirse cómodosenelaguaprobandounavariedaddeposiciones corporalesyhabilidadesdeseguridad.Introducciónameterla caraenelagua.Singafasdeproteccióndenatación.
Habilidades Básicas 6-10años
Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso para principiantes o entrar al agua independientemente y salir a una zona de seguridad y deslizarse hacia adelante independientemente. Losalumnosquesesientancómodosenelaguaaprenderán elcrolintroductoriofrontalydeespaldaconenfoqueenla posicióncorporalylacapacidadde�lotar.
Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso de Habilidades Básicas, o crol con respiración lateral (seis ciclos) y brazada de espalda (cinco ciclos). Quienesyatenganexperienciaencrolyespalda re�inaránsuestiloyaumentaránsuresistencia.Practicaránsus habilidadesdenataciónenaguaprofunda.Tambiénse practicarántécnicasavanzadasparalasposicionescorporales.
Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso de Con�ianza en agua profunda o crol y espalda 13 metros y �lotación en el agua durante dos minutos. Paranadadoresmáscon�iados.Los alumnostrabajaránparanadartodounlargodepiscina mientrasperfeccionanypracticanelcrol,espalda,pataleo paranadodepechoymás.
Estilos Avanzados 6-13años
Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso de Desarrollo de Resistencia o crol y espalda 22 metros. Paranadadoresmás avanzados.Losalumnosre�inaránsusestilosyaumentarán susdistancias.
Entrenamiento Precompetitivo 6-13años
Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso de Estilos Avanzados o crol y espalda 45 metros. Cursoenfocadoenloscuatroestilos queseusanenlascompetencias.Aprendesalidas,vueltas.
Escuela Secundaria 11-13años
No hay prerrequisitos. Paraalumnosdesecundariadetodos losniveles.Teenseñaremossegúntunivel.
Lecciones de Natación para Adolescentes 14-17años
No hay prerrequisitos. Paraestudiantesadolescentesde todoslosniveles.Teenseñaremosdesdecualquiernivel.
Lecciones de Natación para Adultos 18+años
No hay prerrequisitos. Paraadultosdetodoslosniveles.
Privado y Semi Privado 3años-adulto
Leccionesprivadaspersonalizadasdanalosnadadoresuna atenciónindividual.Paragrupossemiprivados,póngaseen contactoconelpersonal.