Snow much fun!

Stay healthy & engaged with classes, trips, sports & social events

Registration opens at 9 a.m. December 10

Thriving together

Our community thrives when our youth are inspired, supported and empowered. The activities and programs within this guide are designed to foster growth, spark creativity and establish connections for children and teens alike. From after-school enrichments, dance classes, exciting trips and leadership workshops, our offerings are crafted to meet the diverse interests and needs of our young residents while ensuring they have a place to be safe and seen.
Youth programming is a cornerstone of a vibrant, connected community. And while archery, clay wheel throwing, karate, mountain biking and cooking clubs are guaranteed to offer a good time, they also foster confidence, resilience and a sense of belonging to an ever-struggling population.
In 2024, Oregon ranked 49th in the prevalence of youth mental illness and access to care, according to Mental Health America. It ranked last when it came to youth suffering at least one major depressive episode and last again when it came to youth having serious thoughts of suicide.
Eugene Rec programs like Vibe, Resolve, Pathways to Employment and others funded by the Community Safety Payroll Tax are intentionally designed to offer caring mentors, safe spaces and inclusivity. But everything we do is an effort to benefit our neighbors and offer a brighter future for generations to come.
Walk into a community center during a youth program and you can immediately tell. The energy increases, the air hums with laughter and a touch of chaos, but there’s always an inviting pull. It’s a place where everyone is encouraged to be themselves, try new things, build friendships and create. More so, it’s a place buzzing with potential, shared ideas, undiscovered talents, lifelong memories and, simply, happiness.
Adventure. Community. Happiness. GetRec.org

Rec Locations

● 1 Amazon Community Center
2700 Hilyard St.
Ph: 541-682-5373 Hours: 9a-5p M-F Fx: 541-682-5367 Bus: #28, 73
● 2 Amazon Pool (seasonal)
2600 Hilyard St.
Ph: 541-682-5350
Schedule: See pages 30 &66 Fx: 541-682-6366 Bus: #28, 73
● 3 Campbell Community Center
155 High St.
Ph: 541-682-5318 Hours: 8:30a-7p M, Fx: 541-682-6386 8:30a-4:30p Tu-F Bus: #1, 66, 67
● 4 Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center
1655 Echo Hollow Road
Ph: 541-682-5525
Schedule: See pages 30 &66
Fx: 541-682-8193 Bus: #40
● 5 Graham Field House
2190 Polk St.
Ph: 541-682-5409

● 6 Hilyard Community Center
2580 Hilyard St.
Ph (voice/TDD): Hours: 9a-5:30p M-F
541-682-5311 Bus: #28, 73 Fx: 541-682-5460
● 7 Lamb Cottage
In Skinner Butte Park
Ph: 541-682-5318
Outdoor Sports Fields
Located throughout the city
Ph: 541-682-5409
● 8 Petersen Barn Community Center
870 Berntzen Road
Ph: 541-682-5521 Hours: 9a-5p M-F
Fx: 541-682-8192 Bus: #40
● 9 River House Outdoor Center
301 N. Adams St.
Ph: 541-682-5329 Hours:
Fx: 541-682-6319 May-Aug 10a-4:30p M-F Bus: #40, 52 Sep-Apr 10a-2p M-F
Campbell Community Center
Amazon Community Center
● 10 Sheldon Community Center
2445 Willakenzie Road
Ph: 541-682-5312 Hours: 9a-5p M-F
Fx: 541-682-6332 Bus: #66 & 67
● 11 Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center
2443 Willakenzie Road
Ph: 541-682-5314 Schedule: See pages 30 &66
Fx: 541-682-6344 Bus: #66 & 67
● 12 Shelton-McMurpheyJohnson House
303 Willamette St.
Ph: 541-484-0808 Bus: #1
Fx: 541-984-1314
● 13 Spencer Butte Challenge Course
Off Willamette St., south of 50th Ave.
Ph: 541- 682-5329
Fx: 541-682-6319
● 14 Washington Park Center
2025 Washington St. Ph: 541-682-5370 Bus: #36
● 15 Wayne Morse Family Farm & Park 585 Crest Drive Ph: 541-682-5373 Also see page 101
● 16 WJ Skatepark + Urban Plaza
Between Washington Street and Jefferson Street at First Avenue beneath the I-105 bridge 6a-1a daily Bus: #51

How to Register
Three Easy Ways to Register
Addresses and phone numbers for all facilities are on pages 4-5.
• Online: Ifyouhaveregisteredwithusbefore,makesure youhaveyourlogininformation.
Notsureifyouhaveanaccount?VisitGetRec.org/register andclick“LogIn/CreateAccount,”thenselect“LogInwith Email”andselect“ForgotPassword.”Ifyouhaveanaccount yourlogininformationwillbeemailedtoyou.
Needtocreateanaccount?VisitGetRec.org/registerand click“LoginIn/CreateAccount,”thenselect“CreateYourEug RecAccount.”
• By Phone: Calltherecreationfacilityprovidingtheactivity orcall541-682-5333.HaveyourVisaorMasterCardnumber handy.
• In Person: Visitanyrecreationfacility.

Registrationisongoingandopentoresidentsandnon-residents ona�irst-comebasis.Registerearly;manyclasses�illquickly. Classesmaybecancelediftherearenotenoughregistrations.
Access & Equity
TheCityofEugeneRecreationDivisionstrivestomake recreationalopportunitieswelcomingforeveryone.Eugene Recworkstoensureitsprogramsareaccessibleand inclusiveforallpeople,regardlessofage,disability,gender identity,immigrationstatus,nationalorigin,race,religion, sexualorientationorsocio-economicstatus.
TheCityofEugeneiscommittedtosupportingtheAmericans withDisabilitiesActandwillprovideindividualswith modi�icationstheyneedtoparticipateinEugeneRec programs.Thefollowingservicesareavailablewithadvance notice.Somerequestsmaytakeuptotwoweekstosecure.
Large Print and Digital Recordings canbeprovidedwith advancenotice.Fiveorfewerlargeprintcopiescanbe provideduponrequest.
Accessible Bus with Wheelchair Lift isavailablefor activitiesthatprovidebustransportation.Pleasemakeyour requestatthetimeofregistrationsincedemandforuseis high.Thebusisbookedona�irstcome,�irst-servedbasis.
Braille sectionsoflargepublications(suchasthisRecreationGuide)canbemadeavailablewithadvancenotice.
Readers areavailablebyphoneorinperson.Astaffperson willreadtherequestedsectionsofpublicationsforyou.
American Sign Language Interpretation isavailablefor classesorpresentationswithadvancenotice.
Hearing Assistance Equipment isavailableforclasses,specialeventsandculturalperformanceswithadvancenotice.
Adaptive Technology at the Library: 27-inchmonitors, largekeyboardletters,adjustabletablesandscreens, magnifyingsoftware,JAWS(computerizedreader)anda Brailleembosser.
Ifyouhaveadditionalquestions,callAdaptiveRecreation at541-682-5311(TTY)orvisitGetRec.org/recinclusion. For more information about Recreation Inclusion Services see page 8.
Minimum Class Requirements
Inordertorecoverprogramcosts,aminimumnumberof participantsarerequired.Pleaseregisterearly.Classesand activitieswillbecanceledbetweentwoand�ivedaysbefore theactivitystartdateiftheminimumnumberof participantshavenotregistered.
Ifyouregisterforanactivitythatiscanceledbecauseoflow enrollment,staffwillnotifyyouandissuearefund.Formore aboutthewithdrawal/refundpolicy,seebelow.
Withdrawal/Refund Policy
Withdrawalandrefundrequestsmustbemadetothefacility sponsoringtheactivity.
Withdrawalsfromrecreationactivitiesaresubjecttoa withdrawalfee.Awithdrawalfeeof$10willbechargedfor eachregistrationunder$100.Awithdrawalfeeof$25will bechargedforeachregistration$100andhigher.
Arefundwillbeissuedminusthewithdrawalfeewhen requestedatleastseven(7)ormorecalendardaysbefore the�irstactivitymeeting.
Whenarefundisrequestedsix(6)orfewercalendardays beforethe�irstactivitymeetingoronceaclassoractivity hasstarted,arefundshallbeissuedonlyif:
•Departmentactionrequirescancellationoftheactivity(no withdrawalfeewillbecharged).
Norefundwillbeissuedifyoufailtoshowupfora registeredactivity,classortrip.Norefundwillbegivenfor athleticleaguefeesandtripsthatrequireprepaymentof advancedreservationticketsoradmissionfees.
ThispolicyisexpectedtobeupdatedeffectiveJanuary1,2025. TheupdatedpolicywillbeavailableatGetRec.org/RecPolicies.
Release from Liability Agreement
Withtheexceptionofspeci�ictrips,CityofEugene Recreationdoesnotprovidemedicalinsurancecoveragefor itsparticipants.Inconsiderationoftherighttoparticipate, eachparticipantmustacknowledgetherearerisksinherentin anykindofactivityandmustagreetoassumethoseriskson his/herownbehalf,releasingandholdingharmlessthe City,itsof�icersoragentsfromallclaimsforinjuryor lossessufferedfromparticipation.
AnadditionalReleasefromLiabilityAgreement,signedby theparticipantorguardian,mayberequiredfor participationinsomeactivities.
Photographs,videosandaudioofparticipantsinRecreation ServicesprogramsmaybeusedbytheCityofEugeneinany medium(e.g.,printpublications,socialmedia,etc.)for publicitypurposes,withoutcompensationorpermission.
Registrationand/orpaymentofanyregistrationfeeshallbe deemedanadmissionofagreementtothetermsstatedabove.
Scholarship Program
ApplicationsareavailableinNovembereachyearforthe upcomingyear(January1-December31).Applicationswill beavailableatGetRec.org/recscholarshipor atanyEugene Recfacility.
Surcharge for Non-City Residents
Non-cityresidentsareassesseda25percentsurchargefor registeredactivitiesandrentals.
Outdoor Program Special Use Permit
CityofEugeneoperatesunderaSpecialUsePermitissuedby theU.S.ForestServicefortheDeschutes,Siuslaw,Umpquaand WillametteNationalForests;andunderSpecialRecreation PermitsgrantedbytheBureauofLandManagementinthe NorthwestOregonandPrinevilledistricts.CityofEugeneisan equalopportunityoutdoorrecreationserviceprovider.

Get Involved!
Adaptive Rec programs are designed for people with disabilities, and are for ages 14+, unless otherwise noted. Classes and activities are structured for different levels of ability. All Adaptive Rec programs require registration. Participants must complete a Participant Information Form before attending. Fees do not include the cost of meals and admission, unless otherwise noted. For more information call 541-682-5311.
Have Questions?
New participants are welcome to call before registering for programs. Staff are available to discuss recreation resources and opportunities. Certi�ied Therapeutic Recreation Specialists are available to answer questions regarding the activities that are most appropriate for you, a family member or an individual in your care.
Every effort will be made to reasonably accommodate each individual. However, if a person’s conduct poses physical harm or risk to self or others, as indicated in the Patron Code of Conduct, they may be removed from programs. Personal Support Workers are welcome to attend programs to support individuals with behavioral and/or personal care needs. PSWs are required to register for programs. Call the front desk to register, 541-682-5311.

Inclusion Services
Eugene Rec staff is committed to making all reasonable efforts to ensure that its facilities, programs and services are accessible to and usable by all people. Individuals with disabilities are welcome to participate in any City of Eugene Recreation program within the eligibility requirements of age, prerequisites, etc.
When additional support is required for successful participation in Eugene Recreation programs, staff utilize the Inclusion Services process to determine programmatic modi�ications and/or individual support plans that best �it the participant.
To initiate the Inclusion Services process, discuss your request upon registration in person, over the phone or at GetRec.org/recinclusion at least two weeks in advance.
For additional information and/or questions regarding Inclusion Services, call 541-682-5311 or email recadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
Volunteer With Us!
Looking for a fun and engaging volunteer opportunity? Your enthusiasm, involvement and support with participants is essential to the quality of Adaptive Recreation Services. No previous experience necessary – training and feedback are provided for all volunteers. If you or your group are interested in volunteering any amount of time, call 541-682-5311 or email recadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
Adapted Bike & Equipment Services
All ages
AdaptiveRecreationServicesmaintainsaunique�leetof adaptiveequipment,includingbeachandall-terrain wheelchairs,aswellasthree-wheeledbikesincluding recumbents,tandemsandhandcycles.Individualandgroup servicescanbeprovidedtosupportadaptiverecreational equipmentneedsforpeopleofvaryingabilitiesandskill levels,including�ittingsandrentals.Formoreinformationcall 541-682-5311orvisitGetRec.org/recadaptive.
Adapted Bike Assessment & Fitting
Staffassessneedsandrecommendequipment.Designedfor peoplewithlimitedmobility,disabilities,medicalconditionsor thosewhowishtopreviewequipmentbeforerentalorpurchase.
Ongoing M-F 9a-5p $10 Byapptonly Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5311
Adapted Bike & Beach/All-Terrain Wheelchair Rental
Ongoing M-F 9a-5:30p Byapptonly
May is Bike Month
Availableafterinitial�ittingorassessment.Freerentalis availableforsame-dayrentalsonly,30minutestofullday (9a.m.-5p.m.).Standardratesapplyformulti-dayrentals. NotavailableonMonday,May26duetotheholiday.
May1-30 M-F 9a-5p Free Byappt

Adapted Bike Demo Day
Recumbents?Tricycles?Handcycles?Electricassist?Bike share?Tryalltheseatthisbikedemo.Tryoutouramazing �leetofbikesforpeoplewhocan’tordon’twanttoride standardbikeframes.Pleaseregisterforthisfreeevent.
CampbellCommunityCenter May15 Th 1-3p Free #31617
Intro to Dance
Curiousaboutdance?Joinusasweexplorehowtomoveour bodies.Wewilllearnbasicdancesteps,linedanceandsocial dancing.
Instructor:KateCleary Jan25 Sa 1:30-3p $5 #31047
Dance Fusion
Havefunandget�itwiththisuniquedance�itnessclass. Learnbasicmovestomulticulturalmusicasyoushake, shimmyandsalsayourwaytoahealthieryou.
Jan13-Mar17 M 4:30-5:30p $40 #31058
Apr7-Jun9 M 4:30-5:30p $45 #31061
Jan15-Mar19 W 4:30-5:30p $50 #31059
Apr9-Jun11 W 4:30-5:30p $50 #31060
Uses the lottery system, see box on page 11.
Adaptive Games
Game Time
Havefunandchallengeyourfriendstoindoorandoutdoor gamesasweatherallows.
Jan14-Mar18 Tu 3:30-4:30p $27 #30917
Apr8-Jun10 Tu 3:30-4:30p $27 #30920
Jan16-Mar20 Th 3:30-4:30p $27 #30918
Apr10-Jun12 Th 3:30-4:30p $27 #30921
Jan17-Mar21 F 3:30-4:30p $27 #30919
Apr11-Jun13 F 3:30-4:30p $27 #30922
Parkinson’s & Table Tennis
Tabletennishasbeenshowntoimprovemotorsymptomsof Parkinson’sandincreasemovement,hand-eyecoordination andstrength.Plus,it’sfunandagreatwaytomeetothers. Sessionsarespeci�icallyforthosewithsymptomsof Parkinson’s.
Jan7-May27 Tu 2-4p Free Drop-in
Land Fitness
Fight Back with Neuromuscular Exercise
Ages 18+
Thisclassisidealforpeoplewithneuromuscularchallenges (Parkinson’s,mildstroke,multiplesclerosis,etc.)thatmay causelossofbalanceandcoordination.Weengagethebrain andbodytoencouragemore�luid,balancedmovementand improvestrength,agilityandgait.Thosewhoneedindividual assistanceshouldbringapersonalsupportworkerorcare provider.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:EricBeins
Jan7-30 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30821
Feb4-27 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30822
Mar4-27 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30823
Apr1-29 TuTh 12-1p $67 #30824
May1-9 TuTh 12-1p $67 #30825
Jun3-26 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30826
HilyardCommunityCenter Instructor:EricBeins
Jan7-30 TuTh 2-3p
Feb4-27 TuTh 2-3p
Mar4-27 TuTh 2-3p

Intro to the Joys of Music
Thisclassisahands-onexplorationofmusicinafunand supportiveatmosphere.Focusonsinging,learningand playinginstruments,songwritingandbuildingacohesive musicalgroup.Noexperiencenecessary.Thisclassisevery otherweek.
Instructor:DavidHelfand Jan7,21,Feb4,18,Mar4
Tu 3:30-4:30p $35 #31028
Tu 3:30-4:30p $35 #31046
Skiing & Snowboarding
Alpine Adventures
Adaptive Skiing Ages 6+
$60 #30988
$60 #30989
$60 #30990
Apr1-29 TuTh 2-3p $67 #30991
May1-29 TuTh 2-3p $67 #30992
Jun3-26 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30993
AdaptiveRecreationandOregonAdaptiveSportsofferan adaptiveskiingandsnowboardingprogramforpeoplewith disabilitiesinthesouthernWillametteValley.Theprogram and�inancialassistanceareprovidedbyOAS.Freeaccessible transportationfromEugeneisprovidedbyAdaptiveRec; spaceislimitedandregistrationisrequired.Toregisterfor skiingandlearnabout�inancialassistancecontactOASat 541-306-4774orinfo@oregonadaptivesports.org.
MeetatHilyardCommunityCenter Jan10-Mar30 FSu 7a-6p
Jr. Racers – Kids Free Ski Day Ages 5-21
Join in the fun of adapted skiing with the free Jr. Racers event at Hoodoo Ski Area. Provided by Oregon Adapted Sports and supported by Adaptive Recreation. Accessible transportation is provided from Eugene for athletes and parents; space is limited and registration is required. For information about Kids Free Ski Day contact OAS at 541-306-4774 or info@oregonadaptivesports.org.
Meet at Hilyard Community Center
Feb 8 Sa 7a-6p Free
Social Gatherings
Friday Recreation
Join in and learn about recreation activities, including games, crafts, music and guest speakers.
Hilyard Community Center
Jan 17-Mar 21 F 1:30-3p
Apr 11-Jun 13 F 1:30-3p
Hilyard Hang Out
$35 #30923
$35 #30924
This is a casual time to hang out with peers. Staff supervision, tabletop games and basic craft supplies will be available.
Hilyard Community Center
Jan 24 F 4:30-6:30p
Feb 28 F 4:30-6:30p
Mar 24 M 3-5p
Mar 25 Tu 3-5p
Mar 26 W 3-5p
Mar 27 Th 3-5p
Mar 28 F 3-5p
Apr 25 F 4:30-6:30p
May 23 F 4:30-6:30p
Jun 16 M 3-5p
Jun 18 W 3-5p
Jun 20 F 3-5p
Jun 23 M 3-5p
Jun 25 W 3-5p
Jun 27 F 3-5p
Hilyard Social Club
$5 #31018
$5 #31022
$5 #31026
$5 #31027
$5 #31029
$5 #31030
$5 #31031
$5 #31032
$5 #31033
$5 #31230
$5 #31231
$5 #31234
$5 #31235
$5 #31237
$5 #31239
Join us as we work together to plan and implement fun activities and community ventures in the Eugene and Spring�ield areas. This is designed as a community integration, life and social skill-building program. Participants collaborate to develop the schedule during the �irst week of class. Participants will be asked to cover the cost of some admissions and concessions up to an additional $40 for the session.
Hilyard Community Center
Jan 15-Mar 19 W 1:30-4p
Apr 9-Jun 11 W 1:30-4p
Out & About
Make wonderful memories with your peers as you explore the recreational opportunities in the Eugene and Spring�ield areas. Transportation provided.
All outings meet at Hilyard Community Center Uses the lottery system, see box.
Bring $10 for shoe rental and bowling fees. Bring additional money if you would like to purchase food.
Jan 4 Sa 4-6:30p $12 #31211
Eugene Science Center
We will explore the hands-on exhibits at the Eugene Science Center.Bring $7.50 for admission.
Feb 1 Sa 3-5p $12 #31205
Ice Skating
Bring $5 for skate rental and$11 for admission.
Mar 1 Sa 12-2:30p $12 #31214
Natural History Museum
Bring $6 for admission.
Apr 5 Sa 2-4p $12 #31217
Adaptive Biking & Ice Cream
Try out an adapted bike or bring your own on a group ride to eat ice cream.Ice cream provided.
May 3 Sa 4-6:30p $12 #31221
Local Pool
We will head to a local pool for a recreational swim. Jun 7 Sa 2-4p $12 #31225
Lottery System
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Dec. 10-15. No payment is due at this time. Personal support workers do not need to sign up for the lottery but will be signed up when the patron registers.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Dec. 18, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Jan. 1 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
$100 #31062
$100 #31064 Uses the lottery system, see box.
For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
Saturday Night Action
Join friends for Saturday night games, crafts and fun social activities. Each month we will learn about and celebrate a cultural or seasonal theme.
Hilyard Community Center
Celebrate the New Year
Jan 18 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #31010
Friendship & Gratitude
Feb 15 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #31008
Karaoke Night
Mar 15 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #31013
Earth Day Celebration
Apr 19 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #31014
Self Care
May 17 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #31016
Summer Kickoff
Jun 21 Sa 6:30-8p $12 #31015
Valentine’s Day Dance Ages 18+
It’s the dance offun andfriendships. Participants must register by 5 p.m. February 13. No registration taken at the door. Personal support workers attending with participants get in free and do not need toregister. Eat dinner before you come.
Hilyard Community Center
Feb 14 F 6-8p $8 #30929

Special Interest
Circle of Friends Ages
14 & under
Circle of Friends was founded on one simple concept: youth with severe disabilities are just like anyone else – they deserve opportunities. Through resources, support, training and a community built on compassion, Circle of Friends strives to break the cycle of isolation for these individuals and the people who love them. Offerings include monthly family-friendly public events that provide youth opportunities to experience fun and recreation that have traditionally felt inaccessible. Circle of Friends will highlight community-based events that are accessible and fun for all in order to increase comfort in family outings. These activities are speci�ically designed for youth ages preschool through middle school. Registration is required and events are as low cost as possible. For more information, visit coforegon.org.
DanceAbility All ages
DanceAbility International’s mission is to dissolve barriers and connect people with and without disabilities through dance and movement. This mission is accomplished through classes, workshops and events for adults and children, performances, teacher trainings and educational materials for teachers of inclusive dance. Learn more by emailing info@danceability.org or calling 541-357-4982.

Wednesday Wheelers Ages 6+
Thisinformalgroupofwheelchairusersmeetsatvarious locationsinEugenetoexplorepathsandtrailsandconnect socially.Opentoregularorsituationalwheelchairusers.For moreinformation,callHilyardat541-682-5311oremail Lorenatlcush9@hotmail.com.
Ongoing W 10a-12 Free Drop-in
Adaptive Sports Sampler All ages
Joinotherpeoplewithphysicaldisabilitiestocometogether toplaycourtsportsincludingwheelchairbasketball, pickleballandvolleyball.IncollaborationwiththeEugeneYMCA. Scholarshipsavailableforyouth21andunder,toinquirecall 541-682-5311.
Jan5 Su 2-4p
Feb2 Su 2-4p
Mar2 Su 2-4p
Apr6 Su 2-4p
May4 Su 2-4p
Jun1 Su 2-4p
$5 #30551
$5 #30552
$5 #30553
$5 #30554
$5 #30555
$5 #30556
Support Groups
ALS Support Group Ages 21+
ThisgroupisforpeoplelivingwithLouGehrig’sdisease, families,caregiversandfriends.Meetingsofferspeakerson relevanttopicsandaredesignedtoshareinformationaswell asstrategiesforpreservingindependenceandqualityoflife. FormoreinformationcallMaryRebarat541-990-1246or emailmary.rebar@alsnorthwest.org.
Ongoing 2ndW3-4:30p Free Drop-in
Amputee Support Group All ages
PowerOnWithLimbLosshostsmeetingsforamputeesand peoplewithphysicaldisabilities,whichincludespeakersand peermentorshiptohelpbuildindependenceandimprove qualityoflife.ThegroupalsohostsanannualAmputee Conferenceinthespring.FormoreinformationcallPaula Freeat541-510-5866orpaula@poweronwithlimbloss.org.
Ongoing 4thW6-8p Free Drop-in

Brain Injury Support Group Ages 18+
Thisgroupisforpeoplewhohaveexperiencedabrainor headinjurytoshareexperiences,supportandresourceson aninformalbasis.Formoreinformation,call541-682-5311.
Ongoing Tu 11a-12:30p Free Drop-in
Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon Ages 21+
TheEugene/Spring�ieldgeneralsupportgroupwelcomes family,friendsandcarepartnersaswellasthoselivingwith adiagnosisofParkinson’sdisease.Thisgroupismeetingin personwithanoptiontoparticipateviaZoom.Checkthewebsite formeetingdetailsandtimesparkinsonsresources.orgoremail Libbyatlibby@parkinsonsresources.org.
Ongoing Dates/timesvary Free Drop-in

Swim Lessons
Water Safety & Swim Skills Ages 5-12
This class is designed to support youth with disabilities in learning water safety and basic swimming skills. Through an adaptive swim lesson approach, staff will support people in a group setting.For questions call 541-682-5311 or email recadaptive@eugene-or.gov. Families can sign up for the class, participate only in the adaptive swim time, or both.
Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center
Jan 12-Mar 16 Su 10:30-11:15a $90 #31247
Apr 6-May 25 Su 10:30-11:15a $72 #31291
Unstructured drop-in adaptive swim time 11:15a-12p after each class; pool admission fees apply, see page 30
Sensory Swim Time Ages 12 & under
This is a drop-in program for families to have a low-sensory adaptive swim time in the warm water pool. Designed for youth with disabilities who may have dif�iculty participating in a general family swim. Siblings under 12 are welcome to attend as long as they are supervised and supportive of the low-sensory environment.
Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center
Jan 12-May 25 Su 11:15a-12p Drop-in Pool admission fees apply, see page 30
Free admission for one parent or caregiver per household
Fitness for All
This class uses energizing circuit training and motivating activities with positive support. Move toward a healthier you.
Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Megan Patrignelli
Jan 14-Mar 20 TuTh 4:45-5:45p $100 #30927
Apr 8-Jun 12 TuTh 4:45-5:45p $100 #30928
Nature Walks ■ 4 See key on page 15.
Be outdoors walking or rolling at local parks and trails. Patrons may hike up to 2 miles per outing. Dress for active play, wear good walking shoes and bring a water bottle and snack. All-terrain wheelchairs will be available upon request. Transportation provided to and from Hilyard Center.
Meet at Hilyard Community Center
Jan 14-Mar 18 Tu 10a-12:30p $55 #31050
Apr 8-Jun 10 Tu 10a-12:30p $55 #31052
Jan 18-Mar 22 Sa 10a-12:30p $55 #31051
Apr 12-Jun 14 Sa 10a-12:30p $55 #31053
Uses the lottery system, see box.
Joyful Yoga
A yoga experience for all abilities that focuses on building strength and �lexibility while improving balance and con�idence. Suitable for all body types. No experience needed.
Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Kate Cleary
Jan 13-Mar 17 M 3-4p $60 #30911
Apr 7-Jun 9 M 3-4p $67 #30912
No class Jan 20, Feb 17, May 26
Modified Yoga Ages 18+
This gentle yoga class is designed for people living with chronic neuromuscular conditions like �ibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease. Poses are modi�ied for those needing adaptations. This class has a hybrid option. For those attending in person, individuals must be independent or have someone to assist. Yoga mats and blocks provided as needed. For the virtual option, a Zoom link will be sent to patrons upon registration. In-person registration is available on a monthly basis, alongside the virtual 10-use card.
Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Kate Cleary
Jan 6-27 M 11:45a-1p $22 #30996
Feb 3-24 M 11:45a-1p $22 #30997
Mar 3-31 M 11:45a-1p $37 #30998
Apr 7-28 M 11:45a-1p $30 #31000
May 5-19 M 11:45a-1p $22 #31001
Jun 2-30 M 11:45a-1p $37 #31002
10-use card for $75, Modified Yoga class only
No yoga Jan 20, Feb 17
Lottery System
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Dec. 10-15. No payment is due at this time. Personal support workers do not need to sign up for the lottery but will be signed up when the patron registers.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Dec. 18, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Jan. 1 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
Date Day Time Title
Jan 19 Su 1-5p U of O Women’s Basketball Game 15 $45
Feb 8 Sa 8:30a-5:30p Hoodoo Autobahn Snow Tubing 15 $54
Mar 9 Su 9a-5p OMSI 15 $68
Mar 22 Sa 9a-5p Hatfield Marine Science Center 16 $53
Apr 13 Su 9a-4p Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival 16 $57
Apr 16 W 9:30a-2:30p Willamette Confluence Tour 16 $14
Apr 26 Sa 10a-2p Hike at Mt Pisgah 17 $24
Apr 27 Su 1-6p Cottage Theatre “Mary Poppins” 17 $65
May 3 Sa 10a-4p Pet Day at OSU 17 $36
May 11 Su 10a-4p Chintimini Wildlife Center 17 $51
May 16 F 9:30a-1:30p Green Island Tour 16 $14
May 18 Su 11a-3p Wildflower & Music at Mt. Pisgah 17 $36
Jun 8 Su 9a-4p Silver Falls Hike 17 $42
Jun 14 Sa 10a-4p Albany Carousel 17 $36
Jun 17 Tu 12:30-4:30p Rock Climbing at the Columns 17 $30
Jun 22 Su 9:30a-5:30p Play Day at the Coast
U of O Women’s Basketball Game ■ 2
Join fellow Ducks fans to cheer on the Oregon women’s basketball team. Game admission included in registration. The arena is cashless, so if you would like to purchase food you must bring a credit or debit card.
Jan 19 Su 1-5p $45 #31255
Hoodoo Autobahn Snow Tubing ■ 4
Join usfor an adventurous day of tubing on the slopes at the Autobahn Tubing Park at Hoodoo Ski Resort. Involves uneven, snowy terrain and higher altitudes. Not suitable for wheelchair users. Learn more about Hoodoo tubing at skihoodoo.com/explore/autobahn-tubing-park. Admission not included, bring $30along witha sack lunch. Wear warm clothing and snow boots.
Feb 8 Sa 8:30a-5:30p $54 #31226
OMSI ■ 3
Explore the exhibits and activities at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland. Trip registration includes museum admission. Bring money for lunch or a sack lunch. Be prepared for lots of walking or bring a mobility device. Learn more about OMSI at omsi.edu.
Mar 9 Su 9a-5p $68 #31243

All trips are designed for people with disabilities, are for ages 14+, and meet at Hilyard Community Center unless noted otherwise.
All Adaptive trips use the lottery system unless noted otherwise, see box on page 14.
Activity Level Ratings
Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Trip Policies
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.
Coast Excursions ■ 3
ExplorethebeautifulOregonCoastandallthebeautyand activitiesithastooffer.
Hatfield Marine Science Center
HeadtoHat�ieldVisitorCentertoseeexhibits,participatein hands-onactivitiesandlearnaboutmarineanimalsandissues facingthecoast.Admissionincluded.Bringasacklunch.
Mar22 Sa 9a-5p $53 #31245
Play Day at the Coast
Soakupthesun,�lykitesandplaygamesonthebeach.Beach wheelchairsavailableforthosewithaccessibilityneeds. Bringasacklunch.
Jun22 Su 9:30a-5:30p $48 #31354
Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival ■ 3
Experienceover100varietiesoftulipsinarainbowofcolors spreadoutover40acres.Admissionincluded.Bringmoney topurchaselunchatthefestivalorasacklunch.
Apr13 Su 9a-4p $57 #31265

Coburg.Thesepropertiesofferopportunitiestopreserveand restoreadynamicandecologicallydiverseriversystem. Volunteersandstaffwillleadvisitorsaroundmuchofthe preserves,highlightingtheconservationefforts,human historyandnaturalfeatures.Thetoursareintendedfor peoplewhoareunabletowalkthe4milestypicallyrequired forwalkingtours.Bringalunchandwater,dressforthe weatherandconsiderbringingaportablechairorbinoculars.
Tour of the Willamette Confluence
Preserve & Green Island

Apr16 W 9:30a-2:30p $14 #31506
JoinMcKenzieRiverTrustandFriendsofBufordParkontwo smallbustours:theWillametteCon�luencePreserveand TurtleFlatsnearMountPisgah,andGreenIslandnorthof

May16 F 9:30a-1:30p $14 #30981 These tours do not use the lottery system.

Hike at Mount Pisgah ■ 4
Spring is here, so let’s get outside. Hike and have lunch at Mount Pisgah. Bring a sack lunch. All-terrain track chairs are available upon request; description at davidschair.org.
Apr 26 Sa 10a-2p $24 #31315
Cottage Theatre “Mary Poppins” ■ 1
Visit the Cottage Theatre to enjoy a matinee performance of “Mary Poppins.” The productionpromises a blend of familiar tunes and high-�lying moments – a heartwarming reminder that the extraordinary can be found in the most ordinary of places. Admission ticket is included in registration fee. For more information go to cottagetheatre.org/mary-poppins.
Apr 27 Su 1-6p $65 #31323
Pet Day at OSU ■ 2
Pet Day is run by the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University. Activities include dog agility shows, facility tours, dog obedience demonstrations and a petting zoo. Bring a sack lunch or money to purchase food.
May 3 Sa 10a-4p $36 #31436
Chintimini Wildlife Center ■ 3
Meet Chintimini raptors, reptiles and mammals and learn how to safely livenearand enjoy wildlife. Bring a sack lunch. Admission included.
May 11 Su 10a-4p $51 #31372
Wildflower & Music Festival at Mount Pisgah ■ 2
View hundreds of species of local wild�lowers in the White Oak Pavilion. Enjoy guided nature tours, live music, local food, arts and crafts vendors and information booths. Admission included. Bring a sack lunch or money to purchase food.
May 18 Su 11a-3p $36 #31377
Silver Falls Hike ■ 4
Experience the beauty of Silver Falls’ cascading waterfalls and enjoy nature’s wonders along the hiking trail. Bring a sack lunch to have a picnic. Involves hiking for up to two hours on uneven terrain and hills.
Jun 8 Su 9a-4p $42 #31362
Albany Carousel ■ 2
Spend a fun day in downtown Albany visiting the world-class carousel complex. Each animal has been hand-carved and painted by local artists. Pick your favorite and ride the carousel. Bring money for carousel rides ($2 per ride) and a sack lunch. Learn more about the carousel at albanycarousel.com.
Jun 14 Sa 10a-4p $36 #31381

Rock Climbing at the Columns ■ 4
Reach new heights with peers at the Skinner Butte Rock Climbing Columns. All equipment and instruction provided. Designed for people with developmental disabilities. Not accessible to wheelchair users.
Jun 17 Tu 12:30-4:30p $30 #31459
Accessible Pursuits
Are you looking for exciting and rewarding activities for your group? Organizations, agencies and individuals are invited to participate in the Accessible Pursuits services. It uses the expertise and resources of Adaptive Rec to design a recreation program that meets your speci�ic needs.
In addition, City staff can present clinics, workshops, in-services and trainings in adaptive recreation and inclusion services for employees, participants and family members.
The bene�its include:
• Activities that are affordable and tailored to the needs of your organization and clients.
• Access to a wide variety of adapted equipment and services.
• Activities that are safe and accessible.
• Activities that are designed by Certi�ied Therapeutic Recreation Specialists and other trained and knowledgeable staff.
Accessible Pursuits focuses on helping participants discover their own innate talents, acquire greater independence and develop enduring peer relationships that are instrumental to improving the quality of their lives. Let Accessible Pursuits bring fun directly to you. For more information, call 541-682-5311.
Youth Activities

Archery Ages 11-17
TheRiverHouseArcheryprogramaimstoteachyouth,adults andfamiliestheskillsneededtobecomepro�icientarchers andtodevelopalifelongpassionfortraditionalshooting. Archeryhasbeenshowntoimprovemotivation,attention, disciplineandfocus.Thisprogramhelpsparticipantsdevelop their�ineandgrossmotorskills,includingbalance,timingand breathingregulation,alongsideactingasagreatsocial opportunity.
Apr25 F 5:30-8:30p $45 #31400
May17 Sa 10a-2p $55 #31397
Apr7-28 M 4-7p $170 #31307
Feb25 Tu 4:30-6:30p $45 #31637
Mar18 Tu 4:30-6:30p $45 #31638
Abstract Painting Ages 12+
Explorecolortheoryandshapebasicsthroughabstract painting.Gaincon�idenceandpaintwithmorefreedomand feeling.Thisclassmostlyfocusesonusingacrylicpaint.List ofrequiredmaterialswillbeemailedbefore�irstclass.
Jan11-Mar8 Sa 10a-1p $166 #30655
Mar22-May10 Sa 10a-1p $166 #30656
Art from the Heart Ages 10+
Haveacreativeconversationwithyourselfaswemakeart designedtoexpandself-awarenessandpersonalgrowth. Usingsimplematerialsandalightheartedapproach,wewill tapintothewisdomourartcanhold.Eachsessionwill includeawarm-upactivity,plentyoftimeforartmakingand anopportunityforre�lection.Noartexperienceisnecessary.
Jan8-29 W 6-8p $80 #30872
Mar5-26 W 6-8p $80 #30875
Clay Wheel Throwing & Handbuilding Ages 10-15
Learnbasicandadvancedtechniquesofwheelthrowing, handbuildingandglazing.Takehomeyourownpotsand bowlstosharewithyourfamily.Nopriorclayorpottery experienceisnecessary,justawillingnesstotrynewthings. Workatyourownpace.
Jan8-Feb26 W 3:45-5:45p $136 #30505
Apr9-May28 W 3:45-5:45p $136 #30506
Craft Club Ages 9-13
Studentswillmakeonelargerprojectthroughoutthesession aswellasparticipateinsmall,dailycrafts.Attheendofeach sessionstudentswillbeabletotakehometheirproject. Craftactivitiesmayinclude�iberarts,clay,paintingand more.Itsagreatopportunityforyouryouthtosocializeand createwithfellowcraftyfriends.
Jan15-Mar12 W 3:30-4:45p $72 #31142
Apr2-May21 W 3:30-4:45p $64 #31143
Jan15-Mar12 W 5-6:15p $72 #31144
Apr2-May21 W 5-6:15p $64 #31145
Full STEAM Ahead Ages 7-11
Create,exploreanddiscover:Joinusforafunandengaging classwhereyou’lllearnaboutscience,technology,engineering, artandmathwhileexploringyourartisticside.We’lluseart toexpressourunderstandingofscienti�icconceptsandcreate uniqueprojectsthatblendcreativityandproblem-solving.
Jan7-Feb25 Tu 3:30-5p $84 #30629
Mar11-May13 Tu 3:30-5p $84 #30631
Jan9-Feb27 Th 3:30-5p $84 #30630
Mar13-May15 Th 3:30-5p $84 #30632
Jewelry Making Basics Ages 11-17
Learnthebasicsandtechniquesofjewelrymakingbyusing wire,beadsandvarioushandtools.Workonafewstart-to�inishprojectsbymakingabracelet,earrings,charmsanda necklace.Taketheseskillstoanotherlevelbylearningto repair,repurposeandupcyclejewelrypiecesofyourown.
Jan25-Mar15 Sa 12:15-1:45p $70 #31148
Apr5-May17 Sa 12:15-1:45p $70 #31149
Painting Workshops Ages 16+
Joinusforaneveningofcasualandeducationalpainting.Each sessionwillhaveauniquesetofreferencesandeducational topics.Classwillbeginwithpaintingandendwithanoptional critiquesession.Suppliesforacrylicpaintingareprovided. Youmaybringyourownsuppliesifyoupreferworkingwith gouache,watercolororotherwater-solvablemediums.All experiencelevelsarewelcome.
AmazonCommunityCenter Instructor:NickolaiO(they/them)
Winter Foliage
Workingfromawinter-themedstilllife,we’llfocusonsketching fromobservationandmixingmutedcolors.
Jan26 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30579
Workingfromphotoreferencesofnightscenes,we’llfocus oncolormixingandunderstandinglightinascene.
Feb23 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30578
Forest Floor
Workingfromaforest-themedstilllife,we’llfocusonsketching organicobjectsandmanaginggreendominantcolorschemes.
Mar30 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30577
Weather & Atmosphere
Workingfromphotoreferences,we’llfocusonsimplifying scenesandtheeffectofatmosphereoncolor.
Apr27 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30581
Books & Bones
Workingfromaclassicalstilllifewithaspookytwist,we’ll focusonsketchingfromobservationandusingedgesto developfocalareas.
May25 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30575
Youth Cooking Ages 12-16
Learnculinarytechniquesandkitchensafetyprotocolsand experienceavarietyoffoods.Classeswillinclude demonstrationsandinstructionaswellashands-onlearning tohelpyouthfeelcomfortableinthekitchen.Allingredients andsuppliesareincludedinthefee.
Jan25-Mar15 Sa 10-11:30a $70 #31146
Apr5-May17 Sa 10-11:30a $70 #31147 NoclassFeb15
Youth Activities

Creative Movement Ages 3-5
Explorerhythm,balance,awarenessandmovementthrough music.Thisisagreatopportunityforyouthtoexploredance. Thisisachild-onlyclasstohelpstudentslearnhowtobe independentintheclassroomwithouttheirparentor guardian.Onthelastdayofthesession,parentsandguardians willbeallowedintheclasstoparticipatewiththeirchild.
Jan24-Mar14 F 1:30-2p $28 #31120
Apr4-May16 F 1:30-2p $28 #31121
Pre-Ballet Ages 3-4, 4-5 & 5-6
Exploreallthebasicsofballettechniqueinafun,safeand lovingsetting.Yourchildwillstretch,leapanddance. Studentswilldiscovertheirloveofdancewithfunmusic. Studentsareencouragedtowearsomethingtheycaneasily movein.Someballetshoesareavailabletoborrow.Thisisa child-onlyclasstohelpstudentslearnhowtobeindependent intheclassroomwithouttheirparentorguardian.Onthe lastdayofthesession,parentsandguardianswillbe allowedintheclasstoparticipatewiththeirchild.
Jan24-Mar14 F 12:45-1:15p $28 #31109
Apr4-May16 F 12:45-1:15p $28 #31110
Jan9-Feb6 Th 10:45-11:15a $20 #31106
Feb13-Mar13 Th 10:45-11:15a $20 #31107
Apr3-May8 Th 10:45-11:15a $24 #31108
Jan13-Mar10 M 3:45-4:15p $28 #31104
Mar31-May19 M 3:45-4:15p $32 #31105
Ballet, Beginning Ages 6-9
Learnbasicballetpostureswhileexperimentingwithcreative movement.Emphasiswillbeondevelopingrhythm,balance andcreativity.
Jan13-Mar10 M 4:30-5:15p $42 #31111
Mar31-May19 M 4:30-5:15p $48 #31112
Ballet Ages 16+
Balletisthefoundationofdance.Initsstrict,yetbeautiful form,wewillintroducestudentstopositions,techniques andterminology.Classwillbeginwithbarrewarmups, across-the-�loorroutinesandendwithadancewewillbe workingonthroughouttheseason.
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 5:30-6:30p $55 #30987
Mar25-May27 Tu 5:30-6:30p $55 #31588
Jan10-Apr14 F 6:30-7:30p $55 #30994
Ballet Barre & Center Ages 16+
Dipyourtoesintodanceinthiswelcomingandfunclass. Learnthefundamentalsofballetthroughbarre,centerand across-the-�loorexercisestogain�lexibilityandstrength. Eachclassisuniquetotheparticipants.Alllevelswelcome.
Jan13-Mar10 M 5:30-6:45p $53 #31092
Mar31-May19 M 5:30-6:45p $60 #31093
Try Ballet Barre & Center for Free
PartofFreeFitnessWeek.Registrationrequired. Jan6 M 5:30-6:45p Free #31585
Dance, Beginning Ages 14+
Improve�itnessandcorestrengthwhileworkingouttoworld musicandlearningbellydancebasics.Thisclassemphasizes postureandstretchingtoavoidinjuryandmuscleisolationfor improvingstrength.Whatafunwaytogetabalancedworkout.
Jan22-Mar26 W 6-7p $46 #30944
Apr2-Jun4 W 6-7p $46 #30862
Pre-Tap Dance
Ages 4-5 & 5-6
Thisplayfulclasswillfocusoncoordination,memorizationand rhythmicskills.Dancerswilllearnashortroutinetoshareat theendofthesession.Sometapshoesareavailabletoborrow. Wearcomfortableclothing.Thisisachild-onlyclasstohelp studentsbecomeindependentintheclassroomwithouttheir parentorguardian.Onthelastday,parentsandguardianswill beallowedintheclasstoparticipatewiththeirchild.
Jan9-Feb6 Th 11:30a-12p $20 #31115
Feb13-Mar13 Th 11:30a-12p $20 #31116
Apr3-May8 Th 11:30a-12p $24 #31117
Jan21-Mar11 Tu 3:45-4:15p $32 #31113
Apr1-May20 Tu 3:45-4:15p $32 #31114
Tap Dance, Beginning Ages 6-9
Thisclasswillfocusonlearningthefundamentalsoftapas wellasplayingwithrhythmandstyle.Dancerswilllearna shortroutinetoshowofftheirnewmovesattheendofthe session.Sometapshoesareavailabletoborrow.Wear comfortableclothingandcomereadytomakesomenoise.
Jan21-Mar11 Tu 4:30-5:15p $48 #31118
Apr1-May20 Tu 4:30-5:15p $48 #31119
Contemporary Dance Ages 16+
Thisclassisadynamicexplorationofmovement,blending elementsofmoderndance,balletandimprovisation.Dancers willfocusonbodyawareness,�luidity,andexpressionas theylearnchoreographyanddeveloptheiruniquestyle. Throughwarm-ups,exercisesandroutines,thisclasswill buildstrength,�lexibilityandemotionalconnectiontomusic.
Mar28-May30 F 6:30-7:30p $55 #31589

D&D Weekly Ages 12-17
D&DWeeklyoffersaconsistentscheduleforbeginningand intermediateDungeonsandDragonsplayerslookingfora groupoftheirown.Whetheryouwanttolearnhowtobea dungeonmasteryourselforyou’resolelyinterestedinyour owncharacterbuilding,anadventureawaitsyou.Students cancomepreparedwithaLevel2characteroftheirownor willbegiventheoptionofapre-madecharacterwhenthe campaignbegins.Diceandplayernotebookswillbeprovided, butyou’rewelcomeandencouragedtobringanyotherD&D suppliesyouhave.
Jan25-Mar15 Sa 12:30-2:30p $84 #31150
Apr5-May17 Sa 12:30-2:30p $84 #31151
Kayak Club Ages 11-17
Learnhowto�latwaterandriverkayakandre�ineexisting skills.KayakClubisheldoverseveralweeksandincludes beginnerandintermediatesessions.Clubparticipantswill needtobedroppedoffandpickedupatvariouslocationsto maximizetimeonthewater.Thisisthebestwaytodevelop andimprovekayakingskills.
Beginner Kayak Club
Thebeginnersessionwillstartpaddlerswithbasics, buildingtheneededfoundationtogrowupon.Theclasswill beginina�latwaterenvironmentandusesit-on-topkayaks. Graduallythissessionwillworkuptopaddlingonlocal riversandpotentiallyusingsit-insidekayakswhilecovering alltheinformationneededtobeacompetentriverkayaker.
Apr22-May1 TuTh 4-7p May4 Su 9a-5p $230 #31500
Intermediate Kayak Club
Theintermediatesessionisdesignedforparticipantswho havesomeexperiencepaddlingandarereadytore�ineand improvetheirpaddlingpro�iciency.Wewillfocusonskills includingriverrescue,hydrology,groupmanagementand tripplanning.Advancedpaddlingskillssuchaspaddlingin dynamicwater,playboatingandpaddlingef�iciencywillalso betaught.
May6-May15 TuTh 4-7p May18 Su 9a-5p $230 #31503
Youth Activities

Martial Arts
Aikido Ages 12+
AikidoisatraditionalJapanesemartialartbasedon nonaggressionandnonviolentself-defense.Classesfeature ki (energy)exercisescombinedwithself-defensetechniques inasafeandsupportiveenvironment.Alllevelswelcome.
Jan7-Feb20 TuTh 7-8p $112 #30587
Mar18-May29 TuTh 7-8p $112 #30588
Fencing Ages 8-11 & 12+
Fencingisaclassicmartialsportwithmuchhistory,art,style anddramaaswellasbeingafunphysicalactivityforkids andparents.Thisclassseriesisanintroductiontofoil fencing.Itconcentratesondiscipline,balance,coordination, sportsmanshipandaboveall,fun.Parentsarewelcometo participate.Equipmentwillbeprovided.
Jan6-Mar10 M 6-6:45p $80 #30595
Mar24-May12 M 6-6:45p $80 #30600
Jan8-Feb26 W 6-6:45p $80 #30596
Apr2-May21 W 6-6:45p $80 #30603
Jan8-Feb26 W 7-8p $120 #30599
Apr2-May21 W 7-8p $120 #30602
Jan8-Feb26 W 8:15-9:15p $120 #30597
Mar26-May14 W 8:15-9:15p $120 #30604
Pre-Karate Tiger Tots Ages 4-5
Ahappy,caringatmospherewhereyourpreschoolercanbe introducedtobasickarateandlifeskills.Thisactiveclass enhanceshand-eyeandfoot-eyecoordination,self-con�idence andrespect.Studentsbecomegreatlistenerswhilelearning importantsafetyskills.Noteligibleforscholarship.
Jan8-Feb26 W 3-3:30p $56 #30741
Apr2-May21 W 3-3:30p $56 #30742
Tiny Tigers Ages
Thisprogramintroducespartnerwork,teamwork,cooperation andgroupactivities.Somecompetitivegamesareaddedto thelessonssuchasbunkai,sparring,self-defenseandelbow techniques. Noteligibleforscholarship.
Jan8-Feb26 W 3:40-4:10p $56 #30743
Apr2-May21 W 3:40-4:10p $56 #30744
Youth Karate Ages 7+
Thisprogramhelpsstudentsimprovelisteningskills,develop concentrationandlearnpersonaldisciplineandrespectfor others. Noteligibleforscholarship.
Jan8-Feb26 W 4:15-5p $84 #30745
Apr2-May21 W 4:15-5p $84 #30751
Ages 5-7 & 8-12
Developabetterawarenessofyourpotentialthroughthe practiceoftaekwondo.Thisphysicalsportusesallthemuscles andjointsinthebodywhiledevelopingmentalabilitiesthat promotefocusandself-discipline.Classesarenoncombative andfocusonprovidingthestructure,knowledgeandskills studentswillusetoliveamorecon�ident,empoweredlife. Noteligibleforscholarships.
Jan22-Feb19 W 4-4:45p $35 #31086
Mar5-Apr9 W 4-4:45p $35 #31087
Apr23-May21 W 4-4:45p $35 #31088
Jan22-Feb19 W 4:50-5:50p $40 #31089
Mar5-Apr9 W 4:50-5:50p $40 #31090
Apr23-May21 W 4:50-5:50p $40 #31091
No School Days
Sheldon Elementary
No School Days Ages 5-10
ThesenoschooldaysarebasedoutofSheldonCommunity CenterandareopentoallyouthingradesK-5.Aletter detailingthedaywillbeemailedtofamiliesatleastone weekpriortotheprogram.
Jan6 M 9a-5:30p $50 #30583
Jan31 F 9a-5:30p $50 #30582
Feb3 M 9a-5:30p $50 #30584
Mar24 M 9a-5:30p $50 #30726
Mar25 Tu 9a-5:30p $50 #30727
Mar26 W 9a-5:30p $50 #30728
Mar27 Th 9a-5:30p $50 #30729
Mar31 M 9a-5:30p $50 #30585
Apr18 F 9a-5:30p $50 #30586
Swifties Dance Camp Ages
6-8 & 9-13
“…Readyforit?”It’stimetomakefriendshipbracelets,shake itoffandshineintheTaylorera.Inthiscampwewilljamout toTaylorSwift,dance,makecrafts,journal,createmusic videosandbondovertheSwiftielife.
Mar24-28 M-F 9a-12p $105 #31154 Ages9-13
Mar24-28 M-F 1-4p $105 #31155
Construction & Contraption Camp Ages
Earth,water,�ire,airandspaceareallresourcesthatwecan usewhencreatingfuncontraptions.Duringtheweekwewill dedicateonedaytoexploreandbuildwitheachelement. Camperswillcreateprojectsbothindependentlyandin groups.Itwillbeafunweekcreatingandconstructing.
Mar24-28 M-F 8:30a-4p $225 #30932
Alsea Falls Mountain Bike Ages
Thistripisforyouthwhoenjoybikingoff-road,spendingthe dayoutofschoolandonthedirt.AlseaFallsisnearMonroe, justnorthofEugene.Bikeridingexperiencerequired. Climbinghillsisunavoidable.Awell-maintainedmountain bikeneeded.Bikesareavailabletoborrowbutlimited.For moreinformationcall541-682-6321.
Apr18 F 9a-4p $65 #31532
Bike Adventures Ages
Frompaddlesportstoclimbing,Eugeneisrichwithoutdoorfun. Joinusintheseone-offadventuredayswhereweuseour bikestoexploreEugenethroughdifferentformsofactivities.
Apr19 Sa 10a-3p $60 #31415
May17 Sa 10a-3p $60 #31421
Introduction to Mountain Biking Ages 12-17
Rideintomountainbikingtodaywithournewtwo-day introductionclinic.Gaincon�idenceonyourbikeandhave funatanepicenterformountainbikinginOregon.No experiencenecessary.AbuswillruntoandfromtheRiver House.Bringwater,lunchandawell-maintainedmountain bikeortryoneofourdemobikesatnoadditionalcharge thankstoadonationfromtheJuliaFudgefamily.Callatleast aweekaheadifyouneedtoborrowanygear,541-682-5329.
May31-Jun1 SaSu 9a-5p $220 #31534
Savvy Snow Skills
Ages 9-12 & 13-16
Let’sgoplayinthesnowandlearnsomevaluableskillstoo. SpendthedayatGoldLakeSno-ParknearWillamettePass. Usesnowshoes,pullarescuetoboggan,buildasnowcave andlearnvaluablecold-weathersurvivalskills.Equipment andtransportationprovided.PartnershipwithRiverHouse OutdoorCenterandWillametteBackcountrySkiPatrol.
Feb2 Su 8:30a-4:30p $65 #31490
Mar2 Su 8:30a-4:30p $65 #31491

Youth Activities

Youth Swiftwater Rescue Ages 11-17
Gain con�idence, understanding and awareness of the river environment. The course focuses on fun experiences and hazard avoidance through hands-on initiatives, lessons and scenarios. It’s ideal for youth interested in any type of river recreation such as kayaking, rafting, stand-up paddleboarding and beyond.
River House Outdoor Center
May 31 Sa 10a-4p $70 #31507
Advanced Jun 1 Su 10a-4p $70 #31508

Youth Sail Nights Ages 11-17
Enjoy an evening of sailing at Fern Ridge Reservoir gaining experience sailing a J-24. Meet at Richardson Park Marina Dock B. Bring an extra layer, water bottle and a snack.
May 22 Th 5-9p $70 #31317
Rock Climbing
Rock Climbing Club Ages 11-17
Designed for beginner to intermediate climbers looking to learn the basics or re�ine existing skills.The club is heldone night a week over four consecutive weeks. Participants will need to be dropped off and picked up at various locations to maximize time on the rock. Includes indoor and outdoor climbing experiences.
River House Outdoor Center
May 5-Jun 2 M 4-7p
May 24 Sa 9a-5p $220 #31449
No climb May 26
Skateboard Club Ages 6-11 & 12+
Join our rad skate crew here at the River House and develop

your skills at Skateboard Club. Each session includes four days of lessons.Progress from our �irst two meetings at the Cal Young Skatepark to our �inal two meetings at the Washington Jefferson Skatepark.Learn the fundamentals of skateboarding and park riding. Helmets required and full pads are highly recommended. Gear is available for loan.
Cal Young Skatepark, 2555 Gilham Road, first two days
Washington Jefferson Skatepark, 150 Jefferson St., last two days
Ages 6-11
Apr 12-13 SaSu 12-2p
Apr 19-20 SaSu 5-7p $100 #31365
Ages 6-11
Apr 26-27 SaSu 12-2p
May 3-4 SaSu 12-2p $100 #31366
Ages 12+
May 6-13 Tu 5-7p
May 20-27 Tu 5-7p $100 #31368
Skateboarding, Build a Board Ages 8-17
From wheels to trucks, board and grip tape, this class will teach you how to build a skateboard board from the ground up. As an added bonus, you will leave the class with your very own brand-new skateboard, ready to ride. This class supplies all thegear needed to build a skateboard and will teach you how to do it.If you are interested in learning how to skateboard or have been skateboarding for a long time and want to replace your board, this is a great starting point.
River House Outdoor Center
Feb 21 F 4:30-7p $130 #31535
Skiing & Snowboarding
Ski Bus Ages 12-17
The River House Ski Bus is an easy way for youth to access the Willamette Pass Ski Area. Price includes round-trip transportation to the ski area, and access to the bus at lunchtime. Willamette Pass is also offering discounted ski lift tickets, ski or snowboard rentals and �irst-time lessons.
Meet at Echo Hollow Pool
Jan 4 Sa 7a-7p #31425
Jan 18 Sa 7a-7p #31428
Feb 1 Sa 7a-7p #31433
Feb 15 Sa 7a-7p #31435
Mar 1 Sa 7a-7p #31440
Mar 15 Sa 7a-7p #31444
Meet at Sheldon Community Center
Jan 11 Sa 7a-7p #31426
Jan 25 Sa 7a-7p #31432
Feb 8 Sa 7a-7p #31434
Feb 22 Sa 7a-7p #31437
Mar 8 Sa 7a-7p #31442
Mar 22 Sa 7a-7p #31446
Ski bus only: $15
Full-day ski lift ticket: $35
Full-day ski or snowboard rental: $40
First-time lesson: Free

Youth Activities
Teen Empowerment
fb.com/eugyep instagram.com/eugyep
Funded by the Community Safety Payroll Tax, the Teen Empowerment Program works with community partners to empower teens by building life and job skills, offering access to caring youth and adult mentors and increasing access to other vital community resources. Programs are designed to be low-barrier and inclusive so that every young person is provided the opportunity to grow up safely and access their best possible future. More information can be found at GetRec.org/empowerment.
All programs are free and provide food.
Day Trips
For more information email empowerment@eugene-or.gov.
Meet at Washington Park Center
Play at Salt Creek Falls Ages 12-14
We’ll provide equipment such as sleds, shovels, buckets and snow supplies. You bring a lunch, water bottle and the energy to throw snowballs, build snow forts and sled. For more information or if you need assistance sourcing weatherappropriate clothing email oredig@eugene-or.gov or call 541-682-6380.
Feb 3 M 8a-5p Free #30662
Youth Inclusion Services
We recognize that some youth require additional support in order to participate fully in recreational activities. Through the Inclusion Services program, parents, caregivers and youth work with the Inclusion Services Coordinator to create a plan to support the youth’s individual needs. This process will be unique to each participant and we look forward to working collaboratively to support every child.
Inclusion services are available by discussing the request with the person taking your registration and/or requesting accommodations using a Youth Inclusion Services Request form. Once a request has been received, a Recreation staff member will contact you. For more information email empowerment@eugene-or.gov.
Goat Yoga Ages 12-18
Imagine attempting a yoga pose and having to contour your body around a goat on your mat. The No Regrets Farm and Sanctuary in Monroe offers goat yoga, a joyful experience that improves mental and physical heath through the healing powers of nature and animals. Plus, goats are fun. The 30minute class is followed by a 60-minute happy hour where you can snuggle goats, take goat sel�ies, learn more about the goats or go on a farm tour. No yoga experience is needed. Bring lunch and a water bottle. Yoga mats will be provided.
Apr 11 F 9a-2p Free #30876
Wildlife Safari Ages 12-16
Join us for a fun-�illed day trip to Wildlife Safari in Winston. Teens will enjoy an exciting adventure exploring the park, spotting animals up close and learning about wildlife conservation. It’s the perfect opportunity to experience nature and have a wild time with friends. Bring lunch and a water bottle.
Apr 18 F 9a-5p Free #31379
Eugene Emerald’s Night Ages 12-18
Join us for an evening of baseball watching the Eugene Emeralds.We will provide transportation to and from the game. The time of game is still to be determined so we will email you details when we know them.Game ending times vary. We’ll text you as we leave the game so you can meet us back at Washington Park Community Center. We’ll pay for the ticket. Participants will need spending money if they would like to purchase food or beverages.
May 16 F 6:30-10p Free #31006
Pathways to Employment: Counselor In Training Ages
Prepare for a summer job while having fun with your peers as you learn how to work with children in a supportive and engaging environment. This unique experience focuses on building essential job skills such as communication, teamwork and recreation leadership. You’ll develop basic leadership abilities, visit camps to practice leading games and working with kids, enjoy time swimming at one of our recreation pools and cap off the week with a fun Friday day trip.
Washington Park Center Mar 24-28 M-F 9a-4p Free #30999
Cooking Club Ages 12-18
Learn essential kitchen skills and create delicious dishes. Explore new recipes, develop culinary con�idence and enjoy your creations with friends. No experience needed. Just bring your enthusiasm for food and fun.
Washington Park Center Ongoing 3rd Sa 12-4p Free #30942

Gender Diverse Yoga Ages 13+
Thisdrop-inclassisdesignedforthosewhoaretransgender, genderdiverse,nonbinary,gendernonconformingand/or questioning.Tobeathomeinyourbodyisahumanrightas wellasanimmensegiftandprivilege.TransPonderishereto helpyoumoveinawaythatfeelsseenandsupported.No prioryogaexperienceisrequired.Allbodies,abilitiesand experiencelevelsarewelcome.
Jan8-May28 W 6-7p Free Drop-in
LGBTQ+ Youth Group Ages 13-18
LGBTQ+teenscandropinforsupport,conversationand connection.Thisactivityisadult-facilitatedandfree.No registrationrequired.FormoreinformationcallAmazon CommunityCenterat541-682-5373.
Ongoing F 4-6p Free Drop-in
Resolve Ages
Joinourteencommunityserviceclub,Resolve.Engagein meaningfulprojectsthatmakeadifferenceinourcommunity. Fromenvironmentalcleanupstovolunteeringatlocal shelters,thisclubempowersteenstodevelopleadership skills,buildfriendshipsandcreatepositivechangetogether. Hoursforthisprogramcanbeusedtowardschool communityservicehours.WewillmeetweeklyonThursday eveningsandsomevolunteerprojectsmaytakeplaceonno schooldaysandonweekends.ForquestionsemailShannon Burratsburr@eugene-or.gov.Registrationrequired.
Jan16-May29 Th 6:30-8p Free #30828 NomeetingMar27
SAGACITY Leadership Series for
Ages 13-19
JointheSimplyYouthInstituteforaseriesofempowerment classesthatcreatesafespacesforteengirlsandteenswhoare comfortableinfemmespacestomasterinformeddecisionmaking,buildhealthyrelationshipsandachievegoalsina funandsupportivecommunity.Unleashyourpotentialand navigateyourpersonaljourneywithcon�idenceand resilience.FormoreinformationcallWynterat818-2534340oremailsimplyyouthinstitute@gmail.com.
Jan13-Mar31 M 4-5p Free #30978
Apr7-May19 M 4-5p Free #30979 NoclassJan20,Feb17
Teen Center Ages
Asafe,welcomingspaceforyouthtoconnect,learnandgrow. Offeringrecreationalactivities,educationalprogramsanda supportiveenvironment,thecenterempowersteenstobuild friendships,developskillsandengageintheircommunity.
Jan13-Mar20 M-Th 3-6p Free Drop-in
Apr7-Jun5 M-Th 3-6p Free Drop-in NocenterJan20,Feb17,May26
Vibe Ages 12-18
HangoutonFridaynights.Wehavesnacks,videogames, virtualreality,tabletennis,arcadebasketballandart supplies.Wealsoperiodicallyofferkaraoke,movienights andspecialpresenterevents.Formoreinformationcontact empowerment@eugene-or.gov.
Jan10-Mar21 F 5-9p Free Drop-in Apr11-Jun6 F 5-9p Free Drop-in

Youth Early Learning
Amazon Preschool Ages 3-5
Amazon Preschool creates an engaging educational environment through child-led play and teacher-led group projects that promote independence while also nurturing the social and emotional intelligence and creativity in preschool children. The focus is on experiential self-directed learning with an emphasis on building social skills. Children engage in arts and science activities that build upon skills to increase dexterity and coordination while having fun.
Amazon Community Center
9a-12p, M-Th
To register call 541-682-5373
2025-2026 Prospective Student Open House
Explore Amazon Community Center and tour both classrooms to see if Amazon Preschool is a good �it for your family. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins in spring.
Mar 7 F 9a-12p Free Drop-in
Petersen Barn Preschool Ages 3-5
Through play children experience cooperation, risk and creativity, and engage with and observe the laws and structures of their world. In our small preschool, we practice an exploration and play-based learning approach using weekly themes to structurecurriculum andinteract withour environments.
Petersen Barn Community Center
9a-12p, MWF or TuTh
To register call 541-682-5521
Sheldon Early Learning Ages 3-5
Developmentally appropriate curriculum is built around the emerging interests of the children. Language, literacy and mathematics are integrated into all of the children’s work throughout the day. All classrooms include hands on exploration with art, science, sensory, music and movement.
Sheldon Community Center
9a-12p, MWF and/or TuTh, or 1-4p TuWTh
To register call 541-682-5312

Youth Swimming
Hours & Info
The schedule below is subject to change. For the most up-to-date schedule, visit GetRec.org/pools or give the pools a call.
Baby Swims
Ages 0-2 with adult
Children under 3 and their adults can enjoy the warm water pool together. Adults must be in the water with their children. Admission is not included with swim lesson registration. Purchase a pass or drop-in admission.
Sheldon Pool, Jan 6-Jun 15
Warm Water Pool
TuThF 10:30-11:30a
Family Swims All ages
Adults must be in the water with their children. Admission is not included with swim lesson registration. Please purchase a pass or drop-in admission.
Echo Hollow Pool, Jan 6-Jun 15
M-F 2-3:30p
Sheldon Pool, Jan 6-Jun 15
Warm Water Pool
M-F 1-2p
TuTh 7-8p
F 6-7p
Recreation Swims All ages
Play and swim times open to all ages. Children under 4 feet must be accompanied by an adult age 18 or older (one adult per child) or be able to pass a swim test.
Echo Hollow Pool, Jan 6-Jun 15 Sheldon Pool, Jan 6-Jun 15
TuThF 7-8:30p MW 7-8:30p Sa 12:30-2p Su 12-1:30p
Pool Fees
All entry requires an admission fee for ages 3 and up. Children age 2 and under are free with a paid adult. Passes are 25% extra for nonresidents.
*Additional charges for more than 5 people.
Swim Diapers Policy: City of Eugene swim facilities require swim diapers that are elastic fitting around the legs and waist for non-toilet trained individuals.
Birthday Party Package
Birthdaypartypackagesoccurduringrecreationandfamily swimtimesandincludereservedspaceforyourparty.Call thepoolsformoreinformation.
Closures/Modified Schedules
May26 Holidayschedule:LapSwim11a-2p
May31-Jun1 Closedforstafftraining
Jun13 Closedat2pforMikeMorrisSwimMeet
Jun14-15 ClosedforMikeMorrisSwimMeet
Jan1 Closedforholiday
Jan10 Freefitnessday
Jan20 Closedforholiday
Feb17 Closedforholiday
Mar23-29 SpringBreakschedule,callforinformation
May26 Closedforholiday
May31-Jun1 Closedforstafftraining
Jan1 Closedforholiday
Jan10 Freefitnessday
Jan20 Closedforholiday
Feb17 Closedforholiday
Mar23-29 SpringBreakschedule,callforinformation
May26 Holidayschedule,callforinformation
May31-Jun1 Closedforstafftraining
Youth Program
Water Safety & Swim Skills Ages 5-12
Thisclassisdesignedtosupportyouthwithdisabilitiesin learningwatersafetyandbasicswimmingskills.Throughan adaptiveswimlessonapproach,staffwillsupportpeoplein agroupsetting.Forquestionscall541-682-5311oremail recadaptive@eugene-or.gov.Familiescansignupforthe class,participateonlyintheadaptiveswimtime,orboth.
Jan12-Mar16 Su 10:30-11:15a $90 #31247
Apr6-May25 Su 10:30-11:15a $72 #31291
Unstructureddrop-inadaptiveswimtime11:15a-12p aftereachclass;pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 30
Sensory Swim Time Ages
12 & under
Thisisadrop-inprogramforfamiliestohavealow-sensory adaptiveswimtimeinthewarmwaterpool.Designedfor youthwithdisabilitieswhomayhavedif�icultyparticipating inageneralfamilyswim.Siblingsunder12arewelcometo
attendaslongastheyaresupervisedandsupportiveofthe low-sensoryenvironment.
Jan12-May25 Su 11:15a-12p Drop-in Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 30 Freeadmissionforoneparentorcaregiverperhousehold
Lifeguarding Class Prep Ages
Thisclassteachesstudentstheskillsneededforthelifeguard pretestwhichincludesa300yardswim,twominutesof treadingwaterandatimedbrickretrievalindeepwater.An overviewofotherlifeguardingbasicsandwhattoexpectfrom thelifeguardingclasswillalsobeprovided.Noprerequisites.
Jan7-Feb6 TuTh 6:30-7p $60 #31394
American Red Cross Lifeguarding Ages
Forpeopleinterestedinworkingasalifeguard.Learnto recognizeandrescueapersonindistressordrowning situation.Understandprofessionallifeguardresponsibilities. Practiceandreviewlifeguardskills.Pre-testofwaterskillsis required.Mustbeagoodswimmer.
Mar24-28 M-F 9a-5p $150 #31257
Apr11-20 F4-8p,SaSu9a-5p $150 #31262
May9-18 F4-8p,SaSu9a-5p $150 #31268
Junior Swim Instructor Ages 14+
Introductorywaterinstructoraide.Juniorswiminstructors assistandtrainwithexperiencedprofessionalinstructors, attendstaffmeetings,aidlearn-to-swiminstructorsand more.Thisprogramisafun,educationalandrewardingway tospendout-of-schooltimeandcanresultinfuture employmentwiththeCity.Prerequisite:Mustbeaquali�ied swimmerwhocanswim50yards.
Apr1-May1 TuTh 5:20-7p $150 #31452
May6-Jun5 TuTh 5:20-7p $150 #31453
BIPOC Water Safety & Lifeguard Cohort Ages 12-18
BIPOCyouthwillincreasetheirwatersafetyandwater competencyskillswiththegoaltopreparefortheJunior Lifeguarding(12-14)andRedCrossLifeguardClass(15-18). Thisopportunitysupportsbuildinglifesavingskillsforfun recreationactivityandopensdoorsofemploymentwiththe CityofEugeneoncelifeguardcerti�icationiscompleted. FundedbytheCommunitySafetyPayrollTax.
Feb11-Mar20 TuTh 6:30-7p Free #31390
Youth Swimming Swim Lessons
CityofEugeneAquaticsisnowofferingswimlessonsfrom theStar�ishAquaticsInstitute,aninternationallyrecognized watersafetytrainingandcerti�icationagencybasedinthe UnitedStateswithprogramsoperatingoneverycontinent. TheStarBabiesandStarTotscoursesintroduceinfantsand toddlerstothewaterinafunandlovingenvironment.Swim Schooldevelopsafoundationofswimmingandsafetyskills withafocusonself-rescue.StrokeSchooldevelopseffective swimtechniqueandendurance.
Registeringiseasy.Signupbasedonyourchild’sage,and thedaysandtimesthatworkforyou.
ForSwimSchoolandStrokeSchool,duringthe�irstlesson staffwillassessandassignstudentstotheappropriateclass (white,red,yellow,blueorgreen, see below).
Allourinstructorsarecerti�iedandexcitedtohelpyour childreachtheirswimminggoals.Contactanyofourpoolsif youhavequestions.
Ages 6-18 months
StarBabiesprovidesinstructiontotheadultwhoaccompanies achildbyteachingwatersafetyandlife-safetyskillsinapositive, lovingway.Thegoalistoequiptheparentorcaregiverwith methodstodevelopaquaticreadinessandwatersafety habitsthatwillresultinself-rescueandswimmingskills whenthechildisdevelopmentallyready.Infantsmustwear elastic�ittingreusableswimdiapers, see page 30
Ages 18-36 months
StarTotsbuildscon�idenceintheadultwhoaccompaniesa childbyhoningwatersafetyandlife-safetyskills.Thegoalis tohelpequiptheparentorcaregiverwithmethodsto

developaquaticreadinessandwatersafetyhabitsthatwill resultinself-rescueandswimmingskillswhenthechildis developmentallyready.Infantsmustwearelastic�itting reusableswimdiapers, see page 30.
Swim School Ages 3-13
SwimSchoolcoursesarefocusedoncorecompetenciesfor developingef�icientswimmingandsafetyskills.
• White:Waterreadiness
• Red:Bodypositionandairexchange
• Yellow:Forwardmovementanddirectionchange
• Blue:Streamlinesandsidebreathingposition
• Green:Watercompetency
Stroke School Ages
StrokeSchoolcoursesareforswimmersdevelopingeffective techniquesandendurance.
• White:Freestyleandbackstroke
• Red:Elementarybackstrokeandsidestroke
• Yellow:Butter�ly
• Blue:Breaststroke
• Green:Endurance/Fitness
Teen Swim Lessons Ages
Forteenstudentsofallskilllevels.We’llteachyouwhere you’reat,beitabeginnerwithnoexperienceorifyou’re lookingforskillre�inement.Noprerequisites.
Adult Swim Lessons Ages 18+
Foradultstudentsofallskilllevels.We’llteachyouwhere you’reat,beitabeginnerwithnoexperienceorifyou’re lookingforskillre�inement.Noprerequisites.
Private/Semi-Private Ages 3+
One-on-oneprivatelessonsgiveswimmersindividual attention.Callpoolforsemi-privateoptions.
Echo Hollow Schedule
Sheldon Schedule
Sessions are 2 classes /week, MW or TuTh 30 minute classes
Sessions 1&2 registration starts Dec 10
Sessions 3&4 registration starts Mar 19
Session 1 Jan 6-Feb 6 5 weeks
MW $54, TuTh $60 (no class Jan 20)
Session 2 Feb 10-Mar 20 6 weeks
MW $66, TuTh $72 (no class Feb 17)
Session 3 Mar 31-May 1 5 weeks
MW $60, TuTh $60
Session 4 May 5-Jun 5 5 weeks
MW $54, TuTh $60 (no class May 26)
Private Lessons $30/class
Semi-Private Lessons $18/person/class
Classes in italics in the warm-water pool, not recommended for Swim School Green students.

*Sessions 1&2 only †Sessions 3&4 only


Family Archery Ages 8+
TheRiverHouseArcheryprogramaimstoteachyouth,adults andfamiliestobecomepro�icientarchersandtodevelopa lifelongpassionfortraditionalshooting.Archeryhasbeen showntoimprovemotivation,attention,disciplineandfocus. Ithelpsdevelop�ineandgrossmotorskills,includingbalance, timingandbreathingregulation.Plusit’sagreatsocialactivity.
Apr5 Sa 10a-4p $55 #31389
May2 F 5:30-8:30p $45 #31391
Jan21 Tu 4:30-6:30p $45 #31639
Mar11 Tu 4:30-6:30p $45 #31640
Clay Family Fun Ages 5+
Createbowls,mugs,monsters,boxes,tiles,plantersand sculptureswiththefamily.Thisclassincludesinstruction,
clay,glazesand�irings.Registereachfamilymember, includingatleastoneadult.
Jan5-Feb2 Su 11a-12:30p $50 #30511
Apr6-May25 Su 11a-12:30p $60 #30512
Feb4-Mar11 Tu 4-5:30p $60 #30509
Apr15-May20 Tu 4-5:30p $60 #30510
Family Painting Ages 5+
Gainartisticcon�idenceandcreatelastingconnectionsasyou explorecolorsandshapestogetherinourfamilypaintingclass. Nopreviouspaintingexperienceneeded–justbringyour familyandadesiretocreatebeautifulmemoriesoncanvas. Registereachfamilymember.Listofmaterialswillbeemailed before�irstclass.Suppliesneeded:basicacrylicorwatercolor set,watercolorpaper,onecanvas,acupforwaterandapalette.
Jan12-Mar9 Su 12-1:30p $56 #30657
Mar23-May11 Su 12-1:30p $56 #30658
Jan12-Mar9 Su 2-3:30p $56 #30659
Mar23-May11 Su 2-3:30p $56 #30660
Dance Fitness Ages 13+
Getgroovingwithsetmovementsequencesthatengagethe fullbodyandstayintunewithyourmobility.Thisclassisa livelywaytoimproveyouroverallbalanceandtoneyour muscularsystem.Allabilities,agesandgendersarewelcome. Sneakersarerequired.
Feb3-Mar17 M 6:30-7:30p $36 #30907
Apr28-Jun9 M 6:30-7:30p $36 #30910
Hip-Hop Ages 14+
Allexperiencelevels,bodiesandgendersarewelcome.This classwillexploresethiphopsequencesasagroupand guidedfree-�lowexplorationsindividually.Comedevelop yourmovesinasafespaceallowingyoutoexpressyourself andfeelcon�ident.Sneakersaresuggested.
Feb3-Mar17 M 7:30-8:30p $36 #30909
Apr28-Jun9 M 7:30-8:30p $36 #30908
Sheldon’s Spring Swing Ages 10+
CelebrateNationalDanceWeekwithSheldonCommunity Center.Priceincludesanhourofgroupinstructionwitha swingingdancepartyafter.Bringingapartnerisoptional, butdancingshoesareamust.
Apr18 F 6-9p $20 #30723
All sessions meet at Richardson Marina, Dock B, Fern Ridge Lake. Marina parking requires a Lane County fee of $5/day, $50/year; purchase online at lanecounty.org. For information call 541-682-5329.
Family Sails Ages 8+
JoinRiverHouseOutdoorCentersailinginstructorsforasail oneveningbreezesasthesunlightfades.Nosailing experiencerequired.Bringapicnicdinner,placesettings andnonalcoholicdrinksinnonbreakablecontainers.Wewill stopfordinner.Eachpersonmustregister.
May16 F 5-9p $70 #31295
May30 F 5-9p $70 #31297

Spanish Sail Night/ Noche de Vela en Español
Ages/años 8+
Join us for a night of sailing, smiles and adventure. This bilingual sail night is great for anyone interested in sailing or looking for a unique way to see the sunset.No sailing experience is required. Bring a picnic dinner and nonalcoholic drinks in a non-breakable container. Each person must register. Únete a una noche de navegación en vela, sonrisas y aventura. Pasa una noche perfecta navegando en vela, viendo el atardecer y conversando en inglés o en español. No necesitas tener experiencia previa en navegación. Trae una cena tipo picnic y bebidas sin alcohol en un recipiente irrompible. Cada persona debe registrarse individualmente. Para más información, llama al 541-682-6891.
May 23 F 5-9p $70 #31565

Special Interest
Fly Fishing Workshops Ages 10+

Improving Your Fly Presentation ■ 3
Trout are opportunistic eaters. Finding out where they are eating on any given day is part of the challenge, and fun, of �ly �ishing. Join us for a morning on the Coast Fork of the Willamette River near Mount Pisgah and learn how to cover the water column from the rocky bottom to the rippling surface.
Location TBD
Apr 5 Sa 8a-12p $40 #30650
Finding Fish ■ 3
As you are walking up to your �ishing spot, it is incredibly dif�icult to avoid jumping in and waving your �ly rod around. One of the more valuable practices one can add to �ly �ishing is the act of slowing down. Join us for a special walk-in experience at Green Island. We will walk in about a mile, then sit and observe before we �ish. We will look at the river through the eyes of a trout and think about where food is coming from, where the slower currents are and where �ish might be hiding.
Location TBD
This series of classes is focused on getting participants to our wonderful local waterways and learning how to �ish them. There is no better way to learn �ly �ishing than getting out with an experienced angler and just doing it. From the basic knots and casts, to reading water and more advanced �ishing techniques, this series will get you ready for your own �ly �ishing adventures. Rain or shine. Participants must provide their own rods and tackle.
Instructor: Michael Brooks
Casting 101 ■ 1

A crash course in learning how to cast a �ly rod. Whether you are looking to try it for the �irst time, or do some diagnostics on your cast, come spend time with a skilled angler and instructor. You are guaranteed to leave a better caster than you were when you registered.
Meet at Alton Baker Park
Mar 22 Sa 8a-12p $40 #30649

Apr 19 Sa 8a-12p $40 #30651
Putting It All Together ■ 3
It’s time to put it all together. You know some knots, you understand a little about the life cycle of aquatic insects and you can’t drive or walk by a body of water without thinking about where �ish may be. Join us as we take what we know and work together to �ind the �ish. The location is not yet determined; plan on walking a couple of miles and spending the morning near one of our amazing waterways.
Location TBD
May 3 Sa 8a-12p $40 #30652

Native Plant Society Walks All ages
Come meet the Native Plant Society at Amazon Community Center as we take a nature walk to identify plants around the park. Bring comfortable shoes and appropriate outerwear. Register each family member, children must be accompanied by an adult. For questions email em_president@npsoregon.
Amazon Community Center
Instructor: Emerald Chapter of the Native Plant Society
May 3 Sa 10a-12p Free #31540

Scottish Festival All ages ■ 2
Hop on the bus and we’ll head to the Irving Grange for a lively celebration of Scottish culture. Enjoy live music, bagpipes, traditional kilts and authentic Scottish dishes like haggis. Take a horse-drawn wagon ride and experience the excitement of Highland games demonstrations, sheepdog herding and graceful Highland and country dancing. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Purchase your own admission at the event. Bring or purchase your own lunch ($7 for adults, $5 seniors, children 12 and under free).
Meet at Amazon Community Center
May 31 Sa 10a-3p $29 #31034

Hidden Gems Group Outings

All ages
These days are designed for families looking to explore the outdoors together. Pack your lunch,�ill up your water bottle and put on your hiking boots. Leave the research, planning and driving to us as we take you and your family on an adventure. Participants should be prepared to walk between 2-5 miles on sometimes uneven terrain. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Participants may not drive themselves on these trips.
Meet at Sheldon Community Center
Salem Cherry Blossom Day ■ 2

The third Saturday of March is Cherry Blossom Day at the Capitol. Celebrate Spring, the blossoming cherry trees in the Capitol Mall and the impact of the Japanese culture on our state. Let us do the drivingto this family-friendly festival with booths, entertainment and food.
Mar 15 Sa 10a-4:30p $35 #30646
Whale Watching on the Coast ■ 3

money forthe food vendors and other goodies. There is a petting zoo too, so don’t hesitate to bring the littles.
Apr 12 Sa 9a-4:30p $35 #30664
Shoe Tulip Farm ■ 2
The Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival is an annual celebration of spring, showcasing acres of breathtaking tulip �ields in bloom. Located in Woodburn,the festival attractshundreds of visitors each year toexperience the beauty of millions of blooming tulips. Admission is included in price. Bring your own lunch or money for food, drinks and other goodies. Dress for the weather.
Apr 26 Sa 9a-4:30p $50 #30665
Activity Level Ratings

Gray whales can grow up to 50feet and weigh 80,000 pounds. In addition to the 200 resident animals that live off the coast of Oregon, as many as 18,000 pass by on their migratory journey every year. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. This trip will make stops along the Oregon Coast and take advantage of some of our many beautiful public overlooks and facilities. Some optional short walks will also be made available. Transportation and binoculars provided. Bring lunch.
Mar 29 Sa 9a-4:30p $35 #30663
Bauman’s GardenPalooza ■ 2

The Spring GardenPalooza, in Gervais,has over 30 vendors to get you excited aboutthe sunshine and give you a head start on getting your spring and summer garden ready. Hundreds of plants, garden art, gardening tools, soils and fertilizers, books and more will all be for sale. Bring lunch or

Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Trip Policies
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.


Activities Adult
Art for Relaxation & Recreation
Indoor Adults & Couples Archery
The River House Archery program aims to teach youth, adults and families to become pro�icient archers and to develop a lifelong passion for traditional shooting. Archery has been shown to improve motivation, attention, discipline and focus. It helps develop �ine and gross motor skills, including balance, timing and breathing regulation. Plus it’s a great social activity.
Location Feb 11 Tu 4:30-6:30p $45 #61641
Abstract Painting Ages 12+
Explore color theory and shape basics through abstract painting. Gain con�idence while learning to paint with more freedom and feeling. This class mostly focuses on using acrylic paint. List of required materials will be emailed before �irst class.
Amazon Community Center
Instructor: Will Paradis
Jan 11-Mar 8 Sa 10a-1p
$166 #30655
Mar 22-May 10 Sa 10a-1p $166 #30656
No class Feb 15
Tap into your inner artist as we celebrate the positive power of creativity. Have fun exploring the elements of art and color using watercolor, oil pastel, felt-tip, graphite pencil, charcoal, chalk pastel and colored pencil. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center Instructor: Hollie Roman
Jan 6-Mar 17 M 10:30a-12:30p $94 #30836
Mar 24-May 19 M 10:30a-12:30p $94 #30837
Jan 7-Mar 18 Tu 10:30a-12:30p $94 #30838
Mar 25-May 20 Tu 10:30a-12:30p $94 #30839
No class Jan 20, 21, Feb 17, 18
Art from the Heart Ages 10+
Have a creative conversation with yourself as we make art designed to expand self-awareness and personal growth. Using simple materials and a lighthearted approach, we will tap into the wisdom our art can hold. Each session will include a warm-up activity, plenty of time for art making and an opportunity for re�lection. No art experience is necessary.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Christina Salter (she/her)
Jan 8-29 W 6-8p $80 #30872
Mar 5-26 W 6-8p $80 #30875
Artists & Crafters Studio
This workshop is an informal gathering of artists of all kinds. Enjoy a great studio space and great company. No instructor. Bring your own supplies.
Campbell Community Center
Jan 6-May 19 M 1-4p
$8 #30557
Jan 7-May 27 Tu 1-4p $10 #30558
Jan 8-May 28 W 9a-12p $10 #30559
No class Jan 20, Feb 17
Arts & Crafts De-Stash Swap
Do you have more supplies than you can use? Bring them to share with others. This is not a sale, just a way to pass along supplies that youno longer need and to pick up some new ones that inspire you.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Feb 20 Th 10a-12p Free #31139
Campbell Woodshop Overview
This single evening class is a tour of the Campbell Woodshop and teaches safe techniques to utilize the table saw, band saw, drill press and planer. Campbell Woodshop is a community space available for woodworking projects.
Campbell Community Center
Feb 10 M 5:30-8p
$10 #30591
Mar 17 M 5:30-8p $10 #30592
Apr 28 M 5:30-8p $10 #30593
Campbell Woodshop
Open to adults who want to use a work space and tools for wood projects. Sign in and pay at the front desk before entering the shop. Orientation required for new users.
Campbell Community Center
Ongoing M-F 9a-3p Th 5-8p $4/day Drop-in
No woodshop Jan 1, Feb 17, May 26
Basic Woodworking
Learn safe and fun woodworking skills. Designed for beginners or anyone who wants to learn their way around the Campbell Woodshop. Make a beautiful laminated cutting board or choose a different project. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Len Gould
Jan 29-Feb 26 W 6-8:30p $130 #30576
Lottery #31591, see box.
Mar 26-Apr 23 W 6-8:30p $130 #30589
Lottery #31592, see box.
Open specifically to those who identify as female
Instructor: Ron Peterson
Mar 25-Apr 22 Tu 6-8:30p $130 #30590
Lottery #31593, see box.

Build a Wooden Clock
Use your woodworking skills to build an artful pendulum wall clock. Clock and wood choice options discussed in the �irst class. Basic woodworking and safe tool usage skills required. Clock mechanism and wood stock supplied.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Mike Rau
Jan 6-Feb 3 M 5-7p $115 #31594
No class Jan 20
Pen Turning
Learn the basics of wood turning on a lathe by creating your own writing pen. Make the perfect gift. Safety, tools and materials will be discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructors: Richard Wright & Larae Palmer
Feb 11 & 18 Tu 5:30-8p $58 #30647
Apr 29 & May 6 Tu 5:30-8p $58 #30648
Lottery System
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Dec. 10-15. No payment is due at this time.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Dec. 18, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Jan. 1 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on Jan. 2. Use the registration code (not italics) to register.
For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
Adult Activities
Clay Handbuilding
Invent,discoverandcreatewithclay.Beginningand intermediatestudentswillbeintroducedtotechniquessuch asslabbuilding,coiling,pinchingandextruding.Addsurface decorationandglazingtocreatefunandusablepiecesyou canenjoyforyears.Feeincludesclay,glazesand�irings. Studentsareencouragedtobringtheirowntools.
Jan14-Mar18 Tu 6-8:30p $200 #30507
Apr1-May20 Tu 6-8:30p $160 #30508
Colored Pencil Drawing
Learnhowtodrawwithcoloredpencilsbyexploringthetools, developingtheartist’seyeandlearningdifferenttechniques andcolortheory.Classwillincludelectures,demonstrations, exercisesanddrawing.Basicdrawingskillsarerequired.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:DeniseZanetta
Jan10-Mar7 F 10a-12p $108 #30618
Mar14-May23 F 10a-12p $120 #30619
Jan10-Mar7 F 12:30-2:30p $108 #30621
Mar14-May23 F 12:30-2:30p $120 #30622
Creative Embellishments
Ages 16+
Clay Wheel Throwing & Handbuilding
Classesareavailableforbothbeginningandintermediate students.Conceptsofbuildingwithclaybyhandandonthe wheelaswellasbasicglazingtechniques.Dependingonthe skilllevelanddesireoftheclassanintroductiontoadvanced techniqueswillbeadded.Feeincludesclay,glazesand �irings.Studentsareencouragedtobringtheirowntools.
Jan6-Mar10 M 11a-1:30p $160 #30499
Mar31-May19 M 11a-1:30p $160 #30504
Jan6-Mar10 M 6-8:30p $160 #30500
Mar31-May19 M 6-8:30p $160 #30501
Jan9-Feb27 Th 6-8:30p $160 #30502
Apr10-May29 Th 6-8:30p $160 #30503
Clay Arts Open Studio
Concentrateonyourworkwithaccesstotheceramicsstudio, includingwheelthrowing,handbuilding,glazeanddesign. Thefeeincludesglazesand�iring,butclayispurchased separately.Youareencouragedtobringyourowntools.You maysignupforeitherSundayorWednesdaysession,butnot both.Musthaveexperienceandstudiomanagerapprovalto register.Forinformationortorequestopenstudioapproval call541-682-5373.
Jan5-26 Su 1-4p
Feb2-23 Su 1-4p
Mar2-30 Su 1-4p
Apr6-27 Su 1-4p
May4-25 Su 1-4p
Jan8-29 W 6-9p
Feb5-26 W 6-9p
Mar5-26 W 6-9p
Apr2-30 W 6-9p
May7-28 W 6-9p
$60 #30484
$60 #30486
$75 #30487
$60 #30489
$60 #30491
$60 #30483
$60 #30485
$60 #30488
$75 #30490
$60 #30492
Learntechniquesformakingembellishmentsanddecorative elementstoenhanceyourprojects.Addlayers,movement andblingtomakeyourworkshine.
Apr3-10 Th 9:30a-12:30p $36 #31138
Digital Media & Design
Digitalmediareferstoanyformofcontentthatutilizesdigital technologyforcreation,distributionandconsumption.Inthis classyou’llcreatevisualimagesonprovidediPadsusing ProcreateandAdobeIllustrator.Learnhowtomanipulate images,makezinesandcreateiconsandlogoswhilepracticing drawinganddesignskills.
Jan25-Mar15 Sa 10a-12p $88 #31140
Apr5-May17 Sa 10a-12p $88 #31141
Drawing Flowers & Plants
Thiscoursewillfocusonlearningtodrawplants–their �lowers,petals,leavesandstems–whilelearningtounderstand thedifferentshapesandforms.You’llbuildcon�idencewith yourdrawingskillsandhavefunintheprocess.Bringpencil andpapertoclass.Allskilllevelsarewelcome.
Jan22-Mar12 W 12:30-2:30p $96 #31134
Handmade Books Workshop
Learnfourdifferentmethodsforconstructingyourown uniquebooks.Yourhandmadebookscanbeusedfor sketching,artjournaling,memorykeepingorgifting.
Feb6-13 Th 9:30a-12:30p $36 #31137
Intro to Botanical Art
Isbotanicalartforyou?Thiscourseisanintroductiontothe realismofbotanicalart.Learnthedifferencebetween botanicalart,botanicalillustrationand�lowerpainting.Gain adeeperunderstandingofhowtocreateanaccuratebotanical drawingthroughcarefulobservationandcoredrawing techniques.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.Basicdrawing skillsarerequired.
Apr2-May21 W 12:30-2p $96 #31011
Mixed Media: Oils, Acrylics & Pastels
Enjoycreatingbeautifulpaintingsinafriendly,supportive environment.Whileworkingonindividualpaintings,students willreceivepersonalinstructionregardingbasicdrawing skills,paintingtechniques,colortheory,atmospheric perspective,compositionalunityandcolorharmony. Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.Thisisnotawatercolorclass.
Jan6-Mar17 M 9:30-11:30a $108 #31122
Mar31-May19 M 9:30-11:30a $96 #31123
Jan6-Mar17 M 11:45a-1:45p$108 #31124
Mar31-May19 M 11:45a-1:45p $96 #31125
Jan6-Mar17 M 6-8p $108 #31126
Mar31-May19 M 6-8p $96 #31127
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 10a-12p $108 #31598
Mar11-May20 Tu 10a-12p $120 #31599
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 6-8p $108 #31583
Mar11-May20 Tu 6-8p $120 #31584
Painting Alchemy
Community Art Circles
Learnintuitivepainting,akindofartthatmovesyoufrom fearingyourfeelingstobeingpropelledbytheirpower.This practice–partart,partwellness–encouragescreativity, authenticityanddeepsoulconnectionwithlife.Absolutely noartisticexperienceneeded.Expectone-on-oneattention andmeaningfulsocialconnectioninasmallgroupsetting. Allmaterialsprovided.
Jan2&16 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30775
Feb6&20 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30776
Mar6&20 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30777
Apr3&17 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30778
May1&15 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30779

Painting Workshops Ages 16+
Joinusforaneveningofcasualandeducationalpainting.Each sessionwillhaveauniquesetofreferencesandeducational topics.Classwillbeginwithpaintingandendwithanoptional critiquesession.Suppliesforacrylicpaintingareprovided. Youmaybringyourownsuppliesifyoupreferworkingwith gouache,watercolororotherwater-solvablemediums.All experiencelevelsarewelcome.
Winter Foliage
Workingfromawinter-themedstilllife,we’llfocusonsketching fromobservationandmixingmutedcolors.
Jan26 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30579
Workingfromphotoreferencesofnightscenes,we’llfocus oncolormixingandunderstandinglightinascene.
Feb23 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30578
Forest Floor
Workingfromaforest-themedstilllife,we’llfocusonsketching organicobjectsandmanaginggreendominantcolorschemes.
Mar30 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30577
Weather & Atmosphere
Workingfromphotoreferences,we’llfocusonsimplifying scenesandtheeffectofatmosphereoncolor.
Apr27 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30581
Books & Bones
Workingfromaclassicalstilllifewithaspookytwist,we’ll focusonsketchingfromobservationandusingedgesto developfocalareas.
May25 Su 4-6:30p $30 #30575
Adult Activities
Poetry, Beginning
Drawingpromptsforwritingpoetryandsongsbyreading nontraditionalpoetsandsongwriters.Thisclassfollowsthe model“WritingAloneandwithOthers”byPatSchneider.
Jan14-Mar4 Tu 10a-12p $52 #31489
Apr8-May27 Tu 10a-12p $52 #31492
Portrait Drawing
Learntodrawrealisticportraitswhilehavingfuninacreative environment.Thiscourseemphasizesbasicproportionsand techniquesofshadingresultinginlifelikerealism.Basic drawingskillsrequired.
Jan8-Apr16 W 10a-12p $168 #31007 NoclassMar26
Portrait Drawing on Black/Gray Paper
Drawingwithwhitepencilonblackorgraypapersimulates drawingwithlightitself.Doingavaluescalewillhelpyou prepareyourhandandmindfordrawingthelightand leavingdarkshadows.Theendresultwillbeastunning portrait.Listofrequiredmaterialswillbeemailedbefore �irstclass.
Apr23-May21 W 10a-12p $60 #31009

Inthisbeginningprintmakingclass,useGelliplates,�ish models,stencilsandlinoleumblockstocreateone-of-a-kind prints.Learnhowtocreatelayeredgelprints,yourown linoleumblockdesign,embossmentsonapress,mono prints,Gyotaku(Japanese�ishprints)andsunprints.Each seriesisdifferent.Drawingandprintmakingexperienceis notnecessary.Initialsuppliesareprovided.Extrasupplies discussedin�irstclass.
Jan10-Mar14 F 1-3p $133 #30948
Mar28-May30 F 1-3p $133 #30951
Jan8-Mar12 W 1-3p $133 #31326
Mar26-May28 W 1-3p $133 #31330
Sumi-e Art Studio
Gatheringofartistswhoenjoysumi-eandwhoexploreink andJapanesewatercolorandwash.Enjoystudiospaceand greatcompany.Noinstructor,bringyourownsupplies.
Jan9-May29 Th 1-4p $10 #30560
Watercolor Impressions
Practiceandexperimentwithnewtechniques.Learnfrom andpaintalongwiththeinstructor’sdemonstrationeach week.Workatyourownpaceanddevelopyourownstyleof painting.Thisclassisdesignedforartistswhopossessa foundationinwatercolortechniques.Materialsdiscussedin �irstclass.
Jan15-Feb26 W 1-4p $112 #30567
Mar12-Apr23 W 1-4p $112 #30568
Jan16-Feb27 Th 1-4p $112 #30569
Mar13-Apr24 Th 1-4p $112 #30570
Watercolor Painting, Beginning-Intermediate
Explorewatercolortechniqueanddevelopdrawingskills. Eachclassincludesinstructordemonstrationsandcritique ofstudentwork.Studentsarefreetochooseassignments fromtheinstructorordeveloppersonalprojects.Materials discussedin�irstclass.
Jan9-Mar6 Th 2-4p $108 #31135
Mar13-May22 Th 2-4p $120 #31136

Improv Skills Ages 18+
Learnimprovisationalactinginafun,inclusiveenvironment. Developself-con�idence,explorecreativestorytelling,take risksandbuildcommunity.Noexperiencenecessary.
Feb3-Mar24 M 7-8p $48 #31036 NoclassFeb17,Mar17
Events & Performances
Free Shakespeare in the Park Auditions Ages 16+
FreeShakespeareintheParkwillholdauditionsfor“Two GentlemenofVerona.”We’reseeking10-12actorsofall genders.Preparea1-minute-longShakespearean monologueandbereadytoreadfromthescript.We’realso seekingstagehands.Formoreinformation,emailArtistic DirectorSharonSeloveatfreeshakeseugene@gmail.com.
Feb15-16 SaSu 1:30-4:30p Free #30878
Asian Mah-Jongg
Ongoing Th 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Asian Mah-Jongg Class
Jan10-31 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #30669
Apr4-25 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #30670
Intermediate Feb14-Mar7 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #30671
May9-30 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #30672
Open Play Tabletop Game Day
Joinlocalboardgameenthusiastsforabeginner-friendly gameday.Theopenplayformatencouragesparticipantsto bringtheirownfavoritegamesorplaywhatothershave brought.Youthandteensarewelcometojoinwithanadult.
Feb8 Sa 4-9p Free Drop-in
Ongoing Tu 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Table Tennis
Tabletennisistheperfectgameforalmosteveryonebecause itprovidesexercise,recreationandasocialoutlet.Playina friendlyatmosphereopentoallskilllevels.Limitedpaddles andballsavailableforuse.
Ongoing MF 12-3p $0.50/day Drop-in
Ongoing M 9-11:45a$0.50/day Drop-in

Adult Activities Languages & Culture
See pages 78-79.
See page 80.
All presentations are free, but registration is required. Presentations are not intended to diagnose, treat or mitigate any disease. More presentations are on pages 81-83.
Senior & Disability Services, Programs & Resources
SeniorandDisabilityServicesisLaneCounty’sAreaAgency onAgingandDisability,providingservicesandprogramsfor olderadultsandadultswithdisabilities.Learnmoreabout bene�itsandresources.IncludesMedicaidLong-TermCare, OregonHealthPlan,SNAP,SeniorMealsProgramandmore.
Presenter:MelisaAndrion,communityoutreach& volunteercoordinator,Senior&DisabilityServices Feb7 F 10-11a Free #30986
Managing Personal Energy with Daily Self Care Practices
Explorewhatdrainsyouandsomepracticalwaystoreplenish yourpersonalenergyleveleachday.Ifyouwrestlewith practicingregularself-care,learnwhyit’sawell-beingpriority, notanindulgence.Discoversevenguidingprinciplestohelp youbeyourbestself,moreoften.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching Feb10 M 5-6p Free #30977
Getting Clear About Brain & Brain Health Fog
Curiousaboutbrainfog?Learnwhatbrainfogis,itsmain causesandhowtoimproveit.Evaluateyourcurrentbrain healthhabitsand�indoutaboutdoable,evidence-backed strategiestobettermanagebrainfoggydays.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching Mar3 M 5-6p Free #30831
Ignite Wonder to Enhance your Vitality
Learnaboutthepowerofwondertoimproveyourfunctioning. Inthisclasswewilluncoverasimplebutpotentstrategyto invitemoredelighteachdayandenhancehowyouthink, feelandlive.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching. Apr14 M 5-6p Free #30975
Three Essential Habits of Mind
Learnaboutthreehabitsofmind(recognize,regulateand resource)tohelpyoumoreeffectivelyrespondtodaily challengeswithlessstress.Identifyyourenergyneedsto functionatyourbesteffortlessly.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching May12 M 5-6p Free #30832
Social Gatherings
Veterans Coffee Talk
Thisweekly,informalget-togetherforVeteransisforcoffee, camaraderieandconversations.Thisisanopportunityfor Veteransandtheirfamiliestoparticipateorlearnmore aboutthatspecialbondofmenandwomenwhohaveserved theircountryortojustlistenasotherssharetheirstories, theirfriendshipandhelpfulresourcesthey’vefound.
Ongoing M 10-11a Free Drop-in NogroupJan20,Feb17,May26

Special Interest
Cascade Mycological Society
Mingleandlearnfromexpertmycologistsandthelocal mushroomenthusiastsofCMS.Bringmushroomsinfor identi�icationduringtheshow-and-tellheldthe�irst30 minutes.Guestspeakersonvariousfungirelatedsubjects, followedbyaninformaltastingtableofdelightsbroughtin bymembers.Formonthlyspeakersvisitcascademyco.org.
Ongoing 3rdW7-9p Free Drop-in
Cooking with Wild Mushrooms
Mushroomsaddwonderful�lavoranddepthtodishes,plus theyprovidevaluablenutrition.TheCascadeMycological Societywillintroduceyoutosomeofthemanylocally availablewildmushroomsthatarebestforyourtable.Learn thebestwaystocleanthem,preservethemandcookwith them.Pluslearnafewinsidertrickstobringouttheir sumptuous�lavor.Theclasswillwrapupwithachanceto tasteadishmadewithseasonallyavailablemushrooms.
May9 F 7-9p $13 #31541
Creative Writing Group
Jointhispeer-ledgroupwhereyoucanrollupthesleeveof yourwritingarmandborrowtoolsfromthewriter’skitto addmuscle.Later,asyoureadyourcraft-creation,youcan quietlyenjoyexperiencingtheregardofyourpeers.
Jan2-May29 Th 10:30a-12:30p #30616
Fix-It Fair Workshop
JointheCityofEugeneWastePreventionProgramand CampbellCommunityCenterforafreeFix-itFair.Bringyour brokenhouseholditems–suchassmallappliances,bikesor electronics–andletourtechnicianshelpyourepairthemat nocost.
Mar7 F 1-3p Free Drop-in
Fly Fishing Workshops Ages 10+
Thisseriesofclassesisfocusedongettingparticipantsto ourwonderfullocalwaterwaysandlearninghowto�ish them.Thereisnobetterwaytolearn�ly�ishingthangetting outwithanexperiencedanglerandjustdoingit.Fromthe basicknotsandcasts,toreadingwaterandmoreadvanced �ishingtechniques,thisserieswillgetyoureadyforyour own�ly�ishingadventures.Rainorshine.Participantsmust providetheirownrodsandtackle.
Fly Casting 101 ■ 1
Acrashcourseinlearninghowtocasta�lyrod.Whetheryou arelookingtotryitforthe�irsttime,ordosomediagnostics onyourcast,comespendtimewithaskilledanglerand instructor.Youareguaranteedtoleaveabettercasterthan youwerewhenyouregistered.
Mar22 Sa 8a-12p $40 #30649
Improving Your Fly Presentation ■ 3
Troutareopportunisticeaters.Findingoutwheretheyare eatingonanygivendayispartofthechallenge,andfun,of �ly�ishing.JoinusforamorningontheCoastForkofthe WillametteRivernearMountPisgahandlearnhowtocover thewatercolumnfromtherockybottomtotherippling surface.
Apr5 Sa 8a-12p $40 #30650
Finding Fish ■ 3
Asyouarewalkinguptoyour�ishingspot,itisincredibly dif�iculttoavoidjumpinginandwavingyour�lyrodaround. Oneofthemorevaluablepracticesonecanaddto�ly�ishing istheactofslowingdown.Joinusforaspecialwalk-in experienceatGreenIsland.Wewillwalkinaboutamile, thensitandobservebeforewe�ish.Wewilllookattheriver throughtheeyesofatroutandthinkaboutwherefoodis comingfrom,wheretheslowercurrentsareandwhere�ish mightbehiding.
MeetatSheldonCommunityCenter Apr19 Sa 8a-12p $40 #30651
Putting It All Together ■ 3
It’stimetoputitalltogether.Youknowsomeknots,you understandalittleaboutthelifecycleofaquaticinsectsand youcan’tdriveorwalkbyabodyofwaterwithoutthinking aboutwhere�ishmaybe.Joinusaswetakewhatweknow andworktogetherto�indthe�ish.Thelocationisnotyet determined;planonwalkingacoupleofmilesandspending themorningnearoneofouramazingwaterways.
MeetatSheldonCommunityCenter May3 Sa 8a-12p $40 #30652
Adult Activities
Free Motion Quilting on a Domestic Sewing Machine
Learn the basics, tips, tricks and accessories to free motion quilt on a sewing machine. Start creating your own unique quilts and gifts. This seminar is instructor led and does not require a sewing machine. Hands-on practice can be had at the Quilting, Comforts for Kids group each Thursday afternoon at Campbell Center (see page 76).
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Barbara Theus
Mar 6 Th 11a-12:30p $10 #30653
May 1 Th 11a-12:30p $10 #30654
Homemade Dog Treats
Learn how to makefour different recipes for no-bake dog treats. Yourfour-legged friends will thank you. Ingredients included in class fee.
Petersen Barn Community Center Instructor: Austin Nieve
Jan 16 Th 5:30-7p $17 #31158
Mar 20 Th 5:30-7p $17 #31159
Lettuce Grow Together Garden Club
For beginner and experienced gardeners alike to gather, learn and practice holistic and organic gardening techniques.
Petersen Barn Community Center Instructor: Pleado Wellman
Apr 9-Jun 4 W 6-7:30p Free #30931
Movies from Around the World
Watch movies from Iran, Italy, Mexico and more. No knowledge of foreign language required. Just come enjoy the movies and discuss other cultures, traditions and history.
Campbell Community Center Instructor: Sied Imani
Jan 8-29 W 1-3:30p $48 #31616
Feb 5-26 W 1-3:30p $48 #31621
Apr 2-23 W 1-3:30p $48 #30712
Native Plant Society Meeting
The Native Plant Society of Oregon is dedicated to the appreciation, study and conservation of our native plants. The local chapter hosts presentations on native plants each month. It also hosts free �ield trips to view wild�lowers and learn their names. For additional meeting and �ield trip information visitnpsoregon.org.
Amazon Community Center
Jan 20-Mar 17 3rd M 7-8:30p Free #31539
Petersen Barn Bookies
Calling area readers. This book group will select books of all genres including �iction and non�iction.
Petersen Barn Community Center Ongoing 3rd Tu 1-2p Free Drop-in

Pooches & Paint
Bringyourdogforcanine-creativeartsandcrafts.Thenmakea specialtreattorewardyourfurryfriend.Separateregistration requiredforeachdog.Dogsmustbeleashedatalltimes.
Apr17 Th 5:30-6:30p $17 #31160
May22 Th 5:30-6:30p $17 #31161
Writing Your Life Story
Thiscoursestartsyouontheroadtowritingyourlifestory. Everyonehasastorytotellandwritingyourmemoriescan
beanenlighteningandvalidatingexperience.Youwillbe writingstoriesandbringingthemtoclasstoread.Youwill getsupportiveandencouragingfeedbacktoimproveyour writing.Youwillreceivewritingtipsandinformationtomake yourstoriescomealive,tobeenjoyedbyfamilyandfriends. CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:MaritaNelson
Feb4-Apr15 Tu 1-3p $68 #30956
See page 86.
Descriptions are on pages 88-92.
Dates Day Time Title Charge Page MeetAt
Jan17 F 9a-3p Thompson’sMills $30 88 Campbell
Jan23 Th 9a-5p YahooforYachats $44 88 Campbell
Feb6 Th 9a-3p WillametteHeritageCenter $35 89 Campbell
Feb18 Tu 11:30a-3p PlanetariumShow $24 89 PeteBarn
Feb20 Th 8:45a-2:30p LeapingLambFarmTour $32 89 Campbell
Mar4 Tu 10a-5p HallieFordMuseumofArt $40 89 Amazon
Mar13 Th 9:30a-1:30p RomeotheSteer&CreswellBakery $21 89 Campbell
Mar19 W 10:30a-3:30p CorvallisMuseum $23 89 PeteBarn
Mar29 Sa 9a-4:30p AmityDaffodilFestival $38 90 Campbell
Apr11 F 10:45a-3:45p SplatterBox $29 90 PeteBarn
Apr13 Su 1-6p “MaryPoppins”atCottageTheatre $52 90 Campbell
Apr16 W 9:30a-2:30p WillametteConfluenceTour $14 90 Campbell
Apr19 Sa 8:30a-5:30p DepoeBayCrabFeed&WoodenBoats $48 90 Campbell
Apr24 Th 9:15a-3p DeepwoodMuseum&Gardens $30 90 PeteBarn
May3 Sa 9a-2:30p BrownsvilleCarriageDays $25 90 PeteBarn
May6 Tu 9a-5p IKEA $45 91 Campbell
May15 Th 1-5p GoatYoga $21 91 PeteBarn
May16 F 9:30a-1:30p GreenIslandTour $14 90 Campbell
May18 Su 10a-4p FlorenceRhododendronFestival $39 91 Amazon
May22 Th 9a-5p OregonGarden $55 91 Campbell
May31 Sa 10a-3p EugeneScottishFestival $29 91 Amazon
May9-16 Overnight IslandsofNewEnglandw/Collette Varies 91 Campbell
Sep7-20 Overnight Central&EasternEuropew/Collette Varies 92 Campbell
Dec2-10,2025 Overnight EuropeanChristmasMrktsw/Collette Varies 92 Campbell Feb22-Mar7,2026Overnight CulturalTreasuresofJapanw/Collette Varies 92 Campbell

Adult Activities
Urban Homesteading
Learnhowtoexpandyourfoodchoices,improvethequality ofyourdietandenjoythelocalbountyallyearlong.Each weekoffersanewtopicfromdo-it-yourselffoodproduction suchasfermentingandpreservingtosoapmakingandlip balms.Noteligibleforscholarship.
Cheese Making
Wewillmakeafresh,hardcheeseandricottawhilelearning aboutdifferenthardandsoftcheeseculturesandprocesses. Wewillgothroughtheentireprocessfromculturedmilkto formedcheesereadyforthepress.Wewillalsogooverhow tomakeyogurtandke�ir.
Jan6 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31181
Jan7 Tu 2-4p $24 #30513
Bread Making & Sourdough
Learnhowtocatch,careforanduseawildsourdoughculture. Wewillalsogooverregularbreadbakingtechniquesforthose whowanttostartsimple.Overthecourseofthisclass,we willmakeabatchofsourdoughbreadwhilewelearnabout proo�ing,thecomplexbiologyofavitalsourdoughculture andtipsandtrickstogetthatgreatartisanalstylebreadin yourownkitchen.Takehomeyourownsmallroundloafand asourdoughculture.
Jan13 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31183
Jan14 Tu 2-4p $24 #30514

Fermenting: Sauerkraut, Kombucha
Learnsauerkrautbasicsasweturnahead(orseveral)of cabbageandsomesaltintosauerkrautandtakehomeapint tofermentandenjoy.Youwillalsolearnhowtomake kimchi,kombucha,vinegarandgurkenpickles.Therewillbe kombuchaSCOBYtotakehomeforanyonewhowantsit. Pleasebringacleanwide-mouthpintjarwithnewlidor$1 topurchasefrominstructor.
Jan21 Tu 2-4p $24 #30515
Beyond Sauerkraut
Readytoexploretheworldoffermentation?Learnhowto makeyourownfermentedpickles,salsa,hotsauce,avariety offermentednonalcoholicbeveragesandevencornedbeef. Takehomeapintofgiardinieraandsomehabanerohot sauceto�inishfermentingathome.Bringacleanwide-month pintjarwithlidor$1topurchaseonefromtheinstructor.
Jan27 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31184
Jan28 Tu 2-4p $24 #30516
Pruning & Grafting
Learnhowtoprunefruittreesandgrapesforformand productivity–thinning,recognizingfruitingspursand directinggrowthpatterns.Learnhowtograftnewvarieties ontoexistingtreesorrootstockintimetotakeadvantageof thefreefruitgraftingmaterialfromEugene’sannual PropagationFairinMarch.Classisatinstructor’shouse. Addressprovidedwithregistration.
Feb2 Su 2-4p $24 #30517
RegisterthroughCampbellCommunityCenter Feb2 Su 2-4p $24 #31185
Garden Prep for Spring
Getyourgardenreadyforanearlyplantingofpeasandstart yourtomatoseedsinsidesotheyarereadywhentheweather warmsup.Gardeningbasicsandmoreadvancedtechniques willincludestartsversusdirectsowing,co-planting,bene�icial insectsandhowtoattractthem,composting,soilamendments andmaximizinglimitedspace.Freeseedsincludedwithclass.
Feb10 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31186
AmazonCommunityCenter Feb11 Tu 2-4p $24 #30518
Backyard Poultry
Nothingbeatsafreshbackyardegg.Learnhowtoraiseegg layingchickensandducksandaboutbreeds,feed,housing
andsafeguardsagainstpredatorsanddisease.Getasmall cooporchickentractorreadyforspringhatchingseason.
Feb18 Tu 2-4p $24 #30519
Intro to Bee Keeping
Aproductivebeehivecanproduceupto�ivegallonsofhoney ayear.Learnbeekeepingbasics–equipment,supplies, sourcesandtechniques–beforeyoucommittoyourown hives.Learnaboutcurrentissueswithbeekeeping,local laws,commondiseasesandpestsandtheirtreatment options.LocalpackagebeesarriveinearlyApril.
Feb24 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31242
Feb25 Tu 2-4p $24 #30520
Sausage Making
Ifyoulovesausagesbuthatewhatgoesintotheonesfrom thegrocerystore,youcanlearnhowtomakeyourownfrom wholeingredients.Developyourownspicemixsoyour sausageisasmildorspicyasyoulike.
Mar3 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31246
Mar4 Tu 2-4p $24 #30521
Homemade Condiments
Makeyournextpicnicamazingwithyourownhomemade condiments.Learnhowtomakemayonnaise,mustard, ketchupandrelishandhowtotailoreachrecipetomake yourownsignatureversions.Bringthreesmallcontainersto takehomeashareofwhatwemakeinclass.
Mar10 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31248
AmazonCommunityCenter Mar11 Tu 2-4p $24 #30522
Outdoor Herbals & Essential Oils
Learnhowtomakeinsectrepellentcreamsandsprays,healing salves,andlearnabouttheSPFpotentialofvariousherbal combinations.Takehomeashareofwhatwemakeinclass.
Mar17 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31251
Mar18 Tu 2-4p $24 #30523
Balms & Salves
Learntomakeavarietyofskincreams,lipbalmsandherbal salvesforgiftsoratreatforyourself.Takehomesomelip balmandherbalsalve.

Mar31 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31256
AmazonCommunityCenter Apr1 Tu 2-4p $24 #30524
Soap Making
Learnthebasicsofmakingbarsoapfromscratch.Wewill discussthechemistryofsaponi�ication,propertiesofdifferent baseoilsandlocalsourcesoffragranceoilsandotheradditives whilewemakeabatchofsoap.Youwillalsolearnhowto makeliquidsoapandtwoformsoflaundrysoap.Takehome ashareofthesoapweproduce.
CampbellCommunityCenter Apr7 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31259
AmazonCommunityCenter Apr8 Tu 2-4p $24 #30525
Ginger Treats
Gingercanbeusedforanumberofsweetorsavorytreats. Cookupabatchofcandiedginger,gingersyrup,gingersugar andpickledgingerforsushi.Theseallmakegreatgiftsand youcantakehomeashareofwhatwemake.
CampbellCommunityCenter Apr14 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31260
AmazonCommunityCenter Apr15 Tu 2-4p $24 #30526
Aromatherapy & Essential Oils
Essentialoilscanhavestrongmedicinalqualities.Learnhow tousethemeffectivelyandsafelyinspraymists,massageoil andevenmosquitorepellentcreamsorsprays.Thisclassis basedonpeer-reviewedscienti�icevidence.
Apr21 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31264
AmazonCommunityCenter Apr22 Tu 2-4p $24 #30527
Adult Activities

Organic Gardening
Learnorganicgardeningtechniquesforcontainergardening tofull-sizedfamilygardening.Gardeningbasicsandmore advancedtechniqueswillincludestartsversusdirectsowing, co-planting,bene�icialinsectsandhowtoattractthem, composting,soilamendments,maximizinglimitedspace, savingseedandwintergardening.
Apr28 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31273
Apr29 Tu 2-4p $24 #30528
Herb Gardens
Almosteveryonehasroomforasmallherbgarden.Learn whichherbsgrowwellinpots,howtokeepyourherbshappy andproductiveandhowtostorethemdriedorfrozen.We willalsodiscussmanynonculinaryusesforherbs.
May5 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31280
May6 Tu 2-4p $24 #30529
Edible Landscaping & Foraging
Don’tjustpullthoseweeds–eatthem.Findoutwhatnative “weeds”areedibleandhowtopreparethem.You’llbe surprisedathowmuchfoodyou’vebeenthrowinginthe yardwaste.Plantavarietyofperennialvegetablesand edibleornamentalsforabeautifulandediblelandscape. Learnaboutcommonwildforagingplants–berries,�lowers, greens,rootsandcommonmushrooms–andtheirhabitats. Aselectionoffreeseedsandstartsareincluded.Classisheld atinstructor’shouse.Addresswillbegivenwithregistration.
May11 Su 2-4p $24 #30530
May11 Su 2-4p $24 #31285
Beneficial Insects
Thereisawholehostofinsectsouttheretohelpyourgarden growandproduce.Learnaboutpredatory�lies,beetles, assassinbugsandmanyotherpredatorsandpollinatorsand howtoattractthemandgetthemworkingforyou.You’llbe surprisedathowmanytherereallyare.
May12 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31287
May13 Tu 2-4p $24 #30531
Preserving Fruits & Vegetables: Canning, Freezing & Drying
Alotofinformationouttheremakeshomepreservingsound complicatedandpotentiallydangerous.Withafewsimple precautions,it’sneitherofthosethings.Learnthebasicsand bene�itsofhomepreservingandstarteatingcheaper,fresher, healthierandmorelocally.wewilldiscussindetailproper canningtechniques(includingwhatyoucanandcan’tprocess inasteamcanner),blanching,freezingtechniquesanddrying herbs,fruitsandvegetables.Findoutwhatmethodsarebest foravarietyoffoodsandwhy.
May19 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #31293
May20 Tu 2-4p $24 #30532
Eating Well on a Tight Budget: Intro to Urban Homesteading
Eatingwiththeseasonscanbeachallenge,butitishealthy, satisfyingandcansaveyoualotofmoney.Learnlocalsources ofin-seasonproduce,howtotrackandplanseasonallyand howtoincorporateyourownpreservedfoods.
AmazonCommunityCenter May27 Tu 2-4p Free #30533

Adult Health & Fitness

Adapted Bike & Equipment Services
All ages
AdaptiveRecreationServicesmaintainsaunique�leetof adaptiveequipment,includingbeachandall-terrain wheelchairs,aswellasthree-wheeledbikesincluding recumbents,tandemsandhandcycles.Individualandgroup servicescanbeprovidedtosupportadaptiverecreational equipmentneedsforpeopleofvaryingabilitiesandskill levels,including�ittingsandrentals.Formoreinformationcall 541-682-5311orvisitGetRec.org/recadaptive.
Adapted Bike Assessment & Fitting
Staffassessneedsandrecommendequipment.Designedfor peoplewithlimitedmobility,disabilities,medicalconditionsor thosewhowishtopreviewequipmentbeforerentalorpurchase.
Ongoing M-F 9a-5p $10 Byapptonly Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5311
Adapted Bike & Beach/All-Terrain Wheelchair Rental
Ongoing M-F 9a-5:30p Byapptonly $6/hour(upto8hours) $45/day $60/weekend Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5311
May is Bike Month
Availableafterinitial�ittingorassessment.Freesame-day rentalsonly,30minutestofullday.Standardratesformultidayrentals.NotavailableonMay26duetotheholiday.
May1-30 M-F 9a-5p Free Byappt
Adapted Bike Demo Day
Recumbents?Tricycles?Handcycles?Electricassist?Bike share?Tryoutouramazing�leetofbikesforpeoplewho can’tordon’twanttoridestandardbikes.Pleaseregister.
May15 Th 1-3p Free #31617
Bike Riding for Fun & Fitness
Rainorshinein-townrides.Helmetsarerequired,but weeklyattendanceisn’t.Electricbikesarewelcometojoin. Ridesvaryinlengthandtimedependingonability.
Ongoing W 10a-12p Free Drop-in NobikingJan1
Azucar Latin Dance Instruction
Azucarwasfoundedin2010.Welovetodance,performand teach.Nopartnerneeded.Noteligibleforscholarship.
Bachata Sensual
Bachatasensualisessentialfortheinterpretationofmodern bachatamusicbyaddingbodyisolationmovementsthatgo especiallywellwithslowsectionsofasong.Itbuildsupon bachatabasicsusedinDominicanbachataandbachata moderna.Learnhowtotrainyourbodytocreateasmooth basicstepanddostrikingbodyisolations,rollsandwaves andhowtocombinethosetechniqueswithmoretraditional bachatamoves.Nopartnerneeded.
Mar6-Apr3 Th 8-9p $40 #30795 NoclassMar27
Bachata Suelta Choreography
LearnfunfootworkinspiredbyDominicanbachata.Thisis anindividualchallengedesignedtospiceupyoursocial danceandmakeyoucomfortablewithbachatashinesand syncopations.
Instructors:MeganKitner(she),DmitriIazikov, May8-29 Th 8-9p $40 #30801
All Levels Kizomba
OriginatinginAngola,kizombahasbecomewildlypopular inLatindancecircles.Techniquesderivedfromkizombacan beusedfordancingbachata,tango,fusion,reggaetonand evensalsa.Learningitwillprofoundlyimproveyourmusicality andfoundationacrossalldancestyles.
Jan9-30 Th 8-9p $40 #30788
Beginner Cuban Salsa Rueda
RuedadeCasinoisafunandinteractivedancefromCuba.It isdancedinacirclewithmultiplepartnerswitchesandis theperfectwaytomeetandinteractwithavarietyofnew andinterestingpeople.Learnthe�ivefoundationmovesyou needtoknowtoparticipateinthisdynamicgroupdance: Guapea,DileQueNo,Enchun�la,ExhibelaandVacilala.No experienceorpartnerneeded.
Jan8-29 W 7-8p $40 #30785
Feb6-27 Th 7-8p $40 #30792
Apr9-30 W 7-8p
$40 #30796
May7-28 W 7-8p $40 #30799
Adult Health & Fitness
Intermediate/Advanced Cuban Salsa Rueda
Onceyouhavelearnedthe�ivefoundationmovesinthe beginnerclass,learntomakemorechallengingmove combinations.Youwillalsoimproveleadingandfollowing skillsaswellaswheelawareness.Pastmoveswillbereviewed, andnewmoveswillbetaughteachmonth.Nopartnerneeded.
Jan8-29 W 8-9p $40 #30786
Feb5-26 W 7-8p $40 #30790
Mar5-Apr2 W 7-8p $40 #30793
Apr9-30 W 8-9p $40 #30797
May7-28 W 8-9p $40 #30800
Salsa Suelta Choreography
Thischoreographyclassfocusesonsolosalsafootwork, patternsandstylingthatwillimproveyourcoordinationand musicalitywhilehavingfun.Whiletherewillbeanemphasis onfemininestylingtechniques,thisclassisopentoall genderidentities.NeedtoknowbasicCubansalsafootwork asitwillnotbetaughtinthisclass.Nopartnerneeded.
Feb5-Mar26 W 8-9p $80 #30791
Intermediate/Advanced Cuban Casino Dance
WhenpeopledanceCubansalsaastwopartnersinsteadof inagroup,itiscalledcasinodancing.Participantsinthis classwilllearndancepatternsthatcanbeusedincouple socialdancing.Participantswillalsoimproveleadingand followingtechniques.Nopartnerneeded.
Mar6-Apr3 Th 7-8p $40 #30794
Intermediate/Advanced Cuban Son
Cubansongreatlyin�luencedmodern-dayLatindanceand musicincludingsalsaandtimba.Thisisapartnerdance oftendancedcloseand“ontwo”rhythm.Add�lavorand enhanceyourmusicalitybylearningpatternstoincorporate intoyoursalsadancing.Nopartnerneeded.
Jan9-30 Th 7-8p $40 #30787
Intermediate/Advanced Cumbia
Thisserieswillfocusonthecontinuationofcumbia movementandpatternsattheintermediateandadvanced level.Participantsshouldknowthebasicsofcumbiato attendthisclassseries.Nopartnerneeded.
May8-May29 Th 7-8p $40 #30798

Ballet Ages 16+
Balletisthefoundationofdance.Initsstrict,yetbeautiful form,wewillintroducestudentstopositions,techniques andterminology.Classwillbeginwithbarrewarmups, across-the-�loorroutinesandendwithadancewewillbe workingonthroughouttheseason.
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 5:30-6:30p $55 #30987
Mar25-May27 Tu 5:30-6:30p $55 #31588
Intermediate Jan10-Apr14 F 6:30-7:30p $55 #30994
Ballet Barre & Center Ages 16+
Dipyourtoesintodanceinthiswelcomingandfunclass. Learnthefundamentalsofballetthroughbarre,centerand across-the-�loorexerciseshelpingtogain�lexibilityand strength.Eachclassisuniquetotheparticipants.Alllevels welcome.
Jan13-Mar10 M 5:30-6:45p $53 #31092
Mar31-May19 M 5:30-6:45p $60 #31093
Try Ballet Barre & Center for Free
Jan6 M 5:30-6:45p Free #31585
Ballroom Dancing
Trysomethingnewand“stepout”inthiswelcoming, beginner-levelclassthatisguaranteedtoleaveyousmiling. Theclasscoversbasicstepslikethefoxtrot,waltz,tango, rhumba,swingandmore.Nospecialequipment–allyou needarecomfortableshoesandclothesyoucanmovein.
Jan27-Mar17 M 6-8p $42 #31547
Apr7-May19 M 6-8p $42 #31549
Try Ballroom Dancing for Free
Jan6 M 6-8p Free #31544
Adult Health & Fitness

Belly Dance, Beginning Ages 14+
Improveyour�itnessandcorestrengthwhileworkingoutto worldmusicandlearningthebasicsofbellydancing.This classemphasizespostureandstretchingtoavoidinjuryand muscleisolationforimprovingstrength.Whatafunwayto getabalancedworkout.
Jan22-Mar26 W 6-7p $46 #30944
Apr2-Jun4 W 6-7p $46 #30862
Belly Dance
Bellydanceisanancientartformwitharichhistory.Inthis classwe’llfocusonfundamentalmovementsandtechniques andwillincludecombinationsetsandchoreography.Gain improvedcorestrength,postureandbodyawarenessall whilehavingfun.Allbodieswelcomeregardlessofage, shapeordanceexperience.
Jan8-Mar5 W 5:30-6:30p $54 #31100
Mar12-May21 W 5:30-6:30p $54 #31101
Bhangra Dance
DiscoverthefusionofPunjabitraditionandWesternbeats inbhangradance.LearnthebasicsofthisenergeticNorth Indianfolkdance,withahintofBollywood�lair.Enjoyan invigoratingworkout,excitingmovesandaddictivemusic. Getreadytosweatandhaveablast.
Apr3-May22 Th 5:30-6:30p $54 #30830
Adult Health & Fitness

Contemporary Dance Ages 16+
Thisclassisadynamicexplorationofmovement,blending elementsofmoderndance,balletandimprovisation.Dancers willfocusonbodyawareness,�luidity,andexpressionas theylearnchoreographyanddeveloptheiruniquestyle. Throughwarm-ups,exercisesandroutines,thisclasswill buildstrength,�lexibilityandemotionalconnectiontomusic.
Mar28-May30 F 6:30-7:30p $55 #31589
Dance Fitness
Getgroovingwithsetmovementsequencesthatengagethe fullbodyandstayintunewithyourmobility.Thisclassisa livelywaytoimproveyouroverallbalanceandtoneyour muscularsystem.Allabilities,agesandgendersarewelcome. Sneakersarerequired.
Feb3-Mar17 M 6:30-7:30p $36 #30907
Apr28-Jun9 M 6:30-7:30p $36 #30910
Fitness & All That Jazz
Feelthebeatandgetmovingtoahealthieryou.Thisisa dance-�itnessclassforallskilllevels.Movetomusicfromthe ’60stotoday,rocktojazzanddiscotoBroadway.While you’rehavingfunmovingtothemusic,you’llalsobe buildingstrength,�lexibilityandbalance.
Jan16-Mar13 Th 12:15-1:15p $54 #31102
Apr3-May22 Th 12:15-1:15p $48 #31103
Fitness & All That Jazz for Free
PartofFreeFitnessWeek.Registrationrequired. Jan9 Th 12:15-1:15p Free #31587
Folk Dance with a Flair Ages 30+
Thisisanopeninvitationtotryinternationalfolkdancing. Learnandenjoydancesfromallaroundtheworld.Stay youngandkeep�it.Noexperiencerequired.Newdancers arealwayswelcome.Nopartnerneeded.
Jan6-May26 M 1-2:30p #30724
Hip-Hop Ages 14+
Allexperiencelevels,bodiesandgendersarewelcome.This classwillexploresethip-hopsequencesasagroupand guidedfree-�lowexplorationsindividually.Comedevelop yourmovesinasafespaceallowingyoutoexpressyourself andfeelcon�ident.Sneakersaresuggested.
Feb3-Mar17 M 7:30-8:30p $36 #30909
Apr28-Jun9 M 7:30-8:30p $36 #30908
Irish Céili Dance Ages 16+
Céili(pronounced“kay-lee”)isatraditionalsocialdancefrom Ireland.It’srelatedtocontraandsquaredance,butalittle fasteranddancedtoIrishmusic.Verybeginner-friendly,no partnerrequired.
Instructors:GriffinFickes&ShannonBrown(she/her) AllLevels
Jan14-Mar18 Tu 7-8:15p $50 #30730
Apr1-May27 Tu 7-8:15p $45 #30731
Intermediate Jan14-Mar18 Tu 8:15-9p $30 #30732
Apr1-May27 Tu 8:15-9p $27 #30733
Line Dance
Linedancingisgoodexerciseforyourbrain,itcanhelpwith balanceandit’slowimpactonyourjoints.Meetnewpeople andhavefunwhileexercisingtoavarietyofmusic.Wear loose,coolclothingandshoesthatwillslideonthe�loor.No partnernecessary.
Beginning Instructor:KateCleary
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 2:30-3:30p $60 #30851
Mar25-May27 Tu 2:30-3:30p $60 #30854
Jan9-Mar13 Th 2:30-3:30p $60 #30855
Mar27-May29 Th 2:30-3:30p $60 #30852
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 1-2p $60 #30842
Mar25-May27 Tu 1-2p $54 #30843
Partner Dance, Basics
Learnbasictechniquesforcouplesdancing,allsettopopular music.Buildyourrepertoireandgaincon�idenceonthedance �loorinafunandwelcomingenvironment.Partnerrequired.
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:SamBucher
Jan7-Feb18 Tu 6-7:15p $42 #30535
Feb25-Apr8 Tu 6-7:15p $42 #30536
Apr15-May27 Tu 6-7:15p $42 #30537
Partner Dance, Patterns
Thisclasswillcovershortsequencesofdancemovesthatare funandaddvarietytoalltypesofpartnerdancing.Theyare designedto�itthephrasingofmostdancemusicnomatter whatgenre.Thisisanintermediateclassandpriorexperience withsocialdanceisaprerequisite.Partnerrequired.
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:SamBucher
Jan7-Feb18 Tu 7:30-8:45p $42 #30538
Feb25-Apr8 Tu 7:30-8:45p $42 #30539
Apr15-May27 Tu 7:30-8:45p $42 #30540
Tap Dance
Learnthebasicsofmoderntapwithdrillsandshortdancesin thisfunandeasyclass.Allarewelcomeregardlessofability. Opentoallageswherethefocusisonfunexercisetomusic.
Jan6-Mar10 M 9:30-10:45a $60 #31094
Mar31-May19 M 9:30-10:45a $60 #31095
Jan6-Mar10 M 7-8p $48 #31096
Mar31-May19 M 7-8p $48 #31097
Jan17-Mar14 F 11:30a-12:30p$48 #31098
Apr4-May23 F 11:30a-12:30p$48 #31099
Try Tap Dance for Free
PartofFreeFitnessWeek.Registrationrequired. Jan10 F 11:30a-12:30pFree#31586

Land Fitness
Better Bones & Balance
Designedtoimprovebonehealth,muscularstrengthand balance,thisclassincludesstrengthtraining,aerobic exerciseand�lexibilityandbalancemovements.Fitness levelsfrombeginnertointermediatearewelcome.
Jan9-Mar6 Th 3-4p $54 #31082
Mar13-May22 Th 3-4p $60 #31083
Jan9-Mar6 Th 4:15-5:15p $54 #31084
Mar13-May22 Th 4:15-5:15p $60 #31085
Body Sculpt
Developtotalbodystrengthand�lexibilitythroughaprogram ofweightexercises.
Jan7-Mar20 TuTh 5-6p #31458
Apr1-Jun12 TuTh 5-6p #31460
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 67
Core & Stretch
Developcorestrengthand�lexibilitythroughaprogramof traditionalsportandPilates-basedexercises.
Jan6-Mar19 MW 5-6p #31463
Mar31-Jun11 MW 5-6p #31464
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 67 Registertoreserveaspot
Couch to 5K or Half Marathon
Intendedforthebeginningrunnerorsomeonewhowantsto dotheir�irst5korhalfmarathonorneedsaweeklygroupas amotivator.Thisweeklygroupisdesignedtoprepareyouto participateinEugeneMarathonApril26-27,butcanbeused forotherevents.Traininasupportiveandmotivating environment,learnpropertechniquesforrunning,nutrition andmore,allwhilehavingalotoffun.
FirstsessionmeetsatGrahamFieldHouse,2190PolkSt. RemainingMondaysessionsmeetatATATrack,1650W.22nd SaturdaysessionsmeetatAmazonPark,parkinglotbythedogpark Instructor:MeganPatrignelli
Jan27-Apr21 M 6-7:30p
Feb8,22,Mar8,22,Apr5 Sa 10-11:30a $88 #31551
Adult Health & Fitness
Dryland Arthritis Ages 16+
Thisclassisdesignedspeci�icallyforpeoplewitharthritis. Learntousegentlemovementstoincrease�lexibilityand maintainmusclestrength.Alsohelpsreducestiffnessand pain.Allarewelcome.
Ongoing MW 11:45a-12:45p Drop-in Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 67
Essential Stretch & Flexibility
Thisclasshelpswithmusclepliabilityanddurabilityaswe age,throughgentletechniquesforstretchingandimproved overallmovement.Practicestrengthandbalancemovements thatwilltrainyourbodytosupportyouineverydayfunctions, especiallywhenyou’renotthinkingaboutit.Thosewhohave bene�itedincludepeoplerecoveringfromfractures,softtissue injuries,sedentarylifestyleandage-relatedandneuromuscular diseaseprogression.Modi�icationsgivenforallabilitylevels. Noequipmentisneeded.No�loorwork.
Jan10-Mar14 F 12-1p
$54 #30847
Mar28-May30 F 12-1p $60 #30848
Fight Back with Neuromuscular Exercise
Thisclassisidealforpeoplewithneuromuscularchallenges (Parkinson’s,mildstroke,multiplesclerosis)thatmaycause lossofbalanceandcoordination.Theseclassesengagethe brainandbodytoencouragemore�luid,balanced movementandimprovestrength,agilityandgait.Thosewho needindividualassistanceshouldbringapersonalsupport workerorcareprovider.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:EricBeins
Jan7-30 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30821
Feb4-27 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30822
Mar4-27 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30823
Apr1-29 TuTh 12-1p $67 #30824
May1-29 TuTh 12-1p $67 #30825
Jun3-26 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30826
HilyardCommunityCenter Instructor:EricBeins
Jan7-30 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30988
Feb4-27 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30989
Mar4-27 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30990
Apr1-29 TuTh 2-3p $67 #30991
May1-29 TuTh 2-3p $67 #30992
Jun3-26 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30993
Healthy Bones Fitness
Researchshowsexercisecanstrengthenbones,improve balanceandincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Every exerciseisadjustedtoyourability.Anexcellentclassfor thosewithosteoporosisorosteopenia.Noteligiblefor scholarship.
Jan6-Mar10 M 1:30-2:30p $48 #30887
Mar24-May19 M 1:30-2:30p $54 #30892
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 9-10a $60 #30888
Mar25-May27 Tu 9-10a $60 #30893
Jan8-Mar12 W 3-4p $60 #30889
Mar26-May28 W 3-4p $60 #30894
Jan9-Mar13 Th 9-10a $60 #30890
Mar27-May29 Th 9-10a $60 #30895
HIIT Training
$60 #30891
$60 #30896
HIIT,orhigh-intensityintervaltraining,usesshortburstsof intenseexercisewithshortbreakstoprovideanexcellent strengthandoverall�itnessworkout.Allequipmentprovided.
Jan13-Mar17 M 6-6:45p #30640
Mar31-May19 M 6-6:45p #30641
Jan15-Mar19 W 6-6:45p #30643
Apr2-May28 W 6-6:45p #30644
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 67 Registertoreserveaspot NoclassJan20,Feb17
Try HIIT Training for Free
Jan6 M 6-6:45p Free #30639
Jan8 W 6-6:45p Free #30642
Personal Training Interest List
Workwithapersonaltrainertocreatea�itnessplanandwork towardyour�itnessgoals.Eachworkout,includingwarm-up andcool-down,takesapproximately50-60minutesand focusesoncontrolledstrength,balanceandmovementsthat increase�lexibility,mobilityandagility.Reachyourindividual healthand�itnessgoalswithpersonaltrainer.Thisinterest listwillbeusedto�illpersonaltrainingopportunities betweenJanuaryandJune.
Jan6-Jun13 M-F 5:30a-8p #31536
Adult Health & Fitness

Beginningandintermediatelevelmatclassesintroducethe fundamentalsandsomeofthebasic�loorexercisesofPilates. Learnproperbodyalignmentandbreathinginadditionto improvingcorestrength,�lexibilityandcoordination.
Jan14-Mar4 Tu 7-8a $70 #31619
Postural Mobility
Discovertechniquestoenhanceyourawarenessofyourbody’s overallpositionandhowminoradjustmentscanleadto signi�icantimprovementsthroughoutthebody.Thisclass exploresthedistinctionsbetweenactiveandpassiveranges ofmotion,andtheimpactthesedifferenceshaveonyour mobility.We’lldelveintomethodstoexpandandfortifyyour rangeofmotion,initiatingtheprocessoffreeinguprestricted bodypartsandfosteringmorepain-freemovement.
Feb4-Mar11 Tu 10-11a $40 #30806
Try Postural Mobility for Free
Jan7 Tu 10-11a Free #31608
Relaxation & Visualization
Reducestresslevelsandpromotegoodhealththroughthis welcomingclass.Itcombinespracticingpositivebreathing techniqueswithguidedvisualizationleadingtorelaxation. Forthevirtualoption,Zoomlinkwillbesenttopatrons uponregistration.
Jan16-Mar20 Th 10-11a $60 #31496
Apr3-May29 Th 10-11a $54 #31497
Try Relaxation & Visualization for Free
PartofFreeFitnessWeek.Registrationrequired. Jan9 Th 10-11a Free #31493
Strength & Balance
Defeatthelossofbonedensitywhileyouimprovebalance andincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Thisclassisamore advancedversionofHealthyBonesFitness.Thevirtualclass isaseparateregistrationfee.Noteligibleforscholarship.
Jan6-Mar10 M 3-4p $48 #30897
Mar24-May19 M 3-4p $54 #30902
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 10:30-11:30a $60 #30898
Mar25-May27 Tu 10:30-11:30a $60 #30903
Jan8-Mar12 W 1:30-2:30p $60 #30899
Mar26-May28 W 1:30-2:30p $60 #30904
Jan9-Mar13 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #30900
Mar27-May29 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #30905 NoclassJan20,Feb17
Jan7-Mar13 $60 #30901
Mar24-May29 $60 #30906
Weight Training Ages 14+
Learnhowtoweighttrainsafelyandeffectively.Weight trainingincreasesstrengthandpower,helpswithweight lossandisimportantforlong-termhealth.Getyour�itness journeystartedtherightway.
Jan6-Mar17 M 4:45-5:45p #30635
Mar31-May19 M 4:45-5:45p #30636
Jan8-Mar19 W 4:45-5:45p #30637
Apr2-May28 W 4:45-5:45p #30638
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 67
Registertoreserveaspot NoclassJan20,Feb17

Adult Health & Fitness
Martial Arts
Aikido Ages 12+
AikidoisatraditionalJapanesemartialartbasedon nonaggressionandnonviolentself-defense.Classesfeature ki (energy)exercisescombinedwithself-defensetechniques inasafeandsupportiveenvironment.Alllevelswelcome.
Jan7-Feb20 TuTh 7-8p $112 #30587
Mar18-May29 TuTh 7-8p $176 #30588
Fencing Ages 12+
Fencingisaclassicmartialsportwithmuchhistory,art,style anddramaaswellasbeingafunphysicalactivity.Thisclass seriesisanintroductiontofoilfencing.Itconcentrateson discipline,balance,coordination,sportsmanshipandabove all,fun.Equipmentwillbeprovided.
Jan8-Feb26 W 7-8p $120 #30599
Apr2-May21 W 7-8p $120 #30602
Jan8-Feb26 W 8:15-9:15p $120 #30597
Mar26-May14 W 8:15-9:15p $120 #30604
Qigongisaself-healingartthatcombinesmovementand meditation.Regularpracticeofqigongcanreducestress, establishbalanceandintegratethemind,bodyandspirit. Thispracticeisbestknownforitsfocusonbreathingandis usedasahealingexercise.
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$60 #30625
Mar25-May27 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$60 #30627
Intermediate Mar25-May27 Tu 12:30-1:15p $60 #30628
Jan7-Mar12 Tu 12:30-1:15p $60 #30626
Mar24-May19 M 1-2p $48 #30885 NoclassApr21
Tai Chi
ThisancientChineseartusesround,�lowingmovements combinedwithcalmnessandinnerbalance.Learnaseries ofslowmovementsthatpromotebetterhealth,balance, �lexibilityandreducedstress.Theclassincludesproper form,bodyalignment,breathing,energycultivationand energyawareness.
Instructor:KyleRipka Beginning
Jan6-Mar10 M 10:45-11:45a $48 #30676
Mar24-May12 M 10:45-11:45a $48 #30680
Jan15-Mar19 W 10:45-11:45a $60 #30678
Mar26-May14 W 10:45-11:45a $48 #30682 NoclassJan20,Feb17
Jan6-Mar10 M 9:30-10:30a $48 #30677
Mar24-May12 M 9:30-10:30a $48 #30681
Jan15-Mar19 W 9:30-10:30a $60 #30679
Mar26-May14 W 9:30-10:30a $48 #30683
Jan6-Mar10 M 9:30-10:30a $48 #30810
Mar17-May12 M 9:30-10:30a $54 #30811
Jan8-Mar12 W 9:30-10:30a $60 #30812
Mar19-May14 W 9:30-10:30a $54 #30813
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:KyleRipka
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$54 #31076
Mar11-May20 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$60 #31077
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 12:45-1:45p $54 #31078
Mar11-May20 Tu 12:45-1:45p $60 #31079
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 2-3p $54 #31080
Mar11-May20 Tu 2-3p $60 #31081

Tai Chi for Balance
Thisspeciallydesignedclassfocusesonthehealthbene�its forpeoplewithmobilityandbalanceproblems.Gentle exerciseintheformoftaichistrengthensmusclesand improvesstamina,bloodcirculation,balanceandrelaxation.
Jan13-Mar17 M 12-1p $48 #30494
Mar24-May12 M 12-1p $48 #30496 NoclassJan20,Feb17
Ongoing MW 11a-12p Drop-in Ten-usecardfor$55,TaiChiforBalanceIntermediateclassonly NoclassJan20,Feb17,May26
Try Beginning Tai Chi for Balance for Free
Jan6 M 12-1p Free #31605
Tai Chi & Qigong
TaichiistheancientChinesemartialartwidelyrecognized asapowerfulwaytoimprovebothphysicalandmental health,betterbalance,relievepain,lessenstressandcalm themind.Thisclassteachesthe42CombinedFormandthe medicalqigongusingthetraditionalChinese/Japanese method.
Jan7-Mar13 TuTh 2-3p $120 #30818
Mar25-May29 TuTh 2-3p $120 #30819
Try Tai Chi & Qigong for Free
Jan2 Th 2-3p Free #30886
Special Interest
DanceAbility All ages
DanceAbilityInternational’smissionistodissolvebarriers andconnectpeoplewithandwithoutdisabilitiesthrough danceandmovement.Thismissionisaccomplishedthrough classes,workshopsandeventsforadultsandchildren, performances,teachertrainingsandeducationalmaterials forteachersofinclusivedance.Learnmorebyemailing info@danceability.orgorcalling541-357-4982.
Wednesday Wheelers Ages 6+
Thisinformalgroupofwheelchairusersmeetsatvarious locationsinEugenetoexplorepathsandtrailsandconnect socially.Opentoregularorsituationalwheelchairusers.For moreinformation,callHilyardat541-682-5311oremail Lorenatlcush9@hotmail.com.
Ongoing W 10a-12p Free Drop-in
Try Pickleball
Jan15 W 6:45-9p $8 #30870
Mar5 W 6:45-9p $8 #30874
Feb9 Su 5-7p $8 #30873
Apr6 Su 5-7p $8 #30877
Indoor Pickleball Open Sessions
Reserveatimeslottoplaypickleballindoors.Eachparticipant needstoregister.Someracquetsandballsavailableforuse. Registrationrequired.
ATA–Arts&TechnologyAcademy,1650W.22ndAve. Jan8-Apr30 W 6:45-9p$8/session
Jan12-Apr27 Su 5-7p $8/session
River Walking Group
■ 3 See key on page 73.
Thisweeklygroupmeetstowalktheriverpathtogether. Distanceanddestinationvarydependingonwhoshowsup. MeetatCampbellCommunityCenter
Ongoing Tu 10a-12p Free Drop-in
Adult Health & Fitness

Water Fitness
These classes are open to ages 16+.
For class fees at City pools, see pool admission fees, page 67. No classes during pool closures, classes vary during holiday schedules, see page 67. Schedule may be subject to change.
Ai Chi
Focusonrelievingchronic,limitingpainthroughslow movementthroughthewater,deepbreathing,stretchingand meditation.A�lowingseriesofexercisesarerepeatedand emphasizerangeofmotion,balanceanddeepbreathing.
Ongoing WF 9-10a Drop-in TuTh 2-3p Drop-in Su 9:30-10:30a Drop-in
Aquatic Body Conditioning
Thisbuoyancy-supported,deep-waterexercisewillhelpyou increasemusclestrengthandtonebyusingwaterresistance andequipment.
Ongoing TuTh 8:45-9:45a Drop-in
Toneindividualmusclegroups,strengthencoremusclesand improvebalanceinshallowanddeepwater.Suspended exercisesenhanceposturalbene�its.Excellentclassforthose newtowaterexerciseorrecoveringstrengthand�lexibility. Upperbodystrengthisenhancedwithresistanceequipment.
Ongoing MW 8:45-9:45a Drop-in
Ongoing TuTh 8:45-9:45a Drop-in
Arthritis H2O Exercise
Thisclasscanhelppeoplewitharthritistoexercise,reduce painandimprove�lexibilityandstrength.Thisfunclassis taughtinshallowwaterandisexcellentforthosewith generalmuscleorjointstiffnessorchronicpain.
EchoHollowPool&FitnessCenter Ongoing TuTh 10-11a Drop-in
Deep Water Fitness
Flotationfacilitatesthesenon-impactdeep-waterworkouts. Totalbodyimmersionequalstotalbodyworkout.Allmajor musclesarestrengthenedwiththeaddedchallengeofa cardiovascular�itnessworkout.Intensitylevelsarevariedto accommodateyourexerciseneeds.Furtherstrengthgains areofferedbyusinghand-heldbuoyant-resistantequipment.
Ongoing M-Th 6:30-7:30a Drop-in
Ongoing M-Th 7:30-8:30a Drop-in
Ongoing MW 6-7a Drop-in
Ongoing MW 7:30-8:30a Drop-in
Ongoing TuTh 9-10a Drop-in
Ongoing TuTh 10:30-11:30a Drop-in
Ongoing M-Th 6-7p Drop-in
Ongoing F 9:30-10:30a Drop-in
Ongoing F 10:30-11:30a Drop-in
Shallow Water Aerobics
Thisislow-impact,water-supportedexercisefordeveloping cardiovascular�itness.Toningandabdominalexercisesare included.Upbeatandsimpleenergeticroutineskeepyoumoving.
Ongoing MW 10-11a Drop-in
Water Volleyball
Enjoyafriendlygameofvolleyballinthepool.Thegames takeplaceinthedeependofourindoorpool.Useaprovided �lotationbeltortreadwaterifyou’relookingforachallenge.
Ongoing MW 1-2:30p Drop-in Sa 12:30-2p Drop-in F 5:30-7p Drop-in
See page 100.
Yogarejuvenatesthemind,bodyandspirit.Gentleexercises toneandstretchmusclesandworktobalanceeverysystem inthebody.Itimprovesoverallhealthandwell-being.Yoga matsareavailableorbringyourown.Allmobilityandskill levelswelcome.
Jan6-Mar10 M 5:30-6:30p $48 #30685
Mar24-May19 M 5:30-6:30p $54 #30687
Jan9-Mar13 Th 9:15-10:15a $60 #30686
Mar27-May29 Th 9:15-10:15a $60 #30688
Jan15-Mar19 W 5:30-6:30p $60 #31487
Apr2-May28 W 5:30-6:30p $54 #31488
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:PaulSimon
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 9:05-10:05a $54 #31068
Mar11-May20 Tu 9:05-10:05a $60 #31069
Jan10-Mar21 F 9:05-10:05a $60 #31070
Apr4-May23 F 9:05-10:05a $48 #31071
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:JudyUlibarri
Jan8-Feb12 W 9:15-10:15a $36 #30803
Mar5-Apr9 W 9:15-10:15a $36 #30804
Apr30-Jun4 W 9:15-10:15a $36 #30805
Try Yoga for Free
Jan8 W 5:30-6:30p Free #31480
Jan8 W 9-10a Free #31606

Adult Health & Fitness

Chair Yoga
Feelbetterthroughmovement.Experiencereleasefrom stressandfatiguethroughthisgentleyogaapproach designedtoaccommodatepeoplewithphysicallimitations. Thisclassistaughtwhileyouaresittinginachair.
AmazonCommunityCenter Instructor:PaulSimon
Jan9-Mar13 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #30690
Mar27-May29 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #30689
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:MariahCarter
Jan15-Mar19 W 3-4p $60 #30881
Mar26-May28 W 3-4p $60 #30884
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:PaulSimon
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 10:15-11:15a $54 #31072
Mar11-May20 Tu 10:15-11:15a $60 #31073
Jan10-Mar21 F 10:15-11:15a $60 #31074
Apr4-May23 F 10:15-11:15a $48 #31075
Gentle Yoga
Thisclassissuitableforbeginners,peoplewhohavenot exercisedinawhileoranyonelookingtogetinsomehealthy movementwithoutexpendingtoomuchenergy.GentleYoga increasesandmaintainsmobilitywhileguidingparticipants throughamindfulpractice.Thisclassconsistsofslow,basic yogapostures,breathworkandrelaxation.
Jan13-Mar17 M 2:45-4p $60 #30879
Jan15-Mar19 W 1:15-2:30p $75 #30880
Apr2-Jun4 W 11a-12:15p $60 31555
Adult Health & Fitness

Modified Yoga
This gentle yoga class is designed speci�ically for people living with chronic neuromuscular conditions such as �ibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease. Poses are modi�ied for those needing adaptations. Modi�ied Yoga class has a hybrid option. For those in person, individuals must be able to be independent or have someone to assist. Yoga mats and blocks provided as needed. For the virtual option, Zoom link will be sent to patrons upon registration. In-person registration is available on a monthly basis, alongside the virtual 10-use card.

Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Kate Cleary
Jan 6-27 M 11:45a-1p $22 #30996
Feb 3-24 M 11:45a-1p $22 #30997
Mar 3-31 M 11:45a-1p $37 #30998
Apr 7-28 M 11:45a-1p $30 #31000
May 5-19 M 11:45a-1p $22 #31001
Jun 2-30 M 11:45a-1p $37 #31002
10-use card for $75, Modified Yoga class only
No class Jan 20, Feb 17
Yoga for Trauma Recovery
A gentle, full-body, trauma-sensitive yoga class designed to ease the symptoms of traumatic stress and allow the body and mind to reconnect, relax and restore. Suitable for any body size or ability. The last half hour is a guided meditation to make space for healing. For those who identify as female.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Judy Ulibarri
Jan 7-Feb 11 Tu 6-7:15p $40 #30860
Yoga for Veterans
The Veterans Administration hosts a yoga class for Veterans through its Whole Health Program. Join other Veterans in this supportive andrelaxedenvironment. Follow up your class with coffee and treats with other Veterans.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Alexandra Levine
Jan 5-May 25 Su 9:30-10:30a Free #30497

Registration & Web Page
RegisterforallactivitiesatGetRec.org/registeror bycontactingtheAthleticsOf�ice,whichislocatedat GrahamFieldHouseat2190PolkSt.,andavailable byphoneat541-682-5409.Schedules,scoresand standingscanbefoundatteamsideline.com/eugene. Moreinformationaboutotherleaguescanbefound atGetRec.org/athleticsorfacebook.com/eugathletics.
Adult Sports Leagues League Schedules
Outdoor Sports Field Rentals
ContacttheAthleticsstaffforinfoandapplications foruseoftheCity’soutdoorsports�ieldsandthejoint schooldistrict/CityofEugenearti�icialturf�ields.
You Make the Calls!
Likesports?Wanttoearnextramoney?Allofthe adultsportsleaguesarelookingfornewof�icials.No experiencenecessary.ContacttheAthleticsof�iceor:
WinterPickleball* Mx Dec1 WSu W,Jan8 4weeks
WinterSoccer Mx Dec1 SaSu Su,Jan5 8weeks
WinterUltimate* Mx Dec1 W W,Jan15 8weeks
WinterVolleyball† Mx,W Dec1 SuTu Su,Jan5 8weeks
SpringPickleball* Mx Mar17 Th Th,Apr3 8weeks
SpringUltimate Mx Feb17 Su Su,Apr6 6weeks
SpringVolleyball† Mx,W Feb17 SuTuThTu,Apr1 5weeks
SpringSoccer Mx Feb17 SuM Su,Apr6 8weeks
SpringSoccer M Feb17 W W,Apr9 8weeks
*Registrationisbyindividualonly,noteamregistration †Individualandteamregistration
Adult Swimming

Hours & Info
The schedule below is subject to change. For the most up-to-date schedule, visit GetRec.org/pools or give the pools a call.
Lap Swims Ages 13+
Nomatterwhatyourlevelis,wehavealaneforyou.Lap lanesareavailableforslow,mediumandfastswimmers. Childrenages12andyoungermustbeaccompaniedbyan adultandmustbeswimminglaps.
M-F 5:30-8:30a Sa 10:30a-2p 11a-3p Su 10:30a-2p 5:30-8:30p
IndoorPool OutdoorPool
M-Th 5:30-6:30a M-F 5:30-8a
11:15a-1p 10:30a-2p
F 5:30a-1p 5:30-8:30p Sa 11a-12:30p Sa 11a-2p
MW 5:30-10:30a F 5:30a-1p 11:30a-3:30p 5:15-8:30p 7-8:30p Su 10:30a-1:30p
TuTh 7-8:30a 10a-2p
On-Your-Own Water Fitness
Ages 13+
M-F 5:30-8:30a SaSu 12p-2p 11a-3p 5:30-8:30p
IndoorPool OutdoorPool
MW 11a-2p M-F 10:30a-2p
TuTh 11a-1p Sa 11a-2p F 6:30a-1p
Sa 11a-12:30p
DeepWater ShallowWaterLapPool
M 5:30-6a MW 8-9:30a 8:30a-3:30p TuTh 10-11:30a
TuTh 5:30a-2p F 8-11:30a
W 5:30-6a 8:30-10:30a ShallowWaterWarmWaterPool 11:30a-3:30p M 8-10a
M-Th 5:15-7p WF 8-9a
F 5:30-9:30a TuTh 8:30-9:30a 11:30a-1p M-F 11:30a-1p 5-7p MTuThF 3-4p
Su 10:30a-12p F 3-6p Su 8:30-9:30a
Water Fitness
See page 62.
Fitness Centers
Our �itness centers offer cardiovascular equipment, including treadmills and stair masters, as well as weight equipment designed to work speci�ic muscle groups.
Use of the �itness centers requires an orientation if you haven’t used the facility before, and we must have a signed consent form on �ile. Open to adults ages 18 or older.
• Youth age 16 to 17 must have a guardian signed consent form on �ile.
• Youth age 13 to 15 must have a guardian signed consent form on �ile and must have an adult present.
• Youth age 12 and younger are not permitted to use the �itness centers.
Echo Hollow Pool, Jan 6-Jun 15
M-F 5:30a-8:30p
Sa 11a-2p
Sheldon Pool, Jan 6-Jun 15
M-F 5:30a-8:30p
Sa 9a-1:30p
Hours Ages 15+
Amazon Pool, May 19-Jun 15
See lap swim hours.
Echo Hollow Pool, Jan 6-Jun 15
See lap swim hours.
Sheldon Pool, Jan 6-June 15
M-F 5:30a-8:30p
Sa 9a-1:30p
Closures/Modified Schedules
Amazon Pool, 541-682-5350
May 26 Holiday schedule: Lap Swim 11a-2p
May 31-Jun 1 Closed for staff training
Jun 13 Closed at 2p for Mike Morris Swim Meet
Jun 14-15 Closed for Mike Morris Swim Meet
Echo Hollow Pool, 541-682-5525
Jan 1 Closed for holiday
Jan 10 Free fitness day
Jan 20 Closed for holiday
Feb 17 Closed for holiday
Mar 23-29 Spring Break schedule, call for information
May 26 Closed for holiday
May 31-Jun 1 Closed for staff training
Sheldon Pool, 541-682-5314
Jan 1 Closed for holiday
Jan 10 Free fitness day
Jan 20 Closed for holiday
Feb 17 Closed for holiday
Mar 23-29 Spring Break schedule, call for information
May 26 Holiday schedule, call for information
May 31-Jun 1 Closed for staff training

Special Events
Commit to Fit
Keep your New Year’s resolution going strong. Staff will track how often you work out, lap swim, attend a �itness class or use the weight room between January 10 and February 10. After �ive visits, you’ll be entered into a prize drawing on February 17. The more you work out, the better your chances.
Echo Hollow & Sheldon Pools
100 Mile Aqua Challenge
This year-long challenge motivates water lovers to stay active and reach the goal of swimming or aqua jogging 100 miles – the equivalent of swimming across the English Channel four times. Participants will track miles, yards or laps. For more information visit GetRec.org/challenge. Also see ad on page 68.
Amazon, Echo Hollow & Sheldon Pools
Pool Fees
All entry requires an admission fee for ages 3 and up. Children age 2 and under are free with a paid adult. Passes are 25% extra for nonresidents.
*Additional charges for more than 5 people.
Swim Diapers Policy: City of Eugene swim facilities require swim diapers that are elastic fitting around the legs and waist for non-toilet trained individuals.

Adult Outdoor

Intro to Camping & Backpacking
This is a series of classes to help you understand the basics of overnight camping, hiking and backpacking. For the beginner backcountry enthusiast, each class focuses on speci�ic skill sets including clothing and weather, �ire and cooking, picking a camp, basic navigation and planning and packing. Sessions conclude with an overnight trip based on the group’s goals and plan. Sign up for one session that interests you, or all the sessions and the trip. Youth ages 8 and up are welcome to register with a parent. Overnight trip also requires registration for Session 4.
Meet at River House Outdoor Center
Session 1: Clothing & Weather
Apr 2 W 5:30-7:30p $20 #31327
Session 2: Fire, Stoves & Cooking
Apr 9 W 5:30-7:30p $20 #31383
Session 3: Picking a Camp Site & Navigation
Apr 16 W 5:30-7:30p $20 #31384
Session 4: Trip Planning & Packing
Apr 23 W 5:30-7:30p $20 #31385
Session 5: Overnight Trip
Apr 26-27 Sa 8a-Su 5p $250 #31386
Introduction to Mountain Biking
Ride into mountain biking today with our new two-day introduction clinic. Gain con�idence on your bike and have fun at an epicenter for mountain biking in Oregon. No experience necessary. A bus will run to and from the River House. Bring water, lunch and a well-maintained mountain bike or try one of our demo bikes at no additional charge thanks to a donation from the Julia Fudge family. Call at least a week ahead if you need to borrow any gear, 541-682-5329.
Meet at River House Outdoor Center
May 10-11 SaSu 9a-5p $220 #31533
Mountain Bike Clinic for Women Ages 16+
For those who identify as female. Gain con�idence, increase skill on the trail and ride with other supportive women mountain bikers at an epicenter for mountain biking in Oregon. No experience necessary. A bus will run to and from the River House. Bring water, lunch and a well-maintained mountain bike or try one of our demo bikes at no additional charge thanks to a donation from the Julia Fudge family. Call at least a week ahead if you need to borrow any gear, 541-682-5329.
Meet at River House Outdoor Center May 3 Sa 9a-5p $110 #31531
Adult Outdoor Kayaking & Rafting
Kayak Polo Ages 11+
KayakPoloisateamsportthatinvolvesstrategytoscore pointswithaball.Poloisagreatwaytore�inekayakingskills, stayinshapeandmeetnewpeople.Priceincludesboat,skirt, paddleandpoolentrancefee.Bringyourownnoseplugand gogglesifyouneedthem.Formoreinformationcall541682-5329.
Jan23 Th 8:30-10p $10 #31561
Feb20 Th 8:30-10p $10 #31562
Mar20 Th 8:30-10p $10 #31563
Apr24 Th 8:30-10p $10 #31564
Kayak Roll Sessions with Instruction
Opportunitiestoworkonyourkayakrollingskillswith instructors.Priceincludesboat,skirtandpaddleandpool entrancefee.Bringyourownnoseplugandgogglesifyou needthem.Formoreinformationcall541-682-5329.
Jan16 Th 8-10p $40 #31479
Feb13 Th 8-10p $40 #31484
Mar13 Th 8-10p $40 #31485
Apr10 Th 8-10p $40 #31486
Kayak Whitewater
Thisbeginningclassincludesanevening�latwatersession andtwofulldaysontheriver.Youwillkayakrapidsupto ClassII.Practicepaddlingskills,readingwater,running rapids,whitewatersafetyandriverknowledge.All equipmentprovided.Bringaswimsuitandlunchonthefull days.Choosefromhard-shell,sit-on-toporin�latablekayaks.
PretripMay21 W 5:30-9:30patRiverHouse Trip May24-25SaSu 10a-4p $210 #31505
Open Boating, Self-Guided Kayak Practice
Practiceyourpaddlestrokesanddevelopyourkayakrollin anindoorheatedpool.Bringyourownthoroughlycleaned boatandgear.Noinstructionprovided.Drop-in,feespaidat thepool.Youthunder13musthaveanadultguardian present.Formoreinformationcall541-682-5329.
Jan2-Apr24 Th 8:30-10p $6 Drop-in NosessionMar27
Rafting Classes
Learnhowtomaneuveraraft,readwhitewater,properlyrig aboatandplanforadayoutinguptoamulti-week expedition.ThisclasswillbeinwhitewateruptoClassIII. Noexperienceisnecessary.Allraftinggearisprovided.
MeetatRiverHouseOutdoorCenter Apr19-20 SaSu 9a-5p $160 #31498
Paddle & Pedal Kayak Trip Ages 16+
Noexperienceisnecessaryforthisfuntimeonourlocal river.Onthisdual-sporttrip,weexploretheriveronstable in�latablekayaksafterbikingtheriverpathtotheput-in. Bringwater,snacks,clothingthatcangetwet,abicycleanda helmet.WewillstartattheRiverHouseandpedal4-5miles tooneoftheSpring�ieldboatramps.Tradeyourbikefora boatand�loatbackdowntotheRiverHousewhereyour bikewillbewaitingforyou.Allrivergearisprovided.Bike andhelmetavailabletoborrowonrequest,call541-6825329atleastaweekaheadtoreserve.
Apr12 Sa 11a-4p $60 #31376
May10 Sa 11a-4p $60 #31374
All sessions meet at Richardson Marina, Dock B, Fern Ridge Lake. Marina parking requires a Lane County fee of $5/day, $50/year; purchase online at lanecounty.org. For more information call 541-682-5329.
Family Sails Ages 8+
Joinsailinginstructorsforasailoneveningbreezesasthe sunlightfades.Nosailingexperiencerequired.Bringapicnic dinner,placesettingsandnonalcoholicdrinksinnonbreakable containers.Wewillstopfordinner.Eachpersonmustregister.
May16 F 5-9p $70 #31295
May30 F 5-9p $70 #31297
Spanish Sail Night/ Noche de Vela en Español
Ages/años 8+
Joinusforanightofsailing,smilesandadventure.This bilingualsailnightisgreatforanyoneinterestedinsailingor lookingforauniquewaytoseethesunset.Nosailing experienceisrequired.Bringapicnicdinnerandnonalcoholic drinksinanon-breakablecontainer.Eachpersonmustregister. Úneteaunanochedenavegaciónenvela,sonrisasyaventura. Pasaunanocheperfectanavegandoenvela,viendoelatardecer yconversandoeninglésoenespañol.Nonecesitastener experienciapreviaennavegación.Traeunacenatipopicnicy
bebidassinalcoholenunrecipienteirrompible.Cadapersona deberegistrarseindividualmente.Paramásinformación,llama al541-682-6891.
May23 F 5-9p $70 #31565
Taste of Keelboat Sailing
Isthelakecallingyourname?Exploreoursailboatsandlearn thebasicsofsailingonakeelboatorpolishupontechniques thatyouhavenotusedinawhile.Noexperiencerequired.
May18 Su 3-7p $70 #31276
Sailing, Veterans Race Team Interest List
ThegoalofthisprogramistohelpimprovethelivesofVeterans throughparticipationinasailingraceprogramonFernRidge Lake.Veteranswilllearntosailandcrewaracingsailboatand willcompeteinweeklyracesaswellassomelocalregattas duringthe2025sailseason(April-September).Noexperience necessary,justawillingnesstocommittobeingapartofateam fortheseason.Formoreinformationortoparticipatecall 541-682-6358.
VeteransRaceTeamInterestList #30926
Sailing Practice Night
Areyoutakingasailingclassandneedalittlemoretimeon thewater?PracticeunderthecoachingofEugeneRecsailing staff.Registrationisrequired.
May14 W 5-9p $70 #31332
Women’s Sailing Nights
Trysailing,practicesailingorjustenjoyanightonthewater withafriendandlearnmoreaboutsailing.Women’ssailing nightsareforeveryone,fromthosewhohaveneversailedto experiencedwomenworkingonimprovingtheirsailing skills.Choosewhichnightstoattend,noneedtoregisterfor allofthem.
May13 Tu 5-9p $70 #31284
May27 Tu 5-9p $70 #31286
Private Sail Lessons
LessonsatFernRidgeReservoircanbeheldontheCity’s24footkeelboatsandcanbeaboutdocking,heavyandlightair sailing,ree�ing,crewoverboardandmore.Yousetthegoals andwehelpyouachievethem.SailseasonisApril-September. Lessonsaresubjecttolakelevelandinstructoravailability. Forinformationemailriverhousecenter@eugene-or.gov.
$70/hourwithaminimumof3hours Byappt
Skateboard Basics
Beenachingtoskate?Wanttojoinyourfamilyorfriendsin skating?JointheRiverHouseskatecrewandlearn skateboardingbasics.Allequipmentavailableviafreeloan.
Apr4 F 5-8:30p $70 #31341
May2 F 5-8:30p $70 #31355
Cross-Country Ski Classes & Tours
TheseclassesandtoursareledbyRiverHouseinstructors andofferprogramsforthenever-everbeginnertointermediate skiers.Theclassesaredesignedtobuildskills,con�idence, ef�iciencyandlearnthetripplanningskillsneededto organizeyourowncross-countryskiouting.Destination dependsonsnowconditions.Cross-countryskigear,some clothingandtransportationisprovided.Classandtour informationwillbesentoutpriortothepretripmeeting.
PretripJan9 Th 6-8patRiverHouse Trip Jan11 Sa 8:30a-5:30p $100 #31461
PretripJan23 Th 6-8patRiverHouse Trip Jan25 Sa 8:30a-5:30p $100 #31466
PretripFeb20 Th 6-8patRiverHouse Trip Feb22 Sa 8:30a-5:30p $100 #31473
Introduction to Split-Boarding
Areyouasnowboarderwhowouldliketogetoutintothe backcountry?Maybeyouarecravingfreshtracksandare tiredofthelinesattheskiresorts.Ormaybeyouhaveheard ofsplit-boardingbuthaveneverhadtheopportunitytotry it.Ifanyofthissoundslikeyou,thenthisclassiswhereyou wanttobe.Learnhowtosplit-board,plantrips,safety, equipment,avalancheawarenessandavalanchereports, groupmanagement,ef�iciencyandbackcountrytravel.All split-boardequipmentandtransportationisprovided.
PretripFeb5 W 6-8patRiverHouse Trip Feb8 Sa 7a-7p $100 #31227
PretripMar12 W 6-8patRiverHouse Trip Mar15 Sa 7a-7p $100 #31253
Adult Outdoor Snowshoeing
Snowshoe Trips at River House
Stay�itthiswinterandlearnsnowtravelskillsona snowshoeingtripwithRiverHousestaff.Thedestination dependsonsnowconditions.Bustransportationisincluded. Noprevioussnowshoeexperienceisnecessary,butyou mustbeabletohike3-5milesonuneventerrain.Basic snowshoesareprovidedorcanberentedfromBerg’sSki& SnowboardShop(541-683-1300).Bringyourownwinter clothing,foodanddrink.
Feb8 Sa 4:30-10:30p $45 #31494
PretripJan16 Th 6-8patRiverHouse
Trip Jan18 Sa 8:30a-5:30p $100 #31476
PretripMar6 Th 6-8patRiverHouse
Trip Mar8 Sa 8:30a-5:30p $100 #31478
American Canoe Association Instructor Certification Program
EachyeartheRiverHouseoffersopportunitiesforpaddlesports professionalsandenthusiaststoearninternationallyrecognized instructorcerti�icationsthroughtheAmericanCanoe Association. Avarietyofcerti�icationlevelsanddisciplinesare availableandarechosenbasedoncommunityneeds.Current ACAinstructorscanearntheupdaterequirementtokeep certi�icationscurrentduringthesecourses.
Apr4-5 MTu 9a-5p $150 #31267
Apr6-8 Sa-M 9a-5p $300 #31282
Apr9-11 W-F 9a-5p $300 #31275
ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing Certification
Learntoskippera24-footsloop-riggedkeelboatinlightto moderatewindsandseaconditions.Learnbasicsailing terminology,parts,functions,helmcommands,docking,sail trim,pointsofsail,buoyage,seamanshipandbasicnavigation rulestoavoidcollisionsandhazards.Gaincon�idencewith lotsofhands-onpractice.EarnyourASA101BasicKeelboat SailingCerti�ication.Thecoursecomprisesathree-hour
Classroom May12 M 6-9patRiverHouse Water May23 F 5:30-8:30p May24-25 SaSu 2:30-8:30p May26 M 2:30-7:30p
$500 #31308
ASAmembershipis$59additional,requiredforcertification Veteransreceivea$50discountontheclassandASA membershipfeewaived
Avalanche Awareness
Thiscourseisforanyonewhoenjoystravelingthroughthe snowybackcountry.We’llcoverbackcountrygearincluding beacon,shovelandprobeuse,toolstoidentifyandavoid avalancheterrain,rescueskills,avalanchereportsandbasic snowscience.Anintroductoryclassroomsessionisfollowed bytwoweekenddaytripstoalocalsnowpark.Bus transportationisprovidedtoandfromtheRiverHouseor youcanmeetthegroupatthesnowpark.Participantsare encouragedtousepersonalgear,butsnowshoes,beacons, shovelsandprobesareprovidedasneeded.
Classroom Jan29 W 5:30-7patRiverHouse Trips Feb1-2 SaSu 7a-7p$200 #31215
Swiftwater Rescue Adult
Gaintheskillsandcon�idenceneededinswiftwaterrescue situations.Thiscourseisidealforallriverpaddlingenthusiasts, �irstrespondersandriverguides.Learnskillsrangingfrom hydrology,hazardavoidanceandtripplanningtoself-rescue, in-waterrescues,roperescuetechniquesandrescueteam management.
RiverHouseOutdoorCenter Apr26-27 SaSu 9a-5p $180 #31504
Wilderness First Responder, Hybrid Ages16+
Ournewhybridformatbeginswiththreeweeksofonline learningincludingreadings,videosandquizzes.Youwill spend10to15hourseachweekintheonlineportionandbe requiredto�inishassignmentstoprogress.Youwill completeyourcoursewitha�ive-dayin-personprogram focusingonskillsandscenarios.Thesearethelast�ivedays ofthelistedcoursedates.Uponcompletion,youwillbeable toconductathoroughphysicalexam,obtainapatient history,assessvitalsigns,provideemergencycareinthe wildernessandmakecrucialevacuationdecisions.You’ll learnintheclassroomandinoutdoorsettingsregardlessof weather,socomepreparedforwet,muddy,coldorhot environments.Registeronlineatnols.edu/portal/wmi/ courses/22439orcall866-831-9001.
RiverHouseOutdoorCenter Mar25-29 Tu-Sa 8a-5p $825
Wilderness First Responder, Hybrid Re-Certification
Thishybridformatrecerti�icationcourseblendsonline learningwithscenariosandskillsemphasizingdecisionmakingandcurriculumupdates.Onlineworkallowsyouto reviewthecurriculumatyourownpaceandthenfocuson thehands-onelementduringthistwo-daycourse.Onceyou areregistered,allonlinecomponentsmustbecompleted beforethecourse.IncludesCPRtrainingandcerti�ication. Registeronlineatnols.edu/portal/wmi/courses/22438or call866-831-9001.
River House Outdoor Center
Mar 22-23 SaSu 8a-5p $355
First Saturday Park Walks All ages
Explore the ecology and management of Eugene’s beautiful parks with Eugene Rec and Parks and Open Space staff. These free, interpretive walks highlight the diversity of parks in the City and showcase improvements driven by the 30year Parks and Rec System Plan and the 2018 and 2023 Parks and Rec Bond and Levy passed by voters. Registration is required. For more information call 541-682-6323.
Blanton Ridge
Blanton Ridge features a 1.8 mile hiking-only trail between Willamette Street and Blanton Road that follows the east side of Blanton Ridge. Hikers pass through oak woodlands, prairies and Douglas-�ir forest. This particular trail offers winter views of downtown Eugene and Mt. Baldy.
Meeting place TBD Jan 4 Sa 9-11a Free #31417
Bertelsen Nature Park ■ 3 / ■ 4
Get to know the wet prairie in the dry season. Learn about the plants and animals found in this rare Willamette Valley habitat co-managed by Eugene Parks and Open Space and the Bureau of Land Management.
Meet at the parking area located about 2,000 feet east of the intersection of Stewart and Bertelsen Road, on the north side of Stewart Road. Parking is available along Stewart Road. No dogs. Feb 1 Sa 9-11a Free #31416
Skinner Butte ■ 3
Walk the newly constructed mid-elevation trail, learn more about Skinner Butte Park and fuels reduction and habitat projects.
Meet at the east sideofRiverplay Playground near the main parking lot off Cheshire Avenue.
Mar 1 Sa 9-11a Free #31418
Delta Ponds ■ 2
Walk an accessible 1.4-mile gravel surface loop path all the way around Delta Ponds Park. Learn about this 30-year-long project from inception to completion, including �ish habitat restoration, volunteer efforts and recreational access. Limited parking.
Meet at the main paved parking lot on Goodpasture Island Loop, across from Wimbledon Court.
Apr 5 Sa 9-11a Free #31419
Whilamut Natural Area ■ 2
Walk through the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park. Learn about the management of the park and visit some of the Kalapuya Talking Stones.
Meet near the kiosk across the pedestrian bridge from Autzen Stadium (off Leo Harris Parkway).
May 3 Sa 9-11a Free #31420
South Eugene Meadows
South Eugene Meadows features large areas of upland prairie, oak savanna, and oak woodlands. From a small trailhead on Blanton Road southwest of the Blanton Ridge Trailhead, informal footpaths through the site offer access to headwater streams, rocky knobs, and stunning views.
Meeting place TBD Jun 7 Sa 9-11a Free #31422
Activity Level Ratings
Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Trip Policies
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.


Senior Activities

Art for Relaxation & Recreation
Tap into your inner artist as we celebrate the positive power of creativity. Each class we will have fun exploring the elements of art and color using a variety of media: watercolor, oil pastel, felt-tip, graphite pencil, charcoal, chalk pastel and colored pencil. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Hollie Roman
Jan 6-Mar 17 M 10:30a-12:30p $94 #30836
Mar 24-May 19 M 10:30a-12:30p $94 #30837
Jan 7-Mar 18 Tu 10:30a-12:30p $94 #30838
Mar 25-May 20 Tu 10:30a-12:30p $94 #30839
No class Jan 20, 21, Feb 17, 18
Art from the Heart Ages 10+
Have a creative conversation with yourself as we make art designed to expand self-awareness and personal growth. Using simple materials and a lighthearted approach, we will tap into the wisdom our art can hold. Each session will include a warm-up activity, plenty of time for art making and an opportunity for re�lection. No art experience is necessary.
Sheldon Community Center
Instructor: Christina Salter (she/her)
Jan 8-29 W 6-8p $80 #30872
Mar 5-26 W 6-8p $80 #30875
Artists & Crafters Studio
This workshop is an informal gathering of artists of all kinds. Enjoy a great studio space and great company. No instructor. Bring your own supplies.
Campbell Community Center
Jan 6-May 19 M 1-4p $8 #30557
Jan 7-May 27 Tu 1-4p $10 #30558
Jan 8-May 28 W 9a-12p $10 #30559
No class Jan 20, Feb 17
Arts & Crafts De-Stash Swap
Do you have more supplies than you can use? Bring them to share with others. This is not a sale, just a way to pass along supplies that youno longer need and to pick up some new ones that inspire you.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Feb 20 Th 10a-12p Free #31139
Campbell Woodshop Overview
This single evening class is a tour of the Campbell Woodshop and teaches safe techniques to utilize the table saw, band saw, drill press and planer. Campbell Woodshop is a community space available for woodworking projects.
Campbell Community Center
Feb 10 M 5:30-8p $10 #30591
Mar 17 M 5:30-8p $10 #30592
Apr 28 M 5:30-8p $10 #30593
Campbell Woodshop
Open to adults who want to use a work space and tools for wood projects. Sign in and pay at the front desk before entering the shop. Orientation required for new users.
Campbell Community Center
Ongoing M-F 9a-3p
Th 5-8p $4/day Drop-in
No woodshop Jan 1, Feb 17, May 26
Basic Woodworking
Learn safe and fun woodworking skills. Designed for beginners or anyone who wants to learn their way around the Campbell Woodshop. Make a beautiful laminated cutting board or choose a different project. Materials discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Len Gould
Jan 29-Feb 26 W 6-8:30p $130 #30576 Lottery #31591, see box.
Mar 26-Apr 23 W 6-8:30p $130 #30589 Lottery #31592, see box.
Open specifically to those who identify as female Instructor: Ron Peterson
Mar 25-Apr 22 Tu 6-8:30p $130 #30590 Lottery #31593, see box.
Build a Wooden Clock
Use your woodworking skills to build an artful pendulum wall clock. Clock and wood choice options discussed in the �irst class. Basic woodworking and safe tool usage skills required. Clock mechanism and wood stock supplied.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Mike Rau
Jan 6-Feb 3 M 5-7p $115 #31594
No class Jan 20
Pen Turning
Learn the basics of wood turning on a lathe by creating your own writing pen. Make the perfect gift. Safety, tools and materials will be discussed in �irst class.
Campbell Community Center
Instructors: Richard Wright & Larae Palmer
Feb 11 & 18 Tu 5:30-8p $58 #30647
Apr 29 & May 6 Tu 5:30-8p $58 #30648

Creative Embellishments
Learn techniques for making embellishments and decorative elements to enhance your projects. Add layers, movement and bling to make your work shine.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Cheryl Lees-Haley
Apr 3-10 Th 9:30a-12:30p $36 #31138
Handmade Books Workshop
Learn to make your own unique books, which can be used for sketching, art journaling, memory keeping or gifting.
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Cheryl Lees-Haley Feb 6-13 Th 9:30a-12:30p $36 #31137
Dyed in the Wool Rug Hooking
Create beautiful rugs through this traditional craft. For info on cost and supplies callSandra Townstead at 541-342-2001.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Sandra Townstead Ongoing 2nd & 4th Th 9a-12:30p Membership fee
Lottery System
1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open Dec. 10-15. No payment is due at this time.
2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting Dec. 18, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.
3. If selected, you have through Jan. 1 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.
4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on Jan. 2. Use the registration code (not italics) to register.
For more information, go to GetRec.org/lottery.
Senior Activities
Fiber Arts Guild
Playwith�iberfromwoolandpapertobambooandsilkand havefunintheprocess.Newmembersmayattendthe�irst meetingforfree.Eachmonthfeaturesadifferent�ibercraft project.Meetingsmayhavehands-onactivitiesor presentations.
Ongoing 3rdTu 9a-12:30p
Painting Alchemy
Community Art Circles
Learnintuitivepainting,akindofartthatmovesyoufrom fearingyourfeelingstobeingpropelledbytheirpower.This practice–partart,partwellness–encouragescreativity, authenticityanddeepsoulconnectionwithlife.Absolutely noartisticexperienceneeded.Expectone-on-oneattention andmeaningfulsocialconnectioninasmallgroupsetting. Allmaterialsprovided.
Jan2&16 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30775
Feb6&20 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30776
Mar6&20 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30777
Apr3&17 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30778
May1&15 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #30779
Poetry, Beginning
Drawingpromptsforwritingpoetryandsongsbyreading nontraditionalpoetsandsongwriters.Thisclassfollowsthe model“WritingAloneandwithOthers”byPatSchneider.
Jan14-Mar4 Tu 10a-12p $52 #31489
Apr8-May27 Tu 10a-12p $52 #31492

Inthisbeginningprintmakingclass,useGelliplates,�ish models,stencilsandlinoleumblockstocreateone-of-a-kind prints.Learnhowtocreatelayeredgelprints,yourown linoleumblockdesign,embossmentsonapress,mono prints,Gyotaku(Japanese�ishprints)andsunprints.Each seriesisdifferent.Drawingandprintmakingexperienceis notnecessary.Initialsuppliesareprovided.Extrasupplies discussedin�irstclass.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:CarlynMcCormack
Jan10-Mar14 F 1-3p $133 #30948
Mar28-May30 F 1-3p $133 #30951
Jan8-Mar12 W 1-3p $133 #31326
Mar26-May28 W 1-3p $133 #31330
Quilting, Comforts for Kids
Helpmakequiltsandquiltkitsforindividualsandcommunity groupstopickup,puttogetherandreturnfordistributionto at-riskchildreninLaneCountythrough15community agenciesandshelters.Ifyoulikequilting,cuttingand sewing,helpyourcommunitybyjoiningthisgroup.
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing Th 12:30-4p Free Drop-in
Sumi-e Art Studio
Gatheringofartistswhoenjoysumi-eandwhoexploreink andJapanesewatercolorandwash.Enjoystudiospaceand greatcompany.Noinstructor,bringyourownsupplies.
Jan9-May29 Th 1-4p $10 #30560
Watercolor Impressions
Practiceandexperimentwithnewtechniques.Learnfrom andpaintalongwiththeinstructor’sdemonstrationeach week.Workatyourownpaceanddevelopyourownstyleof painting.Thisclassisdesignedforartistswhopossessa foundationinwatercolortechniques.Materialsdiscussedin �irstclass.
Jan15-Feb26 W 1-4p $112 #30567
Mar12-Apr23 W 1-4p $112 #30568
Jan16-Feb27 Th 1-4p $112 #30569
Mar13-Apr24 Th 1-4p $112 #30570

Community Services
Senior Law Service Ages 60+
SeniorLawServiceoffersfreelegalservicestothosewith lowtomodestincome.Assistancewillbeprovidedconcerning anylegalmatter,includinghousing,�inancialorpersonal.
Ongoing Sa 9-11a Free Byappt Toscheduleanappointment,call541-402-2241
SHIBA Appointments
SeniorHealthInsuranceBene�itsAssistanceconductsoneon-oneappointmentswithindividualstoanswerquestions aboutMedicarehealthinsurancecoverage,formsandmore.
Ongoing M 1-4p Free Byappt Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-736-4421
Spring Singles Social
Readytogetoutofthehouseandmeetsomenewpeople whilegettinginalittleexerciseforyourbrainandbody? Kickupyourheelsandgetreadyforsomebootscootin’fun. Theeveningwillbeginwitha30-minutebasiclinedance lessonbyoneofCampbell’sveryownlinedanceinstructors. Thenspendtherestoftheeveningpracticingyourtwo-step onthedance�loor.Nopartnerneeded.Lightrefreshments willbeserved.
CampbellCommunityCenter Apr24 Th 6-8:30p $15 #31570
Asian Mah-Jongg
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing Th 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
Asian Mah-Jongg Class
CampbellCommunityCenter Beginner
Jan10-31 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #30669
Apr4-25 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #30670
Feb14-Mar7 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #30671
May9-30 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #30672
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing W 1-4p Drop-in $0.50perperson,plusapennypercardpergame NoclassJan1
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing F 12:15-3:30p$2.25/day Drop-in
Parkinson’s & Table Tennis
Tabletennishasbeenshowntoimprovemotorsymptomsof Parkinson’sandincreasemovement,hand-eyecoordination andstrength.Plus,it’sfunandagreatwaytomeetothers. Sessionsarespeci�icallyforthosewithsymptomsof Parkinson’s.
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing Tu 2-4p Free Drop-in
Enjoyagameortwoofpinochlewithareaseniors. Newcomerswelcome.
CampbellCommunityCenter Ongoing F 1-4p $0.50/day Drop-in
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Ongoing MF 12:30-4p$0.50/day Drop-in NopinochleJan20,Feb17,May26
Senior Activities

Pool Hall
Ongoing M 8:30a-7:30p Tu-F 8:30a-4:30p $0.50/day Drop-in
Ongoing Tu 1-4p
$0.50/day Drop-in
Scrabble, Cribbage, Skip-Bo & More
Areyousomewherebetweenbingoandbridge?Try Scrabble,cribbageandSkip-Bo.We’llalternatethesegames inaregularpatterninthisfriendlygroup.
Ongoing W 1-4p Drop-in Drop-infee$0.50/day
Table Tennis
Tabletennisistheperfectgameforalmosteveryonebecause itprovidesexercise,recreationandasocialoutlet.Playina friendlyatmosphereopentoallskilllevels.Limitedpaddles andballsavailableforuse.
Ongoing MF 12-3p $0.50/day Drop-in
Ongoing M 9-11:45a $0.50/day Drop-in
Languages & Culture
All language classes are for ages 18+.
French Club
Parlezfrançais!ThisweeklyFrenchimmersionisofferedby anativespeakerentirelyinFrenchforyoutopracticethe languageyoulove.Participantsmustbeabletoexpress themselvesinthelanguage.Comeandshareyourexperiences.
Jan13-Mar3 M 1-2:30p $48 #30692
Apr7-May12 M 1-2:30p $48 #30693
French Music
ImmerseyourselfintherichmusicalheritageofFrancewith thisengagingcourseoncontemporaryandtraditionalFrench songs.SinginFrenchinarelaxedandfunatmospherewhile improvingyourvocabularyandpronunciation.Havefun while weexploreavarietyofsongsthatspanfromtheRenaissanceto moderntimes.Thisbilingualclass(withastrongemphasison French)isperfectforpeoplewhohavestudiedsomeFrench previously(advancedbeginners) toadvancedlearners.Join usandexperiencethejoyoflearningFrenchthroughmusic.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:AmityCleary-Evans
Mar20-Apr24 Th 1-2:30p $48 #30661
Italian, Beginning
ThisclasswillintroduceyoutotheItalianlanguageand culturewithafocusonbasicconversationskills,useful vocabularyandphrasesforthetraveler.Smallclasssizesallow forindividualattention.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.
Jan13-Mar17 M 12-2:30p $112 #30700
Mar24-May19 M 12-2:30p $126 #30709
Jan16-Mar20 Th 8:45-11:15a $140 #30701
Mar27-May29 Th 8:45-11:15a $140 #30710
Italian, Intermediate
LearnItalianlanguageandculturewithafocusonconversation, verbsandtensesinasmallclasssetting.Materialsdiscussed in�irstclass.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:SiedImani
Jan13-Mar17 M 9-11:30a $112 #30702
Mar24-May19 M 9-11:30a $126 #30711
Spanish, Beginning
ThiscoursewillintroduceyoutotheSpanishlanguageand culturewhileteachingyouhowtoaskquestionsand comprehendbasicinformation.You’lllearnhelpfulvocabulary andphrasesfortravelinginasmallclass.Materialsdiscussed in�irstclass.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:SiedImani
Jan13-Mar17 M 6:30-8:30p $80 #30695
Mar24-May19 M 6:30-8:30p $90 #30704
Jan14-Mar18 Tu 9-11a $99 #30694
Mar25-May27 Tu 9-11a $99 #30703
Jan17-Mar21 F 10a-12p $99 #30696
Mar28-May30 F 10a-12p $99 #30705
Spanish, Intermediate
ThiscourseisacontinuationofSpanish,Beginningwithan emphasisonvocabularyandgrammar.Withsmallclasssizes, you’llimprovepronunciationandincreasecomprehensionof thelanguagethroughaguideddialogue.Materialsdiscussed in�irstclass.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:SiedImani
Jan14-Mar18 Tu 11:30a-1:30p $99 #30697
Mar25-May27 Tu 11:30a-1:30p $99 #30706
Jan15-Mar19 W 6:30-8:30p $99 #30698
Mar26-May28 W 6:30-8:30p $99 #30707

Spanish, Advanced
Gobeyondthebasicsinthisconversationalclass.You’lllearn toeasilyspeakSpanish,developyourconversationskills usingpropergrammarandhavesomefuntoo.Smallclass sizeguaranteesyou’llhaveplentyofpersonalattention.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:SiedImani
Jan14-Mar18 Tu 2-4p $99 #30699
Mar25-May27 Tu 2-4p $99 #30708
A Cantar en Español –Let's Sing in Spanish!
JoinusforafunmusicaljourneyofLatin-Americanfolkmusic. We’llsingeverythingfromDeColores(originsfrom16thcenturySpain)toCielitoLindofromMexico(1882),lively rancheras,heartfeltcorridos,rhythmiccumbiasandthe sociallyconscious“nuevacanción”ofthe’60sand’70s.This classwillhelpyouimprovepronunciationinSpanish,learn thestoriesbehindthesongs,buildvocabularyandimmerse yourselfin“lamúsicatradicional.”Spanishlyricswith Englishtranslationswillbeprovided–comereadytosing, learnandembracethespiritofLatinAmericanfolkmusic.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:AmityCleary-Evans May8-29 Th 1-2:30p $32 #31590
Spoken Chinese, Beginning
ThisbeginningspokenChineseclassisdesignedforstudents whohavenobackgroundinthelanguage.Theclassgoalisto helpstudentslearnbasicMandarinChineselanguagewith anemphasisondevelopingpracticallisteningandspeaking skills.Chinesecharacterswillnotbeincludedinthiscourse.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:ThomasWetherell
Mar21-May30 F 2:15-4:15p $154 #30615
Senior Activities
Acoustic Instrument Swing Sessions
Intermediateplayerswelcomewithacousticinstruments only.Elevateyourmoodandplayingstylewithsongsfrom the1920sto1950sfromBobWillstoDjangotoGershwin. Wewillfocusonvocalharmoniesandinstrumental improvisation.Musicprovidedorshared.Bringamusicstand.
Jan3-May16 1st&3rdF 10a-12p #30608
Acoustic Music Jam
Thisnonampli�iedmusicalgroupisforindividualswhoplay astringedinstrumentorharmonicaandenjoyplayingmusic withothers.Bringyourinstrumentandjoinin.
Jan2-May29 Th 10a-12p #30598
Jan10-May23 2nd&4thF 10a-12p #30601
Drum Play
Ages 30+
Lightweightframehanddrumsareprovidedtoenhancethe naturalrhythmsofbreath,natureandvitality.Learnthe fundamentalsofdrumming.Live.Laugh.Drum.
Feb27-Apr3 Th 2-3:30p $45 #30667
Apr24-May29 Th 2-3:30p $45 #30668
Introduction to Bossa Nova
Ages 13+
Inthe1960s,bossanovatooktheworldbystormwithits undeniablycoolsoundsandslickgrooves.Learnhowto

reproducethosesoundsonyournylonstringguitarinthis seriesofworkshopsforintermediatemusicians.Wewill focusononetuneperweek.Studentsmustprovidetheir owninstrumentandmusicstand.Formoreinformation, emailinstructorateugenebossanovaworkshop@gmail.com.
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:Jean-SylvainNegre Feb6-Mar27 Th 6-8p $80 #30807
Introduction to Music Jamming
Oneofthejoysoflearningamusicalinstrumentiseventually playingwithothers.Youknowafewsongs,you’vepracticed themforhoursandmostofthetimeyoucannailthemwhen you’replayingalone.Butplayingwithotherscanbe intimidating.Thisseminarisforyouifyouplayaninstrument andwouldlikestartplayingwithothers.Learnhowjams work,howtoprepareforoneandsomejamsession etiquette.Bringyourinstrument.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:GeorgeHecht
Jan27 M 10a-12p $10 #30808
May5 M 10a-12p $10 #30809
Ukulele, Beginning
Thisukulelelearninggroupwillgetyoustrummingand singing.Playsongsyouhaveheardfordecadesandsongs youmayhaveneverheard.Bringaukeorrentonebythe monthandlearntotuneit,holditandcareforitaswellas yourownhands.Startgood�ingeringhabits,learnsome chordsandelevateyourmoodasyougo.Ukulelesavailable forrentfor$20permonthpaidtotheinstructor.
Jan8-Mar12 W 9-10a $60 #30934
Mar26-May28 W 9-10a $60 #30938
Jan8-Mar12 W 2-3p $60 #31610
Mar26-May28 W 2-3p $60 #30935
Ukulele, Intermediate
Ifyoualreadyhavethebasicsoftheukuleledownthisclass willhelpyoubeginpluckinguptheneck,�ingeringfancier chordsandlearningchord/melodyarrangements.Explore stylesofmusicthathavefoundahomeontheukeandlearn alittlemusictheoryifyouwant.Beautifulsoundsareatyour �ingertips.Ukulelesavailableforrentfor$20permonthpaid totheinstructor.
Jan8-Mar12 W 10:30-11:30a $60 #30936
Mar26-May28 W 10:30-11:30a $60 #30939
Jan8-Mar12 W 12-1:30p $70 #30937
Mar26-May28 W 12-1:30p $70 #30940
All presentations are for ages 50+ unless noted otherwise. All presentations are free, but registration is required. Presentations are not intended to diagnose, treat or mitigate any disease. More presentations are on page 44.
Create Your Active Lifestyle Plan
Doesitseemyourabilitytomoveworry-freewasnotthat longago?Doyouneedtobuildmorestrength,staminaand balancebutaren’tsurehowtogoaboutit,orifit’seven possible?Learnasimple,six-step,repeatableprocessthat buildsonitselfandkeepsgettingbetter.Walkawaywitha plan.Workshopnotesprovided.
Jan3 F 1:30-3p Free #31048
May2 F 1:30-3p Free #31049
Nutritional Myths
Comejointhediscussionofthemanymythsthatguideour foodchoices.Learnwhatthescienceshowsaboutprotein, calcium,soy,fats,carbohydrates,arti�icialsweetenersand otherissues.
Jan6 M 10-11:30a Free #31037
Living with Alzheimer’s & Other Dementias
TheimpactofAlzheimer’sdiseaseisgrowing.Throughthis seriesofclasses,theAlzheimer’sAssociationhopestoraise awarenessinthecommunityandbringeducationtothose affected,theircarepartnersandlovedones.
10 Warning Signs
Attendeeswillgainanunderstandingofthedifference betweenage-relatedmemorylossandAlzheimer’sandwhat todoiftheyorsomeonetheyknowhassignsofthedisease.
Jan6 M 1-2:30p Free #30605
Dementia Conversations
Thisprogramwillofferhelpfultipstoassistfamilieswith dif�icultconversationsrelatedtodementia,includinggoing tothedoctor,decidingwhentostopdrivingandmaking legaland�inancialplans.
Feb24 M 1-2:30p Free #30606
Jan22 W 10-11:30a Free #31481

The Empowered Caregiver: Responding to Dementia-Related Behavior
Respondingtodementia-relatedbehaviorsdetailscommon behaviorchangesandhowtheyareaformof communication.Italsocoversnon-medicalapproachesto behaviorsandrecognizingwhenadditionalhelpisneeded.
Mar12 W 10-11:30a Free #31482
Understanding Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Alzheimer’saffectspeopleinvaryingwaysandripplesoutto affectthelivesofthosewhointeractwiththem.Understanding whatishappeningtoapersonwithAlzheimer’siskeyto interactingeffectivelyandprovidingqualitycare.Thisclass includesinformationfromexpertprofessionalsinthe�ield and�irst-handaccountsfrompeoplediagnosedwith Alzheimer’sdisease.
AmazonCommunityCenter Apr14 M 1-2:30p Free #30607
Caregiver: Supporting Independence
Thispresentationfocusesonhelpingthepersonlivingwith dementiatakepartindailyactivities,providingtheright amountofsupportandbalancingsafetyandindependence whilemanagingexpectations.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter May21 W 10-11:30a Free #31483
Scams & Fraud –How to Protect Yourself
Learnaboutcurrentscamsandfraudinourareaandtipson howtoprotectyourselfandothers.
Presenter:StevenChambers,communityengagement specialist,EugenePoliceDepartment Jan10 F 10-11a Free #31514
Senior Activities
Medicare 101
LearnthebasicsofMedicare.We’lltalkabouteligibility, enrollmentandwhatpartsA,B,CandDcoverandcost.Ifyou arenewtoMedicareorwouldlikeabetterunderstandingof it,thenthisclassisforyou.
Jan21 Tu 11a-12p Free #31509
Mar11 Tu 11a-12p Free #31510
May13 Tu 11a-12p Free #31511
Jan14 Tu 1-2p Free #31162
Feb11 Tu 1-2p Free #31163
Mar11 Tu 1-2p Free #31164
Apr8 Tu 1-2p Free #31165
Estate Planning
Apresentationanddiscussionsessiononwills,trustsand designatedbene�iciariesinestateplanning.
Jan21 Tu 2-3:30p Free #30966
Feb18 Tu 2-3:30p Free #30967
Apr15 Tu 2-3:30p Free #31581
May20 Tu 2-3:30p Free #30968
Demystifying Fats
Fatshavebeenblamedforourdeclininghealthsincethe1950s butaretheyreallythevillainsthey’vebeenmadeouttobe? Discoverwhyfatsareessentialtohealthandwhynutrientdense,high-fatfoodsshouldbepartofahealthydiet.
Presenter:YaakovLevine,nutritionalhealthcoach, NaturalGrocers
Jan31 F 2-3p Free #31554
Ki & Kiatsu: Unifying Mind & Body to Improve Your Health
LearnfromretiredphysicianandchiefinstructorwithEugene DojooftheOregonKiSociety,toolsthatcanhelpimprove posture,concentrationandrelaxationderivedfromKi-Akido.
Presenter:Dr.TerryCopperman,director,PersonalKiatsuSchool Feb3 M 10a-12p Free #31568
Senior & Disability Services, Programs & Resources
SeniorandDisabilityServicesisLaneCounty’sAreaAgency onAgingandDisability,providingservicesandprogramsfor olderadultsandadultswithdisabilities.Learnmoreabout bene�itsandresources.IncludesMedicaidLong-TermCare, OregonHealthPlan,SNAP,SeniorMealsProgramandmore.
Presenter:MelisaAndrion,communityoutreach& volunteercoordinator,Senior&DisabilityServices
Feb7 F 10-11a Free #30986
Food & Mood
Doeswhatwechoosetoeatimpactourmood?Canfood choicein�luencechildhoodbehavior,anxietyanddepression? Joininadiscussionabouthowourmindcandetermineour healthandourmindcanbealteredbyourfoodchoices.
Presenter:CharlesRossDO,EugenePlantBasedProviders Feb21 F 2-3:30p Free #31038
Senior Living Options
Thispresentationisforagingadultsorthosewhoarecaring foranaginglovedone.Learnhowyoucanageathome, recognizewhenit’stimetomovetoacarecommunityand whataretheoptionsofseniorcarecommunities.
Presenter:RonitCohen,PT&owner,AHometoFitYou Feb24 M 10:30a-12p Free #31042 May23 F 2-3:30p Free #31043
Where to Start to Love Your Heart
FebruaryisAmericanHeartMonth.Takingcareofyour heartdoesn’thavetobecomplicated.Startbyuncovering somecommonheartcaremythsandlearnsimplestrategies thatwillpumpupyourhearthealth.
Presenter:YaakovLevine,nutritionalhealthcoach, NaturalGrocers Feb28 F 2-3p Free #30982
Let’s Talk Diabetes
Whatisthecauseofdiabetesandcanitbepreventedor evenreversed?Comewithyourquestionsandjoininthe discussiononwhatthelatestevidenceshowsabouthow importantyourlifestylechoicescanbe.
Presenter:ScottWagnonPA-C,EugenePlantBasedProviders Mar3 M 10-11:30a Free #31039
Getting Clear About Brain & Brain Health Fog
Curiousaboutbrainfog?Learnwhatbrainfogis,itsmain causesandhowtoimproveit.Evaluateyourcurrentbrain healthhabitsand�indoutaboutdoable,evidence-backed strategiestobettermanagebrainfoggydays.
Mar3 M 5-6p Free #30831
Budgeting on a Fixed Income
Learnhowyoucanbudgetyourmoneyinanever-changing economyona�ixedincome.Learnhowtobuildabudgetand feelcon�identaboutyour�inances.
Mar17 M 10-11a Free #31063
May19 M 10-11a Free #31066
Advance Directives
Theadvancedirectivetellshealthcareworkerswhatlevelof lifesupportandcareyouwishtoreceive.
Mar18 Tu 2-3:30p Free #30969
Demystifying Carbohydrates
Explorethecrucialrolecarbohydratesplayinthebody, discussthebesttypesofcarbohydratesandlearnhowto adjustcarbohydrateintakebasedonindividualhealthgoals.
Presenter:YaakovLevine,nutritionalhealthcoach, NaturalGrocers
Mar28 F 2-3p Free #31558
Personal Safety
Thekeytopersonalsafetyislearninghowtorecognizeand avoiddangeroussituations.Empoweryourselfandlearnthe importanceofsituationalawarenessandwhattodoifattacked.
Presenter:JaninaRager,communityengagement specialist,EugenePoliceDepartment
Apr7 M 10:30a-12p Free #31515
How What We Eat Affects our Planet
Joinusindiscussingtheimpactofourfoodchoicesonglobal warmingandtheoverallhealthofourplanet.Youmightbe surprisedbythescience.
Presenter:CharlesRossDO,EugenePlantBasedProviders Apr18 F 2-3:30p Free #31040

Dysbiosis: Lifting the Lid on Digestive Discomfort
Discovertheimportanceofhavingahealthymicrobialbalance inthegut,whichcansupportgutcomfortandoverallhealth.
Presenter:YaakovLevine,nutritionalhealthcoach, NaturalGrocers Apr25 F 2-3p Free #31559
Three Essential Habits of Mind
Learnaboutthreehabitsofmind(recognize,regulateand resource)tohelpyoumoreeffectivelyrespondtodaily challengeswithlessstress.Identifyyourenergyneedsto functionatyourbesteffortlessly.
Presenter:LeilaniSáez,NaturalCapacitieslifecoaching May12 M 5-6p Free #30832
Let’s Talk Cancer
Whatisthecauseofcancerandcanitbepreventedoreven reversed?Comewithyourquestionsandjoininthediscussion onwhatthelatestevidenceshowsabouthowimportant yourlifestylechoicescanbe.
Presenter:CharlesRossDO,EugenePlantBasedProviders May16 F 2-3:30p Free #31041
Bone Builders & Bone Breakers
AspartofOsteoporosisAwarenessMonth,it’snevertoolate tolearntobuildbonehealth(men,too).Supportlifelong bonehealthbyknowinghowtogetallthenutrientsyour bonesneed.
Presenter:YaakovLevine,nutritionalhealthcoach, NaturalGrocers May30 F 2-3p Free #30983
Senior Activities

Social Gatherings
Lunch Bunch
Aweeklysociallunch.Menusvary,callthedayaheadto requestavegetarianoption.Noregistrationisrequired. EveryfourthWednesdayofthemonthisabirthday celebration.Eachluncheonisfollowedbypennybingo.
Ongoing W 12-1p $8/day Drop-in NolunchJan1
Newcomers Social
Thisisyouropportunityto�indoutwhatCampbell CommunityCenterisallabout.Joinstaffandvolunteersfor informationaboutthevarietyofprograms,services,trips, classesandactivitiesofferedandtakeatourofthecenter.
Jan3 F 2-3p Free #31387
Apr4 F 2-3p Free #31388
Petersen Barn Lunch Club
FormembersoftheBarniesLunchClub.Monthlypotluck lunchfollowedbyaneducationalpresentation.Formore informationcall at541-682-5521.
Jan6,Feb3,Mar3,Apr7,May5 M 11:30a-1p #30933 Membershipdues$5/calendaryear($6outofdistrict)
Veterans Coffee Talk
Thisweekly,informalget-togetherforVeteransisforcoffee, camaraderieandconversations.Thisisanopportunityfor Veteransandtheirfamiliestoparticipateorlearnmore
aboutthatspecialbondofmenandwomenwhohaveserved theircountryortojustlistenasotherssharetheirstories, theirfriendshipandhelpfulresourcesthey’vefound.
Ongoing M 10-11a Free Drop-in NogroupJan20,Feb17,May26
Special Interest
AARP Smart Driver Program
Thiscourseisdesignedformotoristsages50andolderbut isopentoallages.Itwillsharpenyourskillsandhelpyou avoidaccidentsandtraf�iccitations.Autoinsurancediscounts maybeavailabletoparticipantsages55andolderwho completethiscourse.
Jan17 F 9a-3:45p #31392
Mar14 F 9a-3:45p #31393
Apr11 F 9a-3:45p #31396
May23 F 9a-3:45p #31398
Feb12 W 9:15a-4:15p #31156
Apr9 W 9:15a-4:15p #31157
$25feedueatstartoffirstclass,payabletoAARP,cashorcheck $5discounttoAARPmemberswithproofofmembership
Age Café
Basedontheworldcafé,thisprogramisdesignedtoengage peopleinconversationswiththepurposeofcreatingadeeper senseofcommunityandconnectionandanappreciationof sharedwisdomonourlife’sjourney.Smallgroupswilldiscuss avarietyoftopicsrelatedtoaginginanaccessible,respectful andcon�identialspace,alongsidenourishingrefreshments. Sometopicsincludetransitionsandchanges,gratitude,thejoy oftheordinary,health,wellnessandspirituality.
Facilitator:ChrisEilersLPC,olderadultbehavioralhealth specialist,LaneCountyHealth&HumanServices
Jan14 Tu 10:30a-12p Free #30971
Mar11 Tu 10:30a-12p Free #30972
May13 Tu 10:30a-12p Free #30973
Campbell Center Book Club
Liketoread?Liketovisit?Theclubmeetstodiscussstorylines, authorsandwhatthenextbookwillbe.Newmembersare welcome.Listofbooksavailableatthefrontdesk.Youcan choosetostayafterwardforLunchBunch.
Ongoing 3rdW 10:30-11:30a $0.50/day Drop-in
Checkrite Electronics Repair
Bringasmallapplianceorelectronicdeviceforrepairor adviceonusage.
Ongoing 3rdW11a-12p Free Byappt Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5318
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:KenCheck
Ongoing 1stM 1-1:30p Free Byappt Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5521
Creative Writing Group
Jointhispeer-ledgroupwhereyoucanrollupthesleeveof yourwritingarmandborrowtoolsfromthewriter’skitto addmuscle.Later,asyoureadyourcraft-creation,youcan quietlyenjoyexperiencingtheregardofyourpeers.
Jan2-May29 Th 10:30a-12:30p #30616 Termfee$10ordrop-infee$0.50/day
Death Café
AtaDeathCafépeopledrinktea,eatcakeanddiscussdeath. It’sagroup-directeddiscussionofdeathwithnoagenda, objectivesorthemes.Itisnotagriefsupportgroupor counselingsession.Thegoalofthisgroupistoincrease awarenessofdeathtohelppeoplemakethemostoftheirlives.
Feb10 M 10:30a-12p Free #30984
Apr14 M 10:30a-12p Free #30985
Fix-it Fair Workshop
JointheCityofEugeneWastePreventionProgramandCampbell CommunityCenterforafreeFix-itFair.Bringyourbroken householditems–suchassmallappliances,bikes,orelectronics –andletourtechnicianshelpyourepairthematnocost.
Mar7 F 1-3p Free Drop-in
Free Motion Quilting on a Domestic Sewing Machine
Learnthebasics,tips,tricksandaccessoriestofreemotion quiltonasewingmachine.Startcreatingyourownunique quiltsandgifts.Thisseminarisinstructorledanddoesnot requireasewingmachine.Hands-onpracticecanbehadat theQuilting,ComfortsforKidsgroupeachThursday afternoonatCampbellCenter (see page 76).
Mar6 Th 11a-12:30p $10 #30653
May1 Th 11a-12:30p $10 #30654
Movies from Around the World
WatchmoviesfromIran,Italy,Mexicoandmore.Noknowledge offoreignlanguagerequired.Justcomeenjoythemoviesand discussothercultures,traditionsandhistory.
Jan8-29 W 1-3:30p $48 #31616
Feb5-26 W 1-3:30p $48 #31621
Apr2-23 W 1-3:30p $48 #30712
Petersen Barn Bookies
Callingareareaders.Thisbookgroupwillselectbooksofall genresincluding�ictionandnon�iction.
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Ongoing 3rdTu1-2p Free #30930
Successful Caregiving When Caring for a Loved One
Caringforalovedonerequirescompassion,patience,and knowledgeofeldercare.Learntheimportanceofyourrole tohelpmaintainthephysicalandmentalwell-beingofyour lovedonewhileencouragingindependence.We’llexpandon navigatinglong-termoptions,planningforend-of-lifecare,the importanceofself-care,andmore.Meetotherswiththesame challengesandrewardsofbeingafamilymembercaregiver.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:RonitCohen
Feb3&6 MTh 9:30a-12p $5 #31571

Senior Activities
The Wisdom Exchange Ages 55+
Takepartinafacilitateddiscussiongroup.Topicswillrange fromhealthandwellnesstocurrentaffairs.Thisprogram endeavorstoprovideasafespaceforseniorwomentoshare theirthoughts,opinionsandexperienceswithotherwomen. Foradultswhoidentifyasfemale.
Jan7-Feb25 Tu 2:30-3:30p Free #31152
Apr1-May20 Tu 2:30-3:30p Free #31153
Writing Your Life Story
Thiscoursestartsyouontheroadtowritingyourlifestory. Everyonehasastorytotellandwritingyourmemoriescan beanenlighteningandvalidatingexperience.Youwillbe writingstoriesandbringingthemtoclasstoread.Youwill getsupportiveandencouragingfeedbacktoimproveyour writing.Youwillreceivewritingtipsandinformationtomake yourstoriescomealive,tobeenjoyedbyfamilyandfriends.
Feb4-Apr15 Tu 1-3p $68 #30956
Your Heroine’s Journey
Inthisclasswewillmapourpathswiththepurposeof honoringandcelebratingeachofour“disguises.”Come acknowledgehowfaryou’vecomeinanatmosphereof con�identialityandcelebration.Watchyourheroineemerge. Opentothosewhoidentifyasfemale.

CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:JenniferTucker,MAHumanDevelopment
Jan30-Mar20 Th 11a-12:30p $72 #30816
Apr10-May29 Th 11a-12:30p $72 #30817
Support Groups
See page 13 for:
Computer & Mobile Device Tutoring
Learnorimproveyourskillsusingemail,theinternet,word processing,managing�ilesandmore.Youcanalsogethelp solvingproblemswithyourcomputerorlaptop.Setupan hour-longin-personappointmenttogethelpwithyour computerormobiledevice.
Ongoing MTuThF 1-3p $30/hour Byappt Toscheduleanappointmentcall541-682-5318

Urban Homesteading
See pages 48-50.
Wednesday Wellness Screenings
Lane County Health and Human Services staff provide free health screenings to identify risk factors associated with your mood, social life or substance use patterns in relation to aging, and identify accessible resources and supports.
Campbell Community Center
Ongoing 3rd W 10:30a-12:30p Free Drop-in
Wellness Workshop for Older Adults & People with Disabilities Ages 50+
Learn from our instructors, as well as your fellow classmates. After a brief learning session, we will engage and connect with each other through small group discussions designed to explore a variety of topics including mental health, resilience, social connections and ful�illing lifestyles.
Campbell Community Center
Facilitator: Chris Eilers, LPC, older adult behavioral specialist, Lane County Health & Human Services

Social Fitness
Evaluate your social �itness and discover ways to improve your sense of connection.
Jan 13 M 10:30a-12p Free #31538
Aging with Anxiety & Depression
Learn to recognize mood disorders like anxiety and depression and manage the symptoms with new skills and behaviors.
Mar 10 M 10:30a-12p Free #31548
Mindful Resilience
Assess your level of adaptability and discover new ways to manage worry, stress and trauma.
May 12 M 10:30a-12p Free #31550

Senior Activities

Jan23 Th 9a-5p
Feb6 Th 9a-3p
Feb20 Th 8:45a-2:30p
Thompson’s Mills ■ 3
TouringThompson’sMillsisseeingauniquesurvivorof timespast.Seethelastwater-poweredmillinOregon,which is160yearsold.Seetheturbinesinactionastheyturnthe gristmilltogrindthewheatinto�lour.AfterlunchinHulsey, astopataMennonitestorewillcompleteyourday.Purchase yourownlunch.
Jan17 F 9a-3p $30 #31522
Yahoo for Yachats ■ 3
AdaytoexplorethetinytownofYachats.Chooseagreat lunchspot,thenspendsometimeexploringthetown.Later walkpartofthe804Trailandwatchthesurfbreakingright belowyou.VisittheSmeltSandsandtaketheopportunityto walkonthebeachifweatherallows.Purchaseorbringyour ownlunch.
Jan23 Th 9a-5p $44 #31519
Willamette Heritage Center ■ 3
The Willamette Heritage Center connects generations through gathering, preserving and sharing mid-Willamette Valley history.Explore the history and culture of the Kalapuya people. Follow the immigration of 19th-century missionaries and Oregon Trail travelers. Discover Salem’s industrial past through wool, water power and rails. Tour the 1896 Thomas Kay Woolen Mill, a two-story museum dedicated to telling the story of the start of Oregon’s woolen mills. Purchase your own admission (approx. $8) and lunch.
Meet at Campbell Community Center Feb 6 Th 9a-3p $35 #31523
Planetarium Show ■ 1
Enjoy lunch atOakway Mall and thenit’soff to theEugene Science Centerto watch two shows in its planetarium. Experience immersive virtual adventures in one of the largest and most technologically advanced planetariums in the Paci�ic Northwest. Purchase your own lunch. The planetariumshows areincluded in the trip fee.
Meet at Petersen Barn Community Center Feb 18 Tu 11:30a-3p $24 #31166
Leaping Lamb Farm Tour ■ 3
Is there anything cuter than baby lambs frolicking in the �ields? Tour the Leaping Lamb Farm located in Alsea. See the baby lambs, cows, alpacas, pigs and other farm animals as you interact with them. Pack your own picnic lunch as we dine on the farm watching the farm life around you. Ticket to the farm $10, not included in trip price.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Feb 20 Th 8:45a-2:30p $32 #31527
Hallie Ford Museum of Art ■ 2
Discover a vibrant mix of Native American, regional and contemporary art across �ive permanent exhibitions. In March, special exhibits include Nancy Floyd: For the Love of Trees, a photographic exploration of Oregonians’ bond with forests, and Brenda Mallory: The North Star Changes, featuring sculptures and installations that re�lect on impermanence. Bring your own lunch to enjoy at nearby Willson Park. Admission to the museum is free on Tuesdays.
Meet at Amazon Community Center
Mar 4 Tu 10a-5p $40 #31578
Romeo, the World Largest Steer & the Creswell Bakery ■ 3
See Romeo, the largest steer ever at the Welcome Home Animal Sanctuary. Tour this sanctuary and see the good work they do and connect with the animals face-to-snout. After the visit, it is off to the Creswell Bakery for a great lunch. Purchase your own tour ticket (price TBA).

Meet at Campbell Community Center
Mar 13 Th 9:30a-1:30p $21 #31529
Corvallis Museum ■ 3
The Corvallis Museum is home to Benton County Historical Society’s massive collection of Oregon’s natural and cultural past. It features four galleries of exhibitions comprising art, cultural artifacts, textiles, natural history specimens and more. It also includes the legendary Horner Collection, formerly at Oregon State University. Purchase your own museum admission ($5) and lunch.
Meet at Petersen Barn Community Center
Mar 19 W 10:30a-3:30p $23 #31167
Activity Level Ratings
Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited. Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Trip Policies
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.
Senior Activities
Amity Daffodil Festival ■ 2
Asuresignofspringiswhenthedaffodilsstarttobloom.At theAmityDaffodilFestival,seeallthedifferentvarietiesof thesebeautiful�lowers.Celebratethecommunityevent, viewtheartshow,enjoyahomemadelunchandmore.On thewayhome,astopatRavenPieforagreatdessertwill completeourday.Purchaseyourownlunch.
Mar29 Sa 9a-4:30p $38 #31528
Splatter Box ■ 1
GetmessyinanartsywayatSplatterBox.Housedina historicbuildinginAlbany,SplatterBoxisaplacewhere peoplecancreateartbysplatteringpaintonacanvas,the wallsoroneachother.Thisissuretobeanenergetic, colorfulandfunadventure.Purchaseyourownadmission, extrasuppliesandlunch.
Apr11 F 10:45a-3:45p $29 #31405
“Mary Poppins” at Cottage Theatre ■ 2
Discoverafriendlytheatre-lovingcommunityattheCottage Theatreasyouattendtheheartwarmingmatineeproduction ofthetimeless“MaryPoppins,”withareminderthatthe extraordinarycanbefoundinthemostordinaryofplaces. Ticketpriceincludedintripprice.
Apr13 Su 1-6p $52 #31521
Tours of the Willamette Confluence
Preserve & Green Island ■ 1
JoinMcKenzieRiverTrustandFriendsofBufordParkon twosmallbustours.Thesepropertiesofferopportunitiesto preserveandrestoreadynamicandecologicallydiverseriver system.Volunteersandstaffwillleadvisitorsaroundmuchof thepreserves,highlightingtheconservationefforts,human historyandnaturalfeatures.Thetoursareintendedfor peoplewhoareunabletowalkthe4milestypicallyrequired

forwalkingtours.Bringalunchandwater,dressforthe weatherandconsiderbringingaportablechairorbinoculars.
Apr16 W 9:30a-2:30p $14 #31506
May16 F 9:30a-1:30p $14 #30981
Depoe Bay Crab Feed & Wooden Boat Show ■ 3
DineondeliciousfreshcrabrightoffthedocksinDepoeBay. Afterlunch,watchdemonstrationsofwoodenboatbuilding techniques,viewthebeautifulhand-createdwoodenboats orjustwandertheshopsfortreasures.Purchaseyourown lunch(approx.$18halfcrab,$28wholecrab).
MeetatCampbellCommunityCenter Apr19 Sa 8:30a-5:30p $48 #31520
Deepwood Museum & Gardens ■ 3
LocatedintheheartofSalem,DeepwoodEstateisoneofthe area’spremierhistoricpreservationsites.TheDeepwood Houseanditsextensivegardensattractthousandsofvisitors eachyearforatasteofwhatlifewaslikeintheWillamette Valleyinthelate1800s.Therearetwo�lightsofstairsonthe housetour.Buyyourownlunchandadmission(approx.$6).
MeetatPetersenBarnCommunityCenter Apr24 Th 9:15a-3p $30 #31168
Brownsville Carriage Days ■ 1
ThetownofBrownsvilleismagicallytransportedbackto horseandbuggytimesforCarriageDays.RideinahorsedrawnwagonfromtheLinnCountyHistoricalMuseumto thehistoricMoyerHouseandenjoyhistoricalreenactmentsat eachstopfeaturingcharactersinperiodcostumes.Purchase carriagerideticket($10-$12)andyourownlunch.
MeetatPetersenBarnCommunityCenter May3 Sa 9a-2:30p $25 #31169
IKEA ■ 2
Shoptillyoudropandaslongasit�itsonthebus,it’syours. IKEAfeaturesstylishdecoranddesignideasforeveryroom. DineattheSwedishFoodMarketforlunch.Swedishmeatballs anyone?Purchaseyourownlunch.
May6 Tu 9a-5p $45 #31518
Goat Yoga ■ 1
Imagineattemptingayogaposeandhavingtocontouryour bodyaroundagoatonyourmat.TheNoRegretsFarmand SanctuaryinMonroeoffersgoatyoga,ajoyfulexperience thatimprovesmentalandphysicalheaththroughthe healingpowersofnatureandanimals.Plus,goatsarefun. The30-minuteclassisfollowedbya60-minutehappyhour whereyoucansnugglegoats,takegoatsel�ies,learnmore aboutthegoatsorgoonafarmtour.Noyogaexperienceis needed.Bringlunchandawaterbottle.Purchaseyourown admissiontoGoatYogaandhappyhour,mat($45).
May15 Th 1-5p $21 #31170
Florence Rhododendron Festival ■ 2
Joinusforthegrand�loralparadedownHighway101,along withavendor’sfairinOldTown,astunningrhododendron showattheFlorenceEventsCenter,andlivemusic,artand festivitiesthroughoutFlorence.Enjoyadayfulloffunin Oregon’scoastalplayground.Purchaseorbringyourown lunch.
May18 Su 10a-4p $39 #31035
Oregon Garden ■ 3
Sweetspringair,gorgeous�lowersandbeautifulviewsawait youasyouspendyourdayattheOregonGarden.Startwith anarratedtramrideandthenstrolltoyourheart’scontent toperuseyourfavoritearea;yourdayisuptoyou.

Admissionandtramrideincluded.Purchaseyourownlunch priortothegardenvisit.
May22 Th 9a-5p $55 #31517
Eugene Scottish Festival ■ 2
Hoponthebusandwe’llheadtotheIrvingGrangeforalively celebrationofScottishculture.Enjoylivemusic,bagpipes, traditionalkiltsandauthenticScottishdisheslikehaggis.Take ahorse-drawnwagonrideandexperiencetheexcitementof Highlandgamesdemonstrations,sheepdogherdingand gracefulHighlandandcountrydancing.Perfectforfamilies, withplentyoffunactivitiesforall.Purchaseyourown admissionattheevent.Bringorpurchaseyourownlunch ($7foradults,$5seniors,children12andunderfree).
May31 Sa 10a-3p $29 #31034
Islands of New England with Collette Tours ■ 3
TheAtlanticcoastiscalling.ExploreNewEngland’smajestic seaboard,fromRhodeIslandtoCapeCod.VisitProvidence andtheGildedAgemansionsofNewport.Experiencethe beautifulislandsofMartha’sVineyardandNantucket.Complete yourlocalexperienceasyouindulgeinatraditionalseafood andlobsterfeast.Explorethelocalcharms,walkalonghistoric cobblestonestreetsandfeellikeatrueNewEnglander.Cost includesround-tripairfarefromEugene,taxes,hotel, transfers,eightdaysand10meals.Formoreinformationor torequestabrochure,callDianeat541-682-6392.For completeitinerarygotogateway.gocollette.com/link/1240362.
Single$4,299,Double$3,499, noout-of-districtfees
Save$100now;forbookingsafterNov9,callforrates Reservewitha$698deposit;finalpaymentdueMar10
Senior Activities
Majestic Cities of Central & Eastern Europe with Collette Tours ■ 3
Explore a land where world history and fairy-tale charm come to life in the culturally rich cities of Central and Eastern Europe. Enjoy multi-night stays, immersive local deep-dives and authentic, traditional �lavors in Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Krakow. Learn about life during the fall of the Berlin Wall from a Berliner who lived through it. Travel aboard a train, like the locals, on the beautiful journey from Prague to Vienna. Get a sweet taste of the relaxed Viennese coffee house culture. Stroll through the halls of the lavish Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. Cost includes round-trip airfare from Eugene, taxes, hotel, transfers,14 days and 19 meals. For more information or to request a brochure, call Diane at 541-682-6392. For complete itinerary go to gateway.gocollette.com/link/1240358.
Register through Campbell Community Center
Sep 7-20
Single $7,249, Double $6,349, no out-of-district fees
For bookings after Feb 8, call for rates Reserve with a $698 deposit; final payment due Jun 9
Trip insurance available for $549
All rates are per person and subject to change Presentation at Campbell Center on Jan 23 & Feb 13, see below
Discover European Christmas Markets with Collette Tours ■ 3
Discover the holiday spirit throughout Germany, France and Switzerland on a festive tour of Christmas markets. Experience the 600-year-old tradition of the Christkindlesmarkt in Germany among Christmas stalls in Regensburg. Be enchanted at the German Christmas Museum in Rothenburg ob der Tauber and visit Strasbourg, known as the “capital of Christmas,” to sample its joyful atmosphere and Alsace cuisine. Step into a fairy-tale winter wonderland during a day in Colmar. And Lucerne, the “City of Lights,” shines at Christmas time, the perfect bow on top of a festive journey. Immerse yourself in the traditions and joys of the season

across the region’s most enchanting destinations. Cost includes round-trip airfare from Eugene, taxes, hotel, transfers,nine days and 11 meals. For more information or to request a brochure, call Diane at 541-682-6392. For complete itinerary go gateway.gocollette.com/link/1283289.
Register through Campbell Community Center Dec 2-10, 2025 Single $7,249, Double $6,349 no out-of-district fees
For bookings after May 27, call for rates
Reserve with a $698 deposit; final payment due Sep 3
Trip insurance available for $549
All rates are per person and subject to change Presentation at Campbell Center on Jan 23, Feb 13 & Apr 15, see below
Cultural Treasures of Japan with Collette Tours ■ 3
Immerse yourself in the ancient and modern cultures of Japan. Learn the art of the tea ceremony and stand before the famous Senso-ji Buddhist temple. Tour Matsumoto Castle, known as the “Crow Castle” for its black exterior. Taste legendary Hida beef and sip sake at a local sakagura. Delve into Kyoto, the marvelous cultural capital of Japan. Board the Shinkansen “bullet” train to travel to Hiroshima to visit Shrine Island and the Peace Memorial Museum. Absorb the beauty of the Golden Pavilion and the majesty of Nijo Castle. Japan slowly draws you into its eclectic culture and charm, revealing incredible moments every step of the way. Cost includes round-trip airfare from Eugene, taxes, hotel, transfers,14 days and 18 meals. For more information or to request a brochure, call Diane at 541-682-6392. For complete itinerary go togateway.gocollette.com/link/1287610.
Register through Campbell Community Center
Feb 22-Mar 7, 2026 Single $7,999, Double $6,999 no out-of-district fees
For bookings after Aug 16, call for rates
Reserve with a $698 deposit; final payment due Sep 3, 2025
Trip insurance available for $549
Presentation at Campbell Center on Apr 15, see below
Collette Trip Presentations
This is an opportunity to hear all about our upcoming “Trips of a Lifetime” with Collette Tours. The Collette representative be here to give you all the details and answer all your questions. Your next adventure awaits you. For more information call Diane at 541-682-6392.
Campbell Community Center
Majestic Cities of Middle Europe & Christmas Markets
Jan 23 Th 10-11:30a Free #31526
Feb 13 Th 1-2:30p Free #31553
Christmas Markets & Treasures of Japan
Apr 15 Tu 10:30a-12p Free #31557

Striker Field Park, opened September 2023
Striker Field Park, opened September 2023
Striker Field Park, opened September 2023
Striker Field Park, opened September 2023

Parks and Recreation Bond and Levy
Parks and Recreation Bond and Levy
Parks and Recreation Bond and Levy
Parks and Recreation Bond and Levy
Renovating and building new parks, expanding recreation facilities, improving safety and caring for what we have
2018 Bond 2023 Levy
2018 Bond
2018 Bond
2018 Bond 2023 Levy
Five years into bond implementation, there are projects in all phases of completion throughout the community. Of the 38 bond-funded projects, 31 (81%) are complete or underway.
Completed Projects:
Striker Field Park
Downtown Riverfront Park
Tugman Park Renovation
Berkeley Park Renovation
Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center Renovation
Campbell Community Center Expansion

Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center Renovation
Churchill Tennis Court Renovation
Amazon Park Running Trail Renovation
Alton Baker Park, West Bank and South Bank Lighting

2023 Levy
2023 Levy
The levy keeps parks safer, cleaner and greener by funding the ongoing efforts of the park safety team and park maintenance. More frequent servicing of parks, enhanced trail and natural area maintenance and an increased security presence in parks are the hallmarks of this operating levy.
It pays for maintenance of new bond projects as they’ve opened, such as Striker Field and Downtown Riverfront Park, as well as facility maintenance and increased fitness programming opportunities for the renovated recreation centers.

Senior Health & Fitness

Adapted Bike Demo Day
Recumbents? Tricycles? Hand cycles? Electric assist? Bike share? Try all these at this bike demo. Try out our amazing �leet of bikes for people who can’t or don’t want to ride standard bike frames. Please register for this free event.
Campbell Community Center
May 15 Th 1-3p Free #31617
Bike Riding for Fun & Fitness
Bike riders depart rain or shine from Campbell Community Center for in-town rides. Helmets are required, but weekly attendance isn’t. Electric bikes are welcome to join. Rides vary in length and time depending on ability.
Campbell Community Center
Ongoing W 10a-12p Free Drop-in
No biking Jan 1
Ballroom Dancing
Try something new and “step out” in this welcoming, beginner-level class that is guaranteed to leave you smiling. The class covers basic steps like the foxtrot, waltz, tango, rhumba, swing and more. No special equipment – all you need are comfortable shoes and clothes you can move in.
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Michael Marinacci
Jan 27-Mar 17 M 6-8p $42 #31547
Apr 7-May 19 M 6-8p $42 #31549
No class Feb 17
Try Ballroom Dancing for Free
Part of Free Fitness Week. Registration required. Jan 6 M 6-8p Free #31544
Dancing Through the Decades
Let’sdanceourwaythroughthedecadesofthepastandinto thepresentwithpopularmelodiesanddancecrazesthat havede�inedeachera,spanninganarrayofstyles.Woven intoourroutinesarelow-impactcardio,healthystretching andrhythmiccoordinationthatwillexerciseourbrainsand bodies,increasingphysicalstaminaandcognitivefunction. Danceisthebody’spoetrysettomusic,andwe’llhaveso muchfunmovingandgroovingthatwemayevenforgetwe’re exercising.Shallwedance?
Jan10-Mar21 F 2-3p $54 #30840
Mar28-May23 F 2-3p $54 #30841
Fitness & All That Jazz
Feelthebeatandgetmovingtoahealthieryou.Thisisa dance-�itnessclassforallskilllevels.Movetomusicfromthe ’60stotoday,rocktojazzanddiscotoBroadway.Whileyou’re havingfunmovingtothemusic,you’llalsobebuilding strength,�lexibilityandbalance.
Jan16-Mar13 Th 12:15-1:15p $54 #31102
Apr3-May22 Th 12:15-1:15p $48 #31103
Try Fitness & All That Jazz for Free
Jan9 Th 12:15-1:15p Free #31587
Folk Dance with a Flair Ages 30+
Thisisanopeninvitationtotryinternationalfolkdancing. Learnandenjoydancesfromallaroundtheworld.Stay youngandkeep�it.Noexperiencerequired.Newdancers arealwayswelcome.Nopartnerneeded.
Jan6-May26 M 1-2:30p #30724
Line Dance
Linedancingisgoodexerciseforyourbrain,itcanhelpwith balanceandit’slowimpactonyourjoints.Meetnewpeople andhavefunwhileexercisingtoavarietyofmusic.Wear loose,coolclothingandshoesthatwillslideonthe�loor.No partnernecessary.
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 2:30-3:30p
Mar25-May27 Tu 2:30-3:30p
BeyondBeginning Instructor:AnnScheifley
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 1-2p $60 #30842
Mar25-May27 Tu 1-2p $54 #30843
Tap Dance
Learnthebasicsofmoderntapwithdrillsandshortdancesin thisfunandeasyclass.Allarewelcomeregardlessofability. Opentoallageswherethefocusisonfunexercisetomusic.
Jan6-Mar10 M 9:30-10:45a $60 #31094
Mar31-May19 M 9:30-10:45a $60 #31095
Jan6-Mar10 M 7-8p $48 #31096
Mar31-May19 M 7-8p $48 #31097
Jan17-Mar14 F 11:30a-12:30p$48 #31098
Apr4-May23 F 11:30a-12:30p$48 #31099
Try Tap Dance for Free
PartofFreeFitnessWeek.Registrationrequired. Jan10 F 11:30a-12:30pFree#31586
Land Fitness
Better Bones & Balance
Designedtoimprovebonehealth,muscularstrengthand balance,thisclassincludesstrengthtraining,aerobic exerciseand�lexibilityandbalancemovements.Fitness levelsfrombeginnertointermediatearewelcome.
Jan9-Mar6 Th 3-4p $54 #31082
Mar13-May22 Th 3-4p $60 #31083
Jan9-Mar6 Th 4:15-5:15p $54 #31084
Mar13-May22 Th 4:15-5:15p $60 #31085
Body Sculpt
Developtotalbodystrengthand�lexibilitythroughaprogram ofweightexercises.
Jan7-Mar20 TuTh 5-6p #31458
Apr1-Jun12 TuTh 5-6p #31460
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 67
$60 #30851
$60 #30854
Jan9-Mar13 Th 2:30-3:30p $60 #30855
Mar27-May29 Th 2:30-3:30p $60 #30852
Senior Health & Fitness
Core & Stretch
Developcorestrengthand�lexibilitythroughaprogramof traditionalsportandPilates-basedexercises.
Jan6-Mar19 MW 5-6p #31463
Mar31-Jun11 MW 5-6p #31464
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 67
Essential Stretch & Flexibility
Thisclasshelpswithmusclepliabilityanddurabilityaswe age,throughgentletechniquesforstretchingandimproved overallmovement.Practicestrengthandbalancemovements thatwilltrainyourbodytosupportyouineverydayfunctions, especiallywhenyou’renotthinkingaboutit.Thosewhohave bene�itedincludepeoplerecoveringfromfractures,softtissue injuries,sedentarylifestyleandage-relatedandneuromuscular diseaseprogression.Modi�icationsgivenforallabilitylevels. Noequipmentisneeded.No�loorwork.
Jan10-Mar14 F 12-1p $54 #30847
Mar28-May30 F 12-1p $60 #30848
Fight Back with Neuromuscular Exercise
Thisclassisidealforpeoplewithneuromuscularchallenges (Parkinson’s,mildstroke,multiplesclerosis)thatmaycause lossofbalanceandcoordination.Theseclassesengagethe brainandbodytoencouragemore�luid,balanced movementandimprovestrength,agilityandgait.Thosewho needindividualassistanceshouldbringapersonalsupport workerorcareprovider.
Jan7-30 TuTh 12-1p
$60 #30821
Feb4-27 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30822
Mar4-27 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30823
Apr1-29 TuTh 12-1p $67 #30824
May1-29 TuTh 12-1p $67 #30825
Jun3-26 TuTh 12-1p $60 #30826
HilyardCommunityCenter Instructor:EricBeins
Jan7-30 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30988
Feb4-27 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30989
Mar4-27 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30990
Apr1-29 TuTh 2-3p $67 #30991
May1-29 TuTh 2-3p $67 #30992
Jun3-26 TuTh 2-3p $60 #30993
Fun ‘n’ Fit
Participantsbuildstrength,mobility,balanceandstamina throughafunmixofmovement.Weuseamixofresistance andexercisebands,bodymovementandplaygroundballsto shiftthewayyourbodyservesyouinyourdailyactivities.So muchfunthatithardlyfeelslikeyou’reworking.
CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:EricBeins
Jan8-Mar12 W 12-1p $60 #31475
Mar26-May28 W 12-1p $60 #31477
Healthy Bones Fitness
Researchshowsexercisecanstrengthenbones,improve balanceandincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Every exerciseisadjustedtoyourability.Anexcellentclassfor thosewithosteoporosisorosteopenia.Noteligiblefor scholarship.
Jan6-Mar10 M 1:30-2:30p $48 #30887
Mar24-May19 M 1:30-2:30p $54 #30892
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 9-10a $60 #30888
Mar25-May27 Tu 9-10a $60 #30893
Jan8-Mar12 W 3-4p $60 #30889
Mar26-May28 W 3-4p $60 #30894
Jan9-Mar13 Th 9-10a $60 #30890
Mar27-May29 Th 9-10a $60 #30895
$60 #30891
Mar24-May29 $60 #30896
HIIT Training
HIIT,orhigh-intensityintervaltraining,usesshortburstsof intenseexercisewithshortbreakstoprovideanexcellent strengthandoverall�itnessworkout.Allequipmentprovided.
Jan13-Mar17 M 6-6:45p #30640
Mar31-May19 M 6-6:45p #30641
Jan15-Mar19 W 6-6:45p #30643
Apr2-May28 W 6-6:45p #30644
Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 76
Try HIIT Training for Free
Jan6 M 6-6:45p Free #30639
Jan8 W 6-6:45p Free #30642
Personal Training Interest List
Workwithapersonaltrainertocreatea�itnessplanandwork towardyour�itnessgoals.Eachworkout,includingwarm-up andcool-down,takesapproximately50-60minutesand focusesoncontrolledstrength,balanceandmovementsthat increase�lexibility,mobilityandagility.Reachyourindividual healthand�itnessgoalswithpersonaltrainer.Thisinterest listwillbeusedto�illpersonaltrainingopportunities betweenJanuaryandJune.
Jan6-Jun13 M-F 5:30a-8p #31536
Postural Mobility
Discovertechniquestoenhanceyourawarenessofyourbody’s overallpositionandhowminoradjustmentscanleadto signi�icantimprovementsthroughoutthebody.Thisclass exploresthedistinctionsbetweenactiveandpassiveranges ofmotion,andtheimpactthesedifferenceshaveonyour mobility.We’lldelveintomethodstoexpandandfortifyyour rangeofmotion,initiatingtheprocessoffreeinguprestricted bodypartsandfosteringmorepain-freemovement.
Feb4-Mar11 Tu 10-11a $40 #30806
Try Postural Mobility for Free
PartofFreeFitnessWeek.Registrationrequired. Jan7 Tu 10-11a Free #31608
Relaxation & Visualization
Reducestresslevelsandpromotegoodhealththroughthis welcomingclass.Itcombinespracticingpositivebreathing techniqueswithguidedvisualizationleadingtorelaxation. Forthevirtualoption,Zoomlinkwillbesenttopatrons uponregistration.
Jan16-Mar20 Th 10-11a $60 #31496
Apr3-May29 Th 10-11a $54 #31497
Try Relaxation & Visualization for Free
PartofFreeFitnessWeek.Registrationrequired. Jan9 Th 10-11a Free #31493
Strength & Balance
Defeatthelossofbonedensitywhileyouimprovebalance andincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Thisclassisamore advancedversionofHealthyBonesFitness.Thevirtualclass isaseparateregistrationfee.Noteligibleforscholarship.
Jan6-Mar10 M 3-4p $48 #30897
Mar24-May19 M 3-4p $54 #30902
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 10:30-11:30a $60 #30898
Mar25-May27 Tu 10:30-11:30a $60 #30903
Jan8-Mar12 W 1:30-2:30p $60 #30899
Mar26-May28 W 1:30-2:30p $60 #30904
Jan9-Mar13 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #30900
Mar27-May29 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #30905
Jan7-Mar13 $60 #30901
Mar24-May29 $60 #30906
Weight Training Ages 14+
Learnhowtoweighttrainsafelyandeffectively.Weight trainingincreasesstrengthandpower,helpswithweight lossandisimportantforlong-termhealth.Getyour�itness journeystartedtherightway.
Jan6-Mar17 M 4:45-5:45p #30635
Mar31-May19 M 4:45-5:45p #30636
Jan8-Mar19 W 4:45-5:45p #30637
Apr2-May28 W 4:45-5:45p #30638 Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 67 Registertoreserveaspot NoclassJan20,Feb17
Zumba Gold
Partyyourselfintoshapewiththisworld-dance-inspired programthat’slow-impactandeasytofollow.ZumbaGoldis agentlerversionofZumbaCardio.It’sthesamedanceand �itnessfunwithroomtoslowdownandadjustforanyinjuries ormobilitylimitations.StartthenewyearrightwithZumba.
Jan16-Mar13 Th 1-2p $54 #30857
Mar27-May29 Th 1-2p $60 #30858
Jan14-Mar18 Tu 11a-12p $60 #31501
Apr1-May27 Tu 11a-12p $54 #31502
Jan9-Feb20 TuTh 9:15-10:15a $78 #30571
Feb25-Apr10 TuTh 9:15-10:15a $84 #30572
Apr15-May29 TuTh 9:15-10:15a $84 #30573
Try Zumba Gold for Free
Jan9 Th 1-2p Free #30856
Jan7 Tu 11a-12p Free #31499
Jan7 Tu 9-10a Free #31607
Senior Health & Fitness
Martial Arts
Aikido Ages 12+
AikidoisatraditionalJapanesemartialartbasedon nonaggressionandnonviolentself-defense.Classesfeature ki (energy)exercisescombinedwithself-defensetechniques inasafeandsupportiveenvironment.Alllevelswelcome.
Jan7-Feb20 TuTh 7-8p $112 #30587
Mar18-May29 TuTh 7-8p $176 #30588
Gentle Yoga & Qigong
Thisclasscombinesqigongenergymovementpracticesand gentleyoga.Qigongsoftensthetissues,supportshealthy jointsandpromotesacalmnervoussystemandcentered mind.Gentleyogasupportsstrengthand�lexibilityandcan promoteanoverallsenseofbalanceinbody,mindandspirit. Thisisanon-the-matclass.
Mar24-May19 M 2:45-4p $60 #30882
Mar26-May28 W 1:15-2:30p $75 #30883
Apr2-Jun4 W 11a-12:15p $60 #31555
Qigongisaself-healingartthatcombinesmovementand meditation.Regularpracticeofqigongcanreducestress, establishbalanceandintegratethemind,bodyandspirit. Thispracticeisbestknownforitsfocusonbreathingandis usedasahealingexercise.
Jan7-Mar11 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$60 #30625
Mar25-May27 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$60 #30627
Intermediate Mar25-May27 Tu 12:30-1:15p $60 #30628
Jan7-Mar12 Tu 12:30-1:15p $60 #30626
Mar24-May19 M 1-2p $48 #30885
Tai Chi
ThisancientChineseartusesround,�lowingmovements combinedwithcalmnessandinnerbalance.Learnaseries ofslowmovementsthatpromotebetterhealth,balance, �lexibilityandreducedstress.Theclassincludesproper form,bodyalignment,breathing,energycultivationand energyawareness.
Jan6-Mar10 M 10:45-11:45a $48 #30676
Mar24-May12 M 10:45-11:45a $48 #30680
Jan15-Mar19 W 10:45-11:45a $60 #30678
Mar26-May14 W 10:45-11:45a $48 #30682
Jan6-Mar10 M 9:30-10:30a $48 #30677
Mar24-May12 M 9:30-10:30a $48 #30681
Jan15-Mar19 W 9:30-10:30a $60 #30679
Mar26-May14 W 9:30-10:30a $48 #30683
Jan6-Mar10 M 9:30-10:30a $48 #30810
Mar17-May12 M 9:30-10:30a $54 #30811
Jan8-Mar12 W 9:30-10:30a $60 #30812
Mar19-May14 W 9:30-10:30a $54 #30813
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:KyleRipka
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$54 #31076
Mar11-May20 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$60 #31077
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 12:45-1:45p $54 #31078
Mar11-May20 Tu 12:45-1:45p $60 #31079
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 2-3p $54 #31080
Mar11-May20 Tu 2-3p $60 #31081

Tai Chi for Balance
Thisspeciallydesignedclassfocusesonthehealthbene�its forpeoplewithmobilityandbalanceproblems.Gentle exerciseintheformoftaichistrengthensmusclesand improvesstamina,bloodcirculation,balanceandrelaxation.
Jan13-Mar17 M 12-1p $48 #30494
Mar24-May12 M 12-1p $48 #30496 NoclassJan20,Feb17
Ongoing MW 11a-12p Drop-in Ten-usecardfor$55,TaiChiforBalanceIntermediateclassonly NoclassJan20,Feb17,May26
Try Beginning Tai Chi for Balance for Free
Jan6 M 12-1p Free #31605
Tai Chi & Qigong
TaichiistheancientChinesemartialartwidelyrecognized asapowerfulwaytoimprovebothphysicalandmental health,betterbalance,relievepain,lessenstressandcalm themind.Thisclassteachesthe42CombinedFormandthe medicalqigongusingthetraditionalChinese/Japanese method.
Jan7-Mar13 TuTh 2-3p $120 #30818
Mar25-May29 TuTh 2-3p $120 #30819
Try Tai Chi & Qigong for Free
Jan2 Th 2-3p Free #30886
Try Pickleball
Jan15 W 6:45-9p $8 #30870
Mar5 W 6:45-9p $8 #30874
Feb9 Su 5-7p $8 #30873
Apr6 Su 5-7p $8 #30877
Indoor Pickleball Open Sessions
Reserveatimeslottoplaypickleballindoors.Eachparticipant needstoregister.Someracquetsandballsavailableforuse. Registrationrequired.
Jan8-Apr30 W 6:45-9p$8/session
Jan12-Apr27 Su 5-7p $8/session
River Walking Group
■ 3 See key on page 102.
Thisweeklygroupmeetstowalktheriverpathtogether. Distanceanddestinationvarydependingonwhoshowsup.
Ongoing Tu 10a-12p Free Drop-in
Walk ’n’
■ 3 /■ 4 See key on page 102.
Thisself-ledgroupwalks3-5milesataquickpace.The routevariesandmayhavehillsorroughpavement.The groupwalksrainorshine,year-roundanddepartsat9a.m. sharp.Youmaywanttobringcoffeemoneyforastopalong theway.Dressfortheweather.
Ongoing F 9a-12p Free Drop-in
Water Fitness
See page 62.
Senior Health & Fitness
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
BeguidedthroughgroupEFTwhichinvolvesmeridian tappingandvocalemotionalreleaseincludingaf�irmations andmeditationinarelaxedatmosphere.Learntheuseof thispracticetoreleasestressandsupportmental/emotional well-being.
May1-29 Th 6:15-8p $88 #31560
Mindfulness Meditation
Apracticeofmindfulnesshasbene�itsbeyondthecalm senseofwell-beingitbrings.Itcanhelpreduceanxiety, improvesleepquality,lowerbloodpressureandwardoff depression.Thisclassofferssimplestepstosetupyourown practiceathome.
Jan14-Mar18 Tu 9:30-10:30a $65 #30814
Apr1-Jun3 Tu 9:30-10:30a $65 #30815
Mindful Stress Reduction
Howmuchfuncanwehavelearninganewwayofbeing, reducingstressandbeingpresentinourlives?Discoverways tostopfrettingaboutthepastandworryingaboutthefuture. Completingassignmentsisrequiredifyoudesirecerti�ication. However,youcanalsojustcomeandplay.Thereisamanual availableonlineortoprint.
Feb24-Apr21 M 5:30-7p $60 #30802

Yogarejuvenatesthemind,bodyandspirit.Gentleexercises toneandstretchmusclesandworktobalanceeverysystem inthebody.Itimprovesoverallhealthandwell-being.Yoga matsareavailableorbringyourown.Allmobilityandskill levelswelcome.
Jan6-Mar10 M 5:30-6:30p $48 #30685
Mar24-May19 M 5:30-6:30p $54 #30687
Jan9-Mar13 Th 9:15-10:15a $60 #30686
Mar27-May29 Th 9:15-10:15a $60 #30688
Jan15-Mar19 W 5:30-6:30p $60 #31487
Apr2-May28 W 5:30-6:30p $54 #31488
PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:PaulSimon
Jan7-Mar4 Tu 9:05-10:05a $54 #31068
Mar11-May20 Tu 9:05-10:05a $60 #31069
Jan10-Mar21 F 9:05-10:05a $60 #31070
Apr4-May23 F 9:05-10:05a $48 #31071
SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:JudyUlibarri
Jan8-Feb12 W 9:15-10:15a $36 #30803
Mar5-Apr9 W 9:15-10:15a $36 #30804
Apr30-Jun4 W 9:15-10:15a $36 #30805
Try Yoga for Free
Jan8 W 5:30-6:30p Free #31480
Jan8 W 9-10a Free #31606
Chair Yoga
Feel better through movement. Experience release from stress and fatigue through this gentle yoga approach designed to accommodate people with physical limitations. This class is taught while you are sitting in a chair.
Amazon Community Center
Instructor: Paul Simon
Jan 9-Mar 13 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #30690
Mar 27-May 29 Th 10:30-11:30a $60 #30689
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Melody Carr
Jan 15-Mar 19 W 3-4p $60 #30881
Instructor: Mariah Carter
Mar 26-May 28 W 3-4p $60 #30884
Petersen Barn Community Center
Instructor: Paul Simon
Jan 7-Mar 4 Tu 10:15-11:15a $54 #31072
Mar 11-May 20 Tu 10:15-11:15a $60 #31073
Jan 10-Mar 21 F 10:15-11:15a $60 #31074
Apr 4-May 23 F 10:15-11:15a $48 #31075
No class Feb 28, Mar 25
Gentle Yoga
This class is suitable for beginners, people who have not exercised in a while or anyone looking to get in some healthy movement without expending too much energy. Gentle Yoga increases and maintains mobility while guiding participants through a mindful practice. This class consists of slow, basic yoga postures, breath work and relaxation.

Senior Health & Fitness
Campbell Community Center
Instructor: Melody Carr
Jan 13-Mar 17 M 2:45-4p $60 #30879
Jan 15-Mar 19 W 1:15-2:30p $75 #30880
No class Jan 20, Feb 17
Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Mariah Carter
Apr 2-Jun 4 W 11a-12:15p $60 31555
Modified Yoga
This gentle yoga class is designed speci�ically for people living with chronic neuromuscular conditions such as �ibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease. Poses are modi�ied for those needing adaptations. Modi�ied Yoga class has a hybrid option. For those in person, individuals must be able to be independent or have someone to assist. Yoga mats and blocks provided as needed. For the virtual option, Zoom link will be sent to patrons upon registration. In-person registration is available on a monthly basis, alongside the virtual 10-use card.
Hilyard Community Center
Instructor: Kate Cleary
Jan 6-27 M 11:45a-1p $22 #30996
Feb 3-24 M 11:45a-1p $22 #30997
Mar 3-31 M 11:45a-1p $37 #30998
Apr 7-28 M 11:45a-1p $30 #31000
May 5-19 M 11:45a-1p $22 #31001
Jun 2-30 M 11:45a-1p $37 #31002 10-use card for $75, Modified Yoga class only No class Jan 20, Feb 17

Senior Outdoor

Activity Level Ratings
Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.
Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.
Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.
Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.
Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited. Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.
Trip Policies
Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.
Winter Beach Hike ■ 4
The beach can be surprisingly sunny or invigoratingly stormy on a winter day. Either way, you’ll enjoy a day at the coast walking 2-3 miles at the water’s edge. Bring rain gear – it’s Oregon after all.
Meet at Campbell Community Center Feb 4 Tu 9a-4:30p $49 #30715
Sweet Creek Falls Hike ■ 3
View multiple waterfalls from the trail on this out-and-back hike near Mapleton. Expect roots and uneven terrain with little elevation change. 2.2-3 miles.
Meet at Campbell Community Center Mar 27 Th 10a-4p $30 #30720
Thundering Waterfall Hikes ■ 4
Explore multiple waterfalls on Oregon's Highway of Waterfalls along the North Umpqua Highway. Take a scenic
drive and hike three or four, easy to moderate trails.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Apr 15 Tu 9a-5:30p $55 #31604
Shotgun Creek Hike ■ 3
Hike this local trail that offers a stroll through the forest along a burbling creek. A cut back to the parking area allows for a short 1.5-mile hike. The more active can continue along a second loop for a total of 4.7 miles. Dress for the weather and wear good hiking shoes. Bring lunch and water.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Apr 22 Tu 10a-3p $27 #30719
Cleawox Lake Kayak
Paddle past towering sand dunes and wooded shorelines. This smaller lake is located in the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area in Honeyman State Park.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
May 8 Thu 9a-4:30p $57 #30718
Try Flatwater Kayaking
For those new to �latwater kayaking, it combines an active experience, a peaceful trip into some of Eugene’s natural

areas and a great day with other folks. Our top-notch guides will teach you everything you need to enjoy this popular outdoor sport. Equipment will be provided.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
May 13 Tu 10a-3p $45 #30717
Beaver Creek Kayak
Smell the salt air as we explore this small tidewater creek near Newport in Brian Booth State Park. There will be lots of interesting estuary life to discover while we paddle upstream as far as we can go and then drift back.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
May 29 Th 8:30a-5:30p $67 #30716
Snowshoe Trips at Campbell Center
Snowshoeing is easy to learn, good exercise and a greatway to get out in the winter. Experienced guides know thebest trails in the area and will do all the driving. Bring your own equipment, lunch,water and a pack to carry it in. No experience is needed.
Meet at Campbell Community Center
Feb 13 Th 9a-5:30p $65 #30713
Mar 11 Tu 9a-5:30p $65 #30714

Registering for volunteer opportunities expresses your interest but does not guarantee a volunteer position. Volunteers must pass a background check. RSVPs are required; no drop-ins.
Amazon Blood Drive with the American Red Cross Ages 16+
JoinusforanAmericanRedCrossBloodDriveandhelpsave livesinourcommunity.Yourdonationcanmakeasigni�icant differenceforthoseinneed–andyes,wehavecookies.To scheduleanappointmentvisitredcrossblood.organdenter “amazoncommunitycenter”inthe“FindaBloodDrive”�ield.
Jan8 W 9a-4p Free Apr18 F 9a-4p Free
Hendricks Park Rhododendron Garden Work Party
All ages
Learngardeningtechniquesandmeetfellowgarden enthusiastsatthisweeklyworkparty.Or,justbewillingto grabatoolanddivein.Noexperienceisrequired,butall kindsofhelpisneeded.InpartnershipwiththeFriendsof HendricksPark,thislivelyvolunteergrouphelpsyearround.Formoreinformationortoregister,contactCait Wisbeskiatcwisbeski@eugene-or.gov.
HendricksPark,SummitAvenue&SkylineBoulevard Ongoing Tu 9a-12p Free
Hendricks Park Native Plant Garden Work Party All ages
JoinourworkpartyeveryThursdayinthenativeplant gardenatHendricksPark.LearnabouttheWillametteValley nativeplantsandtheiruseswhilesupportingthegarden's continuedgrowth.Beginnerandexperiencedgardeners

welcome.Tasksvarybyseason.Formoreinformationorto register,contactKelseyIrvineatkirvine@eugene-or.gov.
HendricksPark,SummitAvenue&SkylineBoulevard Ongoing Th 1-4p Free
Owen Rose Garden Work Party All ages
Shareyourpassionforrosesandgainhands-onexperience inyear-roundcareofperennialshrubs.Dependingonthe season,helpusweed,pruneanddeadheadavarietyofroses tokeepEugene’siconicbotanicalgardenlookingbeautiful. Meetatthegazebowearingweatherappropriateclothesand sturdyshoes.Noexperiencenecessary.Forinformationorto register,contactCaitWisbeskiatcwisbeski@eugene-or.gov.
OwenRoseGarden,300N.JeffersonStreet Ongoing W 9a-12p Free Ongoing F 9a-12p Free
Native Plant Nursery Work Party All ages
JoinusinstewardingnativeplantsinsupportoftheCityof Eugene’smanyurbanrestorationprojects.Thiseffort directlyimproveshabitatandwaterqualityforourcity,as wellasallowsparticipantstoworkamongst�lowers,birds andbutter�lies.Noexperiencenecessary.Formore informationortoregister,contactKelseyIrvineat kirvine@eugene-or.gov.
AltonBakerNativePlantGarden,538DayIslandRoad Ongoing F 1-4p Free
Trashy Tuesdays
Willamette River Cleanups All ages
JoinWillametteRiverkeeperand�loattherivertohelpclean theurbanriverbanks.Reserveaseatinaraftorbringyour ownboat.Personal�lotationdeviceswillbeprovidedwith registrationandarerequiredforallparticipants.Toregisteror forinfoemailMichelleatmichelle@willametteriverkeeper.org orvisitwillamette-riverkeeper.org/event-calendar.
MeetatRiverHouseOutdoorCenter Ongoing 2ndTu 8:30a-12:30p Free


Las investigaciones demuestran que la recreación bene�icia nuestro cuerpo y mente, ya que ayuda a crear nuevas conexiones neuronales, manteniéndonos con una mente alerta y jóvenes. Nuestra misión es ofrecer oportunidades de recreación a todos los residentes de Eugene para mantener mentes alertas y cuerpos fuertes, utilizando nuestras tres piscinas y siete centros comunitarios.
Eugene Rec ofrece una gran variedad de programas y servicios, desde los campamentos para chicos en el Centro Comunitario Petersen Barn hasta excursiones para personas mayores en el Centro Comunitario Campbell. Cualquiera que sea tu interés, tenemos un lugar para ti.
Puedes encontrar más información en español en eugene-or.gov/actividades o llamando al 541-682-6891.
Cómo Inscribirse
Todos los programas y clases de Eugene Rec se pueden ver en línea en español y en más de 120 idiomas adicionales. Para ver lo que ofrecemos para jóvenes, adolescentes, adultos y mayores, visita GetRec.org/register y haz clic en "Select Language" (Selecciona Spanish), mira la esquina inferior derecha de tu pantalla.
• En línea: Si te has inscrito anteriormente con nosotros, asegúrate de tener a mano tu información de inicio de sesión.
¿No sabes si tienes una cuenta? Visita GetRec.org/register (para español clic en “Select Language” en la esquina inferior derecha de la página, selecciona “Spanish”) y has clic en “Login/Crear Cuenta”, luego selecciona “Iniciar sesión con correo electrónico” y clic en “¿Se te olvidó tu contraseña?” Si tienes una cuenta, te llegará a tu correo electrónico la información para poder iniciar sesión.
¿Necesitas crear una cuenta? Visita GetRec.org/register y clic en “Login/Crear Cuenta”, luego selecciona “Crea tu cuenta Eugene Rec”.
• Por teléfono: Para ayudaen inglés llama al centro de recreación que ofrece la actividad o paraespañol llama al 541-682-6891.Ten a manotunúmero de Visa o MasterCard.
• En persona: Visita cualquiera de las sucursales.
Las inscripcionesestán abiertas continuamente, se reciben en orden de llegada, y son para todos sin importar si vive dentro o fuera de la ciudad de Eugene. Inscríbase temprano; muchas clases se llenan rápido. Las clases se pueden cancelar si no hay su�iciente gente inscrita.
Algunos programas de Recreación estarán en la lotería del 10 al 15 de diciembre. Más info: GetRec.org/loteria.
Requisitos Mínimos de Clase
Paracubrirloscostosdelprograma,serequiereunmínimode participantes.Regístresetemprano;lasclasesyactividadesse cancelarán2a5díasantesdelafechadeiniciosinose alcanzaelmínimorequerido.Sisuactividadsecancelapor bajainscripción,selenoti�icaráyseemitiráunreembolso.
Política de Retiro/Reembolso
Lassolicitudesderetiroyreembolsoseledebepedirala instalaciónquehapatrocinandolaactividad.
Losretirosdeactividadesrecreativasestánsujetosaun cargoporretiro.Secobraráunatarifaderetirode$10por cadaregistrodepreciomenoralos$100.Secobraráuna tarifade$25porcadaregistroquecueste$100omás.
Sedaráunreembolsodeltotalpagadomenoslos$10o$25 detarifaderetirocuandoestesehayasolicitadosiete(7+)o másdíasantesdequeempiezalaactividad.
Cuandosesolicitaunreembolsoseis(6)omenosdías antes deldíaquecomienzalaprimerareunióndeactividadouna vezqueunaclaseoactividadhacomenzado,solosedaráun reembolsosi:
•Eldepartamentorequierelacancelacióndelaactividad(en estecasonosecobraráunatarifaderetiro).
Losreembolsosseprorratearánparalasclasesalasqueya hayaasistido.
Noseemitiráreembolsosinosepresentaalaactividad registrada,claseoviaje.Noseotorgaráningúnreembolsode tarifasdelaligaatléticanideviajesquerequierenelpago anticipadodeboletosdereservaotarifasdeadmisión.
Algunasactividadesrequierenunatarifaderegistrono reembolsable.
Seesperaqueestapolíticaseactualiceapartirdel1de enerode2025.Lapolíticaactualizadaestarádisponibleen GetRec.org/politicas.
Acuerdo de Liberación de Responsabilidad
Conlaexcepcióndeviajesespecí�icos,eldepartamentode recreacióndelaciudaddeEugenenoproporcionacobertura deseguromédicoparasusparticipantes.Enconsideraciónsi deseaparticipar,cadaparticipantedebereconocerque existenriesgosinherentesencualquiertipodeactividady
Todas las clases son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.
debeaceptarasumiresosriesgosensupropionombre, liberandoymanteniendoindemnealaCiudad,suso�iciales oagentesdetodaslasreclamacionesporlesionesopérdidas sufridasalestarparticipando.
Unacuerdoadicionaldeliberaciónderesponsabilidad, �irmadoporelparticipanteotutor,puedesernecesariopara participaciónenalgunasactividades.
Lasfotogra�ías,videosyaudiodelosparticipantesenlos programasoserviciosderecreaciónpuedenserutilizados porlaciudaddeEugeneencualquiermedio(porejemplo, publicacionesimpresas,redessociales,etc.)para�ines publicitarios,sincompensaciónnipermiso.
Lainscripcióny/oelpagodecualquierregistroserá consideradounaadmisióndeacuerdoconlostérminos establecidosanteriormente.
Programa de Becas
EugeneRecofreceunnúmerolimitadodebecasindividuales aaquellosquevivenenlaciudaddeEugene.Lassolicitudes estándisponiblesennoviembredecadaañoparaelpróximo año(del1rodeeneroal31dediciembre).
LassolicitudesestándisponiblesenGetRec.org/recbecas oencualquierinstalacióndeEugeneRec.
SideseaobtenermásinformaciónsobrelasbecasdeEugene Recllameal541-682-5654(inglés)o541-682-6891(español).
Recargo paralos que Viven Fuera de la Ciudad
Aquellosquenovivendentrodeloslimitesdelaciudadde Eugenepaganunrecargodel20%porcadaactividadala queseregistrey tambiénporcadaalquiler.Apartirdel 1oct.,alosquenovivenenEugeneselesaplicaráunrecargo del25%eninscripcionesdeactividadesyalquileres.
Permisos de Uso Especial para Programa al Aire Libre
LaciudaddeEugeneoperabajounpermisodeusoespecial emitidoporelServicioForestaldelosEstadosUnidospara losbosquesnacionalesdeDeschutes,Siuslaw,Umpquay Willamette;ybajounPermisoEspecialderecreación otorgadosporlaO�icinadeGestióndeTierrasdelnoroeste deOregonyporeldistritodePrineville.Laciudadde Eugeneproveeserviciosderecreaciónalairelibrecon igualdaddeoportunidades.
Alquiler de Instalaciones de Parques y Recreación
Exploramásde100instalacionesdeParquesy RecreaciónenEugeneparaqueencuentrestunuevo parqueocentrocomunitariofavorito.
Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.
● 1 Centro Amazon
Lu-Vi 9a-5p Bus:#28,73
ElCentroComunitarioAmazonofreceunavariedadde oportunidadesparachicos,adultos,familiasymayoresde edad,incluyendoclasesdearteycerámicaparalafamilia, excursionesdeundía,campamentosdeverano,clasesde acondicionamiento�ísicoparamantenersesaludable, conciertosalairelibreyotrosprogramasparaseguir aprendiendodurantetodalavida.
● 2 Piscina Amazon
Horario:Llama Bus:#28,73
Abiertadesdemayohastaoctubre,laPiscinaAmazonesun áreagrandealairelibrequecuentacontrespiscinas,dos toboganesdeagua,untrampolínparaclavados,jacuzzi, arenero,concesionesymuchoscarrilesparanadolibre.La piscinaofrecehorariosespecí�icosparalarecreación,natación familiaryelusodecarrilestambiénofrececlasesdenatación.
● 3 Centro Campbell
Lu 8:30a-7p Bus:#1,66,67
Ma-Vi 8:30a-4:30p
ElCentroComunitarioCampbellofrececlases,actividades, gruposdesocializaciónsemanales,excursionesygruposde apoyoparaadultos.Cuentaconuntallerdecarpintería totalmenteequipadoyesunpuntodepartidaperfectopara salirdepaseousandoelSistemadeSenderosdeRuth BascomRiverbank.
● 4 Piscina y Gimnasio Echo Hollow
Horario:Llama Bus:#40
LaPiscinaEchoHollowcuentaconunapiscinacubiertade25 yardas,unapiscinaalairelibrede25metrosyunapiscinade actividadesconmuchoespacioquetieneunjacuzzi,baloncesto acuático,juegosdeaguayuntobogándeagua.Lapiscinaofrece horariosespecí�icosparalarecreación,nataciónfamiliaryel usodecarrilesparanadolibretambiénofrececlasesdenatación ydeacondicionamiento�ísicoenelagua.Tieneungimnasio queincluyetantoequipocardiovascularcomopesas.
● 5 Graham Field House
GrahamFieldHousealberganuestrosprogramasdeAtletismo yEmpoderamientoJuvenil.Atletismoofreceligasdeportivas recreativasycompetitivasparaadultos,mientrasque EmpoderamientoJuveniltrabajaconsocioscomunitarios parabrindaractividadesdeenriquecimientoparajóvenes.
● 6 Centro Hilyard
Lu-Vi 9a-5:30p Bus:#28,73
ElCentroComunitarioHilyardeslasededeRecreación Adaptada,yofreceprogramasrecreativos,educativosy socialesdurantetodoelañoparapequeños,adolescentesy adultoscondiscapacidades.Lainstalación,totalmente accesible,estátambiéndisponibleparatodoelmundo.
● 7 Cabaña Lamb
Horario:Llama Bus:#1,66,67
LaCabañaLambseencuentraenmediodelParqueSkinner Butteytienevistaalrío,ofreciendounespacioíntimopara bodas,reunionesyencuentros.Incluyeunacocinayunpatio.
● 8 Centro Petersen Barn
Lu-Vi 9a-5p Bus:#40
ElCentroComunitarioPetersenBarnofreceprogramaspara preescolaresyclasesparapequeños,adolescentesyadultos. Lapropiedadincluyeunáreadejuegos,camposdeportivosy unsenderoparabicicletas.
● 9 Centro River House
may-ago Lu-Vi 10a-4:30p sep-abr Lu-Vi 10a-2p Bus:#40,52
ElCentrodeActividadesalAireLibreRiverHouseofrece unagrancantidaddeactividadesalairelibre,incluyendo senderismo,ciclismo,escaladaenroca,esquí,patinajeen monopatín,navegaciónymuchomás.
● 10 Centro Sheldon
Lu-Vi 9a-5p Bus:#66y67
ElCentroComunitarioSheldonofreceunagranvariedadde oportunidadesparachicos,adultos,familiasymayoresde edad,incluyendoclasesdesaludyacondicionamiento�ísico, excursiones,clasesdearte,clasesdebaile,aprendizaje temprano,campamentosdeveranoyprogramas extracurriculardespuésdelaescuelaparagradosK-5.
● 11 Piscina y Gimnasio Sheldon
Horario:Llama Bus:#66y67
LaPiscinaSheldoncuentacontrespiscinascubiertas, incluyendounade25yardas,unapiscinaprofundaquese usaparaaeróbicosacuáticosdepocoimpactoyunapiscina nuevadeaguatibia.Lapiscinaofrecehorariosespecí�icos paralarecreación,nataciónfamiliar,nataciónparabebésy usodecarrilesparanadolibre,ademásdeclasesdenatación ydeacondicionamiento�ísicoenelagua.Elgimnasioincluye tantoequipocardiovascularcomopesas.
● 12 Shelton-McMurphey-Johnson House
303 Willamette St.
Ma-Vi10a-1p Bus: #1
Sa-Do 1-4p
La Casa Shelton McMurphey Johnson es una casa victoriana de 7,000 pies cuadrados, propiedad de la Ciudad de Eugene y operada como un museo que muestra la vida de los años 30.
● 13 Curso de Cuerdas en Spencer Butte
Desde Willamette St., al sur de la Ave. 50
Debido a los daños de la tormenta de hielo de enero 2024, el Curso de Cuerdas de Spencer Butte está cerrado inde�inidamente. No se están aceptando reservas. Para ser añadido a la lista de interés, escribe a dchilders@eugene-or.gov.
● 14 Centro del Parque Washington
2025 Washington St.
Horario: Llama Bus: #36
El Centro Comunitario del Parque Washington es el núcleo de algunos de los Programas de Empoderamiento Juvenil de Eugene Rec, incluyendo Resolve.
● 15 Granja Wayne Morse
585 Crest Drive Bus: #24
La Granja Familiar Wayne Morse es una casa histórica disponible en alquiler para reuniones, bodas, reuniones familiares y otros eventos especiales. También está disponible para su alquiler el prado de al lado y un área de picnic con acceso limitado a la cocina.
● 16 Parque de Patinaje WJ + Urban Plaza
Entre Washington Street y Jefferson Street en First Avenue, debajo del puente I-105 6a-1a diario Bus: EmX
El Parque de Patinaje WJ es el parque de patinaje cubierto e iluminado más grande del país, diseñado pensando en usuarios tanto principiantes como expertos. El parque puede ser alquilado para eventos y competiciones.
Campos de Deportes
Contáctanos para usar los campos deportivos al aire libre y los campos de césped arti�icial que comparten el distrito escolar y la ciudad de Eugene.
LosprogramasadaptadosRecestándiseñadosparapersonas condiscapacidadesapartirdelos14añosenadelante,anoser queseindiquedeotramanera.Lasclasesylasactividadesestán estructuradasparadistintosnivelesdecapacidad.Losprogramas adaptadosdeRecnecesitaninscripción.Antesdeasistir,sedebe llenarunformulariodeinformación.Lastarifasnoincluyenel costodelascomidasyadmisión,anoserqueseindiquedeotra manera.Paramásinformación,llamaal541-682-6891.
¿Tienes Preguntas?
Losnuevosparticipantesdebenllamarantesdeinscribirsealos programas.Elpersonalestádisponibleparahablarsobrelos recursosylasactividadesrecreativas.Tambiénestándisponibles losEspecialistasCerti�icadosenRecreaciónTerapéuticapara responderapreguntassobrelasactividadesadecuadasparati,para unmiembrodetufamiliaoparaunapersonabajotucuidado.
Haremoselesfuerzoparaacomodaracadapersonade manerarazonable.Sinembargo,silaconductadeuna personapresentapeligrooriesgo�ísicodelastimarseasí mismaoalosdemás,lopodríamosretirardelosprogramas. LosTrabajadoresdeApoyoPersonalpuedenasistiralos programas.Estostrabajadoresdebeninscribirsealos programas.Inscribirte,llamandoal541-682-6891.
Acceso y Equidad
LaDivisióndeRecreacióndelaCiudaddeEugeneseesfuerza porofreceroportunidadesacogedorasparatodos.EugeneRec secomprometeaasegurarquesusprogramasseanaccesiblese inclusivosparatodaslaspersonas,sinimportarsuedad,discapacidad,identidaddegénero,estatusmigratorio,origennacional, raza,religión,orientaciónsexualosituaciónsocioeconómica.
LaciudaddeEugenesecomprometeaapoyar“theAmericans withDisabilitiesAct”(LeydeEstadunidensescon Discapacidades)yproporcionarálasmodi�icacionesnecesarias paraquetodospuedanparticiparenlosprogramasdeEugene Rec.Lossiguientesserviciosestándisponiblesconaviso previo.Algunassolicitudespuedentardarhastadossemanas.
Las impresiones de letra grande y grabaciones digitales estándisponiblesconavisoprevio.Unavezquesehaceel pedido,podemosofrecercincoomenoscopiasdeletragrande.
Los autobuses accesibles con elevador para silla de ruedas estándisponiblesparalasactividadesqueofrecen
Servicios Inclusivos
ElpersonaldeRecdeEugenesecomprometeahacertodoslos esfuerzosrazonablesparaasegurarquetodassusinstalaciones, programasyserviciosseanaccesiblesyquetodapersonapueda utilizarlos.Laspersonascondiscapacidadespuedenparticiparen cualquieradelosprogramasdeRecreacióndelaCiudadde Eugenesicumplenlosrequisitosdeedad,prerrequisitos,etc.
Sisenecesitaapoyoadicionalparaunaparticipaciónexitosa enlosprogramasdeRecreacióndeEugene,elpersonal utilizaelprocesodeServiciosInclusivosparadeterminar modi�icacionesalosprogramasy/oalosplanesdeapoyo individualquemejorseadaptenalosparticipantes.
ParainiciarelprocesodeServiciosInclusivos,favordehacer tusolicitudalinscribirteenpersonaoporteléfonoconpor lomenosdossemanasdeanticipación.
Paramásinformacióny/ositienespreguntassobrelos ServiciosInclusivos,favorllamaral541-682-6891oescribe arecadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
¿Eresbilingüeeninglésyespañol?¿Estásbuscandouna oportunidaddivertidaeinteresantedehacervoluntariado?Tu entusiasmo,participaciónyapoyoalosparticipantesesesencial paramantenerlacalidaddelosServiciosdeRecreación Adaptados.Nosenecesitaexperienciaprevia,yaquese proporcionacapacitaciónyeducaciónatodoslosvoluntarios.Si túotugrupoestáninteresadosenhacervoluntariadodurante cualquiercantidaddetiempo,favorllamaal541-682-6891o escribearecadaptive@eugene-or.gov.
transporteenautobús.Porfavorhagasusolicitudal registrarseyaquelademandadeusoesmuyalta.Elautobús sereservaporordendellegada.
Secciones en braille de publicaciones grandes (comopor ejemploestaseccióndelaGuíadeRecreación)lapodemos tenerdisponibleconavisoprevio.
Tenemos lectores disponiblesporteléfonooenpersona.Un miembrodelpersonalleleerácualquiersecciónesde cualquierpublicaciónsolicitada.
Tenemos intérpretes de lenguaje de señas disponiblepara clasesopresentacionessisepideconavisopreaviso.
El equipo de asistencia auditiva estádisponiblepara clases,eventosypresentacionesculturalesconavisoprevio.
Tecnología adaptada en la biblioteca: Monitoresde27 pulgadas,tecladoconletrasgrandes,mesasypantallas ajustables,programasdecomputaciónqueagrandanlas letras,JAWS(lectorcomputarizado)yunaimpresoraBraille.
Sitienemáspreguntas,llameaRecreaciónAdaptadaal 541-682-6891(español)o541-682-5311(TTY)(inglés).
Para inscribirse llame 541-682-6891.
Preescolar de Amazon 3-5 años
ElPreescolardeAmazonofreceunentornoeducativo participativo,dondesetrabajadirectamenteconlosniñosa travésdejuegosdirigidosporellosmismosyproyectosgrupales lideradospormaestrosquefomentanlaindependenciamientras nutreneldesarrollosocial,emocionalylacreatividadenlos niños.Seenfocaenelaprendizajeexperiencialyautodirigido, conénfasisendesarrollarhabilidadessociales.Losniños participanenactividadesdearteycienciaquefortalecenla destrezaylacoordinación,mientrassedivierten.
CentroAmazon 9a-12p,Lu-Ju
Jornada Informativa para Estudiantes Potenciales 2025-26
ExploraelCentroComunitarioAmazonyvisitaambossalones delPreescolarAmazonparaversiesadecuadoparatufamilia. Lainscripciónparaelañoescolar2025-26comienzaenprimavera.
7mar Vi 9a-12p Gratis Sincita
Preescolar de Petersen Barn 3-5 años
Atravésdeljuego,losniñostienenexperienciaconla cooperación,elriesgoylacreatividad,ademásdeobservarlas leyesyestructurasdesumundo.Ennuestropequeñopreescolar,

nosenfocamosenelaprendizajebasadoenlaexploraciónyel juegoutilizandotemassemanalesparaestructurarelplande estudioseinteractuarconnuestrosentornos.
CentroPetersenBarn 9a-12p,LuMiVioMaJu
de Sheldon 3-5 años
Creamosunplandeestudiosapropiadosegúnlosintereses emergentesdelosniños.Integramosellenguaje,la alfabetizaciónylasmatemáticasentodoloquehacemos durantetodoeldíamientrasexploramosconarte,ciencia, sensorial,músicaymovimiento.
CentroSheldon 9a-12p,LuMiViy/oMaJu,o1-4pMaMiJu

Horarios e Información
Los horarios de las piscinas, incluyendo las horas de servicio y los cierres, se actualizan regularmente en GetRec.org/pools. En esa página, encontrarás un pequeño menú desplegable en la esquina inferior derecha de tu pantalla que dice “Select Language”. Ahí podrás elegir el idioma que pre�ieras; para español, selecciona “Spanish”.
para Bebés 0-2 años con adulto
Los niños menores de 3 años y sus adultos pueden disfrutar juntos de la piscina de agua termal. Los adultos deben meterse al agua con sus hijos. El precio de entrada no está incluido en la inscripción. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.
Natación en Familia Todas las edades
Los peques deben estar dentro del agua acompañados de un adulto. La entrada no está incluida en la inscripción de la clase. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.
Nado Recreativo Todas las edades
Horarios de recreación y natación abiertos para todas las edades. Los niños que midan menos de 4 pies deben estar acompañados por un adulto de 18 años o mayor (un adulto por niño) o ser capaces de pasar una prueba de natación. La capacidad de Mini-Rec será limitada y algunos espacios podrán no estar disponibles. La entrada no está incluida en la inscripción de la clase. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.
Libre 13+ años
Sin importar cual sea tu nivel, ¡tenemos un carril para ti! Hay carriles disponibles para nadadores lentos, medios y rápidos.

Costo de Piscina
Todas las entradas requieren una tarifa de admisión para 3+ años. Menores de 2 años gratis con adulto pago. Pases cuestan 25% sin domicilio en Eugene. *Cargos adicionales para más de 5 personas.
Política de pañales para nadar: Todas las instalaciones de natación de la ciudad de Eugene requieren pañales de natación con elásticos alrededor de las piernas y la cintura para aquellos que no saben usar el baño.
Todas las clases son en inglés.
Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.
Los niños de 12 años o menos deben estar acompañados de un adulto y deben estar nadando en el carril.
Entrenamiento Individual 13+ años
Espacio en la piscina para nadar o hacer ejercicio solo.
Nuestros gimnasios ofrecen equipos cardiovasculares, como máquinas de correr y escaladoras, y también tenemos pesas para trabajar grupos de músculos especí�icos.
Para poder usar los centros de ejercicio primero debe tener una orientación, si usted ha utilizado nuestro centro anteriormente el formulario de consentimiento �irmado por usted debe estar en los archivos. Si usted nunca ha utilizado la instalación, tiene que �irmar el formulario de consentimiento. Abierto para adultos de 18 años o más.
• Los jóvenes de 16 a 17 años deben tener en archivo un formulario de consentimiento �irmado por un tutor.
• Los jóvenes de 13 a 15 años deben tener en archivo un formulario de consentimiento �irmado por un tutor y deben tener un adulto presente.
• Los jóvenes de 12 años o menos no pueden usar el gimnasio.
Tenemos spas en las tres ubicaciones de las piscinas.
Lecciones de Natación
LaspiscinasdelaCiudaddeEugeneofrecenclasesde natacióndel Star�ish Aquatics Institute,unaagenciade capacitaciónycerti�icacióndeseguridadenelagua reconocidainternacionalmente,consedeenlosEstados Unidosyprogramasdisponiblesentodosloscontinentes. LoscursosEstrellitasBebésyEstrellitasPequesintroducen abebésyniñospequeñosalaguaenunambientedivertidoy amoroso.LaEscueladeNatacióndesarrollaunabasede habilidadesdenataciónyseguridadconunenfoqueenla autoconservación.LaEscueladeEstilosmejoralatécnicay laresistenciaennatación.
Registrarseesfácil:soloeligesegúnlaedaddetuhijoylos díasyhorariosquemejorteconvengan.
ParalaEscueladeNataciónylaEscueladeEstilos,enla primerasesiónelpersonalevaluaráyasignaráalos estudiantesalaclaseadecuada(blanco,rojo,amarillo,azulo verde,vermásabajo).
Todosnuestrosinstructoresestáncerti�icadosylistospara ayudaratuhijoaalcanzarsusmetasdenatación.Sitienes preguntallamaal541-682-5333.Paramásdetalles,visita eugene-or.gov/piscinas.
Estrellitas Bebés 6-18
EstrellitasBebésenseñahabilidadesdeseguridady supervivenciaenelaguaalosadultosacompañantes, fomentandounaprendizajepositivoyamorosoparaelniño. Elobjetivoescapacitaralospadresocuidadorescon métodosquelospreparenyayudenaformarhábitosde seguridadenelagua,loscualesseconvertiránen habilidadesdeautoconservaciónynatacióncuandoelniño estélistoensudesarrollo.Losbebésdebenusarpañalesde nataciónreutilizablesconajusteelástico, ver página 112
Estrellitas Peques 18-36
EstrellitasPequesfortalecelacon�ianzadeladulto acompañantedelniñoalenfocarseenhabilidadesde seguridadysupervivenciaenelagua.Elobjetivoescapacitar alospadresocuidadoresconmétodosquelosprepareny ayudenaformarhábitosdeseguridadenelagua,loscuales setransformaránenhabilidadesdeautoconservacióny natacióncuandoelniñoestélistoensudesarrollo.Losbebés debenusarpañalesdenataciónreutilizablesconajuste elástico, ver página 112.

Escuela de Natación 3-13 años
LoscursosdeEscueladeNataciónsecentranenhabilidades básicasparadesarrollarlae�icienciaylaseguridadenla natación.
• Blanco:Preparaciónparaelagua
• Rojo:Posicióncorporaleintercambiodeaire
• Amarillo:Movimientohaciaadelanteycambiodedirección
• Azul:Estilosbásicosyrespiraciónlateral
• Verde:Habilidadesenelagua
Escuela de Estilos 3-13 años
LoscursosdeEscueladeEstilossonparanadadoresque estándesarrollandotécnicasefectivasyresistencia.
• Blanco:Estilolibreyespalda
• Rojo:Espaldaelementalyestilodelado
• Amarillo:Mariposa
• Azul:Pecho
• Verde:Resistencia/Condición�ísica
Natación para Adolescentes 14-17 años
Estaclaseestádiseñadaparaestudiantesadolescentesde todoslosniveles.Teenseñaremossegúntunivel,noimporta sieresprincipiantesinexperienciaosibuscasperfeccionar tushabilidades.Nohayprerequisitos.
Natación para Adultos 18+ años
Estaclaseestádiseñadaparaestudiantesadultosdetodos losniveles.Teenseñaremossegúntunivel,noimportasi eresprincipiantesinexperienciaosibuscasperfeccionartus habilidades.Nohayprerequisitos.
Clases Privadas/Semi-Privadas 3+ años
Lasclasesprivadasunoaunoofrecenatenciónindividualizada paralosnadadores.Paraobtenerinformaciónsobrelas opcionesdeclasessemiprivadas,llamaal541-682-5333 (inglés)oal541-682-6891(español).