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Martial Arts
Grandmaster Connelly is Evanston’s most experienced Taekwondo martial arts professional. The Grandmaster’s classes are fun, safe, age appropriate and a rewarding experience on many levels. For over 25 years, his Levy Senior Center programs have had success in teaching and motivating kids to keep growing stronger in body, mind, and spirit–to become Black Belt Leaders. Classes are available for beginning, intermediate and advanced students. No class on Nov. 24 & 27. Program information (not registration): Grandmaster Connelly at 847-568-0912; Connellysacademy.com. Instructor: Grandmaster Connelly
Tiger Cubs
Designed to be engaging and fun, this class will bring out the best in your child. Students develop focus, agility and strength in this safe, non-competitive and non-combative class. The traditional values of Taekwondo are coupled with modern, age-appropriate games and activities. Classes are inclusive and fun for all kids. Location: Levy Senior Center Age: 4-6 yrs. Fee, 7 sessions: $95 R/$119 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
532303A1 Sept 13-Oct 25 M 5:15-6pm 532303B1 Sept 8-Oct 20 W 5:15-6pm 532303C1 Nov 1-Dec 13 M 5:15-6pm 532303D1 Oct 27-Dec 15 W 5:15-6pm
Young Tigers
This is a fun and exciting, non-competitive class in which your child will progress in the martial arts, develop leadership skills and challenge students to be their personal best. Building competence and confidence, your child will grow stronger in mind body and spirit. Location: Levy Senior Center Age: 7-12 yrs. Fee, 7 sessions: $95 R/$119 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
532310A1 Sept 13-Oct 25 M 6-7pm 532310B1 Nov 1-Dec 13 M 6-7pm
Intermediate Youth
This class is designed to provide an encouraging and challenging training opportunity for youth who are ranked at Green through Blue belt. This class emphasizes leadership as well as the patterns and techniques specific to each student’s needs. No class on Nov. 25. Location: Levy Senior Center Age: 4-18 yrs. Fee, 7 sessions: $95 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
532311A1 Sept 8-Oct 20 W 6-7pm 532311B1 Oct 27-Dec 15 W 6-7pm
Advanced Youth
The class challenges youth students ranked at Red Stripe and higher to take their training to the next level. Emphasizing rank appropriate patterns, techniques and leadership, students will be prepared for advancement, both physically and mentally. Location: Levy Senior Center Age: 4-18 yrs. Fee, 7 sessions: $95 R/$119 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
532312A1 Sept 8-Oct 20 W 7-8pm 532312B1 Oct 27-Dec 15 W 7-8pm
Advanced Teens and Adults
This class is designed to provide a challenging training opportunity to teens and adults who are ranked at Black Stripe or higher. Location: Levy Senior Center Age: 13 yrs. and up Fee, 7 sessions: $123 R/$154 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
533303A1 Sept 13-Oct 25 M 7-8:30pm 533303B1 Nov 1-Dec 13 M 7-8:30pm
Advanced Students - Red Stripe Belts +
This class is designed to provide a challenging Taekwon do training opportunity to students who are ranked at Red Stripe or higher. The health and safety of our students is our top priority. No class Nov. 27. Location: Chandler Newberger Community Center Age: 4 yrs. and up Fee, 7 sessions: $123 R/$138 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
532313A1 Sept 11- Oct 23 Sa 8:30-10am 532313B1 Oct 30- Dec 18 Sa 8:30-10am
All Levels Teens and Adults
The class provides a safe and non-competitive environment for full-body workout, self-defense training and stress relief. This program includes non-contact sparring. Location: Levy Senior Center Age: 18 yrs. and up Fee, 7 sessions: $95 R/$119 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
534359A1 Sept 8-Oct 20 W 7-8pm 534359B1 Oct 27-Dec 15 W 7-8pm
All Belt Levels
From beginning to senior belts, this class offers all students of all ages an opportunity to train with Grandmaster Connelly and his experienced instructor team. This class is exciting and fun, providing opportunities to grow in body, mind, and spirit. The health and safety of our students is our top priority. No class Nov 27. Location: Chandler Newberger Community Center Age: 4 yrs. and up Fee, 7 sessions: $95 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
532314A1 Sept 11- Oct 23 Sa 10-11am 532314B1 Oct 30- Dec 18 Sa 10-11am
Kumdo is the system of swordsmanship created centuries ago by Korea’s elite Musulin warriors. The class is a formal study of sword combat skills, building mental and physical strength, while developing appreciation for the history and traditions of the culture. No class Nov. 27. Location: Chandler Newberger Community Center Age: 7 yrs. and up Fee, 7 sessions: $95 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
532315A1 Sept 11- Oct 23 Sa 11am-12pm 532315B1 Oct 30- Dec 18 Sa 11am-12pm
This class runs concurrently with the Beginning Level. It is extended 30 minutes for more advanced activities, Students must have previous Kumdo experience. No class Nov. 27. Location: Chandler Newberger Community Center Age: 7 yrs. and up Fee, 7 sessions: $123 R/$138 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
532316A1 Sept 11- Oct 23 Sa 11am-12:30pm 532316B1 Oct 30- Dec 18 Sa 11am-12:30pm
Hapkido is the most eclectic of all the Korean martial arts and the original “mixed martial art” with over 3000 techniques. Hapkido contains both long and close range fighting techniques emphasizing circular motion, non-resisting movements, and control of the opponent. Practitioners seek to gain advantage through footwork and body positioning to employ leverage, avoiding the use of strength against strength. Location: Levy Senior Center Age: 17 yrs. and up Fee, 8 sessions: $120 R/$150 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
533357A1 Sept 7- Oct 26 Tu 7-8:30pm 533357B1 Nov 2- Dec 21 Tu 7-8:30pm
Participants will learn self- defense in a healthy lifestyle through focus, stillness, muscle strength, stamina and flexibility. Sensei Thomas has competed in many tournaments and fought on Chicago’s Midwest Circuit. He is now sharing his skills and experiences. Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center Age: 1 yrs. and up Fee, 8 sessions: $75 R/$93 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
433811A1 Sept 11- Oct 30 Tu 10am-11:30am
Krav Maga is a dynamic self-defense system with a focus on real-world self-protection and fitness. The curriculum includes striking and kicking techniques and grappling skills. No class Nov. 25. Location: Levy Senior Center Age: 17 yrs. and up Fee, 7 sessions: $105 R/$132 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
533358A1 Sept 9- Oct 21 Th 6-7pm 533358B1 Oct 28- Dec 16 Th 6-7pm