@JD 01 ° ----- -----' 0 ID O[g DW4r ~ruinr Qlla:nn of ~. i!;. ~. 1922 DEhition ®nr
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1'lt le pn~e • • • ..f . . . . ....... . (, h . . . . . .... 10 ~chool I lOU'-e l>edlcatlon •... Faculty Annual 1:nl'EAnnunl Stall S,•n1or I~tchln:.: ~enlor Hh,to1) .•....•....... 11 ... •..•.. 1 ~, , or l 'ict ures ..... •............ 13 . . . . .. :,-j n ior Pictures ~enior Picturt>s ::,;t:n or Pict urt.'s ~el'lor Pictures !:)C'nlo1 P1·ophcC) St•nior Pro1,hec:v ~t nior Prophec,· J11r11or Jo:tchln~ . . . . . . . 1 t 1 :, • •• 1G . . .. . . . ...... . •I u11iu1 Hi:-tor ) 1un101· Pktures Junior l'icture s Junior I'il-lun•~ ... Junior P k turcs Sophornon• 10:tdnn~ ::,;ophon1or1; H 1st or) Sophon1ort- Pict un~ :--napshuts Fn·shn1en Frcshm,·n l ~t cluni-: Ii 1st or) . . 17 • . • 1 t •t ~u •• 1 . . . . . .... ... .•. 23 ··• • - I 30 ...... 31 Snapshots . . ... 3 l ,\lunu11 Etcluni; . . ·i1) .,\ lunu11 Xarnl•:-,; .......... • • • 31) ,\lurnn1 X 1..-l Illl•:-,: ...3, \ IUIIIIII ~11n1t•s . .. 3~ OContrnts Athletic Etch In~ • • •............ ::~ Foothnll Picture ancl '\\'rite t·p ....•..... -to Football Picture and '\Vrltt> Up ......•.. •. 41 Boys• Basketball \Yrite l'p -l:! Girl s ' Basketball \Vrite l"p. 4,t Bn~eb:dl an1l Track -l 1 Tcnni~ • • •. • • · · · . .i:; "G'" Cluh Pictur" and '\\'rite \'p u; ,\thletic C'ou11c1l an<l \\'rtlt: Up 47 ~lnroon and \\ hite Staff \Y,·itl' l'p -ts Cnmpfirc G rls' \\'rite Up.. 1 11 J~ H . C. Scc1et y Et<'hlng r I nl c-.: . na n cel' Jun io r I 'ron1 •• 5() .• ;; 1 5:! 53 ; t Sophotnore ~lasquerade nncl Cut. Sna p~huts Art anrl ~Jusic I•:tch111~ :\1 usic \\'rite l'p t "la t.:::S f >J, t \ ••• .. ' 5S - ·~ f.., Snapshot,.: ~napshots Calcndn1 C'ale11<lnr . . Feature P.t:.:c .J ol,e Etcl11ng Jokes . Jukt•S J ok t>:. ........ . . . . . . . . . ..... . ........ J ~Jkl)S • . . . • • • • Yours Trul y" EtchingAtlvert ISClllt'll ts . "E11t1•· l<~tchlng ..•..... Jill • • h I tJ:! ,· . ) .. ti ti I tj"( •~' ti •1 71 to ,1 !,._
[ab le of
IF o r r 111 n 1·
LV CE 111>011 a ti111 e a v ision c ar11 e iri to tl1 e 111i11ds o f a S e 11ior C la ss It w a s a f t e r t/1i s n1at 111 e r - that a11 A n1i1 tal sho1,ld c o,11 e to pass a f t e r n1a1z y days. Th ey f)oiid e r e d t/1 e v isio1'1 ir1 tlz e ir nzir1tls -( a n d po c k e tbooks )-a11d s1t c l1 a /10/d did i t g airz 11por1 t/1e 111 t hat t/1 ey r e sol ve d to f or• s ak e all tlie ir f ri e n[l s a1id w orldly w e alth a11d f ollo w t/1e v i s io11.
Thro zt g h hardships, p e rils, a1id nzom e rzts o f 1tn ce rtaint y did it l e ad tl1 e 1n; b1rt all zt11da1trzt e d tl1 ey f ollo we d th e v isio11. T/1 e n lo! a f t er n1at1 y da y s th ey d rew 11 e ar to t/1 e v isio11 and fo1,nd f J1at tl1 e ir e fforts we r e r ew ard e d b y tJ1 e g ift o f ar1 A n111tal to th ei r we ll b e lo ve d Hi g /1 S c hool.
Th e ·e 11ior C las s o f Gold e 1'1 Hi g /1 Sc /100! pr ese rzt s t/1is, th e ir A nnztal f or tl1 e e 'f1f e rtainn1 e nt and e 1z j o y1n e r1t of thos e w h o 111ay c han ce to r e ad it. W e ask that y o 1, look ttP01 1 i ts fa ztlts w ith kind11 e ss a11d its 11z e rits w ith pl e as1tr e To t/1os e w ho ha ve h e lp e d to mak e th is 411111,al possibl e , we e J.:f e nd oitr g r e at appr ec iation.
I' a_<JC F, rr.
#0 • s·- · · · ,, ,, , • · l _, F.J>e1 ge S1 .1
T<> \(IS"- \I\H\ I' \I>.\\I::-. TO \\IJOSI• \\ISi• SPO'\::-.OH"'IllP .\'\T> :--\\IP\1ffl•:Tt<'
I d 11>\'\f r: \\T•: O\\E i'\ LAHC,E \IE.\:--l HE TlJE "'l<(E~S .\'\T) .TO\ <>1-' Ol H .._J,;'\ !OH Yl:_\H, \\ F, Till < J \"'s Of.' Hl2~. <,H.\TJ•; • l'l J,J,\ ))J:J)J( \Tl. Tll rs "(,{)I.I) PA_:\:" •
J>a ft ,',f I f JI
f'- Downing MATrEMATICS
Miss Adams ENGLISH
l ',1111 J, 1,1l1t
Miss Nyquist LANGUAGE.S
MR Fitch SUPT.
Mn Jotns
W. Tovrea SclENGE
Miss Edbacher HIST~Y
C ,., r c::= --C:::----;::::-=--::.=------"'=----:----- .-r.:: '-· - ~ - -•
' / '111/( T, II •
I I I , I I / / /( ' , I ( ' 1 \ j I ' I I f: I I' \ • I \II I J>a r/t' RI,,., 11
Qllusa of 1922 Sponsor
)1 \(. K St RP&<..~. }>re:-.icl(•llt ('r.\Rl~CI Ko<'H. \'1ee J>rc•,1clPnt
l'u, plr a11<l (Joh/
\' e-.. ho\\· full of happi11rss , Jlo\\ full of clrt"'a1n, ha \'t• hc•eu our cla) s at <:ol<l('ll lliid1 '. J) rea111ing: for four ) t"'ar" of that cla) \\ht>n \\e should leave <:oldc•11, but little r(•,il1z1ng- ho\\ llllll'h sorro\\· \\ ·onl<l he nungl etl "·1th the joy of h,1vi11g 1•on1plPt<·<l 01\l' ta,k F'our long y<'ars-l•onlcl \\{' hut ha,e four st·orc• n1orP likP thc•111 '. ()11!' .JI011day 111 01·11111g: fou1 St>ptP1uht•r::-. a~o. fift) -four girls anrl Lnys-\\ l' \\ottl<l 110\\· l·all tlt('lll "little· tots" hurri(•cl ti1nicll) up thf' str ps to the High St·hool, µ-azc>d n1ut<'I., about at tlu• attral'tions. ancl then \\t""re tol<l b) 01ne hau~ht., Sc•11101 to stt>p into the> au<l1toriu 1n l~reathlrssl) they did so, fearing souu• dtr(• punish1111·11t if thP) should rc•fn,<' to oht>) l1reathl e ly also, they h<'aJ·<l thc•ir nanH•s (•.-lll<'cl a11cl ,, ere• c•o11<hH·tr<l to thr1r \'ar1ous classes.
'l'in1c fi1p-. a11cl thr) ,,·<'t'<' 0011 aequa111tPcl \\ 1th thr1r clatly routine. On t hi• 1•lc•\'c•11th da, of :--.:o, <'tllh<'r, that g-lor1ous clay ,, hc>11 thl' Gt•r1nans held np their hand.., and ,ltnnte<l. KanH•rad' ,, <' r<".l<>h•c•d \\ ith thr \\ orlcl. 1'h1s bring to 1uiucl. too. that far f,un«:>1l 1nthtt•11za l<'or sonH• this 111eant Stl•kness, hut for oth1•rs a pl1•a'-allt tru "1•t>k \ ,·,H·at1011
.. \f t<'r an p)pc•tio11 d<•YoHl of 1nnl·h t•x1·iten1t•nt ,,<> luHl onr 61st clas 1ueeting.
'l'h<'ll th<'r1• ,, <'l'<' tlH· clan1•t•s of the• Y,ll'to\ls clas..,e-., hut particularly that first l•' r rsh nu111 part) < 'oulcl ,, t' l't>c·o~n1zt• oursel,·t1, no\\ 111 tho'-t' t11nicl, eager F11•sl1111e11 ·>
Soon \\ l' 1•oulcl ,·arr) our heacls <'l'<'c•t, kno\\ IBg' that no longer t.'Onld the st•• 1·11fnl <'JHtlH•I of" bl' apphrcl to us. \\''r \\C're Rophon1ores' ''""e ha<l lPa1·11t>1l that at a g-1Y<.>11 point on a lint"', onl> ont> perprndicular can he c•1·<•1·trd to thP line• that · ~\ll ({aul \\as <l1vidrd into three parts"; that ~\u~ustns ('aesar \\ct'- son1t>th 111g- 111or<' than a stattH' 111 thr front hall.
\\' c> shall Ill'\ 1•r forg<•t t ht> <la) )Ir. Snnons lc>ft, and our goocl friend and 1<'ctc•hPr, )fr r~itc•h, took up thf' lraclr1...,hip of (~olden I I 1gh.
Pc>rhap ..., on r 1nost c,c•1t1nf! year ,vas onr .J un1or ) t>'lr Kno" led~e fron1 book-; \\'as not al I that \\ e lrarned :\Ian) good tin1e~. too nun1erons to n1ent1011, "ill al,Ya)-.. testif., to thP spirit of fr1t>nclh11e<.;s an<l happine s that has 111aH1f<'st<'<l 1tsrl f 1n our l·lass.
:"\o\\ th<> spr111f! of 1!)22 has c•onH'. \\'e ha\'e reac·hc•d our goal and the l'tHl of our ,, ork clra" s near. ()nr last offi<'ers have been ele<'tecl, and our la t so<•1cds g-1,·1•11. ()ur h<>acls \\ e tar1-,, lugh, lint \\'H) do\\·n in our hearts \YC' feel a pang of sor ro,, '"'e n1u"t soon leavt> the sl'hool that \\'t> love. l{no,Ying that 1t is for the last tnne, \\ P \\' ork our 1nath . \\'1th Just a httle 1nore care; trauslatc~ our lang-nag-<'s ,, ith just a little n101't> patience. yrs, \\ e even feel just a l1ttl<• u1or<' c•on:-;icleration for our tc>achers. E1ner son aicl, "Goel' greate t ~1ft. 1s a tratht>r · · 'rhe rlass of '22 kuo,Ys this, and pays tribute to those ,vho hav<' taug-ht thrn1.
1'<1tfr T 11•c1 ,·c
\I.\HY \I \RI(FY
sRI-:1,..FRE"\( E"- !'lass Tr<>as. :{; <las, St>l' y I; <il<>P <l11b 1, :!, :~. -l; B. 11. <' .!, -l, Ba-.,kt>tb,111 :1, Bast>hall ;i; T1t>a-... (,irl-., • .\thll•ti,• \-.,01•int1011 -l, n <'!uh :l, -l: r•.11upfirt• <,111-, Hohhl•1l Hall "E\'EXTl \LL\, "lTY "\OT '\ ()\\ · ·: ~a,<' halt th<• t111H• it tnkl•s to 1•1Hnh ,·0111· h:ur. Looks l1t•th•r. l<'t•t>ls t•o111tn1 tahl1·. L,1·1tP::- <'on1111p11t. fn th1• past thn•c 111ontlis Ill\ follo,Y1•rs h;n l' 1>1•1•11 1lo11hli·cl \\II\ :'\()'J' \()("'
\I \I K ~<'Rl'lr!,S 1, I·', l"· I·', R I·~ ' < F·>, < I "' • < l T ) \ · , · ass -,c>l' y :.. • a-., rpns. :. ; < 'la,s Pn•s 4, J-'ooth ·11l .l, J ; <1. ( lnli '{, -l. S \ XOPIIO"\ ES' Bu,· ., nnr sa,opho1ws 110\\, I •'HEE 'l'R l \ L. TP11 <lay-. to l<•arn Pifh•P11 )pssou, "1th t '\ \'l)' i11..,tr11111p11t. ~ahsf:ll'tion ts Ill\ 111otto.
EST\ Pl K J•:
HEI•'EHE'\l ES < Ins, Tn"n:--. -t, \ 1<0 1' P1P,. \th .\s..,01·1at1011 '!, Ha-..kPtl,:111 ·1, Ha'il'h,tll ·;, (, < lttl,, ( 'h 1•1•1· L<•.t ,ll 'I' -4-: II S Pianist I, :!, ::, .j; < 'a111ptin• niils, \ 111111:il Bo:ird
LE \ H '\ p I \ "\ () \ 011 (':I II hPl'Ollll' n sk I 1h•11 pla\ll" ot' Piano 111 your 11\\ll honll'. I>IPLO\I \ ( i I\ 1-;"\ \\ 1it1' IIH' for 1•0111plPlt' i11for111at11111
< L \ I: E :\ < I•: K < >< 11
HEFl•:HE"\1 ES ('las"\ ll'l' l'n·s -l; Poothall :\, -l, < apt l•'oothall .J. B,l'l'h:tll :!, 4, n < 111h ::, 4: B:i-.kt•tball .J. \ II"<' PH•s \ thlPta· \sso• 1·iatio11 .J, \ 111111al Bo:11 d
lla,1• lh•;111ti 1'11l lla1r, For fo111 ,1•a1s I ha\'l' 11..,e,l (;()l,l) E"\ <:LI"\ T TIH• l'P::-lllts h:n t• hPen n1on• th:111 sat1sfv111~ If J'oll :11 t• 111 ,louht, look at nn· l11•a11ti ful lh•1111a II air. BJ,;1; J "\ TOD\ Y • J>11,,, 1'/11 rf1 ,.,,
l'a,11 J, ,111 rt,, 1t
:\£.-\REL TAIT
l~l•',I·'l~Rl•"..'·c•t•,,.._.,_ \ t \J , • .., c •"' • ,-s auager
B II. l '. -l; ,:\lanaKl·I Baseball -l
& kethall -l, \\'hieh rhynu•s with ate. Oh! wliat a fin,• nan1u Fo1 n 1-'ahl<".
s\I_,. mune 1s .\lahel, It rhy111es "ith H hie: l t is also Tait,
l \ l'RI'~< r: BF.LL
H l I·'E tt L '\ < E:-; Editor \laroon \ nnnal staff -t :
l•'uotball -1; Hnsl•liall :1. ,J okt! and \\ 'hite -l: .Joke Editor n. C'lu h :1, -l; Hifle Club -! •
IIi:.:h :--l"houl t 'ou r"e 111 l<'ht> Years (,ets ,·011 1uto all the lt•a1li11g < ollegt•s anti Unh·er 1t1es :-Sen<l
I ur tn•l• hooklt·t "llo\\ I Diel It. "
\Hn.-\HET S\llTI{
rn •: I'ERE~< ES <'lass \ t1.'t Pres 3; Basketball :1, -!: li. <'luu, B. II. l'. -l: <' a1npfire Girl:,;; .\1111ual Huard -1 •
•J E\\'E LH'\ OPFER! Spedal on r'rat Pius. _\ ,-;o l'l'I' l'e nt discount 011 all pins. O,er ~OU patterns to "t'll'l't fron1 TIil s • , uv fro111 I 11 <"Pnts in pril'e to $,3 oo. Buy 11<1\\ :Pir~t onle1·s l't'l'ei,·e fir,-t t•onsicleration
\:'\:-..;A I-I..\ \\'ORTH
REPERE:\(EH. :\It IJebron, X C., 1; Guilford < olll•gt• ~, Holden H S. ~{. 4.
\l.\ l(E ( lI I<'K.E:\8 PA\ :'.\1' new hook on the sulijc,ct, • · .\1neril'a11 • 'h ic·ken Culture,'• puts c-hi<-'kl•u nns1n~ ou a n1oue,· 1nnk1 ng uas1s It rontains !?'-t pages, ill 1llustrat1ons Only $i.UO p<'r ,·op,. :'.\folll'Y ba1;k, if not sati:;;.fie1l.
\O<H.Pll PFl•~TL
RF.FER E~< l :--
~I :lll:IJ!t'l' '{
Tl!E Pl"\D \ \JE'\T \L~ <>I' -.;( lf<H)l I>l'l'<'l-f-
J '\(, \h u111q1H eonrst• g-n l's ,ill essential inf, n11at1011 \\'lw11 to d1teh. Ho,, to dit1·h.
\\ ht•n to 1•omt" h:H•k. Tl11s, in additio11 to many
111s1clt• f:n•ts on tht• ,1•1•1 t•t, of ,chool ditl'hing:
\ HLF'\ 1: Bl) \TH r<: IIT
J',J:-,J,'J·'.R I'"< l·'.s J' k ti II 1 ·• ' l' 1 11 ., , >:IS 't' 1:l , ,1, ~. ,:1,1• l:l .) ;
'l'1•1111 1s :!, ·;, ! :::--1•1· 'y a11d \'i1•1• Prt> (~. ( 'Jul,
I, ~. :: , .-\ tlih-t11 < 0111wil :1, ! ; :\l:1n11111 :111,I
\\'hih• -l \111111al '-t ,tr !: Hili1• < Jul, -l; J'n•-...
C':1111pfin (:it), llci\\ \la11,· \\'ill Yo11 Taki• f It 011]\' ('11,ts n
l>olh1 and is \\orth :1 ll1111d11 •d \ 011 f111n1sli
tlw .Joll:11, '"' ,lo th,• ,,111k sl n-.;1 HIBi : ,O\\'
J<' OH 1H·1: \\'\I \L.
H I•: F' EH F '\ I Es .\111111,il ~tall' !
\TTl''\'TJO'\' '\1 ,,. lch•a..... \els that h1i11g: results Ecl1ton.ils that i11q11 ""'· \[one.y-111aki111! plan-.. th:1t s11c•c•t>1•,l. \\'1 itt• 1111• \ 0111 lll'l'cls. I ,·:111 lu•lp yo11.
THF<>IH>H I·: HHI-:.\
H!-;J,'EKE'\t C~. < la,, Pn•-. 1, <'la'-::- Pr es. ~.
c:. ( 'Jul, Pn •,. \; \ th!Ptll' ,\-;so1·iatiou Pn•sicl, •11t J: Foothall ~. :t; B 1skt>tl,all :{, -l; Ha"t'hnll :l, -1, .\111111:tl ~t·1tl' -J; .\ thlt tu· <'ou1ll'il :L
Lc•ar11 to ~1wll! Pai\l' uzilll! 1111 1100 111t'th11cls.
IIH' ho\\ t•az~ i I is :!
c1t h•:t, tt 1 a '' I>"•
ur patht:> of :i\ll'kes~ hi
11 ,, ii find<> hi wrightin~ 111n ikc• 111 ma rke i u I I. ::-..
J'f/1/1 J•1/ftlll
\ LBEHT \ f>fl\. I~
rn :FEHE~< L~ <'lass 'l'rf'a"-, J, ( 'la-..s ,·1e1. Pre.;. :! , Rask,•tliall .I, -l; <'apt. R. H -! : Baseball 3, -l, N.>(' ,.• \ thlt•ti,· .\sso,·iatio11 -! : n. <'luh :{, -l; Git>~ < lul; 1, :!, :t, I: H. I l. <'. :~, -I: Annual Boar,l -1; \laroo11 an,1 \\'hite -I: <'ampfire {;iris; Rifle '1111, -!.
1~1·'\ by tl11• <1100111 Killt•r. \ ,h•lightful :•u,L :{100111 ,li:sp1>1li11g littlt· book of ...,o pages. Fnli of sparkliug an,l b11hhling lnunor \\'ill st>p·l· 1utl' ou t ru111 Troul,les au,l Hluc•<,,
ll\HOI.D RRO\\':\'
REP~:HEX1 Es Ho, ~·outs, Rifle> <'lnh; Tra<'k :1, -! : :'\lanager 1'Ja._, Pia, -!.
:-iile11t·e i:-- <lolden \\ ln "astt' "or<l" I Pra<'hce,\York, not wor,ls. Stu,ly,-~Iy well estal>lisbe,! ~I Pt ho,l~.
l'ct</<' ,o.; 1.rl It"
REPERf;'\( Basehall ;{, <, < Jul, :1, 4; l~J c.,. <'luh I, 'I, I: \laroon au,I \\ lutt> -! ; B II. <'. 4: ( '·1111 pli t (> gnls.
l\:.\O:\-Tht• Spark hug, Iin 1h11g to
11·1111e tint 111udt• nelat1tH' Patuous. \\ holt•so111t•, Delightful, Swet"t und E, ,,r,· TastP • L<•a,l\ilh.•, { 0111., tlll<'l' yl.'ats. Uol,len, C'olo, ouc• , Par.
1 ht• \\ orlil :\h)\ l's, 80 l>oe,., li l'l tn1tlt•. In the past four ~-,,urs I ha\'c> IH•t•n 1:t thret· ~du:,ols • l. R1 tt•rs' s~houl, Lt>a1h lllt• IIigh :-;l')1ool, Lea,h illr :i H 1gh Sl'hool, l,ohlen \\ ho can l,pa t my re1•ord 1
1-f \I.EL :::3\flTH
Iiad<la111, l{ a ns , 1, 2.
s< an I hl,)p Yon? Becot11l' a fa111011s ELO('{'. TIO:\ 1ST in a sho1 t tntu•. \ our frieu<l-, \\ ill lll.J0Y Jo111 1•0111pa11) You \\111 beco,ne popul:u·. < onsult 1111• Otlice hours :! to :; p. 111.
HJ,~l{,It'E \If<:YEH
HEPEHE'\"l ES l la~ Pre".•~. Busket!Jall 3, 4; Buseball :~. Pie-,.(; lluh 4; UIL•e <'lub :!, :i 4: <,iris· < heer le 1der :~, \111111al Board 4: :\lul'oon and 'Yl11ti> 4, C'ampfi1e Girls.
Pt•rmnlll'llt \\":n l' ,vh, waste tiu1e "ith old fashione,l l'urlers ! .\dd to \ ou r ehappirH,ss uud tune by using 111y process which insures a h~rml(•s-. Jll'r111:111e11t \\a\e of lasting BcantJ.
E_\RL D.-\ ILE\
HEJ:<"'ERE~( E : < e11tral C'it), <'olo., 1, ~; Gohlt>n, Colo., 3, 4; Basketball Sub. 1 ; Track :\tanager 4.
S.\LE-After :\Ia,· 2'-1, 192i, at .\uctiou, the following 1 H · 8. Phvsa•s; I \m encau Literature; 1 Spanish: 1 l'o1n111u11ity ( ' nics; 111\ll' h ,niscella neons. Ter1ns: Ca~h, only.
Editor _\nnual -1-.
J, now E, t'I ~·tlung. Follow 111y H\ per Ct'llt ~tudy l'01t1se. Lenru to 8tuch. Learn to Re1ne1nber Learn t o 1(110\\ H undreds testif) to t)lc sue l't''ls of ruy .\Iethods.
Page St: 1•t·11 teen
tt in r QTlus s
~ho\\' Hit' th<• , l,1ss of t \\ <'II t .v-t \\ o,
' l'h<• <·la,, \\ 1111,1• u111tt11 ,vas •· lira\'<' :tlld ' l'l'llt' ·, \\ lto:-.1• ,,,,• r, th1111gltt, 11111 :;,1i11 11111' lo,,, \\ ~c1-.. that l11stn1, , pa!!''' till'.' u1i:.d1t <•1ttl111,s
1 h, i l' highPst ,1111l,1t11111. to !.!i, 1• and ,,,,., c•:
,1 think hf thr laur,•1" tl11•y n1i:.d1t d1•:--1'l"\'<'.
f \\ 1)1Jd1•1·. if thf',- \•1• ') IS',l'd t hi' t ( ,t
1~.11·h lllll', i II 111, \\ 111·1, t h1 \'l'l',V 111""'
111 Ill,\ light fa111•y. I sf'(' th1•111 !}(I\\,
I~.11·h n11•11il11•r 1•11111r, f111·,rard to 11111k1• his lHn\'.
Fir:--t i11 li111• is c1 s,•i< 11tist :.:1·,•at, J la vi11~ \\ ll ' l l,r h1-.. \\ ol'ks , a \\"lll'ld l'('IIO\\' ll.
I I i, 11a1111·, l \\ 1•,111 1, Ilarold 1ir11,,•11
•\1111 110\\' ,•11111<•, forth out· lil'illi,111t :\la,v.
'"'"'' i, crl,•a11i11cr k1111\\ l,•d•"<' to tl11s , 1•1·,· da,· ,... r,, r- • • •
It, t1•:1t·hi11g-, sh,• has \\'Oil 111•1· f,11111• \ 11d t 1i ,, hol1• )1111!! alphal11•t \. aft,•1· l11•r 11an11'.
11, l't' i11 a , ,·h·I'( lan1 · and ,n1111·k.
~t,ning- (orot s l<')llltatio11 to l'ot'k, IL1 z1•l :,-.,1111th ,,111·k, -.tPaclil_v 1111
I 'nt ii h, 1 Ii i!.dH•st !,!oal 1s \\ ' 011.
\11\\', I ,PP 11111• Earl I >ail, •.", lfl' !,!'ol''-i throll!!h l1fp "' \'<'l',,. i,.?ail.,. \l11kit1!! 11111l111·,. ,11111 ,,·att,•riug f1111, 'l'h,1 t \\ c1s l11s \\a, s1 lll'l' hi, Ii fl' \,l'!!llll.
• ,\ li1·illic111tl\' li!!ltll'd ,f,l!.!'<' Is sl'I, • , \ 11d g-atlH•ri11u- al I in a g-11ld,·11 ll<'t ( lf ( 'ltopi11 s lllcll'\ 1'1011..._ llll 'lnd) : \\' rtli n1c1g1C· ti11g-1•r..._, ,u1 pns-;1111,.d,,· light.
.\t th" piano. sits E,ta Ptkl'
'l' h1• s1•1•111• sin! ts IH1\\' to fat· otl' .J a pa 11.
BPr1111·1• Is li;irll'l'lllg'. \\ ith a IIHIH of ) l'll11\\ 11111· .\ forPig-11 liu, 1•r t'or , .\ gr1•,1I l'OIIC'C'l'II lltllsl llC'\ Pl' 1it'<'.
I f the late...,t no, el you \\ ouhl read, \ sk an, Olll' ' ()h, , rs 1nclecd '·' • • ~IahPl ' l'a1t ·s lH'\\ hook 1s the vrr, be~t out:·· • ~\ud that faC't \\ e cannot clouht.
But \\ ho 1uo, e-; here ''l'1 s Laure nce ! Jell! \.ll over the ,, orlcl th e,· ea11 tellOf his clisC'n, cr1e..,, large aud 111all. \11 111, en tor, <'htrf iu ':-, gr<·at hall.
I n the bustle and grind of a · · 111 0, 1e tage, ' (.i-\ n early an1bition fnltilliug, I "age>
J.., ..,een .Alberta in po,, cler ancl paint 1'r~·1ng 111 ,a111 to act like a saint
i\ I ar, :\Iarke,· 1s "ell kno\\ n, the, tell • • ~he serve~ each con11u11111t> equall., ,Yell, .i\s J> ostn1aster General, she kno,, s a 111 illion \ud r<•a<•hr.._ tht• heart of all the clonunion
l 'lort' lH't' J~e lltle>, pe1 for1ni11g- a ta...,k \\'ell suited to her as 111 da}" of past 'l'hr rchtor of the "Xe,\ 'York \\' orld .. : 's ba1111rr s1H• ha:-. alreacl, u11fnrlecl. •
\ ..,i1,•er> tnugnrcl orator '-i llC'\.t in line. ( I "01Hler if yon r g-lH'-;s is 111111<' 1 ) In argn1n<>nts al\\a~s he'd sa., )OU HH) "\\'ho l'OHl<l it bC' bnt TlH•odorr l{h<'H 'l
I 11 the Star·.., tlr<'-.;s111g roo111 of a huge pla) -hons<' I sat "1th an olcl l--chool pal. to arou <> Sont<' long clorn1ant 111e1n 'r> of play'-; "e had given; For .Arle1:e 13oatr1ght for this g-oal had str1\en.
Do"·n in the shuns of a ero\\ ded cit, • \ nna Il a"orth lo, eel b) all for her pit), (r oodnec;s, ccnnpas 10n , nu elfish enclea, or, I s a settlen1eut ,, orkcr \\ hose "orth "e can't 111ea'lure
1'he l)ean of , ~a '-iar ( 'ollege 110" ( 'on1e-. forth to n1ake hC'r ta tel, bo\\ • "1'1s )IarQ'aret Snuth, no\\ ..,cholarl> gTO\YU Hnt looking so "ell i11 hrr <'HP ancl go\\ n
Xo" to \\.,.all Rtrel't our gazl' is turned, }.,1nan c1e r and eap1tahst, "c> 'vr ll1 ar11ecl, l s .i\. clolph Pfeil, of \Yorlcl repnte Il e 'll corner the n1ark <'t, if ) on dispute.
l 'a qr \ 111, t,: c11
r a!}l [lltllf!J
()11 a larg<' :\fontana <·attlP ratH·h
l•'ar a\\ a, fron1 tlH• \\' orld s a,alalll'he
• \\.ith la11<l-.. as l!l'<'Ht ancl broa<l as hl•l' hc•ai·t <:1•rtrll<lt' l\.<',tflll!!: ,.._ 111,1...,tc•ring hl'I' part.
\'alP'-• tea1n is eha111pin11 a~ai11
}-'or , ,~ar-.. it h.t" lieen so:
• 1•1 01· ( 'lal'l'lH'I' l\.1H•h, thl• !.!Tt•at<•st 1•11a1·h
'l'h1• \\'orld ha-.. J..110\\ 11 "ill lll'\' 1•1· :,!O
• \ \\t•ll k110\\ ' ll s111g1•1 ts JH''\t Ill line.
\laking a ( ' ar111P11. "" <·l't 1•11oni,d1 to he• TilH'
:\I,u·it1lh1 ·.., the ~irl \\ hat 111or1• 1•an \\ c~ -..,,, ' 'l'hosc• lll"' liro\\'11 t'\'l''- ( >h' ,,111·h :, \\a, .,... . " "
Last in Ii11r l,11t not t hr lt•ast.
~I a1•k Sc 1 II!!:.!' his i.dor) · 11r\ rr c•ra,ed
I It• 1-.. JH'Ps1d1•11t IHl\\' of a g1·<•atPr 1·!,1,-...
' l'h1 JH 1 11plP ·..._ 1•hoit•c>. \\'t' l1•t hint p,\s-;
\\·1• \t' sC't'll th,• c•l,1,s of t\\t'nt, ·-t\\o • 'l'h<') all ha,c• IH•r 11 hoth hra, 1• a11cl tr11c\ ' l'hi11ki11g not ,, hat tln·y 111ight ha, 1• l!ai111•1l :u1<l lost •\ 111 l th \ls hist· 1 .' '..._ JHtgt>-; t ll(•)· ' \'r }H·l pt•cl 1•111 \,n..._...,_
'l'h1•i1 ,u11liiti1111 th1~) l1c1vP g-ai11Pd:
'l'ht•\ \ 1• g-ivc•11 and s1•1, t•d. \Y1th not a thouµ-ht to "" ar1l-.. the'_\ d1•..._prv1•1l:
1 1010\\' th,1t the•) li.t\t' JH\Ssl•tl thr tc•-,t., l~,H•h Olll' 111 h1, l11H' th<• \ <'I'\ lu•-...t 1 •
c:: • I • UTalOYS . Pa ge T centy-onc
\ 101.1 1 I{ o< ll, Prt•s1<lcnt (;1 ()R(;I.\ Lt(, (,, \ ll'(' I>l'l' Sldl·llt IH1 '\l: ( Hl ' Rl'HI s, ~<•t· , ancl ' l'rt'a-.. •
'l'he , ea1· 1!1 1~) "a-.. an eventful year for us, the l'la-;s of ~:3: fo1 "c. a body of "hat -..onH· t•,dle<l "st·rubs ·, about fift~ 111 all, "ere U")lH.> rl•d u1to the.• doors of(; II. S \\'e \\"< ' rt• all 111not·ent a-.; to \\hat \\l' \\t' re to go through th<" JH'xt four :,. rars an<l ent< •r<><l th1• sa(' r e<l I I all of Lear11111~ \\ 1th ~lad heart · ,, t' " e t l' di, Hlecl 111to first antl "et·ond d1vis1ons ancl then \\ ere pla ced i11 t\\o roo111:-. t\\o roon1-. of hr1~ht ~ rt>Pll th1ng-s' l{nt alas' ou r trouble" began \\hen \\<' \\Pre h·d 1uto the .\lgt•hra rooul. ll t>te \\e \\Cl'e o,er<•o 1nc by a nu\..,.._ of fig-ure" star111g n-.; 111 tht- fat•<•. littlt• reah1.1ng that h:,. the c>nd of the ear :i\Ir. S1n1011.., \\·onl<l succC"rd 111 tea1•hi11g us that · X • -..tooc l for o ni et hing. 'l ' ht• sa1ut• \\' a-.. true of l~n~li sh here "c ,, t•re to l<>arn the ll1fferent•e bet,Yeen an 01·"/ top, a1Hl a c111 rtnf r1·r 11f. 'l'lH•n t an1<• _\1H•H·nt ll1 stor,· so o ld \\' e th ought people had forµ-otte11 ahont it long Hl,!O , hut in add1t1on to this \\a" IJatin , o d<•ad that so rn<• of us never sur, 1v<>d
()ur I>r esHl1•11t \\ as '· Skip · · l~olttho and our l.'lass sponsor :ii I l)o \\ 11ing-. s<>l' tal e,·ruts , "<' 11ut11agt•(l to g1 \ ' t' a t•lass pil'llll' and a part) , the> lattrr g1, <'II 111 h onor of our ( 'ha1n p1onsl11p ' l'ea1n thclt ., ear.
Xo\\ t•an1r thre<' short n1onths 111 "h1t•h to rr< •npPra t c> for the next fall, \\' h(•11 \\'<' "ere to h<' Sopho1nor<.•-... Snnu• "<'1'<' :-.o o, er1·01ne that they d1dn 't snr , 1\'l'. and "<' lH•gau ou r Sophon1or(" ) <•a1· \\ 1th a n1nt·h -..n1aller (·lass. }I o,,<'\ <'I' , \\t' \\erl' 11 0 long-<"r '' Sl'ruhs '' hut ·sophs. ·
' l'l 11s .' rar \\' <' \\t'r<' allo\\ p(\ to take up so 1n P HP\\' tasks , sneh as :i f and J f II1 stor). Hhrtot ' H' Sc•1<>1H •<', ( ' ae ar a1Hl J>l anr. ' l'hr latter ,yas, I fear about "a._ c•lc•ar as niucl " to 111nst of HS l 11 \ th lc>ti<•s. too "e h<>gan to takl' part.
0111· ho) s proving that th<') t•0Hl1 l n1ak<' a plat•<• for then1sc•\,•p .._ oll th<> ({r1d1ron aucl <' ISP\\ h<'rr i11 sports. Our <•las-.; -..po11sor this ) c>ar ,Yas )It s I ~o tt , and
0111· J>r r"1< l c•11t '"a" I1ud ~f <'y<'r.
vV (' <ll<l not do 111\H'h Ill a "'O('IHl \\a~, c\",l{l<' fro1n H pll•llll' and a party. .1\~aiu the> ear c>lldl•cl ,, 1th nothing to -..ho\\· for on r \\ ork hut a .... n1 all
1·,11·cl c·o11ta1n1ng a f<'\\ • • I~lcH·k a1Hl Hin <> ntctrks
'l'hc>11 hpg-an our J u111or ,\"l'Hl'. o nr h<>st ~Par thu s far ,,·c• lH)g-an thE' )<'U l' b., rl<>l't111g- elass officers, the s e being ) [ iss i\) <tnist, l'la-.; s pon "'or. and \ ' 1oh~t
Ko <•h. I>r p-.;i<l<'nt. ()ur attl'llttoll has hc•t•n oc•c·npH•cl 1nost of th<' )'<'HI' \\ 1th plans f or onr Ju 111or P1 ·0H1 , "h1<·h 1s to takt• plal•1· 111 \ pr1l. In pt'E'paration for thi" <>,•1•11t, \\<' g-a,<' a da1H •1 11g part:,. at \\·hic·h all of th e .Junior-.., and eY<'ll son1e or th<> S<>ninrs lc>ar1H1 <l a fc•"· n<'"' ~tf'p~. ' l' l11s t•los<>s otu· c•las~ histor~, a l'OmplC"tf' o nr yrt to hf' \\' r1tt<>n. ,,re ell'(' Jooh111g for\\ a1·cl to onr }-;p11ior ) c•ar ,, ith g 1<>at e,pPt•tations. \\T(' are hopingthat if \\' C' arc• not the> fir..,t l'lass to g-racluate front the· ll<'" Iligh Sehool, that \\<' " ill hc- th<' ];1st t o g- r ncluate front th<> ol<l ~onth SHl<• St·hool.
,IC't: -\' 01 R~ l'a,,, T11111lyt110
I I 13Juntor I Q!la1t.a * *
3Juuior ijnrnsrnpts
* * *
he is actn·e, busy, and a gvod worker Bears no ,nahce, but ne"er fvrgets an injury.
Born : Tuesda v <' h1ef CbaractE'nst1c-Hun1orous.
B L' ,., quick in thought an1l a<.'tion, fond of ho1n c, also possessed "1th J.{reat power of enc Iu ra tll't>.
Born Satur,lay.
C'hief ( 'ha ra cter1s tic-~fechanical .A rts
."he 1s unselfish, se lf sacritic1ng, but <-e ldo1n understood.
Born: Tu esday.
Chief ('huracterist1c-·v e1 satility.
Has a taste for outdoor sports, an<l "ould n1ake a success of a military career •
Born Sunday.
Chief <'haracteristic- H igb 1uorals
Ha s a tcn1per and can be easily aroused. All injury done hun will be easily forgi"en.
Bo1 n · \Yednesclay.
Chief Characteristic-~ oble and generous.
Paoc Tlt,rty three
l'ar/r /'11·111/ !I Jru11
11:is op1111011s strong :11111 r:11li1•al an,I 1s too ilignifi1•1l to stoop to :ill 111,li11:uy '1ll:lrr1•l.
Horn : \\ I' lnt>siln, •
llas to, 1· for tlw gooil thing, of lif1•, hut like, to tr:n el fo1 11•1•r1•ati1111
Horn : \\ e,ln1 s1l:n.
I ' hit•f I hnr,wtl•11•..tt1 s,,Jf I 'unfi,h•ut.
ls \\l'll fitte,l to 1•:trr~ 011 hi, work alotH', :11111 ('Ompnnionshhip of any kin,I i, orna • llll'lltal ratht>1' than :i 111'e1l.
Born : \[onliay
< ' hief ( har:H•tl•risti('-l11,le111•111h•ncl'.
\'I<)l,r~1' KO('II
) 1111 "111 ltkt>h· ri._,, to «r1•nt fortn11c> au,l t'l•lt>lll it,, ,hH• to \'Ollr natural art~, 111· yo11\' ,I ISl'll\ ' l'~h•s in th,: l'Pahns Of phy,;i1·,. B11r11: Ttll'sday.
I ' h i1• f ( ' h:u:wt t•r ist i1• - I >i -.:al' poi II t 111t•t1 t
I las fon•,1ght ,111,I i11t11itio11, h•:i,I hut Ill'\ 1•\ follo\\. Ill' 1-.. ,wlf n•li:int and ,•a1111ot 111' ,·011trolle1l. ~aturclay.
Hhl• 1, k1111l hut not ,h•mon,tl'ati, 1•. l 'l:1i1n, a h"'o lute pt>rsona I t'n·,•• 10111, 11111•011, 1•11 t 11111a I, ,lignific>,I, \\ 1th uuusnal "ill 1111\\l'I' ;111,\ ,wlt1•1111trol Horn: Ttll''-«l:n· l ' h1l'f ('h11ra1·tl•nsti1•-.\ l>1ai11 w111·kc>r.
. . . I
lfl' 1s w1ttv and somewhat sarca!-tic in lns rl'nHtrk._, but he is ne, er biting, or unpleac;ant.
Born : ,Yeclnesclav.
C hit>f ( 'haractcr1st1c-Restless.
Ts ,t>lf-reha11t to the uttennost, ut1de111on,t1at1n•, ancl quiet in affection.
Born : ~Ionclny.
< 'hi,•f < liaracter1stic-Indepen<le11ce.
\ ou are apt to n1arry too young, and if vou are not careful, vou will be unfortunate 1n Your conJugal relations.
Born TuesJay ( h1ef Character1stic-Conte1npt for all ob:.tacl e s and perils
I{ .\_ T 1-ILEE)J' ROG ER,
Has a 1hspos·tion open, honest, and frank, <lespis1ng secretn ene-.s and intrigue.
Born: Tuescla,· •
< ' bief C ' haracte11stic-Hun1orous
I{ 1s opu11on 1s ardent, but rather electi\'e than oue-saled.
Born Frida).
<' h1ef ('haracteristic-A yearning for the i111poss1ble
G EORC{ E , , .,. ALPOLE
Is ll"n1arkHblv quick and a good \\Orkcr, al!'O takec; great interest 1n public affairs
Born· Su1ulaY. Chief C'hnrac enstic-Rehg1ous.
]•11!/C T,ccnty -firc
\ h,•11 :-111• 0111'1' 111akt•,, lip 111'I' 111i11,l sh1' i~ :tl11a, fir111 :11111 ,li•tt•r111i1H•1I.
Ila, a h'f111l-1,111 aga111"t t•11t1•n•d iuto j._ apt to B0111: 1'h11r,day.
<' hi,•1 ( l1an11•tp1 , 1i1•- .\ n·,pon,ihilit).
111ar11:i~1•, a11d ,,ltl•n h1• 1111,ati,t:11•tor).
1li 0 11ifi1•d 1,•1• lin« ot ,... ,.,
Ha, ,1111pll:' u11all1•1•h•d 111:11111,,,.._, and a lofty, 1•h:11i tahh • sonl.
Born : Thur,,la v •
< hh•t < harn,•tt•ri,ti,·-1 liplomati,• :111,l 1•:1p•il1h• of 1•11111111a1Hli11~.
II :" a k1•111 111t111t1011, ,,·111patlwti1·, ltnt n•,,•nts imposition; al,11 a t1•11qw1· ditli1•1tlt to l'llllfl 01.
H,1111: Thu1,,lay. hll'f ('l1:11:i1·1l•ri,ti1•-1':ill'11t fur t h1• pla:--ti1• a I t ,.
You la,·l-. ,·n•.1tn1• ton·1• lm\l g11•·1t aptit11ol1• :111.\ Boru: \\ 1•il11P,d:t).
1•011sl'n al h , ,•111lu1a111•1•.
<'hi,•I' < l1a1.11•t1•ri,ti1•-l,011• n11d ,i11sli1•1• •
Page 1'u,r11 ty set•e1t
• •
I II thl' lov<•ly a1tt1t11111 of 11i11et<'l'll-t\\t'llt,. a large 111t1nl11•r of fooli-..h l,ut Jll'olld '' l / l'o:-.h •. \\'Pl'l' takl'll i11to (iolde11 l l i!!h "1·h1111I. })111 i11g th,• fir,t 111011th'> "1• "1'l'l' -..ho\ 1•d 1'1'11111 oll l' l'I,,..,, to a11oth1•r, l,111 g1 ad11all., ,, l' b1•1·a111t• ,11·1·u,to111t•1l t o tlH• rout i 111 • that \\al-i to hi' 11111·s for a 11 1•11tirP , 1•a1· •
<>ur 1•11t 1·a 111·1• into S111•i1•t\' \\ a, 1·Pl1•b1·at1•d Ii\' • • I~ooko11t jf on11tai11 L,1tr.1 in tlH · ., t• ai- \\' <' :,ra, 1· a th1• 1•11tir1• JI igh St•hool and tht• .\h111111i ' l' o 11,1• .\ , t'l','' !!OIH\ t 11111• \\ ,1, <'t1jo~ <•<l h~ all. ··
a tr1t·tly pi1 •11ic• oil part:. to " l111 ·h \\ t' i11Yitetl tht• \\'ot·1l, of ~liakPsJH'Hl'l' !
. \t th<' ht•g-iu11i11g- ot' 0111· S11pho1norc .vPar ,,•p !!a, c· a Soph. pil'11i1·. follo,retl liy a 1na s q111•r,ul l' part., 011 I I allo\\ 1• ·1•11 for tht• Ilig-h St·hool .\ 1·lass part: ",,.., h<•ld cluri11g- at tht• houH· of Fran, <'s }\.Pt'r. tins ha.., hrt>11 our sn1•1cd lif<' for t\\11 \ ' PHI'S • I 11 .\ t Ii ll't H', t ht• 1·Ja.._s ha.., l 1•1•11 "c>ll r<'Jll'<'-il'tltl'd. ( i ·, \\' Prl' u1atle in footliall ll\ ]{a , 111111lll j[o1·1·1.., and Satn S1t•klc·, ( 11 ha-.,kPthall. hoth bo,·s anll g11 ls ha,e lllil(lt • !! iocl. (,Pl!P\ ,t'\ 1• P1kP ( 'liauclo, \\'1llia1u-.. a11cl { 'p1•, n.., ~i1•holl, l1t•111g- 1111 •1nlH'l'" of tht• tir..,t lt>a1n of ({1r).., l~a kcthall 'l'h!• ,•las,"" a \\·holl• 1-., hc>ld in hi:.d1 1·1•g-artl h: the• tt>,H·hc•rs ancl \\'ith tlH•1r lll•lp '\' <' hope to hr th1· h<''-t .Jn11ior t•lass Ill tht• htstor: of th<' Sl'hool.
l~<'11so11. l ~clna
Broatl. I{ i11g( 'nrr,. \\'1ll1a1n • I ht, j...,011. J;~tl" ar<l
I hn I1•, ,\, c•r, • • Jloppt'l '. \I,u·1011
K c•rr J•'ra11C•Ps
l\1H·h UP01·0 ·e , z1{ 110\., Hohrrt
Lathalll, I ,~ 11clP1l
J ,ju11!!,·,dl. ll<'lcn
J!o1·r1s. ,J nn
)'11,Jc T1u11/11,1rthl
-:\Io1·1·1s, Ha) 111011<1 1t·holJ..,, ( \' 1 \ us (h~1•11 , ()pal J>ikc•. (:l'llC'\'ll' \ l' l{,1111-.111. H11·harcl HolH•rt-.,, ( ' larc•t1t'<' l{ 1t·llarcls, Jla r, • .Johnson.
Sc·hnl'k, Lrona S1!'klPs. Sain ~1111 th, .\ 1111a \\ c•lls s \\ Pl'llC',\ • 'l'ra \ ' C'l'S
'l'c•g-arcl1•11. ( ' hnrlottt•
' l' ra1·1•y , .J 1111
\ \ 'ale'. J l aru1H•ritr
"\Yillian1-.,. ( 'hanclos
\\'illuun..,, .] 1•,s1<'
J l 1tc·lH•ll. B~nh•r,011
Suuth , StPlla
l{ ogc• rs. La \l l 'l'll I~aslt'). Stc•ph •11
P1kt', S]H'llt'l'l'
Jlanh1•,111, .\ llg'll'-t
§ 11 µ 1111 111 o r r Qlln.an *
'--·· J.-y--..,,,-::c-··-.Y. f. l',t /t J' ,, I If,, 1/IJI ,. •
• I-.... '-"'--3=- -
ge Thirty one
'/ o \\ /,0111 I t l! ,111 ('oner 1·11:
\\ 1•. th<' l'las" of 1!1~ :), h,1, 1ng- hor11< \\ ith h11111ilit_v c111d \\111tdt•rf11l fortitnd1• t lie tat111t, and .11•,t, of tht• npp,·r 1·las,111<•11 do h<'t'Pli_v an11111tlH'" that ,ve. frotn Ho\\" ht•111•Pfo1•th and fort'\ 1•1 lay asHll' s 11d l,!ill'h of lnnuility ant\ pro1•lai111 ourst•l,Ps ,,orthv of , •our attC'11tio11 an,\ .._0J1<•itntl1•. . .
ll<'r<'\\ ith art a ft>\\ f,H•t, that "1• lH~" to hrin" to vour notil't' First "" . 111' all that \\' 1• an• tht> largPst c-las" that ha" , V<'r J><1ss1•1l th1• po1·tal-. of t} 11 ' hall of h•arni11g-. ~\s fo t onr g-tH<lP...,, ollr \\orth_\ t1•,H•h1•1s ,1">-,tll'<• ns that \\l' ha,e do11t• , 1•r, \\ ' rll 1·011sllleri11g 011r t1•11d1•1 · ag-<'. ti111i1lity , and 1.tt·k of c•x.p<•r1eu1.•e PP1 hap, \\ <' ha, t • not ,hn111· ,o hrightl_v 011 th1• ,oc·1,ll ho1 izo11, b11t "·e did not t·,u·,· to 111f1u1gt• upon tht• fa,or1tP pastinu• of ou 1 <l1stingn1sh1•c\ uppe 1 tla · 111 e n . 111 athlt>tu·, al,11 ,, r hav<' 1101 c·lai1111•d 1nan,v h1urt•l,. kno\\ 1111,! that 11\ll' cla : ,rill soon da \\ 11.
In 1•011<•111, 10 11 \\(' \\ ' o,ilcl 'H.' th<1t to the lu ,t of out· ahilit., \\t' "ill obli~ate onrsC'l, P, to s{ c• that the 11 11•111ni11g c·l ,,,s ol' J.'rp,;l1111f'11 \\ il l ht> g1, t>ll th e a1ne and tP11clt> r soli<"1tuclt• ( ! hc•sto\\ c•d upon u, the c la,.., 1• rd1al \\c•lc·1111H' ( " ' ol' ' :!~ \\•1th the,t• 011r IH ' Xt t•ntl'\ \\ 111
t'c \\ t' <'HHtrk" "r hid a hu111hle ada' ll , hut \\ ' c' 1n·on11,e that • h1• a g-lorton, one•
1{1 \ ' l'RI< l 'l'A YI.OR Hllll
Z1 l I , .\ ,, l BBl'H
J) \\ 1n I~n r~or,\. Prc•-.. Hl<'11t .r \C'K ( 1 001.B \\ GH, ,·11•(' J>l' l'sideut
c:,•or 0 t• \ll ,•11 "' W tl It nun a •\ 11 t' 11 ( ' hal'lott C' l ~ra11 ch
ll1•11ru •tta Bu1 ·k ·npH, ( {t'Ol'g'C' l~l' O\\ II
J,a, ,•r11a Ii<'lt·IH•r
I ht\ l( l Bl Ii so I \ • l) oroth, ('arson • (>n1t •r ( 'oh nan
.r H<·k ( 'oolhaug h
.Jan1<·, {'n ip
L c•ouard l )ooht tl, •
I J ttt•ilP J)n\'all
J,p llHl J-1j cl'-)P\ • I~a sh•,
}'t1t/f 1'/1 I/'( If f 11 0
:\I ar, l•'ro ,t
l> o 11;1ld lia ,,orth \\.tlhn ·tl I In: t
Stc111<ll<'\ li og-ttu
l ~1l cl 1t• l lot't11 r1s·C'1'
Sanl'orcl llH\\' 11
l, <'Oll(' Kt •ll \
• l{ o-..1• K oc•h
:\ I c1 1.1orH· rJan lln
P aul L1n cl g t' C'H
L t• l ia J ;ogan
\ lllli t• 1 .Jllg'.g'
I I 1•11r, :\I au;1,
• 1{nth :\ I c· I 11t: rC'
\Y1llta111 l{H·har,1"
Paul l{o\\ c
,John R, lantl er • ( 'a 1·ol Snuth
j{t:'}\lll ~\\t'lla
l~ t•atl'H'l' 'ra, lor •
Z,HlH ' fn1111C'r
( {riH·c• ' l'c>rr i ll
JTa zt'I \lac• \·an~h1t
I I a1,c•l '\\ ' a t<'r
Zt>lla '\\ \•hber Hnth , , erhrr
I J1lhH11 "\\ 1ut~
\\'ilbur Sh<'phal'cl \ \ "tlha1n (~ohghtl,
• 1Jf r r n (1 1n tt n 111 r r l ur uti 1111
• Pll!Jf' Th1J'f11
~'\ .\ l'ST[OTS ]'f/1/t 1'}11/'( JI / Ollt
/1/ ---------......... J' l11rty fin P t1<1<
Rl'1 tha L. \ lcl111gl'r
l>t'l' <'lark
E,tc•lh• ;\l, 1'1 out
E,11111:i R1)1'11ig
A li1•e I ren•• .J ohusou
Alic'!' ~l'lli•• «lui1•k
( ' h:irlc•s Leroy Bro\\ 11
Etlwl \'11,l.1 Pal11H•1 L~ ,li:1 ' I :--t11rg1•011
f,'1t•1I <ll111'-tl' :11 I
H11, 1 '-i1 hodPJ' L111 .1 \\ alk1•1
C1•01g1• h.1111b:1ll B:ii1il
Edn:1 Lot 1•11,1 1h 'P l •
\\'altPr .John,1111 ( ' 1: 11 a Loi, ll11i1•k ;\ I :t I J.!:l n •t T:i~ l01
Huth Hnir,1
l 'h:i dc•, l ~. Dyt•r
l •. 111111:1 ll1•lp, \rthur t '. Lnk1'
\1111:i Holiling
)l:11111 \ au Unrclen In111g \\11li:u11i-
Ra,· \\' Bar111•q
J[1•ll'n .J <:ohghtly
.J:111ws En\111 ~JC'( 'all
OC'1t1111ll' U"liurn
HPn,1a111i11 \\"ad,•
"\1•lhl• \l:n Thatcher \ li1•p \ iola \ \ hi ti'
Elsie ~[ny \ tto
Peal 1 Lo111se Broa,1
c•aroline Alth<'n l>H•r
Carl E11g1•111• ~rhwlt•1 t:Jady,- \\' oo,lnnl
\ ,In E. (;ay
:Pra ,w.-•-: L. B.1 il cl ,t:itti" B T,,·1T H.1lph ~tan H11tlel'
:\IonnH' <'. E\'t•ritt .J 1•,-.i1• Elni,, s1111t h Ht•ulien \Vt•II, '-i1111th
l •'.t)' <' Auna \lr;:'\1•il F1:i11k .r :--nutt•r .IP:tll L11111-.l' \\'u,lt•
Hl'ih I olius1111 !lo\\ a Id :--11, ch•r \llt1•1t \ \\olf
I·'rn11k P Bi,•ktll'll < ' hl'stt•1 l, 11 ff Fh IP n{'Ol l!l '\ hol'llll! E111il) \f '-\t 111n:1nl \\'alt1•1 · Ho\\;lld ()'Bvrn,•
:\f 011i1•11 :\L CTol,lsworth,· EbiP Hoc•h,•sh•r \Yatle ,l o-.t•t•lrinl" \V \\'hitt'ht•:111
.\Tan.It• :\I. <,ohghtly I>i1 •a l'aulint' st11gs 1lill
c '01:1 Ko<'nig .\ rthur tluaintalll'C'
,lanw" 1-'n•,l J)ilil,h• .h•,-.i1• l{nth Ilo, t .I l'"'w H,•1tr:1111 ht•111 hh• l•'1e,lt•ril'k P itk111 ..__ 111th
l yrn-. A ('a"t' <'lnii1• naniso11 1I11l11•rt \ Hyatt Etlwl \Ic Eat•llt'l'll Laura Hta1111ar,l .Tohn < • \"inn ,\hhit• Pr:iy ( '1, \Ss OF ] ~)()6
Estellt> \ l' 11g('r Prnuk Bi Unl'l Ril'har,l IIol'k111g
L11H'oln Hav \Ieeker { nlla l~t1nll1ta11 r1•
• Harolcl \. \\ utk111s \l:rhp\ Kathl een Jl :n 111,011
lfa zt•l J•.,l11a \tto l ' h:n lt•s •\ ( 'in 1son .T \\ 1lliau1 .Jcuck n onalcl <'. \\'urfp l lh:1t•e \fahel Rt>l'•l \ 1o lt>t J,; Pre snt•ll
l,ntlw1 int, l>H•r \1 ut:1 <:ol,l-.\\orthy ~Ia1 it• nolils\\ ort 11·,, l had1•s P 01.un
\fahl'l Tuhh"
E111111a \\ atk111<; <•t•rtn1tlt> f1t •la11,l
Elizalwth I,1•lh·
Tl arrv \\. O stran,lt•r
Tht•o,lon• I•' P1lu1•r ... E111il_, l•,nuna "-1•ho1•rh }'r:1111·1s \\ 1llard l'hnt1 •hl' r
neorgc> RH•har,l Broa<l \ l"rn l) l, Pra tH'C
Th•rlil•l't Trac\' (Jnit•k
C.rac•c• \[. \'nn (,or1l<'n
Lorn1111e C•. That chl't
1\lumttt * *
Euni<.>e )f A r1nstro11g-
Ta,· Lt>rOY E111rit'h . .
Earl ,,·allal'e I,e111hlt•
Lilhan P '.\ f augh,111
< In ren<'e .-\ Rt>e1l
'' 11li :11n E S:t11h•r
E,lith E \ tto
llarolcl \. ( rawford
Pn>cla \L1 Y .J l'll<'k
lll•len :\[orrill
C:ra<'t> \f. P arfc>t
11'1 a 11k E. ~h wart
Tho111as ,Yach• ,, l 1ght
Eclith \[l'rle .\ ras111ith
( ora Ali<'<' ( ;a,.
Zerh na .'\ c>wton
Ella :\ I. !->t1•hbi11s
R uhv E Turney •
:.[erle '.\fagor \llPn
\fary \ D illon
J 1l a II. C,,1v
Eliz:li1l•th '.\f D n, ison
I rene :\L .Tohnson
\Iarg:trl't L '.\101 ris
1"1ie<la :\[ ,Yatk1n-;
Zehna \ \ tto
:\I a rga rf:>t IL C'rowe
:\"c>il '''c>st l{1111hall
E,lith II. Linn \ ha E. \Ioo,lv
.\ lht>1 t B. Pa I t't·t
T>:n icl '\'1llia111s
Huth < • nt>:1111er
Enna \ D o\\ II<",
\gnes T (,a ~
\\ ilhan1 < '. :\ I a·H, .f1.
Ha ., ' I' P a r i t• t
Dt>lla :--.he11 wk
Lois Ll'O lla ,,, l'J:!l'I"
R oger P '\'h,tt>
( ozt•ttP \ ncler-:nn
\\ t ilt s ( ' ro ssc>1'
1''101:1 L n 111gston
Eu11i1c> ~tt,t>l('
Oli ,·e1 \\ ietl 111:1 u
ALUMNI-Co11f 111 ucd.
\fahel D <'anil<'t' H:tnHH'i Ray 11 111 S,11nui>I \ l (ot>111g (h•nrgl' \\' P:nf1•t Laur., \ Rohhng \\ tlli:1111 Edg,11 St·11111n11l
.\ h(•<• E. Be:1111(•1 .\lhiu11 II I>v1•r 1-'rank \ l onrol' Etht•l B. '.\lo-.h<'r Pl'itz Sd10,h•r ( 'hestt>1 E \\ l'/.!l'l' lll•tman < oor-.
l 'L.\$S OF 1'l10 \(au,! E,1,lY .\Jt:i r,. L, 1ll'h John R '\l<'holas ll,1roth,· That 1°l1C'r Ethlyn' E \\ illt•tt
S:11ah ~I. Ba1rcl \ 1l'tor E. 1'1shhu111 < h:1rlf's C:in-:h11rg
Ea 1'I .T. .f l'tll'k
.\1-thur H. l (1•1r }{:11111,l Ru•har,ls \rthnr R. ,r1Ilian1s
C'L.\SS OP 1912
J)oual,1 n. Bair,l
Pn•cle1i1•k H Cow
Ila:tel \{ L:1111111
':\ I ahc>l \fath<'w s
\ 1ola '\'.1xo11
< ha1 lt>s Jt' 8h1p111:111 1I elt·u \ Yo11k(•r
Luell:1 .\ Dautord
.J11t1<' \. E\\:tll
Ho,t>1na rJ l ,:1d1u•r Lc>\\'is H O\\ens
Edna P. Hlll'a
Hn,lol ph < ~t th•rl,• (ira1 •p \J.n \\'h1pplt• Eail<' \\ J) e,alon
('r,\~~ OF 1'll-t
\h<'t> \tto
\ dol f l'l 11c·k,•:i
E,h,a1 ·,l '\p)so,l
\Jar, TuriH•Y
Ilowar,l C:11 ~r
~ara ,,, Cnrter
l(athr,n .Ta111t•son
Pn•cl \\ 1l1ian1 1,latt
L ottu• Is ahelll• '\ohu Ethel \\' Holle
lf1•nri1•t t a. _\, ~nu,lerson
E,h,ar<l _\ f,olightly Eliz:tl11•th \ L,iuug,all ('larissa OIJ\<'T
\ 11 Ia I ~,•:I\ er I 'h,n111rf'\' \ \'h·ian
\fnry J an<• Bal1111g<'r
C 01.1 IIattil' \Torri , <' r1•gar B. <211a111ta 11t•1• Pr:11wes If Townscncl P<'ny E. \\'1llia111s
n<'t tha .\ D11lon \hu r:1 ,. E ( ,an i"on 8a111ut'I S U1u~h11rl,! \Ji111, t ta n1a1whc> Oolightly .Josl•phin<> IL Luni:111 J(ati l• II T, lll•l,on < 1•1°11 ,Y1lli:1111s
\I:iq~aret II. P,;1r11c>tt \ il11i1• l<t•llr \ Ja1T E. IA'" isl •'n•ilc>ri < k ( . L.i u ug, ·n ll l ,11lit• Elnora Lj1111g, atl \,la H. '1'1 :11·y Eda \ 011ng\':11l
P ar111eli:1 I a1ulit1l' Pn•:1r
ITa1 ric.>ttl' .J { ;i\,-.011 ;\Targ11t·ntt• R :'\1,011
'.\Iari<' _\,h•IIIH' S1•ho1•1•h I h,11 )t,, \ llH•rt 'l' o\\ 11s1•111l \l1•n'<'•h,-.. L11liau Tr:t <'Y
Jrc> tH' C::iy lla z1•l Sh11111 J~, 1•1> 11 \ .1ng,111
Pfl (/{, T l11 r/ I/ Sl l'l 11
* * *
I >ornthy Hro:111
J11lia11 I>yl'l
llo1111•r \lar-.:h
\ 11 rt>,l Son 11-.on
Hi1•h:11il P. Bryan
rrou1e1• \ 'fa11111•r
\lar\· C <.::t n•1t
.\1a I•'1•111 :-:t•ott
I ' ln l'l•ll<'e HP111 lH'r<YPr '"'
l>o1otll\ \\ Intl•
I•'i11is \ ll,111 .l uhnsou
i\orto11 ,· c:on11:i11
,John Tfal'lt•v \Villi:1111s
Lois E \,\ L'l
Hoh1•rt I' \\ 1lli:1111s
l•'. Os1•a1 "-appl•nfit• lil
l'ra111•1•lia El,lri,1°1• ...
"\ onua Bri.,ht ...
L1•n:1 \'. B,•n 111t•r
\ti, li111• \I Br1111c•l
/.Phln \I \Jovnahan
\'1•r111• 11 \\'11li:111p,
Hn lph E. P:11 t l't
\\ illiam I·~ ~011
1"1\1• {,al'tilH'l
l'.111111·1 \( lh ,•r •
\n11is, II rTo,t
S\ha [) ht>11
,Ja11ws \lillr1· \\ h1t1•
Lydia \'a11gb11
{;l'OI gp lh1, :ill
<.l'org<' S1·ru~gs
Salli 11c•l J•;Jdri<l~L'
J:wol, .1 I', l111:1n
\la1y ( Hun
\l:111cl1· \. H1cl1•1
f IPh•11 I, ( 11li11111
\Jalwl Bohtho
\[il,h Ptl \ Bl'll"lll)I
< :110I .1. lloyt
• Bt•:t t ii<·<• Prol11•Jt
IT 1•Jp11 \fargarPt Hyan
Har o 1, 1 < • Hi n~Jptou
Ha lph 'l'ho1na, ~,111111011.._
J>n t/t T/11 rf 1/ , uth t
ALUMNI-(louti11 lff'rl.
I 111a < ole111 111
f:t•(H ' •'l' ( •:I\
E-.tc•ll·1 '\ 11 holl._.
Huth \\ 1lha111 011
<'I,.\. !'-,. Of' 1!) 1G
Hal\ t'} C,oh ght IJ
(~('(ll gt• ( ' , Jlp, :11on
~l:11 , <'. :\[o c, n•
(;l•llr"I' f>llllll '""'
Louisa \[ D1111n
~11I Ill'\ \I or ton
E,h tht· ~I. l'ikt>
L:1\\ r •111'l' l(. < ro\\ ,.
( 't, \!:--S OF ] fl] I
\ 1111a C \ l a1 k1•y
C ' ha rl1•:-- H Bt>all
\largp,, Bro,1d
h a \{;u ll "-1•ott
_\11ton 1a \Janz
Hol,111d Burgt'J
.To"t'phi111• \Iark1•y
( 'r \ss oP 1!ll"
"\ 1•1 l \\ Co"
1 1•1•11 E \\" ool,lri,lg<'
Ht-rt ha B. P1•111b1•1 ton
Ruth L HolillhOII
\\ tllia111 I[ { hH•ll.,.
Hai h1•l L t>:n t•II
H:lt'lwl 1 Bak1•1
\III l' \
I> 11d h·,
(: l-'Ul'•'l-' ,..
c ln1:1 ( oop1•r
.John I n 111gsto11
\Vill,ur ~o,lc,u 11111
(; r:11'1.l \'" 0\\ I'll'-
.) 0 It II \ \' 1•-:IP\ ( ro---..pr
• Ir n II'- .T. \\' a ll<'r
.\ 11111• \1. Lo\\<>
I >. ( ltarl<>, \\'ool,lri,lgt•
Katie \'. \V1•g1•r
Harold B . Hh1•:1
L1•,li1• .J c;uth
l>oist•\ (, Son
Hl.111t lw I>11n11
, l l•ssit> Host' I! arri:-on
CPlll"J.!l' \ ll.1 II l>:t h•
H11v111011d \\ 1llian1so11
• Edith l,0111,1• Tripp
I 11a 1wttt• E. 'l'n•zi'-l'
\ lt'l l'orte1 < r11s1•11
l ' :111 it I Poug li1 s
Ill'h•11 \[111•<,re~or <' hark~
H:izt•I r> Bl tkt•
t'larl•ll, t-> \\' (°';11th
1, 1111! Hankin \\ 1•llt>r
(; c•t·t 1 11 tll• I\ h•111
\ 111\'l'tO ) '!'11:l
•Joh11 <. B.11la1-, ,11.
( ha i-l1•s l•:11101"\" H1•c•1l
• Hidt:11 ti H:nto11
\ <>ra I·~. Krantz
<'t•,·ill' <, H1•1l
Huth E. H:11lnr
Flot<'IH'l' .\ tto
( 1 L \ , 01•' 1!>2 1
< :11 n1• .I \\ lutt•
II1 •)('l1 Stt•, ('IIS
H1,lt<•1t ni-ant
\J.u 1an ( lOSSl'I'
111•1 lll'rt H1•11beu '\ \"c>
,Jolt11 Uo\\anl 'f'p1•1ill
1 l.1ta L,i11ug,nll
\l:11y ( 'e l1•sti11t• ( ' :11·\ !'1'
f ut>z \\'illiams
I t''-'-" l>l' l 'ra II l'e
Lu ts "\ oga lt->s
.J Pi-n 11k I' rost
\lt>n\ 111 \\ Pr a tt
\lary \ lnn1·a ~1sso11
llt•h'll \la1,· Tait
l'lll'II \l:11 IC' 1-:kl'
Bc':it1 H'1' \ [ a rt1 u
{)orotln l '1a tH'1•-: Rou,l
\faht>l L L jnng\'tll
Tl1•le11t• IL ( un \
If:1rl1•Y11 E. \\p s t
\1th111· \\'1lh:u11s
Halph L<'" is
l '11•1 l .J. Tn•t1\•i:-1•n
• -_,,,.::.=:c..=====--= -J>n ,1t' 1' 1 •II I' f !I 11111 t •
1Jr nnthall * * *
.t\ t the ut>gi1111i11g of th(• :-..<•ason, football ~tarted oft "1th a hang·. ...\ large nn1nb!!r of < anclidate, tnr11t•d ont for practice, but d1tC' to \'ar1ons rea,ou, a ntuulH.' l' of the,e had to quit, aucl IH'\\' llH'll hacl to h(• tra1necl to takl' the \'aeaut plat•C'-.,
,\ e hPg-an thr ,C'ason "ith the lig-hte-..t tt•an1 111 thl' ('011f<'r<'t1<•C', "1th the possible exc·c•ption of I daho Spr111gs. In a re1nark,1lil., short tintP tht• tl'atn "a, \\ l11ppell into shap<•. this being dut• in largt• p;-tt·t to the ~ootl \\ ·ork of ( 'oa1•h 'l'ovrt•a. \\ ' ho kept th<' t1•a111 stt>a<lil.v at it , C'\'l'l',\' aftPr110011.
1'hc• fi1·st Lt•ag-\H' g'Hllll' "a, ,rith r~ittl<'toll and \\ a-.; pla, f'cl at I.,ittlt•ton. 'f l11s g-allH' \\ a-... a clt>f\•at for us, dnP to -...P\'l'ral h I11 Ill lPr , Oil t ht• pa rt of O\l l' tPa 111 'l'h e -..i•o1·1•-...tood: Littll•to111"-1. (loldP11 li.
'I'hc• lll''.\t ganrP ,ras at l{ 1·ig-htoll, a1Hl ,t, th,· Ii r1ght1111 t1•a111 out,, P1!.dH•1l onr te,un Sl'\ Pral po1u11ls, th<' g-aJHt' \YP11t to our oppo11t•11t-... b~ a s1·or<' ol l{r1ghton :H), ( ~olcl C'll 0
Ltll•k c·a n H' onr \\·ay "1th our ll<''\t l!Htlll' . \\h1t·h \\a-... \\ith l1'ort l ..-npto11. ' l'h1s u-au1t.• "a" a c•o111plet<' ,·1c·tory for the lloltl<'n <>lc•, r11, in thc• faec• of th<' fal·t that tht• }\>rt IJ1tpto11 1l'Htll \\ as hPa\'H'l' than thr- ho1ne ho) '-i. ' l' h<' ',('01'(' 1"!'g1-...t l'l'P(l: r\>rt I JHpto11 0, (;oldt 'll :t~
• l'<Uft
f , rnf y
FOOTBAL L-ro11t Ill urd
()nr 1'ha11ksg1, 111g ganl<' "as plc1Yrcl 011 cn1l' honH' tiPld a11cl \\ as aga111:-.t Idaho ~Jll'ings. Onr tc•c1111 ,, <'llt 011 the• fi<'ld \\ 1th th<' 111otto · 100 to O 111 fa,or of (iol<l<'ll, •· \\ l' \\ c•nt off the• fic•ld s111ging ··~Hi to O in faYol' of (:olclru . · · ' l'lu s lC'ft l!s \\ 1th a good app<'tit <' for our 'l'ha nksg-1, Illg tnr1«•~ ; and a s 1t ,yas the last g-a1nc• of th<' sraso11 th<' ho~ s broke• trai1u11g and <'11.10~ c•d <'\ C'l') tlung fro111 soup to toothp1<·ks.
~oon aftc•r the• sc•ason c·los<'cl the' tc>an1 \\as l'lltC'l'ta1nc•cl at th<' J>1,ic• 'l'h<'atr<', as th<' gnc>sts of ~Il'. c; oc>tz. ' I'hi" good tnnc• \\ as follo,Y<'cl h., c1 cl11111t'r givc•H h., ~II' a11d :\Irs. l\<'l'l'. a short ttllll' aftc'l'\\arcls. \\\• sho\\C'<l our appr<'e·1at1on b: th<' \\H) \\C' at<' th<' goocl tlnngs spr<'acl l>C'forC' H'i • \ t a llll'<'t i 11g at the> c•11<l of the• foot hall sc'ason. ( 'la., to11 l{C'l'l' \\ as elc•c•tc>cl ( 'apta1n for th<' sqlla<L .i\s onl., four l<>tter 1nc•n lc•a, <' th,.._ ., e•ar, thC' pro,IH'c·ts sC'<'lll hr1ght for a 1!)2~ ('lu1111pi o11sh1p llerc• 1s hop111g'
JllllJ< Fo, l!f • t1llt
'l'hl' lh1sh1•t I~all sPaso11 01H•11ccl 1'nl'ly i11 l)P1·1•1nlH•1·. ..\ go<Hll.,· 111nnh1•r of p1a., <'rs. Ht Ill t hosl' \\ ho \\ 1shrcl to hl' play1•rs tur11<•1l out for pt ,1<·til 1• 1\ftrr sl'\ rral )ll',H·til·1• ga111Ps thl' · · dnpr · s<•1•111Pcl to poi11t to a l han1pio11"l11p 1<'Hlll as 11cal'I)· all o!' last y1•ar \, llll'll \\ <'1'1• still 011 t hP tc•a111. l~ut lik1• all · dopr ' th<• li111·l«•t \\H..., 11ps<'t in the• :,!llllll' \\Ith .. \1,a<lc1 , 1•arl)· i11 th1• s1•aso11 and tr) as \\ ' c' ,, 011l ll \\'(' \\ Pre• not ahlP to 1·1•µ-ai11 cnu· fo1·1111•1· ·' pn111•h "
,,\lthoug-h tl11• sc>a<.;011 clicl not r.nd in a l 'ha1 11p : 011sl11p tc•a111, , <>t \\'<' fl•l'l that :,rood \\nrk ,,as do11l', a11<l 1norr. than that \\'<' ha,r so111e.good 111aterinl uncl,•1· \\H\ for Il<''\t ,rar. • •
'I'll<' folio\\ 111g ,, <.'I'<' 111<1 1nl>1•r..., nf the> first tr.a111 ('larr11<•1• 1(01•)1 (" H<'1l "), ( ';iptai11, \'-',l\111r Bolitho ("Skip"). ('l.t) 'to n K1•rr (" l•'u.1.z) \\.ilh u1 · Hil'h,11•<1._ ("Sk1n11r· \n:rust \Ia11h<'1111 t " ({us · ' 1'1•11 l {h<'a < ·~l1<•lln ").
~ulist1tut1 11 \\l'l'l' }'rl'd \IP)l'l' (" I~u1l "1, Ha~n1n11<l }lorr1s t' l{u, "), I ,alll'l'lll'(' l~C'II c· 1~1g' '). ( 'hc•-..ter l{ell (" ('hrek--" ), I,rlaud l~11c1t11ght (" J ioat,\ "
'1'h1· Sc•aso11 Sl•orc's "<'l'<': ll onH• gan1t>s- (;o]dc~n (Hi '""· I ,1tt lc•ton G. ( {ol1l1•11 ~:-; vs. 1~~11g-l<'\\<HHl 1-t, (1oldl'n l(i '"· ~\1·,,1da 1!1. CT11ldP11 -tlJ ,,...,_ .\1la1ns ( 'it.,·:!:~.
c:11ldP1l 12 \"S, \iVhPc1tr1dg- l' 1~.
( 1;1111c·s ct\\ a., l'r111u ( {olclc•11. ( Litt IP'on ~a111P 1•all<'1l oil' dn1• to sc•arll't l'P\ Pl' ,lt L1ttlPto11 ) (¾11ldf'll ~() \S .d('\\()(l(l 'H). Uold<'ll ~() \'s. ~\1·,acln :Jo ({ol1lc'll -t~
, , ,\d;1111-.. ( '11., 1(i. ( \\.lu•at i·icl:,r<' g· llllP c•nllL•d oil <111 1 • to ...,1•a1·lc•t l'c'\ <.'l Ill
\\. ltc·a t ric lg1•).
f'flt/l /111/!f/11'11
illu s krt iall
'l'hat 1he girl's bask1•t hall t1•;un sho\\'<'11 a 111a 1·k,•1l i111pr11v1•1111•11t Y<'H r 's tea 1H ,vas oll\1n11~ tn all: lint \\II\ sho11l1l11't it l11· so. for \\"1' • • lost 0 11<• i.ril'l f1·n 11 1 la t .' <'HI' 's 1<',llll
o,·<'r l·1s1 had 11 1 11' •
' l' h,• gi1 Is \\ 'l' I ,. 1111alilc• tn start p1•a1•ti1·1• <'lll'i)· i11 th,• fall. 1h11 · to th<' fa<'1 that tlH•y hac l 110 hall. 'l'hPy finally s1H·1·1•1·dP1l i11 g<'tting th<' · ·(:1•111 ·· a11d it \\as ht>l'<' 1hat fro111 t\\<'l\<' to t\\·1• 11t., girls 1·0Hlcl J:p fnulld <'Ycry 11;ght fro111 tin <'P-thirt,· \lilt ii fiyp o ,.J,u·k. t':t<'h OIH' t 1 >ing tn 1111pro, <' hc•1· n\\·11 pla,,·i llg or th<' p la> 1ng ot' thos,• 011 th<> first tc•a111 <.;o that ({oldc•11 n11g-ht hri11g hon1t• tl11• laurP1s 111 ( ;11•ls' I!a,k<' t I~all
I~,c•11 tho the• g·11•ls' fp:1111 didll't \\'ill th<' <'ha111pio11sh1p, th,•., fought hard anc l al\\ H) s playc•cl a goo<l. ,·lPan g-anH'. ' l' hP su,·,•t>-.;s \\ 1th "h1vh "<' did 111c•pt "<' 1'1•p ] 1s ch1<• to t lH• hard. faithful trHi11ing of ou1· c·oa<·h. :\Irs ll uhb,trd.
\\'Jule \\<' lost> ti,c> of 01 t1 · tirs1 1<'Hlll thrn g-rad11atio11 tl11s ><'ill' \\C' ,ll'<' i11 h o p r<:, of t aking thr g-nlcl enp a\\a,, fro 11 1 I -'11tl1•ton 11rxt >ra 1·. for th<>~. too. l osr . 0 111 c> of thru· hc>-.;t plarrrs.
\\ h"n s!'hnol starts n<•xt Sc•ptr1nlH•r olll' .._Jog-an " ' ill be>. · · (;n•ls · l{ask<'t I \ nll '· a nc l ou r goa l "ill hr to " ( :,,t th<' <'HJ) fro1n IJ1ttlrton ...
/>1111, / 1'11rl !f•t/11, t'
ill all
GIRLS ' BASKET BALL -Goof i1111, rl.
/t',r-.f 'l',a,11 (l1 /.., 11·rl'r: (;uard.... .\Ja,·_v .l\Iarke,v. .\ f11rph r:" a11<1 , \lhPrta Pik1\ J~p1•t'' { t c1ptai11 ) .. \1'1<>111• Boatrig:ht, Boat,Y." aucl {'hc11J<lo~ ,r1llian1 ..... '('ha\11\\'P.'', .. (\•11tl'r .... :\l,1r~al'l't ~n1ith. , , ~I;'' aud 1i<'rlli1•(' ~f('\"Pl'.
"'p<•<•1 l
,\11/Jsf,lu/,.,. ('t>l'\\ls Xtt·luill..., • l'<>tc : " \1111a\\ 1•1ls S1111th , ( ¾<'II('\ IC'\ 1• P1l-r • ( ¾1•11 · · \' 10l<>t l(o('h, • · ( 'ooki<'
({u·ls · fil'orrs ,\'ere as folio"·"· (;ol<lP11 ~1. \\'hPatri<l~c ~O. at (lolclt>n: (}olden Ys. '\\ hec1tr1dgP, at '\\ hPatrHlg-c ( 11ot pla., <'<l. dn<> to illnt"-s 1u '\\.h<>11trHlge ) , ({oldPn 16 ....\r, acla .32, at (1olclc11; ( ;olclc>n 'l ...\r, acla :.?1, at ..\r, ada: (:olclrn ~l~. _.\cl,1111s ( '1t,- -L at (;old<•n: (:olcl1•11 !I, .. \dan1-, ( 'it, ~. at (;o}clt'll: • • (:olclc•u , s. l; tttlcton, at J;1ttlPton 110 ga1ne , (¾old<>ll .{ , I J1tth•ton :_?,-.,_ at (, nl<l1•11; (;o}clPn 21, E11gl<'\\ ' oo<l 1D at l ~llg"h'\\' 111111. (}o}d('n 14 , l tH.d<' \\ ' <H)d 1 at (iohl<>n,
P1·os1H•1•t.., for H ( 'lta1 np io11sh1p ui11t• this, l''ll a r ,• :rood. 'l'h1•1·t• ,ire a n11111h1'r of ,etera11 pla.,c>rs still 011 thP fpa111 a11d to tlH''-<' ha,<' \,pp11 aclcll'cl sonH• goocl IH'\\ 1t1att>r1cd ,\111011g th<> old llH'll arc> I,01 h. S<•rugg--.., Hhc•a. Ii olttho, }fc>~·c•r. ,llHl
<:1111<1,v. 'l'hl'sl' ,vith lit'\\ pht) 1•r-.. n1akl• np tlH• folio\\ 111g- li11t• np:
I·. \I \\ \ ( ' E
C,1111ily, < apt:un . • <' atdu•r ( I-( o,• h , ~('( 011'1 B I!'('
S<· rH:,::,f, <''ateltt.·r Hll'ha r,l, l'ih•lwr \la11liei111 ..•• .• •• ••. • • • • l'ih•her )• 1·· f-' \.l'l'l •• •.. • •..•.... • •..•• 'Jl"~t "l:\""-l'' \lit1 hc•ll . . . . • • . . • . • l•'itst Ba ,• "-11h,tit11t1 , \\ ilhalll
\l:11l'h :: I \pi-ii ; \pt ,I I.J
K B roac I • • • . . • Short ::-top \\ Bolitho Th ail Bast> I·' \It'_\ 1•1
l'ngh•\\ 111111 \ " • (;11Jdt>11 ,1t E11gl 1• wood \\ 111•:,triclgt• ,-.. C:oldt•II at \\'heatri,lgt•.
\1,·11ln ,, , <:o)tl1111 at <,ololt•n L1tth•to11 ,.._ <:oldt't1 at L1ttl1 •to11.
\111 ora , " <,ol,h•J1 :.it < ,ol,\t•IJ • -
\\ 1 hr11 1hr .1\111111c1l g-ocs to p t·rss th<' 'l'rac·k t<'Hlll had not ht>C'll ehos1•11 TlH'l'<' ts s<> llH' :.rood 1natrr1al and it looks as 11' ,,c.• \\Ill ha,·1• 111atPr1al for a goocl tral·k t1•a111 this year.
P rospe<•ts al'<' goo<l for th<' polt> Yault, 100 yard clash, allcl the 011e 111ilt> rac•l'. 'l'h<> \n 11nal :\It>PI \\Ill hp h<•lcl in 1)<'11\<' l ' on :\ I.1, ~,. l !l~~• l'agt Fo, t11•{011r
•• <'1•11h•r P1el,l T Hht>:t •. •. •••... I ,(•ft J,'il:'1<1 !•' I>:n i,011 ...•.........• • Higl1t Pil:'1«1 1 ' u11y, ~~:trl I>nih•,.
Wrnttt H
'l'hc' ~c·holast1 <' , l'Hl' o f 1!)2 1 cnclccl "1t h 111arln'cl , lC'to ri C's 1n tc•11111s 'l'he • yrar before thr girls c·an1<' h nn1r fron1 the> J) r11, rr tcHt1'JHllllC11t the <'ha1npio11s of both su1glrs and clouhlc' s, tlu, rar both thr boys and girls l'atur honH' thr pron<l po ssl'sso r s of thrl'<' g-olcl c·nps, for thr h o: s luHl tapturcd the pr 1zr i11 clonhles a1Hl thl' girl, l<ticl l·la nn to the l'C'\\Hl'd f o l' both ,nq.d c•s and clonbh•s. The boys· ..-_ing- lr "·c•rr lost hut uot until F'nrt I.J11pt o 11 hacl play<'d a long. hnrcl !nlllH'. for I~oh (}rant pro, c><l to l c• n g-oo<l 111Htl·h for <'\'<'ll .Joh11so11. ,, ho hacl " ·o n the titlr thl' , ra1· h<'for,·.
• 1'hr h cnn r to,n·na1nr11t \YHS also a s\H·trss, as a ll tc•11111s rn thn s1asts l'H ln e ont 111 "snits" t o "ork up a sr r,l' that the•~ hoJH'cl \\Oldcl sl'llcl thc•1n to l ) l' n,c •r 'l'hc• final drl'1sio11s "<'l'l' n1cult> for th1• f ollo\\ 1ng, aftrr 11 1c1 11y prt•hn1i11ara•s had hr<'ll phl: rel off:
Roy · Ringlrs- l ~nhPrt (;r ant clrfl'ntrd W dbnr l~ol itho, G-1. G-~.
I~oY s • J) onhlc•s Roh r rt (}rant ancl
• \\Tilbnr B olitho <lrf Patr cl I•' r rcl 'l'rrffri.._c•n c11Hl I I 1•rbrrt Xvi>, G-1 G- 1 •
Ci1rls · S111glr-.; -,. \rlr1 H' l~oatr1g-ht cll'fratrd Il nrlr, IH' \\\• st 11 -!1, G-:2.
( {iris' J)onhlr-.; - \rlrn(' I~ oat ri ~i 1 ancl I larlr ., IH' \\"c•st <l r fr atrcl T~" t a J>ikr c1ncl ..t\ lhrrta J>ikr . G-2, G--t
I n th e l )c>nY e r tonruant<•llt thr ({ olcl<>11itr" clrr\\ " h: ", thrrrhy 1uak111gthrn1 pla: thr l'h a1np1011 s "h1Ph ,yas a <li s aclvantag- r fen· the> hont <' tran1,. Xot" ithst !llHling this, \\'hc>11 the final "histl<> blr\\· tlll1 ,c·orc•s "rrc:
1 o., s' Si ng l rs - .J oh 11,011 f ro1n } i't.
Lupto11 "on frn n1 l {ohc•rt ({rant, ( •) (' 1 >--.. )-
I~ oYs · l)onhlt's- Rol H•rt ({r ant a1Hl • \\"llhn r I~ ohtho "011 fron1 I.;npton u-2. -l -G, G-1.
(;ir is· Su1gh•s-~\rlrnl~ I~oatr ig-ht clrfc>at<'d Il arl<', 11<' \\"c..,t, 1 1 -~l. G-2 . • ({iris · J ) onbh•s- ...\rl P11(' J~ oatr1g-ht a 11tl I Iarlr., 11<' \ \ "c>st \\Oil fro111 IJnpto11. ] -G. 6-2, 6-0 'l' lu s n1acl e Cr olc lc•n I I 1:,rh 8rhool th e pro1Hl pnssr,sor of t"·o }H'llllallts and thr t'<' golt l c•ups. \\"r no\\ ha,·c gr eat hopr-; of hring-1ng h o nll' fonr prizes ti n" ra r , as prosJH'ets arl' good for a 1!l:2:2 v H·t or,· •
I'll[}( Forty ftl'e
''IDltr ) QI lul1
'l'his 1•l11li \\H._ ol'!!Hllizrd i11 tht• ,\<'Hl' l!l~O. It \\as l'orlllt>tl fill tht• )Htrpost>of pr111111Jti11g iut1•rl'st 111 athlc•t11•s HlllolH! tht• lli!.dl Sl'hool }Htpils St 11dP11ts t>lig-1lil<' to tins 1•luh 1n11st hn,·r t•ar1H•d a lt•ttt·r for pla~·ing n 1·P1·t.1111. l'Pq1111·Pd l1•11gtlt of t1n11•, i11 an., spo1·1 111' th1• ,1·hool 1•HJ'ri1•1il11n1.
'1'hP ofti1•t•1·s t·o11s1,t of: PrP,1dl'J1t, v11•1• prt~s1dP11t, sc•1·rl'tary, c111d t1·1•:is111·1•1·, all ofli1·1•s hc•111g- li<'ld for olH' <'a1·.
•\ II l >llSIIH",s 111<'<'1 i 11gs a l'C' ht>I <l
'l'hr a111111,tl cltu•s arP *~ 00 pa) ablr at 1·los111cr fp;iflll'l' of th1• \('HI' IS clll l'lalio ratc• ,-
1·!0,p of th<' aft <'l'IJC>Oll ,1•ss1011 of in th<' as,1•111hly "1•ho1J] 011 th<' last roo111 i1n111r1liatt>lv aftc•1· • l•'rida,· ol' cv1•ry 111011th. .
th<' <'lld dalh·iuo ,-
of 1h<' sc•hool \"<'ell'. '!'hr. • party. at ,rhi1•h ti1111• 1h<' 111•\\ llH'tllhPrs of thr <'ar ell'<' i111t1eltl•cl.
1~1 R'\ IC'!• ) I I \IR. J >l'l'Sl<lC'llt
('1, \H! '\('I' l\Ol'II. \'1t'l' J >rPsitl1•11t
P'nFn :\f LYI R, 'l'rPnsnrc•r
\\T n BIJR l~nr I'rII<>. Hl•c·1·Pt.1r,
'fhr i\thlc>t;<. ('ou1H•il ,,as fc l'llH'd 111 thr fall , f 1!l~ 1. It has pt'o\<'11 to hi' a gr<•,11 l1t•lp iu tlH• g·o,·1•r11111g- of -.;1•h1 ol nthlPtll·s ' l'h<• ( '01u11·il ls 1·0lllJH>sl'd of th1• follo"lllg' lll<'llll><•rs ()ffic·<'t'-.. of th<' A\thlc•t11• ,\ssol'iation. t,,o 111r1ulH •rs 1'10111 rh1• SP11Jo1' 1 1·1-.;s. t\\ o 111111il 1 P l's l'ron1 thl' .J 1111 io r 1·\.1,-... 0111• l\H'llilu•r f1·0111 1h<' Soph< lllOl'l' ,·lass an<l 0111• llH'llilH'I' fro111 thl' I•'rl',h llH'll c·las-.;
Pn •sidt'llt of till' \tlilt•ti,· .\ssori:ition, Tl'd Hhl':t.
"<'<'l'l'I ar,· .\ ll>l'rta Pik<• ' Hoy:-.' 'l'reast1 r1•r, Eug<'IH' \J1· K n111i1'aS. (iirls • Tn•as11rp1•, :\lary :\f:Hk<'_\.
"(' 11(11' :\ll•llllH•I''-, ~I l \l""S ...... . \ 1 h•rH' 11 0:1 I ri~ltt, .I 1111ior :\l1• in lH1 I,. I ' lnyton Kl'n, E1111i1·1• '-;:111.J1•r s Sophnn1011• :\I 1•11tln•r, H:1y111n11<l \I 11 ris. 1·'11 sh111:111 '11•111hp1·, 1:Por:.!1' .\ 111•11 ,
J> , t/t f. " f 1/ .~, l't II
(!1 11 11 lt f t l
'l'h<• 1·lass of ~lllPt<'l'll t\\'Pnty-onp !!HVC to our -.;1•hool pHJ)<'l' th1• ll,lllll'
'''\ laroon ,111<1 \\'htt<'', u11d1•r \\'h't·h t1tll' it has lH'Pll ,t1<·1•1•ssfull, t-ditt,l i,,. • • tliP 1·la,s of ·~:! ·. ..\t th1• l <'g-i1111i11g ot' thl' 1<'l'lll \\'<' 1•hosp thP staff and it "a~ thP dnt., of Pa1·h ~P11ior to s<'<' that th<'l'<' "as so1111• lH'\\, for th<• r<>sp<•1•t :\'l' c>cl1to1·s to pr<'JHtrP..
'l'IH• :\Iaroo11 and ,,·111tc 01·1·11pl(•-.; a 1·r-.1'1'\1'1l spa<'<' i11 <Htl' \\PPl,l~ to\\ 11 papc>r '"l'h<> <.old1•11 'J'rn11seript., and tht·ough thP k111cl11(•-.;s of :\It· II J) \\1 1•,t alld the• <'lt'ort-.; of :\I1ss :\far~ .\d<1,111, our lit ti<• paprr ha, lil'C'IJ 1uadr \\ot·th \\ !uh•
l~, It'\ 1c 1 :'II I YJ.H, J•~ditor in ( 'h i<'f :\I \Rll LL\ I{ '\O\., .\ss1sta111 l•~1l1tor ~\1n z:~1 Bo\'l'Hll,IIT ••\111111111 E1litor \ Illl,I 'I' }(01 II, .J \Ill 101· ( 'lass ( 1 0l'l'<'"}Hllldt'111
:\ f \C'K ~<'Hl c;c;s, .\tlil1•ti1· '£1~ditot• \1.111 H1' \ Pn'-1, Soc•J<'tY l1~dito1· • Ii \l Ht '\c I Ii, l 1. •• Joi,<• l~di1or ( '1 H\ 1 s '-:'1e·11111,1,:s, ~oph1111101·1• ( 'las, ( '01 l'<',JHHHl1 •11t 1,1 < 111 1)1 \ \1,L, Ft'<"•d1111:111 ('la s:-. ('01·rt•s polld1•11t
fJR tt r n n 11 U11~
'l'h<' ('an1pfir<' girl \\<'l'<' first orga11i1r<l in :\far<·h, 1!):20 'l'hr) \\<'l'<' tlH• fir-.,t g-ronp to \ <' takl'11 111to thC' 11atio11al organ1zat10J1 front ,Jt•tl'r !'son ( 'ount)·. ~llH'<' thl'il' adn1i-.,s1011. tlu•y lut,<' hPlprcl in or!!an1z111g the " l1hH• I~1r<l-.,'' c111d SC'\(') ,ti oth<'l' l 'a 111pfir< ' g'l'O\ljl', Ill thi .... ('0\llltr \ t JH'<'S('llt the girls HI'<' \\ 1thont a gnartlia11, so ha,'<' not li«'<'ll k11 1'Jllllg' up thr1r "ork. ' l'h<•)· plan. ho\\<'\ rr. to ht•gi11 ag-a111 as .... 0011 as a guar<lian t·an h<• found. 'l'hr · · ..\ok i) a'· g-1rls att<'IHlt•tl tht> tat<' ( 'a 111pfi1·<• at (;rc><'h')' in ~\ugust, 1 !l:20. \\'lH'rl' th<'ir !!TOltp "a list<•tl ,11no11g- th<' ... tat<· 1·a111p..., 111 <•01111<'t·t11111 "ith th<' t 'a111pfirp ,rork, n1an) of the girl~ took a honH' 11ur...,111g- t'O\ll'"l' 1111tl<'l' thl' t'Ollllt) 11urst', a1ul l'<'<'t'l\ t•tl
<'<'1' ti fil'a tc•"·
'l'hc• Hll 'tllhl'r" of t hr
Buni<·<• ~a11<lrrs .. \rl<' ,H' l~oat11~ht
E>-.ta J> k<'
ll' <'ll<' ( '}ntr<·hrs .. \ n11a\\rll .... S1nith :\Iargar<'t ~nuth
( 'an1pfir<' (; irl a1·r · .J <'ssH' ,,. ti l ia ins Jfal'lt' :\'a11kc•r, 1s Ii <'l'll lt'l' :\It'\ <'I' I ll<'I. :\ I a1tg-han ( 'ha11dos ,\.illia1ns .. \lh Prta l) tk<·
:\ I a1·u•lla l (no, Opal ()\\ <'ll :\ [ ar, 1Ii1rkc>)· ({t'll<'\ l<'\(' J>tJ,t~
()ff1< •rrs al'<': Prt>,1dr11t , ~\rl<'IH' I~oatrig-ht. \·](•<' l)1·t•siclc•nt, ~\lhrrtn Pike: ~<'<'l'Pta r, 11etH' ( 'lntl'<·h •:,,,: 'l' r <'a...,11r<.> 1· :\li1r, :\lark<,. . , " .
ID It r )
(!If QI l lt lt
'l'hc• IL II. ( '. i, a <'lt1li 01 ·g-a11il<'d l,y l,!il'ls ha\'i11g holil I cl hail'. }Iar~·
\Iark ry \\·a, th1• fi1·:-.t to lta\'l' hl'l' hc1i1· 1·lippc•d i11 l!J:!0 , c111tl \ llH•1·ta Pik,, c1111l hathr YII l>o11litt)I' foll11\\1'tl l1Pt' in the> :--illl tl' Year Lat<> 111 l!l:!1. (,1•1u•,·i1•,1•
• • Ptl,1• 1·ut l1<• 1 101 ks and \\Hs 111llo,,·1•d i11 1 lcl',t s1h•11•,s1011 hv { ·1t,111d11, \\"11lia1n, • •\lalil'l ' l'.1it ~l.1l'ga1•p S1111th. ,J,,..,.._ic• \\ 1111,1111, a11tl E1111 i<'t> S,11111<lc•r, "hil1 .:\Iari1•1la l\111,x ts tl1<• lat<•st adclitio11 ill l '1~~.
' l'h c• oh,1c•1·t of the• c·luli is pn1·1•ly so1•ia l. ,111<1 111ccti11µ, arr• h<•ld 1•,·1•1·y t\\'O \\'1•1•ks.
\ 1•1Htsf1t11 tio11 has lH• t•ll ndoptt•cl
~<'\Pt·,tl pi 1•11ic>s a11d a ''-..ln 1nber 1n11·ty'' havr lH•1•11 g-i,·1•n fo1· tl11• lll<'lllh1•1~ \\ ho 1111, c• 111•1'11 i11 th,• fol'C'!.!1'111111<1 of c•,•1• 1·_v iu1porta11t all'ai1· this \ 1•a1·.
]'a ,, ,,•,r, y
I' age l "ifty-011c •
All J-Ii gh School Picnic.- Sept. 23, 1921 . Lookout l\tlountain.
'l'hC' "·ho)p stndt•11t hoclv ancl uearlY c•, •pry 1nt•1nhrr nf the facnltY . . . l'li 1nlH•tl thC' \\ ' «•ll-\\·orll path up ('hi1111H•.,· c;nl1·h to IAH>kont Jlountain I un ~Ir. }?1tl'h al'ft•d as 1H•a<l-\\·aitl'l' a11cl ,c•r, Pel th1• 1·afc•tl'ria h1nc·h. Evervbotlv • \\ ' alk1•1l holllc' · in thr. 1110011/iy/,f • •.
Fre hman Picnic. -Oct. 7, 1921. atural Ca,,e.
'l'ht• F'1·Psh11u•n. c•hc1pPrn11ed by :\fr l)o\\ 11111:.r , \\'c11t to "'-:,1111ral ('aye i11 ( 'l1•a1· ( 'rrt•k ( 'a11011 for thrir pi1·11i1·.
Sophomore Picnic. Oct. 14, 1921. l ., ookout Mountain.
'l'h1• ~ophs 1•11t<'1·ta11H•cl thl' «'llt11·p ,1•hool at a JlH'llll' 011 Lookout ~ £01111tain 011 tl11~ elate• 'I'hl',\ rl'tai11c•cl tht•.i· \\ ' <'ll-l'ar111•<l rt•pntation cts r oyal t•ntc•rtai11Pt's and not a t•ast• of .. l>l11Ps 1·1•111ai11c•d to tell the stol'Y. Jlr and • Jlrs 'l'o,•rpa at•tC'tl "" l'hnp<'l'OlH's
f->icnic. - Oct. 21, 1921. Clear Creek Canon.
_StagC'<l b~ J f ar1clla 1(110,, Jla1·~ '\I<1rl«•y, 'l'l'd l{hra, an<l ('ln) to n I\.C'l' l' . "\\Tonld that \\' C' ha<l a s1u1p...,hot of tins pal't) ' ..\n attc1npt "as n1aclt• to <' l'os" thn l'rrek ,, 11 h cl1sast l'o\ls rrsults to 'l't•cl, }.,11zz, aucl :.\Icu·,. • • 'l'hc loa<l "as too g-rrat to liC'al '
B. H. C. Picnic.- Feb. 22, 1922.
I n spite• nf fog, sno\\, ra111 and had. thl' I t I I (_' ancl frien<ls srt out lira, <'I., for c1 jaunt to ('lrar ('r<'c>k ( 'anon. l '11<lan11t<•d h,v till• ,, <'ath1•r tlH•~ '-ita)·ecl nut il o 'l'lol'k. aftc>r <•xploru 1g thr <'H\'l' a11tl su r rou11<liug t·<>lllltl'~ ..1\ lherta an<l .i\cl<l1so11 1uadP fi11<' t•hapC'ron<•s. rl' hosr pr<•sent \\ <'rl' :\Jar., J l arkc•:. ( 'layto11 J(pr1·, E nnit•c• Sa1u lt •rs. , , .. i1rrC'cl l'attersoll, ({c•Jl('\')C'\'(' l' tkP, JJelanc1 1~oat r ig-ht. J l ahe l ·r ~nt, (}c•orgc' J ) nnha 1n , "\ lhPrta J>1kc>, -'\ <l<lison li ar,<':. :.\ I a r g-a1·ct S11ut h 'rrn n1an t:r1ggs, ,Jessir \\Ttll1a1ns. I> ic.·k l{ankin, ( 'hantlos \\.. 1llia1n.._ and :.\ I 1•, 1•r. •
f>a9c Tr'tfl!ffll'o
Senior D a nce.- Oct. 19, 1921. orth School A udit or ium.
'I'hP first hop of tht> -,<'ason '. (;1, c•n for thr h<'ll<'fit of th<' ~ \ llt1Hal F'ntHl. I t \\H..., not a hu~c• fina1H•1al s1H•t•C'-:s. hut r,·rt·) hocl) hacl a finr t1llH'
Sophomore l\!Iasq u era d e - Oct. 29, 192 1. o rth School Auditorium.
Dance and Bazaa r. - o, . 19, 192 1. orth School Auditorium.
( ;1Yrn h~ thr pupils of tht• ~orth !: h·hooL for th<'ll pr111t1111! prpss Strange artH·I<'-... \\c're <'arr1rd hn1 n r h., sotnl' of thc• hicldl'l'"i. Skip "grahlH•cl off' a 'c•hic·kc>11 · ··. for thr fi r st tJUH'. thr rohH,t ' l' c>cl RhPa Sl'lZl'<l on a lac•<' t ea a p ron, \\ htl c• thc• da111t.,. I~unic·l' Sau11<lrrs lore• lto 11 1r a huge• tool c·IH'-,t'
Dance.- o,,. 12, 1921. Opera Hou se .
T he H igh 8c·hool () r ehest 1·a f11rn1:--lH•cl 1nns1C\ f r rr, for a clanrr aft<' t' th<' play, · · \ hc·t• 111 \ \ 'on<l<'rland · ', p r r,c•11tl•<l h~ tht• I{h1P T~trtl, for thP I~o~ ~c·ont-.;. T hr rPc·Pipt.s \\Pl'<' tl',<'cl for the• _. \ nnnal.
Senior Dance.- Nov. 25, 1921. orth School Auditorium.
l' hc• spc•o 1Hl cl,IIH'C in tltr '-<'rirs for thr .; \ 1111Hal
Alumni Dance.- Dec. 27, 192 1. Nort h School Auditorium.
:;\ f l•111be r s of the '"'\ h1 111 111, ho1nc for the holidays, g-aYP a <lane·" for th<' Il ig- h ~<'hoo l stu cl c•nt-.. l )Pc·orat1ons \\Pre> in 111arcH111 ancl \\hitP, cl<'hc 1o u s JHIIH·h \\a-... srr,c•d, a11cl 11111sil' \\as furni-.hl·d hy l'lark', :\"o\'clt) ( ) r c·h l",t l' a
.Junior Dance.- Feb. 25, 1922. North School Auditorium.
(¾i vr 11 Ii., the> ,J u 111or ( 'lass as a prc•l11n i 11a r ~ to the• I, ro 1n. I ~y tins \\"C' lll <'clll t l' ac·h111g- th<' .J 11111or '· ha t·cl-hoi lt•r...," IHl\\ to cl. t ll<·<'. I iss X., qn1st "as g-c> 11 r 1·a l H1a11ag-c•t·, and nndc •r ht•r Plr1<•1t•11t dirc>c•tion, P\ l'l') Olli' Jp,n•11<'cl to cl a 11c·e.
G. 0. 0. F. Dance.- Mar. 4, 1922. W oo dman Hall. rr hc• (; oof ( ' l 11h, aft<' l' lllcl ll_\' lll)'Stc•rious J)l'(')Ht r at1011s, ga,·r a llllt<·h h r r alclrcl claHc•p at \\''oochnan II all. ( 'hoc•olatc• and <•ookil''- \\c'i·r srrY<'<L :\ Iu :--i<' h) JJj 11 11g-vall, II Pffl<•111a 11 . and J> ptrtc'.
Po,,, J•'i{f 11 l/1u•, · •
'l'he ( l,1,s of ·~a royallr l'llf<'rtai11rd th1• I•'c1< 1 lilt> SPllinrs, and thl'tr fr1c1Hl, , at tl1l' 11i1H•f<•<>11t h annual .Junior Pr ou1P11adP, 011 tlu <'' l'11ing- ot . \pril 21. 1!)~~ ()\'l' l ' one hn11<lt·t•d ,vc•r e JH'l',Pllt at th<> . \1111or _v, ,v h Pl'P tlH• f11n<·t1011 \\,1-. ht•l<l l)Pl'11ratio11s i11 ro yal hint• a11<l !!old ha11un11izctl d1>li~.d1tfnll>· \\'ith th<' pitll''i. ancl t•nt flo\\ ('l's ' l'h t• 01·l'h<',tra ",1, "<' l't' l'llPd l'ron1 siid1t hr haukl•tl pin t•s a1Hl c·hr., sa11thc•11111111s , a11d c•11<·ha11ting 111C'lndit•, ffontP<l out o u th<' air a hove the h C'ads of th<' Hl t'IT.v cl,11H'l'l''-. ' l' he pr11~ra111, <·arri('d out the origi 11al l'olor st•ht.•1 n c \\'i th the gol<l lcttC'ri11g- a11<l bin<' < o r<ls .Sparklin~ pnnch "a" s('r\'t>tl at a late ho111 ,11111 soon aft<•r, th<• st1 ,u11, of · II0111 <' ~\\<'.:t llu1n l•" l'('llllllll<><l <l11C that t)11-., ~ood tllll<' <•nnldn ' t last fo1 <'Yc•1·. i11 sp1tt of si111°<'l'P \\ 1,}1<'" tu t h t• c•o11 tra r, •
' l'h c con1n1ittt•C's \\'Cl'<' as folio\\,
Iii\ it:1tio11:. :ind Pr, ll,!1:11,.:
Ell'-\\'01 I Ii <h1111h·, ( 'h:i it 111:tll • t-~11g1•11<' \I<·Ki1111it•, ~I:11i•• :"i::i11kt•1,i, (;po1•.,i·.1 J.11,,., -
Ht• fn ,h11H•11t,:
< 'lay ton K<'t'l', <'h:iir111:1 n \\'ilh11r Bolitho f l't'IH' ( 1 h1111•h, , I lll'Z \l:tughn
1>1 •1• 01 :i I io11:
\\'ill,11r Hil'!m r, 1~, < 'hai11 11an
Pn•d \l1•,·1•r, l 'h·1i n11:i11
• Ll'l :11111 B o. 1 t ii;,?ht
l•!11nlC' 1 "1111!1•r, Glt•J•ll Sft•\t'I I'•
P a tron<: ancl Pat ront''-St'":
\I 1·, a ncl :\Ir,. Fn•,l :'II,•., l'r
\Ir. and \ lrs. <:. <'. K 1•n·
\Ir. :incl \Ir<:. \\ L Boatnght. \tr. : 1ud ~it,. J, \laughan
l 'o,,,, J, 1fly-fo11r
ID lt .e I 3J Ult i Or
Sweet ~ o \ "'M'i>·,'l\e"
a.: j (l, s
rrhc ( ' lass of ·2-1- ('llf('J ' taillC'(1 th<' I l igh S<·hool stnc1C'llt", , ahnn11i , nncl fac•ult.\ at th<' Xorth S<·hool ~\n<htornuu, (h• 4 ohc>r ~!l. 1!1~1 l)P<·oratt<'ll" \\Pl'<' c·ar1·1Pcl out 111 bhH·k and orang<', \\ ith ghost c·or11 -stalks. ai.tl JHt111pk111 ,J,H·k-o ·_ IJallt(•rns to h•1Hl at1nosphrr<'. E, <'l'.' 011<' apJH'at·c•cl 1naskrcl ancl Ill ('0s1 ll11H' •
.:\ I r. Hll<l :if rs. :\ f r ancl :\ I r, 'foYrra. ,111<1 :\ I rs I~a11ki11 ''""''" Pha prronrs. J >1·1.zC's \\ rrr H\\ al'cl<'d to \lhrrta all<l Spt>rH•<'J' J>1k<'. rrspc•C'ti, <'l.\. f'o1· thP IH•sl g-rrl \ and lHi) ·s c·ost1llll<'s
I'rlf /t ] , t / I !l·/i t't'
Ge'r'n..'1ae illll a 5 q tt r r u Cl e ,, ' Top~ y o.., ·
ct,~ AT~ e ~e
l ',1111 /'1/t 11 8 1.t •
R s
(1ol<le11 IIigh ~l'hool ha-.; al\\'a,, s hc•t•11 k1H>\\ 11 for lts sph•111lid t•horns \\·ork. lhHll•1· th<' c•o111pl'fP11t clu·1•1•tJC>ll of )Ir .. Johu,011. onr n11ts1C·,ll progTan1s for ( '0111111P111·c•1111•11t ha\'<' c'Vl'l' hcc•ll a s11nr1·1• ol' dcliµ-ht tu both anclie1H•e an<l JH'T'f 01'111 t•r-..
Ju 1~)1!1, thrrl' \\' ,1s all or1·h1•stra of t\\ ' l'l\'c piP1•1•, 111 1 (}~(} of sC'\ I'll pit•t•t•-.;, 1111d in 1 !)~1. of s1 '\ piP<'l'"·
.\ (¾ul, (Ut'l"' t~luh ,,as nrg-aniz<'<l in 1!11H \\'ith s1'\tc1•11 111<•1nlH• 1•-.;, sC'\Pll of \\'ho111 hclo11gc•d to thr- ( 'lass of ':22. ,111<l tl11, orga1111.,1t1011 ha" fnrnishr<l Ulll"ill' for C'n1un1e11t•<'lllCllt sinC'r that tiuH•. l~:-,fa I>1kr. '22. hil" hc•1•11 "t•hool aeeon1pa111st for the• past th1 C'<' yrars
\n oprrt>tta. '''l'ht• lllns-.. Shpprr'', \\'as pt·oposrcl aftt'l' the holi<la~·s tins ycat. l>nt ",1, µ-ivcll up 011 ,H·c·onnt of thr diffi<'nlt~ in arrall!!ing- rc•hrar-..al,.
'l'lic• :-:i<'nior-.. \\ ho Hl'P lc>aving- tl11" , ca1· thank }lt ,Joh11so11 for "hat he ha" dnlH' for thE>u1 alo11g 111ns1l'al lint's l·11d<'r l11s g-n1dan<·t•. they ha,c• at•qnn·c>cl n lo\'c> for th1, art a11cl a c·apa,•ity for the.• apprt•1•1at1011 of rt•ally ti11P 111n"1<'
l'a!f1 l•11t11•t1t1ltl
~rninr (11luss Jlay
"Cupid at Vas ar"
l,att• 'l'\\ ' ton \ll,,,rt·1 P1k1•
\\'anila < arroll. \ilE'111• Boatright
.J ohn \\"1llett. Te<l Rlwa
.\1110s '\or t h ( ' l:lrl'lH'(' I,01 h
_\Jrs < .1rroll \largan•t H1111th
Shiu, Laun•11t•e Bl•ll IIauk <,uhhiu .. . ... .. . .. .. :\lnl·k Ht·ruggs
\l i,, P·t~l' Plon•tH'l' Bl•nt ll•\ Hath \\·1•hh B1•ruit•t> \I"' 1•1
\l:1tt, I l·1rt ...•.. •. :\Ja1, \f.1rk1•y
[•:1tt, Sun,, .. .. . ......... .... .. 1•>,,ta J>ikl>
ll1•lp11 ( Oil\\ :I\'. \(:11 11•11:t h.110\.
\ h<•1• \\ 01 th ·... _\nna Ha\\ 111th
Ploll'lH'1' \l:111h•y • .•...... , llaz1 •l ~1111th
H11,1111•s, \l:t1Hl:!<'r •• •. • ..• llarold Hro\\'11
Prop1•1 h \la11ng1 •r \l.1lit'l ' l':iit
.\1•t 1 Th,• olil ho111c 111 \ 1•r111011t ( Ka tl' ':- houw )
_\t•t :!
lt1t<'11nr of ·1 H1•111or <lonhlt• nt \a,:- ,n
\1•t :~.. ~·1nw :ts \1•t I. 'I inH• ( 'hnst111a-.
\l't 4 ........••.... ••.. .• C n111p11s at \ :1ssar Ti1111• < l:1,s l> :n
S}'nop i of the Pla)'
\\ ancla ('a 1·roll a1Hl K at<' Xe>" ton arl' th<' clanghtc>r. of :i l rs t'arroll. a t rn~tfnl a n cl ra~ , -go111g "o u u111, "hn, t h rongh a poor i 11 ve•stnu'nt "·1th a fak<' h l' ok e•r , \ 1110..., Xorth, lo~<'..., thl' 1no1H'' fo r l(atl' ·s sc1 111or , Par at \' assar. .
K ate• an< l \\ ancla arl' both 1n lnYC' \\ ith ,John \\ dlc>tt, a rising- young ,11·1•1t· trc•t, ,, h o i...,) c.•t Hll l' l'<'Og' ll l/t>el. An1 os, too, ,ris lH's to 111a r r., I,atc'. 111 orclc>r to do this ht> g'l'ts c·out r ol of :\ f l'~ ( 'a rr oll 's fit1,\lll·1al 1nterrs t -, ancl p r c>tt>1Hls to 111\<'.;;t h1• 1· 111011c• , 111 c·rr ta 1n sto<·ks
I~eeansc' shr 1s .)Palon~ of K atr. \\Tan< l.1 alli<'s he•r--c> l f "1th \ 1110s, to kt•c>p th P l o ,·e•1·s apa r t Il o" <'' c•t·, t hrough th<' ta1·tfnl n1a11agP111r11t of ~all) \\ Phh, }( ate·, roo111- 1natl', \n1os an d \\·a u cla arc' fonn< l out a11cl l(atl' a 1Hl ,J ohn, \\ho ha s H O\\ g-ro\\·11 to h<1 a rH·h ancl fan1on a r 1•l11t<'c·t in ="<'\\ 'i 'ork. arc• rc>u111t",L
-' \1 110..., attl'a l•lc•cl h: \ \'an d a ·._ <'Oll'-i1<h• r alilt• fo r tulll'. <•asts his lot \\Jth IH•1·s for l ife•.
I'nq<' F1ft1111111r.
• •
1'001 SI.IIJJ
I't1rfr "1.1 I !I o111
S EP'rI~\I I~ Ci 8<•hool oprns
h )Ir sHggc•,ts fair., - tal1• s for the• little ' · :J<"'ro,h ".
] 2- I•' rnsh grt lost pc•1· nsnal
13 - I~' oothall pra< th P starts
]G- ..\11 II }-i pic·llit· 011 J; ookout :\It
2a - Snphon1ore Jlll'llil• Oil I ooko11t :\[ t
()("l'OI~EH 6- <,olden Ci )I annal
li - · .\Iaroon a11<l \\'httl' · · Sta fl' <>lP1•f<'<L pic 11h·. at th<' Xatural ( ' a, c•.
] 0 ( 'lass nffic·e1" l'lPc t<•d
11 Se111nr" sPIPc·t <'lass p111, .
1a .\111n1al Boa rel l'l1•1 •t1•c\
1~ (lold1•11 0 , ~01 th J)1 • 11, c>1
1!) - II S Ihu1< •c~ at Xorth Sc·hnol for the lH'll<'fit nf the• Annual.
:!!l (}olclen 7 , J; 1ttlPton
:2!l Sopho111or<' .:\Iasqttt' J{all at thl' Xorth Sc·hool.
() \. E :\I l{ I~ 1{
5- (; olc l1•n 0 , l{ rig h ton l!l - :J<"' oot ha 11.
3 Senior clan<·<', aftc•1· play · · \lH·e in \\"011clerlc1ntl · •. in the Opc•ra Ilonse for thl• lH'll<'fit of thl• ]<)2~ "l{ol<l J>an".
10 qnartt>r e1Hl._ ,
10- l{c>port <'arcls 1ss11ed
1~ (:ohlc •n :3!l, ]juptou 0 - }'oothall.
21 II. ~' g'l\'C'" snppt•r 111 Ijihrar.' for the• hl•t1t>fit of the \ thlt>tte \ssoc·1ation
~2- " ({" ( ' luh c•l<•<'ts offil'<'l'...,,
2-! - (:olcl<•n <JG. I daho Spr111J!s O I•'oothall
~.> - l)an1 •t• at the Xorth Sc·hool for th<' hl•nefit of tht> .\nnuaL
J)l~( ' I~:\ If~I~l{ 1- I~a"krtball hc•g111s
!J 'l'ag l )a_\ atHl J>a1·a<lt> for the hc1H•fit of tht• .1\unual.
12 (hrb, start J{askc•thall.
1' ! ({olclr11 :{h, :\ I a1111al .> J{a,._J-.ethall.
lfi <:ol1lc>11 ,s. l.,1tth•to11 l{n-.k<•thall. ({olclPtl l{cl\s, (iCi, l,ittlP(Oll l~<>\S (i • • ({olclc>11 (hr)._ -t-. Littlc>to11 ({iris -t-6
2:l Sc•111or p1·ogra1n 111 the> \ uditornun of the• I I 8 for tl1l' lH•11rfit of 1 h<• ~\ 111111al.
~:l (;olclc>n \ s . l ~llg-1<>" o<><l - I{askc•t hnll. ( toldc•n l~oys -!.>, l~ngl<'\\ o<Hl l{oy._ 1-L ({olch•11 (hrls 21, I~nglP\\ood ({~rls J D
27 - I I S ... \ltuuni lhutt•e nt '\01·th Nc•hool
1'1t1f L Su I !I I 11 n
THE YEAR - f'o11tinlf<<l *
,J.i\ XtT \ R \" G ({olcl(•n , ·s.•\ rvada - 13 a<.;kC't ha! I Ctold<•n l~ o\'s lG , _.\ rYa<la 110,.., l!l • • ({olden (; i r is 7. \r ,acla (l11 ·J..., 1.
~) 8<•111rstrr ('\.,l1lllllH t IOllS
12-" l1ohhrcl lla1 r ( 'l nh " org-a111zC'cl.
1:3 - ({ olclc>n \'s .,\ cla in s ( '11 ,- l{HskPthall. • (:olcl<'ll I{cn.., :~7 .•\cla1n s ( '1t, I! o,s 2-L • • • (; o)drn ( ¾u·].., :{"' .1\d a1 n s ( '1t, ( l1rls 2 • 20 (; o)cl<'ll , s. '\\'hc•a tr11lgr I~askethall (¾oldc ll ] {O) s l S. '\\ hc•Ht l')(lgr l ~oys ~o. c: olclc 11 ( {iris ~O. \\'hratr1dg-e c:1rl-.; 1~.
l<"'I~I{R l ' \I{\- :1- C{ ol<lc•11 Ys I~uglc•" noel J~a krthal l. (Jnlcl< ll l~ oys I~nglc•\\ oocl l !o,, s :t:~. (:oldc JI (t1rls 1~. b:ngle\\OOcl ( tirls ~o
7- - IJlllll'h g1YC' 11 111 J>hy sH •s l 1aborator~ h~ thr ~C'lliors for th e hC'llC'fit of thr .1\nnn aJ.
2:-i-,Ju111or J)atll'<' at thc> Xorth Sc•hool. " J> ('ac·oc·k ... \ llC', .. at the• J>,,ic• 1'01· the• ... \ nnnal. •
?\I \R('II 1 '' J> c•ac·oc·k \lie> \"·· at th<' J>1 ,1p for th r .1\11n nal •
2 ()pPrrtta , " 110\ P J> 1ratc>-, of Il a\\,ui, .. fot· the• ..\1111ual.
4 (L () () J.' " ( 'lnh J)an c-e 17-'rh i rcl qna rtP r rncls.
:! -l ~p r11 1g \'aeat1ot1 ue~ 1 11s
J> oqr .,, rf 11 fltrrr
~A:\ ( E~
..\ clolph J>fe;I
~\lhc>rta J>1ke
.._\1111a Il a\\ orth
.._\rlc>ne l1 oatr1ght
l{l'l'll it•(' .:\I C'\'C'l' • ( 'lar<>ncP K och
Earl l)ail ,•
E"ta J> 1kt'
I.'lor<'ll('<' BC'11tlC'\
<l<>rtrn<l<' l( <>ati11g
llarolcl l~ro,, n
IIaz<>l Snuth
Lau1·r11C•c> B<'ll
JI a hi<' 'J'ai t
J l ac·k Srrngg.._
J farg aret R1nith
Jfar1c>lla Kuox
:\ J ar, .:\f arkc•v • • JI a Y (; rec>11
• 'l'rcl l{h ra
~IC K '\ .-\ :i1 F~ :F'iclo l~ohb, • .:\ J i-.;s .1\nna I1 oatY • I~ u ll ll C'e ('ook
I>ail, • Spike.., Skillll\ .. 'l'rucl\' • }1!'0\\'lliP \\Th i<·h II axe l
J{ ig T1c•ll :\ I <'h..., 1 1ac· )I l(11ox1c>
J llll' )lh~ .:\ I a, I>a1..,, • :-;lu•ll" •
()h, I kllO\\
l I ravings
\\'rll, I don't kuo\\'
'l'<•cl, quit
vV h ,. • g-osh
• "\\'"e l-1-1
1 11 '-icl~
I.,a11rC'tH•P, I ·11 1n11rclcr von .
It\ the hnuk
() h. that ( 'h C' 1n J
I th111k "o
:-;a,. listen (ill\ • J~ c•a II, •
HI ~01,{ ~TIO'\
'l'o n1ake at lc>ast a" ]) "
'I'o c·nt. clown to fi,c 0 1· sl\. hc>a\lx
X P\ rr to a1·1·augc• h<•r hair clitl'crent]J
'l'o stav holll<' oHC' 111ght .
'I'o att<'tl<l ev<'r\ da11C'.e • 'l'o take• a ha11clson1e pictlll'(•
'I'o g<'t th rll
~ot tog-Pt 1na rr ied. llllle-.,-
l' o o•pt fat ,..
'l'o sc•alp all tht> te:H.-h< l''i
'J'o suc·<·Prcl in lif P
'I'o 1r<1t r1c·h 1\· ,., 'l' . l o get c 1 vc•ry g-n· s fh!!t
:'\ot to be k1s...,Pcl
..\ w, g-\,an >.'ot to 1na kP a rc•sol11t i1111
I gur,s so ' l' o grt thr l{ ouldf'r sc·l•ohu·,l11p
1·r..,, he>\; rc•,11 gon<l look111g- '\ot to lir n1ore tha11 .... 1xt••c•11
I s h ould \\ orr, ' I' o bc>c•oine ,villcl\\'\'
•· •·
LO\ 1 ·s \I OS'I'
\T[}(•t1 tio11
\\Tho 1-.. 1he latest 'l
11ro" 11
SaltPcl ahnoJJds
()\ 'itc>r <'<><·ktaJI.., \\water1n elo11s
}{ OS('",
.:\l H"-l<'. -.;0111e of t hr ti 1no
Hc•cl ha 1r
( ''hoc·ola t<•..,
I~ \.a<·t 11P-.s
('a11 ' t l>t•c•1d1• Rian,., ,..
}{11\ ... • ~t1,ophn11c
..\ I 1ur-.; fellow·s
I•'u< l «re> ,..
:\ Iorris chair
<:oocl night 'l'o :,rc>t a 11in<'ty.r1 i11< 1 in ('icrro I I 01•5 ,•s
'I'ln1t l'-i ' l' o spPII <'\'<'r., \\"r<l i11 a thc•1ue \\'l'Ullg 'I'o pull girl-. hair
:::·-....., :::-
)J..... Pagt S i xty -fi ve
QI u tt lfJou -
L:111ll•tu•t• BC'II 11ot ,,up111g -.11111t•liocl., 's 1 111•t\" pt•ll.
~k 1n11., Hic•l1111 d-. \\ it hou I hi, " II ors,• lt·t th '.
'!'odd 11ot i1-;ki11g 101 ,,meliod) 's uule • \ !'111,lt
\larJ \l:1rkt•.,, :-ki1111y.
\lnrh•lb \\ ithout big h10,, 11 t•yc:-1.
( '1:11 l'lll'~ K cH'h II l11 lllll't tl•.
J,:,ta l 'ik,• 1111I !'laying tlw piauo.
1 'In., 1011 Kt•11 "1tho11t :i11, hai1
llpal lh,,•11 11111 talking \\ith ht•r optit•-..
(~1•1t111il1• K1•:1t111g t:ilkilll,! aloo,,• a \\hispt•I.
\I I. 'l'o, n•a \\ itho11t hi, pt'llll) ll't't11re.
\lnc·k '-;c 1111,!I.!' f11•~i lll! a g-irl.
•\tlch,1111 I Ian P\ 011 t 1111t•, • Boli Kuo, not 1•11tti11g up.
\Ii,-< \ <111111, a , :1111p.
S>rhonl '
Lil,!ht s that ,, hil'h i, \,1 ight K1•11111r,. < 'rank-that \\ hic•h 'it arts thiug~ I 1111i11r,. B111ke-thnt \\ hi<•h stop, thin:,.r:- --'l'o\' n•n. \\ atPt·-that "hi1•h 1•ools thing, - ht lh:11•h1•r.
<>ii -tha t \\ hi1·h rP1luc-es fri1·tio11 \clam-;. Pa,nt - thnt \\hkh is hNlutifnl \vq111-.t
I-:u,,inP-that whic•h make-; it "II '-\1 hool Bo:1111.
Chan \Villi:in1s 11ot talking basket-ball.
\\'illarcl llfl\"t fat. •
H,•a 'l'aylor \\ it h r:I\ l'll lcwk-.; \Ii,-. E,lba,•lwr "ithout 1 ,·ollar.
l he~t1•1 Ht•II k1111\\ iug hi-. :-ipanish voern.
\ di-;ord,•1 l., historJ l'la~---.
l!:I\ \l01 n-. fro\\ 11i11~.
\It lohtl',oll \lith a p11111pa1l11u1.
I rt•111 c ' hun•lw:- oil lll'1 di~nity.
l>ic k ~nuth "ithout L•ar puff'!.
\ 1111u Ha" o rt Ii In sterh•al.
\ I 1 !i'it,•li \\ ithuut hi-. ,an·a,111
\ rl, 11,• nud \lbett:i nut talking girb · ., I h lt•l ll'"·
l •\•11,lt•r:- that ,,hich ke1•p-; th1• ,an, t ont .Hylnu,1.
\lnffl<'l - tlwt "hich ,nluhlt's the 1101,C'Tocl,l
II oi-11 thu t which blo\\ s ~oph:-..
<:as-that ,,h1ch explocles-Frosh.
-.;1,,<,ring ,,~hl'el-that "hic•h k1•cp, thin~ ,tr:iicrht Pit<'h. ,..,
\ t 11 J I•' t
E\'l'l'YOIIC • So·11e idt•a-.;. \11n11a\ Hoa11l Sl•<1 0111l hand <'he111 '\ ott.• Hooks .T unicn :\ "lllclt• ,.. . . \ •' lit tit• hols<• • · ••....••.
Jt'ro-.;h ( at•qa 1 ( la,~ B) the S<'hool
l 'a, 11 • S1.1 t 1/ ~,.r
Soph. Engh sh l,ittlc• 11•1•1
I·\•\\ 1•1 t h1•111t>s
L. Bell • 1 on• nnt,,, 'l'ocl1l
nnua l Boa rd
') T
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
<.!lolunttt Bv
• • . • • • • • • • •
• • • •• • ••• • • • ••
• . . .
. . . .
rl e 11e
Namr Jirttir
On<' d11 y 10 \I :n " lll'll th e grass \\ as Green , Bells "clc r111g1ng nnd the su n 's Rhea 's we1e bC'atin g ,lo\\ n, tlw Seniors decided t o go o n n Daih,y pH'nH'. B ut as there wa<i a swau1p to rross, fo1 f<'nr of ~toyer 1ng, they took along two l>tkt>s so that the) conlti Boat right :H•ro s'-. .\ fter sa fel y rros ing the swa 111p , they founcl 1t llt>l'essar>· t o T(nox so 11 1e boxes 1part to build a c:unpfire, :incl so ha,1 to Pfeil th t> unlls Tl w Stniths b ui lt the fire, nss1s ted hy Ken ting and Tait , hel'Uuse they <·o nld D ooli ttle other\\ Isl• The Korh now pr<•par eil 1L ~te" -a rt and bake<l n sp len,li,l luun "hu•h, " heu Bro" 11 ":.is en,ioye<l by th o~e which I :\I ark ey, t h<>y were If a" or th S,•ruggs a n<l Bentley
If amous ~ayinga
Go,·erntnl'llt of th l' fnculh, for the f a<'u lt, , nnd h v th t> fa cul t y, h1•rehy 1l<•<•fl'1'i : 'l'hnt notC's, cri bs, po nies and fu ss ing s hall fon•, l' r pc•n-h fron1 this <''ll th
S c ho o l 1s 111 rc, hut us for nH•, g'I\ e HH' \'arat1011 or gn·l' llll' [)••11th 1
Hell hnth no furr hke a wo111u n •.._ ror n'
So the u1111oti1 ·e,( cl:uly ~rn,l<> wak es t o the hirth of 1111n1•1•011n t•••l f:1 ih1rl• at tlu• 1•1111 or t h1• Qua rte r s.
Lonely is the rnan ,, ho uu ,ler s t an d s :\fnth
I hold the Ii1gh R••hool hut n, n rn<'l' t1a1·k, \\ lu•1·l' l'' 1·1y 111nn n111,t run hi-. 1•1111r-.1\ nnd 111ine a fnihng one 1
If to do \\ere as l'US\' as to kuo\\ \\hnt ,,en• to h1• 1lo n<>, Engl ish had bt•en Jf ea,1•11, anil :\[nth, a Flunke<> 's Paradi '-P.
It 1s n lucky 1na11 "ho gets to rend his own '' not !'s' ' Oh, ho\\ full o f D' s is n1y Qunrt<•rlJ R<>port C'nrcl !
All that is se nt is n o t re1•e1, eel.
mo fou iRrmrmber
* * *
To have att eu d e,l t1Ulll) hop,i nnd to lune stud11•<l uuthing, 1s to b u,e 1nade a good • 'Jigger' ' and n1ao) D ' ._ on your Report C'arcl 1 :i. 5
Those '' Un s at1 sfac ton,•,1 • ·' ti • ' I<'ro ,h · ' a lgebra i To<lcl 's n1u st ache f - Se n ior t hi:>rnes ! I Senior Kid Day ? "· Tag Da y 1 Y our fir s t cl ay in lligh 81'hool !I Anything \'Oll lear111•d f • Te,1 Rh ea's ' 'pull •· > Ill \f u sir f
* * *
1Jiut1nritr Janttmra
1-!sta '1u1\\ IIIJ.:' pl<'llln•s ot balli,d da11rc-1 ", •1ct1e,"e", .J u11io1 P10111 l>re:;'-e:-;, heroes, etc.
Ll•lnrHl 1•011rti11g his <•111•\\ing l,!lltll •
.\Ir. F'it('h -.,,n,lin:,! ,0111po11e h111111• at tt•1 :t lor:,::ott,•11 ( ') exc'tbe
.\l11Pl'tn ,,rit111~ .\. ,·. I'. oll ,c,1111' of tlu- ,('hool propt•rty anil then rubbing it off 1111dl•1 \Ir. l•'it,·la ·,.. co111le11111iug eye,.
'1'1•d gPtt111!! lat1•, 101 ,onH• 1111h11·k) g11l ,,ith "ome hashtul buy.
I la1t•11rl' al,0111 11 1•1•1 t:ii11 ,,•11101 !,!11 I \\ ho \\t'ars a n•1l ,.,,eater with t\\O teuuis
I ta 1::,; 0111• !!lll',s, \\ ho I
lla1ol1l Bro\\ 11 k1•l•pi11g ,h) ol 111l' !.!irb.
\la,·k a111l Bl•rt111•1• 1·0111p:iriug \lg1•li1:i :111,,,,•1s, I hCJrl' li:I\ l' hl't'll no problt•1n :1ssig111'1l.
'1'011<1 1,,nili11g "01111• '' u 11h11·ky
Ulayto11 tu~,,u~ \I:ny
l•'u1111, ho\\ the) 1•au ,·01111iu re, \\ hen
.\la1ga1t•t 1·ougl1111g, \\htc·lt i, :1 •igu to J:e,1111·1• that a 11ut1• i-,. 1•11routt• to lwr.
< he· h'• 11•11H•\ 111g l,!ir I,· hall pin, \\ 1th a 111H!.!l1t'I. 11 1•tt Ill" ,_ tl11• h•:tl'h1•r-. a,,..1{!11. ( ) I I 0111 \111111 !Jlll't'l ho,, "hut
L11u11•1w1• Ull1)1111! \1h•11t•'-.. sa--h 111 ,,,ipi11:.,: IH•l p,•11 and th1•11 lull) 1•11.10.,·111g heari11~ h1•r th11••1t1•11 to kill hi111 if hf• 1lid it again.
<'la1e111·1• t1l'~1ti11t: till' g11 b to 'l't·J •, 1•:111d., i11 \Ii..-. :'\~•quht 's stud~ period, l~ail t1., iug to :,!et :1 !'Cl feet :--pauish Jp::;..011.
IDrarhrr.s f!;obhieH
\Ii,_, \I j,.., \Ii,-,
. . . .
\,l:1111.., • '' lt,•,•1t111:.,:
E rlh:11'111•1·. . • . . •
'' l>:1111·i11g • • ,..11111 t <11111tat11>11._ . • • •• "l'11ll111s ..
\Ir. l ·'1tl'h •....
Jo'lon•11<'l' (Taking hl'l st•at in .\Ii. Do\\ 11 iug 's study 111'riocl): '• Sh you'd hcttC'l' q11it talking, \rlc•111•, or 'l'ocld \\ ill s1•11d )'Oil to t l1t• ollfrl•.''
'l'odd: •' F'lort'tll'1', ,,,•n• yoll sp aking I'·
l•'lorl'IICl': ''Yes, sir.''
'I' oil ii : ' ' ( , 11 t o t IIC' o nit• l' t ht• 11. • ' *
:\Ir. '] 1 11\H':t (l11 < 'h1•111i:st1y Ulass): L1•la111l, 1•:111 ~•1111 11:11111' folll kinds of sugar l Lt>l:iud: Yl•-., s11·-gr:t11lllatecl, pow1l1·n·,l, l11ow11, and lnrnp.
'l'h,• .T1111i111 1•!11,, ,1a, l'allt·,l t11•.,l•th1•r l,, tht•i1 ,•la._, ,pon,01, :\Ir. Do\\11i111! ,to :--et a daft• for tlll' .Jn11io1· Prom, ,,hit•h \\Hs to ill' sonH• ti rue a ft1•1· L1•11t. \ ttpr 111a1n ,latt•, • hail hl'l.>11 --11..,.rv1•"tc>d an,] n• 1't•t•h•1l Earl ,., . , llaill'Y a"kt•,I ho\\ tltl' la~t Fri,lnY 111 \la11•h \\ 011 lei ,lo.
.\Ii. no\\ llill/.!, i111111t•dintt•h t' ll1'11ltl'.J hi, littlt• p111°kt't 1·nlt•11,l:11 a11,l ·i11 :ill si111't>l'it)
--ail: ••<'l:hs, I think that ,,oul1l he :1ho11t th<' h,•st «late, ii-. tht• la,t 1-'1i,lny in \lnr!'l1 is \pnl tl11• li1st."
/'ar/£ 81.rty-uyltt
I \Ir. \ I 1·. \I I • * ,I oh
n•11 ~n rea ,1n .. •• • • < '11rly hai1 '· • • For1h,' ' " (' ,, orn
us, 111 ..• 1)11\\ Hill!.!
\ \ 'ben the tenchct doe,11 ' t read your note \\'hen you nr<' 1•:dlt·d to th<' otnc>e to ans" l'l tht• 'pho1H•.
Tl'1l-• • r :1111 ~ou1g to 1unrry a little wo111an, because of all t'\ ils J was told to take th<> lt>ast · · , \ ca!J to the oJJict>.
•' D i d ., 0111 watch stop \\")wu , 011 dropped 1 t 011 t 111• 11001 ? • • asked L11 urcu of U JC1n11
''Sure, <lid J·ou tlunk it \\Oul<l go th1011gh'''
B ud ,;\Ieye1 ste p ped in t o gJhs · tht• othl•r d:n a11'1 ask<>cl for a pair of sock~
'' \1i'hn t nunlber? •' th<' c•le1 k q11e r ic•d
•' T" o, YOU! poor d11111h hp]J I f>o I look likt> u <'t>llh[H•rl<> > • •
Fros h -\Vhnt ·., the u~1· of \\ashing Ill) h2111rls !)('fore l go to sl•hool , ,notherf I 'rn no t one of those who are always I a1s111g tbern
3J o k e.a
I l11ld Ill\ gll I lu•1 11:111· \\ as 11' c•,I. " ' Ti, t als1•, '• sh<' 1•1 ll'd , I gue'-s she was right.
\ h ss .\clu111-, \\ hy JS Hoh like a Jlt'I 10<1 l
< las!'! (loud lJ) I I t• c•o111f'-; 111 at the end of e, er,·t hiug.
B oli Y<''-, I gt' t till• point all tight.
~liss .\ da n1s :\an1c tt-. () proJucts of :-5w1 f t ' q Jl l'll
Sk p l'atth• and hogs ,
l 'ha u cl os \ \' h at 11 111kt>s t Ill· h•a, t>s llllll
I 1•d 10 the fttll !
Oe n e, 1e,1~The) a n • blush11 1g to think ho" grc•l'll tht>)' ha, t• heeu nil su1n1ner.
\l r '°'" 1•1•11e, - :\Iy sou, "hy ure yoa al" :I\ s at tlw foot of the class!
• Tnl\ '1•1-s - It 1loesn 't 111akl• any cliff<'reuce ' l' h1• teach<'r teaches the san1e le~son at both 1.•u,ls
You k110" how Alberta talk~. \\ ell, Flor <'lice tul ,I her one time that "heue, er she ,:ucl a11ything that tnight seem personal she must add, • • Presf'nt l'0111pau, excepted.''
The I tlie1 du) Albe1 tu \\'as ta l king to \bH·k au,I he sail!, '' I 1lo think :\lable 's httle d og 1" the l'lltt•st 1log I e,er saw '' 'fhen sh,• hnppenerl to tbiuk. '' P r esent 1·un1pany <':'l.1·e ptt•<l, •' she a<ldeil quickly
~mtlr !ruiner.a * * *
~<llllf.'J l'aqr •
We Thank You
We, the Seriior Class, wis/1 to thank those busi1-1ess ,n en, w/10 tlzroitgh their i1ite1·est and generosity lia ve Ji e lp ed make tliis A n1ittal possible. Their advertise1n e 1its fo llow - read th e 111 and /irid oitt what firms ar e interested i11 the we lfar e of yoitr school.
Fetterman's Variety Store
• • Y 011 kuo\\, • · s~u<l the lady "hose ,notur ca1 ha<l ,Just 1uu do\, n a man, • • You tnust have been walk111u ,ery carele$slY, as l a111 "' . . ·1 ,,er, irood drh·e r I ha, e be(•n <lrh 111{! a • r, ,·ar fo1 s(•ven yeal'~ • '' Lady, \'OU , t' got 11otl11ug on tll l'. I •, <' het'n "a lk1 ng for forty -fh·e yea rs •
D1t. liAROLI> , ·. ( 1 HA\'.1''01{1)
e, Bank Bld g. Roon, 11 l:!
Uolrlen J I 7
fl or11e Coo ki11 g J>ar/t .\r I ( ' II f !f (}/If
EAT at The Ideal Cafe
110 111 ~J:1111 - 1:! 1)11 I : :-JO- ::., : 1111
To get the nevvs of Golden and Golden Hzgh S chool you MUST read The Transcript F l s·r1•. \\ \R "r Fl "l , ENE STE\\'AR "l' Pre s ' I'rea and .'.'.l1?r . The Stewart Grocery Company ' l ' HE ORTll SIDE GROCER \ 922 \Va , hington Phon e .\., e Go lden 8-tThe Jefferson County Power & Light Company Go l den, Colorado l'al/t- Scunfy tu·o
FOR ' l 'l-IAT Lunch
I \ I \ I) - I I I~.\ H 'I' 1.: I )
l•;xtn1tt 111111 :1 la11,li, ad '1>1111'1 kill
\ 1111r \\ i fp: lt•t lh do ,·on1 · dirt, \\Ill k. · · .
\\'In· du tlu·,· h:n,• tho,p .rf:1,, ca,1•-.. ,,ith the axe,, 1·ro,d,ar, anti oth1•1 i111ph•1111•11t, i11
\•111 in th1• railroad 1•:11·,, ,Jo y1111 -..uppo,p
Oh, th,•., :ill' put th1·n• i11 t':t:,1• -.11 111•11111•
\\:111t, to OJll'II ,I \\illdu\\.
.\ddi,011 ( >It, I h:n l' ,uch a t,·1·1 ihlt• 1•011
i II "'·' hl':id.
Hi,·h- \\',·II, th:it i:, l11•tt1>1 th:tll 1111thi11;!.
.\ 111:111 1•111dd11 ·t lo,1' 1nt11•11 by h11: in;.! a
pai1· nf -.u-.pendt•r- t'o1· fo11tt1•1•11 <'<1111,.
~of un!t• , ht> lo-.t 1i·, p·11 t,
.\Ir. l>o\\ ni11;.r, to ,111 i11ktlll,! '-., 101 '-. op
: ,•tiu;.r likt> n 1•r:d1.
:::-1•11ior (fPehly )-.\ 1·1al, !
.\Ir. l>o\\11i11g -Yo11\e ltt•1•11 :!Ollig h:wk
\\:tnl t'\t'I ,inn• I kill'\\ : 011.
'l'ed Hhl'a (at thl' l>p1•n•tt•1 l .\1111·1\\C'1 b.,
, 011 look lik C' a llo\\PI.
• .\ 1111:1\\ P!I, H1•:ilh !
• • * :\(a1, I 1•:i11·t
\11·.• To,11 •:i-lf -'11111
1111;.;1 d up \\ itli ,, 0111 t •1•th •• ' 1111 1111:..::ht
ahl,• to clo :1 littl.,
.I. l N > .. !-, r\"-. C 'h' • q D • • T < nr DF~ < OLO <,R \LI LR S:. REFVF ', / ti I E:-.,· I u, h <' 'I'\ ll'P I, l1' lf11111 lll Telephones 9 and 69 I""'.:'1 U),y' ,....... c Koenig Mercantile Co. Value and S ervice Del Monte Canned Goods ----------------J 'J). .....-i ',
\ i" l'ill,.11111'\ ', 111•,t I
pr1111111111l'O tht•st• wore!,
~um di1l11't ~t't
l11•tt1•1. Metropolitan Barber Shop
. I 5;(1tisf a c tioJ1 G uaran t eetl 10 1 City Tailor Shop P r ,r ie t or <: Iea 11in g , J'>re'is 1n g, R e p a irin g and \l te rin g Suits to Order IOI W e suppli ed th e S e ni o r s w ith J ew e lr y and Ann ounc eme nt s Autr ey Bros. Gr ee ley Co lo. ( } 01 11r,/11nents of [< I O I }) The Rock Flour Mills IC I O I ( -; oI<l e n , Co l o rado Adolph Coors Company \ I,\ I! It ra 1• l tt l't' rs Malted Milk An<l <>tl1 e r l\,J i lk Product ~ I 11<lu ~trial Alcohol Y e a , t Ce r e al Be, erage
Wa hingto11 A , ·e.
Text-book for Mines , Hi g h School and Grades Dravving l\laterial
Lates t Periodical and l\la ga z ine
T1.r pewriters , Fancy· Station e r} , e tc.
'' If, as t hl• poet sa,, la1lit>:-. · look-.. at l' 011r l,ook,, will ,·011 not let nu• h·a n1 f10111 • A your eyl•s r '· Thanks, hut 111y l'~ 1", an• :tln•:1«1y sup plit••I "ith pupil,.
"I>,11li11g, ' h1• •-:1111, "I h:nP lo,t .di my
•• IIIOlll')" •
'• ll o\\' t·:11elps, of you,·' ,.;Ju• I l'plicd, ·' tilt• lll•Xt thing you k110\\, you 'II Ill' J11,-i11g
•• IIIC • ' l'II I~ J> E:'\.\ l ./1' \ '
• • '.\ [ a111a, ilHI , 1111 lo, l' to tint \\ 111•11 ,·011 "ere young?' '
•• I 'u1 afraid I 1lid, dt>ai- ! '.
• A.ncl wert> ,·011 t>Yl'I' p1111i-..h1·d tor i t, 111a111a ) ''
··\'f's dt•ar: I 111a1Ti1 •il yo111 fat h1•1. · •
Tt•d Hitt a l ad111in• ,1 good lia1·.
\ dc•tH Y 011 Pgotist !
'.\llss '\, ,pii:-t-1 'JH'.., t1•1 ·, "ill , 1111
1li,l flee'' 111 thP pa:-t f1•11,.;1•:
Cht•ster-IJ" ha:-. flpu,.
Strictly Cas h
Chemical and Scie11tific Porcelai11
\Ia11ttfc:11·1 urc•r.-; of
I I l{l{ lS()~ 'S I )I{ l ' (; S' I"() I{ 1~
I I) CU I' I I ( l ( II : !'0111 1111d I h,11 1 had Ji 1111 ncial s, flu"''• , o I I,, 1 l' t b r l 11 ·" 1111 ,. /11 11,/ Jo 1 ,0111e 111 11· ,11,d It~., r J' / H t1.,11•, fat•, JJOtl't/1 ,·. I lta 1•r /01111,/ a /011, ly /,ind, •• l r1111111d '. / ~'1 £r11 1111( t,/1., ,,,, 1/ • 11111!,r, 11111 sl,i,r !{11•tly. \r h,11 tluu ' I I1ou t,·11 ". I , """"1· • · , I jolfnd lhi., u·o11dr,·ful l1111•yoi11 11! ll l/(/(/ ()\' '.' /)1 Ill/ , 'lo1·r. ( lo/dl 11. ( 'olo. 1r ilh /op£ I Jo,.of J, 11. (} o lc.len, Col<>. \\ -ashingt <ln A , 1 enue PIXIE THEATER ,, Q . '' u a 1 11 t a 11 c e I< I O I >I The B est i11 Motion Pictures /'a,,, Sr,•<" I y si.( I< 10 I >I Kodaks Album s Film
Pictures I< I O I >] I< I 0 1 >I 13th anc.l \\' ash in gt<> n
.\ ~E\\' IDE.A
•·\\hat 1s tl1 e co11uect u1g hnk liet\\l'l'll the annua l aud , ·c>getahle ku1g,lo111s 1 • • said thl• teacher.
•' Ha sh! · • yelled th t> ,• lass in one \'Oi1·e. " . .
K111g -\\ uuh l i t Ill' i111propt'1 if 1 ki:-,l•d 011-011 the hand!
a\nn~well s-Xo, but 1h-'ci<le<lly out of pla1'l' ,
\l r J,'1tl•h DH] you filte1 this!
E'>ta-'\o, sir I \\a-, afraid 1t \\011hl n ' t -, t a111l the '> tra iu.
• \\ llt-'11 thl'\ tak•• 1'0·t•1h11•atio11 0111 uJ
• tlw s<'houl, • · said the ,·e11erahh• "'Jlt>ake1, '' what I\ ill folio\\ t •'
\ ' oi,•t• from thl• audic11ce -• • l "ill.··
.\Ii:--, \ila111 s-Bob, \\ hat is t l11' l'l'st of this qu 1•st1011, ••Tru th h 111ight_v -~ · ':
Hoh S1·a1<·t•, I s11ppos1• .,
\Jr 'J'o, ll•a (iu 1;1•111•ral S1•n•111 •,•) .\ hor•1•
\\as t1e1l to a rop1• t,H•h 1• ft>l't from a ha~ ,tack, ar11l th,•
.,. •'
ropP- was 1•1ght f1•1•t !1111~ ll o\\ <'011lil thl' hors1• Pat tht-' h:n > I>a,·1•- Th1• ropt• \\ 1ts11 't t11•il tu 1 h1 • 1'1•111'1'. The City Market t •t <J, lab l es l {111ds l tutf cr a11d Euu s Meat, Fish and Poultry 1124 Washington A enuc Elgin Watches JAl\tIES TIER EY J ewe l e r vV a tc h Repairing Go lden, ( ' olorado Williams Transportation Co. For Rea onable Rates on Transportation PRIVATE CARS TO 1-1LL POINTS REPAIRS ACCESSORIES Sl JPPI J IES h~:t·cfitsi ve Age n,cy for C/1 ev rol e t
Success ' Oil l'lt I llJ<>t lllt•a-..\l r ~ -..\ll'l'CSS l,, thl• l'lll<> of 111 01u•\ alon<' • • 'l'herefore, \\'t> plae l' sat1sfaetiou befor<• finane1a l gau1. \\' P -..olicit your patronage. 'lne A. F. Owens Grocery Foss Drug Co. ''Q uality and Ser ice" Fountain Golden, Colorado J 'rl[J(' St l'lld y-, H/h ( Stationery Candy The J. H. Linder Hardware Co. @J @ General f i a rd ware, Sporting Good , Farm Implement , Se e ds and Harnes CO TRACTORS S I{EI~'l' JIE ' l'Al -' \\'"OR K PI ~{•~ rBI~G '-:'l' E \:\I FITTING Ill~. \ ' l'l~(¾ AXD SE "\\'ER 8\'"8TE~ f S \\' ~\'l'~]R 8 t pp I ~\" Qualit}' Equipment C-,,.~7::---------~ ' fhe I Iighe t Grade Standard Merchandi e At the Right Price The Golden Motor Company Op e n, Day and Night
.\ IL <1 1{ .\IORE 1JIPOR1'A.:--.'l'
Ht• Ditl11 't you pronnsc at the alta1 t,> Jo,{', hono1 aud ohe, 1ne I ~he -Goodues8 kno\\s what I p101111sed. I
,, ns hstening to hea1 what you pronu<ied
•\ lllt'ttn \h· .Johnson, \\hen 1 sing, tenrs
l'O ll ll' to IllY eves. \\'hat shall r clo l
\fr .J ohnso11 P11t <•otton 111 , our t>nrs.
\Ir 1>0,u1i11g :,:;n111, all von get this 111011th
1, a I)
Ra n1 \ D . l 'l'hat Ull'HIIS pas t, doesn't it i
:\I i~s \d am:- I wish Ill) Jlltpib., \\ l'll' a httl<• 11101t> original.
\It:,.-. "\ Y<}Uist-I f 111i11c Wt>n• I ' ii ha, 1• to
• •
111111 an1111nl traiuer.
l'ho · our High S,•hool da), h:n 1• tlu•ii dehgh t, ' I h,• , 1•au 't 1•0111pa1e l\'ith our Il igh ~,•huol nights.
\ Soph ,1n, sonu•tlu u g gl'l'l'll, ' ti:-; trtH', \11 11 tho 't it \\ns th e <'lnss,
But \\ hl•n h{' 1u>arer to 1t ,lre,,. Il l' fouutl it ,,as a looktng gl,1ss
/ Jate st D e sig ,1s i,-1 Typ e a11d E q 11ip1,1 e 11t
..4 itt oc ast e r S e r v i ce for Adve rtis e rs --l ~<;p ec ialt y of S c hool and So c i e ty Printi11 g
Jefferson County Republican
P ho11<' (i olc lc •11 '3:{
!'tttft '>1 I t II f !f · 11 j II t '
Oztr Motto Good Service Fair Prices C ARS REP AIR E D A U TO ACCESSORIES Gas •• • • Oil The Marion Lamm In urance Company A II Kinds of I nszt ran ee PholH"S · ()ffict\ 20a R £•s iclfn< •C', lM-l- \\·
) H I.J ( ' \ l ) ~RS<>~ D e ntist
) I{ I~ \ \ ' l(E~Jl{ I , g l{1-u1k J{uilcltn g GOLDE LAUNDRY C O. S e r v i ce Ottr ill otto
Churches Garage
Mead and Pursell's We made the Senior and Junior Pictures The Duvall-Davison Lumber Co. $: :z::? BUII JD A HOME FIRST It 's .-1ll in the Lztn1b e r 1-II GH G RAD E COA I ,S lVe Keep Golden Warm -Don't keep your money in a sack LET IT EARN MONEY Rubey National Bank f>c1<1<' l~111hly
'7.he rra linPl'ess
/',1,11 ],
(J II II t!}h 'cho11l. "111· l l 1!/h ,',,•/,vol Ir, b1tl you 11011• I (Ir( 111 II 4111d 'mi<l vrn1/ rl'JOil'ill[I Jl 'ilf ,,II thy prais1•:,; 11'11.
r H hcrt tl'u · 111 1n111drr
I 11 1 on it111 lands 11p<1rf, J?o, true and loya l 1- 1, ,. "n, our ltt or(.,;.
"'" I !I I II()
{ 1 d