GHS Yearbook - 1937

Page 1





For four years the S. S. Class of 1 37 h as be en cruising on t h e waters of hi g her education. As we near the port for the last time, we desire to make a perm ane r1 t record of the events of that eventful . JOLtrney.

May this book bring happy memories of the past as we embark o n greater voyages.

.. .


We, the members of the cc3 7" crew, dedicate this book to one who is true blue, to one who has worked the hardest for an Annual tradition---to our devoted Captain, RUBY ALICE W ILT


Let the Golden Anchor serve as a medium between you and days spent at Golden High, and help vou recall the pleasures of your associations.

l\tlay each of you, Class of 1937, kno,v a little better the joy of lasting friendships bj these memories you have w r itten.

As you scan this page, remember my sincere gratitude for your high standard of accomplishments and unquestionable loyalty.

I t has been good to kno,,· you. I hold your friendship in great esteem.

I t is my hope that the Class of 1937 ,vill al,vays r emember ,,·ith pleasure the years spent at Go lden High School.

To be pleasant, memories must be of somet hing given and something received. In J·our voyage through life you ,vi ll add to your memories of Golden High School. T hings that seemed of small importance then ,vill take 011 11e,v meaning. Also, ,vhatever success you make of your liYes ,vill be added to that living, gro,,·ing thing which is our high school.

May I ,vish you "bon , oyage" as you set out for new po r ts.

HUGH BEERS, Principal of Golden High School.


I{()(; , ,:n (J. )tJ'r<'H !•;LL ~llPt•ri11te11d, nt of !--< houls ('0)01:irlo Htntc <'ollLgt• ol Eclu l':1 tio11 .\B, ~r A

HI H; H J;gJi:Jl!-Pl'incipal \(ath1:1natics Ct'innL•ll College-\ H

S \ IL\ RT.'.\! \X ~c11; rH·t•-Biolog-y Crilo1 ad,, College-\ ll

LOl JS JJ , ThLI, Hist or, l fnivcrs1t~ \thl,tic:,; o( Colorado

H lTBY A \\.JLT Jo: n gh:-h t •nh·t•rsil.)' of , \rizona - .A B. Unh·t•n•dly of (.'(llorado - ~ l .\

n .\ I.,J>Tl \\ lllSllOP Hoc1al 1:-i< icncc-l!:cono1nil's l '11lvr1s1t,, of C'o)orado - J: \, L .L. H.

111,;Lr,;x n. LUDDI~<;To, }{ 0111~ f,; l 'OtlO lllics C'olornd11 ~late• College- H H

ltO\\"I•:=-- \ \ l,I:\G <'0111n1e1 c. ial t·nn·t•rsily of Color.tdu- \ n, B,1,;,

;\f.\Bl•:L .\ HOLl'l'HO Co1nn1ercial l'nh·endty of Pt •n, er-B H

\f.\l n PR JI<.;.ST L at in-Hpan,sh-gnglish l'ni\'~1 sit) of Colot'ado-.\ B, ;\T \

BD:'\' \ :,; GH.A Y J•:nglish-Libra r ) l ni\ crsit) of l>1;n\'el"· .\ B

BH \ CE I( BilO\YX .'.\ l athc1natics .S,,uth" est1:·rn l'ni\'ersitv .\ n.

HO.SC'UJ•; .'.\!ORTON' .'.\ I echanlcal Dia" 1ng l'niversity of Jllinob- BS Un i\'l•rsi ty of ·Colorado :'-I.S, :'-1 1,;,

E \Rl.,E .\ JOHNSOX ~UJH r, i~or of :Music

HJ•;~ I, I•:RR C'ustodian

Senior Activities and Honors

nrTI-I B,\ 1•'~8LF.,Jt

Glet• l'lub 1 -:!

r.vn1 1-:?-3

Libra1·,· 3-4

lionH• ·J:<;,•011111111t•:,; Cluh t

l't•p <'l11b t

Chl·l·l' LPucf,•r .j

1--tl\tl' .\thlt·tic <'hP\'ron 3

,,·.\LTfi:H B.\Kl!;It

Un•h,-:-tra 1-~-3-1

1'h):•dcal l~<lueation 1-1

Sc·1enCl' <'ltth :~ Foothnll I

lJOltCYl'll ,. BE \Jt

C;)lll 1-~3 I

J)raniatics 1-2

Lihrary 3-4

~e>nior ,\nnuu)

:--tat<> ,\thletic Pin 3

H 1•1;1':1{1' I;Jt;Jt '-1 '\CiH.\ l ~I•,'\

Orche:-t1a 1-2

Pln:-:1cal l •;clucnt1on 1-::-1

\l 11111,n and \\.hit, • ~--1

s~nlor Pln)

~<Hnce Club 2-3

'\I, chanit•aJ Dl'a,,·ing :l

hn:-kl'lball 2-3

Ji'ootbnll 3-4

Ll~I.,.\ 1?00:'-:B

)lollat, Colorado 1 nyn1 1

~ePdl,•crart 1-2

Gl<'c f'lub 2-3-1

Lihrnr) :{--l

l't•p <'luh I

.\ l \HY J.\:-,:1,; HIL\t·'\·

:--:at ionnl Hono1 :.-.o<'i,•t) I nit•" Clul, 1

l •1·a1nat1cs :!

(;~Ill 1-:!- :!- -l

Llhrar) I :--t11<ll•11t <'ouncil 3-1

"•1" l .. in J f',,,, C'luh l'rl•~1ti,•nt I

~. 1 101 l'la, St.11, .\t hl~ •tic l•:111hlP111 1

I'• p <'luh 1-:?-3-1

l>fl t < I \ :,- I: H \ \\ '\ 1,; rt

'\at ional Ho1101 81wi,•t v ,,1,.,, Cluh 1-2-3-~

,\l,·l'han1cal Drawing 1-2-3-1

"(; '' Pin -l \·att>cllct"l"i.t 11


.\I ich,·e:-t ,Y~ uJnin~ 1-:?-:l

<: It',. <'l u b 1 - 2

Uy1n 1-2-3

Library 4

l>ranintic:- l .\Inroon nnd \\ hitl• 4

Senior ~\nnual

.\I.\ HY .J E \ '\; C.\LJ...I:,.;s

La .Jnr.i Colol'Hlo 1-.!

l>ra1natic:-: 1-:!

Glee Club 2

Orcht":-tra 2-3--l

~f"it llC't> ('Jut, :l

\ I aroon and "h1tc

1'1.·p Cluh 3

~1:nio1 \nnual

FltEll ('L.\HK

Dra1natie:- 1-2-3-1

nit•~• Club 1-2

\1 t:-; 1

Ph)sical E<luc.1tin11 3-l

'!'rack 3- l

~enior Pia,

~enior \n1iual

<.'la:-:::,. Po, t

I!:-- \ B 1,; L l'L,\ P 1~

I>rau1at1C'i< 1-:!-3 - 1

G) lll 1

Lihrary :!-3-1

n1 l' Club 2

Cla:-s Pro11hccy

\' '\ \BELLJ,; en\" FOHi>

'-atioual 11<•1101 ~,,c i<.•t) 4

\rts 1

(7) Ill 1-2

J>ran1ati<.·:-: 2-3

Lit, 1·a1·y 3 - -l

~l:'edlecraft 3-1

Pl·Jl C"lub 2-3-4

'<:"' Pin -1

State \th let le: '\u1111•1·al :l

\ II!c:1,1 \ CH.\\\ I•'OIU>

\its 1

Gvm 1-2

l>r,1111ati1s 2-3

Librarv 3-4

,ct"dlt:c-raft 3-1

Pl'J> l'luh 3-1

8tatc .\thlt•tic ,u111t•l'al :i

TE\'\ l>E:\"T[,;R

Lu, eland, Colorado 2-3

ny111 1- 1

P,•p C'luh 1-2-3-4

l>raniatic:-: l

i--< nior .,\nnuaJ

~tnior Phi\·

Class Pol•L ·

\T \UHl'\"J,; FE'\"\\ JCh

c;tec C'luh 1-2-3--1

Gyn1 1

Dra1ua tit·:- 2-3

\pplied Att~

~ce<llt·craft I

\ltLl~l\E FRI.;.\T:'II \ '\

\\'11:-on ~t\\ \01k 1-2-3

,eedlt'craft 3-~

.\[anion and \\ hite

Glee Club 1-2

.\ "-"--\ <1.\ U<.: .\X

1 Jra111a ti C's 1

f':1, <' l'l11h 1-:!

Jlo111l• Ec•o11111nic s < '!uh :.!

:\I aroon nnd \\ hitl• ::--1

C.y111 :~ Lihrar,· I

l'.-p C'llib 3 - 1

8.-nior _\111111:il. F<lil•11·

St.1gL :\ l anag,•r ~t"ninr l'J,,y

HI LL <~ I LH f •:rtT

l'lnsic:tl Echll·ati1111 1-:.!-::-~ :\ f c•rhauical l>rawin;.:· 1-2-:l- l

Clas~ \'icc-Pl'l•sidt•llt 3· 1

Track 3--l

Poot ball 3-t

Ha:<kcthall :l--1, <'aptai11 1

::":.\T.\IJIE UO('l>CE

<;l<'c <'lub 1-:}-t

Gy 1n 1

l)i-an1a tics 2- I

~•·<><llL·craft ••

L1b1·ary 3

Pl p C'I uh -1

:,;c•tii or P ia y

EI I·:\ ,on JI 8.\lJH•:H <;Elt

Glee C l ub 1-:!-3- -1

<;, n1 1

Lihrn1 3-1

l'c]l Club 3-1

<: n. \ <• E .JO'- J,::-; \li:11ni, :--, \\ \ 1 ,•xieo 1

l'in1:11ro11, ::":, ,,. )l<·xi,·11 :!

<;,·n, 1-2

c;it-e Club :t--!

~,ccllccr:11t :1

I-ion1c Et•,,no1nics <'luh I

.\ lJ EL.\ J IJJ•; KO l t<'SEC \ rls 1 - :!

G~ n1 1

T>r.i 1na ti cs 1

J.ibl al'\' :!-:l-1

C:ll·<' <~luh 3-1

l-1 111111• Eco1101ni<"s l'l11h ;;

l',•p Club 3-1

.H >Ji, h'.< >!:EL.\

<'hic:tg:o, I lli n ois 1

E,·c•q::T<"l'II, C'o l 0rado ·• Ph~ sie:tl l•;chH·ation 1 :\lt·chnnical l>r.i,, 111g :!-:J · I

:-:ct<'ll(l' <'luh 1-1 ( 'la:-s P1 l'"ldt.•11 t 2 ( Jo:v1•rg r r·n)

Fo11nrh) 1 Orl'hPstn\ l nit•" Club 3

Senior Play

EIJITH ::'l l ac.\ SK I LL

(;) Ill 1

P1·anu1 tics 1-2-:J - I

Glt.•t• Club :!

Lihrnry :t-:1- -1

J'cp Cluh 3-1

H u siness :'II anager. ~cnior !'lay


G " P in 4

H \ Y ;\l.\ L l•::--K P in s i ca \ E ,!ue;1tio11 1 ~<'i l llC'(' C'l 11h 1-2 H otn , - Eco 110111 1cs <'1111, :~ 1

.\ IJ \ ) [ <~ " r ,: r,:XE Y ,I , l• k e1, <' olor a d o I -:!-:!

( i) II\ 1 \ II S 2 C;tp c• Clu h 1 -3- t P i-an1a t i< s 1-:!-3 Pc• p Cl ub l

r : 1-:n::-: 1c 1,; :'I I J•:..~ T E I ~ <;) I I\ 1 X, 111.-cra ft 2 Cil t ·•· C'lu h 1 -::- t I >nH,1ati c s :!- l Library 3 P ,p Cluh 1

~l} l Ulf•:HT :\l E Yl •: lt .\ n nunciati o n Hi ~h :-; 11 011 \ , l h•11\t•1· 1 -2 ::'l l ui-1c 1 -2 s,•ic n cf' C l ub <; I c l f'l II I, 1

<;Jo:O l t <:E X l ~\\ ' Ul•: nitY l' h~ ,-ical !•: d ucat io n 1 -::- -t :\1e1·ha11ica l D rawi n g :!-:: -1 Foothall :'1Ta11iH~• r T1ac-k :!-3-1

:,-II Jo:H \ \' 1 ::": :-- t<'HOI,:-; Orr h Pst r a 1 -2 - 3 , i• n<·<• <'l u h a l 'h~:-:ica l l•:du <a t ion 1

f" I-1 \ JU,E:-: OL IY : n :--c·11 11c:, <' l uh :l-1 '1 < rh,1ni<-al I t,·a" ing l - :i

1 >< >~ x .\ o " ·1,;x Xat i1111al H ou , :-:01·i1• t y -I C;\ 1•1· ('Ju b 2-:!- I )l l'llll'Hli <" S :1- t o reh,·sln1 l -2-;l- 1 \ r t s 1 ::'I T.1 10 011 all<l \\' hi le l',· p Cl 11 h 1 S , •nio t· l'l,I\ ~,·11ior \ ll ll \lil 1 , ; • l' i n -1

L \ \\' H l •::--<' l •) I ' \ 1 '- 1•: \ 11:- 1 l 'h)sical J•: <h ll'a l i o n 1 l> ra1nc1ti c·s 1 ;\ Tc•<"hanica\ {) rH\\ in•::- :!-:, - 1 ~, i• nc-c ('luh 2 ( ;l., t • C'lu h :J Jl olllE> J,; conotnics C lub 1 ~c•11101 !'lay

J \:'I TI •:~ I' l <:'l'T I C R E \\ ' I ln si <'lll 1<: d uc·a t io n 1 G lt:1-' Cl u h 1 -2-3- 1 :--i·il'nc, <' lu h 2 l> l':\IIIH t iC$ 3- I ~e n io r Pi a~


Il.\r:nY l'L\TT::---1 ,:n

Pliy :,; 1, 111 1,: r111, •atio11

s, l'll< l' <'luh t

1>1 1111atk:s !!-1

\rts :!-3

<;J,•t> <' luh :l

:-:<•11ior l'la,r

\\"E:-:TOX l'<J~IEI!OY

Phv:s ical E<l11<'ation 1

<;J~, Cluh 1-2- :l- l

8, •i1 •1ir •1• <'!uh 2

110111" Ec •on,,,ni<':.: <'luh :;.1

< 'l:1:-:- 1'1 :-i<lcnt 3

s, , ior Pia~

S, II ior .\ lllllla l

YIJU~l"-1 \ l'H.\TT

<'1•utr-:1I Hig-h, K <' , :\l1 s:: 11111 i 1

1;y111 1-:!

Hnn1 I•:c•11110111ic s Cluh I

<'1 clH•1<tra 1-:!-3- I

\"ll~CJ;-..:1,\ J>I:Et·:,.;~

St IIC't•nt ('oUJI< JI 1

J>, .,, <'lub J-:!-4 .s t·1 t't:i1·)1',·,.a:-111•p1• 1

('In s :- ~• <Tl'l:11') -T1·,•aslln! J I

Jl,.1111• Ec•o1101nics Cluh 3-~

Lil>nu·~· 1-2-3- 4

~\rts 1-2

,:\I< >HTI >X IL\LST11:-,.:

\l't:- 1

l'h,•:,dt•;il l~<lu, ation 1

Sei°,•n•••• <'Ju h J -2-1

1;1 ,, <'l11b 2-:1

:\J ,•h,11ii,·al l>t·a,vi11g- :;.1

Trat"k -1 ·

JH>:X.\L I> Hl•:J,;\ 1,::,-

.\1 •1:- 1-:!

l'hv~•ical E<l11ca11011 1-:!-:l- t

St 1i,l1• 111 <'11u11ril :{- I

,\s:-oria t ion l'lt•sidt•n t

<'lass \·ic,• l'rt>:-drl, •nt 1

Foot h;1 II :1- 1

Baskl'thall 3-t

Traek 2-3-1

•1 LSI l•~ IU•:\ '\OLJ >S

:-:at i1111al J lono1· ~<><'il•t ,

Art,:; I

1;1,•l· Cluh I-:!-3-1

Lihrarv :!-3-4

I >1 n1na·1 ies 2

f'• •J> <'1111, :t-1

l',•p ('l11h S1 <·1•,•ta1•) J

St'11in1 \nnual

0 t ;" I '11t 4

.J.\<'K IU<'ll.\HI>:-:

01 •eh,•st1 a 1-2-3-1

Ph~ i.,il'al Edu cat ion 1-2

l~L:\1 l•: H H<>JH•:HT~

Or<'ht>st1 •n l -:!-:t- I

l'h, i-.i<-al Ed1u:11tiun t-:l--J

\J, •~·ha11ical Pra\\• ing- I

Football 4

l.,O I! H \I'\ f. SL\f,.;

lilt>t C'l11b 1-2-3-1

:--- l' l•<ll ccra ft 2- 3

l>l<'l'- :-,'1JTH

Ph ~ :sieal E<111cati1111 l - :!-3-1

r;JPt• Club 1-2-3-1

Scit•nct• l'l11h 2

llon1,• 1':conon11<.· :s <'l11h :1-1

fla:-k~tb;ill :.!-3-1

l'las:s P 1t·sich•11 t ·•

J OE STI•:,J,'FU'\'ll'H

l'h)sic:il EJ11, atio11 l-:!-3-1

8< il'nce Club 2

Jl nn1,• Er1111111Hi<·s <'luh -!

I•'oot hall 2-3- 1

Football Captain 4

LEJ.; TH.\ \"I~

!>111, Gro, 1, ('.,Jcor:t<lo 1-2

:\I t•cha n iea I l>r;I\\' ing :t- 4

La\"ET \ T i lE7.I~l:

'\ational Ho1101 So1·, 1~

s, 11ior .\nnual

nl1..e Club 1-2-3-1

Jl1 an1atit·i,. 1-.:?

Lihn1r, 3- 4

Class ·serr•·tar,• 1-:!-:l

::--tud1·nt <'<111nc·il 1

P , p C'lub :!-3-1

\"ic,• l'n•sid1 •11t of l',•p C'luh I

::,-,. II i o 1· I'hn

G Pin 3


)ll'a111aliC'S 1-2

(;J , , <'lu b 1-2-:!- 1

Library 3-J

I' PJ> C lub 2-3- I

:-:tn1u1· l' lay

\ El \I.\ \\" \LKl•: l t

(;)Ill ]

<;It-I:' Club 1-:!-:J-1

.:--.'c:, dlt:<"ra ft :!-3

H<>llH: Eco11on1ics ('luh

1,0:-,.: \Ll> \\ .\TEHH

.\1 ts 1

l'll\ :--Iea l Ed11t •a t ion 1 -:!-3- 4

St 1i d t: 11 t Co u n <• i I :! - I

lt on1t• l •:.Conon1ics <'lub ::

Haskel ha 11 2

naskl'thall ~la11ag-L•1· 1

J<'ootball -l

~C'll i o1· I>Ia~

::--c:niur .\ n nu:i)

'CY' Pin 1

n \I., Pll \\ "JLLot·c;l-{!l\

Orclastra 1-2-:i-l (l>n1111 ,:\htjur )

<i!t•c Cluh 1-2-3 -4

Phy:,11cal Ed11,•atiun l

I >ran1n t i<•s '.!-3

)laroon and ,Y hitc t

Track 2-3-1

\IEL\ I ~ 7.1':ICLEH

~alional Ho1101 Roc1L•t~

Pi n Hi<';() l •]dncat,on 1

<;!el· r'l ub 1 -2-3

~cl, nee C' lu b 2

)tee hanit·al 1>1a\\ ins- 3-1

l'la:-:~ P rt'si<lcnt 1

'G" Pin 4

'£rack 1

Salututo r ian

There are ships that come in And ships that go out With colors flying gay, Bttt the best ship of all is friendship For it never goes away.

Class Hi story

B ), Mary J a n e Braun

'\"l·~l.\"l•,.,• I • ~Pats ago passports an, l"l'S1°r,nt1nns for .lll t>,t.,11rl, '1 \"nyag-l• on till S. Education \\ ere JlllrC'hased I>) 1n,tt1) fon,t pat'C'llts for fair sons and daug-ht1.:1 s \\ ho e1nbarkt-d at Xorth and ::--outh l'ort:--, or at son1<: uutlyinghn 1·bor. J<:le, en of thi,sl• \'n) agt 1 s that :-tarted at the '.\'01th Purl 1n the fir,-t g-1 ad,· art: still to,-:,·t!Hr-I>on \\"aters, \\"t>slon Po1neroy, .\tar) ,Jane Brn11n, Ylltna \\alker, .\nnahl·llt.: and Virginia Crawford 1-;lsie Re) n,,Ids L:t\\'l't-nc, Paine, Ellnl'l' Hotert:-:, Bernice .\h stl•J· an<l l>onna 0\\' l•n The ,·oyngerx fro1n the ::-outh Port still inclu,l <'

J<.leanor H ,•1nhergf'1, Jlon R, e,·,·s. <;u,.. Berninghausen, Bob ~t:thl. I>icl, ~n1ith, Lorrain 1.' ~impson, .\I.t11rinl• Ft•ll\\"ick :ind J >11ugJa.._

Bra,,·nPr. Fro,n tht• hnrbo1· of 1"ah·111011nt lour ha,·t> tr:ivellecl togt>thtr th1· l\\'1•1\•p

,e,11s-tht· l\\o Trt•zise cons us .\largi1· anti La \ 1ct,\ She1•,vin Xichols and \\ altl I' Bakt"r.

The \O)HC:-l' fc>1 the 1irst ><i:X ~·l·ats \\,1~

rather 1·ough as f·,r a:-: ft•i, •nclshiµ ht>t\\ 1•••11

the> :"\01 th a1HI ::-outh Purls ,, as 1.•0111·c•1·n,•d.

Xot 1na11y of u:-: \\'ill fo1 ·g-t•t the bas~·ball

!,;,ln1c;--;, 1oc-k fights, and sJH>\, hall fig-hts that occurrl•d bet \V1_•e11 t h1.• t \\'o,

X, ,t catnc the> 111oa11~ and ;.:roans of thl·

'\11rth ~id1.· "h1_•n tht•) had tu g-o o, <•r to th,, South Sid for .Junior H i:,:-h. .\fte1· t '\'< r) on, g-ot acqu,unted-1nayb1• your h1_ st frit•lld \\':ts

a forn1tir 1_•r11!1n~- front thl:! oppositP side

\\ h,•n our ,•oyag1_, had rt•aeht•d thl• fi1·:-:t ,1, st1natio11 of i1np111·ta11cl•-tht• ,g-hth i::-ra,h• -\\ ,, hl.'gan lo 1nak.- plans \\ Pt·ks ahead for tht• hig-ge:-:t t.'\'Plll 111 our gnHh school \'o) ai.::t•, lht• ig-hth gnirlt pa1·ty, \\ '1th .\Iiss <t1 ·a)' as our sponsor. .\ l 11ny n( us did11't kilo\\· llHtch about dan1.·ing ,-o \\'t• had to take IP:-:<ons front those that did <ira1luatio11 follow,•cl ,, ith '\"aon1i K. Ol:-:011 as tht• 1nain speak<•r.

~ailin~ Oll\\":lr<l, \\·1• :tlll'hu1·1•1l at th, • 111ost in1portn11t port, Golden Hi.=.:-h ::-1 hool, I lt• ,·p \\'l• \\ t'rl' jo111,·rl J,y lllllll) oth1 I \ 0) ag1 s t"n,111 Ohio, \\'yon1111g '.:1. ". Yo1·1', ,, \\"

\le \:ico, Jlhnoi-. :uul fro1n all J>al'ts ot Colo-

1,1c: )-.\ l ec•kt•r, Lo, <•land, Y>t• nver, Fait pla~.

<,ardl'n H on11.•, .\I offa t.

.\s in tho cast• \\'ith 1nost frl•;--;hn1 t•11, \\'t '

\\'l'I'•• \'1•1, lllt-l•I,: hut a:< soon as \\ l' g-ot .1cq1111il1lP<l: "·1.• had ou1· fi1•st <'lass n1t•1•t1ng to c•lt•cl :-:hip's oftk,•rs .ind council l<'Pl't-:<Ec>ntat ive. Th,·~· were Captain, ""illian1 Farrington; ('onuna nt1Pt. 1 >on H, ,, Vt->' Rt<. ,vardcss.

La \'t•lu Tr,•z1s,• Council Hl•J>l'1·st:11tativ , \"irl!'in 1a l' r,•u ss. \\. t '"' 1 t· sponsor1•1l hy .\liss Hit'l1a1·ds, .\[is,- 1'1 i1.•st :\Iis:s Bolitho and .\Ir:-<. l'ra\\·ford, our t•lass 111uthet Placing our f:H,• in thcll' ha ll<l!S, \\'t' \\ <·re hnt ,.,, 1•11oug-h to hav,• a }Iallo\\ e't•n Part) \\·ith wlt'-'h••s an,l g-ohlin:-: haunting- u:-: l"anls and ,·a111•i11g- 1ur11i:-tht•cl th,• 1.•ntl•t·tai111nt-11t for th,• l'\t•ning.

JJy the tilnc ,,·e enterc:d our .second year

of the hig·h school \"o,rage, tht• cou1·sl' \\a:< <.·onsidt-rahl) snH,othe1·-e:-.:cl•pt for the 111c1nor)· ot how \\ <' had be,•n trt-at,•cl lhl• \ ear hefor,• .\s a result \\'c ,nade tht: st>n; a:-:

1·ough n~ pos:siblt; for the Uc\\· freslunen

Ou.- ,-ponsors for this Yo) age \\ l'l'C :\!rs. King- ancl Coach l'hilleo , anct th1.• class n1otht•1· \\ as :\ ft ·,.., l'r,l\\"forrl. .,\ t our fir:-:t el 1:,:.._ llll't' ting \\ .- once n1or1• J.·c•te<l offi<.l'I sl'a i,ta 111, l>ick 8111ith ('0111n1a1Hll•1-, Bob ~tahl: .Ste\\ ardess, La \"eta Tr1_•z1sl•: and t ouncll H, p1·e:s1•ntatl\ e, Don Hl·eYe::1 >u.-:: fo1 th,, party ,vhiC'h c\'1•ryonp \\'as looking for\\'ard to \\en• hard to colle,·t; so littl1• ,-igns \\ Pre printl'<l to lll'~L• paynH nt of l ht-nl \s 1°,·i<lt'IH't- of our t hankfulnt•:,;s for ha Ying c·olll:!cted c>nough tnr this part), \\ e hl•ld it .ihont Thanksgiving- ti1ne

\flt>l" the ~eco1ul cxcur:-:ion \\ c had th,• \\"hole su 1n of eighty-nint:- cent:-: to :-:tnrt our third lap throug h high Sl'hool. Ev1.•rv1111.., l'L•a)izing that \\'t• had to ruisl• a hund1,•1i dollars for tltt• 111·0111, coopt•rat.-d in P\'1•ry \\ ay possible by helpi11~ st•ll bcnt>fit shn\\" tickt'ts, att1::ndin_g nflt·r school da n ce:s, and pa) in~ dues Tht• Captain el,·ct for thb ) t•ar

\\·as \\·•·ston Pon1eroy ; th.- Con1111a11cll:!r, Hill C:ilbt-rt; Rtt'\\·arcle:<s, La \"eta Ti <.•z1sc Count•il HP1>rese11 tat i Yes, Don Het.>\·cs and '.:\ I a r,· Ja tH• Hra1111. Our spons111·s were .\li:--s La111·111 and P rof. l'a) ntcr; and the class n1other, .\Irs. Tn •zb e

.\f:111y co1111nittees \\ et t· appoint Pd hy the l'apta in to hl•lp \\ ith tht pro111. Uur dt•1•01·nt1onx for thi:-: hig ol'casion \\'e1·l silver stars, \\ ith hlac·k hanging,-. an,l a hii,:- Budctha g-11arrli11~ o, er t-\'er~ ont-. \rt Thu1nJh,on's orchestra furnished thL• ,nu::<ic

I-laving lo:-:t all the l nt•t•knt•ss "t hail \\ hilt• fre:--hnien nnd no\\ con:-:ide1 in~ 011rs 1•l\'Ps quite in1 p ortant, we :-:tatted th,- last lap of our Yoyagl', ou1· scnio1 ) ear in hig-h s<'hool and probahlv the last Year that 1nan, of us \\' ill spend together. · · ,, ,. electc·cl as CaJ>lai n for this Year :\lt:1, in ½eigh.r. Con11na11clp1•. J:ill <;1lhl rt; .Ste\\·ardes,.., Yirginiu. Pr euss, Council Rep1 c•sentat i\'t':-:, L n \"t>ta Trl•ZiSl and I>on \\'aters :\Iis:s "'ilt \ \ as appointed l'la::<s sJH>llsor • .\frs Trezbe \\ as again chost.•n class nlolllll .\ bo) and girl out of the St'nior c·la:ss a1 t• elected h~ the >'t·hool at lari::-1:: t o he;ad lht.> Stuclent .\:ssociation, and on our , o)·age in the 1_•ar 1!l31i-37 I>on Hel'\'(•s \\ as Pr1.•i,dch, nt, .\far) Jalll· nraun, Tn.•n..-::urer. lllfnrt· the C"h1·ist111as Holida\'s inost of us attended our la:,;t all :-:chool i1n1·ty. !luring· the• second Xl'lllt-sttl \\l' harl tryout:-: fur th, · l'la~s play "Ha idal Choru,:•·. On the first night of tr) out::< eYt'r)'one had stag-e fright. hut :\li:-.:a: \\·ilt our directo1·, encled this h, h•t ting- uni) the pe ople that \\ 1:!I e tryingout he in ti ll 100111-the rest of u~ \\"aiterl outsidl, "nnting anct still not wanting our

na1n1::s to bt> l'alled ,vht>n the~ ,, ere callt·1l and "e had our turn at tr~ ing- out, it ,,·a~n t nearh· as bad as \\ t> harl thought it would be. .\.t la st tht• C'ast "as cho:sen. and fou, tt"en se niors settlt-rl <lo\\ 11 to so,nl• , erv hard pnictising (e\:cept for the little Jazz hand pla~·ing off stagt, or the n1isfort11nl• of get ting locked out on the fi r C' l'sca pt· ju:-:t ,vhen it ,vas one's tu1·n to appt>ar). Th e pla.r ,,•as gi\•en on April 30 at the High School Auditoriun1

The SPnior Banqu et \\ as next on thC' ship's log. Th e theme of the banquet \\'as "Swing" and was carried out along Yer) 1nodern lines. the tables being decoralt>d in bla<'k bal' s of music "ith :-:ilvt'r notes placed here and there. The progranu, \\'ere also hh\ck anrl sil,·er as ,vcr1- the place curds. The 1nenu ,vas cal'ried out in different dant·t> steps Jn tht> ct>nter of the ta blt-s was a bigharp of roses and sweet peas.

.\.n honor \\ e have been a\\ a1ting four :vears ,,·as given us ,, ht>n Wt• ,,·ere guests at thu Junior Pron, Th e set n c thii- ) ear ,, as

au old-fa:-:hiunt"d garc\en. .\rt Tho1np:-:on onC'e again furnished the nn1 sic.

l'lani- for the Sl•n1or Picnic \\ cl'l 1nade nt-xl, \\ ilh :suc-h suggestions as horse-back riding, swin1mi11g, or a trip to the mountains, but e\'eryon1.; ,,·anterl to go to glitch's .\ n1t>tTy cla~· was s pent there i r a~ twenty<>ighth After C'las:s .Night, Graduation can1e " 'e all heard s uch remarks as "Gosh, I 111 glacl it \\'ill soon b e oYer" But deep do,vn in our hl'arts \\C' ,verc all \\ish1ng- \\e had anothe1 ,oynge together.

.No rloubt ,nany of us ,,·ill not n1al,e a g-rl'.1 t SllC'C'es:-: o ( ou r:sc l\•es, bu l \Ve ,v ill all look hack and \\'e'll rt>m<>mber our voyage on thf good shi p S. S '3 i, \\'host- "Golden .Anc-ho1·" hi ld us in po1 t for four glorioui-eai·s .\.nd ,,·ith "all ashore thats going asho1·c"-we embark on another ,oyagc into unkno\\·n sea:,; and strangr ports. .\s our shipi- su1ttt'r to all port s of the \\·oriel, each on, of us w ishcs the othe1 success and happi ne::;s.

Class Will

l 1;, lhu <'1 11:-" nl 1'13,, .1t la:-t

:-,•1•111i.:: l:11111 1ro111 oil!" flouncl-

1•1·ing- :-1•hol11;-t ic• \ oyai.::1•, hL•111;.:- of -.:11111111 1nin1I and hurl~, / do 1•fll11•t•th·t-h ,IIHI 1ndi\'1<l-

11 a I I , 111 t h 1:-Z "11 1· 1a·" t " 111

,ind t1•:-ta11H•nt, ,, Ill a 111! h1•-

qt1t•ath our po:-::-1•:-s11111:-, l'l',11 lo tht• IL':Hlt rs of fulUl't• ) t>ar.--.

\\'ith c·on:-1d1'l'ati1111 lo tho:,;,, r11nt•1•l'ne1l

\\ c he(JUL'ath lhl' following po:-~c:-:-ion:-.:

Lt.•st ,,,. ft11'gt>t, \\c i:ihall 111st h1•q11,•ath

the foot hall captailll'Y ol .Jo, Ht, I fc1111e•h tt, his c,1 Jli\ bit• :-.llt'l'• s:-.or, I la r,·1 <;111 111n n. To HatT\ !-,cholffn1,ln, 1':clith .\la c. \sk11l l1 •a,·r."

ht>l' booklu 1•ping- ah1lit~-a v,•ry fitting: rll:-:-

J>n:-al. !>1111 \Ynt,•r,-., th1 eool-h1•a1le•rl Co1111c•ll

R,•pl'e>scntnti,·,•, IL':t\ c:< l11s ciut~ of 11pholtlingtht" bn:-k1•th.11l t1•a1n to Boh l~\Pl't•tl, You n1ig-ht take "', 1 Ins 1lut1L's :i:-; 1n:i11ag,'I', too,

J'l':<t LorrainL Hilnp:-<on il•n \'l'S hPI" :--L'\'••nthirt) datc.•s lo \lice Dyrnc.

I•'rank .A1·th111· P,•t tlc_•1 ,,,, l<':i ,·e•s hi-.

1li ·,1111atie uhil1lt\' to Col111a11 ~h•~lahan. !Th,~ both hn, e so111;•thinl-!" in con1111on l. To ){<'(>fl 0111· :-.chool high in .,..ehol.isti<' :-:ta11di11i. '"" on,• 01· 11101 t•ar.,.. at (pa-.1. l> on11a <>w('n lt•a\'l':-- hl'I' plac,• on the honor 1 011 lo Iri:,; l>ulan,•y La\\'n•nc·l· l':dn" lwquc•ath:< h,._

1 ,.1lted :--cat in tht• 11ffi<'1• to Prank Van

\\ 1111'1<', \\ho, \\'t• th111l,, \\Ill h,l\l' to ht• 011 th, Joli all the tiin<' Huth lln,•:--:<ltr lt·:t\'<':-hc-r l, •ath,•r l11ng- c he,•r lt•ad111J.:' to Bill Hpit'l<':-:

To son1t: 1111s11:--JH'e'l Ing- 11111h'l'<'la:-:~n1an, \\'1• gi, e .John 1(1,hl'la's gt•niu:< of 1l1 •('oratin,::- hi.s :\lodl•l " T" (It Ls, 01· \\"a:<, lhl r 1g1•, ho~:--).

\\ ith bt•st \\ 1:<hP:< A<lt•laide• h.11111 :<P<' \\ ills h, r ba :--hful n1an111•1' lo Bt•tl\ Covt•1·t.

J >on R1•t.•\ 1•s l•·a, 1•:-- hi:-< seh1111) pr,•:--i11t•11c-~· to Hoh fi'l1•1nit1g \\ ith ht>:-;t \\ isht•s for g'OOd luck. \V<' hopp h,• <'an c·a1·ry on a:-: \\'ell a:-hi:-< r,1·t•dt•<·1•:a:--01·. To Hatti 1',•cl,, \·1ndni.1 l'r,•us:-- lt•avl :-- h,•1· 1110:-t pri;r.,•d J>os:-t•s:--ion, he•r al'ti:-:tlc ahilil\. Tht• l1'r.,cl \:--tairt• of the • <"la"':-: of':!,, .J:1e•k Hichanl:<, \\ ill:-: his ":::wing-~" natUl'l' to Bovd Littlt- \\.hilt• \\·t•'1•1• on th1• :-uhie•c•t, Cl'ar~• .l11t1t>s gl\ L'S h, l' stc•a1ly att,•111lanc1• at Hock HL•i-t lo J>n1 •11th) ,urthcutt.

El1 •an11r Jlt• 111lt>l'l-!"1 •1· J,a,·1•:-: h,1· i-\\Pl't di:-111,sit111n to .\1111.1 \d,1111s-j11:-:t lt•ndl11g- a h1 •lp111g huncl; th,, I> J>. lllt'111ht•r:--hip 111ay ,Is \\ t•ll ht> 1•1111-:Hh•1 l'<I. To JHll La,,:-: , T>it·k Sn1ith h P((lll':'lth:-; hi:- qulc•k-on-th,•-01·11\\·

llll•thnrt "' 1•,,1nh1ng- hi:- h,li,·. <That "nat11 r11l " ,, ,I\'<' ha:< to he l{t>J>t in plnt'l'). Elsi1.• Ilc-~·11111<1:- \\ 111:-< ( \ •'l'Y l't•,tdl)\) hL'I' hu:-tlin;.r :-:pil'il to ~lilth ,•d Ht>lit.•l.

.\11d no\\ thl• hig- on our li:--t i:th, 111,i:;s,.:-::-:ion ot lluhl•l't «:11:-<) Bt.•111ing-h11111:1,•11. To K,•nn th Ha:-t111g-:-., c;u ssi,• lt.>a\'t•:liis T,1ttl1111,; ('0)1111111 on the :\Iaroon nnd \\'hit,• :-:tat f. ll i:-< t"dt.·llsl\ t· a111l 1·on1plctc• \1H'11hulnl''.\ g,,,,,.; 111 \\' .\ K1111\\h•:-- , (llt•fl\'t'II h,•lp hlln l. Tho:,;,. T1•,,;r.1:;1 < ous1111- 1,•a\ 1• th,•11·

ll"d hnlr in lht• h:1111\s of th<! .Juniol' <'l:1:-:1-, tn

h1.• 11:-t•d ,, ith tht• utn1ost disc1·ction; hut

I a \',•ta':- lu·n1t1:-< g-o to Leonard Hun1 ,111 and

)l11n.dc'::1 !Joy friend \\ I.! bcqL'alh to Lenn


It,tlph \\ illuughb) \\ ill:; his l.ip-da1H•111g ah1l11, to \'croua F!,1n:-:h1.•1·g and to )Ir. Hish,,'p \\ t. lea\', Ralph':,; "st1·Pa1nl111ccl"

:-:huff!,• ~at diu Goudge an!) ~Iaunnc 1"1.•11,,·il'k h,1,·l th, ir stead\· .1ttc11dnnct• at the "rat -l'ac,:" to Huth ~Ia,: Baker and cnc:1.• <;rilft•n. lJiJI C:ilht!rt h,•queaths :-.01111.• hc1ghl to t'ha1·!1•s 1:-hadholt and his high posit11111 on the bai-k<'tball tcanl to l>L'n\'cr Ilarb.

I>oroth, bt.,ll' h•a, c.•s h1•1· athlL'lic 11b1l1ty lo :--hado,,. Sin,l, th, eo,11 ho~. )ln~_II<' IH•'l1 Ill I'd It To one uf Ol•Xt \'car's SCIIIOI' s111•11:< \ i11-:-i111,1 l'r:1tt h•a,1:s h~r ()Ult.•l, dt•lll\ll'l.l 111.inn<•r. T o J1•111111c \\ itt1•1· goes thi-: ,t:<:--1•t. 'Jo , J,,s1.•µh 1;ar~1111, \(a1·) .l<•nn t;all,111:-: 1 a \'<•:-. her gift of elocna·nt e:--.p1 ess1on in 1•;11g-Ji,..h classes. ~tary Jn11e Braun lea,cs h,q• g-r111 .ind happ'.\ -go-h1<·ky nature lo ''••rla Ho:-:--. Ht•r quaint lllllCJlh • cllalL·l't \\" l1l•11ucath to Dutch K1.,1T,

Lc.•e> T1·11,·1:-< 11.•a,":-: at the dist>ui:;al of 11,•.:--:t ) t•;11··s c he>1111:-:tr) •·la:-.:s Ins technique for a:-:kin,; sill) qt1eslion:-<. LL'la Boone l<•a,•l',.; hP1· "••~lcl'II slope dra \\'l to Hilda l(loer \Valt1•r llak,•r gives :-ollll' ot his "co, nfcd" bn1\\"II and 11n1sclc to \ l y1•011 Xclso11. .\n11a

<:1111.• ,111 hl'(lllcuths hl:i- ttJIIJ)cl' to 1:,•1·t-

1·tHI, \\ 1l burn. Ra) ~Ialcnl<'s fine spct•inH•ns

111 Jll:llll1a11 :-:hip he lca\ cs to '\'if'k ;\Int t h1.•\\ s.

,J,.11n l>t•11lcr calnil) <1011atcs all h11 • ha11· rihh1111s ( that t 11.• up her bonni1.• ht 'o\\ n hair, to l>11lor1.•s Hnucr U1.•u1·g,, :\'c,, ht<r·r,· intnt:-tx l11s ••11elurn11c1.• in the 11111,· run · to little br1Jth1.•1· Franl,. B1.•r11it·1· \ 1.-sll•l' "ill:< ht•r 1•a:--y-go1ng- stl'idt• lo l'L•f.:-1-.:'~ S111ith. J,;1111cr HohL•1 ·ts \\ ills l11s alhlt•t1c· f1.·at11rcs-bt•!ll'd aud all -to tht• c·o111ing- 111,1t star, l•'redc}) l:t•a111t•r ,01·hl•1·t \h::-, 1•r ha:-: reque:-tcd that 111s q11i1.•t :-lo\\" "fH·cch b" fit t111g-ly bc::-trn\ c<l up1111 ..\ l is:; \Vilt.

Tht• <'ra ,, I urd t \\'in:--' 11e, t'l' l't•n:-:ing co111pa1iionsh1p \\'c bl(Jllt•ath to Lt-ora ~laX\\'t•II and .Jo :-;p phin,• Hicks :\ l orton Hal:--lon's dt•ll< ,tt1• tnslt• 101 hair oil h<' 1.:-i\'l'S to c;eralll Hai nl's:-<-1•ta) ht• G1•ra ld'.s foxp:- lll't•d a :-h<Jl•k. l>1111g B1 a,, nc•r, one of the• 111ort; studious of l Ji., <'l't'\\' of '3i, lt.•a,·1.·:-< his talt. 11t for 1nusleal co111po:-iti11n to l•'a) .Janl: Ynn Tuy!, ,,·ho a 1:-.o plays around.

BL•tt~· Htt11l lca\t•s ht•r 1111:-al clra,,t to .lot• Kub( sh. .Spt akillg of \ lllt'l':<, F1·c<1 c1.11·k l1•a, cs his audibilit, of \ oi<'l' lo none other than :\, I 1na Ciani',• tht• so pho111u1·1.• sophisti1',ll1 1:-:alic-lle ('Jal'k hP(lllt;•ath:-: hl'I' uptitucle for th, ,lJ>plica t io11 of n1uscara to tho frcsh11,an \I,1~ ht•1·1·y g-11•!, ,, ho is fair!\· ,, t 11 acquaintt d \\ ith tht;• 11111<1:uncntals: but who lack::; finl's:-t.• ancl st,·le.

To Btll l<'lo~ d ott1· sl'holustic l,:'t'ltius and ":,(l-ip1>cl' , :\TL I %il g-h•1· h •a \'l•s his <':tJHICity for ~l'lH·lli11g n1ental lalror:,;, Ilar1v I'lattnL'I ', 11ur clotht•s < alcndar, lt•a,·e:- hi:<· pcrpe>t11nl ushc_•r:<hip in th, • lol'al clnt-1nntic hou:-<e to .Joh1111~ .\d,1111:--.Johnn~ \\ 111 ha, c• to :<tand \Ip and g10,, :t\\hih• \"eln1a \\alke1 · lla,cs h1•r 1lignific<l ancl slatt.'1~ en1Tingl' nnd poslllrt.• to S) h ia Hon1ano-ju:-:t to kt.•c-p the ha<•ks of tlu· seats frorn ,,·••a1 i11g out lvia's lll'l'k. ~herwin Xil-hols, if hu gets a pr·o1nolion in the Colo1 ado Xational Guard, leaves

) r

h1,-; privateship to Junior Pikt \\ ho, we hotH', will fill Shrrn,an's boot:-.

And no\\' we come to t Ill- lai-:t dispo:-itlot -a joint b1Htlllc'ath. \rlcne l<,1 Pat1nan and .\tla ~tcS\\ cen:v pei-fectt>cl a grape, inc :-:y:--ten1 so perft'<'t that it \\ ns userl in bringing to you our hcq\H•sts and disposals in this our la~t \\'ill and t1•stanH!nl To ~rarcie Taylor g-oes this n,ethod of cn1nnn1nication.

So, at the t•ncl of ou1· high :-chool Yoy-

ag-e, for thl' faclilty and all otht'rs concerned \\ C lea\l' only fo nd('') n1e1nories Thi:- \\'C publish as thl' la:-:t will and tt'stan,ent of the Cl,tss of '3i of Goldt>n Hig-h i<l'hnol; sig-ned , :<l•alecl an,1 rleliveri><l in tht> prl'i--encc of \\ ilnesst's in the ~-t·ar of our Lord, ninete1•n hundred and thirty-s1;:\ en.


The 8l'nior C l a,-;i-: of c;. H By \Y cston Po1neroy

Class Prophecy

1-1 \I) Bbl•;, \\ 01·k111~ in au offic,• fo1· St\tlal \"t·ars, sa\'ing- Illy n1oncy tog-,, ab1 oad. .\t last 1 had a<.·con1pl1shed 111~· pu1·poi:., In just an hou1· ncnv the huge liner \\ hich I had huarcled woulcl cross the l'qUa tor Fct•l1ng rather tucct I ell cidetl to rel il't• to 111~ st 11, roont fo1 · half an hour ht•fol"!.! tht• Ct'l'l'lllony ,, h1l'11 acco1111>anh•s the t"l'ossiu~. l sanl< do\\ n 111 a co1ntortable chair and \\as just bc1.dnn1n~ to nod ,,·hen I \\·ai:. startl,•d \\ idt• a,, al,<.• b~· the sudrh.'n nppca1ance of .,n old 111:111 \\ ith strc:uning g-ra~· hair and a long hcard, <.'al'• I") ing a tridt.•nt.

.\ln1ost heto1 t he spol"-~ 1 kTll'\\ ,vho h<• \\'ai:. • 1 :1111 :\'e:ptunt.•", ht• said in hullo\\, sepulchral tone and ,,,·t•n though I ,,·as frightened, I was thrillt>d .111<.l <.•u1•iou::-. l-1<.• ,continu, ct, "l hnvc conte lo ans\\ t •1· a <1ttestio11 that has b,•<.• n i n our 1nin<l." I ,,•,1:,; :-tnrtlcci, for I hnd ut'<-'11 \\ 0111le1·ing :ill day \\ hat n1,· old classnu1tt•s of c;0Jclc11 High school, ~-1,\:,:s of '37, \\'t>t ,• doing-. \\'ht.:.'thl•l' tht•\ ' \\'t.•1·c all \\'l'll a11d happ~·. This a:stun• ishing ercat11re said. "B<.•hold!" nnd thl•1·,· ht•fore tn,· t•\ t.'S ,,·as the ntost fanc·iful ship t.'\"t•1· 1n1ai;i11~1l. It had a g-ol<lt•n a n<.·hor I 11 u sort ot d1 t•a1n I boarclt•d t hl' ship and 11111nediately t•ntharkcc\ upon a long- \'oyag-t.• \\ hich ,,as to take Ille to al111ost all parts of the ,,·01·!<1. I \\'as to fine! that tny strangl' ship could sail as t•asily o\'c•r land as it <'OU!d O\t.'1' \\'Utt.•r.

The fir:--t seen,: t1•;u1spirt.•d \\'ht•ll the goldt.•n a1u•l1111• \\ as droppPd 111 t ht.• harbor of a la1·ge city. In the str,•t•ls I :-a\\ a s_hinin,:, stre:11nlitlt•1l orang<.• ;ind Yt•llo,,· taxi. I \\ 011ch•recl \\ hy of all th,• l,\Xi:-< in lht.• cit~ 1 should 11a1 th·ularly untie,, this 0111• Th<.•n I knt•\\', for in tit<' cli-ivc1··s sPat, \\ ith n friendh genial snule 011 hi:- fact•, sat .John J..::obcla He had one passang-cr in his taxi, and to n1y s\n·prist.• I sa\\· that it \\'asI>ouglas Brawnl•r·, llfl\\' an a1•l'o111plish1·1! arch1l<.'l't. Pict h,• fool t 111' Tht •~ all thoug-ht h<.•·cl ht• a song- ,,·1·itt•r' \s I ,va lc-ltt•cl, I SIi\\· hi111 lt•an o\'t>I' ,\11d tell th<. drh ,•1· lo hUl'l'Y to the airpo1·t. \\'h,·n thL•y at'l'i\'1•d l11t•1 t•, llou;.das hurrit.•rl to his plan<.• and ,,·as gre<'t• t.·cl b~· the pilotnill (;j)bl•rt. looking- \"t•1·y snappy in his pilot's unifnnn H11011 th<.• plant.• ,,·as off. \ J 1 ~lt~ nil· hosttss \\ all,,•d rlo\\'11 tht• l\l!--lt. l t t\\ eP11 tht• :<t•als, at lt>lllling thc passeng-c•1·s and s,·t•ing- that 1•\'l•T'yon1.• \\'as co1ntnrtahl,,. \\ ht.n :she turned , I sa,,· that it was Jean Dt• 11 t er.

) I y :,;hip bol'P 111t• to a to,,·n ll<.':tr the nH>unta ins. ancl in spitl• of its n1:t11) ch:1ng-cs

I rt•cog nizl'd 1t at onct.:.' a:,; Gohlt•n ,

I :--:nv a Jll 'l't ty lit tie l'l•cl hric.•k ht•\l:-<t• ,, ith a ttn\' , ant full of flo,, t.'l'><. Qu1l•ti11g any n1isgi,•i1ig-s, I peeJH·1t in the \\ inclo,,, and thl'l't! :,:at )tr Don \\':1tt•r:,: ancl his :,,\\·t.•et llttlt• \\ ifc:-, ~tn1·, .Ja11t Braun But ,,·hat is this·• C'un11ia11y · 1~ arri\ ing in tht• fonn of '\atal1e Goudgl', n•>\\ )[rs Hoh Le:<tt.•l'. '\ ,tnlit> ha:,: a lit.'\\" Jlt•1·111an t·11t \\·ave nncl sht tllls )lar:v .Janl', "L,•!·1 lloont• gh , •:o th• • best )ll•r1nnnC.'nts and f1ng<.•1· \\,\\'l·s I C\t•r :sa,v, nnu 1ny tinger Hails neYer look ni cer

th:111 \\ h<.·lt 1,;1t,a no1· Ht•111berg<.•r g-h e,., nie a 111a nit·ure."

In the s11n1<.• tu,, 11, nt tht.1 olcl Fon! plnnt, b11L \\'llh i:.o 1nanv acl<llt1ons ancl i111p1·0,•p• nlt1nt:,, it ,,·as sc·ni•rt.•l~· 1·el'•>gniza hie, I :sa,,· another tan11lta1· lace-Han y l'lat tner, ,,·a:-thing- ,,•inclo\\:,; ,,•ith all that storccl-up 1•11,•1·g-)· and 11111bit1on he sa \ l'rl at school. l l nrry has a \\ lft• and childr<.•11 to supp111·t no,,·.

I noticed a c11111111oti1111 do,, 11 l>\ the de· pot lt appeared that half the to\\'n had turnccl out to :,;ay g-oodh,re to Jinnny Pt•ltlct <. w , Just l'host>ll .unbassado1· to !•'ranee, '-:1c,l g:oing .J 1111n1y! .\rnong thent \\.l' l't.· son1e <.lass111at,•s \\ ho hacl co rnu to set.• hint off. l ret·oi;niz~d Edith )lac.\sl,ill in a nurse's u11ilon11 .She had stuck by ht>1 good intentions fon11ecl in g1 ·a ct,• srhool, .\nd 11\ ,•r 111 a soldil•r s unifonn -ht.·'s in tht.• arnn no,,·-,, as :\'01,bt.•1 t )le,re1 ·. • Ji111111~ \\as t.iking a tndn to :\'1..\\ \01k :uul froru t ht'rt • he ,, ould go b~ ho It t" Fn1 nee and 01\ tu l'a I is I boa rdc<I n1~ stra11gc :-hip and folln,,·<.·d al a short dis• t,111t•t•. Upon his a1Tl\"Hl 1n X1.\\ York , .J1111n1y had a headache and stoppt•O at a !Inigo store lo gt..• t :son1t.• a~pil·in. Thu d1·uggis1 slet>JHid for,vnrd and to rny g'l'<.•at astonish• llll•nt, 1 sa\\ that lt \vas l;t•ori;t. Xe\\bt.•11~.

Th<.• 1 adio in the storc ,vas going (ull hlast , and the antll>\lllt'el' saicl, "l l gi\"cs n1t• gTL•at plcai:.Ul'lcl to intrtHIUcc to .) ou one of the greatest authorith•:,: on dit•tt.:.'ti es 111 \ntt •riC'a She \\ ill :,;p,•ak on 'The Proper Diet lor l'hildrt.n', .:\Iis:- (;1•ayce .Jone::; Your an11 ou11<·e1 1s Frt.>d Clark." I•'1·ed ,,·as en rn i ng lllOllt'~ ' in this llHlllnt.•r to l.'Ulll]llcte an l.'Xtt•nsl\ e a, t course, and his clt>C'J> \'oice pro\'t.•d an asset

\\"hl;n Jinllny rcnched the- pier fron1 \\ h1t.h he \\ as to sail, thl.' captnin hin1.:;elf, \\' ho111 I found to b,., nont• othcl' than I-::hnel' Hobert~, sho\\ed h1111 to his i-iuitc. On theil' \\ a) they sa\\ a sl\ilor ::-<. rubbing the deek, and \\'ho should it be hut Shc.-1 \\·i n Xichols

\gain ca1nc th<. • rattling of golden chnius a:, the n11c•ho1 \\'Us clroppecl n t Par is.

Jin1n1~ \\ ent his ,, a), and I \\ alk<.•ct along tilt Hue <lt. la Pai'.\, PCl•t·lng into 11u111crous littk i-ihot>:s Hudclc.•nl) ,1 :sign n1et n1)· eye :

")lllt Sin1pson, :\ l odi:stt•." It \\ ,\s ,\ll <. xclus1\ e looking- shop The na111c :-et Tllt \\ onder1ng; so I ch,cidt..•cl to look into the plact ). ts, Ill)' )>l'l'lllOililion J)l'O\ ed (.'Ol'l eel Loi I a int. .Si111pson presidl'd o\·<.•r the n1ost fashionabl1.; shop in Paris, noted for its t xtren1u nnd daring st~ les.

Lorraine ,,·as chatting· ,, ith a l'Usto1ncr. '\ ou nt·t• f1·on1 London, an:n·t ou, :\ t ·,dnn1'?" shl said The• wo111an nod<lecl a:-.sent L orra111t• t•ontinut•d, "I>o on happen to kno,,.1 notl'cl .\nH•rican nrti:-.t, \'ltginia Pr<.•uss. \\ ho is attt.·nding the art l :xhibilion at London·~" "\Vh)·, yes", ans\\'ert>ct tht.• ,,·01nan " l n1t·t ht•r sc,·eral \\Cl·ks ago at a tC'a g-i\1.;n in hl•I' hono1 .\l that tin1t • sh t • hacl as hl r /.!'\lt•st a fril•nd \\ ho had b,•,•n at•ting as :::lt:Crt•tn1-;, tu a i:.:,colog-u a) l'X)Jl•dltion in I•:g~ pt. Tiu:; 1:xpcditio11 \\ a:s headed b~ a \ 'e 1·y protn•


inent gL•olog-i:,;l b~ thl' na1nc of ½Liglel', I belie,·1·-~lcl\"in Zeig-lel'. 111:ff frit>nd's nan1c \\'as Elsie He~ nnlds"

It :-e1•n1ccl that in this nu\\' 1\a,· \\'hL•n all n1)" frit'nds Wl're follo,ving 1·a1·ee·n,, wo1nen as \\'ell as lllL'll played an i1nportant pal't, not only in the \\·orld of husinei-:--, hut in th~ fiL•ltl of politic:-- as Wt'll I otn,el'vcd this especially after 1ny :--)up of 1lrl•an1s had brought n1e hack to A1nerica.

In onL• city I ht ard ~lal'y Jean Calldns n1aking nnc of the L'levc1·e:,t ea1npaign speecht'S ever given. Upon listPning close)~·.

I found thHt she \\"as running· for governor. .\t another port in ou1· own l'nited ~tatei-, a cou1·troo1n was th<• scene uf ten:,;t' cxpec·tancy. for tht•l'1• d(•ft>nd1ng h,•r client \\'as one of tht> ~r<-atest cri1ninal lawyer:< in the L". S. Donna O\\·en.

Fron1 thi:,; san1c L 1tr. I h•arnecl, \\'ax sailing an e.xpe<lition tn ~outh An1c1 ica to :,;earch for a \\'01nan ,vho had been lost \\'llile 1naki11g- n i-olo flight :icl'os:< thL continent. Thi:,; \\'OllHl.n \\ a::.: ~Iargie T1·ezi:,;f•. The rescHt· part)· "a,; headed by \\ e)',ton Pon1croy, ,,·eston had 1naclc goucl atul lH•lcl a controlling interc:-t in a r,in factory

Deforl• l rcalizt'd \\·hat \\ as happening, I found 1ny:,;elf in front of a hot dog and han1burg1•1· stand. I \\·ent in to g(•t a ha1nhurger, and ther,•. in a little white <:ap and a long apron, ,v~1.:,.; Ha;v ~lal,•nk .\s his ,vaitrt'::.:S, he had lured another old classmnte, ,\cl" lahlc I{orosec.

.\delaide and I chatted a while over the counter. E:no\\·ing ,,·hat goo<l friends she and .\nna Gargan had heen in :--c-hool. I asked her ,vh<.-re ,\nna "as and what :,;hl• \\"as doing. She sai<l that .\nna \\"as a nt'wspape1· reportl·r on the ·•~e\\· York Tin1es." She continued, "I suppos you kno\\' that the C1·a\\ fonl twins ha,1• a partncr::.:hip in a gift :,;hop a111l are 1nak111g quit\:! a .succesi- of it'!" This ,,·as indet·d ne\\·:,; to !lit.' \llelaide al::.:o inforined n1t• that Charl s Oli\t>r, anothe1· graduate of '37, ,vas 111aking a nan1c for hin1sclf in the fipJd of :,;ei,-nce. Ile \\"as at that tilne in ncnnany i--tudring under the greatest scientists of th,, day.

I journt•yetl on an<l :-a\\· that 1ny ship \\'as taking n1e into a n1ountainous country. On a cool, d1•ep hl\1{• lake I :,;a,\' a s111all fishing hoat. \\'hl·n I <lrew nea1·t•l' I :-a,v, sitting in the boat, tht>tl· hats low nn their foreheads to sluvh• thPir 1•y1•s, Pick 8111ith ancl La ,, rt'n<•p Pa in<.• lazily fi:.:h in:.::. Oh' Oh' l>i<'k ha-.: a hit,•' .\ bi;.:- nnt• too! Pon't h I hiln g-ct a\\·a~· Di1·l, ! \\'ht ,,·-at la:<t hL•':,.; !<Ufc in the ba:--k,•t. I h<-t that':< the 1n11st ,., rtio11 I>ick's u:-t•cl sinct• tht• Ja;,.l ''ntt-rar.e·• hl· attcnded

On over th(• 111ou11taius I sailed and can1<• to a gl ,,n, pro:,J>t •rou:< looking fanu located on a sunny :.:lope. Htopping at th,• hou:,;1· to get a drinl;: of \\'atl•1·, 1 "as n1et h\· \\'altl•r Tial,t-r, owne1· of the fann \\ altlr wax nH\ITiP<l and had l wo childr<•n in school, a hoy and a g-irl. He point,•d out th<· school. ,vhi<"h coulrl be s,•1•11 in the di-:tance. I n1ade that 111y next stop.

At the sc-hool I ,vas :-.ul'prisl•d to :,.;L•P that La\'t•ta Trezi:,;e ,va:,; th1· principal. The girls' athll'tie i11st1"uctor \\'as Dorothy Deal'. Th<' school house ,, a:-: lwautifull\' <h•cora tt•cl and a::- I rf..'n1arked about this, I was told that .\.rlef..'n Frt-at111an \\·as the dePorato1·. The :,;chuol children \\·er.1 all excit,•u o\'<.I' a <·01ning football g-ann•, ,vhich was going to be the toughest ga1ne of the season

J found that th1:; opposing tea1u was hcillg1•011.ched hy .J Ol Hteffon ich.

.\gain I tra,eled on, and as I \\'a:,; con1ing into a city, I :,;a\\· a sign; " c;u :,; cleans , , er~ thing· fron1 top to toe" I looke<l 1n. \ es tht-re ,vas Hub et·t Ilern1nghausen \t a \\'Ork table an attractive darkhail'ed sean\i--tress "·as bending over her work. g}l, Jnoke<l up and I sa,\· that it ,vas Huth Baessler.

.\ cui--tomt>r ente r f..'d lt was nalph ,Yilloughb~. He left five tuxedos to b e cleaned and p1cssed. ~o. they weren't all his. Ralph \\·as running an agenc)· which hired out ei-<"0rts to \\ <•althy ,von1e11 ,vho came to town and had 110 one to go places ,vith. Ralph said he h'ld a ne\\ custon1ei-. a Wt!althy \\'on1c1.n \\"ho ,vas running a sumtner hotel an,l \\ a-: running a"•ay f1·0111 business for a,, hile. Bc•t t~· nu ell \\'as ht!r nan1e. He \\"a:; selecting fh e of his best-l9oking, n1ost courteous nn•n for her to choose fro1n. One of then1, he :--aid, \\'as Jack nicharcls.

\Yhen I ,, as abo\1t to lea ,·e tht' :-hop, a :,;a)es111an t'lltcred-o n e of tlH>St' ,vho tra, el fron1 to,vn to town. 1 t was Don Reeves. He was selling- a ne\\· hand lotion, the fonnula for \\ hich wa:,; discovered and perfected by ,·etmn \\'alker and r.ore her 11an1e.

\Y e all ren1e1nherecl Ollt' anotht>r JJt.'l'fL•<·t1~ and 1iaused for a cha.t. Ruth asked, "I>o you know what <-,·er happened to Yirg-inia Pratt, that s,,,eet shy little girl ,vho \\ ent to :,;chool ,vith us?"

"\\'h~ of cou1 se," said non · She has a po:< it ion in th l' sanH• con1 pun~ l repre:,;en l ~he \\ ork:- in the lahorator~·" Ht' ,, {·nt on. "I>id you kno\\ that ~Iortnn Ralston has a fo, fa1·111 in the mountains"" ~obody had kno" n.

Gu:s ga\'t• son1e infot 111atio11 loo. H l• :sni1l ":\I auri11, I•~en\\ ick i.s \\ orking ,Is a ,node! in a elothing- store in ;:-_ew York I found that out \\ ht'n I \\"ent to see about son1e Ill'\\' n1atr-rial for men's suits"

I <h cidecl I sho uld he lea Yi ng , so I hired a taxi to take nie to wl1t•re n1y ,;hip "as :-1.nchort>d ju:st outside the city. On the \\·ay \\"e fortunatrly had engine troublt> I sav fol'tunatc•ly, because the dt"lay g:a,e 111e a chance to learn n1ore of 111y fornH:r class111ates.

A 111.1.n c:1.111e ,val king up in a di1 t) \\ hit, • 1nechan1<.·'s 1.1nifo1·111, ancl \\"ho should it he but L ee Tra\'is. H t pro,·ecl a capable \\'Orknian. for I soon wa:s nbl1· to boa1·d 111v sturcl,· little :-hip with it:,; golden anchor.· \\"ith il sigh of reA"rct and Yl't a glo,v of J>h•,\.sute at 1neeting old friencl.s, I sailt'd hack to th,• lint-r I landed unct'ren1oniously on the floor of 111~· stat1•roon1 \Yilh a loud thu111p, and heard so1neone knocking at the door.

It \\'as a Slt'\Vat de:,;s in a \\ h1tt' unifonn JlernH·, 1Il stl• r' I kne\\' .son1ehod) had been n1issinA" ~he hnrl a ll•h•gratn for 111e. I sa\\ that it \\ as f1·0111 .\<la )tcS\\·<'ene). Ill) boss in the offict-. Oh-hacl nc\\·:-~ It snid, "8tnp at llt',t port and return in11nediately Busine:-<s piling up."

Dcrnicl' also told 111e that th~ cere n1 on~ ,, al'! ahout to start and I :,;hould go up on <leek if I \\.lilted to \\ itness it.

~uddt nl~ Ih rn1<", ':s face faded a\\ a~·. nnd I felt a :,;hocking <lash of <•old ,vate1 111 tn\ I a\\·nk~ to find 1nother standing oYer ntc• ancl shakin~ inc Hht- saicl, "Jt's ten o'clock, <"hild, g<•t u11! Tonight's your graduation night and ) ou've lots to do."

O ur Ship

Our Ship!

To ,vhich ,ve have returned )rear after year And no,v have to leave forever; Tho' our ,vork may carry us far away Our bonds ,vith you ,von't sever.

Our Ship!

By· ,vhose rail ,ve stand and dreamilJ· gaze

To the blue horizon in the distance, You've taught us to strive for a far-a,vay aim And our minds and ideals to en hance.

Our Ship!

You have helped us ,vithstand the stor rn y skies And the ,vaves v,•hich tossed us aground; If not for ourselves, it will be for you That in the ,vorld \Ye gain renown.

Oh Ship!

Your humble ere,,· is leaving :you no,v But ,ve hope our memories remain, For we ,vill remember glad days on deck In everything ,ve may gain.

A fte rm ath

These four Jtears spent in Golden High \7\Tere happjr ones for us; Of course ,ve had our troubles And sometimes raised a fuss ; But if you ,,·eight the troubles With the happiness ,ve've had , I'm sure the pleasant times "\1/ill out,veigh the troubles bad.

Of course ,ve can't forget the teachers, Who have tried to see us through To a life of hope and happiness

When our high school life is through; And if j'OU have a thriving business, Or have simply just grown old, Then your life in Golden High School Will be a memory of gold.

llllll .Junior P1·on1 8eno 1 :, Htc 1101·i la :--tucll'nt f'ouncil ,\ Study in Contra,.: "' ~chool Da:,·s .Johnny·s Ford "Bridal Chorus" Paifet l'ark "C;o}c1en .\nc hor" ~ta Cf I't>p Club :-.Ia:-cot :'II r. Uru in :'ll ajor .Jui-t Girls 1:q u t•i-l rien n e:,; C H S Iland J-Ia)lpy I>a:, :Tenn 1:- Ch.un p,.: Xoon Hour :\ l o::;t I:, Hook~

:'\T itc h ell

Brooks' !<'it,l d ll oopstcrs S n o\\· Scene ' \Yh at the H all of Concentration R ea d ) for Acti on 0Ycr the Top .A Feed Fir st Tean\ B as k et ball Fe1nininc Pul c h1 itude Track Squad P e p ClUJl> "G"

• .ii:,,
:'\Iaroun and , , ·111tl' St, ff Pcdagoge\l('S Coach Tclk F oothnll ~1u:ul Pt• p Club
\ ..

Senior Census

,\ \11'~ t'H.\It.\CTEUISTIC P ASTJ;.\,IE

be n physical ed teacher \brupt nul.nner be a beautician Cheer lending be nn electrical engineer C'urly hair be a second \\'alter \Vinchell. Clev1.~r repartee be an expert l) plst.. Efficiency he a private secretary~ Po))ularity be an architect. !S1.nse of hu111or bl, a journalist. l'nusual coiffure instruct the ~·,n1ng- .••........ Dignity he n forest ranger I >1 l·J> voic1• be an nctre,-s Long· c•ylda.shes he a busint'Sl-1 \\ n1nan ...... .... .............. I 'l'I · 1·1 . he a :-ite11ographt•r . . . ...... .. . I ll•ir I H•ni•ss bt• an interior clecorn tor ltibbon s in her hair bo an air hostess .............. ...................... E,prt·ssi, t- <'Yes teach .school . . ... .... .... .............. Loquacity go to eollege , ~chool spirit he a mining- • 11ginee1· ...•.... Sunburn lie a g-ood hou:--1•\\•jfe l>i1npll·S

he u privnt1• i-Pl'l't"tary •. Lo,·l,lY hands be a dietician ............... 1"1·1·ckl1·s

bt• ,, hu il<ling- nrchilect........ ... ............. :-;111 ile

he a. gooct t~ pist l 'lu1npn s:s

be a 11\l)·Sl'

•.•••.• •.•.•••••..•.•••.• Quiet 111anne1· be a 1no1·tician .....•............ \\'histling be a !'Olllllll:l'Cial artist. H1·fint•lnl·llt clo office ,vork J:i-own •·~ cihe a fon•st ranger Tt-xas cl1awl be an architec: t. ......... ..,.................... l•;nthusiasn\

be a. radio eng-·lneer Sh~ nl:'ss be a lnw:,·er l>t--sire to plenst: clo rlc:':--enrch .\JJparent boredo1n he an a,iator l'roc1·n:--tinati11n b e a good husband .\fft'clionate nature hP a nll, chanic ............. Perfect attendance

,be a nt•\\·spu.per reportc·r Good intentions study art Uaintin<>ss

be n. de::igner Sweet clii,1position study Diesel engineering............ ... . Oood loolcs h< an eng-ineer ........... . . .. ... . lnunaculat<• groo1ning be a. Htenogl'apher Offlrinl position

1nake a trans-.\tlantic fli~ht llear stories study T>eisel engineering Bu.sines:- ,1. ntu1·es be a beautician ...............Coquetrr

IIOPE RECOGNIZED BY Jlla1, l>ol'othy , Diligence l>e, t•loping pictu1es To nae:-:der. Ruth C'o1nposure IJe,-ignlng cloth,·s 1'o !laker, \Yalter Bashfulness Hiding horseback To Bernlnghausen, Gu:-; ...... IndiYlclualhnn ....... Punning To lloone, Lein ............. .. f.:rsoui·cl:'fulness . . \\" alking on th<> a, enue To r:1 nun, :\Iary .Tnnll ....... .. . Coynesi- . .. . ..... Laughing .......................... '1'<1 Hrnwner. Douglas Yel':-.atility Playing the piano To Hut\11, Bett) P0lsl' \Vriting t>dltorlnls 'l'o Calkin:--, .:-.1111 ·y .Jenn Graciousness .Studying- che1nist1·y To t'la I k. l•'1·et1 • Persuasiveness lt11111ancing 'l'o ('la1 k, 1:--ahPlle .Or1gin:1lit) Bc• ing in plnys TL ('ta\\ fol'cl, . \nnabelle ....... <'h1·t•rfulne::.s ....... Plunning 111enus ........ ..... 'l'o Crnwford, \'il'ginia ........ \\ illlngness .... .... .. l\Iuking fudge ................... To J>cnter, .Jean Hn\'olr-faire \\·r1ting po, t1·y To l-'t'nwi<-1<, ,:\Jaurine ~Ua\'it) Flirting· To Frl•at1nan, , \rleue Tn1nquility I:1•,Hling· lo\'!:! .storie.s To c,nrgnn. .\nna .......... . .. Jndc•pendenct.' . n1 ,tting things done..... To (>ilhl•rt, Bill ...... .. Persi:-tl'nC'y .............. T>ating J1,nn ..... .... To <ioudg<>, :\"a ta lie ......... _\·n ncity .... . . .. t'h1 wing g111n . Tn H.-111bt.>rge1, Jo:lcnnor C'hn11n l•:nt,·1taining the J> T> 's '1'< , .I, 11l'S, Gra<·e In pPtuosity \\'is <'racking To l,otwla, .John \llahlllt:, _ l'Jnying the a<coi-dion •r .. Korosee \delnidt• ., P1 I'\ er.s1 nt•.s.s ltParli11g To )fal'.\~klll, l •~lith , F'rienclline.s .s. ... .. K1·1,ping lib1 ary .,. .... , To )Jnlenk, Ray ............ l•~arnestness .. ... Ht:lµing- Ben ................... Tc :\fcS\\"e<:ne), .\dn .. . l>ig-nity ................. Blushing . ... .. .. . To \1, :-tc-r, Hern ice, Soclahility \\ hispering _ ,.... To .:-.11:, E--r, N'orb,•rt I ndiffer<'nce Hai:-:ing goldli:·dl. To "lt"wberr:,-. Ceorge Onllnnt1·y ! tunning th< n1ile To :"\"iehols, Sherwin 81·rio11:,-111,ss Building radios 'I'o o,, en, I>nnna ... .. l •'1 anlo1ess l'h1)· ing tenni.s . . ..... To Olivet, Cha1·Ie:-- Pl'ofundity :\Iarl<ing ti111e To l'alne, Lawr1 net. Obstinacy Telling· jolH·:-- To l'etticrt·w, .Jfn1111) .\n1inbilit) Tt·a:-ing tht> g·irls T<, Plattner, Han·y .... :-;ophiHtit·ntio11 ... . J>ating .:-.1a1) , \nnn To 1'01nProy, \\"pston ... .SfnC'erit) ............... <'ha.sing rainbow:-- . . ..... Tc1 Pratt, \'irginin Tin1ictit:,• l>aydrea111ing To l'ruess, \'irginia Re:--c•rv1• I>i-a,\•ing· T< Halston, :\Iorton f}etach1n ent n,,hhing the cradlr To Reeve:-:, Don .......... .Perst.>r\' l'rnnre \\ IE>tt11·s .•• To Heynolds, I•~l:~i(' ....... Industr y ...... . c,;oing· to the n10\'ie~ . ... 'I'<• Richards, Jack Ficklenei<s SIPeping T1, Hoberts. Bln1 er C'ongeniality Hunting- \\'ith Hrcl To Himp:-:on, Lorraine.. .<'c,1n plal$nnce ,\'1 it Ing notes 'l'o ~11.ith. Dick ......... .Nonchalance ........ Looking- ro111antic To .St1df11nich, .Joe ........... l•'nrtitud e ..•.•..... Playing- football ...........To Trayis, Le(> \\ 'lllingness :i\1aking· postei·.s 1'11 T1ezl:- e, :vrarjorie !\ai\'t'te I>ancing To Trezise, La\'eta llependruhillty ,:\laking silver nott's To \\',1lker. Veln1n l111paticn<'e ::-it udying the ~tars To \Yat1·1'S, Don . . ........... LPl\ClE'1'$hip ... ....... Arg-ufylng . . .......... 'l'o \\'illoughb~, Ralph . . .\gflity ............ ... Ta1> <lancing......................... To 1/-tiglei·, :\fel\in ~agaclt:.· c:i\ing speeches To

be a ne,vspaper reporter ..... Lackadaisical n1anner play professional football Orin

::tud:,· a1>1·onautiC'al engineerin,z- {;t•ntlt'n1anly 111anncrs he an aviatrix Bah~· talk teach young An1etica Red hair o,vn a beauty shop Swing skirts he a. Ia\\ yer Fire)' tcmpt"r study SC'ientific journalism. ,.... Tnlknti\ene:-:he n · 1ninlng engineer Renio1· pre~iclency

The Lo~ 1936-37

TIil.•:-:. J-:-;<'h•J•>l op ns ••\not ht 1· nine 11,,.n1h,ol \\ ork :111d pla~.

:\Inn. 7-L,ihor l>:\\-1111 "'<'hnol. .J11,-l lhi11k. :--1·ho11l :-houl<hi't have :--tarted until ton1or1 o\\· !

\\' 1 d !I Glt•ll ~l01-r1:-- <la) in l>etn er. \\ t' \\1r<.n t ,•xcu:-ect 11nt1l la:-l p,1iod, ho\\-

::--,11 1:! :--outh High <lo\\"ll:-< Golclt·n iu fi1·,-t J>l 1rtic1 gnnit- in t'oottall h) n1argin of 14-0

Tut>,- t ,-Golrl1 n High S<•hool hand 1narch1•s 1n \ F \\ parade 1n l> en,·er. \n · ,v,, good!

\\'t,l, ]1.-.\:-1:s..-1uhl) T' t•Jl llll't'lin~ :incl a fr•\\· numh1:r:-< bv the bancl,

Thul':< li-Fir:-t l'.-T. , \ llH'l'till~ of the y ar. ~chool out l':ll'l).

J.'1i, 1,-n11ld1n los1•1- to :\'nt·th High b) 1:!-i I-COi t•, \\'hat a II f"X<'it ing g-a 111•·.

\\"<'ti. 2:~ t'l,,s,- ll1Pt' l111g... Offi<·t•rs fur the ~·••a r c-lcct ert.

F1 i. :!~1-Xo l-'l'h110I hl•C'a u:-1• of the ('01111t) T1•a<•l11•1·,-' 1·011 ,·l'nt 1On.

.:\l011 :!S -~no\\ hall fig-ht:-, :-no\\· 11, n. :-. 11e1\\ fort:-, l'tc. In ,,ther \\ 111·d:,, the fi1•:-:t Silo\\ of u,., year.


F11. :!-1:,.1t11•11 t1 iu111ph,: "' ,•1· ~I .Jop ":,- 1:1-11 , Tur•:,; ,; -\\'I',\ :-JH>n:<01·:- dancing Pia:-:- in gy111

"' t•I'\ Tut ,d:1, noon, Ho\\ :--onH• of tho:--,, pt•o1iJ,• ,.:t, 11gglc!

\\',•<I. i-.\ 111an f1·on1 <'udah'.\ l':11·ki11g <'<11nT llll) talk:- Ill Hl-'Sl'llll1)y. \",·ry intt>l'l':-.ling-l'l'JJC<'inll) ,vht>n hl· hutcht-r,- a lu111h

l•'r1. !1-C.ol<h·n J,,:--,•s first confet·.,nc·" ga1nc 111-7 in :t h:1rrl fought hattlt• \\'Ith E-ngl,·" 1111<1. ~o n<'ar nnd ) ct :-o far.

•\t1111. 12-::--111dl•t1t:-: tak., ,·aeation to l'1· ,:1<'t>1tt Itoo,-.,,•elt in l>enve1·

'l'ut :-.: 1:1--\VJ>A d,111c·es in g-y 1n contin11l•, Do , our 101•:,; hurt·:

\\'l'rt: t ~-:\11 ~fll,.ht'll t,ilk" 11n an1t•n1l111 , •nt."

1n a:-::-1•111 I h \\ <• can't \'11t,•, ou1·:-:,•h t'>', hut \\ , , 110 .:-ur..-h· tPll 011r pan•nt:-- that \\ , c'l<>n't \\ anl th·l. sch1111l:-; to <'lo:-t>.

l•'l'i 11: 1:01,1 11 1>1 111011-< :--kin , \r,·a1la H, •11:: kln-- 1 t-1 ::. Oh hoy! \\' hal a g-anu•J

Tilt'"• :!II ~Pt1ir11·-.. ho 11\ f1r:-t ., fll't'-'-<'h1111l rl,111<,. Th.t I in1111oh1l1 • '':--ta~ lint•" 1,-, b, 1,.!'illllillJ.: to g-, t n11111ot1111011l< ,

\\, <I. :!I-.\"~·, 111hl~ of :--tuct,•nt tal,•nt a la :\lajor Hn\\t'>' \ ;.:l't•at :-uc>ct-:<s.

F1 1 :!3 - 111 1111,11,- "in "' ,·1· .\urora 11'-ll in '<Pllt• of lt·ni-t-hill1·11 liii:.::1•J',-

T111•:-;, :!7 ,\1111th ,•1 \\ I'.\ ,ln11c-1• "Xuf :-aid!"

\\, rl. :!!\-St ra \\ , ot I el,·,•t i1111, Xo st>riou:-.: f11:ht". hut plt"nt~ of d1:-:agrec11H nt

F1·1 :ill Bil,!' 1·• 1 rnlly-frl'e ti< l,<'t:- to lhl' i·ho\\ art,•1·\\ :11·ds That :-<'l'lllS t o Ill• the 0111) r a:-1111 anv on,• \Vf'lll.

S,11. :: 1 l •'h·:--t I ;olde>n High 1, ••1 stag,•d. <'1•l1•hn1 tc<l o, c1 Lit tlcton ~1;-1;

l [ 01t1l'l'Otllin~· by "inning

\\ 1 d 1-:\ 11.._,- !'1 lt'sl :s rll a,natie t•las:-: p1 t':-.l•nts

";:,,;, 1 <J1111, :--uth :t <:onse."

\\ 1 ,! 11 -1..iol<'cn )lla) s scoreless tic \\'1th

\\ h,·at Hidgt· :--.o a1111b,t11•e at that gallH'.

~Ht 14- P cp Cluh anti Bantl r,arade at th<• ;\lines H omt.>t'o111ing. Th i•~· }Hit on a \ e1·y rr1·ctitable JHir fo1 ·n1a11c1:, too

Fri. :!O-~opho n1o re pa l't). '.\:ot 1nuch i11t1•r1•st to Seniors, ~ut to the ~oph:-.-!

~al. 2 1-Central !--uhurhan Leagut• foothall <·loses with Goldt>n in second plac,•. Of course Engle\\ ood holds first

TuP:-:. 2:;-Re n 1P1nbPr hrl\v th1• haskt·t hall :--qu,,d hikl.·d ( ") up Lookout ;\lountain·: The) :<11re did "l<><>kout • for r1tl es, any" a) \\ 1 cl 21i-;\{1s:-." ill's dn1111atics pres1•n ts "The T<>cth of the Cift Hori-:c" in asse1uhty.


F1 i. 4-J'racticc g-a 1ncs open i11 basket hall, anti Ciol<len Josi's lo L ongniont in a g-an1c on th1•ir f1001· In 10-1 !l.

Tu, •:<. \noth.,r pia<'tire g-an1e-\\'cst at Ciol,lcn 13-:i!I 111 fa ,•or of Golc1cn.

1"ri. 1 J-;\l,lnllal at Oolcle11 \\·ins hy a bisni:1rg·in of 1:fl-:!8. •

TuPs 1 :i-Ba:<t is heatc11 I"· thl.' notd, n 1), 111011s at a hoJnt• ~a n 1,; hy :!~-2-l

Thu,.._ l i-=--:01 th b,·ats (;olden at anothl.'l' hon11 gamt' 28-2-1

1"1·i 1~ 'l'he long a,\ aited \II School l'arl~ \Vu::n'l it a grand affn11 ·•

Tu1 :<. :!2-.A1111th1;-r ga1ne \\ ith ~01 lh at <;olth•n in "hir.h Golden \\ ins 13 -3!1.

:'1 1011 :!/.i-(;o}<lt'n \\'ins o, er South at a g-anll• 011 th<•ir floor b) a na1 ro\\ 111argin of 2 !-2:J.

Th111·:-. :! 1-Ea:-t trh1n1µhs o,·t•1 (h,l d cn to till• tUll1• of :~!l-:UJ.

\\ l cl. :!O-(;ol<!C'll Inst•:< to :'IIanunt by a ve1·~• hig- lo:-::- of :; 1-1 !l

Thur:-:. :it -\\ t•:-<t lo:--c:-< a g-an1t• to <;11)rlcn :i ,;- :l !t

Of co111:<1, thP lllo:-.t i111portant haJ)JH•ning of thi:- 111011th \\ as-\\·ha l ! J>on 't ynu rt•-

111< • 1nht 1 ·• \\·h~·. <"hri:-:tn1a:s ,·ac-al111n a nd the all 1111p,,1 tant visit o f ~anta, to bl• sure.

.T \:\'U.\RY

Tut:-:. :i-Lafa~ c t I<. is tlo\\ nccl h~ (;olden h y ·i ·>., Ii .

Ft i. S-L:1fa~ ••tlt• hoop1-tt•1s n•dt·l'lll the1ns 1•l , l':- n t a gan1e 011 t h,•ir o\\ n floo1 · h,· a :-con• of 4:i -1~,. · Th111·s. l -! -Gol<lt-11 ,vin:-: fil :-:t l'o11f,•r1·nct.! g-a11H• h~ a ni1 ·1• n 1arg-i11 of 3:!-:! I.

\\ t d. 1 !1-noldl'll )O:-<l'!'- t11 I .it t lt·tnn hv Ollt' poilit in a :-co1·l' of a2-:l:{ That lnirt:-:!

F1 i. :!:!- 1:11\<if'n l'c•p)lil•s a1 l 11t1•1·tain1•<l at h:HHllllt g-1\l.•n hy lh t· \r,atla l'c11 1•)11h j11:-t hc>fo1 , , thl• gn111..- .\1·, acla \\ on bv 011h fi\'e point~-l'l-1 1 · Fri, :!!1-\\ )Hat TliclJn \\"in:< o,• 1· (;oldt·ll in a g-,1111, 011 0111· O\\ n f1001 hr a sc·on• of 30-:!0.


1'111•:--, :!-Engll "11ocf \\ ins f1 ·o n1 t:old,•n at a ga1n1• thel'l' h ~ 1:t- 1-1 I•'ri :i-En!,!'11•\\ ·1111(1 \\ i n :-: ngain in till.· rt·tun1 g:1111 1 ' h\ 32-:?1 Tu,,.._, !l-.\u101a al:--o \\Ill:< O\'t'I (;olcll•ll at 1 ga ll! (; on their floor b) 3 i -23.


F1 i 12-The :-;core of thi s gan1e ,vas 2i-25 in favor of Gulden. .\ )111111<' gn1ne \\"ith Littleton.

Fri 19-.\nother home ga1ne, uut Golden lu se:-1 to the tune of 21-16

F'1·i 30-The ~""nior Play-\\ h i<"11 "as a bi~ succes::<, ancl bn,ugh t n1or.- hon or a nil glory to the nan1e of the Senior g;rnduating class

Fri 2 1i-The final ga1ne of the st:"aso n in \\"hich ,vheat nidge Far111t·ni plo"· unde1 the Golden De1nons \\'ith a score of 22-13 Goldt'n co 1n e,- out with next-tola st in the confe ren ce Thurs.

,v eil, nothing 1nu ch hap pt ned in :\larch except the usual :-._1ar ch ,vinds, and a lot of late sno\\ stornui Oh, yes, of cou r :--e, that ni ce, long, unexpected Spring Yaca tion fron1 :-.1arch 19 to 29. Only, it hncl to sno,,· during the \\"hole yacation. ..\.PRlL

Sat. 10-The Senior Banquet-the b-est one eyer, and the !Jest of a 11 )'et to cu1ne "S\\•ing" reigned su prenHFri 16-The grandest and gloriousest (or is that a \\'Ord?) t'\"en t o f the whole ) ear

The Junior P Tou1 e 1u1.d e. The dcco 1·a lions \\·ere i,; up erb, the punch tasted excellent, :1nd the girl:-- \\'ere all very lo,·el:> and beautiful in thc·ir gorgeous gcnvns \ncl then it ha.d to sno,,' nut that didn't :::top u:::, E,·t>r)·one ended up at the Golden Gate Cafe in Den,·er. Ren1en1ber?


One of the 111ust acti\ l' groups in Golden High school b the < 01nhined orchestra and bancl under the clirt•ction of ~Ir Ilalph Bishop, ,vho ha:,; prov ed hi::< abilit~· to cond uct a c-rPditable ensen,hle in his first year in thi s high sc hool. Not only ha\'e thl· band members received practic-al training in 1nusic, hut they have cuntri bUtl'd greatly to the (•nthusiasn1 or pep meetings and the· pleasure of assembly programs

.Attracth e in their maroon and "hitL unifor1ns, the band appeared at eYery hon1e ga1ne during the football and basketball i,;easo n s. This 01·ganization ha.s bet>n in popular d ema nd for public appearances, contributing to such progra1ns as th"" P 'T .\., dedication of the ne,v C"entral School, tht Spring :\tusic Fe :::tiYnl. an<l :\h1sic \Yeek,

Did )·ou set: the loYelv dre:--se:- tho:<l' girls n1adl•" .\nd those ·cookh•s-1

Thur::-. 13-Bu::;jnes::; and Prof1.:ss ional \\'0111en's banquet at Hill Crest Inn at )1orrison. It \Vas 1nost ilnpressi\•e ancl lots of fun. Our d eepC'st thanks to the BP\Y for making- this grand e,·ening possiblt· Sal l :-.-The P eppies :\lother-I>aughtt•r banquet. Ren1e1nber ho\\' the girls \\ orkcil for Wt'eks on those leis?

Fri :!8-Scnior picnic at I.;litt•h's Lots uf fun-l•specially since it nH•an:,; no rnore school for the high and might) Senior:,;, Sun, \\'ith all the girls , t•ry ::-tu nning in their suits. .\ little lit glad, ancl a little hit i:;act-all of us.


\\'t>cl :!-Class 11i,-:-ht, \\'ht•n thl S, nior::< ag-c11n display their talents. \\ ill, P1oph1•c~. Etc.

Fri -t-The 1no st i1nportant nig-ht of the S,•11 ior' s Ii f e-Gt·acl11::1 tion-t hat ol·Casion which is neYer forgotten

as well as tahing 1,art in thl• parade of the Yt•tera.ns of Fot·l ign ,Yars and ;\lines Hon1eco1ning.

The r,•:::ul t of n int• months of careful t1aining and indh idual concentration \\'as <•:,;pecially eYiden t in the p1 ogra1ns presented at the Senior Play and Co1nmenct·n1ent ,vith tht> playing of s u ch numbers as "Bridal :-.larch front L<>hlngrin ", \\'a.t-tn er; "Se,tet fron1 Lucia de Lan1n1t>rmoor" , Doniz<•tl i "~Iin uet in G', neetho\'en, and "St•renacle'', !:-chubert

Tht• orchestration is .s1, , iol1ns, se, l n saxophones, nine cornets, twelve clarinets, two batitones, one tron1bone, one bass horn, one altt, horn, two snare drunts, one bass drun1 and the piano

Pep Club

'l'he Pep C'luh, an organization \\ hose purp0:se s ugge sts it nan1e , was forinecl in 1!132 La st year it "a:s reorganized to allo\\· any girl ,vho is a me1nber of the 8tudent .Associatio n to belong Fort)·-eig-ht girls re:,;pon ded to this prh Hege, Conning a large, out efficient club.

Early in th e year )lar) Jane Braun \\·as selected pri:sident; La ,·eta Trezise, ,·iceprei;ident, and Elsie .Heynold s, secretary Blanche Burrough s and Huth Baessler ,vere chosen chee r-leader s.

'rhe unifonns of the organization are \\ hite blouses, \\'hilt: :-hoes, mat oon skirts, and perky· n1a.roon hats, a co:,;tun1e whi<-h is Yisible at a far distan ce and "hi c h n1akes an cffecti\·c con1bination when the gil"ls pl rforn1 their intricate drills dut ing football and hasketball seasons

Each '.\ l'lll' the Pep c lub sponsors seYeral clan cl s and gi, es a .:\lothe1· ancl Daughte1· DanQut't This year thc- hanquet "·as giYen at tht• :\Jit clu·ll Hotel on :-.Ia) 1-t The then1c ,vas Ha,, a iian, "'i th I ei.s as fa, ors and table

6-Ho1nu I•~c 'I' ., a d 1· 1 · I - e.. n as 11ot1 s lU\\.

<lcc·ora lions to <' ,llT;\ out l he idea Thl' pl ogran1 cons1:-:tt•d of Ha,vaiian n111,-ic, H;1waiia11 111otion pictures, and talks by the !!:iris and their tnothcr:s.

Tht• ;o;J>on;-;,,r )I is:- :\la11dl' l'l'iest, proved an nlile I, ader fo1 t\\·o ) ears 1•11erg-y and rt•:--011rc-t.'fulnt.•ss hav'- hl't n l' l" l" >n:-:il>Jc for n111rh of the cluh':,: sill.' < 1,;,-s,

Student Council

The Studnnt Co1111ell, the governing hod~ of the high school. consist:- of ei~ht 1nen1t:cr:s nnd a fncult~· ad, iser

Th,• oft'ice1 :-- for th,• year I !13,;_37 ",•re : p1·esiclent, Don Ree, 1•::< , ice-p1 ,•siclent. Ih,n \\ aters: trensunc> r, :\lnry .lane nn,un; ::-ec·1 etar) Annabelle Schol'ch; "G-Pin" representatiYe, La \ eta Tr..-zi::-e, an<l fac11lt~ ad,·iser. :\It Reers The othe1 · n1<'111bt>r:-< "e1 , Bob Fleming, l>t•n,·er Darb and Bill Owen,-, The president and treasurt•r are clec. t,·cl

l,y th,• :-tu<lcnl h,,dy fro111 tht' ::<t•llior · <'las,-; , In addition to th1:-- th,, junior nn<l i-enio1· classe:-; arc t>ach t•ntitlecl to t\\·o r~•Prt>::-t•ntal i\ ei:-, and th,• fr·esh1nan and ::-ophon1orc cla:,,:-;es, to one rcprest•n tat i ,·e a 11iccl'

It is tht> dut~ · of the Co1111c. 1I to St>Jl :is,ociation ticktts, hook all as,-;e1nhlies, ,·otP on all a,, a rd:-, k"'-'P points for "<;-Pins· and urrangp 1nan, othe1· ,tetails that nrise during the ,-a1 · In the opinion of th(• ::<t\ldent hody JH rhap:-; th(' niost 1111pnrtant dut~· i::-.pon:-01 i11g th, annual .\.11-School Part~ gh' t>n h)· the Council for nil as:--o('ialion 1ne1nbt•rs

Senior Play

.\.:-; tht ~enior Clas::< of 1!137 di opJ1t•d anchor at the Golden High :--chool .\uctitoriun1 on .\pril 30, the actors and act l"t>i<s(•s aboard ship prepared to pi-t sent "Briel al <'horui<", a con1ed)· in thrt·tc> ac-t:,, b)' Hoberta \\ 1ntE>r.

"Bridal Choi us' is the stor,· of ~hu tha .Jan<• Perry':-; wedding :\lartha .Jan,· i:chnn~tc>able, loY:thle. prt•tt) aucl c\epenclt•nt upon others, ) et with a n1ind of ht>t own \\'h ich she oc·(: asiona ll \' as:--t·r ts ~he is a chip off the old block~ for I,ate Pen~-. her 1nother i;-; just ai- lovahltc, changeable a11d i-nn1antic at twice her ng-e. Gt>orgia l>a, is. ~la rt ha .In nc';,; be::<t friend and dearest (•11e1ny, bo:-:scs th<> entire ceren1on~ - C'hal'lotte \\'right, the fa::<hion-plate: .Jo Bcnnt·lt, the• athlet,•; and Carolill(• Rell. ,, ho is i:;\\ ct·t. :-:itnplc, and Jisps, arc the b1ides1naicl:-a. J. H. l't>1-r,·, ~h1rtha .Jane's brotlll r and <;eorg ia's riance , is 111or._. co1npletely under <;t'orgia s thu111b than anyone else is \\"illil· G1·eshan1 is c·o11rling Kate! Tht> ushers art> happy,-:-oluck~· C'harlie; "s111oothit" l>a, e from Ya) ; and :Martha .Jane'::< r1·uslH·cl loYe, ~IP\\' Bishop Hath hone is pc•rfrn·n1ing· thl' C't>l't 111011~ and l>rH ~colt, nn olcl fan1il~ friend, 1« g-i,•ing thl' bride a\\ ;iy, .\!though P\'!•ryont• is .ll\\'a) s f,,rg.,lting tht• g-roo1n-he i::< still \'Cl~ ilnf>1•1 tant in the cerl•n1011y.

\ grt•at clt al 01 credit for the success of thl' 1,la~ n1ust he id\'en to the folio\\ ing husine:-:l" and p1octuction staff:

IJirct'tor, :'Ill::-:- Hub~ \.lit'(.' \\'1h ~ta..:t• and propt•l'lits Ann:1 Uargan, .\delaidc· h:01 ":<et•, Ele.inor Ht 1nherger. Jac-k Richards Hill <;ilb( rt. :\11·,- Ro\\ ena King, and ~ti,-s '.\lab, l Bolitho. I:ui:-iness and ao, l rtising, Edith

:\fnc.\skill. Elsie Re~ nolcls, \"11 ginia t'1·a\\fo1·d, Lee T1·a, is and :\Ii::<,-; Edna Gray; :\lak,up, Yirginia Prues;-;, Ruth naesst,,r. J>orolh) Ht·a1 '.\lary .J e an Calkin:-:. n, tt\ 11ut•ll ancl :\lls;,; :\Iauct Priei:-t, Lig-htin~. ~f,- Hannian : Prompter, J.;J;,;1t Ht>~ nolcl::<; and t'slH·rs, Lela Hoon<', .\.da :\Ic-::,-\\'el'nt•~ Shitley \\')·111.111 and Edith :\fac.Askill l~atl' 1'.-11) ,villi< Cireshan1

C:t•orgia Da,·is

.J R Pl lT)' :\lartha .Janl· Pcn·y l'ha i-lott l \\.rii;h t .Josephin( nennett Carolin, · Bell ~tew Gihson BishoJ> Hathhon.-

1 l:t\'t• Gl 'A'.\

C'luu·lie \\"ood Dr Scott Ell i:s Draclley

L,1 \"eta TllZis, • I>on \Yat.-rs

Jean l)E>ntt>r

Gus Be i-n I nghR u:-en :\Ia r jorie Trez1sl

:\'a tal ic c;11udgE>

Donna 0\\ ell

:\tnr~ Jane Braun

.Ji1n Petticrp"· Lawrenc(' Pain..Harry Plattner

John Koht"la Fre<l Clark \\" est on Po1nero)

Golden Sports <if


\\ ith only till et' reg-u\ars on tht: 193ti squad fro1n the 1935 team, \Yh1ch had placed second in the L eague, things did not look at all enco\1raging in football for the Demons, especially since \\' heat Ridge Arvada, and Englevvood h:icl a good pt-rcentage of their tean1s bacl,.

Golden finished in a tie for second place ,vith thl strong \\ heat Ridge tt-an1, ,vhile Englt-,vood ,vas cro"·ned chHnlpion for the second consecutive year, later going on to "in the State Tournament.

.After a \\ eek's practice, the tea1n lost a practice scrimn1age, 13 to 0, to South Den,·er, who ,von the Den, er League \\'ithout a defeat. At the end of another ,veek, Golden defeated St Joseph 19 to 6. ~\ "eel~ later the l)c1nons lost to North by a scort• of 12 to 7.

The first conference ganie of the season \\'Us pla} ed under the lights at ~ngle\\·ood \fter holding Engle,,·ood to a 7 to 7 sco r e, in the last n1inute of play the Den1ons 1nadl a costly fun1ble in Englewood territory,

\\ hich ga Ye the Pirates a chant·e lo kick a field goal and thus \\'in the ball gan1c 10 to 7.

The next ,veek Goldl n, cunsidert>cl the underdog. \\'On a hard fought contest f1 om the .\r,·ada Red skins by a 14 to 13 score. Later the Demons "·ent on to "in fron1 Auro1 a and Littleton by one-sided sco res of 19 to O and 26 to 6. Th e gan1e \\ ith Lakewood was forfeited in Golden's favor.

The last game of th e season \\"as pla)·ed "ith Wheat Ridg e. This proved to be an exciting contest, both tean1s having sco ring opportunities but failing to con1e through. Th e rcsul t \\·as a 0-0 tie.

The following- nH,n \\·ere a \\·,\rcled letter~ al the close of the season Captain Steffnnich, Captain-elect Gorn1an, Rt•eves, Gilbert, Roger s, Berninghausen, Rouerts, \Yaters, Shovlin, Spieles, Little, Bailey, Gargan, Sch,Yeizer and Barb. Of these lettermen eight ,vill return for 1937. The prospects fo1· next season are bright, and Golden expects to be a real contender for the pennant


In11nediatel~ following football season can1e th1c: \\Testling season From the very beginning the boys started to work hard. Thev did road \\·orl<, thre,v the 1nedicine ball. did· exercises, skipped rope, and practiced \\'restling. Under the super, ision of Coach Telk ,vith the able assistance of Charles Pyle: ,vho had ,von a n1edal at Greeley the year before, the bo~ s lt•arned fast and a<'complished 1nuch One Friday after school a tournaruen t ,vas helcl to secure the best n1en in \\'eight to participate in coinpetition bouts \\"ith other schools.

The first n1atch \\as \\'1th \Yt>:-t Den,cr and the score ,, a!> 23 to 1~ in rn vor of

Golden In th1;; follo,ving \\ eeks, n1 eets \\ ith South. Xorth and ).Janual ,vere lost by topheavy scores.

The last of Fehl'uar:, the te an1 journt>yecl to Greele:, to participate in the State Tournament Golden made t \\ o points \\ hen l(err and Jones hoth lhrt-\\' their first opponents.

The follo\\ ing bo:, s \Vere a\\ ardecl letters for their hard \\·ork: P:,·le, manager, l{u besh, Kerr, Jones, )Ia.c.\skill and Little Shadbolt, Clark and \ 'orce also participated, hut did not quite qualif~· for a letter.


Dasketball season oplned \\ ith the usual c11thus1as1n and "clo-or-die" spirit Ho\\·ever, the odcls were against Golden this yearan alrnost ne,v team against Yeteran o pponents-and the Den1ons finished in a tie ,vith Littleton for last place in the Leag\ll•

The first ga1ne, played here at Golden, ,vas ,vith the experienced Aurora t ea 111 , \\ ith all the fire and pep of a Golclrn tearn , the Demon s got a\\·a~· to a fast start :and <'an1e out on top \\'ith the score ot 32 against .\ \l rora's 24.

Littleton "as the nc•xt opponent. Golden g·ot a slo,, start but managed to keep in the gan1e all the way. The score ,vas tied seven tilncs durino- the gamt>, and the cro\\ cl ,vas on eclge all 0 the ti1ue. \\"ith less than a min-

ute lo ~o Littleton :::ank a long one to \\"in the ga1ne.

Tht' next gan1e \\ as ,vith the fast stepping Red skins fron1 Ar\'ada, ,, ho later eli111inated South Denver in the district plav-off. This game \\'as rough and fast. \fter a nip and tuck first half, .ArYada bl'ok~ a,va:v in the last two minutes to "in by a scor·e of l !J tu Golden's 14.

The \\"heat Ridge Fa1 n1crs came to Golden next, and in the roughest contest of the season \\ heat Ridge plo,ved the Demons und er to the tune of 10 to 30.

After th est- t" o h(•art-breaking defeats, tlH n1orale of the tean1 b egan to \\"ane. The result \\·as that ,,~hen Golden w ent to Engle-

\\'oucl 011 a Tllt•sclay 11ig-ht, the) \\"l'l'l' so11n1lly t1·ouncl•cl bv a SC'Ol'c of 13 to 13

•\ chan~e in Sl'hcdul,· hr11ught 1':11,i::-le\\·0,111 htl'c for the lll'Xl ganH•. l>uri11,i::- th,• first thrl·e qua1·ten~ the score Wa!< clo:-:e all the \\·ay; but :-:tartin~ the third quarter, Pete1·son of Englt•\\ ood l <.•gan to cli<•k, bring-ingEnglc\\·oocl nine points ahead fo1· a victory.

\\"ith a string of clef1•ats ht•hind tht•n1 and little J)tJ> tht• I>e1nons \\ ent to .\urora ancl lo::t in a one-sided g-a1ne \\"ith the score standing 37 to 24.

Littleton , \\'ho had ta_kL•n tht< Pt'J) out of the Golden tean1 earl\· 1n th.- St'a:,;on and hacl thus ca u:,;ed the :<ti pportt•t's to lose confidence, found a fighting- tean1 of l>e1nons read,· for the1n ,, ht•n thl•,· 1·an1l, to Gold<>n. . .

CZ! rack

\n int(;1-c·lass track ntt't"t hl•l<l at Brooks

Fitld on April 2 opl•llt•cl the t1·ack :,;en.son f<>t'

l !137 In this 1neet tht• seniors "on easily.

Th1,; next and first important nH•t•t \\ as a tt iang-ular 1nect hel<l at .\r,·ada on .\pril !I, with \\ heat Ridge, .\<l,ada and f;oldt•II part1c1pat1ng Goldt>n tool, first with 5!1 points Fri1la~-. \pril 16, the Kng\e\\ ood lt<c\lll can1e to Golden fo1· a dual Jl11'l•t \\'hich lhl• l)en1ons \\'<>I\ 1; ' to :i!I. f>on Hee\'es, \\'ith a total of lS points, \\'as hii..::h-point 1nan

The C'onft•rt•nc•c• :>.ft t t, hl'ld at \r,·ada on )londa) .\pril 21;, ench,d \\'ith Ar, nda \\ inning \\'ith Hi , :; points, Goldt•n 11:> :i: Engle" ood, 36. and the othl'r JHtrt 1e1pants hart"ly scoring

The nl•Xt 1111:el \\·as the .\line:,; Juvitalional

l11 an uphill fi~ht (;olden \\on an txc1lini; o,·ert i1nc con lt•st 27 to 2,i.

,\rvada 1net Goldt•n in th(' 11t•:-..t ~11n1,• • \\'1th their eyes on the 1·han1pionship, thl· Hl•dsldns \\'ere out for victorY. (iolden l'o11ldn't go tht• \\'hole contest. a·nd after n. crt•,litahlc first half, \\'ent clo\\'n fii;ht ing with a score of 11; to 24.

Tht• last g-anit> of the season \\'as at \Yht>R t Ridge. Lacking confidt>ll<'t•, <,olden 1nisst•cl :-:et-up after set-up and Inst 13 to 22.

Tlh folio,, ing ho)s won fir:-t-tea1n ltdtcrs Reeve:-:, frilbt•rt, Barb Shephard, Flen1ing, Gonnan ancl S111ith. Second-team a,varrts \\'ent to J~1·oeger Pcel), Garg;1n Oppenl·1nder. Hess, .\loon, and .Sl(•vens \11 th1,; second tean1 ho:,.:,; "ill he hack lllXt ) t<ar, along ,vith <'apta in-l•lect 1'~lt'llling, <;ortnan, Barb ancl .Sht•phard of the first t a,n.

.\h•et, in \\'hich alinost t \\ Pnty Sl'hool:< part 111patt'd, Thi, l>en11,ns "on the 1ncct, th,. )lines cup, and thl' plaque Golden's closest c11111pl•t itor \\'as Engle\\·ood, ,vho scot e d 61;,1; to Golden's 6 .3. .\1 ,-ada \\ ,ls third ,\·ith Hti. The• high point rnnn \\ as l>t<ll\"er Harh, \\'ho seo1-l•cl 13 points, I>on Rt eYes rank,•cl :-:eeond \\'ith 11 points. In thl• l>i:-:tri<'t :'llt--,•t I>on Hct•\ es qualified to go to the Statt• 2\1,•Pt at Boulder.

Thl• fq)lo\\ ing llHHle letters in track this Sl'llSOll:

Captain Illa!l, es Barb, Clark, ~e\\·herr)·, 1/., igle1-, Gilbert :.'llooi-e, .Schwt'iZer, Ralston, ·1nd \Yilloughb:, Of lht•st tni>n, Barb. Captain-cll'ct )Joc,rt· ,ind !--chweizet \\'ill b e hl'l"l' next ) enr


.\nna Gargan


\Ye~ton Poineroy


Don ,, aters


Dl'SI NESS :'IT \N.\GI•~H.

Dorothy Buir


Don n a O"·en

(t D aw n of the We st "

(j taff

l<',\.CGLTY .\D\'J};I•:n nub>· A. \Vilt


La ,·eta Trezise

Jean Denter


Elsie Re) nolcts

:'! I r. H al ttnun


Ji'red Clark


Dett>· Buell


:'I I ary J can Calk ins

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