" ~tE~J<>kJE.~ OP lH'E CL.
R c n1cn1lJc1 how n10 \ cd h om the old ing? Rcn1t. hig 'Ila gradust
en we nd new buildown the ,\hle t o that t o he the fi 1,c clas, to
t o t ou1 1en1inisdn(r-, arc these "1en \\C passed tlnough the:.c poi tab
In l his. our schoo l. si>-.cy- t,, o friendly comrades " ron ie<l, l aughed, and ,vorkcd togctbe1 like true clas mates For fou r >ears '"e have ascended these step)>, gained friend~ increase d our kno" lccfge and accumulated wonderful memories of fou r miraculous \-ears. ~ow the tJ1ought that ,ve hall asce nd th e-.e s te~ only in <lrearu-. brin~ 1cgrelful tears to our eyes
• DEDIC \ TIO"\ \fr Bl'cr, , 1hc (lllltp.1nion or c\t.l\ st1tck11t jc; .t1,,.1,, "ill in~ lo <luec.c and aid hi, p1otcgcs \\ hen \\l \\ere llcsluncn he rc..,1,,111cd u, "llh a h ieuclh ,nulc and now that \\C a1c ,cn101, 1t..1d11ng 0111 d1cn,hcd goal he.. \\;ne., '.l foncl ta1e\\cll lo hnu \\C •\1,h to cled1,atc ou1 · 1h 111011 tht. ,,1nhol of ton1 ,ear" undc:1 ha, (on1n1an<l.
I l-lr.. \D\ ll 'd" IR\ I IO'\ I ht t'\JJt.tl 1n,1nagcn1cnt ,uHl ,,1npathe t 1c undtr,1,111dn1g ol tla ,rhool ho,nd ,upc1i11tcndcnl and ptincipal h.nc cntou 1,1gccl ,111d in,p11td th1.: ,1udc:11h to l>cllcr thc11 ,,or\-. in the. alla11uncnl of g1< ,1lt:1 c111cl !ugh< 1 ,1.,ndanl, I he, h.n t acl\ .111,ccl the ( ,olde n 'ithool ,, ,tun, 10 fll'..,l c l a,, ,tanchng, i11,talle<l ton1pulso1, ph,,1cal cd uc a11on fo1 ninth a11cl ttnth grade,, ,Hlcled n t ,, and 1nte1c,11ng , u1>1 cu, ,t1h l ac11,1t1c, to ou1 u1niculu n l
\\ <. tht. -. t11101 ( la,, o ( 11np111,t. <l and ach,lll< ('( \ ou1 0111 n1111<h ,11 1<1 hodic:, \\ c fi1t.n1hh1p ,nu ! dt."<.'f> 111luc,t
11 ,, i,h to t hanl-. I ho~c \I ho ha c ,chool ,o th a t \IC n11ght dt·,c..•lop arc n1<11 c than g1 :11cfu l for thc il dunng the: p;bt tout ,ea1
\/1 Ftd -1.nd, non.fl.A.
\J1 .\nder,on 1, a J<>lh red-headed l 11\hn1an "ho i, ah,a,., I CJd\ to laugh. \l.un a 1hea1, d.i, ha, hecn bngluencd In h1, good h11rno1 and hea1 t} laugh.
\/1 Ral/>'1 Btshoj>, \ I.A l LB
\ l r Bhhop s tle,ire to n1al..e e,e1) ,1uclcn1 a ,,01 lln An1 e 11 ca11 ntizen brings out tu, patrioti,1n and the ,1n 1 t T 11, behind each picc<: of ad, lte ,o l..1ndh gn en
\/1 .1~ \Ja bt'I Rolztlu, lJ \ If a pi i,e \\Cle ghcn 10 the pe1,011 "ho e, er found \J io;s Bolilho "llho1n a fricnclh \\'at ,n ,1nile that rewa1d ,vould go unclanned '>he brighten, up the cla,sroorn,; and halb "uh thl', gi and po s~ion
•• ,...,
\/1 F11t:. Bu 1111tck,. B A • ,\l.A
H 1'l -I 1111 A ( lu111rll, 1 B .,-1 l.ip11 iL.\ haunt (,olden H igh and a1e ,u, often kno\\ll lo cau!>e une,pectcd qu11zc, \h 8 1ennecke\ ,pi11t i!. f.unou, a, 1hc " C.,u, that brings on t 1oo<b and h~b
\11', Ch a11dk1 1, like .1 fellow qu clcnt fo1 ,he <;llJO\S her'>elf n10~, "hu1 ,irn ong 1he1n 1oin111g in lhcit ac1h111t:, \llhough thi, i, he1 fin,t ,ca1 1n (,ol dt·n ,ht' ha, n11n1<. 1ou, friends
\l1H l a11ba11l.l, 1n If ,011 ha,t. 11 t hlarrl an amu,1ng
-.ion ,1 II , I\ elog a college. c, pe11enc<:
n.1n.H<.:d I)\ \Ji,, J aithanl-, ,ou \t. r u, , c.d • g1c.at dl'a l
\l1ls }d,111 \ <, ra , AR ,oft , 01<.e and .in a111ti..ed laugh .ut. the po..s<: ,io1i.. of \lt" C.ra, 11 ,ou \\JtH to l..110,\ a1l\ thing about an ) pla<.e an,,d1c1<. 1u,1 a ,k th1, C.lobet1<>llt'l
\J, Ear/ Grant, BS., .\I.A I he n1ost hand,on1e pen.on in ,;chool , \fl C,rant. "Gus" i we ll known for 1i, frie11dh smile an<l grand pcr,onal ll, \\ hich ha, e m ade him numerous fi 1<. nch 111 school
,H r I-arle 1 Jo/1111on
\I 1. Joh n,on , lo, c of JJHhi<. \\ 01 I.., hi nt o,c1 ti in c H e 1s alwa,s goocl hu1nored and ,dl11ng to tal..c on an, <. ,u a loacl to help the ,u1clen"
\l r!) Rowt na r J... ing, R A Her n10Lhcrh a<.h 1cc and sue~ s tone~ ,dth 1no1als ha,c guided n1an, a ,tudcnt o,cr the tough path!. of hie to their suc ce..s. he ha~ shown 111tere,t an d unde1,1 a nd1ng in each 111 • di, i<lu:i l
\l1s He/, u B I 11dd1ngtnn, B \ \J 1., Lucl d1ngton ha, i1ht1 unccl 1nnun1<:1 ahlc ,tudcnb 10 tnal-.e belle1 hou~cl-.<:epc1, ~hl llnd, hc1 cha1111 and f1 icnd I, 111 tcrcst fo1 t hl ftn thc1 an<e of all hc1 ,tudtnh and hc1 .,,hool
\I, ! 11 · P111k s. 1 B \I 1 \\ hen \Ir Pini.., 1, 1ncnt1oncd , 111 tnthtb1<1,t1c \ludent u,ualh ,,n, · H e 1, n1orc fun and he 1~ fo1 he ah, a,, clot"" the unc,ptc tcd thing a hand ,pr 1ng in the 1nid,t of ,1 tcnn1, ga1nl" 111 ,1 laugh ,, he. n , ou think. he i-. angl\ \\lth \OU
,\!,., ., \laudt Pr11 st, 1J ,.J. \l ,I \[1 ,s P11c,t ha, a ,er, e1n1ahk po, ,c,,1on th<. ah1hn to get thing clonl' qu 1<l-.l v and tho1oughh \II her ,en tlu l-S a1 e a succcs · heca u~e o{ thl'> adinn able tr :11 t
\/, I:.f.i:,01 l<t , .J .13. \I A l1 1, unpo~~1blc to hnd - an enc1n, of \h R e, H " good n.1n11c 1, l..110,,n ,tnd .1dn111ell In ..111 tho,e ,,ho ha,c the p11,1kgl to tonic 111 ,0111.tn ,,1th hun
\\<: tht (la,, o( l91l oi C,oh!Ln High School.(. ounl\ of J effe1,011 , Statt of ( olorado, heing of legal age a11d ,ound nuncl do lu: 1cln niaJ...<. , puhh,h .u1d dt·t I.ire thh to ht ou1 la,1 ,, ill and It. ,tatllt'Hl
J ohnn) ,\n<ler-.on ,, 1th lu, ted1111q11t "nh the \\on1en to Darrel B1ort.. \ud rt·, B ,1<011 "ill-. ht1 11.1111c to '),, ill -.: Co. R o,a liuc Il ct unge1 \\ ilh hc1 popula11t, ,dth ho,, to l'ah, \f ,uc111 ')tan Bl oo, n ,, 111' h1, per fcc t allutd a11c<: t o F1 ed Da, 1, \ f erlc Brit , ,, ill, h1, ,11pc 1eharged \ icco11:i to an,011t: \\llh li(e 1n,11ran,c R ohen Bu11 1cl ,, tl h, h1, hog calling aht111, to 1' dd1t
P1l-.e Pegg, \1 111 Cla1 I,. 111, he1 'lhal-.c-.,peanan ah1h1, 10 .Jo h1HI\
\la,on F1 111..i (l,n ton ,,111, 11<: , ph,, 1q ut.· to ( ,uoh 11 Paul \lbu t Cor fn1 an "ilh hi, height to l:.n101, ( Ja,1011 lilhan D c,n<:1 " ilh ht.1 quietnc:,, to \t ha D effenbaugh L a,, H 11<.e Det't ing w1l1' h1, bulging 11111,tk, to ' little " J il n \Ltt he,,, fe1 r\ Dill ,ng ,d lh hi, c u rl\ ha11 10 Bill \1 1l-.eu head \fctna D illon \\ilh he 1 danong ,tlnh t , lo El11<1ht:lh Shcpha1d R ohe11a
1) 011 ,, 111' her 1en1pu 10 \I a11c H o,, anl \far ~a1ct Dup p 111 <111 ,,dh hc1 tol ltlll<>ll of Scn101 p1 c.tu 1e-- lo B oh Cro\\ lk,1nor F1 etle11 d , \\ilh hc1 cffinenc, lo J acl.. '>he Ile, H elen R uth C,a1111 ,, Ill, hc1 · l,.1nde1garte11 \J.1 e \\ e,l ' ,1, le to Jea1111e Co'. Do rot h, (,onu .111
,, 11 1' her ha11do, to L uu II<.: l\ c tt 1ngl:1 <,era Id (, ou ld \\ill, h 1, tennh abil11, to J a<k B1unn cl Ruth (.1 ach 1\111, he1 o ffice girl ted1111que lo \ el n l.i
1'£ al1g1af. R o\ ( ,u1ulc ,,111' h 1, oh
,t11H1<) to (,ra c.c \11l-.c11h cad \fil ch eel
H t •alh ,,iJh he1 fa en tcn1 p e1 to J>1o f Pink s Bill H anh ,, ill, ht~ athlcta
,1hiln, to Rtl e, Co,e1 t Ethel J ane
H a1vc, ,\ill, he1 f eucl with B1 en ne cl..L
to He tt \ Bar h ~ f arga 1c t H opJ..11" ,di! , he1 ,craphoo l-. 011 t he D ul..e or \\ i11<ho1 to Lorraine H 1cl-.c, ~ a1hen11e H o,,t. "111,; her d1 ara n er pai 1, 10 B::u ha1.1 Poll e) \\ a) 11e H ) ll cga nl "1ll'i h1, 1,eight to J.u l..1 <: C. ouclgc \falJOll ell.t
~uhc,h \\ Ill , he1 po p11la 111 , ,, i th \ 1
,,Hla 10 (,)oii a Ucn111 c J c 1' av1c ,,ilh
h1, pe1fc·ct p enma ,1 -.lup to llc a1101
Hal..e1 Ruth \nn l. 1,co wi lh hl' l
tenni, ah 1lH , 10 \fh'> ( hanc.llc1 Ju an • ita \fc.(orJ...lc "ilh B<.11 Le I- a,1e tr a 1nh0<h that "j\l ha,e h11n Olnc1 \I, \(ahan "ill, his toolte cage " t o E,crttt I hon1a, 10 hi<lc hi, hair till 11 t<>1uc, IJ;J{ I.. \ i1 ginia \( a,c. r ,, 111, her h1ul..e11 '\<.,, \car, re.,olutiorn, to I.aurcl Dean C alme ll Gordon \[inc , "tlb h t '> po,1tion a., R o1neo of the -.c.hool to 01 n1al \\ abon \far , J ane '\t: hon ,\ill, he1 la,t n;nne to the "1e,1h11g 1ea1n ~fafjor, '\ icholls " ill<. hc1 na rn e to all " nicl-.lelc-,-, lugh school t.. Hh D01 otln O Donnell ,, ill, hc1 ,nu ie.., to t he nc, 1 h i,to1, cla , Fl o,t 11tc P<..arcl \\ilh her die t t o Je an nette ( rain \\ anda P11d1a1d \\tll, ht I J... nad, of "11t 1n g ,ho1 t , t oric, to ;di Jn111 01.., "ho "111 need it 11 c,1 ,ea1 P au l R .111l'>telte1 ,, ti!, hi-. ,,on1an nouh le to Don Fl e1ning D e,, 1al R ,1, ,, ill, the hah on h 1, che-.t to \f e 1l 'l1gn cr Janice '>henff will" he1 111cJ...11an1e to Hal t\ <. 1a 1n D e lore:. "iunp ,on ,, ilh hll gi ggle to Georg e Ball Lln1(:1 'lin1p,on ,, ilh h1, ,c.ho la i,tic .1h1 ht1 <."' to D on Ra nhtette1 Barn 'lnHth \\1 11 , Ju, pun ctuali1, to ChucJ... /11111nc1 fr a11cL, S t c ff o 11 ic.h "ill, her t, eh r o,,, 10 Leon Bac.hn1a n Heu, '11 1011 ,c. "i ll , hc. 1 cl<1r l-. hcau t , to J ea nn e l an n ei. L o1ra 1n e Suucl-. "i ll, he1 noon lunche, 10 Reu, Barb Ro h I ,I\ 101 t~l'iano\a , ,d ll , h un ,e lf to \ I an \ nn Jo a n Ih o1na, \\i ll s ht:1 1nusic dpp1 eoauon to l e:. \lac \ ~l-.111. \ l al\ l,. J ho ana, "111., hc1 g" nl ~hor t-. 10 H ele n \ an \ oll-.enhurgh Elon 1 hon1p • ,on \\t it s hi, ,,ze to \I R o,,e P e a r l I I ipp ,, ill, he1 a t1r:1c u on fo1 th e op po,11e se'. to \nn ahell c \f augha n 01 cl-. l nland ,, 111, hi!> ,eel hair to Boh shalle1 \ l a1, Ell en \ orce ,, ills hci "111le to Edllh C, illc h rie~t Rn))\ \\ 11 <O\. Ills he, hand chau to Ru sse ll J npp (,a,nell \ \ o lf ,,ilh he1 ho1tha11cl ,peed 10 \ Ja1gu e ntc te1 ner Jea n \ \ anen ,,11ls he1 accen t to .J acl-. Bogg,; Bc1 llll e \ \ cbste1 "JI}<; h e 1 ni c. l-.na1n e ' '>tuh ' to Ethel Lo,d H e len \\h 1..e le1 ,,i ll s he1 ,ales p1on1otion to Be u, J ane \fat he,,, l lo,d \ ti e -. will, Ju, pennanent place in 1h c \ enio1 (la,, 10 Lo 1e tl a \ I a1 l-.c,
Jo/111 (' 4 11cl, 1\011
C.lee C 1111> l 2: \11n11al ",taff I, G Club 3 1: Football 2 'l B ,hl..<:thall l :!. L'l, Lt (apt -I; 1 1 l(I,. 2
4 11<1,,, 4 u11 Bacon
F.-.calon a nd I tnlo,I.. Calif. l , Cerc :., ( alif. 2· '>a ll F1 anci,co, ( a hf l,t ,cn1. \f.11oon .ind \\ lute I, 0 1an1al 10. 3 -l
Ro:in/1111 \I J/ducl ll1l/111p,t1 C.l ee C luh I , ..J, D1 a 1nauc -. 1, 4; B and 1, 2. 3 1
P, i:.1:,, A 111u ( ln1k P ep Cluh l 2 · 3. ",eu r n :a-. I. c., P in -l Jhan1a1H, 2, :l -l, l 1h1a1, I. 2 3. {; \11nual '>t aff I. ",eniot J>la, I ; 1 e1111"
2. l -l, ( l a,, J>1 ophcc, L
P h,., fcl I.
F ,1110 \Jan e C lrnlon \Jact'don1a, l o\\a, J:,,1 -;e1n l ; B an d 1, 2; '\et.cll co a ft 3; Pi ns Ed 3. -l ,\J erle !Jo,crud But: Ras1-.ctb a 11 l \\ n:-,tling \ l g1 L-1 ; I1 ad, 2. '> uen« (J ul, I 2. 3 J 4 lbt I I l ~t l,!!.t'llt ( o, f n1011
B,u., Jun io1 H igh , Dern er, Colo I; l'1c" :l: \ 1<c -J> 1e I, (. Pin !, Ra,J..etlJ,1 l1 '\ 2 3 LI , J 1ad, 2. I cnni'i 3 L ~ '\ :u 1on.tl H ono1 ",ou e1, -l
Rohr I Ra,111n1ul B1111:, I B and 1 1'2. L 1 L l: \\ 1e, 1h11 g 2; oence ( luh I 2 'l -I
,aid I u~, 11, Could Hu/It (,,ac/\
\Ile II Jl1111oi, I 2. (,l('L ( lub I; \11n11al '>l,lfl t: Ba,1-<·thall 'l \\ r<:,1li11g I; ltlllll' l 1.
I \111dL·111 ( 0111Hil 'l B and I 2 'l, Football 2. \\ 1<:,ll1ng I, I e11111, s .f Ptp \la, g<111·t J u 11, llo/1k11B ( Juli I 2 J D1a111 ali<, I Lih1 ,ll, '3, 1
JI 1/luu11 L, It Ha, rH
I ,1-;1 (,11ildlord \\ c,t<:1 n .\u,tralia I '.!: \ H<. 1'11:, 3 ; Ihan1at10.- 3 I 'iu1101 Pla) 4
hn 11 /n,n / low,
(l11b I 2 3. lh an1at 1<:-. I , 2 3 I; '>u11or J>la, 1. I H C I 1<.•a,; J: ,auo11al H o1101 ",c,u ct, l
Etlttl ]<1111 Ha11.•1, P ep Club I 2 3 Pll'-.. I. '>111cl c111 C..01111111 2. I Clcc C !uh 1 '3 -l, G Put I B 1 n d l I L2. l 3. I l )eo l; t\nnu.tl 'itaff
Tl a, 111 Ra,ulolf,h JI , II,
Ruth \JcC01k le Kirl..lancl, \\ a,hington l 2; D1an1aucs
\rt 3 1, '\a11onal Honor ~oci e 1, I.
rgrn • L ois \tcho/..<, (,lee C luh l, Di..1111a1ic, 2. 1 iln al) 3.
~cecllec aafl l ; H ouH. tc (..luh 2
1'tlrn1111<l \/c\la!ta11
k. a11',a),, I 2: \ \'re~tltng I I:
\111111al ',taff 4 ',enicn 1'l :n l; B a,
I. \\ 1c,11i11g 2 I 1ad, 2 , 'l Rob1•1t /a\/01 'itudcnl C.ouno l P ie:- l, (,lee Club I:
Pin .J, \unual 1.itafC L ~cn1or Pia, !
( luh 2 3 .J, '\ationa l H onot '>ouCl)
3 l 1e.a, l; I 001bal1 2. l 'l L l , Capt .J Ba,l..et ball I I 2 1.3, L l ; J 1 a<.I.. I. 2, 3.
Pt-,ul \far T11pp Cl uh I 2; (,lee C luh I. 2. 3, I: '\ eedle<.raft 3
(011,11)11 joa11 I //0111as
I ulsa Ol..laho 111a. :.?, l'ep C lu b J, 2; C,lc-t· ( luh I 2, 3, I, \ Capella I. Bill Dirk l 1ilancl C, 1a 11 d J unn 1on. ( olo l, 2. Co l o1 ulo ',pnng, ( olo 3. \ ( apc ll a l, 1 tac.I.. 1 I
,ral) A.ay I ho111as
l'u<. hlo ( e111 cn 111a l l : ', ct l 1ea, 2, 3; Pep Clu h 2, 3. I, '>tu clcnt Counnl
',e ( l 1ea, , I , (,l ee C l u b 2, C, P in -1:
lh ,1111 a ti t, 3, \ on u a l ~1a 1f I, ~c11101
P la, f; '\:a t1 ona l J-1 0 11 0 1 ouet, 3. P ie-,
! I en n h 2 I 3; ( heeileade1 3, LL
C , \. \ 2 '\ 3 L 1
/,/11\tl hdlf/(/ll<I f'L/1, \Jan I /111 l'o,u
(,In C l11h i: J>r.1111a11< , 1, 1- o<>lhall I , ~; \\ 1t.·,1li11g 2 ·~ I
Pte, I , P ep ( !uh l :? 3 l, \ cudctll ( ou11< ii 3: (. P in ·t: l>1.unat1c-,,, I. I ih1a1, 2 3. \111111.11 ',ta ll I. '\,llional H o1101 ',ouer, j ')e< I ( , \ \ '\ I 1 2 ~t,ll<. 1~n1hlu11 '.J ', 1,uc Pn1 I
H th11 l /1:.nlntll ll ht•1ft1
C , o\c. } 1111101 Hi gh Dttnu. C olo I , F a,t H igh D c:n,c1 ( olo 2 'l, l'CJ ; ( loh I; Glee C luh t, \cn101 Pi a, -J
]1a11 Odell, H a11,11 Sal I L ake C. ll , L Lah 2; R e n o :'\ c, ada , 3, Sec l tc a, I : Glee Cluh I , -t, \ Capella J; Sen101 P ia, -t, '\ationa l H onot ocic L) 4.
N11t,, II tlro, J h a1nat 1c , I, 2. B a t HI I , 2 , L :l , L -t; c ,rn :J L I.
BertllCl' ,Jfht'/ la ll' c b.st{ I P ep Club l , 2 3 t ; Glee C l ub B a n d I L 2 1.3, 1. -L I ') J·, ' -· il l a, ta (,<I\ 111•// 11 off J t eas l L P i n I, l 1b 1ar, 2. 1.3 , L I, ~eccllena fl I , 2; "al 1011a l 11 01101 '.'> oc iet, l
Fred \1111ru111u H t~t
, i ce P rel> 2: G C: luh I. 2 :S. 1 \\ 1cst li n g L l L.2 I.:l , J.
\\ ho i, thi,; ",o ,,HhlH:<I .uul "'
,d<l 111 ht·1 .11111<, th,11 loo!-, 1101 lil..l'
111 111h.1hita111 or tilt C-,11 I h I l\ l \OIi'
"J>l<II.. 11 ,011 (,111 ! \\ ' hat .1t< \Ull ,
,l1Hl ,i,1c1?
" II \Oil (:JI\ loo!,. 11110 the ,ecih. ol
11111(' ,111tl '·" \\hHh g1.1111 \\Ill g11>\\
.111 d \\ l11d1 \\ill tl<>l ',pl.II.. thc:11 to llll
ho nc1lhl•r llt'g 1101 ll•, tr , uu1 iaH>J ,,
101 \Olli h:lll' ,,
l'c ,Hl thl: <ha1111 " ,,<n111d
\\ h.it ,t'l ,011 tn thl futun· (u1 Ill)
d,, ,, 111.11 c, .11 HI 1n, h 1c.:nd,?
\h' I ,ct· ,1 g1t,H a11p<111 ,, 11h
plaut, th i111( u\t"t lu: ..icl ()n t ha, }"'' tJ,1ed l10111 the !tdcl a h11nd1ed ,111d t 1~ht, ll\l poll11d ,,0111a11 i, alight
ng \\ ll\ , it, l)o101h, (,01111,111 a1ul ,hl, pt lot ul th.ti pl.111<. 1 I gue,, ,he h,i'
~;1111t·d ,on1l wt: 1ght al la,t J l ,nen't
l ,u·11 th ;ll JH 1,011 ~l.t1HIH11{ 111 the h ,t11gar, ,u111< whtl c bl fu1 e• I l e J'.) JII old c la,,111,Jll ol ,ou1,, ,1.n1ll, 810 0111 Il e h,a,, hetoine ,1 ~te,tt pu,on ,11ut· l.1,t \Oll ,JI\ lu111 Ill ,l1,1g11, ,1II tin ,111pJ.1ne, tor thh
\\ ho J1t rho,c: p,1,,c11gc1, \\all..111g
,U\\,lld lht · '·"'' I lie, .ue Ro ,altnc Bl.lt111ger .111d
Ruin \\ ll<O'- Ro-. ,JIJ11l 1, ho,1c,~ ,111d
Rul>\ " ugarclll. girl i11 1he '-ttlvc1
C,la<k oi tlu ( o-,niopolit,111 llc>tll .t11<l ih .11 1a,i <h l\e1 1, \Jctlc Bull \lcilc
,, 111\,duahlc 111 thl ta,1 huMllt'" to tho,l \\h1> h,ne I\\O 1H1n11lc, tu ta1d1
1 11 a1n 01 ' thll t, ~ClU1Hh to go '
" I <><1).. 1he , Jte ,pecd1ng alo11g 1h ,11
!11gln, ,1' .ind pu II 1ng 11p to a I oatls1dt..
-,1,111d 1 " \ l, th e, dle ,1,11111g thei1 da,,
Ill.Ill \ 11g1111.1 \ J ,1,e1 \I ho I S ptop1 ll'(Ul
111 the (,1t.•n1 \lou11ta111 C,111 lll <.,nil
'-tc,e1al ol ,0111 othlI olcl d,j,,mdtc, ire \\c,1k1ng 101 hc1 1 ,t\\ll.'.Jlte Deer
111g, \\ ho wo11 the Bu11 nce1 \cacle111,
,,,aid 10 1 the Ro ck, \ f ount.1111 R<: g1011
i, ht:1 c h1cr ho111H -.,1 Loi ra111e "itl Ill I..
i, hc1 I" 1\Jle ,eoeta1, J11d her r11\1'1l
1, ,11p plled li'r that 1n.1 , 1c1 nH1\H 1an
Hl 11111c I e ra, re and lus Rod,, ;\{01111 •
I ;11 II ( a 11,ll 1e, ' •' \r<· JII Ill) da,s n1att', he1e· \111Ll)
,o nte 11111,1 ha\L tn<nl' cl ,J\\a\ · ' l>ouhl e ilouhlc tcnl J11<I t1uuhll
1'11t l111111 ;u1d <.,111l<lro11 buhhle"
I lie ,lCll<. 1, d1ang111g I ,ee 1.tll
,i..,'\(_ 1apu ,;-1\cw '1011.. a11d the \le110
puht.111 Opua Ho11sc: Fo\11 bloc!-, a"•''
,01 1 <al\ ,ec the h11ge e lc ct11c. ,ign ,,11h
11, l1~hts lll111\..111g out the 11an1c:. ol
lhl ,,orld., l 0 1e11H>'ll upc1a ,1a1-; H elen
Ruth (. ;11111101a and Jct 1, 1)1lh11g ))1.1go
111 the opera ( ,u 111<.:11'"
J,11 1 that Joan I hu1na'> h11\ing he1
lit I-th:''
• Joan anench all the ope1a, '-th e
ha, hclo1nc th<.· \\01ltl\ [01cn10,1 <iitJc
.1 11<l ,hl• 1s L>u, 111g he, ucl..et fro111
\ l c:1na 1>11lon \\ho O\\'es hcl :-.uctc" 10 ht:1 c,pl'riuHe at the (,olden Gen1
I ht:1e goes \ 1 Cui fn rnn, ah,a,s 111 •
ICIC!tlccl 111 spo1 I'\, he I' g<:tt111g a I\(.'\\
;11 1gle on hu llf1 ght111g l ht prog1 a111
111 \I, hand <.01t1 c, f10 1n the pie s~ ul
t hat faJ11ou!> p1 intc1. Bait\ ",11111h \ ou
,, ill find ,urnc of )O\lt old cla,s111a1es
l1acl.. stage Cl11c:C elcltnnan of the
opc1 a <.01n1x1n ) h R ubert Bun,el allcl
tl11011gh 1li1.•i1 t ,pe11Cllll 1, 1th rhc
'-tc.:11101 pl.I\ ol lllll Httlll(L \\tl"ll' • .uul Hck11 \\ h<"c.le, ..11<.: thl ,,.uJ1obc
dc,ig11c1, '\ o,, I<. 1 11, Ii ud ,0111<: 11101 c of ,0111 h1cnch ' Double. do11hlc toil .111<I 11011bk I ue li11r11 :uul tauldron l,uhhle ." \\In , it\ a (lllll' \\ho ,,r Ill da,,111.11<.·~ could po~,1hh he tht.1e:. " l ndll the big top ,\\111gi11g lion1 hat 10 h.n ltghtl\ .1, J lt<1the1 hafted h, .1 gt;;ntlt IH ce,e \\ .1\ tll H , lkga1 d, 1 ht 11 , h1ef II apc,e ,11 l l't an1,11e, .111 \\llh l11, d~rtng ~,uuts E\t:I\Ulll 1<o t 1, 111g .ihout the lo,, uf thell fat l,1ih flo 1e11tl P c,ucc: ,\ ho h ,h ht·con1c ,11111 tluough tht '"11 I.. of J g1e.11 ,oc1tt1~l Ja111u: ,ht.>11rt I hen barcha(I- 111l er
1-. no11c: uthe1 tha11 Dc\\1al R .n. ,,ho ,a11 111111 a tnpk ~01ner-ault 111 111id• ,Ill and JlllllP 1h1n11gh ,1 hoop ut (i1 c ( l11ef l'hotug1<lp her lo 1 ! 1fe 111.1g.1111u,:
I: Ion 1 ho111p,011 1, 1he1c photogtaph 111g th1' ,1111..1/lllg ,HI
I ool- 1 r he, a1e 1al-111g up thl llnh lo lt a\t' \\ho 1, 1li,1t 1,111\111~ th,11 liugt 11u11l-~'
I hal 1, 1)1( 1.. l 11J.111d \\ ho \\01!..~ fu1 ,l lll,Hlllllllth tlJ(l\ 1ng \;\I\ (.On1pan, o\\lll.d In Fhnt1 \11np~o11 \;e\\ let 11, tal..t: ., )(Joi.. .at ,0111 H oll\ l\ood h 1c11<l, Do11hlc ,louhll• roil ,uul •1011lih.
I Ill h11111 .11ul cauldrun huhhlc \fan, ol ,011 1 da~'1natc, ha,<· ht:
tUllH: 11npo1 t,111t -,1;i" I 0111gh1 1s thL p1t.rn1< 1 of 1'. ,1th1 ,11 Ho\\l -. ne" p1rt111c .uul pl·ople all ,t,111<lt11g l01 n11les
.1101nul 10 glt a glt111p,c ol lln, thtt'l'
1in1e atadu u \ ,1\\atd w1nnc1 \, tht'>
i, .ln l11d1 .1n ep1l the, hued \11d1 l:, B an111 10 hl lp i11 1h pH><lt1<-t1on She ha, hl·t:11 \\01 l..111g ,u, h.lrcl a, ((1,1nc11 u.in 011 , tn lnd1 .111 Rc,;u \ Jl1t111 ) he1c
1, a 11e,, 111t:111 hc1 of th(; 1)1 Kild are
,ho,,, [lea1101 F1 edc-nc I- ha, hero111c
111-. t()(t!- \, ,ou go on th<-' ,ound :-.tage
,011 <an heat n1 1gne11<. ,o,tt.:, 1111g out, the, owt. tht"11 .1ppe,1l to \Ja1ga 1e1
H upl..111,, "ho I lac he, ,01le u1lt111e
011 the lot<; H oll\\\ oud ., g1 eate:.t
, 1ngt:1 1, J ean \\ a1 rt:n top ho, offllt
,1a1 of 191, I Bill H ar11 ha,; , un '\ alt u, ,ne, :tlld ht, \h<.l..t·\ \( <Ill e Oll l o l l111.,.11e,, ll\ ht, t ,1110011, of \g11c<, the \nglc\\onn '.\l,11 \ J,111l '\eho11 np1fH',, !ht· pe1(ell ,<.:oltal\ Ill 1he c,eu111011 of he1 cl tit 1<:, hu D:111, I F I ,111\1< J,. ' 1>011 blc dnu hie 101 I a11d ll 011 hie F1H h111n and l.\1tld1011 huhhlc.' r II.It ll1l1'I l>l (,olden ' · ",01nc of \<1111 <.l.1''intatl''> h:i,e 11c,e1 llfl 1'..1hel J ane H .u,e, p111111g a,\,l) fo1 the lcl\t of \h L\ 1tnne<l..e ,tatHh h, the. ,c hool ho11st: tu -.cc h1111 pa~ e,tth 11101111ng 1 can ,cc \11 fiJ-.hop, ( n 10, ( la,,. Rohe11 a 1)01 1 1,. ,1 ii I hold· 111g du,, 11 het 10111 th ,cit in the ,el ond 1 O\\ hop111g to pa,s llu,; , cat F u,-.· " ,ttll the tugh ,thool hangout. I he fi1,1 hooth 1s lea,ed In \ta1gare1 I >t1ppn1J11, ,, ho 1~ sllll ll\ 111g to la11<1 that c, -g1 acl ' ' \\ h,H 1, that onw<l in hont of the ha1 he1 -.hop?" " l' e1,1'1encc. and the ah1li1, 10 .nguc ha, l' 111atle t hh n1a11 the ,ucce,s hl •~ to • cla, Ro , Gun1le <han1p1011 ,oapho, 1kba1e1 nr rhc l n11cd 'itate-. 1i 1ni11g to to11\111u· the uowd th;11 <.ap, a11cl
go,\ II\ ~hou ld be auohshcd from the puhlfo :.d1ooh. Fo1 ten ,ear:. no,, Roy h,1'.) La)..en hh po,t aL <la, hglll and a1g11ecl until :.tlll~t' I I n lhe n1 ean t1n1~ he ha, lea111ed co :. pH tobacco .JO paces 11110 a stttf g-ale Juhnn, .\nderson has bt'<-urnc n1a11age1 o( lhc \dolph Coo1s Cu \, 1th Ruth <,1ath as hb office girl C,c1.tld (.,ould. l-1ng of the l au ll ate~ 1n lolorJdo School of ~fines, "a-; appotnlt.:d p1 e:,1dc11t of C \V (, clue 10 Ins \\;n I\ tlh th e f airer sc, \la11onella Kuhc~h, has started J hou-.e 10 how,t.· ca1npa 1gn 111 A1 ,ada 10 <.atd1 4 n1an \lwa,s a lad1~· n1an ( ,orclon J 1ne1 1s no\\ 1etr ea uon su• pt 1 \ ..,01 o t ..in old l..1d1e:. ho1ne 1 he} h~n e been !01 ce<l to add three new building, to th,~ ho 1nc, becau~ of his populant, Uo1oth) 0 Donnell ha.-; 111,t been elcc cc<I ht-aut, queen of \I 1ne,."
' Double, rlouhle 1011 a11d uouble fi, e ln1111 and <.aulthon bubble · ' r he scene is a c:1 o,, c.led cou1 t 100111 thc1t: 1' a lncathk~ hush fo1 .-\n1c11<a , golden ,01cec.l la\\ ,er ~fan kay f hoana:-. ,, ho has ne, e, lo~t a ca:.c. ,s pkad1ng 101 the fate of Bob fa, lor Boh Ila, beu>mc I 1gh I\\ eight \\ rest ling chan1r)Jo11 of the L lllled tale'> th1ough h1, pract1n: \\llh ;\la1, \nne H e 1 1H1\, ,tung {01 a dn orcc. 111 the nuerests of clo1ne..11t traq1111tt, l al..ing nolC;) l01 tl11, no1oriou!t taM: ,,, C.,;n nell ,, olf no,, l nlled talc~ S11p1en1c Court re • porte1 One of the Jurors , , ou1 uld 1l.1i.,n1a1e L1lhan D ea,e1 \\as fo1ccd lo u11 ,hon her hone\'rnoon ;-tt '-i1agara T,1l1' to ,tttend the t11al \\ ho b thal helund the easel?"
J ua1111a \fc.Co1J-.lt' I'> one of the fo1e111o'>l a111,1, o( the ,,urld. she 1s p.111111ng ~tar, h.. a, in a to11rt cenc" ouuhle tlouhlc 1011 and noublc Fir e h11rn and 1a11ldron huhhle.''
· fhlre 1:-. an alumni pan, in prog· 1c,.,; H ere ,ou "ill (ind man, of ,0111 old cl.1 111ate:. Th e 1nan who h.1s h1ough1 old fa~luoncd 111elo<l1 :una hat!.. to the public. P aul R a111stctt<.r, 1, e111c1 tai111ng thern w11h ,on1e of ht best ,p<.'c <.he ~ \\ atdung hnn with a 1n 11,en1cn 1 ,~ Pearl I 11pp ,, ho ha · beto111<. Deb11tan1c '\o l of the L nllet.l "i1;1tn nelole'- ~1111 pson , the 101..e w1 Ht:t for )atl.. Benn, , ,._ telling so1ue o f he1 best ga~ · winging a tennis 1.1cl,..e1 111 thal fa1 ,orner 1s Ruth <\nn l 1 <0 "ho ha JUSt defeated \ltte \farhlt· J h<.' gill 1n ,Jae!-· ts Rul h \Jason ,,hu has 1nadc a. success tul husilll"-" dl.'signing m en's cloches f o1 wo1uen H t"1 hesc ntodel 1s \Van da Pnch,11 d Eon a C\a, ton is l are full ) telling \hlclted H eath ho,,• to feed cab. '.\I ild1 ed I un, a ho1nc for suar ,at,; E1ma h.h be(o 1ne the worlds fort·1nos1 anthont, 111 the c:arc of an1 111ah throttgh he1 owncr~h ,p of a cat .ind dug ho p11al 1 he n1ethod fo1 g10\\ 1n g thl' ,,orltl huge t peach 1s hc'>t e,plainecl ll\ \f aqory Nickles anti J 1,111ce~ "ceffo111ch , a111ho1 itie:- on farm pioduu, Bctt, 1ro11 c:. who e oc• <11pano11 1, po"ug (01 sha1upoo ad , is ,11 1c11ch11g tht' pa, t, H er ra,en bla cl-. loci.., h.n e hcc.01ue as famous as H edy L an1al1 's ow 11 fl ow1ug ue sc..--s ·• ' Do , ou li\..e 001 B azaar? Come again nc'\.t ,car ..
r he C,ulde11 11 1gla I )t•n1on, opened 1lic11 1910 grid ,c.i,on on ,',tptunht•1 I '3, II\ 1101111ting I lul) I an11h 111 a p1..tclite g._11111:: , 9 to 0. Co,H:h Btcnned,c ' , clc\tn d1spl,ncd a lot of pu,,e1 \\tlh B1111ough-. I ,l\ 101 H) llcgarcl .111tl ">1g11c1 l11gg111g the hall and Le F;nrc \ l attht',,, Rogg-,. ')m11h Cu\crl, \h11c.:1 (.n"' a11d Dc:e1111g clt:11111g the \\a\ C apl Boh 1 a) 101 pl1111gcd o,cr fo r lhl. onh 1ouchclown lo d1111a, a ,e11c, of r11n111ng pla), ">1g11c1 ,nagged
I I\ 101 \ p.1~ rot lht' c,ll ,I \ ,,llt'l)
~.1,c.: th<. Dt nHHl'> 1hc f111al t,,o pcnnh
-\ It hough the I>cn1u11, cc1111plc1<.: h
011tpl,1,cd the \1 ,ada Re,hl..111, 111 tl1c1r i1111i.1l league ,t,lrt the:, failed to cap 1tal11e 011 ,t, c:1 al ,co1111g uppo11un1
lll.'"l> and ,,t'1t held lo a <, G clcadlod, \nada ,uned fnsl hut (,olcle11 11ccl
1l up 111 ,t IIICl r1111 h) J a) 101 H o\\
t,c:1 (,olden 1111~.,ed an aue111ptt:tl ton \t1,1011 .111<1 ,1lthough the) threatened ,c,1..1al tune, .1fte1w,11d'>, the} (ailed 10 pu'>h :iu o,, .1nothe1 ,co1 e
In a 1101 hc1 pi a< IIU! g,une lht· I>c • 1110,i-, l1tc1alh 111.1,.,auccl the listle,, (,a1ck11 ll on1c.: eleven o f the \ f o11nca111 \ ,tilt•\ league, l I h I· rom the oui..et. (,plclen conunente<l to pale.: up a huge ,core r ,1\101 Burroughs , 1gne1 C...o\cll , \ f 111c1 l ec: pe1 and 1)1lh11g ,dl ,011l1 iliutetl lo the ,cor 111g Ga11lcn H orne found Colden, , od, rihhed tor \\a rd wall too tough lo ti ad, and unh 1h1eate11ccl 11ea1 the end o f 1ht ga111e 011 1he (.,olden 1 e<,cn c, C olden clef111ueh estahhsherl then, ,dvc., .1, a lllttJnr tl11eal for the title u, \\;-dlop111g I 11tleto11 '\3 0 The Den1011s l>oulccl 11p the L ion offen"c 'iO cffct 11\cl) that the Lions coult111 ' t penetrate f111 the1 than the (.olden 'l :; \atd h nc \ f ta11\,h il e lhL D c111ons ,to1ecl ca,1, and often 011 ,h(11 t .,,nashcs hv B 111 1 ough, and r a, 101 f ranci-; got off a IC1ng k1cl- of ii ,aid-. to lugh-liglH the l{,1111c· J he ,, 111 pLtced (.olden 10 a 11e fo1 econil plc1cc with \ 1, acla \\ hc.Hndgc held fit-.., p l ace 111 the lt·aguc \\llh l\\O "111\ aga1nsl no los,C\ (,olden n1e1 ,111bhorn opposH100 h, \11rora\ ltght Lui '>O app, learn, hut nud"a' i 11 t he ,;econcl stan1a, 1hc Dt 111011<;' po" c.rho11sc s t a1 ted t o roll Ga Iv But roughs s n1 acked o,e1 (01 the f11~t 1u11cl1<lo" n Francie; L eeper ~hook looc;e :111<1 ra1nhlecl 10 Fude; fen a11othc1
1011<111lu,\11 R ile, C<l\ c1 l :!>pht the up 11Hhl\ and Golden to1nn1 .uukcl ,t I :s-o k,1d at hall u111c D11111nu11,c Ch.ar le\ Goudge swn1pe1 ed 50 \ .11 ds Cot :111uthu ,«,1c aod J en, D1ll111g ..,1-_11 lee! :11oun<l cud fo1 the l ounh and final 1011th do\\11 \u1nra scored la1e Hl the game , 1>111 the final <.ounl ,ho\\t'd the ()e 111011:, out in f I Olll h) ,l to11tfo1 t:.1hlc 26 i ',(OTC I he Dc1non, gained u11da-.p11tcd (11,t pl,ut ti, 110,111g 0111 the defending \.ha1np~ fron1 \\ hcarndge l:! 7 111 a lln 111 p,1d,cd brame Golden ,c:01etl 111,t on a Mhla1ned d1he m1d\\a\ in the ,econd q11a1te1 with Ta,101 and Buuough, le,1ding the as:.ault and l hllcg,11d dca1i11g lhL wa) \11 al · tttnptecl pa~ fell 111,0111plete l he I .tr 111ci-, "-<-Ot ed Just l,efoH' h.1lf t 1111P ,111'1 con,crted to lead 7 6 \ \ he.11ntlge onct <lrO\l' to 1hc; (,olden 3 ,.ucl line hut \\e1e held on do,,11s .uHl ra, lor l-1<.kecl out o ( <langcr I ht l>1 eak that dcddt:d the 1-sue came \\ 1th onh 1h1t:c 111111ules lo pla, \\l1e11 CnHl011 { 111c 1 hlod,ed a \\ ' heatndgt. l.u I.. wh1th hounded 0111 of lhe enil 1011e fur a ,aCct, I he Den1011s -..ocl..ccl \ 1, .i<la 1H O and tnade ..,urer theu holcl on fn~t plate \\11h r a,lor and Huriough, c a1n111g th<: n1.til the De1nonc; <110,e 60 ,anls £01 the 1111t1al touthclo\\ 11 itho,n reli11qu1~h111g lhe hall B oh Ta, lor ,parked a tOllu! rtlr atcd 111arch lo the -\r,acla 5 )a,<l hnc \\he1e \ l e 1t 1gnc1 cul o,cr fur Ll1t• ~ctond 'itOle 111 tht.• fi11al pe, 10d , I a, lor sk1rtecl a1011nd end 1e\e1~cd his field. and \\a~ fin.ill) brought do\\ 11 a her a 45 , a rel g.11n ~1gne1 1eeled olf fr o1n the 5-,arcl 11nc Ta, lor shot a pas., 10 \1gne1 f 0 1 the £anal po111t One of the featu1e · of 1ht· gamt ,,ds I a, tor\ hoo1n1ng t-.1cl. f, 0111 h" 01"1 2'i , a rel hne "h1ch 1>01111cle<l out of hounds on the \1 ,acla 8 , at cl iillt' 1 he Gulden line ,, Inch had hc:lcl then opponenh t o 20 points 1n s1, g.11ne,, hrol..e through rcpeace<.lh LO th1 O\\ \I\ ada back for l osse, Gulden\ po,,e1ful grid 1n ath111c vir tualh clinched the Cc11t1 al ubu1 han I eaguc champ i onship In running 1 ough ,hocl over \1 11 01 ;t, 20 -0, ,, htle \\ hcal11dgc was ho\\ing t o \r,ada 18 -C, O e,p11e n 111rlch undcrfooting, the D en,ons t le n1 onstralccl plent, of
p• eu,1011 an their 111nn1ng auark and atturaLe aerial, ro dtmo1ali,c; the hap • It s l r0Ja115 F, 111 B rennecl.<:, cle\<.:11 :,co1 eel sho1 th aftc1 1he opening l.. 1<.k• olf 011 ,1 111cc run ll\ B ob T ~,, 101 \\ ho al,o .,1,.11 tetl his end for the 1c,tr,1
I .I\ 101 1o~ed a pc1 fee 1 5t11l..c tu I.;u 1 Deca 1ng ( 01 1he scconc.l touthdo,, 11 and Jcr n Dailing 111tcrn:pted an \u1or.1 pa" and ::.hool- loo,e for anoLhcr touth • do\\n f rann Lcepe1 found Chucl. <,1h,011 opLn 1n the encl zone fo1 the point .1flc 1 \\"a,nc H ) llt gard con1111ualh ,et up long 11111 h\ h1, tune• I) hloLl..1t1g Coupkd ,, nh \\ hc.:atrulgt s los.s , <.,ulden nenletl uni} one 1,111 out of ,c,, l\\O 1en1a1111ng gantc lo cap111re the chan1p1011,h1p
T he I ha1np1011 hip u( 1hc league 1 e~tc<.l secu1 el\ 111 the hands. of the Loldu1 Dc1uo11s after a 13 12 \\ 111 o,c1 \\ hea 111dgc.: Despue a n1utl<h held, the Demons tool. lhl" opc11111g ~11.J,otf and clro, e £01 a 1ouchdo1\11-1 he h n,ll 20 ,allh ,01n111g on a pa"-S (roan la, 101 Lo 'l1gne1 C.a1 \ B urroughs plungcd o,c.:1 fc>1 (.,olden~ l:hl -.core t~1 th t na, a lO ,.ir<l 1u11 h\ Ta)l<11 ...,ig11e1 ca1.1ght 1 a, lot s pa io1 the all 1n1po1 Lant point 111 a heLla ,L<oncl I .alf , , heal11dge :-.cored twice but f;uled l<> c.1p11ali1c <111 l1tltu of the e,uas (,olden \\as forced l o put "" a 1eal goal line -.1and 1n tht• waning n111111te" co check the F at n1e1 l he Oc111un, ,mothc1 ul L 111lcto11, 3, 12 to cn1nplelc lhcu h1ghh ~lll(C ful ca 111pa1gn , \ a, ne H , llcga11I r.tn •10 \a 1c1' on a fal-e sp11111t:1 (01 thL: 11111ial scott: (.ar, B urroughs and !\oh I a, tor each atcounte<I for l"o touch do,, 11s apiece. ancl Signet took a la11 I fr on1 Ben L e F a \'t e fen l h(' lin;i l 1ouc It 1\0\\n Gordon \ hnct L<lll\ c1 lctl f<11 the onh t•,1,a point
C,oldc 11 ,,ound up the ' I ll footu.111 ~eason "11h 9 , 1c to11c:-. 1 ue ancl nu lo~es. I he Denton, plac~tl lou, llll 11 on 1he all confc1cncc tean1 R ak, ( o, crt , gua1 d. L a,, 1e11tc Dcl 1111g l nd G o1don ~finer , Cen 1cr, and Bob f I\ 10 1 cailhacl-. Boh I a, 101 and (,oT<lon ft 11e1 a l so 1ecei,cd huno , ahh; 1nen 11011 011 the a ll -slate l c,1111 1 hi, '101101 secured fo 1 1hc 1n the oppo11un ll\ 10 pta, o n lhc all ,t. 1te '.'lt·n101 t e:11n that "ill pla, 1h1s Mllllllte1 111 Denve1
r ht (,olclc11 Dcmo11s opcnttl the 10
.11ul I lia,1-ctl,all ~t•a,011 \\Ith a dc-u
<,J\1.: \\111 O\t'l lh1~hto11 , ;\'l - 19, I ht:
C.,old1c11 t,1gt 1, n11,;u 1 up a .t! K n1.11g1n
.11 the in1enn1-.,1on aucl toasted 111 J\uh
I .1, 101 p.tccd tht C,uldtn nHcu,c ,, 1th
,111 K po1111 output .;ind , 1cn ~1g11c1
follo\\t·d ,,1th i po11H, (,01cloll \l1nc1
,tcutd 5 poanb a, \\CII a-. follo\\lllg
,,c.11 11nck1 hoth ha'>l-eu.
I he Dcn1on Inc dipped Hoh r .1111 •
1h, 1·, '10 to (Op th<.11 ~e<.on<l \,111 111
a, 111.111, ,1.11 ts '>p.irl-cd ll\ John111t
'' Red \ndu,011 .111d \1 C udn1,1n \\ho
t.igcd 8 po111l'- apae<.c, the 1)1,111011, ht: ld
:.i11 18 1·, edge ,tt h.ilf 11111c and <.0111
n1a11<l<:cl the lead th1uugl1out the 11.
n1a1111le1 of th<: contest
Paced h) J11h11n} \11cle1~on h11,1lt11g
laule [or\\a1cl, \\ho tool- l11~h po11H
hu1101, ,,11h I held go 1h a, ,,ell .1, ,parl-111g h1, tearn ,uth an aggu: "1,t
f1001 gamL , the D<:rnon, ,,011 frcnn the
Rcg1, P1cp, :!6 -20 \I ( od1nc111, De
111011 to1,,a1d, follc,\\cd wtll unck·r his
l1J,l-c:1 ancl lashed u1 \\ 1th 1h1 ec.: ha,1.ct...
fro1n I he: flcx>1 I ht. I )(; n101l't In\ through11111 although Reg,, Ol<,1,1011al h put 1111 fuule I allt<.~ l ra1H ,, Lccpct ,uni- a long one hJ11d push ,hot r, 0111
1nidrtoo1 £01 lh<.: lic!->l !-hot of lh(.· t \t.
l n a fa,t hasl.tthJll ga1ne , tht <.,ulclu1
I J 1gh ",chool team tri1111ncd tlil'. Odd
I <:llo\\, a t(·.11n of fo1 n1Lt l11gh "hool
,1c11, !!~ ~I I ht "111 ,, .1, the fo111 th
,1 ra1ght Ccu the l h 111011, I hC; high
,c.hool 1<.a11t led al1110,t the "hult. ganH
hut ,,uc.: fotted 10 1;.ilh .iher the Odd
I cllow, had l-11011cd th<.. ,core al 19 1(1
1)11111111111,e lattlc- Chuc.I. (,ou<lgt.: and Cc111e1 C,01d<111 \ I i11c1 ,hau'd \lOl 1ng
ho1101, ,, 11h c, po111l'i ap1cc1.
I he l)cn1on <.Jgc1, tool. thu1 In t league ga1ne at the t;,pen,e of 1he
\ 111 01 a ft OJ,111',, :!'\ IC) r he (,olden fir.t stnug all found the 1.1ngc to gl\c the J)cnH>ll~ a 11 C) lead al the 1111c11n1,,io11 r ht Uen1011~ ,,night fi1 t 1n the third pe1101l 10 h111lcl up a 20-12 n1a1g111 hut \\Cle fo,ccd 10 ,tall 1du~n tht·
,cv:unped l 1ojanc; rallied lo na11u., the 1ua1g1n C htacl.. Goudge; hit ~t
111011c\ hasl-et and gi alls 10-., 1n the "a111ng m111111e, 10 ,ettlc the 1ss11e \ l ( or h11an \\ as h 1gh (01 C.uldc11 \\ llh '> point-. and Rile, Cenci l ca1ne through "1th a pJu of 111lc set ,hot,
The D c n ,ons conu1u1cd tht·il w111 n111g \\a\'i 011 t he \1 va<la f1001. ,\..111
11111g the Redskin, 21 11 J oh1lll\ ,\n dt·1 ,on h11 1 c.on,ect1t1ve field goah
111 lhe 1hnd pctiod to e11ablc the nc
11\0IIS to top an ea<;\ \ l(lOI \ \ f ell
l.i1gnc1 "" hhctl 2 long set shots and a face thro,1 to gi,c thl Dc11H111, .1 le,1tl
,, l11ch the, ne1tr 1chuq111~hcd f he
\\ in ga, c the (.olden <jllllllCt 1111t11,pulc><l posse s1on of fn-.1 plate 111 the 511 l,u1 ban loop.
Golden:. uncle[eated ,1gg1cga11011 ,h1111c<l ple111, of d..a~.., 111 11a1npll11g the l-,nmcr-. from \\ htJtrulgc 011 rh<. Colden floor 24 · l:; Uuth tea,us da111pccl on I ice lrl-f.. dclcn~c"' a11tl (,uldt'II led t.,, the nano,, 111,ug111 o{ 12 i :ll half t1111e \ la,t half ,u.,1111g ,p1 cc ho\\ t:, er, wa!> too 111 tll h £en I he h;iple-...-. l arn1c1, J ohon, \nclen,011 d11llc<l 1n i point'> 10 lc.:ad the point u1akc1s athl c\l Corhnan Jlld Go,<lon ,1,ncr C,l<.h <.igul l> 111a11-.L'r-. I he Deinon L..tgcr, n1c1 sl11hbo1 n up po~1t1011 flo1n an L1ndc1<log 1 1ttletun ll\l' h111 n1a11agt.·cl 10 tot11t' out on the long cod of .1 23 I tJ "01 c altc1 ., hec 11c hatlle I he l)e111011<, lound a ltd 011 tht· b.t,1-.ct th1oughoul n10~1 of 1he ga1nc hul ltnall\ h1ol-e the He.: 111 the \\an1ng nunutt" lo pull ahL'.u.l J uhn1n \nder~o11 and \I Codntan , Dcn1on fon,atd'>. ,,e1e 1he leadu1g pu1nt 111aJ..en, "tlh 10 a11d 8 po11tts ,c-.pec.
11,eh GoHl011 , t ,nc1 111rnctl 1n l11s
11.,ual good £1001 game dcaring I he h,1cl.hoa1ds ,uul holding C..hen.1ult
11,al centCJ 10 a re,, point, Buli I a, lor and \ [ t.;1 t 1g11c1, (.olden guards pla,ecl '>lea,h ball in tht: hack ( 0111 l I h<: De111<>11'- ,uffcred tht:ir (11st dcleat of thL ,ta'>on .ll the h.in<.h of the \ 11 ro1 a I I OJ an~ 011 the l n>Jan lloor
lh I I C,ol<lt:=11 II ailed (J - i al hat( tune ,Htd we1c 11c,er q111tc ahk to pull the ga1nc out of tht: f11 t' \ ,ouc defcni.c £01 lC<I th<. D en1on'> to scon, nto~t u( 1la·n h,hl-.cts hon1 ,,ell out on the 11001 J 0111111, \ndct on ,, ill> the onh })( ,non to ~tore co11,;1,1enth splt111ng the ,1ra11g-. fo1 9 po1111... 1 he lo-.s, although a h,ucr 011<. had no 111c11c11al cffcu 011 the standu1g,, Gol<ltn still lon11n;1nd111g a lead o\el \u101a 1n 1he 11tlc 1ate
The .\1 vada R clhl.1n, toppled C,ol den\ <ha1np101v,h1p hope:, 111lo a ltll· 1no1l h, w111n1ng a h,Hcl fought de{c11 ,1, c ga111c front the n ctuo1h 1 7 16 (,olden era~ed \ 1, ad,1's l '3-6 ha IC ttn1e leacl onl\ lo lo~c out an the final 111111ute, <,onion :\ ( 111c 1 led the C,oldc11 fn e with 6 point:. as well a!. 1u111111g 111 ,111 ,\ggrt-;;si\c £1001 gan1c f,olclcn !.11ffc1ed their third ,1ra1ght defeat, tins on<. at the hanth o f \ \ 'heat nclge. l' la\ 111g 011 thl'. pJciOU!> Faune1 f1001, the D c1no1l'i pla,ed goocl hall. l>u1 r,nalh ho,, ed 10 t he l·arn1cr~· !.U pe1101 shoot i ng. ,, ith both fives hit 1i,1g con,1,cnth f10 01 well ou 1 on the floo, the g-,11 n e wa" close 1luougho11t
" 1th 11ei1he1 tca1 n leading b\ 1no1l th,,n 3 points. J ohnn, \n<leri;on cashed Hl on h free th 1ows and a ( klcl goal a11d (,OI don \ f UICI and \ ) (.01 ( n1a11 a11<1 :\ f en 1gnc1 found the 1ange \\Ith 6 , 5, :natl I po1nh t~peC1iveh.
I he Den1011s JCHl u)c, cu 10 tca,n boat pnng:, Olli) to lot to the a1lo1s,
JO .•}fi _n, ' fhe (,olden Wt'l e ~et n1111gl unable to hit anv kind ot a ,hot un ul late 111 1he l hud 1n.:iiod \\h<:11 11.11hng 20-11 the put on a fa\l 1all\ ,'111<.h {di ,hon In onh t\\o pc11nts Red Antler,on 111,ul.cd up 10 pn111h fo1 the , i,11urs \II hough the: Jo,, 111arrccl the trip a goucl ti111c \\a'> la.ill b, all \ndcr\011, Cotf111an, \ 1n1c1 1 .i, 101. ignt.r, Co, c, 1 Loudgc, I t: <..pr1 and 1'1!-c all tnacli.: tlit 111p r he ,e, ualucd (,olden ne,nons hit the c.on1chatk n.ul ,dth a ~mash111g 11 16 ,, 111 o,e1 the Ltttlcton Lion~ on the C.oldi:n cou IL I he "1n lif tccl the J>c111011s 11110 J ~et.ond place t 1<.'. Johnn, \11de1,on rai ricd 1no,1 o( the (,olden ,co1111g ringing rlac hoop 101 '.!O pou\l.'I \\1th \l1nlr Clnetl, Cuudge, l ,nlot and '11g11c:1 all hitting hun1 all :u1glc:,, the r>emo11s Jtt1npe<l 11110 an ca1h lead and "e,c nc,c1 headed H 01, L \ c1 \ \ ht:a u idgc ti inc:hecl the till<. I>\ an ea,, \\Ill O\L'J 'l.11ro1a. 111 a pla,off gan1e to ckte11111ne 1hc ~ul>111ha11 s ,cc.ond place 1ep1c,cntati,c 111 thc d1,1dct pl,noffs the (,uldtn fi,c "" a1 ,ned all en er \ n ac1a to wi11 a 10 33 dcn'-tOll \nden,on c.1g111g 11 points 'i1g11e1 1narl..1ng up 9 po1n1, , and Lorfm.111 ancl :\hne1 i apal'C(. 1hc De 1no11s homhardc<l the l)a,;kct 1, 1th :ll curac, to n1a\..e up fo, the p1 e, iou, lo,, 10 the Red.,1- an, Pia, 111~ 111 the \\ t·,11ni11 1c1 g, 111 the J>einon,; lose a ron1p:nat1,ch t':h, gan1c to the polished I< dgcw,ttc, UC\\. ~-1 -22 1 he \fustangi, ,nn11i11g soten pla,s ,dLh p11:tts1011 and cl,unp111g nn a tight defense on the Dc:111011 ga,t thl' ~11h111han 1cp1e~cntat1,e, a ,et li.1rf..:. l hL Oc111011, trailed Ii - II .it lltt• in te1 n11 1011 hue ,,ere co,npkt<.•h 0111 cla se<l 1n the ,c-concl Jialf ,\I ( ortin.1n a11d B ob 1 a, l01 n1e,,hed ti a1,t1 r, points I e:,peuh eh fo, the IO\Cr, , (,olden fin 1,hecl thl·i1 liasl..t'I h.1 II eason b, ho,, 111g 10 \\'hc.:,1111dgt .! I • I I 1 he loss clin11na1ed th<. I>cn1011, for fu1thc1 pa1(1Cipauo11 l hc C,ulclc11 high ~choolct"> 1,t·rc lat (10111 theit be,,, form and the fannt:11, uunec1 111 :1 heller hrand of hall l<> \\ 111 \tn l '>1gner I-cpl t he Golden ll';un n1 t ht· hall gan1e \\1th t hree long shots <,o l de11 won "> and lo!>l 3 ~a1ne, 111 the r egulJ1 league con1pe1n1011 an<l won a pla, off g-J n lc " 1th \ 1, ad,1 l ht: D e 1nons wnn 1 <>tit o f :o:i pt a<. lit c g-c11ne-. l nll lo~t 2 co11"ccu11,e g,11nei. in the di" l l it l n1ect rotal {;"all\C:, ,huwetl the Demons ,dnne1 of 10 01ll o f 16 gan1cs. .J ohnn) '' R ed" \11de1i-on \\ao; voted \t11a111 111011sh 10 a plarc on the ,1 1l c.011fe1 cnce tea ,n l-l is co11s1stcn1 h good shooung und aggrt.~n e ~loot g,1 n 1es "ere th<.· hest 111 the league Gordon \h ncJ also l anded a '-pot 011 the a ll --;tar ( he H e \\a~ 111va l uahle for ht re· hound \\Otk and <le f e11:.11c ,,or l.
(,old<.11, f111urc f11,1 ,111ngc1'i, 11a1nch rhl' 13 "lu,Hl. h.1<1 ,0111<. tough lt1<l- du1111g lhe ,e,hull , lo,111g altno,t l' llti1cl\ all thL'II v.,unc, I>\ clo':IC 111,u gi11, H o\\C\<.1 tlu final ga1ne of the ,c ,1,011 aga i11,1 the \1, ,Hla Rccbl-.111 1e,t·1, t·, -,bo,,ed ,,hat 1t:.1l ah1ht, the · B 1c..11u h.icl ,h the, pla,ecl good ha,l-..c1hall to "111 cac;1h I he tean1. <.otnpo,t·d aluH>q c11111ch ot f1c,h1nen .1 ncl ,ophc>11101 c-. lac 1-..ccl c,pe1 1e11< c hut ,ho\\ l:d ,1g1h o l de\ clup tnen l I he, ,ho1li1l bt: .in 1n1po1 tanl [ac.1c11 1n hol,1e1 ing (,ol clln s Lage hope, n<. ,t , t'at. r he ,pad.. of the tca1n was di111lllllli,l' Jacl-..1<. (,ouclg<. fl\ \\eight lo1\\.11cl. who ,,a, 1hc best ,co1e1 on tlH 1ca1n. H e ah,a,.., d11crtcd the 1ean1 11t II , nd 1u1 necl 111 aggic'-Si\C fl out ga11 1c: I. an!-.) \1 t Li '-", fre.-,hn1an. pl.nnl oppu,1tc Goudge a ncl alwa,, t11111ccl 111 .1 good 1eliahlc ball g.1111c. \\ 1th n1orc t ,pe11enc.e. he ,houl<l 1ual..e 1 ,ta nilou t pla)Cr. J ohn,n \r a,on \\ai. 1111 \\01l-.. 1n .1 11 of th e team clcanng o fl , t •lio111ul\ in good .., t, le .11 1<.l gc11c1 al h
pl:I\ 111g \\ell on ck fcn,e D ch11c1
K1oegc:1 ~11a1Cl altho 11 gh sn1all had
ple11t, oi ,peed and hu..,tle and "·" an 1111po1 tanl (og 1n ,ctt111g up pl,n, Pl ,ning ,lt the othc1 g11arcl position \las hu,k, Don Churchc:, \\ho helped \f ason 011 1eho11nd \\Oil-. and pla,c:cl goocl ,lcath hall Glenn ' R ed \d an1, 11 ,h one of the best :.hot" on the tca1n and II hen he: and Goudge ,, ere both h1t1111g. (, olden 1calh had an offethL to he (On tended "ith Glenn pl,ned "Jth the ( ,olclc;n " \ tca111 in its po..,t -,ca,on gan1<., "llh \\ heat ridge and Eclge,\atc1 and pla,e<l \\ell £,crctc I ho1na, "a., a s n1 oolh ball hancller and ,, a, , .1l11ablc a, a pl,n -n1al-.er. H e shcnilcl \\Oll.. in ,,ell ne,t ,ea5on DH I-. H ait, angular ce1Hc1 \\a, c.onside1 ahh handicapped In la<"k of e,p1.:1ien<"e thi-; ,ea,on hu t ha, plent\ ot height "hid1 he should the to gootl ,1ch anrnge "> on cl -topped Bt ll) 1' ostt>l, ftc-.hn1an. sho\\ed plenl\ ot class ,1nd D ean Puh e 1 aho a fl esh n1 an, can he 1eliccl on £01 ,c1, ice ne,t ,car \\ ith a liule lutl, the • 13 " tean1 <.01ilcl Jul\ e (on, ct tc<.l a 1ncdiorre ~c.a~on into ,t good one
l udt t lht. ahk cu.tdung of Eail (,1.111l, the. (,old c 11 \\ 1c,1l111g leant hac[ ,11101hc:1 of thei1 u,11al ,ucu.- ,,ful sca,011, I he Dnnon g1 applet, ' "on 1natchc, front l 11tl<.' ton, \\ hC"atl ulgL , ~ugle,,ood and ',011th Dcn\tt - thc onh ,c:th,td, co111111g ,H tht h.uuh ot
I·.a,t Dc:n,cr J nn \L1llhc\\, ,1od,, I 11 po111ul<:1 \\CHI tl11011gh 111ulefcatcd 10 ,, 111 the. ,1;1tc c.h,11npiou,h1p 111 hb
d1, 1,10n J.1d, Bogg-, lo,t out 1n the ,c. rn1 final-. but canH· hack to "in th<: 111atd1 foa thi1 cl pl,tcL ho11cn, Bud \ ol, lo,1 a 11.1no\\ clco,1011 Lo '\01 th 's cha1np1011 \\ cl>ct. hut a1'o ,,on thn<l plact· I he,c hoy, \\ere. 1n,u un1ental 111 1akang 11p tlu ,i,tccn po111ts that ga,c Colden ,\ hfth plac<' 1an11g 111 the ,tale 10111 na1nent hl'lcl al tht \\ c'il nerl\cl c.,,11111a,i111n 1 h1, i, 1<.·alh .1n ac<o111pl1,h1nc11t for a ,chool of (, o l ckn, ,11e «>1npct111g \\tlh da,~ ' \ " ,chooh (,1a111\ cha,ge, ,nln,dh 1uadc a clean ,\\ecp of the co11fca:n<<.
1nLLl he.Id in the (,olden (,\111 C....olden , l Jlth.: ton and \ \ heao Hlgc. all had c11111e, 111 e,c1, \\eight Huch!\ \ ol, H arold \\ c,1 Chuck C,ih,011 Jad, Bogg, , Boh l IO\\ I. .111, Dec 1111g, ,111d \\ a, n<. H , llegard ,111 <.nppcc1 ln,t pl,Hc n1ed,1h and Olnct \fc\fah,111 and f 1cd f ell ,,on runner" up ho!101, Othc1 kue1 1uen hc,idc the .1bo,t 1111.:1111011cd \\Cle ( h<l<. l)cenng and hl'.l\\\\c1ght C, an111 Bn11ough,. \h \lah,111, I a1 n D ccnng and H , llega1d .u<. all ,en1or, and \\ill be n11.,,,,ccl ne'.t ,ea1 H o,,e,e1 \ l atthcw, Bogir, \ ol, ( Dc:c1 ing. l cll , (to\\ and B ui rough, 1,111 be ha<k co f unn 1hc nudeu, of the tcan1 ,n then Incl fell anuthe1 con fcn 1He cluunpH>ll',lllJ> ne,t ,eat \l11ch credit £01 the 1can1, ac:h1c,L 111ent i, due to ( oarh (,rant, 1-.ncnd ulge ot the spo1 t and ht, t11to1111g of the )ugh ,c hool 'ill 11a<l ha, been of in , ,tlu.1 hie aid
() /,,Jut fl \ha/111 1 R1111•1. II \/ "111 I
n A itlu11h,·r11f. /) ( l1111c/i,,, j r,aJlu ,, , / '111.so11. R 1/u rl:. f \u ·l 1tll, j [)tl/111 g,, ( l}(l(/, R111111 1rk,• fl. (,<1,111. L f/(11/-:.. JJ f o:, 1·1 <. /Jn/1 C <,011<1:,!_t. I \Jar rlsk1// r I Ju,11111,
C, o ldtn High ",(1 100 1, t1ad,,tt1,, hoa,11ng 011<: ot tht hc,1 n11 nout-. 111 ,c,t1,ll ,t.u-,, h,n • hig-h hopt, (01 lht -1 1 ,t..t,011. \, 1a-11;1\ ,l p1c. -,<:, l'>Oll intc:1 d,i..., 1rad, and field nicct ,,a-, held in the. \ l 111c, f 1clcl h<H1,c l he J Hn101, ,cc111111gh 11101H>poli1cd tno,t of the t\<"nt, and ,,on llandih
I he Golden ,qu,1d h,1, altea<h ,,on ca'1h o,e1 l tlllt:ton ll\ a hig n1a1gin .111<1 Jl,o ral..<. I 11p an ca,, ,,111 o,t·i the \ \ he,1t11clge I"a11ne1, \11101,1, ,ueugth i... unkno,111 hut \t\iHla de fe11d111g chan1p, -,<.tn1 a, u,ual to be the IHg oh\lacle an (,olden, hid fol the c.on(e1cnc.t 11tlc \ftll "',1g11e1 1, the ,chool\ hc'> I ,p11111e1 .111d n111, th<. lo,, hu1cl\e, and hioacl Jt1n1p~ cqualh ,, Lil ( )lne1 \ J c \f ahan h the ouht,1nd111g I 10 ,.ud ru1111<.1 H e ,t ho 1\ll1' an<.hot 1nan on tht in11Ho,cd unlc. 1cla, tt>a1n •111<\ high ,111cl lnoad Jlltnp, ,,ell D ack t nland ,., a good ,p1 inter ,111d ,ho,,·, plc. nt, of fo1n1 111 the h igh lnndlc-; l a~11-, Boh '>haller h Golden\ 1ep1e-,e111atl\C 111 th< h,1lt n11le and aho pa11icip,11c, 1n the 1n1\c ,el.l\ '>opho11101c E, l ho1na, 1, counted on to pHl- up po1nl\ in tht n11le Johnn, \l ,l\on ,pcnahLt"- 111 the high jun1p f<ranu, I cep e r i, .1 p_oo cl pole , 1ulte1 and,, ,u1e to ,dn place, in the hroad junip a n d 220 ,aid cta h B ig \\ a,ne
H , lleg,u cl ha, th10\\ n th<. -,hot clo,c to 3 feet and ,houlcl he a potent point gettei 111 the cli,cu,
Ht. 1 un, tht 2 20 ,,11<1 cla,h .u,d in 1he >;~o-,.11cl 1<:1.1, 1ea1n aho. D o11 Chu1d1e, · hc"t c,ult i-, tltt pok ,ault
I he,e h o,, gl\t' tht C,oldcn 1ea1n a (01 n 11dahle outfll ,, h1ch ,1111 he ha1cl 10 ht.H
R G11111/1 • A. Co1f11u111 n L,• Fa v re I) (., 0 1111a11 J (, o udge \I H, ath C Goud ge
1: IH Lolclcn fu1n1, I c..1111 this \l.11 ,cc111, to ht.: ot -,on1c." hat uncertain capah1ht1cs
1 he tc.atn \\ill h<.: u1Hk1 the d11cc1ion of \[i,s ( handlc1 g,u1 111-.uuctor ,,ho suc.c<;c<led \Ir Pinl-. s I he. annu.il tc.11n1, tou1nan,en1 , open to all bo,., .uul gnh intctestc.·d in the spo1t \\Us held ,1, thUJ I r he. 1011111a 1ncnc b u,ccl a, ,1 n,can, of dete1 nu,ung tht (J\ c ho, s and an equal n11 1uhc1 of gnh ,,ho \\Ill <.01np1i,t the tc. a 111 Ruth \11n L bco "ho ,,erll through the (,olden dt\ 111cct unclefc,llccl to "1n the un<l 1,putt\l gnh d1a1np1on,h1p i, c,pt. (tecl to he the ,tandout g11l tennis pla,c1 111 the ,chool he ha-. plcnt, of ,thilit, aud ,honld hol,te1 the tcan,., c.hancc, Chuck Goudge 1s the onl\ letter 1nan
11.: tt11111ng th1, ,c,11 1-h ha, c,pcnctH<. and ,hould be the bo,s' best 1eprc,entatne
\l Colf1u.1n f ,1ck (,ouclg<. R o, ( ,u111lc and Bennie L e F ,1,1<: ,ue countccl on to ,,,n rnatrhc.s fo1 the hen, \\hilt \ f ar, Ka, I ho,na, \fa1, Jane H eath , and Pegg, \nnc Cl ad, gi,e the gidc; a good 1<.p11.:,t:u1ation
\ f atchc, \\llh Long111on1, l ittlc1on , and one at Bouhlc1 a-. \\Cll a,; a IC\\ olheP.i ha,c bec.n ,(hcdulccl
<>111 111 rhL th,10, .1nd <.onfl1ct o{ the p1(;,t::t\l ,,01 Id ,1tu;H1011 the l nllLcl "ital<"> -.cands as rite
lighthou,1 111 ,l po1t of ,101111 ,ending out 1h ra,, of light to ;111 the -.1011u to,,cd ~lup:. at se.i, g11idi11g 1l111n c''-' on"a1d lo then rc!>pectnc P o1h o f L>en1oc1.1<.\
l11 111 de1 th.11 th<· 1ncl1, 1duah of (Hll ,chool nught hl'ttl.r u11cicr..,ta1HI the lklu.ate rncchan1sn1" ul thi... h11eat ;,flonghold, the, ;11e endo\\cd \\Ith the ,ellgo,euung hoth, till \ILD[:\1 c <>1 , < l L
\,,,th<. l.1\\ of 1hc ,chool con,1iu1t1011 P1e,1dc.nt Boll I ,1,101 and Senet.u, T1cas111e1 \Lny
K.1\ I ho1n,1, "'-'<- non11natcd ln pelillon c1nd thu1 eleutd ll\ a 111.110111, \Ole of the student luxh f1 on1 the IJ\l -,ubn11ttcd h, 1he no1111nat111g co1nnuucc. ..iCfahle l: thel Jane H a1,e, and ' up ,uul at ' un Benn, L e I- ;I\ re 1,c1c ch<hen to legP,latL for rhe 'lc:11101 < I.is,; T ht•\ 1n nun
\Hit l>ad,ul up I" rhe }1111101 , 111gc111ou, B<.ll1 B,ll l, and CTlpu n1lt1ng Chuck (,oudgc Cl:11.1
H 1d,s rt p1 c..,,•,11ecl the )opho1no1 cs alld :-.,h II le, Ha rh -.en cd on helhtlf o[ th<.. F1 e,lnnen
Ftchng ,01nc,,hat intclkctual. th<', c.1rtcd 011l lhL ,ca1 ,, llh ,l ne",papet part, \\ nh us
p1111h·d '-lll,Hner, and lunch e,11a,. tt ,,a-. a n111cl1 p11hlic11ed 1flaa fhc (h11,tn1a, p;111, ,,1th
11~ 11.111,h1<<' lll 1cd h< 11' and ,11\c1 :.llcan1c1, st11 1ght to plea,<; 1he fanc, of tho,e lk..,1t111g hoth
lit·,1111 and fun. \n c,c1 genc1011, '>anta ( tau, 1cnH 1nhc 1t:d all tho~c p1L,..,Clll l he ,ca1 \\as
I 1<111ght 10 ., cl1n1.1, at 1 he L illie R ed 5choolhou,c · ,,hLrc the 'tead1c1 · and hc1 \Ut ', h11<1 the ,pot light to, th<.. e,en1ng r ag and u, ck d.11HL, hclpul to 111al...c thing... li,t..h
I ht' ru,t ta:,,k c.onftonting "itu<lcnt ( ouncil <.ac.h ,c.11 ,~ that of O\llli11 1ng .1 ,,cll-1oun<lccl
,1,,1111hh I 11ig1J111 I he, had fne pa, .1 ,c.111hl1e, \111011g thee we1c the H.•1\\,111a11 n1us1c1a11, •
•1 rht•1ui,t an c,plotc1. ,ind a 111a1 1011eue ,ho,, 1 hctt \\3'> an \1011 uce Da, P1 og1an1 ,111
-\111edc.1n Legion \v.,ctnhh roupk·d up \\llh ,e,ea al ,oc111011,1l ,pcake 1,. I he dran1at1c cla-ses
l'.tt:h put on 1nte1 e tiug pla\',. aud the counC1l ,pon,oHd , .11 10,i-, 110H: lt, p1og1.1111~ a talc1n
,h,L111hh .1 qui, progr.un an<l nu111e1011-, pt:p a ,c1nhl1t:, 111clud1ng a pep ,kit po11,a,1ng da11\ 1ht t1u11hlt, of D ,1nn, De111011
I o hec.01nc a 111c1nhu of che '>t11dc111 \ ..,__,ona11011 011<.. n1u,1 hu, an a--socia1io11 11cket 1 h :s
1id,t 1 ,., 1u1tl, lo h1111 the 11glH 10 a, tend footh..ill an<l ha,kethall g,1111c11 the .111-~chool pat ue~ p :n a,,cn1hlie--. .ind ;1fte1 ,chool dance:.. 1-1 ..i, 111g a11 a"oc1,u1on llcke1 abo enntle, one to \OlC fo1 thl l'1L..,1den1 a1al e<.1e t a1,-f1<.a:..1uc1 ot \1udc111 (011nul (01 the ,ucc.eed1ng ,ca t Ihc
l.1u·,1 ,11ldll1011 to the \(Hing ,,,tent ,,a, Lhc th<: of the \11,t1alian hallo1 and ,oting hooths.
'10111<.. ol the 111110,.11ion:.. o f tin:. ,ca1 s (0111Htl aH· the R cco1d L 1h1.i1,. \\lllch •~ :..ll ll u1
thl <.111l)1 ,0111c ,1,,gL-s ancl Counnl Cornet \I h1ch 1, a coh111111 111 \f aroon and \\ h i tc for 1he p111 po,c uf J...ccp1ng the ,; 111dc1H, 111[01111ed ,1, to the p10~1 e~.., 111ade 111 Counul 1neet111g-; \ ho
I" \\,\\ o f 11np10, 111g coope1auo11 bct,,een ( ouncil an,t the ,tudent ho<h. the (ounul appo 11 11ed
.1 l3111l ctin Bo11d (01111nittce e,e1, 1,,0 ,,eek~. \I ho,t.· dut, 11 \\;1~ to p1e:.e111 an 1nte1c,ti11g and ,,011h ,, hdc hullct111 hoard to the ,; 111 de111 both
In J eh111a1, t he. Cou nu l n1en1 he1 s. acco,n pa11 1ed h\ \l 1,s Boh tho I cp1 c e111ed (,olden at the 'lt uclcnt Cuunul Con"e1111011 at f oll C oll111-.. Col<n.,do 1 hc1t the, aucndcd the gene13J .1,,c 1n hh ,111<1 ch,c11,,1011 gt<>ll Jh .111 con,c11111g (01 the ptnposc of 1n1p10,ing student gcl\ernn1ent
J> roh.1hh cite ta 1-. 1110,1 nott'd In the <;tudcnc huch 1nen1he1, ,,a._ th e ,;upe1, 1, 1on o f noon d,1ncr11g F, er, 1100n 011c o f the: council 1ucn1he1, 'ia,, to it th.It the1e \\a!> tllU !>i<. and plent, of 11 fo1 all tho,e \\llh ilnthn1 1n then -,011h. I o tL'he,e 1he n1onoto,1, o ( 111:-t pla111 dancing tht:, .ul<lecl a fc,, Circle dance,, ·no, s ..tnd C n h I a~ a 11<1 · I acltc.-s' na, !> "
I-,cr, ,ea1 a C, pin h a,,.11clcd to each sttuknt ,,ho h,1-, ,llcun1ula1ed a ,uff1cien 1 nu1nbc1 of po111b th1ough pa111upa1 1011 111 ,1ude1H ac1111tic~ .11tcl ,thola,t1c ,1clue,cn1c1tt~. k, thel J ane H a1,c, \las the<, pin 1ep1e~entatne this ,ea1 l nde1 ht't suptni,1011, 1hc po1tll'i of eac.h ,tuclcnt \\Cle
1.1h11Llt ecl. Thi, ,ca1 the (, -pins \\Cte p,e,ented at th( end of the fi1,1 sc1 n t.."'lc1 111 01 det that
1hL c.Jig1h l c e11101, ,night \\C,ll thei1') fo1 a half ,car
Chatle-. /i1111ne1 and Bu ckh l e111,t101n, the flag -hea 1cr, th,._ ,ea1
\l!>led In the B ug l e1 J 1111101 H a1,e, T he Counol dccph .1pp1eu.11c,; the turthcnng or pall 1ot, n1 of thc,c tlnee b0\'.'1
\\Cte ,ct, capahh asfaithful ,cl\ 1c.c and Lhe
fh e -,ucce , o f chi-- ,cat\ Co1111ul can hl ,HO1hutcd to the c.oopc:1,111011 of the ,u1dcn1 hod) and the nc,c1 [atl,ng en 1hu~1as n1 o f \ll B olllho
In 0 1clt·1 to i11,t1gatc .1 dc,ire to 1cnder ,ct,ite an cagcrnes, 101 ,<hu lar-,h1p and to cncou1age lcadct,hip ancl the <1c,clopn1enl of <h,na(tcr 111 the ,tu<lcnt, of (,olden High an ho1101 ,odet, "a, C'it,thh,hecl Ihc (,oldl'n Hig h ",thool (haptcr of the ,a11011al Ho1101 ",ooet, of ",e<.ond at\ chool, ,,a, organized 111 l92i I hi'> organualion ha, ah,a,!> been held 111 high e~tecrn In tho~ {01tu11atc ,11 1<1 capable cllough to l>eco111e a 1ncn1hc1 \I e 1nbc1,lnp hased on ,chola1-,l11p le adcr,hip <ha1 • .,ctcr and ,ct\icc. 1, hoth acu,c ,UHi g1acluate ",tnclents ate elettcd In ,ote-- of the fau11t, nll'lnhe r, \11\ 1nen1he1 of the facult\ 1na, 1ccon11ne1Hl na1ne, of pup1h c ligihl c for the ,onct, In onlct to be d1g1hle fo1 n1e1nhe1,h1p 111 thi, <haptc1 a can<lidatc nH1 ~t h,nc. a ~cholarsb1p 1anl.. 1n the (11 -.t fou1 th of h1, 1e,pccti,c g1 aduati ng da.,, J hc1c 1na) he onh lhc pe1 cent of the Junio1 c.la!->s elected eluting the hht tnonth ol the· ,1, th ,e,nc,te1 I he I en1a1 nde1 1ua, he dHhen duung the e;igh th 01 la,c ,cn1e-.te1 hcfo1 c g1 aclu,1 110n '\ol 11101c than fifteen pc.1 cent of a ,cn,01 01 g1ac\uaung cl,,,., n,a, he elected to tlu, <hap1e1 i11 ,un one ,ea1 \\c \\1,h to 1n an 1f~1 out p1idc in thv,e ouhtanchng ,tudc11h. \\ho 11.ne thi, ,car itilfilled all the 1eq1nre1ncnh ncce-.,;u, fen 111e1nhcr,hip in th1, ,ooel\
\f a roon and \\'hlle i<; a ,01t1111a1, alLl\ 11,. elected In tho'>e ,tuclents \\ho ,\i-.h co co1nn111n1cate 10 1he1r schoo l \\ hat it-. qude n L boch does feels ancl lh1nl..s fh c, not onh let us kno,\ \\ hat is going on 111 athletics and all the other e,tra ct11 11cul:11 of <>111 ,chool a<1nicies Intl the, aho gi,e us educational and ~e lf -irnp10,e1 n ent a1ticle'., to help t,1ch s1udc:n1 become a hc1tc 1 " D emon"
J he, <H1g 1na t ed s01ne cle,er idea" a1nong \\hich are: Sen101 Sholl-; a p er,o nalit, sL\ld) o t calh c;enio1 to introduce hint to hi, fellow ,tudents; Council Corne1 co let the st udent boch l..no,\ \\hat 1hei1 rcprescntati,es ate doing co in1p10,e their ,c.hool and 10 p1ote({ their lights of lituen,lHp ;\ {an, st ndenl\ I-no,\ ,c1, liule ahont thei1 teachers and ,o do not understand :incl appreciate the111 r e a the1-, · inter, ie,\s \\Cte -.tatted to 1n t1oduce the teachers to their stu • den h
\ J aroon ancl \\ hue is ;u 1 infonnaci,e ancl wo1th·\\hile acti,i1, 1101 to jn~l a fc,\, hut to each -.cuclent \\ho is inte1e,ted in the \\elfare of hi<; ,;c-hoo l an (l the hettenne n t o f his co 1nrn u11it, life
B A1tlu11hrad , J A11d11~ 011 J Ro g_g D lh111<ltts , 1 lo1/111a11 , R Covert , B C1ou1 C. Dttn11g, L Dtc11t1 .I!., F F ell, D Fl< ·111 111 g B C,n1111 C C,ibso11. C Goudge
J. Goudge, lf 11,lfrgn1cl, F I ttJ>e1, B Le f<n •n. I \ l acAsktll, 0 .\ l c\ { aha11 ) .\ f a.)Utl
]. ,\ l atthewl, C, ,\1111t1, \ l ~, g,u ,. R ,,,11th. R \1111/h , B Tn)lor B 1 ol:.. 1-1 II rH
Gordon ,\ / inc,, Pi ,·s1dt nt \( rr ton 'l1 g11er, St c,et ary
1 he " G,' C l uh h con l posc<I of ho,s \\ho ha,e pa111cipaled and 1ccehcd Lhcir lcllc1s 111 !>OlllC maJOT l>chool sport.
I t \\a, 011g111alcd in 1938 under the auspices of Coad1 B 1enn ecl-.e l t ha, alwav, been consich:1ecl a pti\'ilcge lO he n1 11nhered an1ong its 1ncn1beTh Each , ear ll has incrca ed in n1e n1hcr,htp and i1npouancc until toda) il i s one of the top hono r an dnbs 111 Gol den I-l igh.
The office1 are : Gordon \ l i ne1. P r e,1den L , \I e1to n S1gnc1. ecrc 1an - 1 r ca,urt:1 ~f r. Brennecl..e is t heir facull, 1 cp1 esentatn e.
I n the ,pr i ng of each ,cat che d11h l>ponso1s a ba n q u et in hon o1 o f ll~ nc,\ mc1nbers ancl H'i ah 11 nni.
R Ba,u , I Calnntt, /:, Cla) to11, A Dcf/c11/Ja11rJ1, ,\I Duppma11, D (,orn1,JT1, A Grad)
R. H all, I l-J a1ns, "I H oward, R I 1sro , I ,\ Ja,kl'\, B ,\I at/1tu 1s , \ I ,\l cCorhle
P ,\ ' 1<J.uls, r· P/a/:.raJ>f, ::, Southwl'l/, 1\ I. .Str111cr, n ')trou H. ,\I. F ho111ru, 1-f 1 011 l ' olke11bu1gh ,\! 1 ,/cs, \1 1 ' orn , R Tl zlcox
,\111,g,11, ·t J)11J, Jn11tu1 , Pu sid,·111, Do1oth) Go1111au T 1rl•P11•Hc/t11t, IJ<tt )' /Jnrb, ~,ucta, y
lh1 s )Cal c.01 npuho1 , Ph ,,1(a l Fdu<al1on £01 F1 c~h111e11 and opho11101e g i1 h \\as a<ldcd to lhc spot ls di, 1,ion of Golden H 1gh unclc1 the d ll ect ion of \I is~ C handle1. l nc.ludcd 1n the g\nl c.ou1,e 1!> H,g1e11e ,dHch take, up f11s1 aid and a '>llllh o f the bod) fach n1e1nbcr ,,ho pa secl the H )gienc.· c.our,e rc(Cl\ecl a cc111ftca1c "h1d1 11Hhcate<l that she had sa t1 sfa<.1or ih <.o n1pletcd a ptesoihccl cour,e 1n R eel C1os-. I- 11-;1 \ id
I h1-. orga n1 1n uon -.enl de l egate, to 13 011lclc1 \\ho pa 1t1{lpa1ed 1n 111an \ d1ffe1ent spo1 ,., I hose clc:lcg-,Hccl allenclccl n1an) ,e,sion-, the purpo,e of "h1ch was lo i 1n pro, e the n1etho<ls and ,,,Lein of poinl'> f or 1n1111e1ah no" used 111 Golden H igh ')rhool.
I>unng the )Car girh J11 g)1nn:l'>1u111 cla-.s~ 1,crc clh1decl JtllO fo111 g1oup., Each class
'-C le<.1c<l a baseba ll ba, l... cthall, a nd vo ll e) ball tean1 and then co111peted ,dth each olhe1, ,dth the f ou1 th cla-..., the , 1ctors f'h e Hudents had thc i1 c.ho 1c c of 111 an, -,ports 1nc.lucling baseball , ba~l-..<:tha ll , t e111us. ,ollc)ball, ping- pong, ho1d1ng, 1un1bltng. and n 1an\ others
I n the c;pring the da-.scs ga,c an c,l11bi11on in \\ hich the gnh. -,ucc~sfulh p10,ed sl-.. 111 111 tun1b lin g, builchng pyran1icls and 1n foll-.. dancing
I heir o ffice1 s were \f a1g:\l et Dupp1n a 11 , P re:.1clcnt; Barh. Seoetar,; and \ 'e hna J ean Pfal,g,af. J 1ea,u1c1
Ph ysica l Edu cation , s a henefkial actnit, for , 1t ,tnd c11co11rage-; ~po i ts1 nan ship. Hnp1O,Cl> p c1.,011 alin In 111cn1al alc11ness of each a ncl evc1 }One
\t ha D effenbaugh. Vice P1 esident; Belly
I hc11 ,pon:.01 i, \fis , Chandlet.
1101 Olli) build-, the hod) hut teaches <.ontac1 ,dth flien(h and i n1p1 0,es the
B Ada111.s , C Allgoo d , 0 Allgoo d, E Bak e r , B Bail>. G Dt·11g.sto11, B Ben.son
L Ca/,nett, P A. Cl<nk, J Co,, A Delft nbaugh. ,1 Du pp111a11, D G o nna 11, E Ht1 n'<') ,\I H t-ath, ,,1 ] . H t•ath. \J H oward, A Jacob s, L 1'. t1r, B ,\(atthen•s, A ,caughan fl ,\laughall, \I 1\faugh a11 , J Rtchard.s , ,\I \1g11t r, D St111J>~o11. J \011 ,,1 A. Thon1as /-I 1 an 1 olke11bu1 ~/1, ,\l L 1' cnet', B IJ r:l,s te1. H Jr ht't·lu, 1 7a11clla
I the[ ]ant Harvt ·,. Prt·.sul e11t ; D oro thy &01111a11 , 1 ,ce- P, e.side11t; Peggv A1111 t Clark, \crn tnn-T,ea.sunr
1 he ~ea,o n stalled ,, iLh p ep and e n Lhu-..ia,111, fo1 each " Pepp1c · "as pt oud of he1 nc\\ uu1 fonn · ~l at oon J u1n pe r~. "111 tc sati n blouses and "hi Le beanie. , and fo1 Lhe fil t Lune in thl hhlOl \ of P e p Club anl-lets
Each 111 cn1be1 worJ..ed 1nclo slr10ush f o r pi ec 1s1o n in the 1n a1 ching 1nanc u, er\ Fout ch 111' we1e given, each under the dir ect ion of a drillrna-.1<>1 , ,,ho not onh irnp10,i sed her chill buL cli1ec1cd Jl \l a t) Ellen \ 01ce u sed a p a lriou c the,ne :\ I an K Tho1uas used figu1es and dauu~ 1outine-. Flo\\er, and ang le, we 1e fean11ecl in the drill di1ected b) P ew \nn Clark and in the last dull of the :ica-;011 under Lhc direct1011 of ;\ l ilclted H ea lh circles wc1e p1on11nent
T he cheering was led In \ I an Ka, I hennas \lar, \nnc 1gne1 , Bett) J ane :-. Catthews and \ nnauclle :\I a ugh a n P ep duh 1s goYernccl In a tou ncil 1uadc up ot elected officet:- ,, 1th the dtilltnasters an(l tepresenLatives chosen In the pon so1 r he cou ncil 1s an in1portant pan of our Pep Clul>. It makes the law s by which Lhc club 1s go,c1ned, appoinb co n11n1uec · and app10,ei. a nd spo nso1, n1etho<ls and rn eans of raising n1one)
I he officc1s \, c1 e: Ethel J ane l-l a1 ve). Pre:-iden1, no, oth, Gonnan \ ice - PrC!>i<lcnt ; and Pegg-, .\nn c Clark ec1 ctaq • frea su I et. Ea ch office1 e,ecu tetl "ell het 1es pcctive dut1e to furthct the 1nte1esL, of P ep Club fh e Faculty me1nbe1 of the P ep Club h \li s P1iesl.
The Lhcn1c of the annual \fother •Dau gh t ct banquet gh en in the sp1 ing was '' On \\'in~ o l ong " l he cluh u sed a 1ccl , gold and b la c k colo1 co1nhinalion ,, ith notes and ~ca l es f or their dec.01 at i\c :.chen1e. \ t th i~ banquet the ne" off1cc1 s fo1
• I J and 12 wet e installed
/ Ta1111< 1, (, A 1fl11 111hnul. \I D,/1 011 A H.0 ,1•1, F (al/.111, , /:. (,1/lrl111t )(, J.. A daotl, (, B all, G Tf 1ntl1•11, f., Uo111<1110 , \/ H1a l/1, \I J H t'atli. B Bu11:. tl
i\/ 1 JJnh oJi C /111111111, B ( /aa,, r P a, 11t·, JI ,\lt'\/er, B P 1 /1i1·, D Ji cd11clu, r. P1/r1 D P 1h1 C !J orll, D P ,a,~011, A B ca1d R / .1 f. a1 Jl ( 1>11 ''".!!,, /Ju,b , E \li r J,Juod Tl. Cr11111 R R,tt111g11, I Pcnrcf' , JJ II l'hltr,. E J H an,,·y, H. Tl 1/co,. H T t'1 111•,,,,11 C (,011<1µ.1 R TnJ,p , J I-Ja nn·,. B Bn1111•t1s
P1< 1idr 111 H,111111 / 1 f r111I'; / '1<t'· Ptt·\ld111/, Edrltt P,/11 , \ e,1t lan-l 1ta~11,e1, Etl ul Jn11t' H nnwy
C,oldu1 Hi gh i, ,en fo1lunacc 1nclccd co ha,e ,tith a11 c,ccllcnl nn1~1t depa1llnent. B e ~t<ll, th~ hcind ..tncl glee clubs a ne\\ 01gani1a1ioJ1 "a~ forn, ecl. \ Capella rhoir I hii. actl\lt\ \\h1rh i, under the d11ecl1on of \(J John,on gne, ead1 ,tudcnt c,tcllcn l ,oite cultu1c an<l au <i pponunll) for chotal training
\\1th h Hon rabed \h Bi,hop )la1ted ou1 bane! on 11, n1u~1c;aJ ca1ee1 fhc hand added a g-1c,11 deal lo the c n10,n1e n1 of n1an) of Olli a!>Sernhli<.~ ,ind ga ,ne '> h\ then inspna1ional and pa11iot1< etect101h \\ith \<.rsa11lit, the, pla,ccl fro111 o,e1lt11C'i to conll0i , 1n ost a Jnu ~ing of 11 l11ch \\ a-; Pop Goe s the \ \ ea,e l ," featu1111g e\ er, .,c, tion of l he band en~etnhle fh cir engagc 1nenl\ "etc " I he \nnual Boulder Ilaud Da, ." P I \ Pl ay, \cnio1 Pl :l\, \c n1or ( la s ~ight , \fus1 c \\ eel.. and aho lhe hasJ...ethall and football ga1nes fh c n off1cc1s \\ere 13enu1e Le Fa,rc P1c,idcnt ; Fddie PiJ...e \ ice- P1e.,icte1n ; and Ethel J ane
H.11,e, ~ecretary I 1ea,urcr ) here ,,e1e two churn 1na101e11e, 1hh ,ca1· J eanne I a nn e1 and \f\rna Dillon C,1 a<e \i<l.. e n ht,td. ou1 <h lllll 1najo1 n1 ade a ,tateh appcatance at e,en pe1fo1n1ancc \ f 1. R a lph 81,hop ,1 01J...ccl ,e1, haid to h1ing thh 01gani1a1io11 to the fo1t1S5iino o{ 11111~1c,1I p<.r fcction. H e s til\ ed p atient!\ fo1 lhe ue,~c1Hto ch:H hroughc 1he1u to the height-, the, ptoudl) ,, 11aincd thb ,ear <;01ne ,tt1de11b ,pc111 n1 a11, plea,urahlc hou1, ,inging in the glee club, .\llhou gh thi s ac tn 1t, 1-, h e ing 1epl accd h\ the \ ( ape Ila dioil 1c l'> '>llll one of th e fa,01 ite acti, 1ties of a la1gr1 poruon of the ~lu clcnt.. l he, ,pcciali1ecl thi.. ,ear a, ui the pa,1 111 thte c ancl fout p,111 hannon, Ead, ,ear the glee club-. ha,c had se,e1,ll ,iug1ng e ngagem ent, ancl in each in -.ra11cc the, ha,c p10,ed tha1 1h1, 01ga11i1a1ion ,., a cooperathe .incl onlstancling g1oup in 11, ,cl1ool ,UHi (Oll llllllll Il\ Ji fe \ s n1usic is ,uch an e c n11 a l and ,,011de1ful pa1 t of out education ,o ll i, \\llh pii<le an,l g1.111f1<at1on that ,,c look hacJ... nt the,c otn m11,1cal acci, 111C:'., ,, 11h deep ctnd la,c111g apprec iation
11 (,tlll/1, II l/r>u 'tllrf, r Ualu,, \[ ,,,,,,,, I' ! 11J1J1 B Ua/,11 H PalH)I/\ J, f1tcl1 •1irk, E Pi k 1 ·, ,J ,ra,ti11 [ ) \1111/11011 /\ l clatl/\ [J l dtllll\ } IJ (/fll'II, Jl JI t /15
I \t11uk J ,1 rC01klt, 1 U111 1d. f \/11/1/uircl , R B c•((1111,!tl R J ocld, C. H ICk5, D Ptt11:>011.
J D 1/li11.!!. I J /11\11 I P, ·ch. \f \J, lo1klt, <, A.11k111/1tacl.J. Ia1111t•1, H ll hct·lt•r, I j,u11/Js F R<H1u1110. I D i·,n•t, JI. l'a11 r 111/1( 11bu1!,!.li, 1-' 111ft HIJI 10l111S<JII I) /f t l/1\ B \halfc, J.. A.ot h1ick
\! 1 j r>l1t1.1"" \I I ,1,~ f T ,1</11•1 JI \f t~/,r, J' P a\'IH, R B ,tti11g1·1. L 'it111 rk, ff T! '/,n It,, JI \I rCorklc
L J '""· , \J a1ht'\', /J T/<1 /l II R (,<11111, n 1 \/<1/th t'tl'S. \(. 'i (tlllf l , p T11J>J>. J) \1111J1~011, .-1 ( , rolhcch. L D t·atit-r
0 Allgoocl, F Andrrso11, B L B cnsou, \l B1 ork, \I. Brook.s, H Ca,npbtll, H De Costtr ,\J D1 /lou C, D on, H R (,01111, A (,rad). B }. Ilar //t'\, C. H enry, ,\1. H oek.H1a L ,\lan10/ , \[ '1au glia11. l ,\l c,\l,chat l, C l'cn{tl. G Paul .•\. Paul.H' II, r Pfa l:.g,af, B P onurov,) R1charcis. T 'ian111tfao11, (,, '>hinklt, D ',111llh
R \1on11s. l T au 1 uvi. J II a, rt"• D JI 1/~011, B II olf R Dorr
Uobt•r t11 Don , Pu1llltut, I 1/111a P/ah~u1f, I 1Ct-Prt\ldl'l1I; flch11 Hut h <.n1111, \tncta1y; U1lf1t ? 01111 "'', I' tt·,1~111 n
Th e future H orn c-\ l aJ...er,, Club is Conned \\1th the pu1po:.e o f learning 10 J...eep a n1o<le1n hou~e fhe1e ,,ere three da'-Se:., each o f ,,hich na,e o fhc c1"ll \\ho fon n a counci l to go,e1n theu duo. Tht, hold regu lar n1onthh m eet ings
R oberta Dorr wa, cl10,cn to l ead them for the past ,ea1 as p1es1<lcnt of their council. H c1 ,l\si-,tanb ,1c1e , e 1n1 a Pf a ltgraf. ,1ce - P1 e:.11lent. H <:len R uth C... ann. )eocta1,, a ttd B illie P o 1nc1O), Trea:,,urer
1 his ,car each 1n cn1ber strhcd ,er, ha1d to 1cccne he1 <legtee. f he1e are two po~1blc
Jun io1 H ome- \f al.er and F uture H oni e- \f aJ...er
I he--c ha,e been ,er, acthe and a n1 b 1t 1ou~ gtoup~. fh e ir fir-a 11ndc1 taJ...1ng \\as noon • lund1cs, ,1 h 1ch \\ere e:-.tre 1ne l ) success ful I he) spo11!>01ecl a Future H on1e~:\ f al.ers \f eel- an i he l ped with Cou rte'S) \\ ee~. \\' uh ru one, frorn their financia l u n de1 caJ...ing-, the, bu il t !>hchc-, in the l.itchen and bought a 1uu ch-needed elecrnc clocJ...
1 hc't ,,·er e bus) and efficie nt H on1e-:\ l aJ...e1s \\hich ha,e n1 adc then cluh a ncct.-ss for the pa,t ,ear.
A l1lnrt111, \I A \1g11er I ] A. t11. B J H artle\,] Bloo111 ,\f H opkins
B. ] \J attln•u•(, P ,\. uliols, R Don T l<111ella, R P o111ernv, J \011, E G,lchnt ·st D C.01111<111 , J Ttl1111 c 1 E Ll o,·d d Ja cobs, L flt ckt:), A Dt'ffenbaugh
The D1 a1nat1c Clu b, ha,c g1,en ,onie ,er) ,,01th -,,h 1l c pla,s this ,cat
J'\hss Pt iest s D1 ama u c Cla--s prc~nted : " fh e \\ hole rruth , · the , tot \ of a n heuess and an English L ord. in "h1ch c, ct, one pretends to be so 1neone else until m1d su1nme 1 c, c, ,, hen the , each gi, e then u ue i<lcn t1 t,. " l he L i nlc Da r ling ' ,, herein \ iola tales c, Cr) thing a,, a, fro1n her ) ouuger s1'>te1. r. leauo1 until the · Ki d"' ,ister rebel-. a nd s,n es F lcano1 s foot hall he10 ho1n the clutche, of\ 1ola, " I he Cou!>in £10111 \\edcn ,' featut~ two ,ociet, g irh \\ho arc d1cading a ,i,it {10111 their Swed1,h cou,i n \\hen ,he 1nopponu11eh an1,t~ ttan s the tabl es an<l the soc1e t , girls apo log i, e !01 their 111hgh 1ng-,
\ l iss Fan ban k s' D1 a n1 a ll c C l ::i,11es p1cse11tecl · " I he Clod." a tr agic s lor) of the Civil \\ ar . :n ,\ h 1ch the Clod aucl he1 h 11sbancl are holherccl h) '\ orther n so ld1e1 s thus gi, ing a outhern sp, hi e; c h a n c.c to c<,cape " 1 he ~r a n in the B ow l e1 H at, " an ol<l fa ,hi one<l 111elodra 111a I he H ero lo ses the ticl-.ct to th e bo, in \\ h1ch a fa n1on s ruin is c; tor etl, a nd it is onh after an irat e fath~1 catches up ,, 1th hi s danghte1 and clhpo,es o( the villian that the nn ,ter\ of the ru I)\ is oh c<I.
\fi .,s C h a ndler J'l Sponsor o f a Puppet Cla~ he has fl\ e girls ,, ho n1 al-.c th eir Pupp et,. paint the sccnc1, and cl c.,1g n th eir ,tagc 1 he, p1 cse ntecl " C1 nde1e ll a," £01 1\hich hc1 s tud ents
\\' Tote the pla} and coo l-.. the ,oice pans
Dra1nat1 cs is 1nclce cl a "01 th "h1lc ac th it, It de, c lops phon et i ca lh acce ptable speec h an.t th e personalities of ou1 s tuclc1n ~: 1l helps good posture and aids ,tudents \\ho ha,e tal e nt and are int ctcslc d in the stage co indulge in an c:-.ter n a l n1anifes talion o f these interests
A I Co, f lllf/11 '/"" t, I d1tcn \/ 1 11111 /)11/ 011 (" 1 a/cl C1111/cl Rill I / ants .-I rt I <1110, Ltlul J ll an11, Bll\lllt }} \ f (Jllll 1'l'I ,.. \l1 /d1l'tl I-J ,•t1th 11 '"'"' fl ,llt'gn,d. Rt1111 v I c. fnt ,,,. (,ou/011 \1111 , r, [;oh To,lr11 \1 ,11, Aa\ I l,011uH, i_i.,/1/111 l lu// J 110111J>H111, ,\Ial\ Ll/t11 1'o,rr
l ,c1, ",cn101 ha, ,,a1 n1 and <.hu ,,heel nH.n\one, ot hi, ,e.u, Il l (,olden Hi gh. \n<l so ea<.h ,c.11 Jt ,.., "1th a111i<.ipation that ca<h ,tudcnt loo\--, fo1 \\,Hd to the puhh<.,Hion of the ~chool 1)1,11, alia, · I he ',u1101 \nn11al. •
\\ e, ,,ho h,l\C h,tcl the g1e,11 pka-.u1<. o f n1al-111g th1, ,ou1 n1cn1or\ hool-. ••ue p roud ancl h,lpp, to }He,ent · J ht (,olden D unon." the pto<luct o l \\eel-., of diligent \\Ork and concc1u.·d <.ffotl. \\ c unh hope 1h,1t ,011 \\Ill chen,h 1t as 11 1uch a-, \\<.: ha,e enJ<>\ed \\Orl- 111 g on 11 and that a, \cl\1 t11111 <.<1<h p,1~c ,cnt \\ill h<.: 1e1n11Hled of the glor i ou;. n1<.:n1orie- of £0111 ,cat, \\ell , pu1t 111 the. Dtnion, H a,c11 \II (, 1.111t, \h R e.·, ,UHi :\!1,s fanbank, ou1 ,,01t ln ,pou,01:., \\O ri- eel like llue Dcn1ons t(\ 111al-.<. th1, th<. bc,t p11hli<at1on po.,.,ihk. -,o ll 1s onh p1opc1 that the, s h ou ld rccci,e fn ,;t n1cntion fen the ll pa t1c11 t and u 11111111g "01 \-
J n oule1 10 pi e,ent th 1, 1llu, t i.n1,e hook 0111' the ,eL-.,\lile \ f an h.a \ l ho 1na s a:. out \\O tt hv r< htor (OU)d ha\L 1nad<.· 11 the \\I(((,, that JI '' l-l cl a,,1s ta lll Editor. Pew \nu e Cla1l-. h) coop<.1auon ,llHI l-ccn 11 1t c1<·,1 did hct hc\t
The ",pent., dn1'1on ha, heen ,1clcquateh .uul e,c it cclh handled h, 0111 l-ecnl) alne an•l ,po1 t, nundecl c.01nn1<.nt.Ho1 \I ( 01 frn an
\f ilched Tl caLh \la1 , i' llen \ OHL, , U Hi ( ,e1ald C.ould a ,t,1ff a~ 1,tanh ha,e g i,cn i n spiration ,UHi haHI \\Olk Lo ou1 puhlica11on
" I- ff1denc, · 1, th<. ,, oul that he,t clc,n I hes cHll B11 -.1 n c,s \ I ,u1agc r Ethel Jane H a1, c, B, th<.: ,,,,c ha1ull111g of 0111 fund, ,he dul a g1eat deal £01 thi, " Bi gge1 and Belle r \nnual '
I he \Ian about I o,\n and high p1e~111e ,alcs n1,tn J ohnnie \nd erso n was in cha rge of 10011 acl\ c1 ti ,i ug It 1, to h nn "c en, c a g1 cat dea l o f out re, enuc Otn out of lOWn ach e rt1 s 1n g ,,as ,e1, ,nt<c,, ful clue tu the chl1gc111 wurl- of \\ a\ ne Il ,llega1cl
I u thc,c ,,ell l-.110,,n D ernon , \\e 01,c out annua l ,ale-., fi en n , L e F a, 1e C.01cl on \finer an<l nob I a,l01 ,l-.,1n<kcLecl ou1 ,ale--. to a p1e,iou,h unhca1d of total. (,ood ,1<nl.. bo,s!
Bill ll a11 i , ktHJ\\ll a, R c1 n lnancll out \1 l Di rec.to,. ,ho\\ed g1~al a , thllc abilil) b} h is clc,er a11d hnllta 111 ,1-e 1d1c, "h1C h n1acl c out ,\lllH la l a "01 k of wonder \ l ei na Dill o n an auist in her own 11 gh t ga,e he 1 111 111 the 1nte1c,t o f 0111 D c1non P a l ette.
' Get ,0111 pi<t111c, 1akc11 hc fo1c I rida~ "a,; the ,et) fa1 nilia1 er, a bont chool. The one 1e,po11,ihh. fot that annou11c.e1ncnt "a\ Elon I hon1p,on, 0111 photograp h et H e wa, e, e11 "hct <. 1,clu 11cl the. 'il:-tgc for pl.n ,. at l he IO , a1 cl lin e fo1 football a u<l al the basJ..et for basl-.et • ba ll \ll t h1, tool-. Lune wh i ch he ga,c "il l1n gh r h an l-, a l o t 1'.lon , \\C o,,e )O n a great cleal