D e d ica t e d to a ll Th e G o lde n Hig h S c h oo l B oys who a r e in Th e S e rvi ce
D e d ica t e d to a ll Th e G o lde n Hig h S c h oo l B oys who a r e in Th e S e rvi ce
\\, th1.: Right 11011.,rahlc Cla~.., of 1942 of Golrlen IJi~h Sd1uol, Golden, Colon1do. bei11g, we huJh , of sound 111111rl 111d 111 po-.,e..,,1011 of h.11 f n t our ,vit,, do hereby 1nake, pul>h,h, ancl declare thi s to h( our Ja,t \\'il1 and te,tan1tnt 111 111,inncr .111d lorn, iollo,, 111g, hen:hy rcyok111g ;111y \\ ill, or "ilb. here-to-fore 1nadt• by us
J 1r, ,1111dl·
i, the rlt: ,k, and u11r hd1,11f
f th,• fjr..,t part: \Ve do give all stul, pt•ncils. di,c:irded notebooks, and cht'\\ 111g gun, ,,·rap11cr, found all l>f Hett) \dan1-. note to I-tarry Crain, to John l-L1r,·cy as co111pcns.1t1011 for hi~ hard \\ ork in
• C'(o11d ,1rtidc ,f thl' 'l'Cond part: \\\· do gnc.:: the Junior Class a 111ixturL of a11 our t<:n1p<.r,11nents and the s\\·clle<l hl 1d Ii~ fitt 1ng all S1.: 11ior"
\\ c, till• ~1•nic,r Cl.1 11f "42', <lo hereby bequt•ath our nu1nernus pos,t ''-ion, thus:
Hc1 t, •\da111h \\ 111-. her "Lat 111 the trolley to ·ryra Sann1el-.011
CriU."C \Jtkcnhl,111 ,, ill-. 111:r accent, with due n::.pLLt, to 7'li!:-s Fairbank:-.
l,uldic \llgood k,I\ c, her peppy ,pirit tll the Pt·p Club for u:-c in futurL gan1c:;.
r co11 B,1cl11na11 IL•,l\·l•s hi, ,vre-.thng ability to oth1..r ':ilr11gglin~ student
lh·ll, B.,rl, ll·a, c, hl'r bot tlc of pt rox1dc to Floyd Frcdcrtl·k.
\!kn H, a rel \\ ,II-. hi long C) ela..,hc, to Betty II all
l)arnll H1u1k '"ills hi, ,,ay with Proi 13i~hop to Starh., l)effenbaugh.
Chf lord Bodh "ill, lu, S,,•cdi-.h accent to L1..Ro) \ .tll Scko) k
lack HnuH:I lea,l'' his 111an-1nountain ,izc to Gill Cnrb1tt
• Franklin C:1lk1n::s \\ ills hi:- cluck ,valk to H itlcr ':, goo,<.: :,tepp111g anny.
l.,.11irel Cahnctt lca,l-s her ''Bill-.·', fin:,ncial and other\\i-.e to ~fcrlyn \'tics' collectiun.
l)on l'h11rd1c-, h.:a\'c, :111 lu-. ic1nini11l ,11ltnircr:,,
Jl,HlllC Co ll':1\ c, her lo,·l· of airpl,u1e-. to all con1ing ,\ir Corp cadets.
11 :irry l r,1111 \\ ills hi, height to En1ory Clayton.
J t ,\llllcltt l rain l"Ould lea, 1.. Bo, cl, but 1t ,, ould on]) lea cl to th e "\voodshed ".
l "olken f.'ill· lea, e, her good-neighbor poilc) to\\'ard S, uth \n1t.!rican -.tudcnt:, to Charll'ne Lan7.i~.
l)un (Juan J Flt'111111g- le:1\'c, l11s photogc:1Hl abilitiv, tc :\Iary •\nn 1'.ellogg
Charil- (,th 011 \\ ill, hi, end po..;ition in the football lint-up lo a11yo11l "ho 1, bn\1nd co end up that ,va).
Chuck (~oudge ,,•111,, his p ersonality to n1orc people \\ ho think they could do ,, ith hi, good-nature and crazy 1d1.:a:,. h '" l\ t·r cr.,ck-pot they ,nay l:>t'.
:-01,ir) Crady \\ ill ht•r l1J\'C of the ~;n'} to c\'eryonl to kt·t:p the 11atio11al 1noral, up.
l.(11:, llall \\'ill:, her l,1ve tor Chuck c;oudgi.. to r;den ~laughan.
I >11n I lednd,:s lea, cs bis ,1ld ··puddle-ju1npcr'' to ~It~,; Gr.t)
~1:int• I tr,w.,rd ,viii~ her ,1nt1pathy tO\\'arcl dog-. to Cati i11a \'an Tu) I \licelcc Jacob-, le:l\c:, her ballet ability tn anyone \\he ,\·,1nt, It-( P. S • You Can't Tak<. It \\ 1th You" 1.
C',11ncra-fil'll<l Boh Johnson h."a\'e, hi, can1Lra and col1ci.:t1on to :\Ir Rex for future tl'-c
Bill Log..in ,vill, to an)·1111c \\·ho 111:cds a lantern a rt·d one
l..c,hc lll'cd, e\'eryth1ng he ha-., ,o he :,ays. 10h11 ~l.111g:1n Ila,'-'' Iii, pink check, t11 an) .111en11<. ,ottl l.,(•ft'll,1 11 a r ke,· ka, e · her bubble-gun1 to Gia th·, Ga rran1onc and her collet:tion of op<; ra pictu rl, t P Franci:, Lcept•r ,\nne \lartin 1~,ncs her ttlliet ,,ay, to Dorothy Richard"'
John .:\l.1,un will, l11s rattle-trap and flat tirt·s to all cnuplt•, \\'ho l'0111c hon1e late.
]1111 :\l:itth<:\\'-. \\'111, hi:- manh ph),iquc lo Frank) fraucnfclcler
\1111ahellc ;\f augh:in k•ayes her pep to l)onald R 1n1 tettcr long rna) it live.
:\largaret 1(.iugha11 lea\<.', her qu11:t \\:t), to the Ju111or Cla,, as a \\hole--thcy nLe<l 11.
:\f,1riant1(' ~:q,icr ,viii., her "Sinful ~oul" perftunc tc \Jar) .-\nne Signer.
ILIJa lea\'es her '' Peck" to alt cute httlL chicks.
V1•hna fe:111 Pfalzgraf lc1,c-. ht::r Zoot Zun·· to all con1ing St·ntor:;.
Ed Pike lea\l'' Clara llick, to go,ern thC; tudl·nt hod)
l:J.1rh·1ra l'ulky will, ht•r dra111at1c ahilit) tn next year"- ~cnior Pl.t) ca,t-they \\'ill ncec.l it.
Hillie Pon1erll.)' \\0 1l1-, hlr freckles to R.u thy O\\·cn
( 'h1•slt.'1 kohi11,011 has left hi!- lo, c for Lorraine l-l IL k1:)
l•,·1 Ro111n1ll• "all5 her natural \\a,e, to ~Ir. :\l1tchell
.\g11c- 1-<otbl' lea\'l:-. her hor"l'' to thl ll. S. C,\\alry-n1a)lic on second thought, ~omcthing a little.: 111nre ,table.
\nna :\I.tt' Rund will, her pro1npttng ,1biltty to anyt•ne \\ ho r11is~1:-. a CUL'-ball.
J1tt1•rbug Shallcr \\ill-. hi" dancing ability to Bernard Claar
I~·stcr ~hall,1b,1 rgcr ll a, c.,, hi, elegant clnthe, to E,e1 ett Thotna s. l£lira b1.: th ~hl'J>a rd wil b her speed-den1 011 ability to all Dt·n1011, and Dt:n1oncttcs \\ ho \\ ant to get to H ca, u1 111 a httrt)
.\lcrto11 Signc>r ,,·ill:, the hair on hi-. rht ,t t o :\Ir. Ilre1 nt·cke.
l)ick $1111th lca\'l.':. hi~ \\ ilhn~ne-,s to c1t appk pie-. tl- the Hontl Ee D<.partn1c11t.
Ju111nc ~on leave, her hab) Bob to ).11ry l)c.: Boer.
J e<1nnc l'anncr "ills her ,vay with <: :x-grads to Jcs,ic Bloo1n.
l hlhert "l\•rn..,t ron, \\ ills hi, Beulah to l Iilbtrl 1\:r11,tro111 \\',111) Tucker "·ills l11-. Cac;ano, a charrn and curls ti) Joe Ruptak
~I.try Jo.in \ ':,che r ,, ill, 1 er JOit) 11 ,1 ture to rc -infn rc1.: Dora Sn11th. Randall \ icnot will, h1, ,~·a) "1th Coad, \n1kr,011 10 ·tll con1111g ).1anual ·rraini11g ,tudents. \\ arn.:n \\',dlalc lla,·e-.. his lovi.. for 111:ichintr) and grc,15e to I)nn, Tibon. \l·conl1ngl), Cle1111 \Vord cn lea\"e:::, his ::,qttct.ZL-hox to ,01111,;bo<ly \\ ho 1, in a tight ,quce.zc <Jrn1al \ V.1 t,l)n k•;n e~ l11s for,, a rdncs-. tn J i,11 1 ·aylor Last, hut not lea..,,, C. h.1rli..s l1111111cr li..a\'c, his "~la<l Ru l>~ian" laugh to Hill .\1tke11hca<l. • \\"c, th1.: Cla-., of Fort) -l\\'O, a-; and for our La:,t \\ ill a11d T1:sta1ncnt, do hert·b, 111ake. l'on.;t1tute, and appoint ~Ir l<cx to hi: ,,ur exccutur of this La,t \\'ill and Testanll'tlt
] .\CK BRt, NEL
T/i,y xay Jack'R n, r,·r ber n ki-11sed ! Rut hf' don,n't k111J1t' tl'l,at 1,e ha-11 111iJ1Rtd.
]E \NNE Cox Of l'o11r11r now, Jr'111n, Co.r J.111't a /rllnr1• 111 xrltool don't likr the W'1!/ slie 1rn/J.-11.
FR .\ :-J 1'
CALh I:-; s
F rank iJt ralf11 a buddy. An<l, oh, hou· lit dont Jot udy.
Ilnrr!f Crain j,., lo11p and In nkJI, o nd trith /11-t !"JI' he's really NU;'nll1,IJ,
Ilere ll'I' hat•e fftlf1d olri Dean lt'ttl, a ,,.,,, ile t I, at' it rea ll11 1.:ren.
JE \N~ETTE CR \I '.'I, You all know Jea11nrftl' Rh,'11 go far, 1,•e're wiU i110 to brt
I)o~ C'Ht RCHE, II rrr'1t Don II, 't< 1 eall!I quite a "J 1,1111 ",
/lra'., Dt1n Fl, 111it1t1, 11/ u·11111< ,:l,111<i1111 I hr U'lllllllillp,
Lois flALL
S/,r If quit, a rlo/1
CH,\RLF..S G1nso~
i-;,.,,.,-1,luuly trill 1·r,11r11,brr ·•<;ii>'', nn,l t/,11/ rd11'f nn /ii,.
d (lfJf/1[ IIJ l()T f j,. /)r111
B ntrirklf. Hr 11,,,, r ro1,1l'lrti111' 1111tl ,,,., , r kiel,11/
('u \RI.ES Govor.1-:
J'nu 1111 I.now ('l,11rk II, llfl'fl ' ,,nHlfr,. 11,r 11 url,.
l\L~IE Ho,, \RD
l l ,11 j,. gr /" nil /111
/IUJllf ll'ht' n xl,r 11•111},1< J,,r pr.-tty fl/l''1
J\L,nY G1< \I ' \ '
1hr 1~,d •hr rnm,·1< i'11 ,x kind of x/111,Jy
" Jal.. ," ,,. full n/ 1•iu1 "ll(l 1•ior,r "ntl xi,; ft'I IIIJI c·utx q 11il1· a I i1111 ,v !
Bon ] OH '-i so:-;
',.rt 011 1111 /i.,t '" Bnl, ll',. w,•1, 1c<J11rfrdn11 1/ l,r
X1('1J-N/ f/111( /i(lf f, 0111 t1 gob •
LORETTA :\1 \RKEY l'm, r "l, orct" What 111111 111',,d,, lo get ci 111n II i.v a net I
Yn11 ran 11,,,,. /di 11lJ(J1t/ Bill H r" ltor,t tn fitl.
\'.'.~IE :\l \RTIN
Hn, '11 likablr Annie. f 11, 111ie.<-.<hf 1fo1•x11't /,11n, any.
lf a r 111 o 111" Jl<r rel , II c 1rnr/.:" ,,1, nt y lt<lrtl.
]OBN :\1.\SON
JOH"},f \ '-<~ \~
C11111i11u IIJ• 11;.rt ix
• 1'ort11•/111u". .J,11,: f,11 t11fi,j,.,, nm/ you'll or.f 1110,-,•.
]IM ~l.\'TTHE\\ S
ThiH 11 1111• quy //,al tlit111·t bri110 her /llf'/l!J j/011.'t'III
,\x X AIIEI.l.F. i\IA t l~H \,'.\"
l'fl l.r a t1li1111 '" al ,11,nabrUe. For hr, 111,11111 " frllo11·' f, II ~f
\.El M.\ PF u.z<;RAl-' l/1111 i.• 1/ie uirl that l',11,, built.
nil ltrurrl of Bil" p,,,.,.. .-;1,,, like>< lo Hlurlul
E11u1E Pi.KE ·rreasurer
n·,- 'It nl U'lll/11 ,,,,,,,.,,,b,-,- E<l, always llltr u,ttin!I 011l of ,,, ,1.
B.,RB.\R \ P oi LY II r lrn1r Barbara I'r,/1 ,, 11, t•r r met tll 1,;,r folly.
BILLIE P O\IERO'l llillrr Po,,,rrn!I iii xhy anti coy t
CH F., rf: k Rou1-.,;'.'>o:--
Clirt lo1·,1t 111 " /•I I"!
Bon S11 \1.1 ,ER 11 ,,.,..,. old Boli ,\l,11/(r ll r's r111it,· n •Fel/11r"
•• 7
F, \ Ro,1, ,n Secretary
Tr, lint, In 11,i },,•a lea11 r for 1('/un ,;l,r {IOt'll 1r, nil 11• 11/ (Irv• r,·.
LESTER SHELI. \U.\Rl : ER (,11ocl ol' l ,elf know11 ltol!' lo dre1111,
G'\ ES Rot -;E
..:1 t .J p1tr1< Ro 11xr ti" 11 f1rr ,w,1• l11l,:i11v n 1,rrJ. ll , 'II k i 11 llt1• 1l'olf tl,at ve/lx ",rk 1"
EI lZ.\llETH SHEP \Rll
Tflll Nl10111ri Rrt· • l,q, 111 "' t hat car aro1111d
\ ,:,.; \ \{ \E R u:,.;o
Yo11 n,·r,•r know .Somrrla11 l 1111<1 li ar 1
\lERro-.; $1<.,'-J-.R \ 1cc-prc,1dc111 ,ind herr .-11 :U ,·rt ,",' 1v11rr. 11 , chn.,e11 af l f'r a1111 figure •
Dtc.K S~U'fH
Tnk, a look at Dick Smith. lt'1t 1tomtthrnv 11011 dnn'l u·a11t to m,,t with.
n all11'1t a n, ic on tf,iit y,ar But whl'n /,, T,av,1t we'll aU 11/r,rf fl t,nr. (won't w, virl~ l)
J ,an,.,. Son iii ,0111 "I fun
• \ ,\) --N- ' 1 1.\RY Jo \N \' \CHFR .Y,:rt, Jl ar11 r acl,,r Irr hrar 1th,'a quilt a lw11h e r
lT',. all likr J ea11n, l'nnnl'r. I 'll b,t 11h, 1u,s l p1111tr.
B un 'f ER:\ STTUl ~I
(; orul nld B 11d 1'rrn11trcu11 H e's big 111111 thl'n 11011111.
H r It nic, to have ara111ul, 1/1111 R r,ndy, 'efl111t, with /00(11 miflltty ltandv 1
\V \RREN \\' \LL,\CE
n l1tr1 Wa rren uoe, <11t·au it will be a sad, 11~i day
J ·•
11""' ti z,,,,.,,,. """'4 Rut J,p· a fa1wfir t u H Mil,, t u "dr<111tc1lic:' rv111f/
.')/1 II / t \' Hori, Jae~· B1·11cdict B 01111i, Rc11so11 J~tlit•l flolcjak
L 1 Ure ,vsauglt ll,·h11 Ca111pbcll .lolz11 c·hasc 1: 111111 .\' ( lc1ylo11 l:./11•11 Corllra11
f'lorc11cr I 11dcrso11
Glad)'-~ Br11gso11
Jor/yne Bolla
Barbara R r11sh,, 1illcr
Bernard Claar
Belt\' Jo I 1;1rtlcy Lee flarl:; Jolr11 llarvc_v
La,l'r t11ce Gurule
Dick llarl::
JI argaret floekstra
l 1111abelle LoJ•d
Ji1n Kri~11ar
.---1 ilee-11 i1/acD011a/d
,l/ aas
Barbara .lltIV1llia11is
10h11 .lla, ,ca
H c/1·11
JI ester Kcu11cth ll 1ddlc11t1ss
llclrn ill a ug Ira 11
llar/cy l',1rJ1111s [Jc1111i., l'ik,•
II ii/is Jl/ orris
1'ir 11 i11ia Nici, Llt1111(· \c/11.vart=
C11ro/\•11 f>~r{tf f<ut/, OH•t'II C/Jcstc, Pt•fric I 'era Pay11c
l)t'all P11/;:1cr L,·v11a !'0111,·roy
• I /b,·rt Rob,•rfs .f, \'c, I< u ha rel.,· Stcrll,t r )-1 n:a,
.S Ii 1rh•y BllSSt'rl ~h,rley C ltaro11
Eugc,,c Brow11
.l1llz11r ( on1bs Eddie Cor/111a11
,\Jaric !Javis
Dorothy Chose Darthea C11stcr
.lla,y DcBot•r
!l/,~abcth D11pp111a 11 llc11ry Eh 111011 1.:ra11 k Fratt, 11/<'ldcr r,•01111,· J~rrdc, iclt
;;,<., ~ Roberta Dtllou
I Jlarold Eh,11a1t
Ir iilia Ill J<o,ve
Tho111as R,ni'i' Dorothy R1c/rards
ll1•rbcrl Schlaff111a11
!> ,11ald S 1J11t/1
h,a .S',,•111 gl e ,--e, ~,,,,
!)01 tS \.,__ Tilso1t ,
C. it 1•st, C. Drrri11g, J ('hc1s1•, C ll'ilcox, II ll'c.st
c· (,'1bso11, L. c:11r11/i. L Baclz111a11 (Captain) Co.,cll E. GR..\:"\T
G \,\'es t 1 L, Conference Chatnp 1
C. Deering 2 L, Conference Cha1np 2
J Cha,e 1 L. Conference Charnp 1
G. \Vilcox 1 L, Conference Cha1np 1, State -4-th
1-1. \.Ves t 3 L, Captain-elect, Con forence Chantp 3
C Gib-.;on L, Conference Ch,11np 1
L. Gurule 1 L, Conference Cha1np I
L Baclunan Captain, Con f ere nee Chatnp 1
Co ,cu
C S1111ps1111
B Btt< Ii
B Fosler
.l/. I ·a11 1l ' 111 klc
D Pike
J Tavlor
F / ,{':'/>('Y
D lle1ro11
n Puh·<'Y
B Shall.•r
J Fcc1tltcr D L11dd111Rlo11
J. Jla11ga11
l/ ll cCorklc
/? ~•c"t'
l/ • I S 1°11rr
J/. l Kello'"' ~:....
• I Dahl
L K.·rr
C C,'c>11cl;;.1
J Go11d.r: c (, .·-Ida 111s
I! C<·ri111<111 I~. /l,0111as [).,(i,·11l1a ugh
Cn \CH. r~ REX
lJ Harb, Prt>s1dl'11f (. C,011dgc, ~\'ccrc/111 y
JI .'i1~11cr, f 1cc-pr,·s1d,•11t
El cch.·tl 111 1942
J > 1:1c111111g
• J J11col1s
L .llarf.1)' 11 f>ikc
B •') l111ll1•r
J Ta1111cr
Ju niors
Elected 1n 1942
!> I?aJ11s/t'lf1•r ,l/, J .)1g11cr
FJ Hurl,. c·. Goudg,·, l/ ') lf.!l/1'/', I> /'/1~111i11g, • I. J11co/1s L. JI111k1•\•, L !'1l·c. B Sliall1•r, J Ta1111tr. I) J?,1111st, flcr ~cntor..,B .•,Jitkc11/zcad, c; ,Ji,tk,•11l1t·ad, B Rarb. D. Flc111111g. C. Go11dgl'
.4. Jacvbs. L ,1ark,·y, J J/aso,,. I'.. Pike, .lf .Y1g11c1
P re-,c nt ed in 1941
B Bari,
D. Flc111i11g
C Goudie
L. Jfarkcy
JI. S1~11er
Presented in 1942
B •1it kt·uh ead
G .4 ,tkeuhcad
., I Jacobs
J ,\fe1so11
E Pike
Hob .'i 11,zl/,r, Editor
1:ra11k ( ,1/l 111s
C/iarlc.s 71111111,·r Rarl,ara l',,ll,·y e,·n,t(' litk·,·11/i,·ad R,·11_,, na,.t, .1/ary. /1111( 'il_!_!ll('Y
JI ,·rly11 I ',t,_ s I<uth (),,,, 11s B1//ic !'0111, rt y L<t>lta /'0111t'rvy • l 111111l>,·lh· Loyd Barbara Br11.slt1.vill,·r J(·a11ctfc ("rai11
Sro°"'~oR :\IISS Cl I.\~l)LER.
Le'.; tt llac Jsl,ill, I'rc.std,·111
Bib 5/rallcr, Secre tary
J 01111 lf aso•1
De II Fi, 1J1 1.g
.llcrto,1 .~1g cr
C'l.'crcll Th 111a.s
Franca L, J>cr
c-111,cl.· Goudg, Jack G'oudg,•
/J',11 C,a1111
Ha"c Id 11 ' , st
C. lyd,· D, cri11g
D.cl? L,sco
Dick .Sn, lit
Chuc!..• G1bso11
Don ( hurclzcs
B11/ •..Jitkc•J1lu.•ad
Leon Bac/11,1a11
Gill l~orbitt
Pat 1·achcr
f~ichard I /art= Glc 1111 1da111s
r11111abellt· lla11gl1a11, Prcside11t
llicl'lcc Jacobs, 11 ic!'-/'n .sid,·111
Laurel Caln1t•ft, Stcrctary
Jlary .'11111e S1g11<'r
Letty K1•rr
Jean .-Jllgovd
Jlargarrt \laug/,a11
Opal .'lllgovd
Dons Baker
Plzylhs Korbrfrlt
Jlary , 11111 Kellogg
BettJ• \ f 01111011
/'atsv } 'ou11a ,.. ,\I argarrl Be11cll
l)orotlty 'J'ltoJ/111s
Joyce Ricltard.s
~llSS PRIF.S'f
,1largyc Tracy
Lo11ist Bcrni11g/ra11sc11
Reta Gt'< '
Bt•tfy "ldams
Jlario11 J[c( vrkle
B-.•cl\'11 If ,•1na11dt
Jea1111c c:ox
JIant 1-/cnvard
Bt•fly Barb
f 1•a1111c S011
1-lch II Jlc111glu111
Betty B, 11gfso11
• Illa Ha, 011
Lo 111sc [) 11 /'/' 111a 11
lltcc [>alt/
Bob .':>holl1•r, Prcs1dc11I
f]l1eabeth .Yhepltard, T'1ce-pr1•sidc11 I
}1•01111,• Ta1111er. Sccn•tary
Char/rue u11.=1s
Da1111y L11ddi11gto11
Jlelr11 JI,·sfrr
f ·r,·a Pa ,•11c
/)011 [>('cir son
Rud Petrie
l)e11111s Pike
liddlL· !'1k,·
I 1rgu11a Rich
1.'l'<l Ro111a110
11 R<n('e
Tlto111as Ro·H1c
If" ,II U1JII R O'll'C
liar) Ellen Ru11J.·
Bud Trn1slro111
l?uss,•/1 Fripp
B,11 lf'aters
Gle1111 l1'ordc11
Char/ts Z11111ncr
[)011 I-Icrro11
Don H,•dricks
10h11 Han.•ey
C'l1cr,•lt flarp
Cal'l•1n Gunnc•ll
Jlar'I' Gradv
Cha~lcs Go;,dgc
Gle1111 Gorackt·
Iiditlt Gillchriest
Frank Fra11r11f elder
Colleen F,ie
Roberta Dillon
Clvde Deen11a
• b
Dart/,ca Cust<•r
Bernard Ciao,·
Grace .1-Jitkc11lzead
Alta Baco11
Gi•orgc Ball
.Jllc11 Beard
.Y 01•1 Beckner
Bob Beech
Bill B,N111rlfs
Sl1irlc1• Bilhs
Fred Birdsall
Clifford Bodh
Frank Calk111s
.\I I i II Jl/ cc·orkl,·, -~·1111,· f'r,•s1th Ill
.l!a g rrcf B,·11cll, l'rcs1de11f
I 111,.l>,•llc ,\:a11gha11, Pr,std, 11(
H1 tty .ld 1111r
G 'adys \lari , H,•11is1H1
/Jc 1111,, l.,c II H,•11s, 11 Brtty .!<all Bcugls 11
Lo111sc Bcn1i11gl1e11ts111
Sl11rl,·y Bussert
.1/ary [); 8 c1
C,, rgI,1 [), ,.,.
1f'i/111e1 Ji, ,,' /rt/
/'h.'llts Koci> tc"lt
Z1, I 1 /1111, L, p,·r
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),ye· l?rchards
I<ob/11,· forms
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l)orothy I 'c1,1 11 111/.:l:·
\"adi11r JI ' illi,1111s
( /11r,1 I li, J..·s
B,·lty Ila/I
J:.'li=ab,·th JJ11pp1111111
L,·tlJ• Kerr
J t'll/1111'/t<' ( 1'11111
J/ary • /1111,· '>1i11t•r
.1/ar.(!arcf J/a11[.!ha11
•-l 1111a he! I c .ll a ugl,1111
J,·01111,· Ta1111cr
Crt1cc 1l itk c11h t'ad
l.orcllc1 J\lark,~v
Jlaria1111,• 1Vap1rr
H,•fl\' B11rl1
Ht'fl\' la11c• J[alllzcu.1s
Ruth 0,,.,,.,,
Ha rl,o ra H r1tsh,,,ill,·r
!1arb11ra I'oll«•v
• Illa Raco11 • L1111i.,·,· JJ11pp111a11
Belly J !t'i11
Lorr11i11c L,,-.,,J,t'ad
I.vis Lisco
R,•ff\' .lla1111Cn1
Lu/[l/a f'hilva,v
/?11th Ra111.:if1•ttcr
'f'\'ra •1ia11111cls1111
!I°,ra '-,·"•i II g I 1'
c:111d\'s R,'ll(!S/111 (.:c111~"ia [)o~r
Edith Ci/1,·hricsl
I l,•l,·n .\la11;.:hc111
Pc·gg_\' ,\'icl,o/s
• l11n1,· ,)[arli11 [),,11 J?a111sltll,·r
]oyc1• l?ic'ht1rds
.l111111ita T\'s011
Clwrlc•s 7.i111111,·r
\ocl Rccl·11,•r
'ihir/cy Hillis fr, d Birdsall
I l,·l,·11 (~a 111{'bcll
.f ,·a1111c c·o.t·
l:a ric /Javis
:, 11111/,•y l),·ffc11ba11;.:J, 1/argar,•/ Jfo,•/,•strc1 ,\/11 ri1 11,nvard
llic,·I, t .la«-1,hs
C11/r•i11 c;11,111tll
JI ari1111 J/ c("orklt·
!>011 l'l'ars, 11
H 11/11· I', 1111 rc. \' Pat 'I 111ith •
J,'111111 '11 II 1/ ,·rly11 1 /l's
Hill 11 ·111,·rs
1:rc111I, Fra11,·11(eld1•1· /J11rotl1y l<ifh11rds
.l,·a11 lllgu,,d
Lo11isc Rrr11i11gh1111s,'ll
.1/c1rag11rct Rt11, II
c:;11 Corbilf
Flnwf Fri1dc•ricl·
Rct~, c;,.,
Glad,•s c:arrdJ/101/('
H1~tt,• I /all
l.11<"ill,· Ilarris
IJ'i/111a l lo,\'ard
Kc1111cth K o,·l1rit'h
!'al ricia Qw1i11ta11c,· (~11tri11c1 1 ·a11 1·11\'I
J;,·,·I_,.,, I I ·,·i:;1111di
Jfari111111t• .\"aph•r
•..J. l1cclce J acol,s
.f ,·a1111c Cox
Rob Sl1al/cr
( harles c;,n,df!.<
lf·all\' T1tCA'('r
Or 111,il lf'also11
Jack Bru11cl
.l ,·a1111r Tan111·r
D011 H,·dricl·s
John .llaso11
Charles Zi111111cr
] ('G II /It' ~">'011
Eddie Pik1•
Barbara Po/11·\1
Bell,• Barb •
Cle,i11 If ordc11
Bill Logan
f/,!b,rt T1•n1stro111
f? 1•/ f _\' .•l da I/IS
f)arrc/1 Bjork
( ·1trsl1·r l?.obi11so11
Bill Logan
c;rac1' , Ii t I·, 11/tcad
eti::ab,•t/1 .\It, pharcf
l.or,•f/11 Jf a1 l.:,•y
.f 0/111 ,\J a 11{!11 II
• Jll,·11 B,·a··d
I 1111<1 .\lat R1111d
h,·a Ro111a110
Bob Joh11so11
,\/ cr/011 \·1g11,·r /)t>11 1·1, 111111,1 .\lari1 l/o,('CI cl
J.~111·.s Rr•11.s,· Bill,,· ['0111<I()\' .lca11,·tt,• Crai,i .\lary (,rady
• l1111ic Jfart111
;1/ ar,• J olta1111,• / 'arhcr
1-A·.st:•, Slt,·llabcrrgcr
Randall I 11·11al
Har,\' c:ra111
Ri<"h1"i, d. :-,-11111/,
11 ·c1rr,·11 11 ·a/lac,·
1:11a Peck
1 c/111a J>[11/::graf
.\I iss ,.,, ic.st
11,s.s Gray
Senior Annual Sponsors' Page
Color ado Central Po,ve r Company
Deffenbaugh Lumber Company
Duvall-Davison Lumber Con1pany
Hertell Clot hing Con1pany
Lin der Hard,vare Co1npany
Son F lo,ver Shop
Chuck's 1,{arket an d Grocery
Gate\\·ay .- \ gency
Golden Furn iture Company
Golden i\Ierca nt ile
Telephone Con1pany
Safe\\'a y Stor es
Fair Store
Gregory J e,velry Con1pauy
Elli s Dr) Goods Co1npa11y
l'\Ietropolitan Barber Shop
Rice Bro t he r s Service Sta t ion
Gol den Service Station
J efferson County Republ ican
La r so n's Ca fe
Golden F ire B r ick Com pa n y
Golden ilill and Elevator Company
Oasi s Service Station
\Vood, Mortuary Incorporated
r\lpine Drug Co1npany
Dr. L C Ande r s on
Buckman Exchange
City Ta ilor Shop
Dr. H V Cra,vford
Fi r st ):ation a l Bank in Go lden
Ga1nble's S tore
Golden Hotel
Hud so n's Pharmacy
''i\l" Barber Shop
James .i\l cCall
Ha r ol d \rVard Gardne r
i\ l eyer's ~[arket
Xob le Ga r age and Top Shop
Red and Whi te Store
S hy-.~nn Groce r ) Company
Colorado Tran sc ript
Spa r ks Motor Company
Silver State Printe r s
Victor Elec t ric Service Company
J ohn Q .•\d arns
Buck-a- Roo In n
Ea s ttnan's
J immie' s Shoe Shop
Pa r a n1 ount Cleaners and Dyers
Peterson's J\Iotor Company
Craig-F r ede ri ck Chevrolet Compan)
Fos~ Drug Con1pany