-~=--, - ~ -...;:;: tj )=0 GOLDEN HIGH SCHOOL Golden, Colorado •
Behind us the pa~t; around us the present; before u s the future! Each generation o" es a debt to th ose ,vho have gone before, and has an obligation to tho se '"ho are to follo,v. The challenge lie s in recognizing our vast inheritance of socia l experience, and in so adapting it to the need s of the present day that our o" n Ii,·e~ and tho se of our children's children ,vill be enriched. ARNOLD.
, __
l\li ss l\Iah e l Bolitho
Tli1 1947 Denton
ROGER Q ~I ITCH ELL S 1tpcnntc11dc11t
HL'GH BFERS l'ri11cipa/
:\!..\BEL B JSHOP c; iris' I' /rysical Educat 1011
\ocia/ ':,c1u1c(s, Band
~1 -\BEL BOLI1'HO C0111111,·rcial
:\1 \ R 1' E \ TO X
':,!,op .\I ccl,a111c<1! Dre1H'III!/
HELF~ F \IRB \XI\.~ l nq/1sl,
ED~ \ FL~\UGH Jrl
J.:D~.\ C,R \ \ I ngl,sl,
1·1,c 19-li D(·111011
E \RLE JOH '\SO~ I' oral ,111ts1c
RO\\ EX.-\ 1'IXG Co111111crc1al
HELEX LL'DDIXGTOX If 0111( Ee, B,ology
HA ROLD :\IOE\\ ES ') ocral ,\ ncnccs, Football
:\1 \L'D PRIEST La11g11ag1'S, Dra111al1cs
ELGIX RE'\ ~cicncc
\Y.-\L TER ~I Olt.J:\f JI af/r(111at1cs
TH01f :\~ \ .\~~ILE\V Soc,al Sc1t'J1C1 s. f..11c1hs!1, Dra111alics
1'1-10:\f.\S \\ II.LI \11 S Boys' J>J1ys1u1/ Education, Basi, Iba/I
Third ro1c \ \ 1llia1ns. Slocun1, Bishop, Johnson. St'co11d ro,,•-Bccrs, }.foe\\ cs, Rex, \" assillc,,. l;ir.st ro,vBolitho, Gray, Pncst, Fairbanks.
l-"\\'1ntcr \\ onderland"
2-1'hc ong1nal "Barrel Full of 11onkeys"
3-Gol<len glamour
4- "Qu<:cnie"
5-Thc i'>f usic l\f an
6---" H utnpty D u1npty sat on a \\'a ll "
7-" L ovcr"
8-Thc Champ
9- Hor sc ea ti ng hay
6 /
-[ he 19./7 Dc111011
I Cl I I C L
A s s
CrEC)RC,I:\ B:\l'ER f'rcs1dc,1t
C,h.·e Club- I. .2, 3, 11clodear - 4
BFl 'J'Y \LL E~ ~pn11ghel<l, C)h10 - l. 2, 3. G. :\ :\ - 4 ; Pep-.1-Cola ~cholar }up conte tant-4
L<>I~ ~I.\Tl' HE\\ I ?1cc-prcs1dcn t Ptp llub - 2. 3, 4 , C, .A.. \ - 1. L.2, 3, 4 ; Ban<l-1. L.2 , L3, L4; F H .\ .- 1. 2; Dra1nat1c::.-3, 4
J O H N B : \RBO UR Pipc5tonc, l\Iinn.-1. 2; Boulder City. 1\cv.-3.
I<L'TII ELLEN' CR:\JG ~ccrctary
P ep C. luo-2 3, -4 ; G .\ .A.- 1. 2, Band1, L2 LJ, L4 ; Dran1atics-4; Glee Club-1. 3; 11elodcars-4; Jf aroo11 a11d H '!titc -4
C \R O L BE :\11AN' F H f\.-1, 2, G. A .•A..-1. 2
PEGGY BA.LL Treasu r er Band-1. L2. Ll, L-4, Dran1atics 1, 2, 3, 4 ; JI aroon and 11 /11/e-4, r\nnual ~taff-4.
~-\11 BECERRA \\ ' re s tling 1 ; Football -2, 3
1 ht 19.Jl Dc111011
Tht• 19./i Dc,11011
\ J BISH()P Sa,·annah. ~to - 1, 2, 3: Library-I: F. F \ l
Band-1, 1.2, 1 3, 4 ·rCllllh 2 L3 , 4 : \\ n.•,tling -1. <.. la,~ ~1:c.rLtar) -3.
FR~ EST l -\~l ER()~ Band 1. 2. 3 . \ \ n ., t ltng-2. Ll.
Ar, acla, Colo l ; 1\p C luh - 1, 2, 3, 4, (hLcrh:adcr 4, llass Tn:asurcr 1, F I I \ 3. 4, Dran1at1Cs-J, 4 ; ( )flicc J, 4
I,an,a, ( 1ty, ~f o. - 1, 2, 3, "un \ alky, Idaho 4, 1'rack 2, J
J<) \~ D \\IS (11cc Club-I. 2, J; ~[clodcars - 4; Pep C.. lub 1 ; Dran1at1<·, 4
~I \R'l H \ l \RPF,TFR /an{''' 11lc, C)luo 1. 2
LE():'\ \RD 01 Ll F \ alley Forge ~I1htar) .\cade,ny-1. 2, \\rcsthng 2. IJ, 14; Football 1.3, 14, 1' rack LJ, 4 , ( ,-l lub J. 4
Football-I. 2, 3, Band-1, 2, 3, 4
DONN.A. L0l1 GRA \ 'ES Pep Club-1. 2. 3. 4, Cheerleader-4, F. H A.-1, 2, 3. 4. Dramatics-I, 2, 3, 4. Canteen Board-4. Office-3, 4; Glee Club-1
ZELLA EH~f ANN Drarnatics-2, 3, F. H :\.-1. 2, 3, 4; Glee Club-1; Ltbrary-2, 3, 4
F ootball-1, L2, LJ, L4 ; Band- 1. 2, 3, 4 , Student Council-3; Canteen Board-2. 4, Tennis-2, L3, 4, Goldenairs-4; G Club-2. 3. 4; Track - L3 .
AL11:\ GRO\'E Buena \'1sta, Tcxas-1.
CLIFTCJi\' FREE2'IA1 Student Council - 4. Ltbrary-3.
Ba~kctball - 1, Student Council President-4, Football1, 2, 3, L4; Basketball-2, 3, 4; Track -L3, 4
JACK HA.OLEY Tire 19./7 Dc111011 •
Glee Club- 2, 3, 4; Pep Club-2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, LJ. -I. Dramatics-3, 4
C.\RC)L\ :\ HO\\ E Banrl- 1. L2, L3, 4, ~tuclent lounctl - 4; Glee Lluh-1, 2, 3; 11elockar:.-4; Pep Club-3, 4 , t\ at1011al Hon o r !:,ociety-3, 4, G-Pin-3, (, A \ - 1, 2, Peps1-C.ola Scholarslup , :\nnual Staff
D \LE H .-\l'~ Lake\\·ood, Colo. - 1 ; Ba sketball 1.
C,E<JRC,E J ER()11E Football L2, L3, L4, \\ re:.tltng LJ, Ba.,kctball-4, Track LJ, 4, G-llub 2, 3, ·t.
LE\\ I!:, H.<\ \\ 'LE\ Football 1, 2, 3, L4, 1'rack L2, L3, Gllub-2, 3, 4
ART 1'.R , \t..:SE Band - 1, 2, Ba:.kctball-1, 2, 4 , T en111s 2, LJ, 4, !:>tudcnt Cou11c1l 2, Class \ 1ccPrcs1dent I
11.\R\ Loe HC)U(7HTON Canteen Board 1, 2, 3, 4; G. A. A. 1, L2, LJ. L4, Glee Club-1; .\f arvo11 a11d ll 'l11tc2. Te11111s 2. LJ; Student Council 3, 4; ( la:.s President 2.
R:\ \' KR()EGER Football 2.
Th,· 19./7 Dc111ou
• 11
J ERR\' 1L \RI,S \\ rc:-.tling-L2. L3, 4. Track - 2, 3: Football -2 , G-Club - 2. 3. 4 FR -\XCES ).lORTOX Pt:p llub-2. 3, 4. G A. :\ .-1. 2. L3, 4, Band-1, L2, L3, L4 F H :\. - 1. 2 PEGGY ).L.\RTI~ F H. \ -1, 2, C,lcc Club-1. 2. 3. J r\).IES l:\E\\' ).f.-\~ Stuch.nt (ouncil-2, 3, 4; Football-2. 3; \\'rc,thng-2, L3; Track - L2, L3; GClub-2, 3, 4 \':-\LERI\ ~[ILLER ESTHER OCHS Syracuse, 1-;:an,;as-l, 2. Band-3. ~1 \RY .\~~E }.[O H LER Pep Club-2, 3, 4 ; C,. ~'\• r\.- 1. 2, 3, 4 ; Band - 1. 2, 3, 4 ; F H :\ 1. 2 JO.'\N OCHS ~yracusc, Kansas- 1, 2, Band-3. ' 1 he 19-li Dc111101,
Gl ee Club-4.
Glee Club-1, 2, 3; 1Ielodear-.-4, G .--\ .\.-1, L.2, 3, 4, Band-1, 2, 3. J/ aro o11 and Jl?J11tc-4; Pep Club 3; t\nnual Staff-4: Dramattcs-2
Dramatics- ! ; F H .•\ - 1 , Football Queen -4
Engle\\'oo d, Colo.-1, 2. 3, Football-4, Dramatics-2, 3, 4 • 1\' at 1onal Honor Society 3, \\ resthng-1, 2, 3, Track-3
Engle,vood, Colo 1 , Goldenairs----4; Football 11anager-L4; G-Oub-4
\ \'heat Ridge, Colo -1 , Pep Club 2, 3. 4, Library-2, 3, 4.
Pep Club-3, G A. A.-1, 2, L3, 4; Band1, 2, 3, Dran1at1cs- 2; F. H A.-1.
Football-2, L3, L4; \\ resthng LI. L2, L3 L4, Track 3, 4; G-Oub-1, 2, 3, 4.
19-17 Dc111on
:-.LA.RG.i\RET s:-.rILANICH C,Iee Club-1, 2, 3. 4
F H. A. - 1 , Pep Club- 2, 3 4, Glee Club -1. 4, G /\. A -1, 2, L3, 4; Band-1, L2. L3, L4.
P.\ TRICIA. !:,?\f 1TH Student Counctl-1 2, 3. 4: Student Council ~ccrt•tary----4 Band- 2. 3, 4 Pep Club-4. Dramatics-3, Kat1011al Honor Society- 3, 4: A.nnual Staff----4; Jlaroo11 and 1f 'l11h ----4. Pi: ps1-Cola Scholarship contcstant----4
Band- 1. L2, L3. L4 : F H A..-1, 2. 3, 4 , Glee Club-1, 2, 4; G A A. .- 1.
Dramatics-3, National Honor Society3, 4, F H A. -4; JI aroo11 and 11 hitc-4; Officc- 3. 4.
I(A 'I STC)R1f (,Ice Club- 1, 2. 3; 1felodcars-4; Dra111atics -4; Band-1, L2. L3. L4; Pep Cluh-2, 3. 4.
Band-I. L2, L3, L 4 , Glee Club-1, 2; Dramatics-3, 4, G. A.. A..-1, L2. I
• 14
The 1917
Glee Club-I , Band-1, L3. 4, Tennis Ll; C, A \. - 1, L3, 4, Pep C.lub-3, 4, Chccrlcadcr L
!{OBERT \"Ot:xc; Football-2, 3, \\ rcstltng-L3, 4; GClub-3, 4 h'..\ \ \\ l'fT
::\lILDRED \\ IEG::\1:\l:\ Salt Lake Cit), Utah 2. C, \ \ -3, 4, Pl·p Club-3: Dran1attcs 1 ; Glee Club2, 3, -t
.\'of Pictured
1f) rtlc Beach, S (.-1, 2, 3, Football-L2, L3 , Basketball L.2, L3 , Track L2, L3 , JI aroo11 and ff /11/c 4; Dra1nat1cs-4
LEOKARD HEIL::\lA.N Class President -3.
Bear Creek, Colo-I; Glee (lub-1; Pep Club-1, Dramatics-I, 3, 4
TO~I KELLY Band 1. 2, -t , Football-LJ, L4 , T cnn1s -t ; Basketball ::\lauagcr-4, G-Club-3, 4.
1\'ot l'ict11rcd
GLE~~ KLI:--:I~
Track-L.2, 4, Football -1, 2, \\ rcsthug2, LJ, 4.
Jl ~J<: :--:EL~C)N' (,Ice Club - 1, .1/aroon and II /11/c 2, 4, Pep C.lub 3. Drarnatics -3; C,. ,\ A. 3, 4, Office- -4
EDG:-\R SC.H.\EFER (,rlcley, C.olo-1. 2, 3; Fayette, 11le, N C4.
TI,< 194i Dc111011
15 •
/\Ian .\dams
Edna .r\gan
Pearl l\.kes
Ehnor Anderson
EYelyn Anderson
Bt 11111e .Anderlc
Harry .\rttmis
Ted Balderston
1Iary , \nne Barnes
Frank Baston
Jin1my Bates
(,eorge Beard
Laurence Billis
Barhara Booth
Dale Bradh.•y
Louise Bre,, saugh
Kathleen Bro\\ ne
Bob Campbell
Roger Campbell
\\ ade Carlso11
Ho,, ard Carr
Patty Carter
Kenneth 01urches
Louanna Churchill
Colleen Connelly
Clifford Coburn
Theltna Creecy
Thomas Dickinson
Donald Dillon
Kenneth Doran
George Ellis, Pres.
Pat Fertig
La\\ rence Gilley
(,Iona Haniilton
Betty Hardison
Doris Hartz
,\nita Herhst
Emn1a Hessler
Roblrt Hisel
Frederick Holstein
Robert H ubcr
Robert Jensen
\\ '1 ln1a Jones
Robert Knznar
Keith Liss
Paul Looper
Francis t[almgren
Louanne }.[ann1ng
::'\fanan }.!anca
Doris }.filler
Barbara }.f inntck
Don ~forse
Clifford }.f ornson
Janet }.l orrison
Lila June 1IcDo\\ell
LeRoy N'urnberg
Blyde Patty
Grace Petrie
Dorothy Philya,,
Bett) Lou Prou:.c
Dorothy Prouse, Treas
Bernadltt. Recd
).{ary Jean Reimer
l\f crna Rhoades
Harold Rogers
Rose 1f aric Ro\\'C, Secy.
\ \ ' 11lis Ro\\'e
Lelabelle Shephard
\\1lda Snulcy
Eunice. Smith
\ \'ii ton Sollenberger
J~ck Stevens
1'heltna S\\ ishcr
Theron Tinke r
Dale Tit s\vor th
\ olanda 1 r H'Y
Lila \' anderford
Dean \'an Scoyk
Lois \'an \\'1nkle
Lillian \' 1les
l\lary \\ ebste r
Carl \\ 'es t
Chnst1ne \\'h1te
Ted \\ ichmann
Patsy \ \'ilhams
Tiu 19../7 De1uon
..... • ~ll_!!!ll!!l!'!!il!!'!!'.'!!114 .1-_j
Pa tric1a 1-\llen
G" eneth An<lcrle
George .'\,rtcn11s
Eugene Bachn1an
~Iarilyn Bailey
Gilbert B ay
A bn er BccLrra
Read Beers
\ \ aynl Banger
PLggy Diltz
Robert Durant
Harwood Longruirc Pegg) Sunpson
Don :-.latllot
Carol Si\ crs
Ernest Ehmann I,cnneth 11aln1gren Cec il Snuth
Jean Fertig J can :-.1 arrtott
Delores Fountain I rcnc ~1arrtott
Diane Gates
Stanley Gordon
Pc1uline 11arriott
Douglas South
Lee Sn1<ll'r
Robert ~p1ndcn
rn a ?\11dd lennss :\lex Sproul
\·ernon Graham Keith :\I 1z11er
Patricia Taylor
Betty C..raYes \ \ 1llard (),, ens 1-Ielcn Thotnas, Pres .
Roger Burch • \" 1rginia Guth 1 1ar\'tn Page Dick Thorton
Clyde Busse rt
hthel Carter
\\'illa Jean Charon
Joan Cherry
Fr ed Clulds
:\Iarlene Co rn ell
Eve l)n Churches
S tanl ey C laar
Rose 11arie Harkins Pete r Parry
Betty Harrold
Lorraine Hoff 111 eister
Dorothy H orn
Freel Hoss
Beverly T 1ernl'y
Elsie Philya\\ \nue Travis
Geraldine Plasters \'1ola Turner
R.-ynor Renfro\\ Jean \ ' an \ \ ' 1nkle
Joan R ice
_Arthur \' an Beun in g
Da, e J ohnston G" en Rhoads :\farlene \\-atters
James Johannes
l\' ad1ne Klassen
D oro thy D elze r Dliores .Korosec
Harn et D eFo rr est
:\fary Lou Dick
Thr 1 9·1] Dc111011
Betty Langley
Don Richards
Patricia Richards
B1l11c Jcan \ \ ' hee l er, Treas
Sidney \ \ lutford
Harry Richne r \'irginia \\'ilcox
Clyde Russell
Harley \\'illian1s
Jun Z1n1n1er
Stanley ~.\llison
C,eorge \ndcrle
Buddy Bates
Douglas Bauer
Billy Beard
I{onald Beuml'r
l\[artha Bro\\ n
Stella Carr
Di x1e LeL Chain bl rlain
Peggy Che,\
Bonnie ChurchC's
Lee Cody
~ally Cotnbs
John Cook
~etl Cook
Reed Custer
Bob Dalton
PLggy Davis
Ton1 Da\'ison
Ellen Deen
Jerry DeLue
Gerry Derby
Irma Jean Diltz
Fred Dungan
Richard Durant
Rex Eby
Dorothy Er,vin
Elizabeth Franc1::.
LL land F reen1an
Toinnt) C,arn-.on
Paul Geudncr
(,craldyn Gilbert
Er\\ 111 Gn an
Billy Glide,,•ell
1f argarl't Gnetzchl'
Loral ( ,oodson
Billy C,orn1an
.\hce Gray
Beverly Griffith
L111dal (,rove
Paul (;<. uclner
I,. Hadl<:y
Joyc1.: RaL Hall
PauhnL Harns
L<.onard Hartgravl'
Ed\\ nt Hartz
N'elhe Haus
Hcl\\'ard Hcclg<.s
T<.·rry Herbst
Betty Hines
Carol Holrn
SaJly Houghton
~hirlcy Hunzikl"r, \ -Pres,
(,lenn J cron1c
Fred J ohibon
Roru11t! Johnson, Pres.
Bonnie Johnston
Sidney Johnston
Jean I,aufn1ann
Lyle Kayser
Bob h elly
Harold Kincaid
Richard Kreutzer
Florine Kroeger
Ethel K ro1ne1ch
Luella Lan1bert
Bob I ooper
Gloria cllen LJungYall
Dons l\{ arks
Dorothy 11atthe\\''Ladine 11a) berry
Helen }.fcKenztL
Bill 1'felcher
Frank }.f estecky
Darlene }.hller
}.largaret 1Iiller
Dorothea }.linn1ck
Kancy Nelson
Norma Nelson, Treas.
Or\\ 111 Nelson
Gene 1\ ienhuser
Betty 1':urnberg
Ida J can Oakes
Delores Odneal
La\\'rence Pearce
Bob Petrie
Fern Phtl)a,,
Bob Plack
Louise Pyle
Dorothy Rae
Billy Ray
Ed,vard Richner
Geraldine Route
Da le Russell
\ \'arren Sanden, \' elma Sa,,·yer
Caro lyn Schell
Keith Selbe
Denny Shelley
Faye Sivers
}.f ary Skeens
Beverly Sollenberger
Lorraine S\\ eney
Russell Tierney
Carma \·olz
Don \'olz
Jack \\'abschall
1farlene \\'hitford
Paul \Vichn1ann
l-.fary \ \ illu,ve it
Dar) I Zahm T
De 111011
Third ro1.,1-(oach \\ 1ll1an1s, Graham, }.lcs t ccky, Sn id e r , B1llis, Kelly, J ero n1 e, DeLu c, Ste vens, Ha,vl ey, Gr eYe , Coach 11oe\\ es .
Second ro1.v-Bal<lerston, Gray, Hub er, So ll enbe rg e r, \\'i ch mann , Sc lu~ll , Bradley, Hi se l, 1forsc, Kurnberg, Doran.
First row-Rcnf ro,v, Churches, \ \'est, Selbe, H ad l ey, Ro\\·e, Ar t en1is, R oge r s, B eers, Ho ss, Childs.
F 0 0 T B A L L
In th e 19-t-6 football seaso n Golden played seve n gan1e s. In spite of the hard " ork of th e tea1n and th e fine s pirit of th e sc hool, ,Ye failed to ,Yin any gan1es.
Jcron1e, George Rogers, H a rold Rcnf r o\\, Raynor Sollenbe rger \\ 1lton Ro,ve, \Villi s B ee r s, Read
\\ es t , Carl G1 eve, Ronny H adley. J ack
De Lue, Leonard S t evens, Ja ck Churches, Kenneth Kell), T om Richards, D o n Artemi s, Harry
Doran, Kenne t h Hub er, Bob Ca ,n pbell, Bob
Ha\\ ley. Le\\'15
Billis, Bud Schell, J e rry
\\ ichn1ann, Ted Jensen, Bob
Selbe, \ ,\'ayne
1 falmgn.: n, K cn1H: th
}.forse, Don Hun ziker, Bud Bradl ey, D a le
2 0
The 19-17 Demou
B A s K E T B A L L
l he 19-t-6 -4-7 ( ;olden basketball season \\ as not so successful. Out of the fourteen league ga1nes thi s year, the Den1ons ,von three. In the first round, \Ye \\' Oil the \ \ 'es t\\'oo <l and \ \ ' heat l{ id ge gan1es In the second round ,ve \\Oil again frotn \\ ' est\\ ood. The " \" squad \\'luch 1nclucle-. \rt Krau ::,e, Buddy Bilhs, \ \ 'ilhe Ro,ve, George Ellis, (;eorge Jero111e, Bob Jen">en, Dale ' 1'1ts\\ nrth, Jack Hadley, and Kenn) Doran, chose .\ rt Kr a use as captain.
The league ga1nes "ere :
p oi nt s ( high point 1nan) \\'e
J eron1e-l l points
\urora-here lost 18-58 Ro,ve-6 points
Lake\\·ood there lost 20-65 Billis-6 points
\ \ ' estlninster here lost 24-41 Ro,,·e-6 points
\\ 'est\\ oocl there \\·on 45-29 l{rau se- 16 point s
\r\'a<la here lost 39-51 J ensen- 14 points
\ \ 'hea t l{i<lge ther e . lost 27-32 Billis-8 points
Jjttleton here
lo s t 21-50 J ero111e, Billis, l{r ause-5 points
\urora there lo s t 33-65 Tits,vorth, Krause-9 points
I-ake\\ ood- here
l os t 29-46 Krause and Ro\\·e-7 points
'fhe 1nchv1<lual points 111 league play \\'e re: l{rau se-79, Billis-68, Ro,Ye-63, Elhs-62, Jeroine-37, Jen sen 32, rits\\orth 17, Iladley - 12, and Doran-5.
T. L . \\ rillian1s \\as the coach of the·•~\'' squad and llarol<l i\loe\\·es coached the "B" squad.
Tht· 19-17 Dc111011
Tl11rd roll' \ \'illiams, Ellis, Krause, J erome, Bilhs, Tits\\ orth. Doran. Jen sen, Hadky. Rowe, 11 Ol'\Ves. S ccond roi, • Kelly, Arte1n1s, !\ el son, Petr11.!, Huber, Solknbergcr, \ \ 1cl11nann , :\1 a11lot, \ \ 1chn1.t1111, P I 1rsf roiv - H1sel, Derby, Gonnan, Thornton, Paige, Johnson
\ \
lo s
16- 33 Ro,ve-4
st\\ oo cl -
\\ on 23-21 I~1llis
there lost 25-26 Ro,ve-9
\\ 1 heat Ridg e- here "on 39-24- l"l.rau se- 1--1- points IJi ttleton there l o&t 30-4-6
and Ellis-6 points \rvada-
w R E s T L I N G
\:\ 1 res tlin g s tarted thi s year ,,·ith about 35 bo) s o ut of \Yhich Coach Beers and Captain Selbe h oped t o build a chan1pi ons hip t ea111 . ' [\, elve of the se boys n1 ade up th e te a rn th a t took league cha1npionship for the second year in succession and fourth in th e Sta te T ourna111en t.
The t\\·elve b oys and the places they "on in th e league tournan1ent are:
place 145 -lb. -Tinker
127-lb - \V es.t place 17 5-lb.-De l ue
133 - lb .-Capt Se lbe
138- lb .-Young
First place I-feavy-SteYens
Second place
Second place
Second place
Third place
Golden can1e thr ough \\'ith 52 points. ·rhe c losest con1 p e titi o n ca1ne fro111 \\ rhea triclge ,vith 43 points. The san1e 12 1nen ,\'ent t o th e t ate and out of th ese t\\·eh·e the follo" ing placed:
Fourth place 127-lb.-\\1 est
103- lb .-Balder so n Seco nd place 133-lb.-Selbe
112 -lb .-Gray
Third place
Third p lace
Second p lace
Golden ended up fourth ,vith 19 points; ,,·ith o rth , Eas t , and College I-Iigh. first, s econd, and third , re sp ec tiv ely
Wre stlers ,vere required to \\ in eleven points for a letter N u111erals \\ ere a,varde<l to those ,vho s tayed o ut a ll season. \ \ 1 re stlers besides th ose 111 the s t a t e an d league tournan1ent \\'ho lettered are: Ho ss Burch, l\Iarks, J. De Lu e, .-\r t e1ni~, and Kline, :\Ianager. :\Ien \Yho received numeral s are: Campbell, Ne\\·111an -\dan1s, \nderle , l\Iorse, J)illon , ~urnberg, Davi so n, Gord o n, and Bay. v\ ' ith fourteen l e tt er1n e n ba ck and so n1e good ne\\ 1nen con1ing in, Coach Beers expec ts the 1948 tean1 t o be an1ong the top tea1n s in bo th I~eague and ::-, tat e con1petition.
Tl11rd ro,(•-S t eve ns, Kriznar, Tinker, \ oung, L. D cLut:, .A.n<lerle, Burch .)cco11d row-Chu r ches, \\'est, Selbe. :\farks, R Beers, Hoss, Balderston Front ro,v-Gordon, Gray, Arten11s, J D eLue, Da, ison, 11aln1gren, H Beers.
95-lb.-l\Iahngren First
- lb .-G r ay . :Fi r st pl ace 15-t--l b.- I~rizner
.-Bee r s Seco nd pl ace 165-l b.-Churches
The 19-17 Dc111on
F1f/J, ro'll' Billis, T. \\ ich1nann, H A.rten1is, Behel, Beard, Custer, Looper, Dungan, Thornton, Renfro\\' r our th ro'lv-Nurnberg, Hisel, Huber, Petric, ~[aillot, Derby, P \ \ 1chn1an11, Davison, Ro\\ e, Jen sen, 11arks, Roo t Bradley.
Tiu rd ro v-Doran, :\ndcrle, Rogers, Gorn1a11, !\e\\ man, Johnson, Gray, l\lalmgren, Hadle), Patty. Sl'co11d rou!·-Zahn1, Thon1pson, Beers, Russell, Childs, Snider, J eron1e.
I irst ro,v Hartgrave, Graham, Durant, G \rten11s, Cody, Hoss, Balderston, Ra). Dalton.
.\lien, l\11ddlcn11ss, Harkins, T1ts\\Orth, Perry, Tierney, Kelly. First ro1.r1 Ro,ve, \\ ilcox, Houghton, \" tics, Greve, Krause, Coolbaugh, Coburn, \\'hit ford, De Lue.
-l ' l
E N N I s
ro'lu-B. Allen, Fertig, P
T'1t 19-17 Dr111011
7-The Love Seat
10-The steadies
11 - Ye A ln1a 1fatcr
12-"0h !"
.' . • • .. " 24
1- \\'orl<l Series
2- Slocum Bonaparte
3- Earnniffs
old stand-by!
Eager Bea,er
to the Nuts
thorn bet\\ een t\vo roses
Spring Fe, er
7 • ·-
The 1947 Denion
Because the students of c;o)den High ,Yant their school govern1nent to be de1nocratic, \\·e have a Student Council. consisting of a President. a Secretary-Treasurer, and fourteen student representa tiYe s fro111 the four classes. 1~he purpose of the Council is to forn1nlate the la,v s governing the Student Bod" and to act as a link bet,Yeen the students. and the facultv. In accordance \\'ith J J the schoo l Constitution, President Tack 1 la<llev and Secretarv-Treasttrer Patricia Sn1ith ,vere non1-inated by petition and elected b) a 1najority vote of the Student Body. The student repre sen tative s '"ere elected by a 111aJorit) vote of their respecti, e ho1neroo111s 1Ien1bership in Student Council is not all honor and glory; 1t carries ,vith 1t a lot of hard "'ork, "hich den1ands ti1ne and the sacrifice of 111an) personal pleasures The c·ouncil plans all ass-en1bhes. plans and decorates for all-school parties, sponsors noon <lancing, keeps the (; Pin records, has charge of elections, as \\"ell as nun1erous other tasks.
This year the 1nen1bers of Student c·ouncil are: Jack I Iadlcy and l 1 at Sn1ith, student officers ; Clifton Free1nan, Ja1nes ~e\\·1nan, ::\Iary Lou I-l oughton, and Carolyn I-Io" e, Senior representative s; Ton1 (;ray, George Ellis, Dorothy Prouse, and Louanne i\Ianning, Junior repre se ntative s; DaYe Johnston, Eugene Bach111an, and :\Iyrna l\Iiddlen1iss, Sopho111ore repre sentath·es; and Faye Sivers, I>aul \ \'ich1na11n. and Jerry DeIJue, Fresh1nan representatives. The success of thi s year's Studen t Council can be attributed to the co-operation of the Student Body, the Faculty, and the ceaseless energy and enthusiasn1 of our sponsor, l\I1s::. Bolitho.
T J11rd ro'lt1-Ha<lley, Freeman, Ellis. :, cco11d ro·h_'-Bachman, Johnston, Gray, \ \' Khn1ann, Ne,, man, De Lue I rout ro'lc1-Ho\\·l', Houghton, South, Prouse, 11iddlemiss.
The 19.Jl DtnioH
\ \ 'hen a -,tudent enters (;olden High ~chool, he finds that there are 1nany goals and honors to achie,·e 1'he highest of these is a 111e1nbership in the National Tionor Soc1et). ' rh e ain1 of thts organization has been to create an enthusiasn1 for schola rship. to sti1nulate a desire to render ser\'ice, to pro111ote ,,·orthy leadership, and to enrourage the develop1nent of character in the pupils of Golden I {igh School.
Candidates eligible to 1n e1nbership 1nu st rank in the upper one fourth of their clas1:, \fter the nan1es are proposed 1nen1bers of the faculty grade each candidate for outstanding achie\'en,ents in scholarship, leadership, character, and ser\'ice.
C)ut of thi s year's graduating cla~s Carolyn I Io\\·e. I)atricia S 1nith , and Deloris
\ \ ' ard "ere elected in their Junior } ear. The Junior s elected this year \\' ere (7eorge Elhs, Ton1 c;ray. f)orothy I>rouse. and Lilli an \'iles. The Seniors elected thi s year \\ere I~hzabeth \llen, I>eggy Ball, ~IelYille Coolbaugh, Ruth Ellen Craig, 1Iary \nn ~Iohler, Frances ~Iorton, Leah \\'atson, and Helen \\1i lco x. These people n1ay be Justly proud to "ear the National Honor Socie t y pin, for it is the highest a\\ ard presented in lugh school.
Second rou•-El11s. Coolbaugh, Prouse, .\lien, \\'ilcox. ~1ohlcr, 11orton. / •1rsl ron1-Gray, Craig, Ball, Ho,ve, \\"atson, Snuth, \'il 1 s, \\,re!.
T lr1.• 19./i Dc111on 27
One of th e highest a\\·ards \\ hich Golden High School can bestO\\' is the G -p in, the S) 1nbol of a hard-,vorking, active 5tudent. r\ rec o rd is kept of all hi s actiYities and po.,itions 111 (;olde n I-Iigh frotn the time he is a ''green Frosh''. Fur each acti Yity. a student earns a fe\\ ' point s, and ,vhen he has acct1111ttlated 1 SO points, he 1c; a\Yarcled his G-pin.
'I'he act1vitie-. and positions for ,vhich a s tudent earns points are: Grades, Student Rod, officers. S tudent Co uncil, Nat ional Honor Society, \thletic s, Band, -Pep Club, r.Iaroon and \Vhite, Glee Oub , 11elodear s. Goldenair s, Cheer leader s, l\Iajorettes, •·c;·· Club, f ibrarian s, •\nnual S taff , and \ ss en1bl y appearances. •\ny !- tud ent 1nust h a Ye b ee n a n1e1nber of the Student \ ssoc iation every year t o be eligible for his G-pin. Points are recorded by the Student Council G-pin con1111ittee, \Yhich thi s ) ear ,,·as l\lary L ou 1-Ioughton and Carolyn Ho,ve
Those studen t s ,vho are proud p oss e sso r s of G-pins are: Pat Sn1ith, Carolyn I-Io,, e, l{uth E llen Craig, Leah \Vatson, and Frances l\Iorton, Seniors; Dorothy I >rouse, l{ ose :rv! arie R o\\·e, and J_i llian \ ' ile s, Junior s.
I ,rst ro,,•-\'ilcs, Craig , I{o,vc, H o ,ve, Smith, Prou se, \\'at son, ~forton.
2 8 Tltc 19./7 Dt>111011
The pulse of Golden I1igh School is felt each " eek as the ,lfaroon and TT'hite appears "·ith ne\\'S and opinions. .. \lthough the staff this year has been reduced in size, it has proYen to be con1petent and efficient. This ) ear's staff is con1posed entirely of girls \\·ho edit each "·eek not only ne\\' S and Yie,v-;., but also features, biological sketches, editorials, and all sports articles. •\nether thing that 1nakes this group unusual is that it operates ,vithout a regular editorial staff. each n1en1ber contributing several different articles each \\ eek.
Charlotte Sanders, June :,..: el son, Pat Sn1ith. Deloris \ \rard, Elinor \nclerson, and Delores Korosec. the paper'::, staff. really enjo) their \\'Ork and haYe sincerely atten1pted to create an infonnative and entertaining paper l'he real success of a ne\\ spa per can seldon1 be detern11necl, but an) success that the paper has achieYecl can be attributed to the excellent leadership, tireless energy, and patient help of :\I1ss Helen Fairbanks.
1:ro11I ro-zv - I-(oror,cc, ~el,un, Sander-;, ~nuth, .Anderson, \\ ar<l.
Thr 19-17 Dc111011 29
fifth ro,v-CreCC}, S1n1p-;on, Petrie, 1lanning, Hartz. Hunziker, Reed, Johnston, Pyle, Rice, I..::roeger, Cha ron, Gates, Travis. Thon1as, Delzer, Fountain.
I:011rth ro,v-Fcrtig, C. Sivers, Tracy, 1[ arks. Sollenberger, F. SiYers, ~fa} berry, Prouse, Sm ith , Ho\\'C, Diltz, Har<l1son, Plasters.
Third ro,u-Tripp, Reinier, Hoffmeister, Harkins, Craig, Churchill, Carpenter, Richards, 1fohler, J. \ an \\'inklc, Ro,, c, Browne, Hamilton
.Scco11d ro-zl•-i\nderle, E A.ndcrson, \ \ atters, 1f atthc,, s, K ron1dck, L. \'an \ \'inkle. 11orrison. Cornell. Tierney, \\'heeler. Af orton. ~I ill er Priest.
I 1rsf ro,v-Storn1, \' \\'1lcox, H \\'ilcox. Corbin, E .\nderson, Graves, Dick, \.iles.
'l'his yea r the (~olden 1I1gh Schoo l Pep Club enrolled seventy eager 111en1bers to encourage our athletic-n1inded l)e111ons on to victory. !)rills ,,·ere gi,·en at the ho111e basketball gan1es, held in the Central School gyn1na~iu1n Each drill ,, as giYen under the capable ::,uperYis1on of r.Iiss 1Iaud Priest, the drilhna ters, and their assistants. \t the hotne ga1ne ,Yith Lake\\·ood an arch,vay, forn1ed by girls holding 111aroon and ,Yhite carnations, \\'as 1nade in honor of our capable spo n so r, ~1iss J>r1est, for her love, leadership, and tin1e "·illingly giYen.
1'his year's officers. selec ted f ron1 the Seniors ha\'ing three years of Pep Club, \\'ere Loi s :\Iatthe\\·s, President; Nona Nelle I Iarkins. \'ice-Tres1dent: Ruth Ellen Craig, Secretary; and Kay Stor1n , 1'reasurer. ( )ur efficient Cheerleaders ,\'ere Helen \\rilcox, Donna Lou Grayes, Evelvn .\nderson, and Dixie Lee Corbin.
1' 1u ch praise should be gi,·en to :\I1ss Priest for undertaking snch a large group of girls and ha, ing so 1nuch patience ,Yith then1. EYe r y 1ne1nber of th e Pep Club should be congratulated for the school spirit she put behind ou r tea1ns. \\'e "ish to thank all Golden High Schoo l s tudent s, faculty, and the enthusiastic spectators for the cooperation they have sho,v n .
30 Tltt' 19-17 Dtn1011
Every year the band has been gro\\ ing larger and larger l'his year ,Yith a 111e111bership of sixt)-fiYe the band ha~ achte\'ed another step on the path laid do\\ n for then1 by 11 r Bishop. :\Ir. Bishop ahvays has higher goals for the band and the n1en1bers 1ndustrinusl) try to li,·e up to his expectations.
Tradition and school spirit led the band to play at all football and basketball ga1nes. Concerts at Christn1as ti1ne and 1n the Spring \Yere given as planned hut a ne,, note ,vas added. Vnder the sponsorship of Student Council the Band ga,·e a concert to raise funds for band use. \\ ith ahvays an unbeaten path ahead "·e kno,v that the (;olden 1-1 igh Band "ill continue to gro\\· and add pleasure to all
The band roster is as follo\\'s .
Con1ets-L. \\'atson. P. Ball, S. Claar, R Greve, K Doran, C ~lorrison, H RogC'r,. 'X Cook. R. Tierney, ,- Turner
Hor11s-H \\ 1lcox, \\ Ro\\C, L. 1\urnberg. \" \\ ilcox.
Tro111bo11cs-C Ho,,e. E .'\.nderson, P \lien. H \\'11lian1s. \\ Charon, B Beard.
Bari/011( s- T Kell). \ \ Carlson.
Bassts-T Herbst. \\. Banger D Dillon.
l lutts-F. 1 f orton, D. Prouse, L. \ 1les.
Sa:ropl,011,s-G Ellis, P. Snuth. D Dick. P. Harns. D. Delzer. ,. Guth. ~f Bro,vn , ~1 ~lohler.
Clarinets R Craig, L. 11atthe\\·s. K Stonn. R Ro\\e, F 1'npp, G Tripp. ~[. \\ cbstl'r, D ~tiller, :\f Barnes, F. Baston, L. Bilhs. R Carnpbell. ~[ Dick, P. Sirnpson, 1'. Da, ison, F Dalton. C. Hohncs. S Hunziker. R Johnson. B Gorn1an, 11 Rhodes :\L Coolbaugh, F Dungan, B. Harrold.
Dr1011s- 0 Nelson, J Zinuner, D. Johnston, B. Petrie, G. Rhodes.
., ,_ Pl!£St'. II T EO • 9 Y • C LA SS or -1 91 9---
Tl1t 19-17 Dt 111011 31
f. 011rllt ro1.v - Hohnes, 11anca. Prous1:, Herbst, Tracy. Baile). ?\larriott, Harchson, Johnston, Deen, Booth, Hart7, Bre\\':.augh
I /11rcl ro,1• Kron1e1ck, \\ lute, Ha<lk), :\lantung. Harkins, larr, Kro<.:gcr, S1nith, :\finntck, Johtbon.
', I'< 01/CI rt>,l' ~,, cclle). \ \ ilia weit. ( )chs, l on1bs. La11glc). Sa,, yer. Route, Hall, Tripp
I 1011/ ro,v Ham1Ito11. Browne, Cartt·r. Gra), Haus. Chan1berlain, Pyle, :\layberr). Cherry, Ralston
1~he choral groups this year are diYicled into t\\·o classes. 1I r Johnson as director co111bines the talent and voice ranges in a n1ost plea'.'>ing 1nanner. 'fhere are sixty 111en1bers all together and their public perfortnances are looked for,vard to by all ,Yho enjoy good 1nusic. In ad<lition to the Christn1as concert and the Spring concert the choral groups ,, ill con1hine their efforts in the Spring FestiYal held e,·ery ) car. I.;-ro1n thi..., grand group of girls :\Ir. Johnson picks his Senior :t\f elodear..... \ \ e hope that the Yocal <lepart1nent "ill continue to <lo fine \York fur the bcttcnnent of (;olden High students.
19./7 De 1no11
The l\Ielo<lears. under the able '>ponsor-..hip of Earle . \ Johnson. is a sextette of senior girls especially selected for their ,·oice and personality. 1'he n1e1nbers of this ) ear's group are. I{a} Stonn and Joan DaYis, first sopranos; Caro lyn I Io,,·e and Charlotte Sanders. :,econcl soprano~: (;eorgia Bauer and R u t h E ll en Craig, altos. 'fhe) ha\'e :,ung for nt1111erous conventions. n1eetings, clubs. and schoo l progra1ns, including B. I~. \ \ I~a tern Star, Red Cross. the Rocky I ountain Fox and l\. I ink Convention. Republican \ \'0111en's Club, and I Joch I J01nond Grange \n1ong their fayorite song:, arc ''Song of Song:,", " I--Ion1 i ng", and " I Don't I(no,, \\ hy" Through their sincere pleasure in the \\Ork and :\ I r Johnson's skill ,,1th n1us1c. the group ha':, kept up the ,,~11es t a bl ished r eputation of the I eloclears
1:ronf ro1v-Storn1, Davis, Ho\\ c, Johnson. Sanders, Bauer. Craig.
'f'ht• 19./-7 Dc1110" 33
F. H. A .
1'he people of (;olden Iligh School are proud of the F. H \. and the fine \\Ork the} have done th1s year They ha, e sho,,·n the young people of the country that the future of the ,vorld depends upon thetn. Dr. Ifazel Frost is the present ~ational advisor, ?\ [rs. Lucille Fee, State advisor, and l\Irs. Helen Luddington, local advisor The F I-I \. 1notto is "1'o\\·ard e\\ Horizons". The club flo,\ er is the red rose and the colors are red and \Yhite The goal of every Future Ho1ne1naker ts to 1nake the ho111e the foundation of the \\·orld.
C'nder the snper, ision of a grand friend and leader. l rs. Helen L uddington, the F H .. \. has been very active throughout the year 111 the national. state, district, and local activities. 1'he State F. H \. song ,vas ,Yritten by a local girl, i\faril,·n 11ailcv, and f)onna IJon (;raves is Sta t e \'ice-l)resident this vear Lillian\'iles ,va.., recentl1 elected District Cha1r1nan for next year. The activities of the (;olden F. H \. are nu 1neron~. \ fe\, of the highlights are as f ollo"·s: the 1\ I otherl)aughter banquet. the c; Club banquet. and interesting and educational talks concerning boy and girl relationships and \\·rapping Christ1nas packages ~fhe '"illingness of the girls to \\'Ork on 1noney-1naking schen1es \\'as a great factor in this outstanding progran1 of "ork. and (;olden Social Service projects "ere recognized all over the State. The ,villing cooperation of the 1nen1bers and the able sponsorship of :'\lrs. IJttcldington have n1ade possible the i r fine success this) ear.
Scco11d ro1.,· Bailey, \ il~s. :-\kes, \'olz, Hunziker, 1ltllcr, }.[illcr, ~el--011. Pyle. I 1rst ro·i1•-Ph1lya\\, Houghton, }.larks, \\'ard, Eh1nann. Tripp, Corbin, Prouse, ~fornson, \ran\\'inklc, \\ eb~tcr
3 4
The 19./7 Dc111011
G. A. A.
This year has been a 111o~t outstanding and active one for the up-and-co111ing Girls' . \thletic . \ssociation, one that ,, ill he long re1nen1berecl b) those "ho participated. ~Ie111bership has increased greatly and \\'ith 1t the spirit and enthusiasn1 of the group has gro\\ n. .~s one of the 1nost outstanding groups in the state, Golden is duly proud to have :\I rs Bishop and I{ose :\Iar1e I{o,\'e on the State Executive Council of the G .. \ .. \.
The year \\'as begun ,Yith the annual hike up ::\It Lookout in " hich an unprecedented nun1ber of girls took part. C)ne feature of the year \\'as the for1nal initiation, 1nade lovely and in1pressive b) soft candlelight and 1nen1berslup certificates. In addition to the participation in regular gyn1 classes and after-school hikes, the club has taken part in skill tests in Yolle) hall, basketball, baseball. track, and other sports. The officers for the year are: President, ~Iary Lou I-Ioughton : \ ·1cePresident, Helen \\'ilcox: Secretary, Frances 11orton: 1~reasurer, 1Jar) \nne :t\Iohler \ \ e hope that the grand interest and enthus1as1n sho\\·n this ) ear \\·ill go on to 111ake the Girls' \thlet1c \ssoc1atton one of the best.
1·011rth ro,v-R1chards, Sn11tb. Sanders, B. r\llen, P. Fertig, Anderson, P .\llcn, Plasters .• \nderlc, Kaufn1ann. Tl11rd ro'lv-\" an\ \'inkle, Guth, Sin1pson, Odneal, ~f atthc,, s, S Houghton, Bro,vn, Thonias, Hadley, Cornell. ,-. \Vilcox
Second ro'iv-Bro\\'IIL, Rule. \ ' 1les, Ro,,e, Churchill. Tierney. J Fertig, Rice, Dtck, Koroscc. l-ro11/ rot(•-\\ heeler, \\'hitford, 1Iayhcrr). ~forton, itohler. ~I. Houghton, H. \\ ilcox. Haus. Tnpp, irc1'cnzie, Recd.
Tiu 19-li Dc111011 35
'/ J11rd
S 1nil anich
') <'f 011d ro·a•- S,, tshcr, Storm , \\ at son, ~ollcnbcrgcr, ~Iark s, Thon1as, Gate s, Corbin, Jack so n , T ra,1s, Richard s, \·an\\ inkle
I ro11t ro,v 111n11ick, Fountain, \ ulz, C..onncll), \ \ htte, Prou se. Pnt: s l, ~Iarica , Rc1n1cr, Recd. 1Iorri s on , .\gan, \\"h ee l e r
For quite a fe,Y years the dra1natic s organization ha s been gro,Ying and thi s ) ear it ha s proved to be a s hining success. l ' nder the a bl e direction of 1'Iiss Priest and ).Ir \ •assille,, 111any productions ha ,·e been pre s ented for the pleasu re of the s tudent body \ fc,Y of the 1n ore outstand in g play s \\'ere.
"1'he 1' hree D) ing S,,·ans", "To The I oYely l\Iargaret", and "Xobody J-lon1e".
Besides putting on 111an) enjo) able pla) s the classes ,, ork on voice con trol, expre::,sion, and s tage 111ake - up . \\ 'e all hope that the dra1natics classes " ill continue to gro,,· and " ·ill aid (;olden 1ligh students to appreciate the le git in1at e s tage.
ran ccs, Churches.
Longn1ire, C u ste r Herbs t, Hol s tein A.rtemts, Beer:.
ro,l' :\fatthc,\·s, H ark in -, , Craig, 11illcr, D :\liller, S1ni th , Huber , Ttt s,\ort h. Kriznar , Houghton ,
19-17 Dt111ou
l\letnbers of every class look for,, ard for four years to this activity, and this class is no exception. Fron1 the first tryouts until the last curtain ca1ne do,, n on our production everyone ,vorked hard to n1ake "Brother c;oose" an outstanding presentation.
"i\luch of the s ucce ss of our play is directly attributable to our dire ctor, 1Iiss Fairbanks, ,,·ho ,,·orks earnestly each year to develop talent.
John .-\ndre\\ s
Deloris \ \ Tard
Edgar _ chaefer
.. Peggy Ball
Donna Lou Graves
Nona Nelle Harkins
Ruth Ellen Craig Sarah
Scco11d ro-iv- DeLue, Greve. Storm , Schaefer, Ball. A.ndrc\\' S I irsl r o·H•- H arkins, Craig, Graves, \\ ard, \\ ' at son.
.. ........................................... ············-·················...................................................................
\\'es ··-·······- ·····
I vacin th ...............................·-·······......................................................................................
Eve - ••······ ·····•······· ········...........................................
·-···································· 1Iargaret S1ni lanich, \gn es
I .enore ............. •···································-······-·........................................... Leah \\ 'atson, Kay Stonn l\Irs. Trinuner ··-·· Carolyn I-Io\\ e Truck Driver ···················- -·····························Le onard De Lue, Ronny Greve Th<' 19./7 De 111011 37
1-Thc Demons
2-S mall but po,,erful
3-Navy surplus
5- T cnnis Ballet
6-"Stop !"
7- \\'hat's so in t eresting?
8-Good-look1ng ga ins
9-Christmas Spi r i t
10- Prof. Johnson & Co.
3 8
- \ I
T h e 1 947 D e,n on
1-A t \\'est\\ood
2-Just \\'a iting
3-1s that so?
6-C hin up!
7-St renuQu s game
8-They call it "ha rd lab or"
The 19./-7 Dc111 ou
9-Senio r gal~
10-"0h , say, can you see-"
11- N' O\\' that A.pnl' s here
1.2-Pnde of the Navy
14- Shift I
I S-Suicide Point
16-Sc h oo l 's out-Good-bye no,v !
V. Z /
AUTOGRAPHS • • A Twinco Yearbook, Twin City Printing Co , Champaig n , Illinois