Senior <;})ireclor'J-
Favorite Saying
Chief Occupation
Probable Destiny
PAT ALLEN _________________ "Let's Go" _______________________ Poshing Bessie ___________________ Head football coach at Notre Dame
GEORGE ARTEl'tllS __________ "When do we eat?" _______________ Flonklnir Chemistry ______________ Six feet under the sod
GWENETH ANDERLE -------" Oh s hot up" Men Chorus Girl
EUGENE BA C Hl'tlAN __ "Just a darn minute" _____________ Pres of G H.S __________________ Dean of women at Alriries
READ BEERS "O h Buir Juice" Annual ( dark room) Wrestlinir coach at C.W C
P.fARILYN BAILEY "Oh Belthbomb"
Buyinir ties for ?tfr Johnson Well-and they lived happily ever after
WAYNE BONG ER "Let' s go out to the hilltop'' Horsln round Oriranlur of short man club
JOANNE BROWN "Drop Dead" Rid ing Horse back A ranch way back in the hills
ROGER BUR CH "You want to bet?" Judire tor bathing beauty contests A rich man
CLYDE BUSSERT ____________ " H o ly Cow" ______________________ Getting oot o( study hall __________ w~cat c hum forest patrol
ETH EL CARTE R _____________ "Oh Corn" _____________________ Cooki nir _________________________ Private Secretary
WILLA C HARON ____________ " Ye G11d11 and little Catfish" _______ Occupyinir apace in clas.,ea _________ The deep dark earth
JOAN C HERRY ______________ "O h for corn sake" _______________ Writinir Dear John, letters _________ A little shack way back in them thar hills
EVELYN C H URCHES ________ "ffmmmmmm" ___________________ Private Sec retary _________________ The Bee c h
ST AN LEY CLAAR ___________ "Want a ride " ____________________ Chasi nir Girls ____________________ Ba c helor • C AROL COTT RELL "Y'all"
Doing in gym Texas
MARLENE CO RNELL ________ "Blast it" _______________________ Riding around in the convertible ___ Cover Artist for Esquire
DOROTHY DELZER __________ "Say Kid" Sleeping in Che m _________________ Caretaker at the city zoo
l't-fARY LOU DICK ____________ "What's he look like" ______________ Being in the o!lice ________________ Old Ma id
BOB DURANT ______________ "Let' s Ditch' ' ____________________ Loafinir __________________________ Siberia
ERNEST EHl'tlANN __________ " I 'm Broke" Flat tires _______________________ Si nir Sinir
DICK EV ANS _______________ "Evans la here you lucky people" ___ Living up to my wild reputation ___ Ba ck to Nebraska
JEAN FERTIG _______________ " Oh-you schmoo" _________________ Driving the new ford ______________ Military teacher at Colorado mines
ST AN LEY GORDON _________ "Slopehead" ______________________ Sittinll' in front of Evans __________ C h ip ping paint off battle ships
BETTY GRAVES _____________ "Oh" _____ Histories _________________________ Scrub woman
VIRGINIA GUTH ____________ "No Lie" ________________________ Golden Theater ___________________ Ice s kating champion
BETTY HARROLD __________ " Goo-nesa'' _______________________ Sleeplnr _________________________ American History Class
RO S IE HARKINS ____________ "Oh-00000" _______________________ Strutting ________________________ Bubble Dancer
CHUCK BASKIN ____________ "Well Riess Beas "----------------- Horsln ' round Up yonder- I hope
ANNE BEi LAND ____________ "Oh, Honestly " ___________________ Washing and ironing my ,-ym eolt _____ Co lle ire
LORRAINE HOFl'tfEI STER ___ "Whoa up town " __________________ Blind dates ______________________ Professor of Technolog-y
BILL HOW ARTER ___________ "Oh you think 110"
C hief dish wa.sher for my future wife Birh School Reunion in Hai tis
NORltfA HOW ARTER ________ "You old goat" Pla ylng ' round ___________________ Saw Sixte-en
BILL HUT C HIN SON "Bot Doir" Girls Merchant !tfarine
DOLORES KOROSEC ________ " I'm a little mouse " _____________ Dreamlnir about Colleire ___________ Pre.5 of "Korosec's" alarm clocks
BETTY LANGLEY ___________ "Burp" _ Shootlnir off my mouth ____________ John'e other wife
WADEL MALOON ADO ______ "Guee11" Reading and taking pictures _______ Rossia
DON lt1AILLOT ______________ 'Hl Dry" ________________________ Coon Buntin ____ Latin teacher in Samoa
KENNETH l'tlALMGREN _____ "Ce nsored" _______________________ Dltchln school Orchestra leader
BARBARA l'tlINNICK "Gadfrey" History Plain e of \Vyoming
ER!'tflRIO '!'tfORAES __________ "J Think" Av i ation _________________________ Indu str iali st
DON RI C HARDS "What a C haracter" Going to basketball rames Construction worker in Alaska PAT RI C HARDS _____________ "Da me Un Beato" ________________ $todylng History _____ 701 Washington Avenue, Golden, Co lorado
?tfYRN A MIDDLEltUSS _______ "James " Outllning American Government_ __ Saudi Arabia
JERRY PLASTER S ___________ "Seen C arl 7" ____________________ Staying out late __________________ Bugology prof.
LaVON NE PROCTOR " Johnney" Housewlf e Old l'ttaid
MERNA RHOADES __________ "Shoot the glnnle wlnnle" __ Nursing __________________________ l'tiarrlnge
CLYDE RUSSEL ___ "Let's eat" ______________________ Doing u little as pos.sible_________ Heaven (I hope)
WALTER SAltfPLE __________ " Howdy" ________________________ Teasing _____ Down stain
ALEX SPROUL ______________ "• ) ('& % $ " _______________________ Assassinating Rita Bayworth's husbands Partnership in Bill's recreation
PEGGY Sll't-lPSON __________ "Follow that car" _________________ Driving the blue chevy ____________ An old maid
LORNA SOBEY ______________ "Bow much longer until thl s period is over"-------------- - Pretending to study ______________ The ouija board wou l dn't say
C AROL SfVERS _____ "Did you se-e Ken " _ Sec of G H S ____________________ Model Housewife
BELEN THOltfAS _ "ls It a man " ____________________ Buying co.smetics, ________________ Potter's field
DICK THORNTON ___________ "I don't know" ___________________ Flirting __________________________ Rock Pile at Sing Sinr
BEVERLY TIERNEY "Drop Dead " - -
Beating my braina out over a certain ,ruy ____________________ Pres Tierney contact prints
ANNE TRAVIS ______________ "What Say?" ________________ Making myeel{ short _____________ l',fascot for Notre Dame
ARTHUR VAN BEUNNJNG __ "Ugh" ______ Reading marai:ines In study hall ___ Dying on route to Black-hawk
JE.A.N VAN WINKLE _______ Re Tlu,re" ______________________ Secretary of John.son Wax Com- A lrl pany - - - - - - career C
ltfARLENE WATTERS ____ "Holy Cow"
_ Laundry Worker __ A srave on a lone),- hllulde
SIDNEY WHITFORD _ "Yeah, three or four tJmu' ' ________ Good ol work
_ Grocery store
BILL WHISBARD ··um-Hu Been" Iceman Casb ah
Sporta and attendlnc meetinp Peanot Tender at Yankee Stadia•
BILLIE WHEELER __________ "What'a the Matter' ' __ C heerleadJnc
_ A little creenhoUH on the hill
JIM Zl&IMER __ "Why Shore" _______ Everthln.c _ Hermit
-----<.:::::, 1_,, :sI:::::,.. '-~ •
HUGH BEERS Prrnc,pal
ROGER Q MITCHELL Superintendent
--Ufff"ff£ -z::.-~.OJJJlllllt\'MNIIDll'fn"VU-' §:&."\,
MABEL BISHOP Girls Physical Education
MARK EATON Shop M echan1cal Drawing , Coach
EDNA GRAY English, Library
RALPH B ISHOP Social Sciences Band
H ELEN FAIRBANKS English , Dramatics
7 ;;;; ::::..::--== ......::
Languages, Dramatics
ROWENA KING Commerctal
HELEN LUDDINGTON Home Economccs, Biology
M athemac,cs
BILL LEWIS Social Sctences , Coach
DONALD MCMAHON lf athemat,cs, Social Sciences Coach
JOE ROBERTS Boys Physical Education
;:;,:: • :;;;,..,' =:;;, ::s::;:::-t •
HARLEY WILLIAMS Football L4 : Basketball 4. President of the Class 1 4 Pres ident of "G" Club 4 , Stude n t Council 4
A L E X SPROUL Secretary of the Class 4. Tennis 3 Annual Staff 4
EVELYN CHURCHES · Glee Club 1 : Dramatics 3 : M a r oon and White 4 Treasurer 4
PATRI CIA ALLEN M o r ey Jr H igh 1 : GA A 2, 3 4 , Pres ide nt 4 Band L2, 3 , 4 Te nn is L2 L3 4 : Annual Staff 4
GWENETH ANDERLE : Art I 2. Pep C lub 2 , 3 : Glee Cl ub 2. 3 4 : G.A A 2 3. 4 ; Annual S taff 4
GEORGE ARTEMI S: Fo~tball 2. 1 L4 : Dramatics 2 3 4 : " G" Club 2 3 4 \.Vre st l ing L2. L 3 4 : Annual Sta ff 4
EUGENE BACHMAN · Student Counci l 1 2 3. 4 : Ca nteen B oa r d 3. 4. P res ident Student Body 4 : President Ca n tee n Board 4 Presi dent C l ass 3 Nati o nal H ono r Soc ie ty 3 4 : Dramatics 3 : Annual Staff 4 St ate St ud ent Co un cil Co n ventio n 3 . Junior Prom Com m i ttee 3
R EAD BEERS Football 1. L2 L3. L4 Seco nd Team All Co nferen ce ~ : Football Ga me C apta n 4 , Football Co - Ca ptain Elect 4 : "G" C lub 1 2. 3. 4 , Wre s thng Ll. L2 L3 4 ; S eco nd All Conference 2, First All Conferen ce 3 ; Seco nd All State 3 : "G" P n 3, Nati o nal H o nor Society 3 • 4 : Editor Annual 4 : Drlm a tics 1 2 , 3 4
WAYNE BONGER: Football I Band I. 2 3. 4 Basketball 2 , 3
J OANNE BROWN : Lakewood , Colorado 1. 2. Pep Club 2, Dramatics 2 : Glee Club 3, 4 Maroon and White 4
ETHEL CARTER : Lakewood Colorado J. 2 : G.A A 2 3 , 4 : Glee Club 2 3 ,
WILLA JEAN CHARON Pep -Club 2 3, 4 Band 1. L2, L3. 4. Library 3 : Annual ~taff 4 . Treasurer of Pep Club 4
ROGER BUR CH Wrestling 2. L3 Football 4
JOAN CHERRY Glee Club I , 2 , 3 ; Melodears 4
STANLEY CLAAR Band 1 L2 L3 Canteen Board 3. 4 : National Honor Society 3, 4
l l I • • J :,, ,.,....-....:::':::: ... t:: ::::: .....
CLYDE BUSSERT · Track I ; Student Co uncil 4 Junior Prom Co mmittee
12 MARLENE CORNELL: G A A 2 3. 4 Pep Club J. 2. 3. 4 Cheerleader 4 , A rt 1. 2. 3 . 4 rt CAROL COTTRELL Midland. Texas 1. 2. Albuquerque , New Mexico 3. Skating Club 3 G A A 4 MARY ELLEN DONE? Limon , Colo 1 Norton. Kansas 2, 3. Norton Junior Prom Comm itt ee 3. Majorette 1 . Pep Club 1 . Glee Club 1. 2. 3; Office 4 F H A I 2: Banquet Play 3. Y - Teens Club 2. 3, 4 Social Chairman 3. R OBERT DURANT Track L2 . DOROTHY DELZER · Pep C Ju b 2. 3 4 G A A 2. 3. 4 Band l. 2, 3 .•4 ERNEST EHMANN DI CK EVANS N o r t h Platte, Nebraska 1. 2 , 3. Football 1 2 3. 4 H ockey 1 2. 3 ; Track 1 2. 3. Band 1 MARY Lou DICK G.A A 1 2. 3, 4 Prom Committee ; Pep Club 1 2. 3. 4. Cheerleade r 4 Majorette 1, 2 3: Glee Club j, Band 1. 2. 3: Melodears 4 Office 4 •
JJ.IJ.~:::::::i~aa.:u~~,\\'-\\: ~,-- ..2"if".ffffe ;ez,uom I> J)J\\\'\1 Nffi\1 rtn'.l&b'~ \ \i§'.{fu{1
JEAN FERTIG G A A 2. 3. 4. Vice President G.A A 4 . Tennis 2 L3 . 4 Annual Staff 4 Librarian 4
STANLEY GORDON Football 2 W resthng 2 3 . Dramatics 4
ROSE MAR IE HARKI NS Pep Club 3. 4 MaJorette 4 Dramatics 3, 4
CHARLES HASKINS· Denve r I : Dramatics 3 , 4. Wrestling 4
BETTY GRAVES Glee Club l. 4 Dramatics 2, 3 F H A I 2 3. Maroon and White 4
B ETTY LEE HARROLD Band 1. 2, 3. 4 G.AA 4 , Annual Staff 4, Canteen Board 3, 4 Secretary - Treasurer Canteen Board 4
j • • •,... _.---
VIRGINIA GUTH F H A 2 3. 4 Histor ia n FHA 3 , Treasurer F H A 4 GA A 2. 3. 4 Pep Club 3. Band I. L2. L3 Annual Staff 4
14 LORRAIN E H OFMEI STER Pep Club J 2 3 : Glee Club 1. 2 3; Office 3 GA A 3 4 Annual staff 4 BILI. HOWARTER Cheyenne Wyoming I 2 ROTC 2. Glee Club 1. 2 . Dramatics l . 3 4 . W restltng 4 ; P u b l I c Speaking 1 Frontiersman Paper Staff 1
JENKIN S Librarian 4 Dramati cs 4. DELORES KOROSEC · Dramaucs 1 G A A 2 , 3 , 4 Pep Club 1 2 3 4 M aroo n and White 2 , 3 : MaJorette 4 Annual S taff 4 NORMA HOWARTER · Mount Saint Euphraisa , Denver 1. 2 3 Vice President 3 Tennis 3 : Badminton 3 G A A 4 BETTYE RUTH LANGLEY · Glee Club 1 , z 3 Li - · branan 4 DON MAILLOT· Track 1 Te n nis L2 L3 • Bask;tball 2 3: "G" Club 2. 3. 4 BILL H UT CHINSON Football 4 Wrestling 4 : Glee Club 1
KENNE T H MALMGREN Fo o tb all 4 , Tra ck I. 2, 3. M YRN A NE\VMAN . G A A 1. 2 3 4. Treasurer G A A 3, 4 ; Tennis LI. L2. L 3. Pep Club I 2 3. 4 G lee C lub I. 2 3 M do de a rs 4. Canteen B oa rd 2. S ecret a r y o f the Cla ss 3 GERALDINE PLASTERS : D e n v e r, Colorado ·1 ; G . A A . 2 . 3 . 4; Pep Club 2 , 3, 4 President Pep Club 4 ; Maroon and \Vhite 3, 4. Annual Staff 4 LAVONNE PROCTOR : Westwood High 1. 2 Glee Club 1. 2 Pep Club 1 2 F H A 2. F H A Social Chairman 2. Librarian 1. 2 ; Girl Reserves 1. 2 B A R B A R A MI NNI CK : Ch o rus 2. 3, 4 . Librarian 4 DON RI CHARDS : Football 1. 2 Wr~tling 3. • PAT RICHARDS · GA A. 1. 2 3 , 4 ; F H A 1 : Student Council 4 : Pep Club 1 , 2 3 4 : Melodears 4: Dramatics 1, 2 ; Glee Club JE RMI NO M ORA ES · S ao Paul o. Bra z il 1 2. 3 · So cc er 1. 2 . 3. Tennis 3 . 15-
CL YOE R USS EL : Track 2 16 \VAL TER SAMPLE Broad R,ople ludi anapolis In d1a-na I Cloverdale Ind iana 2 Dramatics 3. 4 Track '\ Basketball l . 2. 3. 4 Football 4 LORNA SOBEY Douglas County High 1. 2. Student Council 2: Glee Club L 2. 4 Pep Club l. 2. 3. 4. Band 2 , 3: Girl Reserves 1 H ELEN ' fHOTviAS G A A 1. 2, 3. 4 Pep Club l. 2. 3, 4 Tennis L 3; L1branan 4 Annual Staff 4. Class President 2 : Draman cs 2. PE GGY Sl~IPSON P e p Club 1 2 3 4 Pep Club Vice Pres1den t 4 GA A l 2 3 4 Band I L2 L3. 4 DI CK THORNTON Football 2. L4. Honorable M e n t i o n Co - Captain Elect Football 4 Basketball 2. 3, 4 V1Ce President 2, " G" Club 4 B E V E R 1 Y TIERN E Y · GA A 2. 3, 4 Pep Club 1. 2. 3. 4 Dramatics 4. Libranan 4 Annual Staff 4 Art 1. 2, 3 CAROL SIVERS Pep Club 1. 2. 3 4 Junior Class Treasurer 3 lv1elodears 4 Student Counetl Sec retan·- Treasurer 4 Glee Club 2 3: L1branan 3
ANNE TRAVIS GA A 3. 4 Pep Club I 2. 3 4 Secretary Pep Club 4. D r amatic s 2, L1branan 3. 4 JEAN VAN W I N K L E G A A I 2. 3 4 Pep Club 1 . 2 3 4 Cheerle ade r 4. FHA 4 Office 4 M a r oon an d \Vh1te 3. Drama ti cs 1. 2. 3. Librarian 1 2, 3. Annual Staff 4 Student Council 3. MARL ENE WA TTERS. Pep Club 1 2. FHA 1. 2. 3 4 Librarian 2 , Chorus 1 2. 3, 4 BILLIE JEANNE WHEELER : G A A 1.2 3 4, Pep Club I 2. 3. 4 F H A 4 Junior Prom Co m m i ttee 3. Secreta r y Treasu r er 2. Libra na n 2 3 4 Office 4 ; An n ual Staff 4 D r amattcs 1 2. 3. C h eerleader 4 c-s...;;-s-.~~~L/.DJJJ]Jl))M\lffi\lVl.llfW- ....§(;\SX&fu., ARTHUR VAN BE NNING Band 4 SIDNEY WHITFORD Secretary of the Class 1 : Tennis 2. 3 BILL WI SHARD. Band 4 L OU DELL WATERS Saint lvlary's Academy l . 2, 3. Trea su r e r of Glee Club 3. G A A 4 Glee Club 4 M el odea rs 4 Annu al Sca ff 4 .-: 17 I ' t '• ' • '' ;; • ' 'l : • • • •,. f I ! ' ! :::: ... .. ...,.-
• 18
JIM ZIMMER Band 3, 4
MARILYN BAILEY F H A I 2. Maroon a n d \Vh1te 3. Dramatics 3. Glee Club 1. 2. 3. Melodears 4 Office 4
WADEL MALDONADO Sao Paulo. B r azil 1 2. 3. Soccer 2, 3, Volley Ball 2, 3
t'"1/ 19 ' } I . . . • • . . • • ' -'• 't • •-l t , "' "' ,. .. :;; :::: ... I i,. I ~ ::::: .,,..-----"-: I:::: .... i
Paul Wich m ann, Pres
John Cook Sec 0
Billy Beard
Martha Brown
Peggy C hew
B o nni e C hurches
Peggy Davi s
Gerry Derby
Ruth A1tkenbead. Treas
Stella Carr
Sally Combs
Irm a Jean Diltz
Stanley Alhson
) I y
Dixie Lee C h amberlai n
T o m Davi so n
Richard Durant
Phyliss Fabrenholrz
David Fetz
Ge raldy n Gilbert
' • •
Billy Gorman
Kay I-Iadl y
I l I • ----
Joyce Rae H all
Edwin Hartz
Nellie Hau s
Leland Freeman
Tommy Garrison
Altce Gray
Beverly Griffith
Pauline Harri s Leonard Hart g rave
I I 21 r , , t I I :::, ..."
Norman Hi ck s Sa ll y H oug ht o n
Shirle y Hun z iker
Glenn Jerome
Fred Johnson
Ronnie Johnson
Vi o let Johnson
Bonnie Johnston
Sidney Johnston
Lyle Kayser
Jean Kaufmann
B ob Kelly
Ethel Krome1ch
Flori ne Kroeger
Luella Lambert
Duane LeR oy
G loria L j ungvall Bob Loopet
• • '
Dori s Mark s
Dorothy M athews
Frank Me stecky
Dorlene Miller
Norma Nel so n
Delores Odneal
f>~~~~.OJJJlJJJJl\.fflJ\\\\\lK1ltW..:.- .i¼\-\.'i.,&\.{K~ j
B o b Petne
_ __ )
Lad1ne Mayberry ( t'
Nancy Nelson
Betty Nurnbe r g
Fern Philyaw
Bill Melcher
Flo ren ce Nelson
Ida Jean Oake s
23 , , , ; I I I,. .. ...---- l~ I '/.~
Lawrence Pearce
Bob Plack
Charlotte Proctor
Louise Pyle
Billy Ray
Dale Russell Velma Sawyer
Carolyn Sc hell
Danny S helle y
Faye Sive rs Beverly Sollenberger Betty Summers
Russell Tierney
Dewey Weber
Marlene Witford Mary Willowe1t
auM:1.:Ullu auu!:t.Gc..c:::::~~.1.\\:~~ u.,,r,...\.'k~YSOJff .uuJJJJllJJl\~1Jt\ U\l \ l fi:W-.......- - ~\\\:§..{\\~ J Not Pictured Wa rren Sa d n e rs , Cla r een Gaasch , Go r don Gaasch
Da r yl Zah m
1~ • I •,,: 'It " 1111 I::: .. Ii!: ... ,~ ,. :::: ?' 1 ::::, .... ... ... ;::;:------=---:;:::
W H E R E ' S T H E FOO D ?
I / ~ 26
M a rl ee n Carve r , Pres.
S h ei l a An d erson
Howacdine C.uoagan
,~vu~ ~........._~-.........~~~~~../H.JA./JJIJJ/Jt.\~"'\lJ\\\l\ll\11\l/u"7,:·~ :\::.. , ,\."\\~
Doris Dail ey
Te rr y HemMrg e r, V , ce Prn .
Walte r Bettinge r
J un e Ga rr o mon e
Di a na C h en ey
Don W h eeler Sec - Tre as
Roy d en B latte r
.. ·•
R ay C lark D o n Gilc rr ies t
B ernadine Ande r le
P h i lh p B urns
De an C l em me r
2 7 I I , '" , ; ,. ......--
Joa n Graves
. / -
\ )
\Vtlltam Gunther Kathie Harrold Betty Hin ez Ken H e rro n
MarJorie Hinkl ey
Lore tta H ogan De\\7ayn Hut chi n son VI rg1 nia Jackso n
Leila Johann DeWayne Kiser Jim Kline Leo K r eutze r
Leslie Kr oege r
Peggy Ku r tz Robe r t Kurz La r s La rson
Phillis La V 01e
Joan Loyd
Shirley Mannor
E uni ce Math ews
Do n McKendr y
Larry McMahan
Do nn a Mille r Jo A n n Mo r rison
Ruelda Loyd
Bob Mayberry
Bonnie Men se n
Ric h a r d Muher
\\'alter Manheim
Andy M cKendry
Richard Meyerpeter
Bob Nelson
Helen Nelson
Stephen Oakes Reen1e Ohn
• ' /• \ f I
Betty Procter
Robin Rowell
Betty Russell
Mary.Sc h ad e
Phil Schrie n e r
Byro n Selb e
D onna Se lb y Duane Slocum
Donald S mith
Bob Sobey
Patsy S tarbranch
Melvin Steele
Sonia Stewart
Helen Struck
' '
Ha ro ld Wheeler
Elaine Sullivan
Ann Van Winkle
Lafe Willtams
Natalie W nght
l'l'ot Pi c tured Buddy Bates. Helen Mane Beaty , Gene N1enhauser, V1v1an Snell. James Wilson
Ruth Weaver
;:::; 3 1
Betty Zastr o w
32 'II '1111.
Stanley Benfell Pres
Richard Smtth Vi ce Pres
Dick Allen
Robert Allison
Juanita Bates
Gloria Bauer
Donna Billis
Donald Blatter
I'\ I%""-,1;,-. • ~-- "'....... _ ....;I _;_ -=•---J
Th o mas \Vacer s Sec Trea s
Robert Baker
Odis Bennett(
(. ,:. ,, ,. ,. ,,. ,, I. I( I: .. .. .. ...
Rosina Blatter
l\.Iar y G eneva A c res
-,,,.,. _..-:::::5
Donna Bettinger
Richard Boyle
Ph, hs Bradley
flora Burgess \\' 11l1am Cameron
• _,
George Campbell
\\'ayne Campbell
Louis Christiansen
Etta Cleave r Ca r ol Cla rk
Norma Co nwa y
Luann Corb in M arJorie Dadd
M a ureen D a hl
Alma Jean D eCo la
R obe rt Defier R a lph Feeb ac k
3 4 •
Giana Fife
) ,,
Charles Fredenck
Marv Ann Graber
Sher r v Harns
Larne Hawkins
George Hogan
Jerome Hopperstad
Shelia H oweH
Heyward Jenkins
Lee Graham
Ronald Hoagland
Janet H owe
June Johnson
lvlary Lou Gross
John Hoekstra
• • I I
Orvtlle Howarter
Bessie l'viae Keith •-.,,,,._.. ::::::5 35
, •
ohn Kelley ---="'-
Rex Kelly-~
J i mnue K1nca1d
Lou1se Kiser .......
Barbara Koch
Hubert Korosec
Bob Korthu1s
Clinton Kreutzer
Mary Lou Lacer
?viary Ann Lambert
Charles LaPreze
Ruth LaV01e
Lois Jean Lewis Robe rt Le,vis 1\..Yarg1e Mays
Darline Mayberry
Dick Maxie
Amy Megary
Ronnie McKnight
L o u is f..1 cPher son
Joan Meyer
Marilyn Meyer
Linda Mohler
:::,; ._-
Barbara Moore
Clara Moore
Betty Lou Nankarvis
-.,..-....,:::::t " I ~ -..;;
IDanny Mullin Rav Philya,v
Patncia P r eston
Robe r t P l egge
Lola Poo l
Arlene Ramstetter
Sam Nankerv1s
Carol NtChols
Lynn Osborn
Jean Parker
Richard Pearce
I-Ie!cn Renceuhauc:en
Jack RtCe
Ronald Rice
~, (_ x
~ !
-1. 1· 1
Frank Secrest
Dale Shaeffer
Barbara Shroyer
John R Shroye r
Ester Starbranch
Kenneth Swena
Johanna Thuet
Conrad Trimmer
I:un1ce Un71ker Billy Warson Betty \Vebstcr
V1rg1n1a Worth1ngcon
Ronald \V1lhams
Not Pictur ed Joseph Allgood \V1lham Beat}. Rosalee Booth Jean Carner, Marvin Go \\•a n Orion Go,va n Carl Hedber g \\'alter H ess ler Barbara Manza nares , Dorothy Swe ney
Perry \Villiams
J f 39 ..;.--.. _.------:::s
Smtth Slocum Shaeffer. Wheeler Fetz H eller \\'ebcr Plack. \Vatl!rs Macl-,,Iabon Coach Kelly Ri ce. Benf,dl. Khne Kurz Ki se r Ma xcy Burn s M cKendq Nelson. Kroeger. All en
40 w. 1 Buddies 2.
of Bread 1 3 Nice try 4 Derby dot.
6 T - ) pass 7 Devils 8 D1tch1n ' 9. Pete 10 Line up 11. Whoa-stop 1 2 Don't Bite It 13 Soph's long ago
Lame Lamb
t~ .. "(:~ J - -i I ~:::::: :;.,; :::s;:::»' :;;.--:::: I~-....::::r,,,_------'f ' ':::::,...-:::.. ~ s1
w,sz - - - !.£3M D.>AJJJii i\HIM\ Rtdi\DP,J--==-~\furn\\\{\M«{td§..,;:= b})»-¾k-.
Backfteld Derby. Beers , Johnson. Hemb er ger L,nc \V11l1ams. Nelson San d er s, Herr on Selbe , P etric. Tho rn ton
Coach Ea t on , Korosec Nelson. Campbell. Johnson W1lhams , Petne, Thornto n , Me s te ck y. Coa ch Lewis Sanders Jerome, Hemberger , Derby , W ichman Herron Beers Burch Allison. Gorma n Artemis Selby Ya ge r
Let1ern1en this year were Artemis Beers (Capt ) Thornton (Capt ) Wt!ham s. Allis o n Campbell ber ge r, Herr on Jerome. Joh n so n Korosec Meste cky , Nels o n Petne Sanders. Selbe, Cook (Mgr ).
Numeral winners were
, Yager Wichman
ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Terry Hemb erg er, Back. Second 1 eam Read Beers Back, Byron S elbe. Guard, Honorable Mention · Ken H erron , Center :
LEAGUE STANDINGS Lakewood Wheat Ridge , Arvada Golden. Westminster. Auro r a Littleton Warren Sanders. Guard. Dick Thornton, E nd
5 i I •
Idaho Springs _ - h ere Moun tair ____________ ·-------------------------------- here Brighton _ __ - - there Wheat Ridge _______ •·----------------------__ Arvada Li ttl eto n her e Aurora ____________________ - - - there Lakewood _____________________________________ here Arvada _ - there W estm1nster - here We 54 33 6 0 25 0 7 14 20
Burch Wheeler
They 0 7 7 20 0 27 27 14 7 Derby Gorman H em -
The Golden Hi gh Basketball team of 1948 - 49 ended 1n second place in the Subu rb an League with a record of 9 wins against 4 losses and were one of the two r epresentatives of the Suburban League in the State Play-offs where they were eliminated tn the first round by the La Junta team ,vhich went on t o win the State Champio n ship.
With only one letterman returning from last year's team the underdog Dem o ns surprised everybody by going through the first round 1n the league ,v1nning all but one game In the second round the Demons ,vere defeated three times , and ,vere forced into a play off for second place with Littleton and Wes tm1nster On March 12 Westminster defeated I..1ttleton a n d then met the Demons on March 14 1n the Wheat Ridge gym where the Demons defeated them 3 2-30 1n a very tight game
Six men earned their letters for the Demons this year They were Capt Dtck Thornton Walt Sample Ronnie Johnson, Te rr y Hemberger Gerry Derby. and Orwin Nelson The othe r four boys on the A squad ,vho received numerals ,vere Stan All1son , Harley Williams Bob Petrie and Don McKendry.
Three of the Demo n s Squad members were further honored at the end of the season Ronnie Johnson holder of the League sconng ticle with 16 9 points in I 2 games received the unanimous vote of the League Coaches for All Conference forward Dick Thornton stellar Demon Guard. was no m inated for the second All Conference team and Gerry Derby. forward received honorable mention
Of the entire Demon Squad Coac h Lewis loses only three membe r s and has a very fine nucleus to bu ild arou nd for n ex t year The slogan for next year's team 1s TAKE THE STATE !
44 00 • •\ ' l
Coach Lewis W Sample D McKendry S Allison , T Hemberger B Gorman , G Derbr R Johnson 0 Nelson, D Thornton B Petrie
Nov. 24 Nov 26 Nov. 27 D ec 3 De c. 1 0 De c. 1 7 Jan 7 Jan . 14 Jan . 21 WE Brighton _ 29 Adams Ci ty ________________ 25 Oak Creek _______________ 4 3 Arvada ·----------- 3 0 Littl eto n ___ ·--·--- 5 0 Lakewood _________________ 25 Wheat Ridge _______________ 3 4 Aur o ra _____________________ 3 8 Westminster _ ··-·····----26 TOTAL POINTS 667 AVE P E R GAME 35 ! SEASON'S RE CORDS THEY 19 31 32 22 30 31 31 36 22 Jan. 29 Feb 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb . 25 Mar 4 Mar . 14 Mar 17 Mar . 18 WE Strassburg __________ 4 7 Arvada _____________ 3 4 Littleton _____________________ 40 Lakewood ______________ 34 Wheat Ridge _______ _ 44 Aurora __ __ _______ 4 2 Westmin s ter __ __________ 2 8 Westminster _ 3 2 La Junta .. ______ 3 2 Wray _ ____________________ 3 2 TOTAL OPP POINTS 572 OP P AVE PFR G AME 3 0 1 THEY 19 19 43 26 46 30 36 30 37 39
The Demon "B" Squad Basketball team won only one league contest in their first round , but under the capable coaching of lviark Eaton managed to split the second round winning 3 ball games and losing 3 The team did very well considering the fact that 4 of the boys V.'ere freshm e n and 5 were sophomores Most of the teams they played against were composed of Juniors . With Coa ch Lewis having most of his "A" Squad back , the same boys will be playing another year on the " B" Squad and Coach Eaton is expecting a winning season
Coach Eaton Smith , H erron. Kur7 , Waters \Vheeler , Cook Mgr Campbell Wi chman Shell ey , G o rman , Sm,th C o ach Lewi s
SEASON'S RECORD Nov 17 Nov. 24 Nov 26 Dec 3 Dec 10 Dec. 17 Jan 7 Jan 14 WON 6 WE Oak Creek _______________ 21 Brighton _____________________ 2 2 Adams City _____________ 26 Arvada _____________________ 2 3 Littleton ________________ 31 Lakewood ______________ 16 Wheat Ridge __________ 11 Aurora ________________ 24 TOTAL POINTS 379 AVE. 23 7 THEY 14 30 31 9 32 20 22 48 WE Jan 21 Westminster _ 2 3 Jan 29 Strassburg _________________ 26 Feb 4 Arvada 15 Feb. 5 Littleton24 Feb I 1 Lakewood - 33 Feb. 18 Wneat Ridge -----··_____ 23 Feb 25 Aurora~------------ 28 Mar 4 \Vestminster ------- 27 LOST 10 OPPONENTS TOT AL POINTS 40 l OPPONENTS A VE 2 5 TH EY 30 14 12 22 27 29 31 36 ' 45......:~I :--......::::: ;;..,: §g <.:-==--::,_ ~ ~ : I
Second Row Ho,varter Coach McMahon , Hartz Jerome, W11l1ams, l'vlgr
Th1rd Row Me~tecky Korosec Christiansen. Rice Watson
Fourth Row B Hutchinson Artem1s Richner Maxey Shaeffer.
Bottom Row D Hutchinson. Kroeger , Beers. K1ser. Dav1son
\\Then the nev.r coach. Don McMahon. sent out a call for the 1949 wrestling squad to begin practice. h e was g reeted by on ly three returning veterans plus about thirty other boys who were willing to give the sport a try for the first time
By the time the sea$o n was finished this squad was to place a team on the mat that made up for it's lack of experience by determination and fighting sp1r1t that made them a constant threat to their opponents 1n all of the nine me ets 1n which they have competed
Trn of the grapplers earned enough points to win the coveted letter awards Two of lhese. George Artemis and Read Beers. both seniors, ga1nl'd further honor by placing 1n their weight at the state tournament George gained a fourth place 1n the I 20 lb class. while Read despite a seve r e kne-e 1nJury suffered about the middle of the season, ca me back to fight h1s way into the finals of the 138 lb class to lose a one po nc decision and take the runner-up spo t Les Kroeger. flashy sophomore 95 and Tom Davison. veteran Junior 127 to ok second placl's 10 their weights at the co nference meet to qualify for the state meet
The ten boys who won their letters were Artemis, Beers. Ho\\·arter, and Richards se ni o rs Davison and Richner. Juniors. Kroeger Kiser. and Lewis. sophomores. and Hubert (Killer) Korosec. Freshman Six of these will return co form the nucleus of the 19 5 0 team
Over a do7en others "'ho parttc1pated tn one or more ma cches dunng the seaso n , and who ,vill return to give next seasons squad a strong well-balanced team are Hartz, Jerome. Weber. Mestecky. Nelson. McKendry McMahan Hutchinson Watson. Hogan. Shaeffer. Chnsttansen. Maxey, Bennetts Two other se ni ors. Bill Hutchinson and Jim Zimmer, wrestled 1n several matches and though they didn t earn qu1te enough po1n ts to win their letter they are to be commended for the ability which chey showed 10 their 1n1t1al year 1n a sport 1n which experience ha s always been the greatest teacher
At the end of the year the letter winners elected Artemis and Beers as Co-captains.
46 •
Top Ro\V Zimmer Weber
Top Row Coach l ew1s. R Johnson 0 Nelson
Second Row H Wheeler. D Wheeler G Derby F Meste cky C Haskins
Third Ro,v D Shaeffer. K Herron , D Evans F. Johnson D Weber
Front Ro,v B Gorman. J Cook. D Fet7 B Plack T Davison , D Shelley.
Only two track lettermen returned to the squad this year R o n Johnson. hurdler and sprint man, and Byron Selbe, a promising 440 and 880 man Other outstanding candidates reporting to Coaches Lewis and Eaton include Gerry Derby , hurdler Or\v1n Nelson, 880 yard dash Ken Herron , sprints , Terry Hemberger weights ; Don Wheeler , 440 yard dash : Harr o ld Wheeler, 880 yard dash, and Frank Mestecky , weights
Competition chis year included a Triangular meet with l ~akew oo d and Wheat Ridge at l akewood, a dual meet with Arvada at Arvada, D U. Relays , C . U. Relays , Arvada Relays. League Meet, District Meet and the State Meet at Boulder.
TRACK al... .;, '__. ... • IO.' - ;~ • .::c - - w :·-l . , ' ' I I
.. I
:::::::: 47 r
• 48 ti/. 1111/i
( f~ r , .,,l ' / ~Zit -
Ba c k Ro~ I. Ferti g M Bro ,vn , Coa ch Bishop P Allen, H 'Thomas Fr o nt R o • . E Matthe\\ s M Carver. N Wnght A Van Winkle
Back Row · R Kurz A Sproul. D LeRoy, D Ma11lot P \l/1chman
Front Row Coach M cMahon L Kroeger , L McMahan, C Fredenck , J Kelly H Jenkins
The G-Club is an organization of Letter Winners . Its purpose is to stimulate sportsmanship and team work It also sponsors an annual G-Club Banquet and Dance
The officers this year were Harley Williams President : Roger Burch , Vice President ; and Ron Johnson Secretary-Treasurer Its members were as follows : George Art emis, Read Beers, Bill Howarter, Don Maillot , and Dick Thornton--Seniors; Stanley Allison, John Cook, T o m Davison, Gerry Derby, Bill Gorman , Ken Herron , Fred Johnsor, Frank Meste cky, Orwin Nelson , Bob Petrie, Eddie Richner , Warren Sanders Juniors ; Leslie Kroeger, Andy McKendry, Bob Nelson--Sophomores; Wayne Campbell, Terry Hemberger , Hubert Korosec- Freshmen.
The sponsors were Coaches Eaton, Lewis , and McMahon
Top Row E Ba chman H Williams. C Bussert , L F reeman
S eco nd R ow R Joh n son, K H erron, R Feebeck
Third Row B Koch , P Richa rd s. C Sivers, F Sivers
Front Row J Meyer , J Van Winkle , /\ Van Winkle , N. Nelson
This year the Student Co uncil \va s o rganized a s prescribed by th e const 1tut1 on The student o fficers were Eugene Ba chman , Pr es idept , and Ca r o l Sivers , Secretary - Tr eJsu r er The C la ss repre sentatives were : Seni o rs-Pat Ri cha rds, Jean Van Winkl e, Harley William s. and Clyde Bussert: Juniors- Faye Sivers , Norma Nelson, Leland Freeman, and R o nni e Johnson, Sophomores- Anne Van Winkl e, Ken Herron, and Richard Multer; Freshman- Barbara Koch, Joan Mey er , and Ralph Feeback.
The Student Council plans and d eco rate s for All -Sc h oo l parties, ke eps r eco rd s for "G- Pin" p o ints , and sponsors noon -da n ci ng It also acts as a mediat o r between the faculty and the student body A membership in Council is n o t a ticket for fun : time and attenti o n ar c demanded The Council members have been aware of th eir pos1t1 o n and should be co mmended for their fine work Through the tireless eff-0rts of their sponsor, Miss Bolitho, the Student Council has become an organization of which we should all be proud .
Top Row R Beers H Williams R Johnson, P Wichmann
Second Row · J Cook , P Allen , C Sivers
Third Row E Bachman , R A1tkenhead , W . Charon , S Claar .
Bottom Row B . Tierney , B . Wheeler
If you re ce ive the honor of being initiated into this society , you can JUStl-y be proud. Since Golden received its Society Charter in 1927 , this organization has promot ed scholarship, service. and class participation. There are many goals to reach during the period of schooling. but one of the highest is a membership in this society After your name is proposed for membership. the members of the faculty grade each candidate for outstanding achievements in scholarship, leadership , character, and service The candidates with the highest ratings are selected for membership
From this,. year's graduating class. Eugene Bachman, Read Beers, Stanley Claar, and Myrna Middlemiss were elected in their junior year
The Juniors elected this year were : Ruth Aitken.head, John Cook, Ronnie Johnson, and Paul Wichmann
The Seniors elected chis year were : Pat Allen, W 11la Jean Charon, Carol Sivers, Beverly Tierney, Billie Jeanne Wheeler , and I-Iarley Wiliiams .
To you who receive chis honor, wear your pin proudly as it is the highest award presented in high school.
52 national
R Beers R Johns o n C Sivers. W J C haro n B J Wh eeler
A G - Pin 1s perhaps one of the highest distinctions a student of Golden High School may receive
When a student enters High Sch o ol as a freshman , he may begin to keep a record of all activities in which he participates during his four years The points are turned in independently by each student and are recorded by the G - Pin Committee of the Student Council. Norma Nelson and Faye Sivers After a student has accumulated 150 points, he is awarded his G-Pin To be eligible he must first be a member of the student assoc1at1on every year Points are given for . Officers of Student Body, Student Council, Grades, National Honor Society, Athletics , " G " Club; Cheerleaders , Majorettes, Melodears , Goldenairs, Glee Club, Senior Play, Assembly Appearances , Annual Staff, F . H . A . , G . A . A ., Maroon and White, Band , Pep Club. Canteen Board, and Librarian Points may be deducted for any dishonorable conduct of a student of Golden High School.
Only a few outstanding students earn their G -Pins before they are Seniors Myrna MiddlemiS$ and Read Beers of this year's Senior Class received their pins last year. Ronnie Johnson of this year's Ju.nior Class received his G - Pin. Students receiving their pins during their Senior year are : Carol Sivers, Billie Jeanne \Vheeler, and Willa Jean Charon.
These pins are symbolic of a well - rounded student. When a student receives this award , he may wear it with pride and satisfaction for it carries with it one of the highest honors bestowed upon a student of Golden High School.
I ~ I I :::;., :::s::::::-' I ~ , g I ~ ::,./ I =I §=: ::- ~ I ~ 53
Among the more fascinating professions of the world is the one which records and reports the daily doings of man - the nev.1 spaper profession . The Maroon and White staff of Golden High School is that group of high school students reporting to G H S the follies a chievements , and progress of its young people everywhere The motto of this class is. "Enter these enchanted doors , you who dare " One period a day the staff assembles to edit personality sketches on outstanding Seniors, features, editoria ls concerning current issues , club activities , all sports articles and " Chatter" Unde r the able guidance and pati ent help of Mi ss Helen Fairbanks, the staff Eve l yn Churches , Geraldine Plasters, Betty Graves, Natalie- Wright. Joanne Brown. and John Cook , has attempted to present to the student body each week an interesting and inforn1ative paper.
• 54 aroon and Bac
o,v J Coo k , J Br o wn .
G ra ves. E Church es
r o n t
iss F airb a nk s, S p o nso r G Pla s ters. N Wnght
OFFICERS Pr eSldent , · GER -
MEMBER S : Diana Ball
Juanita Bates , Donna Bil -
lis , Ph y llis Bradle y How -
ardene Ca rnagan , Marl ene
Carver, D ixie Chamber -
lain. Bon nie C hurches
L u a n n Co rbin , Willa
Jean C haron , Doris Daily ,
Dorothy Delzer. Irma
Jean Diltz, Joan Graves , Joyce Halt , Rose Mane
The Future Homemakers of America 1s the national o rganization of pupils studying homemaking in junior and senior high schools of the United States and territories As an integral part of the program of home economics in the schools of America it offers opportunity for the future development of pupils initiative in planning and carrying o ut activities related to h o m emakin g. The m emb ership is composed of high school girls who are taking or have taken homemaking The club flower is the red r ose and the colors are red and white Our motto is "Toward New H o rizons ."
The activities of our club consist of business , educational. money making, Social Service and Social. The business meetings develop in each girl some knowledge of ( a) training in various kinds of lead erships, ( b ) how to carry on a business meeting under the rule of parliam entary procedure , ( c) a democratic spirit in an organization. Education is to develop the purposes of the organization. through the m eans of outside speakers, members ' organized p l ays stunts, and programs. radio broadcasts, demonstrations and exhibits The mo.ney making projects vary from year to year depending upon the amount needed Our Social Service gives the girl a better understanding of h er school, community, and club . Our clul:S has social activities also consisting of the "G" club supper and M u ther - Daughter Banquet which every girl l ooks forward to
THE OFFICERS WERE Shirley Mannon Pre si dent : June Garramone, \,' ice -President Stdla Carr. Secreta r y. V 1rg1n a Guth , Treasurer : Ethel Kromeich Parliamentarian. Joan Mey er, Song Leader Linda Mohler , Pianist : Natalie Wright , Reporter: Peggy Kurtz. Historian : Mr s. Herron . Mrs Lewis. Mr s, Thuet , Mrs. M cMahan , Mr ~ \t/n ght , Club M othe rs. He '.e n Luddington Sponsor
THE MEMBERS WERE SlHrley Mannon . Jo Ann Morrison . Dons Marks . Stella C arr . Billie Jeanne Wheeler , Jean Van Winkle , Virginia Guth Ethel Krome1ch Irma Jean Diltz June Garramone Pegg y Kurtz Loretta H ogan, B on n •e Mensen, Marilyn M eye r , Joan Meyer , Linda Mohler Juanita Bates. Pat Starbranch Mary Lou Lacer , Darlene Mayberry Betty Webster. Betty Lou Nankerv1s , Johanna Thuet Natahe Wnght Clara Moore , Louise Keiser. D o nna Selby and Luann Corbin
-:::::., 59
OFFICERS Pat Allen, Prrsrdent L o is Jea n Fertig Vice Pres t dent and Treasurer Martha Brown Se cretary Mabel R Bishop , Spon s or
MEMBERS Mary Geneva A cers Ruth A1tkenhead Pat A lien Bernadine Anderle G,veneth Anderle. Diana Ball. Donna Billis Phyllis Bradley Martha Bro,vn, Flora Burgess, Ho,vardine Carnag a n Ethel Carter , Marlene Carver Diana Cheney Sally Combs , Luann Corbin Marlene Cornell , Carol Cottrell Alma Jean De Cola Do r othy Del7er Mary Lou Dick Irm a Jean Diltz Lois Jean Fertig Beverly Griffith Mary Lou Gros s. Virginia Guth Kay Hadley Sherry Harrts Betty Lee Harr old Kathy H arrold Nellie Hlu s Larrie Ha\\•ktnj , Lorraine Hofmeister Norma H owarte r Janet Howe Shirley Hunziker. Jean Kaufm ann Louise Kiser Barbara Koch Mary Lou Lace r Luella Lambert Mary Ann Lambert, Phillis La Voie. Ruth La Vo1e , Lois Jean Lewis Dorothy Matthews , Eunice Matthews Darlene Mayberry , Ladine Mayberry Joa n Meyer Linda M ohle r , No rm a Nelson Betty Nurnbe r g. Lynn Osborn Jean Pa rk er , Ge r ald in e Plaste rs Lola P o ol Pat Preston Betty Proctor. Charlotte Proctor Arlene Ramstetter , Pat Richards Robin Sue Ro,vell Mary Sc h ade Ca r oly n Sc h ell. Peggy Simpso n Beverly Sollenbe r ge r , Este r Sta r branc h Sonia Stewa rt , Helen Struck Helen Thomas Beverly Tierney, Ann Travis , Jo h a nna Thuet, Ann Van \\1 inkle Jean Van Winkle , Lou Dell Waters Billie Jean Wheeler Marlene Whitford Natalie Wright V1Cginia Worthington , Betty Zast r ow
Th e annual Hike up Lookout M o untain early in September o pened the seaso n's activities of G A A Over sixty girls enj oyed this outing.
F o rty -t wo girl s w ere initiated int o G A A in a beautiful candlelight se rvic e in N o vember Our memb er s hip is n o w eighty, a new rec o rd fo r Golden Hi .
Pat Allen, Pat Richards and Myrna Middl emis s repr ese nted o ur A ssociatio n at the annual conference h eld in B o uld er From all rep o rts th ey had a wond erful time Mrs Bish o p was elected to the State Exec utive Coun ci l at this conference
The most popular intramurals are volleyball, softball, and bas ketball, but most any Monday and Wedn es day after school, the girls ar e bu s y with some activity. Th e basketball intramural Tournament was won by the Junior A team . The girls have w o rked diligently to pa ss skill tests in all sports.
• 60
Stanley Allison. Bernadene Anderle. Ph11l1p Burn s Marlene Carve r , Alice Gray. Rosie H arkins, C harles H askin, Le o n a rd H a r tgrave. MarJorte Hinkle y, Loretta Hogan 8111 H ov,ra r te r Fred Joh n so n Robert Kurz
Dons Mark s. Dor o thy Matthew s. Eunice Matthew s. Louis McPh er o n B o n nie Men so n F rank M estec k y, D o r lene M11l er JoAnn Morri son. Norma Nelson Bob Plack , Walter Sample, Sonia Stuart Ann Van Wi nk le, Lafe Williams
Geo r ge Artemis , Read B ee rs. Hel en Beaty. H owa rd1ne Carnaga n , Diana Cheney. B o nnie Johnston. Stan l ey Gord on, Jea n Kaufmann , Shirley Mannon Bill y Ray , R o bin Ro\vell. Mary Schade. Dick Thornt o n Beverly Ti ern ey. David Fetz, l-l arley W 1lhams
The Variety Show A Psalm of Thanksgiving, The Tnp t1ng Peace The Rin g and the Look T he C l od Daddy Longlegs. S ubmerged P hant o m Bells
Ri ch Man Po o r Man ; Antic Spnng , The Lost Kiss , The Special Guest
We wish to thank the Dramati cs Classes for the ma.ny fine plays they presented this year. We realize how hard they worked to put them on and wish to express our gratitude for this wonderful entertainment.
61 I..,..... ....::-% ::;.:::s I
From the time we were Freshmen, we Seniors have looked forward anxiously to our Senior Class Play This year we presented "Those Websters", an adaption of the popular radio program This gay and exciting co medy of adolescence presented :
HARLEY WILLIAMS ____ Bill Webster George Webster
BEVERLY TIERNEY _ __________________ Jane Webster
BILLIE JEANNE WHEELER _ ____________ __ _ _ _ Liz
PAT RICHARDS __ -----------------·····--·-•---Belinda Boyd
DICK THORNTON __________________ ------------· Jeep Sta nle y
JEAN VAN WINKLE -· _ ______________ Dolores Mas on
GERALDINE PLASTERS ---------·---________ Kitty
GEORGE ARTElvlIS _____ Mr Watt
ROSE MARIE HARKINS ______________ Shirley Mae Stri nger
BILL HOWARTER -------···-··-·-------·_______ Emil Stuler
C HARLES HASKIN --········-·-···-·--The Football Coach
In addition to the cast every member of the Senior Class worked industriously to sell tickets , design and set the stage, apply and gather costumes. And under the faithful guidance of Miss Fairbanks, the play established a place for our class in the field of entertainment.
62 ' .. 0. • ....
Beers. Haskins Howarter Williams Thornton , Artemis Miss Fairbanks Director ; Tierney , Plasters. Richards , Van Winkle Harkins , \Vheeler
roduclion Sta ~~
Ba chman Bussert
Miss Fairbanks. G o rdon , Sobe y. Hetland . Allen
Graves , Brown . S imp son Del z er , Churches , Sivers
Bailey , C o rnell , G urh Th o mas , Fertig. Charon , Dick
BUSINESS MANAGER Willa Jean Char o n
TICKETS Entire Seni o r Class
PROGRAMS Evelyn Churches
POS1 ' ERS AND ADVERTlSING , Marlene C o rnell. Dorothy Delzer, Joanne Brown , Joan Cherry
PROMPTER Dolores Korosec
PROPERTIES. Pat Allen , Ann Travis Betty Graves
ELECTRICIANS , Clyde Bussert , Eugene Bachman
WARD ROBES Helen Thomas , Betty Har o ld , Lorraine Hof me1ster
STAGE CREW Stanle>' Gord o n Walter Sample
USHERETTES , Peggy Simpson , Bettye Langley , Ann Heil and , Mary Lou Dick, Barbara Minnick , Jean Fertig , Gweneth
Anderle Carol Sivers. Lorna Sobey , Marilyn Bailey
/Q \ ,. A , ""' 'I ..........,{__ ..._____.___....___. __,._....__ g 3 /, 1 THE THINKER ' 2 POWER POL ITICS 3 O - OH' LEGS ! 4 L A D S 5 MUTT AND JEFF 6 NO. GRA SS SKIRT S? 7 CUBIN A SP H ERE 8 WRESTLE 9 WELL A- A - A - H , X+Y=Z. 10 STEPP IN OUT! 11 A LL SCHOOL PARTY 12. SM IL E FOR 'T'HE BIRDIE ! 1 3 BEFORE 14 AFTER--=____, 5:::::: ::...' ::::s:::::..I ~ ,:;..-:: .... -....:::: 65
MA C 7 . LOOK AT THE D EE R ! 8 . DICKIE . 9 CATCHING FLIES . 10 . POSING . 11. PEAK-A-BOO ! 12 . Cl-
• 67
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Your -4nnuaf Stall
Harold. Bachman , Sproul. Bussert Bee rs Editor , Artemis , Korosec Guth , Fe r tig, Delzer Allen , Thomas , Charon Hofmeister Cornell, Van Winkle , Waters, Anderle Plasters Wheeler
---== ~I69
ThE EG' ER PRES P/27//VT//VC fli/l?L ITY S ERI/ICE 5 I 6 - / 3 :0 S TREET Ga LdeN -' C o La .
70 Gold e n - 12 2 24 Hour 5 er-vice To Lookou+ Mountain Area Complimenf 5 To Class oj '49 COMPLIMENTS u NN't' - LANG F9Lowcres 49'er.s PH . 648 Self E-Z Wa~ Laundry 5erv,ce WE oo 1T o~ You oo IT 716 • 12~ ST PHONE Z69R COLDEN AND CASPER BUSSERT Maintenance Cl eci ..-;c al S erv~ce Phone 469 Compliments to CI ass of ~9 Co .mp/ imen-ls 5 THe. APPLIANCE SHOPPE HEADQUARTERS j.r FAMOUS MflKE5 YOUR RECORD STORE I ,.., 49'e.-.s GOLDEN Ph.645'
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We Delive r E //El?YOAY Phohe :289 /1 e/r °l°o/1 /a ;v B~ rbet' Shop G F Reeves l / F RnJ D .E. \!a h W J~ Kl e Cornpl1m e nfS of Da ve C ooK • 0 11. the w ay fo fh e posfoff/ce CD/'-tPL / /\f £ N-t-5 fl,id 5 88§6_JtJ G NORG £ 1:LE C,R.lC. A.k R q P L I fft-( C ~j JR NNE 'f - Bf s t P Rt t,rr :i PH. 5 2.. 5 t 1 , \,,. ( fl, f-l Av E comPLtmEnrs o/ a n.....::: :;.,; ::-,, ::,...,"' ::s::::::.-:. ,:;;; 75
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