GHS Yearbook - 1950

Page 1


B c l' a u -..e ¼ c b,, Ji e , e th a t n1 a n ca nn o t Ii, e o n hr e ad a lon e th e ac ti v 1t ie, of Go ld e n High ch oo l a r e ,, icl e an d varie d Fo r c ultu ra l e nr1 c l11n <' nt , , e h avc tud Je'- 111 1uu ,H dr a 1na t1 c~. a rt , a nd sc i e n ces. l o n g th <' 1u ore pr a <ti ca l lin e ~tud e ut ~ u ta) a l ~o e l t>c t ro u r e-. 111 " hop a nd h o 1n e cc on o 1ni c . o th a t both ih e h o d y a nd n1ind n1 ay b e k e pt h ea lth y. " c a J o h a , e a d ive r i fied p r o g r a n1 o f a thl e ti c, a nd ph yb ical e du ca ti o n .

Page 2


If/ e. the class of 1950. 11roudl)· <ledicate our annual to 111r. Cliristensen in appreciation of all that he ha· <lone to make our )'earbook a suc " ess Though zve J>ass through tlie 11ortals of Golden High to other adierztures and exJJeriences zve shall never forget t hose of our high chool da)s and the sponsor of our yearbook. 1 l f r. Christensen.

Page 3

I: \/OR GIRi


\1 \RTH \ BROW'\



BO'\'\IF ( Hl RC HE ~

AI l '\ CO\JB-,

PE<;G '\ 0 \ I"




CLAREE:\' (. \ \ CH





'\FLLIE H \l" .\LLY HOl (,HTO'-.

.;HIRLE'\' Ht '\/IKFR

\ IOI FT JOH'\',O'\

BO'\'\ IF JOH'\~TO'\

J F \ '\ K \ l r ,r ,\ \ '\




DORI i\l \Rh.-..


I ADl'\F \I\'\ BERR\

'4\'\("\ '\flO'\

FLORF '\( F '\Fl O'\

'«OR~I \ '«Fl -,o,


FER~ PHIi "\ \ \\


VEL;\l \ A.\\ 'r ER

C \ROL '\ '« S( HELL

F\)F I\FR'i


BETT) 'l \J\IFR~


l\I \R\ \v ILLl WEIT


TA ~LF'\: \LLl~O'\:



TO\I D.\ \ Il:lO~


RICH \RD Dl R \ '\T



TOl\1\1\ G.\RRI 0






ff ill

\l> clin1ple, to \Ir Chri,-ten:,en

~I) athletic abiltt) to Terr, Hen1Lergcr Blue e)e" to 1\laril)n \1,-\er

Fingernails to an} one \\ ho \\ ant-. thern Office to Bett, \anker, i-.

\I, height to Ph)llt, La \ 01e

Abilit) to ,a} go,h i.nd clarn to the Junior!> Quiet n1oo<l, to the John,on t,\in, \h <liaruond ring to Jean \lo,le}

\bilit) to die,\ !?-lllll to \Ir, LuJJington

Grade, to an) one ,rnarl enough to get then1

~I) lo, e for <o,,, to Ann \ an \\ 1nkl1: Big Bro,\ n E) t>, to an) one \\ ho can hi: :,t u,e then1 \hilit) to go ,lead) to Barbara Baker

J err) Wi II to the Fro,h girl, Skiing ahilit) to an) one ,, ho ,,ant, it

Frien<ll} nature to Carol hofh

l\l) C)ela,he, lo an)one \\ho <an the the1n

~I> t)ping abilit) to nt) fello,\ office \\orker, Con, er,ational abilit) to Duane ' lorurn

Affe< tionate nature to Joanne \lorrhon

Orh ing abilit) lo Ronnie R1e e

A bi lit} to blu,h to Fun1< e ~latthe,\:.

\hi lit) to flirt to Joan \le, t>r

\bilit) to gi\e Toni', lo \\ alter \Janhein

Drarnatic ability to Ann \ an Wrnkle

Singing abilit, to an) one "ho can stand it

\h ni< knan1e nroc,chre to .\nd) \lfhendry

PlarL' in ban<l lo Beth \'\ eb,ter , Pool pla) ing abilit} to an) one \\ ho "anl., it

\1, long hair to the John,on t\\ in,;

51n ne~, around ho,"' to ~laril} n Churches

\I) dancing aL1ht, to the fello,\, of ~H

Lo, e for redheads to an) one ,d10 \\ ant-. 1t

\ 7oire to one of next ) ear\ \Ielodear:.

The wrinkle, 1n Ill) no,e to Le-.he Kroeger

\l) ,,nile to Helen truck

\I) dn,ing abilit) to June Johnson

\I) kissable lips to the en1or 1.drls of '51

\I, ah1 lit) to ri<le hor,-es to ,01neone "ho kno\\ s


\I) ,,re:-.tling ahilit} to a real good wrestler

Ih,likc for ho1ne,\ ork to Ken Herron

\I> brain and \\ 1:-.<lom to Ronnie Rife

\I) hat and red no~e to Larr) l\Ialmgren

Be111g fr.1nk ,,ith the \\on1en to Herbie Wright

Ab,ht) to ride to "ede H.

\I> \\ ink to Bobb> \\ eaver

Brain, 10 George Carnpbell

The pin•up:. in Ill) locker to To1n Waters

Abilit) to argue to Jane Plullips

Lea, e Ill) rheerleadrng ability to Lee Suede


f> abilit} to sleep in cla<.:. to DeWayne


Ah1lit) to sluff off to George Campbell Speech 1nak1ng ahiht) to anyone that":. ('apable

(Continued on Page 44)

Probable Destiny

First per,on to the moon

Tea<'hing :'\orth African:, ho,, to

Cruising around in an) kind of car except a Bui<·k


\ ne,~spaper reporter

Live in a n1ansion 1n \ 1rginia

IoJelin~ fur roab

Teaching romrnercial Art

\ partner with Digger O'Dell

Doing as little as po,,1ble

\ ,-.i,-tant to Einstein

tale Honie Demonstration .:\gent

Po,\ er, Co, er Girl

Central Po,\er Girl

Running a home for :,tra} bachelor:,, Bob Denton

O,\ ner of a large ranfh

:\ rich old tuaid

To go to Florida and retire

i\lajorelle at \'\ e,t Potnt

Dallas, Texas

Have a Cadilla<'

Prh ate serretar} at i\l 1ne:.

I'll not be "ork1ng at the Gol<len :,,ho,, Beaut} shop for men only

Head e:xeruth e at Paramount tudio, Pueblo

..\ lrttle girl ha, ing: a big tin1e

Airline ,te,,arJe:,s on a rocket to the moon Bill'!>

A f ann in the Ozark, To n1eet h1rle) and Pauline in \ 1rginia

Cheerleader of We'.'>t Point

Rabing Redheads

Grand Opera

\n old n1aid, • home

Running a Dude Ranch for men onl)

Taxi Drhcr

Ju,t another 1nark in the hook. of time Working for nt) hu band

"uperintendent of an orphanage \l11lionaire

Professor of Geoph) sic nt Va:.sar

To have a \\1£e someda)

C.rgar and beer tester in Bill Ra)\ Bowery leeping in a railroad car

Charnberrnaid at C.W C.

Big Wheel at ) ale

Tend11ng girl:-. how to rook

O,\ n an) car that goes 105 mph tand-in for Peter Lorrie

0,\ n lll) o\\·n drug store

Gorgeou:, George II Preacher

Page 4
Page 6 HUGH BEERS Prin cipal ROGER Q. MITCHELL uperint endent •-

\I ARK E i\ T O • h o p :\l ec h a n ica l D ra'\-vi n g Coac h

H E LE FA IRB A K E n glis h


E n gli s h Libr a r y

ROWE A KI NG Comm e r c i a l

\1 .-\BEL B I H<lP Girl · Phv ::. 1c al Edu c ation •

R ..\LPH BI HOP o c 1al c 1en ces B a nd

~l..\BEL BOLITHO Con1m e rcial LORE:\ CHRI TEN E~ • c1e n c e s

UJ Pa ge 7

E .\RLE J<JH~ ·o~ , . ocaI \lu-,1 <.· Social Coach • c 1ence!'

HELEX LlDDI:\GTO:\ Horne Econon1ic:iBiolog~

D0:\A.LD :\le \I ..\HO:\ \I a t hen1a tic s ocial Conch . c1e nc es

\1.\. V D PRIE T L anguages. Dran1ati cs

JOE R<>BER1' Boys· Ph, sica l Education ,

\\ .\LTER L<> Cu \l :\I a th e mati c~ 1 (>RA TO\v E D Art

Page 8
... P" ,,,_..• -.;;:::e> -
f-[ : y la~
l . Second c hildhood!
rt-1ARTHA BROWN , Pre ideru.
Page 10
2. Glamour Boys. 3. Cheese, girls. 4. Our Cheerleaders! 5. Toni T,vins ! 6. Peek a boo.


Football L3, IA; Ba~ketball 2, 3, IA ; Drama lie ~ 3, 4: Glee Chili 2; Student Council 4; G Club 3, Sec.-Treas. 4; Annual Staff 4; Tenni s 4; Senior Play 4


Heidelberg , Germany I; G A.A. 3. -t. T e nni s 4; B and 3, 4; Treasurer of Class 3. 4. &• tion a l Honor Socie ty 3, 4.



Co-president Senior Class; G.A.A I. L2 , Secretary 3, Pre sident 4. Band I, L2. 4; Tenni s I , L2, L 3, 4 ; Librarian 4; Annual Staff 4; Canteen Board I ; ational Honor Society 4


F .H.A. I, 2, 3, 4; Chorus I, 2, 3, 4; Librarian 4; Annual Staff 4


Chorus I, 2, 3, 4.


Pep Club 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Annual Staff 4; Office 3, 4; Dramatic s I.


Librarian 2, 4; Gl ee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; G. A . A. 3, 4. P age

. -


I attonal Honor Sot' iel y 3 & 4-; i\-1anager. Football L3 L4 ; l\lanager. Ba !>ke tball l\1anager. 3; Track 3; Clas:. Sec relar) 2 & 3; G Club 3 & 4; Annual taff 4, Senior Pia) 4; Junior Pron1 Committee 3.

PEGGY DA\ IS Glee Club 1. 2. 3, 4; Student Council 4. Junior Prom Committee 3; Annual taff 4.


Football 1, 2, L3, L4 : Ba~ketball 1 2, L3, L4 ; Track LI, 2, L3, L4; G Club 1, 2 3, 4 ; Junior Prom Con1millee 3; Canteen Board 3. 4; Annual Staff 4.

TOl\1 0 ,\ YI SO Band I , 2; Wrestling 1. L2, L3 , L4 ; Track 2, 3: G Club 2, 3, -t.

RICHARD DURA T Wre s tling 3.


PHYLLIS FAHRE HOLTZ Band 1; Chorus 1, 2; Pep Club 1.

LELAND FREEI\1AN Student Council 3; Class Secretar:r 4

Club 1, 2, 3. 4; F.H.A. 1, 2, 3; G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Librarian 4 ; Glee Club 3, 4; Art 1, 2.
Page 12.z:


Football 3 · Track L3 ; G Club 3, Senior Pia} -l

BETTY FRA:\KLI Center, Colo. 1, 2. 3, Glee Club 1, 2. 3. Pep Club l. 2, 3: Cheerleader 3; Glee Club 4

GORDO G..\...\. cH ~1onument , Colo. l 2, 3; Bo} s' Chorus l ; Junior Class Play 3, Ori~ ing 4

CLAR EE~ GA A CH ~Ionument Colo l , 2, 3, Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, Student Council 2, Junior Clas:. Play 3: Cla!,!, Treasurer 3; l\1anager, School Paper 3, Drivin g 4


Tenni s 3, 4, .\nnual Staff 4

ALICE GRA): Bearcreek l; Pep Club 1; Glee Club; Dra• ma tic:. 2, 3, 4; Library 4; Annual Staff 4, Senior Pla} 4.


G l ee Club l 2, 3, Pep Clu b 1, 2, 3, 4, T r easurer 4; G A.A. 3, 4; Dramatics 4-; Li b raria n 3; O ff ice 4; Se n io r Pl ay 4.

W ILLI AM GO R 1AN B a nd 1, 2; Foo tb a ll 1, 2, L3, Ca pt ai n 4; B ai, k e tb all 1, 2, 3, 4; G Club 3, Vice-Pr es. 4; Tr ac k 1, 2, 3.

r ... -
Page 13


F ff .A. 1 ; G.A .A. 1, 2, 3; Chorui, 1, 2, 3. ~lelodear~ 4; Tenn1i. 1. 2, 3.


tudent Coun<'il 2 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Librarian 3; Pep Club 3, 4; Pre siden t P ep Club 4; Office 4; G Pin -l; Annual Staff 4; 11tional Honor Society 4.


Lake,\'ood 1; Dramat ic!,, 1 2, 3, 4; Driving 4; G Club; Art l, 2; Annual taff 4; Senior Pla) 4; Cheerleader 4.


B and 1, 2. 3; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Librarian 4; Annual Staff 4.


Glee Club 1, 2, 4; G.A.A. 1, 2, 3.

EDWIN HARTZ Football 3.


F H A. 1; G.A.A. 1, 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3; ~1aroon & White 4; Driving Clabs 4.


Page 14 (

De\\' A) ~E JACK 0:'-1

Delta 1, 2. 3: Bal>ke1hall l: \\'rel>lling 2.

'-HIRLE) Hl \lll\.ER

Band I, 2, 3; Pep Club l. 2. 3 , ct; F H A I: Dran1atic-. 1, \ 1ce-Pre,i<lent l; Cheerlea<ler -1: Librarian 4. :\lajorelle 2, Drutn \lajorelle 3; Annual ',taff -l; '\ational Honor oc1et) -1.


Wre-.tlin:,: 3. L-t. Football 1, L3, L4; Tratk I.

~, ?r f ...

FRED JOH'i 0\ Dran1atit•:- 3. 4. 'lgr Ba-,ketball L3, ,tgr , Tra<"k L3; ,\11nual 1aff .i: Senior Pia) 4; C Club 3. 4: .\, t. ~lgr Football 3, .i


W) on1ing l, <,lee Club 1; F.H \ 2; Office 4

RO'-;'\>IE JOH'-.SO'-. Football 1 L2 , 13. LJ, Ba,ketball 1, L2, L3, L-t; Track L2, I 3. IA. tudent Counl'il 3. 4: Student Bod) Pre-,1denl 4 : "G" pin 3, 4: ~alionul Honor Sof'ie1, 3, 4; Fro ... h Pr cl>i• dent l: Junior Pron1 c·o1nn1illee 3; Annual tafT 4; --G" Club 2. 3 Treal> k Pre idrnt: Goldenair:. 2, Band 1; Canteen Board Pre !>• iden1 4



Clroru-. 4: Dramat1< ·?> 2, 3, Pep Club l. 2, 3 1 .(:

\L1Jorellel> -1; .\nnual Staff l. ',ID'1E"i: JOHi.'tSTO:'-i

Annual tafT 4.

Page 15


JEA 1'.A t;Fl\IA

Pep Cluh I 2, 3 4; G A.A 1. 2, 3, 4 ; Dra • mali(' ::. 3 ; Glee Club I. 2 3, Cheerleader 4 ; l\leloclear ~ 4; Annual Staff 4 ; 1ajorette 2. 3 , C:. nteen Board 2, 3 , 4 ; enior Pla) 4 ; Honor ociet} -1


Band 2, 3. 4 ; Dran1atic- s 1; Tenn n, 1 ; Annual Staff 4 ; Photo Club 2


Choru s I 2 3 : Librarian 4 ; Pep Club 1 ; Annual Staff 4


Pep Club 1 2, 3, 4 ; F H A 1, 2, 3 ; Treas F.H.A. 1 ; Glee Club 3; Office 3 4 ; Annual Staff 4


Dramatic i, l; Choru:. 3; G A.A. 3; ~laroon & White 4; Librarian 4; Annual S taff 4 ; National Honor Society 4.


Cobur~ , Oregon I. 2, 3; G l ee Club ; Photography

Club 1, 2; Clas s Vic-e-Pre s i<lent 2; Dramatics 2, 3; Cla ss Play 3; Bas eball Mgr 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Letter Man's Club 3, 4.


Sou th America 1; Tennii, 3, 4; Annual S taff 4 Page 16




P e p Club 1, 2. 3. 4 ; F H.A 1, 3, Dr am a ti ci. 1, 3, 4 ; C horu s 2 ; Annu a l Staff 4 ; Se nior Pl ay 4


Dram a t ics 1, 2. 3, 4 ; G.A . A. 2, L 3, 4 ; F .H .A . 1 ; T e nn1 1, 2, 3, 4 ; G.A .A. Tr eas. 4 ; Librarian 4 ; Annual Staff 4 ; S enior Pla y 4


P ep C lub 1. 2, 3, Vi ce Pr es. 4 ; G l ee C lub I , 2, 3; ~felod e ar 1, 4 ; A nnu a l S t a ff 4; G A A 1, 2, L3 , 4 ; T e nni s 1 ; Librari an 3; Offi ce 4 ; National Hon or So ci et y 4



Football I , 2, L3, L4 ; Bas k e tb all 1 2 ; Tra ck 3; Dramati cs 3, 4 ; Wr es tlin g 3; G C lub 3, 4 ; Junior Prom C ommitte e 3.


Ce ntral C it y 1, 2 ; P e p Club 1, 2 ; Band I , 2 , 3, 4 ; C horu s 1, 2 ; Sec r e tar y-Trea sur e r l , 2.


?\,1ajorette 2, 3, 4 ; Glee Club I , 2, 3, 4 ; P e p Club l, 2, 3, 4 ; Annual S taff 4 ; S enior Play 4

Page 17
N EL SO N Fo o tb a ll 2, L 3, L4 ; Ba s k e tball 1, 2, L 3, L4 ; Tr ac k L l, 2, L 3, L4 ; G oldenair s 2; Band 1, 2 , 3; Ca ntee n Bo a rd 2 ; Stud e nt Coun cil 2 ; G Club l , 2, 3, 4 ; G Pin 4 ; Annu a l S taff 4 NO RMA NEL S ON P e p C lub 3, Sec. 4 ; G.A .A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Cla ss Sec -T rea s. 1 ; F H .A. 1 ; Dramati cs 2, 3, 4 ; Ch o ru s 1, 3; S tud e nt C oun ci l 3; Offi ce 4 ; Annu a l S taff 4 ; Juni o r Prom Comm i tt ee 3 ; Se nior Pla y 4
NURNBER G G. A A 3; Choru s 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Library 2; Drivin g 4 OAKLEY E SLAND Lak ew ood 1, 2, 3; Footb a ll 1 ;
ODNEAL F H A 1 ; G A A 1 ; Art 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Annual Staff 4 ; Drivin g C la ss 4.
PEARCE BOB PETRIE Football 1, 2, L3 , 4; Bas k e tball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Band l , 2, 3, 4 ; G Club 3, 4; Year Book Editor 4. Page 18,,. "C.5;P L


Tra ck L3 , Dran1ati <-:. 3, 4: Wre !, thng -l , G Club 3. -l , Annual taff 4. Art 2


F H.A l ; Choru!, -l


F H A. l ; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Chorus 1, 3; ~lelodears 4; Dramatic ~ 2; Offi ce 3, 4.


Chorus l. 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1 : Dramatlcs 1, 2; Craft Club 1, We s twood , Colo.


Track l; Wre s tling L3, L4: Football L4; G Club 3, 4.



Annual Staff 4


Englewood , ew Jerse} l , 2, 3.

Page 19

\ ELl\1.\ SA WYER

Choru, l. 2, 3, 4 Pep Club 2, 3, 4: Librarian 4

W.\RRE A oER football 1, 2, L 3, L4, Tra ck 1; G C lu b 3. -l


Choru:, 1, 2, 3; l\1 e l odear:, 4; Dr a matic :, 4. DEN 1 Y HELLEY

enior Pia) 4; Baske tball 1. 3, 4: Football 1, 4: Track 3. l\Igr. 4; Annual S taff 4


P er> Club l, 2, 3; Student Council l, 2, 3, 4: S tudent Bod) Secre t ar) •Trea ~urer 4; Chor u s 1, 2, 3; l\ l eloclears 4; Librarian 3; G Pin 4 ; a• tiona l H o n or ociet) 4.

BEVERLY SO LLE BERGER l\lajorette i. 2, 3, 4; Annual taff 4; Pep Club l , 2 3, 4: G.A.A. 3, 4 ; Dr ama ti c& 1, 4 ; Choru s 2. 3, 4; Offi ce 4; Se ni o r Pia) 4

BETTY Ul\11\l E R S Ori vi n g Clai.1, 4 ; A r t 4

R US ELL TIER EY Band 1, 2, L3 , L4; Football l\-lgr 4; Wret. t • lin g Mgr. L4 ; G C lub 4; Annual S t a ff 4: Dri ving C l ai.s 4.

Page 20 .,. . ,.-.., •


\. iC'lor, Colo l; Ker sey, Colo. 2; Football 3; Wre tling 3; TraC'k 3; Ba s ketball ~f gr. L4, Annual Staff 4 ; ?t1aroon & Whi t e 4; ational Honor Societ)" 4; G Club 4.

PAUL WICH?t1A i Class Pre si dent 2, 3, 4 ; tudent Council 1, 4: Football 1 2, 3; Bas ketball 1, 2, 3; Wre s tling L4; Tenni s 2 3, 4; ational Honor Society 3, 4; G Club 4 ; G Pin 4 ; Junio r Prom Committee; Annual Staff.


Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Drama t ic ~ 4; Pep Club 2


( ,..
l .. -
I. Follow th e lead e r 2. Ap e with a ti ~ 6 . Th e Chariot
a c
Pag e 2 1
ck 1.
r ow d 4. R oya l Co urt
Bottoms up 8. Who s ay s
Tr ai n i n g- H a!
Page 22 l. Run , he' s loo se again! 2. D .C. or A.C 3. Please don't jun1p ! 4. " Trig" 5. 0, look! a bu g!! 6. What. a life 7 Over here we have a Situation 8. Senior Stunt 9. With a tale 10. The SITUATION!!


I r~ \1,;--- l - 1 -~- JI -- \•. ' L----_;_____ r ' ¼ ., t ) -· 1\ - \ -
Berna din e Anderle Walter Bettinger •
Marlene Carver Glenn Cassidy
KEN HERRON Vice-President Royden Blatter Diana Cheney Phil Burns Howardine Carnigao Ray Clark Doris Dailey
•---·• -Ken
',& ,.. • • r.-Iarjorie
.) J
f .,
/r I I
\t i • J
• Kathy
\ I I ..
-.... '"""'.. -
.. Joan
' •
... . ~ V
',p.; ;,,s:i
r.,. ) Ru
Loyd Pa ge 25
H er ron
Lelia Johann Peggy Kurtz Joan Grave s
H ink l ey
De Wayne Ki s er Philli s La V oie
Jack Gunther
Loretta Hogan
im Kline Gloria Ljungvall
DeWayne Hut chin son
Leo Kreutzer
Terr) Hemberger
1rginia J a ck son
Le sli~ Kroeger
-..l• -1I < ..._,_
Shirle y Mannon Walt e r ~t a nheim
_ , I ' I
Euni c e ~1atthew s Bob ~1a y berry Dewain McClelland Andy l\1 cKendr y Don McKendr} Larr y ~tcMahan
\ - ~I , ,1 .,C!I! ;' } • ' T ~ ,,, .., .._.;.• J
Bonnie ~1en s en Donna ?tliller
, ,, I I
J oAnn Morri s on Richard Muller Helen Nel &on Bob Nelson Lar s Nelson
Page 26
Stephen Oake s Betty Proctor Rowell Robin Mary Schade Helen Schmitt
Phil Sch r einer B}ron Selbe Glenn Str oup Helen Struck
' )
I. Ruth Weaver Don Wheeler Oh Boy I atalie Wright Duane Slocum Elaine Sullivan
Harold Wheeler
Donald mith
Richard Turner Eileen Wilbank~ Bell> Zastrow Pats} tarbranch Ann Van W1nkle
Page 27
Jame~ Wil~on
• i { .J' I I • I 4 "• .,{J --. Ii
1. Pals 2 The n1i s placed H ea rt 3 " Toot s" l\1 cl\.'1ahon, " Bro,vn " Derby, "Phyllis" Burns 3-A. Wi shing
Page 28
4. There it goes 5. Limpy 6. I've go t a lovely bun c h of flower s 7. Girls? 8. Lovely! 9. l\tlr President 10 . Are the s tripe s civilian 11. I screan1 co n es 12 . Oh tho se legs 13 . Beauty and the balance 14. Spooks 15. We ' re both in the sa m e boat 16. City Dude 17. Froggy
r=========J/ ( Y..}•//tr~ ~--~----l~----11. '-------lJ .J~. ,___________ _ ~-\(
l -:;::::J J -- ff:;:,~ ,.,. _ Ji~ I ..... --.. lifi: 'ii\\ Mary Acers Joe
, ::::t ,-.. I 7, ,, Stanley
ll Odi s Bennet s Page 30 \
' ,, .......) 0
"""' ,) • •
I / . ..,.. ;") _.......,.,,, \ t
LYNN OSBOR E Vice-President
Rob er t Alli son
Donna B e ttinger
Juanita Bates
Donna Billis Donald Blatter
~, /1 -- • ' ).I •• "A, ,, .. ~t.l • l ... ("
,,,,,... .) .,.. ..... "'9 - ..,.>1> ,-J- ,. ~) ' < • -I~ ... ' 'WI' I r ( • /
Ro sina Blatter Ro salee Booth R ic h ard Boyle William Cameron George Campbe11
• f,s - ' ,,,\ ~·=:-, --) ; '·t ... '-,,. I
W ayne Campbell Loui s Chrii.tian en Ca rol Clark E tt a Cl eaver Beverly C lou se Luann Corbin Leland Durban 1\faureen Dahl
R obe rt De fl er Ralph Feeback
P age 31
Gloria Fife Charlei. Frederick Vangie Ge n heer Don Gil r hr b t l\1ary Ann G r a ber
....,. I "
; A'' \ ~ , .• ,
-'lo,,,. ..• cS ) t:!,i 'c4 June
y -..... I .. ~•/
Lee Graham l\t ar) Lou Gross
J ohn H oek:.tra George
John ::,
John Kelly
Page 32
Bob Korthui s Clinton Kreutzer
• -· /
Sherry Harri s Orville Howarter
l .<::J .... I
Loui se Ki se r Mary Lou Lacer
J _ ___,_ .I,
J ane t Howe Barbara Ko ch Mory Ann Lambert
,.,,.__ '
Ronald Hoagland
.--;. ,, ,
• • -
Heyward Jenkin s Hubert Koro sec
r eze
Char l e s LaP
.. #" ' - A' -.,._ - ,04" ,.......,4 - •• CJ> -.,.;,.P" I .... :--.. ' • ,1 . \ 9, \;r I, 6. ·... l, "' (
- -= ,, -?' 0,..,, ' .. _, J' , ~t \ • ... -
Rulh La Voie Loi s Jean Le,, i s Rob e rt Le,, 1s Barbara ~Ianzanare:. Di r k \Ia~e )
,it"'!") )) ,...n ,,.... - -41 _.,,,- ) -( \ \ I ,) -- I t
Darline l\fa) berry ~I argie l\lay s Joan l\1 cC lelland Joan l\1e}er l\1nrilyn l\le ye r
Ri chard Meyerpeter Linda l\1ohler Barbara l\loore Clara Moore Danny Mullen Betty Lou Nankervis am ankervi s Carol Nichols
Page 33
Nana O'Boyle Lynn O sborne Jean Parker Rifhard Pearce
.-,;. ,.a.,...;
Pat Pre~ton Arlene Ram s tetter Barbara Shroyer John Shroyer
Page 34
Melvin Steele Carl Stroup Ray Philya,\· ilF
~•' ' '
Jack Rice Richard Smith
Kenneth Swena
Robert Plegge Lola Pool (
"':lo.,. , l
Ronald Rice Dale Shaeffer
.,,.. J
G,\ en Sprigg Ester Starb r anch Dorothy Sweney Johanna Thuet
- ' .
,£: ..,. )7 ,) "J--- \ I I ' ,,. ' If
Eunh:e linziker Thoma:- Water.,, Bill) W a t '!>o n Belt~ W e b ,,ter
Page 35
Lafe William '!> P e rry Willian1:, R on:ild Willian\'!-
1 Sophornore ext e lte. 2. oph Conga L i ne 3 )ou\e all 1na<l • da1nn fool s of your selves!
Page 36
4 Leaning po s t s 5. ice skirt. 6. oph hov s to the re s cue! 7. Ju s t frightened? 8 Girl :, , pl e a £e. don't fight. 9. o, ju ~t clo,\ning 10 Lunch tin1e. or in bet,~een 111eals?


/ -----
-\LLE"l LEWIS Pre sident ~linnie Anclerle
Barbara Baker Page 38 Pall) Ancler s en Darline Balte s LIO EL BACH~1Ai'. 1 ice-President Barbara Ai.pegen Barbara Bell
JERR"J: ~PROVL ecretary-Treasurer
f \ John At,,oocl Lionel Bachtnan Eugene Benneth, Nancy Bogan
Frances Carlson J oene Carnagan Marilyn Churche,,, Arlene Corbin Charles Dail) Ca rol Davi s
Gretchen Frauenfelder Garver Gerard Laura Green
Eugenia Hamilton Lee Hansen Paul Harrii, Robert Churche s
• --
Darline Dulane y
....... < • -
Jim Han1ill
Rus se ll Harri so n
- I
Florain Deal Earl Feather
A l ~,
Shirley Guth
Page 39
George Ha sley
.. ....._.. • 1ft ' qv~ •
Elden Hedb erg Arlene Ingram B ernadine Johnson Geraldine John s on John Kloer Cs role Koch
Page 40 •• . c:: •
....-rt • •
• -'
Larry Malmgren Susan Mahana
Loui s e Jackson
Joan John s on
Donald Korthui s
' '
Sa rah Manz a nare s
t' .... ,~ '"--_...,IA •...,J ' \
-A1 '-r,[ ,. -~ • ~,' '( I I ' ' . , I I
'' • _,,.,,_ ' I ,
Irene Jaenicke Alan Jenkin s
Reggie Jone:. Buddy Kiser
Be~ty Leake Allen Lewis Donald Mark s Pat McNortoo
,;: .t......0 \ 4 ( .,--=' ce. C, • c;7 J c> .. • .,.,,._ "¥1:.. \ I \ I ___..,.-- • Arthur Meacham Donald ~Iiller Lewi s Moore J ea n ~1 ~s ley Kay I\-lulter ,.... r.---.. . ../ -"is $i 1 • t .. ,. ~,, ' .1 Charlei. Murra i n JoAnn agal M:irilyn -e l so n Jo a n Paddleford J a me !> Parker • • r Rita
- .fr, ) - j ' .,. _... - 'l·~-)',# ..,.I ~ • I . f I ../ ', ,, I d--,,,,::- i. \ Frank
e Page 41
Pautler Jane Phillips Jo se ph Pierce Peggy Plack Jo .\nne Pretti
Reinhard Danny Richard s David Richard s Sally Ros s Barbara Ruff
_,.,,,, - - ) -~ .,__ ,.. • ( J I
Edward Schade Shirley Scovill l\lary Lou Sballer Willa Siebenhst David Smith Donna Smith Pah) Spark1o Paul pinden
, , - '• ' .l--4 ' ( ) ,. \- -I v• I ' ' .. D J
J e rr) Sproul l\1ary Ann Stanczyk
d .....___ • • •
Duane Taliaferro Jun e Thomp1oon Larr) Trac) Marlln Travilo Ernest Van Winkle
Page 42
Robert Weaver Jsn1ce Weber Robert Wichmann Gerald Witt Herbert Wright
• • {
Luther \v11te
Page ..J3
1. Ho\\ the~ can play! 2. \\ hat the Fro,h ,,·on·t <lo! 3. n1ile for the birdie. 4. Just n1arried. 5 Fly hu~~- 6. ( )ur Chainp ! 7. \\ here i~ the airplan(• 't 8. " till no airplane! 9. '\\' ho ha::. \\ho'?

E\IOR 801S

RO\ \IE JOH:\ O:', 1O\E\ JOH,STO~

L\ LE~\\ ER



ot ...\~E LeRO"x



FR\, K \IE TECK "x


ORWI"\ "\EL 0~

O -\KLE'i ~E L-\~D











DF\,I::\ ~EBER

PAl'L WICHl\lA~ ' •

The Seniors ' Page-•• Continued

1T ill

:\I) '"a) \\ ith the girls to Ken Herron

.\ll my ol<l jol-.e s to )lr Chri,ten.,en

Ab1lil) lo s leep in hi s tory to ,\hoe, er ,\ants to

i\1) pull ,\ ith Coach Roberb to an} one \\ ho

,, ant, it

)I)' -,hy manner to Francis Carlson

)ly height. 6' -1". to Duff) Rhienheart

:\I, radiator cap fron1 in) hot rod to Phil r hreiner

To Jake Korosec my name Big

i\1) :,leeping ab1hty to Hubert Koros ec

'.\I) toni kit to Phil Burn., Arrogance to Johanna Thuet

Grade :, 1n Econ om 1c., lo the le :.!'- fortunate

\\ 1nn1ng wa) s to any one sharp enough to gel them

Height to Larry )Iahngren

:\1) open air s tation \\agon to an}one who can s tand it

'.\ly ability to drive a car to Terry Hemb erger

\l) D,rtr to Don Wheeler

\I, en1pty beer ran to anyone who ,\ants it

\ly ability to <lrh e with one hand to Jin1 Kline

\Iy cigar s tub to Glenn Cassid)

:\Iy curl) hair to all girl:. "ho need toni' s

'.\1, little blark book lo George Hogan

\ly geniu,, to any one \\ ho can u se it

i\Iy bright colored s hirt s to -\nd} '.\IcKen<lr)

Probable Destiny

Swimming instructor at C W.C.

)' O·} o mechanic

A Red & White tore

American Con:,ular to Lo,"er Slobovia

h) scobia

Chief bug exterminator at C W.C.

To own a ne,\ hot rod

To be a low-<lo,,n Smoe

Bes t clown in t he \\ orld's fair

Spike Jones• No. l man

Coach a t :Notre Dame


Eccentric Billionaire

Another Abe Lincoln

.\<lmiral in the Navy

To own the bigg.e!it bre,\"ery this side of Clear Creek

To s ta) free

To n1ake 1ny first million at 21

,\ hu s band. I hope

To own a Cadillae

No. 1 Bu1n

A rocking ehair in the old man 'i:. ho m e

Writing s h ort stories for Coro n e t Canon City

;A jp..., .-
• l
1. Dr iv in g c l ass 2. Libr a r ia n s 3. Ca nt ee n B oa rd -l-. Th e r e 1n a in s of th e W est 5. Boys' Honi e Ee. Pa ge 44

Student Couneil -

o that Golden High School 1uight he de1uocratic and ~elf-governing. the tudent Council \\' a, or~anized as presc ribed by the Constitution. The student offiC'ers ,., ere Ronald John so n. Pr es id e nt ~ Faye iver s ecretary-Treasurer. The class repre se ntative s ,vere : Se niors-) ovce Hall, Peggy Davi s. Stanley Allison, Paul Wichn1ann: J unior s- .\nn Van \'\ ' ink]e, Shirley ~lannon, Ken Herron, Don \'X ' heeler : Sopho111ores- J oan :\leyers, Louann Corbin, Dick Sn1ith; Freshn1enPegg) Plack, Darl e ne Dulane,. Bob "ichn1ann

\lernbers hip in th<' tudent Council i s not all honor and glory. The council 111e1nbers have Eriven 111uch of th ei r tin1e and effort and have s acrificed many pers onal plt'a sur es to accon1plish their ta s k s. Through the never ending efforts and skillful guidance of their Sponsor. '\li ss Bolitho, thi s year's Student Council 1s one of ¼hich ,ve can he ju stly proud.

Pase 46
• • • •

Annual Staff ,

First r0tv : Do ri b Mark~, Jean Kaufm ann, Estella Car r . S hirl ey Hunziker, Delorei; Odneal. Ethel Krorneich. Bonnie Churches, Leonard Hart grave s.

Second row: Pauline Harri b, Ru sse ll Tierney. Dewey WeLer, Stan Allison, Bill Gorman, Beverh 5ollenberger, Peggy Davis.

Third rot~: Beverly Griffith, Marth a Brown , Tont Garrison. Bob Plark, Bob Petrie. Editor; Paul Wichn1ann, Florine Kroeger, Norma Nelson, Dorothy Mauhe,~s.

Fourth row : Sally Houghton, Joy ce Hall , Duane LeRoy, Sid Johnston, Bob Kell). Fred Johnson, Business l/anager, Dale Ru sse ll, Dave Fetz, Ronnie John s on, Mr. C hri stense n Sponsor; Denny Shelley, Ladine !\-1a)berr).

Page 47

National Donor Soeiety

.\Ie1ubers ltip in the ational Honor Society

1s one of the highe s t honors given to a s tudent of Golden Hi gh School. Thi s organization aims to create an interest in sc holars hip, to induce a desu e to render ser vice, to promote worthy lead ers hip. and to encourage the development of character. Eligible candidates 111ust rank in th e upper one-fourth of their class, and are then graded by m en1bers of the faculty for achieve111 e nt s in sc holar s hip. leadership, service, and c hara "ter. The ca ndidate s with the hiuhest rato in~s are then elected to n1e1nbership.

tudent s can be jus tly proud to wear the - ational Honor Society pin, for wherever they l!,O, they s hall be re cog nized as individuals pos~essi ng outstanding qualities of character, leadership. sc holar ship and ser vice.

••G'' Pin

One of th e highe s t honor s a s tudent n1ay receive ,vhile in high sc hool i s their •4 G'. Pin. When a s tudent enters high sc hool he rnay keep a record of hi s activities. Fron1 thi s record, points are evaluated until 150 are recorded. To be eligible, however, he n1u s t belong to the Student association every year. Points are given for officers of the Student Council, Student Council, grades, National Honor Society, Athletics, "G" Club, Cheerleader, :'.\lajorettes, l\lelodears, Goldenairs, Glee Club, Senior Play, Asserr1Lly appearances, Annual s taff, F.H.A., G.A.A., Maroon and White, Band, Pep Club, Canteen Board, and Librarians. Points may be deducted for any action not becoming to this sc hool and con1munity.

Ronnie Johnson is outstanding in that he received hi s "'G" Pin in his Junior year. In their Senior year Joyce Hall, Faye Sivers, Paul Wichmann, and Orwin Nelson received their 44 G" Pin.

Because of th ese requiren1ents only an active student may receive a "G" Pin; therefore, it may be ,vorn with great pride in knowing one ha s at tain ed that goal.

l 1 • .l
Page 48

Pep Club

A,f embers: M a ry Geneva Acer s, Patty Sue An~e r so n , Donna Billis, H owartline Cnrnegan, Marlene Carver, Marilyn Ch ur c h es, Carol Davi s, D a rline Dul a n ey , Irn1 a J ean D i lt z , Joan Grave i. , Beverly G r iffith l\1ary Lou G r o ss, Pauline Harri b, J oyce H a ll , Kath y H a rrold , Larrie H a \\k i n s, Jan e t H owe , Bernie J ohn l, on Gerry John s on , Joan John s on , E th el Kromei ch , Mary Lou La ce r , Loii, J ea n Lewi t., Ru1h La Voie, Shir l ey Mannon Dori s 1ark , Euni ce Mauhew b, Darline Ma yb err}' , Ladine Mayberry , Margi e Ma ys, B o nn ie Men se n , Joan l\1eyer, Linda Mohler , Cla r a Moore , Jo nn l\1orri l, on Norm a Nehon, Caro l Nichol b, Nan a O'Boyle, L ynn O s borne , J a n e Phillip b, Lola Poole Velma Sawyer, Willa i£be nl ibl , G\\ en Sprigg, E s t er S t arbranch , Pat sy Spa rk s, Ann Van Winkle , Ru1h Weaver, Natalie Wright

Cheerleaders : Louise P yle, Bonnie C hur ch e s, J ean Kaufmann, S h ir l e y Hun zike r , Leonard H a rt grave s, Phillip Bums t.1ajorettes : Bonni e John s ton , Na n cy Ne l o n , M a r y Lou S h a Iler , Louanne Corbin, J oene Carnagan, Beverly So ll e nb e r ge r . Drill !'tfa s ters : Ladin e Ma y berr y, Norma Ne l bo n , Beverly Gri ff i 1h Ass is tants : Jo yce Hall, Ethel Krom eic h , S hirl ey Mann on, P a ul ine Harri ll, Dori s Mark s, E un ice Matthew b O.ii ce rs : Pre s id e nt , Jo yce Hall ; Vice-Pre s ident, La dine Mayberry; Secretary. No rm a Nel s on ; Trea s ur e r , Beverly Gri ff i th

This year the Golden Hi g h c hool P e p C lub co n1pJ e t e d another s u ccess ful s easo n B eca u se of th e large attendance at the ba s ketball gan1es, seve ral of the ga n1 es wer e h e ld at th e l\tlines Field Hou se. The Pep Club wa s not allowed to u se the Aoor ~ n eve rthel e s. th e 1najor e tt es gave sev e r a l s hort drill s on the side line s. All Pep Club Girls attended th ese ~a1nes and r oo t e d , vith hi gh s pirit .

Under the able leaders hip of Miss Pri es t and th e dril1 n1a s t e r s and as istants, thr ee drill s were perf orn1ed at the Lak e wood, Arvada and W es tinin s t e r ga n1 e s It ca n h e said th a t Golden is indeed proud of their Pep Club.

Page 49

Maroon and White Staff

Arnong th e n1or e fascinating pr ofessio n s of th e world is th e one which r ecor d s and report s th e doings of man - th e n ew s paper profession The mernbers of th e Maroon and Whit e S taff have found a chal l enge in journalism th at transcend s it s l e ss gl amoro u s as p ec t s. They r e port the daily happening s around s c h oo l a s they s ee th em, and a s they understand th em! H e r e is th e c l1all e n ge in the liberal education of today .

"Enter these enc hant ed u 1oods: you w h o dare!"

I .l. t • (
STAFF : Luella Lambert, Sall} Houghton , F.H.A. Editor Shir l ey Mannon, Kathy Harrold, Bonnie ?\1enson, How a rden e Camagan, Helen S tru ck, Sports Editors; John Cook, and Dewey Weber
Page 50 •

F. D. A.


Colors - Red and Whit e

Flower - R e d Ro se

Motto' ·To,vard ~ e ,v Hori zon s"

Degree s of A c h ieve m e nt

1. Junior Hom e n1 a k e r D eg r ee- Th e sy mbol o f th is d eg r ee i s a k ey , vh1 c h i s sy mboli c of th e opportunit y to a ttain a n1or e s ati f y in g h o m e life a nd su ccess ful futur e thr o u gh F H A.

2 Chapt e r H o u1 e m a k e r D eg r ee Th e sy n1h o l o f th is d egree i s th e sc r o ll whi c h i s y mboli c of th e l e arnin g e xp e ri e n ces provid e d f o r in th e v a ri e d ac t1 v 1t ies o f F. H A

3. lat e Hotn e m a k e r D eg r ee- Th e sy n1bol o f th is d egree 1s th e to r c h "h ic h is sy 1nboli c of a g uidin g c hallen ge and i n spir a ti o n t o furth e r e nd eavo r .

4 . Am e ri c an Ho1n e 1n a k e r D eg r ee T h e sy n1b o l of th is d egree> 1s th e rose , vh1 c h sy 1nboli zes ac h1 e v e1n e nt in th e f ulfilhn e nt of d e 1r a bl e goa l s.

Purpos es

To pron1ot e a g ro,v1n g a ppr ec i a ti o n o f th e jo }s a nd sa ti s f ac t io n of h o n1 e 1n a k i n g.

To e mph a ize th e import a n ce of "orth y hom e n1 e n1b e r s hip .

To e n c our age d e 1no c ra cy in hon1 e and c o1nn1unit y l i f e.

To \\' ork for good hom e and f a n1il y l1f e for a ll.

To proiuot e int e rnation a l good will.

To fo s t e r th e d e v e lop111 e nt of crea tiv e l ea d e r sh i p in hom e a nd co n1111unit y life.

To provid e \\1 hol es on1 e individual a nd g roup r ec r e ation .

To further int e re st in hom e ec onomi c .

Page 5 1

Glee Club r

l\1El\1B E R S

So pr ano : Barb a ra A:.pegren P egg) Dav i :., G l oria Fife, Betty Frank lin \' a n gie Gen:. h eer, J oan Grave!>, Shirl e) Gu th , Nanry

H e n ~l e}. L o retta H ogan , e lli e Hau ~, Ir e n e J ae ni cke. J oan John s on , Darlen e l\1 ayber r ), l\1aril)n l\le )e r , D on n a Miller ,

B a rbar :1 Mo o r e, K a) l\1ult er, J a ne Ph i llip s, Rit a Pault e r Sa ll y Ro s::.. Ye hn a awyer, Ruth Weav e r , Eileen Wil b a nk s.

S econd Sop r an o : P a tt ) S ue ~nd en,o n , B ar bar a Bell , S t e lla Car r , l\1arlene Ca r ve r , Di a n a C hen ey, Pegg y Ch ew, M a ril yn C hurd1e s, Dori :. Dail) , lrn1a Je a n D i lt z, June Ga rr umon e, Ro :. en1ary J ero 1ne, Leil a J o h ann Rueh1a Lloy<l , Sa r a h M a nzanar es, l\,I argie l\1 ay i..., J oa n Meye r , Linda l\1ohler, H elen e l :.on , Ca rol i< hol:, , P eggy Pl ar k , Barbara Ruff e, Mar y Lou hall e r , Wi ll a D e ll Sie b e nli s t, Mar y ~nn S t a n(·zyk , P a t rida Ying t Alto : B e rnadine An<lerle , Minni e Ande rl e, Barbara Bak er. Darl e n e Balt es, Sa ll y Comb s, Carol Da vis, Da rlin e Dulan ey. Gre td 1en Frauen f e ld e r , Mar y Lou G ro s!>, Jo yre H a ll , Euge ni a H a tn i lt on. J ane t Howe , B e rn a d ine J ohn s on , Ge r a ldine John son , Bett y Leak e, Lo h J ean Loui ~, J oan M rC l ellan<l , P at ri cia Mc orion , a n cy e l on , Fern Ph ilyaw, B e tt y Pr oc tor, C harlott e Proctor, Beve rly Soll e nber ger. June Thornp s on , J a nic e We b er, Na t a l ie Wright.

Th e Go ld e n Hi~h Sc hool c hor a l gro up s a r e '" e ll-known throu g hout J e ff e r son County. Under th e exce ll en t l ea d ers hip of Earl A. J o hn s on se v e r a l co n ce rt s are g iv e n eac h yea r Thr ee yea r s ago the Student Co un c il s t ar t e d th eir annual b e n efi t co n ce rt in ce that tin1 e thi s h as be e n p e rf or111ed e a c h year and i s b eco n1in f?: a not ed s u ccess and a n annual eve nt Th e r e i al so th e 1uu i c ,~ ee k c on ce rt and Graduation. C horu s i s ce rtainl y a favorit e pas ti1n e for th e s tud e nt s of G. H. S.

Pag e 52 • I


The Goldenaire s. under the clirec-tion of l\fr . E. A . John s on. had a very s u cce ss ful year The member s of thi s organization are from left to right :

First ro1c,: S tan Benfell, Dic-k l\1axey, Lee Graham, Lewi s Moore , Bob Weaver, Loui s Chri :, tian s en , l\fr John s on

Second row : Ed,"a rd Schade, Art l\feac-ham , John Kloer , Bob Korthiu s, Orville Ho,, art er, Don Korth1u s I\ ot pictured· Paul Spinden.

The Goldenaires p]a yed a larger part in the lin str el s ho,v, one of their many engage n 1ent s. They also a pp ea r e d at th e Christn1as P arty, Kiw a n i c lub , Lions c lub , A1n arant h in Lake,vood, Can1p Geor~e W es t, P .T.A., and th e Hi gh c hool Concert.

An1ong th eir favorit e so n gs are: ellie Was a Lady, Donkey erenade, Conirades in Arms, and Green Ca thedral.

P age 53 •



Clarinets: ancy Bo ga n . Fran<'is Carl-,on. Joene Camagan, Arlene Ingram. Barbara Korh. Carol Ko<'h, Peggy Kurtz. Joan Lloyd , Pal Pre s ton Pat tarbran<'h , Johanna Theut. Ann \ an Winkle, Larry Tra<'y

Cornets. Odi s Bennell i.. Charlei. La Pre ze, R)ron Selbe, l\1 elvin Steele, Ru sse ll Tit•rne).

Trombon es: Dann y l\lullin s, Bill Beard. Charle:. l\1urrain, Don S1nith.

Basses· Donna Bettin ge r Lan, Nelson.

Saxo phones : Joe Allgood, l\1artha Brown, Etta Jo C leaver , Walter l\f anheim , Euni<'e 1\1atthe"'s, Linda Mohler, Jenn l\1oi.ley, Ei.ther S tarbran<'h

Horn s: Ruth Aitkenhead , Lynn O bborne

Flutes : Joan Paddleford

Dru"i.s · Laura Green, Bob Kelly , Florenre Nehon, Bob Petrie, Betty Web s ter .

BaritonP :s • John Kelly, Ken Herron

The Golden High School Band ha s cotnpleted another successful year under t h e exce l len t l eadership of Ralph Bis hop.

Some of their engagen1ents ,~ere: Colorado Band Day at Boulder, Student Association Benefi t Concert, Spring progran1, and se veral parade s .

Page 54


Dramati cs i s a favorit e ac tivit y t o n1 a n y Go ld e n H ig h c h oo l st ud en t s eac h year . It is co ndu c t e d und e r th e c apabl e l ea d e r hip of 1\'Ii ss Pri es t . T hi yea r th e c l asses , ve r e di vi d ed int o t h ree g r o up s: sec ond and thir<l p e r i od cl asses w ere d evo t e d to th ose , vi th n o p rev i o u s t rai n ing; f ou rth p e ri o d t o t h ose ,vith s ta ge e xperi e n ce. Th e rn a in a im o f thi s o r ~a n1 za ti o n is t o p rov id e e nt er t ai nm e nt fo r th e s tud e nt body through pla ys, n1onol o gu es , a nd t a l e nt asse 1nbl ies. 1\Iu c h n1 o r e i s ac hi eve d , h oweve r Eac h c l ass is giv e n in s tru c tion on e nun c i a tion , v oi ce a dju s t1n e nt , po s tur e, s t agecra ft , n1 a k e up , a nd cos tun1in g.

l\'1an y fine pla ys ,ve r e giv e n thi s yea r . Th e fir s t o f th e e , va s a d e l ig ht£ul co n1 e d y pr o du ce d b y f o urth hour cla ss , e ntitl e d No b o d y S l ee p s. T h e cas t in clud e d No rin a Ne lso n th e i n co r r i gi bl e yo un gs t e r : Stanley Alli sC\n , th e b e fuddl e d bur g lar ; A li ce Gray, Bonn ie I e n se n , t wo n osy sis t e r s; a nd D o r is l\I a rk s, th e n1oth e r. The a c ting wa s v e r y co nvin c in g and thi s pl ay brou g ht l a u g h s f o r wee k s t o co1n e.

Th e next hit ,va s a s u s p e n se ful m ys t e r y dr a n1 a, ca ll e d H ig h Wuid ou•. D o r o th y I a tth e ws w as E 1nil y Winthrop ; L e onard Hartgrave, " ' a lt e r Hod ge; JoAnn l\.I o rr is on , Judith W a r e: F r a nk J\il es t ec k y, Jud ge Craig ; Ann Van Winkl e , Lind a orton Th e c lin1 ax ca 1n e wh e n E n1il y a tt e n1pt ed t o push Lind a 'or t o n from th e Hi g h Wind ow. Th e pl ay \\' aq, acc l a im e d as o n e of t h e bi gges t s u ccesses o f th e year.

Th e n cam e is t e r u e and a h i l a ri o u s asse n1hl y. S u e , vas l a r y Sc h ade; I ay h e llin e, B eve rl y So ll e nb e r ge r ; n1oth e r, Mar y W i llu,v ei t ; fath e r W i lli a n 1 G unth e r : Caro l , S h ir l ey Hun zi k e r : a nd Ca rol' s d a t e , Don Wh ee l e r Eve ryon e e nj o ) e d thi s hun1 o r o u s s t o r y o f th e t y p ica l An 1er1ca n f a n1 i l y.

Se v e ral oth e r plays ,ve r e sc h e dul e d b e for e th e cl ose of sc h oo l. T h e dra 111 atic gro up s d i d a , vo nd er ful job and th e ir e ffort s ,ve r e g r ea tl y a ppr ec i a t e d b y th e S tud e nt B o d y.


Senior Class Play

For-f o ur lon g ye ars , ve e ni o r s h ave l o ok e d for,~ard anx iou sl y to our Se nior Cla ss Pla y . Thi s year w e pr ese nt e d A Dat e u •zth Jud y, an a daptation of th e popul a r rad io pro gr a n1 Thi s ga y c om e dy of a dol esce n ce , vas pr ese nt e d h ) :

orm a eh.o n Ju<l y Fo t er Dor oth y l\1 a tth ews l\1it zi Hoffm a n Fr e <l J ohn so n l\1 e l vi n F os t er B eve rl y G rl ff1· th D o r a F os t e r ································

L eo n ar d H a rt grave s. R a nd o lph Fo s t er Al l "e G r av H anna " J ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

J ea n K a ufm ann B a rb a r a W i n s o ck e t Da v id F e t z O og i e Prin gl e

St a nl ey Alli s o n l\1r l\1 artindal e B eve rl } So llenb erge r l\1r s. Hot chk iss

D or is l\I ark s. .. ..................... . .. Eloi se H o t chki ss Ca r o l yn Sc hell l\1r s. Sc hultzhammer Rob e rt Pla ck R ex ford l\I erdith O 'C onn er a n cy e l o n

S u s i e

In a ddition to th e cas t e v e r y 1n e n1b e r o f th e e nior Cla ss ,vo ~·k e d indu triou s l y to s ell ti c k e t s , des i g n and se t th e s ta ge, a ppl y n1 a k e -up . a nd ga th e r c os turn es. U ud f' r th e faithful guidan ce of ::\liss Fairbanks a nd ::\Iiss Pri es t, th e pl ay es t a bli h e d a pl ace for our c l ass in th e fi e ld of e nt e rtainm e nt.


Front row : L e onard Hart grave s, N a nc y Nelon , Dori s

Mark s, Doroth y Matthew s, J ea n Kaufmann .

fr/ iddle row: Ali ce Gra y, B everl y Sollenb erg e r , Beverly G riffith , N orma Nel s on , Mi ss Fairbanks.

Ba ck row : S tanley Alli s on , Bob Pla ck , Fr e d John i:, on, Dav e Fet z.


Front row : Ladine Mayberry, Shirley Hunziker, Luella Lambert~ Violet John s on , Mi ss Prie s t.

Back row : Bob Kelly , Dewey Weber, Sidney Johnston, Pauline Harri s, Ru ss ell Tierney.

> )f'---. • I,, l ,f -1 · 1 ,_ .., • -~/. i ' /I} I ,,J PLAY
Page 56 - r .. t i C: , '. • • • t \ \

Football Sq11ad

' • I l .. -
Top row : Coach Eaton. Coach Lewi s, Don Wh ee ler , Frank Me ste cky, Orwin Nel son , Bob Petrie, Wayne Campbell , Ronnie John son, G l enn Jerome , Coach Robert s, Coach McMahon Middle row : Byron Se lbe , Eddie Ri chner, Bill Gorman, Ken Herron, Warren Sanders, Hubert Koro sec.
? 0 I
Bottom row : Fred John son, Eddie Hartz , Terry Hemberger, Gerry Derby , S t anley Alli son, Ru ss ell Tierney. Top row: Coach Eaton , Coach Lewi s, Allen Lewis, Don Wheeler , Joe Pierce, Hubert Korosec, Harold Wheeler, Frank Me stecky, Orwin Nelson, Wayne Campbell, Bob Petrie, Ronnie John son, Glenn Casedy, Glenn Jerome, Bob Kortbius, Melvin Steele, Coach Robert s, Coach McMahon Second row : Danny Ri chard s, Reggie Jones, Sonny Hut c hin son , Eddie Richner, Byron Selbe. Ken Herron , Gerry Derby, Bill Gorman, Warren Sanders, Terry Hemberger, Edwin Hartz , Stanley Alli so n, Ru sse ll Harrison.
Page 58
Bottom row : Fred John son, Duane Slocum, Bill Yager, Ronnie Rice , Bob Mayberry, Glenn Sprigg, Bob Nelson, Andy McKendry , Le slie Kroeger, Davie Richard s, Tom Waters, Duane Ki se r, Russell Tierney.


The Golden High Football team of 1949-50 took the chan1pionship in the Central uburban League with a record of eight wius against one lo ss and were the Suburban League repre se ntative to the State play-ofrs. The team felt that they were well on th e way to the s tate champions hip " ' hen they met the wor s t opponent of the year in the f orrn of seve ral little flu bugs wl10 laid mo s t of the tean1 lo,v and caused them to forfeit to Wray and drop front the state play-off.

With fourteen l etter1nen returning from la s t year's tean1 the Den1on s • only se tback ¼'as s uff ered at the hand s of Littleton in the verv fir s tleague game. The De1uons, however. s urpri se d everybody by going through the rest of the se ason ,vithout a defeat. On November 11. 1949, th ey defeated Wheatridge 12 to 6 for the cham• pionship, the first one since 1944.

Sixteen men earned their letters for the Demon s thi s year. They were Captain Bill Gorman, Frank ~Ies tecky, Orwin elson, Warren Sanders, Ronnie John so n, Glenn Jerome, Eddie Richner, Stanley Alli so n, Gerry Derby, Edwin Hartz, Don Wheeler, Ken Herron, Byron elbe, Terry Hemberger, Wayne Can1pbell, and Hubert Korosec.

ix of the Demon s· s quad n1en1bers received further recognition at the end of the season. Orwin elso n at tackle, Ken Herron at center, and Terry Hemberger at l eft halfba c k were nan1ed on the All-Conference team Ronnie John so n , fullback, and Byron Selbe, guard, were no1ninated for the second All-Conference team and Warren Sanders, guard. received honorable • mention


La Junta Forfeit there Brighton

here Littleton there Aurora




Team: Larry ~lc~lahon, Andy :\lcKendry. Bob Lewis, De Wayne Hut c hin s on, Bob lavherry, Bill Yager, Duane S lo cun1, Bob Korthui s . Jim Kline, R ex K e ll y, Harold Wheeler, Ronnie Rice, Clinton Kr e utzer , Leslie Kroeger, Bob Nelson, Glenn Sprigg, Tom Waters, Jo e Allgood, De Wayne Ki ser .

The B Squad ,va s und e feat ed in five ga 1n es. They also played in severa l quarters of the Varsity's games. Their pla y was especia ll y outs tanding in the Adan1s City game when they played mo st of thr ee quarters and h e ld Adams City Varsi ty to one touchdown.

Les lie Kroeger and Torn Waters were the offensive s tar s , while .t\.ndy l\'1 cKendry and Bob Le¼1 S ,~ere the s tandouts on defense.

..................... .
...... .................
Arvada " estn1inster "h eatridge .
.. .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ...
We They 6 0 46 0 6 19 7 0 40 6 25 20 26 0 33 0 12 6
Adan1 s Citv
th ere
here there
Tean1 Lakewood
···· Adan1s City Aurora Arvada Arvada ....•...... ....•......... We They 6 0 14 0 49 6 13 7 36 0 Page 59

The Golden Den1on s ended their regular ba s ketball se a s on in a deadlock for third place in the tough Central Suburban L eagu e. Coach Bill Le\\ i s' cagers compiled an impre ssi ve record of nine wins to five lo sses.

Led by Captain Ronni e John s on the Demon s advanced to the se 1n1-finals of the League Tournament held in the D. U. Arena befor e dropping a hard fought 32-27 de ci s ion to the Littleton Lion s

The ,1aroon and \\i hite s owned at lea s t one victor} over all other Suburban tean1s with the exception of State Class A Cha1npion s, \V est1nins t er.

One of the highlight s of the se a so n 's play " ' as Golden' s 40-36 victory over Ea s t High School, a State C la ss AA quintet. John son with an average of 16.7 points a gan1e ,\,as the leading League score r and was voted on the CenJ.ra l Suburban Firs t Tean1. He wa s ab l y a ss isted by Gerry Derby, Central Suburban honorabl e n1ention choice, Onvin Nel s on. Stan Alli s on, ~ ' ayne Campbel l , and Terry Hemberger.

The majority of Golden' s ho111 e ga1nes ,vere played in the l\tlines• Field House ,vh ere record cro,,rds of 2,000 people ,vere often in attendance .


Westrlll 11 "' te r .;;s ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••

)l & '1)11 l • Basketball tS l ' ' , I • I • • • I . I ( " A
Left to right. Coach Lewi s. S Alli son, D McKendry , H Koro sec. O. eh,on, W Campbell B Petrie, R. John son, G. Derby , B Gorman, D Shelley, Coach Eaton, Dewey Weber, ~tgr.
Page 60
Wheatrid~e Lakewood ······································· ······································· Aurora ................. . ................... . .. Adan1s City Arvada Won Lost 11 3 10 4 9 5 9 5 8 6 6 8 3 11 0 14


, " B" QLAD T, eft to right · Coarh Le,\, ... . H e rron . D on 1nith, T. Wa t er,- . B. Kor th u , ~, fl \\hee l e r , G Ca:.e<l.. R RH e. Du k ',nuth, R Al h -.o n, L Kr eutzer. J All goo d, Coa,·h Ea t on . Dewe) Weber l\l gr
1st RC>C i D GA \IE 2n d R<>C . D GA \IE Arvad a ··············· h ere \\'On 52 -37 Adarn s C ity - thcr<- , ~o n 45-34 Littleton I•••••• •• •.•• th ere lot :t.5-48 \rv ada .. ... . . .. . . .. . . .. .. ... . the re "on 56-35 Adam Cit) ········-··· her e v. on 37-34 Littleton h ere " '0 T1 43-29 • Lak ewoo d ............ h e r e \\011 29-26 Lake,\ood ········· th e r e lo t 29-33 " ' heatrid ge -· th e r e \\Oil 30-23 \\ h ea tr1dge h ere l os t 29-32 Aurora -·-··········· · h e r e " ' On 36-33 Aurora - th er<- , ~on 45-42 We s tmin s t e r th ere lot 29 -30 \\ e tiuin ~t er ................. h ere l os t 46-48 ,,·o 9 LO TS I DI,' IDL \L CO R E R J oh11 s on 299 D er b y .... ........ ............ 121 ~el on 100 Ca n1pb e ll .................... 71 41li on 70 H e in b e r ~e r ........... ......... 50
1 t RO U TD 2n d RO U D Arvada .....•...••••.•.. h e r e \\' Oil 25-18 ..\dan1 s Ci t y .............. th e r e " ' 011 24-21 Littleton ...............•• th e r e ,\OO --1-0-20 ,\r, ada th e re ,\, on 38 -1.J. Ada1n City h ere lo s t 23-3 1 Littl eto n ................ h e r e ,von 22-18 J, ake,vood.. h e r e lo s t 19-21 Lak e ,vo o d ················ th ere lo s t 16-22 \~ h ea tridg e ······ th e r e lo ~t 19. 29 \\ h ea tr idge h ere \VOil 18-16 Aurora .....••••...•.• h e r e "on 28-27 Aurora ................. .. . th ere ,von 38-28 \\~es tn1in t e r th e r e ,von 22-17 \\ ' es t n1111 t er .1 l e r e lo s t 15-20 \\ ' O 9 LO TS Page 61


S tand i n g : B. K ii.e r , A ll e n L ew i s, D ave R ic h a rd i., B . Pl ack , J . G unth e r, R . J o n e;:,, P . Wit•hm a nn . B . W a t ;:,o n , R . Ti e rn ey, M gr ., D Wh ee l er Sitt in g : Coac h M cMah on , L . Ma lm gr e n , G . H oga n , L . Kr oege r , E . Ri chn e r , G. J e r o m e, L . C hr is t i an se n , D un Ri ch a rd ~ L . H a n s e n , D M axey.

T h e o utl oo k f o r th e 1950 Wr es tlin g t ea m w as not br ig ht , but Coach D o n l c l\lahon u se d hi s fiv e r e turnin g l e tt e rm e n as a nu c l e u s f o r a t ea n1 whi c h s urpri se d eve r yo n e. A ft e r co min g throu g h with e i ght win s a nd seve n l osses dur i n g th e seaso n , th e D e1n o n gr a ppl e r s sh ow e d ' " h a t th ey "\Ve r e mad e of as th ey e nt e r e d th e Co nf e r e n ce l\l ee t h e ld in th e Fi e ld Hou se a t Go ld e n . With s ix fir s t pl aces a nd two third pla ces in t h e fir s t eig ht w e i ght s th e D e mon s a 1u asse d fort y -seve n p o int s Go ld e n ju s t h a d to s it and " ' ait t o see , vh a t Arv a d a w o uld d o. A r va d a , gai nin g tw o p o ints in th e la s t n1 a t c h , ti e d th e D e mon s Th e final sc or e o f th e fir s t thr ee pl aces w e r e : G old e n 4 7, A rv a d a 4 7, a nd Wh e a trid ge 30.

Th e Go ld e n bo ys wh o pl ace d in th e Co nf e r e n ce l\l ee t a nd th e points e ach r ece iv e d ar e :


L a rr y ~ I alm gre n

L es l ie Kro ege r D e Wa y n e Ki se r

Tom D a viso n ..............

Eddi e Ri c hn e r ... ..

Gl e nn J e rom e

(Con t i n ue d o n P age 63

' I ·,'Mi I •
. Pts .
. . . .. .
. ..
120 6 133
..... .................. .
. .
7 11 2 7
Page 62
THIRD PLACE Byron Selbe ... ... .............. .... ................ 127 3 Louie Christiansen 145 2 l 2. A •--~-----,. ' ___ ~· _ __,(.1 __ e.( 0 I a 1 -
1. 33 second conference champ 2. Big things come in little packages 3. Just practice 4. Conference Champs 5. Ready? Wrestle!! 6. Just friends 7. That's murder 8. High man ,vins


The pros pect s in Track look very good thi s year with the f o]lowing letterm e n returning: Ronnie John so n , T e rry He1nberger, Bob Plack, Orwin Nelson, Gerry Derby , Ken Herron, and Di c k Pear ce.

We have Ronnie John so n , Di c k Pearce, and Ken Herron in the sprints with Gerry D e rby helpin g out at th e hurdles. In the field events Bob Plack, Terry H em berg e r, and Wayne Campbell will be pole vaulting; Ronnie Johnson at the broad ju1npin g; and Ozzie Nelson, high ju1nping. We will have experienced h e lp in the w eig ht s b y Terry Hemberg er, Frank l\'lestecky, and Ken Herron.

ll I l l Page 64
... .., • .. - • - l •..
Top r010: Stanl ey Benfell, Duane LeRo y, Tommy Garrison, J er r y proul, H e,,, a rd J en k i n ::., Coac h l\Ic \tah on Bottom roio: Larry l\lcMahon , Louie Chri s tian sen. Stanle ) Alli son, Paul W1chmann , Bobb ) e l so n , Donn1 e ~lcKendry
---- -
Not pictured: John K e ll y.
Page 65
Top r0to: Eunice Matthew s, Marlene Ca rv e r, Coach Bis hop, M a rtha Brown, Natalie Wright Bouom row : Dorothy Matthew s, Mary Schade, Ruth Aitkenhead, Ann Van Winkle

••G'' Club D

The ·•G Cluh is an organization of Letter inners. Its putpose is to encourage competiti\e sport~rnan!-hip and teatn"·ork. It also sponsors a '"G" Club Banquet and dance. It is a very {!reat honor to belong to this Club as it requires a lot of hard ,\1'ork and effort to earn a letter.

The officers this year '" ere Ronnie Johnson, Pre ident; Bill Gorman, Vice President; and Stan le) ;\}lison. ecretar} •Treasurer. Its men1bers '"' ere as follows: John Cook, Toni Davison, Gerry Derby. DaYid Fetz, Edwin Hartz, Glenn Jerome, Fred Johnson. Frank \lestecky, Orwin Nelson, Bob Petrie, Bob Plack, Eddie Richner, w·arren anders, Russell Tiernev. De,vey " ' eber, Paul Wich. 1uann, Terry Heruberger. Ken Herron, Leslie Kroeger, Andy l\IcKendry, Bob Nelsou, Byron St'lbe, Don "heeler, Wayne Campbe ll. Loui C hri s tian se n, Hubert Korosec. Dick \laxey, Dick Pearce. Perry ,, 1 illia1ns. George Ho gan, Larry l\lahngren.

The sponsors were Coaches Eaton, Le,-vis, and l\lc~lahon.

ll Page 66
•--__ .- ..----


We are duly proud that we have one of the most outstanding Girls" Athletic Associations in the state. And we are justly proud that our sponsor, Mrs. Bishop, 1s on the State Executive Council of the G. A. A.

Sixty girls participated in the traditional hike up Lookout l\ilountain at the beginning of the school year. This hike enables the enrollees to earn tl1e necessary fifteen points for membership.

One feature of the year ,vas the formal initiation, made impressive by soft candlelight and music. Thirty-one girls received their n1embership certificates.

Throughout the year the girls participate in numerous intramurals and take various skill tests in the different sports.

The officers for the year are: President, l\Iartha Bro¼ n; Vice-presidept, 'l\,Iarlene Carver; Secretary. Diana Cheney; Treasurer, Dorothy ~latthews. We hope that the grand interest and enthusiasn1 shown this year will go on to make the Golden Girls' Athletic Association. Page 67
fl - -,o.
Page 68
1. Two point s 2. Touchdown 3 Reaching for the moon 4. The Bar and Ring Team 5. Oh, the pain!! 6 Where's my hat!! 7 Mr. T. G 8. Tennis Champ 9. Steady , boy 10. One down, one to go
• • ( I • Page 69

Brownie's Phillips 66

Charles H. Brown -

South Golden Road Best

McKeehen's Golden, Colorado

Wishes Class
of 50 from
Pag e 70 l
' ,.


I Greetings Class Of 50from JACK'S PHARMACY Meyer Hardware Best Wishes Class of 50 from CITY TAILORS ' t . .~ .c~ I I # i • . ,a- l . ,. l - f Sparks Motor Co. COMPLIMENTS of GOLDEN FIRE BRICK A. BLAIN JACKSON ~~~..L-?-T_ ~c-<~<>-c.-v )(J+tt d - COMPLIMENTS of Brown's Service Station &Grocery GOLDEN NUGGET TAVERN Golden Cafe Page 73
I • I \ I I l • 1 I '] • I • C ' ' • I I I 1 1 ·i THE FAIR VARIETY 1114 Washinton Ave 't:u I .....-: - ffiii e=a 1,; \ GOLDEN MERCANTILE Cliff & Twig ' GOLDEN THEATER • I EM .. 'J -r .JI .J> lr J ,J I , ' I 1 - f ... I ~, ~. ,..,,--; )j ) .. • - ----=--- ·1 t & Paramount Cleaners & Dyers Lookout Mountain Service 809 12 th Street Pa g e 74
Best Wishes from George's Grocery Compliments of . Red &White South Golden ,, Road ,• COMPLIMEN TS of GOLDEN EAGLE DAIRY DICK MCCOY Phillips 66 .~ .~-= ...:~ . .......,~, GOLDEN LIQUOR at WILLIAM GROSS Plumbin & Heatin ---------Best Wishes Class of50 ., I f •=# • ,1,.... ,r PATRONIZE THE SERVE-SELF ----- - '-~1 r -~ LAUNDRY Craig-f rederick-Chevrolet DEMON ADVERTISERS Best Wishes from Compliments of Best Wishes from 4 Metropolitan Brazier's Golden Dale Barber Shop Columbine Bar Barber Shop Creamery Page 75
I I 1 1 ,, i l l s. raul Harris V<.-<.-L :;_ I / ~~ __,,,~ -;~ 1-2/~ L--CHUCK'S MARKET & GROCERY Phone 188 1214 Washington Ave. Best Wishes Class o 50 om - ~ L. W. Deffenbaugh Lumber Store Phone 322 Page 76 Best Wishes Class of 50 from LARSONS CAFE
! I 1 1 t :i 1 • 1 '4 I 1 : 1 :\ Compliments of T. A. Kelly &Associates Civil Engineers Golden, Colorado I .. ( DAVISON KOCH FURNITURE CO. COMPLIMENTS of CLIFF EVANS GOLDEN FURNITURE CO. Phone 36 Page 78 JEFFERSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Phone 148 Complimerits Of FOSS DRUG CO. TIERNEY JEWELRY CO. r / v~ 1206 Washington Ave. Phone 44
Compliments Of ALPINE DRUG BILL'S RECREATION SWENA TRANSFER & EXPRESS SON FLOWER SHOP 1218 Washington Ave. Phone 648 Regan Shoe Greetings Class ,;:;t;&~ ,.: from _z :ft / y~---.,,- u WOODS /2 717 12 tk Street MORTUARY Compliments of G. H. BUCKMAN Compliments Compliments Kroeger Press Compliment• Of of Printing Of MEYER'S MARKET EAST SIDE GROCERY 516 13th Phone 413-W Peterson's GULF P age 79 • .. '
I ' ' I Complimen~ 0 ' I Golden, Colorado • •

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