This is the Time.
... in which ma11, 's cr·eativity has endowed us with a vast nu,nber of tools to n1old a better
generation . . .
. . must develop the ability to
us e these tools conscientiously and effectively . --
This is the Time.
... in which ma11, 's cr·eativity has endowed us with a vast nu,nber of tools to n1old a better
generation . . .
. . must develop the ability to
us e these tools conscientiously and effectively . --
students with an education which is the assimilation
expe,,.ience and his insight into life.
Th e main diffe r ence be t ween junior high and high school is that there is more acceptance of responsibility a t the high school level. One should believe in one ' s self.
''If a man e mptie s his purse int o hi s head, no man can tak e it away from him." -Fr anklin
Th e esse nc e of lif e i s a bl end of bo th ser i o usness and comedy. Th e main thing t o remember in life, thoug h, is t o "L e t all things be done in l ove. "-P aul
" You have to believe in a boy before he will believe in you."Jack Larson Ja ck Lar so n As s i s tant Pr1n c 1p al Mabel B o hth o Dean of Girls Sam Bish o p Dean of B oys Mabel Bolitho Sam Bishop Dudley So l o m o n Prin c ipal
I have more co nfid e n ce in young people than adults ; students mature in hi gh schoo l as much socially as intellectually and they deserve our attention as much in extra cur ri c ular activities as in c lass.
"As a vessel is known by th e sound, whether it is cracked or n o t , so men are proved by their speeches, whether th ey be wise or foo l ish. "
De wain Wood
Wh en a s tudent graduates he should have extremely strong convictions formulated by himself fr om the inf ormatio n he has received in hig h school
Pat Ryan lets the cho ir cr iti c iz e themselves fr om a tape
Dave Rucker supplements band duties with attendance worries
Dav e Rucker
Musi c is important because there is a tr e m e nd o us need for se lf express i o n by each individual t od ay, and music is a veh i cle for such e xpre ss 10 0.
Pat Ryan
I hav e always l oved young people, th ey are always brimmi ng ove r with joy and e xcit emen t.
Christa Coon g reets students as they enter the newly enlarged library .
Chr i sta Coon Books do live a good book i s o n e which is opened with e xpectation and closed with prof i t.
B ob Arnold
The study of foreign affairs is very important because of an increased interdependence amo ng nations. It is essent i al t o study the po l itical and social backgrounds of a country as well as the physical geog raphy and racial structure of the peop l e.
Strive t o do your best in everyth in g you set out to do-never settle for second.
Gary B ec kwith
Intellige n ce is not when answers are given, but when o n e achieves th e ability t o question.
Ralph Bishop
" This above all e l se: t o thin e owns elf be tru e , and it mu st f ollow as th e night follows th e day, that tho u can not be fals e to an o th e r.' 1
Way n e Schroeder
Conviction i s the prerequisite to ex isten ce.
Joan Clin e
I fee l history i s an important s ub ject because in orde r t o f o r esee th e future, o n e must r efl ect on th e past.
John Dunn
" A teacher aif ects eternity; he can never tell where his inf l uence stops "
H enry Adams
Gwen Walter
It is r e wardin g to kn ow that one has the oppor tunity to help shape the futur e of today 's yo uth , because this is the time that minds , pers onaliti es, and m o rals are f o rmed.
Lynn Ne ls o n Ii I co uld teach young people o n ehall of \vhat I l ea rn from them in h o nesty , enthusiasm, and l ove, I would be the greatest tea cher ,vho eve r liv ed
H elen Fairbanks
I am g lad that I am a tea c her because no o ther profession seems quite so imp o rtant. The mor e I see of young people, the more I respe c t and enjoy th e m
Mary Mill e r
Me n exist for the sake o f o n e an other ; teach them, o r bear with them. On e shou l d find s om et h in g beautilul a n d fu n ny each day.
All students are human beings, and I try to treat them accordin g to
Students at Golden have a great deal of responsibility for not only the school, but themselves. They should always remember Martin Lu the r's motto, "Arbeiten und Beten' ', which means, " work and pray."
You are only as good as your performance proves you are ... everytime out. You yourself make y ourself.
In teaching as in preaching, there must be the awareness of sin, the co ntrite heart , and most important, the willin g n ess to pay the price of redemption.
Ed Herber
The primary obj e c ti v e of my teachi n g is not to disseminate knowledge unto others, but to inspire others to seek knowledge.
William Coffield
I think that the major purpose of education is not for scholarship alone but to develope one's integrity , self-respect, values, and c h a r a c t e r as well. •
Whatever you are doin g, you should make a maximum effort even th oug h the task may be distasteful.
Mabel Bishop
What is right is right, a n d you can n either by tears nor l aughter do away with its character.
Richard Booton
Whether a studen t is right or wrong, h e shou l d have the right to test his ideas
Darrel H af li ng
I t ' s not th e size o f the dog i n th e f ight, it's the size o f the f ight i n the dog
. are building blocks for a modern world.Ed Herber concentrating in math analysis. Mabel Bishop grades students' ability. Wilham Coffield, algebra, reads in earnest. Mr. Papke teaches math. Papke Mr Booton and Mr Hailin g plan P.E. programs.
" Gnothi seauton" advised Socrates: know thyself ; and of the time you have at hand, the poet Horace wrote, "carpe diem " , seize the present.
The reason I believe in my profession is that to me, it is , a way to cultivate an appreciation of both the responsibilities a nd ben efit s of life.
Th e unique characteristic of the A me rican students is that they are anti-authority; therefore , they could never follow a dictator, and as a result, America is the l eader o f th e wo rld.
People who co m e into co ntact with other nations are e xp ected t o understand n ot o nly their custo ms , but their lan guages; o therwise , eff orts ca nn ot be successful
Th e importance of languages is t o be able t o co mmunicate with the other peop l es of th e world who are coming c l oser every day, a nd because Mexi co is th e c l osest f oreig n cou ntry, this i s one of th e most important lan guages today.
Ray Ewing makes a point in Spanish grammar. \
Freda Reitz dictates to her offi c e practice class.
Freda Reitz
It is my earnest wish that my students learn the skills I tea c h, but of g reater importance, may they g ain a sense of fair p l ay, integ rity, and di g nity.
X e n Hos ler
The maj o r reas o n for t e a c hin g Distributiv e Edu c ati on is t o develop futur e leaders for th e marketin g and distributi o n fields .
Dave Lewis
" H e l oved his youth, and his youth had become eternal." J o hn Buchan
D. J. Moore Uldi cates proper form f or a f igu re in shorthand.
D. J . Moore
You can get out of a student what you e xp ect 1rom hin1. I have co nfid ence that my students will b e the busin ess leader s of t omo rrow
Elinor Reiser
Alack of business understanding is ,vha t paves the \Vay f or unethical business practices. A knowledge of business will strengthen our f ree e nterprise system and promote Am eri c an g r e atn ess .
Carole Ogilvie
Young people need understanding. One s h ould n ever l imit their creativeness.
Dave Skene
I wou l dliketo see instead of 5,000 people watchin g a game, 22 w at c h i n g and 5,000 playing.
night custodians work to keep the school buildings and grounds in shape.
Senioris approach the burdens of Leadership and duties of tomorrow's world as they prepare for adulthood
Seniors participated in a play : "Take Her,
Seda Bohks and Jon Krearnelmeyer , elected best all-around seniors, show their effervescent personalities.
Seniors not pictured
Sam Blood
Bruce Bouck
Steve Coakley
Nancy Emerson
Nancy Fischer
Terry Hoshiko
John Hrouda
Ron Hyatt
Bob Katona
Connie Kay
Linda Knight
Ralph Maupin
Steve Merrin
Mike Peneton
Ed Ramstetter
Ellen Roland
Pete Rustad
Betty Lou Smith
Charles Terry
Bob Williams
BETHA W ALDRUM MIKE WADE SANDRA TURNER RJCK VAN HORN 1V11KE VAN WINKLE RANDY VAUGHNThe Student Body Officers are a group of hard working and responsible people who rec e ive little recognition for the job that they perform. These Officers are the go betweens for the students and the Administration. I t is their duty to make the desires of t h e students known to the Administration, and the wishes and demands of the facu l ty and Administration known to the students.
The Officers of the Student Council must maintain a high grade average in addition to devoting much of their time to organizing and leading student government.
Gisella Lan ge, the enthusiastic exchan ge student from Legnan o, Italy, came to Golden expecting cowboys and Indians roaming the street; she was surprised when she found skyscrapers in their place. She also expected a colder climate and to ski every day.
B e longin g to American Field Service, Fren c h Club, Pep Club, Russian Club, and Ski Club h as kept Gisella quite busy throughout the year. Ho\vever, she wished that s h e could have joined more clubs as there were none at her school in Legnano.
Since Gisella has an inquisitive mind and a desire to learn, her subjects for thi s year included American history, Russi.an I, English ill, library, international relations, and physical education .
Hours of practice and plannin g went into the half-time performances during football season at which the majorettes were featured performers.
Golden's twirlers, 1n addition to being shapely and en thus i as ti c, were talented musicians, for each girl was also a member of the band.
Flas hy m ar oon p orn - po n s an d Jumpe r e d, p l eate d s k irts mar k e d t h e G o l de n pom-po n gi rl s t hi s year as t h ey ad d e d co l o r and p ep to th e ban d du ring f oot b al l an d bas k etball seaso ns .
Th ese p e psters were chosen fr om t h e r anks o f t h e ban d an d wo rk e d l o n g h ours wit h i t, perfecti n g t h e i r ro u t in es.
Head majorette Vickie Reev es and other majorettes, Jane P eneton, Sue Hayes, Maureen Gibson and Nora Rielly cut a fan cy figure in front of the school.Vari ous kinds of Cheerleader ga rb w e re exhibited this year--the short maroon skirts with the \Vhite inserts \Vere for the wrestling matches; the maroon skirts ,vith the white piping were for basketball g ames; and the slacks with the white kick-pleats were for the football g ames . Somethin g else was added for rainy weather- -which never came; they were g ay mar oo n and ,vhite capes These variations prevented the sometimes monotonous usage of the same uniform every g ame day- -which usually amounted to two or three times a week.
This year was the first year Golden has had six cheerleaders An amendment ,vas passed by the student body changing the existing stipulation fron1 five girls to six The girls were then chosen by the entire school after one major try-out.
Cheering requires much timing and coordination; hence the girls worked many hours perf ectmg their cheers and developing ne,v routines
Courtesy and real sportsmanship were sho\J1n by the cheerleaders when during Homecoming week with Wheat Ridge , the cheerleaders took the Wheat Ridge cheerleaders to breakfast and presented them ,vith corsages to wear during the game
Pendin g a decision from the nati o nal headquarters in New York City , Ruth will live and study overseas next year.
Each year four exceptional students are se le cted for their voices to participate in the All- State Choir at Denver University. There with students from various Colorado hi g h sc hools , they practiced for the final concert . Pr actice was under an outstanding vocal l eader and took about eight to ten h ou r s
F our members of the orchestra were h o nored this year by being chosen for the All-State Orchestra .
Aft er sixteen hours of intense practi ce the All-State Or chestra performed in the spring .
Jim Wang , from F o rm osa, attended Go l den whi l e his father worked for a master's deg r ee in geo -physics at the Co l orado Schoo l of Mi n es. Jim , a Sophomore, inte nd s to finish high sc h oo l and go on to co ll ege i n the United States before returning to his homeland.
Jackie Jump' s artistic abilities rated first in competition
Jackie's picture of a horse \Von first place in an art contest sponsored by the May D & F company
Selected by the Junior Classical League, these four members \vill represent Golden at the National convention in California this summer .
Kathy Morris, in addition to her many school activities, was hostess to Gisella Lange, Golden's exchange student from Italy .
This year Golden sent t\vo Demons to the State Meet After he tied for second place in the District Meet, Gary Inman went on to place four th in the State Competition .
Mike Sherf, a sophomore, qualified for the State Meet at District with a second place rating .
Kent Rice, Doug Detmer, Adrienne Grovesnor, and Steve Davis pause 1n discussing their California trip t o pose for the yearbook photographer. A F. S president, Kathy Morris, uses the library's card catalog. Coach Darrel Hailing displays the District trophy with State contenders Gary Inman and Mike SherfMr. Demon Mark Edwards was a senior in the upper ten per cent of his class . Mark was an outstanding athlete . He participated in track, ,vrestling, and football, and was a two year letter man in football and ,vrestling. Mark ,vas also a member of the Student Council, National Ho nor Society, and was president of Key Club . These and many other qualiti es h e lped t o make Mark an outstanding D e m o n .
Steph ,vas a senior in the upper fourth of he r class and a member of several sc ho o l c lubs She was vice president of Spanish Club and Sec r etary of Ski Club . Althou g h Steph lived m D e nv er , s h e commuted to Go lden eve ry day and be came an essential part of G H S Her friendly smile and many friends indicate her qualificati o ns for Mis s Demo n
Homecoming was the first big event of the season and was a week fil l ed with many activities. The first of these activities was the homecoming parade where floats representing each of the classes and various other individual efforts were presented The Junior class received an award for having the best float.
Later that evening there was a bonfire which roused everyone's enthusiasm for the football game with Wheatrid ge that followed.
Climaxing the week's festivities was the homecoming dance, and the cro,vning of the homecoming queen, Vickie Reeves. At the dance the students and alumni both enjoyed themselves despite the defeat which Golden suffered at the game.
Shimmering seaweed, a hue of blue, and elegance under water greeted the seniors as they entered "Neptune's Court" for the Junior -Senior Prom F or several days juniors had work e d t o co nvert the gymnasium into an underwater palace, and the presence of Queen Seda Bohks and her court added to the illusion . As the evening drew t o a c los e, girls in their long, flowing go wns and their escorts in their slim tuxed os l ef t for an early breakfast .
Red and white streamers and assorted hearts fashioned the cafeteria into a ballroom for the night of the annual Pep Club Dance, this year at the end of February .
Close to 50 gir l s and their "beaux" for the evening "jerked,"" slopped" and 0 dogged" to the "real jerkin' beat'' of the Minnie Ho onies from Boulder .
The highlight of the evening came when a prince and princess from each class ,vere crowned to reign for the remainder of the evening Each class had ear li er nominated girls and boys from that class, and the winners were selected fr om these nominees .
Donna Petry and Dave Boyd reigned as Junior Princess and Prince. Carol Foley and Russ Leavitt were cro,vned Senior Princess and Prince at the Pep Club Dance. Cindy Bullock and Joe Rillos represented the sophomores as princess and prince. The "jerk" takes the full attention of those at the Pep Club Dance .A venture into make-believe added to the fun of spring when Golden High School presented "The Wizard of Oz " Dorothy and her lovable friends - the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion - asked the "Great Oz" (Dave Arnold) for a favor; but first they had to bring the broom of the 1 ' Wicked Witch ''
Finally, they foiled the "Wicked Witch" (Shirley Greenfield) and were granted their \vishes - all to the delight of their enchanted audience
The Scarecrow tells Dorothy how he
like "to have a brain."
Max Ball grimaces as he drinks some water, ,vhich "accidentally" contain e, aspirin, while visiting wiln his daughter's roommate Luann Steckman. The
Alfred Greiffin ge r
Alex Loomis . . . .
Mr. Whitmyer . ..
Cl ancy
Linda L e hm an
Mr Hibbetts
Cast Bi ll Cu l lum
Eme r y Bator
. . George Morris
. . Chris Be r gquist
• • Connie Smiley • . . . Dave Arno l d
Co lle ge , a new and exciting experience for young fr es hmen, prov ed to be only a trial to th e Mi c h e ls on fami l y. F a ther, portrayed by Max Ball, did al l in his pow e r to pres e rve the innocen ce o f the little gir l h e sent to Co ll ege. But Molly, Terri Elliott, r etu rned at Christmas not the picture of innocence but a very soph i s ti cate d woman of the \vorld
Ji ll Gau sman, as the mother , was pleased at the c han ge and Li z, t h e littl e siste r , p l ayed by Shirley Greenfield, de c ided she would like t o copy Moll y 1 s new l y acquired character. The solution to t h e dilemma proved to be a compromise with Mo lly tolerating the " uninhibited" life of the We st Coast, an d Fath er accepting the fact that his litt l e gir l had g r o wn up.
Under the able direction o f Mildred M organ and L owe ll Sharp the cast netted $400 which was added to the Senior Fund The fund goes for the Senior Banquet and Commencemen t in the spring.
The '' boring days of summer" finally ca m e t o an e nd as some 750 people gravitated toward the "then sparkling" halls of Golden Hi gh Schoo l.
Th e r e b ef o r e th em, a n e,v administration a nd 40 f ac uity members ,vere making plans for the n ext nine months' chores
As September moved into O ctober and the air became mo r e c risp, pep ralli es and football g ames heightened the exhilaration off a ll.
F oo tball season was c limax ed by Ho mec o min g festivities, which inc lud ed a par ade of f loats, a ga m e with Wh eat Rid ge and a dance .
As October r o ll ed int o November, the ride h o m e fr o m s c h oo l got a little dusky; but se ni o rs braved the ni ght t o prac ti ce for TAKE HER SHE'S MINE
Thanks g ivin g and Christmas br ou g ht dreams of vacation t o underclassme n, but seniors had College Board Exams and co ll ege applicati o ns t o think of
"Dave Demon" (Dave Arnold -ri ght) summons his "mugs" to victory during a fall pep rally.Several feet of snow and a number of windstorms added to the excitement of \Vinter . The seniors in Ralph Bishop's government and la\v class found the floor to their liking when several branches and pieces of debris ble\v throu g h th e window .
Spring was full of activity with the track, baseball and gymnastics seasons; the Pep c lub dance; the c arnival; the spring play, THE WIZARD OF OZ; and finally the Prom
As with every year, three years at Golden High School and twelve full years of school came to an end with the long procession, the music of "Pomp and Circumstance" and a diploma Approximately 200 seniors felt both the joy and sadness of g raduation as they anticipated the change that \vould come next year .
By next fall some of this 200 would be continuing their educations, others \VOuld be in the service and still others would be employed in civi l ian occupations .
Dave Arnold ke e ps Norm Pe e ry and o ther sophomores in their humble place during sophomore week. Gene Pi c kthall fights hard against his opponent in the meet with the Japanese National Team. Pam F oss and Craig P o ll ock in Pam' s jeep pull the Senior float on which Mo Odneal (on his back), Randy Vau ghn, Ray Stolpa and the " D emon" are riding during the Homecom in g parade.The Golden Chapter of the Dau ghters of the Am erican Revolution this year gave their good citizenship award to Becky McCoy
Paul Rice has won, for three consecutive years, recognition at the woodw o r kin g competition at Colorado State University.
Standing about the flagpole are Linda Slocum, Carol Foley, Emery Bator, and Brad Childs, who represented Golden at Girls' and Boys' State this year .As the band began to play the music of "Pomp and Circumstance", some 200 people slowly marched into the gymnasium at Golden High School There anxiously a,vaiting the entrance of their son or daughter, brother, sister, or friend, ,vere approximately 1300 spectators to see the final ritual of high school days
Graduation follo,ved a week full of excitement for these seniors . The ,veek began on Sunday with Baccalaureate ceremonies and the first time they had worn the robes and mortar boards . Behind them were the spring days of "senioritis, 11 and "woodsies," the attempted "ditch days, " and the hours of arduous practice for the final event of graduation
Behind them too were the "good" food, the "good" dancing, and the "great memories of the years of school--all provided at the Senior Banquet . Not quite forgotten were the afternoon and evening of the senior picnic and the evening and early morning of the Senior Prom
As the distinguished guests and the speakers for the evening strode to the speakers' platform, the audience stood in respect for those graduating. Gold tassels marked those who had been academically successful in school; but regardless of the academic average of the graduate, he felt a slight pride in having finally "made it . "
Graduation itself was hot and lingering, but finally it ,vas over The recessional march began; this time moving faster than before, the graduates moved into the world--hopefully, prepared by their years at Golden High School
develop a sense of competition that is coupled with a personal confidence in one's ability.
This year's Golden High cross-country team worked long, hard hours of practice to take a respectable place in the conference championships . With workout consisting of 90 to 1 00 miles of running every week under the supervision of Coach Richard Booton, the runners placed fourth in the conference finals and twelfth in the state finals.
Jerry Ray, team captain, is the only one of the three lettering harriers this year ,vho will not return next year. Ron Starbuck, next year's captain, and R oger Th ompson, a sophomore, were the other two lettermen.
Ja c k Mi c halk.o 7-0
C r a i g P o llac k 7-0
Bill Sp rin gsto n 7-0
D o n And e r so n 6-1
D e nni s Klippe l 5 -2
Ru ss L e a v itt 5 -2
Dic k Swanso n 5- 2
Pictured above are, left to ri ght , FRONT ROW: Dennis Klippel, Craig P o llack, and Dick Swanson. SECOND R OW: Do n Anderson, Ja ck Mi ch alk o, Bill Springston, and Coach L ynn Nels o n. NOT PI CTURED: Russ Leavitt. Senior Jack Michalko shows his winnin g f or m •Golden Netters turned in a very impressive performance this year as they won the county championship for the second consecutive season.
At the CSU Invitational Meet in Fort Collins the first five men - Jack Michalko, Dennis Klippil, Don Anderson, Dick Swanson, and Craig Pollack - participated and came in second . Jack Michalko won the top honors of the day, picking up the blue ribbon in the first singles.
Michalko, Klippel, Swanson, and Anderson won the District Meet with twenty team points . Again Michalko won the first singles, and Swanson and Anderson took second in the doubles event These three qualified for the State Tournament and gave the team an eighth place rating with Michalko coming in fourth in the singles
The Golden Tennis Team set two state records this season. One was for the most consecutive wins, twenty-seven. The other, he l d by Jack Michalko, was for the best individual record, twenty-seven wins and one loss .
The season ended for the Golden g ridders with four \vins, one of these a league game The Demons scored victories over Westminister, Palmer, Arapahoe, and Jefferson.
The high l ight ot the year came when Golden played the L akewood powerhouse: the Demons ground out thirteen points This ,vas more than any other county team scored against the state champions .
The efforts of several underclassmen in the Jefferson game, which we won 28-7, predicted a favorable season in '6 5, despite the l oss of Senior l ette rme n.
FRONT ROW: Pat Geehan, Steve Hat chell, J ohn Colvin, Darrell Wood, Van Bullo ck, Jim Wright, Doug Detmer, Mark Goodell. Rex Paullus , Craig Goodell, and J on Kreamelm eyer. SECOND ROW: Nelson Kin g, John Barteln1a), Dave Mienecke, Mark Ed\vards , Russ Meyer , Ph1l1p Huffman, Ed McCree, Wayne Andrews, Richard Long, Bob Haye s, and Fred Waterman . TIIlRD ROW : Dick Kesler , Kevin White , Gary Addington, Dennis Hatchell, Brad Willi an1son, Russ Scharf, Terry Loeffler , Scott Arnold, J1n1 Leary, Darrell Yarbrough, and Jo e R1ll os. BACK ROW· Coaches Dave Skene, Gary Beckwith, Al McLaren , and Dewain Wood, Assistant Prin cipal J ack Larson. Prin cipal Dudley Solomon; players Jerry Sutton and Mark Schupbach; managers K ent Hefley, Sam Zaharias, and Tim s,vanson.
FRONT ROW· Charley Crew, Dou g Saunders, Paul Refven1, Steve Davis, Dave Boyd, Dave Merr1n1an, J1n1 Meunier. SECOND ROW : CurtJenki.ns, Br et Bray, Norm P ee ry , Jim Dodson, Jim Cathcart, J ohan Kellogg, and Mark Jennings. Tl-ilRD ROW: Gary Dodd, Craig Huffm an, Jeff Waters, Gene Scherer, Ron Jes se, Mike Schei f, Tom Stone, and Don Eddie. BACK ROW : manager Kent Hefley , Ass1stant Pr1nc1pal Jack Larson, Coach Dewain Wood , Principal Dudley Solomon, manager Sam Zaharias.
The record of this year's wrestling team was not indicative of the effort put forth Th e season was marked with many close matches and injuries to key wrestlers Of the thirteen lettermen of last year, only five were able to participate this year .
This year the wrestlers toured the Western Slope, competing with three of the outstanding teams of that area. The Demons posted a ,vin over the Gunnison grapplers, but dropped de cisions to Fruita and Montrose, two hi ghly regarded teams .
Another hi gh - light of the wrestling season was the visit of the Japanese National High School Wrestling Team. This group of allstars wrestled eleven other teams in Colorado, scoring eleven wins and one tie While in Golden, each of the Japanese was entertained by the boy that he wrestled The Athletes from across the sea showed us their good sportsmanship as well as their tremendous wrestling ability when they soundly beat our Demo ns by a score of 32-0 .
Mick Duesterbeck fought hard for the ,vinning points. , The 120-pound weight class was wrestled by Gene Pickthall. Ron Parker wrestled 103-pound weight class . Veryl Bell was at the 95pound weight class Mick Du es t e rb eck competed at 112' sf
After tying for second place in district, the Demons came through with two grapplers qualifying for s ta t e - junior Gary Inn1an and sophomore Mike Scherf.
Gary Inn1an ,von his first prelimiruary rounds and went on to take fourth in State Competition in the 133-pound division. Mike Scherf was el1n1inated in the first round in state competition
The gymnastics team was devoted to strengthening the physique and to developing body agility . The gymnasts performed in free exercise, on the trampoline, parallel bars, high bar, and the rings . The team fared well this season, in spite of the loss of last year's senior letterman
The splits, which Will Reed den1onstrated during practice, took ,veil-developed agility and leg muscles.
As did D ave R od ri guez, shown at the left, the gymnasts spread their talents among the horse, trampoline, paral lel bars, rings, high bar, and tumbling.
Coach Bob Arnold, here advising J ohn Reed on the proper form for a trick on the parallel bars, coached the gymnastics team the entire year, even though the gymnastics season was mainly in the spring
Al though he started the season ,vith an injured shoulder , J on Kreamelmeyer had a high performance record in the outfield
Ray Stolpa played several different positions
a.re, left t o
FRONT ROW : Ri c h L on g , Dave Johnson, Jon Kr eame lm eye r, Ray Stolpa, Darrell Wood, Van Bullock, Mark Goodell, Don Anderson, Paul Ober g, Jack Mi chalko SECOND ROW: Randy Blesh, Bob Graham, Ed M cC r ee, R oss Arnold, Scott Arnold, Dave Granquist, Russ Leavitt, Bob Richards, Tom Moo re, manager Tim Swanson.
Catcher Mark Goodell put the opponent s out at home base. Mr. Al McLaren, senior class sponsor, coached the Demon baseball team. D ar rell Wood cove red the outfield. 1965 VARSITY and B SQUAD ctu red below right,1965 VARS I TY and B SQUAD
Pictured above are, left to right, FRONT ROW: Todd Lowther, Rex Paullus, Jerry Ray, Craig W1ndbigler, Darrell Yarbrou gh, Jerry Phillips, Mike Kolin, Phil Huffman, John Colvin, Roger Piburn, Charles Crev.r. SECOND ROW: Coach No rman Papke, Steve Hatchell, Benny Benning, Terry Loeffler, Fred Waterman, Greg Keeling, Ron Starbuck, Greg Flebbe, Kevin White, Coach Dave L e,vis, Coach Richard Booton. THIRD ROW · Sam Zaharias, Russ Meyer, Mark Schupbach, Nelson King, Russ Scharf, Jim Powell, Paul Refvem, Joe Rillos, Roger Thompson, Greg Campbell, Bob Hayes . FOURTH ROW: Joe Benzie, Mike Simpson, Richard Martin, Wayne Andrews, Kevin Hurst, Charles Terry, Dave Gallegos, Tom Thetford, Barry Sauve . FIFTH ROW· Mike Ayres, Claire Voss, Jim Dodson, Robert Moffett, Bill Prm ce, Dale Wydman, Dave Thomas, Buddy Orr, Jim Meunier. SIXTH ROW: Jack Kolin, Gregory Moerbe, Alan Craig, Gene Sherrer, Steve Hu ghes, L ouis Jones, Mark Jennings, John Ljunguall, Mike Carpenter, Steve Johnson.
SEVENTH ROW: Kent Hefley, Jim Saunders, Craig Huffman, Jeff Waters, Jim Foley.
Pi ctu r ed above are, left to r ight , FRONT ROW : D. Han sen, S. Moosdo rf , J Scholes, S. Rember , W. Haa se, J. Schlechte n , C. Mille r , C. Babcock, L. R e m ber: SECOND ROW : E Oppenlander , M. Bohks, J. Granquist, S. Bohks, B Thorn, G. Geib, J. L ehte, D. Barbier o, H Skaggs, S. Hayes, C. Con,vay, D Ko k en, D Paine , R. Annand , V Re eves; THIRD ROW : K. Carlson, J. MacK.innon, D Yarbrough, C. Naas, C. Me ye r , M. Conway, G. Reeve s, D Hatche ll , T Dey o, M Schupbach, J. Saunders, P Gardner, J. Wright, M Babb, B Andr ews, J P eneton, L Ru ssell, M. Ha rd in ; FOURTH ROW : N. Gale, N. Vasconcellos, M. F erre ll , G. Nicholls, J. R o m ero, B. Evans, F. Struck, D. Dobyns, J . Salisbury, R. Streueler, L . Campbell, R. We im e r , G. Sutton, G. Kampf, C. Clawson, D. Mugglcstone, J. Ma yo, D P ot t er, S. Davi s, F. Ryland, J Meunier, P Taylor, P. Taylor, P. Pr outy, G. Addington, M. VanW1nkle; F I FTH ROW : S. Duff, K. Scholes, N. R1ell ey 1 M Gibson, L. Buckles, J. Cha m berlain, R Armagost, M Heyd t , R. Pear ce, J. Bennett, B. Prin ce, F. P age .
Invit ed to the En g l e wood Stageband Clinic for two years, the Golden dance band ha s become one of th e finest music o r ganiza tions in the c ounty . B esides playin g at the carnival and talent show here at G o ld en, they perf o rmed at the state h os pital in Pueblo. On occasio n, the band has held paying jobs at the Re c reation Center here in Golden.
Probab l y the most active organization at Golden, the conce rt band performs for pep assemblies, concerts , and half time programs during footballseason . In addition to these activities, under the direction of Dave Rucker the band has achieved a superior rating at the Boulder Band Day at the University of Colorado consecutively f or three years
Although small , the orchestra boasted four state orchestra musicians this year. The concert master, John Fodor, 1s a l so a member of the Denver Symphony, and has already acquired a reputation as a remarkably talented violinist.
C. Brenton, M. Runner, P. Webster, D. Petry, P. Webster, M. Wade, J. Wright, B. Coble, E. Bator, R Leavitt, R. Swanson, S. Coakley, V. Reeves, B. Smith, D. Termaat, M. Barnhardt, B. Anderson, D. Crawley. FOURTH ROW: L. Steckman, M. McCauley, J. Bartlemay, C. Marti, J. Michalko, J Young, D. Johnson, T. Lo,vther, M Warner, R. Stolpa, C. Bouck, R. Piburn, B. Morris, S. Krest, D. Schilling, L. Ohm, C Morris, A. Gould.
The Golden Hi gh School Concert Choir, composed of 70 voices ap-, peared at various school assemb 1 i e s including a Thanksgiving and Christmas program
They also participated in the AllCounty F estival, a gathering of all the bands and choirs in the cou nty for the benefit of compa rin g and 1 is t en in g to th e othe r musical groups
Members of the Concert Choir must pass an audition \Vhich is held in the spring by Mr . Pat Ryan . After acceptance to the choir, it is necessary to memorize parts and to give up a s1na l l amount of l eis ure time for occasional practices .
Pictured above are, left to right, FRONT ROW: R. Alder, N. Vasconcellos, L. Rielly, F. Lubahn, A. Batten, J Johnson, R. Ormsbee, S. Ruckman, D. Rodriquez, D. Granquist, C. Foley, K. Garretson, C . Jackson, R. Miller, L. Brehm. SECOND ROW: K. Thompson, S. Perkins, B. Dassler, D. Thomas, D. P etry, M. Odneal, E. Rolland, M. Keenan, C. Kneebone, T. Loeffler, T. Findley, J. Rogers, B. Yarbrough, L. Taylor, D. Parchen, H. Hutson. TlllRD ROW:The Centennial Singe r s, p er form e r s of songs ran gi ng fr o m Ne g r o spi rituals t o co ntemporary musi c, are auditioned and chosen by Mr. Ryan in the fa l l of the year
A Centennial Singe r must be a member in good standing of the co ncert choir , have a blending voice and an "ear" for musi c . The Cent e nnial Sin ge rs pra c ti ce o n Thursday m o rnings They must a l so devote l eisu re time on weekends for pra ctice and concerts
Havin g su n g at concerts and banquets throughout t h e state, the Sin ge r s hope this will be part of the preparati on to go on a singing t o ur of Californ1a and surrounding states.
Deadline pushes meant lon g night meetings, quantities of Coke and drowsy students the next day o The 1965 yearbook was a joint effort of approximately 40 people in addition to the workof the 15 regular staff members .
Centered around the photography of edi t orphotographer Mik e Gentry, the staff compi l ed names to go \Vith the faces and ,vords to tell the stories of the year.
Th e s taff reg u 1 a r s, Mik e Gen try, Bryan Stewart, Stef Schrieber, Connie Smiley, Bill Springston, Pam Foss and Bruce Bouck, worked and re-worked layouts and copy far into the night. Th e editors of ind ividual sections would work the ni gh t s that their particula r section was being prepared
Ad men for the annual, Ray Stolpa, Mike Van Winkle, Wally Ri ce and Glen Lan g help lay out a page for advertisements for the DEMON '65.Wally Ri ce, Brad Childs, Max Ball and Gary Addington, who along with Jan ice T odd acted as chie f writers for the Trid ent, su r vey a story for the paper
The Trident Staff o r Journalism Il requir ed that a student have a " B" average in En glis h or Journalism I. It was made up of seniors and was taken as a regular class.
In preparing for future journalism c ar ee rs or just for the fun of working on th e school paper, the members of this staff tri e d t o put out at least one paper every tw o weeks .
Each student participated by writin g stories and columns o r by layin g out advertis e m e nts which were bought by local m e rchants.
Business Mgr Rus s Leavitt, Edito r Steve Ha t che ll, Circulation Mg r. Mik e Ke en an and B oo kk eepe r Belle Mobe rl e y plan for the finances of th e Trid en t.
M. Spear, T. Elliot, C. Foley ; Drill Leader C. McDonald, Treasurer S. Crosby; Secretary R. Starks; Vice-President S. Crosby; President Linda Slocum, M. Runner, E Kermit, G. Reeves. SECOND ROW : A. Pet erson, S Dunham, P. Web ster, K. Thompson, G. Dickey, D Hanson, D. Parchen, S. Hayes, K. Page, L Larsen, R. Miller, S. Tubbs. THIRD ROW : R. Annand, B. McCoy, G. Lange, J. Monarchi, T. Martin, S Greenfield, J. Gausman, T. L eary, J. Todd, T. Romero, L. Ri chardson, D. Waters. FOURTH ROW: J. Jenkins, C. Brenton, C. Pike, C. Marti, L. Woodford , C. Curtis, D. Teasley, M. Colvin, N. Rielley, L Johnson, A. Koontz FIFTH ROW : S. Bochatey, J. Bartlemay, E. Marshall, P. Nelson, R. LaReau, L Stewart, S. Tubbs, P. MacMorris, D Petry, C. Bro,vn, S. Herr on SIXTH ROW: C. Con,vay, B. Shaffstall, L. Cook, V. Mo ndero, V. Trowbridge, J Schlecten, D Hermansen, C Nelson, A. Wood, M. Gibson, M. True. SEVENTH ROW : C. Southard, J Mester, K. Kapke, D. Koken, B. Tweeto, P. Mill s , P. Kell ey, A. Simpson, J. P ene t on, J. Richards, D. Petry. E IGHTH ROW: F. L ubahn, J LaBorde, M Carpenter, K. Kelley, S. Kiklas, T. Christensen, S. Petty, D Albert, D. Ames, G Nicholls. NINTH ROW: P. Harvill, K. Nelson, D. Hottinger, M. Park, C. Strait, J. Bleisner, C. Miller, S. Mo osdo rf, B. Thorn, K. Hancock, L . Rustad. TENTH ROW : J. Seipp, M. Bohks, C. Bullock, S. Thorne, J. Decker, N Finnell, C. Deyo, A. Denton, M. Conway, J. Rogers, M. Purdy. ELEVENTH ROW: M. Ander son, G. Gallegos, C Crew, A Thomas, B. Blum, B. Wickman, B. Clark: N. Kni g ht, D. Bleight, B Barbiere, J. Wittm e r. TWELFTH ROW: Z. Kress, P. Rog gow , J. Mackinnon, J. Johnson, T. Fender, P. Webster, L . VanHorn, C. Willis. THIRTEENTH ROW : B. Mullen, M. McCauly, T. Hall, J. Sons, N Creason, S. Erickson, D. Spritzer, G. Stevens, S. Tennant, B Price, L. Douglas
Members of the Pep Club attended all even ts to lend their enthusiasti c support to Golden's teams The Pep Club entered a float in the Homecomin g Parade and sponsored a dance during the year . Each Thursday prior to a ga me the school ,vas decorated by members of the Pep Club
Each game saw girls of all the classes, sophomore, junior and senior, donning their uniforms, riding the bus and sitting in the cheering section.
Drill Team was one of t h e important features of the P ep Club To be eligible for Drill Team, the gir l s had to be in the football demonstration and try out before a selecting board o Pa rt of the tea1n' s function was to pass the flag at home basketball games
Or ganized to promote sportsmanship among students and athletes as w ell as h o no r outstandin g Golden athletes, th e "G" club als o sponsored various projects Money from sales of team booster butt o ns and cards has been used to buy f l owers for Homecomin g Queens and an analytic pr ojec t o r for t h e athletic d e partment.
P ictured below are, l eft to right, FRONT ROW: R ex Paullus , Bill La cey , Mike Kolin, T odd Lowther , Don Anderson SECOND ROW : Brad Childs, Jim Wright, Jerry Ray, Craig Windbi gler, Ross Arnold, Pat Geehan, Brad Coleman, Dennis Klippel, John Colvin, Emery Bator. THIB.D ROW : Ru s Leavitt, Mark Goodell, Dar rell Yarbrough, Mark Ed,vards, Phil Huffman, Bob R ich ards, Dick Swanson, Fred Waterman, Steve Hat che ll, Bill Springston, Craig P ollock. FOURTH ROW: Dave Meinec ke, Ri ck Ormsbe e, Dave Johnson, Ru ss Meyer, Ed McCree, Dav e Rodriquez, Randy Blesh, James Johnson, Gar y I nman, Will iam R eed, Tim s,vanson. FIFTH ROW: Jack Michalko, D oug Detmer, Greg Flebbe, Russ Scharf, Brad William son, Richard L ong LAST ROW: Bobby Hayes, Roger Thompson.
Key Club, s po nso r e d b y t h e Go ld e n Kiwanis Club, had as its go al th e p r omoti o n of l e ad e rsh i p and c it ize ns hip i n t h e h o m e , s c hoo l and co mmunity
As a fund raisin g pr o j ect , th e K ey Clu b c ut and s o ld firew oo d . Profits fr om th i s pro ject w e r e u sed t o supply a turk ey t o a needy family o v e r Christmas . Th e remaind e r of th e mo n ey w e nt t o p a int th e windows in th e gym
The past summ e r, th e K ey Club, with financial h e lp from th e Kiwani s , se nt s ix of its members t o th e Int e rnat io nal Co nvention at Dalla s , T e xas . Ab out 2,000 Key Club m e mb e rs from all parts of th e Unit e d stat e s and Canada att e nd e d t h is g ath e rin g.
Pictured above are, left to right, FRONT ROW: Bill Lacey, Pres. Mark Edwards, Sgt. at Arms Van Bullock, Lt Gov of Dist. Jon Kreamelmeyer, Sec. Rex Paullus, Mark Goddell, Sponsor Art Papenfus SEC OND ROW: Randy Blesh, Gene P ickthall, Mike Scherf, Scott Arnold, Bill Le\vis, Joey Rillos, Bob Hayes, Roger Thompson, Fred Ryland, Gerry Sutton, Steve Hatchell, Paul Oberg, Emery Bator. THIRD R OW: P hil T ripp, Sam Zaharias, Jeff Waters, Dick Kesler, Chuck Herron, Craig Goodell, Dave Boyd, Rich Long and Brad Childs NOT P I CTURED: Treas Pat Geehan.Th e Voice of Yo uth pr ov i d e d a m e an s b y wh ic h st u dents co uld e xpr ess th ei r v ie, vs on cu rr e nt top ics of in t e r es t. Th e c lub m e m be r s wo r ke d toget h e r i n weekly m ee tin gs a nd o n pa ne l d iscussio n s f or publi c pr ese n tat i on.
Ind i v i d u al m e mb e r s r e pr ese nt e d th e c lub wi th e d ito r i al s i n th e l ocal pap e rs and app e aran ces on t e lev i si on pr ogram s .
Th is ye ar seve ral s t ud e n ts wh o we r e i nt e r este d ma i nly in p o litica l anal ysis adde d t h e ir ta l e nt s t o th e di sc u ss i o n g r oup and joi n e d i n d iscuss i on s of p o li tic al par t i es and q ues t io n s o f l eg al i t y wi th in p ol i t ical c ir c l es
Oth e r top ics of d e bate durin g th e y e ar we re ce nso r s h ip , th e v o t i n g a ge and univ e rsal p e a ce .
In order to bring a foreign student to Golden, members of the A me rican Field Service kept up a steady flow of m o n e y - m a k i n g projects throughout the year
Perhaps the most successful project was " Wo rk Week " During that week class competit i on ahounded in a rival ry for the coveted trophy which was won by the sophomores .
With a membership of nearly 50 students, the A F S has become one of Golden's l argest and most active clubs . It s basic purpose is to b e II an open door which l ead s to understanding and friendsh ip among the p eoples of the world."
Competitive speech was offered as a class for the first time this year, and from this group came those who debated and competed in the various speech meets around the county and in the state
Those \VhO debated studied and analyzed "Nuclear D isarmament" from fa ll u n ti l spring Other categories for competition included interpretation of po et r y and dramatic readings , oratory, extemporaneous speech, and discussion
Sponsor, Helen Fairbanks. SECOND ROW : John Reed, Jill Gausn1an, Linda Slocum, Wendy Haase.
THIRD ROW : Brad Childs, Pat Geehan, Mark Ed,vards, Mike Kolin, Craig Windbigler and Mik e Gentry
To stimulate scholars h i p 111 s e c o n d a r y schools and t o endeavor to place secondary education on higher levels, the National Honor Society was founded. H o,ve v er, scholarship was not the only qualification for men1bership in this society Ch a r act er , leadership , and service were equally fundamental virtues most useful to society , and therefore most worthy of encourageme n t. "Few are the c h osen, but great the need for those \Vhose strength may ca l m the fury of the flan1e 11
The Girls' Gymnastics was o r ganized for the first time this year . It was started to interest g i r 1 s in athletics and p h y s i c a 1 skills . Gir1 Gymnasts developed poise and confidence Th e gi rl s worked o n the equipment and on free exe r cise toward getting a back g round for competition this spring.
Pi ctu red below are, left t o right, BACK ROW: Mr. Ewing, Charles McCartney, Wayne Andrews, T imothy Swanson, Jim F o l ey SECONn ROW · Terri Sampson, Pat Gardner, Nancy Passerine, Donna Chadwick, Kim Carlson. THIRD ROW: Mar sha Carpenter, Trudy Hall, Claudia Denton, Debbie Rapp, Janet Seipp, Susan H ayes FOURTH ROW : Connie Ahern, Stephanie Y oung, Carol Foley, Mary Ferrel, R osie Gardner, and Bill Arn old
Spanish Club, o n e of th e many foreign language clubs at Golden Senior High, won the grand prize at Mines International Days They won the trophy for their outstanding exhibit, co nsisted of a Golden Conquistor statue and a reli ef map and other items from P e ru.
Sellin g f ruit c a.k es at Thanks g ivin g and Christmas ,vas the Juni o r Classical L eague ' s fund-raisin g project f or the year Mo n ey from the c ak e sale financed maps, books and movies f o r further study of t he Classics .
In D ecember six c lub members attended an authentic R oman banquet g iv e n at Alam eda by that school's J C .L.
Spring saw G o lden J.C.L.' e r s at the Colorado -Wyoming State convention at R egis Coll ege Skits, s c holastic tests, e l ec ti o n of new state offi ce r s and a costu me co ntest were hi gh p oints of th e day .
To become a member of French Club one does not have to be a Frenchman, no r does he have t o take a French course The purp ose of the GHS French Cl ub is to g ive those wh o are interested in France a better understanding of her l anguage and pe o ple . The F rench Club members write to teenagers in France This g ives each member a different and individual meaning of the " L es FRAN{:: A.IS " and their ,vays of livin g
Future T eac hers of America, a club in which the main purpose is to l earn about the teachin g profession, prepare for co ll ege and cultivate their interests in teachin g, had several projects this year They se r ve d refreshments at P . T.A. m eet in gs, sponsored Am e ri c an Education Week and worked with the Student Council o n a tea for the teachers o n T eacher Appreciation Day . Th ey also visited several other schools to observe various teachers
Pi ctured above are: Daw•n Jones, vice president ; Dianna Wat ers, secretary; Donna P etry, president; Maureen Gibson, historian ; Marshall Odneal, treasurer.
The F.B. L.A. Advisory Council; Mrs. Reitz, Miss Moore, and Mr. Lars on
A new club was formed at Golden High this year: The Future Business Leaders of America. Devel oping competent, aggressive business leadership and creat ing more interest and understanding in an intellige nt choice of an occu pation in business are the two purposes of this club
Planning and runnin g the very successful Bo ok Nookand Supply Center across from Mr Larsen's officewas the main proJect of the Future Business Leaders of America .
Pictured below are, left to right, FRONT ROW : Cindy Pike, Linda Larsen, Marilyn Meunier, Diane Petry, Karen Th ompson, Cheryl Wri ght, Vi ckie Roggow, Donna P etry, Char Jackson, Dale Loeffler, Belle Moberly, JoEllen Finney, Renee LaReau. SECOND ROW : Mary True, Maureen Gibson, BrendaShafstal, Diane Baltes, Donna Teasley, Gwyneth Keppler, Shirley Perkins, Adrienne Grosvenor, Sherry Tubbs, Marilie Purvis, Brenda Yarbrough, Vickie Mondero, Theresa R ome ro THIRD ROW: Hu ck Hut son, DawnJones, Ruth Ann Miller, SueKiklas, Becky McCoy, Linda Slocum, Sharon Crosby, Diana Waters, Linda Mast, Betha Waldran, Nancy Vasconcellos. LAST ROW: Dave Granquist, John Matson, Don Reece, Gary Addingt on, Pat Geehan, Mo Odneal, Fred Waterman, Mike Van Winkle, Renee Johnson, and Pam Webst er. NOT PICTURED : Gina Dickey.
Audio-visual, sponso r ed by Darrel H af ling, fulfil l ed teachers ' requests for n1ovies, tape recorders, and record players to add enjoy men t and variety t o th e
c 1 ass r o o n1 M embersh i p was open to anyone . They received training in hand 1 in g expensive e quipm ent, improvisin g r epairs, and untangling film
Pi c turedabove are from left to right, FIRST ROW· Sec-Treas. Ster Young , Pre s. Marshall Odneal, Rep. Sue Kiklas , Vice-Pres. Wally Rice , SECOND ROW Seda Bohks, Doug Lubahn , Hu ck Hut son, Gary Addington, J anice Todd, Roma McPherson , Pam Foss, C1ci Strait, THIRD ROW· Steve Coakley, Vickie Reeve s, Chery l Naas , Rita Nelson, Theresa Leary, Barb Forester, Nancy Pas ser1ne 1 Marsha Bohk s, FOURTH ROW P hil Tripp, Ruth Ann Miller, Sally Dunham , Jan Forney, Carole Deyo: F I FTH ROW · Pri scilla Harville, Debbie Hottinger, Karen Nel son, Linda Richard son, Maureen Gibson; SIXTH ROW : Randy Vaughn, Gisella Lange, Jani ce Rogers, Paige Roggo\v 1 Debbie Barberio, Sue Herr on, Pe ggy MacMorr1 s, Sue Thorne , Jade Decker , SEVENTH ROW · Tim Swanson, Diana Petry , Terri Sampson, Sally Baker, Jani e Parfet, Be cky Mullen, E IGHTH ROW · J ohn Bartelmay, Toni Christiansen, Kathy Morris, Linda Russell, Nancy F1nnell1 and Mary Park , not pictured: Soph. Rep. Steve Hu ghes.
The Go l den Hi gh Sk1 Club, whose memb e rship wa s op en t o everyone regardless o f skiing ability, p r ovided transportation to the beautifu l Co l o rad o s ki areas. Bu ses were c hart e r ed by the c l ub, and finan ce d by the students wh o rod e th e m to the areas. It ha s been th e purpose of th e c lub to fos ter an interest in the sport o f skiing and give an added imp etus to th ose wh o hav e enJoyed the s port for many yea r s .
Popular among Golden skiers 1s Loveland Basin, just above Georgelo\vn.
rclassman years are spent in gathering knowledge / I and experience) for the final p1;eeparatory year of learning.
Sophomore week began the year.
Sophs all began with histo,:v,Les Nelson Sue Nelson Soph o mores Nan c y Finnell , Steve Miller and Sco tt Hala zo n s tudy bi olo gy. Mike Neuhauser Dave Olin Alice Palmer Mary Park Ron Parker Steve Passerine Robert P earce Norm Peery Diania Perkins Ray Perkins Shirley Perry Mary Ann Peterson Ralph P feifer Dennis Potter Leonard Potter Rebecca Price Frances Prince Merril Purdy Tish Ramey
Mastering geometry was a common
Edna Allen
Gordon Braun
William Helps
Tim McMillan
Greg Moerbe
Marvin Morton
Sophomores Not Pictured : '
Dianna Spritzen
John Steele
Lynn Strait
James Wang
Robin Wright
Gilbert Satter!
Carol Willisthanks these merchants for their support this year .
A.F.S., 10, 11; Band, 10, 11, 12, Boys' Noise, 12, Choir, 1 0, Dance Band, 10,12. F.B.L.A., 12
Football, 10, 12, Newspaper Sta!!, 12, Prom Committee, 11,Skl Club , 10, 11,1 2,Speech Team, 12, Studen t Council (class president ) 10, Voice of Youth, 11, Musical, 11.
Pep Club, 10, 11 , 12, Drill Team, 10, Prom Committee, 11.
SJ)3JliSh Club, 12(OUicer).
Basketball, 10,11,12. (all conference, 12), Track, 10, 11 , Cross Country, 11, Baseball, 11, G-Club, 1 0, 11 , 12
A. F.S., 11, 12, Drill Team, 10; Pep Club 10 , 11,
A.F.S., 11 ,12; Dance Band, 10,11,12, G.A.A., 10, Girls' State Alternate, 12, Girls' VicePrestdent, 12, Junior Class Vice- President, 11 , Musical, 11 , P ep Club, 1 0, 11, 12 , Pom- Pom Girl, 12; Senior Su per lative, 12 , Ski Club, 10, Studen t Council, 10 , 11 , 12.
A nnual Staff, 12, Cross Country, 10, 11 , Debate Team, 12 , Gymn a stics, 10; Ph ilosophy Club, 11 ; Ski Club, 10,11,12, Trident Staff, 12 , Wr estling , 10
Football, 1 0, 11,12, Key Club, 12 , student Council, 10, 11, 12 , Track, 10, 11,12, W restling, 10, 11,12.
Basketball, 10,11,12, Football. 10,11,12, G-Club, 11, 12, Wrestling, 10, 11, 12.
Band, 11 1 12, Boys' Noise, 12, Musical, 11 , Debat e Team, 12. PhJ.losophy Club, 10,11, Senior Class Play, 12 , Slcl Club, 10, 11,12 , T1·ldent Staff, 12 : Yearbook Staff, 12.
D rlll Team, 10, 11, 12 , F.B. L.A ,, 12, L ibrary, 12 , Pep Club, 10 ,11,1 2, Prom Committee, 11 Senior Play, 12.
MARTHA LOISE BARNHARDT Pep Club, 10, 11 , 12.
G-Club, 11,12 , Key Club , 12, Ski Club, 12.
Philosophy Club, 11, student Council, 12; Trident Sta!!, 12 ,
Boys' Noise, 12 , Boys' State, 12 , Centennial Singers, 11, 12, Concert Choir, 1 0, 11, 12; GCl\J.b, 11,12 ; Gol{, ll (Letter); J.C.L., 10,11 ,1 2, Key Club, 12, Mu sical , 10,11, Senior Play, 12 , Senior Superlative, 12, Student Body President, 12
Centen nial Singers, 12, Choir, l l(Letter); Concert Choir, 11 , 12 ; Outstanding German I Award, Pep Club, 1O, 11
Demon Council, 11 , G- Club , 10, 11 ; Wrestling, 10, 11
S HARON JOAN BECK Library, 11 , 12,
CONNIE JEAN BELL Girls' Club, 10, 11, 12
LOUlS J BENNING Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12 , Boys' Noise, 12
Track, 12: Wre s tlw g, 10, 11, 12(Letter).
Att endedDel taHtgh School · Archery Club, 10.
Golden H igh Boys' Noise, 12: Debate Team, 1 2; R ussian Club, 12
Boys' Noise, 12
Football, 10, 11 , G-Club, 11 , Golf, 10, ll , W restling, 10, 11.
Cheerleader, 12, Mar ching Band, 10,11, School
Musical, 1 0, 11 · P ep Club, 10, 11, 12 , Prom Committee, 11,SeniorSuperlative,12. Ski Club, 11. Student Council, 10, 11, 12
Band, 10, 11, 12(O(ficer), Stage Band, 10, 11, 12
Audio Visual, 11 ; Boys' Noise, 12, Debate T eam, 12, Ski Club, 10, 11 ; Wrestling, 11.
C hoir, 12 , F.B.L.A., 1 2. Pep Club, 10,11.
Girls' Club , 10, 11, 12.
Competitive Speech, 12 , Newspa per StaH, 12; P ep Club, 10, 11.
Baseball, 1 O, 11, 12 ; Basketball, 10, 11 , 12; Football, 10,11,12 ; 0-Club, 11 , 12 , Key Club, 10,11, 12 , Student Council, 11, 12.
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12.
A. F.S., 11, 12, Concert Choir, 10, 11, 12; G.A.A., 10, Girls' Gymnastics, 1'2 ,J.C. L ., 10, Ski Club, 10, Spanish Club, 11 , 12 , Tenage Republi can Club, 11 , 12(OCftcer).
Attended Los Altos High B.a.sketball, 10, Spanish Club, 10. Golden High Basketball, 11 , 12 , G-Club, 11,12, Key Club, 11,12, National Honor Society, 11 , 12, Scholastic Achievement Awa rd, 11 , student Body Vl ce - Pre sident, 12, Student Council, 1 2, Trid e nt Sta!!, 12
Skl Club, 11, 12
BARTY M COB LE Boys• Noise , 12 , Cen t ennial Singers, 11. 12
BRADFORD NEIL COLE MAN Boys' Noise, 12 ; Cross Country, 10, 11 , French Club, 10; G-C lu b , 11, 12 , Prom Commi tte e, 11 (Chairman), Track, 11, 12; \Vr es tll ng, l 0.
JOHN MARSHALL COLVI N Football, 10,11, 12 , G-Club, 10,11,12. Track, 10, 11 , 12, Trident Sta!!, 12.
EDWARD RAYMOND C OOK Boys ' Club, 10, 11, 12
FB.L.A., 12 , Pep C lu b, 10,ll, 12 (Officer), Prom Com m i tt ee , 11
SIDRLEY LORINE CROSB Y Concer t Choir, 12 , F.B.L A., 12 , Pep C lu b, 10 , ll , 12(O{(1cer), Prom Committee, 11
A nnual Staff, 12 ; F oo t b all, 10 : Mu sical , 11 , Senior Play, J 2.
REGrNA ANN DICKEY Annual Staff, 12 ; Drill Team , 10, 11 , F.B.L.A., 12 , Mu sical, 10,11 , P ep Club, 1 0,11 ,1 2, Pep Club Council, 11 ; Pr om Com mitte e, 11 ; Ski Club , 11.
Boys' Noise, 12. F oo tball, 10.
Ba.nd, 12, Chess Club, 11 C r oss Coun try, 12 Track, 11.
Drill Team, 10, 11 , French Club, 10, 11 , 12 , P ep Club, 10, 11 , 12 ; P rom Committee, 11, Ski Club, 12.
D rill Team, 10, 11 , Pep Cl ub, 10, 11.
F ootball, 10, 11, 12, Key Club, 10, 11, 12, National
Honor Society, 11, 12 ; Student Council, 10, 12 , Track, 10, 11 , M r. Demon, 12: Wr estling, 10, 11, 12.
Competitive Speech, 10, 11 , F T .A., 10, Musical, 11, P ep Club, 10, I I , 12 , Pep Club Council, 12 , Prom Committee, 11, Senior Play, 12
J.C L., 10, 11, 12 F B.L.A., 12.
Annual Staff, 11,12 , F T.A. , ll (OU icer). Futur e Homemaker, 12, G.A.A., 10; Pe p Club, 10, 11
Philosophy Club, 11 , Spanish Club, 10 ,11 , 12
Competitive Speech, 11,12 , Debate Team, 12.
Wre s tling, 10, 11 ,
All-State Orchestra, 10,11,12; A.F.S. , 12 ; lnter natton a l Concert, 11
Cen t ennial Slngers , 12, Chorus, 11 : Drill Team, 10 : 11 , 12 : Girls' State Chorus, 11 ; Pep Club, IO, 11,12, PepClubCouncil, 12 ;SpanlshClub, 11,12 (Pres id en t ).
French Club, 10; P ep Club, 10 Ski Club, 12 ,
A nnual Staff, 11,12. D rill Team, 11 Fre nch Club, 11 , 12(O{!icer) ; F. T.A., 11 ; Ci. A.A , 10 M usical, 10,11, Pep Club , 10,11 , Prom Commit te e, 11 ; Ski Club, 12.
Attended Colorado Rocky Mou nt .am. Auto Mechanics, 10 , Dramatics, 10; Gymnastics, 10; Spanish Club, 10. Golden High: A. F. S., 11; Annual Sta!!, 12 , Newspaper Staff, 12 , Philosophy C lub, 11 , Senior Superlative, 12, Ski Club, 1 1, 12, S tude nt Council 12 , Voice of You th, 11.
Chess Club, 11 , Concert Choir, 10, 11,12 ; Drill Team , 10 Mu sical, 10 , Octette, 10 : Senior Play, 12 , Voice o f Youth, 12.
Girls' Club, 10,11 , 12.
Concert Choir, 10, 11 : Competitive Speech, 12 , Drill Team , 1O, 11 , M usical, 10; National Honor Society, 11, 12 ; Pep Club, I O, 11, 12 , Senior Play, 12 , Usherette, 11.
A F.S., 10,11 , 12(Pre s ident) , Annual Stal{, 11 , 12 , Football, 11, 12 , G-Club, 11, 12; Honor Society, 11, 12, Key Club, 10,11,12 , Scholastic
Achievemen t Award, 10.
Annual Staff, 10, 11, 12(Edito r ). National H onor Socie ty, 11, 12.
Boys ' Noise, 12, I ndustrial Arts Award, 11, 12, Wrestling, 12
Baseball, 1 0, 11, 12 , Basketball, 10, 11, 12 , Football, 10, 11,1 2, G-Club, 10,11, 12, Key Club, 10, 11 , 12 , Prom Committee, 11 Student Council, 10, 11.
Eta Sigma Phi Awa.rd, 10; Academic Achievemen t Award, 10; J.C.L., 10,ll(Presldent), 12 (Presiden t ), Wrestling, 10, 11
Baseball, 11,12. Boys' No i se, 12 , Concert
Choir, 12 F .B.L.A., 12 , \Vrestltng, 11, 12,
Competitive Speech, 12 , G.A.A., 10, J.C.L ,, 10, 11, Pep Club, 10,11,12, Prom Committee, 11 ~ Senior Superlative, 12, Senior Play, 12.
F.B. L.A., 12 ; J .C. L., 11, 12(Officer), Senior Play, 12.
Drill Team, 10, 11 Pe p Club, 10, 11 , Prom Committee, 11.
Attended Durango High Band, 10, 11 · Crucible Club, 11 , F. T .A., ll: Nationa • Honor Society, 11
Pep Club, 10,11. Golden High A.F.S., 12, FT.A., 12 , National Honor Society, 12 Russian Club, 12.
Basketball, 10,11, F ootball, 10: G-Club, 10, 11.
A.F,S,, 12 , Band, 10, 11, 12 , Pep Club, 10, 11 , 12, Prom Commi ttee, 11.
B and, 10,11,1 2, Dance Band, 10,11,12 , Cross Coun try, 10, Track, 10 Wrestling, 10,
Glrls ' Club, 10, 11, 12.
Concert Choir, 10 Cheerleader, 12 Drill Team, 11 Musical, 11 , Student Council, 11 Skl Club, 11 , Ushere tte, 11, Wrestling Secretary , 10, 11
Basketball, 10; Boys' Noise, 12(Presldent):
Debate Team, 11, Football, 10,11, 12, G-Club, 12, Key Club, 12 , Newspaper S t aff, 12(Edltor); Senior Superlative, 12, Speech Team, 11,12 , Student Council, 12, You t h Appreciation Award, 12.
A.F.S., 11, 12 Band, 10, 11, 12 , French Club, 12 , Majorette, 10, 11 , 12, Pep Club, 10, 11,12 , Spanish Club, 11 , 12
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12.
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12.
Boys' Noli:;e, 12 , Football, 11, 12 ; G-Club, 11, 12 Track, 10,11, 12, Wre s tling, 11, 12,
Boys' Club, 10 , 11, 12.
A. F.S., 11, 12; Cheerleader, 12, Concert Choir, 11 , 12, Drill Team, 10, 11 F B.L.A., 12 ; Mu sical, 11 , Pep Club , 10, 11,12 , Pr om Committee, 11 , Senior Superlative, 12;Skl Club, 12 ; Stud ent Council, 11, Usherette, 11.
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12,
Boys' Club, 1 0,11,12.
Boys ' Club, 10, 11,12
AnnualStafl, 12 Concert Choir, 12 F B.L.A., 12 F.T.A., 12. Newspaper Sta1f, 12 , Pep Club, 10,11,12 Spanish Club, 10,
Chess Club, 11 Debate Team, 12 , Newspaper Stall, 12 , Russian Club, 12 , Speech Team, l 2; Voice or Youth, 12.
Annual Staff, 12, DrUI Team, 12 , Pep Club, 10, 12,
Wrestling, 11
Annua1Stalf, 12 , Drill Team, 10 F .B L.A , 12 , Newspaper Staff, 12. Pep Club, 10,11 Russian Club, 10
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12.
A.F.S. , 11,12,Drill Team, 10,11 Pep Club, 10, 11, 12, Student Council, 12 ; Voi ce o f Youth, 11 , 12,
BILLE JUMP Band, 10, 11 , Boys' Noise, 12
ROBERT ROY KA TONA Boys' Club, 10,11,12.
Pep Club, J 0, 11. Philosophy Club, 11, Voice of Youth, 1 1 Ski Club, 10, 11 , 12
Attended Ch!Ulco t he High Bowling Club 10, 11 ;
J.C.L., 10, GoldenHtgh Boys' Noise, 12 ; Track, 12.
Boys ' Noise, 12 ; Concert Choir, 12 ; Newspaper Staff, 12
J,C L., 10.
A. F.S., 10, 11, ~1(1 Club, 10.
F .B. L.A., 12 Pep Club, 10.
Annual Sta!!, 12 , Musical, 10, 11
Basketball, 10 ; Boys' Noise, 12 , G-Club, 12 , Oo U, 10,11,12, Tennis, 10, 11, 12,
CAROL E LYNN KNEEBON'E Concert Choir, 12.
Academlc Achievement Awa rd, 10, 11, Baske tball, 10, 11 , National Honor Society, 11,12, Track, l 0(Le tt er), 11, 12.
Attended Grand Junction High F H.A., 12, I R. C., 10 Golden High· Girls' Club, 12.
Annual Stall , 12 ; G.A.A,, 10, Pep Club, 10, 11, 12, P rom Commi tt ee, 11.
Baseball, 11, 12 , Demon Council , J 1 , Football, 10, 11, 12, G-Club, 10, 11 , 12, Key Club, 10, 11, 12 , Outstanding Citizenship Award, 12 , student Council , 11 , Vi ce- President of Junior C l ass , 11 , Wr es tling, 10, 11 , 12 13 7
Basketball, 10,11,12 Football, 10,11,12 , GClub, 11, 12, Senior Superlative, 12,
Annual Staff, 12 Fo otball, 10, I 1 Wrestling, 10,
Attended in Italy 12 Scholarship Awards, 10, 11,12. Golden High A. F .S., 12 , French Club, 12 Pep Club, 12 · Russian Club, 12, Ski Club, 12.
F.B L.A., 12 , Pep Club, 10, 11, 12, Prom Committee, 11
A. F.S., 10, 11, 12 Drill Team, 11 , G.A,A., 10 Pep Club, I 1, 12 , Senior SUperlatlve, 12 , Ski Club, 11, 12, Wrestling Secretary, 12.
Basketball, 10. Boys' Nolsl!, 12 Concert Choir, 12 , G-Club, 12 , .J.C.L, 10,11 Musical, 11 ; Newspaper Staff, 12, Tennis, 10,11 12
DORTHEEN LAMAE LE\Yl S French Club, 11 , Pep Club, 10, SHARON KAY LE\VIS Pep Club, 10, 12.
Boys' Noise, 12 , Conce rt Choir, 1 0, 11 , 12, F ootball , 10,12; G-Club, 11 , 12 , Musi cal, 11 , Track, 11,12 , Wrestling, 10,11,12,
DIANA GWEN LONG Honor Roll, 12.
TODD ART H UR LOWTHER Baseball , 10, 12, Basketball, 10; Concert Chotr, 10,11,12, Football, 10, G-Club, ll , 12, Golden Centennial Singers, 11,12 , Key Club, 11,12 Octet, 11 , Student Council, 10, 11 , 12.
Basketball, 10, Boys' Noise, 12 : German Club, 11 , Gymnastics, 12, Ski Club, 10,11,12.
TANA JO MARTIN Drill Team, 10,11 , Musical, 10, P ep Club, 10, 11, 12, Speech Team, 12.
LINDA LOIS MAST F B.L.A., 12, P ep Club, 10.
RALPH DAVID MA UPIN Boys' Club, 10, 11 , 12
BECKY JO M cCOY A F S , 11 ,12(Ofllcer). Drill Team, 10, F.B.L.A., GoodClt1zenshipDARAward, 12, Pep Club, 10, 11, 12, Prom Committee, 11, Student Council, 12, (Secre ta ry-Treasurer of Student Body).
KATHIE McDONALD Dr ill Te am, 11 , Fr ench Club, 11 , F T .A., 11 ; Pep Club, 10 , 11 , 12(Offtcer).
R O MA M c PHERSO N A, F.S , 11,12 , Drill Team, 10; FT A,, 12, G.A.A,, 10, Mu sical, 10 , P ep Club, 1 0, 11 , Ski Club, 11, 12 , Usheret t e, 11 Wrestling Secretary, 11, 12.
Academic Achievemen t Awar d, 11, 12, Computer Course , 12 , Literature Club, 11, Ma sontc Academic Achtevement Award, 11 , Speech Club, 12.
F .B.L.A., 12, Girls' Club, 10,11,12,
Basketball, 10,11 , Debate Team, 11 G-Club, 10, 11, 12, Newspaper Staff, 12 Tra c k, 10, 11, 12 , Tennis, 10,11,12.
A. F.S., 12 , Drill Team, 10, 11, 12 F B.L.A., 12 Pep Club, 10, 11, 12 , Ski Club, 12.
Art Club, 10 , Chess Club, 10. Concert Choir, 10, Debate Award, l l , F , B. L.A., 12 Newspaper Sta!!, 12 , Pep Club, 10 , R. F.C 10
A, F.S , 10, 11, 12 , Class Secretary, 12 , Concert Choir, 10 , Voice of Youth, l2(Officer) , J.C.L., II, Musical, 11 Pep Club, 10,11,12 , Prom
Committee, 11 Senior Play, 12 , Ski Club, 11 Student Council, 12 , Usherette, 11.
Boys' Club, 10,11,12,
Boys' Noise, 12 ; Concert Choir, 12, Football, 10 ; Senior Play, 12
B3Jld, 11, 12 , Cheerleader, 12 Drill Team, 10, 11, Musical, 10,11, Pep Club, 10,11,12. Prom
Committee, 11, Senior Super I at t v e, 12 , Ski Club, 11, Speech Team, 12. Student Council, 10,
Cheerleader, 12 , Class Treasurer, 11 , Drill Team, 10, 11. National Ronor society, 11, 12 ; Musical, 10,11 , PepClub, 10,11,12 , Prom Committee, 11, Rus:;1an Club, 12 , Senior SUperlattve, 12 Skl Club, 12 , Usherette, 11.
Baseball, 10, 11, 12, Boys' Noise, 12 Cross Country, 11, 12 , German Club, 10, Key Club, 12, Prom Committee, 11 Ski Club, 10, 11.
Boys' Notse, 12 Ski Club, 10, 11, 12(Officer).
Centennial Singer!>, 12 Con c ert Ch o ir, 10, 11, 12, Pep Club, 11.
B:uid, 10,11,12(O{hcer ) Dance Band, 10,11,12 ; Homecoming Queen Attendant, 12 , Mus1<.'al, 10, 11 , National Honor So c iety, 11, 12 Pep Club, 10, 11. Porn- Porn Girl, 12 Senior Superlative, 12, Student Council, 10, 12.
MARY JO OSBORN Girls' Club, 12.
Attended Lakewood High G.A.A., 10, 11 , Girls' Clut,, 10,11,Red Cross, 10. Golden High : Pep Club, 12.
A F S., 12 , Concert Choir, 12 , Pep Club, 12 , Prom Committee, 11 Senior Play, 12.
A.F S., 11,12 Musical, 10, 11 , Voice of Youth, 11, Pep Club, 10, 11,12.
Achievement Award, 10, National Honor Society, 11,12 , Pep Club, 10, 11 Ski Club, 12 , Spanish Club; 10, 11, 12.
Basketball, l 0, 1 l, l 2, Captain-Homecoming
Game, 12. Choir (Octet), 10, Football, I 0, 11, 12 , G-Club, 11, 12 , Key Club, 11, 12(O!ficer), Russian Club, 12, Student Council, 10, 11, 12, Track, 10, 11, 12
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12. Boys' Noise, 12.
Girls' Club, 10, 11, 12 Pep Club, 10
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12, ELNA ANN PETERSON
Girls' Club, 10,11,12 Pep Club, 10,11,12.
Baskelball, 11 , Choir, 10, Football, 10,11, 12 G-Club, 10, 11, 12, Key Club, 10, 11, 12, Student Council, 10, Track, 10, ll, 12.
Audio Visual, 10 Boys• Noise, 12, Intramural Basketball, 12, Skt Club, 10, Track, 12, GRAIG REIB POLLOCK
Boys' Noise, 12, F,B.L.A,, 12, G-Club, 12 , Prom Committee, 11,Ski Club, 10,11,12, Spanish Club, 10, Tennis, 10,11,12,
Girls' Club, 10, 11, 12.
French Club, 10,11,12 , Pep Club, 10,11,12
Philosophy Club, 11.
Drill Team, 11,12 , F B.L.A., 12 Pep Club, 10, 11, 12 , Typing I Award, 11.
A F S , 12 , Ann u a I Sta!!, 12 ; Competitive Speech, 12, Newspaper Staff, 11, 12 Pep Club, 10, 11, Spanish Club, 10, Ski Club, 12.
Boys' Notse, 12, Basketball lntramurals, 12.
Athlete of the Month, 12 , Cross Country, 10, 11, 12, G-Clul). 10, 11, 12 \Vrestling, 10,
G.A.A., 10 Pep Club, 10, 11.
Boys'No1se, 12 , Chess Club, 11, A.F.S., 11,12.
F. T.A., 1 l(President) G-Club, 11, 12 , Gymnastics, 11, 12. National Honor Society, 12, Senior Class President, 12 , Ski Club, 10, 11, 12 Student Council, 11, 12, \Vresthng, 11.
Boys' Noise, 12, Basketball, 11 Chess Club, 11, CrossCountry, 10,11, F.B.L.A., 12. R.F.C., 10, 11 Wrestling, 12.
Band, 10,11,12 Cheerleader, 12, Dance Band, 10, 11 , Drill Team, 11; Homeconnng Queen, 12 Major~tte, 10, 11, 12 , Musical, 10, 11. National Honor Society, 11, 12, Pep Club, 10, 11, 12 , Secretary of Junior Class, 11, Student Council, 12.
Audio Visual, 10, 11, 12, Basketlmll, 11, 12 ; Boys' Noise, 12 Tennis, 10,11,12.
A.F.S., 10,11,12 Annual Sta!!, 12, Band, 10, Boys' Noise, 12, C.Y.O., 10, 11,12. F.B.L.A., 12 , Philosophy Club, II. Prom Committee, 11 Skl Club, 10, 11, 12(OH1cer) ; Tennis, 12, Trident Staff, 12.
Boys'Noise, 12, Industrial Arts Award, 10,11 ; Physical Achievement Award, 11.
ROBERT BERNARD RICHARDS Baseball, 10,11, Basketball, 10,11, French Club, 10, G-Club, ll, Senior superlative, 12, Skl Club, 10.
A, F.S., 12; Ari Club, 10, 11. Competitive Speech, 11 Drill Team, 10, Pep Club, 10,11, 12; P.F.C,, I 0, Ski Club, 12.
VICKY LYNN ROGGO\V Achievement Award, 11 A.F.S., 11,12; Drill Team, 10,11, 12, F.B.L.A., 12, FT.A., 11,12 138
(Prest dent), National Merit Commendation
Letter, 12, National Honor SOciety, 11,12 (President); Pep Club, 10, 11, 12, Prom Committee, 11
Attended Amphi High Drill Team, 10· Homeroom President, 10; Prom Committee, 10; School Play, 10. Golden High : F.B.L.A., 12; Senior Play, 12 ; Spanish Club, 12.
Drill Team, 10, 11, 12 : F.B.L.A., 12, Pep Club, 10, 11, 12 Prom Commtttee, 11.
A. F.S., 11, 12 , Band, 12(OUlcer); Pep Club, 10, 11, 12, Porn-Porn Girl, 12, Ski Club, 12.
Annual staff, 12 Chess Club, l l(O!Iicer): Philosophy Club, 11
Concert Choir, 10,11,12, French Club, 12; National Honor society, 11, Pep Club, 10, 11, Philosophy Club, 11.
Attended East High SOphomore Float Committee, 10. Golden High; Annual Staff, 12, Philosophy Club, 11, Literature Club, 11, 12, Spanish Club, 11,12; Voice of Youth, 11.
Boys' Noise, 12, Choir, 10, 11, Football, 10, 11, 12, G-Club, 10, 11, 12; Track, 10, 11 Wrestllng, 10, 11, 12.
Drill Team, 10, 11 , F.B. L.A., 12, F. T.A., 11, 12. Girls' State, 11, National Honor society, 11,12 Pep Club, 10,ll,12(PrPsic!Pnt), Prom Committee, 11, Senior Class Treasurer, 12.
Annunl Stall, 12. Competitive Speech, 12; French Club, 10; Newspaper Staff, 12, Pep Club, 10, 11. Prom Committee, 12.
KO1''NIE ANN Si',.UTH Pep Club, 1O.
Annual Staff, 12, Basketball, 10 G-Club, 12, Newspaper Staff, 12, Tennis, 10,11,12.
A.F.S., 1 l,12, Dr11l Team, 10, 11. F.T.A., 12 G.A.A., 12; Outstanding Citizenship Award, 12, Pep Club, 10,ll,12(Officer), Russian Club, 12 (Officer); Sid Club, 10, 11, 12, Spanish Club, 10, (Officer).
Attended Evergreen High Choir, 10, Drill Team, 10. Attended Fremont High Student Counc1l, 11. Golden High Choir, 12. Senior Play, l 2.
German Club, 10; Russian Club, 12, Ski Club, 11, Tenage Republican Club, 11.
Attended Burlington County High Pep Club, 10; MaJorette, 10, Golden High Drill Team, 11; French Cluu. 11, 12(OUlcer),
Annual Sta!!, 12, Newspaper Staff, 12.
RAYMOND VINCENT STOLPA Baseball, 10, 11, 12 Basketball, 10; Football, IO.
Drill Team. 11,12 Pep Club, 11,12.
Academic Achievement Award, 10, 11, 12 Debate Team, 12; Football, 10, G-Club, 12 Literature Club, 11 , Tennis, 12, Track, 12.
A.F,S., 11, 12 , Baseball, 11, 12, Basketball, 11, 12 : Football, 12; G-Club, 11, 12 ; Ski Club, 10, 1 I, 12, Spanish Club, 11, 12.
BANlTA RAE S\VEARJNGEN Girls' Club, 10, 11, 12.
Dramatics Club, 10, 11 , Philosophy Club, 12.
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12 Boys' Noise, 12.
A. F.S., 11, 12 Centennial Singers, 11, 12 Concert Choir, 10,11,12, Drill Team, 10,11,12
F.B.L.A., 12, French Club, 11,12 , Pep Club, 10, 11, 12, P. F.C., 11 Prom Committee, 11.
Boys' Club, 10,11,12.
A.F.S., 11, 12; Annual Sta!!, 12 ; Drill Team, 10, 11, 12; Newspaper sta!f, 12 , Musical, 11 , Pep Club, 10,11,12; Prom Committee, 11, Ski Club, 11, 12, Usherette, 11.
Drill Team, 11, 12, F.B.L.A., 12; French Club, 10; Pep Club, 10,11,12 ; A.F.S., 11,12.
Girls' Club, 10, 11, 12.
Audio Visual, 10,11 Tennis, 12.
Annual Sta!(, 12 Band, 10, 11, 12, Dan ce Band, 10, 11, 12, F.B.L.A., 12 , Newspaper StafC, 12 ; Speech Team, 12.
MICHAEL JOHN \VADE Boys' Noise, 12.
Band, 11 , Choi,, 10; National Honor Society, 11, 12.
Attended Davenpart High : Diving Team, 10· Football, 12 Lettermans' Club, 10, Track, 10. Golden High F.B.L A., 12 , Football, 11,12 G-Club, 12, Track, 12.
Drill Team, 11, 12 , F.B.L.A. , 12(Off1cer); Pep Club, 10, 11, 12.
All-County Choir, 10 All-State Choir, 11, 12 ; Cent en n i a 1 Singers, 11, 12 Dance Band, 12; F.B. L.A., 12; G.A.A., 10, Latin Club, 11, Octet, IO; Pep Club, 10,11,12 Pia.no Accompanying Award, 11
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12.
Academic Achievement Award, 10, 11, A• .M.S. Certificate, 12, G-Club, 11, 12 National Honor Society, 11, 12, Prom Committee, 11 Track, 10, 1 I, Wrestling, 10,
Baseball, 10, 11, 12 , Basket b a 11, 10, 11 , 12 Demon Council, 11, G-Club, 10,11,12 Key
Club, 10, 11 (Officer); 12 , Senior Superlative, 12 , Student Council 12.
Academic Achievement Award, 10, 11 ; A.F.S., 10, 11, 12 J C. L., 10, 11, 12 Masoni c Achievement Award, 11, Student Council, 10, 11; Usherette, 1 I.
Centennial Singers, 11, 12 Concert Choir, 10, 11, 12 Football, 11, 12 Track, 10, 11.
Boys' Club, 10,11,12.
A.F.S., 11, 12 , Centennial Singers, 12, Choir, 12, F.B.L.A., 12 , F.T.A., 11 Musi cal, 11 Pep Club, 10 Spanish Club, 10.
Band, 10,11,12. Boys' Noise, 12 , G-Club, 11, 12 Track, 10, 11, 12(Captain) Wrestling, IO.
A. F,S., 11, 12, Annual Sta!(, 12 French Club, 11,12 , Pep Club, 10.
Boys' Club, 10, 11, 12. Boys' Noise, 12.
A.F.S., 11,12 Pep Club, 10,11 , Miss Demon, 12 , Ski Club, 10, 11, 12(Offlcer ); Spanish Club, 10, 11, 12(Officer).
A. F.S., 10, 11, 12 , Annual Sta!f, 12, Competitive Speech, 12, Musical, 10, ll(Lead ); Newspaper Sta!/, 12 Pep Club, 10; Senior play, 12 Senior Superlative, 12 Ski Club, 10, 11, 12 Student Council, 10, Usherette, 11 , Voi ce of Youth, 11, 12.