I t /,
if you sm ile at me , wil l understand , 'c ause that is something everyone does in the same language . 1 can see by you r c oat , my fr iend , that your from the other si de there ' s Just one th ing , 've got to know , can you tell me please , who won ? say , can , have some of your purple berries ? yes, 1've been eat ing them s ix or seven weeks now , haven ' t got sick once . probably keep us both al ive dav id crosby , step hen st, lls .. -
' .. '
you got to drift in the breeze , before you set your sails. it's an occ upational hazard , where the wind prevail s. before you set your sails, dr i ft i n the breeze
oh and it's the sa me old story ever since the world began everybody got the runs for glory nobody stop and scrutinize the plan nobody sto p and sc rutinize the plan
you gotta learn how to fall before you learn how to fly the tank town tell no l i e before you learn how to fly learn how to fly paul simon
, • , ,, , • I • ... 12
I J :::J u ro ' I 13
• administration be low - bill le wis , asst principal ; he r b cochran e, asst p r inc ipal ; r ight - bob cito , admin aide ; below right-o r lan cox , principal
oelow-jenn1e domen1co princ1pal ' s sec., gert meyer , bookkeeper , doris bla,n, recept1on1st , below left-ann hansen , attendance , Jan middlem1ss, counseling right - georgia bell starks , voe ag sec., bottom right-harriet lubahn , librar ian vaunda goode & don Johnson , media spec1al1sts
• • • • • • • • • •
below-john thomalla ; right-gale brandt ~bottom left-dee wilson ; bottom right-dave bachman counselors
voe. ag., special ed.
leh-jim knight voe ag .; below - tarry jordahl & lyle rice coc ag .; bot · tom-steve metcalf & John polltce , spec education
top left-ray c hristensen , auto mechan ics , bottom left - mike hartme1ster , auto mechanics , bottom right-al perella, wood & uphols• tery. opposite page top-stan haJek , electricity & architectural drawing , bottom - John kellenbenz , metals
engl ish
below left-susan pless,nger , below nght-stan hergenreter , bottom left-cheryl goings , bottom right - bob holley , theater opposite page top left-sandy nat ions , top nght - dav1d farrar , speech bottom left-dick byrne , bottom right - sally blanchard , read ing
, ... ,,,, , . -:-1' I o ..\ ~ ! .11I 21
engl ish
right-diana beatty , humanit ies & english ; below left - lowell sharp, speech ; below right - mike mathis. opposite page top-Jill christensen, Journalism & photography ; bottom left-Joan jouett , reading ; ~tty kirby. speech
I •
• • • 1 " );,J ) ¾. .. ~"' (.
I 24 art
r i ght- jerry rosenthal, bottom left - mark dunn ; bottom right - millie morgan
• music
left-ern,e kazmier ; bottom leftpat ryan bottom right-caroline rrellory
•• • . • • ... '
below - mam1e thompson & al mclaren, american history, right-jerry garland, social sciences, bottom left-chuck herr ing, american history ; bottom right-roy daugherty, social sciences
left - debb1e dolton ; b elow-mike o'dons10, bott om left-dewa1n
V\O Od. bottom right - r oger meyers
• • • • .. . I• • ... ••• I I I I o .. . • ••• f I t I I I I • • I 0 I t t •• • .., •• • I •••• .,,., .. ' .. • • •• ..' .. .. ' • .. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••••• • • • I ••• • • • • t I ' - t ., •,, . .. ... • e il- I •••••• ••• • .,. . • • • • • • .. · ---• • •• .. •• • • •• 1 . • • • ••• • •• .... • • • .. • •• • • •
rl \ \ \\27
foreign language
I I 28
r •... ._'dill" • , "' • • • 14 •• 4..,, .. , ... # ' ~., • .,tJ.,- • ,. • • • • I I-
right - diane brown, german , below-ray ewing, spanish ; bottom right - raoul pirri, french opposite page; top left - loretta mchugh, home ec .; top right - Jeneen joseph, home ec., bott om left - roy lemmons , d.e ., bottom right - larry daniels, o w.e
top left - gail o'neil; top right - bob stokes; above-bob brozovi c h ; right -j anis shultz
physical education
left - bob steckle1n below - mar i lyn w1lcox , below left - donna reeves below right-dick booton
top left - ruby hale above-clan comer , left - ela1ne f1tzgerald opposite page top left-darrell hafllng , top right - bob hayes , bottomed herber
• science
below left-loren christensen. chemistry. below-John chapman. phys i cs, bo tt om-bob williams. b iology, tern 1111ahlbert, biology , art papenfus, biology
.... • • ••• • • • '..,. ""'--I --l l r- J I I -, t B ' t I I • l • ' ,- \• I -, j,--1 ,- "I 1 I I • • I t L,_. ~l I- ,-. $ Cf'; I J 0 0... Cf';
cross country
varsity · leon bachman, dave emm, cra19 gaskill, gary harvey, rich kubistek. arnold rmrt inez, art mast, bruce smith, earl tr,nrud, andre vanmelbrooke junior varsity dave bachman , steve barw in, bob horn coach was lowell sharp. the team en ded the season third 1n their division and twelvth in the district. '
bottom row. vars1ty-bryan bardwell, mark pattridge, bruce burn ham, John bailey, kleber hadsell, and John evans top row. junior varsity-ed hageman, clan downing, cla rk grose. bruce mueller. dave wheeler and char lie barbour the team finished 11 -0 and placed fir st 1n league and first in district coaches were john pollice and dick byrne
mark pattridge eri k tll kemeier 11-0 11-0 6-4 hadsell bailey burnham-bardwell 10 1 11 -0 39
girl's swimming
team included: Jenni angel I, nancy bachman, shawn beck, michelle bull, sylv1a byme, lisa darlington, a nn darigrand, mary jo dotsch, lynnea johnson, juanita keenan, marilyn landin, ch ristie mossman, anita murdick, betti rhea, adrienne st. clai r , kathysundseth, sue taylor, diane towle, andrea wayman , betsy \NOi fe. coac h was s ally blanchard. th e team compiled an 8-4 record.
volle yball
cindy cechini, sue ell is. sheila gallagher, deb garramone, hz 91bson, Julie goad, janice heldt, dottJe hogan, kathy hrouda, marcia hutch1nson , lavada keener, julie korthu1s, charlotte lohrenz, lee nordin, llz peterson, kathy peuy, mary plummer, dee ann stople, paula vanderstovve. the vars, ty ended the season with a 3-8 record and the J.v. team record was 4-7 ghs coach was tern wahlberg.
J.,... -
, .... .. 42
footbal I
front row · gene heambegner , wayne weyler, mike engraf, tony berwald, dave yager , j1 m o'doris10, randy scharf, char Iae spray, ron powell , mike laden , marvrn dasney second row coach stan hergenreter , jeff derouin, mark gates , make gaines , scott nelson , luke hermann , pete lund , chip harrison , toby anderson, kurt rucker, m,ke tro~ t:radge, Jack mozena, m!1' j im hightower beck row head coach bob steckle1n, wayne wheeler, warren agena , kurt papenfus, randy tanner, dan sch er er , eric had sell , match kunce, rob tubbs , a Ian ferguson , rob vogel, coach bob hay es season record was 1-9
lo -, • • • ..a ..• le -
top, kip fraser, bottom left, tom korosec, bottom right, john breaker opposite page, top left, andy radcl1ffe, top right , len hesselt1ne, bottom left, bill blum, bottom right, Junior varsity squad 11m brunning, john barnes , scott orr, nck ake, gary gorden, greg gordon, stewart cobb, and coach chuck herring
herring coached the 1974-75 golf team to a district champ1onsh1p and a 12th place finish in the state golf championship herring was assisted by al morris and dick booton
-'--• ... •-.. ... J,..'4
·-_;. --------
state team included : seated-amy gjellum, karen VI.Eddie, chnsty smolen, meg moorhead, tammy goudge, jodv mabb. standingcindy golgart, debbie uyetani, martha hutchinson.
other team members vwre donna dodson, lisa dodson, cheryl drake, jenni hoover, gail hoshiko, val hrouda, ann kedler, patty larned, ann miller, sue nelson, merede powell, marty root. coach w~ marilyn witcox. th e team placed first 1n district and second in state aaa, compi ling a season record of 19-1,
front row ; todd foe kl er, m1 ke yancey, clave sauer, randy iesse, matt lee, Johann, sioholm, todd 1som, eric mandat second row brad miskell, rick baldessan third row ercument gokturk , mike bergeson, art witulski, dan bloom, coach mike math1s fourth row alf cooper, for · rest atterbury, earl schof1eld back row : bruce vine, robert lofgren, tripper loring, jean navant, bret 1som, ed baaske not pictured joe "sieve" vvatt, adrian kearney. kip strobel, cli nt harmon, dirk douglas, scott gaylord, dave tolton season record was 3-2-1
' 52
basketbal I
- , I J 1 • l 53
v ars i tv basketball included leon bachman. "sky k i ng" bigley , dale brown , dan caskey , gene heimbegner lenny hesselt1ne , bob ho r n , Jack mozena , bob nelson , rich nogus, mark piburn , brian pierce , andy radcltffe and " b19 dave " stekr bob stokes coached the team assisted by bob haves and roge r meyers the squad compiled a 3-15 record for the season
JJ • -
front row : gary gordon, neil christensen, r ick ake , kevin mcmahon , jim fowler , mike laden , derek payne second row : greg gordon , waiter towle, john schultz, keith billings, gary pierce, jeff adams back row : brian richie , ed lafehr , dave mccalllster , steve landi n, tom mcc:all is ter, steve long, scott gaylord, kurt rucker , coach steve metc:alf not pictured : john breaker , g"eg hesseltine , mike sivettes.
•• • •• • • . • • .. • •• -.. . ' •• . l • S, • 9 2 0 0 3
' •••• 57
wrest Ii ng
varsity (tight to heavy weight) dave sauer, John yurik, mark learned, dave Johnson, dan mccutchan. pm o'donsio, randy scharf, bill blum, Jeff de· rouIn, george holsinger, bob bardwelt, bob zancanclla. J v and sophomores (by weight) dan knox, roger Johnson, bill huyler. john underwood, rick baldessari, kent ba,rd, steve vogel, arlo dav1• son, tony englert, billy bachman, george hansford, dave sundseth, steve barw1n, steve mchatt1e, m,ke trowbridge, mark daly. Head coach was darrel hafl1ng, assistant was John pollice, sophomore coach was mike o'doris10 the team ended the season with an 11- 4 -1 record they took first In dIv1sIon I I and fourth In the district. mare learned and j1m o'doris10 took second In district and mare was named to prep all-amencan
.._ 59
wom e n's basketbal
front row : liz peterson , nancy bachman, marion trowbridge , sandy pracht , kathy hrouda , cindy sivetts, julie feld , debb ie uyetan i back row : coach al morris , renee white , lee nord i n , cindy cechini, martha carr, debbie croissant, julie korthius, sue nels o n , sue ell is, marcia hutch inson , magg ie nelson, martha hutchinson , sue aten, assistant coach marilyn wil cox season record was 12-4 the team took first i n d ivisio n 11 and in the distri ct
women's tennis
front row: Judy gribble, she1la b1ck1ng, k.athryn sund• seth, lynn mcdonald, julie frick. second row : ann darr igrand, lynn math ews, marcia hutchinson, julie goad, diane thull, becky downing. back row : rose sahinen, ka ren thompson, debbie dav 1s, ca r olyn hopper, sue franson. not pictured : kathy petry, lisa darl1ngton, lee nordeen, ka t hy parks, michelle bull coach was dick byrne.
• -
basebal I
varsttY team kurt papenfus , ed baaske , Jim vogt bruch burn ham , mike gains, mike engraf , paul shaffstall don angell , b ill gray , john stermole, mike aten , jimmy o ' dorisio , randy scharf not pictured : kleber hadsel , bob nelson , randy masker, Jimmy trujillo , tom karosec the team was coached by mike o ' donsio , assisted by bob stokes
-6Dt e ..
-. -,-.. 63
men's track
front row : wayne wheeler , kevin andresen , dave emm, ron powell, dave yaeger, john wood, matt crew, earl trinrud second row : kelly mercer, michael yancey , steve barwin, ken huson, rob vogel, mike murphy, art witulsk1 third row : craig gaskell mark gates, jo hn beasley, jo hn westhead, shawn yancey, sonny jones, randy whitham back row : roger johnson , scott nelson not pictured : jack mozena , pete lund , tony englert, leon bachman, rich kubisteck, wayne weyler, gene he imbegner, rick eagen coach was bob stecklein ; assistant was d ic k booton
1 Jt< ,
women's track
front row nina moore , martha hutchinson , elisa cornish , carol boogran, Joan swartout, sandy naatz second row nancy bachman, roberta coronado, becky brown, jenn1 mcpeek , diana towle , shaun beck, donna dodson third row : vernette branni n g, ka t hy hrouda , sue ell is , ginger k r ause, anne mill er, Jeanne h oover back row · coach donna reeves , debbie uyetan1
• •1• • - - --• t ' \ ' , 'Cu l JL \ I t C! J k 1.. ,; ,-1. r -~,- ••-• {I t ---------· • t ..;...,J __. --. I V · r ---' .J • '' -~ "
• .. I ' .J _, ,
standing : steve artemis, mike howell, steve long, coach marilyn wilcox , tony berwald, mike s1vetts, jim gribble, dave johnson. sitting · mike laden , mare learned , russ klatt not pictured : randy z ienant i, randy Jesse , John bowman /
' 66
, .. •\ .. • Cf) Cl) • J • > • I J # u C-0•
homecoming activities included above-class competition tricycle race ; leftwindow painting in downtown golden opposite page top-first place ffa float , center left - homecoming game ; center right - second place trident float , bottomwinning english department golden goose skit
• • ---t I 69
I I 70
homecoming royalty
...• I '
top left-sally hogan , above shawn foreman, sophomore attendant. left-homecoming queen suzi howes and escort steve long, opposite page top left-suz, howes. top right -kat hy petry, Junior attendant, bottom left-patti edelen, bottom right-cheryl rucker
I 72
directed by robert no11ey abby . . . . . . . . . . . . . martha elaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mrs harper teddy mortimer •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jonathan einste1n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bett1na thorn k I rsten car Ison j i ll hafner pat jeten greg germann randy etliott phil sneed rich rosenthal rooney bruce ware1ng o ' hara • bart cox kletn dan murphy brophy • . • . . . . . • . • • steve villach1ca 91bbs • . • • • . • • . • • • . • Jan shepherd mr witherspoon . . • . • • . . • • • • • george hatcomb mr. hosk1ns .....•. .•..•...•.•... Jill burnett mr spena l zo .•.•..•...•.. ...••...• .•. • zara had lock
arsenic and old lace
speaker seminar
roy daughe rt y ini t iated a speaker seminar featu r ing question and answe r pe r iods between studen t s and guest speake r s such as top-inma t es fr om canon ci t y st a t e penitentiary above - governor dick lamm right - john granbush , member of the john bi r ch society opposi t e page : t op-o ff ice r black o f t he denver police depa rtment lowe r left-sena t o r gar y ha r t
I I I j 74
"oh, why can't a dish break a hammer ? oh, why? oh, why? oh, why?
'cause the hammer's got a pretty hard head " woody guthrie
story theatre
directed by robert holley cast included jan cary, e r ic mandat, kay chesnut, brad mcdonald, bart cox, brad miskell, donna derreria, debbie murphy, anna ditorrice, judy roberts, g-eg germann, richard rosenthal, caroline hopper, phil sneed, na ncy kauff· man, sue vicke r y
t I 76
I I I I 78 -..,--. ~-......... --~...a,.,aJ IIJ z:::, ~--•
my fair lady
"highest rating• • •,.,, andy snow sometimes
"i'II wait for the book" Joe watt - non - attending student
prof. henry higg1ns
eliza dool1ttle
col. hugh pickering
alfred p. dool1ttle
• freddy eynsford hill
mrs pearce
mrs h1ggins •
mrs eynsford hill
lord box1ngton / bartender
lady box,ngton
mrs hopkins
mrs h1991ns' maid
eric mandat suz1 howes
greg germann brad m 1skell bart cox bett1na thorn knston carlson rich ard rosenthal
emerson schwartzkopf pat Jelen
ph1I Sneed
l1z todd lisa s1mpson kevin kroeger kathy grose
singers and dancers - bruce phanss , roe wood r um pat ryan, brad mcdonald, alex barley , dan murphy, dave hickman, randy ell1ot, kelly hult, noble franson, tracy phariss , katv hoffman , phyll1s loeffler, nancy kauffman, val berry, christ1e mossman, Jill hafner, cissy cowell, ard1s hatchen , deb murphy, anna d1• tornce, adrienne st cla,r, marguerice brunel, carol mckearnan. Jill burnen, sue v1ckery, teri schaps, patt1e plute , wendy smith
• • j • \ / ., • ..J.1
• • • • • • • • • • •
rod eo
the second annual ghs rodeo netted approximately $2,0 0 0. be t h ann h oward was queen
I II 'I I 80
J f-- -.-• "'.. t 'dz.· .. • • -I•
co ntroversyo
the poss1biltty that modular scheduling would be abandoned at golden high caused a furor among students, teachers and community this year.
area superintendent gene cosby announced that golden high would go to trad1t1onal scheduling next year. however, the jefferson county adm1n1strat1on later reversed the gene cosby dec1s1on and accepted a slightly modified modular program that was negot, ated through many hours of teacher-adm1n1strat1on meetings.
fa c ulty vs. kimn
slap-happy hyjinx, rib -tickling ribald buffonery, topped off with a healthy dose of uproarious unparallelled tomfoolery, harmless joshing and just plain fun that was the faculty vs . kimn benefit basketball game, where our heroes (the faculty) pulverized their adversaries (kimn) to microscopic, infinitesiman baby atoms.
I ( 82
__, - '. I fJ) C 0 ·I 1 ro N ·C: rd bl) 0
tridettes, cheerleaders
varsity cheerleaders : abby butron, maryann hatchell, cheryl rucker. row 2-coco deluise, patty edelen, lynn moore, marty root , opposite page : tridettes-sandy trimbach, kathy passerin e, teresa mills row 2-debby anderson , christa barwin , rob in mcdonald , judy g- ibble, amy gjellum, sally hogan , debb ie croissant , diane halligan , donna halligan
I I, I I l 84
4 • I
, I -85
jv cheerleaders, spirit club
right. JV cheerleaders-debb1e dav1s, kathy petry, debbie bullard. stand1ng - sheila b1cking, sue raymer. not p1ctured -nin a moore. below spirit club-mary ann hatchell, nora passerine, marty root, patt1e edelen, lynn moore, abby butron, ann darrigrand, theresa mills, 1udy gnbble, chris magee, julie hike. row 2 -sue raymer, debb1e davis, n1na moore , chnsta barw,n, arny gJellum, coco delu1se, robin mcdonald, debb1e anderson, sally hogan, Je ff hamilton, bob munyon row 3kathy petry, debb1e bullard, donna halligan, sand, trimbach , d1ane halligan, kathy passerine, debbie c roi ssan t
•,., f • "l
g-club, war games , it's academic
top: g-club-alan fergusen, bob bardwell, jim htghtower, jeff adams, scott nelson. bob zancanela, mark gates, mike engraf, steve landin, mike s1vetts, tom mccalhster. dave yager, dave Johnson, mare learned, jim o'dors10, don angell, tony berwald, marvin disney. karl tr1nsrude, lee v1tgenos, sue nelson, sue ell1s, marc1a hutchinson.
left war games-warren agena, rick baldessari, charl1e barber bob bardwell, stewart cobb, alf cooper, dan downing, dave emm, mark gates, chip harrison jim htghtower, Jim hutch1ns kevtn kroeger, rob lofgren, kurt papenfus , dw,ght shih, bud sperrv, Jon swenngen, harold trump, steve v1llanch1ca, art w1tulski. bottom· it's acaclem1c-11m hutchtns, emerson schwartzkopf, bob bardwell, row 2-mr mcclaren, kay chestnut, keith billings n ot p1ctured -suz1e w1ll1ams
opposite page top : owe-seated-dottie hogan standing-steve t i bbetts , kathy young, nY daniels , andrea pusch, george hansford , cindy watson, debbie richards , matt dugan, sandy goodwin , judy goens, kim fanning , mike nusz, b r ian jonland, mike squibb, chuck huggins , ron little. not pictureddave beyer , bob bowman, russ engstrom, vickie gabriella , teri gentry , era ig haberlein , k:ris kusy, colleen mann, larry osiecki, cra19 P3tten, mark richter, randy roberts , rick stracener, pat warling, steve whitnable , norma worth, nita moyer
opposite page bottom fbla-seated-mary nelson, becky derr, lezlee rome, mary plummer stand1ng - mrs schultz, miki wadhams , tern fox , mrs o'neil, robin mcdonald , liz macbride , nanette ragsdale, keturah dobbs , patty cox, brenda cornelius, ju lie woodruff, brenda swartz not pictured-beth ann hoVI.Elrd , jessica neuhauser, kathy horouda , jackie zinge , ginger lancaster, melanie weber, theresa mills, shere scherrer , bonnie stackhouse, liz todd , janice lacrosse, geri zobec, linda olson, carol wayman , cindy betz, v-.endi sacotte
above deca-tom mooney, jerry hull. front right table - margaret westerhausen , donna rembisch, lois knuppel , bonnie mucaster, P:1tt1 toolan front left table - mark lee , randy lichter second right table - bob prier , robert munyon , paul white , don angell far left table - andy radcliffe , dale brown , dave steker far r ight taote , rick smith, robert fisk, chris remetes, bill dotv. not picturedmike clark, chad hansen.
afs, mou ntai neeri ng
below: mountaineer ing-mr farrar, andy snow, tom curley, t,m colton, kirk weller no t pic t ured-adrienne st clai r , michell bull, betti rhea, steve brockmeyer opposite page bottom : afs-standing-julie green seated-debbie smyth, Johann sjoholm, (youth for understanding exchange student) sue winkler, noble franson , bart cox, lynne mathews, randy elliot, ecrument gokturk (afs exchange student}. on floor -li sa simpson, sue vickery no t pictured-cissy cowell.
f 90
right" rad io club - kathy hoffman , jeanine mckercher , patty plute, emerson schwartzkopf, rhonda byr ne , susie williams row 2 - james macek, tracy johmson, m ike squ1bb, JO lund, pat morr is, phil "pheedback' ' sneed , bill s h ute, andy snow, bob weber no t p1ctured - geo r ge halcomb, s t eve villachica , bruce 111.0ring , don waiters , mr farrar
bottom : key club - bruce burham. kurt papenfus, rob alexander, rick baldessari, gary edelen, dan downing, clark gross, polish chicken row 2 - paul sha f • fsta I, kl eber hadsell. dave wh eeler, bruce smith, randy pounditz, <;13ry harvey, e r ic hadsell, scott orr, rob tubb s , m r papenfus not pictured-rob vogel, c harlie barbo u r , t oby and er son, mike <;13i nes, jack mozena, kurt ru cke r , scott nelson, shawn yancey, t im alexander , ro cco perrella, al per ell a , dave steke r
I 92
radio c lub , key c lub
honor society
honor society J· adams, w agena , r alexander, d anderson, I bachman, J be1ly , j barbour, b bardwell, I baldessarl, c barw1n, J beratt,e, s beck, g berquist, v berry, k btllings, b blum , t bouchard, J breake r , d bricker, e bnnole , k brunner, c cameron , k carlson, p carlson, s carlson , d carr, m earthy , J cary , d caskey, k chesnu t , p co le, I comer , a cooper, e cough • lin , b cox, d croissan t , t curley, n darltngton, a da rr igrand, j delong, m J dotsch , c drake , m dugan , c dugger, p ede len, r elllot, s e ll ls, j elme r , d francis , n fr anson , m ga llaghe r , s gallagher, e. garriso n, g 93bl e, m gartner , a gje ll um , j goad, s goo dw,n, J green , t granqu1st , J gr ibble, a hachen , r had lo ck , e hadsell, k hadsell, J hafner, d ha lligan , d halligan, k hansen, c harrison, v harvey , m a hatchell,j he1n1cke, I herrrenn , w herv,, I hesselt1ne , J h1lton , k hogan, s hogin, J. hoover, r horn. s howes, k hrouda, j hutchens , t 1som, i jacobs, n. kauff man. d kl1nkeb1el, j krause, p krause, c krohn, w krues1, d. lang, m learned , m lee, d leger , J lilke, n lilly, b lindas, k littler, c lohrenz, s long, J. lund, t lynn I macdonald , a malnat,, e mandat , I mathews, m mehring, n mlddlemiss, b miskell, d monson, s moody, c mossman, c. mostek, J moaena, c. mut• ch le r , s nankerv1s , t. nelson, J newcome, a ne wman , j o'dorsio, s orr, k pa penfus , p pancio, a m oscarson , b paschal!, k passerine, b p hariss , t phariss, c pierce, I press, t rit chl1n , s she rr e r , d smyth, a sno w , a st cl air , m s t iles, s stolte, j swa rtout , c theobald , m th eo bald , w. towle , m trowbrid ge, m trowbri dge, r unde rwo od, s villanchica , r vogel, J watt , m weber, k. waller, s , williams, a. witulski, c wood, J. woodruff, s. yancy, r. zancanella, g, zobec.
below: right jr. hero-front rowIlsa snydow, ,rene fowler, martha carr, karen tripp back row-pam murphy, laura snell, charlene convery, sharon coo mer, ca thy brenne,s, cindy wagner, mrs. mchugh. not pictured-john heartso, dan waiter, audrey catherman, karen carter, kathie zarhorchak, lisa ebbeson, jay beveridge, ruth johnson, bob want, dale meadows, cory jackson. top right: f hamrs joseph, donna dodson, les-
lie demuth, an n malnati, joanne helton. t op left : sr hero-seatedmargaret emanuel. standing-mrs mchugh, dave parker, alan ferguson, mark terhorst, cathy horn, kenny reher, mark busley, ca thy johnson, bill s h ute, cathy sant1stevan. not pictured-vickie ba r kley, mary ann postotn1ck, jan goodwin, debbie brill, denise burger, van gel a terry, carol wayman, betsy heil, wendy lesko, kim masters, donna t1dwe ll , debbie uyetan,.
h e ro, f ha
ski club
below· ski club-seated-tom curley, standing-rodney m1chel, Julie seracose, Jenni mepeek, Julie green, lisa darhngton, bett1 rhea, karen weddle, becky downing. row 2carol fr1or, mr garland, betsy branch , greg dean, andrea lush, mr odor,s10.
above : forens ics-mr farrar, mr sharp , david monson , emerson schwartzkopf, jan she pa rd , j udy roberts , steve vi llach i ca , cr ista barwin , ke1th b i llings , anna d itorr ice, clint harmon , mary math1ason , rhonda byrne, pat Jelen , richard rosenthal , pam arricio , zera hadlock. debbie anderson , betsy loeff , bart cox , bruce waring , margueriete brunel
t I 96 I I I t
1M -
stage right
stage right seated-nancy kauffman, brad mcdonald. stand1ng-dan murphy, brad m1skell, greg germann, kelly halt, dana miller row 2-sue vickery, cnsta barw1n, becky bened1ct, debb1e murphy, diane potter, kathy grose, bart cox, mrs. mallory row 3-mr holley, rich rosenthal, dave monson, ph1I sneed, eric mandat, tracy phariss, bet· t1na thorn, greg dean, jan shepard, shirley holmer, becky downing row 4-Judy robens, caroltne hopper, anna d1 tornce, knsten carlson, donna demaria, J•ll burnett, m1chelle nevant.
6TOll1 'J'BEAf'RE
below· rodeo club-seated-bob schleppy. paula vaughn, dave noble, 112 he1nz, carlynn lewis, jerry luft, cookie westerfield, sandy fell, ann garner, seated row 2-mr rice, Jim carrie, terry klien, Jack latham, d1dd1ne lybargar, and, byers, valene foster, Ion c1anferfarnce, v1ck1 store, v1ck1 tdbrick, barb nobel, standrng-mrs. tracy, j1m bauchman , dave bauchman, ron baughman, gene bennetts, alan gotta, mark bently, v1ck1e gambold, mary skelton, kathy skelton, pam vaughn, martIe macdougall, he1d1 fr1tzler not p1ctured-m1chelle behrend, Jeanette Johnson, joan kirts, lemer gfell, cassIe noel, mimr dolloff, mike mackey, denn1s nelson , scott rowe, bill bently, Jeff tracy, ber leger , dale white , kay Johnson, l1nda waiters , Jerry walls, tIna kerr, sue shtmer, Jason van hoser, terry well, brad nottestad, John welt, beth ann howard opposite page-ffa-mr rice, mr iordal, dale white, lyle hart, bethann howard, mary lee gallagher, m1chelle behrendt , mrs starks, mr knight row 2-Jim dav1s, dana goodmar, buddy fears, terry kle1n, he1d1 fritzler, kathy skelton, ginger lancaster, valerie foster , amy deane. row 3Jim morton, becky cutshall, debb1e Inman , mary kennedy, ginger krause, bev leger, v1ckIe hrouda, sue wllson, bonnie ward, dave bachman. row 4-m,ke I arum, la mar rivers , milton croissant, martin moore, ken Juson , llz heiae, kay Johnson, gern wunderl1ch, mImI dolloff, v1ck1e gamboldt, Joni burke, tom l1nton row 5 - brett newsom, ron boughman, brad nottestad , debb1e croissant, bruce burnham, ken white, ver • nette branning, kev1n johnson, l1ssa larum, back row -s cott rowe, bill bentley
rodeo, ffa
I I 98
'Iii r 4 , • A .. • .. 99
ham radio, thought
' 100
I I I l I ,
right : ham radio-ken rogers, stan haJek, dav1d hogan, bottom : thought-nora passerine , gretchen gabel. kathy passer,ne , mrs thompson. row 2 - Joan swartout , mon1ca gartner, christa barw1n, lynne mathews. not pictured-charlotte lohrenz
latin club
latin club seated-tom curley (photographus emeritus). stand1ng- mr pirri (rnagnus mag1ster) , Ion comer {cleopatra), ceasar, ca thy hansen, stacy j 11lson , ginger krause row 2 - charles barbour, dav,d monson , chnt harman , scott carlson (pontifex max,mus), carol evens , susan boyd , tom norlund
right Joe watt , editor below yearbook staffchnstie mossman, tina lynn, helen newcome , ross bryant row 2 - dana miller, marc1a hutch1nson , 1uhe goad , mary plummer , sh1ela gallagher , shawnee sharp row 3-nck eagen, john stermole , todd tackler , John breaker , molly st denis , rick harrison, andy snow row 4- Jim o ' doris10, Joe watt , mrs chrtstensen, sus1e wtll1ams, mike ormsbee , steve hill, brad themas not p1ctured-erik tilkeme1er, dan saunders, shelly griggs , doug mcleod, jan cary, greg dean
t 102
n e wspap e r
above. newspaper staff-dave leger, charlotte loh renz , bob bardwell, bruce phariss, mark stiles row 2-tom curley, jim hutch1ns, pat morns, emerson schwartzkopf , dave emm not pictured - john bailey left somet,mes editor-bob bardwell , trident editor-charlotte lohrenz
I f I I 104 I\ ' t '---- - " ·-
instrum e ntal e n se mbl es
left symphonic band-m. allen, j. barbour, b. bened1ct, k. bequette, f. bev1ngton, g. bloomgren, v. bran1ng, a. brawley, j. brown, k. brunner, b. burnham, d. butcher, b. byers, s. carlson, r. cahs1n, d. channon, r. coronado, b. cox, m. daly, p. cunneald, p. edelen, m. hutch1nson, b. 1som, w. kietzman, b. leger, b. hndaas, r. httle, J. lund, d. lutz, e. mandat, I. mccorkle, k. moody, j. navant, m. nolan, e. o'brian, I. press, g. ray, p. nffe, t. ross, d, sauer, c. schoelson, I. shermann, J. woodruff, r. white, n worth, J. simmer. below orchestra-s. ben1am1n, g. bloomgren, p, carlson, c. dugger, p. harms, d. leger, a. moody, b. rowles, c. theobald, m. theobald, b. underwood, J. z,mmer. opposite page top stage band-f. veb,ngton, v. bran1ng, b. burnham, b. byers, p. dunnewald, b. edwards, J elmer, n. gates, g, grebe, p. gregory, v. hanks, t. hebenstre1t, I. hermann, c. 1u991ns, b. 1som, J macek, e. mandat, I. mccorkle, c. morris j. nevent, m. nolan, f. parsons, g. ray, r. smith, J. sweanngen, b. underwood, g. warren, c. earson, b. warson, j. z1mmer. bottom concert band-j. all en, p. barr, c. bauer, s. boyd, k. bradley, I. brooks, J. dav,s , d. donhowe, b. edwards, v. forter, d. green, m. hoffman, r. Jutson, p, lincoln, J. macek, k. m1ch1e, m. navant, t. nelson, I. nordin, c. o'bnan, f. parsons, J. prin, k. rucher, v. sample, t. schaps, t. scott, I. sheff1etd, b. silk, J. swearingen, b, watson, J. wood.
I l -
\ ') 105
concert choir
concert choir members are. sheryl allen, alex barley. chris bennetts, steve boy• er. kerry brunner. carla cameron, pat cole, cissy cowell, bart cox, sherrie davidson, donna demaria, rick eagen, randy ell1ott, noble franson, bill fritz. gretchen gable, mike gaInes, neil groves, 11II hafner, wendy herv1, dave hick· man. sally hogan, nancy kauffman, kevin froger, steve lefer. matt lee, brad lIndaas, karen littler, penny mappin, lynn mathews, ann mcdougal. nancy m1ddlem1ss, brad m1skell, chnst1e mossman, cindy mutchler, ann newman, c1ndy onstott, mike ormsbee. anne mane oscarson, bob perry, bruce phariss. steve pierce, ron protze, Jenny reynolds. Jan shepard, l1sa sImpson, andy snow. adnenne st cla1r, kirk Steadman, karen straley, sally swift. marion trowbridge, bruce waring, roe woodrum, kathy zohorcek
f I 106
centennial singers
below: centennial s1ngers-alex barley, carla cameron, pat cole, randy elliot, gretchen gabel, mike gaines, neil groves, Jill hafner. suzi howes, kevin kroeger, brad lindaas, karen littler lynne ma thews, nancv m1ddlem1ss, christ1e mossman. anne marie oscarson, bob perry, bruce phariss, pat ryan mr ryan, roe woodrum. not pictured -e1leen coughlin
centennial singers sing debb1e anderson, colorado's junior miss, off to the national competition in alabama
madrigals, orglewerks
above : madrigals-matt lee, donna demana, patty cox, barb paschal!, pattie ranney , ker r y brunner, mrs. mallory. row 2-bart cox, nancy kauffman, val berry, ron protze, stacey Jillson, cindy dugger, m1mi dolloff, bruce wareing. right : o r glewerks-randy elliott, ken b r unner, carla came r on, pam murphy, gretchen gable, alex barley, nell grov es, mr. ryan , mike ormsbee, emerson schwartzkopf. not p1ctured-dana miller, ch ri s bennetts.
I I 108
women's chorus
below women's chorus-mimi d1lloff. Jeanette delong, wendy smith, debbre murphy, c1ndy dugger, bett1na thorn, kathy passerine, Julie trick row 2-tamr bouchard, canssa wllllamson, mary lee gallagher, dar lene franc1s, juhe hike, karen hansen, c1ndy mostek, d1x1e huston, ann darrigrand, kathleen moncneff, mrs mallory row 3-laune fisher, JOY beverrdge, mary stewart, ton, young, v1ck1 gambold, michelle chestnust, sue transon. sue vrckery, debb1e smyth, zara hadlock
• 10 9
trivia, campus crusaders
right campus crusaders - c1ndy brooks , Joni burke , judith sharpe row 2 - tamie vos s, c,ndy onstott, penny mapp,n , suz1 howes , jul,e korthius , below· trivia club-mike squ1bb, pat morn s, bob bardwell , emerson schwartzkopf , mr mclaren, bill shute , mr herring, jo lund not pictured -craig pier ce
• r J f I 11 0 -
student council
left student body president - randy ell1ot below student councll-emerson schwartzkopf, bill shute row 2 - kevin andersen debb1e hill , nora passerine , susan dotch, peggy poundstone , donna hall1gan , mike mcmahan , martin moore row 3 - shawn vancey, charl 1e barbour, art w1tulsk1 , donald brown, steve long, Julie beatt1e, pam paric,o , kathy passer • ,ne, tim colton , lennie hasselt1ne, randy elliot. bob bardwell row 4-rob vogel, Jan cary, tom curley , lynne ma thews, marc,a hutchinson, scott carlson , helena corn1sh, John wood
• v1ca, wes
right : v ica- roger elbrader, patty emanual, bob o'rilly, bob want , randy weber row 2 - john huntley , mark huntley , Ja ckie thomas , bret newsom, row 3jeff payne, lyle hart , harold erickson, mike nusz, james johnso n , paul cook, alee black below : wes-seated -kei th paulsen , mike boone , steve barnh ill, debra ca rney, laurel findley , s tand ing- mr pol lice, stan johnson, jim schaefer, paul s m ith , not pi c tured - mr metcalf , ron appehan s, ray cross lin , becky cutshall, russ johnson , tom linton, steve mchattie , deb penn , dan st rong, r ic k waterman , randy w itham.
f I 112
Q) 0.. 0 Q) 0.. 113
I f ,' , 114
It 115
l If " 116
.• r I 117
I ' 118 - .: ,,·· : ' __./ ~ 4" .,. ., • • • t " I , • ltllfl '• •~ # 1 fi~ ~ · • .. ,I ,• >
I f 122
• I I • 123
' 124
--·"""' 125
,· . t 126
' 127
I I 128 ,;, .,._.
•1, ' • \ ·• tf) 1-0 ·C: Q) Cf)
J t I I I 130
rob alexander mike at e n
debb ie anderson leon bachman
don angell john bailey
jenni angel! bob bardwell
mi ke appie a lex barley
- - -
crista barwin chris bennets tony berwald bill blum
ron baughman bill bentley john bev e r idge
- --
vernette bran,ng
• John b1gley John breaker
keith billings elai ne br endle
alee black debbie bricker
- ,'I I 132
- - ·.
art brewster bruce burnham
cindy brooks mare bu sley
jane bruning abby butron
ross bryant carrie cahill
leonia bullock barbara burdick denise burger car la cameron
cheri caneer
mary kay carrington
michelle earthy patricia cole
jill caves tim co lton
• . ' . . -· • ' • j .... . \ • , ,.
lynn c hambers paul cook
linda clark brenda cornelius
- -133 -
phyllis carlson jim carter michael clark cissy cowell
" I 134
bart cox nina darlington patty cox sherrie davidson
owen creason snow deaton
' I I
debbie croissant jeannette delong becky cutshall coco deluise
becky derr pattie edelen
anthony ditorrice john elmer
keturah dobbs margaret emanuel
kim duncan le e ann english russell engstrom carol evans
sherry ecl<ley m1chael engraf harold erickson geof f fernow
f I j f • , , , ,, I
gretchen gabel sh eila ga ll agher terri garger
alan f erguso n terri fox kip fraser monica gartner
t o dd fockler noble franson heidi fritzler t eri gentry
bonnie gilchrist tami granquist
amy gjellum bill gray julie goad greg grebe
judy goens julie green connie griffee jim groce
jaye goodwin vicky green shelley griggs clark grose
I - • - - I 138
neil groves jeff hamilton
kle ber hadsel I vance hanks
art hale helene hannum
diane halligan lyle hart
donna hall 19an mary ann hatchell
craig heberlein
Jennifer hein1cke
vvendy h e rvi
jen nifer h 1 t e
betsy he1I
rick henshaw
lennie hesseltine
dott1e hogan
.· , , : _, ,. , I ·,, 140
sally hogan todd isom kathy horn ivy jocobs
beth ann howard char les jagger
• . . "
suzi howe s patricia jelen kevin johnson stan johnson
debbie humphrey kathy Johnson rusty Johnson linda jones
bnan jonland jan king
- -
tan Jurgena ken klatt
Judy kater dav1d kl1nkeb1el
adri an kearney lois knuppel
mary kennedy ela, ne kerstetter m,chele k1mball ginger krause
cara krohn mare learned brad I indaas cheryl lohman 142
mark lee karen littler
joe lacinski
marty lamarr marcia leonard steve landin teri libra
mike larum todd lincoln
--steve long vaugan lotspeich trna lynn lynn macdonald wil liam loring JO lund llz macbride enc mandat 143
144 art mast kim masters lynne mathews tom maccallister
4 , .,,., ' ... " i ' • t I • " • • • . .. . .. , . .... , .. ,
ray mccarthy mary mcclelland robin mcdonald
deann meacham sue mcwilliams doug mcleod steve mchattie
mike melnick cindy mick cindy miller
marcus moench lynne moore virginia morton llnda mount
allison moody pat morris
cindy motzkus bob munyon
14 6 debb1e murphy phillip naas Jean navant mary nelson / t/ jan e murph y sue n a n ke rv1s c heri nelson terri nelson
gary nepa helen newcome jess ica newhauser
mike nolan hnda olson Jim o'dorisro cindy ons tott
mike ormsbee glen o rt el anne mane Oscarson larry osrecke
--~. --. ·,,
bi II page aileen parker kathy passeri ne craig patton
dayne pendleton jerry perk1ns cassie perlmutter bob perry
cra19 pierce frank rogers
Judy roberts lamar rivers
martha pinkard ron richner
scott pinkney donna rembrsch
mary plummer patti reher
ron powell wendy quinn nanette ragsdale greg ray
1 lezl ee rome marty root richard rosenthal wendi
sue ro ser matt ros s teresa ross lisa schliske
bern ie ro wl es cheryl rucker pat ryan dan saunders randy scharf sheri scherrer 150
steve schmitzer
lesia shinbur ann short john sc hultz
emerson schwartzkopf earl scofield mike sivetts kathy skelton paul shaft stall shawnee sha r p donald shearer bill shute duane s1efers v1ck1e s1mpson carol1ne sm ith rick smith sue smith
andy snow bonnie stackhouse bernadine strong Joyce swartout
jim southers john stermole -
char I 1e spray tom stevanak
mike squi bb mark stile s
rick stracener sherrie stol te
sally swift brenda swartz mark terhorst kiri thompson
vangela terry bett1na thorn
Jerry thatcher d1ane thull
kathy theobald Jim t1baldo
Jeff thomas donna t1dwell
I 1 ' I154
• a::: •••••
bruce t1llapaugh waiter towle kart trinrud mike turner
patty toolan patti trimbach manan trowbndge debbie uyetan1
paula vanderstowe
leanne van harn conn1e vereecke
sue vickery lee v1tgenos tam1 VOSS gary warren
bruce vine jim vogt m1kr wadhams richard waterman
andy wagner crystal watson greg walker spaz watt
donna warl,ng carol wayman
I 156
melanie v,,eber ken white suz1e wllliams randy witham
margaret westerhausen betsy wolf
john westhead carol wood
wayne weyler JUiie woodruff
dale white paul white carissa will1amson roe woodrum
norma worth david yager
not pictured
connIe adams brenda donley
pam allen dermod downs
vick1 barkley randy elt Iot
david beasley debb1e ell1s
richard bran1ng jeff ellis
debbie bricker 1on1 em1ly
debbte brill John evans
dan brown david goetzcke
iris byrne ercument gokturk
wayne Camarena James goodsell
Jim carrington caren gr1ff1n
brad caves joel hansen
greg cech1n1 verno harnngton
carol chesnut w1tl1am haynes
c1ndy coteman dana hays
earl COOibaugh nancy holtzrnaster
tarnmy hood
chartes hugg1ns
mark huntley
kenneth kelly
jimmy king
dawn krill
krostopher kusy
leonard larson
mark lee
mary leidal
wendy tesko
cameron llchter
randal hchter
m1chael tinder
michaet long
jtll luft
dean lutz
penny mappIn
carol mckearnan
thomas mooney
sherwin morris
lesl1e mugele
Juanita mIcholas
john o'gorman
tracy page
dav1d perez
Jack prall
robert prier
greg rand
dale retke
randy roberts
kenneth rogers
c1ndy sass
henry schtlhng
l1ndon schultz
kirk severson
anthony smith
linda soady
randy storm
bradle stracener
broder stracener
kip Strobel
henry taylor
er1k t1lkeme1er
liz todd
peter turley
robert underwood
candy vertrees
dav1d warner
robert weber
kirk weller
steve wieber
James wllllngham
barbara wtlson
carol wolfe
gary yanez
jacqueline zInge
sandy youngquIst John zImmers
geri zobec
lani d e grazio
·158 -
I '
God give s us love , someth i ng to love he lends u s .' '
• ', ,l '• ' • Cf) 1-.. 0 ·C ::J ·-' '
j effery adams warren agena reca akes cheryl allen
toby anderson conn ie androes john aragon steve artemis
ed baaske j ohn barbour r ick baldessar i vicky baumgardner
., I I f . ---Julie beattie shawn beck gail berqu,st valerre berry tom bett1nger Cindy betz sara bevan Joy bevendge joy b ierhaus Joan b oi leau t im b oo th tam , b o u c h a rd 161
steve boyer
becky brown
marv1n brown
kerry brunner
debbie bullard
pat burger
I I 162
Joni burke kristen carlson scott carlson
martha carr jan carstensen jan carry
rachel cashin dan caskey audrey catherman
cynthia cechini michelle chesnut bret clausen
bonita coldwell lori comer charlene convery
- - - -
brenda cook sharon coomes alf cooper roberta coronado thomas curley ann darrigrand
debbie davi s Jim davis arlyan dav1son I
greg dean sheri denning jeff derouin
marv1n disney donna dodson mim, dolloff 163
lia doren mary jo dotsch bill doty ~
dan downing
cheryl drake
matt dugan
cindy dugger
rick eagen
rick eason
mitch fallert kim fanning jeff feld debi felix
lisa ebbesen
susan ellis
tammy ellis
dave emm
tony englert
Jenny erbach
I I I I ·. 164
gary ferguson
robert fisk
1rcne fowler
darlene franc,s sue franson eddie frederick
jul,e trick bill fritz vickie gabriella
mike gaines mary lee gallagher hazel gatlegos
v,ckie gambold l oretta gidley gerald goodwin
greg gordon peter gregory Judy gribble
I I 166
kathy grose ardis hachen rose hadlock
ed hageman kathy hansen chad hansen
karen hansen george hansford clint harman
rtck harrison gary harvey stephen hasler
mary beth hebert debb1e hedlund sherry helb19
luke hermann Jim h1ghtower steve hill
joanne hilton george hols i nger
Jeanie hoover vanessa hopkins jon, hopper robert h orn
bruce howbert mike howell
kathy hrouda debr huggins kelly hult
dixte huston
Jim hutchins
marcia hutchrnson
debbie inman
• 167
stacy Jillson
168 J -
andrew johnson ann johnson dave johnson scott jordan
nancy kauffman wayne k i etzman
dorothy king ann knedler
loren koch randy kochevar patricia krause kathy krems
• r1 I • . \ J • kevin kroeger • • I • s ' t ... I I" • • I I I I • • • I t • .' f~ • • ~ --- -1 • f • .., • I • • • I .. j ric h kubistek anthony labate ja n ice lac rosse -~ ...... steve lafe h er ginger lancaster david lang tammy last matt lee david leger richard lem o n cathy lewis b 1ll l 1b ra JUi ie lilke cary l1ndeman char lotte lo hr e n z , , 169
I I 170 chris magee Ion malmgren colleen mann arnold mart1nez mary math1sen brad mcdonald ann mcdougal ron mcla u ghlin michelle mcneil cheryl mcphiling donna medlin martha mehring cherie merrill nancv middlem1ss ann miller dana miller theresa mills kathleen m o ncneff nina moore meg moorehead russ morgan mon1ca moss chnstie mossman cindy mostek
nita moyer Jon mye dana n1ccol 1 scott orr mark pattridge kathy petrv Jack mozena d1anne nelson edric o'brien kurt papenfus rocco perrella bruce phariss bruce mueller ela,ne nelson sue ol1phant kathy park mary ann pestotnik tracy phariss pam murphy scott nelson bob o'riley barbara parchall el izabeth petersen debb1e ph1ll1ps c1ndy murphy susan nelson cindy mutchler ann newman 171
bra i n pierce randy p o u n dstone dede qu1nones chris remetes te rr ie r i t c h l1n Ja n sh e ph erd
rita pierce lisa press susan qu1nones Jenn i fer reynolds rose sal1nen dwight sh i h steve pierce ron pr o tze andy radcl i ffe debb1e rrc h ards tammy sa r v 1st o bill si m onds
d1an n e potter Jan p url s u e raymer pat riffe ga il sch u lz lisa si mp so n
···. ·. ' : ·.
gayla sinka
Johan sJoholm
tom skulsk, delora slight
bruce sm,th
rickie sm, th
debbie smyth
beth snell
laura snell
david steker
mary Stewart
karen Straley
cra,g strobel
kathryn sundseth
jim swanson
l1sa sydow
randy tanner
roberta taylor
susan taylor
mary theobald
pam thielsen
bradford thomas
karen thompson
steve tibbetts
cathy tidwell
diana towle
sandi trimbach
karen tripp
linda turley
andre vanmeulebranck
rob vogel
brenda voit
cindy wanger
jerry wamboldt
pam wamboldt
bruce wareing
pat warling
patty waters
cindy watson
kath ie watts
randy weber
dave wheeler
wayne wheeler
jim wilson
art witulski
rosalind woodhouse
bruce wrede
shaun yancey
kathy young
kim zachrism
kath1e zahor c hak
bob zancanella
randy zinanti
I \174
( V'; CJ 0 E 0 ..r::::. Q_ 0 V'; 177
cindy abbott
tammy allen
sheri armentrout
sarah lou appie
kevin anderson
bill bachman
dave bachman
nancy bachman
pam bain
laree banks
bryan bardwell
mike barkley
john barnes steve barwin rodney bates
c,ndy bauer becky bened1ck stewart benjam in
mike bergeson judy bernhard rhonda best
judy beveridge nannette beyer reed blake
dan bloom
gary bloomgren
layre blythe
lorinda boelter
judy bohling
carol boogren
j,m bouchard
jon bowman
susan boyd
kris bradley
betsy branch
steve brockmeyer
lynda brooks donald brown sue brown marguerite brunel becky buchanan michelle bull
ji II bur nett dan butcher
andi byers jimmie earl ton
debra carney sean cashin
• • • Janet canes paul christoH tommy clark stuart cobb bernadette colangelo sharon coldwell elisa cornish helena cornish jeff craig cara creason matt crew milton croissant I ,sa darltngton kim dav,s amy deana sharon dempsey mane den o ville diane dill o n j o n d isb o r o u gh ann e d i t o rri ce 181
cheryl dodson lisa dodson diane donhowe
kara doren susan dotsch debbie doty
becky downing bruce edwards donna eitel
denise elliot james ellis sherry engraf
jura engstrom janie farnes lester fears
julie feld lisa fender becky fetzer
laurel f1ndley
jul ie fish
betty flaherty marta fonda
cindy ford shawn foreman
bill fox mary francis
dee dee frantz van gallegos
tanya galloway debra garramore
craig gaskill
scott gaylord
hz 91bson
karl godbey
cindy golgart bella gonzales dana goodman gar{ gordon
tammy goudge ca thy granquist
jim gribble debbie gross janet grones dennis guern
zara hadlock kim haggard
cindy hall caroline hopper john hopperstad jo ann hermon
neil harmon
pam harnes
david hazell er ic heberlei n
diane humbegner
liz he inze
lisa helms
greg hesseltine
donna h icks
debb1e hill
dale hodge
katy hoffman
kurt hogan
shirley ho lmes
bnan hotter
nancy hopper
gall hoshiko
kim houch
v1ck1e hrouda
anna marie huck
alan hu i zenga connie hunter ken huson
helen hutchings martha hutchinson roger hutson
brett ison randy ja usbury erika jele n
randy jesse tammy 1ewsbury cathy j o hnson
kay johnson linda johnson lynnea johnson
roger johnson will1am m Johnson sonny jones
•• • • J kerry king j1m kingston ann k1sh mark kluherz tom korosec Julie korthuis clan knox william labate d1ana labdell clan lac1nski mike laden marilyn landen patty larned hsa larum beverly leger john lemke lauri leonard patric1a lincoln 187
keenan marlene kennedy carol kimbley tammy k1mbley jerry king jolina king
phyllis leoffler
barbara lohse sarah long
brenda loving john lund andrea lush
bridget macbride pat mcbride dave mccallister
lonnie mccoy dan mccutchan russ mcdonald
mike mcmahon Jean1nne mckercher jenni mcpeek
jodi mabb chris maples vince martellaro
lisa mart1nson
ellen martin
kelly mercer
randy mitchel
karen m ich ie
donna montoya
dave mumper
dan murphy
maggie nelson
m1chelle nevant
todd nelson
charly obrien
kirk moody martin moore ,
rahnee mordja theresa morris debb1e morns jim morton harmony moser lutze mott
t I ' 190 debbie Od ne al C.J Odneal kerry ol me sh elly olson fleet p arsons p at park
nora passenne kevin perking
mark piburn Janice pierce
pam plummer p atrtcia p lute
peggy poundstone j udy p o vvell
merede p owell sandy p racht
preston joe pr i n brad ratcliffe bill
reyno lds
betty rhea
lynn richner
l ynn rippy
nancy rittenhouse marv roberts
mike roe
terry rome mark rood
cindy ross
brent towles kurt rucker
tom st. denis
v1cky sample eric schlechten
steve sannon doug schoelzil
dave sauer ruth selvidio
teri schaps jul1e seracusa
dan scherer terry shakespeare
pam scherschel lance sharp
••• • • • • • • • I '. I I I I I
brian shearer terri simonds wendy smith bud sperry dee ann stolp susan thoemke
linda Sheff ield cindy sivetts tresa snead tammy sprinkle chuck sturrock dean themas bill silk bill smart stan spatt ted stieghorst dave sundseth mark thull
192 l ' I
Joan swartout theresa tibbetts tracie taylor angie tomlenson lisa tanor ann towner
robert trujillo
roberta trujillo
brenda underwood
patty vanduyne
nick verardi
kathy vocate
Julie whisenand
kathy white
renee white
britton wllson
sue wilson
rich winegar
.. -· I •
- -- -
scott vogel greg voit gary wadhams
pam wagner russell wallen linda waiter
bonnie ward robert watson andrea wayman
ela,ne werber mark weber karen weddle
sam wineland
rosie wolf
john wood
geri wunderlich perry wymore
mike yancey toni young
not pictured
russell klatt
Itimothy alexander
james allen
susan aten
forres atterbury
pat barr
shawna barrett
bret beckwith
frank bevington
James billings
timothy blume
carol boogren
barbara boy le
gerald bradford
diana bran1ng
frederick brink
joel brown
jeni burke
andrea byers
sylv1a byrne
john calk1n
jeffrey cheek
neil christensen
kenneth clark
victor cochran
rita combs
john cooper jr.
scott copeland
jane cowan
katie creigh ton
randal davidson
ray denonville
kirk douglas
vincent downs
randy earley
linda evans
tom evers
vickie ferguson
william ferguson
carol firor
terry klein
valerie foster doreen kouri
mananne kruesi
James fowler
john freeland douglas kunce
steve gleason edward lafehr
marv beth goens martin lang
patricia gonzales
dawn goodsell
thomas leidich
nancy leprino
david green lisa lesser
scott greene sandra lessing
del ton griffee carlynn lewis
christian lewis
terry hebenstreit
janice heldt tammy liddick
nanci hilchie
rickie h1nck
christop her lind
john l1ndeman
curtis hockman peter linder
scott hodson diana lobdell
michael h offman el 1zabeth I oett
david hogan robert lofgren
terrence horton earl loht
kenneth houschouer garry loquist
david luzader
jerrv hurd
lowell hutson james macek
robert huyler bndget mackey
david m aestas
holly jacobs
tine james pamela malmgren
ronnie mann
david johnson
john johnson vvesly mccoy
mark johnson
robert johnson
samuel johnson
david jones
kim keith
tina kerr
r ob ketcham
scott mcintosh
gregorv merschel
karen michie
leroy miller
lyndon miller
russel m 1ller
sh1rley miller
sara m1lmoe
chns moench
joseph mossberger
michael murphy
sand y naatz
rhonda neufeld
michael neunzert
richard nogues
thomas norlund
brad nottestad
erin odonogn ue
gina olson
nancy ortega ,
carla paris
william patton
derek p ayne
james payne
margaret pe rigo
william patton
James payne
margaret peric o
dale petefish
gottfrie p fanner
gary p ierce
lillian puppus
brian rezac
brian richie
bryan richter
elizabet h riffe
michael robbins
rebecca rodgers
brent rowles
terry rulon
tammy sanders
robert savage
lisa savajian
mona schaar
jane schult:z
randolph schulze
timothy scott
denn is sheffield
debbie showers
steven silk
steven smith
christy smolen patnc ia snead curt snelling
dean stone
kevin struzeski
kerrv sturm
mark taylor
edmund thaden
james thomas
david tolton
pamela trexler
bria n vandamme
jason vanhooser
edward voit
matthew voth
johnny waller
dana weber
rob weidenfeller
sheryl werber
gary westwood
nadean wilcox
kathy williams
jo ann woodburv ha ze wuertemburg
carolyn zinge
I 1 1
valerie young mark yunk
richard zalewski charlotte zi mmer
i i bf) C ·tf) ·I J \ Q) > u ro 195
Ridgewood Realty, Inc . represents Jefferson County Community Developers in offering the finest family communities in the area. Your move to Colorado can be handled with cont idence and efficient real estate service Ridgewood offers communi-
SPECIALIZING IN JEFFERSON COUNTY Ridgewood Realty , a full-service real estate company offers a large selection of re-sale homes , specializing in the popular Jefferson County areas. tn addition , Ridgewood offers new homes with townhomes in some communit i es . We are members of The National Multi - List Service , the National Association of Real Estate Boards and the Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Denver.
ties designed for family living with outstanding custom-styled homes , community recreational programs including Young America Sports and facilities for swimming , tennis , picnic parks and playgrounds.
I 196
SOUTH OFFICE 6350 Coat M i ne Road Littleton Telephone
WEST OFFICE 14618 West 6th Avenue Golden Te lephone 278-2233 8TH AVE WEST Town home s Wes t 6th A v e at I nd i an a St. F r om $ 28,50 0 COLUMBINE WEST T o w nhome s 63 50 Coal M in e Ro ad Fr om $ 29 ,000 6TH AVE WEST Custom Homes West 6th Ave at I ndiana St From $55,000 COLUMBINE WEST Town homes 6350 Coal Mine Road From $29,000 COLUMB I NE WEST Custom Homes 6350 Coal Mine Road From $55 ,000
D D ::l c::JOD
: • Coh.Hllbine Knolls • 6th Avenue West • Columbine West • Applewood • Columbine Hills • Normandy Estates • Green Mountain Co n gratul at io ns Cla ss of 1975
Ridgewood Realty is Exclusive Agency for Developers of These Fi
- -· . - ' -~---691.DEI IIDUSTBlll BIii 1228 IRAPABOE 279 4573 &OJ.BEi COJ.OBIDO 86481 [C I West Ski Sp ec ialists To uring and Alpin e Equipm ent and In stru cti o n 16200 South Golden Road Phone 278-2745 Great Family Apartment Living 17600 West 14th Ave. • Golden , Colo 80401 Telephone 278-9525 JUST M IN UTES T O DO WN TO WN DE NV ER VI A 1-70, U S 40 , W COL FA X AVE OR U S 6, W ES T 6TH CLOSE TO SCHOOLS 1 BLOCK TO JOHNSON ELEMENTARY • 3 BLOCKS TO BELL JR HIGH • 7 BLOCKS TO SENIOR HIGH • 1 MILE TO COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES 45 M INU T ES CLOS E R TO THE M OU NTA I NS T HA N A UROR A , LI TT L ETO N OR ENGLE WOOD • 2 BEDROOMS · 1 ½ BATHS · $197-$225 • 3 BEDROOMS · 2 FULL BATHS · $245 • $260 • SELF CLEANING OVENS • DELUXE CABINETS & DISHWASHER • NO FROST FREEZER-REFRIGERATORS PAlOAlJO PALO AL TO OUTSTANDING PRE-S CHOOL PBLSCKDOLS AND DAY CARE CENTER For Information Call 278-9559 Prolesslona//y managed by Tri-B Associates M anagement Denver COMPLETE A U TOMOTIVE MACH I NE SHOP • 279,1002 16948 SO GOLDEN RO GOLDEN , COLO 804 01 PETE HOWELL & CO. REAL TORS 103 10 W Colfax Avenue Lakewood , Colorado 80215 Pete H owell, Broker V1rg1n1a Breaker , Office Mgr 279 -33 1 1 West Col f ax at 1-70 Patronages Phone 233-8131 Denver West Dr. Paul J nnin gs Dr. G era ld D . Willi am s 197
I I I 19 8 • ,.ioe:; = c'I ....,. ,, F or 60 years now, Foss Drug has been a comm u nity center for friends to come toge t her in a wholesome atmosphere; as well as a supporter of local organ1zat 1ons and local projects. Suppo rt t h e Local Merc han t s that Support Your Comm un i t y 12 24 Wa shingt on A ve., G ol d en R & B AUTO PARTS At ~•H ~AATII C o mpl et e Aut o mot i ve Parts & A cc esso ri es . 23 & Ford St 279 -7761 Best Wishes to Class of 74 fflortuarg inc. , Phon~ 279 -4575 ELEVENTH ST at WASHINGTON AVE GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 For Swingin ' Fash ions c ome to Sweetbr i ar 1203 Washington Ave Golden Good l uck ,n the future to th e c l ass of '7 4 Pat Tr ull, M anager 279 -2733 F leur -de-lis Flowers (beneath Golden's arch) Corsages , Arrangements , Fruit Baskets, Terrariums , House of Bauer Candy , Lennox Candles. We wire flowers anywhere! Any Time ! Any Occasion! 1113 Washington Avenue Golden, Colorado 279 -6 172 • Telephone 279 -7671 DEL'S A p po in tments or wa l k in • TONSORIAL PARLOR 1210 Wa sh i ngton Ave Styli n g an d conven t io n al cuts Gol d e n , Co lo 8 0401 MEYER HOME CENTER, Inc. 1103 Ar apahoe Golden , Co lo " More than a hardware"
Our envIronrnen I 1s our rnost precious hen tdge. We. in Colorado. are especially blessed with an abundance of rich and scenic surroundings.
At Coors Industries. we are deterrnined that our companies will not contribute to air and water pollution or add to litter and solid waste problems. We have established as a nurnber one priority the preservation and imµrovement of our environment
A great deal has been accornplished rn c.J relatively short time to bring about solutions to the n1any eco-
logrcal problerns which have been created over rnc1ny years of neglect But sttll rnore rnust be done to 111sure that your gen er.a t 10n ••• and those to full uw will be able to share In our environrnent's bounties
We. at Coors lndustr ,es. both us 1nd1v1duals and as a part of private industry, have committed ourselves to this challenge How about you?
Let's work together for a better environrnent
' ~-,j - ---
I 200 f5MQN'5 Books, Gifts Special Orders AVAILABLE 1 3 0 1 Arapah o e 279- 5 14 8 714 14th Street 279-97 5 5 NO SERVICE CHARGES ON PERSONAL CHECKING! No strings. No gimmicks. No other requirements. Write all the checks you want. Keep any balance you wish FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN GOLDEN 13th & Ja c k so n - 9th & Wa shington, Gold en , Co lo 80401 Tel 27 9- 45 63 / FD IC S T UD I OS Downtown 534 16th Street 534 -080 8 Westland 10700 W Colfax Ave 234-1488 South Denver Plaza del Monaco Center E Yale & Monaco 756-3641 Ex pvit :tlty and qual.liy Me ,lna1ted1..en-l6 -<..n cvha,t, -<..f., '2.nown tli1tou9 li ocd colo1tado M the Ja~ay way noll. :the g!Ulduaxe. cvii o und eMtand6 the. CU6 tin ct.lo n b woe. en aood and oupell.b STUDIO S WE REPRESENT YOU NOT A COMPANY BANKS INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. • Since 1948 • GROUP INSURANCE ::: PENSIONS ::: Auto ::: Life ::: Home ::: Health ::: F I NE FOOD 279-2561 7 11 1 2 th S TRE E T, Golden , Co l o r a d o QUICK SERVICE DJ'S RESTAURANT FAMILY DINING 7 I 8 12TH STREET GOLDEN COLORADO 279 -9056
-- -c:::::::: > 279 -2050 " Fine shoes for the entire tam lly " "Expert shoe repair" WALL KING DESIGN CENTER paints, arts, crafts Best wishes - class of '75 1218 Washington Ave., Golden People with • a purpose , serving a state with a future :pµblif· C ~rvc~ ompanv <l}!{P' • (Cn,firc,Irmfi@ Ron Ha ines 279 - 1911 technical books 13 Street JEFFCO BLUEPRINTS Supplies for Engineering Office & School Bookstore for Colorado School of Mines 279 -7625 western books Golden Ont MOUi "mRIIT/0/l/DG." TMI MOIT II ODY CllAIIIG 708 13th St Gold en , Colo DONALD P JOHNSON O wner 278 1141 1' RA VE l -1 AGENCY CO ANE"A 12 - 4 WA S H I N G T O N G OL DEN CO L. O AA OC TURE OSCARSON T EL, 2 7 9 6 6 7 1201
I t I ! I I I 202 GOLDEN MOTORS INC. "Gol den 's Volume Ford Dealer " 1301 - 19th St at Hwy 6 279 4 52 1 Golden , Colorado PHONC:. (30 3) 279 S 770 '<irfr.e @olo.en ~a:rp ~1sic @rrrl.er B UY - SELL - TRADE NEW 0c USCO INSrRUMENTS PIANO:; 6t OHC.AN.C TU N INO 8t RLr-AIR A ccesso r ies - Le ssons JOHN 8c ANN T t tOM S 1 6900 Ol O GOl DFN ROAO GOLOE'. N cn:..o 8 0 '1.0l ncn SALE. S I'\ SE"RvlC E Amana s s s Electronics, Inc. 17,:,01 SO GOLDEN RO C.OLOE N COLOA A OO 80401 PHONE 279 7919 Golden W. Road Exxon Dave White Auto Re p air & Maintenance 279 -1789 Sony Best \Nishes frorn slalE B7-INK MAIN BANK 7 07 - 1 3 TH STAEET DOWNTOWN FACILITY : 1 300 WA S HINGTON AVE GO LDEN , COLOAAOO 80401 TELEPHONE (303) 279- 4 556 F . 0 . 1.C . Valspar Paints - Pa int Sup p li es - DeGraco ln d ustn al Co atings GOLDEN'S VALSPAR PAINT and GLASS, INC. A u to Glass an d Windo w Gl ass Install ed M irrors 2450 East Street Go ld en Co l orado Bus 279 7824 UNIQUE'S BEAUTY SALON Lookout M ountain " Be ing Beautifu l Makes You Fe el Good" 2420 East Street 277-0573
·-I I -HOME 278-1729 STORE 279-9444 Ti ~ILLS' L~SED F UR N IT URE FORMERLY L INDSAY' S 141 0 FORD STRE ET-G OLDEN, CO L ORADO 8040 1 OUTBACK Boots & Backpacks - ::; I PA R_K-As . . . BA C KPACKS ,, ,-~ SOCKS /"\ 1-~~, SL E E PI NG BAGS \ ---' 'i?----...__ THE T ENN I S SHOES Good luck to t he class ot 1975. Yo u 're always welcome h ere. 1509 Wash i ngto n, Gol d en ' Congratulations to the Class of 1975 It 1s our pleasure t o se r ve Golden Jan H 1gh School Pho t ograph ,cal ly Bob DEAN STUDIO 1111 W ashing t on Ave 2 79 - 16 14 Golden, Co l o r ado 8 04 0 1 Best of Luck to the Class of ' 75 DINO'S PIZZERIA 10 04 0 W C ol fax Av e At K 1p l1 ng 238 7393 O , n,ng Room H o ur s 1 1 30 A M t o l 2 00 P M C arry o ut Ttl l AM 20 3
204 -w. 10th. at quaker, golden 278-9711 or 278-0070 L\Jf'\ AD~\tR'5 CENERf-\l F\T ~ICR\1A6t sou~ OULCJf"\E:~S - CLOT~ING ~ND ALL \<\NOS o~ GR~~T SI \J r .. B~ST \N \ S'ME':J CLASS Of. '15"" SKIING • M OU NTAINEER IN G TENNI S • REPAIR • RENTAL CHRISTY SPORTS LAKEWOOD STORE ½ BLOCK EAST OF K I PLING ON COLFAX , fC SA~ J REIITlt £. J ~so~ IN ~ll BANI> ~VMftJ(s 6V 111\ f;N'J.:r0
-· ··•,. ..,. -~ ·,._, _,,,~_ ..... ,. ,/ - -, , ~.,......-.~-- -· -__ _,,.. 'I i \l,; • • • • • - • • • - - - "-----J f -I t I I I I I I r I I I I I - --- - -- - - - - -
- T. " f / ... 1 •l jY ,.; ' 206
- - -- -- --
1 took the road less traveled by and it has made all the difference robert frost
i can't for the Ii fe of me remember a sadder day i know they say let it be but it don't work out that way and the course of a Ii fetime runs over and over aga in paul simon
·. I ' 208