GHS Yearbook 2020

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#!J{lt,. ''What would you say to someone to help them glow? ·No matter what, there ,s always someone to help and they are loved SYLVIA LENZ ( 11 ) Golden High School 70124th Street Golden CO 80401 singing makes my heart and soul glow with happiness Pnnc1pal · Bnan Conroy Web site golden Jeffcopubll cs chool s. org Phone 303 982 4200 Fax 303 982 420 1 Enrolement: 13 77 KAElAN W8R ( 10 ) ''-

<@>mJlll«rID ®] COLORS

Golden is a town like no other Nestled 1n the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, 1t 1s home to over 20,500 people

Founded during the Pikes Peak Gold Rush 1n 1859, the city 1s home to the Colorado School of Mines, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Coors Brewery, and our personal favorite, the oldest high school in Colorado In this yearbook we have sought to answer this question: What makes Golden shine so bright? Beyond its bright city lights or luminous starry nights, the simple answer is, its people. This book explores what makes the 1ndiv1duals, clubs, and teams at Golden glow from within Just as the town itself appears to glow with golden sunlight when the sun sets just nght.

I I I -- -• op e ning ~i
IN 0
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- "--_"Photography is the light In my hfc. FAITH WOLFF ( 10 ) ONS 3
fall events ---------------------------------------------------,4 • ----

Fall is all about coming back to school and getting back into a routine . There are lots of events to make this return a little easier for everyone , starting with Freshman Orientation and the Back -To -School assembly on the first day of classes. Even though there was construction in the parking lot to make things a little rough , we all came together to figure it out. Homecoming week was made a little more interesting with an early snow. The homecoming parade was a huge hit as usual , with Mr Irving pulling off " Best Float " for the second year in a row The powder puff finals were snowed out and moved to the following week where the juniors pulled off a devastating win against the seniors Everything is looking bright and full of possibility for the year to come .

·aeing around my mom, sister, and dog r ,a"es me nar,p~ NATALIE PH ILLIPS (9 )
The senior students get rowdy during the hand Jive at our homecoming assembly

summer events

Gadge Pittsley (11) playing Stone River Music Festival in Oklahoma While there, he sang his own covers, along with hits by Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan As a singer and guitarist he was a crowd favorite

'f Cheyenne Haywood (9), a roller coaster connoisseur, spent her summer with her closest family and friends at Denver's Ehtch Gardens Almost every day this summer she would nde the light rail there and spend the day surrounded by screams and smiles

, Up in Buena Vista, Colorado, Gatherine Shendan (10) and her fellow Young Life friends spent a week full of bond i ng and laughter toge t her. Th is ,s them hiking Moun t Princeton.

This summer, Katrina Barela, a senior, embarked on a camping adventure with her friends. Not only did one of her friends bring her pet pig, but a rain storm hit them , soaking their tents. The highlight of this trip was being in Walden, Colorado , biking and kayaking with her closest friends This is something she ' ll never forget

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hard work in ecuador


Belle O'Neill, senior, had the chance to go on the Spanish Department tnp to Yung1lla, Ecuador, with a group of students Although making h1k1ng trails and cheese was taxing on the body, 1t was all worth 1t given the hospitality and food they got tn return . Each of the students got to do a homestay and connect with a family native to Yung1lla Belle connected with Julio and his family and will forever stay 1n touch with them

"Being able to be close to friends and family, they are my fight. Also having a good time 1n a school, and having balance 1n m}' hfe
is -

fall events t--------

·it was ha rd at first t o find friends and do homework But being able to leave at lunch and meeting people has made 1t much easier Cheyenne Clay (9)

·It's a bigger school now which 1s scary The perk 1s getting out of mid d le school • Laurel Perkin (9)

·1 was s t ressed ou t because I knew 1t was going to be a lot of homework Yet seeing t nends has made all t h e difference • Gianna Roldan (9)


getting back into th e swi ng of things

In the first week back to school , students were already getting their work grind on Despite being out of school for months, our students didn 't skip a beat starting 1n on what they have known for years.

Mr Winter's a nd Mrs Garvin's stud en ts wo rk in g stud iou s ly to ac hi eve the ir h igh est potential


J1su Yoon , freshman and returning face to Colorado , has a distinct memory of meeting people with blonde hair and green eyes her first day of GHS


Nhor Sundarapura (10) remembers his first day as one of meeting new friends This even includes his now best friend , Jamie 3

Freshman onentat1on was all sorts of fun in 201 7 with the newcomers dressing up in luau items and walking around to find their classes This 1s what Lark Jones (11 ) remembers abou t her first day 4

Heavy doors line our school from every entrance , and this 1s whatJingy, Lu (12) remembers distinctly from his first day of high school

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•My happiness sprouts from being 1n a community of love and support


I'llBE =r n FOR YOU

Freshman Onentatron sparked the start for the 1ncom1ng class of 2023 The new students were Jomed by faculty staff. and our Lmk Crew for the event.

y Dunng Freshman Orientation, the newcomers played games with Link Leaders to break the ice and be more comfortable 1n their new Golden High School home

The Golden Demons set the bar for their football season with their first home game against Standley Lake With a final score of 36 - 12, Golden's varsity team took home the win to kick start the season with the bar set higher than ever


fall events

fun da~s and high GPA 's


Starting this year, Golden created a new kind of study hall, called Demon Academy Students now had the chance to not only get extra help and go make up missing work, but also to Join in fun ennch1ng act1v1ties The offerings were different each week, letting teachers have a chance to share their talents outside their regular subJects.

Disc Golf

Students got a chance to head outside and have some fun playing Disc Golf with Mr G1tner.

At the beginning of the year we had construction at the school which blocked off a large sectio n of the parking lot. To help wi t h the overflow, sophomores were not allowed to buy parking permits until Sep t ember 17th. By September 1st over 360 seniors and Juniors alone had requested parking ~ ~Dil'.~~ permits, leaving some students parking 1n the neighborhood and adJacent shopping cen ters

A quiet and peaceful class of colo ring was offered by Mrs Thomson Book Worms

Catch up on a good book with a group of friends in Book Club! Come for the book, stay for Mrs Demeyer.

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This year Golden started using a program called peach1ar tn an effort to go greener This app lets people post d1g1tal flyers instead of using paper around the school. The students above are showing us flyers on their phones


Golden High School hosted the ASA Bullying Prevention High School Tour in August. The Tour 1s a high-energy action sports circuit that vis,ts cities across the United States supporting the Ant1-Defamat1on Leagues No Place for Hate Campaign and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Students got to witness some of the world's top professional skateboarders, inline skaters and BMX riders from the X Games performing on a half-pipe and Jump box. while an emcee delivered an educational message to listeners.

In a daring decision, Pnncrpal Conroy allowed one of t he BMX stunt riders to do a back flip over his head to show his support for the No P lace for H ate Campaign

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"What makes me happiest 1s being around my friends and family.•

fall events

At the fall pep rally studen ts got a chance to play a relay race

One brave member of each team donned a football helmet and climbed into a trash can to be wheeled around obstacles across the gym floor as fast as possible

Go ld en won their game against Longmont High School with a score of 6-1 Both of th e teams played a great game

keep on eye on it

SEPTEMBER 12 , 2019

The start of a new school year gives people a chance to try new things. From clubs to sports there is something for everyone. It's always a great feelrng when you join the winning team

After the vollyball game, the Golden girls are celebrating their win together in true Demon fashion

Our JV Football team playing M ountain View early in the season No 3 winds up to throw the ball down field while No 63 and No. 20 run protection The two varsity teams played the night before , our Demons taking home the win by just two points.



The dance team perform i ng the i r f 1rst routine of the year for the whole schoo l.


Our very own 2 4 th Street Singers , performing the National Anthem


Demons standing together facing t he American flag. observing the Nauonal Anthem


Non•basketball players competing against each other to see who could make the most free throws 1n the time allotted


Drumllne performing their annual show at t he assembly.


St udent Council created giant banners for each club , sport, and group at GHS t hat included the names of all the participants ,

LILY LUDWIG (9) JONATHAN ARC HER (9) GABRIELA GONZALEZ (9) LESIIE ORTIZ ( 11) The scoreboard showing the De mons taking the win over th e Littlet o n Uon s
"What makes my heart shine 1s my girlfnend s loyalty and the k i ndness she has given me over the years CAITLIN FERGUSON (10)
ON l

fall events A BRAND NEW C@1 m «rn1

As the sun rose and senior year began, groups of students all gathered together at Red Rocks Amp1theatre for a class bonding experience that none of them would forget. "It really helped us come together as a class because no one group was only represented. It was all of us. In the moment there were no cliques and there were no popular kids or under the stair kids," Molly Hord (12) described.

A Despite the actual sun being captured on phones and cameras, many seniors agreed that it was the community aspect of the sunrise that tied the whole morning together

As elected Ian Perskey (12) Is representing his fellow senior classmates.

Erin Ro)'er (11) represents the class of 2021 for the 2019-2020 school year.


Taking on the leadership role of class president, Ava Ganter (10) was representing the class of 2022.

emily calvert


Junior Emily Calvert describes the light of her life 1n school as her time with the National Honor Society She also describes the experience of going to Welchester and being able to work with the small kids there Outside of school ,t 1s her writing "The light ot my llfe outside of school is writing. I really like to write so I wnte a lot which makes me really happy."

·The light of my hfe would probably be my friends and getting the chance to sing With them LEITON SEWARD (11)

fall events

sparkling • singers

• • •
oir,o POLIZZI (12) 24th Street JORDAN BORGESON (12) Concert Choir ETHAN SILVER (11) Concert Choir

-y shining

Sam Grimm and Kaia Redmond are excited to be a part of all the different senior actIv1t1es and events like senior sunrise and sunset. as well as going to the last few games and dances of their high school careers

• seniors

M ,tch Wullste1n and Kod1 Guy, seniors, are exerted and relieved to finally be seniors Mrtch said, "It feels great to be a senior I know this 1s cheesy but 1t actually seems like freshman year was yesterday"

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JAKE KRINGD. (12) SYDNEY HAMMER (12) MIA M CENROE ( 12) RUBEN WILSON ( 11) ~My glow 1s my fal'Tl1ly and friends EMILIE REH ( 11 ) TRENTON llElD ( 12 ) JASMINE MITCHEU ( 10)

fall events

Brae Rose (9) relieves stress by l1sten1ng to music. He feels l1sten1ng to his favorite songs relaxes his mind and helps to manage stress.



when he is stressed. It's something that he enjoys doing and relieves tension


Stress relief is an important part of a student ' s life The pressure of school , sports , and other extracurriculars can sometimes be a lot to handle . It is beneficial to step back and practice things such as listening to music, going for a walk , or playing an instrument.

When Sienna Vu1Jsters (9) 1s stressed out by schoolwork she simply takes a break Taking breaks while study,ng can be very beneficial to retaining

Getting to school in the morning is a very important part c,f the day. Whether it's biking, driving, or taking the bus, v.,e all get here somehow. Survey results of 242 students revealed that 198 drive, 33 nde the bus, 5 walk, 4 bike, and 2 skate. Clearly, the majority of Golden High School students dnve to school. In our community, many of us have the privilege of driving and even owning our own cars. While this 1s a lot of fun to have the freedom to get around independently, it is also the cause of our infamous traffic problems and struggle to find parking.

Ben Foster (12) plays guitar
Bike Skate Bus Walk \/ Car
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M~IE0ARR(9 )

Des1ray Glasmann's (9) best homework excuse 1s that her technology wasn t working

Jenna Ricketson (10) usually excuses her homework by saying she left it at home. This is the second most common excuse used by students here at Golden.

No matter how great of a student you are, we've all had to come up with a homework excuse at one point or another. Whether we truly forgot our homework or Just coudn't find the time to do rt, we always have something to tell our teachers. A survey of 238 students was taken and 69 students say they forgot to do rt , 49 say they left rt at home, 46 say th ey didn't know about th e assignment, 27 say they already turned rt 1n, 24 say their technology wasn't working, 17 say their dog ate rt. and 6 say they lost rt.


When Soll Ficco (9) is stressed out. she turns to her family and f rt ends. Spending time with those she ,s closest to helps her manage stress

11 I

"My technology broke "
''My dog ate rt "
" M~ dog s th e gh t II my I e
"I lost rt." -
- - - ~--..-----...,..,,, ---1 - -·----.,4o, --=._.,
"I left rt at home 11 -
"I forgot'"
'I didn't know we had homework."
"I already turned it in!"

fall events DEMON m!P ~~mt

Spirit Days! Erin Royer (11) says her favorite was the mountain getaway because she could wear all her ski stuff and her ski btb fron1 the Jeffco Ski Tearn

., The Powder Puff winners had lots of fun together M,a McEnroe (12) decided to do powder puff as a last hurrah for her senior year Her favorite part was the JUtce boxes and team mom ..,

The second senior tearn went undefeated against the other senior teams and made ,t to the champ1onsh1p where they played the junior team.


11 My favorite part of the week was getting ready for the dance with the girls and actually going into the dance 11


11 Powder puff was fun 11 CASSIE OBERHOLTZER ( 12)

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Yo ur Majesty


Elizabeth Ninke and Kevin Mulligan were voted as Homecoming King and Queen Elizabeth says she wasn't expecting to be voted homecoming queen but she was excited anyway

light in my hfe is my sp1nt to keep 'rgh 1ng throu 6t ' e ups and downs 1n life WESTO N EN GSTROM ( 12 )
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fall events

The Pink Project for Patients Is a foundation that helps breast cancer survivors do basic chores Recovering patients can ' t 11ft their hands above their heads, and can 't 11ft more than five pounds per hand among other things Coach Jen , a breast cancer survivor, wanted to help the people who had to go through the same thing as she did On Monday, October 14, 2019, she and her students put on a fundra1ser to help these people

Coach Jen in the meeting


helping with a ribbon

Freshman Sienna Vu1Jsters Is excited to be helping with the ribbon fundra1ser .

second snow

On Thursday , October 24th. the second snow , or second flash freeze, hit Golden High School. Students bundle up and bring In warm drinks, mostly from Starbucks Other students didn 't, as they expected the snow to melt before school ended .

Bryce Reeburgh (10), helped to make and sell the ribbons this year. Grace Searls (12), a dedicated cross country runner, has helped every year with the Pink Project for Patients fund raiser.

Henry Stubenrauch (9), IS happy to help on monday morning


MWhat makes me glow Is when people smile and say •h1" to me 1r tt t hdllW ays " ALI CE SWEENEY ( 11 )


A sn1all number of the bool-.s that were transported to Packs of Hope These books are going to people under the age of 18 \"JhO are in the foster system This proJect 1s designed to g1\e those krds a sense of one thing that wont change.


The people who lead the charge tor the Packs of Hope fundra1ser stand proudly over the worK they and their fellow students helped to accompl1sh Everyone 1s proud of them and the work they put In to this program

Student s walking up th e bu s lane t o get t o their 5 th pe riod c la sses

Som e are c old a nd other s ar e warm but it 's alway s fun ,n the Col o rad o sun


fall events

SONG OF THE m @(M~(/ffi)~

streaming services

Its the age old debate of today's generation. Apple Musi c or Spot1fy. This simple question has cause d many angry arguments over what is actually better to stream music on . When 1t comes to the students of Golden, What do they think?

Out of the 213 students that were surveyed , 53 % of students said they prefer to stream on spotify while 25 % said they prefer Apple MUSIC

can I Call You Tonight by Fuzzy Brain " NORA LABO ( 10 ) " Passenger by Hippo Campus " ALEX SMITH ( 10 ) " Music of the Night by Andrew Lloyd Weber from Phantom of the Opera " LYDIA KERN ( 11)
" Baby Hot Line by Jack Stauber" MAX MELI ES ( 9 ) "Jameson by Zella Day" KASEY GOLDSTEIN ( 11) 6 "Momentary Bhss by The Gorilla~• MAGGIE ANDER:,O h (11)
"Smile by MaIs1e Peters from the movie Birds of Prey" PENELOPE JONES (9) YOUTUBE AMAZON

lam Remington (10) enJoys listening to Juice Wrld on long drives He describes Juc1e's music as meaningful and a way to connect with other people For lain the lyrics are relatable and something he can listen to when he Just needs to vibe wether that be by himself or with f nends.

"The light of my life would most llkel) be my sister and the adventures go on together


Music as an art medium 1s a maJor part of today's cultural movement which 1s very evident in the halls of Golden Senror High Many different l nd1v1duals enJoy a large range of music From Rap to Hip hip to straight up classic Rock ' N' Roll, music 1s enJoyed from many different angles and on many different streaming devices After condu c ting many polls and interviews l ets see what the students have to say

To the left 1s a representation of the six most common answers to the question , "What 1s your favorite genre of music to listen to? ". Of the 247 students polled , 51% of them voted for one of these top six categones Based on our results Rap 1s the most popular music genre at Golden followed by those students who listen to a little bit of everythrng The next four categories were all fairly close 1n the polls , g1v1ng Pop, Alternative, Rock and Country a spot 1n the top six

, 12% Country, 11%

Being happy and upbeat 1s something that 1s important to Nik Boileau (12) He wishes to be happy as much as he can which IS why he hstens to Hip Hop artist YBN Cordae

He described the music as a vibe and something he relates to well as well as making him happier 1n the long run

RAP , 28 % Anything, 18% Pop,17%
Alt e rnativ e, 14%
fall events ONCE UPON A 0 7lr Ill rM~
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fall events

GOLDEN ~~~~fm11ffifm11 ®)

Our school had a full compliment of courses to suit every student. In addition to the traditional core classes we had a wide range of AP and Honors offerings, a thriving Experiential Education program, and a strong STEM program. During the course of their education students could learn about aerospace engineering, build rockets, cater events, design clothes, spend the night in a snow cave, raft down a river, paint, draw, photograph, play instruments, throw pots , and much, much more. Golden provided us with every opportunity to not only become critical thinkers, but crea tive problem solvers and life-long learners

t\s~~.,c. Mt.'f i t$ tlle, ""tvl\ ., II 'Sil r-,;, 1
STOBBE( l1 )
••wall parnt 1s thE. light of ,n life BROCK SCHRAM ( 10 ) academic departments 2019-2020 Art Engineering & Technology English Family & Consumer Sciences M ath Music Physical Education Science Social Studies World Languages 29

Fall sports


LET THE ...... ' . ~!ff BEGIN

Fall sports this year were very successful. The scores we earned throughout the season marked the hard work our teams put in at each and every practice . Our varsity softball and boys soccer teams both won back -toback League Titles and made it to the State Championships , while our girls volleyball team made it to regionals. On top of that the boys' golf team made it to State and with more female representation , female members of our cross country team made it to State . Last but definitely not least , the football team beat Wheat Ridge not just once but twice in two years and also made it all the way into the State Championship playoffs Every single sport at our school this year worked hard to be the best team they could be.

"What makes my heart glow s being with m> family MADS I ON MOBLEY ( 10)
The GHS football team rushing onto the field to start a game


To be a part of the Golden f ootba 11 team you are evaluated and must have T R.U.S.T





T=Tea c hable This is what the c oa c hes look for , n their players , players who have TRUST!


"You never have a moment of doubt about your brothe rs having your back on the field We al l know we have each other's back a t all times It's something special at Golden"

TANK LUGO ( 12 )

"My favonte memory is when we all wen t to Florida together because despi t e us losing we still had an amazing t eam bonding ex p enence.''


"Everyone makes Footbal l a fam dy We value each o t her as such and al ways come together t o mo t ivate and be there for each other"



• • ! • ! I .. Football 1---------------------
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Golden Foot ball JV and Varsity t eams played their first game in Orlando, Florida t his year Both teams played a football game and got to ex perience Universal St udios Parks
• • • • I ' ' I I I ' I I


went to state and got , 5th at three doubles his first year on varsity! Not only ,she an active member on the boys' tennis team but he also part1c1pates 1n baseball 1n the spring.

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Luke Waltz (11) executes a backhand slice Greiner (11) Jack Hathaway (12 ) races up to the net
Ian Remington (10) keeps an eye on the ball

The boys varsity tennis team, coached by Kevin Dalton, f1n1shed their season at 7 -4 They took 3rd 1n Reg,onals 1 The team had six returning players and five new I members who moved up from the solid V2 squad, coached this year by Kirk Dalton Three players I earned the right to compete at the 4A State Finals 1n Pueblo : Devin I Pr ehn at 3 singles and Jack Hathway/ Gar rett Greiner at 3 doubles Both lines played well I and finished at 5th 1n state for their positron The boys ' tennis

teams included over forty players this year between the three squads (Va rsity, V2, and JV} 1n a I program that cont inu es to grow.

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"M y fnends, f a m ily, and dogs are the ltght in m\ hfe. • COLIN RIDLEY ( 11)
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fall sports RIDING IN il\WJ«rm1i~ OUR 2019 2020 MOUNTAIN BIKING PrAAJI

The Golden High School Mountain Bike Team 1s a cross country mountain bike team that practices and races from August to October

Throughout the year, they practice and ride t ogether with many coaches The riders can compete 1n four league races, as well as the state champ1onsh1ps, 1f qualified In addition to racing. they provide different b1k1ng volunteering opportun1t1es with Golden G1ddyUp, Jeffco Open Space, and 'Just for fun' b1k1ng events The team consists of students from every grade, volunteer coaches, and the middle school DEVO program Riders ride 1n groups based on skill level, which allows for a mix of grades 1n each group

shredding the trai ls

Jake IS the sophomore team captain He started riding with the team last year, going to state both freshman and sophomore year Connor is the Junior captain of the t eam this year He has enJoyed his time with the team for the last three years and looks forward to his senior year of rrding

Jackie 1s the senior captain of the team She has been riding with the team all four years of high school She enJoyed watching the team grow. especially the girls

The team work s hard to provide an open and 1nv1ting atmosphere to everyone who wants to nde The team was proud to h ave 2 foreign exchange s tudents, Jonas Jensen (12 ) and Elias Haeu s ler (1 1 ) as a part of the team th is year Additionally, they had thirty-two new fr eshmen. nine girls and twenty-t hree boys With over seventy-five total members on the Mounta in Bike Team, they had a lot of fun together.

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Nola Steward made sure to make all of her races as a freshman some of her best with making it to podium over three times this season
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"My bike is what gives me that feeling that nothing matters, and I can succeed, especially when surrounded by the rocks and dirt:
Freshman, Kate Logan podiumed once through the entire season which as a freshman 1s very ImpressIve Jackie Tetens (12) starting the League Championship race at the Durango Mesa Pursuit on October 19th JAKEWADE(lO)

Chance Sundarapura ( 12) earns a place at the Golf State Champ1onsh1ps this year To get there he took first place at the regional champIonshIps down 1n Colorado Springs He had a good game at state, but his favorite memories from the season are all of hanging out with his fellow teammates

One of his favorites Is from a dinner at Grayson 's house where the team ended up having a great time playing basketball 1n the pool

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James Sheridan (10) putting for birdie to finish his round strong Louis F,cco (10) saving the four foot putt
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Drew Walters ( 10) punching the ball out from the rough

Jax Collins ( 11) 1s a powerful golfer He 1s known on the team for being able to get the most distance on his drives. He 1s also known as the team "Dad." he leads practice and 1s a good support to others by cheering people on when they are having a bad day He 1s great at helping people fix their swings when they need guidance

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"A glow in my hfe 1s airplanes." KEVIN STROY (12)

volleyball bump, set,

sp i ke !





Slowinski prepares to serve the ball in

the final set at

Level 3 's last ,...,"-Cn game of the season


The players have bonded through the sport and their friendships have flourished 11 1think that the

Sophomore relat1onsh1ps you Gabriella build with each of Macarelli runs the players toward a free ball throughout the season are super strong and everyone is very friendly." Katy Freeman (11) explains. Francesca Slowinski (9) will always remember, II .. when I made a bet with one of my

Brooke Hansen teammates that (9 ) serves the whoever could spike ball over the net a ball in someone's at Level 4 's last face the hardest at game a game first gets $20, and I won ,ti"

on the sidelines

The support from fellow teammates can be crucial to what's happening on the court.

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"When I'm watching from the sidelines, I'm always trying to cheer on whoever is on the court and make sure they're staying positive."
40 I I I
Skylar Chase (12)
J-" Play i ng
1s a light in my
my friends
The ball soars over the net and the team prepares for ,t to come back over Level 3 celebrates an "Ace• after scoring on the opposing team. 41

staying humble

fast and strono

Both the boys and g, rls varsity tea ms got the opportunity to go to regionals

Wh ile there, the boys team ranked tenth and the girls took home second place and advanced to the State race

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Kate Hathway (10) protecting from the UV rays Ally Odekirk (12) giving love to some of her fans
Grace Searls ( 12) lathering sunscreen to protect from the rays.


Even with injuries and soreness, the boys JV still ended the season with third place at state. "I didn't have a great season 1n terms of times, but it was a great time, " said Colin Ridley (11).

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"MUSIC. It's helped me through hard times and depression. JOE FORD (9)

boys soccer • go i ng to state


s:INlll Fnl I~

Our Boys Soccer team started practice 1n June this year, making certain to put in as many hours of practice as possible throughout the summer Their efforts paid off, and they had a great season Their win over Evergreen at League sent them on to play in the State Champ1onsh1ps. The team secured wins against Denver West , N1wot, and Centaurus in order to send them on to compete 1n the final four for the first time since 2006 While they didn't make 1t all the way to the final champ1onsh1p game, we were all incredibly proud of the strength and skill our team demonstrated throughout the season.

winning rakes hard work

OJ Kourey (12) having a great time at practice

Jessie Denk (12) taking possession of the ball from the opposing team

Carter Novak (11) approaches the ball ready to make a move

Boys soccer took home the Class 4A Jeffco League tit le this season. Our own Josh Colin (12) was able to break a 1-1 tie late 1n the second half of the game leading to the Demons victory 3-1 against Evergreen They won the title last year as well, making this year a back-to-back success. This win was Golden's 9th straight victory in the season, an amazing feat!

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Left Grayson Allen ( 12) and Ian Perskey (12) celebrating. Top : Sam Bauer (11) and Tucker Tingley (11) winning the ball. Bottom Riley Mann (11) dribbling up the field


League MVP

Sam Markovi ch ( 12)

1st team All Conference

Sam MaNOVI Ch (12), Nate Thomp son ( 12), Josh Colin (12), Jesse Denk ( 12 )

2nd team All Conference

Joaquin Garfias ( 12)

Honorable Menti on All Conference Grayson Allen (12), Daniel Erger ( 11), Connor Ma ckell (12), Zach Chapman ( 12) , DJ Koury ( 12)

"Friends can make me happ because they always make me smile 1n the toughest situation , and t ey always give me the positive energy.
Sam Markovi ch (12) volleying the ball out o f the air at Laked Memonal Fteld
I • • • • • • 0 I t 45
Chance Sundarapura ( 12)

softball diving and high fivi ng

C .., JO

This year for softball was one for the books. The team welcomed many new faces and was supportive of each other all season With fantastic coaches and terrific sportsmanship, their team obtained the spot of fourth 1n the state. M any are al ready excited fo r next year.

''My favonte moment was at the State Champ1onsh1p and seeing all of our fam1l1es and friends supporting us. It was more than I had ever expected ."

the innporronce o~ bonding

"The sense of family was my favorite part this year It was great being here for all four years and experiencing this bond"

"I loved learning how to play softball and having such a supportive group to cheer me on "

With every team, comes the need for family Each bond 1s very important to keep everyone trusting each othe r and transfer their positive thoughts to make the best outcome of the game. This can be seen through this team, and their vic t ories 1n the season

This bond 1s what helped push the varsity t eam this year, they finished the league at 8-2 and the t he overall season at 27-3. They claimed the back-to-back JeffCo League Title and the Regional Champ1onsh1p. Many of the seniors helped lead t he team to this victory

I I I: ,I ' I 11 !1 I -~---...
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MaJor stunting was done with this year and they had no fear to give their all to help the team with achieve victory


Although not always camera ready the JV girls still fought a good fight this year In the beginning they had a slow start involving losses , but with team bonding came winning At the end of the season the JV took b,g wins

Throughout the Middleton twins softball careers 1n high school they have had 24 7 hits and 43 home runs Due to this they were signed to Colorado Christian Un1vers1ty to continue their softball Journey

•oa Boys make my hfe glow."
• • 47
• • •

winter events

I I I I • I .I I I I I
48 I I I '

The snow glistens at Golden High School. With winter break around the corner students are focusing on exams AJthough finals week can be stressful we still found ways to give back to our community. The Golden One donated money to the Robbie's Hope Foundation , and Julie Dalrymple ( 10) designed the II Need for Clean" program which helped teens get access to basic necessities As the semester comes to an end seniors and funi ors get a taste of the college life with college visits. Winter break gives us time to relax , and after three weeks students are able to push themselves to jump right back into things. With the occasional snow fall the ski season starts early, and we start to support sports such as basketball , swim , and wrestling. The snow may be silver but the sun creates a gold shield.

>• m~ ,1 ,
f nends are the best Pdrt

winter events

ALL ABOUT fovori te dessert

go-to coffee order



Freshman Madison Bates says that her favorite dessert is a Sundae


Dustin 's favorite coffee order would be a caramel frappuchtno


Ma1sun loves all different types of cookies as her favorite dessert


John 's favonte dinner to get would be Anthony's pizza

what is the weirdest food you hove ever eaten?

Vance 's favorite lunch spot would be Noodles and Company




"Cafeteria food "





"A trench Restaurant 1n Vancouver. we had escargot! "

"A steak dinner with my family ·

"The fanciest dinner we've ever had 1s the cheesecake factory"

' I I I I I I - --
r ite dinner
favorite lunch spot
hanging ou t in the cafete r ia
"I' ve
Fa ne dinner out?
-what is your ~ < ==HI ffi Q_ (\) l/l l/l (\)-"The hght ,n my life 1s playing softball w,tr "l'I~ tedm r Jtes LIBERTY KUHNS ( 9 ) what is your ~~\WP~~lllf~ coffee? .. Cafe n1ocha has a very good flavor and 1s my go to drink." ELANOR FLUCKIGER (9) A ' Dark coffee ,sway better than black coffee ." AIDEN LOCKWOOD (9) 51

Patrick Hart (10) currently has a snap score of 1,340,000 Paddy loves playing basketball and hanging with Jude's! Big thumbs up for Snapchat!

Micah Zahn (9) JUSt hit a snap score of 1,005 ,000 Micah loves hanging out with her friends and taking timer pies on Snapchatl

vine isn't dead

Our favorite vines will always pull through Golden's students voted "Its an avocado Thanks Mand "Fre Sha Vaca Do" as their favorite vines. Everyone loves the avocados!

The Serafins, Landon (9), pictured nght and Gracie (1 1) , pictured below are crushing the snapchat game. Landon 's snap score sits at 1 ,0 43,000, which IS JUSt a little bit behind his sisters. at 1,370,000

Jaxie Thompson (9) and Ma'kena Hammer (9) are killing the snap game! They both have high snap scores and long streaks. Jaxies longest streak is in the SOO 's! Ma ' kena is tryi ng to bring back dabbing! Artwork by Elea Helker (10)
,, -
I 1------------------------------------------52

Aden Kepler (12) stands as the most famous tiktoker. She currently has 222k followers and Is continuing to grow more popular Aden has a total of 4.6 million l i kes from all of her videos, and definitely deserves the hype here in Golden and all over T1kTok Her first TikTok made was February 16th of 2019. and her most viewed video since then has 1. 7 million views!

Sophia Wosk (9) is a tiktok star! Her TtkTok has 26k followers. The main 4 idea of her TikTok is vsco and cute I outfits. Yay Sophia!


Cydney Green (12) makes TikToks about her friends and family and Just whatever It Is they are doing It gives her a place to be herself She

Lucia Sloan (9) Is our upcoming T1kTokerl She currently got into T1kTok as a Joke and It has become a has 25k followers. She started TikTok In March of 2019. way to meet people ·an d make new friends. She Since then, her most popular TikTok has 925,000 views. has 11.8k followers.


SISCO (11)
"The ltght of my hfe 1s playing soccE:r with my friends• CONNORMCCORMICK(11)

winter events


Maddy Ratway ( 12) got a butterfly tattoo to hide a scar she got due to

Senior Evelyn Anderson - Lent got this tattoo in representation of her love for late singer/ songwriter Mac Miller The artist sported a flower tattoo on his neck , and also featured a lotus flower 1n his video 11 Good News "

a botched surgery. The stitches had to be left in for months, which left its mark on her skin To hide it she got a beautiful butterfly tattoo

Over the summer, when Austin Ibarra ( 12 ) was working on a fire fighting team. he saw a bear that was on fire. It was running around catching other things on fire While this isn't the first time that he 's seen an animal on fire , 1t stuck with him and Austin can ' t explain why . When a time came when Aust i n decided to get a tattoo, 1t was the only moment that he felt was signifi c ant enough to permanently ink onto his skin , so , to signify that moment and his love for nature , he got a bear tattoo

" Growing up we called my great grandmother on my moms side, Ladybug She was the sweetest old woman by far with all the tips and tricks she had I learned so much of what I do today from her She fought all the way to the end making rt to 99 and a half! To remember her I chose to get a ladybug tattooed on my arm Being on the back of my arm I find that it's closer to my heart and I always want to be near her The realistic version of the Ladybug represents how down to earth she was and how she stood for what she believed 1n no matter what. There was no need to get a simple version because she was such a strong women 11 MADISON CYR (12 )

"This tattoo 1s special to me because my best friend has a similar one The two hearts fit together like a friendship necklace She has the outline while I have the 1ns1de."


Jack Hines (9 ) got this tattoo to remember his father who died of lymphoma , 1t is the ch1nese symbol for 'butterfly ' His family believes that Jack's dad came back to th is wo r ld as a butterfly

I • t I ~ I I, I I --- -~ --r--- - ·:-
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demon dude 'dos

From the traditional m1l1tary buzz to a throwback of a mullet. our demon dudes are rocking some of the best styles of 2020.

--- - -.-~
"When 1t comes to the light of my life 1t would defin1tley be pla}'ing 1> guitar

... winter events

Lily Ludwig (9 ) is frequently called " Red, " because of the color of her hair, in addition to the fact that their are many people with the name '' LIiy" at Golden

Cooper Jones (9 ), bottom right, is often called "Copper: because on the first day of his guitar class , a senior got his name incorrect and said that "Copper • sounded better

Liam Telgener (12 }, bottom left, 1s called Rex by his friends because he used to roar like a T - Rex!

A spirit animal 1s a spirit who helps to guide or protect a person on a journey. What guides you?

Mana Waterman (11) picked a giraffe as her spirit animal because 1t reminds her to be calm and confident.

Annalyse O'Donsio (10) chose a wolf as her spirit animal The wolf 1s strong and wise when they are in times of trouble A wolf trusts its heart and mind and encourages us to find our own path.

fir t date?

Hrgh School is a time when many students begin their foray into the dating world. Asking someone on a first date can be a stressful experience, but having a great first date idea can be the key to success. We asked students what their rdea of the perfect first date would be.


Morgan McNeil! (9} picked a sloth as her spirit animal Sloths are sympathetic and caring of the world around them They tend to take time to enJoy the little things in life and are known for being care-free.

... Freshmen Melanie Darr and Sydney Hard picked sharks as their spirit animal. Sharks are strong and aggressive when 1t comes to challenges and opportunities. They fight for what they want and trust their instincts.


• I I I I- I
• • e

We have all had a crush on someone at some point in our lives. In high school this is usually a brief but intense infatuation for someone.

especially someone -i unattainable. Here we have asked four students to take a stab at drawing their secretly admired classmates. Can anyone guess who they drew?

- -~-11Jf
----"The hght tn my llfe 1s Chtc.k f1I A LUCIA SLOAN ( 9 ) 0 DRAW
HOMER (9 )
YOUR ~((rllWJ:W n

winter events



One of the lea st known abilitie s in Go lden Hi g h Sc hool is th e flip The ba ck flip 1s mu c h mor e widel y known tha n the front flip. Both ar e diffi cult a bilities t o ma st e r

Doing flips. sometimes many t imes in a row, is not an easy feat. It takes time to prac t ice and even more so when one ends up doing 1t on the turf For Hannah Kramer (9), she does so with ease

(From left to right) M a d i Weber (12). Hannah Kramer (9). an d Blaise Coulter (10) are very flexible and out o f t he flips and Jumps t hat they can do, splits may be one of the most 1mpress1ve o f t he bunch as t hey can h old these poses fo r very long perio ds of t ime

• · .r, Being flexible isn 't all it's cracked up to be It's hard to learn and you constantly have to do it to keep the skill up Many have lost their ability to do a handstand, cartwheel or flip However , some have also been able to retain their abilities through cheer or just for fun. The exception to this Is those who are double Jointed because it's a part of you, even if you don't exercise 1t, you don 't lose It. Here we can see a doub le Jointed thumb!

- I r------
Seth Keener (11) (left) and Kyle Scherer (12) (right) are two of the ha ndful of studen t s who can show off the ability to do flips through the air without aid

Various flexible folks at our school. Being this physically flexible really shows off how many different people are part of the Demons

-,El ..., -
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LUCAS STERN ( 12 ) ADAM FEASa(ll) I "Sk1rng 1s thE' 1gh of "' , e BRAE ROSE (9)
AJDAN BEGG (9) pictured left, and JACOB LAUBHAN (9) pic tur ed right I CARTER TOMPSON (9) JORDANMASCARENAS(10)RYANMATSUO(12)


nighttime terrors

"It all began when I was home alone" described Alexis Marquez (10} on the spooky encounter he had faced so many years ago "I was hearing things coming from my room, footsteps, creaking, things ltke that,' which prompted the young child (at the time} to grab a knife from his fam1hes kitchen 'I thought I was Just hearing things, but then I heard knobs turning throughout various rooms 1n the house ' His story then took another turn when he went to run and hide 1n the upstairs of his house That's when he saw a full figure of a man standing at the door of his bedroom

dog fight

It was a dark and stormy night when It all happened When they had the dog fight Akairo Pot (10) decried the s1tuat1on as frightening before he started his story ·we were fostering a dog: He stated his voice trembling, his eyes wide "They were two male french1es and that's where my issue started as they kept having fights for dominance • All of this lead up to what he described as a 'bloody battle' on the account of his father and his near lost thumb

sleep paralysis

It was a very dark and scary night for Ricardo Santiago Alvarado (10) He was around eight years old when It all happened "It was more than a nightmare" he stated recalling the moment. "I couldn't move, I almost felt pinned down" he said Everything around him was dark and as things around him consistently moved he couldn't do anything about It "It was a really scary experience " He hasn't had a sleep paralysis experience since that moment eight years ago and he hopes 1t stays that way.

family matters

As a young child she always knew she had a brother that didn't make 1t to the outside world Zoe (10) knew her mother had lost her brother in the womb. It was then that she was shocked to find out that his spirit liked to v1sIt her throughout the years He would always meet her when she was using snapchat and he would always show himself through movmg her stuff around the room Despite her brother not making It, his spirit still makes it so that Zoe and he have a connection.

-·---- ---

hey what up you guys, yes!

Ghosts and Aliens really fascinate Hunter Casselman (10). She loves researching and talking about the things out there 1n the world that you or science can't explain. The Unknown.

"It Just seems so real," said Faith Wolff ( 10) when ,n discussion about the lllum1nat1. This is one of the only consprrac,es she likes to discuss and think about because of the poss1bil1ty of its rea I1ty

old wives' tales

While controversial, Kaelen Weir 's ( 10 ) favorite conspiracy would be the faking of 9 / 11 She describes this conspiracy, especially the poss1b1lity of fake planes, as 1nterest1ng to think and talk about.

The Ocean is a vast wide unknown and Jordan Mascaranes ( 10) loves to think of conspiracies about 1t Especially the poss1b1l1ty of Aliens lurking 1n the dark areas that can't be reached

In the theatre ,ts bad luck to say Ma cbeth. This is one superst1t1on Molly Weber l10) knows too well and she avoids the M word especia ll y on opening night of a play.

"I don't want seven years of bad luck," said Ella Colemen (10) when asked about her superstition Let's just say she avoids mirrors and breaking them at all costs.

Knock on Wood 1s very common 1n many households but this 1s too true for Jack Mitchell (10). Now he a Iways says 1t as an extra precaution from bad luck.

Soccer 1s one of Morgan Broadnax's ( 10) passions which 1s why she always makes sure to check her shoelaces twice before running onto the field She can't fall now!

- - - - -·-
'The hght of my life would mos t likely be science It's a whole lotta fun and I always enJoy going to that class MASON SMITH ( 10 )
6 1-

winter events

• My favorite show that i would rewatch on Netflix 1s 'Stranger Things because ,ts easy to watch ."

HUNTER CASSELMAN ( 10) , right.

" My favonte show that I rewatch on Netfhx 1s The Society' because it 's mysterious and interesting."

BRIANNA ALLEN (11 ), bottom right.

" My favorite show to rewacth on Netflix 1s Mr. Iglesias beacuse of the random Jokes that he has ' SANTIAGO LUJAN (9) , bottom left

golden auto comolete

"The last Netflix show I brnged was 'Grey's Anatomy JANE BENGSTON (9)

My last Netfhx show that I binge watched was 'Big Mouth ' JASMINEJWlLLS ( 10)

"Defin1tly 'The Office' ' KAITLYN WAUGH ( 12)

' My last Netfllx brnge was 'Grey's Anatomy' IAIN REMINGTON ( 10 ) SAMANTHA PHILLE0 ( 10)


We have all seen the Wired Auto Complete 1nterv1ews, where celebrit i es answer the most searched questions about themselves Here 1s Golden's take on the idea. Whtie these don't reveal anything about the person doing the search, 1t ,s fun to see students reactions to what the most searched endings to the following phrases are. Have you ever searched one of these?

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how do you watch?

Streaming video 1s as natural today as listening to the radio was to our grandparents or great grandparents. Its how we catch up on news. share ideas, and entertain ourselves and friends, not to mention procrastinate. How do you pref er to steam videos? These days there are plenty of options, but here at Golden it looks like Netflix 1s the winner!

"If I didn't have streaming video's in my llfe I would get more homework done."

::r E 0::r E 0 r-r Q_l/) 0 r-r <: ::r (\) 0 C u (\) -n -· l/) X r-r • • • • • • t1 V\Jr\Nh9 l<ui t+o;(ef-~(Of""'--· ··---"The ltght In my life Is 1s
my sister.
3 0 l/) r-r u 0 u C', 0 ' • • I '\ f\\ ( • World 63


Isabell Duffy (9 ) tends to watch youtuber The Kub· Scouts 1n her free time His youtube playthroughs got her into gaming and she really enJoys hit games and shows such as The Walking Dead. St really looks up to him as That Dude and hopes to take after him one day.

versatility and Joanna Toy (9 ) describes independence are the two her favorite youtubers words Kaia Hein (10) content as 1nterest1ng would use to describe her and random It's not favorite youtubers , The Try exactly a tutorial and Guys. She loves how beauty related which 1nspirat1onal they are and Joanna enJoys very much how amazing their ability She loves Christine 's style was to stay together as a of not being too tutorial group and more based and beauty related importantly as friends and how every single especially after leaving video she watches 1s not BuzzFeed, the maJor the same and the style 1s corporation that held always mixed up . them together for so long

ocal se

Many people use telev1s1on to wind down after a long day of work, while many high schooler's use Youtube A lot of students at Golden spend their free time on youtube watching their favorite youtubers, but not everyone. Let 's look at the stats

When 1t comes to watching youtube for sophomore Cydney Mooney (10 ), she tends to watch her favorite youtuber Shane Dawson She looks up to him as one of her biggest role models because of his support and involvement 1n the LGBT community. " He does what he loves " says Cydney which she also loves taking after and is choosing to implement into her own life.

Delaney Marie Lingad (10) describes youtuber Garret Watts as a lad. He 1s her favorite youtuber because his content gives her a lot of JOY and she enjoys watching him on a rainy day, especially when she can't seem to get her sp1nts up. "I just love him" she says. Out of 311 students 1nterv1ewed, 216 watch youtube regularly while 75 only watch 1t sometimes. There are 19 who don 't watch Youtube at all!

I • winter events
J.I • ,,,. •
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content creators (51)


.. JI •a-.L I

When 1t comes to content creators we imagine all of these adult figures with large groups of friends and high end professional camera gear. The reality Is that some of these content creators are nght here in our Golden hallways . Out of 311 students 1nterv1ewed lets see who fits under the title, " Content Creator "

T- II.Iii- •• ,.

Mason Smith ( 10) spends over an hour on Youtube every day ! He thinks many of the 1nd1v1duals he watc hes are funny and make content he c an wat c h more than once. Some of hts favorite Youtubers are even Internat1onal.

Sophomore Elite Prehn tends to spend her time doing pra ctical things In life instead of watching youtube She finds youtube somewhat boring and says there 's very few good content creators out there on the web

"The light of my life would probably end up be i ng music Its great to hsten t o and you can find a song fo r a ny
f eeling
• I,. T I ._ A II
11 I I 66
i r.>. FFr n c Lt i t-0 I"'\ tV\
are a
hit the slopes, ski fast, and have fun[
kids that are just trying to

wt at is your favorite sk, area?




WHY I know the mountain like the back of my hand!



WHY· There 1s variation when it comes to slopes and there 1s less beginners areas ,---..



WHY I hke the terrain

Of students polled, 67~. said they were skiers and 33a of our population prefer to snowboard.


do you ski or board?


I pref er to snowboard because you don't have two sticks to worry about. The boots are much more comfortable and you can also nde rails much easier.•


"In skiing you can go fast and fit through tighter spaces much quicker in comparison to snowboarding Its easier to go off jumps and its very oyable • 0

Senior Seminar's Snow Cave's are part of their winter survival unit Students travel up to Fraser, Colorado and spend one night ,n the elements. The students head out ,n the morning; they pile snow for two hours and le t their snow settle ,n to ensure a sturdy cave. Then they dig out the cave and spend the night. These snow caves stay at a toasty 30 degrees all night, regardless of the temperature outside. In the morning, they break down the cave and head home for a warm breakfast '

- - -
"Art 1s the light of my life Its what makes me happy when other things fail to do so
GREGG ( 9 )

winter sports

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I ; I • 68


Winter is a time where you typically snuggle in bed with a warm cup of hot chocolate , but for many of our athletes it means late nights of practice dribbling a ball , wrestling a fellow teammate , or high diving into a swimming pool. At GHS we have a thriving winter sports community within which parents , students , and athletes alike all come together afternoons and nights all for one purpose To support one another. Our winter sports consist of Boys and Girls Basketball ,Wrestling, Girls Swimming , Cheer and Dance . Lets go see all the accomplishments made by these amazing teams throughout the winter season .

--- --
" Hanging out with my fnends and my family is the light of my life MAX
69 - -
Photo by B,11 Way
---what does wrestling mean to you? A humbling place to feel good about yourself • GO~k 1'1Rl:STLJNC-"'.___ A "A way of living when you step into the nng • A "It's hardwork and ded1cat1on and super rewarding:
------ -·tPlN 1IING- - ----

girls swim & dive

The swim season for girls th is year went very well. They placed 3rd at league and 17th at state. They were able to send five girls 1n 1ndiv1dual events to state and eleven girls in total.

" When globa I warming melts the earth, swimmers will rule. '' ANA HOPPER (11)

Lexie Deitemeyer

"This year we had such an amazing group of girls that'll do big things 1n years to come."


Brynna Donohoe

"Swimming the only sport where you get yelled at for breathing."


Isabella Macarelli

Bella's pump up playl1st. Paper planes by MIA

Ready for It by Taylor Swift

the end of the pool

"Coming from Evergreen I had known no one on the swim team, but these girls were so welcoming and sweet that I quickly felt comfortable. These were the best girls to end my swim career with! I love you all so much!" KAELYN KRUM (12)

'I I I I I I
Anna Vermeulen ( 10 ) at the State meet behind the blocks getting pumped for her race
--- - -.__.

what does basketball mean to you?

Pueblo East (Pueblo, Colo r ado)

This was the last game of the season for our boys They made ,t into the State Champ1onsh1ps but unfortunately, ended the season with a loss against Pueblo East, Just one game before the final four Our team still had a great season and decided to focus on how well they did instead of being sad about the three point loss with a score of 62-65

... " For me ,t means Family and Friendship .' JAMES LA CEY ( 10 ) ... "It for me means my whole life • ALAN ACEVEDO ( 9 ) ...
"It means hfe lessons and team bonding .fl PADDYHART ( 10 )

girls basketball

Basketball is a I sport that requires I passion.

I teamwork, and determination.

Senior Ally Goodwin says, 0 My favorite part of basketball is how 1n every game and practice I am able to learn something new. This season was a rollercoaster, but the most important thing 1s that we all did It together. The sport has taught me so much and I will always remember th is team."


ILay up!

up for a lay up 1n a winning game


- -·-
( Left) Senior. M aggie Jones goes against D'Evelyn Hi gh School on the Girls Senior Night.
(R ight) Ally Goodwin
(12) sco res a threepointer Dribble! Erika Dowell (11) looks up court as she handles the ball Ellary Ranney (9) dribbles down the court, running past defense
u&MUN'a ii
Ma1lys Cholle1 (10) rebounds the ball and races to the opposite side of the court Maree Lenz (11). Anna Kennedy (10). and Audrey Pino (12) are focused on the win m1dgame.
' '
Mya Baker (12) dribbles past defense while looking for an open teammate


Senior Elli Garnett dnves toward the basket in a close game against The Classical Academy Garnett has played varsity all four years at Golden
Sophomore Mia Howe shoots a free throw after getting fouled going up for a layup

"It's a very bittersweet feeling knowing that it 's my senior year and I' m not going to Cheer at Golden anymore Cheer is my family away from home and I' m going to spend a long time m1ss1ng the feeling of

c heering and being around basically my second family If 1t wasn 't for

c heer I wouldn't now have the friends that I have and know the people I know. I' m going to miss them a lot."


• I I I I' I
-- -
• Before taking on the mat at CHSAA state finals 2019
• Coed Cheer team at Disney World on their UCA Nationals trip


Not all dancers start offwithhiphop.

"I got into dancing when I was around 5 years old and my grandparents showed me " Lord of the Dance " , which was about ,rish dancing, and I became obsessed with ,t I was try, ng to figure out the dances so my grandparents found a studio nearby and got me ,n and ever since I've been a dancer 11

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80 I---
... ----
(top left) Katja Behrens (12) and Micaela G1ul1anell1 (12) became great friends through dance This 1s their last season performing together (top right) Katie Huff (12) striking a pose at the fall pep rally This was the second school performance of the year The entire team posing with their porns in their game day uniforms
-. spring events I • I 82

The spring season brings fun sports and events that bring Golden High School together. We have the famous Wish Week which everyone looks forward to every spring We get to kick off our springs sports as well , giving our students a chance to get back outside in the fresh air. The junior and senior classes look forward to attending prom , which is always a night to remember. Though spring time is not just fun and games here at Golden. It means SAT, PSAT, and AP tests are just around the corner. Even though it is the close to the school year, we can still feel those new beginnings, the fresh start in the air. Lets take a look at spring at Golden High School.

Though 1t was technically a week before spring actually began, we can say without a doubt that Wish Week was the most memorable school wide event of the season. Here we had our first Golden High School Qurddrtch Match to kick off the week of events!

flThe lrght of my life 1s being able to go to a school that allows me to make an impact on others through my work in Sources of Strength And also chocolate, because who doesn't want more chocolate'' JACKIETETERIS (12 )
SPRING ~({rW ~({r

spring events

Ms Lacy 's 1ntermed1ate, advanced. and studio film photography students went on a field trip to the Denver Selfie Museum!

Chloe Henry ( 12) won her category at the Denver Metro Regional Science and Engineering Fair The DMRSEF gives precollegiate researchers an outlet to engage their scientific interests and an opportuntt) to interact with professional researchers and scientists Serving eight counties 1n the Denver metro area, the fair provides area middle school and high school students a vehicle to develop their scientific skillsets and an annual opportunity to present their research Chloe won 1st Place in the M1crob1ology division and the Best Presenter of Farr Award

Pictured from left to right: bottom row : Jordan Mascarenas , Natalie Searls, Enka Dowell. Rachel Dowell top row : Faith Wolff, Madison Osborne, Meredith Jones, Sage Alling




'Softball is the light of my hfe because of all my teammates and the friendships we form CAITLYN

Congratulations to the Speech and Debate Team on wInnIng the Jeffco League Title. Leading the team , Ella Humm els won 1st place ,n Informative Speaking and Alec Roman won 1st In Poetry Tom Cotton won 2nd In Informative, Codey Carr won 2nd In Lincoln Douglas Debate, and AleJandro Bot,n Munoz won 2nd ,n OngInal Oratory Ian Messa placed 3rd ,n Lincoln Douglas debate and the team of V1v1an Weigel and Ella Young won 3rd ,n PF debate Emma Regnier and Cole Powderly were f1nal1sts In Informative The teams of Mad, DuVarney and Sage Alling , and Violette Beaupre and Cole Ward won excellent ribbons

Our demon speakers continued on to qualify for the State Speech Tournament! Codey Carr. Ian Messa and Maia Songer all qualified In Lincoln -Douglas Debate Ian Messa also qualified In International Extemp, but chose to compete In Debate L1bb1e Wilson qualified In Programmed Oral Interpretation Ale c Roman will be competing In State In Congressional Debate


Getting ready for their first tournament (far side of the table) Freya Nagy, AleJandro Botin Munoz. Madi DuVarney, Violette Beaupre. Cole Ward (near s,de of table) Sean Keating, Frankie Shea, A1den Shields. Emma Regnier 85

Top: The Colorado Cup-too many gold cups to handle' Ella Young, V,v,an Weigel, Codey Carr, Ian Messa Winning at our league tournament AleJandro Bot,n-Munoz, V,v,an Weigel, Ian Messa, Codey Carr. Tom Cotton. Ella Hu mmers. Cole Powderly Going to State 1n Programmed Oral Interpretation sister-school Lakewood member Sydney Johnson and Golden's l1bb1e Wils on Left Alec Roman dominating Congress at the Lowell Sharp lnv1tattonal Top Right. Trophies at the Denver Public Schools Tournament. Mad, DuVarney and Sage Alling Right Winning gold medals at the Golden Demon tournan1ent : Ella Young, Codey car, V1v1an Weigel

spring events to the OD

Since its InceptIon In 2017. the Demons Cl1mbIng Club continues to grow and provide opportunItIes for both recreational and competItIve climbing for any who are interested.

Led by Sean Keirns and Christy DeMeyer and IncludIng over 30 members, both the Boys and Girls Teams took 3rd in Regionals this year

Several members qualified for the State Champ1onshIp:

Daniel Havlat (12). Seth Gerow (10), and Jonas Jensen (12) for Varsity Boys; Brooklee

Baybeck(10)and Ellie Prehn (10) for Varsity Girls; Conlen Breheny (10) and Stefan Marshall (10) for JV Boys; and Ardena Jordan (9) and Catherine Sheridan (10) for JV Girls.

I I - - --- . -
86 • -!lt . • -::. ii • • • ' • •
I • •-~WEV Y" ~· ~ . , __ ,,... •
light of my llfe is all the f nends I have at Golden as well as all the great helpful teachers that support me
( 10 )
.,,.This year marked Golden's third annual Wish Week , where we as a school and comn1urnty come together to ra,se funds for the Make A Wish foundation. Our Wish Kid this year was Nevaeh, and though she was not able to go to Harry Potter World due to travel restrictions, we did our very demon best to make Hogwart s come to life right at our own campus. complete with a Qu1dd1tch game to kick off the week of fund raising events. 87

spring events

The coronavIrus has forced Jeffco into an onl1ne school program. Freshman, Des1ray Glasmann recognizes the good and bad of being stuck at home The best thing about the situation for her Is not having to get ready In the morning. The worst is confusing work and technology problems DesIray says, "My daily life Is affected because I can't go anywhere. I worry about those who are older or more susceptible In our community and I miss the soc1altzat1on of school."

"The scariest thing to me isn't even the virus anymore," says sophomore Madison Osborne when asked about new virus Cov,d-19. She has a firm belief that it's being hyped up too much to the point where now it's affecting her everyday life. which means schooling being moved onllne " The first day of onl1ne has been a rollercoaster, She says when asked how it's been For many of our GHS students onllne school has been a large change which has affected many Madison says that school is even harder because of now l1v1ng In a constant state of fear due to the far reaching effects of the virus. such as the potential for a family member losing their Job

When talking to Ma1sun Koba I (9) we got some

good 1ns1ght on how students feel with our CoVid-19

shutdown and onl1ne work MaIsun likes onlrne

school because some teachers give less work and

she can work on everything at her own pace She

didn't have any issues with technology and all the

teachers were very good about commun1catIng the

work that had to be completed All of us students,

1nclud1ng MaIsun love that we can eat whenever we

want too, that's always a big plus!

When rt comes to how the Covid-19 pandemic Is affecting some of our GHS students, sophomore Molly Weber has spent many of her days In quarantine fin1sh1ng school early and watching movies She describes the experience as boring and very lonely because she doesn't have the capability to go out of her house and see her friends. Not only Is she worried about everything that's happening, but her parents are too.

Ellary Ranney Is a freshman whose life has drastically changed due to Coronavirus. She Is unable to soc1alIze and misses her friends . Along with the rest of us, Ellary has had to adJust to this new online schedule and the struggles that come with ,t She Is mIssIng out on her first year as a demon golfer because of spring sports cancellation. Although there are struggles with this new way of learning, Ellary Is happy about, "Getting up later and getting food whenever I want to."

Josi Bach (9) feels the coronavirus has changed the whole aspect of school and what we normally do In a school day The workload Is very m,n,mum and easy to handle. You have so much extra time on your hands and the whole experience Is very relaxing and laid back Things aren't very difficult to work, you Just have to look a little harder at things 1f you cannot figure it out. Since we aren't at school you can go do whatever you want. like go on a hike and get some fresh air For most of the classes you Just have to read an article/ story and answer questions about It. This contamination lockdown for the coronavirus Is going to be very easy and relaxing

Aidan Begg (9) thinks onlIne school is a good idea but doesn ' t love all the work that 1s presented with It Many teachers are gIvIng lots of work since students have so much free time! He does his work at home, like most other students. Aidan's French and math teachers are doing FaceTime learning, how interesting!

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November 2019

A novel coronavirus was first identified in China's Hube, province The disease It causes attacks the lungs and causes rapid onset of pneumonia m already Immunocomprom1sed patients.

January 20, 2020

The first American case was diagnosed In Washington state. The illness rapidly spread across the globe, endangering mostly older adults and those with underlying and chrome health cond1t1ons, including h..1ng disease, heart disease and diabetes


February 11, 2020 -

The World Health Organization (WHO) names the COVID-19


-:: virus SARS-CoV- 2 (Severe Acute Respiratory ": Syndrome Coronavirus 2 ) and the disease it causes COVID-19 ( Coronavirus Disease 2019 ) Worldwide death toll ts 1 , 107

February 29. 2020

The first US COVID 19 death There is one new case rn Mexico, three new cases In the United States. and five new cases in Canada.

-- ---- -
"The light of my life Is seeing people smile and seeing love all around JO RDAN MASCARENAS (10 )
-------------..IC...W..: E rotein S rotein M roteln
1. Fever 2 Cough 3 Shortness of Breath
... staff

One of the most important parts of our school , other than the students , is our amazing staff All of them combined make the environment of Golden an inviting and welcoming place We get to see them at work every day They spend their time making sure students understand the subjects they teach Events like Coco and Cram really help us connect with our teachers Its great hainvg a close and trustworthy adult figure to count on when it just hasn't been your day, your week , your month , or even your year When it feels like we' re struggling we can turn to our most favorite staff members when we need a sparkle in our life

"The light of my life i ncludes my family. Spending time with my wife and watching my kids grow makes hfe great.' JESS ESWIFT (S taff)___JJ

Kimberly Aksamit

John Anderson

Oness1a Anderson

James Aurand

Tanya Baalman

Amber Bauer

Rory Best

Chnstine Blake

Evan Bliek

Jeremy Blincoe

Valene Borowiec

Mark Brown

Jennifer Byrne

Milo Carpenter

Joshua Carvalho

Jason Cashman

Jon Christians

Rebekah Cole

Chris Colucci

Megan Coney

Brian Conroy

Lisa Deal

Christine Demeyer

cassidy Dinzes

Cory Donofrio

Juan Dorado

Casey Duvall

Kelsey Engelke

Paul Evans

Ashley Ferraro

Robert Fields

Elizabeth Fulton

Shannon Garvin

Nathan Geroche

Christina Gese

Lydia Gese

Robin Gill

Andrew G1tner

W1ll1am Graves

James Grisham

Lisa Hasse Loana Hayes


I I staff

Gabrielle Heier

Chad Herbers

Marisa Holmes

Dana Hornecker

Lon Hutcheon

Samuel Irving

Nicole Jones

Sarah Juhas

Rachel Kastelem

Sean Keirns

Lon Lacy

Alisha Lawhorn

Patti Low

Matthew Marchal

Paul Mendoza

Jeanann Meneses

Michael Metz

Patricia Miller

Tim Miller

Adam Mitchell

Rachelle Mohoney

Gabriela Morales

Eric Morgenstern

Ingrid Moxham

Lynn Nguyen

Diane Nrckell

Michael N1sh1oka

Cynthia Oliver

Crystal Onago

Savannah Ortiz

Rebecca Page

Katharine Parker

Tammie Peters

Cristian Polo

Eric Ponicsan

Robin Prehn

Lorraine Ramirez

Christopher Reed

Chad Reid

Wendy Roberts

Lisa Rudin

Jason Shackett

-'1/..J f
"The light of my life 1s green and Just out of reach PAUL
EVANS (Sta tt )

Joshua Shellard

Kristen Smith

Daren Sower

Tamsen Stokes

James Summers

Jesse Swift

Hal Templeton

Leslie Tetens

Christine ThomasBlatter

Stephanie Thomson

Michael Thumim

Janna Tripp

Janet Tyrrell-Ead

Danny Vais

Tracy Walkow1cz

Stephen Watson

Roger Winn

Matthew Winter

Samuel Wood

Jared Yannac,to

I I I I I 94
___________________________________________________________;;_______________________________________-' • 95
• class of 2023 , 11 96


Freshman year is something to look back on It's the beginning of your high school career, the turning point in many people's lives . It's a new environment filled with many new people and teachers and a whole new level of responsibility It's a venture to a new strange period of life where emotions are running high. This year our freshmen class is represented by the class of 2023 We have a large array of students with one of the largest freshmen classes we've had in years at 392 students Our students are involved in every corner of our school , from band and orchestra to basketball to forensics , we have many interests and a large diverse crowd of kids .

Listening to music 1s the light in my life • THOMA S LONGOBARDI (9)

class of 2023

Jason Abel

Alan Acevedo

Lesly Alvarez Ovalle

Angeleena Amaducc, Oeclan Ambrose

Elyssa Andersen

Holly Anderson

Isabel Anderson

Rtley Anderson

Sophie Anderson

Angel Angeles

Amaya Angwin

Jonathan Archer

Aubrey Armstead

Brian Arnold

Jordan Auhk

Elias Aune

Josilyn Bach

Preston Baker

Katelyn Baldwin

Ava Barnicle

Madison Bates

Jtlltan Battista

George Bauer

Jaelynne Beaber

Violette Beaupre

John Becker

Carter Beckford

Aidan Begg

Daniela BeJar

Nathaniel Bell Rawas, Ben Masaud

Jane Bengston

Victoria Bergen

John Berkenkamp

Emma Berman

Jayden Berry

LIiiian Bestor

Clayton Black

Adnan BlazeJczyk

Katelin Bolton

Tristan Bradbury


Josiah Branham

Erica Braunschwe1g

Chase Bnon

Madison Bromfield

Peyton Brown

Abby Bruns

Janna Buchanan

Mason Burns

Aless,a Busnardo

Caden Caldes

Dalton Calhoun

Brayton Calley

Nicholas campanelh

Hayden Carbone

Alexander Chaffee

Jordan Chang

Jaden Chapman

Torin Chevalier

Dylan Clark

Cheyenne Clay

Amber Coca

Jonathan Cochenour

La1sha Cohn NaJera

Vance Colle

Analeis1a Cooper

Anthony Cordova

Lucas Cox

Marcus Cnft

Jack Cross

Luca Crossett

Lucas Cubansk1

Ashley Cummings

Deegan Darcey

Melanie Darr

Colin Daugherty

Christian DeBever

Leilani DeGroat

Lynnae DeGroat

Mateo DelReal

Scott Denison

Lauren Dewar

Mamadou Diallo

4 • •
"My dog 1s the thing that makes me most happy ' ABBEY JAGER ( 9)

Max D1ffendorfer

Joseph Dixon

Conner Douglass

Justin Douthit

Miranda Dove

Isabell Duffy

Madison DuVarney

Brandon Eischen

Loewe Eldred

Ross Ellis

Joseph Ellison

Grace Emory

Emily Enos

Joshia Eo1fano

Brody Estep

Carlie Fajardo

Paige Farewell

Liam Farrow

Graeme Ferguson

Julio Fernandez

Sol1dea Ficco

Ian Fischer

Chloe Flannigan

Jaden Flaugher

Jhonatan FloresFlores

Eleanor Fluck1ger

Derek Foote

Samuel Freeman

Logan Fuehrer

Cassidy Fujinami

Natalta Fus,arz

Derek Gallegos

Andres Garfias

Des1ray Glasmann

Kyle Goldstein

Leila Goode

Lucy Gordon

Keile1gh Gorman

Patience Graham

Charles Greco

Phoenix Gregg

Presley Gregory

Abigail Gremer

Addeline Grotewohl

Shll Gurung

Alma Gutierrez


Fatima Guzman

Lenora Haddad

Ian Hall

Makena Hammer

Brooke Hansen

Thor Hansen

Kim Hanssen

Sydney Hard

Daine Hart

Scott Hassett

.. __

Cheyanne Haywood

Luke Henderson

Emma -Rose Hensley

Benedict Hermawan

Pedro Hernandez Teran

Jack Hines

Stephan Hoefler Schoneman

Jasper Hohenegger

Sarah Holmes

Zander Holowitz

Christopher Homer

Logann Hook

Ad1son Hopper

Jaydon Hord

Samuel Hord

Carlos Huarcaya Osor io

Nieves Huarcaya Osono

M 1leena Huerena

Henry Hummels

Colton Hurd

Abbey Jager

Sawyer Johns

Wyatt Johns

Brody Johnson

Kendall Johnson

Joseph Jones

Lucas Jones

Penelope Jones

Ryan Jones

Ardena Jordan

Sophie Justus

Sean Keating

Katelyn Kelble

Jack Kelley

Janet Kelley

ls1bealla Kimble

Chloe Klein

Zadie Knapp

Joshua Knigh t

M aisun Kobal

Hannah Krame r

Cameron Kronberg

r------=-- - ·
class of 2023
rn~ r'\1PI l(c. lnnt uOLD~ I\~$5_tl'TEouta.... KYLE

Samantha Kruger

Liberty Kuhns

Caleb La

Hannah Lane

Dane Larson

Jacob Laubhan

Maddox Lee Kested

Bra1den Lewis

Broderick Lewis

Sn1x Dylunn Lingad

Nikolai Loar

Atden Lockwood

Catherine Logan

Dylan Long

Micah Long

Thomas Longobardi

Gabriela Lopez Gonzalez

Henry Lopez Trillo

Avery Lord

Zachary Lov1ng1er

Burke Lowrey

Makenz1e Lucken

Lillian Ludwig

Santiago LuJan

Bent Lundberg

Darcey Lynn

Brooklyn Mactas

Jordan Mackey

Cole Maddox

Rory Maddux

Dominic Mancuso

Ethan Mann

Sage Manning

Chase Manni

Fernando Marquez-Martinez

Tara Marshall

Robert Martin

Sarah Martin

Emily Martinez

Liam Masterson

Calvin Mathews

Kevin Mat1sheck

• • • . . I • 4
"Rock clrmbing 1s the light in my life. I enjoy being on the wall and focusing on climbing • SCOTT HAssm
---------------------------~ Kai Mayfield Ayden Mccanless Rowan McClain Devyn McDonald Teagan McGovern Colston McKenna Owen McNeal Morgan McNe1II Meredith Means Liam Melcher Max1mus Melies Alistair MeltonAlsobrook John Meyers Colin Moran Flav,o Moreno Lopez Scott Morrison Kaleb Morton Lily Mourer Ani Napult Ruby Neill Aydin Netherly Alexandra Novello Alexandra Noyes Oren Noyes Xavier Nuss Lynnix Oglesby Lance Oldfather Hailey Olson

Jared Opie

Samantha Orduno


La1f Palmer

Hailynne Parrill

Kiley Paulson

Dom1n1c Pedavoli

Grant Penland

Luis Perez- Holguin

Laurel Perkin

Isabella Perry

Magnus Peterson

Natalie Ph1lltps

Andre Pollette

Cole Powderly

Anneke Powell

Jaxon Powers

Koben Qua1ser

Siena Quesada

Gabriella Ragusa

Ellary Ranney


ia Rauz1

Hab1ba Reda

Chase Reed

Griffin Reed

Zirus Reed

Yadira Regalado

Nicholas Rehm

Ash ley Reveles

Alonzo Reyes

Emilee Reynolds

Grayson Ricci

Sydney Richards

Jack Robinson

Lochlan Rogers

Gianna Roldan

James Roll

Carly Rommeney

Brae Rose

Jacob Royer

Ulhan Ruiz

Marcus Runfola

Jacqueline Rust

Isabelle Rutar

Nadija Rutar

Clara Rutledge

Samuel Ryan

Fischer Sabadosh

Rachael Sanchez

Max Sanden

Levi Sangster

Katharine Santjer

Brock Schram


Samantha Seigneur

Landon Serafin

Logan Seward

Jonathan Sharp

Francis Shea

Aiden Shields

Adam Shuler

Kylie Sisco

Lucia Sloan

Francesca Slow1nsk1

Blake Smith

Cora Sobanski

Savannah South

Leo Spanski

Trey Sparks

Trey Spencer

Nolan Spetzler

Kira Starick

Lucas Stearn

Dev1on Stephens

Keegan Stephens

Nola Stewart

Henry Stickling

Maxwell Stobbe

I ) I classof2023 106

Jackson Xander

J1su Yoon

M iles Young

Micah Zahn

Pavel Zdon

John Zuydwegt

Kaelan Stonehouse

Seamus Story

Brayden Streich

Burke Stricker

Henry Stubenrauch

Jade Swanson

Brandon Tapia Ramos

Areh Teran Hernandez

Gavin Thomas

Brady Thompson

Jacqueline Thompson

Kyle Thornhill

Forest Tingley

Vaughn Tingley

Charles Tobin

Taylor Tobin

James Towle

Joanna Toy

Campbell Traylor

Sofia Valent,

Markus Vali

Adriana Vasquez

Alexia Vasquez

Tanner Vodicka

Sienna Vuijsters

Gabriella Vullo

Luke Wagner

Thadius Wagner

Kyra Warneke

Anna Weinberg

Briana Wells

Emma Wengrovius

Caroline West

Zachary Weston

Jamie Westwood

Quaid Wetch

Torrik Wheeler

Luisa Wilson

Nina Wishart

Owen Wolfram

Sophia Wosk

Mallory Wrenn

- 1 /lOAnti
"My rock climbing coach 1s the light in my ltfe WYATT JOHNS
-class of 2022 108


There are 335 sophomores at Golden High School , but there is more to being one in a crowd of numbers . Many sophomores are on journeys to something new. Be it a drivers licence , discovering what they want to do , meeting new people or just joining a new club. These new things bring new meanings into their lives. A drivers licence may help them expand their world New discoveries might help them discover what they want to do. Joining a club could help them expand their social lives All of these things may help to change for the better . Being a sophomore is about finding new ways to GLOW in your own way.

· -r,-~.....,.....-.;, "The
lights in my life are rock climbing
0 n·111rrrm~

Noel Abare

Lily Abbott

Hazel Addams

Paige Adzema

German Alfaro

Sage Alling

Mohamed Almrabat

Donna Anderson

Elliot Anderson

Luke Anderson

Alexander Angeles

Hannah Aplanalp Sofia Arner

Meredith Arnold

Chloe Axelrod

Gabriella Baker

Keira Balaun

Christopher Barbato

Sophia Barber

Tohar Barzila1

Gabrielle Battaglia

Avarie Baud1en

Liam Bauer

Brooktee Baybeck

Madison Bergstrom

Samantha 81eseme1er

Hannah Blackman

Madeline Blair

I I I l .. 110

Joscelin Bolton

Blake Bowman

Connor Brankin

Michael Braunagel

Conlen Breheny

Logan Brewer

Skye Brion

Daniel Brock

Morgan Brodnax

Cameron Browne

Cecelia Burnham

Anthony Butler

Joya Byrnes

Ryan Carriere

Hunter Casselman

Ava Castrellon

Yvonne Cervelh

Connor Chase

Ma1lys Chollei

Zenia Christianson

Chad Church

Cohn Clarkin

Christian Cohan

Ella Coleman

Charles Coors

Hannah Corbin

Sthefany Cortez


Sophia Costenaro


Blaise Coulter

Cameron Couper

Kacey Crouch

Janiah Crowfoot- Beyette

Alexander Cunningham

Deni Dalo, Juhe Dalrymple

Andrew Davis

Reyes Deleon Espinoza

Mark Delvillar

Ab1ga1I des Cognets

Mason Dillenbeck

Brenda Dodson

Ta1ysaun Dons

Paige Douglass

Oevlynn Doyle

Kayleigh Doyle

De 'Jour DuBOIS

James Duff

Jaden Dute

Sophia Eakes

Frances Eaton

Alina Edgett- Duran

Jadence Edwards

Lakeland Eldred

Noah Endris

Chantz Engebretson

Paxton Engesser

Soren Erickson

Taylor Evans

Hunter Fab1nsk1

Hugo Favre-Trosson

Kevin Fawcett

Caitlin Ferguson

Louie Ficco

Liam Fisher

Jovan, Gallegos

Thomas Gallegos

Alexa Gangoo

Ava Ganter

Kyle Gathers

Isaac Gehrett

classof2022 112

Kira Ge1be-Bonde

Seth Gerow

Hannah Gerwmg

Micaela G1uhanelli Cone

Sarah Goerold

Annie Goldman

John Gomez

Angel Gooderham

John Gornick

Kellan Graf

Jacob Gregory

Caleb Griffis

Jack Haggard

Briar Hamp

Madison Harder

Mason Harder

Jazlynn Haro

Patrick Hart

Kate Hathway

Tomas Havlat

Kaia Hein

Eleanor Helker

Zachary Henderson

Ra1ce Hernandez

L1lhan Hicks

Samuel Hirons

Ehas Holunga

Jada Housel

Jason Hovarter

Mia Howe

Ashlyn Howie

Eva Hughes

Alexandra lskalls

Myra James

Haley Johnston

Molly Jones

Cooper Kaeding

Sara Keen

Brad Keller

Alyssa Ken,tzer

Estelle Kennamer

Anna Kennedy

glow of my hfe 1s my family BRIAR HAMP ( 10 ) QUINNE MOFFAT ( 10) ALEXIS MARQUEZ ( 1 0 )
N O RA LAB BO ( 1 0 )

Shanga Khorsh1d

Hana Kim

Reagan King

Toby Klecker

Blake Korosec

Ella Knstofco

Payton Kruse

Michael Krzywonski

Aria Kujawa

John Kuykendall

Nora Labbo

Caoimhe Lacey

Matthew Lamborne

Sean Landmark

Gabriel Lapointe

Ethan Lewis

Jackson Lindstrom

Delaney Marie Lingad

Jansen Lucas

Ezekiel Lugo

Gabriella Macarelh

Ian MacPherson

Clancy Malone

Darby Manning

Alexis Marquez

Jordan Mascarenas

Morgan McCarterArnold

Gnffin McConnell

It-------------------------~ I.. 114
4 ___ ..... /1 ____

Orea McCoy



Jack McEnroe

Ryan Medley

Lindsey Meers

Ian Messa

Bodi Miller

Maya Miller Tatum Miller

Thiraphat Miller

Jasmine Mitchell

John Mitchell

Madison Mobley

Quinne Moffat

Cydney Mooney

Chance Moore

Allee Moreland

Jessica Morrissey

Adam Mote

Brady Mulligan

Ethan Munoz

Zachary Murphy

Eli Navant

Abygale Norton

Olivia Nygard

Annalyse O'Dons,o

Edward O'Sullivan

K1an Oakhef


Skye Orndoff-Keller

Dayanara Orozco Vasquez

Isabel Ortiz

Madison Osborne

Amsley Overholt

Meredith Overton

Hunter Paden

Anders Page-Roth

Victoria Pallag1

Mallory Peterman

Mariel Peters

Samantha Ph1lleo

Nathaniel Phtlhps

Jaden Philp

Tnst1n Pieper

Matthew Pino

Thomas Pipkin

Luke Plotnick

Athanas1a Pollzos

Aka1ro Pot

Anthony Powell

Dac1an Powell

Connor Pratt

Ellena Prehn

Caleb Pnce

Ethan Price

Richard Pruett

Kailey Purta

Noah Raths

Bryce Reeburgh

Emmalynn Regnier

Nicholas Reinert

lain Remington

Andrew Repine

Jasmin Reveles

Jose Reynoso

Ella R1cc1

M adison Rice

Anthony Rich

Jenna Ricketson

Isabella Rieger

Briana RIOS

J I Ir-____;;...___________________________________ _ classof2022 ,------------------------116
Cydney M ooney ( 10) Kala Hein ( 1 0) Ja ck M itchell ( 10) Jose Reyeno (10) I

Kelsen Ritter

Daniel Roberts

Joshua Rohweder

Gabriela Rothenberger

Samuel Rubenstein

Maura Rumley

Sebastian Ryerson

Violet Salter

Angelina Sanchez

Omar Sanchez• Munoz

Ricardo Santiago Alvarado

Jazmin Santos

Sheea Sau

Cosette Saull

Laetitia Schneider

Sophie Schneider

Zachery Schultheis

Eleanor Schumacher

Austin Seela

Ian Segur

Micah Shapiro-Bauer

Ha1du Shara1d

Stephanie Shemesh

Gatherine Sheridan

James Sheridan

Cherish Sherman

M ingma Sherpa

Alexandria Smith

Jaylin Smith

Landon Smith

Mason Smith

Tyler Smith

Landon Stampka

Caitlyn Stevens

Brittany Stratton

Oltv1a Stroy

Dalton Summers

Wongchat Sundarapura

Adelle Surghan1

Maia Sytner

Arian Tahmouras1

Ashley Taylor

Molly Weber ( 1O) Avar ie Baud ien ( 10)
--- ---•
Jaden Philp ( 10)
"My friends and family are the lights of my life • ARIAN TAHMOURASI ( 10 )
Kelsen Ritter ( 10)

Zoe Tennant

Joshua Torrey

Simon Toth

Mara Touher

Mia Towl

Kaylyn Townsend

Benjamin Trader


Nya Ulrich

Vanessa Umberger

Isabella Valdez

Anna Vermeulen

Haleigh Vigtl

Kevin Villa

Wendy Villalba


Brett Vining

Marcello Vullo

Jacob Wade

Zane Walsh

Drew Walters

Cote Ward

Dalton Webb

Molly Weber

Tanner Wehrli

Alaynah Weichel

Zachary Weiler

Kaelan Weir

Spencer West

I I I r-------------+--------------------1------------+--------------------2/S11 8

McClaine Wetch

Kevin White

Kadence WilliamsCordova

Jasmine Wills

Libbie Wilson

Jake Wimbish

Erik W1strand

Faith Wolff

Nicholas WootenW1ll1ams

David Yoon

Milo Young

Mats Zdon

....:::,_ -_... -------~--~
- - -119
class of 20 21120

This year our juniors are represented by the class of 2021. Coming into their third year, a lot of their time is consumed by studying and preparing for their futures. Now that they are finally upperclassmen , many more opportunities that seemed so far away when they were kids are now here. Their first prom, preparing for the SAT, and many more things. Not to mention how stressful this year is as students balance schoolwork on top of college prep. Let's take a look at our class of 2021.

_, _________________________________________,,_
"Hanging out with my friends 1n the parking lot 1n the morning before school brightens my day• MCKENZIEGALLAGHER(11)

Shayne Abrams

Maia Addams

Joseph Aigner

Melak AI-Shamman cailean Albert

Brianna Allen

Margaret Andersen

Cassidy Anderson

Max Anderson

Samuel Aranda

Jacob Archer

Ethan Ardourel

Garrison Arner


Jacob Babttz

Dominic Baker

Tyler Barnes

Colby Bartosh

Taylor Battista

Samuel Bauer Yanell Baylon Regalado

Jakob Bazew,cz

Emily Becker

Carley Beeman

Ivy Behr

Sydney Benson

Evan Berg

Lucas Berg-Fisher

,1 I I 122

Shawn Berg- Fisher

A,den Berk

Ruby Berkenkamp

Clara mane


Andrew Berube

Johnathan B1zzano

Kale, Bok1nsk1e

Ethan Bontrager

Joseph Borer

AleJandro Bot1n


Gnffen Bowman

Lucy Bowman

Jeremiah Branham

Rebekah Branham



BenJam1n Brinkmann

Benjamin Brown

Rachel Brunel

Christopher Burnett

Emily Calvert

Esau Capuchino

Samuel Carr

James Carriere

Jayden Carrithers

Jessica Castillo

Ian Cavanaugh

Kate Chapman

Olivia Chevalier

=- - - -
' ' 123

Eva Christianson

Chnst,na Clayden

Ashley Cohn Na;era

Jax Collins

Domtnic Connell

Ekaterina Cooprider

Taylor Copeland

Alfonso Cortes Lopez

Ethan Cox

Max1mus Cross

Stephen Crowfoot Beyette

Zachary Crowfoot-Beyette

Brenna Cude

Sophia Dav,s

Maryn DeGraff

Alexa De1temeyer

Tea Del Grippo

Tamas Delmonico

Gav1no DelReal

Leo DeMeyer

Ertn Dempsey

Kyle desGarennes

Brandon Drlls

Braden Dobbs

Jonathan Dodson

Brynna Donohoe

Keyshawn Dons

Adriana Douglas

Daniel Douglas

James Douthit

Enka Dowell

Jessica Duncan

Brayd1n Ellis

Jacob Ellis

Lucy Elhs

Rose Emory

Isabella Emperor

Elarna England

Hayden English

M ax English

Daniel Erger

Kaela FaJardo

I I Iclass
of 2021

Kayley Farr

Adam Feasel

Lillian Fell

Jack Feller

Serenity Ferguson

Molly Fickes

Grayson Flambures

Liam Fletcher

Miles Forsyth-Simon

Katherine Freeman

K1ya Fritzler

McKenzie Gallagher

Tonya Gallegos-Hudak

Ava Gardner

Grace Gardner

Greta Gardner

Dylan Garrison

Scarlett Garsombke

Brady Glass

Kasey Goldstein

Joshua Gomez

Jadyn Goodrich

Marla Goodspeed

Gunnar Gorman

Willie Gould

Seryn Grant Wilham Graves-VanG1lder

Joseph Gray

Michael Greeley

Jason Greene

Sarah Greene

Garrett Gremer

Elijah Grrce

Camden Grover

Van Guelzow

Gage Gunn

Ida Gurevich

Fmn Hanson

Justin Hanssen

Kylie Hard

Taylor Hardegger

John Hargadon

-a V
- -
GRACE ROBERTS (11) "I love photography. You can convey anything 1n your artwork NATALIE SEARLS ( 11 ) COLIN RIDLEY(ll )

Nathan Harper

Toby Hassen

Ava Helm

Bella Hernandez Esmeralda


Beau Higgins

Ava Hines

Sydney Hines

Ohv1a Hoff

Landon Hohmann

Jillian Holbrook

Frank Holow1tz

Joseph Homer

Sophia Hook

Ana Hopper

Tyler Howe

Toby Howie

Evan Hughes

Ella Hummels

Isabella Hunt

Cole Hunter

Jordyn Hyland

Kaylens Ibarra

Constantine lskalis

Garren Jones

Isabella Jones

Mac, Jones

Madison Juarez


Bradley Kabler

Truman Karsten

Gentry Keener

Jallee Kennedy

Lydia Kern

Joshua Kim

BenJamin Kirschner

Roshan KletnSeetharaman

Charlotte Klinger

Zuzu Kotula

Scott Lagge

Jayda Lamberth

Hannah Larson

Paris Larson

Samantha Lautrup

Joan Lenz

Sylvia Lenz

Dylan Leonhardt

Leilani Leopold

Jakob Liedtke

Connor Logan

Jennifer Lopez


Analisa Lorquet

Jimmy Loya

Antoine Lundgren

Isabella Macarelli

Rabih Mahmoud

Joseph Mancuso

-~- - ----- ------------------------------,
I I - ----·class of 202 l 128 Riley Mann Stefan Marshall Heidi Martin Jocelyn Martinez Tanner Mason Keegan Mattson Justin McCall Finn McCandless Jacob McClue Landree McClure Connor McCormick Cole McCrinck Riley McGovern Kayla Mcilroy Delaney Mclaughlin Harmony McMullin Lill McNulty Kaylea Mendoza Lex, Merrill Madison Merrill Catherine Messerli Mi tchell Meyers Logan M ichaelis Trevor Michaelis Simon Mi ller Ma rgot Mitchener Charlotte Moran Trent Moreland Lucas Murray Jakob Nankervis Dane Nelson Hannah Ninke Aliza N1tschKe Carter Novak Zachary Nuss Maggie O'Connell Dylan O'Neill Heaven Oberg Eleanor Ogden Owen Ogden Henry Ohlen Brock Oldfather

Sofie Olson

Brandon Perry

Jackson Ph1lleo

Ehn Phillips

Haley Pierson

Gadge Pittsley

Ashlie Polvogt

Brianna Powell

Lacy Powell

Dalton Prokosch

Cameron Pruett

James Qualten

Anthony Quintana

Samuel Rank

Emilie Reh

Cohn Ridley

Frederik R1khof

Grace Roberts

Mark Robinson

Emily Roesch

Veronica Rogers

Charles Roll

Ella Roman

Jaden Rose

Erin Royer

Ryan Rubenstein

Ehza Ruiz Yaua

M axwell Ryan

Nicole Samuelson

AleJandro Sanchez

Jaretcy Sanchez

M anah Sanchez-Calva

Alec Sanders

Gryffin Sande rs

Devyn Schaefer

Kyle Scherer

Dale Schnackenberg

M yles Schreiber

M ax w ell Schutt

Natalie Searls

Anna Seibert

Katthn Selv1d10

Gracie Serafin

Le1ton Seward

M adelyn Shea

Da wa Sherpa

Ryan Sherry

Bryan Shuler

M adelyn Shull

- -
"Music makes me happy due to the many different aspects that come with 1t. You can listen to your own style and create your what you want

Ethan Silver

Audrey Singer

Kellen Sisco

Antonia Sloan

Chandler Slowik

Annika Smith

Macy Sparks

Kolton Spencer

Tegan Starick

Corey Stark

Mason Stobbe

Jenna Stroup

Nathan Swanson

Allee Sweeney

Alonso Tabuyo

Dalton Talty

Hailey Tate

Isaac Theis

Anthony Thomas

Cambell Thompson

Tucker Tingley

Andor Toth

Ryan Toy

Oomin,c TruJ1llo


Emily Tuzinovic




I I I I I l 130

Veronica Vaughan

Kira Voelker

Taylor Volek

Ryan Walker

Luke Waltz

Madison Warner

Mana -Irene


Dayna Weber

Raya Wehner

Vivian Weigel



Wilham Wheaton

Carson White

Elijah White

Nathan Wiggins

Mason Wiles

Curtis Wilkes

Ruben Wilson

Taylor Wilson

Kaedyn Woodard

Cole Young

Ella Young

Zachary Zapata

Lia Zavalsky

_.. - - -
Christopher Ziemann Ja1dyn Zucca

class of 2020

l I I , I I I -- - - - I


This year the soon to be adults and high school graduates were presented with graduating in the lucky year of 2020 . Throughout their schooling career they have learned so much about themselves and the world around them. They got to learn and master the famous hand jive , truly understand the frustrations of the parking lot and had the opportunity to be a part of Golden traditions like the homecoming parade . Hopefully Golden has set them in the right direction and on behalf of everyone "Good Luck!"

These seniors are not only excited about the glitter in the arr, but what their futures have to bnng them. Everyone 1s more th an ready to graduate and grateful for what Golden has brought them

-- - --
"The great outdoors of Colorado makes me happy' I can do what I love such as ski. fish. and camp MATT ELLIOTT ( 12)
I I I I I I I classof2020
Mitchell Ackerman Hamsa AI-Shamman
'-.....J-1-oYY'~ft John Anderson Evelyn Anderson-Lent J~, Collin Bachman Evan Baker t?ol/111 <:5&rch111m1 @: nDJ ~,rkn Daniel Barraza-Vaquera Kaylin Bates Amanda Albrecht Sepand Ardehal1 ¾1/. .. - Mya Baker Evan Battista Grayson Allen Elizabeth Artemis ~/Jz.rbeth 3rtt7JllJ Sara Barbato )r/J~ Ja c k Beckford JA(k Maya Althen JJl-rAm~\1 Leo Avila ~tb- Katrina Ba rel a
~/?:: z;; __;;>
AnJali Behrens
Katja Behrens Lara Bezerra Trent Bonczynski
Fiore lla BorJa Rian Benda 00m, &.atth Nikolaus Boileau Katrina Bonner /(ituM Dylan Brabander C\])pko, ~,rr/J,v1de1 Jordan Borgeson $
(;; ~/(_
Carson Brzeczek Taylor Buckendahl 1::c(),"hr ~ucknt,hltl G,~~nardo
~ -
Jaymie Carlock ~GvJoJt Natsumi Burde Cf{tr!.f111111 c2i111,le Zachary Butler El izabeth Carlson Kata r ina Chaffee ~n1 (\J\et Kristin Burget amo.; 1 - ,T A ,J Nathan Campanelli M Codey Ca r r
dl er ,;;:J;i}!fL~ /
Clai re Ch an Zachary Chapman
Kyle Christensen Michael Con n a l ly r\uhoJJ M a d ison Cyr Moo,~
¼ r
Arden Ch ase ~ cfuil; Emma Church -VJv=,cU Emma Conroy ll~ )MM.'ll D ia Daloi ~Qala] Skylar Chase Jh~\w-(yase_ "Friends and laughing because 1t brings JOY into an otherwise plain day• SIENNA COLU CC I ( 12) Julrha Chitwood Jenna Chrisman c::9m1J1a <:?hnsnJtflJ Brandon Co c a Joshua Colin NaJera ~r/4n Sienna Colu c ci K atie Da l rymple , __lhomas Cotton 'l~QrH-lni Raegan De La Torre \< ~ D,l, Z-btAL. ~a& Zane Covey 6<J r11e (5.>orep \ Chris t opher Denbow
-- --classof2020
I Jesse Denk Carlye Deutsch Austin Drinkard al)
Matthew Dyer Lindsey Ellison Matthew Elliott fllJf~ M1eke Esparza f7lure [ ~4 Aal1yah D1G1acomo Braden Edwards <:581 ,1tlt11 (;£,hrrnc:/J Carson Engesser Christopher Faber Rachel Dowell 0<.trclzel s:::Jmre/1 Ol1v1a Elkins ~WJJAt~ Weston Engstrom Kainoa Farinas ~/ld(f c:Jihll1/lt0 Andrea Doyle Elisha Elliott !);t~;;IJ;;tt Violet Ernstberger 0i'1olct bi n1Jtbcrtft7 Charlotte Favre-Trosson
Sydn1e Ferguson
t ,,1, ~
Ashleigh Foote Ml(
{)/-~ ~J
Daphne Galloway
- - - - --
Jade Garcia c;Y(r,lc (21rrrc1tr Trenton Field Maxwell Fisher IJTv/ 1 f;c~~~ BenJamin Foster 7-/4-- Taylor Frost 1'? Aldo Galvan Cordero Ella Ganter Jj/4 fJJ->- Oskar Gardner f4<evv , ~~L<M Joaquin Garfias :C/•-s/- ~ Elll Garnett Lu cy Goldman
~JJ_ _
Cydney Green Hannah Garrison <:::Jlern11cr!t &tf177St111 Rachel Goodrich Samantha Grimm "7 Allyson Good win .3.!lpso11 &otJ.hnn Ryan Grosch
cSl &__,.,.,.:~
Lucy Gryl1ck1 Madeline Gustafson Marcus Halstrom Haley Hard Emmett Hauze G£111111etl CJlefltze Sydney Hammer Brayden Harmon Daniel Havlat
"Playing sports ,s some thing that makes me happy because tt helps me forget everything bad in life and makes 1t positive
d.__:==--:s- :::::-,,,
Kod1Guy Drew Hansen Chloe Henry
Hageman Forrest Hall ;ad'.-
Em11te Hansen Heather Hansen c~
fuoa WY~~
Jack Hathway c9rrclt c:IBrtlTJnf)J Ethan Hensley Angelina Hatton Tyler H1erholzer '1/
r I I I I Iclassof2020
Ellie Hi nz Gilbe<::Jle,1IZ Benjamin Idler Galen Hohenegger Ian Hunt Ryan Jacobs ~1 Conrad Holmes Amy Ib arra #- Jonas Jen sen Molly Hord ctfollp de(Jrd Austin Ibarra ~T btwm, James Johnsen i fi~.)::__ I Camden Jones ,;/)/ Katelyn Huff Nataly Ibarra crtcrlp cSbto1 t1 Erin Johnson [,\~ Jo~{1SO'\
Margaret Jones
Meredith Jones Natasha Kachersky ,,v~(v-'e,--et,.._4!Z£--i
Aden Kepler Elizabeth Kluherz 61¥J1,i 'fkty Chelsea Joseph
Seth Keener SQ_ Defne Kilinch -JJ~l6PtJ;l David Koury Mikaela Joss1 Cameron Kelly Will Kimball Jake Kringel cJCfke ~ 111t5el Sarah Krohn
Gracie LaMonica rlo- v1/~ Peyton Lazzaro Danielle Lolk
~· Jp~K,
1._i ( j~
Raleigh Kroschel - Paulson Kaelyn Krum Carl Landa <rarl 62al zch Raine Lee-Findling ~/t-W Antonio Lopez CJ&-elpn ~m,n Garrett Landmark Riley Lineaweaver Mason Lord f
"A light 1n my hfe 1s my fnends because they always know how to put me 1n a good mood and lift me up when I' m down ELIZABETH CARLSON
Justin Loving1er ~G Justt1na Low 1V Connor Mackell Dylan Maddox Mara Manera M-111-/ Samuel Markovich Pablo Matos- Eymar VJI~ ,(~ Ryan Matsuo Jingy, Lu H) 1y //, ({ Gabriel Maestas &. Dylan Marlow cBphJ1 oJvrcrrh1v Dylan Mathias f\./L · - 'A'J -~T) Luke Maestas Raegan Magee Deynisha Marquez Skylar Ma son Cali M cca rron ~ry'(l.£CwU9/2- Antoinette Mccurdy (a/pit 111!/ff
I I --classof2020
Caitlin McDonough ,, 7 {/f~ Jaden Merriman Lukas Miller Sara Munoz
Mia McEnroe Eleanor Messerli 1JiL Audrey Mitchell ii(fMu/( Parker Murphy ~r,1o:!:r Ben McLaughlin ~m, 0W'c~5/1b11 Makayla Middleton 11l, Jlhto. , Kenna Mollendor llc It\ 1b({~ tl~l"L_
Obsidian Nichols Stanton Means Cfbtcmto11 C vfe@JS Makenz,e Middleton clf«km!Zle cf,{,,Jtleta11 James Moore T ~fr\t 5 N'\O (Jre_ Elizabeth Ninke Maura Mequ1 Addie Miller trultL
Kevin Mulligan ;::;z--: Brittany Novak Cassandra Oberholtzer Ally Odekirk Isabelle ONe1ll JblrA J Q \ \ ~ <-e \~_\ y k.16 Jackson Page- Roth fbPIZ
Ian Pe rsky
fJ~ U{___. ,
Di no Polizzi Reed Pennell B randon Pollette Vincenzo Perri r~ &Z Al icia Pitman Abc,cr ~1!1ncm Logan Pomeroy Travis Poole / U 9' /)z :m; "-17 v ~c--
Jade Preston qacu-P~v Caitria Remington Ca l ista Poulos Co9~ (Meg Haley Pr ey tl,/-;/ A1 C f Jt1_ /l. v1 f' : ,'uj K aia Redmond ~ij~ Seth Rhoten Jdl, De vin Pre hn f;~1~ Trevor Purta ~A4Y'Fl#,//, Natalie Reimer s ~d@.J.t~ (wi4i t
Katelyn Ricketson
- -
Angelica Rivera _4.,iyebccr <32.1v&cr
Wyatt Sabadosh Guillermo Samudio cf/111/lenno GiJm1111d!o
Grace Searls Beatnz Rodrigues de Sousa tfi.l 2oCAM'l lM
.~_ '
Samuel Salazar C:!Jcrmue l C:!Ja-/aztr!-
-- -
Cole Sanders 6>ole C:!Jand&'s
"Community 1s something that makes me happy, 1f
has a good
love ,t MITCHELLACKERMAN ( 12) Alec Roman iw--;rc Adam Sal,ndeho Rean Savi Christian Sekavec Madigan Rumley ~''I r't Ayla Salter #,la Stella Schneider Ht l \ 1(~ Herlen Shara,d deerle11 C:!J/1,n{lltl Oliver Rupp Q\rCM.rV ~V Nathan Sam Annalise Schroeder a ,x;;,,._~~ Blake Sharpe $~
I I I I I I-classof2020
Justin Smith I Corban Stewart Tan nor Smith 'CmII/Of' c::iJ1711 t/1 '-;:t!_ , Kevin Stroy Tristan Tate Juliette Tatesausse c9u/1et!e 'CatestfltSse Ol 1v1a Skeen
Maia Songer
Graham Sudweeks G~~w:) Megan Taylor tfr/i Bailey Smith Erin Stampka Chankrit Sundarapura v~~- Liam Telgener ~11v11 'Celg-e11e1 · El1zah Smith (AAvvu,th- Emily Stec Cullen Sytner <Yulle11 CfbptJ1e1 Jacquelyn Tetens /;,i~--r~ Savannah Th aanum u4\ n?to111ah V1«m111111 Tadash1 Thompson lJr.sJ.,· }h ,r,pscrv Kaden TruJ1ll0 CJ.'&c/mz 'u~1lh Robert Vermeulen Bkl t,;& Carter Thomp son u7rr Shelby Traylor
Isabella Valenti @scrbella- a:ltJJ111 Nathan Thompson tr->?'
Brynne Tremb ath (3~~/c,.,.-J ,r;{v,/1-;<
Samuel Vogl Sara Walters Jackson Waterman jJv iJ,i,.. Madison Weber Roger Wells ~efm " Sela w.a \d _j \JJ-OJtYl Kaitlyn Waugh u1 a4i Talia Wehner Kendall Wetch 1uwlJJ Tate Warner frffl Delaney Webb 'j)~'t;J JJ Cale Weigel t) t l l -\~f- '-
Reed Whitson 7~11,J!ff, Matthew Williams ,iw fRF Mi c hael Zamor a Mar ryah Witucki Sonny Zi mmerman ! , !.,/ ,:;y) "1 • • Jayven Woodward ~\4frA •Happy friends and family• RAEGAN DE LA TORRE ( 12 ) Gunnar Wouters Mitchell Wullste1n


l __ ---'-"- f

M ost Likely to Return to Golden

Mo st Likely to Become President

Most Likely to Becom e A Ta lk Show Host

Mo st Likely to Become A Movi e Star


M ost Like ly to Be come A Pro Athlet e

Senior Class Sweetheart s

Mo st Likely to Win Survivor

Juju Behrens and Rean Savi

M ost Likely to Become A Soccer Mo st Likely to Become A Pil ot Mom

' I J I
Jack Anderson and Emma Conroy Kluherz Cali Poulos Elli Garnet Ian Persky and Stella Schneid er Annalise Schroeder and Oskar Gard ner Emily Stec Kevin Stroy
- - - - -...ANDTHE
Most Likely to W in an Argument Maia Songer and Codey Carr Senior Class Sweethearts Luna Burde and Aaliyah Digacamo Senior Closs Worst Dan cer
Shelby Traylor and Corban Stewart Senior Class Clown Trenton Field Senior Class B est Dancer Katie Huff and Katja Behrens Senior Class Best Hair
Ella Ganter Worst Senioritis Aden Kepler Senior Class Worst Driver Raliegh Kroschel-Paulson Senior Class Best Laugh Mya Baker and Mitchell Ackerman
lll!III f U.'1 ~'!JJ OOil! IUIB'ilLS smr ru~-IP .s,; fl.It( Ill Ir~ 2009 ZOCP. ll'rl PUrt Jll• rom> ZOIZ zooa '1 l\llr ;: :r , zo O 1ii:l fUl 20 D ST~ Pu![ Ill , :n -...
-.... . -


We can't express the joy that you brought into our life the day you were born. Little did we know the challenges and the rewards you would bnng to our lives during this Journey of ra1s1ng you, with no handbook coming with 1nstructIons on how to raise a child. We made the best decisions we could 1n that space and time. We watched you grow into this amazing young woman who has worked so hard, who is full of love, amb1t1on, determ1nat1on, faith, and compassion. We are so proud of you Ices Your future looks full and bright. Reach for the stars and good luck on this new chapter 1n llfe.

Love a Iways, Mom and Dad

KEVIN ~lltrrr~I

~---- ---, "The engine is the heart of an


We have been so proud to watch you grow from adorable baby to beautiful and intelligent young woman . As you embark on life 's next adventures , we know you will handle challenges with creativity and kindness, and we wish you much Joy and laughter

We love you!

Mom , Dad, and Carissa

airplane, but the pilot is its soul.·

-Walter Alexander Raleigh Kevin,

We are so proud of you and all that you have already accomplished. We can't wait to see what's next!

Love, Mom, Dad and Olivia


You are an amazing young man and we are so proud of you. we have loved watching you tackle everything in life with such determination. We know you will do great things in life and those who will be 1n your life will be very lucky!

we love you!

Dad, Mom, and Kelsey

. . . - ~ .-,,_--.----..,.........,,.., • . . . • • • . . . . . • • •



We are so proud of the young woman that you have become. You have so many extraordinary gifts, you are beautiful, smart, athletic, and funny. Your determination and talents will take you far in this life. Follow your passions and stay true to yourse lf. You have been a gift since the day you were born.

We are so proud of you Izzy! Love, Dad, Deanna, Gavin, Sof and Avery

- ,-------------------------------------" •
( ~ 1·
I ;~========================================================================~159

DA PH N E (@i~llllll~iw~UJ

I am so very proud of you; I always have been You are my hero and always will be. As you start your journey into adulthood, don't forget if you are given the choice to sit 1t out or dance, please DANCE! Dance with complete abandon and relentlessly chase your dreams I love you with all my heart and soul. Congratulations!!

Love, Mum XO

KEN NA ffl (@)111 l~((n))@)J(@)@

This is when the adventure begins. Life is fun and now you get to go out and grab it. We are always proud of you and we love you tons!

Mom and Dad

TAD AS H I iir lm1@((nfr\l)fl@((n))

Congratulations Mitchell! We continue to be a mazed by the enthusiasm you show for the things you love. Keep pursuing those big dreams! We are so looking forward to seeing what all you accomplish in life

Love, Mom and Dad

Tad-ash 1, We are very proud of you and can't wait to see what the future holds Congratulations on your graduation and closing this chapter of your life, on to the next!

Love you to the moon and back, Mom, Dad and Kent

Here we are. Senior year. Couldn't be more proud . Can't wait to see what the future holds for you II " Listen " Love you, Mom. Dad & Nick

I l l I ____________________, L
------------ l ----------------------i-

KA E LYN «r~ffl

Congrats Kaelyn! We are so very proud of your You are an amazing, ktnd, beautiful and fun loving daughter/sister. We ca n 't wart to see what your future holds for you ... Oh, the pl aces you'll go!

Love you to the moon and back!

Mom, Dad and Kyle

MAXWELL ~ffitlrnn~rrr

You rock! From the boppy years through sports and school , you have grown 1n your strength of character, res11rence and thoughtfulness Caring, fiercely independent, athletic, ,ntellrgent, funny . so many great qualities to serve you well exploring the world . #Boom! #2020

We love you!

Mom, Dad, Liam, Lucky, Bailey and whatever the goldfish 's name 1s

" I'm a good man, and I'm gonna become a better man:·

-Chance the Rapper

ANDREA ~@1111~

Andrea , You are our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow- a treasure beyond all measure. You bring sunshine to everyone around you. We are so proud of you.

With all our love , Dad, Mom , and Megan

Lucy , We are so proud of the fabu lous young woman that you are becomi ng. Do YOU and amaz ing things will happen Love you to the moon and back!

Love , Mom , Dad and Molly


Wow! That was fast! You are an amazing, considerate young man and we are so, so proud of you!! We are excited for you to ex perien ce al l that awaits you. Enjoy the moment.

Love you always a nd forever, Mom, Dad a nd Anna

l _________

ALEC (@)ffle@lr1rn1

On your first day of kindergarten, your teacher told me that it was going to be a very long year. ( Making impressions right from the start! ) Now you are all grown up and ready to go out into the wor ld and make new 1mpress1ons . You have limitless energy, talent, and enthusiasm . Embrace your new life outside of the nest and enjoy every day . We know you will succeed in whatever you do!

Love, Your fam

B LAKE illlin~flr(f

You have come a long way from your bug chasing and lizard catching days, Blake . We are so proud of the young man you have become! The world is a better place with you in it. Praying God's favor on you all the way.

Love, Mom, Dad , Josh, and Madison

E M I LI E IIM!l @l'lmTh~«rm


We are so incredibly proud of al l that you've accomp lished You have worked hard and shown you can overcome whatever life has to th row at you

We love you!

Dad, Mom and Tyler

Emilie, I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of you! You have ove rcome so many of life's obstacles and I' m confident you will continue to do so. I love you to the moon and back and I am so excited to see where life 's adventures take you next!

REED f-)~rrrmmTh~IIII I

Congratulations Reed! We are so proud of the smart, kind, and thoughtful person you've become. Go out there and help make this wor ld a better place

We love you!

r I

To our sweet Maddie, Behind you are your memories

Before you are your dreams Around you ... all who love you

W ith i n you ... all you need .

We are so proud of you !

Love you to the moon , Mom and Dad

You are the greatest daughter ever. We ' re proud of you and all you've accomplished We ' re thankful to be your family and excited to see the wonderful life you ' ll create for yourself and those around you!

Love you always, Mom, Dad and lain

ELLIE ffl~gg~rrrllffi

It's been amazing watching you grow into your true self: k i nd, smart, br ave, patient, athletic , determined, creative, compassionate and beautiful. We are lucky and grateful to have experienced life with you so far We are so proud of you, El lie!

Love, Mom, Dad, Cady, Moose and Teddy

TR E NT fl~(Fni)~~l(Fni)ll~~ffi

Watching you grow has been the most amazing blessing; so very proud of the person you are . With whatever comes next, remember, the task ahead of you is never as great as the power within you Philipp ians 4:13

Love you sol Mom and Dad

... • • I

LI AM f ~lil(j~((rb)~~

We are proud of you and excited for your next adventure We are and always will be your biggest fan club!

" Life's too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don ' t and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take 1t. If rt changes your life, let ,t. Nobody said it'd be easy, they Just promised it would be worth it." - Dr Seuss

MATTHEW ~lllllffi(@)~~

Congratulations Matthew! From the day you were born, your can-do attitude, confidence and fearlessness have equally dazzled us and created lots of gray hair! We wouldn't have it any other way. Can ' t believe you're now finished with high school and on to the next chapter of your life: Just Send It and may your confidence continue to carry you onward and upward.

We love you, Dad, Mom, Melissa and Leo

MARG ARE T ~(@)((rffl~g

Look how you ' ve grown! Keep doing the things you love - singing, sports, fishing, hunting, and traveling. Don't stop being who you are - kind, compassionate, loving, strong, helpfu l , brave, smart, and sassy Have big adventures! Press forward to the amazing future God has planned for you!

Love, Mom and Dad

JACKSON ,~,~=ll~~lrni)

Jackson, We are so proud of you! You have come so far, and you have a very bright future. We think your pole vaulting 1s the perfect metaphor for your accomplishments. You leap over every hurdle , demonstrate great strength and agility, and always figure out the right approach. And you accomplish it all with a big smile that inspires everyone around you. Trust the journey!

All our love, Mom, Dad , Anders and Gareth




YOU are the absolute best part of my life! You ' re the best son and human ever! I am so 1ncred1bly proud of you and the young man that you have grown into . You are smart, funny , charming and witty and you are definitely my kid , with that smart mouth ! LOL We have been on so many dinosaur adventures through our years together and those adventures are the happiest memories that I have and I cherish them all. I know that you will conquer any challenge that you may face in life . You ' re my hero, my heart and my bestest travel buddy! I LOVE you to the moon and back and always will!

Love, Mom


"Where shall we see a better daughter, or a kinder sister, or a truer friend?" -Jane Austen


You are more than we dreamed, Emma.

We love you so much, Papa, Mamzy and Ethan

KA I ~@l~~ffiarm~~~ffi~


In the words of Winnie the Pooh, "Promise you'll remember you are braver than you believe, you are stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think " We are SO proud you!

Love you bunches, Mom and Dad


For music, dance, creativity, and a wit and wisdom beyond your years thank you for sharing your authentic self with us . Know that wherever you go, you are never alone you will always have a home with us.

We love you and are so very proud of you. You did it! Mom l Dad , Luke, and Bode

- --- - -
" •
165 -


For 17 yea rs t he greatest spectator sport ,n the world has been wat ching you grow up. Every da y you make us more proud!

Em, Keep be i ng you. You make us smile. You make us laugh You make us proud You make it easy to love you unconditionally. You are our everything. Well done, congrats and keep on keep ing on k id!

Love you , Mom and Dad

Love , Mom, Dad and Mark

SE LA W(@)«rd

We've watched in amazement as you ' ve grown into the person you are today, and we ' re watching with great anticipation to see what you become. With your talent, dedication and enthusiasm there are no limits in your future!

Love, Mom, Dad and Ian


It has been one of life's greatest joys to watch you grow into the person you've become The only greater joy w i ll be watching you become the person you are meant to be.

With all our love, Dad and Mom

I L ,..


Happy Graduation Haley!

Words cannot express how proud of you we are. You have grown into an amazing young lady and we are so lucky to have such a wonderful, kind, sweet and funny daughter. Continue to work hard and you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.

We love you so much!

Dad, Mom, Kylie and Sydney

TREVOR ~ m1m11

I am so proud of all your accomplishments and I am excited to see everything you will do with your future.

Love you! Mom

Jack, You've aIways been Mr. Saturday Night! We are so proud of you and can't wait for your next adventure.

We love you, Dad, Mom, Luke and Buddy

You are a beautiful blessing to our family. Your kindness to others and the gentle heart you have are an inspiration. Your future is bright, Jade, and we look forward to watching you shine your light in all ways.

Loving you, Mom and Dad II

-- - ---··167

Stella, Wat ch i ng you grow will always be one of the greatest joys of our lives You ' re not afraid to take risks , embrace authenticity and be yourself. You make us laugh with your goofiness and warm our hearts with your sincerity. You're kind and gentle, yet strong and capable. You're everything we hoped for Create new paths and celebrate life We will cherish and love you forever

Love, Mom, Dad and Sophie

MYA IJ~,~~~(Fr


I have had the privilege of seeing you grow up into a beautiful, thoughtful, giving person! I am so proud of you.

Love, Bob

BEAUTY CHEEKS- DO WHAT YOU DO! BE WHO YOU ARE! REMEMBER YOU ARE LOVED! B-e-a -utiful inside and out that's you! I am so proud of you! SMILES!!!

Always, Mommy

Life can be scary But you have ALWAYS been there for me and I will ALWAYS be there for you! Shake your bootie.

I love you, Sissy Gus Make Goals! Go after your dreams! Never stop believing in you! We will all be there for you because we LOVE YOU!!!

Your Family


N i)(@1~~m=

Never regret a day of your life Good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories. We are so proud of you and love you so much!

Dad , Mom, Madison and Ashlyn

MEREDITH ~@((rli)~

Keep marching to beat of your own drum Meredith! We are so incredibly proud of you and can't wait to see the next chapter in your journey!

Love you, Dad, Momma and Cooper

TA LIA W~lrn11mm~«r

Talia, You will always be our funny , caring, thoughtful and creative ray of sunshine . We love you to the moon and back! May the road ahead 1n the next chapter of life be blessed with happiness and good fortune

Love you more, Mom and Dad

MYA i3~1~~~rrr


You ROCKED high school. There are more AWESOME experiences ahead! You are a Rock Star

I love you! Dartanyan

, Greatjob! I am so proud of you! Congrats and good luck on all of your adventures that lie ahead. We have so many memories and I can 't wart to go and make some more

I love you! Gavin

So proud of your hard work/dedicat ion throughout school and in life. There really are no limits to the possibilrties for what you can , do . Never forget how loved you are and Remember the wise words of Michael Scott, The Jamaicans don 't have a word for "impossible ."

I love you! Courtney

ETH AN l!Mll ~rnllill q

You ' ve grown into an AMAZING young man! There are no words for how proud we are or to describe how much we love you! It ' s going to be so hard for us when you leave , but now it's t,me for something new , and as your biggest fans we can't wait to see where God leads your

UBe strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged For the Lord your God 1s with you wherever you go ."

Joshua 1 :9

Congratulations, Abby!

I am so proud of yo u

I know you wil l make a difference in t he wor ld because yo u are driven and focused.

I love you!


,, -----------------------------------------169

MASON ~@rrrd

Mason , Always be true to yo urself, find your pass ion, and do what makes you happy. We are very proud of the caring young man you have grown to be We love you to the moon and back and we will always be here for you!

You did it congratu lations! Class of 20201!

Love, Mom and Dad

Sweet E , You are STRONG You are BRAVE . You are LOVED You can DO anything and you can BE anything you want to be , as long as you BELIEVE i n yourself and work hard. Keep your Totem Pole in order

We love you so, Mom , Dad and H annah

Congratulations! We know that your next "Big Adventure" will be amazing! You make us proud I every day. We would like you to know that Carny isn't getting your room ... Even if it is her "Big Plan''!

Luuuuvvwv youuuuu!

Mom, Dad, Jenna, Carny and Ally!

( I 170
EL IZ AB ETH «n11 ffirrrm
I l

IS AB EL LA U~II ~(Frfi)~ffi

From the "little stinker" that entered our lives to the beautiful, caring, young woman that you are today, you have become a joy to us. We are very proud of you and all that you have accomplished.

We love you!

Nana, Nano, Uncle Chris, and Aunt Megan

JADEN ffl ~rrrrrrillm~«rm

"My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big , and your worries stay small You never need to carry more than you can hold. And while you ' re out there getting where you· re getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same things too. Yeah, this 1s my wish .''

I'm so proud of you and the amazing young man you arel

Love you to the moon and back!


CARTER filnil<@'>ffllf-)J<@'>((ffi)


We are proud of all you have accomplished and we are so excited to see you finish high school and move on into

the big world out there We know you will find many adventures, joys, and challenges along the way. Remember that true strength comes from within. We pray that you never forget your family, your hometown or your faith. Go mak.e the world a better place!

AUDREY mm~~ rnn~ll111

We could not be more proud of the beautiful, strong, talented, and independent young woman you have become. You have always chosen your own road in life and we are so excited to see where your next journey will take you - somewhere amazing, without a doubt. With much love and pride, Mom and Dad


Mom, Dad and your entire extended family

'.7 (- -

AUDREY Ifffi«lii)~

Beautiful Audrey, As you begin the next chapter of your life, do not lose your confidence, your kindness, your competitiveness, your sense of humor, your ability to take care of friends and family, and your kind and happy way of living. You are a special young lady, and your presence in the world makes everything around you even better. As always, be kind and good

Have fun, be safe, smile, work hard, be happy. We are so proud of you Audrey!

Love you so very much, Mom , Dad, Matthew

One, Two, Three, I Love You.

PAR KE R ffllU!»«rplrrffil


we a re so incredibly proud of you and all that you have accomplished over the years! You are going to do amazing things, Garrett! You are Kind, caring, smart , talented, and so very humble! Follow your dreams! We love you more than you will ever know!

Parks ,

These photos perfectly describe you Passionate, fun , strong and funny . " Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all you do submit to Him and He will direct your paths ."

-Prov 3:5-6

We love you so much and are so very proud of you!

Love, Mom and Dad Dad and Mom


S H ELBY frrr~1ll~rrr

I have no doubt that you will continue to be successful. You have the biggest heart don't ever let that go, and continue to let ,t guide you

Ben, You will always be my little buddy. I envy your amazing revel of commitment when you are passionate about something -

Love, Dad Ben, You have made us all so very proud. Your kind, sweet and funny personality brightens up this family You have accomplished so much in your 18 years and cannot wait to see what ,s next for you . I love you so much,


KADE N frrrr~]wll 11@

Kaden, We are so extremely proud of you and everything you ha ve acco mpli she d dunng your h ig h school yea rs. Cannot wait to see what you r fut ure holds. Th e sky's the limit.

Love you always, M om and Dad


You've always followed your own path i n life, with confidence, wisdom , kindness and a fun -lov ing spirit!

We're so proud of you for work ,ng ha rd but more i mportantly , being true to yourself, always living with an open heart and not afraid to laugh at yourself we know college is going to be a blast for you , and we ' ll love heari ng about all your adventures next year while missing you so much!

Love, Mom and Dad

CAL ISTA {f-)(@llWJlll(@i


You make us laugh every day. Your smile is infectio us. Th at you accept people for who they are is a true gift. Use your verve and inte l lect to help make o u r world a better place. We love you! XOXO, D ad, Mom, Wyatt (Lola and Socrates)

Connor, We are so proud of yo u and excited to see what the future holds!

· Hope this next chapter is full of adventure!!

Love , Mom, Dad and Lauren

173 ----•--

ZACH llw»J~II ~m

ul remember years ago, you were so little then. Sometimes, I can't help but wish, that you were small again I've cried when you've faced heartaches, and saw, that as you grew, nothing broke your Spirit, instead it strengthened you. I'm filled with mixed emotions, as I hold back all the tears

and, with much pride remember, back so many years. When I first held you 1n my arms, If only I'd have known, the years would feel like moments, after you had grown. You aren't a child, though ,n my eyes, I guess you'll always be, that baby boy who changed my lrfe, and means the world to me."

JAC K IIMII ~~lrn1im~1


It has been such a joy watching you become the person you are today You are such a kind and caring person and you are always up for the next adventure and challenge. We are so proud of you and love you so much Best of luck on your next chapter.

Love, Mom, Dad and Kate


You are an amazing, funny, smart, sarcastic, giving, loving and beautiful human! I am SO PROUD of the woman you are, and so excited to see you change the world as you shine your light.

Love you to the moon and back!


RA LE IG H ~<@1~lll1@«rm

Raleigh, Always remember to live every day of your life as a new adventure. The world ls yours for the taking, so go out there j and make the most of it! I'm so proud of you!

Love, Mom



We could not be more proud of the amazing young lady you are today, and of all the things you have accompl ished through your hard work and determ i nation We cannot wa it to see where life takes you as you go after your dreams

We love you Rach!

Mom , Dad and Jadyn

KEV I N ffl lllJ/Jllllllffi<t~«m


Here's to the sharp witted, never idle, stealthily hard -working young man with a compassionate, big, Love

gentle heart . You never cease to a maze with your ability to read the field, court, river and life Continue to embrace your art1st1c side with the same enthusiasm as athletics It has been a pleasure to watch you play & grow over ti me with that special twinkle in your eyes .

Mom, Dad , Colin and Brady

KA IA ~~dm~rrrmd

Dear Cole,

It has been an absolute pleasure watching you over the last 18 years! You are kind, you are fun and you are funny. May you always find happiness as you follow your dreams.

Love, Your Mom and Dad

Kaia Rachelle, You are the most beautiful person inside and out that I've ever known. I' m lucky to have you 1n my life, especially as my daughter. You honestly have the ability to do anything and everything you want. Thank you for being you!!!

Love, Your Mom

175 --··- -~- -

Luke ,

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies i n a person ' s determination. Your courage and determ i nation are matched by no one You are such a genuine person in everything you do . You always give 100% and are not afraid to accept any challenge. Continue to approach life with no regrets and hard work, and you will c ontinue to hit grand slams on the field and in the game of life . Always remember, the future belongs to the ones who never stop believing . Swing big with everything you got.

Love you so much, Mom , Dad and Jacob

DYLAN m~~lrnnffi~I

Congratulations on your graduation! It ' s an honor and privilege to have a son as talented, athletic , witty with good ideas, kind and caring as you. Experience new things and have fun but work hard, set goals and continue to be true to yourself.

We love you, Your proud parents and sister

KATAR I NA ~lltm~ffr~~

"Fare thee well now, let your life proceed by its own design . Nothing to tell now, let the words be yours, I'm done with mine.''

Congratulations! We are so proud of you and excited for your next adventure.

We love you!

Dad, Mom, Alex and Ziggy

GALE N l~l@lrnil~«rID~t(I~@

We are so proud of you! You are a thoughtful brother, son, and grandson, an adventurous spirit, and a conscientious human. We appreciate the young man that you've become and can't wait to see what you'll do next!

Love, Mom, Dad, and Jasper

I - --


Never stop making us laugh boys!

We love you , Your Moms and Dads

LINDSEY ~llllllffiuJ(@)«rn1

Lindsey Ellison, High school graduation is here. Wow, time flies so fast! You have become such a beautiful, caring young woman. You can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. Remember, life gives us both good and bad times; the difficult ones can be when we learn and grow the most. Most important is to enjoy l ife! We are so proud of you. We ' ll a lways think of you as our little gir l ! So, remember, keep the hugs co m ing.

Love yo u , M om, Dad, Joey and Kate lyn

CARLYE ~~~~@:lrni1

Ca rlye, You have a lways had your own way of doing things and this time it has paid off As you graduate and go on to do big and better things we si t here and wonder how did time go so fast. It's no t going to be easy but yo u will make it. Congratu lat1onsl Love, Dad and Mo m

Sa ra, We are so incredibly proud of you and all you've accomplished. You are going to do amazing things in the next cha pter of yo ur life and we can't wait to see what this world holds for you . We love you so much!


Love, Mom, Dad and Christopher

" We don ' t make mistakes, just happy little accidents."

Lots of love to you Maia, It 's been a great adventu re and the best is yet to come! Mum, Dad, and Owen


Big Al, Determined, thoughtful, kind, loving, intelligent, beautiful, fun, talented, moody, familyoriented, benevolent, profound, devoted, wise, understanding, spoiled, shoe -game, loyal, witty, cunning, selfless, inspirational, God-loving, empathetic, hardworking, goofy and everything we could have hoped for. "Keep doing you ."

I love you, Dad

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ." - Philippians 4 -13

We Love YOU, Mom, Aspen, Jason, Taylor and Add i

You are my Hero! Love, Addi Mae



Here 's to adventures old and new! You are our double h a pp iness.

We love you!

Mom and Dad

JAC KS O N WJ C@1~~«rffl@))rfn11

"You' re braver than you believe, stronger than you I seem, smarter than you think , and loved more than you'll ever know. " -Winnie the Pooh

Enjoy the journey, buddy!

Love, Mom and Dad

KATIE ~~ll@~rmr,11~

K atie Boo,

As you grow o ld er, you will face challenges in life. Stay strong, b e co nfident and do your best! Love and good will always win in the end. Life isn 't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learni ng to dance in the r a ,n . EnJoy the ride and never forget your way back home We will always be there to support yo u!

We love you to the moon and back!!

M ommy, Daddy a nd Juj u


As you have grown, you co nt i nue to make us proud ; Your c reative person a lity shines through ; you 've conti nu ed to smile that beautiful smile and to go far in l ife with yo ur strength and c uriosity. You're a wonderful d aug hte r and a wonderfu l sister Mom , Dad and Cade

,, ,.. 180

We are so proud of our Sammy! You brought such intelligence, intensity, and flair to all your high school endeavors We enjoyed watching you succeed and grow into the caring young man we know

We love you!

Mom, Dad , Marisa and Emma

Goodbye to our Demon and hello to our ?

NATE (~fflf)~(Fn))~I llllffi

Nate ,

We are so very proud of the young man you ' ve become! Go start your next adventure DREAM BIG and always be kind, be brave , and believe in yourself! You can have the best life you want. Keep your friends close and please don ' t ever stop laughing!! Go have fun and keep working hard at everything you do.

We love you Nate!

Mom, Dad, and Nick

Cassie, Graduating high school. It seems impossible that you've grown up so fast . You are a beautifu l person inside and out, and we love you more than words can say. Congratulations on reaching this milestone, we are certain your future holds many morel

Love, Mom and Dad

From your first day on skis to your first day of kindergarten to looking forward to seeing you off on your first day of col lege - we are so proud of you and all of your accomp l ishments.

Love, Mom, Dad and Ava



We look at the young woman you have become, with all your accomplishments and hard work, and we are so very proud of you! You have grown in what feels like the blink of an eye! As you move forward from this stage of your life to the next, always remember who you are, the values you've been taught, and the family that loves you now and always! Wherever your path takes you, the love of your family and your Heavenly Father will be your constant companion and guide. God Speed, Bee! R

E E D W lrn11li~~@ID

Over the last 17 years we have watched you grow into a creative, generous, handsome, intelligent young man We are looking forward to this next exciting chapter in your life. Continue to keep your sense of humor, pursue your dreams and passions and never look back . We a re so very proud of you and will always be here for you

Love, Mom, Dad and Ethan

Wrth our love forever, Dad, Mom, and Abby

LU CY '1 ~I ldrmC®1rrrm

Dear Bunny, I

Watching you grow and experience all that life has offered you has been our greatest joy. As you embark on this new journey, never forget to keep laughing, loving, and staying true to yourself. Remember that you are bound by nothing, and regrets only come from things that you don't try. We are so proud of you.

All our love, Dad, Mom, and Annie

t L


You bring us so much joy! What a pleasure to watch you be an amazing brother, friend, student and athlete. Always with grit and integrity. We know how hard you work. Can't wait to see all the awesomeness in your future

Luzh ya 100P- Muzh & Fazh

" Nice job Guacken" - Conner

"Yert"- Max

"You' re epic" - Rhett


GRAYSON ~lllll~mm
~11~,, ~fr t~t~ 183 ----··-- --
reference ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · 184
" Friends and family are the light of my ltfe SOFIA VALENTI ( 9 ) ·-· -- ------·185

(@<@>IvIv (<@>lW«ml~@QJ

Sofia Amer Jordan Aulik Mya Baker Cecelia Burnham Ava Castrellon, Andrea Doyle, Chloe Flannigan. Rachel Goodnch, Kate Hathway Emma Rose Hensley, Ab1ga11 Hunt, Payton Kruse Harmony McMullin l.Jly Mourer, Isabelle O'Neil, Ally Odekirk. Meredith Overton, Elin Ph illips, Ella R1cc1, Clara Rutledge, Ayla Salter. Grace Searls, Kylie Sisco, Bnttany Stratton. Jade Swanson. Campbell Traylor, Sienna Vu1Jsters, Dyana Weber , J1su Yoon, Ethan Cox, Lakeland Eldred, Kyle Gathers. Elias Haeusler, Ethan Hensley Toby Howie, Ryan Jones. Dylan O'Neill, Lance Oldfather. Vincenzo Pem , Bryce Reebrugh, Colin Ridley, Fredenk R1khof. Jacob Royer, Bryan Shuler, Kellen Sisco, Mason Smith, Tyler Smith. Henry Stubenrauch, Nathan Swanson

lv11~11r,m1~1~1 ((c\\)~~11 J11llv11 ~(@)if6))1~1t~(@l 111

Noel Abare John Anderson, Samuel Aranda , Daniel Barraza- Vaquera Ethan Bontrager Logan Brewer Darnel Brock, Cameron Browne, Christopher Burnett, G,anMarco Busnardo Nathan Campanelli, Chad Church, Stephen Crowfoot- Beyette , Zachary Crowfoot Beyette , Tahysaun Dons. James Douthit. De' Jour DuBois, Matthew Dyer. Braden Edwards, Matthew Elliott. Hayden English , Kevin Fawcett, Adam Feasel. Grayson Aambures, John Gornick, Wllhe Gould, Michael Greeley, Justm Hanssen , Evan Hughes, Scott Lagge, Ezekiel Lugo, Unel Lugo, Dylan Maddox, Joseph Mancuso, Zachanah Manley Robert Moxley, Kevin Mulligan , Edward O'Sullivan, Travis Poole, Caleb Pnce, Ethan Price, James Qualen Guillermo Samudio, Omar Sanchez- Munoz, Kyle Scherer, Maxwell Schutt, Dalton Summers, Liam Telgener Isaac Theis, Cambell Thompson, Carter Tompson, Tad ash, Tompson, Joshua Torrey , Andor Toth , Ryan Toy, Kaden Trujillo, Tobias TruJ1ll0, Ryan WalkPr Carson White , Michael Zamora

\VJ)~rfr@lli~IIUH ~~ll~llffr ~((c»){ff ~@J(fr

Grayson Allen , Samuel Bauer, Evan Berg, Zachary Chapman, Joshua Cohn Najera , Alexander Cunningham, Tamas Delmonico, Jesse Denk, Daniel Erger, Miles ForsythS,mon, Joaquin Garfias, Samuel Hirons, Dav,d Koury, Connor Mackell , Riley Mann , Samuel Markovich, Carter Novak, Ian Persky, Alec Sanders, Christian Sekavec, Nathan Swanson, Nathan Tompson

( I l I I sport reference

Clayton Black Chase Brion, Nicholas Campanelli, Hayden Carbone, Joseph Dixon. Thor Hansen, Stephan Hoefler Schoneman Dane Larson, Nikola, Loar, Dylan Long, Micah Long. Ayden McCantess, Liam Melcher John Meyers, August Moser, Aydtn Nether1y, Dom,mc Pedavoll. Grant Penland , Nicholas Rehm, Max Sanden. Lev, Sangster.Trey Sparks. Henry Stickling, Burke Stncker, Tanner Vodicka, Quaid Wetch

fi(@)IPJ ~(@)

Luke Anderson, ChnstJan Cohan Jax Collins. Cameron Couper. Louie Ficco, Grayson Flambures. Zachary Henderson, Constanttne lskalts, David Koury, Sean Landmark, Finn McCandless , Chance Moore Hunter Paden, James Shendan, Chanknt Sundarapura, Drew Walters

li\(@)1!1$ i~fft~@2((i

Ellas Aune. Alexander Chaffee, Tonn Chevalier, Conner Douglass. Andres Garfias. Kellan Graf, Jacob Laubhan, Maddox Lee Kested. Rory Maddux, Robert Marttn, Connor McCormick, Ryan Medley, Thnaphat Miller Hunter Paden, Chase Reed , Ian Sausto, Ian Segur Landon Smith Wongchat Sundarapura Zane Walsh, Jake W1mb1sh

Katnna Bonner, Mana Goodspeed Emma Graham, Molly Hord, JaIlee Kennedy, Liberty Kuhns, Sylvia Lenz, Makayla Middleton , MakenzIe Middleton , Haley Prey, Mia Rauz1 Cherish Sherman, Caitlyn Stevens, Sofia Valent,, Haleigh V1g1I, Emily Calvert, Ashley Cummings, Carlie FaJardo Paige Farewell Morgan Mccarter-Arnold, Samantha Philleo, Hydi Schuck, Samantha Seigneur, Micah Zahn

Fnends light up my life ERI CA BRAUNSCHWEIG ( 9 )

\~@.ii'l~1Wllh1 11«@11 fr ~«ni1(im)fflm

Tr en t Bonczynsk1 Connor Ernst, Maxwell Fi sher, Garrett Greiner, Jack Hathway BenJamin Id ler, Devin Prehn , latn Remington , Mark Robinson Luke Waltz

Ill 11~,, lir ~rrrmrrrmm,

Joseph Aigner , John Becker, Alejandro Botm Munoz, Zachary Butler, Connor Chase Colin Clar1<1n , Chartes Coors, Braden Dobbs Paxton Engesser, Liam Asher, Char1es Greco. Jack Haggard , Galen Hoheneger, Camden Jones Tanner Mason, Jack McEnroe, Mitchell Meyers, Lucas Murray, Nathaniel Phillips , Jack Robinson, Adam Sahndeho, Brock Schram, Mason Stobbe, Robert Vermeulen , David Yoon , Milo Young

Hannah Blackman, Alexa Gangoo , Sarah Goerold, Bnar Hamp, Ashlyn Howie, Ella Knstofco, Gabriella Macarelh , Stena Quesada , Cosette Saull, Francesca Slowinski. Olivia StJoy, Alexia Vasquez , Anna Weinberg

Riley Anderson , Aless1a Busnardo, Cheyenne Clay. Natalia Frus1arz, Patience Graham, Brooke Hansen , Avery Lord, Darcey Lynn, Alexandra Novello, Isabella Perry Anneke Powell. Gabriella Vullo

l s port refe ren ce
• • A

\Wl}((qjl(FrmWl~lll)JI ~fi5)JllYJI.@ RB31@ml~<~lrell~~111

"Blob fish are the light of my life· 8eanor Auckiger (9)

Llly Abbott, Chloe Axelrod, Sydney Benson. Rachel Brunel, Skylar Chase, M1eke Esparza. Katherine Freeman, Hanah Gerwmg, Jillian Holbrook. Chartotte Klinger, Emilie Reh, Grace Roberts, Annika Smith
R1ch1e Pruett, Noah Johnson, Ben Mclaughlin, Jake Liedtke, Sam Markovich, Nathan Wiggins, Gunnar Gorman, Constantine lskahs, G1anMarco Bunsnardo, Alan Acevedo, Kevin Mulligan, Jack Anderson. Jesse Denk, Carter Tompson Meredith Arnold Zenia ChnstJanson , Hannah Corbin Sophia Costenaro, Julie Darymple , Frances Eaton, Hannah Gerwing, Ana Hopper, Isabella Rieger , Angeltna Sanchez, Madelyn Shea, Luisa Wilson
Eddie O'Sullivan, Luke Anderson , Ethan Lewis , Kaedyn Woodard , Gunnar Gorman, R1ch1e Pruett, Alan Acevedo , Zach Weiler , James Lacey, Jack Feller , Ahou Diallo

f llltt1@WID~Wfnl)I (llluw~

Tohar Barz1la1 , BrookTee Baybe c k, Co nlen Br e heny , Bryan

Shul e r , Sam Carr , Ben Foster, Os kar Gardner, Seth Gerow ,

Eli a s Ha e us ler , S c otty Hass ett, Dani e l Havlat. Jonas

Mann, c he Jensen , Hamilto n John s, Sawyer Johns. Wyatt

Jo hn s, Ard e n a Jordan , Connor Logan, Stefan Marshall, Scott

Mornso n , Brandon Pollette, Ellie Prehn, Ca t Sheridan , Kevin

Stro y. Gr a ham Sudweek s Kyle Thornhill, Markus Vall , Anika

Va nSha a rdenburg, Raya Wehner

ffi53) ffrll~II Ill "I rfn))@

Jaymie Carlock, Kat Bok1nsk1e , Ja c k Mitchell, Ella Roman, Ivy

Behr, Logan Seward , Samantha Orduno , Evan Baker, Kevin

White, Hayley Johnston, Zander HolowItz , Jasmine Mitchell ,

Kaelan Weir , James Duff

((6))@@/frro @m {if m

Back row : Mr Andrew Ginger, Violette Beaupre, AleJandro

BotIn-Munoz, Frankie Shea, Cole Powderly, AIden Shields, Sage Alling, Tom Cotton, Cole Ward

Second row : Sean Keating, Brody Lrneaweaver, Luis PerezHolgu1n, Mrs Tammie Peters, Ms. Katie Wood, VIv1an Weigel. Ella Hummels, Tnst1n Macleod

Front row : Ian Messa, Alec Roman, Codey Carr, Emma Regnier , Mad, DuVarney, Ella Young

Not pictured : Maia Songer. L1bbIe Wilson, Kevin White, Delaney Lingad, Adriana Douglas, Lucas Crossett

f I clubs reference
Byrnes, Jaden c e Edwards, Myra James. Griffin McConnell

l<@J«r 1~111 ~«r$

Ben Brown, Will Wheaton, Toby Howie, Ethan Bontrager, Chandler Slowik, Gage Gunn

Wi~l~I ifr@~~

Simon M iller, M a t s Zd on, Elea Helker, David Yoon, Ethan M ann, Holly Anderson, Josh Kim. Ardena Jordan, Dalton Webb

"The light of my hfe. I would have to say would be my dad He·s guided me through everything I've done and I can't imagine who I would be without him DALTON WEBB ( 10 )


Brinkmann, Carson Brzeczek, Joya Byrnes, Eva Christianson, Ella Coleman. Den, Daiei, Sophia Davis, Ta1ysaun Doris, Jadence Edwards, Max English, Solldea Ficco, Katherine Freeman, Justin Hanssen. Kim Hanssen, Patrick Hart, Luke Henderson, Ian Hunt, Isabella Hunt. Ben Kirschner, Charlotte Klinger, Hannah Kramer, Luke Maestas, Sage Manning, Collier Marshall. Jocelyn Martinez , Griffin McConnell, Morgan McNeil!, Max M el1es, Mitchell Meyers, Abygale Norton, Ally Odekirk, Jackson Page-Roth, Connor Pratt, Jenna Ricketson, Cohn Ridley, Carly Rommeney, Jazmin Santos, Grace Searls, Catherine Sheridan, Maia Songer, Jackie Teteris, Vanessa Umberger, Anika VanSchaardenburg

M aggie Anderson, Joya Byrnes, Lyd ia Kern, Le1ton Seward, Jocelyn M a rt inez, Gen t ry Keener, Anna Seibert, Kasey Goldste i n, M aia Songer. Sophia Davis, Elizabeth Kluherz, Vio let Ernstberger, Mitchell Ackerman, Ian Hunt. Willow Wofsey

f !~!!a,!ep~~n!.~!!~d,!r~at.
----..--- ....... •
193 -


clubs not pictured. ilmtltuw lll«1m ~~lll1@0lll 'W/Jo~«m1tlllmf~ ~111@~~111 ~m«~llt C@~~cfrr~~~lrni 1,,~~(®t@~)(~ ~111~, ~@llld~~ lW~ltifl~ ~lll~b il@@I~ ~lllll\/)Jb ~«lmttlrtrfntt~ ~ffl1TI'1ffirri~(iffl)ffl~mil)~~,,, l~{q ~~ailiimllifm\)(j r,~~~I r,~~

n~~ffi@)((/\)1~111 l!Hlk@)((/\)1@)~1 $5@)tffid~


Sepand Ardehali, Sara Barbato, Kayl1n Bates, JuJu Behrens, Katja Behrens , Fiorella BorJa. Natsumi Burde, Zach Butler, Elizabeth Carlson, Codey Carr. Katanna Chaffee, Elisha Elliott, Abby Estes, Christopher Fab er, Ella Ganter, Oskar Gardner, Lucy Goldman. Rachel Goodrich, Lucy Gryllckr, Maddie Gustafson, Katie Hageman, Daniel Havlat. Molly Hord, Abby Hunt, Ben Idler, Maggie Jones, Elizabeth Kluherz, Kaelyn Krum, Sam Markovich, Antoinette Mccurdy, Ellie Messerli, Sarah Munoz , Elizabeth Ninke, Brittany Novak, Cassandra Oberholtzer, Audrey Pino, Calista Poulos. Devin Prehn, Haley Prey, Ca1tria Remington, Adam Salindeho. Ayla Salter, Rean Savi, Stella Schneider, Annalise Schroeder, Ava Segur, Bailey Smith, Mara Songer. Kevin Stroy, Liam Telgener, Izzy Valent,, Robert Vermeulen. Delaney Webb, Kendall Wetch


Joseph Aigner , M ax Anderson. Samuel Bauer, Emily Becker. Carley Beeman , Evan Berg, Ruby Berkenkamp, Johnathan Bizzano, Lu cy Bowman, Benjamin Brown, Rachel Brunel , Emily Calvert. Eva Christianson , Christina Clayden. Sophia Davis, Maryn DeGraff, Alexa Deitemeyer, Brynna Donohoe, Lucy Ellis, Jacob Ellis, Daniel Erger, Kaela Fajardo , Adam Feasel, Jack Feller, McKenzie Gallagher, Grace Gardner, Ava Gardner, Greta Gardner. Scarlett Garsombke, Marla Goodspeed, Kylie Hard, Toby Ha ssett, Sydney Hines, Olivia Hoff, Ana Hopper , Maci Jones, Isabella Jones, Gentry Keener, Roshan Klein-Seetharaman, Charlotte Klinger, Connor Logan, Samantha Lautrup, Isabella Ma carell1, Lil, McNulty, Catherine Messerli, Mitchell Meyers , Hannah Ninke, Aliza Nitschke, Zachary Nuss , Eleanor Ogden, Elin Phillips, Ashlie Polvogt, Emilie Reh , Mark Robinson, Erin Royer, Ni cole Samuelson, Alec Sanders. Devyn Schaefer, Anna Seibert, Audrey Singer, Annika Smith. Tegan Starick, Mason Stobbe, Jenna Stroup, Ryan Toy, Madison Warner, Raya Wehner, Vivian Weigel , W illiam Wheaton , Ja1dyn Zucca

I I I clubs reference
19 4

187 , 189

\l'derson, Max 23 122, 194

Anderson, Oness1a 92

Anderson, Riley 98, 1 88

Anderson, Sophie 51 , 55, 73. 87, 98, 190

Anderson-Lent Evelyn 5 4 , 134 1 4 4 Angeles, Alexander 110

Angeles, A ngel 98

Angwin, A maya 98

~'llanalp. Hannah 110

Aranda Samuel 1 22, 186

I icher Jacob 1 22

rcher Jona than 13, 98

Ardehah, Sepand 13 4

Ardourel, Ethan 122

Arm~tead A ubrey 98

/\"'ler Garnson 122

Arner Sofia 11 0, 186

Arnold, Brian 98

Arnold, M ered 1th 1 10, 189

'rtem1s, Elizabeth 13 4 , 1 56, 157

Aul1k Jordan 98, 186

A1Jne , Eltas 98, 187

~•Jne, Kai 1 22

Aurand James 92

Avila.Leo 13 4 ,156,157

Axelrod Chloe 1 5, 20, 110 189

Baalman , Tanya 92

Bab1tz, Jacob 122 , 191

Bach, Josilyn 67 88, 98

Bachman , Collin 3 , 134 , 156 , 157

Baker Dominic 122 191

Baker Evan 3 , 134 , 156 , 157

Baker, Gabnella 110

Baker Mya 20 21 42 , 76, 77 134, 148 , 155 168 , 169 , 186 190

Baker Preston 98

Balaun Keira 1, O

Baldwin , Katelyn 98 , 192

Barbato , Christopher 1 10

Barbato Sara 20 , 134 178

Barber Sophia 110

Barela , Katrina 6 , 134

Barnes, Tyler 122

Barnicle , Ava 98

Barraza-Vaquera, Daniel 20, 134 186

Bartosh, Colby 122

B arzila1 Tohar 110 190 , 192

Bates , Kaylin 19, 134 , 168, 190

Bates, Madison 7, 50, 98 190 , 191

Battaglia, Gabrielle 11 O

Battista , Evan 20, 13 4

Battista , J1lltan 98

Battista, Taylor 122

Baud1en Avane 110 , 117

Bauer A mber 92

Bauer, George 98

Bauer, Liam 110

Bauer Samuel 44 , 122 , 186 , 194

Baybeck, Brooklee 86 110 , 192

Baylon Regalado , Yanell 122

Bazew1cz, Jakob 122 , 128

Beaber, Jaelynne 98

Beaupre , Violette 55 , 85 , 98 , 192

Becker, Emily 122 , 19 4

Becker, John 98, 188

Beckford, Carter 98

Beckford, Jack 134 , 156 , 157

Beeman, Carley 122 , 194

Begg , A idan 59 , 88, 98

Behr Ivy 122

Behrens, AnJalt 20, 134 , 154 180

Behrens, KatJa 20 , 69, 81 135 , 155 , 180

BeJar, Daniela 98

Bell , Nathaniel 50, 98

Ben M asaud, Rawas1 98

Benda , Rian 135 , 1 56 , 15 7, 165

Bengston , Jane 62 , 98 , 103

Benson , Sydney 1 22 , 189

Berg , Evan 122 , 186 1 94

Berg-Fisher, Lucas 122

Berg-Fisher Shawn 123

Bergen , Victoria 9, 13 , 98

Bergstrom M adison 110

Berk, A1den 123

Berkenkamp, John 8 , 4 8 , 49, 50 , 98

Berkenkamp, Ruby 123 , 194

Berman , Emma 98

Berman1s , Claramane 123

Berry, Jayden 98

Berry, Justin 135, 156, 157

Berube , A ndrew 1 23

Best, Rory 92

-The hght of my hfe 1s mv mom She inspires me to be the best person that I can be Madi son Osborne ( 10 )

Bestor L1ll1an 73, 98 , 190

Bezerra , Lara 135, 156 , 15 7

B1eseme1er, Samantha 110

B1zzan o, Johnathan 123 190 194

Bla c k, Clayton 98. 18 7

Blackman Hannah 1 10, 188

B lair, Madeline 1 10

Blake Christine 92

B laz ei czyk, Adnan 98

B lic k, Evan 92

Blin coe Jeremy 92

Boileau, Nik olaus 25 , 135

Bokinsk1e Ka , 13 67 135 165 192

Bokinsk1e, Kate, 73, 123 , 190

Bolton Joscelin 10 , 61 , 1 l 1

Bolton , Kateli n 19, 60 98

Bon czyns k1, Trent 35 , 135, 163 188

Bonner , Katnna 46 135 187

B on trager, Ethan 123 , 186 , 190 193

Borer , Joseph 123

Borgeson Jor dan 16 135

Boqa Fiorella 135 151

Borowiec Va len e 92

Botm Munoz, Ale1andro 123, 188

Bolin AleJandro 85 192

Bowman , Blake 111

Bowman , Griffen 123

Bowman Lu cy 123 194

Brabander Dylan 135, 156 , 15 7

Bradbury, T nstan 98

Brand on, Hannah 156 , 157

Branham , Jerem iah 123

Branham , Jos,ah 99, 103

Branham , Rebekah 57, 84, 120, 121 123

Brank,n , Connor 1 1 1, 191

Braunagel, M ichael 111

Brauns c hwe1g , Erica 19 99 , 104 , 187 , 191

Braunschwe1g , Ve on a 120 , 121 , 123

Breheny, Conlan 36 86 , 111 , 192

Brewer , Logan 111, 186

Brinkmann , Beniamin 123, 124 , 193

Bnon , Chase 99 , 187

Brion , Skye 11 1

Bro c k, Daniel 111 , 186

Brodnax Morgan 61, 1 1 1

Bromfield, Madison 50, 99

Brown , BenJamm 123 , 193 , 194

Brown , Mark 92

Brown , Peyton 19 , 99

Browne, Cameron 1 1 1, 186

Brunel , Rachel 21 123, 189 , 194

Bruns, Abby 99

Brzeczek, Carson 21, 135, 193

Bu c hanan Janna 99

Bu c kendahl , Taylor 36 , 136 , 156 , 157

Burde, Natsum1 136 , 1 4 0 155

Burget , Knstm 135 , 136

Burnett, Christopher 123 , 186

Burnham , Cecelia 111 , 186

Burns M ason 9, 99

Busnardo, Aless ,a 99 , 188

Busnardo , G1anMarco 32, 136, 141 , 186 , 189

Butler, Anthony 11 i

Butler, Zachary 136 , 17 4 , 188

Byrne , Jennifer 92

Byrnes , Joya 15 , 26 , 27, 11 1 192 193

Caldes Caden 99

Calhoun Dalton 99

Calley Brayt on 99 19 0


Clayden, Christina 124 , 194

Coca, Amber 99

Coca Brandon 13 7, 156 , 157

Cochenour, Jona than 99

Cohan, Christian 111,187,191

Cole, Rebekah 92, 194

Coleman, Ella 51, 61, 11 1 , 193

Cohn Na1era, As hley 124

Cohn Na1era, Joshua 137, 186

Cohn Na1era, La1sha 99

Cohn, Joshua 44

Colle, Van ce 50, 99

Collins, Jax 39 124 187

Colucci, Chris 92

Colucci, Sienna 6 21, 13 7 195

.\bare, Noel 110, 186 .\bbott Lily 1 10, 189 \bel Jason 98 brams, Shayne 122 .\1evedo, Alan 74, 75 , 98, 189 Ackerman, Mitchell 13 26, 27 134 139 14 9 155 , 160 , 193 Addams, Hazel 110 .\ddams. M aia 12 2 Adzema, Paige 1 10, 193 gner Joseph 122 , 188, 191 193 194 !\ksam1t, Kimberly 92 4Shamman, H amsa 134, 156, 157 -".Shamman M elak 122 .\lbert, Ca1lean 122 Albrecht, A manda 13 4 , 156, 157 ~aro, German 110 Allen Brianna 11, 62 , 122 :,!Jen, Grayson 3, 13 4 , 183, 18 4 , 185, 186 Alling, Sage 8 4 , 85 , 110 192 Almrabat. M ohamed 110 , 193 Althen ,, Maya 1 3 4 156 157 Alvarez Ovalle, Lesly 57 61 98, 99 Amaducc1. An9eleena 98 Ambrose Declan 98 Andersen, Elyssa 13 , 98 , 192 "ndersen, M argaret 2 4 , 122, 124 , 192 , 193 Anderson Cassidy 122 "nderson Donna 110 An derson, El hot 110 Anderson, H olly 98, 193 Anderson Isabel 73, 98, 190 r\nderson, Jack 1 5 4 , 189 Anderson, John 20, 32, 92, 13 4 186 Anderson, Luke 20 110 ,
Em il y 15 20, 123, 187 194 Campanelli, Nathan 136 181 , 186 Campanelli, N icholas 99, 187, 190 Capuch1no, Esau 123 Carbone, Hayden 9 99 18 7, 191 Carlock, Jaymie 13 136 Carlson, Elizab eth 1 7, 20 136, 14 5, 184185 Carpenter, M ilo 92 Carr Codey 10, 14 85 , 110 , 136 , 155 192 Carr,Samuel123,
Carriere James 123 Carriere, Ryan 1 1 1 Carrtthers, Jayde n 123 Carter Ices 4 5, 136 , 158 Carvalho, Joshua 92 Cashman Jas on 92 Casselman Hunter 61 62 , 111 Casttllo, Je ssica 123 Castrellon, Ava 42 , 43, 111 186 Cavanaugh, Ian 123 Cervelh Yvonne 1 1 1 Chaffee Alexander 9 55 99, 18 7 Chaffee, Kata nna 14 , 20, 21 136,176 Chandler, Claire 4 , 5, 136 , 158 Chang, Jordan 61 99 Chapman Jaden 99 Chapman, Kate 123 Chapman, Za chary 137 186 Chase, A1den 137 , 156 , 15 7 Chase,Connor65
5 40
13 7, 156
15 7 Cholle1,
76 1 1 1 191 Chrisman, Jenna 13 7 156 , 157 Christensen, Kyle 4
5, 137 Christians,
19 4 Chnst,anson,
111 , 188 Chase, Skylar 4 ,
7, 189 Chevalier, Olivia 123 Chevalier, Tonn 99, 187
Jon 92
Zenia 29, 111 , 189 Church, Chad 111 186 Church, Emm a 4 5, 137 Clark, Dylan 99 Clarkin, Colin 87, 1 11 , 188
Clay, Cheyenne 8 , 99 , 188
- ---------


Coney, Megan 92

Connally, M ichael 16 137 184 185

Connell, Dominic 124

Conroy, Brian 92

Conroy, Emma 15 20, 137, 152, 154, 156,157,165

Cooper Anale 1s1a 99

Coopnder, Ekaterina 124

Coors, Charles 111, 188 191

Copeland Taylor 51 124

Corbin, Hannah 1 1 1, 189

Cordova. Anth ony 99

Cortes Lop ez, Alfonso 124

Cortez Gomez Sthefany 111

Cory Max1mu s 137 156 , 157

Costenaro, Sophia 111, 189

Cotton, Thomas 85, 137 192

Coulter Blaise 3, 58 112

Couper Cameron 39 112, 18 7

Covey, Zane 3 137, 156 157 , 191

Cox Ethan 124 , 130 186

Cox, Lucas 99

Cnft, Marcus 99

Cross, Jack 99

Cross Max1mus 70, 71,124, 190

Crossett, Luca 99

Crouch, Ka cey 112

Crowfoot-Beyette, Jan1ah 112

Crowfoot-Beyette, Stephen 4 , 5, 124, 186

Crowfoot-Beyette, Zachary 124 , 186

Cubansk1, Lucas 99

Cude, Brenna 124

Cummings, Ashley 99, 187

Cunningham, Alexander 112 , 186

Cyr Madi son 3, 54, 137 , 156 , 157

Dato,, Deni 112, 193

Dalo, , Dia 11 , 137

Dalrymple , Dayton 70, 71, 190

Dalrymple , Julte 50, 112 , 189

Dalrymple , Katie 27, 137 180

Dar ce y, Deegan 99

Darr, Melanie 19 , 56, 99

Daugherty, Colin 50, 99

Davis , Andrew 112

Davis , Sophia 26, 27, 124, 193, 194

De La Torre , Raegan 137 , 153

Deal, Lisa 92

DeBever, Christian 51, 99

DeGraff, Maryn 124 , 19 4

DeGroat, Leilani 99

DeGroat , Lynnae 99

De1temeyer, Alexa 72, 73, 12 4 , 190 , 19 4

Del Grippo, Tea 15 , 20, 73 , 124 , 190

Deleon Espinoza, Reyes 112

Delmonico, Tamas 12 4 , 186

0elReal , Gav1no 7 , 12 4

DelReal , Mateo 99

Delvillar, M ark 112

Demeyer, Christine 92

0e Meyer, Leo 124

Dempsey, Erin 124

Denbow, Chris t opher 137 , 156, 1 57

Denison , Scott 99

Denk Jesse 3, 44 , 45, 138 , 184 185, 186 ,1 89 des Cognets, Ab1ga 1I 1 12

desGarennes. Kyle 55 124

Deutsch, Carlye 138 178

Dewar, Lauren 73 99 190

01allo Al 1ou 189

Diallo Mamadou 99

0 1ffend o rfer Max 10 69, 100

D1G1acomo. Aa liyah 138 , 151 , 155

Dillenbe c k , Mason 1 12

D ills, Brandon 124

Dinze s, Cassidy 92

D ixon, Jos eph 100, 187 190

Dobbs , Braden 124 188

Dodson, Brenda 112

D odson, Jonathan 124

Dominguez Rafael 156, 15 7

Donof no, Cory 92

Donohoe, Brynna 72 73, 124 127 , 190, 194

Dorad o, Juan 92

Dons Keyshawn 55 124

Dons Ta1ysaun 112 , 186 , 193

Douglas, Adriana 124

Douglas, Daniel 12 4 Douglass, Conner 100, 187

Douglass, Paige 112

Douthit , James 124, 186, 191

Douthit , Justin 100

Doyle, Andrea 4 , 5, 4 2 , 135 , 138 , 161 , 184 , 185,186

Emperor Isabella 51 124

Endris, Noah 112

Engebret son, Chantz 112

Engelke Kelsey 92

Engesser, Carson 17 20 21 138

Engesser Paxton 112 , 188

England , Elaina 124

Eng lish, Hayden 124 186

English , Max 124 193

Eng s trom, Weston 21 138 , 156 , 157

En os, Emily 100

Eo1fan o, Joshia 100

Erger, Daniel 124 186 194

Erickson , Soren 112

Ernst Connor 188

Ernst berger , Violet 138 , 156 15 7 193

Esparza, M 1e ke 4 5, 7 138, 18 4 , 185, 189

Estep Brody 28, 100

E s tes , Ab1ga1I 4 5, 138 , 19 4

Evans , D Andre 191

Evans , Paul 92, 93

Evans Taylor 1 12

Faber, Christopher 138 , 143 19 4

Fabmsk1 , Hunter 112

FaJardo, Carlie 3, 47 , 100 102 , 187

Faiardo, Kaela 81 , 12 4 , 19 4

Farewell , Paige 4 7 73, 100 , 187, 190

Farinas, Kainoa 138, 156, 157

Farr, Kayley 10 , 125

Farrow , Liam 9 100

Favre-Trosson , Charlotte 20 , 21 , 138

Favre-Trosson , Hugo 112

Faw ce tt, Kevin 112 , 186

Feasel , Adam 20, 59 125 , 186 , 194

Fell , Lillian 125

Feller, Jack 125 , 189, 1 94

Ferguson , Caitlin 13 , 1 12

Ferguson , Graeme 100

Ferguson, Serenity 125

Ferguson, Sydrne 139 , 156 , 15 7

Fernandez , Julio 100

Ferraro, A shley 92

F,cco , Louie 38, 112 , 187

Flcco, Sohdea 7 , 18 28, 71 1 00 , 193

Fickes , M olly 125

Field , Trenton 17 , 139 , 155

Fields, Robert 92

Fischer , Ian 100

Fisher, L,am 1 12, 1 88

Fisher, Maxwell 4 , 5, 35, 139, 161 , 188

Flambures , Grayson 125, 186, 187

Flannigan , Chloe 2, 4 2 , 1 00, 186

Flaugher, Jaden 100

Fletcher, Liam 2 1, 125

Flores -Flores, Jhonat an 1 00

Fluck1ger, Eleanor 36 , 51 , 100, 1 89

Fly, Coastas 125

Foo t e, Ashleigh 13, 27 , 139

Foote, Derek 100

Ford, Joseph 4 3, 55, 98

Forsyth.Simon, M iles 125, 186

Fosler, Beniamm 18, 1 39, 192

Freeman , Kathenne 125, 189, 193

Frost , Taylor 139 , 190

Fuehrer, Logan 101

Fu1mam1 , Cassidy 101

Fulton, Elizabeth 92

Fus1arz, Natalia 40, 101 188

Gallagher McKenzie 66 , 121 125, 127 194

Gallegos, Derek 101


Grace 100

Emory, Rose 124

Freeman , Samuel 100, 190

Fritzler, Kiya 125

Dove, Miranda 53, 59, 73, 100 190
D o well , Enka 76, 84 , 124 , 190, 191
D o well , Ra c hel 138 , 156 , 157 , 184 , 185
Doyle , Devlynn 112 Doyle , Kayle1g h 61, 112 Drinkard , Austin 138 , 156 , 157 DuBois, De 'Jour 112 , 186 Dutt, James 13 , 112 Duffy, Isabell 10 , 64 , 100 Duncan , Jessica 12 4 Dute, Jaden 22, 112 Duvall , Casey 92 0uVarney, M adison 85 , 100 , 192 Oyer, Matthew 21 , 138 , 186 Eakes, Sophia 1 1 2 Eaton , Frances 61 , 112 , 189 Edge tt-Duran , Alina 112 Edwards , Braden 20 , 138 , 186
Jadence 112 , 192 , 193
Brandon 100 Eldred, Lakeland 4 2 , 43, 112, 186 , 190
, Loewe 9 , 100
Olivia 138, 152
Elisha 13 , 26 , 27 , 138 , 19 4
Matthew 133, 138, 16 4 , 186
, Brayd1n 12 4
Jacob 124 , 19 4
Lucy 124 , 1 9 4
, Ross 75 , 1 00 , 102 Ellison , Joseph 100
lison , Lindsey 6 , 2 1, 138, 1 78
Jovan1 112 Gallegos, Thomas 112 Gallegos-Hudak. Tonya 125 Galloway Daphne 139, 160 Galvan Cordero , A ldo 139, 156 1 57 Gangoo Alexa 29, 4 1 1 12 188 Ganter, Ava 15 , 20, 112 Ganter, Ella 20 139 , 155 , 181 Garci a, Jade 139 , 156, 157 Gardner, Ava 125 , 194 Gardner, Grace 125, 19 4 Gardner Greta 1 25 , 19 4 Gardner, Oskar 4 , 5 , 139, 154 , 192 Garfias, Andres 9 , 101, 187 Garfias, Joaquin 2 , 3, 44 139 184 185 , 186 Garnett, Elh 20 , 1 4 0, 15 4 , 190 Garrison , Dylan 125 Garrison , H annah 14 0 156, 157 Garsombke, Scarlett 125 , 127, 194 Garvin , Shannon 92 Gathers, Kyle 112 , 186 Gehrett, Isaac 112 Ge1be--Bonde, Kira 1 13 Ge1be-Bonde , Zane 8 , 1 40 Geroche, Nathan 92 Gerow, Seth 86, 113 , 192 Gerwing , Hannah 113, 189 Gese, Christina 92 Gese, Lydia 92 Gill, Robin 92 Gilner, A ndrew 92 G1uhanell1 Cone M icaela 4 , 5, 81, 113 Glasmann, Des,ray 1 9 , 4 7, 88, 10 I 191 Glass, B rady 125, 191 Goerold, Sarah 1 13 , 18 8 Goldman, A nnie 1 13 Goldman, Lucy 4 , 5, 21, 1 4 0, 182 Goldstein , Kasey 2 4 , 27 , 125, 193 Goldstein , K yle 99, 10 1 Gomez, John 1 1 3 Gomez, Joshua 1 25 Goode, Leila 101 Gooderham , A ngel 1 13 Goodrich , Jadyn 125 Goodrich, Rachel 140, 175, 186 Goodspeed , Marla 3, 4 6, 125, 187 19 4 Goodwin , A llyson 7 6, 1 40, 1 79, 190 Goodwin , Gabriel 9, 1 4 0, 1 8 4 , 185 Gordon, Lucy 10 1 Gorman , Gunnar 125, 189 Gorman, Keile1gh 9, 10 1 , 103 Gornick, John 1 13, 1 8 6 Gossard, Grace 1 7, 1 4 0, 1 77 Gould, W 1lhe 70, 125 , 18 6, 190 Graf , Kellan 1 13, 18 7

Graham, Emma 140, 187

Graham, Patience 101, 188

Grant, Seryn 125

Graves, W1ll1am 92

Graves VanGilder, Wilham 9, 125

uray Joseph 51, 124, 125

Greco. Charles 101 188

Greeley, Michael 125 186

Green, Cydney 53, 140. 162

Greene Jason 125

Greene, Sarah 125

Gregg, Phoenix 62, 67, 101

Gregory, Jacob 113. 190

Gregory, Presley 101

lireiner Ab1ga1I 101

Greiner Garrett 34, 125, 188

Gnce EhJah 125

Griffis, Caleb 113

Gnmm, Samantha 17, 20, 140

Grisham, James 92

Grosch, Ryan 140, 156, 157

Grotewohl, Addeline 101

Grover Camden 125, 191

Grylick1, Lucy 2 , 20, 141, 161

Guelzow, Van 125

Gunn, Gage 87, 125, 193

Gurevich, Ida 65, 125

Gurung. Shit 101

Gustafson, Madeline 141 , 163

Gutierrez Cano, Alma 101

Guy,Kod116, 17,141,143

Guzman Fatima 101

Haddad. Lenora 101

Haeusler, Elias 86, 186, 192

Hageman, Katherine 1, 17, 20, 141


Haggard, Jack 113, 188

Hall Forrest 2, 16, 1 41

Hall Ian 101

Halstrom, Marcus 4, 5, 14 1

Hammer, Makena 7, 52, 101

Hammer, Sydney 17, 141

Hamp Briar 113, 188

Hansen, Brooke 40, 101, 188

Hansen Drew 141, 156. 157

Hansen, Emilie 141, 162

l~ansen, Heather 141, 156, 15 7

1-ansen, Thor 101, 187, 190

-lanson, Finn 125, 131

i-fanssen, Justin 125, 186, 193

Hanssen, Kim 101, 193

Hard, Haley 141, 167

Hard, Kylie 125, 194

1 1rd, Sydney 9, 56, 101

Hardegger Taylor 20, 81 125

Harder, Madison 113

Harder Mason 1 13

~a-gadon, John 125

Harmon, Brayden 141, 156, 15 7

1-iaro, Alyssa 13, 15, 16, 26, 27, 141

I-faro, Jazlynn 113

Harper Nathan 126

Hart, Daine 101, 191

Hart, Patnck 52, 74, 113, 190, 193

Hasse, Lisa 92

Hassett, Scott 86, 101, 103, 192

Hassett Toby 126, 194

Hathway Jack 3 , 34,141 , 174,188

Hathway, Kate 4 2 , 43 , 113, 186

Hatton, Angelina 141, 156, 15 7

Hauze, Emmett 141 156, 15 7

Havlat Danrel 86, 141, 192 , 194

Havlat, Tomas 1 13

Hayes, Loana 92

Haywood, Cheyanne 6 , 9, 102

Heier, Gabnelle 93

Hein, Ka,a 64 113, 116

Helker Eleanor 52 79 113, 193

Helm, Ava 7 , 126

Henderson, Luke 102 , 190 , 193

Henderson , Zachary 113, 187

Henry, Chloe 4, 5, 84 , 141

Hensley, Emma•Rose 42, 57 , 102, 186

Hensley, Ethan 42, 43 , 141 , 169 186

Herbers, Chad 93

Hermawan, Benedict 55 62 , 102

Hernandez Teran, Pedro 102

Hernandez, Bella 126

Hernandez, Esmeralda 126

Hernandez, Ra1ce 113

Hicks, Lillian 113

Hierholzer, Tyler 135 , 141 , 178 , 191

Higgins , Beau 126

Hines, Ava 126

Hines, Jack 7 , 54, 102

Hines, Sydney 27 126, 194

Hinz, Elhe 142 , 156, 157

Hirons, Samuel 113, 186

Hoefler Schoneman, Stephan 102 , 187

Hoff, Olivia 126, 194

Hohenegger, Galen 142, 176, 188

Hohenegger, Jasper 102 , 191

Hohmann , Landon 126

Holbrook, J1ll1an 126, 189

Holmes, Conrad 14 2 , 191

Holmes, Mansa 93

Holmes, Sarah 102

Holow,tz, Frank 126

Holow1tz, Zander 102

Holunga, Elias 113

Homer, Chnstopher 5 7, 102

Homer, Joseph 126

Hook, Logann 102

Hook, Sophia 126

Hopper, Ad,son 102

Hopper Ana 40 73, 126, 189 , 190, 194

Hord, Jaydon 102, 191

Hord, Molly 20, 142, 187, 194

Hord, Samuel 102

Hornecker, Dana 93

Houlton, Clary 156, 157

Housel, Jada 113

Hovarter, Jason 113

Howe, Mia 68, 69, 77, 113, 191

Howe, Tyler 126, 191

Howie, Ashlyn 113, 188

Howie, Toby 43 , 126, 186, 190, 193

Huarcaya Osorio, Carlos 102

Huarcaya Osono, Nieves 102

Huerena, M1leena 102

Hutt, Katelyn 81, 142, 155, 165

Hughes, Eva 113

Hughes, Evan 126, 186

Hummels, Ella 85, 126, 192

Hummels , Henry 2 , 102

Hunt , Ab1ga1I 4 , 5 42 ,, 142 148 , 169

186 , 194

Hunt Ian 3 , 13 14, 26, 27 142, 144


Hunt, Isabella 126 193

Hunter, Cole 126

Hurd Colton 102

Hutcheon Lon 93

Hyland Jordyn 126


Ibarra, Amy 142 , 156 , 157

Ibarra, Austin 54, 142 156 , 157

Ibarra, Kaylens 12 6

Ibarra , Nataly 142, 156 , 157

Idler, Ben1am1n 23, 35, 87 , 142 ,, 188, 194

Irving , Samuel 93 lskal,s, Alexandra 113

lskahs , Constantine 126, 187 189

Jacobs, Ryan 3 , 142 , 156 , 15 7

Jager, Abbey 99 , 101 , 102

James Myra 113, 192

Jensen , Jonas 86 142 , 192

Jiron , Heather 156, 157

Johns , Hamilton 86, 192

Johns,Sawyer102 , 103 , 192

Johns, Wyatt 86 , 102, 107, 192

Johnsen, James 142 , 156, 157

Johnson , Brody 28 , 102

Johnson, Erm 6. 21, 142

Johnson, Kendall 102

Johnson , Madison l 42, 143

Johnson, Maia 4, 5 , 142 , 178

Johnson , Noah 14 2, 189

Johnston, Haley 7 113, 192

Jones, Camden 4, 5, 142 , 184, 185


Jones , Garrett 126

Jones , Isabella 8, 87, 126 194

Jones, Joseph 56, 102

Jones, Lucas 102

Jones,Mac1126, 194

Jones, Margaret 20, 76, 142, 164, 190, 194

Jones, Meredith 84, 143, 168

Jones, Molly 113

Jones, Nicole 93

Jones, Penelope 24, 73, 102 , 190

Jones , Ryan 4 2, 43, 61, 102, 186

Jordan, Ardena 86, 102, 192, 193

Joseph, Chelsea 61, 143

Joss, , Mikaela 143, 156 , 157

Juarez, Madison 126

Juhas, Sarah 93

Justus , Sophie 73 , 102, 190

Keating , Sean 2 85, 102 192

Keen , Sara 15 , 1 13

Keener, Gentry 8, 27, 127 , 193 194

Keener Seth 58 59 143, 191

Keirns, Sean 93

Kelble Katelyn 102

Keller Brad 1 13

Kelley, Jack 9 102


Kabler, Bradley 127

Kachersky, Natasha 143, 156, 157

Kaeding, Cooper 3, 113

Karsten, Truman 127

Kastelem, Rachel 93

Janet 102 Kelly , Cameron 143 1 78 Kenrt.zer , Alyssa 113 , 114 Kennamer Estelle 113 Kennedy, Anna 76 113 , 191 Kennedy Ja,lee 127 , 187 Kepler, Aden 53, 143 , 155 Kern, Lydia 24 12 7 193 Khorsh1d Shanga 1 14 K1hnch , Defne 81 143 Kim, Hana 1 14 K,m, Joshua 12 7, 193 Kimball , Will 143 156 , 157 Kimble , lsibealla 102 King , Reagan 114 Kirschner Beniam,n 127 193 Klecker , Toby 27 114 Klein , Chloe 63 , 102 Kle1n-Seetharaman Roshan 127 , 194 Klinger , Charlotte 3 40 , 127 189, 193 194 Kluherz , Elizabeth 13 , 26, 27, 136 , 143 154 , 182, 193 , 194 Knapp, Zadie 102 Knight , Joshua 102 Kobal , Maisun 50, 88 , 102 Korosec , Blake 114 Kotula , Zuzu 127 Koury, David 39 , 44 , 143 , 186 , 187 Kramer, Hannah 3 , 53, 58, 102 , 193 Kringel , Jake 17 , 35, 143 Knstofco, Ella 114 188 Krohn , Sarah 144 , 156, 157, 184. 185 Kronberg , Cameron 50, 67 , 102 Kroschel•Paulson , Ralergh 3 , 144, 155 , 174 184 , 185 Kruger, Samantha 9 , 57 103 Krum , Kaelyn 73, 144 , 161 , 190, 194 Kruse , Payton 73 , 114 , 186, 190 Krzywonsk1 , Michael 114 Kuhns , Liberty 3, 51, 103, 18 7 Kuiawa , Ana 114 Kuykendall, John 114 La, Caleb
Labbo , Nora 24 , 27 , 113 , 114 Lacey , Cao1mhe
114 Lacey , James 74,
189 Lacy ,
Lamberth, Jayda
Lamborne , Matthew 114 LaMon,ca, Gracie 144 , 156, 157 Landa, Carl 144, 156 , 157 Landmark , Garrett 144 , 172 Landmark, Sean 114 , 18? Lane, Hannah 73, 103 , 190 Lapointe , Gabnel 114 Larson , Dane 9 , 103 , 187 197
Lon 93 Lagge.Scott 127,186
11, 12 7


Larson Hannah 51, 84, 127

Larson. Pans 84 127

Laubhan Jacob 59, 103 , 187

Lautrup, Samantha 12 7 , 194

Lawhorn, A hsha 93

Lazzaro, Peyton 144 , 156 , 15 7

Lee Ke sted, Maddo11 103, 187

Lee-Findling, Raine 144 156, 157

Lenz, Joan 19 , 76, 127

Lenz, Maree 190, 191

Lenz, Sylvia 1 127, 187

Leonhardt, Dylan 127

Leopold , Le1lan1 127

Lewis , Bra1den 103

Lew is, Broderick 103

Lewis, Ethan 74, 75,114, 189 191

Liedtke , Jakob 12 7, 189

Lindstrom , Jackson 114

Lmeaweaver RIiey 144 , 156, 157

Lingad Delaney Mane 21 , 26 , 27, 64, 114

Lingad , Sn1JC Dylunn 8 , 103

Loar, N1kola1 103 , 187

Lockwood , A1den 51 , 103

Logan , Catherine 37 73, 103 , 190

Logan .Connor 36 , 127 , 192 , 194

Lolk, Danielle 144 , 156 , 157

Long , Dylan 103 , 187

Long , Mi cah 103 187 , 190

Longobardi , Thomas 97 , 103

Lopez Gonzalez, Gabriela 13, 103

Lopez Gonzalez, Jenni1er 13, 127

Lopez T rtllo, Henry 103

Lopez , Antonio 144 , 14 7

Lord , Avery 2 , 103 , l 88

Lord , Mason 3, 144 , 170

Lorquet , Analisa 127

Lov1n91er, Justin 145, 152

Loving,er, Za c hary 103

Low , Justtina 139 , 145

Low, Patt, 93

Lowrey, Burke 103

Loya , Jimmy 127

Lu Jmgy1 8 , 145 , 151

Lu cas, Jansen 114

Lucken , Make nz1e 103

Ludwig , Lillian 13 , 56 , 1 03

Lugo, Ezekiel 7 , 114 , 186

Lugo , Ur1el32, 145 , 184 , 185 , 186

Lu1an , Santiago 62 , 103

Lundberg,Ber1t2 , 103

Lundgren , Antoine 127

Lynn , Dar c ey 51 , 103 , 188 , 191

mMa c Kay , Rebecca 8 , 13 , 145

Ma carell1, Gabriella 40 , 114 , 188

Ma carell,, Isabella 72. 73 , 127 , 190 ,


Ma cias, Brooklyn 103

Ma ckell, Connor 145 , 173 , 186

Ma ckey, Jordan 103

Ma cleod, Tn s t1n 192

Mac Pher son, Ian 114

Maddox, Cole 103

Maddox , Dylan 4 , 5, 145 , 186

Maddux, Rory 103 , 187

Ma es ta s,Gabriel70,71, 145 , 190


Maestas , Luke 145 , 176, 191 , 193

Magee Raegan 1 4 5 , 156 , 157

Mahmoud , Rab1h 127

Malon e, Clancy 70, 71 , 114, 190

Mancuso, Domini c 103

Man cuso, Joseph 12 7. 186

Manera, Mara 3 1 7, 145

Mantey , Za ch anah 21 , 156 15 7, 186

Mann , Ethan 103 193

Mann , Riley 44 , 128 , 186

Manning , Darby 114

Manning , Sage 9 , 103 , 191 193

Marchal, Matthew 93

Mann, , Chase 103

Markovich , Samuel 1 , 15 , 20, 45, 145 , 181 , 186 , 189 ,1 94

Marlow, Dylan 145 156 , 157

Marquez, Alexis 60 , 113 , 114

Marquez, Deyn,sha 145 , 156, 15 7

Marquez-Martinez Fernando l 03

Marshall, Collier 193

M arshall, Stefan 86 , 128 192

Marshall , Tara 103

Martin , H e1d1 128

Martin , Robert 103 , 187

Martin, Sarah l 03

M artinez, Emily 103

Martinez, Jo celyn 128 , 193

Mascarenas, Jordan 59, 61 , 84 , 89 , 114

Mason , Skylar 3, 145, 156 , 15 7

Mason Tanner 3 , 128 , 188

Ma sterson, Liam 103

Mathews, Calvin 103

M athia s, Dylan 59, 145, 176 , 184 , 185

Mat ,sheck, Kevin 10 103

Mat os• Eymar, Pablo 145 , 156 , 157

Mat suo, Ryan 3 , 59, 145 , 184 , 185

Matt son, Keegan 128

Mayf 1eld, Ka, 9 , 104

M cCall, Justin 128

McCandless, Finn 128 , 187

Mccanless, Ayde n 104 , 187

M c Carron , Calt , 45 , 160

M cCarter-Ar nold, M organ 13, 15 , 21 , 46 , 114 , 187

M cClain, Rowan 104

M cClue, Ja cob 1 28

M cClure, Landree 128 McConnell, Gnffin 114 , 118 , 192 , 193

McCormick, Connor 53 , 128 , 187

McCoy, Orea 1 15

M cCnrick, Cole 128

McCurdy, Ant oinette 13, 20, 145 , 194

M cDonald, Devyn 84, 104

M cDonough, Ca,tltn 146 , 156 , 157

M cDonough, Meghan 115

M cEnroe, Jack 115 , 188

M cEnroe, Mi a 3, 4 , 5, 17 , 20 , 146

McGovern, R iley 128

M cGovern, Teagan 7, 104

M c ilr oy, Kayla 128

M cKenna, Colston 104

M claughlin, Ben 74, 75, 146, 173 , 189 , 191

M cLaughlin, Delaney 128

M c Mulltn , Harmony 4 2 , 43 , 128, 186

Mc Neal , Owen 104

Mc Neil! , Morgan 18, 28 , 56 , 104 , 193

M c Nulty, Lilt 128 , 194

Means, Meredith 104

Means , Stanton 146 , 156 , 157

Medley , Ryan 115, 187

Me ers, Lindsey 1 15

Melcher, Liam 55, 104 , 187

Mehes, Max1mus 2 , 24 , 49 , 104 , 193

Melton-Alsobrook, Alistair l 0 4

Me ndoza, Kaylea 128

Mend oza, Paul 93

Meneses , Jeanann 93

Mequ1 , Maura 20, 146

Merrill, Lex , 9 , 128

M ernll, Mad ison 10 128

Mernman , Jad en 14 , 15, 20, 146, 171

M essa, Ian 21 85,110 , 115 , 192

Me sserli , Catherine 128 , 194

Messerl i, Eleanor 146 , 163 , 194

Metz, M ich ael 93

Meyers. John 55 , 104, 187

M eyers, M itchell 128, 188 , 193 , 194

Meza-Coons , Genevieve 156 , 157

M 1chaells, Cameron 156 , 157

M icha elis , Logan 128

M ichaelis, Trevor 128

M iddleton, Makayla 4 , 5 , 4 7, 146 , 187

M iddleton , Make nz1e 4 , 5 , 4 7, 146 , 187

M iller, Addie 146 , 156 157

Miller, Bodi 115

M iller, Lukas 146 , 156 , 157

M iller, Maya 115

M iller, Patnc1a 93

M iller, Simon 128 , 193

M iller, Tatum 115

M tller, Thiraphat 115 , 18 7

M iller, Tim 93

Mit chell, Adam 93

Mit chell, A udrey 146, 1 71

M itchell, Jasmine 13 , 15 , 17, 20 25 ,

115 , 192

M itchell, John 13 , 61 , 115, 116 , 192

M it chener, Margot 128

M obley, Mad ison 31 , 81 , 115

M offa t, Quinne 73, 113 , 115, 190

M ohoney, Rachelle 93

M ollendor, Kenna 20 , 146 , 160 , 184 ,


Mooney, Cydney 64 , 115, 116

Moore, Chance 39 , 115 , 187

M oore, James 146, 156 , 157

M o rale s, Gabriela 93

M oran, Charlotte 128

Moran , Cohn 26 , 27 , 104

M oreland, A lice 65 , 112 , 115

M oreland, Trent 128

M oreno Lopez , Flav10 104

M orgenstern , Enc 93

Morrison, Scott 86 , 104

Morrissey, Jessica 1 15

Mort on, Kaleb 104

M oser, August 187

M oser, Sydney 129

M ote , Adam 115

M ourer, Lily 42 , 104 , 186

Moxham , Ingrid 93

Moxley, Robert 186

Mulligan , Brady 115

Mulligan, Kevin 20, 21, 146, 175. 186 , 189

Munoz , Ethan l 15

M unoz,


Sara 146
194 Murphy , Parker 146, 172 M urphy, Za chary 115 M urray, Lucas 128 , 188
Jakob 128 Napuli, A n, 50, 55, 104 Navant, Eli 65 , 1 12 115 Neill , Ruby 104 Nelson, Dane 128 Nelson , Emma 156 , 15 7 Netherly, Ayd in 104, 187 Nguyen , Lynn 93 Nichols, Obs1d1an 12 , 140 146 , 184, 185
, Diane 93 Ninke , Elizabeth 2 21 , 146, 170, 194 Ninke , Hannah 128, 194 N 1sh1oka, M ichael 93 Nitschke, A hza 128, 194 Norton , Abygate 15, 20 , 111, 115 , 1SJ Novak, Br ittany 2, 20, 14 6 180 194 Novak, Carter 44 , 128 , 186 Novello , Alexandra 41 , 104 , 188 Noyes , A lexandra 53, 66 , 77 , 104 Noyes, Jayne 156 , 15 7 Noye s, Oren 9 , 104 Nuss, Xavier 104, 190 Nuss , Zachary 128 , 194 Nygard , OhV1a 21 , 87, 115 0 Connell, Magg ie 128 O ' Dons10, Annalyse 56, 115 O ' Ne ill, Dylan 42 , 128, 186 O ' Ne ill, Isabelle 147, 156 , 157, 184 185 , 186 O ' Sullivan , Edward 115, 186 , 189 Oakl1ef, K,an 65, 8 7 , 112 , 115 Oberg, Heaven 128 Oberholtzer, Cassandra 2, 20, 14 7, 181 , 194 Odekirk, Ally 7, 14 7, 148 , 186 , 193 Ogden, Eleanor 128, 194 Ogden , Owen 128 Oglesby, Lynnrx 104 Ohlen, Henry 128 Oldfather, Bro ck 128 Oldfather, Lance 43, 104, 186 Oliver, Cynthia 93 Olson, Hailey 104 Olson, Sofie 129 Onago, Crystal 93 ONe1ll 1 Isabelle 7, 14 7 Opie, Jared 105 Orduno Martinez , Samantha 105 , 191 192 Orndoff-Keller, Skye 116 Orozco Va sque z, Oayanara 116 Ortiz, Isabel 116 Ortiz, Leslie 13 Ortiz, Savannah 93 Osborne, Madison 84 , 88 , 116, 195 Overholt, Amsley 15, 20, 29, 81 , 116 Overton , Meredith 43 , 116, 186


Paden , Hunter 116, 119 , 187

Page Rebecca 93

Page-Roth, Anders 116, 164 , 191

Page-Roth, Jackson 14 7, 193

Pallag1 Victoria 1 1 6

Palmer, Lalf 105 , 190, 191

Parker Katharine 93, 194

Parrill Ha1lynne 105

Patterson , Morgan 190 , 191

Paulson, Ki ley 105

Pedavoh, Dominic 105, 18 7

Penland, Grant 105, 187

Pennell, Reed 4 , 6, 14 7, 162

Perez- Holgu in, Luis 105, 192

Perkin, Laurel 8, 105

Pern, Vincenzo 11. 42 , 43 , 147, 186

Perry, Brandon 129

Perry Isabella 40, 105, 188

Persky, Ian 3 , 14 , 15 , 20 21 , 44 , 147 , 154, 186

Peterman, Mallory 116

Peters, Mariel 116

Peters, Tamm ie 93

Peterson, Magnus 7 , 10, 105

Ph1Heo, Jackson 129, 191

Ph1lleo, Samantha 62, 116, 187

Phillips, Elin 43, 87,126, 129, 186, 194

Phillips, Natalie 5, 63, 87, 105, 190, 191

Ph1ll1ps, Nathaniel 21, 116 , 188

Philp, Jaden 116 , 117

Pieper, Tnst1n 3, 116

Pierson, Haley 129

Pino, Audrey 2, 20, 76, 14 7 , 172, 190, 194

Pino, Matthew 21, 116

Pipkin, Thomas 116

Prtman , Altc1a 3,147 , 156,157

Prttsley, Gadge 6 , 124 , 129

Plaza, Tae Lee 156 , 157

Phzos, Athanas 1a 73 , 190

Plotn1ck, Anna 3, 9, 51, 58

Plotn1ck, Luke 1 16

Polizos, Athanas,a 73, 116

Polizzi , Dino 16, 14 7

Pollette , Andre 105

P>llette, Brandon 8, 86, 14 7

Polo, Cns-llan 93

'olvogt, Ashlie 87, 129 , 194

Pomeroy, Logan 14 7, 156 , 15 7

Pon1csan, En c 93

Poole, Travis 20, 148 , 186

'l')t, Aka iro 15, 60, 116

Poulos, Calista 1, 20, 148, 154 , 173, 194

Powderly, Cole 85, i 05, 192

0 owell, Ann eke 59, 105, 188

Powell , Anthony 1 16

Powell , Brianna 129

Powell, Dac,an 116

Powell, Lacy 87 , 125, 129

Powers, Jaxon 105

Pran,Connor116 , 191,193

Prehn, Devin 4 , 5, 35, 148 , 188, 194

Prehn, Ellena 10, 65, 86 , 1 i 6

Prehn, Robin 93

Preston , Jade 4 , 5, 20 , 148 , 167

Prey, Haley 4 , 5 , 73, 148 , 187 , 190 , 194

Pnce, Caleb 116, 186

Pnce , Ethan 116, 186

Prokosch, Dalton 129

Pruett, Cameron 129

Pruett, Richard 1 16 , 189

Purta, Kailey 112, 116

Purta, Trevor148,156,157

Qua1ser, Koben 57 , 105

Qualten , James 129 , 186

Quesada, Siena 105 , 188

Quintana A nthony 70, 71, 129, 190

Ragusa , Gabriella 26 , 27 , 105

Ramirez , Lorraine 93

Rank , Samuel 129

Ranney , Ellary 76, 88 , 105, 191

Raths , Noah 116

Ratway , Madi son 54 , 148 , 156 , 157

Rauz1 , Mia 4 7, 105, 187

Reda , Hab 1ba 105

Redmond, Kaia 17 , 20,148 , 175

Reeburgh , Bry ce 22 , 4 2 , 43, 116, 186

Reed , Chase 105 , 187

Reed , Christopher 93

Reed , Griffin 36 , 105

Reed, Z 1rus 105

Rega lado, Yadira 105

Regnier Emma 85 , 192

Regn ier, Emmalynn 116

Reh , Em1he 7 , 17 , 129 , 189, 194

Rehm , N icholas 105 , 187

Re id, Chad 93

Reimers, Nata lie 148, 156, 157

Reinert, Nicholas 1 1 6

Remington , Ca,tna 20 , 148 , 163, 184 , 185 , 194

Rem ington, lain 15 , 20 , 21 , 25 , 29 , 34 ,

62 , 116,188

Repine , Andrew 116

Reveles , Ash ley 105

Reveles, Jasmin 116

Reyes , Alonzo 106

Reyn olds, Emi lee 106

Reynoso , Jose 60 , 116

Rh oten , Seth 148 , 156 , 15 7

R1 cc1, Ella 116, 186

R1cc1, Grayson 9 , 106

Rice, Madison 15 , 20, 21 , 29, 116

Rich , Anthony 116

Richards, Sydney 3 , 19 , 106

Ricketson, Jenna 19, 116 , 191 , 193

Ricketson, Katelyn 67 148 , 170

Ridley, Cohn 35 , 42 , 43 , 122 , 125 ,


Rieger, Isabella 116, 189

R1khof, Frederik 42 , 43 , 129, 186

Rios, Briana 116

Ritter , Kelsen 36 , 11 7

Rivera , Ange lica 149 , 156 , 157

Roberts , Daniel 117

Roberts , Grace 3 , 125 , 129 , 189

Roberts , Wendy 93

Robinson , Jack 106 , 188

Robinson , Mark 35 , 129 , 188, 194

Rodngues de Sousa , Beatriz 149, 156, 157

Rodngues , Beatriz 156, 15 7

Roesch , Emily 129

Rogers , Lo c h Ian 106

Rogers , Veron ica 81 , 129

Rohwede~Joshua 15 20 21 , 117

Roldan , Gianna 8 , 106

Roll , Charles 129

Ro ll, James 10 , 106

Roman , Ale c 13 85 , 147 , 149, 162 ,


Roman , Ella 3, 8 , 13 , 129

Romero , Jacob 156 , 157

Rommeney , Carly 106 , 193

Rose, Brae 18 , 59 , 106

Rose , Jaden 129

Rothenberger , Gabnela 11 7

Royer, Erin 15, 20 , 66 , 129 , 194

Royer Jacob 42 43, 66 , 105 , 106 , 186

Rubenstein , Ryan 129

Rubenstein , Samuel 1 1 7

Rudin , Lisa 93

Ru iz, L1ll1an 106

Ru,z-Yazza , Eltza 129

Rumley, Mad igan 149 , 156 , 157

Rumley, Maura 26 , 27 , 117

Runfola , Marcus 106

Rupp , Olwer 149,156 , 157

Rust , Jacqueline 106

Rutar , Isabelle 63 , 73, 106 , 190, 191

R utar, Nad11a 73 , 106, 190

Rutledge , Clara 106 , 186 , 190

Ryan, Maxwell 1 29

Rya n, Samuel 106

Ryerson , Sebastian 11 7

Sabadosh , Fischer 106

Sabadosh , Wyatt 17 , 149

Salazar, Samuel 55 , 149 , 156 , 157

Salindeho, Adam 149 , 188 , 194

Salter, Ayla 149 , 186 , 194

Salter, Violet 117

Sam , Nathan 149 , 156, 157

Samudio , Guillermo 149, 156, 15 7, 186

Samuelson, Ni cole 26 , 128 , 129 , 194

Sanchez , A le1andro 70 , 71 , 129 , 190

Sanchez, Ange ltna 117 , 189

Sanchez, Jaretcy 129

Sanchez, Rachael 106

Sanchez-Calva, Manah 129

Sanchez-Munoz, Omar 117, 186

Sanden , Max 29, 106 , 187

Sanders , Ale c 129 , 186 , 194

Sanders , Cole 139, 149 , 1 75

Sanders , Gryff1n 7 , 13 , 129

Sangster, Lev, 106, 187

Santiago Alvarado , Ricardo 60 , 65 , 117

SantJer, Katharine 106

Santos, Jazmin 63 , 117, 193

Sau , Sheea15 , 21,84, 11 7

Saull , Cosette 117 , 188

Sausto, Ian 187

Sav, , Rean 6 , 21 , 136, 149, 154 184 , 185,194

S ch aefer, Devyn 13 , 20, 129 194

Scherer, Kyle 58, 129, 186

Schna c kenberg , Da le 129

Schneider, Laet itia 117

S c hneider, S o phie 11 7

S chnei der, Ste ll a 20, 81 149, 154 , 168,194

Schram , Brock 29 99 , 106 , 188

Schreiber Myles 129

Schroeder, Anna lts e 149 , 164, 194

Schuck, Hyd 14?,55,6 2 , 98 , 106 , 18 7, 191

Schultheis, Zachery 117

Schumacher, Eleanor 117

S c hutt , Maxwell 129 , 186

Searls, Grace 22, 42 , 43 , 6 7, 84 149 184,185,186,193

Searls, Nata li e 125 , 129

Seela, Austi n 1 17

Segur , Ava 81 , 149 , 166 194

Segur, Ian 117 , 187

Se i bert , Anna 8 , 27, 129 , 193 , 194

Se ign eur, Samantha 106 , 187

Sekavec, Christian 149 , 186


Shellard , Joshua 94

Shemesh , Stephanie 1 1 7

Sheridan Catherine 6 , 86, 109 , 11 7, 193

Sheridan , James 38 , 39 , 117 , 187

Sherman, Cherish 29, 117 , 187

Sherpa , Dawa 129

Sherpa, M ingma 117

Sherry, Ryan 129

Shields, A 1den 85 , 106 , i 92

Shuler, Adam 36, 106

Shuler, Bryan 42 , 129 , 186 , 192

Shull , Madelyn 129

Silver, Ethan 16, 130

Simcox, Wes 150, 156 , 157

Singer, A udrey 130 , 194

S1ngh,Shan1150 , 156 , 157

Sisco , Kellen 42 , 43 , 53 , 130 , 186

Sisco , Kylte 29, 42 , 53 , 106 , 186

Skeen , Olivia 13 , 26 , 27 , 150

Sloan , Antonia 130

Sloan, Lucia 53 , 57, 63 , 106

Slowik, Chandler 130, 193

Slowinski, Francesca 40 , 106 , 188 , 191

Smith , A lexandria 24 , 27 , 117

Smith , Ann ika 130 , 189, 194

Ka1tl1n 7, 129 Serafin, Gracie 52, 129 Serafin , Landon 29, 52, 106 Seward, Le 1ton 13 , 15, 26, 2 7, 129. 193 Seward , Logan 1 06 Shackett , Jason 93 Shapiro-Bauer, Micah 65 , 108 , 109, 117 Shara,d Ha,du 59, 65 , 117 Shara,d , Herlen 149 , 156 , 157 Sharp, Jonathan 9 , 106 Sharpe, Blake 149, 162 Shea, Francis 85 , 106 , 192 Shea , Made lyn 84 , 129 , 189


Talty Dalton 130

Tapia Ramos , Brandon 107

Tate , Hailey

Valt , Carter 130

Vah , Markus 9 , 107

VanSchaardenburg , Anika 84 130 , 193

Vasquez , Adriana 81 , 107

Vasquez , Alexia 107 , 188

Vaughan, Veronica 131

Vega Lazaro , Rosie 4 , 5, 151

Vermeulen , Anna 20, 72, 73. 118 , 190

Vermeulen, Robert 34 , 151 , 161. 188


V1g1l , Andrea 156, 157

Vig ti , Haleigh 118, 18 7

Vigil , Trevor 151 , 167 , 184, 185

Villa , Kevin 118

Villalba Martinez, Wendy 118

Vining , Brett 118

Vodicka , Tanner 107 , 187

Voelker, Kira 131

Wetch , M cClatne 19, 21 , 119

Welch, Quaid 107, 187

Wheaton , William 131, 193. 194

Wheeler, Torrtk 107

White, Carson 131 186

Whtte, EltJah 131

White, Kevin 119, 192

Whitson, Reed 152, 182

Wiggins , Nathan 131 , 189

Wiles, Mason 3, 131

Wilkes , Curtis 131

W1ll1ams Matthew 153, 156, 157

Willtams-Cordova, Kadence 119

Wills , Jasmine 62, 119

Wilson , A llie 8

Wilson, Libbie 85, 119

Wilson, Luisa 107, 189

Wilson, Ruben 17, 55, 131

, Gavin

Thomas-Blatter, Chnstme 94

Thompson , Brady 107, 190

Thompson , Cambell 20 ,

, 186

Thompson, Carter 21 151 , 171 , 186, 189

Thompson , Jacqueline 52 ,

Thompson , Tadash121, 151,160 , 186

Thomson , Stephanie 94

Thornhill , Kyle 102, 107

Thum1m , Michael 94

Tingley , Forest 9, 107

Tingley, Tucker 44 , 130

Tingley , Vaughn 107

Tobin , Charles 107

Tobin , Taylor 107 , 190

Tompson, Carter 59

Torrey, Joshua i 18 , 186

Vogl , Samuel 151 , 166, 191

Volek , Taylor 11 , 28 , 131

Vu1Jsters Sienna 18 , 22, 4 2 , 48, 49 53, 107 , 186

Vullo , Gabriella 107 , 188

Vullo , Marcello 118 , 190

wWade , Jacob 36, 37 , 118

Wagner Luke 107

Wagner, Thad1us 107

Walker, Ryan 131 , 186

Walkow1cz Tracy 94

Walsh , Zane 118, 187

Walters , Drew 38, 47,118, 187

Walters , Sara 152 , 156, 157

Waltz, Luke 34, 131, 188

Wa rd, Cole 15, 60, 85, 1 18, 192

Wilson, Taylor 131

W1mb1sh , Jake 119, 187

Winn, Roger 94

Winter, Matthew 94

Wishart, Nina 70

, Tamsen 94

Sudweeks, Graham 150, 156 , 157

Summers, Dalton 20, 117 , 186

Summers , James 9 4

Sundarapura, Chanknt 38 , 45 , 55, 150, 187

Sundarapura , Wongchat 8, 55, 117 , 187

Surghani , Adelle 117

Swanson , Jade 48 , 4 9 , 73 , 107 , 186 ,


Swanson, Nathan 130, 186

Sweeney, Alice 23, 28, 130

Swift , Jesse 91 , 94

Sytner, Cullen 150 , 156, 157

Sytner, Ma ta 117 , 128

Tabuyo, Alonso 130

Tahmouras1 1 Arian 117


Toth , Andor 130,

Toth , Simon 118

Touher , Mara

Ward , Sela 152, 166, 184 , 185

Wa rneke, Kyra 107

Warner, Mad ison 131 , 194

Warner, Tate 152, 156 , 157

Waterman , Ja ckson 6 , 21, 55 , 152, 180

Wate rman, Mana-Irene 56, 131, 191

Watson, Stephen 94

Waugh, Kaitlyn 62, 152

Webb , Dalton 115, 118 , 193

Webb , Delaney 152 , 194

Weber, Dayna 61, 123 , 131 , 186

Weber, Madis on 3, 56, 58, 59, 78, 152

Webe r, M olly 29, 61, 88, 117, 118


TruJ1llo 1 Jaden 1, 15 , 20, 130

TruJ1ll0 , Kaden 151, 1 73 , 186

TrUJIIIO , Tob1as 118, 186, 191

Tuzinov1c, Emily 130

Tyrrell-Ead , Janet 94

Ulrich, Nya 118

Umberger, Vanessa 118, 193

Vais, Danny 94

Valdez , Isabella 118

Valenti , Isabella 14, 20 , 161, 159, 171, 194

Valent,, Sofia 28, 4 7, 56, 107 , 185 , 187

W ehner, Raya 131, 194

Weh ner, Talia 20, 152, 169

Wehrlt , Tan ner 118

Wei chel, Alaynah 118

We igel, Cale 152, 156, 157

Weig el, V,v,an 85, 131, 192, 194

Weile r, Zachary 75, 118 , 189

Weimer, Kyle 3

We inberg, An na 107, 188

W eir, Kaelan 13, 61, 118

Well s, Briana 9, 103, 10 7

Well s, Roger 152, 156, 157

Wengr ov1us, Emma 84, 107

Wes t, Caroline 9, 28 , 73, 107, 190

We st , Spencer 118

We st on, Zachary 102, 107

We s two od, Jamie 107

We stwood, Trannette 131

Wet ch, Kendall 15 , 20, 23, 152, 194

Smith, Balley 150, 174 194 Smith , Blake 106 Smith , Ellzah 150 , 151 , 156 , 157 Sm ith , Jaylin 1 1 7 Sm,th Just in 150 , 156 157 Sm i th , Kristen 94 Smith , Landon 117 187 Sm ith , Mas o n 42 43 , 61 65 117 , 186 Smith , Tannor 3, 150, 156 , 157 Smrth, Tyler 42 43 , 117, 186 S o bansk i, Cora 106 S o nger Maia 7 , 13 26 , 27 , 144 , 150 , 155 193 , 194 South, Savannah 9 , 106 Sower, Daren 94 Spanski , Leo 106 Sparks , Ma cy 51 , 130 Sparks , Trey 9 106 , 187 Spencer, Kolton 130 Spen c er, Trey 106 Spetzler, Nolan 2 , 36 55 , 106 Stampka , Erin 150, 156 , 15 7 Stampka, Landon 1 1 7 Stan ek , Kira 106 Stan e k, Tegan 73 , 130 , 190 , 194 Stark, Corey 27 , 87 130 Stearn , Lucas 106 Stec, Emi ly 17 , 21 , 150.154 , 166 Stephens , Dev1 o n 106 Stephens, Keegan 106 Stevens, Caitlyn 85 , 117, 187 Stew, Corb 166, 157 Stewart , Corban 150 , 155 Stewart , Nola 36 , 106 Stickling , Henry 9 , 106, 187 Stobbe , Mason 28 , 130 , 188, 194 Stobbe , Maxwell 50, 106 Stokes
Stonehouse, Kaelan 107 Story, Seamus 55 , 107 Strain -Reyna , Jaime 156 , 157 Stratton, Brittany 43 , 117 , 186 Streich , Brayden 9 , 107 Stricker, Burke 107 , 187
Jenna 15 , 20, 130, 194
t roy , Kevin 39 , 150, 154 , 158 , 194 Stroy, Olivia 1 17 , 188
Stubenrauch , Henry 9 , 22, 42, 43 , 53, 107 , 186
59 130 Tate
Tristan 150 , 156 , 157 Tatesausse , Juliette 4 5 , 150 190 Taylor
Ashley 117 Taylor, Megan 150 166 , 157 Telgener , Liam 15 , 20 56 150, 164, 186 , 194 Templeton , Hal 94 Tennant , Zoe 10 , 15 , 60 , 118 Teran Hernandez, Areh 107 Tetens , Jacquelyn 9 , 13 , 36 , 37 , 83 , 150, 193 Tetens
166 , 157
130 Thomas
, Leslie
Thaanum , Savannah
Theis , Isaac 130,
Thomas , Anthony
54, 107 Thompson Nathan 151 158 , 186
118, 190
107 Townsend
Kaylyn 118 Toy
6 4 , 107 Toy
Ryan 130, 186, 194 Trader, Ben1am1n 65, 118 Traylor, Campbell 43 , 10 7, 186 Tr aylor,
20 , 151 , 155 , 1 73
Brynne 151 , 156, 15 7
Towl , M ia 73,
Towle , James
, Joanna
Trembat h,
Tnpp , Janna 94
, DomtnlC 130
107, 190 W 1strand, Erik 119 W1tuck1, Marryah 16, 147, 153 Wolff Faith 3 , 61, 84, 119 Wolfram, Owen 107 Wood, Samuel 94 Woodard, Kaedyn 131, 189 Woodward, Jayven 153, 156 , 157 Wooten-W1ll1ams, N icholas 60, 119 W osk , Sophia 53, 107 W ou ters , Gunnar 153, 156 , 157 Wre nn, Mall ory 107 Wullstetn, Mit chell 3, 17 , 153, 156 157 Xander, Jackson 107 , 190 Yannacito, Jared 94 Yoon, David 119 , 188, 193 Yoon, J1su 8, 99,107,186 Young, Cole 131 Young, Ella 7, 73, 85, 131, 190, 192 Young, M iles 107 Young, M,lo 119, 188
IZahn, M icah 47 , 52, 107, 187 Zam ora, Michael 153, 186 Zapata , Zachary 1 31 Zavalsky, L,a 131 Zdon , Mats 4 , 5, 119, 193 Zd on , Pavel 107 Ziemann, Christopher 131 Zimmerman , Sonny 153, 156, 157 Zu cca, Ja,dyn 15 , 20 , 131 , 194 Zuydwegt, John 107

This year 'stop headlines in technology , sports , music , movies and pop trends.






Eliud Kipchoge finishes the Austrian INEOS marathon in 1 hour, 59 minutes and 40 .2 seconds . He is the first human in history to run amarathon in under two hours According to ateam of pacemakers who keep up with Kipchoge throughout the ordeal , he runs a pace of 4:33 5 minutes per mile to finish the race ahead of schedule


Astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir complete the first spacewalk with an all -woman team This is Koch 'sfourth space walk and Meir'sfirst. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine mentions that NASA's Artemis program is currently working to land the first woman and the next man on the moon in 2024


In October, California 's Governor signs abill c becoming the first state in the nation to pass legislation that prohibits public schools from starting too early . The bill mandates that middle schools can start no earlier than Bam., while high schools will be prohibited from starting any earlier than 8:30 am Public schools have until the start of the 2022 school year to adjust their schedules accordingly

/ /
Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna Bryant, are killed in ahelicopter crash along with seven others on January 26, 2020 . Bryant iswidely regarded as abasketball legend for his 20 -season career with the Los Angeles Lakers and is the all -time leading scorer in Lakers franch ise history
4 11~2 J \


Amammoth blaze tears through the Notre Dame Cathedral in Parisi nearly destroying th e850 -year-old landmark . The church's wooden latticework roof and iconic spire collapse , but many of the valuable cultural treasures avoid damage with some kept sate at the Louvre Mu seum French President Emmanuel Macron would like the Notre Dame Cathedral to be rebuilt in five years , but restoration experts believe it could take 10 to 15 years More than $700 million is collected in donations for the reconstruction, including S100 ,000 from the University of Notre Dam ein Indiana


Massive wildfires rage on two continents : in Brazil 's Amazon rainforest and acros s Australia Th is year the Amazon rainforest experiences the highest number of fires since Brazil's National In stitute for Space Resear ch began keeping records in 2013 , which burn 2 2 million acres The Australian bushfires primarily affect the state of New South Wales and 12 million acres are burned as of January 2020 New South Wa les is home to Australia 's most populous city, Sydney



USA def eats the Netherlands 2-0 at the FIFA Women 'sWorld Cup . Thi s is the fourth World Cup win fo r the US Women 's Soccer team and their second straight World Cup title . Co-captain Megan Rapinoe and team member Rose Lavelle score the two winn ing goals .


Brooks Koepka is aback-to-back winner of the PGA Championship This is hisfourth major win in 23 months, amile stone only four other golf greats have reached : Be n Hogan , Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods lhls Isthe first repeat PGA Championship winner since Tiger Woods in2007

Lawrence Cherono win sthe 2019 Boston Marathon inthe third -close st fini sheve r, edgi ngout Leli saDe sisa by two second s. Areview of the photo finis his needed to confirm the winne r
6 2 - C


The Kansas City Chiefs def eat the San Francisco 49ers 31 -20 in Super Bowl LIV This is the Ch iefs ' first Super Bowl win in 50 years and also signifies the end of the NFL's 100th season. Quarterback Patrick Mahomes Joins Ben Roethlisberger and Tom Brady as the only quarterbacks in history to earn the Lombardi Trophy before their 25th birthdays.



The Seattle Sounders def eat Toronto FC 3-1to win the 2019 MLS Cup. This is their second Major League Soccer Cup win.

Cori "Coco " Gauff1 15 , makes history defeating five-time Wimbledon champion Venus WIiiiams , 39, whom Gauff calls her idol. Gautt is the youngest player to win in the first round of the women 's singles since 1991 In October, Coco wins Austria 's Linz Open , becoming the youngest woman to win aWomen 'sTennis Association Title since 2004.



Simone Biles wins five gold medals at the 2019 World Championships , more than any gymnast at asingle World Championship since 1958. She also earns her 25th career World medal. 19 of which are gold , atotal that surpasses any gymnast in history While winning her sixth U.S . all -around title in Stuttgart , Germany, the 22 -year-old gymnast successfully lands two historic gymnastics moves : the double-double dismount off the balance beam and the tripledouble on floor. Her landing of the triple-double move on floor is dubbed the Biles II in the FIG Women 's Artistic Gymnastics Code of Points . She also has afloor element named the Biles


Ameri can teenager Kyle Giersdorf, 16 , wins S3 million and takes the top prize at the Fortnite Wor ld Cup . The tournament is held at Arthur Ashe Stadium on July 28 , 2019 in New York City. Giersdorf is one of at least 100 players competing for $30 million in total prize money.



Popular online game Fortnlte goes silent for 36 hours before launching an entirely new experience, dubbed Chapter 2. Epic Games , the creator of For1nite , foreshadows this event through social media , via video trailer and by generating ablack hole within the game itself .


McDonald 'sannounces anew initiative it Is calling the "Apply Thru ," where owners of Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant devices can begin Job applications using standard "Alexa " and "Ok Google " voice commands The company is also investing in ways to automate its self-order kiosk, mobile app and drive-thru experiences


Scientists fram Dresden University of Technology in Germany develop a3-0 bloprinter capable of producing human tissue Scientists design this technology specifically for future astronauts experiencing low gravity conditions.


Two successful experimental treatments are ottered to Ebola patients In the Democratic Republic of Congo. Scientists note that 90 %of those infected can ultimately be cured with these treatments

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With self-driving vehicle technology rapidly advanc ing , many companies are turn ing to autonomous robots for the final leg of the del ivery process Often ca ll ed the last mile , th is sl retch is usually from the store or local distribution center to the customer The latest co mpany to Join the trend is e-commerce giant Amazon . Following asuccessful eight-month lest run in Snohomish County, Washington , the company 'sScout robots have been making the rounds in Irvine , California since August 2019 .


LHarvard researchers Noah Jafferis and Elizabeth Helbling unveil an Insect• Inspired robot that can fly Independent of apower source tether The device , dubbed the RoboBee X-Wlng , weighs a mere 259 mllllgrams


NASA releases video of ablack hole 'Baring apart astar millions of light.years 1 M1ay. Astronomers belleve the black hole nighs about 6.6 mllllon times the sun 's ass and Is located about 375mllllon ~ht-years from Earth

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to William Kaelin Jr. , Peter Ratcliffe and Gregg Semenza for their disc overie s related to how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability . This fundamental process Is key to embryonic development adapting to high altitudes and exercising, as well as developing treatments for anemia and various types of cancers .




Frozen II becomes the highest-grossing animated movie of all time .


Atter 42 years and nine movies, the Skywalker saga comes to a close with the release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

' 12


Music streaming services are more popular than ever, with Spotify, Apple and Amazon in constant competition for the top spot. In contrast vinyl records make acomeback among younger generations as atangible alternative to digital options.


Apple TV+ launches November 1and Disney+ launches November 12, 2019 . Apple notes they will offer fresh and exclusive content for Just $4.99 per month, while Disney offers access to 7,500 episodes from various Disney shows and 500 movies for $6 99 per month

13 - ~

CL ASS OF 2020


Entertainer of the Year: Garth Brooks

Male Vocalist of the Year: Luke Combs

Female Vocali st of the Year : Kacey Musgraves



The Movie of 2019 : Avengers: Endgame

Male Movie Star of 2019 : Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame

Female Movie Star of 2019: Zendaya, Spider-Man : Far From Home

Male TV Star of 2019 : Cole Sprouse , Riverdale

Female TV Star of 2019 : Millie Bobby Brown Stranger Things


The Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HfPA) gives the Cecil BDeMille lifetime achievement award to Tom Hanks at The Golden Globe Awards on January 5, 2020 . Hankshas won four Golden Globe sand has been nominated for nine. Hanks made his movie breakthrough in the 1988 film Big, with other career highlights including Sleepless in Seattle, Saving Private Ryan and voicing cowboy doll Woody in the Toy Story film series. He will next be seen on the big screen in ABeauUtul Oay in the Neighborhood playing U.S children's television host Fred Roger s(M r. Roger s)


Country Artist Kane Brown has released two albums in two years and has performed many successful collaborations with artists outside of Nashville , including "Saturday Nights REMIX, " with almost 300 million streams on Spotify , and "One Thing Right " with music producer Marshmello and 42 million streams . Brown wins Male Video of the Year for his single "Lose It " and Artist of the Year at the 2O19 GMT Artists of the Year ceremony


Jenn ifer An iston is honored as People 's Icon at the 2019 People 's Choice Awards in Santa Monica , California on November 10. Aniston is well known lor her role as Rachel Green in Friends and has since starred in countless romantic comedy hits such as Marley & Me and He 's Just Not That Into You. Earlier this year, An iston "breaks the internet" with her lnstagram page, which crashes shortly after debuting her first post (a Friends cast reunion photo) Aniston racks up more than 116 ,000 followers In under an hour.




United States Pre sident: Donald Trump

Un ited States Vice President: Mike Pence

Federal Mini mum Wage : $7 25/hour

Average Price of Gas 2019 : $2 .61 / gallon

United States Popu lation: 330 ,222 ,422



Fa st food restaurant chain s in troduce more meatless option s than ever. McDonald 's launches the PL.T (Plant. Lettuce Tomato .) in 28 locations in Canada and Burger King introduces the Impossible Burger. Other fast -food companies have also Joined the movement , including White Castle , A&W , Qdoba and Red Robin , Just to name afew .



Roy Racblln/Getty lmagu, 6eottroy Yao det Hasselt/AfP ,11 Gen, l1111gu, Stile 6o teroment of Vltlar1a/Assoclated Press He111ag1 fpace/Herltage lm1gu/6etty lmagu, Luke SbanetVBlaombe11 , 11 Getty 1m1ges, Herbert Naobuer/APA/ AfP ,la Geltf Images, Derekllnls/Poruaiw Press Herald ,11 6et1y lmagu, NUl/Auoefaled Naomi Bater-FIFA/FIF Afta Getty lmagu, Ross llnnalrd/6ettylmges. Chrlslopller fn11$/ ll ulaHews Groop/80$toa Htrild ll1 Getty Images.

I -·------- -
'AS Of JlllUilf 2020
Clear bags Fanny packs H o u separty ,AirPods Checkered Vans "11:f·;p- !-,'E• "--~ -- -- -•c...__ ":)·.c~~-
Toy manufacturers are working to make their games more accessible Mattel releases aBraille version of its UNO card game , with game cards incorporating Braille on both sides of each card Rules are translated and released through voice as sistan ts Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Using Al technology , the LEGO Group convert instruction manuals into audio and Braille formats. ies Phone stability accessories (PopSockets ~bands , etc.) HydrofIasks • NA-TlONAI. Fl'.0£AAT10N OFTH BLIIJD BRAILLE EDITION Includes Braille on Every Card!
Gurge Pimeotel/ Wlre l1111g1 ,ta Getty Images, Jason Kempln/Getty lmagu 101 GMT/ Viacom , Terry Wyatt/ 6elty lmagu Nickey Beml / Wllelmag1 m6ettr lm1ge1, 111110• 6roop LA /AB C'12 G1ny Images, Tadd WlllJJmson/£1 EolertaJnmenlfHBCU Plloto Ban\ rl1 6ettr lm2ges, Alberta Rodriguez/El Eaterlalameol/HBCU Photo Ban t ,ti Getty lllllQIS, John Tlumactl/lhl BIISIOO Globe flt 611ty l1112ges, Pbll Barter/futar1 Pobllslllog 11, Gen, 1m1ges lorttoo/Adobe Stock, Lllls/Adob1 Sleet. montego6/l dobe Stael llllm2gu/Adobe Stock. llya S Sare1111k/Getty Images far Teen Vogue, Maner• FASHION What is old is new with '8 0s neon , tie-dye and fanny packs trending this year. C'l020 Jostens, Inc 192768 (4369) I
PhOto by Allen Beruonky/ Wlrelmage ,la Getty Images, l yodo
Nm Yla 6eny Images Samra 61ndl/APA/AfP na Getty Images, Eric wnmalar/ES PATNedl1/Gett, Images, l yodo Hews , la 6elty Images. Elaina Tbampsoo/AP/lSsodated Prus. foe Ooroctl/AP/lSsoctl!ed Photo 12/Unlmsal lmagas Group rla Getty tm1gas, Augustin Wameop/lfPYla Getty Images, UnlnllllJ H~ltal al Dresden Tetbolcal Unln1i11J, l10a Ba1ancor/ YIEWp1m na 61t1J Images, Pbll1pp1 loJU/ AFP ,1a Geny 1m1g1s. Jonathan Hactsuand/AfP,11 Getty lmagu, Tlllerry Faltn/llgblRocUI 'Tla Getty Images. Joe Borbank/Orl'ando Seatlllel/Trlbooe Hews Sentct na GeltJ Imagas. ChriS J R1tcllff1/ Bt01Jmhtr9 ria Getty lrnagu, SPPFR / Hicalas MtSS'flSl/SIPA © Walt Dllniy ttudlas MOUOD Plcluru/Coortes, Emell ColleCllon, © Walt Disney SllJi!l0$ MoUon Plcturas/courlU'f Enreu Callettlon. © WaN OlsneJ Studl0$ Motion Pltturas/© Marnl/coartuy heren C1lletUOQ, © Walt lltsneJ Stu41os Molloa Plctures/courttsJ Emen ColletUoo. © Walt Disney Studf°' Molino Pictures/© lucufilm/courtny heren Collecuon. Jison l empla/6!Uy lm1ges. RobJo Bect/lfP mGetty Images. Ulrlch B1omQ1rtrn llJ Getty longu. ,n10 Wlnter/Geny Images , Knln Wtnter/Cetty 1magu,


Everything is different, for everyone. Classes are online. Spring sports that had just barely gotten started , ended before they really began. Plays and final concerts canceled. Graduation has been postponed until August , and Prom looked very , very different. All of our traditional rites of passage have changed for this Spring , but as a community we have come together to support one another, to adapt and to reinvent , to redefine just what Demon Strong means.

- - -

HOW LIFE HAS ~lrnll~mm

Being stuck at home has caused Peyton Brown (9) to develop a bad sleep schedule. "I typically go to bed between twelve and two ,n the morning," she says. Peyton has kept 1n touch with her friends through text and FaceT1me. Her school work only takes up to three hours a day which allows Peyton to do other things. She enJoys going for walks with her family and being able to relax at home

Chloe Flannigan (9) has taken this time to hang out with her family. Although being housebound isn't ideal, 1t gives her a chance to spend time with her loved ones She also keeps busy by doing her schoolwork Chloe says, " I think about getting one thing done at a time and make sure to take breaks ." Taking breaks while working refreshes the mind and 1s proven to increase product1v1ty

Solt F1cco (9) has been reading, writing, and facet1m1ng her friends. She has enJoyed being with her family while at home. Staying motivated can be tough, but rt 1s worth 1t to keep working hard. Soll says, "I stay motivated to do schoolwork by remembering that what I do now will determine my future, and when I don't feel motivated, I push myself to try.'' Something she has done to pass the time aside from school 1s researching things and wnt1ng about them "T here are so many things to discover, and despite not being able to go out and discover, there are 1ncred1ble ways that we can still learn everyday!" says Sol1.

facet,,,,.ng my "1end• and be,ng Ylnh my f1mllyl

I my rnot,•1ted to do schootwort by rem1mb•t1ng 1h,1 "'""' I do now ..;11 d.iermlne my fun,,. •nd e.en~ I don, lol rnotN•ted tll puah myulf lo try! ltHly lo,• be109 ott<hool


1nd Im~ ••~011,1

I htVe de""lop,d I hobby of ,,u, lng th1119> i nd wtl1lng 1bovt ttl And olao lo odd o,, the l•>t one I II••• d•.,..loped • hobby of ,,u1rdl1119 thing• ond wnung 1bollt !ti There ,,. ,o many thlngi to dlt<Ovlt and dupl1• not being ,ble lo go out 1n diacov,,r, th•re , ,. Incredible thl"511 th•I - ,ttn lurn "'''>' doyl

~11v.,-,o,, • T~P_, 0 M aso11 \. • >

1 Do you like the concept of online school?

Why or why not?

2 Where are you do,ng your work'?

J. Which teacher gave you the leul •mouflt ofwon(1

4 Are ,ny of your teach en docn9 leuons through FacoTimo or calling?

S Did you have any difficulty with techr,ology?

I 1, 1lllo.o 10 concept of onl,ne school because 11 givu m• th• freedom to work at my owr, pace and doe.n·t provide any of the stress that 1chool dou.

2. I'm doing myworlc In my room J My Spanish teacher gave me th• least amount of work

4 None of my toachers h,vo done F,coT1m1r,g «Ifs ~ot, bUt I am 011peetln9 one over the couM of the week

S I didn't have dtfflculty w,th technology but I had somo difficulty Ylnth undentandlng wllat I wu stioPOsed 10 be doina

a Chloe "- • > IH•Y ~n I••• u qu 110,u for yMtbocl<'I Sut91 How are )'O<I ~ngth• brne at homt?Wha1 kffsnyoubu,-y? How doyounaymotivai.d to doachoolwork?Hawyoudevetoi,.danyn..,. hobbH7 I l Spending time .,111, my family fmnotsu,efor2 3 Thin tr abollt 51.itln9 on• th,ng done ot a t•m• ,ndb<ulu 4 Not really any new hobbi•s lol 0 Solldea '- • > I IWhit .,, you doing to p.>t tlmt l How do )'OU &tay rnoth1i.d to do Jd!ool,o,'O!tr? luve you de.-lOfMd eny """' hobbiu l I l\he bun raod ng wnting

How long does it take for you to get done w i th your homework?

"Some assignments take me about 45 minutes so each class 1s roughly 45 minutes."

What is your home hangout?

" I work on my bed most of the time, sometimes it's my desk or my kitchen table -b ut mostly my bed."

Do you study with friends or by yourself?

" It depends on the day and the friends, I think I study better with friends but it's also easier to get distracted .''

What ore some online school study tips you hove?

" I would say power through it and use as many resources as you have."

-Yearbook resPonse?
Al ex Sm i th ( l 0 )
' m able to get all of it
before 1pm Reply > Morg an M ccarter ( 10) to take notes however you like an d do whatever you want with t hem c ause you have the ti me
nd it out in the morning Reply > II&- Morga n •.\ M ccarte r ( 10) d epends on the class som et imes only till lunch and some t imes much longer Q Ellary jk umm face time text netfllx party and we played photo roulette ahaha 3 ------·
f) Ko,o Hein
10) I
:) Alex Smith ( 10) gri

Being under stay-at-home orde rs has created new challenges for everyone. Whi le some people found themselves overwhe l med trying to manage child care and a full time Job, others have ended up with a lot more free time on their hands than ever before Here are a few ways some family members and friends have been spending the i r time

" I s leep a lot "Sage Manning (9)

" I developed a new habit which 1s spending time with my dog for an hour everyday " Melonie Dorr (9)

Moria Waterman ( 11 ) has taken this time to clean and organize She has a lso up-cycled a lo t of clothes. Mana has kept very active dunng quarantine by " running for forty-five minutes every other day and working out 1n my basement "

" I've been spend i ng a lot of time playing with my dogs "Caroline West ( 10)

Chloe Klein (9) spends her days walking her dogs, tanning, baking, and watching Netfl1x She tries to stay as productive as possible wh i le stuck at home Chloe 1s stay i ng active mostly by doing home workouts While school 1s pnont1zed, she has found t his 1s a grea t time to relax.

" After school, I either go on my phone for a btt or spend t ime with my family," says Chloe

Quarantine, while sometimes boring, gives us time to do the things we love. Nolan Spetz s ( 9) favorite thing to do outdoors is play lacrosse He has connected with h is friends throug h gaming A new hobby of his 1s playing hacky sack Nolan has spent l ots of tirne biking and experiencing the outdoors

Kaia Hein ( 10 )

Wh a t' s y o ur f avo rit e thi ng y o u h ave d o n e outdoors ?

''S itting and Re ading I don't really enjoy running whi c h I also do outside. But I r ea lly l i ke to s it on my front porch and read. ''

What ore s om e th i n gs you have don e with your family?

" Going to get food We've gone to Wendy ' s and McDonalds on multiple o cc a s ions a nd due to the way my family is , we never really used to do such t hings befor e."

What 's y o ur f a v o r i t e th,n g you hav e don e indoors?

" I ha v e a lot more tim e on my hands and I have been cooking a lot of new thin gs."

Wh a t a r e so m e way s you ' r e s tay ing a ctiv e ?

0 1hav e n't c hanged much. I run early in the morning just like I used to Maybe not as mu c h but I sti l l have mostly the same routine. ''

What or e s om e new hobbi es you 'v e d e v e lop e d?

Drawing, writing, and c leaning (if that's considered a hobby). "

I I l I I I -

Snac k Time i s ALL t he Time

Snack time 1n quarantine. While we can't go out to eat, many of us are f1nd1ng food a great a way to pass the time at home The 1rres1st1ble desire to munch on some snacks while working from home or watching TV has people remembering old favorites as well as trying out some new snack time ideas

Zoe Tennant ( l 0 )

What is your favorite study snack?

"Hot cheetos because they're crunchy, spicy, and del1c1ous .''

What is your favorite food to bake?

"Peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies:·

What is your favorite food to cook?

ul really like cooking a box of mac and cheese with crunched up hot c heeto bits ,n 1t."

Is there any food that you eat now that you wouldn ' t eat as a chtld?

'' No, but I eat less now."

Samantha Kruger's

favorite snack while studying 1s goldfish! Goldfish are always a good snack, salty and bite-sized! The snack that smiles back 1s always a good way to eat du nng the quarantine

•Iw~t l , 'Y')ur fal/Ortl.e food Wh ,l o 1tudy1119? ,.. I9oldf11h .u "'· ay


I I I I I I I ...
l UU u ~000


On April 15th our Student Council published a video on YouTube to remind the residents of Golden Pond , our local senior l1v1ng facility, that we are supportive and thinking about them during these difficult times

Welcome to a GHS sprit week, quarantine style. The theme is Wizard of Oz/ There REALLY is no place like home!
twister tuesday!
wacky hair or a wacky 1 hat!
wear your

which witch is which? twin day!

' GHS VIRTUIIL SPIRIT WEEK ":rd,f/'vf/ le,f/fJl,ttr t.r 'ft 1> PtfJl,C,f/ ttfef} 1//)-~(} 0 Monlay 4/ 27 I • '"'! T., ,., ,..,, "II,,/ Dress in .tJ,.our 6est A.n ima( Prints or Jun.9le/ 'lig er King cpyare LJ iuescfay 4/ 28 T,,,,.,,., i'Jl4 IHA.l II Wear your wa C~lJ hair or a wacfy hat! Wecfnescfay 4/ 29 • ,, ·,,,~ •,t' t. ;, lf'I· ,1,, 'llvf n lay ! Coorlinate with a f ri end / c(ass/ c{u6Jsyorts team &' lre ss tp together'
4/ 30 P?/'/'9 r (JP -c ){l!J Sn ooze in the Payyy Fie(I in y our 6e st yCl)amas ! Frilay 5/ 1 i::=::i;::. Tt.e /?. 1 ·eo 1 f' Pfl11 1P.1•ft11 UltJ/# tlal tf'orf<e1•1Wear rel to show y our siy,yort fo r tho se working on the f rontUnes o; tfie yanlemic--- - - -
- ·---------


• r - ::::::-:::----.ii .... -I ·--- ··== === - ---- ----
"' the great and powerful essential workers! thank you!
you to all who participated! It has been important 1n these difficu lt times to stay connected with each other, and our wonderful StuCo has done a great job of helping us a l l remember that even separated, we are stil l a community and we still stand Demon Strong!

Sadly, due to the ongoing p andemic , Spring Sports were unable to play this season Many seniors lost out on t h eir fou rt h year competing wi t h teams that h ave become families , and others lost their chan c e to Jo i n those families for t he firs t time. Ou r Softball team p ut together a YouTube video w ith words of en c ouragement to all th ose a th let es who were una bl e to play t h is year.

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NEVER Fl)~et you
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GIRLS =r~mmmm1111

Thank you to Catt Remington for these photos ( mostly Varsity 2019 ) of the team While they may not have been able to have a season together , they certainly have wonderful memories of the time they did spend together.

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Thank you to Dalton Summers for helping make this page possible!

2020 Pre-Season Rankings

I I r I I -
2019 State Semi-Finals Win
RK TEAM 1 Golden (7) 2 Cheyenne Mountain (2) 3 Thompson Valley 4 Air Academy 5 6 7 Evergreen Green tv1ountain Erie 8 Steamboat Spnngs 9 Aspen 10 Eagle Valley WL PTS 0-0 88 0-0 78 0-0 64 0-0 52 0-0 51 0-0 42 0-0 36 0- 1 33 0-0 20 0-0 10

"Our season might have been cut short-but we all knew, and always will know, that this season was going to be special"


" I think everyone knew that this season was going to be special, we all wish we could have shown 1t on the field "


''You can't make up for lost time , you Just have to do the most with the time given" KEVIN MULLIGAN (1 2 ) h tfW7:

"Once you know what failure feels like , determination chases success." ~~rUfiiJ.

BEN KIRSCHNER (11) en1ors

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