Laura Weinberg
Looking Long-Term for Racial Equity
n June 7, I looked out over a crowd of hundreds in Parfet Park and had to pause and collect myself. A love and appreciation for our community overwhelmed me for a moment. The day before, my inner worries about saying the wrong thing or not finding the right words made me consider backing out from speaking. I chose and discarded so many thoughts and words as I wondered what I could possibly say at an event that really was not supposed to be about my voice. I do not know what it is like to be black in America. I continued to work to put words to paper with the understanding that my role was to speak as a leader in the community, as your Mayor. I needed to talk about Golden and who we were as a city, who we are now, and who we want to be in the future. As I looked at all the people gathered in the park wearing masks and holding signs, I was encouraged. There were fellow City Councilors, the Police Chief and Police Officers, neighbors and friends, and so many children, teens and young adults who gave me optimism. The next generations have a passion for righting wrongs, compassion for others, and a willingness to use their voices. My fervent wish is that they also use their vote. One of our Golden Vision 2030 values is a sense of community which includes diversity and tolerance of others. Council passed resolutions in 2007 and 2017 to be a diverse and inclusive city. On June 11th, Council passed a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis. Words state the intent, but it is the actions that make it a reality. City Council will meet in July to review current policies and practices and determine actions needed for immediate changes, and for practices that will ensure future decisions live up to these values. Now is the time to take a hard look at what we do here in Golden. We need to ask tough questions without easy answers such as: how can we look at our budget, policies, and practices through a racial equity lens; and how can we root out practices that allow inequities to persist in our community? I recognize that there is no single answer or solution but rather an ongoing effort is needed that will require the investment of both time and budget. There are tough conversations ahead and there will be many other situations where I struggle to find the right words. It is my privilege though to be serving as your Mayor during this time and working alongside dedicated, thoughtful council members and City staff. I may make mistakes and I may not move as fast as you would like, but I am committed to long-term change and know that together we are making Golden a better place for everyone.
4 | July 2020