Golden Informer - March/April 2023

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Learn More About the Future of the Golden Informer Check it out on Page 7 Stay Green in Golden with Spring Sustainability Tips GoldenInformer MARCH/APRIL 2023 $480K in Thriving Community Grants Issued to Golden Nonprofits

Laura Weinberg Mayor


E-mail: lweinberg

2023 Golden City Council

JJ Trout Mayor Pro Tem District One


E-mail: jtrout

Rob Reed Ward One


E-mail: rreed

Paul Haseman Ward Two


E-mail: phaseman

Casey Brown District Two


E-mail: cbrown

Don Cameron Ward Three


E-mail: dcameron

To contact the entire City Council, e-mail:

Coffee with Councilors

Eachmonth this year, Coffee with Councilors (CWC), hosted by Casey Brown, will be covering various strategies and actions from the Strategic Action Plan, which can be found at

Deputy City Manager Carly Lorentz joined the CWC meeting in January to offer an overview of the City’s Strategic Action Plan. She explained that the first plan was developed in 2020 by brainstorming what Council and the City Manager felt were the key factors that define what a successful Golden city government looks like, including: Active, Connected, and Sustainable; Affordable and Thriving; Safe, Inclusive, and Engaged; Respected and Relational Governance; Quality Services. Using that framework, the plan includes roughly 50 different projects or efforts that we will give focused attention to over the next 1 to 3 years. City staff will then provide a monthly update to the Strategic Action Plan throughout the year. The plan and staff monthly updates can be viewed online at www.guidinggolden. com/strategic-action-plan

At February’s CWC, Councilors and staff reviewed major additions and changes to the Strategic Action Plan stemming from the January Council offsite meeting and discussed the staff progress report from January. In March, Community and Economic Development Manager Rick Muriby will join CWC on Saturday, March 4 to discuss Phase 2 and 3 of the zoning code update for commercial development.

CWC will convene in the Bear Creek Room in the Community Center on Saturday, March 4 at 10 a.m. and again on April 1 at the same time. We hope you can join us!

NOTICE: City Council meetings will be available for viewing live on the Meetings and Agendas page on the city website at Recordings of meetings are also available on this page. For those accustomed to watching meetings on Comcast Channel 8 or 880, or on GCO.TV, future meetings will not be available for streaming or rebroadcast utilizing these outlets until further notice.

Bill Fisher Ward Four


E-mail: bfisher

Meet Your Councilors


Saturdays, March 4 & April 1

Meetings will be held inperson on the first Saturday of each month at 10 a.m.

If you'd prefer to join virtually, visit coffee. Bring your own coffee!


Golden Community Center, Bear Creek Room (upstairs) 1470 10th St., Golden


Join your neighbors, councilors, city staff and volunteers for an open discussion.

2 | March/April 2023

Mayor's Message

Sustainable Spring Cleaning

It is a beautiful, blue-sky day in February as I write this letter and I am getting a little antsy for springtime. Spring means the re-awakening of our flora and the greening of our mountains. It brings warmer nights and longer days. It also brings to mind more practical matters such as spring cleaning. Perhaps you like to tackle spring cleaning with a thorough scrubbing of your home from top to bottom. I admire your energy and invite you to tackle my home any time. Maybe you instead take that same attention and enthusiasm outside and clean and prepare yards and garden beds.

I personally use springtime to clean and de-clutter in a sustainable way. At the end of April, provided any spring snow has melted, I’ll take time to focus on the outside of our home. Although we utilize the City’s year-round compost program, we still plan our yard cleanup around the semi-annual yard waste collection which is the 2nd week in May this year. In 2021, Golden residents diverted 432 tons of green material out of the landfill. I have visited the organics site and it is fantastic to see that waste turned into rich soil.

This is also a good time of year for my family to organize our closets and hopefully put away sweaters and coats. We always find clothes that don’t fit anymore or won’t be worn again and there are many local organizations who appreciate the donations and put them to good use.

My daughters’ clothing goes to Jeffco Schools Foundation’s Serving Kids program. They provide gently used clothes and shoes to children in county schools. With 1 in 3 Jeffco students living in poverty, and an increasing number of homeless students, this program provides students with clothing so they can focus on learning. My husband’s clothing goes to the Jeffco Action Center. They help thousands in the county with basic human needs and always have a shortage of clothes and shoes for men. Other clothing items, household goods, and games go to Golden’s excellent CAG thrift shop which raises money for the food pantry. Towels that are no longer needed get dropped off at the Foothills Animal Shelter. There are always some items that are hard to reuse or find a place to recycle. The city website lists various locations for different types of items from batteries to unused medications. The City also works with partners to offer curbside recycling for mattresses and appliances.

Whatever your interpretation of spring cleaning, take a moment to be thankful to live in a community committed to sustainability and to the beautification of our city. April 22 is Earth Day which is a great time to look at our own household impact on our environment. I have shared a few practices from my family, and I would love to hear your ideas.


Meetings are held on Tuesday Nights at 6:30 p.m.

*Study Sessions begin at 5 p.m.

Council Chambers

City Hall, 911 10th St.

For more information, visit agendas

March 14

Regular Business Meeting*

March 28

Regular Business Meeting

April 11

Regular Business Meeting*

April 25

Regular Business Meeting

Council’s upcoming agendas, packets and meeting minutes are available online under the City Council link at agendas.

Public comment is welcome on the agenda at all regular business meetings.

If you want to send your comments to the City Council directly, you can email them to councilcomments@ or publiccomment@

March/April 2023 | 3

Connect with the City of Golden

4 | March/April 2023
Contact Email Phone Main Switchboard .......................... 303-384-8000 Non-Emergency Dispatch (Police & Fire) .......................................................... 303-980-7300 City Manager’s Office ............................................................................ 303-384-8011 24-Hour Water/Sewer Emergency 303-384-8158 Animal Control 303-980-7300 Police Records .............................. ........................ 303-384-8035 Code Enforcement .......................... ................ 303-384-8048 Building Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 303-384-8151 Building Permits 303-384-8151 Backflow Prevention 303-384-8170 Right of Way Permits ........................ .......................... 303-384-8151 City Clerk's Office ........................... ............................ 303-384-8015 Communications............................ ................. 303-384-8000 Museum 303-278-3557 Finance .................................... ..................... 303-384-8000 Sales & Use Tax .............................. .......................... 303-384-8024 Fossil Trace Golf Course ..................... .............................. 303-277-8750 Golden Community Center .................. ............ 303-384-8100 Liquor Licensing 303-384-8015 Municipal Court ............................. ............................. 303-384-8006 Parks Department ........................... ...................... 303-384-8100 Planning Department ....................... ......................... 303-384-8097 Special Events Permits ...................... ............................ 303-277-8728 Pavillion Rentals 303-384-8100 Streets Department ......................... ..................... 303-384-8160 Public Works ................................ ........................ 303-384-8151 Utilities Division. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................................... 303-384-8170 Water Bills .................................. ...................... 303-384-8026 Victim Outreach 303-202-2196 Affordable Housing ......................... 303-597-5221 Sustainability ............................... .............. 303-384-8117 Trash & Recycling ........................... ...... 303-277-8727 Water Quality 303-384-8181 Clear Creek RV Park 303-278-1437 Visit us: Engage with us: Call us: 303-384-8000 Email us:

City of Golden Department Managers

In This Issue

2 Coffee with CouncilorsMarch 4 & April 1

6 Clear Creek Strategies Meeting on March 30

6 Community Art Proposals

7 Golden Informer: What's Next?

7 Tell Us Your Ideas for the City's Website Redesign

8 Spotlight on a Golden Business: Tengu House

8 Annual City Tree Sale




9 City Issues Thriving Community Grants to Local Non-Profits

10 NEW Compost Collection Rules Change on April 1, Garden In A Box Kits SALE begins March 1, and FREE Waterwise Yard Seminars in March & April

12 Sales Tax Refund Claim Form

13 Join the City's Parks Department: Tons of FUN jobs for the Summer!

15 Golden Town & Gown Book Club: On Sacred Ground





15 Colorado Mountain Club: Youth Programs & Summer Camps

16 The City is Hiring!

The Golden Informer is produced and published monthly by the Golden City Manager’s Office and mailed as a source of news and information to all residences and businesses inside the city limits. Comments on The Informer are welcome.

Please write to: City of Golden 911 10th St., Golden, CO 80401 or e-mail:





March/April 2023 | 5
Scott Vargo City Manager svargo@ Monica Mendoza City Clerk mmendoza@ Jeff Hansen Finance jhansen@ Carly Lorentz Deputy City Manager clorentz@ Rod Tarullo Parks and Recreation rtarullo@ Kristen Meier Human Resources kmeier@ Anne Beierle Public Works abeierle@ Joe Harvey Police Chief jharvey@ Emily Gedeon Communications egedeon@ Rick Muriby Community & Econ. Dev. 303-384-8098 rmuriby@ Kasey Beal Interim Fire Chief kbeal@ Jiles McCoy Innovation and Technology jmccoy@

HEADS UP: Important Upcoming Items

Clear Creek Strategies Meeting on March 30

The 2023 Summer season is upon us, and as Goldenites know, things get busy down at Clear Creek. Join city staff on Thursday, March 30 in Golden City Council Chambers (911 10th St.) from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to hear about strategies that the City of Golden deployed in the past few summers to ensure a safe experience and to manage high visitation. Staff will also share potential strategies for the 2023 summer season, so please bring along your suggestions and questions.

Community Art Proposals Due April 6

Mondays with Mayor Weinberg – Join Us!

Did you know that Mayor Laura Weinberg personally addresses Golden’s residents on the city’s Facebook page every Monday in the early afternoon? She shares the latest on city events and projects and is open for questions. This is a great chance to connect with the Mayor on a weekly basis! You can always submit questions via the City’s Facebook page, and watch the recording later.

Do you have an idea for new public art? The Public Art Commission (PAC) is responsible for the City of Golden’s Art in Public Places Program. Public art creates a vibrant atmosphere that contributes to the quality and cultural identity of our community. The PAC is accepting community art proposals to be considered at its meeting on Thursday, April 6. Please visit for more information.

Arts and Culture Strategic Master Plan –Public Meeting on April 18

The City of Golden has engaged Keen Independent to create an Arts and Culture Strategic Master Plan, which will serve as a framework for cultivating art, culture, and creativity in Golden. Keen Independent is a national research firm that combines expertise in equity and economics with lived arts and cultural leadership. The study team will conduct extensive stakeholder and community engagement, visit and document Golden’s cultural assets, and assess the City's needs to complete the plan by August 2023. Residents of Golden are cordially invited to participate in a Discovery Meeting on Tuesday, April 18 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Community Center (1470 10th St.) to learn more about the study and provide input through different family-friendly brainstorming activities. Food and beverages will be provided.

Daylight Saving Time - March 12

Time to spring forward! Be sure to set your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday, March 12. This is also a good time to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

6 | March/April

City to Redesign Website

The City of Golden municipal website has approximately 800,000 visitors every year and is a vital service and information tool for our community. The current website was designed in 2015, but the needs of our community have evolved. It's time for a make-over!

In 2023, www.cityofgolden. net will go through a complete redesign process. This will include issuing an RFP and selecting outside consultants to help us build the new website. But before we do anything, we need to hear from you—the people who use it. What do you like about the current website? What don't you like? How can we make it better? What are we missing? It's important that we understand what you need, want and value.

Please take a moment to visit and take the Website Redesign Survey. Your feedback will guide us in building a better and more inclusive online tool for the Golden community.

What’s Coming Next in the Golden Informer!

Our Impact:

A Golden Informer per month, mailed to every household = 120 trees annually. That’s a lot of trees!

As a community that values sustainability and transparency, it’s important to us to maintain the high quality and visibility of public information services that the community expects, while also innovating and ensuring we reach everyone in a sustainable way. Via several community surveys, we learned that folks like receiving the Golden Informer by mail, and they also seek more detailed stories and photos about the people, programs, and priorities in the City of Golden.

The Golden Informer will deliver the good information you need – Sustainably!

We’ll still mail the Golden Informer to physical addresses in the City of Golden, and hard copies of the Informer will still be available in city buildings. Here’s what’s different – starting mid-year 2023, the Golden Informer will move to a quarterly schedule. This shift matches the approach of neighboring communities and will enable the City to provide more in-depth information about key city projects and programs, advertise long-standing community events, and share the amazing stories of the people and places that make Golden wonderful.

Here is the schedule for the Informer for the rest of 2023 and 2024 (and beyond):


May/June 2023

July/August/September 2023

October/November/December 2023

2024 (and beyond)





Will I still be able to get information about events and other timely matters?

Yes! The City of Golden delivers a weekly email newsletter to your inbox – please sign up at We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Nextdoor.

March/April 2023 | 7 GoldenInformer MAY 2022 GOLDEN'S NEW POLICE CHIEF SWORN IN The Search for Golden's Next CITY MANAGER is ON! The Splash OPENS May 28!
GoldenInformer JUNE 2022 Clear Creek: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU GO! Golden Farmers Market OPENS June 4 INSERT INSIDE: 2021 WATER QUALITY REPORT

SPOTLIGHT on a Golden Business

Every issue, we’ll be highlighting a business here in the City of Golden.

Tengu House

This month in the City of Golden business spotlight, we spoke with Joe Nelson, founder of Tengu House, located at 109 N. Rubey Drive in Golden. For more information, visit

If you’re a local business owner who is interested in getting access to more information about local economic development or want to be featured in upcoming issues of the Golden Informer, please reach out to the City of Golden’s Economic Development Manager Robin Fleischmann at


Tengu House is a martial arts gym and healing center. It offers elite combat martial arts, such as Muay Thai Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Olympic Tae Kwon Do, and Filipino Kali for beginner and advanced students. It also offers Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and Daoist Yoga for those who want to explore the original foundations of martial arts and internal development. The founder is a second generation acupuncturist with over 40 years martial arts experience. This unique blend of martial and healing knowledge is used to help students forge their own path to self-development.


As Tengu House is a gateway to explore martial arts and selfimprovement, Golden is a gateway to the West and all it has to offer. Golden allows its residents to be close to nature and still take part in vibrant commerce while providing educational and cultural opportunities. This mindset of exploration, health, and living life to the fullest in deep connection with our natural universe is part of Tengu House’s philosophy and ethos.


Tengu House is excited to now offer free classes to Parkinson’s disease patients and caregivers. The founder developed a Tai Chi and Chi Kung program specifically designed for Parkinson’s patients that was proved in a federally funded hospital study to reduce the number of falls 18 times and reduce declines in motor functions. The program has been cited in over 24 academic and scientific publications, including What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Parkinson’s Disease by Dr. Marjama Lyons. Tengu House invites anyone with a loved one who is suffering from Parkinson’s disease to contact them about this program. Classes are each Wednesday at 9 a.m.

Annual City Tree Sale

Want to spruce up your yard? Check out the City of Golden’s annual tree sale, brought to you by the Golden Parks and Recreation Department. The sale runs from March 1 through April 14 or until we run out of trees. Do not wait! All trees come in seven-gallon pots and are $75 plus tax. This is your opportunity to get trees that are known to adapt and thrive in our area.

Our program is offered to City of Golden residents only. You must have an active online account with the Golden Parks and Recreation Department ( to purchase trees. Quantities are limited and households may order up to two trees.

Purchased trees will be distributed at the Golden Cemetery, 755 Ulysses Street, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 15.

For details visit Questions? Call the Forestry Office at 303-384-8141 or Stacy Turner at 303-384-8191.

Choose from the following selection:

• Rocky Mountain Glow Bigtooth Maple

• Hotwings Tatarian Maple

• Norwegian Sunset Maple

• Catalpa

• Hackberry

• Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn

• Swamp White Oak

• Shumard Oak

• Discovery Elm

8 | March/April 2023

Thriving Community Grants Issued to Local Non-Profits by the City of Golden

In January, the City of Golden granted more than $480,000 to Golden nonprofits serving the community in Golden and Jefferson County. The grantees were selected by members of Golden’s Citizens Budget Advisory Committee and administered based on the need for the proposed activity and the benefits to Golden residents and the community.

The grants were funded by collections from the voterapproved Lodging Tax Ballot Measure, which enacted a 6% lodging tax on overnight commercial lodging stays. As part of the review and adoption of the 2023 budget, City Council authorized the use of a portion of the Lodging Tax collections from 2022 to assist local nonprofits and community organizations with:

• Efforts to focus on improving quality of life for the residents of Golden;

• Support for programs and projects from Golden nonprofits to address physical health, educational, or livability needs of Golden residents;

• Support for cultural programs and activities; and

• Other innovative programs and projects.

Grantees included the Alpine Club, Golden United, Miners Alley Playhouse, The Golden Terrace Mobile Home Park, the Golden Schools Foundation, the Salvation Army Service Extension, and many more. The programs seeded through these grants include expanded ADA improvements, outreach support, scholarships, and rental assistance. You can view the full list of grantees online at thriving-community-grants.

Fire Prevention Tips

In the event of a home fire, every second counts. Home fires are preventable, however in the event of a home fire, the following tips and recommendations may help protect you, your family and our community. Have a fire escape plan for young children. If you have a fire in your home, you will need to wake babies and very young children and help them get out. In your fire escape plan, talk about who in your home will help each child get out safely. Make a fire escape plan around your abilities, because if there is a fire in your home, you have less than 3 minutes to get out. If you need to use a wheelchair or a cane, make sure you can get to it easily and get out quickly. If you wear hearing aids or eyeglasses, put them next to your bed while you are sleeping.

Fires in apartment buildings and condominiums are especially dangerous. Make sure you know where all the exit stairs are in your building. If you do have a fire in your building, here are steps you can take to stay safe. Leave your apartment or condo if safe to do so and close the door behind you, while pulling the fire alarm on your way out to notify the fire department and your neighbors. Use the stairs to get out; do not use the elevator unless directed by the fire department. Go to your outside meeting place and stay there and call the fire department. If someone is trapped in the building, let the fire department know. If you cannot get out of your apartment or condo because of fire, smoke or if you have a disability, call 911 and tell them where you are. It

may take a while for the fire department to clear the building, however stay on the phone with dispatch until the dispatcher disconnects or the fire department locates you.

Know the fire-safety risks and how you can keep yourself and first responders safe. Personal items can crowd cooking equipment, making it unsafe to cook. Personal items can crowd heating equipment, putting you at risk of having a fire. Blocked windows and doors make it difficult for firefighters to get into your home to fight the fire and search for occupants. Piles of belongings make it difficult for firefighters to move through your home quickly. Always keep anything that can burn at least 3 feet away from cooking and heating equipment, and keep doorways and windows clear for escape in case there is a fire. This will also prevent injuries from falling over excessive personal items.

March/April 2023 | 9 Golden
Fire Department

Social, Economic & Environmental Issues

New Compost Collection Rules April 1

The City of Golden has recently been informed of changes by our compost processor, A1 Organics that will affect subscribers to our residential curbside compost program and at city events. As a result of high contamination rates in compost containers of all types, A-1 Organics has placed significant restrictions on what can be delivered as compostable to their facilities. Golden’s compost materials, along with materials from most communities along the Front Range, are collected by local haulers and then transported to the A-1 Organics facility in Keenesburg, Colorado.




Presentation on April 11

City Council is recognizing community members and businesses who strive to create a sustainable and resilient Golden through their annual Sustainability Awards program. Tune in to the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 11 for this year’s awards ceremony.

Garden In A Box


Join the waterwise movement! Big lawns are out; beautiful low-water perennials are in. Visit to learn about easy, low-water gardening kits.

The City of Golden offers a limited number of $25 discounts to their customers, making a greater step towards water conservation. Gardens start at $79 and are competitively priced. Find the perfect garden for your unique space at and for more inspiration go to

Beginning April 1, A-1 Organics will only accept loose yard waste (including ground tree/shrubbery material) and food wastes. They will no longer accept compostable products such as paper towels, compostable cups, paper products, compostable utensils or any other organic materials that are not food and yard waste explicitly. The only exception is that they will also accept food waste contained in 3-gallon or smaller green compostable bags; no paper bags will be accepted. For a complete list of acceptable and nonacceptable items, please visit

Beautiful Low-water Yards Made Easy

The City of Golden and Resource Central are hosting FREE Waterwise Yard Seminars this spring and summer! The virtual webinars will connect you with local sustainability professionals who’ll share their tips for an easy transition to low-water landscapes. Ask questions, get advice, and create your low-water dream yard this spring! Register now at

March 6 Intro to Permaculture

March 9 Planting for Pollinators

March 15 Design and Plant Selection/ Diseño y elección de plantas

March 20 Perennials, Shrubs, and More!

April 3 Waterwise Yards: Turf Removal

April 5 High Altitude Gardening

April 11 Navigating your HOA During a Xeriscape Conversion

April 12 Carrots and Cabbage and Kale, Oh My!

April 13 Best Practices in Western Horticulture

April 20 Earth Day - Feed the Pollinators, Feed the Earth

April 26 Water Smarter with Smart Irrigation!

10 | March/April 2023

Golden History Museum & Park

Newly Displayed Artifacts at Museum

Popcorn. Soda pop. Hushed voices. Previews...

There’s something so special about experiencing a blockbuster film on the big screen. Thanks to Covid it has probably been a while since you’ve enjoyed watching a movie in the theater. But we all have memories of going to the movies.

At Golden History Museum & Park, we are showcasing a piece of movie history from back in the good old days with our 1949 Simplex film projector. This impressive machine lived in Golden’s Gem Theatre for nearly 30 years. One can only imagine the hundreds of pictures that passed through its reels, and the many Hollywood legends it displayed on screen. The projector, along with the story of Richard Preuss who ran the Gem for about 10 years, is now on display in our Legendary People gallery.

We have several other changes coming to our galleries soon. Legendary People will feature folks like Carrie Critchfield, the first woman elected to Golden City Council, Carl Eiberger, a lawyer who saved South Table Mountain from being quarried, Jonas Wannemaker, an early Golden pioneer, and many more. New highlights in Epic Events will include a famous story of vigilante justice and a beautiful wedding dress from a prominent Golden family. Stay tuned for these exciting exhibits!

Golden History Museum, located at 923 10th St., is open Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

March/April 2023 | 11
Photo Credits: Golden History Museum & Park, City of Golden Collection. Top: Golden's Gem Theatre. Above: Gem Theatre Street. Jonas Wannemaker, an early Golden pioneer with his horse and wagon. 1949 Simplex film projector.
Golden History Museum & Park • 923 10th St. • 303-278-3557
of operation, calendar of programs, and special event details.
Check for hours

2023 Claim Form for 2022 Sales Tax Refund

The sales tax refund is limited to senior, low-income or disabled individuals who have lived within the city limits of Golden for at least 90 consecutive days in 2022 and cannot be claimed as a dependent on any other person’s tax return. The refund amount for 2022 is $125. This will be adjusted for partial year residency in Golden and partial year at age 65. Please email or call 303-384-8024 with questions.

Please check one box only:

q Senior Refund (must be 65 years or older)

q Low Income Refund

Proof required. Attach a photocopy of one of the following:

• State of Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heat Rebate approval notification

• Proof of Medicaid benefits

• Proof of LEAP eligibility

• Proof of eligibility for food stamps

q Disabled Refund

Proof required. Attach a photocopy of one of the following:

• State of Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heat Rebate approval notification

• Proof of full benefits from Social Security Disability Income, SSI or the Department of Human Services

• Proof of total disability from a public or private insurance plan

Please print or type:

Name: Mr(s).

Age: Date of Birth:

Name: Mr(s).

Age: Date of Birth:

Physical Address: Golden, CO ZIP

Mailing Address: City State ZIP


How many months did you reside in the city limits of Golden during 2022? months

Were you claimed as a dependent on any other person’s income tax form? q yes q no

Signature: Signature:

This form must be submitted by no later than April 15, 2023.

Refund Donation Option:

You have the option to donate your refund to a City of Golden program or department by checking one of the boxes below:

q Golden Volunteer Fire Department

q Golden Cemetery

q Other City program or department (please identify):

Office Use Only:

q Golden History Museum & Park

q Community Grant Program

q Golden Senior Front Porch

Account #01-3031-61900 STR Vendor # Received Payable

Golden Community Center

For more information and to register, visit

It’s more than a job…make an IMPACT!

Did you know that the City of Golden has over 500 employees serving the community in parks and recreation, public works, public safety, and administration? Being a Golden employee is more than just a job, it’s a lifestyle. Working for the City of Golden is about service to community with flexible schedules and competitive wages. There are opportunities for people from 16 years through retirees. Make your summer mean more!

• Golden’s Parks, Trails and Open Space attract visitors from all over to experience the beauty of Colorado. Come be part of the team that reports for duty every day making and keeping those spaces beautiful! Opportunities include a variety of Parks Maintenance positions including Horticulture, Forestry, Open Space and Weed Control.

• Is “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” your theme song? We have opportunities for Athletic Field Maintenance and Field Supervisor that is just your tune.

• Daydreaming of spending the summer by the pool? Do just that with opportunities at Splash! Now hiring Lifeguards, Customer Service Representatives and Concession Workers. No experience necessary – we’ll even certify you as a Red Cross lifeguard for free if you work for us!

• Maybe a round of golf is more your speed? Now hiring Golf Maintenance and Guest Services!

• Want to help Golden’s visitors find their way to the best spots around and spend your day by the Creek? Then apply to be a Clear Creek Ambassador where you get to brag to all of the out-of-towners about the great place you live year-round!

• Remember how fun summer camp was? Bring your memories to life with a new generation of youngsters as a Summer Day Camp Counselor at the Golden Community Center or Golden History Museum and Park. How will you make your impact this summer? We look forward to helping you find yours! Apply today at




7-9am Pickleball*

8am-12pm Front Porch Friends

8:30 & 10am Arthritis Aqua Aerobics*

10am Water Walking*

10am All Levels Yoga*

11am Zumba Gold*

12:05pm Balance

12-4:00pm Pinochle

7-9am Pickleball*

8:30am Arthritis Aqua Aerobics*

9-11am Senior Volleyball*

10am Water Walking*

10am SilverSneakers Classic*

11am-1:30pm Hands & Hearts

(1st & 3rd Tuesday)

12pm All Levels Yoga*

12:30-4pm Mah Jongg

1pm SilverSneakers Yoga*

2-4pm Pickleball*



7-9am Pickleball*

8am-12pm Front Porch Friends

8am Tai Chi*

8:30 & 10am Arthritis

Foundation Aquatics Program*

10am Water Walking*

10am All Levels Yoga*

11am Zumba Gold*

11am-1pm Water Exercise

Social (2nd Wednesday)

12:05pm Balance*

1-2:30pm Golden Needlecrafters


7-9am Pickleball*

8:30 & 10am Arthritis

Foundation Aquatics Program*

9am SilverSneakers Classic*

10am Chair Yoga*

10am-12pm Ladies Billiards

12:30-4pm Mah Jongg

1:15-3:15pm Pickleball*


7-9am Pickleball*

8am-12pm Front Porch Friends

9-11am Senior Women's Basketball*

9:30am-12:30pm Group Mah Jongg

12pm All Levels Yoga*

1pm SilverSneakers Yoga*

1pm Golden Girls Book Club (4th Friday of each month)

*Classes or activities held in the Gymnasium, South Table Mountain Room or the Swimming Pool. Drop-ins welcome for all activities. The Golden Community Center proudly accepts SilverSneakers and Renew Active supplemental insurance memberships. Stop in at the Guest Services Desk to see if your plan qualifies.

March/April 2023 | 13
1-4:00pm Beginner Bridge April Monday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday


Starting March 1 CMC’s Alpine Climbing School

Ever want to get into climbing? Register for the Colorado Mountain Club’s Alpine Climbing School spring session. The class, which starts March 1 and runs through May 6, will teach you everything you need to know to safely and successfully begin to begin mountaineering in Colorado. More info:

March 10 Annual Women’s Day Celebration

Awards will be presented to women in the community for their work or study in a S.T.E.M career, as an arts advocate, a non-profit volunteer or leadership in business. Nominate an exceptional woman who you think deserves recognition. Top spots in each category will not be announced until the day of the event. Keynote Speaker is NASA Astronaut K. Megan McArthur Behnken, PhD. Sponsored by Brannan Companies, the City of Golden, and IX Power Clean Water. Denver Marriot Hotel, 1717 Denver West Marriot Blvd., 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tickets and information:

Fridays & Saturdays in March “Don’t Dress for Dinner”

The Shark Box Theatre Company began with a small group of engineering students at the Colorado School of Mines who were interested in bringing art and performances to the stage. This March, they bring “Don’t Dress for Dinner” to the American Mountaineering Center. The play, written by Marc Camoletti, and adapted by Robin Hawdon, is a door slamming comedy. For tickets and more information:

April 8 Easter Egg Hunt

The Kiwanis Club and the Golden Chamber of Commerce present the annual Easter Egg ‘hunt’ in Parfet Park. Starts at 10 a.m. on the dot and it doesn’t take more than a few minutes for all the eggs to get put into baskets! Children up to age 10 are welcome. Parfet Park, 10 a.m.

April 14 - 16 CSM Engineering Days (E-Days)

The annual E-Days events are put on by the Colorado School of Mines, and while most are for students only, there are a few visible to the public, including trebuchet contests, Cardboard Boat Races in Clear Creek and a fireworks display. For more information:

April 21 Western On Washington: A Saloon Stroll

Putting the ‘fun’ in fundraiser! This annual event supports the efforts of the Mitchell Elementary PTA with a stroll down the ‘saloons’ of Washington Avenue. Check in at YoColorado (805 12th Street) from 6 - 7 p.m. then head to the Buffalo Rose for boot scooting to the Gnarbillys, while bidding on unique auction items. Tickets and more information:

For more information about events happening in Golden, visit the Community Calendar on the City of Golden website:

March 10 Denver Marriot Hotel

Fridays & Saturdays in March SharkBoxTheatreCompany

April 14 - 16 MinesE-Days

April 21 Washington Avenue

Information is subject to change. Please use contact information to confirm the details of an event. To list a community event happening in Golden, please send your listing by e-mail to communications@ Listings should include the date(s), the event name and a brief description of the event, which may include cost, location and contact information. Submissions must be received by the first of the month prior to the issue you would like them printed in (i.e., May 1 for the July/August/Sept. issue). Call 303-384-8132 with questions or for more information.

14 | March/April 2023
March/April 2023

The Golden Town & Gown Book Club Returns!

The Arthur Lakes Library at the Colorado School of Mines is happy to announce that Andrew Terrill is returning for a second Town & Gown Book Club presentation, this time to discuss On Sacred Ground, the concluding part of his epic 7,000-mile hike.

On Sacred Ground picks up the trail where the first book left off. It takes the reader through the remote winter forests of central Europe, then onward across the snowbound wilderness fjells of Norway and the Arctic. The difficulties faced are greater, but so are the rewards!

As before, this event will feature a presentation of photos from the hike, followed by a Q&A discussion with Andrew. Read the book, bring your questions!

This uncatered event is open to everyone, including Mines’ students, employees, and Golden residents. Attendance is limited to 80 people, so you must register. The event will take place on March 29 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Arthur Lakes Library (1500 Illinois St., Golden).

To register, and for further details, please visit

We hope you can join us once again!


Wednesday, March 29, 12-1:30 pm at the


RSVP required. Scan the QR code or visit:

March/April 2023 | 15
The Town & Gown Book Club is back! Join the Golden & Mines community to read and discuss On Sacred Ground by Golden resident, author and photographer, Andrew Terrill. In March 2022, the Town & Gown met to discuss Andrew’s first book, The Earth Beneath My Feet. Afterwards, attendees requested that Andrew should return! On Sacred Ground describes the second half of an extraordinary 7,000-mile wilderness hike. Picking up the trail where The Earth Beneath My Feet left off, this book leads the reader through the hidden wild parts of Europe that many visitors miss, from the Alps to Arctic Norway. Containing a recap so that reading the first volume isn’t essential, this book will appeal to fans of nature and mountains, travel and wanderlust, and journeys of inner growth. This event will include a Q&A with the author and a photo presentation. On Sacred Ground can be purchased through Amazon and other online stores. To learn more, please visit: Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines Open to everyone! Including Mines' students, employees, and Golden residents. Attendance is limited to 80 people.

We’re Hiring

The City of Golden will be accepting applications for seasonal and part-time positions at the Golden Community Center, the Splash Aquatic Park, Fossil Trace Golf Club, and the Parks department.

*Pay starting at $17.50 per hour and up! • Lifeguards • Youth Sports Coach

• Day Camp Leader

Day Camp Coordinator • Parks, Forestry, Cemetery Maintenance

Golf Maintenance • Pro-Shop Guest Services at Fossil Trace

• Cashiers and Food & Beverage workers at The Splash


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