Vol. 26, Issue 4 April 2022
“One Great Community, Many Stories”
Joy B. Day, Mayor Council: Tracey Messick, Mayor Protem Bobby Lester Billy Powell Donya Sartor Pat Sebo-Hand Ed Wise Ricky L. Clark, Jr., City Manager Tommy Henderson, III, Chief of Police David Allen, Community Development Nina Robinson, Finance Derry Walker, Code Enforcement City Hall (770) 478-3800 Jonesboro PD (770) 478-7407 Non-Emergency (770) 477-3550 TIPLINE: (470) 543-2011
The March City Council Meeting was busy with an update on Clayton Co. District 4 by Commissioner Demont Davis and a presentation on Transit Supportive Land Uses by MARTA officials. Chief Tommy Henderson recognized Tallman Pools for their donation of two safety shields for the Police Department. New City Police Officers and the new Code Officer were introduced to Council and Citizens by Chief Henderson and Derry Walker, respectively. Council approved Financial Statements ending 01/31/22, as well as FY 2022 Budget Amendments. Approved items included $6,089 for upgrades and warranty extensions for the fingerprinting machine, acceptance of Grant Funds for Public Safety officials/First Responders Supplement Grant ($1,000 per officer). The City approved a waiver & partnership for a event at Lee St. Park to be coordinated by the GA Dept. of Community Supervision on April 29, 2022, and a fee waiver for usage of Lee St. Park by Clayton County Public Schools for a Student Engagement Spring Fling on May 14, 2022. Alcohol Beverage Packaged Beer/Wine Licenses were approved for Texaco, 190 Jonesboro Rd. and 8570A Tara Blvd, Family Dollar. An Alcohol Pouring License was approved for 171 North Main St., “The Cigar Parlor.” Several text amendments to the City of Jonesboro Code were approved regarding Conditional Uses, and the Table of Uses Allowed by Zoning District was amended. A Zoning Appeal for vehicle repair service was approved for 251 South Main Street. The Council authorized a partnership with Nourishing Hands, Inc. for two 6-week paid internships for the Summer of 2022. An Executive Session was held to discuss real estate & personnel matters.
* For Complete Agenda, Minutes, and Item Summaries, see
Don’t miss Opening Day at the Farmer’s Market! Lots of special activities and opportunities, including a Plant Sale by the Master Gardeners.
Interested in being a Vendor? Call (770) 478-3800.
ARC TRANSPORTATION SURVEY OPPORTUNITY The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) is updating the Regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan, Mobility Connections: a Plan for Expanding Opportunity. This plan will guide ARC and partners in expanding transportation options and supporting equitable access to opportunity for everyone who lives, works, and plays in the Metro Atlanta region. You can help shape the future of transportation options in our region by taking just a few minutes to respond to this survey. The first 50 participants to complete the survey will receive a $25 Amazon gift card; all other survey participants will be entered into a raffle to win one of 50 - $25 Amazon gift cards! For information, visit
(Answers on page 4) 1. The average hen lays an egg about how often? A- 25 hrs. B-16 hrs. C-48 hrs. D-96 hrs. 2. Name at three birds besides a chicken that lay edible eggs. 3. The USA produces about what percent of the world’s eggs? A-65% B-50% C-30% D-10% 4. The most common chicken in the USA is the A-Rhode Island Red B-White Leghorn C-Amrock D-Americauna 5. True or False. Eating raw eggs provides more nutrition than cooked eggs. 6. The average American consumes about how many eggs per year? A- 100 B-250 C-425 D-580 7. Which state produces the most eggs yearly? A-Georgia B-California C-Iowa D-Texas 8. True or False. The older the hen, the bigger the egg. 9. The date on your egg carton means A-Sell by B-Expiration for consumption C-Date egg was laid 10.For the best hard-boiled eggs, use eggs A-Just laid B-10 days old C-Age does not matter D-Fresh from the store
Officer Willie Hanks Patrol Unit
Officer Jamel Stiggers Patrol Unit
See for the complete Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 14 -Animals ,Sec. 14-13. - Running at large prohibited. “It shall be the duty of every owner of any animal, or any person hav-
FEB 2022
ing any animal in his possession or custody, to ensure that the animal is enclosed by a fence or other enclosure or is restrained by a leash or in some other physical manner or under control by a competent person so that it cannot wander off of the real property limits of its owner, possessor or custodian except as provided in this article. It is the intent of this article that all animals be prevented from leaving while unattended the real property limits of their owners, possessors or custodians thereof.” Sec. 14-14. - Duty to keep animal under restraint while off property. “It shall be the duty of the owner of any animal or any person having an animal in his possession to keep that animal under control at all times while the animal is off the real property limits of the owner, possessor, or custodian. Under control means confined within a vehicle, parked or in motion, secured by a leash or other device held by a competent person, or properly confined within an enclosure with the permission of the owner of the property where the enclosure is located.”
Citations: 752 Warnings: 126 Accidents: 68 Arrests: 86 Warrants: (FTA) 313 DUI: 9 CID Active Cases: 149 Probation, Active: 307 VOP Warrants: 220 Training Hours: 65 Executive Training, Outlaw MC Gangs, Family Violence, Drug ID, Naloxone Training, Organized Crime, Homicide Investigations, Use of Force, Traffic Network Training
Chapter 74-Traffic & Vehicles, Sec.74-7 -Overnight parking in residential districts. “(a) On all public streets, except areas of the city where parking spaces have been officially designated by the city, in the city zoned R-1, R-2, R-2D, R-3, R-4 and HD no stopping, standing or parking of vehicles shall be allowed in any public street from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 a.m. (b) Traffic control devices shall be placed in areas designated as residential above to regulate stopping, standing and parking of vehicles. (c) The definitions found in O.C.G.A. § 40-1-1 shall be & are made applicable to this section. (d) Vehicles found in violation of this section shall be towed to a city authorized impound facility. All costs for towing/storage of vehicles shall be paid for by the owners of the vehicle. All impounded vehicles shall b e deemed to be abandoned pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 40-11-1(C) after impound for 30 days…”
Dexter Toby
Code Enforcement Officer
Kinley Wilson
Probation Supervisor
HONOR YOUR VETERAN WITH A FLAG & CROSS Flags are displayed twice per year downtown to honor deceased veterans. Complete a form and pay a one time fee of $20 to cover initial costs and permanent refurbishment. City Hall 124 North Avenue Memorial Day deadline: May 13, 2022
Lloyd Britt (1933-2022)
FREE CITY GARAGE SALE DAYS April 28, 29, 30* *Register at City Hall for a FREE Permit! 124 North Avenue
IN REMEMBRANCE GARDEN CLUB NEWS April 7 - Garden Club Meeting JPD, 6:00 pm April 9 - Community Garden Season Opener w/ Seed and Plant Swap, 10am-2pm April 23- Soil Test Workshop w/ The Atlanta Botanical Garden @ Community Garden of Jonesboro, 10:30am-11:30am Elnora Starr Shedrick 1925-2022
DRUG TAKE BACK DAY April 30, 10 am-2pm Jonesboro Police Department 170 South Main Street Discard all your old prescriptions!
We're pleased to announce that Bruce Millar and Justin Oliverio have been selected and recognized as 2022 Georgia Super Lawyers® and Rising Stars, respectively. The Millar Law Firm COMING IN MAY! Front Porch Players Congratulations!
151 North Main Street (770) 477-6360
“The Sweet Delilah Swim Club” May 13-15, 20-22
This hilarious and touching show features five southern women whose friendships began on their college swim team and who meet every summer for a reunion at the same beach cottage in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The show focuses on four of those weekends and spans a period of thirty-three years.
Dumpster Alert
GEORGIA CITIES WEEK April 24-30 Special Events on the City Green and at Lee Street Park to be announced
Pull trashcans past the front building line on day of pickup. No trashcans should be near the street at any time except just before pickup. Thanks!
CCWA Reservoirs Open for Summer Ready for some fishing, canoeing, or just picnicking by the water? Clayton County residents pay $5 per vehicle, or $30 for a season pass, good through October 2022. Shamrock/Blalock Reservoirs: 2610 Shamrock Road, off Freeman Road. Open Wed.-Sun. 7 am-7pm. J.W. Smith Reservoir: 143 Northbridge Road, Hampton open Wed.-Sun, 7 am-7 pm. Shoal Creek Reservoir: Limited public fishing, boat fishing only, 7 am-3 pm on the following dates: April 9 & 23, May 14, 21 and June 11. For more information on reservoirs and motor boat restrictions, visit or call (770) 603-5605.
JHS -1954
Lizzie Souder
Emerson Byrd
The Masonic Lodge (N. McDonough) was the Clayton County Courthouse. Built 1869
JHS 1943
Corner of North Main & North Ave.
Corner of Main Street and Smith Street. (Suntrust Building location)
“Old Jonesboro” - Photos Courtesy of Katherine Smith
Ed & Virginia Adair
The Community News Jonesboro City Hall
Pre-Sorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Jonesboro, GA Permit No. 7
124 North Avenue Jonesboro, GA 30236
Trivia answers: 1-A 2-duck, quail, emu, goose, ostrich 3-D 4-B 5-False When you consumer raw eggs you get only 51% of the protein. Cooked eggs Council Work Session, 6 pm, PD provide 91%. 6-B 7-C (14.8 billion) 8-True, but Promotions Comm., 4:30 pm, CH younger hens produce more double yolks 9-A If refrigerated, they are safe for 3-5 weeks. 10-B Fresh eggs Design Review Comm., 4:30 pm, CH are more difficult to peel. RATE YOURSELF: DDA, 6 pm, PD
Garden Club Meeting, 6 pm, PD
City Garden Opening, 10 am-2 pm
APR 11 City Court, 8 am, PD
10 correct - Egg-Cellent! 7-9 correct - Walking on Eggs 4-6 correct - Egg on Your Face 1-3 correct - Rotten Egg!
APR 11 City Council Meeting, 6 pm, PD APR 17 EASTER APR 18 Historic Comm., 5:30 PM, CH APR 22 Earth Day Event ( p. 1)
Mr. Brown & Missy Owner: Mia Smith
APR 23 Soil Test Workshop, City Garden, City Garden, 10:30-11:30 am
APR 25 City Court, 8 am, PD APR 25 Beautification Commission, 5:30 pm APR 30 Drug Take Back, JPD, 10 am-2 pm MAY 7 Farmer’s Market Opens Lee Street Park, 9 am-1 pm
The Community News is published at Jonesboro City Hall. Written & Edited by
Mayor Joy B. Day
To submit news, email
It's never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.