Ready to explore Mesa, Arizona? This Sensory Guide created by IBCCES was created to help assist visitors with determining whether a playground or attraction would be “sensory appropriate” for someone with a cognitive disorder/sensory sensitivity.
For almost 20 years, IBCCES has been the industry leader in autism training for licensed healthcare professionals and educators around the globe. IBCCES recognized that many families with children who have special needs have limited travel options, and in response, created training and certification programs specifically for the hospitality and travel industry. The assessors believe the information contained within the assessment report to be correct at the time of printing.
The assessors do not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information herein. The report is based on matters which were observed or came to the attention of the assessors during the day of the assessment and should not be relied upon as an exhaustive record of all possible risks or hazards that may exist or potential improvements that can be made.
The City of Mesa Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department relies upon dedicated staff, partner organizations and volunteers to provide the residents of Mesa outstanding facilities and programs to enhance their quality of life.
We contribute to a healthy and vibrant community by providing exceptional experiences and services to those who live, work and play in Mesa.
Being recognized as a Certified Autism Center demonstrates that Mesa’s Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department is committed and dedicated to serving all individuals of our community including those with Autism. The PRCF Department has successfully completed extensive training from leading autism experts and are prepared to provide services for individuals with autism and other sensory disorders at our parks, recreation centers and in the programs, we offer the community. Mesa is committed to ongoing training and education of its employees in order to better serve people with autism and their families when they enjoy the amenities available in our community. As the first Parks and Recreation Department in the world to achieve this certification, our goal is to encourage other City of Mesa Departments to join this initiative and improve our knowledge and awareness so that we can ensure all Mesa residents and visitors, regardless of ability, know that Mesa is great place to live, work and play.
Families can feel comfortable visiting our parks, recreation centers, and pools knowing that employees are both knowledgeable and capable of providing support and services to an individual on the autism spectrum as well as their family. In addition, we are currently working with experts from the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards to conduct an onsite review of Mesa’s most frequently used facilities and parks to complete a comprehensive facility report with sensory guides. These sensory guides will be available to families with children on the autism spectrum so that they can make an educated decision on what activities to participate in during their time in Mesa based on the needs and interests of their child and family.
2359 S Dobson Rd, Mesa, AZ 85202
Dobson Ranch Playground gives all children regardless of abilities the opportunity to play. The park is universally inclusive and equipped with play structures designed to allow all children the opportunity to experience the park. Dobson Ranch playground is 10,000 square feet with features that include:
• A multi-layer play experience with upper and lower play structures connected through ramps
• Toddler expression swings that allow parents to swing with younger children
• Sandbox table and musical instruments to encourage sensory play
• A 50-foot double zip line with supported seat and disc for side-by-side play
• Triumph Climber with transfer station for side-by-side climbing
• Cozy Cocoon and Saddle Spinner for children who need a quiet space
• Two shade structures covering the playground
• Mixed surfacing with rubber and wood fiber
• Restrooms including a family restroom option
Sensory Notes:
• Pathways are generally smooth and, in many areas, also feature handrails for individuals needing this type of assistance. Some areas feature concrete stairs, but ramps are also accessible.
• Walking surfaces are covered by a bouncy rubber walking surface or engineered wood fiber. The bouncy rubber areas are stimulating for sensory play but safe and not overwhelming.
• The area can be noisy from birds which could be distracting or irritating for some visitors. There are pigeons and ducks wandering freely and swimming in the pond.
• There are many areas that are shaded by trees and the play area has a partial covering from the sun. There are also quieter areas near water and family picnic areas.
• The park features many opportunities to engage the senses, including a sand play area, slides, balancing equipment, and lots of opportunity for climbing, sliding, and even playing “music” on some of the playground equipment.
• Visitors may hear loud noises from the “instruments” in addition to the typical playground noises.
• The playground equipment features various forms of communication including braille, sign language, and a picture wall.
• The park is open and accessible to parking lots and some roads and features a pond that is openly accessible. These features may pose a risk or danger for individuals that may be drawn to water or tend to wander.
Cozy Cocoon | Mesa, AZ | ISD#0495
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• Children are partially enclosed in a molded plastic “cocoon”
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sound of other playground visitors; however, cocoon is designed to provide somewhat of a barrier to noise and outside elements
• Low impact on this sense
• Colors of cocoon are bright and it is partially open to playground surroundings (view is partially obstructed by design)
Enclosed space for a child to escape the playground when over stimulated. Interior textures & molded-in features for tactile exploration. Windows on both sides for adult visibility. Helpful grips provide easier entrance/exits for child.
• Children must stay seated in harness
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sound from other playground visitors in close proximity
• Low impact on this sense
• Scenery moves as users swing back and forth, but by design are face-to-face and in close proximity to trusted family members or guardian
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• Users slide and roll on all sides of their bodies, may also encounter other users
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sounds from other playground visitors in close proximity on shared equipment
• Low impact on this sense
• Users are surrounded by brightly colored bars they use to propel themselves along rollers
Sliding integrates multiple senses, including vestibular, tactile and proprioception. Horizontal rolling (Roller Table™) lets children slide back and forth on all sides of their bodies, which allows for proprioceptive and tactile stimulation and deep pressure, and challenges upper body strength.
• Playground visitors can choose their own path to climb, crawl and play with other children
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sounds from other playground visitors in close proximity on shared equipment
• Low impact on this sense
• Bright colors, visitors make look down from heights as they climb
Inclusive climber with various challenge levels that encourage children with differing abilities to climb and play together in one contiguous space. Low profile provides caregivers with easy access to assist in transfers; transfer point with handrail and footholds also allows for independent access. Gentle, curved ‘cradle’ provides a resting place when needed.
Pioneer Park gives children and adults the feeling of playing in the trees. Pioneer Park is an 18acre community park offering volleyball, basketball, covered picnic areas & a playground. The park is very engaging and fun for all ages.
• Treehouse play structures
• 15-foot water wall and splash pad (open 7 days a week from 10am-10pm)
• 500-foot suspension bridge
• 9,000 sq. foot playground
• Toddler swings
• Friendship swing for two people to enjoy at the same time
• Fossil dig and elevated sand box
• Climbing wall and roller slide
• Restrooms including a family restroom option
Sensory Notes:
• There are many wide-open spaces in this park, which offer options for individuals who may need a break from the more crowded or stimulating areas of the park.
• The colors in the park are bright and cheerful, featuring brightly colored awnings, a rainbow-colored staircase, and eye-catching play structures. Due to the natural settings, these colors do stand out but should not pose a concern to individuals that are overstimulated by colors.
• There is a noticeable sound of birds and, in some areas, traffic from roadways.
• There is signage in the park with information in English and Spanish.
• Playground equipment offers many options to slide, climb and swing. In some areas, play areas are at very high heights.
• Most surfaces are natural (grass, sand) or covered in engineered wood fiber. There are few obstructions and pathways are smooth and easy to navigate.
• The park is open and accessible to parking lots and some roads. Although there are no large bodies of water in this park, it is irrigated, and “flooding” occurs periodically which could draw some individuals to these large pools of water. These features may pose a risk or danger for individuals that may be drawn to water or tend to wander.
• The park features a Farmers Market & Flea on Saturday mornings and the Mesa Feastival Forest on Saturday nights. Enjoy delicious food, shop local farmers, live music and fun!
• Users can pour, scoop and play with sand in various containers and on the ground
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sounds from other playground visitors in close proximity on shared equipment
• Low impact on this sense
• Visitors using the sand table and digging for fossils will play in close proximity to other children
The Elevated Sand Table allows children to scoop, pour, and play with sand, along with the option to dig and brush away sand on the ground below to reveal “dinosaur fossils”!
• Users can climb, slide, run, jump, crawl, and more
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sounds from other playground visitors in close proximity on shared equipment
• Low impact on this sense • Bright colors and close proximity to other visitors as a multitude of surfaces and scenery are navigated
2100 W. Rio Salado Parkway, Mesa, AZ 85201
Riverview Park is now home to the Chicago Cubs Spring Training Facility, Sloan Park, and the park itself is one of the premier recreation destinations in the Valley. Riverview Park is a very inclusive and fun park for visitors of all abilities.
• Spray ground with multiple water features. Open 7 days a week from 9am - 10pm.
• Playground extraordinaire including:
» 50-foot-tall Genesis climbing tower
» 60-foot-long caterpillar mesh rope climbing structure
» 2 playground clusters for ages 2-5, 6-12 and above
» Shaded picnic areas with tables
» Shaded play structures
» Miles of accessible sidewalks
» Display fountain
» Open play areas
» Urban Fishing Lake
» Restrooms
Sensory Notes:
• There are lots of shaded areas in the park, featuring seating for adults and children.
• Colors are attractive and bright but not garish or overly stimulating.
• Most walkways are smooth, free of obstructions and easy to navigate, although most area are open and do not provide handrails.
• This park has good play options for smaller children as well as older visitors, and also features large open spaces good for walking.
• There are many opportunities for sensory play, one of which being the sizeable splashpad. The water sprays, skips, and shoots, and is appropriate for many visitors to cool off in the hot desert weather. The splashpad has a fence around the perimeter so parents can watch children play freely with less chance of them wandering.
• There are many opportunities to climb, swing, crawl, and run throughout the play structures. The playground clusters are helpful so that smaller or younger children can engage in appropriate play away from older children.
• The park is open and accessible to parking lots and some roads and features a pond that is openly accessible. These features may pose a risk or danger for individuals that may be drawn to water or tend to wander.
www.mesaparks.com / 480.644.PLAY
• Users climb and crawl along this horizontal net
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sounds from other playground visitors in close proximity on shared equipment
• Low impact on this sense
• Users must navigate through netting a few feet off the ground
• Users must balance on discs suspended by rope
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sounds from other playground visitors in close proximity on shared equipment
• Low impact on this sense
• Low impact on this sense
• Users must grasp and turn the center wheel to spin themselves and hold on tight
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for sounds from other playground visitors in close proximity on shared equipment
• Low impact on this sense
• Rushing/spinning scenery
• Users may get quite dizzy as they twist and spin
• Children play as water sprays and splashes them
• Possibility for water to splash into mouth
• Potential for sounds from other playground visitors in close proximity
• Low impact on this sense
• Users are surrounded by brightly colored splash equipment and water may spray in eyes
845 S. Crismon Road, Mesa, AZ 85208
Skyline Aquatic Center is open for lap swim year-round and open for public swim from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day Weekend. The City of Mesa pools are available year-round for rent for private pool parties and other occasions based on staff availability. The venue has holiday hours and rates will vary. Please visit the web site for details.
There are several options available at the aquatic center for individuals with special needs, including swim lessons and classes with trained professionals. The staff have received autism specific training to provide the best instructions possible to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Affinity for water is common among individuals on the spectrum yet drowning remains one of the leading causes of death for individuals. Swimming lessons with professionals who have autism-specific knowledge can not only help save lives but allow individuals on the spectrum to engage in therapeutic and fun activities safely with their families.
Public Swim Hours: Monday: 1-8pm • Tuesday-Friday: 1-7pm • Saturday: 1-6pm • Sunday: 1-5pm
Zero-depth entry • Two 1-meter diving boards • Two 3-meter diving board • 28-lane Olympic-size state-of-theart competition pool • Fast looping water slide (Must be 48" to ride) • Tumble Bucket water feature • Shade structures and turf area
Sensory Notes:
• The facility plays music in the pool area outside. It is not overly distracting but could be loud or cause discomfort, particularly when combined with the noise of other guests during busy times.
• Sensory items including noise cancelling headphones and fidget toys are available for check-out from the main office.
• There is a zero-entry pool available which makes it easier for guests who may have difficulty navigating steps.
• The grounds are enclosed.
• Visitors are welcome to bring their own food and drinks into the facility. No glass containers permitted in the pool area. One 14”x18” cooler is allowed into the facility.
• Swimsuits (no gym shorts allowed) and swim diapers are required.
• Only Coast Guard approved flotation devices are accepted at the pool. Personal floatation devices are available for check-out at the main office.
• No pets of any kind permitted in the pool area.
• Visitors may be splashed, have water dumped or sprayed on them as part of
• Water bucket may dump at unexpected times
• Must waer appropriate swimming gear
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for water to get in mouth or be swallowed
• Potential for sounds from other visitors in close proximity on shared equipment
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for slight smell of chlorine
• Will play in close proximity to other visitors with moving water
• Colors are bright
• Potential for water to splash in eyes
• Users must climb stairs and wear appropriate swimming gear
• Partial immersion in water while sliding quickly, ending in submersion in water at bottom of slide
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for water to get in mouth or be swallowed
• Potential for sounds from other visitors in close proximity
• Low impact on this sense
• Potential for slight smell of chlorine
• Potential for water to splash in eyes
• Rushing scenery as users slide and turn
• Top of slide allows users to look down from high heights
7550 E. Adobe, Mesa, AZ 85207
The Red Mountain Center is a 65,000 square foot multi-use facility offering residents and visitors access to amenities including a well-equipped fitness center, group fitness classes, drop-in basketball, indoor rock-climbing wall, facility rental space, youth activities, fitness coaching, massage therapy services and more!
The Red Mountain Center is a great community resource and could be a huge benefit for families with children on the spectrum.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-9:00pm • Saturday: 8:00am-1:00pm • Sunday: Closed (Holiday hours may apply)
Admission Fees available at www.redmountaincenter.com
• 70+ fitness programs offered weekly including aerobics, cycling, kickboxing, Zumba, Silver Sneakers, yoga, Pilates, and PiYo.
• Two basketball courts offering basketball, pickleball and volleyball.
• Fitness Center including indoor walking/running track, cardio machines, free weights, and resistance training equipment.
• Kids Club is a supervised play area for ages 6 months to 7 years old. There is a minimal fee per child and the maximum stay allowed is 2 hours.
• 30-foot high climbing wall with trained staff
• Youth Activity Center for ages 8-15 including billiards, foosball, music, video games, movies and more.
• Mesquite room, classrooms, gymnasium and climbing wall are available for rental.
Sensory Notes:
• Kids Club staff have completed the Autism Awareness & Sensitivity Training to ensure that individuals with these cognitive differences have a positive experience. The Kids Club does not allow food inside of the play space. Sippy cups or water bottles with the child’s name are okay.
• The planters and the natural lighting in common areas offer a nice environment. Some of the classrooms and other areas have only fluorescent lighting, but the facility is working to progress to LED lighting throughout the building.
• Colors of the walls, flooring and fixtures in general are neutral and not overstimulating.
• There is a low level of noise throughout the building, but it is not overwhelming, except for some areas such as the basketball courts due to the echo.
• The building is enclosed but the doors and exits to the outside space are freely available.
• Many areas are open and can be used freely by guests.
• The Youth Activity Room can be a positive area for individuals on the spectrum with specific interests in some of the games and activities available there. The room has trained staff available and is an ideal area for individuals to play freely or engage with other individuals.
• Sensory items including noise cancelling headphones and fidget toys are available for check-out from the main office.
263 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201
The Mesa Convention Center is a full-service event facility located in the heart of downtown Mesa. The campus is situated on 22 acres of mature parkland, and is comprised of Buildings A, B and C. The facility features 19,000 square feet of exhibit space and an additional 19,000 square feet of flexible meeting space. The fifteen meeting rooms offer a wide variety of sizes and configurations. The 5,000-capacity outdoor Mesa Amphitheatre is located on the property and is a fun, unique venue for outdoor events, festivals, and concerts.
Administrative office is available Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm
Facility rental rates, meeting room layouts and capacities, and a calendar of events is available at www.mesaconventioncenter.com
Sensory Notes:
• The Mesa Convention Center has three individuals on the Event Planning team that have become a Certified Autism Travel Professionals and will help to ensure that you have a positive experience when planning or attending an event at the center.
• The venue does not offer a family restroom option.
• Most areas have fluorescent lights with natural lighting coming from outdoors, which can be bothersome to individuals on the spectrum or with sensory sensitivities.
• The colors of walls, flooring and fixtures in general are neutral and not overstimulating.
• Most halls, walkways, and rooms are lightly carpeted and smooth to walk on with easy transitions between spaces, which is helpful for those with physical limitations. There is no carpeting in the large room typically used for expos and graduations which can cause an echoing effect and could be overwhelming for visitors with auditory sensitivities.
• There are adequate handrails in high traffic areas.
• The grounds are enclosed and fairly secure. There are multiple exit points and unlocked doors throughout each building. The center parking lots are directly on a busy road. These features may pose a risk or danger for individuals that may tend to wander.
• The center is adding digital signage throughout all buildings which will allow changes to be made more easily.
• There are no outside food options for events held at the center due to the contract with the catering company. Be sure to communicate dietary needs with the Event Planning staff.
• The Amphitheatre does not have a family restroom option. There may be a concern for guests who have a difficult time waiting in lines, either ticketing, entrance or concessions. The food options vary from food trucks to concessions depending on the event taking place in the venue.