SpokeLife Fall 2024

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Gettoknowwho'soutonthe trailsandonpathsinMesa. ONTHECOVER

Localcyclist,Jeff Esteban,ridingin Arizona.




Reportpotholes,graffiti, streetlightoutagesand more.Downloadthe City'sfreemobileapp. SearchMesaCityLinkto downloadfromtheApp StoreorGooglePlay.


Let’sgetexcitedtoenjoyridingduringdaylight hoursagain!

Withtheearliersunsets,we’relookingforwardtoeveningevents likeourannualReindeerRollandStrollscavengerhunt,too.

Thisyear,wecontinuetoexpandourlibraryclasses,including sessionsforolderadultsandbasicbicyclemaintenance.Foralistof upcomingclasses,turntopage22.We’vealsobeenbusyintroducing bicyclesafetycurriculuminlocalschoolsaimedathelpingstudents becomebetterroadusers.

Yourvoicematters! Participateinourupcomingsurveytohelpshape theSafeStreetsforAllActionPlan.Moreinformationonhowto providefeedbackcanbefoundonpage10.Abigthankyouto everyonewhocontributedtoour2050TransportationMasterPlan. Youcanreadanoverviewoftheplanonpage8andthefullplanis availableat mesalistens.com/transportation-plan

Remembertodriveless,rideoften,alwayswearyourhelmetandbe predictable!

SpokeLifeMagazineisproudtobea 2024InternationalHermesCreative PlatinumAwardwinnerforthe Spring2024issue.Theaward honorsthecreativeindustry’sbest publications,advertising, marketing,andcommunications.

CityofMesaTransportationDepartment's BicycleandPedestrianProgram

CityofMesaTransportationDepartment's BicycleandPedestrianProgram

TheCityofMesahasproudlyranked “SilverStatus”asaBicycleFriendly CommunitybytheLeagueof AmericanBicyclistssince2015. Mesa’sBicycleandPedestrian Programprovidesmanyservices andeducationalopportunitiesto enrichthesafetyofcyclistsand pedestriansinMesa.Thegoalofthe BikeandPedestrianProgramisto increasetheridershipandactivity throughouttheCitysoresidents cantakeadvantageofthisformof affordableandhealthy transportation.

Didyoutakeanamazingphoto whileyouwereoutonyourride? Sendustheimageandyoumight befeaturedinournextissueof SpokeLife!Submitimagesby emailing: cyclomesa@mesaaz.gov


Jodie Synder is a native Arizonan who wouldn’t live anywhere else in the world. The professional writer is an avid cyclist, hiker, and hopeful kayaker. She shares her home with her two rescued beagles and all of their chewed-up toys.

Hannah Hockersmith, an Arizona native passionate about the arts and their impact on the community, is the Marketing and Communications Manager for the City of Mesa's i.d.e.a. Museum. In this role, she showcases exciting artwork and STEAM experiences that inspire early learning, creativity and so much more.

Mark Venti has lived in Mesa for about 25 years with his wife and two kids. He has nearby access to the Hawes Trail system and mountain bikes there three to four times a week. He also enjoys traveling, trying new restaurants, and building obscure synthesizer modules. As a Transportation Engineer in the City of Mesa Transportation Department, he manages the planning of new projects while focusing on ADA compliance in the public right-of-way.

Garrett Topham enjoys riding, collecting and maintaining bikes of all types. As the Senior Planner for the City of Mesa Transportation Department, he is often seen inspecting pathways, servicing equipment and traveling to meetings on his folding bicycle.

Christina Haase is a City of Mesa Public Information Officer (PIO) and enjoys supporting local businesses at valley farmer's markets and binge-watching the latest shows on the weekend. This is SpokeLife Magazine's seventh issue with Christina at the helm.

City of Mesa's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Team (from left to right): Sabine King, Christina Haase, Mark Venti and Garrett Topham.

Who's Who on our Paths & Trails?


Kyle Schultz

Age: 37

Occupation: Financial Risk


Bicycling background: My dad introduced me to mountain biking in 2018. Shortly after he was diagnosed with MS. Biking is one of the activities he could still do, and it was a fun opportunity for us to dive into a new hobby together. He lives very close to the Hawes Trail System, which is our main and preferred area to ride in Mesa.

Weekly Mileage: 25 miles (weekend warrior)

Average Length of Ride: 10-15 miles

Dream Bicycle: I’m lucky to be currently riding my dream bicycle, a Pivot Switchblade.

Favorite Thing About Riding in Mesa: The Hawes Trail System in Mesa is incredible. Shout out to the Hawes Trail Alliance for the incredible amount of hard work to significantly expand the trail system over the last few years. Truly amazing trails for all skill levels.

Katelyn Jaworski

Age: 40

Occupation: Museum

Education Assistant

How Often Do You Commute? Every day

When/Why Did You Start Bicycling? I’ve been riding a bicycle pretty much my entire life and have never owned a car. As a child, I loved the independence I gained and the adventures I could go on. I stuck with it as an adult for many of those same reasons.

Dream Bicycle: A bat bicycle made by the Austin Bike Zoo®

Favorite Thing About Riding in Mesa: I love the addition of the separated bike lanes and hope to see more. Also love the lanes around the canals. It’s nice to ride without being surrounded by cars.

Do You Have a Favorite Place to Visit Along Your Route?

The Mesa Urban Garden if I want a nature break, the Nile Café if I want coffee, and the Main Library Branch if I want to check out books and seeds.

Want to be featured? Email cyclomesa@mesaaz.gov with your full name and why you like to bike in Mesa. You just might be selected to be in the next issue of SpokeLife magazine.

In this photo: Austin Bike Zoo’s Beloved Bat Bicycle. Photo Credit - Austin Bike Zoo®

The Maricopa County Air Quality Department (MCAQD) encourages all county residents, visitors, and businesses to participate in the “Help Keep Ozone Away, Commit to One Day!” campaign to improve air quality for our community.

Ground-level ozone pollution becomes a significant concern during the warmer months from April through September and poses potential health risks to both humans, particularly those with pre-existing respiratory conditions, and pets. The chemicals released by vehicle exhaust contribute to the formation of this pollutant. To reduce the amount of air pollution caused by ground-level ozone in Maricopa County, MCAQD offers the following pollution prevention tips:

Promote remote work to reduce traffic.

Drive less by carpooling, van pooling, or using public transportation. Avoid waiting in long drive-thru lines by parking your car and walking inside.

Ride your bike or walk to work.

Refuel your vehicle after dark or during cooler evening hours.

Use low-VOC or water-based paints, stains, finishes, and paint strippers. Delay painting projects until High Pollution Advisories have passed.

A small commitment at least one day a week helps reduce ground-level ozone pollution and helps us all breathe easier.

The “Help Keep Ozone Away, Commit to One Day!” campaign includes specific education resources, incentive programs, and initiatives to help our community be part of the solution. MCAQD’s commercial and residential Mowing Down Pollution Program is available to County residents.

To learn more about air quality and tips for how to help protect the air we breathe, visit Maricopa.gov/AQCommit.

About the author:

The Maricopa County Air Quality Department’s (MCAQD) mission is to improve the air of Maricopa County so customers, residents, and visitors can live, work, and play in a healthy environment. MCAQD is governed by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and the air quality standards set forth in the federal Clean Air Act.

MESA’S 2 0 5 0



Mesa’sTransportationMasterPlan(TMP)isnearing completionwithpublicationanticipatedinthefallof 2024.Thisplanismorethanjustalistof transportationprojects–itservesasaroadmapfor transportationinvestmentandpolicyforthenext25 years.Developedoveran18-monthperiodwith KittlesonandAssociates,theMesaTMPwasa collaborationbetweenresidents,localorganizations, regionalplanningpartners,Cityleadersandstaff.This effortresultedinastrategicvisionwithfuturegoals thatreflecttheneedsandprioritiesofthosethatuse, anddependon,Mesa’stransportationsystem.



Basedonextensivedataanalysisandfeedback fromthecommunityandstakeholders,theTMP providesasensibleapproachtoimprovements thatbringMesa’smultimodalvisiontolife.This phasedimprovementplansystematicallyguides transportationinvestmentsandproject developmentoverthelifeoftheplan.


Multimodalimprovementswereidentified thatalignwithpublicfeedbackand historicaltrendsuniquetospecificsubareaswithintheCity,whicharecalled “TravelSheds”intheplan.


Noteverystreethastheroomorcapacityto serveeverymode,nordotheyallhavethe demandforeachmode.TheTMPdeveloped layeredmodalnetworksthatworktogether tocreateasystemofreliable,integrated, andattractivetransportationoptionsfor travelingacrosstheCityusingone,or multiple,networks.

Ifyouwouldliketoreadthefull2050 TransportationMasterPlan,visitour websiteat: mesaaz.gov/transportation .



Together Safer Streets are Achievable!

Mesa is making steady progress toward developing the City’s first Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. The public weighed in with significant input by sharing their concerns and ideas.

In all, members of the community contributed more than 3,400 survey responses and map comments to help identify areas, activities and behaviors that contribute to safety issues.

The plan’s goal is to create a framework through which the City can implement projects and policies to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on the City’s transportation network for all users by 30% by 2030.

Common themes in the survey responses included:

42% of respondents agreed that Mesa streets are safe.

Most respondents felt red light running and distracted driving were the greatest behavioral safety concerns in Mesa.

Respondents confirmed the study data by selecting intersections, arterials and left turns as the main places and activities that cause crashes.

Most respondents said they would feel safer by improving enforcement of current traffic laws and improving the design of roadways, bike facilities and sidewalks.

In this photo: Survey responses about areas of concern.

The Action Plan will help create a community safety culture where everyone has a part to play in reducing crash-related fatalities and serious injuries, so your participation is key. There are several ways to get involved. WE NEED YOUR HELP!


Contribute to the draft of the plan by submitting comments on essential elements, such as the strategies and projects that may be implemented to improve safety. You can provide feedback by taking the survey online or at an upcoming event in the community.


Share safety materials with your friends, neighbors and loved ones, you may request safety materials including Comprehensive Safety Action Plan information sheets, surveys and bookmarks on the plan website, too!

The City of Mesa will incorporate public input into the draft plan which is slated to be completed by early 2025.

Development of the plan is being funded by a grant from the United States Department of Transportation as part of the Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program and is a requirement for the City to seek additional grant funding for implementation of safety measures.

Please sign up for updates and information on opportunities to engage at mesasaferstreets.com.


Do you have a personal roadway story to share that may impact others in our community? You could make a difference in helping others rethink their actions on the roadway. Email your stories to Transportation.PIO@mesaaz.gov

For the most up-to-date citywide bikeway, path and trail information, visit: mesaaz.gov/maps


For Jeff Esteban and his wife Kelly, pedaling is healing.

Over the past eight years, the Mesa couple has raised more than $22,000 by riding a whopping 12,000 miles-plus throughout the East Valley – that’s more than four trips across the United States!

jodie synder

“There is nothing scarier than hearing your child has cancer ,’’ Jeff said.

The miles are labors of love – they are raising money and awareness for childhood cancer research to honor their son Antonio, who was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia in 2017.

Antonio’s leukemia levels are now undetectable, but he will have to live with its shadow for the rest of his life. His parents still remember what it was like to hear that first diagnosis.

Jeff and Kelly ride in the Great Cycle Challenge, which benefits the Children’s Cancer Research Fund. In the challenge, one of the largest cycling events in the United States, participants set their own riding goals.

“It’s challenging but I didn’t want it to be easy. When you know what these kids and their families have to go through, I didn’t want it to be easy. Kids with cancer don’t have it easy.’’

Jeff, who works as customer-service field supervisor for the City of Mesa, rides throughout the East Valley. Favorite areas include around Eastmark, Las Sendas and into San Tan Valley and Queen Creek.

On a typical ride, he can go from 30 to 70 miles on his road bike. He does his longer rides on the weekends and he even trains during the summer.

Because of his and Kelly’s leadership in the cycling challenge, they are considered “all-stars’’ and were given special jerseys to show they are riding for children’s cancer research.

The jerseys already paid off – one day, Jeff and Kelly stopped at an Eastmark coffee shop to take a break.

In this photo: Jeff Esteban and his son Antonio at the 2024's NCAA Division III Wrestling National Championship Tournament..

A young couple approached him and asked about the jersey he was wearing. They were so moved by the Estebans’ story that they donated on the spot.

Even before his son’s diagnosis, Jeff liked to ride. And then, Kelly decided to join him on the road.

Kelly is a natural on the bike and at fund-raising, says her husband. Over the years, the couple has organized challenge rides and cycling groups.

“We’re a good team,” Jeff said.

In fact, the Estebans enjoy cycling so much that to celebrate their 25th anniversary, they cycled through the French countryside. On next year’s agenda: Riding in RAGBRAI, a non-

“It’s challenging but I didn’t want it to be easy... Kids with cancer don’t have it easy.’’

competitive bicycle tour across Iowa.

Jeff says he had no idea that a simple pastime would turn out to be such a fulfilling part of his life.

“For me, being on the bike is mind clearing. It’s quiet and peaceful and I just get to clear my head,’’ he says. “It’s very healing.’’

In this photo: Jeff Esteban in northern France at the 2024 Paris-Roubaix challenge.
In this photo: Jeff after riding 40-miles, including 8 cobblestone sections, in the 2024 Paris-Roubaix challenge.


i.d.e.a. Museum’s Upcoming ExhibitJoyRide: Art on Wheels!

Prepare to rev up your creativity at the i.d.e.a. Museum's upcoming exhibition, JoyRide: Art on Wheels! Opening in Winter 2024 in the Whiteman Family Gallery, this exhibit promises to be a fun-filled journey through the fascinating world of wheels, tailored especially for young minds and their families.

The i.d.e.a. Museum is renowned for

sparking creativity and imagination in children, and JoyRide: Art on Wheels is set to continue this tradition.

This unique exhibition showcases an array of wheel apparatuses, ranging from lowriders and custom-made skateboards to toy cars and tricked-out wheelchairs. If it has wheels, you'll find it here! But the exhibit doesn't stop at transportation— there’s a strong focus on the artistic side of wheels too, featuring pottery wheels and fiber looms.

EngageintheLEGOPrintingPress,a hands-onactivitywhereyouandyour littleonecancreateyourowndesigns usingLEGOpieces.Onceyou'vebuilt yourdesign,transferitontospecial papertocreateauniqueprint,justlikea realprintingpress!Thisactivityis inspiredbyMexicanartistBetsabee Romero,whousestirestomakeunique printsandsculptures.

Letyourimaginationsoarasyoubuild yourdreamskatepark.Usingtoy-sized skateboards,youcandesignramps,rails andmore,creatingtheultimateminiature skatepark.

Getinvolvedinacommunityartproject whereyoucancontributetoalarge-scale weavinginstallationusingbikewheels. Thiscollaborativeartworkwillgrow throughouttheexhibition,showcasing thecollectivecreativityofallitsvisitors.

Overtwentycustomskateboardswillline thewallsoftheexhibit,eachshowcasing theuniquestyleofvariousartists includingvisualartistMaxxineValentine, fatherandsonduoSuchandChamp StylesandMesa-localEfrain‘Bugs’ Gonzales.

Theirdiversemediumsincludepainting, ceramics,neonlightsandmore. Afterexploringtheinteractive

experiences,takeabreakinthecozy readingnookinaningeniouslybuilt 1970sFordtruckbed.Thisspaceis furnishedwithplushcushions,creatinga perfectspottounwind.

JoyRide:ArtonWheelsisdesignedtobe botheducationalandentertaining.It encourageschildrentoexplorethe mechanicsandartistryofwheelsina hands-on,engagingway.Theexhibition aimstoinspireyoungmindstothink creativelyandseeeverydayobjectsfrom newperspectives.


Gearupandgetreadytoroll intoaworldofimagination andcreativityatthei.d.e.a. Museum's JoyRide:Arton Wheels !Learnmoreaboutthe exhibitionandpurchase ticketsat ideamuseum.org .

How to Fix a Flat E-Bike Edition

E-bikes have enabled folks to ride more and ride farther, but they are twice as heavy as pedal-only bikes, and many have wires connected to the rear hub.

A small puncture could turn into a serious ordeal – especially while out on a ride. Following the process below, you should be able to fix a flat using a pump and patch kit without removing the wheel.

01. Remove the battery to make the bike lighter and ensure the motor can’t turn on while you are working.

02. Lay the bike on its left side away from the road or pathway.

03. Remove the object (screw, thorn, etc) and fully deflate the tire.

04. Push the chain-side of the tire’s sidewall toward the center of the rim.

05. Use your hands or a tire lever to carefully pry the bead of the tire to the outside of the rim.

06. Pull out the inner tube and locate the puncture by inflating it with air.

07. Wipe the tube around the hole so the patch will stick.

08. Repair the tube following the directions in the patch kit – some do not need glue.

09. Make sure whatever poked your tube isn’t still in the tire to puncture it again.

10. Add some air to the tube and push it back into the tire starting with the valve.

11. Mount the tire back on the rim without pinching the tube.

12. Inflate (slowly) the tube making sure the tire is aligned on the rim.

To see this procedure in-person and receive a free patch kit and more, sign up for our Basic Bicycle Maintenance class through the Mesa Public Library



Face to the Wind.

Bartali’s Bicycle: The true story of Gino Bartali

Italy’s secret hero

“Elbows in. Head Down. Face to the Wind.” This non-fiction picture book is the story of Gino Bartali, an Italian professional cyclist who became a secret Italian hero in World War II. Hoyt’s story focuses on Bartali and his bike while including age-appropriate explanations of the time period.

Bartali, the 1938 Tour de France champion, used his fame and bicycle to become a part of the Resistance and help move fake identity papers around the country for Jews to escape. Bartali was known as Italy’s secret hero as he didn’t speak about his actions after the war saying “Good is something you do, not something you talk about.”

Bruno’s illustrations in pencil and digital color are stunning – they are able to show the weight of Bartali’s actions and accurate description of the time, right down to Bartali’s bicycle.

This is a fantastic book for those interested in World War II history, Italy, cycling, and even vintage bicycle posters.


Brenna is a Programming Librarian at the City of Mesa's Dobson Ranch Library. She was born and raised in Tempe and rode her bike all over her neighborhood. Now she still rides, but reads about riding more.



Bicycling to the Moon by Timo Parvela


The Adventures of a Girl Called Bicycle by Christina Uss


Craft Bomb Your Bike: 20 makes for you & your bike by Shara Ballard

Pre-K and K
Sally Jean, The Bicycle Queen by Cari Best




BicycleMaintenance* DobsonRanchLibrary 6:00p.m.-7:30p.m.


BikeRodeoandStorywalk MesaExpressLibrary 10a.m.-11:30a.m.


SmartCyclingforOlderAdults* Recommendedforages55+ RedMountainLibrary 12:00p.m.-1:30p.m.


Self-GuidedReindeerRollandStroll DowntownMesa 4:00-8:00p.m.


SmartCyclingforOlderAdults* Recommendedforages55+ RedMountainLibrary 11:00a.m.-12:30p.m.


SmartCyclingFUN-damentals* MesaMainLibrary 6:00-7:30p.m.


SavetheDate: CycloMesaFestival ThePlazaatMesaCityCenter 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.



Hostsgroupridesandevents locallyinMesa. bikemesa.org

GravityRidersOrganization ofArizona

Advocacy,riderseducationand trailwork.TheGravityRider communityincludesdownhillers, freeriders,all-mountainriders, dirtjumpersandBMXridersof allages. groaz.org


MountainBikecommunity buildingandEastValleyarea groupridecoordination. AsktojointhegrouponFacebook!


Groupridesformountain bikersofalllevels. meetup.com/santan-shredders


Workingtomakebicyclinga prominent,safeand convenientformof transportationandrecreation intheregion.Alsohostgroup ridesandevents. biketempe.org


Helpskidsandadultsinneed torecycleandrefurbish bikes. we-cycle-usa.com


3655E.MainStreet 480-641-2453 a bcjetski.com


1316S.GilbertRoad 480-839-4772 actionrideshop.com


1530N.CountryClubDrive 480-275-5818 a rchersbikes.com


5 057E.McKellipsRoad,Suite104 480-637-0806 bikebossmesaaz.com


1545S.PowerRoad 480-660-6842 bikemastersaz.com

2031N.PowerRoad 480-699-0072 bikemastersaz.com


1010W.SouthernAve,Suite3 480-892-1315 globalbikes.info


1106N.GilbertRoad 480-830-1620 paragoncycling.com


2650EUniversityDr,Suite106 602-799-1827


5135EIngramStreet#103 480-489-4700 theshadco .com


*MesaPublicLibraryclassesrequire registration.Tosign-up,visit: mesalibrary.org

3654N.PowerRd.Suite127 480-744-5940


Recenttrendscontinuetohighlightastrongdesire forcommunitiestobebike-friendly,andtheCity ofMesa’sTransportationDepartmentBicycleand PedestrianProgramiscontinuouslyworkingon creatingenhancedpathwaystoprovidesafe connectionsforallresidentstousewhentraveling throughthecity.

Stayup-to-datebysigningupfor e-notificationsfromCityofMesa's Bicycle&PedestrianProgramat: @MesaBikePedProgram @CityofMesa FOLLOWUSONSOCIALMEDIA


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