Flowers are blooming, birds are singing and we ' re ready to RIDE!
Whilewepreparethisspring issueofSpokeLifeit’sstill
coldandwet Jackets,helmetliners, andinsulatedgloveshavenotyetbeen packedawayaswedreamofridingin thebeautifulspringdaysthatthe Valleyoffers Butasyoureadthis,it’s alreadyhere!You’vegotnoexcuse!
We dream of riding in the beautiful spring days that the Valley offers.
Youmayhavemissedoursoggy ReindeerRollandStroll(westillhada greattime!)buttherearemoreevents toenjoyliketheArizonaBicycling Summit,CycloMesaandBiketoWork Daythatarerightaroundthecorner thisspring
Wehandedoutover80freehelmets lastwinterduringourFreeHelmet Popupeventsandweplantohandout morethisspring. Youcanalsosignup foroneofthesafetyclassesthatwe offerthroughMesaPublicLibraries (seepage21formoreinfo).
We’vegotarticlesinthisissuetohelp motivateandprepareyoufor wonderfulspringandsummerriding.
Remembertodriveless,rideoften, alwayswearyourhelmetandbe predictable!
City of Mesa Transportation Department's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
CityofMesaTransportationDepartment's BicycleandPedestrianProgram
TheCityofMesahasproudly ranked“SilverStatus”asa BicycleFriendlyCommunity bytheLeagueofAmerican Bicyclistssince2015.Mesa’s BicycleandPedestrian Programprovidesmany servicesandeducational opportunitiestoenrichthe safetyofcyclistsand pedestriansinMesa.Thegoal oftheBikeandPedestrian Programistoincreasethe ridershipandactivity throughouttheCityso residentscantakeadvantage ofthisformofaffordableand healthytransportation.
Didyoutakeanamazing photowhileyouwereouton yourride?Sendustheimage andyoumightbefeaturedin ournextissueofSpokeLife!
Submit imagesbyemailing: cyclomesa@mesaaz.gov
Counthowmanybicycle imagesthereareinthe magazine Allcorrect guesseswillbeenteredto winaprize–abicyclesafety bagfilledwithgoodies!One winnerwillbeselectedeach issue Emailyourguessto: cyclomesa@mesaaz.gov
City of Mesa Bicycle and Pedestrian Team (from left to right): Mark Venti, Sabine King, MariaAngelica Deeb, Christina Haase, (special guest: Councilmember Jen Duff), and Garrett TophamAge:33
Stay-at-HomeMomand MountainBikeCoachin Training
Bicyclingbackground: IstartedmountainbikinginMarch 2020.MyhusbandmountainbikedalotandoursonCooper alsostartedriding Ithoughtitwouldbeagreatopportunity tostartlearning,too.Then,wemetagreatlocalgroupcalled theHawesaholicsataneventandIfellinlovewiththeriding community.Iimmediatelywantedtotrythissport!
DreamBicycle?2022PivotSwitchblade,mybikedoesitall!It isperfectforclimbinganddescending IjustdidtheMBAA EnduroSerieswithitandgotthewinfortheseries
Doyouhaveafavoriteplacetovisitonyourroute?In summer,myhusbandandIdoaweeklydateridewherewe stopateitherHavaJavaorFirstWatch Then,endatour favoritelocalbikeshop,HawesHouse.Inthewintertime,our schedulechangesalittlebitsoweusuallygotoGoldwater andpickupSomeburrosorModPizzaafterourride.
Age:59 ForensicToxicologist
When/WhyDidYouStartBicycling?Istartedroadcyclingin Augustof2007togobackandforthtowork Ihavebeen mountainbikingsinceIwasa teenager
FavoriteThingAboutRidinginMesa:Mesahasnicebike lanes.
DoYouHaveaFavoritePlacetoVisitAlongYourRoute? IlikeUseryPassroadalot Myfavoritemountainbikelocation isCopperBasinOverlookinPrescott
Hey, did you mean to be out this late? While sometimes we choose to ride at night because it gives a new and fun experience to a route, for others due to compressed work schedules and shorter days - or extreme daytime heat - there is a need to ride after the sun has gone down.
Here are some tips for riding safely in the dark:
100-1000 lumen light – for being seen and to have plenty of light to see the pathway ahead. Please avoid dazzling oncoming traffic or other pathway users.
Flashing LED tail light AND rear reflector – pedal and wheel reflectors are also recommended.
Dress in layers of light-colored clothing.
Like car headlights, the latest offerings of bike lights project between 1000 and 4000 lumens The difference is that automotive lights have a focused beam - the lens cuts off light above the height of an oncoming vehicle hood, so it doesn't dazzle the driver
When riding in two-way traffic on roads or paths, it's important to either dim or tilt your headlight down as a courtesy to approaching users
Reflective tape on jacket or backpack – leg bands are particularly noticeable due to movement.
Cross streets at signalized intersections or crosswalks for better visibility.
Tell someone where you are going.
In April, many cities around the Valley will be celebrating Bike Month, including the City of Mesa. Valley Bike Month is a great way to showcase the wide variety of ways to enjoy bike riding, learn more about road safety, and many other ways to enjoy cycling around town.
The month is a chance to celebrate bicycling for fun and as a mode of transportation around the Valley. Whether you are using it to get to work or just to enjoy the beautiful spring weather the Valley has to offer, bike riding is a great way to take it all in.
For residents in Mesa, there will be a few events to commemorate the month-long celebration as shown on the next few pages.
MARCH 31, 2023
This event is held annually in celebration of bike love from all across the state. The Arizona Bicycling Summit brings together leaders, educators, planners, health professionals, and cyclists of all kinds as a spot to discuss current issues related to cycling in Arizona. The Summit will include a variety of things including raffles, different vendors, exhibits, and AICP credits, as well as presentations on noteworthy and trending bicycle topics. The event will be held at the Mesa Convention Center on March 31, 2023. For more
information: cazbike.org/summit2023.
APRIL 1, 2023
This is an annual free festival held in downtown Mesa. This year, the event will be held on Saturday, April 1st, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Plaza at Mesa City Center. Attendees will get to enjoy a plethora of activities including BMX Freestyle stunt shows, a bike safety rodeo presented by Phoenix Children’s Hospital, live music, artwork from artist Jayaar Steiner, food trucks, Historic Bike Tours, Roller Derby and much more! ASU is also getting in on the action with its new MIX (Media Immersive eXperience) Center which will be open for tours during this bike event. If you’d like more information on this event and how you can get involved, check out the website at: www.cyclomesa.com.
This event is a big one, held annually on the third Wednesday of every April. This year, it will be on Wednesday, April 19th across the valley. For residents in Mesa, the city is opening the opportunity for anyone who lives, works, or enjoys spending time in Mesa to participate. You are invited to simply hop on your bike and enjoy some time around town or you can head to one of the specific Bike to Work events. There will be a celebration at The Plaza at Mesa City Center that will feature music, food, and a Green Expo. If you are one of the first 300 people to register for this event and check in upon arrival on your bike to the Mesa Bike to
Work Day Celebration, you will receive a limited edition Mesa Bike to Work T-Shirt designed by local artist, Jayarr Steiner, and a voucher for food at one of the food trucks on site. For further details on getting involved with Bike to Work Day, visit the website www.mesaaz.gov/bikeped.
Be sure to take the opportunity to celebrate your power to pedal across Mesa and all over the state. It is a great way to get some exercise but also help the environment at the same time.
When you hop on your bike – instead of jumping in the car – to go to work, the grocery store, or just for recreation, you can pat yourself on the back. You have just made a commitment to cleaner air. Bikes are pollution free and do not emit carbon dioxide which makes them one of the best choices for transportation.
Mesa’s climate action plan, adopted in June 2021 and updated in June 2022, is a community-wide initiative that lays out four aspirational goals in six focus areas –energy, materials management, food systems, water stewardship, heat mitigation, and air quality. When the plan was being updated and the community
was asked what was most important to them, improved air quality was one of the highest priorities. And clean air is something everyone, in all neighborhoods and at all socioeconomic levels, can benefit from. But the City cannot achieve this alone. We need everyone working together, which is why your choice of transportation is vital.
Ride your bike with pride, knowing that you are a part of the solution to make the City of Mesa a cleaner, greener community! One ride at a time, you can help create a healthier planet on the way.
That’s the work of Jayarr Steiner, an Eas Valley-based artist who has been selecte design the t-shirt for this year’s City of Mesa’s Bike to Work Day. It’s the first t-s ever commissioned for the annual event.
Whether his art is on a piece of clothing, a light-rail train, or a 26-foot mural, it shines with positive energy -- just like the man behind it.
“It’s such an honor for me to create this design. It kind of blows my mind,’’ says Steiner, whose work can be seen throughout Phoenix, the East Valley, and has even been featured on city buses and light-rail trains.
Designing something that celebrates physical activity means his life is coming full circle, says Steiner. Being active is critical to him – he’s a runner, yogi, and cyclist. But it wasn’t always that way. Before moving to Arizona, Steiner led a life that was sedentary and filled with fast food. It all changed when he started yoga, which helped him develop an appreciation for his body, an interest
in the community, and more discipline in his routines. Yoga also led him to try out different activities such as cycling, hiking, swimming, and cliff diving.
Cycling grew to be a passion. In fact, it helped him meet people after moving here from New York. Steiner helped lead a social cycling group that regularly cruised through the streets of downtown Tempe.
“It was a fun way to meet people, get off the couch and get going,’’ says Steiner, who ran his first marathon this year.
[Cycling]wasafunwaytomeet people,getoffthecouchandgetgoingIn this photo: Mesa's Bike to Work Design for 2023.
“You know, when I became healthy, that’s when I got back to art. That’s when my dreams started coming true.’’
Physical activity not only made it easier for him to tap into his natural creativity, but it also led Steiner to create his first explosive piece of art.
Steiner painted his first mural on the wall outside his house. With his trademark triangles, vibrant colors, and favorite message: You Are Amazing, it was an instant hit. The mural not only welcomed people to his yoga studio, but it also drew people from miles away to come just to look at it. And to take their photo with it. His wall and its uplifting message went viral thanks to Tik Tok
and Instagram. "People wanted to hear it. They wanted to see it. They felt good about the message. It’s simple but powerful,’’ says Steiner.
From there, he was commissioned to create a larger mural in downtown Phoenix with the same feel-good vibe. And opportunities began to come in – in fact, so many, so fast that Steiner took the plunge, and closed his printing/silk screen business to pursue his lifelong dream of being a full-time artist.
“Sometimes it feels like a dream. I’m living my dream,’’ said Steiner. “That’s what I’m trying to impart to people. They are amazing. We are amazing, all of us.’’
“Unlikeafootballoratennisracket,abikehas multipleuses.Itissimultaneouslyapieceof high-techsportsgear,ameansof transportationtoworkorthestore,awayof discoveringtheworld,anescapetosolitude andnature,asocialnetworkthatbeatsanyof thevirtualvariety,andameansofdiscovering yourpersonallimits,whetherbycrawlingupan alpinepassorshreddingyournervesdownhill onamountainbike”WilliamFotheringhamhas beenacyclingjournalistandwriterforover30 years,andinthattimehehasbeena correspondentforTheGuardian,launchedtwo cyclingmagazinesandwebsiteaswellas writtenseveralbooksaboutcycling He’sused thisexperienceandknowledgetocreatea fascinatingencyclopediaofcyclingwithtopics rangingfromthehistoryofcycling,tothe variousraces,andcoveringmanydifferent
componentsofthesport. Fotheringhamhasmanaged tomakeanencyclopediathat isbrimmingwithfactsbutis stillajoytoread.
Brenna is a Programming Librarian at the City of Mesa's Dobson Ranch Library She was born and raised in Tempe and rode her bike all over her neighborhood Now she still rides, but reads about riding more.
The Ultimate Bicycle Owner’s Manual: The universal guide to bikes, riding, and everything for beginner and seasoned cyclists by Eben Weiss
It is simultaneously a piece of hightech sports gear, a means of transportation to work or the store, a way of discovering the world, an escape to solitude and nature, a social network that beats any of the virtual variety, and a means of discovering your personal limits...
Bike Mesa
Hosts group rides and events locally in Mesa.
bikemesa org
Gravity Riders Organization of Arizona
Advocacy, riders education and trail work The Gravity Rider community includes downhillers, freeriders, all-mountain riders, dirt jumpers and BMX riders of all ages. groaz.org
Mountain Bike community building and East Valley area group ride coordination
Ask to join the group on Facebook!
San Tan Shredders
Group rides for mountain bikers of all levels meetup com/santan-shredders
Tempe Bicycle Action Group
Working to make bicycling a prominent, safe and convenient form of transportation and recreation in the region Also host group rides and events biketempe org
Helps kids and adults in need to recycle and refurbish bikes.
March 31, 2023
Arizona Bicycle Summit Mesa Convention Center
April 1, 2023
CycloMesa The Plaza at Mesa City Center 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
April 15, 2023
Celebrate Mesa
ABC Bicycle and Jetski Rentals
3655 E Main Street 480-641-2453
abcjetski com
Action Rideshop
1316 S Gilbert Road 480-839-4772
actionrideshop com
Archer's Bikes
1530 N. Country Club Drive 480-275-5818
archersbikes com
Bike Boss
5057 E McKellips Road, Suite 104 480-637-0806
bikebossmesaaz com
Bike Masters AZ
1545 S. Power Road 480-660-6842
bikemastersaz com
Bike Masters AZ
2031 N Power Road 480-699-0072
bikemastersaz com
May 24, 2023
Smart Cycling Fun-damentals* Red Mountain Library
June 20, 2023
STEAM at the Library
Presented by the City of Mesa's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Recommended for ages 5 -10
Dobson Ranch Library 2 - 3 p.m.
August 16, 2023
Global Bikes and E-Bikes
1010 W. Southern Ave, Suite 3 480-892-1315
globalbikes info
Hawes House
2837 N Power Road #110 480-380-8222
twowheeljones com
Paragon Cycling
1106 N. Gilbert Road 480-830-1620
paragoncycling com
April 19, 2023
Bike to Work Day
The Plaza at Mesa City Center 7 a m - 9 a m
Smart Cycling FUN-damentals* Mesa Main Library 6 - 7:30 p m
* All Cycling Fun-damentals classes require registration To sign-up visit: mesalibrary org
3654 N Power Rd Suite 127 480-744-5940
velozoom bike
Recent trends continue to highlight a strong desire for communities to be bike-friendly, and the City of Mesa’s Transportation Department Bicycle and Pedestrian Program is continuously working on creating enhanced pathways to provide safe connections for all residents to use when traveling through the city.