City of Miramichi - fall/winter/spring program guide

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City of Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Program Guide Fall/Winter/Spring Office: 506.623.2300 | Info Line: 506.623.2323 | Storm Line: 506.623.2333

Information You Can Find Inside...

Message from the Director

Recreation Department Team

Indoor Programs

Aquatic Programs

Community Arenas

Special Events

At Your Leisure

Program & Facility Information

How to Book a Facility

Facility & Office Closures

Message from the

“Recreation is the experience that results from freely chosen participation in physical, social, intellectual, creative and spiritual pursuits that enhance individual and community wellbeing.”

As the needs of our community and their recreational pursuits continue to evolve, the Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation Department along with Miramichi City Council remain invested in providing recreational opportunities that foster the wellbeing of our residents and our community.

The City of Miramichi has recently updated their vision and core values for the Community Wellness and Recreation Department to better align with the common vision for recreation identified in the Framework for Recreation in Canada and across the country.

Community Development

The City of Miramichi recognizes the importance of having the community involved in shaping the future of Miramichi. Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation has enhanced it’s focus on community development by taking this same approach to program service delivery.

The Department will strive to provide support to community driven events, initiatives, and programs. An example of this is the Community Development Grant program that has provided financial support to over 20 community initiatives since 2022 totalling approximately $80,000. The Department also continues to provide in-kind services to many community events and festivals. It is these types of community initiatives that make our community stronger and more connected.

The Department has also put more focus on gathering input from the community when planning future recreational opportunities. An example of this is the input sought into the revised Miramichi Active Transportation Plan, and the 2022 Outdoor Parks and Recreation Plan. The input we have received from the public will be valuable in shaping the future and ensuring that the recreational facilities and programs we provide meet the needs of the community now and into the future.

Updated Mission Statement

The City of Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Department will engage residents of Miramichi in meaningful lifelong recreation experiences that enhance individual and community wellbeing by providing access to enjoyable, high quality, sustainable, and accessible recreational experiences.

(Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015, Pathways to Wellbeing)

Message from the

Miramichi Multiplex

With the funding announcement in late April, over 15 years of work on the Miramichi Multiplex project is finally coming to life. The City’s need for a new centralized recreation facility has finally come to reality. This facility will be the heart of our community and ensure that our community will have access to quality recreational opportunities, which will enhance the quality of life for all residents of Miramichi and future generations. The Community Wellness and Recreation Department looks forward to shaping the design of this facility and is very excited to soon being part of making this facility a vibrant space where the community can gather and enjoy the benefits of what recreation has to offer.


Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation aims to ensure that all facilities are safe and enjoyable for all users. Parks, trails, and recreation facilities are important in creating a sense of place, that help to bring our community together. These facilities provide critical connections for residents through the natural environment, recreational pursuits, historic appreciation, and social and cultural events. The City of Miramichi continues to invest in our community spaces and recreation facilities. Examples of this are the development of pickleball courts, northern spine and paving of trail systems to promote active transportation, the winter skating trail, upgrades to accessibility at arenas, expanded usage of the Miramichi Eco-Centre, winter operation of off-leash dog park, playground upgrades, and increased docking and services at Station Wharf Marina. The sense of place these facilities create shapes the cohesive fabric of vision, values and identity of the community while promoting an active lifestyle for all ages. City council along with staff will continue to ensure that sufficient investments are made to our existing assets and will look to improve on the recreational inventory in meeting the current and future needs of our citizens.


As you will see from the multiple programs and activities in this brochure, Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation staff and the many volunteers, and volunteer associations have worked extremely hard in providing safe positive recreational opportunities for all residents. We are always looking for new programs and initiatives that meet the needs of our changing population. If you have ideas, suggestions or comments, the Department would like to hear from you. You can contact our Department in person at our office at 94 General Manson Way, by phone at (506)623-2300 or by emailing us at

Miramichi Community Wellness and recreation would like to thank you for exploring the many recreational opportunities available in our community, and hope you are able to find the programs, services, and facilities that allow you to live a healthy active lifestyle, and a sense of belonging in our community.

RECREATION … the benefits are endless!

Jason Walsh

Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Full-Time Staff

Recreation Staff





Maintenance Staff

Chris Corcoran, Foreman

Gordon Baisley

Andy Daley

Gerry Doyle

Sonya Hebert

Jeff Lamkey

Our Mission...

Ronald McCombs

Ricky Ryan

Todd Tozer

Mike Moran

Ron Mullin

Michael Stewart

Terry Sherrard

The City of Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation Department will engage residents of Miramichi in meaningful lifelong recreation experiences that enhance individual and community wellbeing by providing access to enjoyable, high quality, sustainable, and accessible recreational experiences.

Director Jason Walsh 623-2312
Manager of Recreation Operations Dayton Pratt 623-2401
Facilities & Admin Co-Ordinator Anna Dean 623-2310
Assistant Shandel Saunders 623-2300
Development Co-Ordinator Holly Allison 623-2314
Co-Ordinator Shannon Cabel 623-2054
Maintenance Supervisor Timmy Courtney 623-2302

Our Core Values...

1) We will ensure that we provide residents with fulfilling and relevant recreation experiences that meet their needs.

2) We will provide meaningful, accessible, and inclusive recreational experiences across the lifespan and to populations that face constraints to participation.

3) We will improve the economic impact recreation has on the City by investing in recreation and promoting the recreational experiences available in the City and region for residents, future residents, newcomers, developers, and visitors.

4) We will provide leadership in increasing awareness of the benefits that meaningful recreational experiences have towards personal health, mental health, emotional health, and social cohesion.

5) We will improve the quality of experiences and access to open spaces, parks, facilities, and programs for residents by meeting the guidelines for universal design.

6) We will build partnerships with community groups, organizations, and individuals to address the unique needs and capacities of the community.

7) We will provide excellent customer service in meeting the needs of all residents and users.

8) We will engage residents and users in the planning of recreational infrastructure and services.

9) We will protect, preserve, and improve our natural assets that benefit the physical and mental health of our community.

The Future of Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation

miramichi wellness multiplex
indoor programs section

Join us at one of the many indoor programs offered!

As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder daily physical activities can be a challenge.

Exercising indoors is a healthy alternative and provides all the physical benefits of improved cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance.

The following pages include lots of options for all ages to enjoy at our indoor facilities, from brisk walking to gymnastics to a friendly game of floor hockey or pickleball.

Beat the Long Cold Winter Meeting Your Fitness Goals

While Enjoying the Company of Friends!

MVHS Gym & Mezzanine

345 King George Highway

French Fort Cove Eco Centre

21 Cove Road

Golden Hawk Gym, Activity Room & Youth/Senior Room

8 Pollard Avenue

recreation facilities

Community Wellness & Recreation

The following is a brief description of gymnasium programs hosted including contact information and method of admission for each program.

Facility Admission:

• Drop-in (DI) fee is $3/visit for each attended program

• Frequent User Punch Pass Card (FP) is $50 for 20 drop-in punches ($2.50 visit/program)

• Seasonal Activity Pass (SP) is $75 and covers both Senior and Youth Programs held from September 2023 to May 2024.

All passes can be purchased at the Recreation Administration Office with Frequent User Passes also available to be purchased at the attending facility.


The range located at the Golden Hawk is operated by the Miramichi Archery Club.

Contact: Tracey Baisley


Badminton - Adult

Drop in co-ed adult recreational program at the MVHS Gym offered to all skill levels. Everyone welcome Tuesdays & Thursdays from 8-10pm

Contact: Andy Prince


Badminton – Senior

Drop into the Golden Hawk for an afternoon of badminton. Open to all seniors on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 1-3pm

Contact: Flo Ross


Ball Clinics

Minor Ball Clinics

Come in and try our batting cage & improve your skills for summer ball.

Runs: Mar. 10 to Apr. 28 on Sundays from 3-7:30pm at the Golden Hawk


Basketball – Adult Co-Ed Pick Up

Drop in Co-Ed adult recreational program offered to all skill levels at MVHS Gym. Saturdays from 6-8pm

Contact: Recreation Dept. 623-2300


Bowling Lanes

The 6 pin bowling lanes are operated by the Senior Club and are located at the Golden Hawk.

Contact: Marjorie McPhee 773-6618

Cardio Power Fitness

Open to men & women. Lead by Tobi Desveaux at the Golden Hawk Gym on Tuesdays 7:30-8:15pm.

$20 for 6 weeks in addition to City $3 user fee.


Carpet Bowling – Senior

Open to seniors, an afternoon of friendly competition and socialization at the Eco Centre. Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00 pm.

Contact: Recreation Dept. 623-2300


Cornhole Toss

Exciting 2-4 player game where players or teams compete against one another to toss as many small bags as possible into the hole of the opposing cornhole board. Come join us in the Eco Centre Main Lobby on Wednesdays from 10-12pm to see what this game is all about. Contact: Recreation Dept. 623-2300


Farmers Market – Newcastle

Open weekly, offers home-baking, crafts, fresh vegetables, and hot lunches all in a friendly atmosphere.

Everyone Welcome!

Located in the Eco Centre Front Lobby on Fridays from 10am-2:00pm

Contact: Nathan Mutch 625-0793

Floor Hockey - Adult

Drop-in floor hockey league for adults, everyone welcome. Located at Golden Hawk Gym on Thursdays from 8:1510:15 pm

Contact: Recreation Dept. 623-2300


Girls on the Move

A fun 10-week non-competitive fitness program for girls grades 3-8. Located at the Golden Hawk on Thursdays from 6:00-7:30 pm.

Session #1: Sept 28 – Dec 14

Session #2: Jan 18 – Apr 4

Contact: Recreation Dept. 623-2300



Recreational and competitive for girls and boys. This very popular program is located at the Golden Hawk. Day of the week and time is determined by the class registered.


Open Ball Practice

Offered at the Golden Hawk Gym on Sundays from 4-7pm. This is a drop-in program. Come in and use our batting cages.

Contact: Recreation Department at 623-2300


DI = Drop-In fee FP = Frequent User Pass SP = Seasonal Pass

Open Gym

Offered by the Recreation Department, open gym time provides an opportunity to drop by and participate in your favorite activity at your leisure. Located at the Golden Hawk Gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays from 12-1pm, Saturdays 1-3pm (no racket sports), Saturdays 3-6pm (racket sports) and Sundays from 1-4pm (Sundays until March 3) Contact: Recreation Dept. at 6232300


Parent & Tots Time

Join other parents and their tots for some free time in the gym. Bring your tots to have fun, meet other kids and parents while staying active in the cooler months. Located at the Golden Hawk Gym on Fridays from 11:00am-12:00pm. Fee includes parent and tot.

Contact: Recreation Dept. 623-2300



Join us for a game of pickleball, a cross between badminton, tennis & table tennis. Low impact and lots of fun! MVHS Gym on Sundays 6-9pm, Mondays & Wednesdays 8-10pm and Fridays 6-9pm.

Contact: Mike Dickinson

Pickleball – Seniors 55+

Join us for a game of pickleball, a cross between badminton, tennis & table tennis. Low impact and lots of fun! Golden Hawk Gym on Tuesdays 1-3:30pm, Thursdays 2:30-4pm and Fridays 3-5:15pm.

Contact: Recreation 623-2300


River Hoops Basketball

Miramichi River Hoops provide basketball programs for youth in Miramichi. From Small Ball, U7 to U14. Location is the MVHS Gym on Saturdays and Sundays from 1-5pm

Contact via website:


Senior Activities & Walking Central

Offered by the Recreation Department this program is open to all seniors on a drop-in basis. Come out and exercise in a fun, safe and relaxed environment. Located at the Golden Hawk Gym/Teen Senior Room 5 days a week Monday to Friday from 9:00-12:00pm.

Contact: Recreation Dept. 623-2300


Tae Kwon Do – Golden Hawk

This Club offers classes for children, families, and adults in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/defense science.

Contact: Sam Johnston at


Tai Chi & Qi Gong

Practicing Tai Chi helps bring about a state of mental calm & clarity as well as provides general health benefits & stress management. Class is open to seniors and is located at the Golden Hawk Gym on Mondays & Tuesdays from 9:30-11:00am.

Contact: Dave Bucklow 622-7124 or


Volleyball – Youth Clinics

This program is open to school aged children. Runs from September 16 to December 16 at the MVHS Gym on Saturday mornings.

Contact: Hedley Doak 622-4472 or


Yoga Fuzion

Beginner Yoga classes fuse together yoga poses & stretches with fitness floor activities.

Contact: Shannon Daley at


Walk &

Tone Fitness Class

Open to men & women of all fitness levels. Lead by Tobi Desveaux at the Golden Hawk Gym on Wednesdays 11:15am-12:00pm.

“Pay what you can” in addition to City’s $3 user fee. Contact:


Youth Drop-in Floor Hockey

Now located at the MVHS Mezzanine on Mondays from 68pm. All Equipment is provided. This game provides strenuous activity & continuous play with emphasis on playing the puck not the opponent. Contact: Recreation Depart. 623-2300.



Drop-in Night

Open to youth grades 5-12 on a drop-in basis on Fridays from 6:00-9:00pm. Youth have access to the gym, pool and youth room area of the Golden Hawk. See designated page within this brochure for further info.

Contact: Holly Allison 623-2314 or


DI = Drop-In fee FP = Frequent User Pass SP = Seasonal Pass



Golden Hawk Gym Activity Room

Youth/Senior Room


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm Walking Central 9:00am-12:00pm Walking Central 9:00am-12:00pm Walking Central 9:00am-12:00pm Walking Central 9:00am-12:00pm Walking Central 9:30am-11:00am Oriental Arts - Tai Chi & Qi Gong (Begins Oct. 2) 9:30am-11:00am Oriental Arts - Tai Chi & Qi Gong (Begins Oct 3) 11:15am-12:00pm Walk & Tone 10:00am-12:00pm Shuffleboard 11:00am-12:00pm Parent & Tots Gym Time 12:00pm-1:00pm Open Gym 12:00pm-1:00pm Open Gym 12:00pm-1:00pm Open Gym 12:00pm-1:00pm Open Gym 1:00pm-4:00pm Open Gym (Ends Mar. 3) 1:00pm-3:00pm Senior Badminton 1:00pm-3:30pm 55+ Pickleball 1:00pm-3:00pm Senior Badminton 1:00pm-2:30pm MORE Services Vocational Program 1:00pm-3:00pm Senior Badminton 1:00pm-3:00pm Open Gym (No Racquet Sports) 4:00pm-7:00pm Open Ball Practice (Cages Available) 4:30pm-8:30pm Gymnastics (1/2 gym) 4:30pm-8:00pm Gymnastics (1/2 gym) 4:30pm-8:00pm Gymnastics (1/2 gym) 2:30pm-4:00pm 55+ Pickleball 3:00pm-5:15pm 55+ Pickleball 4:30pm-8:00pm Gymnastics (1/2) gym 6:00pm-7:30pm Girls on the Move Session #1:Sept 28-Dec 14 Session #2:Jan 18-Apr 4 8:15pm-10:15pm Adult Floor Hockey Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1:00pm-2:00pm Yogo Fuzion Beginner Yoga 5:3pm0-9:00pm Tae Kwon Do 5:30pm-9:00pm Tae Kwon Do 10:00am-12:00pm Tae Kwon Do Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9:00am-12pm Adult/Senior Open Activities 9:00am-12:00pm Adult/Senior Open Activities 8:30am-6:00pm Fresh for Less (Every 2nd Wednesday of the Month) 9:00am-12pm Adult/Senior Open Activities 9:00am-12pm Adult/Senior Open Activities 5:00pm-7:15pm Pool Rental Time 6:00pm-7:30pm Girls on the Move 6:00pm-8:00pm Youth Drop In Night 5:00pm-7:15pm Pool Rental Time Monday - Friday 4:30pm-8:30pm Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm Sunday 9:00am-8:00pm
9:00am-12:00pm Tae Kwon Do 9:00am-12:00pm Gymnastics (Every 2nd Week 1/2 gym) 1:00pm-9:00pm Ball Clinics (Begins Mar. 10) 5:30pm-9:00pm Tae Kwon Do (1/2 gym) 7:30pm-8:15pm Cardio Power 5:30pm-9:00pm Tae Kwon Do (1/2 gym) 6:00pm-9:00pm Youth Drop in (Oct 6-Apr 26) 3:00pm-6:00pm Open Gym (Racquet Sports)





French Fort Cove Eco Centre Main Lobby

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8:30am-1:00pm Youth Volleyball (Sept. 16 - Dec. 16) 1:00pm-5:00pm River Hoops Basketball (Oct. 1 - May 18) 1:00pm-5:00pm River Hoops Basketball (Oct. 2 - May 19) 6:00pm-9:00pm Pickleball 8:00pm-10:00pm Pickleball 8:00pm-10:00pm Recreational Badminton 8:00pm-10:00pm Pickleball 8:00pm-10:00pm Recreational Badminton 6:00pm-9:00pm Pickleball 6:00pm-8:00pm Co-Ed Pickup Basketball Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thrusday Friday Saturday 6:00pm-8:00pm Youth Floor Hockey Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thrusday Friday Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm Cornhole Toss (Begins Oct. 11) 10:00am-2:00pm Newcastle Farmers' Market (Begins Oct. 6) 1:00pm-3:00pm Senior Carpet Bowling (Begins Oct. 11)
New this year - Call (506)623-2300 for information on rentals

All Ages

A FUN sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong!

Offered at MVHS Gym


Sunday 6-9pm

Monday 8-10pm

Wednesday 8-10pm

Friday 6-9pm

It is a game that is appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels. Rules for pickleball are simple, making it a great introductory sport. It can also be quite the challenging, fast-paced, and competitive game when participants become more experienced at playing.

For further information contact:


Tuesdays 1:00-3:30pm

Thursdays 2:30-4:00pm (MCP Members Only)

Offered at Golden Hawk Gym

Fridays 3:00-5:15pm

For further information contact:


ALL at the Golden Hawk Gym

Cardio Power Fitness Class

Led by Certified Instructor, Tobi Desveaux (Contact:

This program is great for men & women. Class Consists of a dynamic warm up, intervals of high intensity cardio with strength training and cool down/stretch.

Tuesdays 7:30—8:15pm

$20.00 for 6 weeks in addition to the $3.00 City user fee.

Open Gym

Unstructured activity time available for all ages. Come to the gym and play pick up sports such as basketball, floor hockey, soccer or badminton.

Mondays & Wednesdays to Fridays 12-1 pm

Saturdays 1-3 pm (No Racket Sports)

Saturdays 3-6 pm (Open Racket Sports)

Sundays 1-4 pm

Sundays 4-7 pm (Open Ball Practice/Cages Available)

Walking Central

$3.00 user fee/visit

Frequent User Passes accepted

Want to avoid inclement weather and other challenges to outdoor exercising? Take your walk indoors during Walking Central! What a great way to eliminate those stumbling blocks and maintain the recommended 30 minutes/day!

Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

$3.00 user fee/visit

Frequent User and Seasonal Activity Passes accepted

Walk & Tone Fitness Class

Led by Certified Instructor, Tobi Desveaux (Contact:

This program is great for men & women of ALL fitness levels. Class consists of a dynamic warm up, walking, gentle strength training and cool down/stretch.

Wednesdays 11:15 12:00pm

“Pay what you can because some days you have extra cash & some days you don’t!”

In addition to the $3.00 user fee, you may choose to pay the instructor $2, $5 or nothing at all.

No Money is No Excuse!

Cornhole Toss

At the French Fort Cove Eco Centre in the Main Lobby

Exciting 2-4 player game where players or teams compete against one another to toss as many small bags as possible into the hole of the opposing cornhole board.

Wednesdays from 10-12pm

$3.00 user fee/visit

Frequent User passes accepted

Senior Shuffleboard At the Golden Hawk Gym

Open to those 55 and over. Come out and enjoy a morning of social connection. Shuffleboard is played primarily to provide entertainment but is also known to help ease stress, improve dexterity and so much more!

Thursdays from 10:00 am-12:00 pm

$3.00 user fee/visit

Frequent User and Seasonal Activity Passes accepted

Senior Carpet Bowling

At the French Fort Cove Eco Centre in the Main Lobby

Open to those 55 and over.

Come out and enjoy an afternoon of friendly competition and socialization. Carpet Bowling is a great exercise for the mind and body.

Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00 pm

$3.00 user fee/visit

Frequent User and Seasonal Activity Passes accepted


Grades 5 to 12

October 6th to April 26th

6 9pm


Gym, Pool and Youth Room

Swimming, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Pool, Table Tennis, Air Hockey, Video Games, Board Games, and More!

Cost: $3.00/person

Frequent User Card & Seasonal Activity Pass accepted (with the exception of some special events)

The night is supervised by full and part-time staff of the Community Wellness and Recreation Department

With the support of Beaubear Credit Union there will be monthly special events on the 3rd Friday of the month.

Thursday Nights 6:00 - 7:30pm

A fun 10 week non-competitive fitness program that encourages girls in grades 3-8 to get active, be active & stay active!

Fall Program

September 28th to December 14th

Winter Program

January 18th to April 4th

$3.00/person Registration required

calling 623-2314

Offered in partnership with the NBCC Miramichi Social Service Community Worker Program

Golden Hawk Recreation Centre

At the Golden Hawk

PARENT & Littles GymTime &Swim


Fridays & Mondays 10:00-10:55am

ALL Preschool Ages Welcome...newborn and up!

There are toys and lots of activities for your little to enjoy!

Perfect opportunity for your child to meet new playmates and to interact & socialize freely with other children.

Parents can swap stories, tips, give and receive helpful advice all in a relaxing and informal atmosphere.

Fee is $3 per visit

Fridays 11:00-12:00pm Swim

Aquatic section

AQUATIC Safety Rules

After extensive research on water safety, drowning prevention and drowning stats in our Province, the Lifesaving Society of NB has published the “New Brunswick Public Pool Safety Standards Guide” . To ensure our Community Wellness & Recreation public pools are safer for our patrons to use, we have adopted these recommendations to our pools.

Please shower with soap and warm water before entering the pool

Children 6 and under must be accompanied by a parent or adult 16 years of age or older who is responsible for their direct supervision.

Children 7-10 years old who are unable to complete the lap test must be accompanied by a person 12 year of age or older who is responsible for their direct supervision.

Repetitive breath holding, prolonged underwater swimming is not permitted by general pool users.

Snorkels and face masks are not permitted by general pool users.


All Fitness Levels are Welcome!

Golden Hawk Pool

Tuesday & Thursday

Mornings 10:00-10:55am and Wednesday Evenings 7:15-8:00pm


Tuesday & Thursday

Evenings 7:15-8:00pm

Starting January 9, 2024


This instructor lead class allows you to go at your own pace while having a great time.

Fun, upbeat music motivates the class while building strength and cardio fitness.

All instructor led moves can be done in either shallow or deep water.



Monday & Wednesday

Evenings 8:00-9:00pm

Please note pool is shared with Lap Swim participants

Get Fit While FLOATING!

Strengthen Core Muscles, Build Cardiovascular Endurance and Tone Muscle ALL with ZERO Impact!


Frequent User & Swim Pass accepted

Starting January 8, 2024




Casual Swim Drop In Fees

Recreational Swim

Lap Swim

Senior Rec & Lap Swim

Parent & Tot Swim

Aqua Fitness

Deep Water Exercise


Family Rate $10/Visit/Family

Frequent User Pass $50 for 20 Punches

Seasonal Activity Pass $75 runs from Sept. to May (Seniors/Youth)

$90 1hr Private Pool Rental and 1hr Room Time

Pool Rental Fee

Annual Pool Pass Fees


Participants can pay for casual swimming on a per use basis at the pool (cash only) or by purchasing an annual swim pass which runs from January 1st to December 31st and includes both the indoor and outdoor pools. Annual passes can be purchased at the Recreation Office.


$175/Resident $225/Non-Resident

$100/Resident $150/Non-Resident Family

Instructional Swim Fees

Tots & Preschool $35/Resident $60/Non-Resident

Swimmer 1 to 6 $50/Resident $75/Non-Resident

Swimmer 7 to 9 $60/Resident $85/Non-Resident

Adult Swimmer $60/Resident $85/Non-Resident

Private Lessons $100/Resident

Bronze Star $60/Resident $85/Non-Resident

Bronze Medallion $125/Resident $150/Non-Resident

Bronze Cross $100/Resident $125/Non-Resident

Fitness Swimmer $60/Resident $85/Non-Resident

NLS Certification $200/Resident $225/Non-Resident

Lifesaving Sport $60/Resident $85/Non-Resident

Asst. Instructor/Standard $125/Resident $150/Non-Resident

First Aid

To get the most bang for your buck, we recommend purchasing the pool passes early in the year!


Aquatic 2023-2024

Instructional Swim Registration

Online registration is available at for those using credit cards. The swimming class calendar will be available to view approximately 2 weeks prior to all registrations. If you are paying by cash or debit, walk-ins are welcome at the Recreation Office located at 94 General Manson Way on the following dates:

Tuesday, September 19th 5:30-7:00 pm (Fall Classes)

Wednesday, January 3rd 5:30-7:00 pm (Winter Classes)

Wednesday, March 20th 5:30-7:00 pm (Spring Classes)

Important Note: A one-time family profile has to be completed prior to registering whether or not you are using our online service to register. This will help speed up the registration process and ensure a shorter waiting time for your convenience.

Instructional Swim Policies:

Please note that due to the limited space in the instructional swim program, registration is on a first come first serve basis. Refunds can only be made up to and including the second class. Refunds are completed through the Recreation Office at (506) 623-2300.

Weather Cancellations:

The instructional swim classes are once a week for 10 weeks and there are times we incur bad weather or in rare cases unforeseen maintenance problems. The Recreation Department has a dedicated phone line to which we announce the closure of our facilities. In inclement weather, the number to call is (506) 623-2333 if you are unsure whether your event will be happening. Cancellations will also be announced on the radio. We make every effort to replace cancellations of instructional swim classes but, due to time constraints, this is not always possible.

Pool Rentals:

Rentals are available at the Golden Hawk and MVHS on Saturday & Sunday from 4:00-5:00pm or 5:15-6:15pm with one hour afterwards to be spent in a dedicated room within the facility. Feel free to bring your cake, or easy to prepare items to finish off your party. Please call our office at (506) 623-2300 or email to reserve.

Be sure to call plenty of time in advance as these rentals are very popular for birthday parties and book up fast.

Learn to

SWIM lessons

Swimming is a Life Saving Skill

Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Department continues to offer the Lifesaving Society’s Swim for Life Program and encourages all children and adults to take lessons as swimming is a very important life skill that everyone should have. Remember adults, it’s never too late to learn!

Online Profile

A one-time family profile is required prior to registering whether using our online or in person service. Setting up your profile in advance of the registration date will help speed up your registration process, ensuring a shorter waiting time for your convenience. Profile/Registration link is found at: miramichirecreationpub.


Online registration is available for those using credit cards. The instructional swim classes being offered will be available to view two weeks prior to all registration dates. If you are paying by cash or debit, walk-ins are welcome at the Recreation Department Office located at 94 General Manson Way on the same dates and times as the online registrations goes live. When registering your child ensure you are registering them and not yourself.

Instructional Swim Registration Dates

Fall Classes

Winter Classes

Tuesday, September 19th 5:30-7:00 pm

Wednesday, January 3rd 5:30-7:00 pm

Spring Classes Wednesday, March 20th 5:30-7:00 pm

Fall 2023 Golden Hawk Pool Instructional Swim Schedule

September 23 – November 30, 2023

Make up week for missed sessions due to facility closures will be scheduled within the week of December 2nd to 7th .

Notifications will be sent out.

Prescheduled Closure: Tuesday, October 31st (Halloween) will be made up on December 5th

Instructional Swim Fees

Star $60 $85

Cross $100 $125

Medallion $125 $150 Private Lessons $100 per participant

Online registration goes live Tuesday, September 19 at 5:30pm. For those paying by credit card please visit to register. For those who wish to pay by cash or with debit card, walk-in registration will be held September 19th from 5:30-7:00pm at the Recreation Office located at 94 General Manson Way.

Parent & Tots 1 Monday Saturday 5:30-6:00pm 11:35-12:05pm Parent & Tots 2 Thursday 5:30-6:00pm Parent & Tots 3 Wednesday 5:30-6:00pm Preschool 1 Wednesday Saturday 6:05-6:35pm 12:10-12:40pm Preschool 2 Monday Thursday Saturday 6:05-6:35pm 7:15-7:45pm 11:00-11:30am Preschool 3 Thursday Saturday Saturday 6:05-6:35pm 11:35-12:05pm 12:45-1:15pm Preschool 4 Monday Wednesday Thursday 6:40-7:10pm 6:40-7:10pm 6:40-7:10pm Preschool 5 Monday Monday Thursday Saturday 5:30-6:00pm 7:15-7:45pm 7:20-7:40pm 1:20-1:50pm Swimmer 1 Monday Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 6:05-6:35pm 7:15-7:45pm 6:05-6:35pm 6:40-7:10pm 12:45-1:15pm Swimmer 2 Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 6:40-7:10pm 6:40-7:10pm 5:30-6:00pm 1:20-1:50pm
Swimmer 3 Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 5:30-6:15pm 6:20-7:05pm 6:30-7:15pm 11:00-11:45am Swimmer 4 Monday Thursday Saturday 6:20-7:05pm 5:30-6:15pm 12:40-1:25pm Swimmer 5 Monday 7:10-7:55pm Swimmer 6 Wednesday 5:30-6:15pm Swimmer 7/8/9 Sunday 1:00-2:00pm Youth Swimmer Tuesday Saturday 7:30-8:15pm 11:50-12:35pm Adult Swimmer Sunday 6:30-7:15pm Private Lessons Monday Monday Monday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Saturday 5:30-6:00pm 6:05-6:35pm 7:15-7:45pm 5:30-6:00pm 6:05-6:35pm 7:15-7:45pm 11:00-11:30am 12:10-12:40pm Bronze Star Sunday 12:00-1:00pm
Level Resident Non-Resident Tots & Preschool
Swimmer 1
Swimmer 7/8/9
Adult Swimmer
Youth Swimmer
$35 $60
to 6 $50 $75
$60 $85
$60 $85
$60 $85


Swim For Life Structure/Pre-requisites

Ages 4 months – 3 years

For parents and children 4 months–3 years. This program structures in-water interaction between parent and child to stress the importance of play in developing water-positive attitudes and skills.

Parent & Tot 1 Ages 4 – 12 months

Parent & Tot 2 Ages 12 – 24 months

Parent & Tot 3 Ages 2-3 years


Preschool 1

Preschool 2

Preschool 3

Preschool 4

Preschool 5

Ages 3-5 years

These preschoolers will have fun learning to get in and out of the water. We’ll help them jump into chest deep water. They’ll float and glide on their front and back and learn to get their faces wet and blow bubbles underwater

These preschoolers learn to jump into chest-deep water by themselves and get in and out wearing a lifejacket. They’ll submerge and exhale underwater. Wearing lifejacket, they’ll glide on their front and back.

These youngsters will try both jumping and a sideways entry into deep water while wearing a lifejacket. They’ll recover objects from the bottom in waist-deep water. They’ll work on kicking and gliding through the water on their front and back.

Advanced preschoolers will learn to do solo jumps into deeper water and get out by themselves. They’ll do sideways entries and open their eyes underwater. They’ll master a short swim on their front wearing a lifejacket and gliding and kicking on their side.

These youngsters get more adventuresome with a forward roll entry wearing a lifejacket and treading water for 10 sec. They’ll work on front and back crawl swims 5m, interval training and get a giggle out of whip kick.

SWIMMER Ages 5+ years

Levels Range on a continuum where previous level is expected to be fully completed before going on to the next.

Swimmer 1

These beginners will become comfortable jumping into water with and without a lifejacket. They’ll learn to open their eyes, exhale, and hold their breath underwater. They’ll work on floats, glides, and kicking through the water on their front and back.

Swimmer 2

These advanced beginners will jump into deeper water and learn to be comfortable falling sideways into the water wearing a lifejacket. They’ll be able to support themselves at the surface without an aid, learn whip kick, front & back crawl, and swim 10m on their front and back and be introduced to flutter kick interval training (4 x 5 m).

Swimmer 3

Swimmer 4

These junior swimmers will dive and do in-water somersaults and handstands. They’ll work on 15m of front crawl, back crawl and 10m of whip kick. Flutter kick interval training increases to 4 x 15m.

These intermediate swimmers will swim 5m underwater and 25 m lengths of front & back crawl, whip kick, and breaststroke arms with breathing. Their new bag of tricks includes the completion of the Canadian Swim to Survive Standard. They’ll cap it all off with a front crawl sprint over 25m and 4 x 25m front or back crawl interval training

Swimmer 5

These swimmers will master shallow dives, cannonball entries, eggbeater kicks, and in-water backward somersaults. They’ll refine their front and back crawl over 50m swims of each, and breaststroke over 25m. Then they’ll pick up the pace in 25m sprints and two interval training workouts: 4 x 50m front or back crawl; and 4 x 15m breaststroke.

Swimmer 6

These advanced swimmers will rise to the challenge of sophisticated aquatic skills including stride entries, compact jumps and lifesaving kicks like eggbeater and scissor kick. They’ll develop strength and power in head-up breaststroke sprints over 25 m. They’ll easily swim lengths of front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke, and they’ll complete a 300 m workout

Rookie (Swimmer 7)

Swim For Life Structure/Pre-requisites


Canadian Swim Patrol is the on-ramp to lifeguarding.

Swimmers continue stroke development with 50m swims of front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke. Lifesaving sport skills include 25m obstacle swim and 15m object carry. First aid focuses on assessment of conscious victims, contacting EMS and treatment for bleeding. Fitness improves in 350m workouts and 100m timed swims.

Ranger (Swimmer 8)

Star (Swimmer 9)

Youth Swimmer (Ages 12-16yrs)

Swimmers develop better strokes over 75m swims of each stroke. They tackle Lifesaving Sport skills in a lifesaving medley, timed object support and rescue with a buoyant aid. First aid focuses on assessment of unconscious victims, treatment of victims in shock and obstructed airway procedures. Skill drills develop a strong lifesaving foundation.

Swimmers are challenged with swimming workouts; 300m timed swims and a 25m object carry. Strokes are refined over 100m swims. First aid focuses on treatment of bone or joint injuries and respiratory emergencies including asthma and allergic reactions. Lifesaving skills include defense methods, victim removals and rolling over and supporting a victim in shallow water.

Youth Swimmer is a class offered for youth aged 12 to 16 years of age who have had little to no instructional swim experience. Participants will be able to learn at their own pace and set their own goals. Instructors will tailor the lessons to everyone’s skill level.


Whether you are just starting out or just want help with your strokes our Adult Program is for the young at heart – no matter what your age. Set your own goals. Work with certified instructors to learn to swim or improve your current swimming ability and water fitness.

Adult Swimmer (Level 1)

Adult Swimmer (Level 2)

Swim Patrol experience is recommended. Excellent preparation for success in Bronze Medallion. Participants develop problem-solving and decision-making skills individually and in partners. Candidates learn CPR and develop the lifesaving skills needed to be their own lifeguard. Includes a 400m fitness training workout.

Must be 13 years of age, OR Bronze Star certificate. Teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the 4 components of water-rescue education –judgement, knowledge, skill, and fitness. Rescuers learn tows and carries, defense methods and releases in preparation for challenging rescues of increased risk involving conscious and unconscious victims of various types. Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a 400m timed swim.

Adult Swimmer (Level 3)

MUST have completion of Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Aid. Designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training including an introduction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs including National Lifeguard and Instructor Certification. Included is a timed 400m swim. May be also used as an assistant Lifeguard certificate.




BRONZE CROSS (Assistant Lifeguard)


Swim Patrol experience is recommended. Excellent preparation for success in Bronze Medallion. Participants develop problem-solving and decision-making skills individually and in partners. Candidates learn CPR and develop the lifesaving skills needed to be their own lifeguard. Includes a 400m fitness training workout.

Must be 13 years of age, OR Bronze Star certificate. Teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the 4 components of water-rescue education –judgement, knowledge, skill, and fitness. Rescuers learn tows and carries, defense methods and releases in preparation for challenging rescues of increased risk involving conscious and unconscious victims of various types. Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a 400m timed swim.

MUST have completion of Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Aid. Designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training including an introduction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs including National Lifeguard and Instructor Certification. Included is a timed 400m swim. May be also used as an assistant Lifeguard certificate.

Must be 15 years of age and completion of Bronze Cross. National Lifeguard is an exciting and rewarding job that carries great responsibility. Guards take this course and train hard for events they hope will never happen in which they work hard to prevent.


Golden Hawk Pool

Fall Swim Schedule

September 23 – November 30, 2023

FACILITY CLOSURE NOTICE: October 31, 2023 (Evening Only)

Instructional Swim Varies dependant on class (see instructional listing for price list)

Rec & Lap Swims $3.00/visit/person

Aqua Fitness $3.00/visit/person

Family Rate $10.00/visit/family

Pool Party Rentals $90.00 for 1hr pool rental & 1hr classroom rental (book by calling 623-2300)

NOTE: Make up week for any cancelled Instructional Swim Sessions due to facility closures will be scheduled within the week of December 2nd – December 7th

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Parent, Tots & Preschool Swim 10:00-10:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 10:00-11:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Parent, Tots & Preschool Swim 10:00-10:55am Instructional Swim 12:00-2:00pm Adult/Senior Rec Swim 11:00-11:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 11:00-11:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 11:00-11:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 11:00-11:55am Instructional Swim 11:00-2:00pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec Swim 2:00-4:00pm MORE Services Swim 1:00-2:00pm Rec Swim 2:00-4:00pm Available for Party Rental 4:00-5:00pm Available for Party Rental 4:00-5:00pm Available for Party Rental 5:15-6:15 Available for Party Rental 5:15-6:15 Instructional Swim 6:30-7:15pm Instructional Swim 5:30-8:00pm Autism Swim Program 5:30-7:30pm Instructional Swim 5:30-7:00pm Instructional Swim 5:30-8:00pm Rec & Youth Night Swim 6:00-8:00pm Instructional Swim 7:30-8:15pm Aqua Fitness 7:15-8:00pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Parent & Tots Swim 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec/Youth Swim 6:00-8:00pm Lap Swim 8:05-9:00pm 9 Rec Swim 1:00-4:00pm Pool Rentals 4:00-5:00pm 5:15-6:15pm 10 Rec Swim 1:00-4:00pm Pool Rentals 4:00-5:00pm 5:15-6:15pm 11 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Parent & Tots Swim 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec Swim 5:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 12 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Autism Lessons 5:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 13 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Aqua Fitness 6:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 14 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec Swim 5:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 15 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Parent & Tots Swim 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec/Youth Swim 6:00-8:00pm Lap Swim 8:05-9:00pm 16 Rec Swim 1:00-4:00pm Special Event Santa Swim 4:00-6:00pm FREE Admission 17 Rec Swim 1:00-4:00pm Pool Rentals 4:00-5:00pm 5:15-6:15pm 18 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Parent & Tots Swim 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec Swim 5:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 19 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Autism Swim Lessons 5:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 20 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Aqua Fitness 6:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 21 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec Swim 5:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 22 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Parent & Tots Swim 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec/Youth Swim 6:00-8:00pm Lap Swim 8:05-9:00pm 23 Rec Swim 1:00-4:00pm Pool Rentals 4:00-5:00pm 5:15-6:15pm CLOSED 24 CLOSED 25 CLOSED 26 CLOSED 27 CLOSED 28 CLOSED 29 CLOSED 30 31 CLOSED 1 CLOSED 2 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Autism Lessons 5:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 3 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Aqua Fitness 6:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 4 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec Swim 5:30-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-9:00pm 5 Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Parent & Tots Swim 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec/Youth Swim 6:00-8:00pm Lap Swim 8:05-9:00pm 6 Rec Swim 1:00-4:00pm Pool Rentals 4:00-5:00pm 5:15-6:15pm 7 Rec Swim 1:00-4:00pm Pool Rentals 4:00-5:00pm 5:15-6:15pm 8 WINTER Schedule Begins

Golden Hawk Pool

Winter/Spring Swim Schedule

January 8 – June 9, 2024

FACILITY CLOSURE NOTICE: March 29, 2024 (Good Friday)


Instructional Swim Varies dependant on class (see Instructional Swim Schedule for price list)

Rec & Lap Swims $3.00/visit/person

Aqua Fitness $3.00/visit/person

Family Rate $10.00/visit/family

Pool Party Rentals $90.00 for 1hr pool rental & 1hr room rental (book by calling 623-2300)

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Senior Lap Swim 9:00-9:55am Parent, Tots & Preschool Swim 10:00-10:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 10:00-11:55am Aqua Fitness 10:00-10:55am Parent, Tots & Preschool Swim 10:00-10:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 11:00-11:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 11:00-11:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 11:00-11:55am Adult/Senior Rec Swim 11:00-11:55am Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Lap Swim 12:00-12:55pm Rec Swim 2:00-4:00pm Available for Party Rental 4:00-5:00pm Available for Party Rental 4:00-5:00pm Available for Party Rental 5:15-6:15 Available for Party Rental 5:15-6:15 Instructional Swim 6:30-8:00pm Instructional Swim 5:30-7:30pm Autism Swim Program 5:30-7:30pm Instructional Swim 5:30-6:30pm Instructional Swim 5:30-7:30pm Rec & Youth Night Swim 6:00-8:00pm Rec Swim 6:30-8:30pm Aqua Fitness 6:45-7:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-8:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-8:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-8:30pm Lap Swim 7:30-8:30pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm


Winter/Spring Swim Schedule

January 8 – June 9, 2024

FACILITY CLOSURE NOTICE: March 29, 2024 (Good Friday)


Instructional Swim Varies dependant on class (see Instructional Swim Schedule for price list)

Rec & Lap Swims $3.00/visit/person

Aqua Fitness $3.00/visit/person

Family Rate $10.00/visit/family

Pool Party Rentals $90.00 for 1hr pool rental & 1hr classroom rental (book by calling 623-2300)

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Swim Team 8:00-10:00am Instructional Swim 10:00am2:00pm Rec Swim 2:00-4:00pm Recreational Swim 2:00-4:00pm Available for Party Rental 4:00-5:00pm Available for Party Rental 4:00-5:00pm Available for Party Rental 5:15-6:15 Available for Party Rental 5:15-6:15 Instructional Swim 6:30-8:30pm Instructional Swim 6:00-8:00pm Instructional Swim 6:00-8:00pm Instructional Swim 6:00-8:00pm Rec Swim 6:00-7:15pm Rec Swim 6:00-8:00pm Aqua Fitness 7:15-8:00pm Aqua Fitness 7:15-8:00pm Deep Water Exercise and Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm Deep Water Exercise and Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm Lap Swim 8:00-9:00pm
arena section

Miramichi Civic Centre 487 King George Highway

Constructed in 1986 in central Newcastle, the Civic Centre Arena provides a 190′ x 85′ ice surface, food concession and bar facilities. Operated as a winter hockey/skating facility, the Civic Centre also supports year round community special events.

Lord Beaverbrook Arena 101 University Avenue

The Lord Beaverbrook Arena is predominantly used as an ice facility year round. In the non-ice period in May through September the facility is used for community


Looking to find a way to work out over the winter? Ice skating has many health and wellness benefits plus it’s lots of fun!

Did you know that skating works nearly every muscle group in the body and gliding requires synchronized movement of the legs which is important for joint flexibility? It also builds up the leg and abdominal muscles plus is great for cardiovascular gets the blood pumping and the heart rate up.

Skating is also great for stress management. Along with the benefits of the physical activity in itself, it is also a great way to unwind after a long week and also provides a way of meeting new people.

So grab your skates and head out to the Miramichi Civic Centre or Lord Beaverbrook Arena (LBA) and join us for one of our many public, preschool, or senior skates. Whether you come for hockey, ringette, figure skating or one of the adult fun leagues, the health benefits to putting on your pair of skates are endless!

Public Skating


OCTOBER 1, 2023 TO MARCH 31, 2024

A great way to spend some quality time with your friends & family.

Public/Preschool Skating

This is an ideal time to get some exercise, let your children skate and have some fun with their friends. Skate aids are provided for those just learning.

Senior/Adult Skating

Time set aside for adults and seniors only. Come out and join your friends for some fun & exercise.

Shinny Hockey

Pick up hockey, open to adults. Drop by for a fun hour of leisure recreation. Great way to spend your lunch hour!

NOTE: This schedule is subject to change. Monthly schedules are posted at both arenas, on our Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation Facebook Page, City website at, and available for pickup at our administration office and at City Hall.

Miramichi Civic Center Sundays 1:45-3:15pm $3/person $10/family Frequent User Pass Accepted Lord Beaverbrook Arena (LBA) Monday 6:05-7:05pm
Miramichi Civic Center Mondays 12:10-1:30pm Tuesdays 1:20-2:35pm Thursdays 12:10-1:10pm Fridays 12:00-2:30pm $3/person $10/family Frequent User Pass Accepted Lord Beaverbrook Arena (LBA) Mondays & Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm Fridays 12:00-1:00pm
Miramichi Civic Center Mondays 1:30-2:30pm Tuesdays 9:55-10:55am Thursdays 1:20-2:35pm $3/person Frequent User Pass & Seasonal Activity Pass Accepted Lord Beaverbrook Arena (LBA) Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 1:10-2:30pm
Miramichi Civic Center Tuesdays 12:10-1:10pm $3/person Frequent User Pass Accepted Lord Beaverbrook Arena (LBA) Mondays & Wednesdays 12:00-1:00pm


For the safety and enjoyment of all patrons and skaters, please respect the following rules:

• Persons under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a person 18 years or older.

• All Skaters 12 years of age and under must wear a CSA approved multi-impact hockey helmet.

• For your safety, it is recommended that all skaters, regardless of age, wear a CSA approved helmet.

• Please respect, listen to, and follow instructions from Ice Monitors and Arena Staff at all times.

• All participants must be wearing skates while on ice surface.

• No unruly behaviour or profanity.

• No food or drink is permitted on the ice surface.

• No horseplay/games/tag/ backward skating.

• No balls/pucks/chairs/pylons/strollers/sticks or any other item which may interfere with the safety of any skater while on the ice surface.

• No headsets, cell phones, or handheld electronics are to be used while skating.

• No carrying of children is permitted.

• No sitting on boards or loitering on ice surface.

• Skate with the direction of all skaters/no weaving in and out of other skaters.

• Respect other skaters.

• Report all accidents or injuries to Ice Monitors or Arena Staff immediately.

The Miramichi Minor Hockey Club (MMHC) provides an opportunity for players ages 5 years and up to learn and enjoy the game at both the Miramichi Civic Centre and the Lord Beaverbrook Arena. The division of play determines the days and times of the week.

For all inquiries including registration visit Minor Hockey’s website:

The Greater Miramichi Female Hockey Association offers programs for girls aged 5-14 years. The Association has teams in the Female Provincial League who play teams from the entire Province!

For further information visit their Facebook page or email:

The Miramichi Skating Club offers programs for skating enthusiasts. They offer PreCanSkate and CanSkate programs for those ages 3 – 12. New this year will be Adult skating lessons, Special Olympic and Paralympic skating. Programs are offered at the Miramichi Civic Centre.

For further information email:


Resident User Notice

Non-residents are required to purchase a user fee card from the Recreation Office prior to registration for any City of Miramichi minor sport. Fee is $60/child; $30 for each additional child up to a maximum of $165/family for Minor Hockey and Figure Skating.

The Miramichi Timberwolves of the Maritime Junior A Hockey League are returning for another season of action packed hockey at the Miramichi Civic Centre!

The Wolves are excited to start the season and look forward to seeing their fans!

We encourage you to come out and support your local team!

For the game schedule and ticket information visit:


Mondays & Wednesdays 12:00-1:00pm

Civic Centre
12:10-1:10pm Lord Beaverbrook Arena (LBA)
Hockey $3.00/visit
Out and Give it a Try! Frequent User Pass Accepted

special events section

The Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Department plays host to several special events throughout the year. Theses events serve as a meeting place for the community to come together and build friendships while giving families that much needed time together.

We offer special events for citizens across all generations.

Browse through the next few pages and see what we have to offer and come join us for a FUN time out!

2023 Halloween House Decorating Submit an entry form and if your house is one of the Spookiest and boo-iest in town you may WIN a prize! Join in on this spook-tac-ular event! Dates Register & Decorate by October 20th Judging will take place October 23rd-27th Register your home and obtain contest rules by contacting Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Department Phone 623-2300 or email Prizes 1st Place - $250 2nd Place - $150 3rd Place - $100 Contest

City of Miramichi

Decorating Halloween House Contest


Contest is open to all City of Miramichi residents; Civic address and contact number are required when registering. To register call 623-2300 or email by October 20, 2023. Judging will take place October 23-27, 2023.

Decorations can include anything - lights, posters, folk art - you name it! Each house will be judged based on presentation.

Decorations must be PG-13 - neither discriminatory in any way nor inappropriate for children, neighbours to see/hear. Judges are authorized to exclude entries for these reasons.

Winners will be determined by the final score from all judges participating. Judges will not be announced to the public until after the contest is completed.

Only those decorations that are visible from the street will be judged. Participants must consent to a photo and their address being shared by the judging committee and City of Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Department for the purpose of social media.

Winners will be announced on October 30, 2023.

Prizes awarded as follows: 1st Prize $250, 2nd Prize $150 and 3rd Prize $100.

Halloween from all of us at Community Wellness & Recreation!
Sunday October 22 1:45-3:15pm FREE Admission Glow Sticks Provided AT THE Glow IN THE Miramichi Civic Centre

Halloween Dance

Open to Everyone

55yrs and Older

Monday, October 23, 2023


French Fort Cove Eco Centre

Admission: $3.00 per person

Entertainment: To be announced

Prizes for best costume

Light lunch, tea & coffee provided

This event is brought to you by Community Wellness & Recreation, in partnership with the Miramichi Senior Advisory Board.

Auction 45 Card Party

French Fort Cove Eco Centre AT THE ON

Monday, November 20, 2023

FROM 1:00-4:00pm

Admission: $5/person No Partner Required

10 Game Auction 45’s Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place

Miramichi Outdoor Lighting Contest

Join in on the outdoor decorating contest to celebrate the Holiday Season!

Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Department would like to bring our community together on festive note!

To register your home by December 8th please contact Community Wellness & Recreation Department by: Phone: 623-2300 or e-mail:

Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st Prize-$250, 2nd Prize-$150 & 3rd Prize-$100

Winners will be announced on Monday, December 18th on our Community Wellness & Recreation Facebook page

We encourage all citizens of Miramichi to get out and kick off the Holiday Season by enjoying the lights on display in the beautiful City of Miramichi!

Miramichi Outdoor Lighting Contest Rules

 The contest is open to all City of Miramichi residents. Civic address and contact number are required when registering. To register call 623-2300 or email: by the December 8th deadline.

 Participants must agree to have their outdoor Christmas lights turned on at their residence from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm from the date of registration on December 8th to December 16th.

Only those decorations that are visible from the street will be judged.

 Entries will be judged according to the arrangement of Christmas lights, decorations and visibility.

 By registering, participants are consenting to photos being taken to be used by the judging committee and the City of Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation Department.

 Winners will be announced on Monday, December 18th on the Community Wellness and Recreation Department Facebook page.

 Prizes are as follows: 1st Prize-$250, 2nd Prize-$150, & 3rd Prize-$100

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

From all of us at Community Wellness & Recreation Department

Skating Party

Let’s Celebrate the Season !

Miramichi Civic Centre

December 10, 2023

1:45pm to 3:15pm

Come enjoy an afternoon of FREE skating, draws for door prizes, hot chocolate & a treat!

Donations to the Miramichi Foodbank will be accepted


Christmas Dance Senior

Open to Everyone 55 Years and Older

French Fort Cove Eco Centre

Monday, December 11, 2023


Admission: $3/person

Light Lunch, Tea and Coffee Provided

This event is brought to you by Community Wellness & Recreation, in partnership with the Miramichi Senior Advisory Board.
with Santa At the Golden Hawk Pool free
Enjoy a FREE Swim, Hot Chocolate, Treats and a Special Visit from SANTA!
16th 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday December

Valentine Dance Senior

French Fort Cove Eco Centre

Admission: $3/person

February 12, 2024


Wear Red and show your love while dancing the afternoon away!

Dessert, Tea and Coffee Provided

There will also be a 50/50 Door Prize

This event is brought to you by Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation in partnership with the Miramichi Senior Advisory Board

Family Day

Monday, February 19, 2024

City of Miramichi Community Wellness & Recreation

Miramichi Civic Center:

12:10pm - 1:30pm

Lord Beaverbrook Arena: 2:30pm - 3:30pm and 6:05pm - 7:05pm

Recreational Swimming

Golden Hawk Pool: 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Spending Time with Family has so Many Benefits!

Family activities can help build self esteem, create ever lasting bonds, nurture positive behaviors, create memories, promote a healthy lifestyle and can even relieve stress!

Hope to See you on the Ice and in the Water!

at the Golden Hawk There will be Jumping Castles and Bouncers for the Whole Family To ENJOY! Monday, March 4, 2024 4:00 - 6:00 pm Admission is FREE We will be collecting non-perishable food donations for the Miramichi Food Bank at the door. into March Break

MARCH BREAK 2024 In the Pools


Extra Recreational Swim

Tuesday, March 5th 1:00-3:00pm

Golden Hawk Pool

Extra Recreational Swim

Wednesday, March 6th

MVHS Pool FREE Family Swim

Thursday, March 7th 1:00-3:00pm

Youth Floor Hockey

Golden Hawk Gym

Wednesday March 6, 2024

9:00 am – 4:00 pm


Grades 4-6 & Grades 7-9

Each team consists of 5 players (4 players and 1 goalie)

Lunch Provided & Prizes Awarded

Cost: $5.00 per person Get your team of FIVE together now!

For further information or to register your team Contact: Holly Allison 623-2314 Register Early as Space is Limited in Each Division

Open to Everyone 55yrs and Older

At the French Fort Cove Eco Centre

Monday, March 11, 2024

1:00-3:00 pm

Tea and Coffee will be Provided

10 Games for $2.00

Make Sure to Bring Your Own Dauber!

This event is brought to you by Community Wellness & Recreation, in partnership with the Miramichi Senior Advisory Board.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 5:00pm - 7:00 pm

Golden Hawk Gym

There will be Jumping Castles, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Dancing, Games, Colouring, Treats...Even a FREE DRAW for a chance to WIN1 of 2 Bicycles

Come Take Your Picture with the EASTER BUNNY in the Photo Area!

Spring Dance Senior

Open to Everyone 55 Years and Older

French Fort Cove Eco Centre

Monday, April 22, 2024


Admission: $3/person

Light Lunch, Tea and Coffee Provided

is brought to you
This event
by Community Wellness & Recreation, in partnership with the Miramichi Senior Advisory Board.

at your leisure section

Explore Miramichi Outdoors

Fall is a great time to enjoy the City’s many outdoor recreational facilities and to take in all the colours that nature has to offer. Enjoy our many trails, parks and playgrounds located throughout the City such as Elm Park, Waterford Green, Queen Elizabeth Park and the French Fort Cove play area. These are great places to spend quality time with your family while meeting daily physical activity goals.

During the winter months, the City trails are not maintained however users can still enjoy snowshoeing and cross country skiing at your own risk.

For maintained trails for these activities you can contact the Cross Country Ski Club at 622-6991 or visit their Facebook page under “Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club”.

Chatham Trail For Location and Details Visit the City Website at and Search Parks & Trails Visit one of the City’s walking trails this Fall and enjoy them until the snow flies!
Marsh River View Trail Chatham Waterfront
Walking Trails


May to October Sunrise to Sunset

Howard Street All-Wheel Skatepark Facility

Skatepark Park Features:

• 3’-6’ Mini Ramp

• 3’-6’ Bank/Bank to Quarter Pipe Hip

• 3’-6’ Quarter Pipe/Hip

• Manual Pad

• Flat Ledge

• Wedge to Wedge Bank w/Rooftop

Ledge and Rail

• 3’ Bank Hip

Hours of Operation

Facility Rules

1) All visitors use the park at their own risk

2) Owners/handlers must clean up dog waste from their dog immediately, and properly dispose.

3) Owners/handlers MUST remove aggressive dogs immediately

4) Any dog with a known history of dangerous behaviour is prohibited

5) Owners/handlers MUST be inside fenced area with their dogs at all times

6) Please leash and unleash in double gated area

7) No children under 12 years of age are permitted inside fence

8) All dogs must wear a collar with ID

9) No pinch, pronged or spiked collars allowed

10) Limit of 2 dogs per handler

11) No female dogs in heat

12) No dogs under 4 months of age

13) No food or glass containers in the facility

14) Eating and smoking is prohibited inside fence

Dog owners/handlers are liable for the behaviour, damage or injury inflicted by their dogs. Owners (handlers) are legally and financially responsible for their dog’s behaviour. The City of Miramichi accepts no liability or responsibility for injuries occurring in the dog park.

Enjoy your dog park and please help keep it clean!

Daily, Sunrise to Sunset
on the Corner of: Cove Road and Old King George Highway

The skating trail is located at the west side entrance to the Cove, across from the Miramichi Eco-Centre (21 Cove Rd) and is open daily January to March from 12 noon - 9 p.m.

Please note that ice and weather conditions may cause closures of the trail from time to time. Closure notices will be posted to our Facebook Page found at Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation.


94 General Manson Way, Suite 4, Miramichi, NB, E1N 6K8

Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm with Lunch Closure from 12:00-12:30pm

Main Office Line: (506)623-2300

Daily Information Line: (506)623-2323

Storm Line: (506)623-2333


Main Office Email:

Online Registration:

Facebook: Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation

Payment Options: We accept all major credit cards, debit, cash, or cheques payable to the City of Miramichi at our main office. Cash only is accepted within our facilities.

Frequent User Passes & Daily User Fees: The daily user fee of $3 per activity is payable at the door of the hosting facility. To help you with some savings, we also offer the option of purchasing Frequent User Punch Passes which have 20 punches per card for $50 which reduces the admission fee to $2.50 per activity. Passes can be purchased at the main office or at the facility of your program choice.

Seasonal Activity Pass for Youth & Seniors: For our youth and senior programs, the daily user fee can be paid at the door or a $75 (HST included) seasonal pass can be purchased at our main office. Passes run from the opening of the facilities in the Fall through until the closing in late May. All you need to do is show your card at the door and enjoy a full season of your favorite activities!

Aquatic Fees: Please refer to the Aquatic section of this Program Guide for a complete listing.


Purchase a 2024 Swim Pass, Frequent User Pass or Seasonal Pass for your friends and family this year and give the gift of healthy living.

How do I book a facility for my own event?

We have rental times available at various facilities for individual bookings. Rentals can be made at the Recreation Office by calling (506)623-2300.

Ice Rentals:

Miramichi Civic Centre and Lord Beaverbrook Arena

We have ice rentals available from time to time. The fee is $135 plus HST per hour. Please contact the Recreation office for availability.

Miramichi Civic Centre Building Rental:

This is a beautiful facility with a capacity of 3000 people. Ideal for concerts, shows, markets or conventions. For information on rentals, please contact our Facility Coordinator at 623-2310. Facility

Locations: MVHS Pool & Gym 345 McKenna Avenue Golden Hawk Pool & Gym 8 Pollard Boulevard Miramichi Civic Centre 487 King George Highway Lord Beaverbrook Arena 100 University Avenue Howard Street Skate Park 25 Howard Street Over the Cove Zipline French Fort Cove Main Parking Area (1141 King George Hwy) French Fort Cove Eco Centre 21 Cove Road


Monday, Sept. 4

Monday, Oct. 2

Monday, Oct. 9

Tuesday, Oct. 31

Monday, Nov. 13

Dec. 22 noon – Jan. 1


Dec. 23 – Jan. 1


Dec. 23 – Jan. 1

Recreation Offices

Recreation Offices

Recreation Offices


Labour Day Closure

Truth & Reconcilliation Day Stat

Thanksgiving Day

All facilities closed at 4:00pm Halloween

Recreation Offices

Recreation Offices

Golden Hawk Facility

inclusive MVHS Facility

Dec. 24 to Dec. 26


Dec. 31 to Jan. 1


Monday, Feb. 19

Friday, March 29

Mar. 29 – Apr. 1


Monday, May 22

Miramichi Civic Center and Lord Beaverbrook Arena

Miramichi Civic Center and Lord Beaverbrook Arena

Recreation Offices

All Facilities

Recreation Offices

Recreation Offices

Main Office Hours: 8:30am – 12:00pm 12:00pm – 12:30pm Closed 12:30pm – 4:00pm

Remembrance Day Stat

Christmas Closure

Christmas Closure

Christmas Closure

Christmas Closure

Christmas Closure

Family Day

Good Friday

Easter Holidays

Victoria Day

Miramichi Community Wellness and Recreation Administrative Offices are Located at: 4-94 General Manson Way, Miramichi, NB, E1N 6K8

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