Executive Summary The City of Penticton Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) outlines a path towards a low carbon future: A future where City residents experience the benefits of a connected, healthy and economically prosperous community while taking action on climate change and adapting to climate impacts. The climate is changing in British Columbia (BC) as it is around the world. The average global temperature has already increased by 1 degree Celsius (°C) above pre-industrial levels. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is urging a limit of 1.5°C warming, which would require global emissions to be net-zero by 2050. The City of Penticton CCAP focuses on leveraging municipal powers to help residents, businesses and visitors save energy, emissions, and money. It is residents and businesses in the City of Penticton that have the biggest role: A significant reduction in community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions depends on individual choices about how to get around, where to live and how to handle food waste and yard material. The Plan lays out actions for transportation, buildings, waste and organizational readiness. Actions fall into three categories:
Current City of Penticton Community Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target 5% reduction from 2007 by 2020 10% reduction from 2007 levels by 2030
New Community Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target 40% reduction from 2007 by 2030 100% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050
Infrastructure: Investments into the City of Penticton-owned infrastructure that enable residents to make lower-emissions choices such as active transportation networks and public charging stations Policy: Changes to City of Penticton policy and regulation that lead to energy and emission reductions in the community such as requirements and incentives for enhanced energy efficiency in new buildings. Engagement: Outreach, education and incentives that inspire residents and businesses to make choices to reduce energy and emissions and prepare for a low carbon future.
Penticton CCAP