Appendix B. Other Opportunities We explored other opportunities for the City of Penticton beyond the prescribed Big Moves. These included local renewable energy actions, primarily on rooftop solar and micro hydro, and carbon sequestration actions including preservation of local wetlands, wood-framed buildings for new buildings, and carbon capture technologies. The action summaries and timelines for implementation are shown below.
Actions Summary
Local Renewable Energy and Sequestration
LOCAL RENEWABLE ENERGY RENEWABLE 1.1 Pursue communityscale renewable energy systems.
Conduct a renewable energy scan to determine financially and technically feasible renewable energy options. These may include biomass district heat, solar, wind and renewable gas.
RENEWABLE 1.2 Support buildinglevel renewable energy projects.
Provide Municipal incentives for renewable energy installations in buildings.
SEQUESTRATION SEQUESTER 2.1 Preserve ecologically sensitive areas within the municipal boundary
Identify and then use policy measures to reduce / prevent clearing of ecologically sensitive areas e.g. trees, e.g. density bonus for developments.
SEQUESTER 2.2 Encourage low embodied carbon buildings
Consider ways to support or encourage building materials that have low embodied carbon or even have a net negative carbon balance, e.g. by relaxing Step Code requirements for wood-frame Part 3 buildings and encouraging larger wood-frame Part 3 buildings.
SEQUESTER 2.3 Collaborate with other governments, organizations and industry to pursue low-carbon and carbon capture technologies
Keep abreast of ways that local governments can be involved in, and support carbon capture & sequestration, e.g. through Province of BC, CEA, and Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions.
Penticton CCAP