3.2 Section 2: Kinney Avenue – Fairview Road Section 2 extends from Kinney Avenue in the Figure 7: Section 2 route options south to Fairview Road, a distance of 1.4– 1.6 km. The four route options are illustrated in blue in Figure 7. The preferred route is Option 2D. It incorporates protected bicycle lanes on Atkinson Street, and makes use of existing multiuse pathways north of Duncan Avenue to provide a connection to Fairview Road. Option 2D includes safety improvements at the Atkinson Street/Duncan Avenue intersection to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists crossing Duncan Avenue, as well as to improve safety for motorists. A conceptual illustration of the bicycle facilities and other improvements at the Atkinson Street/Duncan Avenue intersection is included in the Appendix. Table 3 compares the features, advantages and disadvantages of each route option in Section 2. Option 2D is highlighted as the preferred option. It has the highest level of community support among all respondents to the community survey (although it has the lowest level of support among affected residents and businesses in Section 2, feedback suggests that this may be in part due to a misunderstanding that protected bicycle lanes would restrict access to adjacent properties). Respondents who favoured Option 2D indicated that direct access to Cherry Lane shopping centre, Safeway and other businesses on Main Street is an important feature, as are the traffic-free pathways north of Duncan Avenue that connect to Fairview Road. Notes regarding the comparison of route options for Section 2 include: •
Safety. All route options would provide safe facilities for cyclists, including protected bicycle lanes on major roads, and crossing treatments and traffic calming measures on bicycle boulevards. In Options 2C and 2D, safety would also be improved for pedestrians and motorists with a new traffic signal at the Atkinson Street/Duncan Avenue intersection (there would be no significant safety benefits or impacts for pedestrians, motorists and others in Options 2A and 2B). Bus stops on protected bicycle lanes on Atkinson Street would be reconfigured to prioritize pedestrians and maximize safety for transit passengers crossing the protected facility to and from the bus.
Lake-to-Lake AAA Bicycle Route Preferred Options
3 September 2020 Page 10