3.4 Section 4: Fairview Road – Lakeshore Drive Section 4 extends from Scott Avenue to Lake Figure 10: Route options in Section 4 Okanagan, through downtown Penticton, a distance of 1.6–1.8 km. The five route options are illustrated in Figure 10. The preferred route is Option 4C, which incorporates a 2-way cycle track on the west side of Martin Street. Two traffic lanes would be maintained on Martin Street – two lanes one-way southbound south of Westminster Avenue, and one lane in each direction north of Westminster Avenue, as illustrated in Figure 11. Parking would be eliminated on the west side of the street, but would be retained on the east side of the street. The configuration of bus stops on Martin Street is illustrated in Figure 12, and conceptual illustrations of the cycle track and other improvements on Martin Street are included in the Appendix. Table 4 compares the features, advantages and disadvantages of each route option in Section 4. Option 4C on Martin Street is highlighted as the preferred option. It is a direct route, it minimizes parking and traffic impacts, and it has the highest level of support among affected businesses and residents. Although Option 4B on Winnipeg Street had a high level of support among all respondents during engagement activities in December, subsequent engagement activities in July confirmed the preference for Option 4C on Martin Street. Option 4A was not considered an alternative as it has the same impacts on Martin Street as Option 4C, and also impacts parking and traffic operations on northbound Winnipeg Street. Key impacts on Martin Street associated with Option 4C include: •
Option 4C would impact the revitalized 200-block of Martin Street between Westminster and Nanaimo Avenues. Implementing a cycle track would necessitate removing the parking bays and curb extensions on the west side of the road, and likely would require relocating street trees and bollards, and reconstructing the road and curbs. Removing parking would also prevent adjacent restaurants and cafes from using the sidewalk for additional seating. Options to minimize costs and impacts of the cycle track will be investigated during the detailed design phase of the project.
Lake-to-Lake AAA Bicycle Route Preferred Options
3 September 2020 Page 15