Emergency Services Year End Report 2012

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One of the key areas of the home safety check is the kitchen where the public is educated on the importance of never leaving your cooking unattended. In 2012 we saw a significant drop in kitchen related fires. In Red Deer 13% of all residential destructive fires in 2012

were kitchen related compared to the provincial average of 21%

2012 REPORT Sponsoring Organizations:

The Home Safety Program Launched in the spring of 2005, The Home Safety Program is made possible by the generous support of Intact Insurance, ATGO Gas, Insurance Brokers Association of Alberta (IBAA), Alberta Motor Association (AMA) and Canadian Home Builder’s Association—Central Alberta (CHBA-CA) The program runs from May to October of each year and is a free service in which Red Deer Emergency Services personnel visit residences within the city offering a fire and injury home safety check. In the 8 year period we have visited 26,816 residences in Red Deer (3477 in 2012) , given or installed 5828 smoke alarms and 1724 batteries. The objective of the home safety program is to supplement prevention efforts in which we strive for a measurable reduction in the incidence and severity of fire and injury. Our goal for destructive fires is less than one per 1000 population. The Alberta Average is 1.4 fires per 1000. 2012 — .73 fires per 1000 2011 — .72 / 1000 2010 — .66 / 1000 2009 — .82 / 1000 2008 — .93 / 1000

2007 — .96 / 1000 2006 — .94 / 1000 2005 — .97 / 1000 (inception of program) 2004 — .1.16 / 1000

ARSON is the crime of intentionally setting fire to another’s building or property, or to one’s own. Arson related materials are included and advice given to home owners to protect their property.

In 2012 total destructive fires resulted in a loss of over $1.8 million dollars with just over 127 million dollars in property saved as a result of early notification and fire fighting operations. There were 6 civilians injured in fires and no fire deaths. Since 2005 we are aware of 291 incidents where smoke alarms activated alerting 7868 occupants to take action potentially saving lives and property.

In 2012 there were 30 Residential Destructive Fires 13 - Suspected Arson 4 - Kitchen fires 3 - Candle fire 2 - Smoking / Cigarette 3 - Washer/Dryer 1 - Fire Place 1 - Water Heater 1 - Misuse of Match 1 - Electrical 1 - Child Play/Match

$517,900 $92,000 $85,000 $65,000 $38,000 $260.000 $1500 $100,000 $50 $5500

Total Residential Loss $1,164,950 Total Property Saved $10,194,050 Compared to 2011 difference of $793,290 (2011—$1,958,240) In 2012 there were 530 smoke alarms given or installed Fire related calls  42 properties where smoke alarms activated alerting 739 occupants to take action  11 properties - no smoke alarms installed or batteries were missing or dead or alarm was in a unsuitable location that put 61 people at risk

Percent of all destructive fires that are arson related.

2012— 13% $517,900 2011— 35% $444,500 2010— 17% $232,600

2009— 36% 2008— 23% 2007— 43% 2006— 42% 2005— 34%

$477,191 $127,104 $175,202 $792,501 $142,652

Wes Van Bavel Fire Prevention Officer City of Red Deer Emergency Services 403-356-2457 wes.vanbavel@reddeer.ca

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